mffmmmmm. $$K&&fgbF&vi S fiVENINft LBDriKR-PHILAhELPTTTA-. nrni-.m,,, JUNE 8, 1013; MM mm . liLXl m i! m yseg? ffv' M nM 6S ff.fiB' ismwm&momixmt-ialii.ij-ij n i i PMMVT&3affiSiBfflH.tS i ;.? :n'VAf vt.Tc3;Knivv3iMHViu,'.Tiii:.i,v .' ..:.".-.-." j.T-v.-"i. !....-. . .-... ...-. i-.-j ...... .. 'blvl'-wtiiII iiu'ii'nniuiiMDiuravj.iv.vAi :i". '-..... !. ... .m.. ... . .1 :. ..' t-- i lfl':'2'W'yjiiv.'.ffVi3JiaMisT.vJr,j;c' - -: , i .. v j . .. . " M . mPAdEKMumxati . t .,. "" - ft:;W.-.V;K KwffiSSvAvSv 'SV-.KrVAttva'.Ye."' C-.V.-.w.vll e8W255K: K i. jyaw-.v.wv.y.w.'u "fi&iKH.ciBiro.Ni.a.MKO.-i.' :.::? . . .' i ax ,A -iKit'':. v . , v tx iv. w : wOTH;csv;M;.fcv pf Jfn ?7 wM .i" J ' v( o3CNii '. - y v - ifll k ::' Mi ..!;. III v i '' mm i tHBEEMBFnMMS&L&. " k immm c u- tii:gs i f mm IP 111 Mil v tali wis in IP 11 m, W( fflSBM S.! W lil v.'! Pif'S? E3 k.7.v;h L; .VA'.V 8p N 1SR? IMS iB Ill .rtw-: inqr IJ'tJj? MM , ii :.VS ii !rT.'; fell i:-; t?S.i && KS 1 a5.?. R J-. Nfl B5 ii x FtJiL -rrKSrrv 4J - -- 7- -- U" SI pppsMjiyp!!. nsnifif ftraflfl HI Mil Bsffl i fc RMffl KCTKEL JOn to Chiea 1 1 for the 'Ad ff ly BH Pffi fife 2 MB S i r" .flfrqra, ipgymag fticago this year tossfa , .J$ AwyuuvcnuQn Th rX0x hNgrjii----nH 3- kiP Fanffi P xS A H!5Jf ffl liMgil Bern BS qjUft i ITry vteift rivfl?iEi3: Wa ,rKitJhw??ssSjjtH5Sr ere srng'SK-sssM; riifos vr. re iu a o cvcv u"fl a i:,"r:sii' a rair .jriw ifriiiPlIS - (Jirn iJ ifi nfs7 Tito n to Chicago-every year 11 your 1 jrertrtTifrVH lilfm iwii gwl -l I smr asr rerr "nnn75 5s raswre f "prantsppw v- ;n,rMiT"ni'pg ptijiwir i ta p- F M 51LTS i HL 1111 '-Uli-U dJu i V --T,fc a35S? AN fcttllfflffljusi PIDiSkUmv !ESBHiim ifCLl li "2-1 n THA ET TATE m See it during the CONVENTION of the ASSOCIATED AD VERTISING CLUBS OF THE WORLD JUNE 20 TO 24. You men who are reaching out for business who are interested in the "How to get business" you can't afford to miss this the greatest and the most important business merchandising: and advertising convention ever held. Make up your mind to slam your desks and go "on to Chicago" and combine business with pleasure. You'll enjoy its friendship and frolics; its parks and side trips. You'll get new ideas new viewpoints. You'll have unusual facilities for learning at FIRST HAND the wonderful market which Chicago offers for your goods. iTf'sl. America's Richest and ost Active fflai What's the use of worrying for years trying to capture the trade of ten states when, by simply getting into Chicago's market, you can get with little effort' a greater volume of business and an actually wider distribution. Chicago is the very "center of opportunity." Its trade is worth more to you in dollars and cents than that. of Dela ware, both Dakotas, two New England and five western states combined. Think of it! In and around Chicago fW nrP 3.650.000 oeoole, a population equal to those ten states. In cosmopolitan Chicago alone there are 806,668 Americans born of American parents, 754,570 Americans born ot toreign parens, ctuu wv, foreigners and remember that more than 50,000,000 people live witnin one nigiu & i m of Chicago and, again, that Chicago is the distributing, point tor tne unicea States between the Alleghenies and the Rockies. B? Don't Bliss the Little Journeys to Big Advertising Successes The CHICAGO EVENING AMERICAN wants you to see Chicago's greatness and it has arranged a series of practical, educational trips to put you into personal touch with the men who are doing big things in merchandising and advertising. The CHICAGO EVENING AMERICAN knows Chicago and its people and is known by them. We invite you ,to join these trips as our guest. You will, visit one con cern which produces 4,000 lines of products, including soap, sand paper and fiddle strings. You'll learn that Chicago produces three times as much furniture as Grand Rapids; that it leads in meats, lumber, clothing, farm implements, food supplies. You'll realize that the fact that thirty-eight great railroads center in Chicago means much to you if you want to market your goods. You U visit one concern whose business last year amounted to $101,000,000 and was secured entirely by advertising. You will meet a man who advertised in the CHICAGO EVENING AMERICAN and in three years increased his business from nothing to $300,000 a year. , ffy. COUPON So Mail the Coupon NOW CHICAGO tVhNING AMERICAN, Chicago, lll.i Reserve me a com plimentary 5at o" your "Little Journey Autos." Have one o( Uio$e welcome utility surprise for me at my hotel, and for tfce following ladies who' will he In my party: .it&fiV vSS!K1 m& m mm ,&?$ '&M .a':' .: m I a '';& il m Name. Business address Hotel or address in Chicago hnmi r..,,.-rf -iraw iiw S:'i&&0)::$t&:i::-:: yPi?i ':''" ': : 'j'ii'ij. ..& Ill I ilMlMiii mm 11 irlTn"yfflK'-' rf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers