"- -"y ?: jj ?(,-saM 'Wt'fKjW . 3,7kvi jdS'iriSeE'll J Wl j i .' v ' y n i!H tii :5 t fa? bVJ ':& ,i tfof Ji war EVENING EEDGBB-PHIIJADBIiPHIA'. MONDAY, JTHTE 7, 101B: SI ATTENDE L'ESITO DELLA GRANDE LOTFA NELLA VAL D'ISONZO Vivissima ed Ansiosa At- tesa in Italia pel Risul tato della Battaglia da Tolmino a Monfalcone. IItalia Domina 1'Adri-atico. nOMA, 7 OluJmo. Jterr Von Illndenberg, gla' conelitliere dell'Ambasclata tcdesca a Homa, II Quale era partner lnslemo con II prlnclpo von St;iow alia clta delta OermanU. non nppen.t era atata ordlnaU la moblllta- ilono generate detl'eaeercito llallano, 6' Improvvleamente rltornato & noma, non el sa pr uualo raglone. K' facile Imrrta- tnaro the It sue- arrlvo ha chato qui prolonda imnrcaslone ed ha fatto sorfere commentl nel clrcoll dlplbmatlcl. Qui ed In tutta I'ltatla l'attesa ' vlvia alma per II rlaultato della battaglia che e atatA Impeftnata e continua tuttora lungo II fronle dell'Isonso, dove le (one Italians hAnno energUamento preaa, I'ouenslva. Atcunl regRlmentl dl nersagtterl attao cano energleamente le trlncee auatrlache atit fronte dl Oradlsca e cercano dl paasare II flume leonzo per Impadronlral delta' forrovlA che va da Trieste n Oorltln. Oil auatrlacl dtfcndono accanltamente t loro poslzlonl cha sono fortemento trln cerato nulla rtva deatra del flume La battaglia Impegnata Ira Itallanl ed auatrlacl sul fronte Tolmlno-Caporetto non o' ancora glunta ad una faae declsl vn, ma Invece aumenta In vlolenza gi aoche tanto git auatrlaol cho gll Itallanl portano nulla linea dl combattlmento nuovo forzo fresche. Intanto si dice ch II muMin rilt'nHin. elva Itallana ha eauaato prof6nda coaler nailono a Ilerllno ed a Vienna, e si dlco pure cho II kalaer e' atteao presto aul fronts Italo-austrlaco. dove le autorlta' gll ordlnl dl augllelmo. Oil nustrlacl Kll brdlnl dl augllelmo Oil auatrlachl linnno flnora rlaparmlato quanta plu han potuto munlzionl dl artlslierla per non averne ecnrsezza aul frontn mtiirn.ritniA A qucsto acopo 1 aoldatl auatrlacl lao rano glnrno o notte per rlnforzare lo loro P2,r,J df dlfcea attorno a Trento, Trieste Tolmino e coal rlspnrmlare le loro mu nition! dl artlslierla. II Mlnlatero della Marina ha pubbll cato II aeguenta comuntcato udlclale: XI B Glugno una delle noatra dlvlalonl navall operanto nell'Adrlatlco centralc, contro lo costo nemlche, togllo" II cavo cho unlva le lsolo deU'nrclpelago dalmata nlla terra ferma dlatrueso I farl cd I m"' m uroervuzione o oomDardo e gra vemento danneggto' la ferrovia tra Cat taro o Ilaguaa. "Kello sicsso glorno una della noetre Bquadrlglle dl allurantl bombardo" dl nuovo Monfalcone, afrondando parecchlo lmbarcnzlonl carlche dl vlverl, che el troavnno nel porto. Le unlta' magglorl della squadrlglla Inerocarono per lungo tempo davantl n quel tratto dl coata avvlstara II nemlco Un dlapacclo da Venezla al Mesaaggero dice: "Durante II bombardamento dl Pola da pone a un ainglblla lUllano, II 80 Mag Klo, la squadra auntrlnca el moaae por cercare una poalzlone dove non poteaao casere colpita, Mentro faceva do', la corazzata Ercherzog Trnnz Ferdinand Invest!" un cacctatorpedlnlere, aprendogll una larga falla In un flanco a cauaandono coal' rafTondamento, mentre lo cliche e I a iae della corazzata rimaaero danncggl-atl QUICK NEWS KING GEORGE RECEIVES U. S. AMBASSADOR PAGE LONDON, June 7. Walter H Page, the United States Ambassador, was received In audience by Klngr George at Buckingham Palace today. CARRANZA REOPENS LAREDO-TAMPICO RAILWAY WASHINGTON. June 7 Vice Consul Bevan at Tamplco reported today that railroad communication between Laredo and Tamplco has been reopened, the Carranzlatan having cleared the nay through Monterey and Saltlllo. GERARD STRIKES AT ABUSIVE AMERICANS U. S. Ambassador at Berlin Re vokes Passports of Those Who Abused Wilson. SUBMARINES TAKE THREE VICTIMS LONDON, Juno 7. The British steamship Star of tho West hao been sunk by a German submarine off Peterhead. Scotland. All members of tho crew were saved, The Star of the West was a small ship of 197 loni hailing from Aberdeen. She was destroyed on Saturday. The small Hull trawler Dromlo wns torpedoed and sunk In the North Sea yesterday. Her crew reached Peterhead today. The British trawler Arctic was shelled and sunk In the North Sea by n German submarine with tho loss of four members of her crew. Five Bur Vlvors were landed today at Grimsby. DECISION ON LEO FRANK'S APPEAL NOT YET REACHED ATLANTA, Ga, June 7. Tho Prison Commission announced today that Its decision on Leo M. Frank's appeal for commutation of sentence) from death to llfo Imprisonment would not be ready until Tuesday and may not reach Governor Slaton before Wednesday. GERMAN DIPLOMAT RETURNS TO ROME ROME, Juno 7. Counselor Htndenburg, tjf the German Embassy, who departed from Romo with Ambassador on Buelou, unexpectedly returned today. His arrival created n. Rcnsntlon In diplomatic circles. ALLIES AIRSHIPS RAID GERMAN LINES AT VALENCIENNES AltSTEnDAM, June 7 A squadron of the Allies' airships has raided the German supply station at Valenciennes, doing much damago with bombs. Valenciennes Is In northern Franco, near tho Bclglnn border nnd within tho German lines. BEItLIN, Juno 7. Ambassador Gerard today directed a formal letter to all American Consuls In Germany, asking them td report If any Americans within their Jurisdiction have publicly abused President Wilson or Secrerary flran Tho Ambassador also sent a nota to tho German Foreign Office, asking that tho police bo Instructed to confiscate the passport of Maurice fionborn, the natural ized American, who was ejected from tho Embassy and who afterward made speeches In Berlin cafes abusing Wilson and Bryan. Gerard's action today followed a re vocation of American passports held by Leon Balnea and Karl X Beoknagel, of Dresden, for writing Jointly an open let ter to President Wilson criticising his policies. Raines has written the Ambas sidor asking an opportunity to explain The Ambassador has granted his request ABDUCTORS SMOTHER STRUGGLING LAWYER, DASH AWAY IN AUTO Seize Francis Tracy Tobin as He Steps From Home Attorney Calls for Help. Policeman Halts Car. LITTLE HOME' RICH MOURNS LOST DOG THAW INSANITY TRIAL SET TOR JUNE 1G NEW YORK. Juno 7. Supremo Court Justice Hcndrlck today set Juno 16 as tho date for tho Jury trial of Harry K. Thaw which Is to decide whethor tho slayer of Stanford Whlto Is now sane. Tho trial wns originally sot for today, but Justice Kcndrlck said that because of tho Stato Attorney Gen eral's appeal, now pending in the Court of Appeals, to prohibit tho trial, sufficient time must bo allowed for tho Albany court to render Its decision. Thaw was In court, but was returned Immediately to tho Ludlow street Jail. GERMAN BAND SEEKS NATURALIZATION BROOKLYN, N. Y., Juno 7. Carrying tholr Instruments, eight sons of Germany who cornprlso a street band, paraded Into tho United States Dis trict Court this afternoon and declared their Intention of becoming citizens of tho United States. All were sworn in and presented with first papcrn. SOBMARDfES AGAIN ACTIVE IN TRACK OF OCEAN LINERS British Bark Torpedoed Near Sceno of Luaitnntn Disaster. QUEESTOWN, June 7 German submarines nro again operat ing off tho Irish coast near tho spot where tho Lusltanla was sunk. Tho crew of the British bark Sunlight, tor pedoed off Klnaale, was landed here to day. Tho Sunlight was en routo from the West Indies to English ports with a cargo of sugar CATHOLIC WOMEN ORGANIZE TO SUPPORT SUFFRAGE CAUSE MOTHER RUNS TO HOSPITAL WITH DEAD BABY A mother's dash to a hospital in bare feet with her dying baby in her arms proved In vain when physicians pronounced the Infant dead Mrs Roso Barber, 708 Manton street, heard her 4-months-oId baby choking and Jumped up to relievo it with somo water. When sho returned the child had ceased Us struggling, and sho rushed it to tho Mount Sinai Hospital, where doctors pronounced It dead from colic and cramps r La prima Important battaglia della irucrra Italo-austrlaca o' ora Impegnata sul fronte dell'Iaonzo, e precleamente per 11 possesso dl Tolmino A Tolmino gll Itallanl hanno Incontrato la prima serla reslstenta degll austrlacl lerl sera II Mlnistero della Ouerra pub bllcnva 11 aeguente comunlcato urtlclale 'Continuano su tutto II fronte operaztonl dl mlnore importanza da parte delle nostra truppe. 'Sugll altlptanl dl Lavarone dl Fol Si" 'a superlorlto.' della noatra artl Kllerla nel bombardamento del fortl aua- jnaci va aivenendo sempre pul' manl ?BT?" La nostra fanterla appoggiata coal efflcacemente al va atabllendo sem pre plu fermamente nel terrltorlo conoui-stato. RUN OVER BY ICE WAGON, CHILD IS DYING Soven-ycar-old Charles M Colladay, 4938 Keyscr street, is dying In the Germantown Hospital from injuries received vhcn ho was crushed under an Ice wagon today. Tho little fellow asked for a rido when Ocorgo W. Anthony, 022 Eat Cheltcn avenue, delivered lco at his humo. Anthony lifted him upon tho scat. Later, when ho loft tho wagon to mak n. dellvsrv. onn nr iu mules became scared at a passing automobile and Jerked tho wagon suddenly, I Wfl,sh mrowing tne lad off the scat nnd under tho heavy wheels They passed over tho lad's chest Magistrate Ponnock held Anthony without ball to await the outcome of tho boy's Injuries New Loague Will Work for State Con stitutional Amendment. The American League of Catholic Women was formed today by a group of women prominently Identified with the suffrage movement, at a meeting held in tho rooms of the American Catholic His torical Society, 716 Spruce street Miss Jano Campbell, who founded the Women Suffrage Society of the County of Philadelphia, and has been Its presi dent for M years, was the first speaker. She Baked tho charter members to dis seminate education on tho principles of suffrage and to support adoption of tho State Constitutional amendment at tho ccmlng November general election Othor speakers were MIsa Estella Rus sell, Mli Dllle Hasting and Mrs Rich ard T. White Those Who participated in the open discussion Included Miss Laura Rlackburne. Mrs Homor Walsh, Miss Katherine Bregg, Dr E A Dourcdourc, Mrs Philip J. Walsh and Miss Kathcrino WOMAN JUMPS BEFORE TRAIN IN SUICIDE ATTEMPT A special policeman of the Pennsylvania Railroad risked his llfo early tpday to save the llfn of Mrs. Emma Hooks, 1311 Lrmon street, Camden, who threw herself In front of an Atlantic City express at tho Lemon strcot cross ing In nn attempt to commit suicide. Her rescuer Is Spoclal Policeman Auscer nuhl. Hu noticed tho woman acting suspiciously at tho crossing as the express approached Suddcnlv sho Jumped forward between the rails, but Auscermuhl grasped her and pulled her out of tho way Just in time The woman is said to hao threatened several times to end her life. Sho and her three children have been in reduced circumstances since her husband has been out of work. She left him at home with the children this morning and went to the railroad' tracks. "MIDDIES' " FATHERS DEFEND THEM BEFORE INQUIRY COURT EFFORT MADE TO LIMIT TEACHERS' RESIDENCE Resolution Forcing Instructors to Live Within City Fails of Recommendation. An effort to force teachers and all other employes of the Board of Education to live Inside the city limits was made thli afternoon at the meeting of the High School Committee of the Board when Ed win Wolf, of the committee. Introduced, a resolution providing for compulaory resi dence, while the committee was appoint ing department heads for the new Oer mantown nnd Frankford High Schools. The committee refused to recommend the resolution, but Wolf will Introduce It 6in ai ine meeting of the General Board tomorrow. The question arose over the appoint ment of Dr. Edward H. Landls to succeed Dr Hurry P Keller as head of the science department at Central High School. Doctor Landls Uvea at Synwd The follow Ine appointments were con firmed for the two new schools- Germantown High School J. Henry Graham, mathematics department, Oscar Gerson, English. Samuel E. Berger, an cient and modern languages; J. Elwood Calhoun, history and commerce, Albert P. Oreen, manual training and drawing; Leslie 11. Seely, science. Frankford Hleh School Thorn Mnnr. mathematics department; C, W, Meadow, croft, literature and languages; John J. Kirk, history and commerce; William Salle, manual training and drawing. ZEPPELINS KILL FIVE ON BRITISH EAST COAST LOST HIS MUSIC PUPILS; MAN COMMITS SUICIDE Music students -whom ho hnd been teaching for years lost interest and new ones were difficult to obtain; therefore Emll G. Glass, 49 years old locked himself In his room at -1910 Westminster avenue and turned on the ras without Igniting It. Today his boarding houso mistress, Mrs. James Welst. came to his room to call him. Sho noticed tho odor of gas nnd called In Dr. M. A. Burns, of 908 North 48th street. Doctor Burns and Mrs. Wcist broke Into tho room. Glass lay on tho bed. dead. Ho had been despondent for the last two weeks. When ... ...ua.u puirunago icn on no tried, without success, to find employment. MARRIAGE MAY CAUSE LOSS OF ESTATE On tho ground that her father violated his promise made to her mother on her deathbed. Mrs. Mazle V. Orr, today In equity proceedings In Court of Common Pleas No, 3, asked that the estate bequeathed to her father be turned over to her. Tho papers died set forth that Mrs. Emma Trelble died In Norfolk, Mass., In 1901. She left her estate to her husband, S. Decker Trelble, on condition that ho remain unmarried. In 1910, Mrs. Orr alleges that her father remarried, and now seeks to compel him to turn over the estate to her. CARPENTER KILLED IN FALL FROM GARAGE William Selber, 68 years old, of Moreland and Germantown avenues was instantly killed early this afternoon when he fell from the roof a garage In the rear of tho home of B. F. Dewees. 413 Church lane, Germantown. Selber was found to bo dead at the Germantown Hospital. The body was taken to the Morgue. The carpenter lost his balance while putting up a cornice on tho garage. He fell directly on his head. Investigation of Theft of Examination Papers Will Be Public. ANNAPOLIS, Md . June 7.-Wlth an I array of counsel on hand to defend tho accused shlpmcn, tho court of inquiry ordered by Secretary of the Navy Dan iels to prove the "gouging" scandal or tho theft of examination papers In the recent annual examination at tho Naval Academy got under way today. Captain L R Russell is president of the lncstlgatlng body. The other members are Commander L R de Stlcguer and Commander A. T Long, -with Lieutenant Commander W. C. White as Judgo ad ocate One of the first questions considered was whether tho Inquiry should be In open court or behind closed doors It was decided, after much discussion, to make the inquiry public Among the lawyers hero to look after tho Interests of ac cused students are Congressman C K. Carlln and James Hay, of Virginia, Judge Harrison, of Chicago, nhose son, T V. Harrison, Jr. second class, Is among those implicated and Robert Moss, of Annapolis, In behalf of his son, James E Moss, third class, also among those recommended for dismissal How long the Inquiry will last Is a matter of conjecture, but It will be a week or more at least. Authorities of tho Academy resent stories published that cast reflections of lax methods of discipline Three men threw a blanket over the head of Francis Tracy Tobln, an attor ney. In front of his home at m Regent street this morning as he walked out of the house, lifted him Into an automobile and started to epeca away .no uiu...w blle was halted a block away by Police man Kohler Tho men were arrested and at a preliminary hearing at central sta tion one of them, a New Jersey lawjer, admitted he was trying to carry Tobln to New Jersey by force to face a civil suit, other means of getting him there havlntf failed The lawyer among tne tnree prisoners Is Clifford Powell, 21 years old. of Lum berton, N. J The other prisoners are John B Dolan, 21 years old, and cnaries t;. Jones, 23 J ears old, both of Mt Holly Atl three were held under $1000 bail at the hearing this morning, but after a hearing before Magistrate Beaton this afternoon, Powell was allowed to sign his own bond for JSOO to appear at a further hearing in two weeks ana Dotan and Tones each were held under $900 for trial. I The legal tangle resultlns from the at tempted kidnapping will be argued out on Friday, when Tobln will apply for a technical writ of habeas corpus for him self Assistant District Attorney Joseph Tautane, who was nt tho hearing this afternoon, sild ho believed tho man who entered ball for Tobln In Now Jersey could httVo him brought back any tlmo ho chose to forfeit The effort to take Tobln to New Jersey by force followed tho failure of an at tempt to have him extradited Tobln was attorney nt Mt. Holly for Edward Mur phy, a youth convicted of murder and now awaiting the death penalty. The lawjer atwajs maintained that the youth was Innocent Considerable bitterness was stirred up In the small New Jersey town over tho case In an attempt to prove the Inno cenco of Murphy, Tobln had nnothcr man arrested When Murphy was convicted this irnn started suit against Tobln for faUo arrest. Tobln secured $1000 ba.l. He failed to appear at tho first hearing date nnd at the second An attempt then was made to nrrect him In this city. Through his attorney, John H Fow, he took the caso Into tho local courts It was decided that he could not bo extradited on a civil suit, and xoDin was aiscnarged. When Powell was arraigned with his two companions for tho preliminary hearing today he said tho law under which Tobln Bccured I1I3 discharge had been contradicted In almost ecry State In the Union Ho declared that he had cbtalnod nuthorlty from tho man who provided ball for Tobln to secure the lattor and bring him to New Jersey, by force If necessary The attenmt his morning resulted Tobln declared that he had Just step ped from his house when the men seized him. One threw tho blanket over his head and all three lifted him Into ino inacnine incy started off at high speed Although n email man, Tobln put up a hard fight A block away from his home he managed to get his head free of the blanket Re shouted, "Help, murder, police " Pollcemin Kohler. nf li d. -,i Thompson streets station, heard Tobln's calls and shouted at tho chauffeur to halt. He ran after the car nnd finally It stopped Then all four were taken t6 wenirai station Tdy Fox Terrier "Rags" Is Blind and Can't Find His Way Home. Liin "Willie" Rich Is mourning. He was out walking with Rags, a. toy fox terrior Saturday night and the dog was lost In the crowd. What makes Willie's sorrow all the deeper Is that Rags Is blind and can't see to find his way home Willie Is the son of Detective Harry Rich. The dog Is 12 ears old, nnd has been the faithful and constant companion of tho child A year ago tho dog de- voloped a cataract over each eye, causing his blindness. Rags Is pure white, with the exception of a black patch about each eye, which meets in the form of a V in tho centre of the nose. Any one finding the dog should com municate with Detective Rich, either at City Hall or at his home, 1233 North Darlen street. The home telephone is Kensington 4332 W. A roward Is offered Until Rags Is returned Wllllo will be a sad little fellow. oovimoirs pruning knife APPLIED TO FOUR BILLS No Reasons for Adding to Cost of Mino Inspectors and Coroners' Fees. HARRISBURG, Juno 7 Governor Brumbaugh announced this afternoon that ho had vetoed two tills relating to mining Interests and two relating to coun ty coroners Tho bill creating tho ofTlce of assistant mtno inspectors and providing for tho ap pointment of 21 such officers at an annual salary of $2000 each. Is vetoed for the rea son that tho Governor says "the cost will bo fully $60,000 a year, tho qualifications are Inadequate to tho responsibility in volved In performing the duties of the office, and the cost is prohibitive at this time " Tho othor mine bill vetoed provided for an Increase In the compensation of mem bers of examining boards In the anthra cite region. These examiners license In dividuals ns mine Inspectors and their pay is now is a day. Tho bill would havo Increased the pay to $10 a day In vetoing tho measure the Governor says thero Is no assurance the Stato would get the slightest advantage for the Increased expense Tho Governor also vetoed the Houso Din relating to tho powers, duties nnd fees of Coroners, and that providing for tho pay of mileage of Coroners for viewing a dead body whero no Inquest is held. His reason for the first is that the "net of May 1, 1005, as amended In 1907, amply v.u.cuib me puDiic weiraro at a reason able cost of expense " This bill, tho Gov ernor concludes, "Is In the interest of tho officials, not of the taxpayers." The other bill, amending tho law of March 30, 1897, Is -vetoed for -virtually the samo reasons GENERAL VILLA'S ABBfi SEVERED BY OBREGON AND FLIGHT FOLLOWS 1.. .! T oarranzisca jueaaer Rg pores victory and Caru ture of Foe's Artillery 1 and Ti.nfn enn t, . l gees Leave Mexico City, WASHINGTON, Juno 7 -A eablem. to the Constitutionalist agency from-T Cms, received today, stated fj.n., , .aw,. .,o .u.ieu 10 warranza that li .. ..u.u. j-cuii irom villa ri. Villa fled In different directions wi small groups of followers, leavin, .h their artillery nnd trains In Obrerotfi 4 hands. "This victory," the rnei.J i stated, "spells the end of Vllhya wi?) , lion." ' , Another dispatch from San Antonio mm that General Maurerra defeated a Vn. Uata force near Parras, Coahulla. Six hundred foreigners, of whom aW one-half are women and children1 to come out of Mexico City on a srJut train to Vera Cruz. This report ..' eeni 10 me writisn Consul In Vera rw I by British diplomats In Mexico aty' 3 toth. atata Dep'tment tXy) B"llm Sllliman reported that a special tnl would leave Vera Cruz today with T1 i British Consul and American Conaui i o2? eral ShanUIn aboard u m,,M ?,""',?" train from tho capital. """ Unofficial reports at Wo.n.,.1.. .. . persons high In tho councils of the Vin. ' Zapata faction In Mexico have 1 J.' ''i wnvrnwoi ictwiu RV tvaan ngton that Informal efforts to sound out the attt?5! ' tlon today encouraged Administration officials In the hODe thnt a w -...?:'? found to restoro peace In Mexico without intprvnntlnn Viv fit. Tll.... r.... """Out Klisco Arredondn. Ik.o1 ...l ranza agency here, said that advices hm ...., . .,.. ltu oubsonuon of pear. " had come from a Villa conaui there, "St 8 ho would not comment on It In the ab t senco of official proposals Other members of tho Carrnnza junta. 1 however, intimated thetp i,u .uA IS? nrno is a sign that Villa Is weakening U together" with Carranza to escape defut. Spanish-American War Vets in Camp JOHNSTOWN, Pa, June 7 -Tho de partment encampment of the United Spanish War Veterans of Pennsylvania opened here today Odlcers were nom inated and the election will be held to morrow Pottsvlllo Is endeavoring to ob tain tho 1516 encampment - r Save. Your Hair !T ""'l? ,our Jfct of Canthar Idea, lnleis the root-bull 1$ . Mrojctl, this tonic, which for yearn hnj been a faTorlte, will preTrnt railing hnlr, product) a liralthy ocalu and thereby alii In n proline growth, it is non-Injurious and pleaiant to use. In convenient bottles 60 cents. LLEWELLYN'S rhllvlelphla's Standard Drug Store 1518 Chestnut Street A full line of combs nnd bruthrs vcre taken t JUVENILE COURT'S HEAD Judgo McNcillo Will Succeed Judgo Gorman. The Committee on Juvenile Court held its leguiarly monthly meeting this after- noon In tho House of Detention. 22d and nn.1i V" Yhtn the announcement was muds that Judge Raymond McNellle would preside over the court beginning & succeeding Judge James E uorman, who resigned George Q Horwltz was elected chair. commU.deeCharI" E FX Becret ""e In order to facilitate the work of the court and obtain bettor co-operation with the charitable organizations, th commit- sssz o7tt?or Adminis- 9 -", .' COCOA Hill U3JJ1WT Wo I'm in. njiH.. iietlcious flavor TIM via s i satisfactory I km hull Eerr 0tl f 6A T( iblpa ttdr r "" (J CI wto WStlt fated VM t to CO Elites panr anil An tnibie tnr (ITS t juny It if He ti Cirma Utter"! la Air tllie Cfico jUlhc eptlml rutii md th Ms hi tadeper Killzei war's md ev hlijud IfVc dieting teiltlor b (dm i more ftrence la. N. Preside tlaerej If this (roteeU ! la! mer !rV' U. S. DEMANDS DIVIDENDS Continued from Ia One certain details tf Zeppelin attacks, the Admiralty did not specify the exact lo calities attacked In last night's raids. The official bulletin issued this afternoon did not Indicate whether the Kalaer't air monster made an attempt to reach Lon don. Other details of the attaek. It was understood, may be given out later. Tba destruction of the Zeppelin between Ghent and Bruges followed one of the most thrilling air battles the World hu ever known. The British airmen shot upward to a height of 60G0 feet and hurUd alz bomb at the great dirigible, wWsh xlx-zagged In flight to escape at- Scarcely a second after the last bomb ,-.vjt shootlns down a terrlfie explosion IsvMt tb airship. It erURp44 In th eas- wi m aariea tpwsra nsu VM foro or tb xpiloa oau) th BrtiUh biplane to turn oopltly ever "or Marly a mtauu tfe aviator itnr. duwrauly while hi marhtnti 1W Oidly toward the earth- By an almost urhuroji effort he regalud sBtnl at bi lever ami righted the Uotau lux then mo fei from tb ground. Th rapidity of IU dM4nt, howvr rwrtad th. oipUoe to mnb with a- rough jr Tho landing plac vo oanlod tho ut.iii.iii lie Th aeha.nicUn sprang it toi.w4 tb prMUf md th I i, Une . on" faster th aateaiahil '" taPfturtag n.14 mould set liv 1- i -, K HWir KUA NOTE TO GERMANY NOT TO BE SENT TONIGHT WASHINGTON. July 7.-Counselor Lansing, of the State Department an nounced this afternoon that the note to Germany is not to be sent ton'lcht. Belief now Is that It will be dispatched late tomorrow. "snt. BERGDOLL FAILS TO APPEAR IN COURT A bench -warrant was Issued today In Norrlstown for Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, youthful millionaire and automoblllst, on a charge of violating the opeed laws In Montgomery County. When hla case was called for trial ther ,,, v iwwimv, wtbuuti m Ntm iu oo in auiprnia. WIFE FRIENDLY WITH BOARDER; nUSBAND USES BALE HOOK Charles Smith, 109 Kenllworth street, became so enraged today when he found his wife and Vatls St. Thomas, a boarder sitting In the parlor looking at a picture album that he rushed out, grabbed a bale hook and hit St. Thomas on the head, fracturing his skull. At a hearing before Marl., trate MacParland at the Sd and Christian streets police station this mornlnr Smith said St. Thomas was getting too friendly with hi- wife and was undermining his affections. Ho was held under J600 ball for further hearing St. Thomas Is In a serious condition at the Pennsylvania Hospital. GIRL WHO PLAYED WITH FIRE IS DYING Seven-year-old Helen Kowlnskl. burned while playing with a bonfire in o lot opposite her home, DI7 Mechanic street, Camden, is lying at the tTnint of death In the West Jersey Hospital. Her uncle. Peter Fisher, who 1 with her parents, rushed to the little girl's aid, He is also in tho hosp ta? suffering from bums on the hands and arms. "pbj, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Com pany Sued for ?51,187.60. Judge McPherson, In the United States Appellate Court, today ordered a retrial of the Government's suit to recover I5l.. 1B7 60, representing dividends on atock It owna In the Cheeapeake nnd Delaware Canal Company. The declalon ordering a new trial was based on an appeal taken by the canal company from a Judgment mr more man jou.iw entered In favor of the Goernment by Judge Bradford of the District Court of Delaware. The historical record of the Govern ment's transaction dates back to the ad ministration Of John Olllnxv AJ.. when Congress, with the view that the' canal connecting Delaware and Chesa peake c ties might be the means of an admirable national defense, and also re garding It as an Internal Improvement of national Importance, made approprla Ions for the purchase of U.62S shares of the canal company's stock. The Govern, ment contends that for years t has received dividends to which it wm ? titled. The Price is' quite unusual for such quality ..JX.1! make no claims for double the money value on these attractive sultlnEs which we havo specialfy priced for this month ? only -?.'"' .are- however, ex ceptional quality at the figure wo We set unon them and embody Dixon nt fall demanshlp K r.clhwhYchleveVe,e'atatbn l?,?. ou.r fetrular hlBh'r For June only $30 and $35 1111 Walnut Street The arUtaernt nt tatlng-chccolatt Juouua! WntfC Micavi iltltohtul -A fitting finale lo faultless dinner. roil m ,i.rinitffj Chocolate. )!. ciouj tiamplee of iriliur flavor. l 1 "l 'T8 A ratTTO FIT yKrr Sweden and Russia Sign Pact UWDON. June 7 -A dlapatch from Stockholm to th Morning Poat saya. "A tity hu been ratified In Petrograd be tw Sweden and Russia, mutually acknowledging the financial, eootmereial and Udustrlai interests of tb mpectlve 171? 1717 '" ek d eour sas rr rlHilli j; to PW tht my wi ORIENTAL RUG &S" 502 Niagara Falls RODNP $12.00 TWF Jan IS, Jnly B, Jo, Aogut JJ, JT. 8pt.mbr 10, U, OcMMr ' fil'ECUl, TRAIN XEAVBS Psrlor Crs. Dtateg Qsr. Dy o8h.s via rutwexttt Suo.oliaaB VaUer Tlokata cead far j-iftehn Diva 8tpvr at BuW jrf IrrUbS Tkkat Awtr", "" Atafashion- able function, you will note this model of charming simplicity. It has an originality of design which will bo appreciated by the womaja who likes footwear 4m,at is dif I$Bfyk Refreshes, nour. Uhei.tatttflee Does not create thirst auct in every ) for delicious-i. product uau nets, Try Wilbur's and see what a difference it makes when all the value is put into the product. You never tasted such flavor-rich, delicate, alluring. And you have an absolute assurance of purity. Give Wilbur's Cocoa and chocolates to the More nourishing than bread or meat. m, A (SURPRISE! I FOR YOU ONSIDEV WASH lutlnr. uuounc reported ilalrall (He illei ship Ni Girmn Mthlsii lander. OPEJf-A lateresti Unsldp tiacM a : lC0'' K C JUBI 1A ; Hum ra itrei . 18. ti4iU The troi lowi K'l Coun 01Vt klfhl . t-Oua ire -Taor m I Tad ie ! '-TUiadl. -trtola theW .JTkco h th, W the tttin .. Ihuld n. go ore Wttt i 9u hi t m The Carlton $5.50 &0ZeJ6me Shoes and Hosiery 1204-06-08 Market St. This slen in vnnr r ...j . .. , - v ti a winuow invites vou voul uT Prducts and Jg. for Set wT.su.pe.riT thcy ar? t0 the rdi"y- Youget Wilbur's in food, drink and confection. Free b0LnCWar f 8!rvin t00' A for book, "Cook's Tours Through Wilbur- H. O. Wilbur & Sons, Inc. Philadelphia. Ill Lo 'ft am. Hmi a. a. M i m.r K i Wmpag E tor Cluniiur. SrAiifia J !).;'.. II d i . I To PAviDYlN. mrcLZ JTSTJ ren"yvania R. R. niT I! Hi 5 1 IPLA p