a - VI w '4 J5AWOH8 wantejd-female iiiraa with references, wisnes lamuy W? . Mothe Call or addrees 717 or Bryn Mawr. ( . 5iiq competent, ftngllsh. Trot., for flS rxp and refe, L Hil, Lad. Off. TZ.ntttl (tlrt deelres niwletant house t"Sn Phn Treaton 4261. i ....Me entire care or imam, or one gnYwould leave 'y; Prolealanti ref. "-. rn Tn7r einini. 14 U"V --E7-- . .,.. . . . ... tlPKSJiMT woman wants cooking or down. .. llMSJmrt W" 205 Church lane. Gtn. IIJr.3tfnojrr.rhcr, thoroughly famll ft? medical terms anddlctatlon; 4 yra. 0 24V Ledger t-cnirai, fSSrmAPHElL expert In law work, 8 yrs.; touai'i'LsaL-isJr'"""' ijRAPHBH, years with ona firm, ca- .taryi SUDSlltuie or permantnl po I -'''"y.WU n 841. Lidcer Central. .. . .. . iwsp'-Tmirm. assistant bookkeeDe bookkeeper a rut lrrHJs;mai and boa. school .grad.! thor. aWJ ffi.sndcapable. O 968. Led'. Cent. SrnUFIlEIt-Secretarlal work! excellent v2Sc fully capable, having .taken full iffigfnee andcor. Q 947, Led. Cent. rtl crart t ViA. b'mmki '- .., AMnm. ii un TSunrtllAPHEIl and aaalatant bookkeeper. 4 iPtffi., "enable. Q PM, Lodger Central. iwiinAPHEn and secretary, 8 years' exp., 1 capable, ofel, Lodger. Central fcMBAPllER, 17, rapid, accurate, good at "."trpewriler. it 66, Ledger Cent. Ciifuzn w6uld llko writing or correapon y.!t"w. P 702, Ledger Office. riltlXO or climbwK. ana wailing, sjaanorai ' ,!, glr'l "'fneai tvi. tr.. .tuw t 7.11 Mmn,int ana truatworttiv. de- .57flrnly nres. employer, 202H Walnut, cTff5F39 Scotch, wants position. Perma "ggfraporary: H . Ledger Central. 'Ki.'r or light, housework. 7M6 Oxford -tj. . t ir tn rniia. wiBiira uuiiuan 01 ' m.m fhase. Phlla. KTvo LADI, experienced aa aaslatnnt book- t2.r bill, ledger and order clerk, dealres J& cffWr '""". O 310. ld K'f'- .. Ii trUABLE PLACD to secure a. gi good sten- or com- ISail blip of any kind Is ,th8 Public Led- C n Clll UP iHBB Jrii nutuui OW7, inf Cintral-ahe will put you In touch ,iSiiii!. experienced young ladles quail S?ta" III rour poiltlens, State.your needs to kaVilio wllfiender you valuable service. VMcili ff f I1" advertisers. WVhieNCED houiekp'r, where servants are Ifr'i f""" Fu" " "" n-.v :, -; tJfcTJjaENI woman would take caro of ffiffwjH2J.hJ.-l1' rcf;.Phn. Daring 771)4. KrrcProt. waitress, competent, present 'fc'f.Jrt.lies to Place. Phone Qmtn. 2281. 5ITTJATI0NS WANTED MALE i irfflmJTANT, nveral years' experience, unl 'ffiw tradoata. general offlco work; best tiiieic", ivlihH position. Ad. I. W. Am !gg5 8. 3d St. fttfiJNTANT-booKKteper, i. years tnorougn r'-i; M.M hnnrl. rrn. II 41. I..fl. f7, Mrh. rraat r... .". -.."..."-. jjt nsr'd; bond, refs. O 41, Led. Cent. it ACCOUNTS aud bookB kept, corres. attended, Ui imU concerns, asaocs., aocy etc., by Imir cr contract; terms mod. D 805, Led. Off. frcoU.NTS AUDITED, . ayatcmatlzed and mill osti kept at reduced rates during sum SjTmonilii. Accountant, 821 3. Mst et. TiivrnTisiNO and business manascr dallv imeiptr wanta position nearer Philadelphia en aiwipiPir, r In adv. dept. of store or mil.: 10 years' newspaper and adv. exieri aai wrlttr of ads. and, circular letters that ml' Mill that et business; correspondent, Jiailiat to executive; age 31: married; tem nnn; references from employers. "News ujxr Mia," 48 Prlchard street, Fitchburg, Hill iXCHIIECTUHAL engineer. 26. college grad., I rra' Held and office exp., dealrea to leave iruuicir omco iur pusiiiuii wiia inanuiac ranr or contractor II 4B, Lodger Central 49CHIIECTURAL engineer and builder's est! Mior, 10 years' ep.; can also do bookkpg. ina trptruma. u in, reiser central iSSISrANT BOOKKEEPER wishes to have permanent posuion wun cnance or oavance mnl; Pelrca Schol grad. O 933, Lod. Cent, ASSISTANT BOOKKEEP&R, cashier or clerk, . 23. Dd.. deilrei permanent connection with litis firmi expd. teacher. O 8SO. Led. Cent. il'STRIA.V COOK, exp., take charge of gen- uiroan noma, wo gpiuia t. tn. vvat.iliuv. kiOKKEKPEU and asslsunt credit man, age ' 10 years' practical experience as book Iteper and 1 yeir as assistant credit man ul comiyondent. O 40. Ledger Central. koOKKEEPEH, offlco man, ago 23, 0years7 iifrlnce, desires position, manufacturing or uIm office. O W8, Ledger Central. f,! KlOKKlSEPEK and credit man, thoroughly iiiuiiecu, upen tor position wun good hum. Q 842. Ledrer Central. ExKKEEFIlt. 22. mfg. exp.:b!B take en- 'miosrss; lurmsn rar. u wa, ledger Cent. I MI, itrong. 15, Catholic, wishes position In wuuj, it'oi v,i puvuie estate or xarm; rrtwee. 1507 Arch st. Telephono Race 837 or Spruce 6147. BOI, trilfct. wllllnir. desires nirlrn nnlllnn. P tnmair school education. O mo. Lad. Cent. rJ2.TA.1,LTEABa' strono and willing W0RKERH want pn.qiTinwa tj wun iCOECTRV EITHER ON FARM OR PRI rVAJB ESTATE: JEWISH, CATHOLIC OR fNtOTESTANT. 1507 ARCH ST?. 2D KLOORi v (nwi, oriluV.U UXI lUVUt, U337. ! lcilMES3 MAN, experienced correspondent. ""'". tmiMccr, iscnnicai ana university Ml. n,,lF. nn. ,l.n n f T -J I- CUfENlER. long experience, wishes noal- to nor out of town- good references. Ad ftjH. A. Oreih. 1720 8. Orianna. St.. city. 1 OUUITEUR, young college man, at present ' ISSloyed la local rtatl ,tnm wni.M llli. f' Ry"?i' chauffeur on Saturdays and Sun bal ,unmer months. H 43, Ledger I '"'H'EUK, whits. Just off Plerce-Arrow SZ. '."!". urivmg, also 1 year In repair rl,WJ'.j.'"' 0" references. ru..,."..'"""'- SJif-iii-CHANIC. wants position; Z" ;"? ''"a aiso electrician; ref J25tI0lt Creshelm road. Mt. Alrv. imifpVH mechanic, long shop oxp., by Sm J22. J"0; w'' Pple. preferred; J... " "' r,r- u -" i-eager on, HiKVl'tl.taraperate, capable and ffii"?J?S!.Pi ."' JO-'on; rscom. ygrF"""- "" y-j-r." v-Mv. ana rup. u -1 , Led. Off. rt ,L i ii.V ,flrat-claie man; good, careful, iJ! Win. drlv-; highest private ref- fruTL'" ' ""r -"rancn, 1403 Filbert. .'Ki'ffPrSw.ai.h, wlahes altuation:"pri: rtohS n.WJ- W''- A1 references ar coin, p any irtytr office. ftf'-.t.ld"r,i"1'i thoroughly exp,; 7 yrs' 'pSata T.7;.V i5rm 'a,t employer. 38, -"Leaaer. Wayne snd Chelten aves. lWlfS. fc..wWJ-' -?6: oompetenti"3 -years iWL best rcf. Q 618. Ledger Central. ' wii?u?!...own repairs, sober. Willing Saer es f,?.orailet.enS' de,l" to drive KZJiUJoL-deilred. O 811. Led. Cent. WTTI crsaJRIiX. .ti,,nV Jralnlnc, cleFTeai . fcliiin,r ni1 order department, wlll- rTiTTtn V T"- Ledger Cent. SSi.1?1' ,ln-l"S lonfexp'. iS2wiacasi best r.f. D al3 Led.er off. wi,n;TyRi laleaman. Innr vn.ri.n. in fSr3?r0;'' ?' un Tola .'i.r "atenman roush man. f SirJhitaiS?. v.otlt ,0 uPPort wife an4 t In !...'. W.t do hard work because of &VrctM,JIy tor OrganUlDg Charity. wj,---- e.,uarmantown. Pa. VuSSr?17"" yra.reiper .hop 1.S1 ea ladS? fA.J?rT;,P.nlen';o. handling Cirvp". ' 21' 9L?. Id.f?ent. rSirilim M,?if.fr retrenchment effect. ;M dsor.Srat'"! o""' o continued sary to need of nna 111. &jrai: cusa i Jsngiish Prot.; best ref. "L'KFyjSWfyS-vio 1 worn is cioa- slSrIfffi-ff 1 tawffigfV,l,.wl,h. hroub. pras: LW!ld;a.1'.''fiVfa'workTd.. ea. 5fli,;?,a: AWreaa 10708. r!dalr pf2"'iuiamond. oka?Ii.0'rot ; competeiit'buT: fo ff.S.V.'SW ""i om present -rnoue. u 129. Led.Orf. !lulaett!' Jfawood nnisher" wants n3t"on. Benecks. loia n. ith cone- .. JSwtfal. proved. "-WWIA. A0IWT rS, "lll'? In Ceatral Peon... . m',: naanolal nrra. setllag aoca nT. 9ui ageat for a good m. Ldi,?-Cfr'al """"" 8ti.is,.,e'r5'; lav r.:.7;r.i rwflf.', siin ui,k ri..TT . - - 1 witrai j'eari V t - SSi2ST oua long jxo , beat rett. ik.ire ... -'Ja iiai ei.' ,r ai1 Soe eorreafaiadetv-i 'i l, Lailssss, Mag!. PvurSlvm' NF.WMrtisir V:;j "'? man woum kB&HCeoVraL y"? valuable asset. II m9s8m&a J fflgLl Wt,' I SSSaUt! b LfSSSJf, i wem rwm situations wanted-mam DTMrmninifM. IT etecutktf ohiiiVi A'in wan ijoodil' o 0X2, Ld. Cenl SSM dns MllttTAM ion, ranger ten twlenee In hanf ii l'-ronW(,eTw "- aellln. corretpondence and Leager Central TOUNTIl uiu ,. . . to learn business ?,:S.Pn .rm '" college, advancement I? h? rISer ' nance for . Ledger central " mkM d 810. 2i:ifS..cow!Eqs position: catiAhift .,-.. ""u,u iiko summer bookkeeblne and crirti?!1 w"!S W'nnce In saf-r1- ?lq commercial r,a,'iuV,.:tntr.?'.,"ft.nual1 !?..?. wouIJ Ilk summer kl.7.SS5ia'S58V"'cTT.na YOUNO MAN, 23 .,- : " ,.!:; y mi i.ea. central. .. ,."-- years oirt wishes position perlence. H.,V" f out de aalesSen it m i .-...".".''Si""."!. B YdertrJ?a!cAaufonV;thri,i8h 'J110.01 lte. -,- , "hci -cnirni edger Central. Vrtttrt . .. -,r-."" j'', coiorea. ip ,. ,- - olerki 7 yeer' n. .;::"i".. v'"" . ence. W. Naiim.nl!.iW-5iJ?J,f? n.rr- i t iiu rcaimi t Phlla. yOTNO MAN, 22, rrnlaf.mfa,yl?t." !Sor18ad.m VJ ATTENTION, BU8INES3 MEN onii'ji "J??Mt,e' brl?hl BOYS and now La'va',.0h?.0nV!, unr "ur caro are f.5 "?' -for oflce, shop or factory work: NO CIIAROEB. JUVENILE .WOrtKERS' BUREAU 1507 ARCH. Telephones, naca 3337, Bpruco 6147. AUTOMOBILES for Sale 80h?,r.VMAJRM.O!''.fl"l,el condition; must 423 D. after 0 p. m, 10-H P KTANt.l-.V ..iiv, ' ...I- nir. ISO mn.. - ZL. V, !!'"""" '"l; -b'iiJM3treiif 0I W"'r- Dob XRhV1.''- B- a: PULLMAN, B Vi iA:" raisenger, in good condition ell cheap Call 1012 North l'w?nr"en ' AUTO LIVery AND QABAQES 'HSS,,'."' JuD15 Vjuf'ns-. wllh driver,' per hour. Phone Wyoming 1(1)6 Y (1.30 BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES IIAVP proposition which will surely interest Physlcfan. dentist, nurse, wishing to "at Sue' V "function with present duties Mod ern ElecjrJoJhpLjjji2ituBComb st Logan. J 5N.KJ!iTN 1ITELTaTjrnkintoVn7"Pa. ; J-. b!,1.dolnK "uccessful business under pres- i.ff-!:oaA- APPly to owner, on premises. cFnM.EIHP,Yi LOT, Laurel Hill; very deslrabiS '."U-f"1'! location, overlooking the river. L 357. Ledger Central. CABPET CLEANING WEST PIIILA. 3c PER YARD. MONARCH STORAGE CO. .1870-72 LANCASTER AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANEJ;pjpMAILHOT.lgl0 Chestnut. DBES5MAKING AND MILLINEBY JIEMSTITCHINa, all materials, 3c. per yard; plaltltie. button covering. n,ni,h ..!.., a- ery. P. Tomaaulo, 1602 Cheamut. Spruce 2J0S. HEMSTITCHING done while you wait. A. Relchard. 1113 Chestnut. Pictorial Review pat. DRESSMAKING taught; short, rirac. courno. acDowelKJOJenla,JBldg.,j.lth&larket. SOB SALE ILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d-hand bought sold, rented, exch'd Keafer. 320 Glrard a e. HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEATING Better and cheaper than hot water or steam. Pure, fresh air with normal moisture. CUTS COAL BILL IN HALF 6 and 8 N. 18th INSTBUCTION RAGTIME in 20 lessons. Call or write Chris tensen Piano Schools, 3826 Qermantown ave., 1320 Tasker st. i STOBAGE WEST Monarch. Storage Co. Auto and pack I'll I LA. Ing and shipping. 380 Lancaster ave. WANTED CAST-OFF CLOTHING Highest rrlces paid for cast-off clothing; send postal. H. Harris. HOP Balnbrldge. WATCHES AND CLOCKS B0C REPAIRS YCUR WATCH OR CLOCK. One year guarantee. AHON'S, 1117 W. GIRARD AVE. BOOMS FOB BENT BALTIMORE & 47TH Newly furn. rma.: beau. mm urrounuuma; fiione wooqiana :wi u. CHKSTNUT. lKlS-Attractlvely lurn. rooma; noutn. ep. , mil ous not water, opruce a.oo. DIAMOND, 1636 Desirable apartment, two or three rooms, strictly private family. LOCUST AND 17TH Attractive suite. 2 largo rooms, with or without bath: fur, or unfur.; private rumuy- rnone Locust .mi J. POWELTON. 4019 (correr house)-Brlght, airy room, nexth bath. Protestant family; near L. SPHUi'E, 1123 Furnished bachelor apartment for refined gentlemen, references faPKl'CE. 1185 Attractive front rooms, single or communicating, private family; phone. SPRUCE. 2022 Deattable furnished rooms; private patna. aumincr fqtra locust ivoa j. WALNUT, 5003 Nicely fur. room, convenient to bath; reasonable; phone Belmont 121. WALNUT, 6802 Newly furnished front room J modern conveniences. Phone Belmont 5345. WESTMORELAND, N. E. corner 3d St. New ly furnished room for 1 or 2 genta; all con v.; DOtn pnones; ruaaonauic. ipnamgion tool. 10TH, S., 802 Well-furnlahed single or double rooms; private family; aummer rates; phonu. 15TH. S., 314 Sublet, fur suite; two largo rooms; running water: light housek'p'g, ph. BOTH, N. 21 Large, cool rooms, single or en suite, .deal summer location; near L E2D, it., 850 Furnished rooms, private family, with or without board. Belmont 3330. 8.. 2 well furnished roomi, private 2-W( family, elec. light; near U Belmont 8739 W. HANDSOMELY furnished front room. In large, modern, private home: electric lights; 10 minutes to City Hall. Telephone Baring 413. Suburban QERMANTOWN, 161 W. Penn-Cbeerful, furn. rms : gent., conv. car, train; rtas. Otn.31faVV. BOARDINO BROAP B.. 770 (The Oranaml Cool and at tractive furnlined roomi, all modern conven iences; excel, table board, hotel serv.; 17 up. FAHRAOUT ST.. S 3 (take U to 48th and Market)-Rooms. 1 or 2 exclusive. In prtvata house only, for ladles or couple, with or with out board; excellent location, 7 minutes to city Hall: references exchanged. OIRARD AVE.. 2S09 Board, pleasant rooms; good location poplar jowu v. F6WELT6N. 3S01-O3 (Msrdsls)-Large, airy from rms. inaie m i .u.. ,. . ...,.., RAJE. 3413 Trained nurse has pleasant home for retlned people desiring good acoom.; spselal cars of Invalids or elderly peraons. SliiTH, N.. 2114 Board for lady, gentlemen or niqrria.1 coup.p. iw... sPRUCt, J028-30 Pealrable suite with private bathi choice table board. Walnut 7263 W. WAL&tlT, 5010 Two beautifully furnished front rooms, all convenience: excellent ta bis; price reasonable. Belmont 681. SUBURBAN OBBMANTOWN. 235W. RItenhouse st. (be- tween Wayne and Oreenel-Largs front 2d. story room; good tab.; conv. Ph. Gtn. ia73 X. BViRBROOK, 6083 Drexel road-Conifartablo rooma with board; tennis, swlmmlog pool; references. Phone Preiton 6M3 W. APABTMENTS BROAD. N-, SIB Three Urge, light rooms, Brat floor, nigb-class apartroent, modern eo venisnaes; exebaags for owner's board; Ililint oBDortunlty for caterer; phone. fcpttl'N'6 OARDiN. IIO-ExceIUot, apts. fa 8 dttfereot houYSs. soms funHated: kltebeaettes. ifALNDT. ll-Vry attrattiva apis. rms.. bti; also slflsle rooaa and bat Sm.. Unt. location, 1st pKioi Soni40,r apply of lb. furn. cr ua--ciiaj servlee. jaatwr. VALNUT 8T-. 0-Rmodela4 z-reats apt. fttb hath and nrlvat. bU. Apply Janitor. FTJBNISHED APABTMENTS BROAP SI.. N-. S86-Me4rn apartBUBU. prl, vate blth. 10 mIlUte walk City Hall. LOCUM'. 1318-Elegant apartownu, 2 rooaj private bath, also single rma. Wal. TOW W. SffRCCK "Bafhelor apt. or rooms: K6Sft HID a.rv i,h-m ;--.-. -7K-. sublet lirwnim montea ra sBTiSLili" CORNER apt furn 3 rms ctn aucneaeus, Utor Manhelm .ui 12th and Sprue ATTRAOftVK tailwlor ipii 10 mln walk Um f Ua iseus MT? W. Bveynrct ledger-Philadelphia. wmwrnT FURNISHED APABTMENTS IVft fhlladelphln TO 8UBLE PUHNWHED, perfectly appoint-o8-reom apartment i cheerful, ceols bed rcoms, sleeping porch; suitable for family or Ine 29(i lines, rnone liar- 4STH ANDlLNl!T-oTelin"aBT.72to ,4 rooma: excellent location, rh. Baring 72S7W. HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENTS 28D AND PINE STS.-DK LANCET APTS. f " nam, to o roomi, i ann z Datns, jL'iniltejjentral location. Apply janitor. 11Nw2ii2,TfcItTrkTt"ch7n7ToT: wi?'Kh".,.: "' "floor. m: 4 ra... bath. ; f ,;it "?" o .rooms, i and z batne, a T . .V ' " vi ? (inn., udld, -iSi. ?JL?0 "SI- f85. Diamond 1813 W WALLACE, 1716 S-room housekeeping flat; mol.; all conveniences; porch; dumbwaiter. . . ..NORFOLK APARTMENTS n I i. ,B room apartments, neat am, jiiuiwr Bervice, reasonaDie rentals . PECHTEL, 3232 Ridge ave West Philadelphia. CHESTER AVE. 4209 Houssk'p'g apart., 3 fooms, bath, kitchenette; desirable summer .m., im grnunas a porcnes; pn. ires.BJgo, THE RUTLAND APTS. JUST COMPLETED wi,lbi &i,, oll xu 03 ill Hi. p 5"cl i -room apartmenta. with all the latest eonienlencea 40 to.H per month. itopdRT a. pirra aoent . uell phone. Hilmont 441.1. B443 Locust at FOii-,nENjJ'w housekeeping apartments, S rooms and bath; corner 4th at. and Baltl in at. ana uaiti phona Preston SIM, .i.mw ami ror pariics. BEAI. ESTATE FOB SALE cirv W. H. BROWN & CO. r.- . . 6100 Vork fO"1- ESTABLISHED JUNE lOj 1875 . . . "ai Estate Bought. Sold, nentod and Exchanged. 1Dit8. 'V PTU ST-J fy, s rooma, "good order! Urge yard; a real bargain to quick purchaaer. W. If. HOOD. 812 Norria at. 818 LOCU8T ST. , 13xoa feet to alley. W. H. HOOD. 612 NOrfniS RT. Chestnut Kill NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY Pelham, Mt, Airy and Chestnut Hill. PEL1IAM TRUST CO.. 6740 Oermanfn ave. TOW JERSEY Haildonfleld, N. J. HAVE 8EVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bargain prices. WM. CAREY MARSHALL, fi31 Federal St., Camden, AVnodhury Helghta. N. J. SEVERAL desirable homes and Improved bldg. lota at reasonable prices. John Mayhew. SEASHORE SEASHORE Artlatlo bungalow, beautifully lo cated on magnlllcent suit water bay. Ideal summer home; for sale or exchange at a bargain. L 343, Ledger Central, PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 8 ACRES Chotco country nook; grand views; $.juv, including crops, etc, J. B. THOMPSON irf, IVest Chester, Ta. BEAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT OWN YOUR HOME by monthly payments of from Jl" to 130. houses located N. Phlla and Gtn . worth from JlSOii to J6230. Merchants' Union Trust Co , 715-710 Chestnut st. Moorestoun, X. J NEW HOUSES. $3300 to J 1 500, beat location In Moorestown, all conveniences; hardwood nnlsh. lots 60x200 feet, 1 mlnuta to trolley, jus, u, uu ttN looresiown, is. j, BEAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED, modern house, city or suburbs, about J300O; West Phlla. or New Jersey not considered. II 42, Ledger Central. WILL rent furnished or unfurnished house In suburbs: about 6 or 7 rooms; atate rent. D 231, Ledger Otflce. HAVE ALBRECHTS RENT IT 373 Drexel Bldjr 2114 W. Lehigh ave. BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT CITY J15 1437 N. WARNOCK (11th and Maeter) d rooma, all conveniences; toilet second floor; newly done up. Key at office, 12U7 Glrard avenue S13 1S7 TRENTON AVE. (Front and Nor. rIO 7 rooms, all conveniences; newly done up. Key at orncc, .uiu n. l-roni. 0 113S N. ALDER ST. (10th and Master) 3 large roma, neuly done up. Key at office, 1207 Glrard ave. 310 243 8. CLIFTON (11th and Locust) 4 rooma; key at 241. Nealls, 010 S. 12th st. Factories, Warehouses, Mfg. Floors MODERN FACTORT FLOORS 14,000 Squaro Feat. N. E. COR. ARCH AND 23D STS. Steam and electric power, 2 elevators, low Inourance, automatic sprinklers, watchman, R. H. sldlnga, extra large windows and high ceilings. Owner management. Apply G. P. PILLING & SON CO. on premises. OFFICES, BUSINESS ROOMS, ETC. DREXEL BUILDING offices annual rentals. iiuii.ui.u oinces annual rsntais, floor. 120; sin. rma., JlfiO, f 225, 273. r., 1132, JIM, 17. 200, S2.'3, 1230. I.. 1263, 273. 1400, 1430, g0. I'SO. Qiouna noor. et.u; sin, Suites z Corner suites. 2 to 10 rms., 1500 to 11673. nuiiea ., ... Eaia l. wiuuAMS. r,w prexei mag Professional Offices 13TH ST.. S., 237 Pnyslclan'a offlcs: large furnlwed leceptlon room, running water. Desk Room DESK ROOM, Perry Bldg. Keystone phone free. Phone Spruce S1S.I. L 335. Led. Cent. WEST PHILADELPHIA Ibo 3722 LOCUST ST. IS rooms, all convs. Key at 3720. Nealls. 810 S. 12th. Wayne Junction $25 Cheapest and moit desirable 3-story, norch. front house at Wayne Junction! all conveniences; 2 minutes' walk to station. 4143 N. 20th at- above Gtn. ave. SUBURBAN Ridley Turk, Fa. SMALL COUNTRY PLACE, old shade, mod. convs., 7 rooms: beautiful surroundings; a mln. from ata'n; 20 per mo. N. P. Sloan. liraudywlne Summit FURNISHED stone mansion, garage, garden, frutt; .1 minutes' walk Brandywlns Summit Station. A. D. Heald. West Chester. Pa, Wenonah, N. J, HOUSE. 0 rooms, white enamel finish, hot water heat, gas; garage; 1 square from depot. Richard Evana. Jr. SEASHORE Cape Mar, N. J. FURNISHED cottages and apartmenta; all cations. W. R. Sheppard. 425 Waihlngton all lo st Stone Harbor, H. J. COTTAGES. BUNGALOWS AND APART MENTS, furnished, for rent; moderate prteea; all conveniences; near ocean and channel; both railroads to Philadelphia; Hilling, boat ing, surf bathing, tennis, go)f; motoring on beach. Send for illustrated booklet. S. J. R, Co.. 015 Real Estate Trust Bldg.. Phlla. POB KENT FURNISHED QERMANTOWN BEAUTIFUL residence; large shaded lawn; tennis court; muito room; period furniture, extraordinary location. Telephone Otn. 5701, Oak Lane NINE-ROOM bouse, most beautiful location In Oak Lane, near station and trolley, 2 or 3 months; reaaocabls. Phone Oak Lena 161 W. Overbrook DETACHED stone bouse. 1103 N. C3i at., cor. n.,. int. over half-acre lawn, tennis court. snade trees, extra cool bouse, windows on all sides large porch, gas and electrta lights; garage near: tv jvarbrook trolley pasaea tbe n houae. connecting wjm i. nt ouia si.; a minutes' walk to overbrook station, p. K. K-. for tbe aummer seaaon Qverbrook 3655 D. Moorestown. W. J. KIUHT ROOMS, piano, screened sleeping porch, all conveniences, targe grounds, vsgs table garden planted, f 50 par month, June IS to September 1; must be arranged at ones. Address J.. Moorestown. N, J. SEA8HORB Atlantic City, X. J. HOTELS I1HHB1 QUARANTBi KANTBS TRUST B BLDQ. Wlldwood. K. J. urnAvai'aui ,i.hww. iinwHsw ,aps- ment. SMh nd Atlaniio aves.: block from Ocean Pier and Boardwalk, onan 9ua4ay. Also Wlldwood agent. Pbtla. ot;. ygd.jst w. MOBTaAGBS MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Ll THE BUDGET Second Ditto-Well, thank Haavan, Pennsylvania Punch Bowl. Son (Juat back from old Slwaah) Say, Pop! Drive more carefully. I lost my equilibrium then! Pop Wal now, I'll back up and you can get out and look for It. Only Human "Why do you write articles on how cheaply people can live If thay try?" "In the hope of getting enough money to nvold having to live that way." Wash ington Star. For the Same Benson A man with a Blngle opinion Is apt to Bpoll It by ovorcoddllnc just as he would an only child. Life. (According to (he Tatler.) Picture of an English gentleman and an English lady escaping from Zeppe lin bombs. Handicapped With but three minutes to catch a train, the traveling salesman Inquired of the street car conductor, "Can't you go faster than this?" "Yts," the bell-ringer replied, "but I have to stay with my car." Harper's. -AND THE WORST j- s?arfPiafr-il5SvaiafCwifl??--lSiSii ' I QE. 1 "Iw1 rB'cAw ! . toureqoop 1 1 BESS Jo& is Nor 1 iwmzm-&jmk 1 1 TBSS1E I Dootferu I V -Tj A HOT YIITHtTESS 1 tL 1Toutc,rEU' ' tfjowgrWECE I 'N y -gg ogtcg the mm J,, -nW, cmcaln,. H ii C S.'rt?J,L 58 t H slBnt, eJOB.lS I HtADUIK& UFfc .VVERELDJIXG V-- .1, I jflj. r - 1 suss ' "as- sassaMWSsaisssjiaBeiaaiiiSBSBSBB.issai.sBPSaissiieiBBaasitaesiasisiBBaiisi.iisiv 3t7r-y--wlh9'fQ Jkn J i!' -J ' i."fi--i . r i urn in un mt i i ii m JUNE SCRAPPLE AT THE FRONT Puneh. we're, safe I out hera. Punch. "But I understood from my wife that you were leaving- us to marry the sweep." "Vus. But If It's all the same to you, sir, I've changed my mind. 'E'a been and Joined the Uantams; an' wen J sor Mm wlv 'Is face washed !" g3S AMATEUR NIGHT AT THE iMOVIES AH.rKWDY DO.MiSSfihRYf I WOULD FEtLHIOHlY HoUOREO IF YOU W0O1.D ftCCOMr-ftlVf ME OH A i.nTll OMJnif in m ntri cpik OH.YES. IVE HAiDTHt MftCHint roiiaoME TIME. 'SMtofflM. WH IS YET TO COME V' 4l 0, 1915; THE HT-W-tLg. H".vYxW'f von luw. " ,vr KlTCHE-M MP ME. OUT OH l . , FRONT -STOOP. I f(U .&- DOPIMG OUT A OAUCe AS PORLISHEfc i-- su A Precaution "What are you cutting out of the paper?" "An Item about a California man secur ing a divorce because his wife went through his pockets." "What are you golnsr to do with It?" "Put It In my pocket."- Everybody's Magazine. DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? I Kff0W A DMDY DRIVE OUT in "THE COOrtTRY ArtD h wet qoitr PLAtf for Dirm&K LhftR. HEV.'tDDIt, BRirift 0UT7HC HIT OC RED KftCtt? ITS ALL RIGHT IF YOU M0. J0NE5 1 THW6HT IT WAS NO MOM THAN FAIKTD LETrit)U I KNOW X HA.V6 E;itv(tO VbHKH. i XUR6ECffefa.rTMlM- PiairtJH Puaoli BoL "I WONDER WH1BK TI8 8WJHH1 op'Ss JfS m aw. BbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbH Jtth Mj&& JS5& SL wKBcLHIKBk vTr?i. TT -w'f 4PTJ HseMbHEWi! Af""iL ha r mtr? mmsi mm&m iv.-j C& J V U .Y0U TO 1 "" ' iafcl ipi lllia.,mi,itii """"" ' ' ' ' ' ' tl i I. PADDED CELL KO-OUREVlRofl&l MLlzFT-VoUR RIGHT -THAT BWM6 MOOR R6MT EAR 9VEl?i SACK OF THE SOFA Am YOUR ETEgROWS iOM A SV-AjH vii n inc CZAS JCI r XS "TAMDARDREb" Useful "What kind of work could you posslbtr do around an office?" "I'm a kind o all-around bandy man, mister, I kin hold a door open, Usht a match for ye, look out an' see It If ralnln. call n taxi, drop letters down the chute, an' tell folks yer out when ye ain't."-Llfe. THEfELltR WOTOWfti THftT ChR SAID HOI TO LET YOUTAKtUOUr ACilM n iA n 1; CAN GET AtfAY WITH IT WEUvYHV DoNVVeU. 7- -ta- UJH-7 -??? NMV SurvWal of the Fittest Cwcnett Ut4aw ErprtBS Why are the Eskimo so healthy? Dae Weil, you sac tbey I A tbe. babies on what WUr. The strcnC ones can down t; sag & wai. ubvy ta death. here'a N 'tlrtERti C-ETJ 50L1D VJlTHja pJ SECRET JmShA HU5WQ5 jSot9 YX 1 vl .M - i