-,tNtJ$S0-V m M Iff'' -hIHr'" iff! -SsaaaaaaaKr WOMEN CLASH IN NATIONAL TENNIS PENN OARSMEN LEAVE TOMORROW FOR NORTH Varsity, Junior ntid Freshmen Crews Have Final Work-out Today Shells Go Tonight. The University of Pennsylvania crew look their final practice on the Schilyl Mfi hl nfternoon ml then packed their hll rftulv for shipment to PouRhkecp ale tills evening. The thre varsity crews, varsity, junior and freshman, will leave Inrrtnrmw mftmtne nt 8 o'clock. Tench Nlckalls permitted the men to padln up to the bridge at Strawberry Mansion, and then sent them ilow to-S-thr, thotiRh he gavo strict orders that they should not race. Ill Rive them all the hanl work they want tomorrow, whe nthey get to Pour h kcepsIeT' said Mr. Nlckalls. "I think HI lft thow row 30 miles tomorrow. lor the llrst week they will have long rows to perfect their endurance. Then wo will begin some speed work and let them tako thing easily for the last week. There will bo 26 men In the party. 31 oarsmen, wltn ioacn ickhho, '"" DavlB and Assistant Managers Thayer and Frelhofer. The following oarsmeJ will take the trip: Varslty-Chlckerlnr, bow; Dutler. 2; Voll, 3; Gotham, 4j Oarvln, 6; Merrick, t; Littleton, 7; Marcy. stroke! Foster, coxswain. . , Junior varsity-Kayll, bow; Ouenther. 5; Boric, 3; Pepper. U Scott, 6i Rchellens, U Illldebrand, 7; Shoemaker, stroke, Welrlek, coxswain. Freshman clght-OoeswIch, bow: Hun- tr, 2i Tllden. 3; Heukauff, 4; Glatiz, ; AVIrkman, 6j Chambers, 7; Hobs, stroke; Jack, coxswain. . Substltute-F. CJels, C. Oels, Van Bee rcn, Altemus. It Is not likely that there will be nny changes In the three shells after the men reach Poughkeepslo except for ac cidents. Coach Nlckalls has tried out nil his candidates very thoroughly and does not believe he can make changes now which will strengthen nny of the beats. LEAR'S BOOT PAVES WAY FOR SCORES Continued from rage pne, ton, who covered thq bag. Lapp fanned. Malons was aafc on 'Lavan's wild throw. Lear fanned. No runs, no hits, one error. FIFTH INNINO. Kopf now playing third for Athletics. Tratt singled to centre. C. Walker singled to right, and took second when Murphy fumbled the ball, while Pratt went to third, ifarry threw out D Walsh nnd held Pratt on third. Kauffman fouled to Lapp. Lavan fanned. No runs, two hits, one error, BresBler was called out on strikes. Mur phy went out to Kauffman, unassisted. Pratt and Kauffman retired Barry. No runs,. no hits, no errors, SIXTH INNINO. Agnew singled through Barry. Ham ilton struck out. Oldrlng mado a great catch of Shotten's line drive. Austin singled off Bresslcr's glove nnd went to second on Bressler's wild throw. Agneti tried to score on the play, but was caught at tho plate ' on Mclnnls' line throw. No runs, two hits, one error. Walsh died to Shotten. Oldrlng filed to Knuffman. Mclnnls singled to left. Lapp went out to Kauffman, unassisted. No runs, one hit, no errors. 'AYER HURLS WELL ' IN OPENING INNINGS Continued from I'mcr One hurled 'em for tho Cards The Phils get away tonight for Chicago. FITtST INNING. Grlner tossed out Bancroft. Byrne rolled to Milter, Becker out, Grlner to Hyatt. No runs, no hits, no errors. Butler singled through .Byrne Bescher forced Butler, Nlehoff to Bancroft. Tlescher stole second. Miller popped " to Nlehoff. Long lifted to Cravath. No runs, ono hit, no errors. SECOND INNING Cravath walked. Nlehoff dropped a single In left centre. Cravath holding eecond. Luderus tripled to left, scoring Cravath and Nlehoff. Wlescr tapped to Miller whose throw to Snyder caught Lu derus at the plate, Wlescr going to sec ond on the .play. Burns singled .to right, scoring Wleser. Mayer out, Grlner to Hyatt. Bancroft hoisted to Oolan. Three runs, three hits, no errors. Dolan fouled to Burns. Hyatt walked. Betzel doubled over third, Hyatt going to third. Snyder sent a sacrifice fly to "VVIeser, Hyatt flooring and Betzel going to third, Betzel also scored when Wleser threw wildly to Byrne. Grlner singled to centre. Butler forced Grlner, Bancroft unassieieu. two runs, two lilts, one er- ror. THIRD INNING. Byrne walked. Becker hit Into a dou ble play. Miller to Butler to Hyatt. Cra vath hoisted to Bescher. No runs, no hits, no errors. Nlehoff threw out Bescher, Miller drove deep to Wleser. Long was hit by a pitched ball. Dolan forced Long. Mayer to Bancroft. No runs, no hits, no errors. FOUBTII INING Nlehoff filed to PolanCLuderua fouled out to Bescher. Betzel whipped out Wle wr. No runs, no hits, no errors, Hyatt dropped a single In right centre but, was out trying to stretch It. Cra vajh to Bancroft Betzel lined to Wleser. Snyder singled to centre. Grlner walked. Butler fanned. No runs, two hits, no er ror. Corley Nino Did Not Lose Wltr Myers, manlier or Corley Catholic Civs a MHUl team. rites that tha Sum Club did not defeat tha Corley C C. 13-2 at we several Sunday nptn stated Tb Corley nlna woo from St Andrew's by a, 10-to-9 score. Ta teas Sanccun vletwad orar was tha Corley Traveler, eompowd of saesad atrlai men of Kttv vi,v nolle club. " , Butwell to Beg Reinstatement HBW YORK, June 8.-Joekey Uutwall l.Il for Kamocky. today to plead for rin.tattmnt with tb KMtualiy Saelns- CpraalHton. Ha was fined IMO tar rooih aad lunetoua rMIni aod faljad to pay tk fine within 43 hours. SW &J? "".S pS!,,i f' t0 at into tba joetfiraMji of tha Bio Oraaa commlaaion. Jersey taje Title Sleet EUAIH, , I., iuu, 8,-TajuiU aracka rtvad tha Aaai x4hulo 1a tk ru, .iv Bit clMWBtoniajp toatekaa are coataaT tS tM falaa" at tha MontcUlr i im awum Eawu ars pati i ws &oiN& some place THIS AFTEWgpN. RUNS SCORED BY MAJORS THIS WEEK tfATiatfAI, I.MAOUB. Sun. Mftn. Tfl'l. Club, 1'hllllM . ss w Cjnclnifiitl jB. I-oula. i.hr teagb AMERtdA. UtiASVB. Club Sun, Men. To'l, Athletic .. r Hnhlnton .. New Vork ...,. 4 MtMton ,, ,, .. I'Mrolt n Cleveland rhlencn , , ft. Louli .. il a n a a o .4 FEDEtUL LEAdtJn. rim. Cuni Man. To'l Newark , 3 iironKiyn , ,,, ,. lUHImore Iluflulo jo l'ltlsburuh 5 Chkaito in St. Jxiula . 2 Kansas city : a NOT FAIR TO CALL FREDDY LEAR "KING" Youngster From Villanova Again Started at Third Base for the Athletics. Youna Lear, uhom Mack now has at thinl, .VoV riiro nnf to be quite' a bird; 1 so, hl pratxes you mrtj a(ii7, Wilt ilo not call the youngster King SHIBE PABIv, PhTiadclphla, June 8 Thls new Lear's front name Is Fred He went In at third again today, and In the first few minutes of play, up popped a foul JubI oif third base. Aitor It went Lear. Donn came tho ball, down, down all the way to the turf, joung .Mr. Lear having slipped just as his anxious lingers were about to closo on the pill. Hoecr, Lear had not long to think of his muff. Other things happened. Tho Inning, lor a fact, became .xtreniely lurid After tho bases, containing two St. Louis plajerK, had been cloawd by a neat single, nloni; camo Dee Walsh, likewise of St. Louis, and hit the ba'l with his great big but Ho hit It along the right-field foul line. and Stuffy Mclnnls reached out as far as he could to stop It. Stuffy's glove Just touched the ball, but the ump. Mis ter Dlneen, If you please, called It fair. Mclnnls then went to the nlate and hold a lengthy wrangle. In which ho did most of tho talking. Dlneen listened In moody silence. All he did was the deciding, which was sufficient. When the Inning wna ended two runs had crossed the pan for St. Louis. The crowd today was more lively thnu usual, nlthough still small considering the ideal quality of baseball weather handed out. It made more noise the crowd, not the weather than U custom ary, nnd generally seemed to take con siderable of an Interest In the game. Of course, you may not think such a thing strange, In as much as the fans Pay good money to seo the game, but that Is mere quibbling. Tho nsh neddler fan almost broke a lung In tho third Inning, after Brcsslcr got to first by a scratch single. Murphy was at bat. "There sho go-o-o-e-a"! yelled tho fan, nnd, concurring heartily, Murphy singled, nube Oldrlng apparently was tired. Ho had been so auro that he wouldn't get a turn at bat that he had been sitting out alongside right field. Bui at this pqlnt he came In. Barry then connected with ono that Shotton muffed. Thinking he would catch It. Bressler nusged second, nnd he slid Into third just as the hall arrived. All tho St. Louis players put up a hol when the ump called him safe, hut the ump wns adamant. They nlwnys are when they give decisions In favor of the home team. When they favor the visitors they are concrete, as we haev pointed out before. At any rate Walsh was next, nnd Dress ier scored on his out. Then Rube Old ring got his turn. He slammed the pill over second, but Lavana was so mad by this tlem that he pulled off a miraculous one-hand stab and one of those Impossi ble throws to llrst, retiring the Ruben ahd the side. Lear got Into the limelight again In the fourth. He picked up a slow grounder oft Lavan's bat and threw It past Mcln nls Into right, the runner going to second. Lavan then went to third on Agnew's uaennce, wnere he prpceeded to get Lear more nervous by taking big leads oft tho bag. Shotton walked at this point and Lear redeemed himself by nailing a pop fly. He gave several fans heart failure, however, by getting only about two Angers on It. However, he held It. NEYLAND HEADS ARMY NINE Phenomenal Pitcher Elected Captain for Next Year. WEST POINT. N. Y., June 8.-Cadet Robert R. Neyland, Jr., a member of tho class of 1916, who has pitched phenomenal ball for th Army baseball team for the last two seasons, was elected captain of tho Army nine for next bcason. Until beaten by Fordham a few weeks ago, Neyland's record of wins, covering two years, was straight. During tha last season he won II out of J games. YALE CREWS WORK LIGHT Coach Does Not Believe in Sending Men Over Heavy Route Before Race. GALES FERRW Conn.. June 8.-Both th Yale varsity and freshman eights were given light work this morning, go. Ing down stream for a mile and a half at an easy paddle. The Junior varsity eight paddled down stream and were sent over the second mile of the down-stream course, finishing at the navy yard; They covered the mile In 5:01k. Yale Crew In Hard Try-out CAI.K'S FEnnY, Conn., June 8. Coach Guv Nlekalla ytateniay sent tha Yale varsity and Irdhmin elzht-oer crows on a. nine-mile row on tha Tbamea. They went over tha rezatta eouree of four mllea on tha return at a sood clip, pulljna tn fine form. Tha other crawa ha-1 a paddle of six mile down tha rivar. with aprlnta at lha flnlih. , Harvard Oarsmen ort River a TOP, Con., Juno S.-Harvard'e till saMUid arrived at training quartera here SK5,,v.ni,!",.Vh',, " n tWf Haad rtray had all the iuntn,n ui An .kA W for a limbering-up practice. The oren teamed to be In much better form than Is uiual at tide iJuon of training. Ahearn Defeated Leo Houck NV'.Nl,J-J.'t5.'?-''Arn, of at r;s'.x k r ikes, jzs &? laat oitbl. Atwarn wtjg t byjlnr bout 'hara u aoo. tioucic 1IX. EVENING LEDGER MOVIES-A LITTLE PUNCH ,-.- -f ,-,-, ""-v-v- -, - A THPP.iTcn .. e N "" - z, J oj- llH TOTHP Rail !iB EVENING, T.whflWW-PHILADBLPHIA. TU'ESPAY, JTWE rilCELY TO MEET IN FINALS FOR 3 I V ' I'lMaNB' ' -' "" &&"." ytfU: ' 'it, ' f. WKsti-- J""' ' ''MP$$$m SiMFd ff e '.' ' w i iLNaBaaaakaaM . vwv -. a yx slafet ji naKwtk. 4 J'f(WWi&&WK&s'SWjaKK i aatHtaWX. yailiM?Sl"piiifi- jfSm LbHIK&w '"3aSBaaaaEaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH?9Jtati:SBSSAvXaVv . . JW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH ftEa. GaalBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBa ul'v ''" " -' in TBWBWBwff "'.,' vbYbYbww I - - -:' , .: .. -vn I '; v?'' J " '-- "- . :. -: Vy til H r - ' . , ' i ' "" V ' Un the left is shown Mrs. George Wightman, formerly Miss Hazel Hotchkiss, California's crack woman lawn tennis player, who won the national title in 1909-1910-1011. The other photograph is Miss Molla Bjurstcdt, the Norwegian champion. In their first matches, played yesterday on the courts of the Philadelphia Cricket Club at St. Martin's, both were victorious, and it is highly probable, as they are in different brackets, that they will meet in tho finals for the national, women's lawn tennis championship. BLUE BONNET OPENS WITH FINE PROGRAM Fifteen Horses Face Starter in Inaugural Dash for Canadian Foaled Racers. MONTHEAL. Can., (Blue Bonnets), Juno S. The Inaugural dash here this afternoon, under tho auspices of the Moutienl Jockey Club, brought out a great Held of three-year-olds that were foajeel In Canada. The purse was worth t'M. and wns won by l.ady Spendthrift, with JIcAteo in tho saddle. Corn Broom rnn into the place position, while Bed I'ost got the other honor. Fifteen horses bprang away from the barrier In this tho drat race of tho club's meeting. The session will end June IS. The summary: Flrt race, ,1-jear-olda and up foaled In Can ndn, Jelling, .1CO added, 7 furlongs Lady oprnuuinii, ip.i, AicAtee, :.'7.40, Ill.iO, SHMU, won: i-nrn Ilroom, 111, Collins, f.MI. J 1.30, accond. ntd l'oat. ion, llanp, KS 40, third, lime, 1 2!) 4-.V Irish Heort, Ilnrry Ilaesett II, 1 rotjcnrt, ncilflre. Monn U , Our Mabello, air Arthur, Harolta. Irrf olanle, llaldcn lirad ley. Puritan Laea, MntiFoleue abo ran anonil race, lor .!- ear-olds and up, :)U added, ecllin. ,-,i, furfongs-Zln Dell, ml, Col lins. j:ilS0. s.t0, I, won, Kcneaaa, 114, Mc Afee. f4. J.1.S0, aecond, Soueeler, tin. liurns, .W), third. Time, 1 07 2-0. Ida Claire, llrlar Path, lork Lad, i:ncore. Mania Johnson, Jlaxlm Belle, Kenneth also ran. Third race, a-yrar-olds and up, JSOO added, I.nilleCommonada, lflt. Shilling, 4, I2.S0 and I. -il, won; nrave Cunarder, Iftl, Tanlln, S.;.:10 and JS.V0, eecond: W'nter Ijidy, toil, Obert. K.JO, third. Time, l.lu.l-S. Shness and mark Ilroom also ran. Kourth rare, Kindergarten stakes. 2-vear-old, S'o"""5!.5 furlongs-Tom ninard, in. Metcnlf, J.tiii, 3.tXI and 1.7i, nrst; CaBco. B"l, McAlee, J'.JJit and 4.:io. tei-ond. lollte, 10S, McDermott, T 40, .third. Time. 1 0'-' .1-s Oolden List, Illume, rinrtnniil. Honcros First, Scrtla, Can dln and fllue Can also ran. Fifth race, fi,oo. 4-year-olds and up. selling, steeplechase, about B nillca-IIumlllaty, 11, Williams. flao, 2.I") and J2.70. nrst; King cash, HO Wolkc, :i.40 and I'l.fio. second: Dorothy Webb, lfli, O'Connor, l 10, third. Time, )'10. Promotor and Decathlon also ran. BLUE BONNET CARD FOR RACES TOMORROW Urst raco, purse, f500 added, 2-year-olds foaled In Canada, 4',3 furlongs-Ban Shore, 10.1; . A. Wright, 10(1, (a) llcclaa Tlame, 1M; Gamalne, IU1, Gooil Shot, 101, Alecto. lOJ: la) I'reity Picking, 103. (a) Coupled. Second race. S.W1 nddeH I.va-1A ma,.-a 5 furlongs-Dsmletta, lit); riernlce, 10U, Larkln 11?- IV.,, la Inn th Tt-Jln ,n. 112; tviaaina. ion: Medea, inn: rrHh p.inn u?. .-.-. ' -.. ."". .'" ,l,l, 11-i J. ., Semper Stalwart, 112: (b) Alfadlr, 112; I'hllls tlne, 112; Queen Apple, 100. (b) Coupled. Third race, handicap, for 3-year-olds and up, 800 added, U furlongs Sir Edgar, 10$ c) Knights Differ, lOtl; Deposit. ll; Pari Zareta. lot, (c) Southern Maid, 100. Car bide, 101. ic) Coupled. Fourth race, J50O added, .1-jear-olda and up, condition mile Bushy Head. 104; Knlghta Dlt. fer. 107; Captain Ben, 104; Stalwart Helen. 05: Recoil. 102; Harbard, 101 Martian. 104. , Fifth race, steeplechase handicap, O10 added. 4-year-olds and up, atwit S miles Tom Horn, 140; Bryndown, Hi; sun King, 134; Bac chante, 130. blxth race, ISOO added, selling, for 3-year-oldo and up, 7 furlongs Bherock Holmes. 10d; Lady Splrliuelle, ml; Mald of Frome. 101: lied Land. 101; 'King Badford. 104; Mlnda. 107; Inauleta, i07; Burwood, 104; Mercurluin HI; Veneta Strome. 101; Clinton, 101; Kail Inla, ltt; Tho Oovernor, lOfl: Celebrity. 07' Columbia Lady. 07, Slnal, 102. ' Seventh race, $800 added, selling, a.year-olda and up, mile and eighth Orperth, 100; 'Cults -hunk, 104; Cllffhacn. 00; 'Buataround. 100: Beaumont Belle, 07, Voladay, Jr., 10a. Apprentice allowance of ne pounds claimed. Weather c,lear: track fast. Latzo Outclasses Sheeler , HAZLBTON, Pa.. Juna S.-Steve Latto, of Hasleton, outfought Kid Sheeler, of Mt. Car. rnel, In a hard 10-round battle here last night. In tha six-round temlwlndup Kid Henry of Allentown. and Young Mahoney. of McAdoo fought a draw. Joe Jackson, Hurt, Out of Game WASHINGTON. June 8 -Manager Fohl, of the Cleveland Americana, announced that an X-ray examination of Joe Jackaona' riaht albo hurt In CJavelnd on yjr,mo?laJ W. abowed that several ligaments wero aaralned! but that no bones war fractured. Jackson will be out of the came about 10 daya. Skull Fractured by Ball BCRANTON, .Pa.. Juna 8. Oattlng in ihs way of a fast ln-ahoot Just pitched, WllUanu. of the Scrantoo taara, w struct in tba tamplo yeatardar aJtarwwo, and auffared a minor fracture of the akull. Ha will ba around again la about to waaks. PITCHER SHOW op- f ThgATEP. TOURNEY - GOLF MCHAraEJBOXICLUB InHHnljBwAwBi dak amx ValllHiBBaBlBHaWf AaaHHalllllllllllllHr aHIHHn iallllH LATONIA INAUGURAL IS LANDED BY MEX Kentucky Meeting Is to Run 24 Days Track Is in Fine Con dition for Big Meet. LATONIA, Ky., Juno 8. The Latonla summer meeting of 24 days opened here this afternoon and from all indications the meet will be a most successful one. The weather has cleared and tho track la In line shape. The racing secretary arranged a fine card for the opening day, with an Inaugural handicap for 3-year-olds nnd up at 1 1-16 miles. Mcx won tho first race today. The new rule passed by tho State Rac ing Commission was like a bomb from the clear skies. Tho outsiders from St. I.ouls nnd other towns are up In arms, but It looks like the rule will stand per mitting only Kentticklnns to work In the machine ami cashier departments. II. J. AVInn left today for New York, where he will prepare for tho meeting under his Jurisdiction this summer. The summaries: F'lrst race, 3-ycar-olds and up, selling, 0 furlongs-Mex. 103, Sterling. 1BW. J7.60 and JVUW. won: Carrie Orme, 10.1, CTUrlen, 7.10 and J.1.70. second; Casey Jones, 112, Gentry, 2.r,0. third. Time, 1:13 1-5. Cash on De llierv, Bean Splller, Surcgot, Chilton King and Cnarmeuse also ran. Second race, maiden 2-year-olds, IS furlongs Mandy Hamilton, 10, Neylon, 1 SO, Jl.fio nnl ! in. non: Black Coffee, 100. Gani. t-1.20 and V1W, aecond. Inlldel II, 100. O'Brien, . third. Time, 102 1-5 Folroma. Meditation, Jane Stralth and Stephen It. also ran. Third race, selling, 3-yera-olds and up, mile nnd 70 jords Boyal II, 100, Gans, .1.70, J3.10. $2.10, first; The Grader, 107, Mott, J7.10, .3.00, second; Water Witch, OS, Garner. 13.10, third. Time, 1.42 1-5. Gold Crest I3oy and Impression also ran. LATONIA RACE ENTRIES FOR RACES TOMORROW Flrat race, 3-year-olda and up. fl furlonge Bean Splller, 01. Chltra, B. First, Lady Mex ican. Jane, 07; Dengro. Dorcrls. Royal Tea, i'lirlong. 112. Second race selling, 2.Sear-old maiden fllllea, W furlongs-'Vlolet, 'Industry, 'Onata, SunI maid, 103; Brown Velvet, Aleen B.. 'Trappold. Muri.sPFot. 112. ' SfB HOm' Ml" A"n' Third race, purse, 3-vear-olds and up. a furlones Hank O 'Day, Eddla DeHlng. White Metal, 100; Fletaboll. 103; Huntress. 1(.T. Roscoo Oooso, Syrian, 108; Beach Comber. 112; rns Norman, 114, .?uh raL'' IHl- 3-iear-oIda and up, mlla and 70 yards-Liberator, 07: Roal iAteie.V GrSsvenor. 10?. Db "'""" "r,t " .ll,,,!!raJ 2-yar-olds, 9 furlongs-Mnnova. Hon. 02. 'Luszul. 100. Blanchita. Aunt Sal, jrardome, 102, Disturber, 107; Blacklc vlw, ,it'f.lh.l.cJ' ",'!""; -ar-olds, mile and 70 5,?Td7MabeJ 5intomery. 03: Busy Edith. 103, 'Broomtlower. Dav Day. 103' Siariinna St. Charcote, lOS.'Ruslta, lM. ' M,r"nM' Peenth Tace. selling. 4-year-olds and up, ml e and alxteenth-'dordlo l, -La Mode ga S,ar' 'Si. 'Foundation. 101; ItiouV Ada Toner. 102; Oreen, Blr Dipper; 104 Requlram, 103. Wander. Jack Kaanauih Hermuda. lOd: Irleh aentlemanl 114 ' Apprentice iillouanca claimed. Weather clear: track fast. SPECIALIST REASSURES MATTY Declares Warm Weather Will Heal Great Pitcher's Arm. CHICAGO. June 8.-chrsty aiathew. son s left shoulder, which has been tv. Ing him sornfi ticuble this' season, -will bo entirely well as soon as warm weather arrives, according to Dr. W. A. Matushek. a perve specialist who examined the New York Giant's pitcher. Tho specialist said there was nothing: seriously wrong with Matty'e shoulder but that a slight affection of the mWular nerves would craise him gome pain until mow seasonai.lo baseball weather comas. Three Knockouts at Tamaqua TAMAQUA. Ia., June 8. Young n.n... Chip, of lroaqua. In the first mint 1 oJ ! achedulrf 10-round bout wlthaiant Itaiv t .u--',.r..T. .--- uvea iimea. in "uir Kuucaouis wero a.or lirownle. of Tamaqua. outline ih, Youne, Chalkly Ra; K o. on third, and Brown, of Tamaqua. dropping Kid Duffy of Knockout LIKE THAT YESTERDAY MR 'MAniTT WOMEN'S TITLE IMPROVED FIELDS AT BELMONT MEET Scratches Not So Prevalent As in Days Past Forecast Gets Opener. ' BELMONT PARK, Juno 8.-A better field of horses than has been the case for several days answered the bugle call to the post this afternoon. For several days tho races have been poor samples of contests, but with a fair sky, the horsemen's spirits arose, and few scratches were noticed. ' In tho opening race this afternoon Forecast, favored to win the thtcc-year-old and upward race at six furlongs, came across In good fashion. Lily Ornio got the place and J. J. Llllis the show. The summaries: First race, for 3-year-olds and up, telling, 'Ml aqded, 0 furlongs, main course Forecast, 1X1. Louder. II to 5, 7 to 10, 1 io :, won. Lily t'rme, loti. Buxton, 7 tu 1, .', to 2, een, tee ond. J. J. Lulls, 110, J. McCahej. 4 to 1, .1 to 2, 7 to 10, third. Time. 1.1.1. Armament, 'Water Lllj, Plantagenet and Hydroplane also ran. Seccnd race, for mares and geldings 3-year-olds and up, selling, $Coo added, 1 mlle Woodtn Shoes, 103, McCahey, to 3. 1 to 4, out, Hon, Bac. li:i, o. Byrne, 11 to 6. 1 to 2, out, second. Fenmouse, Ul. P. Louder, 11 io 0. .1 to 5, 1 to 8, third. Time, l-.io. Stone nenge also ran. ..Third race, for 2-s ear-old fillies. $.V0 added, ts furlongs rtralght-Llttlo Dipper, 103, Fair brother, 8 to 1, 5 to 2, 7 to P, uon. lllss I'ua ' 103. O. Byrne, 2 to 1, 7 to SO, 1 to 3, second; Feminist. 103, Lllley, 3 to 1, even, 2 to 5i.J.hlro' 'ill"' :!y Plumose, Little Alta, Taka, Smoothbore. Fat our. Dorados also ran. fourth race, handicap. 1 Mil miles Virile. UP;..?",1??' 43 t0 V- out' out- won: alu Thistle. 11T, Bjrne, 4 to 5. out, out, second; Spearhead, 08. Ryan. 10 to 1, 0 to B. out MrJ'.. T,mf- lr45' 0ny ,hreo starters. Fifth race, for maiden 3-year-olds and up, selling, purso 300, 1 mlio Etruscan, 01 KkotV j ,0S. J i ? 0U,J non- s"i Slick, r&i Lo,T?'ri I. t0 ? 4 t0 l t0 second Coin, 113, LoHus. 4 to 1, eten, 1 to 4, third, lime. 1:40 3-3. Irish Boy and VIHr also ran. blxtn race, for maiden, 2-year-olds, selling, fRr"",.'' J( furlongs, straight-Blue Itotk. 112. SlcCahey. 7 to 2. 4 to 5, 1 to 3, llrst; Detonshlro. l)o!ly, 104. Lilly, ;', to 3, i to 4 out, second; Galeswlni.ie, 101, Louder, II to 1, 3 to 2. 3 to 5, third Time, .53 2-0. Walloon Golden bate and FUhnalk also lun. BELMONT PARK ENTRIES LISTED FOR TOMORROW First race, for 2-yenr-olds, maidens. S fur. longs, straight-Plaintiff, 113. Oraior, 115 Prlnco of Como. 113, Libyan Sands. 115. i BTi!!t?ci ror 3-Vfar-olda and up, selling,, InilleWorklng Lad, 113; Beethoven! Ill ; Camellia, ton: rtnhin.i,. Snl. KS,?."' riV" Camellia Roi.rn b.. Viw.,T.".'.'.''BftvAuvi. ."'" : -astern Third '-- ---- --- wx ; - iauc', 4 10, ral for 3-ear-olda nnd up. tha Fourth race, for ?.v..,.nirf. the Keeno M. tjiviwi, oy$ lurion fSHiluSii fV,rionf?- "ralght-Tlng-a-Llrig. Ut: AVt'ac?1il0r' lltt; "an'1,, "' " ridiV Fifth race, for S.jear.olds and up. Stecoin -i?ilfff5!:-Lor.? r-oIda and up. the Pell. ltt VA"r.P. . 'uVlon". 7traYaPmI.7i.V,e' ' SKlw'Sf.r.U M'",y,;' '""M KDin. 114: IvBaHfaatlla-la 1 fiT T1IU ,. --.-. bprlnr. -j,ratwirei allowance claimed. Track fast; weather warm. JIM THORPE IN FIGHT Famous Indian ChargedrWth Being Implicated in Fist Affair. JBHSBV CITV, N. J.. June JAfti regalplng his senses at his home. 30 Park avenue. Peter. La Forge, who was found. Unconscious In Kearney'B saloon a? Westslde and Yale wml JSESF'a. fight li, theTllace. in which Jim Thorpe the famous Indian athlete and I an i oal League "ciub'JS . W Jn'tonat League Club, and his team mate. Catcher Bill Reynolds, were Implicated. b ?rF? ",ated that he dd not know who hit lilm, or anything .else after the trouble started. The police are In! .., , BB jle n,rrat, Snrlnir Handiean R rfi " ...L'rLt view - 12 " liousernaK'Tir Meeting louse iT?' Xan.keo Motions. 112; Top o' lb. Mo B 113; Hester Prynne. 100;'Andrew, 108. n 8. 1915; TTARRVVAnDON WRITES GOLF FOR THE EVENING LEDGER Itarry Vordon, British open cham pion nnd the most famous of all ooXltrs, wtH eorttriimte ft series of arl'ctes on polf for the Bviwijro iLBDOF.it, oe-jlnnfni; Balurday, June it. These articles icitl be not only enter taininp but instructive, and should be read by golfers of every class, one of the articles will deal with clubs and their use, and those who are cxperi encina any difficulty with any partic ular club should be able to correct their fault If Vardon's advice is fol lowed. . , ... Vardon's opinion of American golf and golfers wilt be of great Merest at the present time, and Ms opinion of the American caddie will provide most entertaining reading. DOJt'T FAIL- TO HEAD IIARRY VAKDOtf OxV GOLF, BEOMNIXG SATURDAY, JUNE It, IN THE EVENWO LEDGER. MOM, TOUGH, SHADED BY MOORE IN HARD GO McManus First Decisive Victor Over Bob in Bout of Sensa tional Finish. The scalp of Waller Mohr, Brooklyn, N. Y clean cut, gCod looking nnd a mighty tough piece of humanity In fistic action, today is dangling from tlie belt of Willie Moorei claimant to the welterweight championship of Pennsylvania, Tho fighters put up a rattling slugfest In tho windup at the Olympla A. A., last night, and because of tho local boy's rally In the nnal three minutes he earned honors for tho combat by a clcse margin. Tho Brooklynlte's aggressiveness can not bo denied, but Mooro landed enough of Ms vicious left-hand slams to Mohr's head and body to leave the squared cir cle an undisputed victor. Slohr, at time's, had Willie holding on like a leech In the clinches. He ripped In some telling wal lops to Moore's body. However, from the distance Bill used a straight right punch and short left swing to tho head to good advantage. Several times during the contest Ref eree O'Brien cautioned the visitor about bringing his head and shoulder In con tact with Willie's chin. Moore had the better o'f th second and sixth rounds, v.iillo Mohr held the tipper hand In the third. The first, fourth and fifth frames wero even. Willie tipped the beam at HO pounds. Handsome Walter weighed H3. Tho spectators weic treated to one of tho most sensational finishes to a boxing match seen in this city for many moons when Frankle McMnnas. of Camden, 120U, scored tho llrst decisive victory over Fighting Bob Glvler, of Allentown, 127 The club physician Instructed the pollco to bring tho light to a halt about elplu seconds beforo the end of tho llfth round. Bob was standing against the ropes, nil but out, while Mac wan using etc-ry bit of energy In trying to connect with right and left hand punches hnrd enough to drop tho upstnter for the count. Previous to the sudden finish Bob had a slight advantage of the milling. Tho fans hooted Glvler sevcrnll times for using his head In the clinches nnd also because he landed low punches at least six times. In the second round McManas was forced to go to his corner to re cuperate as a result of a wallop below tht belt. In the fifth round a series of right hand punches dropped Bob to the mat on the west side of the ring. He regained his feet grogglly at the count of three. SIcManus punched him all over the ring for fully ttto minutes, and he was fast tiring himself from his own exertion when the bout was brought to a conclusion. Bob showed his bulldog tenacity by re fusing to take the count. Another Battle for Williams BALTIMORE. Md.. Juna S.-Negotla-tlons aro under way to bring together Bantamttelght Champion Kid Williams, lork. Silver Burns, who Is managing Taylor, has written Sammy Harris, Wil ams manager, asking for a bout, and LrVL ln"mat at Harris' office here that the two would be matched to meet in Baltimore In the future. Although a youngster. Taylor has whipped Louisiana Ivld Herman, Al Shubert, Jimmy Murray and others equally well known. Steen May Figure in Deal CLEVELAND. O.. June 8.-A deal has been completed for the sale of Pitch" Bill steen, star right-hander of the in. dians, to Detroit, according to word from Washington this afternoon. Steen wlU go to Boston tonight to talk with Jen nnss. He has been dissatisfied wl?h Cleveland. The deal Is a caVtransac Mandot Defeated Azevedo aSSS'S rounds of rough nghtlng her. l! il& IL 1B wero no clean knMKdrfwS." U,t n,ht' There THE TIME WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9' THE PLACE Belmont Driving Park THE SHOW Horse Dealers' Sweepstakes Keystone Stake Pacing Trotting Race to Saddle Road Drivers' Special tasy to Get There. AdwiHi,. 50c sS5Si T?V&Wy?J A3IKHICAN U5Ar.ni,. BASEBAXL TODAY SHIBE PARK Athletics vs. St, Louis L. UAMB CAMJiP AT 3tl5 J M, MKS. C. II. VANDERBEi TURNS IN LOW SCOit Eastern Women's Golf ChA pion Leads Field in Qu&Kfl ing Round at St. MartiriS jLoaay. ST. MARTINS, Pai, June 8.Mrs, , vanueroecK, me eastern iroif t...&--4 had low gfoss score In ti. ?Si j ,.,. . -T. . : a"fE ruunu iui l..u nuincus Handicap lotirjj mem ai mo iniiaueipma Cricket today, with a card bf S3; Miss CathJ jfavio .yuD uii ouung nigncr, and l.nnrllpan nt ft CTOVA til.,- !, 1 . r ' ,uw " Summaries: Miss Catherine Davis......... TotDt lti&-t Miss Mary Lewis,.,,.,,..,, ,, in Mrs. Frances Bradley loo Mlas May Dell , m Mlrs Mildred Caverly... of .urn. v. miuciucck, .,,. . ni Mr. C. F. Fox M Miss G. O, Hood Miss 'A, I. nichardson ......, Miss Marlon Naylor. ...,.,,.. Miss L. Wlndle Mrs. Logan....,.,,. Mrs. Stephens Mrs. Durton Price ,,... Mrs. Fitzgerald Miss Henry, Mies Lucy Porcher. Mrs. W. H. Oconee mi A. c Corvell.... 10S 107 111) m 123 117 UA 13,1 131 140 132 MS Mrs. F. W. Jilorrls uj airs. MinKenon 132 Miss M. Headman ,, ltii Mrs. Harris no Mrs. nittenhouae Miller.... , .. isn Mrs. Lewis .122 WHAT MAY HAPPEN IN. BASEBALL TODm NATIONAL LEAGUE, Club Chicago ... Phillies . . Brooklyn . rtoston . . St. IOllls.. Pittsburgh. Cincinnati. New Vork. Won Lost r.C. lVln 24 21 21 21 22 20 17 10. IT 10 21 20 2.1 21 22 21 .685 .BIB .800 ,im .4AD .481 .438 .432 .893 .MS .fill Ml .BOO .800 x .480 .117 t M 111 M 4)1 M AMKTIICAN LEAGUE. Won Ixist r.C. Win Club Chicago . . . Detroit rioston New York. . Washington Cleveland... 8tJ Trills... Athletics... 28 30 21 20 IS 18 18 in 17 17 10 20 20 23 2.1 28 .022 .017 .MS .5(10 .474 .430 .110 .8.10 .018 .879 .811 .187 .481 .131 4a 11 .(CI jo .310 LEAGUE. 381 FEDEItAT. Won Lost V Club I'.C. Wla .808 .808 ..; r Pittsburgh. 2,1 Newark .. 2rt Knnsas City 24 St. Louis... 22 llrnohlyn . . 23 Chicago ..SI rialtlmoTe . 10 Uiirroln ... 10 Not scheduled 10 10 10 10 21 22 20 39 .888 .837 ..123 .822 .381 .318 .6118 .818 .833 .355 w .til -Jii m j;i HARVARD CREWS TRAIN Order for Today Was to Paddle Firi! Miles and Back. RED TOP, Conn., June 8. The Harrai varsltv and second eights, the freihrnii? eight and freshman four went for a five- nine paaaie 10 ine invy vara and batl There was but one change In the boal Moody going to No. 3 In the freshmi eight In place of Williams. Conditio: wero Ideal, the weather overcast ana Hi river llko a mlllpond. Before the crews went out, Coach Jw wray took tliem out In the doubles ft individual., coaching. The Harvard varsity crew has a pat 5 cot In the shape of an Irish terrier, till property 01 ijusk. ifl "Gas." It has gumption, buy no grit." It has a uniform "boi ing point," which means thlf every gallon of "gas" you bujl is sure to do just, iih.6 mp lass banishing frequent carburetor adjustment. It has more mpesi to the cubic inch, and a livelPi ness that enables you to ge'ti away quickly in all kinds of weather. j Atlantic Gasoline is made from thefint crude oil that flows, by the oldest aall larrfest refiners in the State. AH Boodi garages have it, and Atlantic tankeffl deliver anywhers, any time, do it's Atlantic. Afanfc POLAR1NE is tht 100-Ptt cent lubricant that flows freely at all temptraiurts. It keeps upkeep DOWN. THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY HERE'S "gas" with go antKii ffflllnn rfnlnrfi AilnnhWMK II AT AH r MiiW ill &t TnT H : 6 mm l r- trw" lC'5fWnaT1E' III S ' '- - Sf'lP' AT ANT r tF1 .rriw M??;rs ' ayaaasgfflES- sjAi ' knrw A mrrep.f ft GAS QLIN .114 sji mi ; . iw f 1 ry . jp- & !k liVv VwgHL 1 1 -L'- l -J'.1. i- ' i X , -J .iw i't.g J 1 . S ' p jet jeMaBaglJfcBEaawBpBjjj aTaaaaalaaBJaiiaakaaiiSalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat -"- ,,""aiapa(ipaaMBfig jfiggB(ggpagaBBaiaT ST " 3rc iii b it,r3gi4iilM jJpF jilisisisisisHailf Mall' flaW- - f wcrc