stss s IssIpISjR! HB EVENING LEBQEB-PHIEAnT.-PTTTA TTTE 8DAY, JUNE 8, 1015. iSSiHKmNTS WERSMALLiilNll? j T 'ft tQ "J8 P i ,FF" tOCIiS CLOSED WEAK; t SELLING PRESSURE BIG iff' lvorable Crop Report Had No (iEftect on Market in Late jftAding. jjffW YORK, Jun .-" "J wu- "-. Died. wmeH "' a Men recui" " I "'" . .... .Atl. rn the, tn.l. fa dominated -." -- .ii,A throughout the morning nes- rnoo?. wh" tho copper sharcs wcre eLVtn importance, reflecting the high- L .i.4 of MO meini ncia uiiu hi jjun- fioiocaZesJ Adam, E,pM...l."- '" W. cie,. ffi U ,M quotation having ncen advanced Si- nta for clectrotyple copper In .,kiti with predlotlona that tho m Bim .An iro to 20 cents. As was MIC " ..; -i.tordav. the standard sharcs '3 m L rite ted and wero under pressure uMfj ifaVgrte; They fluctuated within $i SVr&nge, however. Advances In ft. smcUH el ranged irom i iu iu prams, .Pl(r M already stated, being regis- LI S f w Bethlehem. Part of this gain Ii PMMakliig put In Its appearance after I ulifit hour Qho sonio or. utoeanf kuius I'.ii eUCoed'orf. but at that, prices, for rSsUit Mtt. remained nt n lovol above 6 i!fdy'3 close. 1$ the ; Wh point of 165, Bethlehem i4r.l m 6- points abovo Its previous IIKk mark of lis. which was reached on IffiJ 1 The low Point this year was M !ult of reports of negotiations- for Shy 'Bethlehem and of further law if., Mm. Further rumors had It that ffiin the thlpments were acquired a timber of merchant ships would be tjSut for service, under American reg- rollowlng a reported denial by Prcsl 'iaX Charlea M. Schwab that his com W U negotiating for control of the Simp Shipbuilding Company, und tho kLM M a telegram by tho repartment- !il'iWotlte 'rom th0 Unltcd States At ,lim dn at Lot Angeles reporting a favor- 'iM' decision foe tno uovornrr.cni in six islti broujjht against tho Southorn Pa ma in cancel patents for lands Issued to 'jw company, tho market declined sharply la. tilt late afternoon session. Southern FlClflC MOCK uroppeu u. uu iiumi, iviiuo B44lnr fctl nearly 4 points. General Electric lost 3 points, and other stocks illfl llUltainta losses irom uio iiibh oi ino tit, tn4 1nany went below ycstcrday'B it t!m on the decline tho selling pres Uitl w'B lafge- out BtocKs appeared to UMI Uwell taken, wun tno uig interests ino :.i9u m- burs. tho marKct ciosea wean. .Kl.I if W1 m. i.AakU nnitApnniAnl nrrtn yunnft Uj ..t 4;i ... i r Alttn-M wTlll " H AIIIs-ChslmMfof.... 5','' W Ama camatcd Copper., nu ru Am ARr chemical..... 5 W If Am Beet SuM, 47 5L AmArakes&Fpftr..l?,?M!H Anr;i . .42 Am Car & Foundry....! mu Am cotton on..: ,:..;:; 5gn Am llUlo and Leather... 054 Am Hide I, pf J," AmLlnseed ,, Am Unseed pf .' 30,7 All Small t .,' 2?.' 101 61 47 0f 33 10( 20M 89 3fi 17!f 62 73!i 6.1 47H 140 40H 80 35'f 18k 62 73f 63 4714 149 405, 100M 100H 61 47 05, 32 11 20H 6-1 47 OH 32 11 205 Am Steel fVMinrtri.. n2! ' ?4W 6 S5&ES'as'l imiMi:. v SSKS":::--. 2i? ar'-saf Anaconda Conner. n -P? -?.H 8M Atchison TAB F ini AtchlsonT&SFpf....ioJ wr- .471 .! M u .M .!! 4JIV III j ! 10M 81 RU '11 36W asu .iru 100!f 100'f 100f nat.iwin r;;;.,r. - -1"!. '"' 101 101 i!a!&M ' S Si igJ llaltlmorn . nhu f JS 1 1"' ' natopllas Mining .'.' u Bethlehem Steel 155 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 89 Butte & Superior r:u California Potrnlnnm r ',?. '.'ICOH 161M ISO ChJK'rS 38! mt 3SH ChlnoCoppor '.'.' 471 Chlcaco Oreat West pt. 20H iumxv aju oi l'..,. onw Chicago Mil & St Ppf.. to,-, CCC&St 1, fo Chlcaco II I & p iqW Colorado Fuel & Iron.. . :nj ComstockTunnsl.... 14 SSSSSs?-. 120;, 120 Corn Products Itof 141 u v-uui'irouucu nor pr... 77U Cruclblo Steel 30i 1M 10.-1 89!f 70H 10H 37 40 47?, 30 01 GDIS 1W 167 80!i 77,'i 16W 35H 40 40H 29 H 00 ( G9?j Hi 16Di 89if 77'f 1S 30! i 150H 38U 40 40W 29! i 005 CRAMP SHIPBUILDING CENTRE OF ACTIVITY Story That Bethlehem Might Lease Plant Sent Stock Sky wardReacted Later. I New j 'fork Bond Sales 124Jf I21i 124!i 32 32 19!f. 18Ji 31 16 'V Fivi; n rTJ?i "lmu. DT; batl 'Oil uni' uoti vtll "HI m i tot tnafc. , til TMifavoVable Government crop report, feilutln a yield of 950,000,000 bushels, trilMt EJl.OCO.OOO bushels last year, did iuttttm the telling tide. 'Onmleht news was regarded as favor- b!, especially that from Jlexlco, wlioro 'wniltiont are reported to bo In a fair nr for settlement.. The' Amerlcan-Ger-fwn situation Is still a market factor of ai Utile, moment, and tho Street awaited 'tfifs from tho weekly meotlnir of the ,Cblnet In Washington. No now light jtii wrown on me siiuaiion as tno ro nlt of the meeting. Tho Cabinet agreed (a' the note whh Is to bo sent to Ger reinj, but the contents wero not dlvuls 'li The' Street still felt thnt it will be iticnj, but there was no speculation as lojU wording. I W tonnage statement of tho Steel Cor fforstlon, which Is due on Thursday, Is ,ppttd to show a good Increase and tho wruriy earnings win no more, than &M),W0, reports have It. B3)i 71 2UJ4 2m 41 19H 45 100?i 03Jf 05 101 22 72J5 32 39H 255J 40)' 102 H DISSOLVE DISTILfERS DEAL -"Stenritiea Corporation Will Soil Al cohol Majority Stock. c SEW TORK. Juna 8. It became known hm morning that negotiations aro pond M irhereby tho Distillers' Securities wrpomlon will dispose of either the Jjbicipal part or tho entire block of 0,5 thtrtS Of UnitH Rtnl TrirlttClnl 'v'0.1 Company common stock which It ,iiaj m us treasury, ;Jt f'i)?r party to the sale comprises cttreiU which now own tho bulk of the ;Jon!y Alcohol common stock and the M Of the 16.000.000 Alnnhnl rnmnor... tnferrea stock. The transaction, if th raurt holdings are sold, win invniv. ih. JWMnt to the Distillers Securities Com ItW of somewhat under $3,000,000. NEW YORK CURB I BANK nrRAmvrjo I ffinS?B, '??va0y BW4 with corr.. wlork :s5?XK'2S .rJ-622.8" S5,Mi2,n - ".,, i",o(j,iTiij Srt4n gttji-Ao'erjciin Tobacco " oid '. '. w.c.n.M ;:; ijasyviraiii::::::: S&gmtM'".','.:'.:::; SMI(Mmn . . ' S PrSucU ' jciil?8iSr::: sSU 1? sto" prr :::: Did . in .. m .. 31 H ,.100 :: :;.P .. I!.', ..ion .. 3 .. 4 .. 2H Asked 74 Mil 3V" 170H il If .?.7'4 67" 100 115 !$ 2 Crucible Steel nref. Cuban-Am Sugar Distillers' Socurllles. . Erie , Erie 1st nf Federal Mln& Sm... Federal Mln A Sm pf. General Chemical pf.. General Electric General Motors General Motors pf.... Goodrich BF Co Groat Northern pf... Gt Ncfsfororo prop. OuscenhelmExpln... IntHarvCorp IntHarvNJ Inter-Mot vot t c Inter-Mot pf Inspiration Copper... Int Paper pf Kansas City Southorn. Lack Steel Lacledo Oas Lchleh Valley Louis &NashvilIo. ... .Manhattan Elevated . . 129 .Maxwell Motore 40W 47 Max Motors 1st nrcf.. RSI so Max Motors 2d pref. . 38H 39 May Dcpt Stores 42 41 MStP&SSMpref.. 125 123 Mexican rolroleum.... 75Jf 775f Mo Kan & Texas 1M H Mo Kan & Tox pref. . . 30 30)i Miami Copper 20Ji 2fllf Missouri Taclflc UH 12) Montana Power 62 60M Natl Enamel &S 10 10 National Lead oijj 00)5 New York Air Brake- .88 88 . Nevada Con Copper.. 16 1GK NY.NH&H 0-1H 65 New York Central.... 87H 87!i North American 74H 73H Northern Pacific 105H 108 Ontario Silver M 3H 4 Pacific Mall 24Ji 25Ji Pacific Tel & Tel 31 32 Pennltlt 1005i 107 Pittsburgh Coal 22H 22Jf Pressed Steel Car 47H 48Ji Pullman Co 160 156 Ry Steel Spring 31H 32 Hay Con Coppor 24M 2 1 ',i 30 10 120 97 11! 78 30lf 89!f 71 22M 203 iUi 20 40 110 16.5 15K 78 31f 80!i 71 H 2311 26J 41M 24!( 60 110 100VS 108 155 155H 150 lOOJi lOOJi 100 40 47Jf 118M 119 34(f 34i 01H 02H 104 22)J 73 32) 38 25M 46)f 102 143JJ 143)f 143 117 117) 117 128!i 128)f 40!i 32 18' 30) 14 120 07 14!,' 78 30)i 89!f 71 22H 20", 41M 23 49!i 110 105)i 150 100 40f 118H 118H iM 345 i ma 03M 02H am 103H 101 J.4 iiYl 72H 72H 31H 38 25)( 40 102 45 87H 38) 40; 123 75Ji 11 30J 20 ID' 60Jf 10 0-Ui 88 15J( MH 87)i 73W 31H 38 25H 40)f 102 143)i 117H 1285( 40 88 30 40JJ 123 70 11 30)( .26 11H 50)f 10 05M 88 15J 04M 87H 73)4 105H 105!f 3) 4 24Ji 25 32 32 100)i 107 22 22 465f 40)i 166 160 31Jf 31)i 24K 24 Readme 144H 145 143 143Ji Tho sensational gyrations of Cramps' Shipbuilding shares overshadowed all elso on tho Philadelphia Stock Exchftngo to day. Tho Initial Jump came In response to the story that the Bethtehcm Steel Company was negotiating for a lease of some of tho company's plant, which was confirmed In part by Cramp olUcials. but denied by Charles M. Schwab. New lork and Boston houses were tho chief buyers of tho Btock of lato and also today, and the Inference was that tho united Fruit and Atlantic Gulf and West Indies Steamship Companies might bo in volved In tho deal. As to tho terms of tho lease, If It is ar ranged, one man's guess In as good as another's. Thoso who buy Cramp shares now are merely gambling on what is to turn up. Tho price Is at the blithest nnlnf slnco some years before tho Drexels took over tho company from tho old Cramp management, but earnings are understood to be running abovo 10 per cent, on tho stock, tho par value of which is $100, so that there Is ample room for further im provement If dividends are to bo re stored. At one time it paid ns high na IS per cent, per annum. The stock used ti sell around and above TO. Today It opened at 49, against 46H, last night's close, nnd rushed up by half-point leaps to above 54 before prodt-taklng sales checked tho rise. Meantlmo llothlehem Steel was bounding upward in Wall Street. A published denial by Charles M. bcnwiit) that any negotiations wero in progress between Bethlehem nnd Crnnlps was followed by n quick reaction In tho latter stock In tho afternoon, tho price falling back nearly Ovo points from the morning high level. Ono Interesting de velopment was tho withdrawal of a block of 6000 shares, which had been listed to be sold at public auction tomorrow. Another Btrong nnd ' o feature was Lnko Superior, which ri, s nbovc 9 after opening at S. Tho Incomes Jumped 2'A points. Unltcd States Steel and other usual leaders did very little. Kcystono Telephone made no response to tho May report of earnlngB, which showed a gain of $2713 In gross and 12381 In net. The surplus waa (32,375, nn Increase of 167f. For tho five months tho surplus was $148,991, an Increase of $2390 over tho corresponding period last year. The vetoing of tho bill Introduced nt Harrlsburg to enable Btrcet railway com panies to operate Jitney services If they so desired failed to affect tho local trac tion securities. In fact Union Traction scored a slight fractional advance, and Philadelphia Traction rose a point on an odd lot purchase. There was a drop of 11 dollar in York Railways, while Philadel phia Company cumulative preferred rose a similar amount. Pennsylvania Salt cased off after announcement was mado that note Issuo was to bo sold to fund certain debts. Tho stock transfer tax bill became a law In this State today with the affixing of tho Governor's signnturo to the Wil son House bill Imposing a tax of two cents on each $100 face value on all stock transfers. Whether this will have a re strictive effect upon tho volume of bus iness on tho locnl exchange remains to bo seen. When markets aro active with wide fluctuations, as for Instnnce occurred hero today, traders care little about tho additional charge, but In dull times they are more apt to count their pennies. A transfer tax has been In force In New York for some time and docs not appear to havo materially checked the volume of sales. J000 Am Aer H ''.''k-. I'ow- C'oe. Soon Jih cv , 1Mb. . . . ofci o4 t g oTu4n 'c:;;;' F ' ' f .100 llrook tin pi iJ-"".. Wo loo I$c?'ltii ": SI S'H m .suwi CM ft a,,, 1 : S? i's us 50oochi n&1 XJ'iy IL. ... 7t 3ShNViff;till!a x as aa 4 li?. ?:.& s is rtntvi ii.. ;"-.? cp o. 10214 iou 1, ..yvv VIII ill ft Nt P .. tl .-- - HBHffiESa -.Y"" i'' 'uua etv i nn. wtv Den A ni ST .'"" SI" M Kl 110 Ii2l 07 (3 110 loon tw JT AV" .1" 74 Iffl &5&SEi:::: B 1000 Erie cow JsVrA"' m7' ss .c, S'!4 i'4M lift 7"5 Z& nOf B!2T i! 30OO Hud .linn tid 8a nt, 21559 ins cv ra ad naSta'Sii J!u juwu intrb Met 4U " iiu lioon lj.ia- S" "J. "i JS'orS,.S,aH. 10(KV) IJr A M T . K.XIO Lie g. M T T ' BOOJJl-orlltaM s ".; 1000 Illlla .ft. V..U i SSS i.'8"!. I ;...:::: 15 n,NX VS""J..K " i? f oJSC: ; '.' "n t -.vyv ,u o i-ac (HPJ 11)50. 101 .loo .12.1U "OH 1211 08 7 Hi IH)i loti S7J: ii & v e. .iois 'l.M IIWK1 V V n-.i -.-'' ?" '"' sSnS ?2'i..Wer cr "Mi:iwn Bonn p.rint, Jr., f " " ?.i litrwi nAHM. .... .1'''. X.X J.T'J"" f!. '! 'V i enntl 4tB unit rf.l 4m la rtA .-.- 1n'v i.nTJz'. i'ml rowrr r.s ,'" C A II .IHs .UiWO dn ! ret ...... NXJO dn II4 ...' m ,v v oi,, JNHHI N V V It r. , . I-ono N Y nm n,U ... 05 m G8 an 102 73 lam 79li K7H ."t 100 83W 1'Oji .MH 10-) lil 04 121 H m Si 414 SSI, Wtl 7IH1 ire; R7ii ii; snil l'-4 in so Oil 72000 JVmia (ten 4Wi ct osl; 1SJ '- l :?m h 4 Sr H. 0i ino mo IlHl lllu Si, KH HI ..124 n2T 12W0 "ayCon Copper 0s ;;"'v i.ttuiiiK Ken 4JI i,""p toy 1000 Illn 1P0O Hoi'lt iimihu uncK in nnil rfd 4.. m ,V!' nt" Ielan.l l ....... S iuiii uy Hti spg r,R -21 it4 2000 Sonbd A Ij mil Bs.... OS ,.".' "oiiiii rno col 4 2i! no rv 4 sii .... u,i ip og 111,(4. lini. OH (II OS 80 lUI 13W, 01 101 SI Ml1 loo 1SII1 li 121 K 03 s ?,47W 4 Pi SSI, mi-i, 7111 102' muni ill WU4 l loan so 119 1(104 100 ltKIH IIS IIIMi 1221? 1)24 PRODUCTION OF 950,000,000 BUSHELS Government's Estimate of Country's Yield Is Far Above Last Year's. Financial Briefs IIMi I A B .1 112IZ njtj "t. O A W clt 4. . 70i 7014 70(2 : land rfd 4... 05 4i itV 15S llirKD) 20.-.00 mno ,io rfd 4 ..noo do Term uj tpoj. Po,.ll, nwy Kcn 4 1000 do con .tit noort Tas Company ri. jnop Third Ave ndj 5s. lJOO To I'oo A W 4a.. 1000 v a jifoity r,3 ... .I2!)0.U s nubher On . 120(10 u R Steel As WOO do reir r.s lono Union 1'ac 1st 4s. 21000 Vn Uwys s F Is. iiii;u vn J . 7IIH . (1.-1,4 . wit, . fin'4 . " 47V5 . ,1 .10114 10.1 .1024 1021 .111214 1 . o.-. 43 43 Itt OR' MM 05 Kit K2VJ nnif 0014 M.-i MliV OR'4 12w lh 7n( o: imiA 021'. re 14 '.'iJH nn, on ',4 77 ln,T 102U 102(5 OMi I I WASHINGTON, Juno 8,-Tho Crop He. porting Hoard, Department of Agricul ture today estimated tho condition of winter wheat on Juno 1 was 86.8 per cent, against 02.9 on fttny 1 lost and ,7 on Juno 1, 1HH. Tho estimated yield per acre was 1G.8 bushel, against 18 last year, which on an acreage of 40.169.000 would make a total production of 676,000,000 bushels; Inst year, 6S6.O00.C00. Tho spring wheat aereago was 103.8 per cent, of last year, or 19,248,000 acres; con dition Juno 1, 91.9; last year, 96.6; yield per acre, 11.1 bushels; laBt year, 11.8 bush- els; total production, 247,000,000 bushels! last year, 106,000,000 bushels. All wheat Acreage. Ill tier cent, nf lnal year, or .9,417,000 acres; condition June 1. E8.2: last year. 93.7. Yield per acre, 16 bushels; Inst yonr, 16.6 bushols. Total pro duction, D.W.00O.OOC bushels; last year, 191,. COO.000 bushels. Price Juno 1, 11.3114: last year, 84.4 rents. Oats Acreage 101.6 per cent, of last year or 40.193,000 acres; condition June I. 92.2: last year, S9.6. Yield per acre, 32.4 bushels; last year. 29.7. Tnini n,iii.. 1,288.000.000 bushels; Inst yonr, 1,141,000,000 bushels. Price. Juno 1, 61.3 cents; last' year, 40 cents. Unrley-Acrengc, 97.7 per cent, of Inst year, or 7,393,000 acres; condition, June 1, 94.6; Inst year, 93.5. Yield per acre, 26.6 ."""""i nst car, .s bushels; total pro- s.Vcii?JL i"'000'00" uushels: laBt year, 195.OCO.000. Prico Juno 1, 62 cents; last year, 49.1. ,r'yo-c,.nmion9 Juno 1. 92; Inst year, 93.0; yield per ncre, 16.8 bushels; Inst rear' ,i6. '""hels. Total blank. Last cnr. 43.000,000 bushels. Price Juno 1. 9S.1 cents; last year, 61.4 cents. Sales in Philadelphia Yesterday's HlRh close. . . Illl ..10114 ..101 (14 5 .. 4S u & u 1st os nr.i! ran mii 2000 vn rtwy ns ni"i rmi mi: MICO Wabash 4s 22?? 2:n ?n(J 4omi do 1st Us 1001J iovi lorn! noon Wnli-1 Ter 1st ct 4s 41 4 4V (All) West Kleclrln r.s ml ion inn" 1fVl ion 1100O West Md 1st 4s 117 T m ,',2000 West T! A M rv !is...l02H 101U lollt 1000 Weft Shoro reK 4s.... 80!4 Ktli X) Tolal sales. Sl,7n),000. compared with $1,720 . 000 yeslerdnv; thus far this week, J3,5S3,00O; last week. $1,31.1,000. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOI'AII STOCKS. H 10 5H 10K 88M RATES FOR MONEY Call. im Time. 3Mh raj Bill. tori ! "' JtaiaA ., -"... ..i mtS'fLMbi. . --& - " rOIlElfiv uYoiiivoTi Sift" ittadv8-?. ?ln .exehint. liii lay. with demand sterling Cil.',. ftSai". .."VVs?.6 f," Marka- ....Mr.v rm saT, Mres. a.01 o.Olh Itep Iron & Steel 29M Hep Iron & Steel pref. SO Hock Island Co pref. . . Ilumely, M, Co pref. . Seaboard Air Line pf . . Bt Louis & S K 2d prof St Louis Southwestern Southern Pacific So Railway Iflj So Railway pref 62K sioss-Stiers&I Co... 3-Uf Standard Milliner 52U Standard Milling pref. 607 Btudebaiccr Co Studebaker Co prof. . . Tennessee Copper . . . Third Avenue Twin City R T Union Ilae & Paper. . Union Pacific Union Pacific war. . . U Bind Alcohol USInd Alcohol pref. UBOIP& F US Rubber U S Rubber 1st pref. . U SStecl 60( 60 UB Steel pref 110 110 Utah Copper 60H Va-CarCSem 30H 0M sew M 10tf 34 5H 10 SO 10H 60 3.1 emt M 75J 90i 100 35 30Ji 06 00 6H a 127H 128 28W 20 45 47H OHi 04 UHlUli ma 07 28H so H 10)f 34U 10 87 16 50 33 52U 00 74 00Jf 100 34 J i 36 B2)i 62Ji 00 00 0 0 120tf 128W 29 20 45 475 02 02 14)f UH 8Mf orni 28H SO H 10U 34!f 5H 16 87H 10 CO 33 53 OOJf 74U 107J 107M 107H 107H 68tf B8 lOOlt 110 68H 30H 6H ii M OUi 24 07 05H 8 1321f 131M 123 128 I02Jf 102K 102 102 8K U ii OSli 24U 07 Vulcan Detlnnlng Wabash Wabash pref Wells Fargo Exp-. Western Maryland. Western Union Tel Westing R&M OOJf Wheeling & L K 1st pi. U Willys Overland Willys Overland pref. Cents per snare. Total sales. 400,000 shares, compared with COS.70O shares yesterday; thus far this week, (iSO.fJOO shares; same period last week, 222,400 shares. 70 31 a H Oiii 24)( 071S 07Ji 8 68W 30H 8M H ii 04)f 24 07 95U 8 MAY COAL SHIPMENTS 483,592 TONS SMALLER Figure3 for Five Months Also Show a Decrease, Shipments of anthracite coal in May were 463,632 tons smaller than tho same month of last year, tho total for last month being 6,281,653 tons, ngralnst 6,2X1,653 tons in May, 1914. For the live months ending May 31 shipments over eight rail roads were 26,279,202 tons, ns compared with 26,815,603 in the corresponding period of last year, a decrease of 636,401 tons. During May tho Lehigh Valley and tho Delaware and Hudson were the only roads to carry more conl, the shipments of the former being 1,273,106 tons, nn in crease of 23,888, and tho latter 677,108 tons, an Increase Of 13,460. The Philadelphia and Reading, which was the only rond to show a decrease In April, showed the largest decline In May, shipments being 239,693 tons below May of 1914. The shipments of eight railroads In May follow: 101s 1014 tons. tonn. Phlli, & Reading.. 002.0SI1 1,203,670 i.en urn vauey j,;,.i,iu'i j,iii'.-i Cent. n. n. N. 3. . 740.820 Del.. Lack. A W.. RSI. MS Del. & Hudson.... (177,108 Pennsylvania M8.272 Erie , 610,805 Ont. & West...... 101,810 Jim Butler MacN'amura Midway MUpnh Est Montann. North Star Tonopah Delmont .. Tqnopah Extension Tonopnh Merger ... Tonopah Mining ... Rescue Hula West End Wd. Asked. .Kl .03 .17 .-" .2S .IS 4 7-10 a l-ia .an . '',', .10 .02 COLDFIELD STOCKS. Atlanta 33 Blue' Bull V.l.A. .v.....,...: 01 Booth ...., 5,1 Ilulkloj o;i C O. D OS Combination Fraction 10 Dlamondf D. It....: 02 Daisy 0.", Ftorenco , ,, bo Ooldlleld Consolidated ' 1 7-16 noldfleld Merser 23 Jumho Extension l.ix) Kewanas .IS Oro 11 Hand Ken OS Silver Plik 11 14 2S14 111 n.1.. 1 Anaconda -'0 Am tins . ft-, Atchison . S0O nald Loco j;.; yam meol lid Kleo blor 4U5 pen Asphalt . . , 'J Ins Co N Am.. 1013.1 Uke Sup Corp is i-eh Vai ...'.;: 40 1.11 Vnl Tr... 20 do nref 10(1 Mo I'aclfle 2'- PennsvUnnla 111 Penna Salt Mfg- 00 - j-nua uo cum pr sw 47 Phlla niec...... :.11 100 Press Sll Car.. 47'-S 140 V It T t c 0 1 iiiiia irac .... , --!, ueaiiinff 10 Ho I'acinc i'lwi ronopah i.j Ton Mln 7Vi t, 4011 Union Trac .... 34 .14 i " .i v 1 342S V S Hteel.... 40 WelatMch Co . 10 War I & a 0312 Crump & Sons 2S York Itwy Tolal sales, 'ii.nno lO.Ti'O shares yesterday 43.701) shares. irac .... 7 K 72VJ Itic SUM h Del ... 4i4 i! .W tay, R24; "V MV 1AW. Clo-e. iiuji auji ,i(ii mi 10Hj 10HJ 101 KU mi ni'4 r..i;i siw 475 47 47 2S 27ti 27 21W 2i aiii n R n 73 72t 75V, jlU 71.! 71?! 2S7; 2N?J m; 12 12 12 M'll Blli MU CO SO 00 40 40 40 23Tt 21 2.1Ti 47 47!? 47( 0 0 II 73 75 75 72 7111 71i S75 H7 87 4 41., J I. i allj all, . M 82S rai-T, niw nru ns .is or, n4 ovj m, mm, w 50 The Now York banks lost null iw 4,. b,t.rsuFy yst"-la5'. and havo lost U.64I.O0O slnco Inst Friday. Charlton Yarnall, B. JJ. Smith and J. " McAllister are on an Inspection trip . u, uuubio nna susqueiiannn Railroad, road. KdWln K. Kohn 1lflll tlBnm maamU.J with tho firm of Hughea & Dler. nfli.S,,i W5Tn ftnd WJIIIam Marriott Stir5! '."Vv.e becn e,ected '"embers of tho Philadelphia Stock Kxchange. The Missouri 1'nclflc Itallwnv Tomnnnv nnnounces that of the fo-called tis.00i.000 stZ J??r.l wcre aclla'ly ""sued J14, TmV 9if.t.hei,e' ,althe clos0 of business, fe.n.1' t'ii'iS Hd bc!n deposited for x i'0"2,2,3?2'000 or s,Khly below 90 per cent. This leaves undcposlted 14,543,000. tho w,oi5Va2. Wfts clec,ed Preldent of lnS t n " cTPer Company, succeed- a vie." .',rUThBycr becomes a vice president with C. R Kelly. Mr t!'""; "' 'President of the Amalcamated of dissolution:"'' WWCM " "W ln C0UrM hiIhanM!l,va0ll?.co,al ,0"naRe of tho I,e was SJh, a""l' Hiillroftd In May May, 1914 c01"Pnrcd with 261.603 In nH0" '"u tp(,000 were rati 2,?' i" e . Chicago, tho -, ,..,.,,, ucicntcci Doing that for 1110 new Jail, amountli g to J2,tkW.00O. Officers Of thn Mnvu Vl. r,-.. ., ohnnse for 1916-16 have been elected as follows: President, Henry II. noyce; vice Srrr lV& . Owathmoy. Jr.; trcas? urer, James P. Maury. It Is ngurod thnt the ncnilnBtoii Arms WnrrUVi"l1equal nbout 6 Per cent, earned on Baldwin common stock. i,?,n,!?ni"cr',l001 t,hat the CrnmP Ship building Company has contracts to sup ply the Allies with $1,500,000 worth of optical instruments and another for $700, 000 of n "confidential nnture." The Columbus Railway, rower nnd I-ilght Company 1ms sold to 13. W. Clark & Co. $1,200,000 6 per cent, one-year notes which havo becn placed at 99VJ. C. D. Darncy & Lake Superior. Co. wcre buyers of nu 4vi shares, compared with tnus rar tnis week, .34 .OH .57 .04 .Oil .11 .04 .07 .55 1.62U .17 .12 .011 .12 MISCELLANEOUS. Kalry Azteo ... Klmberly Novada Hill ... Nevada Wonder , .02 .01 . .OS .07 , .20 .2.1 1.75 1.80 110NDH. Lost prev. sale. High, 1400 Am Oas & 13 Ss, 3(i HIV, i.-i n sen juav iu. .. OIS do May 11117.. 7'A 12S do Feb 1017.. 1(7 lnunn city 4s 1P.TO c. .. 1000 do 1012 c mm 2000 Kl A I Tr 4... 81 OOiio Instate Itwya Is. B8 K0 Key Tel 1st .'.. WW soon Like Pun Inc 4s. 2S unoo Pn r.n 4i.-, t n ns do con 4Hs t 1000 Phlla Elec 4s... 7I"4 lOflo P u & W 4s.... 07'5 "flOO Ttendlni? pen 1m nf?(U 10000 ItdB-J Cent 4s.. 0.1 Total talcs, yesterday. Low. Close. SSH S5',i i'.i ,'-.VA l.iji ,'OJt P7VS P7W MW o;h 07W viy, ion! ion, loiti, lOlli IOIU nut, 7Si 7S 764 57 57 57H niH wU ni'j so5 sow! ;kh, P8l 113 HSih lreiij loavi 10.H, 7I 711 711 07i l)7i 117?; (I2'J IC'i 112't 34 03J mill I50.2OS. compared with $44,019 Strength In Studebaker was accom panied by reports that the company had closed negotiations for additional war orders for harness nnd artillery wheels valued, It Is said, nt $7,000,000. The favorable trade balance of the United States for tho week ended Juno 5 was $17,196,220. Rradstreet's Rives vlslblo fjraln ns fol lows: Whent in the United States east of the Rockies decreased 1,224,000 bushels, west of tho Rockies increased 169,003 bushels, wheat ln Canada decreased 2,. 175.000 bushels, nil Amerlcn decrenscd 3,230,000 bushels, Europo nnd nlloat In creased 1,000,000 bushels, world's wheat decreased 2,230,000 bushels; corn, Ameri can, decreased 1,660,000 bushels; oats, American, decreased 1,166,000 bushels. Stockholders of the Detroit Edison Com pany, nt a special meeting today, author ized the execution of tho mortgage to secure $75,000,000 refunding 23-yenr bonds. Arrangements will shortly bo concluded for I he sale of J3.C00.O0O bonds lo the bankers. Later tho directors proposo to retire at or before maturity $10,000,000 De troit Edison bonds and $4,000,000 of Its subsidiary, the Eastern Michigan Edison Company. LONDON STOCK MARKET Local Bid and Asked .. 4 1,2111,21,8 782,881) 001,504 (1I13.U4S 570,8011 702.802 198,703 Dec. tons. 230,003 23.S8S 113,000 50.051 13,4(10 71.507 02,587 83,043 Total 6.797,001 6,281,533 483,502 Increase, The live months' tonnago follows: 101s 1014 Jan. 1 to May 81. Ions tons. 1'hlla. & Heading-. 4,500,800 B.OSii.M'.' I.ehlnh Valley Cent. . 11. N. J Del.. Lark A W. Del. & Hudson.., Pennsylvania ... Kris Ont. & West...,, Tolal .... Increase. 6.811.505 4.S20.(Ki:l 3,180,722 3,510,573 , M0, 200 3,(130.(138 3.105.M1S 2.734.027 2,523,20.1 2.748,430 8,053,001 3,251,852 85.1,631 040,533 Dec. tons. 623,072 4K2.WI2 35U.8.11 2n,371 3.11,27 1 22.1,172 107,831) S0.801 .26,270,202 28,815,603 536.401 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOItK. Juno 8. Closlns prices on the Cortes ExchanBo were 5 to 10 points higher today. Sales wero 43.750 bass. iouays -louay a xcg day opemnu. close. 7.0OB7.0.-, 7.10W7.11 7.03JJ7.20 7.t5'7.17 April Play ... June July .... August . September October November December January February March .. Uld. 0.80 ass n.toi 11.80 o.RS n.8( B.8OI.0a 0.067.00 ClOHO. 7.0381 7.1) I 7.f.NH7.()D S.RSffS.SS .1.73HA 78 (l.lllf(l.4 ll.Kliill.N3 (1.0230.03 (I8li(l3 (I.HiJtll.UI II.8I3H.NS 11.0360.05 0.848(1.83 ll.04$0.05 0.8lS(l.ll.k 0.04SA.03 U.S4gll.t'S 0.087.00 O.SIiSh.00 7.01 ao.ifln.03 7.03 0.0S37.OO PENNA. SALT NOTE ISSUE To Dispose of $1,500,000 Three Year 6s. The Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company has Issued $1,500,000 6 per cent, three-year notes, dated June 1, 1915, the proceeds to bo used for funding Indebted ness and extending the company's plants. Tho notes may Co retired any time after one year. The Issue will be placed through Charles H. Smith & Sons. Most of the notes will be taken by banks which holds the com pany's paper. . 0714 1 15-10 Paldwln do pref Hurt & Hunt t c do pref t c Cambria Steel Klcctrlo Storngo . . Oen Asphalt ao pret Keystone Telephone do t a do nref ljike Sun Coro .... 8 Lehlsh Nav 721 Lenigli valley 7i',s lrfhlgh Valley Tr 14 do pref 2SV4 Pennsyltanla 5311 ! Phlla Elec 23?i l'hlla Co 31 do 5 per cent. pref.. 31 do fl per cent. prof. . 30 Philadelphia It T ... do t o Reading Tonopah llelmont ... Tonopah Mining .... Union Traction not V 8 steel York Hallway do pref Wm Cramp t o Today Asked nid 53 V. 54 102V4 101 1.1 1.1H ii Yesterday Hid Asked J7 Aril Ql Vi 524 r,K 27?i ul2 r 15 15 CS II 7314 71 14 1U 53 U 102 13 30i $ 14 0714 8 72W 7I 131J Wi 54 101 14 40V4 4S 52 s IS 15 , 68 8VJ 72)J 72 1! 1IW aV: 53 3-llt 63 7-10 81 .iSj M 68 Va 49H 21 .13 35 40 SH hi. ?2)i 50 23?i 34 34 30 8'i i 3414 4o'.i 24 33 114 40 U V T2VJ 33 $$ 7V4 32H Gilt-edge Issues Dull Canadian Treasury Bills Paid. LONDON, June 8 A disposition to await tho promised Government detailed statement on (he proposed national war organization wan responsible for llstlcss nesa In securltie-i on the exchange today. The tone, however, was steady in tho main. Gilt edgo issues were dull and there was realizing of war loan. Cana dian Treasury bills were paid off. Home railways wero harder In spots. Americans were easier. Influenced by advices from New York. Canadian 1'a clllo and Grand Trunk wcre flat. Heavi ness provided ln Arseiitlno Ralls. The bonds of alllo.l nLtlons were steady. There was little dona in Mines and Oils. London N. Y, KEYSTONE PHONE EARNINGS 1913. Increase. May gross $113,548 Net SK.SSO Net surplus 32,373 Ktvo months' gross 657,277 Net 281, IUI Net surplus 148,901 $2.27.1 2.384 1,107 12,155 4.W7 2.300 To Sell Interstate Telephone Co. TllENTON. N. J.. June 8. The Court of Chancery has ordeied the al of the Inter state Telephone Company and Its subsidiaries. Tho company has teen In the hands of re ceivers for teveral months. .H4sa itffftt fiWjt l If. w Exchanue Memhers riwi,ii! JUOi 8. ADDroxImatalt, tsftrt SttSKS'S V.'mJ2?. n?.ri "P " the-,d" of t'tiTj tij$rh"'h ot Vbe - Mine In Price of Plr ouTu,d.,5:.(b,irr,i "SuStSS 15 & lat w?kl n ' Ts cnU KmSS10!0 FK ZINC ORE t nn a ton, the hljbest prls BAR STT.VT?r SSr ii" &rTh pru. of ag. t NOTES OP THE RAIL " York. n.i. -j ...... ha. 7 """ u iira M orxlsrivt 1 c. t . lJjom th Arnwlean Locomo- tod,', ,C0B,WwlWw Irvine, of dlstrlet of w.. ,. ' iT Z$L "ft""! nulWtniTl h whV;h nr"wSy "y,: hB totJ?1 company NjWy g rs.tlJy(SaB4 th, ,,. audit mWr" uiwi Rlvrl!! "Wna to brtng IU T, h ijwh Vf.Uy Co.op.oy '-r erdw. j, sionaj DIVIDENDS DECLARED I-Aose-Wlles Dlscult Company, regular quar terly Hi per cent, on It rat preferred, payable July 1 to stock of record Juna 17. J, I. Cass Threshing Machine Company, reg ular quarterly 1 pvr cent, on preferred, pay- eht. llllV 1. Tobacco 1'roducts Corporation, reg-ular Quar terly li per cent, on proferrtd, payable July 1 to stock of record June 21. American Woolen Compsny. regular quarterly Hi per cent, on preferred, payable July 18 to stock of record June 18. Hooks close June IS and reopen July !, Iluluth Superior Traction Company, reg-ular quarterly 1 pr cent, on preferred, payable July 1 to "lock of record Juns 15. iJnltsd Fruit Company, regular quarterly 2 per cent,, payable July 13 to stock of record Nations! IJcorlce Company, reg-ular quar terly IH Pr cent- on preferred tack, payable June M to stock of record June 25. Boston. Revere Beach and lynn Railroad, regular quarterly $1.50 a share, payable July 1 toitt0At'M. ww July 10 to stock of record June 13. American Ilrake Shoe and Foundry Com- pany, regular quarterly a per cm, on prererrea and lid per cent, on common, both payable June 30 to stock of record June 18. West Bnd Street nail way, semiannual t2 on preferred, payable July 1 to stock of reejrd Standa'rd Oas Light Company, regular semi annual a per cent, on preferred and IH on S:7atSVJUV."loU 'SCi VedS Jly?BwtfleM Ti' Cwnpany. regular Quarterly I81 Ptw on . ftrrt. Preferred and JCpsw cMCajTi wend preferred, payable July 1 to etocfc at record Jutve 18. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NSTW YOBK. Jue.8.-8UTTR. - Market etwdy; ff?-PftStt. r&i. 'A Vf Sfti mw. ?". ff!yrsis&--"," -" satbeted: rey white. aearey PHILADELPHIA MARKETS hlafadl UirL . iUailrtJi crsunury. UlOWM, MeA-iga" BLBCTROLYTIC COpPER I9WC IW VOBS, June s me ioiik euta vomttay o ... ... w .. -r - trolitK copper 10 ih .- ww --. - -.-lira It hu md? -4 ! he preiloue JE' GRAIN AND FLOUR U1IEAT. Receipts. 128,634 bush. Winter nominal In the absence of trading. Spring quiet and steady. Quotations: Car lots In escort elevator No. 2 red. spot and June, I1.31B1 Stf; No. 2 red Western, spot, f 1 36-8 1.41; No. i Northern Duluth. S1.45S1.48, COHN. Receipts. 6U30 bush. Demand waa light and prices declined Mo. Quotations: Car lots for local trade, as to location No. 2 rellow, filfcMHc; steamer yellow. 80 KiVfi.: No. 3 yellow. 77M87S5ic; No. 4 yellow. 74Vi37oVjC- OATS Receipts. 63.08T bush. Buyers were Indifferent and prices were He. lower. Quotations. N, 2 white, Kty&6e.: standard white. MWWcj No. 3 whlte.lH64c. IXOUl?. Receipts. 6870 bbls. and 1,072, BS3 lbi. ln sacks, The market waa dull and largely nominal. Following are the quota tons per 11W lbs. In wood: Winter, clear, t6.S56.5Q: do., straight, I8.60a.76 do,, pat ent, 18.75871 Kansa, .atralght. Jute sacks, t3.d088.10j do., patent, lute sacks,; spring. flrt cer. atralgnt, !S.408.55; do., Fateot. tt.60fl.83. do favor lie brands. I7B7.35; city mills, choice and r W. fell "jl'.i .,!& J?W- JSSHV araaes mir, "",. "-;,ars;r" " 7a Kfta ?S; Aa.. KYIS 1'I.OUIt was quiet but steady. quote nearby ana western, in wooa. natent. 10.717. r. a at 6 50. as to quality. POULTRY UTV-Fowls were dull and l2c. lower Other kind of poultry shewed little change. we auote as isiwws; rowts. ivn9in-t 1W4V.( WW('" m.-w, .w-., ... mi lHlp'ib Leibarp uSEStm ."weUWn IHf! ! apiece, mic brollUilC chlckeoa, MfUjesiBi. weUblnf 10 lbs. apiece. xaoc.; . Msuing- cDicKenj, 7T..rn wt ziiiDf 1USES ibs. aoieee. zitezsic. ; broiling chicken.. LeiWcu. weighing 162 uT'aUce, )f!le.; SuelT Pekla. iftlSe-i ducks. Indian Runner, l213c; pigeons, old, ppalr, 3S4W0C.; pleeoas, young, per pair, jlllksSKU. There was a fair demand for ana desirable-elied stock, values ot which Fuled & Quotations: ttesh-kiUed poultry, (owls. 12 to box, dry-picked nd dry-paoked, Unci' M'.?i.J!fiy e1 JsF. "". 7S. .lhlnir' . wTOos 5'lbV apiece. Wlli:. S . HI5:; fe-pakel-Wejle under 3 lbs. Me: ijawfw-wjj ,., IM. ana ovsr. uivvf, i'Ta"-1 wt sFMsessge ' v Ja, e rioeters. 2ry-Blgke4. littg; bralitoa eWokeoa Jersey, fancy. 04He.; other neiirby OOVfVC.; KtHiMU, wwswuui 'iew .w... do. walzBinsr 1114 lbs.. -Jb-ii . waits, weuwsf 11 ta is toe. per dos - 03 fatf. Ll(e Atllb 11 fftS' ti -. - 1 Um. per ox. Dr dos . aeoe w. wtuie, stKuui '- . " E 9 tu 10 lb. .-i :los 8 IU pt 02.20: do., da., 036 lbs. per dos., 1.2Jgl.30; dark, S!.251.50; small and No. 2, 41. Frozen poultry, fowls, as to quality, Hitflc. ; chl-k-ens dry-picked and dry-packed, ln boxes Milk-fed, 31 to 3U Ibs. to doz., 18c: milk fed. 37 to 42 Ibs. to dos.. 18c; milk-fed. 43 to 47 lbs. to doi., 18c: milk-fed, 48 lbs. lo doi., JOc. ; milk-fed. 80 lbs. and over, 21c; corn fed, 81 to 42 lbs. to doz., 17c; corn-fed, 4 J to 47 Ins, to doz., 17c; corn-fed, 48 lbs, to doz., 10c; corn-fed, 60 lbs. and over, 20c; chickens, dry-picked and dry-packed In bbls. Western, corn-fed. 5 lbs. and over, 18c; Western, corn fed, 4 lbs., 1717VsC.; Western, corn-fed, 3H Its' 15V4c. Western, corn-fed. 2ft03 lbs., Hti 15c; turkeys, dry-picked and dry-packed Fancy, 21fi22c; fair to good, 18820c; old tome, 19920c. PROVISIONS The market ruled steady, with a fair lob bies demand. The following are the quota tions: City beef, ln sets, smoked and alr-drlcd, 23326c ; Western beef, In lets, smoked, Wi 26c; city beer, knuckles Had leaders, smoked and alr-drled, 2728c ; Westers beef, kunckles and tenders, smoked, 274J28c; beet bams, 31 032; pork, family, asf92.&0; bams, S. P. cured, leose, 134jUe.; do., skinned, loose, 12U1J12HC,; do., do,, smoked, UtiSCHc; other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and average, I34914c; bams, smoked. Western cured, laeilc; do., boiled, boneless. 3823c; picnic shoulders, 3. P. sured, km, WVitf Hc,j do., smoked, lleUHc-: bellies, ln plokle, ac cording to average, loose, llVettlxc.; break fast bacoa. as to brand && average, city cured. lWlTe.; breakfaat bacon. Western cured lSflTe.! (. WeeterB resbaed. 1 tlirces ortube. 10illl8.: fm,Vf eltj. kttle reodeced. In llareee. iBKVllo. : lar4, e cltyTkeWi reodereTte uiaieiac. ' FRESH FRUITS Choice stock met with Ulr sale and values generally ruled eteady. ftuoUUous: Apples, tJTv York, per barrel-Baldwin. 35; lit a Dvu, SsSS.Io. other good eatlns varteUee. $?aS3.S0Tedlum. 2tf2.24i: do ffeetero. ner haxiiet: ao. ueiaware sad Pennsylvania, SfbiSSr. 5lTe.. Umons, per box. tl 3.50; orBfia jtwiivm.. jj "y j w-iwj xraMirvii, rvttim, hjt . rv" JSL KJrbi. Wi .T; cbwrrl, iour. 14. Kt nt.wfarrlea. Dr Quart. 1 Hi. do, Dlaw4V. AUrUMwt 1 T DA I'sTj. hla lr Arram r"i !. Wv" . ' Tin end KaUMLerB North Carulh-a, ft k&c . taKkleeerf Ue, f ,iurt. Ulie. DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTER was In good demand and Arm, with supplies well under control. Quotations: Western mild-packed creamery, fancy spe.-lals. !li.; extra, 28Vic; extra flrkts, 2Sc; flrsts 27c; seconds, 2c; nearby prints, fancy, 32c: average eitra, 304531c; firsts, 28t?20c; seconds 28c; garlicky, 25c, jobbing sales of fancy prlntH, ,meub(.'. KUOH. Choice stock sold promptly and prices ruled firm. We quote as follows: In free tests, nearby extras, 2k'. per doz.; firsts. (U.15 per standard case; nearby current receipts, $8 rer case. Western extra firsts, 18.15 per caw; firsts, fd per case; Southern, 3. 1U-U5.70 per case: fancy selected candled eggs were lobbing at 2Aomc cer doz. t'lIEKSE. Trade was fair and prices ruled steady. Quotations: New York full cream, choice, new, HSlTVic: specials, higher; do., do., fair to good, new, loeJlBlJc.: do., part skims WE 13c REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet but firm. We quote refiners' list prices: Standard granulated, 6.15c; extra fine granulated, 6.10c; powdered. 6.20a.; confectioners' A, 6c; soft grades, 6,23 5.S6c. VEGETABLES Supply and demand were both fair. Prices showed little . change. . Following are the quotations: White potatoes, per bush. Mains. 3W3c.; sfew TorS. to quality, au6c; while BOUtoee, JJarWe, per bL-.Mo. lTo.eoe 4.7S; Ki. T8.3.7; white DotaWee, South Carolina, per SbT.-No. 1. No. 2. ansa; sweet praiwe, vesawen. per nam- ,eet Ji.SOeJW; sweet potatoes. Delaware, per ha; per-Kfge, iWlX. medium, .SoSlScT ewi rtatos. BaateraShore, per obi. -So. 1, J2.2I Itf it, 7te.e)l.2: onions, Texas. te. No. L fltl.10, ooloos. ?ri, "'. SQL. fr TSeWOci J.S5. No. S. aweeu. jersey, str -Ne 1, j3.T0sll.7B; ho. j. vivt-9D: sweets. jersey, iwr !.. oer cumsoer crate. Tvibi. eer cliBUZter uibUuje, Neerta CarolUa and Norfolk, pa ert, 85ctixl: He. Morto, Carolina ana Norfolk, per bbl.. 758oc ; cauliaower. Norfolk, per nm per, S0C75c; beaas, per 1-3-bbl. besket-Senth Carolina and Georgia, greea and wax, MfWc.t North Carolina. .press and wax. &0eTfc. :ean. '"" ..- .s. - .-rytt.TTT rnti epuuii., per j.-4-uei- teesTf. s&se .s, Norrouc icieBooae, per ta-Bcs eaa- ,ou, pees, jteeierxt sware, per u Sl.x6l 50. eesplaatTTloVlC: per '""A..tll.rft 1 49, It!. Il.XSMri..W, VWOB.. 4Hi hhl' laHkeL Sl.ltfirBl 50. UDl k srr 11 Cs. - a unit swv&-kM BHm! jf ssl.h MtXtt UwlVi VMVUafeesi y we mm, sFV 75C.0ILM: Muash. Florida per eeaket. i jK MonrL Florida. Der cairer. tt.50 fLui.' SAiith.rn. oer TOO buu'-hea. St. ,..n,i.-s. ldurlda. tvr tarr er Fajiey. 11 t vt ,-fcoi, . T5c itsl. asijericua. oer buncli 1 '.-.,. . m j.u: vouxs, pei 4 lb. basket, Wv-.e) 1 60. Amal Copper . Atchison .... Halt & Ohio . Can 1'acino ,. Ches Hi Ohio ... Chi M & Bt P. Hrle N Y Central . Pennsylvania Reading South I'aclfle . 1'nlon I'acltlo , U B Steel .... noon. ... H ...105 ... 78)1 ::: Si :::bIb ... 53H ... 73)1 ... 02( . . .132? ... 81I equlv. 7 IH 1sVs.iT an FS mm 1441 lH 127J SOU RAILROAD EARNINGS NASIIVILIE. CIIATTANOOOA & ST. LOUIS. 1015. Decrease April gross I028.H31 S140.IM8 Net 112,715 R2.744 Ten months' gross....... n,211.5K3 1,665,6511 Net 1.223,582 717,270 CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS. April gross :.... 11,065,281 .(134,238 lleflclt 117,231 U(l,2Jd Ten months' gross 12.130,457 1,2116,234 Net 2.068,310 42-J.368 OREAT NORTHERN BYSTEM. May gross I4.8SI.3DO 11,077,0.12 Uleven months' gross... 82,022,533 6.410.4S1 Increase, Another Jump in Lead Prices NEW YORK. June B,-Amerlcan Smelting and Refining Company advanced the price ot lead from 0.50c. to 3.73c. FOREIGN TRADE CHANCES Opportunities for American buin$ men In fhe foreign iraUe are given at follows by the llureau of b'ortion and Domtttic Commerce, Department of Commerce, and further infor mation may it oblalaed by rorreiooadenf, pivma the Ale number of the liaulrv; No. 1713T. rubber sponges, etc The Depart ment of Commerce Is In receipt of a letter from a fli-m In New York city stating that Its foreign offices desire to form commercial re lations with American manufacturers of metal buttpns for clothing and snoes, rubber sponges and gloves, knocked. down frame houses, plate and window glass, glassware and nickel-plated bathroom furnishings. No. 17131, coal The Department of Public Works, Ottawa. Canada, has advertised for tenders for supplying coal for the Dominion buildings. Tenders will be received until 'June IT. 1815. Combined specifications and form ot tender may be obtained on application to the Department of Publle Works. Ottawa. No. 17138, cloth An American consular of ficer In Oreece reports that a business man In bis district dcslree to comcnualeate with American manufacturers and exporters of cloth for making men's clothing. It Is stated thit the man desires to buy Urge quautltlss of this material. ... Nc 17140. machinery, etc. A business man In Ilraill informs an American consular of ficer that he dcslree to communicate with Americas manufacturers of ifisrhlnary and equipment to be weed la marble quaxrte. Correspondence nay be la sJaglUu. Prices and f-iU Informatics should, be seat at once. Reference U given. No. 11141. UwN and shoes A nrtn In Oreece lelaei an American consular oltleer that It desires to eetsblleh ooajroerclal relations with Amerieaa manufacturers and ei porters of toots auJ. saeae for men, woman and children, various kind of leathers, etc. Reference ii No.' 17141. ready-made clothing, etc -A firm la Oreece writes an American caeutuear of ficer Inst It desire to communicate wish American nuaufacturers and exporters of ready-made clothier, bats far women, laeas, tancv trtaBUBga. etc No 17141, paper, osfloe supplies, etc A nuaufacluier'e agent in China write an Anwrican coasulu eSlear, that he deetrea to represent American Brme In the Far Sakst He statea that be has tad SO years' experience as sales and advestlalBg itiau ex,d le we I 4c q(4alnted itl ITFer ern ej.i Wia markeu. UB tpekke both wHal Bad Bu sUn uuraagee He U eatstr tolly latueeted in cPr sutiwery sad office uppues. se")r. . household uleusila, ;rlcu.llurl tm(ieuinla tt, Quutetiooa (.e desired a, t, f. Delreu ui Vla.oiak. IN Y1IEAT PRICES Sentiment Bearish W h o a t Crop in United Kino-dom GoodEurope's Supply Big. ClUdAOO, Juno S.-There wa a aharp break In grain urlces In the wheat pit uiZ' j Uly .droI'd M centa nnd Hep- ?"y' h mr1et liavttisj betn cloacd ytg a W bfonuse of the Judicial cleetions. At the) Ion nnhl ll.. ..... ...... .. fin?,!.1"1 s"tmbe'' L06!i. Sentiment con. tlmitKl extremely bearlah, and tho d- ViUVH 5ri.ces ln tho carl'r dealinsrs waa attributed to an excellent crop reporl, wh ch comes out this afternoon. Tuelater deallnis found supporting or- .? V1, thelr appearance and prices 15 irftrom .U0 ,ow ,,c"nt',' JulJ' c'omg ml ,u,i nni September t $1.03H- The wheat crop ot tho United Kingdom jo uu.ur n-gi, UC8P110 rather dry weather. The crop comlltlons In Franco aro 're ported excellent In view of n reduced aereago. The supplies of Qermany'B brendaturfs nro said to bo moro than auf- ilf . ayKlh? coming harvest Is believed to bo undulv large. The actual shipments of wheat from India have proved disappointing. Italy's1 grain supplies aro amplo for tho present, whllo tho supplies ot Austria-Hungary, Oreece, Spain and Norway are not, so The planting of wheat In Argentina Is progressing rnpldly, and It Is confidently expected thnt tho ncreago thero will be latger than that of last year. Europe's vlslblo supply of wheat or this week Is estimated at 153,728.000 bushels, against 87,701,000 bushels last week. This shows an increase of 1,024,000 bushels. 1 ocullar conditions surrounded the mar-, kets, due to confusing news from abroad, pivcrpool was reported to bo selling low, VLfp , Pf a bwr'l demnnd. It was dlfflcu U for traders to nsalmllate the domestic news and tho sensational drop -In prices. v Winnipeg reported that foreigners were heavy ecllcrs of wheat thero and In IHo American markets on prospects of open lng tho Dardanelles. Leading futures ranged as follbws! HAI. Close, close. . Wheat- iuiy Onrn. Illsh. Uw 1.11 i ' iT.i" V?: .Yf! Sept. ..... ilos 1 u' 1.5il 'r.,i ..'., .Corn (new delleryl July 701, 71 Sept, u;au July snt. ... June .... Lard July .. Kept. . . Illbs July .. Hcpt. .. Pork July .. Kept. ... Bid. 'IW W m 7i nil 70ft t71H 7lij . . 4ll( M7Vi . . n.T.-. ..10.00 ..10.52 17.W) 18.30 tAskeo. 45., 4714 0.75 10.00 10.52 10. S2 17.05 18.35 111, 40 47(i 0.0.1 O.tO 44i 40-!, 47V? 0.00 48 tTSl 10.75 tio.uo 10.47 410.50 10.M 10.77 MO.oU 1U.S2 17.80 M7.S0 lr.t)0 18.20 '18.20 18.00 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS ?Ji'?ACP'JJu"? "--HOOS-Ttecelpts. 11.000! market, shadu hlffhnr- mi. -J ...vri J7.40a7.73; Kood "heavy. "KlsSTrav-'rauB heavy. 8B.li0O7.10: light, 7.r,07.75: pcs. JoS f7.a4; bulk. 7.IM7.fi6.T CATTIllJceiDtS 3500; market, steady: beeves, I7.25UU.50; cows .ivmp,m: -j.exans, xias.noi and heifers. calves, 8.25rrl0. SIIEKP-Itfeelots. market, steady; natlvo and Western, lambs, JiWlll.M). ROOO! 81O01 COTTON NKU YORK, Juno 8. nuslnesg was tnmo in tho cotton market this morning; prices openca nrm at nn advance but of 6 to 7 points. About the only featura was Bomo buying ot December and Jan uary, believed to bo for Liverpool ac-' count. Better'in had been ex- peeled helped pUBHp' 'ly tha! wcmiter map wair'esj.fgHffii.- - irable. except with regard TssJK ., whera tnero wns too much ihroughout tlie day tlisTnltlnl gains "--iw i.-ii juuiutuineu, ana me cioso was dulland steady . '. " ' J ' ' 'Vs.c July October . December January larch Spot close. Open. High. H.3.1 H.5T O.M n.tio 0.0.1 O.H7 10.10 10.20 10.22 10.22 10 2(1 10.27 .10.40 10.50 . U.M P.E0 Zxw. Last. 0.62 0.52 0.87 0.87 10.14 1(1.14 lO.Zd 10,21 10.60 10.40 10.4U HIAY FIRE LOSSES Fire losses ln the United States and Canada during May aggregated 811,388,450, compared with 815.507.80u a year ago. For five months ended May 21 the losses were: 881.407,050 In 1015, 8103,070,250 In 1814 and 803,752.050 ln 1C13. An Explanation of Unusual Investment Advantages How one class of securities can pay rates equal to or higher than others, afford greater se curity, and still sell at lower prices, puzzles many investors. The reasons why and the par ticular class of securities which present these investment ad vantages are told in our Circu lar No. 227, which may be had on application. William P. Bonbrighl & Co.,4 Inc. MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jr. Manager 487 CIIESTNOT 8T11EET Philadelphia New York lioaton Detroit London! William I'- Ilonbrlght ft Co. 1'arlsi Ilonbrlght ft Co. Braden Coppdr We arc preparing a special letter on the auove issue which will be ready for distribution within the next few days. This letter will be for warded free upon re quest. Hughes & Dier HANKERS AND BROKERS llrmbers of the I'hlladelpbU Stock mehaage 1435 Walnut Street PHILADELPHIA m OWN ANO QFFEK COATESVILLE, PA. Water Work Due Serially 18341 1940 IMHTICLWHS W APBUJCA-rtON A, B, lftch & Co. 115 South Fourth Sue ffatl4islliMg hew fosfc Cbkaao Jtc Betsn l.ui'doJi. fug SelUmoia ljetaU ( (U fti
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