EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1915; m H 31 w I w4! JtL TIME LIMIT ENDS TONIGHT FOR ENTRIE IN EVENING LEDGER SCHOOL OF COOKERY Young Folk Competing in Culinary Art for Valuable Prizes Swell Throng That Hears Expert ana oees ner remonstrate Truth of Her Kitchen Instruction More Than 1500 Entries by Children Arranged in Exhibit in Horticultural Hall Large Space on Many Tables for Display of Bread, Cookies, Biscuits and Sponge Cake. . i. ho tilff day of tho Bvp.nino This 1 V" "'5,t RMinol Vind Cook- ContMt at Horticultural Hull. Broad I '&! .ntrlw In the baklnB contest are ?deMwd from 9 o'clock thte morn. f J!"?,, 7 o'clock this evening. The at- MAlL at the lectures has been Rrow- etince ' . tho chI1(1ren who bring mint tF "V. ,or tho contest and those i,lclrConpanV them arc expected to f $? attendance to make a new 1-' In a wordi, iiiallv Vnme. and ihMld take . ,0n,f Horticultural Hall has been set t f ' ",,: exhibition of entries In VM .noklnis contest. Arrangements J1", wn made for the display of moro - r t4 iSS? separate exhibits. Uiw ta- lh,n ?.h the names of the various 'M&i. dlinliyea " MBns. will make v i "r children, their relatives and f",' j. to locate exhibits. Al'ffi front of the room In which 0 Ju!.h hits are to bo seen and In the r,hB.Mrrido? tho first, second, third " "fourth prizes In the several division ?. contest are belnK shown. toK - Stomrte clear for what the various fe .dren'who entered In the Ii.,i are Invited to visit tho hall any Xrnoon di?lnB the remainder of the -..fe They, with their friends, rela- ,Tv and any other children are asked to 1'JS Mrs Carroll's lectures. i her lecture yesterday nfter- iUf Mrs Anna A. Carroll, the cooklnB .. noon, ' . r nn,i demonstrator, who ' f'CducUnB the Evbnino LEDOF.n Free ' rLkln School each afternoon, gave the Sdle'nfe some excellent hints about Slln?..lile,,mClh this feature of t.om. direction Is as Important In do Sic I fe "s the functions of the buyer metie i-.,t nn. In other Dlg ouB.... - -- . . the purchasing agent for tho she snouia ue no iwuih so much natns to learn Slflc buying as the purchastns agent RESULTS BY TELEPHONE. In this connection, she said, tho house- Kits ahould learn how to get first-class KulU from ordering by telephone, as H U not always possible for tho house- "wlfe to leave her other duties and go to the market. The principal feature of ordering by telephone, as outlined by Mrs. Carroll ll In the ability of the house wlf to Impress upon tho merchant the ,.,. (hat she knows her business thor- cuhly and that ovory article dollvered tt her door must bo satisfactory. In Bliny Instances merchants havo sent irocerles, vegetables, meatB and other kitchen supplies which were not up to tandard because they had tho Impression that they could decelvo tho woman with whom they were dealing. -Mrs. Carroll suggested to her audience that It b usually not worth while to at tempt to buy cheap things without first leelng them, as usually tho cheap produco crtvea to be worth Just about what was paid for It. The result of sUch buying, the ald, often Is poor meals or meals licking In nutritious quality. The following are tho recipes for tho menu cooked by Mrs. Carroll during this afternoon's lecturo: TODAY'S RECIPES. FILLET OF SOLE (Creole style) Bpread with salt, pepper and melted but ter; Place In buttered pan under flame la broiling oven. When' brown on one tide, turn and brown on the other. Cook lowly, so that fish will be thoroughly done. Place on platter and pour sauce over It CHEflLE SAUCE Two cups tomatoes. 1 chopped onion. chopped green pepper, paprlca, 1 teaBpoon salt, 1 teaspoon BUgar, 1 tablespoon flour. 1 tablespoon butter. Place the tomatoes, onion, pepper, salt, PRIZES FOR THE WINNERS IN BIG COOKING CONTEST Cabinet Can Ranees, Tallied at about Mi, U made by Philadelphia manufac turer!, will be Bit en as Urat prlaes, ai follonit . A M3 Qualltr Cabinet Jaa Range, of fertd bj the Kobnrta Marnlrr BtoTO Company, for the beet apnnje rake. A $U Fortune Cabinet Gas Hang-e, of fered by tbe Thoma, Roberta, Stevenson Company, for the beat bread. A 135 Cookeaer Cabinet Oaa Ranjce. offered by the Hale & Kllburn Company, far the belt rookies. A 133 Imperial Excelsior Cabinet uaa, name, offered by Iiano A. Sheppard Co., for tho beat blaculta. Second prlzeat Illaculta, CloTer Triumph Oa Circulating- Water Heaters bread. No. ti Build Gas Ctrculatlnr Water Heaters iponia rake, one borrel of Mlllbourne Bourj cooklet, one barrel of King- Mldua floor. Third prize for each dlvlilom "Wear r" Aluminum Tea Eettle, offered by the Aluminum Cooking- Utensil Company, New Kenalngton, l'a. Fourth prize for each division t An "Iwantu" Comfort Oaa Iron, offered' by toe atnuso Oaa Iron Company, rjula dtlphla. Other suitable prizes will be announced later. (? 1 1 Fairmount Farms Milk settles the milk problem The Fairmount Farms lahel on a bot tle of milk assures you that the milk . you drink is from healthy herds herds that have been tuberculin tested. This is your only assurance the milk you your family Js and healthful the source. Stop the wagon with the letter . and be sure of greater 1 wholesomeness, added richness, a bis o 1 u t e i cleanliness. Supplee milk has "a better flavor." The Supplee Alderney Dairy 3tn CoM that give pure from T f llEl H i- A MODEL MODERN KITCHEN 1 IWaV.Jtft.V., .. " ' ' !' The noteworthy thing nbout this kitchen is its combination of many virtues. It incorporates tho highest achievement of gns rnnge construction and tho latest devices for sanitation and comfort. Tho kitchen is that of n maker of gas ranges sold in Philadelphia. paprlca In a covered sauce pan In uppor oven while fish Is cooking In lower or broiling oven. Simmer nbout halt an hour and ndd butter and Hour creamed. When these havo dissolved, pour over IIMt and serve. UAKED POTATOES-Wash and place In baking oven. Cook about 10 minutes, and when ready to serve break open and mix with butter and paprika. OltEAMED SPINACH-Onc-hatf peck spinach, 2 slices bread, 2 tablespoons but ter, 2 eggs, t tcospoonful salt, Vi cup of cronm, 1 saltspoonful pepper. AVnsh spinach carefully, add a little water and salt. Place In oven, cover saucepan and cook about 20 minutes. Draw, chop lino and add seasoning and cream. Serve with garnish of triangles of toasted bread and hard-boiled eggs. APPLE SNOW Four apples, 2 whites of eggs, 2 tablcspoonfuls powdered sugar, 1 tcasponful lemon Juice. Cook apples and rub through slevo. Beat whites of eggs, add sugar gradually and slowly beat In tho strained npples. Servo with plain or whipped cream. LADY BALTIMORE CAKE-One cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 3V4 cups flour. 1 tea spoon rosewatcr or lemon extract, 1 cup rich milk, whites of G eggs, 2 teaspoons baking powder. ICING Three cups sugar, 1 cup boiling water, whites 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Put sugar and water In saucepan, stir until sugar has dissolved. Bring to boil ing point and let boll vigorously, without stirring, until syrup will thread when dropped from top of spoon. Put whlto of eggs In saucepan and beat until stiff. Pour In the syrup gradually while beating constantly and continue tho beating until tho mixture Is nearly stiff enough to spread. Placo saucepan containing mix ture In a larger saucepan containing a small quantity of boiling water, placo over top burner of gas range and cook, stirring constantly (scraping from sides and bottom of pan) until mlxturo be comes granular around sides of pan. He movo from saucepan of hot water and beat until mixture will hold Its shape; then add vanilla. Place between the layers and on the top layer place cup chopped raisins, 1 cup chopped nut meats and 5 tigs cut In dainty llttlo strips. Then cover tho top and Bides with remainder of Icing. MENU FOR THURSDAY, JUNE 10. Broiled Lobster Sweetbread Pattle ..cttuce HeartB Wheat Muffins and Hot Biscuits The Judging of the entries In the cook ing contest will be started at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. It Is expected that tho Judges will bo busy tho greater part of the day. Ilowuver, It the work Is finished early In tho afternoon tho public will be admitted to see tho exhibits late tomorrow. If tho Judging Is not com pleted the public will be admitted for a view of tho biscuits, bread, cookies and spongo cakes entered in tho competition any timo after 0 o'clock on Friday and Saturday mornings. Children who are entering tho contest havo until 7 o'clock tonight to deliver their entries at Horticultural Hall. If entrance blanks have not been mailed to tho Eve.vin'o Lnnorm these should be mailed not later than C o'clock this ; evening or may bo delivered nt tho hall i when tho exhibits aro prtneittcd. NOTES FROM MRS CARROLL'S LECTURE. Do not season mutton chops until they como out of the oven. In broiling It makes no difference whether the oven door Is open or closed. It Is not necessary to havo smoke from the cooking when using tho gas range. It Is all a matter of proper cooking. If chops arc thin use tho wire broiler, but If they are thick use tho rack In broiling. A piece of suet wrapped around tho mutton chop before It Is cooked adds much to tho flavor of the meat. A piece of bacon wrapped In tho chop after tho bone Is taken out will also help tho flavor. When ono Is worn out and tired, raw eggs aro benellclal. One or two eggs are good If ono has been through a nervous strain. Ip placing large roasts in the broiling oven to roast keep them far from the fire, so that they roast through instead of quickly burning on tho outside. Young peas should be cooked 25 min utes, whether on the top burners or In tn oven. Never light the lop burners until things are ready to be put on. As soon as the cooking Is finished turn the burners out in order to save the gas, ..Tit J1 bnkln ead use the full heal uro,r" Then It should be reduced ri Wy ?tnfd ou entirely five mln mes before the bread Is done. . .,?1 . fll,0.u,d be cokeu' In a hot oven, commonly called a quick oven. MAIUUAUE IHlOKEIt HELD FOll IMMHlItATIOX FltAUI) Accused of Trying to Marry Unde sirable to Prospective Citizen. A much-complicated Immigration case, In which a marriage broker and a young fortune hunter figure prominently, came up before United States Commissioner Long today. The prisoner, Abraham Fein eteln, of 938 East Moyamenslng avenue, was held In 11000 ball to awnlt the action of the Federal Grand Jury. H0 is nc cused of conspiring to defeat tho Imrnl gratlon laws. According to tho testimony, a year ago Fclnsleln Invited his sister, Iwolro Talolol. and her mother, Loja Talalol, to leave Russia and come to this country. Fein steins' name before he came to America was Talalol. He says ho chose the Fein stein nnmo because he liked It. When his sister arrived hero tho Im migration Inspectors detained the young woman. Government physicians con tended that she was feeble-minded, reln stcln deposited Jlooo, guaranteeing that she would not becomo a public charge. Months afterward, Fclnsleln began to play tho pnrt of a "Schatchou." Ho ap proached Hyman Walaravaky, who lives on Wharton street between 6th and 7th streets. He urged Hyman to marry his sister. Ho also agreed to pay him JIM If tho marriage should take placo. Just about that tlmo Waladavsky was serious ly thinking of becoming an American citizen. Count DcckcndorfJf Killed PETROORAli, June 9. Colonel Count Peter Bcckendorff, son of the Russian Ambassador ti England, has been killed In action near Kovno. He was nttached to tho army Kent to stem tho German ad vance through tho Bnltlc provinces. 16 STUDENT RETURN FROM WAR-TORN ITALY Sixteen Young Men From Au gustinian College at Rome Arrive on Liner Ancona. Sixteen students from the AUguntlnlan International Collcgo at Rome and six prospective brides landed at Vine street. wnnrr in the Delaware River today from tho Italian liner Ancona from Genoa and Naples. The ship left Italy two clays after war was declared, but was halted Hear Gibraltar by a British cruiser, whose officers Inspected tho Ancona'a papers be fore permitting the liner to proceed. The Ancona carried 38 cabin and 120 steerage passengers. On her return sho will carry a large number of Italian re servists going home to Join tho colors, some from this port and some from New York. Captain Plctro Massardo, In com mand, says tho ship narrowly escaped collision with a French steamship In tho Ray of Naples. Four of the theological students, all of whom will resume their studies at VII lnnova. are Phlladelphlans. They are Cornelius McGlnty. of Chestnut Hill; Walter Gough, of 2221 Christian street; John MoCloskey, of 3000 Princeton ave nue, Tacony, and Patrick Campbtll, of 1R3I Morris street. Tho students decided to complete their work In this country because conditions were so upset by the war In Italy. They say money Is "tight" In Italy, and tho general Impression Is that Italy was forced Into the war by the clamor of the people. Most Italians believe, according to tho students, that Germany Intended to make war on Itnly at the conclusion of tho present struggle to get revenge for Italy's failure to Join with Germany and Austria against the Allies. Italians, therefore, clamored for war as a measure of self-protection. Kensington Pastor Called West The Rev. George P. Horst, paslor of the Beacon Presbyterian Church, Ken sington, has received a call to tho pastor nto of the Second Presbyterian Church. Portsmouth, Ohio, which has ono of the largest congregations In tho State. The Rev. Mr. Hurst has been pastor of tho Beacon Church four years and has In creased largely the church's membership. DERNBUItG PLANS TO SAIL SATURDAY FOR NORWAY Books Passagft on Norwegian-American Lino Boat. NEW YORK. Jun 9. Dr. Bernhard Dernburg will salt for Norway on Saturday aboard the Norwegian-American liner Bergensfjord. Ofllclals of the Norwegian-American Line, at 8 Bridge street, said yesterday that one of the best staterooms aboard tho Bcrgensfjord had been reserved for Doctor Dernburg and his wife. The .res ervation was made by a frlena nf h former German Colonial Secretary. TJoctor DembunfS private secret ar? also admitted over th telephone yeelr day that the Gefman propagandist, sWn of his usefulness, had decided to leav this country. He announced thai he would give a puolte retention at the Ger man Club, at 116 West th street, on Friday afternbon, from 4 to 6 o'elack. This will bo in the nature of a farewell appearance. It was said that h ala would have a heart-to-heart talk with newspapermen. Hot water, Hard rubbing, Tiresome scrubbing, Ruinous boiling, all unnecessary, if you use soap V for washing clothes and doing your housework. Use it in cool or lukewarm water save fuel. Quickness Easiness Thoroughness. Use the pure, sweet, clean-smelling new Fels-Soap Powder HHLEg! THE ORIGINAL Tho Food-drink for All Ages. More healthful than Tea or Coffee. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powder form. A Quick Lunch Prepared in a Minuto Unless you say "HORIIOICS" you may got a SuhBtitutOa You Roast in Half the Time with this maker of kitchen efficiency the FORTUNE Gas Range "Made in Philadelphia" Heat spreaders in the broiler that give the quick redhot surface so necessary for successful roasting are another exclusive feature of the Fortune. On sale at all U. G. I. Offices Thomas, Roberts, Stevenson Co. PHILADELPHIA fesiir PIll r nl Imperial Excelsior Gas Range "Made in Philadelphia" This i tho rango selected as one of tho firat prize. In the Evening Ledger" Coolf Ing Conteat. It Include a box cabinet with warming closet and plato ahelf. Large baking and broiling oven. For tale by U. Q. I. and all their branchea., and all good dcaleri. ISAAC A. SHEPPARD COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PA. FaflalaaHaanHaiaaaKn ljs!mliSSiwifesH SiaaaV ake oone-e Hj g A consumer recently counted 25 kinds of loaf cakes on her grocer's shelves. Some were the "faddy" kind some were plain cakes. Not one was as t T.,:nccnnrrP-not one could touch Ivinsspoage is as pupuuu vio-pu6- ;r- . nr, nnfi the remark- in Quality, oixty-nine years ui uav.m& ww T able Tvins guarantee of purity give Ivinssponge the b.g demand. 7We f his "Prize- Winning" Cake at the Ivins Booth ij J'S.- SB 3J- -jaw