MOB KEFOR EFORM eveland omenta ets He From f at, hft dletiti, ' 'heir tit, '' " Co,,. co-opetjt, " thll eft, 1 Wt l, Wlch th, 16 sutit e( nCilDUfJ-j 1W! tilth ration it lankenburi th Poklii " Projecls. 'all council ' hi, that If fc, 8 term hi nd tike n " lo Olllj " prcire!, 'eland th, '"ben t 'burs, '7, 9 city ,? Willi ". whUi rous in. In kon ' right h p month, o . i woull ' own ex. io $MM or y founts. nlclpal op. been ptr. sslble, bit it of hu. e and ti. " no p!ci And Coaa. one cbjtct ort of Hi uch thtt Uladelphii I learn i fairs yj men ita we nouM results ii tely Mr has beta . and thli I obstnic leh it hu 'omplettl, WADY he reith re cJoi(i pcrsantl n to Vttj nee 'Xot was til aorld, open ltS ecrettrfd ,ly taklnt here vru the wlt entatlm ferred 13 self came oat tord, anJ ad wbea as to Jcit early tta inlet ted was At Inejnyop Ms face a nirntJ. fce u I iscph'l t prlie I) f St. Jo- nljht la nd Stlld ) conteih J Itcil Ut out n nd rouai lie W 3out niir it y Tlitltrl it nit.u mo - COMMUTER'S RECORD OF 155,232 MILES . IS BEST IN THE CITY Architect Has Traveled 18 Jliles a uay ior to x ears Between Ardmore and Broad Street Outdis tances Globe Trotter. flemembers the Days When Volunteer Hosecnrt Waited at the Railroad Station to Take Tom Wallace to a v Fire. EVENING LEDGBB-PHlLADBLgglA. TTTTOAT. JUNE BRIEF CITY-WIDE NEWS "Tour honor "30 SPRAINED HIS ANKLE--SCOTT til wo offered im 160 to Bnnll, l... .... . . K. K. Scott nr, Uljurca tecllnB8." Tills statement was mndo by John Hcaton t,i, V."". cy!.al n "enrinff In itn accident enso before Maglstralo rHENRY L. Big fT"1 Ja- mil whoso automoblln ,i i rfprcscntetl Jseph M. Crawford, Windsor Hotel, 'hln.pla.lewo? ci SwCd , W" MaxwcU Sc,Bc1' flGS North 2l1 8lrccl' "Tho defendant " Mr n . . . ,lnd hoth,nr on tbo $50 nnklo bnndngo of tho tho hearing a wt? .."Mo Wns nbl to wnlk unaided Into this ofllco nt money comiti hta wTi . f.B tUrncd lll trlc,- A8 fioon n3 ho sa tho Crawford vva dsch r J " $ B Wrlh of bnnd ftr"nd a $60 ankle." 8, 1915: KearfwJ!?, HVSBAND' WOMAN ATTEMPTS SUICIDE mother ? t lree ! n! "?elled Mrs- EsU,cr Coopersteln. of 40fi Queen street, acid, according !;!.. ' ntlemnl BM 'er home today by drinking worn Expected torB7 'hV,d ,",yale"U,fl ttl Mt' S,nn, noBplta'- Tho . A'eciea to recover. ATr Pnnhnroi.tH .... i. i ... lnir tho rlill,lr .i ""'-' """ oopersiein say iter nushand wns beat She tried to rl7 .? a mndo ,hrcnls "Knlnst her and her relatives. acid. When Z , V? " U.nc9 nnd" faIll rl 'to tho kitchen and took When she told her husband, sho declares, he beat her. Charles t. t LI) CUST0MS INSPECTOR DIES river front mJZT W , lh moSl ,,opu,nr CUs,0M3 lnPstom along tho Em mV 1 n.t.h'3 hme' 4261 OKdcn slrcct' '"ow"B - protracted In PobruoS lS7r t?S '?" ,n U, Gov"nmenfs service. belnR appointed Union armv'nt, 1 r' . 69 year8 0,d- At n cnrI' so ho enlisted in tho connrwd,K"BS..V!,,'an"r """"Shout tho Civil War. Ho was formerly datichtrr tv.rt 7. u,sn:up"- survived by two sons and a Snt of lh AS 8t1VCarS Mr- ,Ionc8 Wrts "tntloncd at tho Point Breeze Serai a rnn ,nfln,nB Cm1w' wncro he " c"arC f exports, i unerai arrangements have not been completed. KINO CONFERS VICTORIA CROSS ON ZEPPELIN'S CONQUKRQR Sovereign Sends Personal Message to R. A. J. Warncford. LONDON, June 8 -Tho Victoria Cross, one of the hlphest military honors In the or!(!. wns todav conferred Upon lleslnnld A. J. Warneford, tho youns Canadian ftviator who, In a battlo 6000 feet above DMglan soil, jesterday wrecked a Riant e&pelln with ule ioss 0f -8 Gcrman ivc(,. - raai was nmdo by King Oeorg personally, who ordered that news of tho Wfl?.5?4 te'Brathed to Sublieutenant Warneford at tho front ImmedUtrtv. B,iB.r J?. ls n ,mt'onn' hero. All thei i?Mn?..ty.l. , 8pc t0 ,,ls Ballnnt r"i I'0.11 Ativl "" the front In ir tl 8tal" that tho loul" nvlat- I" none the ore for his excltlnc adventure niii Vntr?,w p,caix' from death while ilRhtlnpr the Zeppelin. Tho Klnp rent tho following messago of congratulntion to tho young aviator-,-.;. mo,?t ''"ft'ly congrntuKito you on i..i. uspen'!l(l achievement yesterday In which you destroyed slnglr-hamled a hos. tile Zpppplin i inltP mucn pieasuro ,n conferrltiK the Victoria Cross upon you for this gallant act" FEW CHILDREN SEEK CITY'SSCHOLARSHIPS Only G8 High School Graduates So Far Ask Free Courses at Pennsylvania. RECORD HELD BY COMMUTER Has commuted twice a day be- ttceen Ardmore and Broad Street Station for 28 years. Yearly distance traveled, 55t,U miles, total distance, 155,232 miles. Equivalent to distance around the world six and a half times. LL'S ) HAL rs e.o( e old tewer iplcte t esultl rowfl- ro$e 25c !0llSE irk! if fb','! d wort i p"t AN rlteuj Bl-OUT. Tho real globo trotter ls not the man ho usually starts a conversation with: "Lite one afternoon, whllo I wns sitting at a cafe table In Nagasaki, Japan, etc." On almost any train that leaves Broad Street Station or tho Reading Tcrnilnal for the suburbs late In tho afternoon you could find half a dozen men who have traveled the fifteen or twenty thousand mllej the Nagasaki fellow has gono and ,liive never even counted up. But tho paragon of all long-distance commuters In these parts, the man who holdi th record, who has traveled more miles than thero would bo In a pleco of thread wound around tho equator six tunes. Is Henry L, Relnhold. Jr., an architect, who has olllcea at 1000 Walnut itreeL Ho becamo a commuter 2S years Jio, whllo living In Ardmore, and ho has wen living thero ever since. Now count up. It is nine miles to Ard more. Thlt makes IS miles commuting a day. Mr. rtelnhold comes to town every day "' ouiiaays, nristmas Day, Wash Bitona Birthday, Labor Day, July 1th tod Memorial Day. That Is 18 miles SOS uaei a year, or KH miles a year. In 23 .u. uaimanea J55,Z32 miles, and ns tho worlds belt Is only a matter of 24.000 at U corporation" line, this commuter lias tone the equivalent of nearly six and a .,, j es around the globe. .,m ..moIe ha1 many 0,1 commuters," Mid Mr. Relnhold today. "For Instance. Were was Harry Applo and Tom Wallace. ,a mSP manufacturer; BUI Reynolds Wl"lam Jerolomon, but they aro all h , it. .Sm.. Wallaco was our nro chief ZrLM, ?ays at Ardmore. Ho had a r " "a hosn cart which used to go y flres ln th8 horough. from f ? W.he!, ne saw a burning house S,"!' tra'n window Wallace would ttiitatr".d hls hose cart woul'1 b0 at K l0" t0 et him. Once the hoso 2. f,fet hlm at th0 station-waited Sr .mrBO that he couId BO to tho tatum..o. 7 fu"BO ' nlways sat In WMd .mvi,n tne arnokns car. But I oSri nnff' ana now rWo ln the train In 7; c.0.,mmuters on tho Ardmoro card ni! ?W days d,dn,t Co in much twXV,ytaJ. ln th0 smoker- " wna Stlio Vtl? 0t taIk' and a Bod ttttC niS ? than tnere l3 nowadays. would rtP illCS and what the President JrrtL. iT?u see' tno President had -0n? Jn. th08, days a3 wel as now. tittt,m er on tho trains there , !T than h does now, and so NnbV. ?.ra conversation. Tho train totrn.nv nt M Eood- and there were tor ZfyiUpPJerJ)artles a"or the theatre, M hulnU Ve meant missing tho MR. BOItDORVISII WAS VERY INQUISITIVE todav h? I0!'"0 MOrChln' C 3173 Almond strect Wore Ilor "ow eyeglasses PMri'iteM f . "Vur Worn eIasses ,,cforc' As sh0 walke1 '"wn Tllton street. f ,nlnf n ' Wh "VCS at 312S' wn9 sending In his doorway. Ho wanted n K?' 8 uSSC3 'lnd nsUcd A,r8' Morchla l0 tak0 them off and hand them mrn'n, . . V0'"8"1 ne trlcd t0 puU thcm from 'ftcc- Klntllmc this mposslblo ho struck the woman between tho oyes with his clenched list, break ng tho glasses and cutting Mrs. Morchla. This was tho testimony at a hearing before Magistrate Emory, ln his orriee. Front street and Susquehanna avenue. Nordorvlsh was held In $500 ball for a further hearing. ALL PATRONS AT THIS STABLE MUST BE SOBER All patrons of tho livery stablo owned by Gerald Knnncdy. 1715 Frankfort avenue, will bo sober from now on, ns It cost tho proprietor $10 nnd costs to ici u team out to a man that was In such an alleged Intoxicated condition that ho ran tho animals until they fell from exhaustion. Kannedy, who wns brought Into court on charges preferred by Otto Hruchlo, of the Society for tho Pre vention of Cruelty to Animals, was fined and reprimanded by Magistrato Uorlo at tho 2d street nnd Frankfort avenue station today. BRUMBAUGH PRESIDENTIAL BOOM ATTACKED Tho Grundy organization has now turned Its guns openly upon Governor Brumbaugh as a Presidential possibility. Tho Bristol Courier, an afternoon newspaper generally reputed to bn tho official Grundy organ, yesterday at tempted editorially to discredit tho possibility of the Governor becoming a candidate, and ln effect promises "an opposition from Pennsylvania Itself which would promptly and effectually suppress him in tho national councils." CORPORATION HEADS AGREE TO HELP STAMP OUT "POOLS" Bascbnll Lotteries Run in All Big Es tablishments, It Is Said. Itallroads and other largo corporations operating in Philadelphia -will, bo asked to eo-operato with tho pollco In their campaign to stamp out baseball pools. Detectives Walters and Aycrs, who nro conducting war on the lotteries, havo re ceived nssuranccs that their efforts will be aided by tho officials of these com- panics. Virtually every larce business Institu tion, the detectives say, has at least one baseball pool, organized by Its employes. The Interest In the results Is so great that the men refuse to go to their homes until tho last run is scored, nnd even then they gather In groups to hold "post mortems" on what might have happened If tldngs had turned out differently. "H'o want to tret thrsn mrn li.iMi f.-, their homes." Detective Wnltors said "They become so absorbed in tho work ings of the pools that they forget all about their other duties. It oven affects their business rclntlons to a large extent. Then, too, It takes away a great ileal of their weekly earnings, for tho base ball pool enthusiast will Join several pools, llguiing out that his winnings in any ono will recoup him for his losses In tho others. Hut our primary concern Is that the pools nro a lottery and con sequently Illegal " Only $9 applications have been filed at tho office of Mayor Dlankcnburg by boy and girl graduates of publlo and parochial high schools, and other Insti tutions of learning in tho city for tho M frco scholarships In the University of 1'cnnsylvnhla, to bo awarded this year by competitive examinations to be held In the Harrison Laboratory of Chemistry, 3Uh and Spruco streets, next Monday. Thero Is an unusual lack of Interest among this j ear's scholastic graduates for the university tcholarshlps annually awarded by tho city. The number of applications received up to this tlmo ls tho lowest received any year Binco tho awards wero instituted. The city obtained 75 perpetual frcn scholarships In tho University of Penn sylvania for publlo award in return for a grant of land comprising the old alms- nouso property. Koch year about 20 of these scholarships boeomo vacant. The commute,, in charge of tho exam ination, to bo held Monday, nnd nn whoso recommendation Mayor lllaiikeuburg will make tho awards, Includes Cliccsmnn A. Herrlck, of Olrard College, chairman; Cteorgo J. Brown, of Brown Colleen rfn- paratory School; tho Itev. Hugh T. Henry, Catholic High School, William D Lewis, William Ponn High School; Joslah H. Pennlman, University of Pennsylvania; Paulino W. Spencer, Girls' Normal School, and George Wheeler, Assoclato Superin tendent of Public Schools. VISITOR AT CURTIS PLANT CHANGE LIKELY IN LEADERSHIP OF DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE Chnlrmnn V. P. McComba Refuses President's Choice for Secretary, WASHINGTON, June 8 -A change of reat Importance In the leadership of tho next DcmocraUc national campaign Io likely to grow out of tho refusal of Chair man W. F. McCombs, of the National Committee, to name Thomas J. Pence as the committee's secretary. The President had asked Mr. McCombs to name Mr. Pence as secretary to suc ceed Joseph F. Davles, of Wisconsin. whose appointment as chalrmin of the Toderal Trade Commission made Inappro priate his continued membership on the National Committee. Somo months nm Mr Mrenmh, ac cording to statements mado here, becamo convinced that Mr. Pence, J. P. Tumulty, secretary to the President nnd tho Pres ident himself wero Involved In a move ment to retlro hlm from tho chairman ship. Slnco that lime his attitude toward the President has changed, and It wns said today that for this reason he gava no heed to tho wishes of tho President as to Mr. Pence. RESCUED CREW WILL LAND HERE TODAY Tho tug Wellington will land the rescued crew of tho foundered schooner Alary L. Crosby at this port lato today. Members of tho crow wero rescued Wednesday afternoon by the Government tug Patuxcnt, nnd transferred later to tho Wellington, of tho Cook Cummer Steamship Company. It ls believed tho Mary L. Crosby has gone to pieces off Hntteras. WILL COMPLETE HOSPITAL FUND THIS WEEK Members of the Campaign Commlttco for tho Sisters of Mercy Hospital at 53d street and Cedar avenue expect to reach tho desired $200,000 flguro by the end of tho week. A total of $2000 was added to tho fund yesterday, of which $500 was a donation from tho J. G. Brill Car Building Company. GAMBLER GIVES POLICE INFORMATION FOR CRUSADE A prominent gambler, whoso identity pollco olllclals will not disclose, today gavo Director Porter, of tho Department of Public Safety, a completo list of all the gambling houses running ln this city. This ls tho first move in a now campaign to wipe out gambling from Philadelphia. Director Porter gave tho pollco captains and lieutenants addresses of all houses running within their precincts. With the list was a short notice that theso gnmbllng houses must bo closed up Immediately, and that tho captains and lieutenants will bo held personally responsible for any future Infringements of tho law. MAD DOG BITES THREE CHILDREN Search ls being mado today by tho police ln tho vicinity of 18th and Hamilton streets for tho mad dog which bit three children. The thrco chil dren bitten last night wero John Murray, 10 years old, of 1S03 Collowhlll street; Jnmea MacManlgan, 14 years old, of 2443 Meredith street, and Jean McCourt, 4 years old, of 400 North 19th street. All were treated In tho Gar retson Hospital. Each child was bitten In tho left leg. CONGRESSIONAL UNION AGAIN ATTACKED BY SUFFRAGISTS Bitterness of Yesterday's Session Moro Pronounced Today. CHICAGO. June S War on tho Con gressional Union began afresh today at the conference of tho National American Woman's .SufCrago Association. Tho bitterness of yesterday's session was moro pronounced today. Tho trouMo c.imo Just after Alice Stone Blackwell, of -I'.oston. had mndo a long speech, Intended to put an end to tho attacks on the union. While Miss Illack wcll was tnlking. Mrs. Metllll McCormluk, of Chicago, and several other delegates were holding a conference wltn Mis. Hmlly Newell Illalr, of Missouri. Tho ic su't was .1 resolution prohibiting tno of ficers from being ofilclally connected with tho union or from publicly working tor It. Both sides aro lined up for a finish fight on tho issue wnen tho resolution comes up for action. Former Premier of Australia Inspects Big Building. J. C. Watson, former Premier of Aus tralia, reached Philadelphia today and spent several hours Inspecting tho Curtis Building nnd tho mechanical equipment, aB part of a tour of observation In tho United Stntcs, preparatory to founding newspapers In Sydney and other Aus tralian cities on his return. Mr. Watson Inspected a newspaper plant In New York, and after leaving Philadelphia will go to Montreal, Chicago ntul Vancouver, from which city he will sail for Australia. Mr. Watson said tho European wnr had not Injured business In Australia nor disturbed tho country beyond causing uncertainty as to tho fu turo ln tho minds of business men. CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S DEAD Bakers' Treasurer to Try to Live Down Suicide Report. A rumor thnt he had committed sul clclo todav pursued W. A. King, of Wilkes- Harre, Pa., treasurer of tlw Pennsylvania Association of Master Halters, which Is In convention at tho Continental Hotel. Mr. King, who Is president of W. A. King & Co., bakers, was surprised when ho was called on tho long dlstnnco tele phono nnd asked by his son, D. J. King. If he wns dead It was rumored In Wllkes-llurro that he hnd ended his llfo Other queries camo In all day. "I am not only nllve, but very much so." said Mr. King. "I ennnot Imagine how the report wns started." Fellow members at the convention hu morously pinched Mr King's arms as If to satisfy themselves that It was renllj- nn una noi nis spirit. ;0RD CANNOT INCORPORATE ; l0" $100,000,000 IN MICHIGAN Aut0 Makf Must Seek Another State UlkoJ0 Increase Capital. 'State n ' Mlch" June 8- - Th8 Ford ImT ComPany. of Detroit, will have to 'ni l '" Bon,e other sta,e whe ll ViJY contemPlated Increase In capital , WrdJJIl.000'000 to "00.000.000. !!..:": E. to an announcement of f;U i iE,,,? 6ta, Vaughn today, there its.. WUtOrv llmifntlnn tosVttluvi fMraunfn,,hiat.?ny corporation can In Th.M,.for,n 'hi State. tiury".81 nake tho Michigan Waied V'000'? richer, because of tho r-.ea fee that h enmnnn., a rasar wv ?o do, GIRLS ESCAPE FROM HOSPITAL; ARE RETURNED Tho three girls under detention at the Philadelphia General Hospital who walked out of tho institution last night wero captured early today. Attention of a patrolman was attracted at 15th and Balnbrldge streets by the threo girls clnd In tho checked gingham gowns of tho hospital. He sent them back to tho Institution. They are: Agnes Brown, 10 years old; Nettle Dean, 19, and Laura Baker, 20. BOY HERO RESCUES PLAYMATE Nine-year-old Jdhn Mullaney, of 532 North New Market street, calmly dived Into tho river after his 7-yenr-old playmate, Hellck Sallnsky, of 60S North Front street, whea the latter lost his balance nnd fell over the concrete abutment at Noble street. He caught tho younger lad by the hair and towed him to a ladder. Pedestrians pulled the hoys to saieiy. RAILROADS CUT RATES TO ATLANTIC CITY Competition between tho Philadelphia and Reading Railway and tho P.nnvlvanin. lines to Atlantic City has been ended, as tho result of a reduc tion by the Pennsylvania in tho price of tho lBO-trip tickets to tho Now Jersey coast. Formerly these cost $75 from this city. Tho new prlea Is $62.60. Tho reduction was made by the Pennsylvania at the solicitation of tho South Jersey Commuters' Association. 3000 ITALIAN RESERVISTS TO SAIL Three thousand Italian reservists will sail for Italy next Monday on the Italian Uner Ancona, now at New York. Somo of the men aro from this city, but a majority were recruited In various parts of the country. Local Italians who planned a patriotic demonstration of farewell to them havo abandoned it at the suggestion that it might cause trouble with tho United States Government. Ml, ' i I One-Cent Caif Line Starts Well IND Jur that -e CLEVELAND Juno s.-tnaicauon today were thatTSL -ent car imo wm tho only one in ov -n in tne u re states, will prove aj tng proposition. Three cars are operate. Tho faro Is i cent, If tho passenger Hk the change: otherwise ho must pay 5 ceins or a 3-cent car ticket. Sunday the line's receipts wero $57. and $00 was collected yesterday. Just What You Want for comfort, style, long icrvice and iatU faction. 4 Madras Shirts $1 A To Your Order 1U Made of Anderson's Clenulno Imported Scotch Maitraa. The latest patterns. Cost 114 elsewhtre. Phone Walnut 40-1 J. COULTER, 710 Chestnut St. Cleaninir of Oriental Rugs ny Orientals. You are assured that the moat scientific care and at tention la given to pre serve the llfo and lustro or your rug, aa well as tne natural beautv nnd of th. i &JEWKS or mis IfeltL.0CU8t 8 Hmate Free JjyN ELIAS A Steady Decrease in the Lumber Resources of This Country has caused more or less anxiety among lumber merchants and government officials, A great supply of high-grade timber at our disposal and a comprehensive organization make us feel confident that notwithstanding the grow ing scarcity of lumber we can offer our cus tomers, not only now, but for many years to come, a service satisfactory in every way. William Whitmer & Sons, Inc. Established 1S Manufacturers of and wholesale dealers in lumber, Franklin Bank Building, Philadelphia, Pa. . . i n ii .,.11 l.ll '!' - " "II .'i'Mif'ft'iMW Centemeri Gloves Silk Styles for Summer Include black and white contrasts, sand, putty, navy, tans and greys. Every glove "Centemeri" quality and double tipt. Good Qunlltr llcltrr Ilmt Wrist length 50 .75 1.00 Elbow length 1.00 1.25 1.50 Lace arms, the ideal summer pflovo 1.75 Embroidered arms, "Centemeri" patterns 2.00 "Fielder," military stylo 1.50 "West Point," full military (new) 1.75 KVEllV (II.OVK dhtlnetlTe and free from that "sale merchandise" appearance 1223 Chestnut Street The only delusive clove shop In FhlladelphU '. iiiu; ii : i i niiL.'.i', i vimm wmwm lii ft, 'i mm An Unusual Sale of Imported Gowns tomorrow $100 to $275 $ Zfk values (for one day only) at sW This is an exceptional offer for those who want and appreciate a Parisian creation. These gowns for both afternoon and evening wear are truly exquisite. They personify the witchery of French art in dress. jMtjm 1310 Chestnut St. Si&v ,ssr,.r?s: , vnn. -s.v,sN-s-.-s2iii mmM, Hardwood Floors That Last a Lifetime In many of Philadelphia;., well-appointed nes, clubs and offices you'll find Plnkertoa horn Best Quartered Border, Sto per noora laid years ao. All are still in """' condition aeapue "" v .--.--Finest hardwoods, moisture-proof paper, ex pert workmanthip and lutlntT finish make Plnkerton floora by far the moat economical. Talk over your floor with PINKERTON 3S YEAT13 IW THE FI.OOR BUSINESS Phone Diamond 415 Oak tk walnut ,,. m-. -V.I. C It, JUJ7 "W IUIA w. THROWS SON FROM WINDOW Father Hurls 7-Ycar-Old Boy, Say ing Sacrifico Is Needed. A man who threw his 7-year-old son from tho second-story window of his home ln n religious frciuy was sent to tho Philadelphia Hospital today. Dr. Frnnk U. Hancock, pollco surgeon of the 61st nnd Thompson streets stntlon, believes tho man Is demented. Ho Is Michael McAvony, of 6(21 Sharswood street. Sunday morning McAvony shouted that the Lord demnnded a sacrifico of hlm and that ho Intended to kill his family. .Mrs. McAvony got two younger children nnd fled with them to thn house of n neigh bor. Sho was returning for another son, John, when tho father throw tho lad to the Btdewalk and Jumped after him. Tho boy Ir now nt the West Philadel phia Homeopathic Hospital with a broken leg and other Injuries. Ho will recover. McAvony was not bndly hurt ln his Jump. $200,000 CITY BIDS OPENED Supplies for Three Months Include Food, Cement nnd Motorcycles. Bids for furnishing JIOO.OOi) worth of supplies to tho municipal departments wero opened today by Assistant Director A. H. Murphy, of the Department of Sup plies. Included among tho estimated pur chases were: (rnccrtcs, ?"i0,)00, meats $M.iyO; flour. $10,000, and other materia! for tho hospitals. House of Correction nnd other city institutions for the coming threo montns, paving mntcrlnls, sand and cement for the Bureau of Highways and water, ftJ.SOO; dry goods for the Bureaus of f harltles and Correction. 15000; motor cycles for tho lluiwiiii of Highways and Pollie. JTfOO, signal boxes nnd equipment for the Electrical Uure.iu, J7iW. Heigh-o! io the good picnic in the mossy Let's hie us out to a nice cool spot amid the sighing trees. But before starting, let's hie us to Martin dale's. There we'll get the "makings" for the most appetizing sand wiches sliced meats, cooked meats, cheeses, olive butter, apple but- ' ter and delicious spreads of all kinds. Then of course, olives, pickles, relishes and condiments. Cake and candy, too, with some good soft drinks, such as Cloverdale Ginger Ale and Viv Grape Juice and there we are. Yes, it's going to be a great picnic. For sandwiches Sliced Boiled nam, our own brand, -15c lb. Sliced Boiled Tongue. 60c lb. Sliced Boiled Com Beef, 40c lb. Dried Beef, extra quality, 48c lb. Ham or Beef Bologna, 21c lb. Summer Bologna, 18c lb. Meat Loaf or Lunch Roll, 32c lb. Swiss Cheese, 40c lb. Roquefort Cheese, GOc lb. Camemberf, 30c box 65 varieties of choice cheeses. Viv Bread, baked on the bare bricks, 5c the big-big loaf. Old Fashioned Apple Butter, 35c a large crock Peanut Butter, 20c lb. Olive Butter, 10c a jar Crackers and Biscuits from 5c a pkg. up Pickles and Condiments Large Queen Olives or Stuffed Olives, loose, 50c qU; in jars, 55c qt.; 30c pt. Large Dill Pickles, 18c dox. Sour Pickles, 15c doz. Stuffed Mangoes, 50c doz. Sweet Gherkins, 30c pt.; 55c qt. Sweet Pickles, 30c pt.; 55c qt. Chow-Chow, 45c qt.; 25c pt. Mustard, 5c, 10c, 15c, 22c jar Soft Drinks Cloverdale Ginger Ale, delici ous and contains no capsicum, $1 doz. Viv Grape Juice, our own pure delicious grape juice, 26c and 45c bottle Sagertown Ginger Ale, $1,75 dozen quart bottles Schwepp's Sarsaparilla, $1.50 dozen bottles Hires' Root Beer, $1.10 doz. bottles Thos. Martindale & Co. J Oth & Market KsUUlslMd la Ue BU 1'booM Mlbt MT, fUUrt Mil Kejttoae Bace SfM, Bace Ml MOTORS A TREAT FOR 2000 HAPPY ORPHANS Willow Grove Picnic, With' Bounty of Wealthy Friends, Makes Children Happy. th! "5 1 1ny.of 8Unhlne for more B?.??n, "?m lntuons In all rnfiV lh,',cl ? who wer 'en tor an cu Ing which they will Icng remember. 1. 1 .. '"Wn"8 Possible was crowded into tho hours they spent at Willow QroVo ?,?.r ';" annual outing, conducted under the auspices of tho Quaker City Motor Club. About 300 cars were at command of tho !.,. f.FUMU'' wh0 Wfr6 Gathered In happy, laugnlng srrourn nnd u,M.t,i ,.,.' Pleasure spot to the accompaniment of cheers and song. In addition to cars loaned by a large number of business men and residents. 103 autos wero given for tho occasion by Jitney owners, who drove their cars to help tho big party On reaching the park the children wero provided with a big lunch nnd later with a dinner. All the amusements wero theirs as soon ns they ontered tho grounds. v hen tho fun was over they rode hom In autos, too, Just like, tho rich men and women whom they often seo passing th .....,., , 1Ilclr nomes. VETERANS OF 1898 ELECT Phlladclphians Chosen Junior Vico Commander nnd Chaplain. JOHNSTOWN. Pa., Juno S.-,Wlillam P. Messenger, of Harrlsburg, was today vuiiiinanuer or tno Pennsylvania department. United Spanish War Vet erans, in session here Other officers elected were: Sf."lor vice commander. J. K. Blake, Vllkcs-Iiarte; Junior vice commander. J niter Q. Keen. Philadelphia; marshal, 1-rnnk H. French. Pittsburgh; depart ment Inspector, Thomas N. Stalford, Athens, who la also editor of Tho Hiker, the official organ of the U. S. W V.; ?)?1iP,'!ln,,1,no Ilov' sPcnce'- Carpenter, Philadelphia Tho next department encampment will be held at Poltsvlllo In June. 1516. The Vogue of the Perry Link-button Sack Coat T, The young fellow with the athletic stride has set the stamp of his approval on it. CT, It has appealed to his liking for freedom of movement linked with trimness and neatness of dress. CT, Its snug waist and gently touching front edges suggest the atmo sphere of the dancing floor. And withal, it is a Sum mer Coat of absolute com fort and ease due to its Perry lines and Perry tailoring. S15, $18, $20 the Suit Perry&Co. "N. B. T." 16th & Chestnut Sts. jS5SESEEi fr PURE FRESH PAINT B elf eve Me iWkyy " ' The season's ripe to think about your mountain bungalow or shore cot tage. Let Kuehnle make the place twice as welcome with a beautiful color scheme. Kuehmi'0 Painting and Decorating Oet Our Sllmal rWtt Both Phones. 28 S. 16th St FOR THE BRIDE Attractive gift in Sterling Silvtr at a price range of $1.50 to $25.00 SMITH WSr SINCE 1837 Cool Clothes for nun correctly ls.Uor4 from tropU si wsKhl worsted. open-weave Cue.dla hotuMDitas. light welcet rill aa4 moksJrs All eaten plain, plains. SUtfrtO and efeecks. JONES 1116 Walnut Custom VaHMlBtc OsJj- II mm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers