HB 'h s&fl&t'SKjai. PPPflPgggTOw INSULTED AND AFRAID TO BE SEEN ON STREET, IDAREEHI'SAWRED" Sad-hearted Girl, in Own Words, Tells How Be trayer Tried to "Buy Her for So Much Cash," and His Mother Scorned Her. TORPEDO EXPORT PROHIBITED Judge's Decision Keeps American Se crets Out of Europe. NEW TORK, Jun 9 Amrle,' tor pedo secrets uro ar toddy, following a decision of Judga Coxe, of the United 8Ute Circuit Court of Appeal, restrain Inr the B. W. 131)18 Company from sell ing their torpedo output to Torelgu Powera. The court held that any devices or lm- in torpedoea must bo Kept irsnerale Pankl e glunto a, Trento am da. domenlca per ptendervl II comanao dl nn'rtnfltA. Aiistriflrn. Tst nrovlen da! fronts rusd Una quantlta' midrevote dl trupp tedeache sono aneho atAto con centrate a Trento o nel dlatretto clrco atante Sul frflnte orientate (til austrlaci vanno rlnforzando la llnea Helt'Isonio, dove gia sono In corao Importantl combattlmentl. Ivl gll Austrlaci atanno traiportando grossl pestl dl attlrlleria che erano lm plegatl flnora contro la Iluesla. ITn dlapacclo da Udln dice che l for Itallano dl Invasions sono ora Impegnato In una aceanlta battaglla o che questa el CIRCUS TO MOVE NIGHTLY provementa In toraedoea must ba within this country The Judco auggeated avolcre all die ncl dlntoml dl Oradlica, . . . . L- . . . - I me neeti or a uovemment plant ror I manufacturing munltlona o that the secret could be better protected. "Ed Bragged About What Ho Had Done Boys on the Cor ners Would Say Things as I Went by That Made Me Hang My Head for Shame." tDA math's own story. Bereft of her mother at an early age and saddled with the caret of a household and the brinotna un of her two young brothtrt, Ida Rlehl, the Kensington girl I who that down Edward Hauptfuhrer on I May tt, killed him becaute, the declaret, I ne woina not make pood hit promise to marry her, although the was to become a mother. Is onlu fust beginlng to pay the penalty for her deed. In the fall her baby will be born. Hoon after that It is expected the child-mother will be brought to trial on the accusation of second degree murder, for tenich the 1 now out on ball. In the home of her benefactor, whose unequaled charity hat been the subjeet of much comment, the girl, with the ingenuousness and absence of self-conscloUsness so char acteristic of her, narrated the details Which led up to thn grim climax of hr relationship with Hauptfuhrer. The fol lowing Is the poignant story as she told it. L'ATTACCO GENERALE SULLA LEVEA NEMICA DATOLMINOALMARE Battaglia Furiosissima Lungo il Fiume Isonzo. L'Artiglieria Tuona An- cora nelle Alpi Dolo-mitiche. By IDA RIEHL Hd got out on 11000 ball. We had a meeting nfter that In hla lawyer's office, anil both his lawyer and the one my fathor had engaged ndvlsed marriage My lawyer said It would bo bent for mo and his lawyer said It would be best for him. But still Kd and his father held back iiien tney offered Dad money. I think It was something like I7C0 or S00. Some how or other they figured It out accord Inc to law that this Is all a man has to pay In a case llkn mine. Dad got furious, lhe Idea of tho Huptfuhrers trying to buy me off with money made him almost sick. He told them ho wasn't a white slaver, to sell ma little girl for so much cash, and so tne meeting broke up. After that Ed went around the streets taming smart about no one being able to keep him In Jail. Several people vho -". uo mo mora toia me how he was xaixlng. BOASTED TO HIS FRIENDS. That wasn't the worst of It. He brag ted about what he had done to me. too. I Knew this, because tho boys on the cornera would say things as I went by ih!LW0U!d.7ake me han W hd for S"!1"' "?.d. fc" ! d ufr. agonies won- --.... .,,. ulBjr wcro goms ,0 tQ mo next. tho lawyer's ofllco to talk to Ed's mother. lie thought that, being a woman, she ?M"' m "ay f things. Hut sh0 told Dad Bhu didn't want Ed to marry S!.?n?M e,,l8t of " mo' She aid she dldnt think anything like that would r?m.9i li0 h," ,1!Hm"y- She snId 'o had raised her family and ralsd It right Dad said l.c didn't think anything like It ihif i,-i. i . . . Ian"'y- ""her. and that ho had tried to jalso his right, too. She seemed to think that I had dona all lny "" "u v"at ncr "oy hadn't done P- Things got worse. Ever time my aunt tiiqm that hod marry mo soon, and every tlmh he d seo mo by myseir he'd go back on His word and say ho was never going to marry me, X was almost crazy wonder inp what I was going to do And then on Haturday when I hadn't yeen Ed for a long time I went out to look for htm. 1 thought If I took Dad's him a I ttlfl I went to his house and asked his little brother where he wo. .ho said Ed was working on the wagon at the depot. HOMA, 9 Qlugno. Le forte Italians die sono agll ordlnl del generalo Lulgl Cadorna o che operano contro 1'Austrla nella vallo dcll'lsonzo hanno Inlzlato I'attacco generalo contro lo poslzlonl fortHlcato austrlacho nd est dl quel flume. L'attncco si svlluppa nd una dozzlna dl putl da Tolmlno nl maro, dovunquo lo truppe Itallano del Cienlo han potulo gottaro del pontl, sul quail passano contlnuamcnto 1 regglmcntt oho sono lanclatl all'nttncco. Un comunlcato del Mlnlstcro della Gucrra dire oggl: "Nol premlnmo II ncmlco lungo tutto It fronto dell'Isonzo. Importantl rlsultatl sono da nttendcrsl tra brcvo " tin plroscafo grcco carlco dl vlvcrl o stato catturato oggl dallo navl da guerra Itallano nicntre tentava dl foraro la lino del blocco nell'Adrlatlco. 1 vlvcrl irano dcstlnatl a Trieste. Notlzlo dal fronte dl battaglla dlcono che gll Itntianl hanno guadagnato da duo n scl mlglia dl nuovo tcrrltorlo sul fronto che si stende tra Caporetto ed II Oolfo dl Trieste, nella provlncla dl Uorlzla. L.a battaglla e' dlventata plu' vlolenta at torno a Tolmlno. sul flume Isonzo. dovo gll austrlaci sono straordlnarlamento fortlflcatl. I violent! attacchl degll Itallanl hanno Indebollto lo llnee austrlacho tra Hon tencro o Tolmlno, coslcche' si crcde che la caduta dl Tolmlno nnn ' Innlnnn. Tolmlno sorge nolla vallata dell'Isonzo vlclno alia confluenza dell'Idrla con quel flume, ed essendo clrcondata da montagne posslede una buona dlfesa naturale. Im cltta' e' a qulndlcl mlglia da Civldale o no aitrcttanto da uorlzla, ma ad nppena otto mlglia da Caporetto In un seml cerchlo a nord dl Tolmlno si trovano Monte Nero, Monte Vagltnln, Monte Vohn c Monte Hradlco. Ad occldento Inveco o' Monte Cucco. che ell austrlnrl hanno assal bene fortlflcato La llnea ferrovlarla che porta a Trento da sud-est passa per Tolmlno, c questo fatto nu menta l'lmportanza strateglca della clt tadlna. SI apprendc cho trunne n c.innonl tfrta. chl sono statl Invlatl a Trento per dlfen dero quella cltta' contro gll Itallanl cho avanzano ora In dlrezlone di Hovcreto o dl Trento Un sud e da nord-est. Nella rcj,lone dl afadlsca sono conrtn- Ctatl i cntnhnttfmontl 11 .lnA. ti - ........... u, (ittici; dl Bi4 cne gll austrlaci hanno eHtpnivnmnr. MOBILE EMULAZIONE. tin eorrlspondente che ha potuto avvi clnarel notevolmentc al fronts dl battaglla descrlve come le truppe Italians del Cienlo vadano gradualmente forllflcando II terrl torlo conqulstato net Trentlno, o come le altre truppe slano rlusclte a trasportare I loro cannonl da 73 mllllmetrl su alture che II nemlco nveva trascurato dl pro teggere perche le rlteneva Inaccesslbltl. Un altro elemento dl suceexso e' I'enuila zlone cho si e' stabltlta tra le truppe Itallano ilcllo dlverso arml, coslcche mii Alplnl, che senza dubblo sono 1 mlgllorl soldatl dl montagna dell'Europa, rlvaleg glano fraternamento con I Bersagllerl, la cul fama non o' inferlore a quena aegu Alplnl. E la fanterla dl llnea rlvaleggla con I due vecchl regglmentl dl Granatlerl Coloro che ad una gar a dl equltazlono In I..ondra rlsero dl quanto facova la cavallerla Itallana dlcendo che si trat tava dl gluochl ncrobatlcl, dovrebbero esscro qui per vedcre quello che tutta la cavallerla Itatlana fa. Questl soldatl dl cavallerla saltano preclplzll, passano fluml a guado, glacche' I pontl sono statl dlstruttl dagll austrlaci, e non un solo cavallo resta Indletro. lo II ho vlstl sallre su roccle o scendero preclplzll quasi perpendlcolarl, como altrettantl gnttl o scolattoll. E quello che e" notevolo o' cho In questa cavallerla sono glovanl ed uomlnl dU'arlstocrazIa che flno a poco tempo fa npparlvano at borghesl soltnnto como Interessatl nella cnccla alia volpo o ncl dlvertlmentl. Un'attra cosa notovolo o' lo splrlto dl fratellanza che si osserva tra ufllclall o soldatl, senza cho pcrclo' la dlsclpllna ne soffra menoma. mente. Gentry Brothers Will Show in Differ ent Parts of City for a Wcck A circus tht moves every night will spend a week In this city starting next Monday, when Gentry Brothers' trained animal ahowa will open at $7th and Mar ket streets following a parade. Two shows dally will bo given, one at 2 o'clock In the afternoon and tho other at 8 In the evening. Brother. fIREMAN DRAGGED TO DEATH have been In Philadelphia for U yefl!". - . w dg wop Jiimii iw" "- -- Thl Is the nrst time '!tr.t.y They have the largest collection or trained animals In the country. Sixteen cars ars required to transport thert. Their Tues day stand will be at 36th and Somerset streets, and the rest of the schedule Is: Wednesday, Tork road and Louden street! Thursday, Chelten avenue and An- derson street, dermantown. Friday, ism street and Hunting Park avenue, and Sat urday, 63th street and Chester avenue, After Horsca Take Flight. YORK, Pa., June O.-WIIIIam E. Bush, driver of the engine of the Rescue Firs Company, was killed white responding to art alarni shortly before midnight last night- "While mounUng tho apparatus tho horses mado a dash for the street and ha was thrown on his face and dragged nearly a square over the brick p ilia Brtuii wfjs iinriureq and he H th way to tho hospital His i.,, ...... ,nA. ft... 4--. . . 4al weio UDl lllab LCM.III I'rtA k .1 horses wera stopped by other nreweJll German Captives Reach Kiev PETROORAD, Juno 9. Enormon Tiers of captured Germans contlm.. --V. irUv. Rlrv h.atn .. ""u!"l tralnloads of searchlights, bomb thr and machine frufts, taken from th mans, have also arrived. " POUT OP PHILADELPHIA Berks didn't '"WHERE IS ED7" I went down to the dennt at ia -.. m ---. - r . . " w J. ov.coi.. ii waa raining and I have any umhrlt tt . .. ih?iu ??t S.,1! ,Wa'iad.f?,r hlm' Somehow I :elt If I could only tulir nnri ni. m. him a little I might get him to marry me. But Ed wasn't there. I walked back &n.'8 0USe' ani1 when x sot to the. dairy Louis Fertlg- was standing there. I asked him where Ed was. He said, "Around the Si? mI J afked. h,m p,ea" "Si S3 that Ida wanted to speak to him. ma he MfdfrUnd n1 ,he mlnuto he 8aw "Look here, Ida. I don't want you to come around here bothering me, because domw1th u. ' haVe anyth,nB ,noro " .hH?,"lalmea".w?at . and I ''But Ed". I begg,SUhm.r"ou are not SSX r SS?. m bear thla ffiE He said he didn't care who bore It hut tS8beehrmaSJhrUBh- l was " abou w?.j s !l,m some mor8 "hen he turned and" ,P" '" nr race X s "d Ida RIehl broke oft here. Overcome at Ifauptfuhrer. about h.n i. '... WB. aya ho still thinks with affection h Could not continue her story. ' he The remembrance of her fllirhf mm h p.ot wher? he last talked w th Ua the memory of the pack of men T, nd children who chased after "hi?nke hungry wolves on h t,-i. ". r.i,K.e .Ualry' ,the "collection of her rln to the hospital where Mauptfunrer lav dvlnS with two gunshot wounrti ,L w'M n L?Ls.rsr Voom proved tocTSSS or IS. ,n coun- Vl-nuntd by the fate that has overtaken her and terror-stricken at the grim Vutu Which awaits her. she la trying her test U respond to the advances Zde by thi good people who are doing everything In their power to prepare her for hf double ordeal which awaiu her In the fall, when her baby will be born ? and ehe will be called upon, should the Grand Jury so decide, to answer the acousatiM f manslaughter, on which charge lh, now out on iMOO ball. ,a loruucato la cltta' dl Mnnfnlm,,,. i,. - sul Golfo dl Tanzano, a i mlglia dal flumo Isonzo. a a mlslla ad est dl Cervlgnano ed a 5 mlglia a sud dl Oradisca. Sulle Alpl Trentlne contlrfu scnz. tregua II vlotento duello dl artlgllerla. IL DIRIQIBILE DISTRUTTO. SI apprende essere vera la notlzla della dlstruzlone del dirlglblle itallano cho avova fatto un raid su Flume, altra Im portant base navale auttrlaca suIl'Adrl atlco. Dopo aver bombardato quella cltta' nonostanto II vlolento fuoco del cannonl austrlaci. il dirlglblle faceva rltorno alia sua base. Esso pero' era stato colplto. vr cm aovctte atterrare nell'loola dl Lussln. dove l'equlpagglo fu fatto prlglo nlero dagll austriacl. Gll Itallanl potet tero dlstruggere 11 motoro del dirlglblle tiriiua ui eiaere lattl prlglonlerl. Notlzle da fonto privata glunte al Mlntstero delta Guerra dlcono che II dirigible, che era II Cltta" dl Ferrara. avea fatto cadere una quantlta' dl bombe sulla fabbrlca dl munlzloni della cltta" dl Flume e eugll stablllmentl ch mlcl, bombardano pol anche le navl che erano ancorate nel porto, RINFORZI AL NEMICO. Notlzle da Innsbruck dlcono che" gll Rus- triad hanno ricevuto n contlnuano a r cevere rlnforzl o che si preparano per- clo a reslstere atl'Invaslone Itallana. Il Vessels Arriving Today Sir. Ancona Itl ), Napls, etc, puienEers tnd mcrchnndlsf. Italia l.lno . Str. Eianger (N'or.), Danes, sugar, Munaon ilno. .Str Norbotlch (Scd ), Narvik, ore, L. AVtBtergaard & Co Str. rawiif. New Tork, merchandise, Clyde fitcAmahlp Compan Str. Manaurl (llr ), Calcutta, merchandise, Caller, Davis & Co. Str Frankly (Br.), Newport Newa, ballatt. Str. Aagot (Ur.). Havana, sugar. Munaon Line . Str. Jooey (Dan.). New York, ballast, Munaon Line. Str. Cornlnj?. Eavona. ballaat. Joaeph C. Gabriel. 8chr. P. A. Allen. St. John, N. B., laths. A. D. Cummins & Co. Steamships to Arrive FTtEIQJIT. Name From. 6alld. Mansurl Calcutta April A City of Delhi Calcutta April 0 .'a!lby Bjtona April 10 ;;":. J ofiiwiun April i Uratland i-evllle sUy a Polaretjernan Shields May It Mancheater Mariner. ..Manchester May IS Kfn,aa Jio, MaylS Sllva Huetva May 10 Virginia. Chrlstlanla Maya.1 SJoestnl Macordla May 27 Ulltonhall 8pe2la May IT nronwen Loulaburg May 23 Feliciana Iindon May 20 llarstad Snmn rA.i Oeorire Tyman Marseilles MaySO Wangor Danes June 1 Ilnsebnnk Kpezla ...June 2 HAinfnrn Jucarn June 2 Manchester Miller ... .Mancheater ....June S Nackncsa Oaheaton June 7 Steamships to Leave PASSENOBn. Name. For. Date. Amona. Naples June 11 FltEIOHT. Name. For. Date. napldan Ilth June 10 Conrnd Mohr nersen June 10 Virginia Copenhagen . ...June 10 Feliciana London June in Manchester lnentor... Mancheater ....June 12 Special Tomorrow! EYEGLASSES J-i SPECTACLES ISinmlnatlon and xnert Advice In cluded In this Wonderful Offer Careful, scientific eye- examina tion, prescription for correct lenses lining ui ouinu in hkuiuiuh irnme Eye Glasses. Just the samo care ful work and materials as when payinp; our regular prices. SPECIAL Fon TOMonnow ONLY OKU DOLLAIt ALEXANDER OPTICIANS 3 So. Eighth St., Phila. and 705 Broadway, Camden, N. J. i innie.tr.;,. , Wil nii, ma a 'ASX THE MAN WHO OWWS ONE He Girl Who Had No God Tho Blggint Story Ever Written by MARY ROBERTS RINEHART fteriaa Saturday, June 12, in the Also ask the man who uses an L. B. " Automatic" Take the case of the Packard Motor Car Company, which manufactures a very high grade car and says, "Ask the man who ewns one." This concern handles its correspondence with the aid of the L. B. Automatic Index. By permission, we gay: Ask the Packard filotor Car Company, You can put the I. B. "Automatic" to the test on any name list dealers', customers' or prospects'. It is quick on the job and doesn't fumble. Whatever the size of your business, it will help you eliminate bother and delay, .W?uIdJ?.u 1,ke t0 6eo &ow the L.B. "Automatic" works? Glad to show you at our salesroom or in your own office. LifcraryBureaii r..A j ., """frrturiMdUtrtbutonoJ Crd and filing iyatem.. Unit blneta In wood .nd .teeL M. W. MONTGOMERY. Manac,. e Versus cies FACT is a real state of things. FALLACY is an appar ently genuine but really illogical statement or argument. AvemgeSavJngc for 20St,Ucs -n- 10 Dry 5 lOWot toBWtelOJO ON APRIL 21 last there appeared In two Philadelphia papers a plausible looking yet FALLACIOUS-nrray of figures that were calculated to make people believe the government cost of supporting liquor in this city aggregated more than three million dollars a year, being more than the revenue derived from liquor taxes in a year. The intent of these figures was to make it appear that in States where the $ale of liquor was licensed social conditions were worse than those under Prohibition. Turning the light of FACTS' upon this misleading data, however, exposes the FALLACY of the entire tabulation. THE DOCUMENT in question was based upon mere assertion, as inquiry made clear that it was impossible to get authentic information from department heads for the figures that were used to prejudice the public against the liquor industry. In view of the FACT, too, that this printed data was placed upon the desk of each State Assemblyman as a "last card" campaign effort, on the day that the vote was taken on Local Option, its purpose was as questionable, in com mon propriety of politics, as the figures were misleading. FIRST among the bald assertions made by these Prohibition compilers was, Police Bureau In a year, one-half the sum was chargeable to drink because 53 per cent, of the arrests made were of intoxi cated persons. T00.?? tkkJALLACY it is only necessary to state that the Police Department of Philadelphia comprises 3800 eT.n nMP in r V ?' a . ,or arunKenness by each patrolman 15 in a year, or little A (o??rSfee. in PhL iw?h,l 6 coraP""". q"tion was, that 80 per cent, of the cost of supporting the Home drink . Thf. Assertion w,i i&t '! per "nt: ,f ,,he ?5 ol conducting the General Hospital, was due to excessive in Told age or through ZhlrmlZZnl mC miny1 s ""gents that seek these charity refuges because of incapacity in oia age or tnrough other misfortune. Not a particle of real evidence to sustain the above charge was produced. ANwJ,Hch P" nt of the cost of keeping prisoners in the Eastern Penitentiary was cnargeame to alcoholism, simply because that proportion of the convicts ascribed their downfall to excessive drink. TE?aTLMaONtYs of their criminality, is not generally considered worthy of respect, particu- 44.. ut.nu.cuiv icmrp rnr n - t fntrin i the State Board, that for 1013, is recorded : alcoholism led to their wearing prison strioes. In the lat Annual Pennrf f nn nxw . lftrt AT III L!,ll V .. T - . - - --....... svuwai, W year as follows: "Total ..; tZ,. ",. "'Jl:,:"e "5. 0I prisoners received into the Penitentiaries in one "' "" ",uuc" annncrs, ai; occasional mtemperates, 215; intemperates (ONLY), 66." THttF cTaSTorfnT"' f " M i jj.ra.wiJJi.WTS of this kind are usually the offsnr.W f ni,v . m.- n !..rr "--,-"!::;:: .i"'v-"l? ?"" vj i i:r ". """ "; usually mc oiispi made in Chicago by Mrs. Meder, Commissior m took in creatine uiiim,9,J n.... t-i. "desertipns" by husbands or' wiveVand 'that onV ll I per cent -J....: .t.. r. . . ii . ". jr of the mttMtoVrJr0111. due 1 excessive drink and thatBO :" ZX "VVC." -"" ported J,y a. cintilla of evidence. 0'C " orunKen"8- Investigation proves that none of these I chafes Ts riup" such abandonments were the result of drink. res, including the statement that 80 of the e charges 1 E."Lh".5fACIOUS assertions in this amazing array of ,..! , ... v.. i.,B .ui,i oi conauciine tne Countv Prnn ,, j... . . " .7 ." strict Attorney's office was chare a scintilla of evidence. THE". fll...l i "---"'. "-ever, are some FACTS on record showing the effects of "Prohibition"- "THE State of TTanaao r... TJ t-!.l.; .. . 1 records. ... w,n VI ZZZnJ""' ?w IOI.35 y". presents some convincino- ,i r- .,,. . -. teSAKft 5 'awsattea-B a-rfa record report; '"JffK.-" K.a"- That for such areas as haY JRH!f t?,?. f .T. ? othe? Stat' ad a lower divoFce rate than "Proh bition" Kansa's" ffi ,n r sas. That Knnsa, has a in-, u.. "u " .,nan.s.as- .That 18 o Thr rnrA. i .... . ""'"' u,an " 0,ner States. i "z; : "" huc mat Kansas sh registration StSSoil lower rate of juvenile delinquency'than KansaV Tha kZZ1T & 7 ?- .J& e other States had! """ "Dersnip than 37 other States. p;;:i r.r....l.V,.aSansas 8nows an actual decrease in nom,la.,V .L- . "" i0peKa, the capital city TH&Us"v,rraCe SaVJngS f ten "wct" Stat" Per person, were States, viz.: K.PnMsHIBITIN "ATES-AVERAGE SAVINGS Maine .. West Virginia ... North Carolina .. Georgia Mississippi Tennessee North Dakota ... Oklahoma Virginia ( more than double the average savings in 10 "dry" , Average for 10 "dry" States, per person $231.09 403.01 168.01 171.56 239.51 280.87 262.27 207.15 152.83 272.77 New SED.STATES-AVERAGE. SAVINGS Rhodelsland '.'.' H tfeSetstiawte!- $238.08 Pennsylvania ' '.V.'.V.'.V.' ..." .'.".".' ." Average for 10 "wet" States, Island 3408.1 New York BI4n.i California .V.V.V 545.00 Connecticut "'. "3.48 Michigan -- 4D7.02 Montana ..."J" ::;;;;;;;;. 4437:3a Nevada ..' 522.87 Ohio '.; 78i.3fl 356.78 423.17 per person ,. - ".. rigniDiuon w rfn t , ci.i. i..... ... yu.u 8?tt!JESSS! atssssM; asssrs-.risFSf cciing, i from caption, "What ProMWta "Pdice coSr? JSS KSSSI-V some more FACTS-viz., the economical .., , .... . . ANNUAL ,,- " quor industry m TBj(e """"'Wl' OR 1913 Rents ,. 453,872,553 Transportation" ' 189,438,882 s , . " 41,500,000 T"EteJSiffJSS. . ,, pmh, TT IS a FALLACY to ,. M.it . mmms DL.'T . nUa'a8er.Be-A3sociatii S3 ""W Um "' Saturday, Jan, , ET US turn to SO than ;wide Pro- ion dollars aU its branches. iiuuatj;i50UKncnW f TfiXeS"-S3WiTT!sneii tus.;.. ' Supplies JWGMW78 W6.gea-453.872,553 Rents- tmAzmz SUtimtimMimm M3 ,83J ton ta M o o 9 i Ml 'vmuxn-mHn 910 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 1 c.