fB.' unrr-lmi MII(flllW'lW' U EVENING KEP&EB-PHTrAPEEPHLrV. MONDAY, JtJNE 7, 1915; HE PHOTOPLAY QDESTIONA AND ANfHVKIl .The rhplootay iMIter of the Kttnln ijMfer trill be lnaftt la nnairtr nn' tleni KMIIn to hl dtpnrtmrnt. Can tlepa trUtlnt to family nrritlr ef actor ! rii r Imrreil abanlnttlr. ..9l!' "HI not he anawrtd b Ifttff. " '.Jt.'.r mnl h Mrd to rtioto play IMItot, Evening I.filfcr. "Ffem Champion to Tramp" Is the title of ft novel two-reel drama, recently com pleted by the Lnbln Company at Phoenix, Arizona, tinder the direction of Ilomalnc i-ieiaine. f leidln a featured n the n v And he playa the role of the world' cham. plon mile runner, who, a a result of be In falsely nceuned of belnit crooked, 'a banlahed from athletics and become u wanderer on the face of the earth. The 'tramp" runner finally get works In a mining camp, and In hi new environment not only vindicates himself as an athlete and a man but succeeds In winning the Kin or nis cnolco and happiness. Others In the play Include Vlnnle Hums, Jack Lawlon and Itoacoe Karnes Tho activities of the players at the main studio of the Lubln company In Philadelphia are many nnd varied, in the study there are athletic, musical, lit erary, dramatic, social, beneficial and other organizations. The latest of these Is ft studio band, which Is now bclnR or Banlzed. A few days ago thcro was an impromptu reception for ono of the players In the studlt nnd a raid was made on the property room for musical In struments. It was then discovered that a number of the players were ablo to Play, With varying degrees of skill, the Instruments they selected, and It was de cided to organize a studio band. This Is now being done. Lawrence McCloskey, cennrlo editor of the Lubln company, who Incidentally Is a cornet soloist, Is the leader of the band. Arrangements are now being made at the Western I.tlbln studio at Los Angeles, to put on a series of military and naval dramas In which all tho forcea of tho United States Government. Including land forces, battleship, cruisers, destroyers, Euumannes, aviation corps and every other branch of Uncle Hum's forces will bo utilized. "Tho lied Virgin." a drama by Julian Louis Lamothe, has Just been completed nt tho Western studio. Tho play showed how a wronged woman, whoso lovo for mankind has been changed to hatred, bends every energy to ruin those who havo worked for her downfall A strong effect In tho play Is tho coronation and uuuicauon or n. King with all the attend ing ceremonlcn. Tho cast Includes L. C. Bhumway. Melvln Mayo, Jay Morley George Routh, Bob Gray. Helen Eddy, Edyth Sterling and Florlne Garland. Great PlayB for Films moWng picture rights for both "Tho Chorus Lady" and "The Traveling Sales man," the two most famous comedies written by James Forbes, which were both originally produced by the lato Henry B. Harris and which went far toward making the reputation and for tune of that manager. When "The Chorus Lady" was first pro duced It ran for almost two entire sea lions In New York city, being transferred to several different theatres In order that Its run might continue without Interruption. "Tho Traveling Salesman" followed al most Immediately after "The Chorus Lady," with equally great successi Though dealing with an entirely different phase of life. It was Just as true In char acterization and mado Just as wldo an appeal. .Both will be among the fall pro ductions of tho Lasky Feature Flay Com pany. Morosco-Dosworth Sign Miss Datcmnn Victory Bateman, leading woman for Kdwln Booth, tho two Ealvlnls, Louis James and other celebrated Shakespear ean, and one of tho most finished act rcrses of the American stage, has been fecured to appear before tho camera at the Morosco-Bosworth studios. Ml Bateman has played hundreds of tlirreront types of women In her Illus trious career and ttlll porlraj the part of a gypsy seeres? In "Kllmeny," the photo play selected as tho Initial starring screen chicle for Lenore Ulrlch, of "Bird of Paradise" fame. Among others In tha "Kllmeny" cast are "Bill" Desmond, who has supported Lenore Ulrlch for two sea sons In "Tho Bird of Paradise," and Herbert Standing. and Daisy Vivian all brought something of distinction to their playing, while a dozen of so others acquitted themselves as well as amateurs are apt to. On the production side, in both stags management and scenery, lay ft distinc tion greater slid. Each play was mounted In a setting Imaginatively suited to Its nature. There waa nothing of tha cheap conventional or, mora to bo praised, of the costly. A feeling for color, design, simplicity and suggestion worked out all four settings to a singularly pleasant fit ness. In the Maoterllnck tho beauty of the moon-shadowed wall with Its great square of window was heightened beyond measure by the posing of the figures within. With the plastic (trace of Mr. Freedman, and Misses Meyer, Behrs and Knrlght as the silent family, tho plcco seemed perfectly staged. Such an entertainment, given by ama teurs at half a dollar a seat, Is some thing for tho play-goer to ponder who find no such aesthetic sustenance In Phila delphia's theatres. It becomes tho most significant and pregnant event of the sea son when Interested amateurs of tho city propose a similar organization here J THEATRICAL BALUtKLK ronnnsT-"with the mghtins rorcM of Europi. with tho Kalxr. King rienrgr, PfMldfnt lolticare the Kin of Ilelslum nnii Admiral Tlroltz. the no Idlers, aailnrn. Imlila- fhlps an forts of uarrlng Europe nhnun In time .2 ao and s 30 Movies at Lit IJrothcrs Lit Brothers announce that they will show motion pictures on the second floor of their store, twice a day, nnd free, to their patrons. Tho shows will begin at 10 30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. THE THEATRE klnemacolor for the nrst WOOnsiDB PAP.K - "Tho Hcrl Petticoat." with the resident atock con-puny A lady barber, hrousht out lo n Colorado mlnlnc town, la tho heroine 8 IS Ki;iTH'S-Jeie U Lnaky'n "Itrdheada," with James n Cnrron, Wlllnrd, tho man who to to order, Burton Holmes' tmelctKi, Cerll rurnlnnham. Harry twls. In "A audevllle Cocktail", Meehan'a .loca. Mr nnd Mrs Garden Wilde, ehidonsranhlats. .tack Mrcioud and Al Carp and tho llenrat-B'llj- News Weeklj 2 00 nnd SO!) NJ.X!?'YS,. JjnANI) - The Frcocotta Ulllv TUlte a Cnltrtnnfi .1Mi an.l Mu ti..ri. .u- Danclne Lo. Vara Dranee. Hamlio and Wu. co. In "a Hottento Hotel"; ix-ever L rioy and Davis, comedians, and Kejstonn Come " 2, 7 and a JMBk " blHEtiaiaiaiaiaiaiaH IIMBHBHMHHH Important negotiations are pending for tho reproduction by tho camera of an other batch of notnblo English stago classics. After considerable inducement Blr Arthur Pinero has consented to per sonally superintend tho perpetuation of his plays, "Tho Gay Lord Quox," "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray," "Iris," and others. Oscar Wilde's play, "Lady Win dermere's Fan." and "Tho Importance of Being Earnest" nnd Bennett's "The Great Adventure" aro also down for early re production, Lasky Gets Forbes Plays Tha Jesse L. Lasky I'enturo Play Com pany announces that It has obtained tho From Washington Square, New York Tho two audiences which filled The Llttlo Thcatro Saturday for tho per formances of tha Washington Square Flayers from Now York cot so much moro than their CO cents' worth that even In an afternoon paper of two days fol lowing thcro Is a good deal to bo said of tho affair. Judged by even moro exacting standards than thoso usually nppllod to amateurs, tho plays, players and productions were exceptional. Maeterlinck's Ineffably pathetic "Interior," Philip Moeller's ef fective little cross between Syngo nnd Dunsany, "Two Blind Beggars nnd Ono Less Blind"; Director Edward Goodman's saucy gay farce, "Eugenically Sneaking." nnd tho whimsically amusing pantomlno in black and white, "The Shepherd In tho Distance," which closed the bill, nil had very ovldcnt reasons for being. They moved, entertained, thrilled or amused nil on n distinctly nrtlstlo plane. The acting was such as few amateur organizations can consistently furnish; Mr Goodman, Ttalph Boeder, Florcnco Enrlght. Robert Strange, Walter Frankl CIGARETTE COSTS CITY $90 Dropped in Waste Worth 75 Cents, It Calls Out Firemen. A lighted clgnrctto worth half a cent was dropped through a grating in tho sidewalk in front of James Nolan's saloon, 13th nnd S.insom streotB, by a thirsty man who awaited tho opening of tho doors. Tho half-burned "smoke" ilrnnnad in bucket of waste and caused n. 7B-cent fire, which cost tho city JM to extinguish with a bucket of wntor, because an alaim was kent In. It also tlrovo many thirsty ones uwav from the neighborhood. Tho cost of answering a one-alarm fire was figured out some tlmo ago and the statistician declares tbat tho friction on tho wheels of apparatus, tho fuel burned by tho engines, tho wear nnd tear on wires nnd other things reach JDO nt least. CHANCELLOR JAMES R. DAY Ho is accused of being "drunk with power" by nlumni of Syra cuse University, who also chargo him and tho trustees of tho uni versity with misuse of funds nnd diversion of moneys into improper channels. Tho annunl meeting of tho Alumni Association turned into a demonstration against tho Chancellor. According to some of the speakers at tho meeting, tho Chnnccllor has intimidated tho of ficers of tho association, has forced them to pay S10.000 to ward the expenses of tho collego and has, through his actions, can celed 60,000 in outstanding pledges to Syracuso University. PHOTOPLAYS GLOBE MARKET A JUNIPER PHOTO PLAYS It TO 11 10c, lGe, 2.c onniN JOHNSON IN IIlHr" LIGHTING BOB' SAI.IMll'KY'S "WILD I.I IT," PICTURES, Tliurs.. Prl., Rnl. "WORMWOOD" Tlaya Olilntnril Thru Slnnlcr Booking Co. STEAMSHIP NOTICES ANCHOR LINE Itoynl Mnll Twin-Screw Ofurcd Turbines NEW YORK and GLASGOW CaineronlaIune ll.SpmlTnscnnlaIuno 2.?,Spm 1'or rntrs nnd full tinrllculnr nmily (o .1. .1. MrOIIATII, 101(1 Walnut St. ItOIIT. TAYLOR CO., 002 Walnut St. Or Any Local Agent. POLICE MMWIf COURJffiDNIQES There's n. big disaster coming this wny, according to William Shakespero Brady, but he cannot say dennltoly whether It will be a cyclone, enrthquako or flood. Ho dispensed this cheerful Information to residents of Hope street, near Master, and also added thnt ho could tell what was coming months In advance. Brady also advised his hearers to look after their affairs and make all arrangements for a haBty exit from tho city. Hla general aDDearance Irullrntivi thnt he never believed In sunshine, and ho would easily have been elected president of the Undertakers' Association on form. Brady wore a long black coat and black soft hat, which accentuated his unusual height. A black, shaggy heard, which evidently had had its own way for years, was the finishing touch to his make-up. The weird-looking seer said that, In ad dition to knowing all about tho future, ho could tell what any ono was thinking about. This remark was htvard by Police man Belster, who chanced along. "What am I thinking about?" he asked. "You are thinking that I am a fake," said Brady, "Correct," replied the cop, "and I want you to visit the station house to see lfl any ona else shares my views." leg first. It had a bayonct-IIko effect on 0110 of tho strangers, who beat a retreat The other man did likewlso when he scrambled to his feet, so when Police man O'Hourko arrlictl thero wasJTo ono (ftfeff ? to arrest but Jimmy and Mike. Jones explained when the pair faced Magis irate, McCleary that Jimmy was n "mar tyr, and should havo been rewarded ?,dCf.u,n.ff "I,ned-" The cop and dldn t see tho other two combatants. As Jimmy seemed very earnest In tell ,n "Y,e,rslon f the trouble, the Judge believed him arid allowed him to hobble to liberty with his friend. HUMMER RESORTS OSTiiND Occupyln .ATLANTIC CITY. N. .T. SV.n n .' ffift 14 ?Kir cheiS?. ,KSttuon!BSKS:,ri,C!1JS iiy ttJ I m'lm Kz i THE I iHRvjIH fcf itljH&:" Tff Wtiniri I B:t SflkB- fiftff .Kttt. Brady accompanied Relster In gloomy mood. Ha found that Magistrate Scott also was dubious when ho again told o tho coming calamities. "You should bo Jn a good, strong structure when thla disaster owoops down upon us," said tha Judge, "and for your own Bafety I'm going to allow you to spend three months In the Gibraltar of the Delaware, other wise known as tho House o? Correction.' A en for help never falls upon tho ears of Jimmy Kelton In vain. The fact that ho has but one lee doea not prevent him from responding to calls of distress In quick time. But. like all heroes. Jimmy has often been misunderstood. Life has bn n. series of bumps and black eyea Wrsaiwa or nis eagerness to help the "under dog." The fact that he has but on foot on tho ground doesn't bother Jimmy In tho least, and he refers to his "upa and downs" without regret. Kelton was passing Kensington avenue end Cumberland street when ho saw two rough-looking fellows pounding Ids pal, Michael Jones. Tho lattsr was getting ths worst of the two-U-one argument and Jimmy Jumped Into It with his cork jnuiua 1y lar.V. ii..""""l.tt'?y w View o( ocean f ram .TiV """ unoo.trucud sffl..?!ftni :" r,iwir7wHs?iS,.is twice dally: o:tal dlv.rir-- . ' 2Bf new Palm unVo? VcUl iirin rilflf?n' Illustrated booklet rnilled- aTiti.-.u? w,klT manaiement by nwnen T ' ut0 ,nee,, rlnsj . w. uujai.r:i iianaaer. CHALFONTE Atlantic City, New Jersey The Leeds Company RUMMER HE80KTS O-TE-SA-GA Oa Otsego Lake, Cooperitown, N. Y, 14 lloutm by HaJI from Niw TArb rit uriiv I A aTT v v -: " rv'' JUUI-f-MUMt t w-ta. . vm 4s.k(ss. to. ; Car 3 SO Tl-I.V.te.. .... .r eellent tab. Juni 'rsu 110 ,BA J up dally nin t if' V5UK WILDWOOD'S LEADING HOTELS WIM zwi to 2S0. V- 'sna Bo.rJw.Ik and ;umi.,L?"eb. aoclal llf.. Coache. m. .ii".":...."""n lata. PVir. ri.,.11; .JV -. hotels at Wlldwood, N. J. j tha IlonV. following IJOH8EY.. EDOKTON INN..., IIADDON UAlh V. SHELDON.... . ' AnEI.I'lII.WitTE.' UE.VC1IUOOU..... .J. E. WhlleacU i A: "srris JJ' d' Hsndolph J. J. Moods ..Mr.. II. iitt. . C. II. KurU St'MMEIt ItESOKTS fiiniMEK ItESOUTS These Books Open the Way to II II Delightful Vacations in the ADIRONBACKS or 1000 ISLANDS . II Our booklets will tell everything you I II want to know, about these! resorts. 11 And they're Yours for the, s, II II fl rt' iraraYi!r3TJ M Hi Addrew IKAVEL BUREAU llHKallf il fl Crand Central Terminal, New York SraPlHs.rF IS P jlil II :S5rfsgwrf7&1ggtlaty-fj? S to October la( llUTOUINtl Uooklos Offle. UOATINa 1 wet m ML. Haw Tut, WBtW C11H8THH, PA. Hotel ReadJn? e. o.k av L.r, Near dtPo... Jt&IXSX&g, HOTEL ELBERON!F?n: Hotel Hayilla 't Av?- . Si. r Mit8 J. TOANK RANK Tltpia. BALTIMORE S?2553lhs: -z-- .TOuaemanta. WltDWOOD KOHTII. N. J. The QTTENS Sf f"n3niiri5: . . .-i,. , l r -" m ui ancKVVuuD-3 7tk. lit mt V... ... - BHiLuwi. uSZSJZZ- i GREEN TREE I a Putleulsr attao 10 Uurut paxtias. flee omj7 f.0. Kim .1 ni aur. t; Ksmous Inn .1 Waal Catr. P. mo. motor aad Vx, Buainr muli Valatartaer. wpa. MtHICK UKIOUTa. PA. ESSJCK f. itiitUtlMl utua,tad aai AllLuiia wm " .w mwH. mull 9r.aw. iwiphi wtaar Ufll 1. oatU(T Must MKUIA, PA, klik ar.sL Mi fona ia ti uuig ms W UILDWOOD CHEST. JUSTICE 2SS" mmmZI WA.JU8TICE. OOE.rI CITY, y. j. UOTHI. BRiaUTOM, ussrtJSissrsiJ& Mi hitd. tray to JLttestia Ctt. viTJt '.H !r. rkW pun Y.M. - I COOlut i.V ? BaUt. Kfttad A. R. rtd tof sslalna. wi. rron. America's Mnf Attnt:. o . fat BrettonWoods WHITE MOUNTAINS, N. H. To. nnn ,; J iF 8nMw of Mt. Washington. 10,000 acres with every Bport and pastime atTts best. The MOUNT PLEASANT pJth The MOUNT WASHINGTON aiyfti. Alain f?-,,,- ra . ww m HAlLROADS: Throueh service via N VMM , r 2 ' NEW YORK OFFICE? m uiV:'.H'H'R'R'J B.&M.R.R. . ... ' "" iClCDDonei DTUM.JI. is HiamainiiMiiHiiNiiimiii n -wwmmmti ...iMjMtircmn , 9XA mLE CITX. y. J UftrKKION, MB. Th i d'.ji ,-A naallla 1 r". ' wv box, taiav 9 aiMia ,jyt ik. BUSCH'S HOTEL I. TiTt BweaiaK. 'Ba IAKK BE Arm, , THE BREAKERS BfKUKI Stf W, J. THE "LEDGER SPECIAL" t.ea?ea for the CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS JULY 10TH S&'A San Pnci OI carsnr. wnm. -u.i. AJl - --:--" 111m enure trin n -ilJ? " Fair Ground and Admiwion to tlT&h bi,la "wis on Saw iW. OmtMt7iXSa' cnt. WalnuTol nd San BRAVE GIRL SAVES LIFE OF HER Drives Off Negro Who Cut Companion's Throat and Binds Up Wound. A Rlrl probablr soved the life of Morris Amossky, of 1635 North Marshall street, when the latter was attacked by a Neirro In Falrmount Park near the Strawberry Mansion entrance. Amossky's throat was cut. He Is now at the Women's Homeopathic Hospital. The girl Is Miss Itose Davis, of 1401 South Sixth street. She and AmossKy had spent the afternoon In tho park. They were on their way home when the Negro Jumped from behind a tree and attacked Amossky. The latter fell before the negro's rush, but continued to strug gle. Suddenly the Negro whipped out ft rator and drew It across Amosky's throat. The girl, who had been screaming for help, grasped the Negro's arm and prevented him from slashing again at Amosky. She fought so desperately that finally the as sailant fled. Miss Davis then tore a strip from her oettlcoftt nnd tried to stop the flow of blood from Amosky's wound. A park guard, who had heard her screams, ar rived a moment later, but could find no trace of the Negro. Detectives Callahan and Mahoney were detailed to the case today. They have n. good description of the Negro, furnish ed by Miss Davis. Tho latter Is suffer ing from nervous shock at her home. Amosky Is expected to recover. Ho saya the Negro took 5 from hla pocket In their struggle. W. C. WATTS ThAGIC DEATH Coroner's Jury Decides Ho Killed Him self Whilo Deranged. The coroner's Jury today returned a ver dict of suicide during temporary derange ment In the rasa of William C. Watt banker at.d clubman, who was found dead at his home, US West Stafford street, Gerraantown. Saturday, with a bullet In his brain. The family and friends main tained that the shooting was accidental. Mrs Watt, who Is an Invalid, Is ln trt. cal condition at her home under h ... of a Physician. Wetr Anton Bournonvllle, of 81 Allen Ian. ,. ll-v t.iflfltil that TO.. ".n.la"6.Ml. mentally the last time he raw htm ""V N wan, wna wns c&snier or E. XV n . A Co. 821 Chestnut street, and ,,S'k of the Union League. Was burIM V?tr privately. Only the Immediate fatnlit ?! a. few friends attended tho funeral ..'J"1 Ices at the home this aftemobn. Th T" Franklin S. Moore, rector of r.i?T' Episcopal Church, Pulaski and Manw'Z streets, officiated. Mann.tih iriniiiiiiiimi"""1"""""1'"""" 1,"'s"fra?riTrj SKY5 ar THE S.S.WHrTE DEHTAl.MfG.CO. "Costs no morxs ihan oftar. The experience of seventy-six years in I manufacturing supplies, that set the ! standard of excellence for the dental j profession, is back of "S. S. White" j 1 ooth raste. In Paste or Powder, 25c. If not at your druggist's, mailed upon receipt of price. THE S. S. WHITE DENTAL MANUFACTURING -CO. .F.HUjAUttljF.rilA New York San Francisco Atlanta Chlcaco Toronto, r.mn Brooklyn Boston Oakland Cincinnati Montreal, Can. i ttHAJuJ Wfimm Jmrn Standard ofthllrVorld You Cannot Fully Realize the Possibilities of Motoring Until You Ride in the Your Motoring Education Will Never Be Completed Until You Do This i e ProSi"essive successful manufacturer, professional or business man never hesitates to "scrap" old methods, however good, for something newer and better. C Therefore, if you would keep abreast with progress, nde in the Cadillac Eight ' - V ?urjire that every man in our territory owning a .high-priced Six-Cylinder Car be given the opportunity of ndmg in and dnving the Eight-Cylinder Cadillac. CI Every owner of a high-priced Six-Cylinder Car should be placed in position to prove to himself that the Eight Cylinder Cadillac cannot be excelled in smoothness, acceleration, uniform power and riding charm. r'Af Sg??nd the invitan to ride in the Cadillac Eight to EVERY owner and PROSPECTIVE owner of an Automobile. 1VC 100 Cadillac "Eights" Promised For June Delivery rnAtttf 3CCUrCd ft -andsuetMhcnetTXaltreXetden "d Ao?bfIe Sales Corporation OFFICR.il PERCY L. NEEL, President 8 STANKOWITCH. Jr Y. Vm. J. B. DICKRnN e !.- HBNBY E. ModSTftS. m BRIDGETON, N. CAMDEN, N.j""0. Co. !,ilt. Or At un !uel, w rrophet Joph K UliDi ftur i Birilir, ,WlUm f Cura J 'lata E. tlMc , Oitjnce Uulia JUUrtD ' eti E. Cmko 1 UcDoaj Irurlo il tn!d A 4 aisoi EW G HluP. : wlU.1 Trent jo .RIm. J: I3rd nirtfiHn iJwpli V nomu J .K. Wltl ri h. .Barbort aurait r .wmpolc Sw(l wBliacha Hrbnt ,H. llloi Mia ( .,W Be' HMatl I Hr Ztl .a. uib Cln Fr -Usielll, hair. JD cauj, Brmu c jHmeni CUnnc, ( kiboiMl c. Carellna 1. , "raoa. 5Mir 0 rpx wfflT'c 3r a. i W. Qatta l c: - aMa aaa -J"J- "-- - - . . . ,daw . ' mmmmmmmxx, mnmetK&m liiiii iliii n il ' ill