r -JSpfr vTft r- J"W-Y- 5-t- eelf W r. in "I , ,, T1 , M lgiiiwU,nm . EVENINQ LEDOBR-PgniADEI.rHIA-. MON 'ENING LEDGER FREE COOKING SCHOOL DRAWS MORE HOUSEWIVES AND CHILDREN with , at 4 i rmii -. net th . 4 JMP .i- s B&. Thl. : ,55 on. i ww T9U '' I Hi 1 1 i lJf . T rt-l1lliifi -- jrp more xjcou.ui.co w Hfomen oy expert. Saturday for Chil- ;dr6n. .j. i. the eloslns week of the Eve.vwo I"" r,.i,ini School, at Horll. ? trail isroad street Below Locust. Ioday Mrs, Ahni A. Cftrroll. the .fcUOWn COOKinff cxpcn uim ueiiiun- will deliver four lectures to i-nii- u housewives. The closing lee- :n Saturday, will he for the etui- Philadelphia cooning Bcnoots, kt whom already have enrolled or iriroll In lh0 Evening IjEDonn cook- leritelt- Soaswlre Interested In bettering her 5.11- science or In learning somethlns Jiboul shorter and bettor ways of kitchen and houseworic snouttt miss t.otiirsa. ' 4 ...... Mffnfl Itt Minjli. Ia tiE'iym beneficial to all classes. Mrs. SSsfi nfDarea a complete meat ut each ire. They are meals such as Phlladel IlOUIWIVs n-vo in men iiumea, pre Sr jrproved methods. She has adopted Siundirds that shorten tho hours In xKltehen and result In tho best and E3 kmirishlnir meals. She makes an iSJrt to teach each person who attends !& lectures exactly how to preparo such fljtl for her own table. in, lectures begin at 2-30 o'clock, arfd tsuuwi tan wall through tho most tf,rtint Dart and still reach tholr :Za In time to preparo dinner for tho Cilv. At the conclusion of each lee. An the articles cooked by tho lecturer 'tj pused through the audience, that il'msy eo hw ",a fod looks, and ft, It to Satisfy themselves that tho tithodi really are Improvements over awe In common use. L PRIZES FOR THE WINNERS IN DIG COOKING CONTEST tnrer. ll" be lien,.fhl." "" follows! "en " flr' PHe, as Company. f"? thJ ill.? . ',nrt'.r sto" for the iTmi "SAW Kl"utn Company, Hanson Why '"Y S?",nt P" Cj, for tha be.trblVc,ril,,A' S"",fd "Ponite rnl.e, one barrel if mi,1,"1"! "our, cooMeJ. on. fe,0",fK:ini,bSa the Aluminum Conking ii.-Vn,V??r"1 hr New Kenslnxlnn. !. """" company, rn or I tllher citable prhes ,IU be announ.l Mrs. Blankenburg to Head Listof Judges in Children's Baking Contest. the .wn.oaS Iron" ASuSPti.. delpliln tJitt later. as iron Company, Phlla' MANY ATTEND DAILY. IjlMy of those who attended the open- si lecture attended each lecture, last r((k. Several women have been observed b tha aufllenco each day. sltllnir wili Idr cooks, directing tho taking of notes. isa li an Indlratlon of tho valuo these litnres aro giving to those who tmvo teen taking advantage of them. Nearly 'ill of the women who hnvo been at MiUng have taken nottH. Women who ittenJ are advised to brlnu tholr nm jlooki and pencils, as there aio sure to biaireatmany Ideas they will want to jot down. ;"I have r.evcr had more attentive audl cei," said Mrs. Carroll this morning. Tim adways glad to locturo to nurii. not vMch pay attention, and I like to tilt to women who ask questlons.iThore tm been more questions during this crane than at any I have given." Jit lecture of Saturday nfternoon rm. Ltd around a f haflng dish menu. Thero fire many business women, women who Jit In apartments nnd do not hnvo lite kitchens and women who entertnln iti preparo their own suppers nnd lunrh. km with chafing dishes or small stoves Crab Newtmrg, mock terrapin, Welsh" ireblt, Jeggs a la goldenrod, assorted 1W sandwiches and nnlnrt i,n, .i, tftea prepared. .Mrs. Carroll prepared a of these with a gas chafing dish. saber of tho auditors remarked that fat dlahes were Inviting In appenranco 1 very tatty. In response Mrs. Carroll Eilitea that any woman in tho o..,n., lM cook them as well by following tho fottlotfj and using care In timing tho .Mital as Indicated in nearly all recipes. pAMPLES 1JEING DISTfilBUTKD. Cmdles, apiced wafers, lunch.on.fhin. alisand plain wafers aro being given as naples by the Ivins Comnanv. n-iih tjre a booth from which samples of are being distributed. Baker gcla L'SPi"?. b.elns distributed and 'ttui -v- I DC,"S mailed to to who leave their names and nd- following are the recipes -for tho menu Mrs. Carroll cooks during her lee. ture this afternoon: c CINNAMON I.ATK11 CAKE-Two tablespoonftils butter. 1V4 cups sugar a oup of milk, 3 cups of flour.Pt teaspoon lrLt!,i?l'inamo"' 3 Cffs:s' 7 teaspoonfuls granulated sugar, 2 tcaspoonfuls baking powder, flavoring. ,nw am , bI,llter nntl 8,"fnr' add eggs, milk nnd flour, flavoring and baking powder. Place In baking pans am sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon oni top. CHOCOLATE CAKK-One-half cup oO cocoa, 1,4 cup of cold water, I cup oj sugar. I teaspoonful of baking powder, 1 cup of flour, pinch of salt, 3 eggs. i ui me cocon nnd sugar In a. bowl, add water and mix until tho sugar Is dis solved, add tho eggs, flour, baking pow der nnd salt. Hako In loaf cake pan 10 minutes with gas turned off half. noAST nGEF.-Heat tho oven 10 mln tites. Place the roast under the burners In the broiling oven. Scar on both sides, then rcduve tho tlame and turn the meat every 19 or 15 minutes. cnCAMKD ONlONS.-Cover with boil ing water and plnco In the baking oven in covered saucepan. When soft mako cream sauce with one-half cup of tlit water tho onions were boiled In and one hnlf cun of milk. MACAROM.-Boll 12 long or 21 short sticks of macaroni. Mako sauce of three tablespoons of butter, three tablespoons of flour and pint of milk. Add one cup of grated cheese. Place this In tho maca roni. Cover with one cup of buttered crumbs and bake about 20 minutes. Tho following aro additional recipes for dishes prepared by Mrs. Carroll on Sat urday and which wcro not Included In the recipes printed in Saturday's paper: BOILED DRESSING FOR FRUIT SALADS Four eggs, half cup vinegar, 4 tcaspoonfuls of sugar, butter tho size of an osg, half cup of water. Red pepper, salt and mustard to taste. Mix sugar, vinegar, butter, water and dry ingredients together; add well-beaten eggs, cook in double boiler till very thick. When cold add whipped cream measured after it Is whipped. WELCH RAREBIT-Ono pound of Eng lish dairy cheese, 1 cup of cream, scant M teaspoonful of mustard, V teaspoonful salt, 1 beaten egg. Always grato cheese. Grease tho bot tom of dialing dish with a llttlo butter before putting In cheese. Stir about 2 minutes and add a llttlo cream. Stir and add beaten eggs with mustard mixed Into It, then add remainder of cream gradually and cook over boiling water. CRAB XEWBURG Two tablespoonfuls butter, paprlca, salt, 1 quart of crab meat, add 1 pint cream sauce, 2 egg yolks, i tablespoonfuls sherry wine. Mnko cream sauce ilrst of i tablespoon fuls of tlour, -1 tablespoonfuls butter and 1 pint of milk or cream. Put 2 tablespoon fuls butter In chafing dish or Baucepan over gas burner on stove. Stir a few minutes. Add cream sauce, 2 uncooked egg yolks and I tablespoonfuls of sherry wine, salt and paprlca. RULES GOVERNING EVENING LEDGER VUUKING SCHOOL CONTEST FOR GIRLS 1. Entries are limited to girls who arc members of cooking school mstt of the schools of Philadelphia. Any individual may contest in all wrdmnoni, but may mako but one entry in each division. x. Contest is to be limited to tho baking of 1-pound loaves of bread, Wang powder biscuits, sugar cookies and sponge cake, according to the ttctpes used in the public cooking schools, or in the schools from which Mutuants are registered. 3 t t ,tw V1 I'll ll UtbllKbUli Kfc V WVI W14WV W-U fcV ,jj tvWbls 'fr r cli,worh C(n be produced, the baking is to be dono,in a Gas Hangs ? rran'e"!nfs have been made ivith tho United Gas Improve iS ompany to extend their free service during the continuance of this regulated free of charge.) 4... i i Ju$oing is to be done by an accredited body of judges chosen as wjyfafar 6e determined. ri 'J. All m-ni m ', t. - j j x 1. - . I i T7 i.- ..r. f rrti !B...i --V """ i"i wiu contest viuBL uc vrescnieu. ut .rioncciucurat nntl. li 7. locust streets, on Wednesday, June 0, between 9 a. tn. and The list of Judses for th Rvimirn Lenann cooklns contest tor children of Philadelphia cooking school classes will bo headed by Mis. Rudolph Blankenburg, who may well be considered one of the founders, if not tho founder, of these courses In the Philadelphia schools. Near, ly all the other Judges have been selected. Entries for the contest wcra greatly In creased uy Saturday's mall. More than iOO entry blanks arrived during that day alone. The extension of the time for clos ing of entries ulll make It possible for a great many more children to try for one of the valuable prizes. The new arrangement for the closing of entries makes It possible for children 10 man them to tho Contest Editor, either at tho Evenino Ledger, or at Horticultural Hall, Broad street below Locust, up to fi o'clock Wednesday after noon. Juno 3. A great many children visited the hall Saturday afternoon to see tho prizes, nnd every ono who saw tho fine cabinet (,ns ranges, the gas water heaters, the ,.,, .. ... B,ns vron nml aluminum viare were filled with determination to capture at least one of the prizes. Several children mado the error of bringing their exhibits to tho hall Satur- !!l5',M,,ne.r,"00,"' y'HS "-''t they would bo suitable for tho contest. These were !!? n,cf,c,lte(I as It was considered that tho children would not stand a chnnco of winning in competition with exhibits which aro baked just before the tlmo for tho nresenlntlnn nt 1,-1,1.... .,.. children were advised to use their bread, cakes, cookies and biscuits and bako fresh ones for delivery on Wednesday. As previously announced the hall will bo open for receiving exhibits up to 7 o clock Wednesday night, Juno 9. This iwiitiitiuiiieiii was maue so that children would have ample time to reach tho hall after tho close of school. The following havo consented to servo as Judges: Mrs. Charles Hlrsch, 9C0 Pine street, suffrage worker. Mrs. E. V. Richardson, Hamilton Court. Mrs. M. D. Hitchcock, 224 Buckingham place. Mrs. W. E. Lee. S34 North 2tth street, food expert. Miss Caroline Katzensteln, suffrage headquarters, 35 South Oth street. Mrs. George D. Seldt, 23? South 33th street, suffrage worker. Miss Alverta Van Dcusen, t023 Walnut street. Mrs. Fritz, 127 West Springfield avenue. Chestnut Hill. Miss Elizabeth Slassey, 2153 North 21st street. Mrs. A. B. Eddowos, 4633 Greene street, Gormantown. Severnl of the children who are entered In the baking contests and a number of older school children have made It a point to attend all of the lectures Mrs. Carroll has delivered at Horticultural Hull. One mother remarked yesterday that she had not been able to attend the lecture', but that she had finally becomo so curious about her daughter's Internet that she decided to attend on Saturday afternoon. At the conclusion of the lec ture she was talking to a representative of tho Evenino Ledqek, and said she would mako It a point to attend the lec tures nil this week. She told this about her little daughter: "On Tuesday night she came home nnd asked me if she might bake a cake. Of course, I let her do It, so she pro duced one of Mrs. Carroll's recipes and mixed the cake. AVhile I was in the front of tho houso she came In and told me she could not find the cake anywhere. She was sure sho had finished It and Placed It In the pan, but It had com pletely disappeared. We started a search and finally found It In the oven of the gas range nearly finished. I was sur prised to find how well she had learned cake baking from the lecture, for the cuke was almost perfect." Children are welcome to attend nny of the lectures during the week, though Mrs. Carroll will not lecture to the children exclusively until Saturday afternoon. PENNCREWSHAKEUP MADEBYNICKALLS AT WORKOUTS TODAY This Last Shift Before Poughkeepsie Regatta Brings Six Men Into Boat Which Finished Sec ond to Columbia in 1914. Coach Vivian Mim,.ii. .i.i. .. made the final changes In the University SfU.Tfth?l1'1 vnr8lty clght R An nounced that barring accidents he would !' lt!Uld y tl'ls selection for the champ0nshp rftceg nt p0URhkeepae, Thf last snake-up brings permanently Into the ..TV "'""""a or tne eight which fln IJh1 second to Columbia, last year. Harry Marcv, tho mi stroke, has so far recovered from his recent Illness that he has been made stroke, while Garvin, lost at the beginning of the outdoor season on nccount of scholastic conditions, lias removed them nnd gotten himself Into such shape physically that ho has been given his old place at No. S. Tho final order of the varsity eight which Coach .iiL-Kmis nnnounccu this nfternoon follows: Chlckerlng. bow; Butler, 2; Woll. 3; Gotham. 4; Garvin 6; Captain Merrick, G; Lltleton. 7; Marcy, stroke: Foster, cox swain. This afternoon's practice consisted of a three-nnd-a-half-mlle row. There will be Just one more practice before the men leave for Poughkeepsie. That ulll be taken tomorrow afternoon nt 2 o'clock. At its conclusion the shells wilt be pre pared for shipment to Poughkeepsie. The oarsmen, a senior. Junior and rnuhmnn eight will go to Poughkeepsie Wednesday nnti win probably take n practlco row Wednesday afternoon. "In spite of the fact that wc now liavp six men of last year's crew In the boat I nm not satisfied with tho way they nre rowing," said Mr. Nick alls this nfternoon. "They will have to make a lot of improvement after they reach the Hudson to bo ns fast ns last year's eight. Still wo made n good showing In loir, nnd I hope to see the crew do ns well ns a year ngo. At Poughkecnsle we will row itvim ,, day, morning anil nfternoon, and dur ing tho Inst week they will be allowed to take things a little easier. Pennsylvania graduates and undergratu ates are preparing to take a big patty tn Poughkeepslo on June 2S. the day of thJ big race. They will go up In n special train. The Quakers think they have a good chance to win this vonr, because they were n good second last year and they are stronger this spring, while both Columbia and Cornell are supposed to be weaker this year. DAY, JUNE 7. 1915. WHAT MAT HAPPEN tN BASEBALL TODAY NATIONAL LBAClt'C ....V!-. Wen rhlllle zi llrnoklj-n . ., , si Hofnn ... 2i St. Inut . . a Pltt.biintl, it) Cincinnati 17 New Vork jg J'B't. Perct. Wln.Lo.e. .nl .iw.l .mi 10 JO so 22 21 22 21 .M7 .12 .SI2 .500 .175 .1311 .432 .AIS ..121 ,24 .S .488 .150 .441 .rm .noo .AOO .440 .ins .423 .421 Club. vniraeo 23 Detroit sn Beaten o New Vork .. . . in VahliiR(on . . 47 deTeland .... 18 fit. loiil 17 Athletle, ji AJtI'.IUCAN I.IJAOUK 11 'm. Init. IVrtt. Win.Lnie. in 17 10 30 30 32 SA 27 .030 .030 .030 .4X7 .439 .430 .40 .337 .014 .3 .303 .300 .474 .4K.1 .410 .373 .022 .017 ..111 .173 .447 .43) .303 .349 Clul.. 'rutibiirth .. '.Newark . .. ?l. Louis . .. Kan citr "innfclyn ... Inltlmnro nilffnln Not xrhriliildl. lEDEHAI. LnAHUIJ "? ,-.-' Krr c- ln.I. HIS .... . 23 19 23 10 22 18 2.1 10 24 22 21 21 10 34 If 30 .308 .330 .348 .322 .300 .400 .318 .301 .338 .312 .413 .337 .333 .483 .390 TITMAN ENTERTAINS AT BALL YARD PENN STATE VICTOR IN DUAL TRACK MEET Upstate Team Scores 82 Points to University of Pittsburgh's 44 Hundred Was Fast. 001AlB COLLEGE. Pa.. jne T.-Penn State track athletes locked horns with ... ....cruiiy 0 riusburtih representa tives this afternoon on the local field. Keen competition marked the contests. Splendid performances were remarked. Dolbln, Penn State, won the onenlne event, the 100-yard dash, In 1014 seconds. When the tames were about half over. Penn State led with 3S points to 1. Prnn State was equally strong In the last part of the meet, and won by the final score of Sf to Pittsburgh's 44. Tho rummarlea: MOBR TO MAKE DEBUT" MERE AGAINST MOORE Appear in Olympia Final To nightHolt Will Oppose Cu oan nt Quakor City. Willie Moore, who lias been appearing In star bouts here of late more than any other leading local boxer, will serve to tTrS Kaltr Mohr' of Brooklyn! to S.rtPhl.1Ctlel,?h,ft. .nM, fr"-nlty. by op PM rtg the Brooklynlte In the final fray ., ?.0,ym?lft A A- onlghl Another out-of-town boxer who will make hla first appearance here Is Gardner Brooks Wli'le1 Mack aardner H6 W'" n,Ml -ri th! f"llJT nght ot "It-bout pro f.?m J,e Q"ler City A. A lonlght, teddy Holt, of North Penn. will enter Into combat with K. O. Cnh.n is.s The Olytflpla ptogram follows: . " .ihck. roumtvarw Emory's Bunt-Fielding Is Fea ture of Athletics' Preliminary Work This Afternoon. Hy HLEECIIEK "hen Smeru Tltman ,Mh a bunt, The earth almost g.cs forth a nrui telth seismic shock, It trembles as MATTY CONSULTS SPECIALIST Giants' Veteran Suffers Pain in Shoul der Unnble to Sleep. CHICAGO, June 7. Christy Mnthewson. famous Giant pitcher, consulted a Chicago nerve specialist today. Members of the club reported Matty unablo to sleep because of pain In his shoulder. McGraw sent him to the phy sician Immediately. ; Pell Is Tennis Victor RICHMOND, Vn., June 7 Theodore noon clt Pell, of N'ew Vork, foun-l I'urlion V. Smith, of Atlantn, c.ikv In tho fln.11 chilli-nRo round today of the Old Dominion tcnnla tour ney, (1feailnK him In thru Hr.inlit sols. H-a, fl-f. 0-3 rclt's victory rntltlrd him to ptrma nent poeiion of tho ItfrmllnjjB Challenco Cup. a ho lind provlomly won two Im on It. Smith Is tennis champion of tho outh. West TJ. P. Leads League Dy defetllni Keston A. A. Saturday In treat uphill right. th-.Wet U. P. A. A. no-v leads tha Brotherhood League, Again :na pitching of Booirr was tho feature, havlnj in strlKeouts and allowing but iern hits. Next Saturday the Greer Club mil Le placd at 31th and Citherlna streets. ItlJ nfl 1L. -...i. ul mc ucarhu hn,. j .. To fid a Granger, queerer sight, IIokM take n near ni.rf ),... ......... Ave, one Indeed would have to hunt, II hen Lmorv Tltman fields a hunt. BHIBC PAKK. Philadelphia, June 7.-A t lo .tufflns was applied to tho Macklan Mleld at Shibe Patk today and the dl mlnlshlns host ot died.n-the.ool rooters save vent to n sigh of relief to see Mc innl. back ajaln. Also some loiiRlnB eyes were turned toward tho plate when Play started, but Gosh! Schnnc was not there. Seme quiet younr men In stmnfie uniforms, youne men who wcro almost timorous In their bearln t0 the other Players, appeared outside tho Mack due out today. None ventured very far away, nnd at tht first real el5n of hostilities all ducked back Into the protecting; shelter of tho bench. They are some of the youns colleclnns with whom Mack expects to bolster up his team should It need such treatment later on. They wero having their first taste of fast company," these lnds who probably left collepo to the tunc of many rah. rnh's nnd loud cheers. Tho propo sition Is now, will they mako ccod? Per sonally e do not know. lint to return to the festivities. James, who did the pitching for st. Louis, nnd Scverold. tho catcher, utmost managed to get on tho hospital list right In tho first Inning. Either each failed to see tho approach of tho other when a pop fly started to drop, or each was trying to fatten his Holding average and tho chance looked easy. At any rate, they collided Just as tho ball fell. but. hy a desperate clutch as he was being hurled bnck. James caught the pill and held it Scverold spun hnlf way around nnd then nu mo uiri no jumped up unhurt, nnd ho nnd James glared at each other until some Intelligent fan conveyed the start ling Intelligence to them that James had tho ball. At which everybody laughed and tho game was resumed approximately where It had been halted. ,Mi".yRi,?r,,,.7ni'onn,'y N'"- ""' '"-end. .LiJlnrf. ""' lMtu r"'- Sla" Time 10L.1 f.i. n&...WR,,.JUIP'-V,n tv Plekett. Prnn Watt i.m.hl!,,1,Vh he?""', Ilt"lurgh: third. LI i"!l . 1li,b,"rKh,- "fls"l. f"t 8 Inches. 1J1I. urn ll rrt I, A.kh k... .. ... ...- Mite. secorU, l.tidm?. 1'enn Hisie: thiM iiVi?i,V . "urti. rime, .fo 2-5 seconds Ilrpke trick rocoid by,!.1 teeonrt. J0;ml'? run f''1.7, Jlunter, Penn Slats: P.!,K.,...'i,,'Wor',.!.",,.burrni ,hlt,l Oomo. Pittsburth. Time. 10 mlnuten. .V'l"r.! dash -First DolUn. Penn Slate; Y.i1!.- "" .l.TI Sla,c' ""r,- v "He. Penn state. Time S! l-S seconds Half-mile run-Klrt. Urumbllnr. Pltleburgh: second. Rll.iv. Pentl Mtafa fhlp.l Qt.n. iv.h state Time. 2 minutes (a new record tor Pittsburgh) i-oie auit-rirst. IcJallters, Pltteburth: "jnnd. Pane. I'enn State, third. Welty. rfnn Slit llelkl.l, 11 feet ,n tmhes la-round hammer thron-rirsl. Umb, Penn Rlnt"; aernnd. Collins. Pittsburgh; third, Shapln. Pittsburgh Uletnuce, 1.17.(1 feet. ."'-yard hurdles First, Ilrow. Penn State: setind. Whiting Penn Btnte: third. MeMasters. I'lttsburgli Time, SI 1-J neconds Hnnnlnc broad lump First, Rheehan. Pitts h'irqii, second. Palmer, Penn State: third, Mc Matters, Pittsburgh Distance. II feet tit, Inches. 81-eehsn broke nttshurgh'a record by IH Inches. Palmer. Jumping Ti teet SU lnche, bloke Penn State's record by m Inches. DIh.'us throw First, Jester, I'cnn State: sec. mid. Sutlcrl.ind, Pittsburgh; third. Lamb, Penn State. Dlitanro, 1S2 feet. Final point score Penn State, M: Pills hurgh, I. German Duke on Turf . BRUNSWICK, Germnny, June 7 (via London). The Duke of Brunswick Is about to make his debut on! the turf with a raring stablo, following the example of the Kings of Bavaria nnd Wurttemborg. The ducill stud heretofore has sold Its yearlings, but tho market in latn years Imh been poor nnd the Duke determined to raco them. The Duke Is Kmperor William's son-in-law. a. " .J" .'inLn. mmnivtrK. Moo'e'&thn'ar" Mhr' DrMk"-n Willie The Qunker city rnrd: .-r.i.na ooill At Tli. t,. i-m -..j eiit- Itnr. bout Johnny parley rreltnr. Nnrih P.n- Tt1rA k..t ,:.-"".. .V"" n.l. n'TJr""1nJr Kelly, r.mrth bout los O'Neill, loung Flanlev. r..f.ii. Key North Penn, vs. ' ,. nunr Fianley. Tttiersldo ' ""'"'". rpivr'Tio'ga'-""""'' "fc p-. Cu"i!?V?t7,"rd,'0" North r'nn' K- Vard. to- ,v,W0,,ht ma,cn between I.encthv Joe ftosen. of '.) rthti.j.iLui. : "". sr-H. . , - ---.-. - ...laueiiiiia. ana Hnm Tavlor, of the P a a. ti.ii.I ... be ,h, featurhe of t& &$&& mount A U show tomorrow nlaht Tavlor P.onVsh.nttrtlr1?r ' ths '?eavyw?lRht cham' Pionshlp of the navy. Pour other bouta nIo are scheduled. Kddle P.cvolre. fresh from a victory over Tommy foleman, I. n prim, form for his eneounter with Terry Martin it the opening show of tho Ludlow A C next Friday night. The l!th Warder hopes to stop Martin's winning streak Within a few days Frank Loughrey, of Jlnnavunk. who showed up in fine form In Australia will reach home. Although a the lending mlddlewolghts In the Antlp. h iv .." Vr011"0 io will br mntched with iie Moore on his return appear n,nco here. Charley Thomas, who Is training at Boston like a Trojan for his return match Willi Charley White nt the All. "a. A Boston, tomorrow night, writes that Jack Brltton has been booked to meet Mlka Glover at the same club Juno 22. Pe.. '. P"-'A bottom of each loaf of bread and on the side of each sponge ,w entered, ther .,;. -,,i ,. .,,. ui..i. u,i -C t. '!... -..t v ii.hov JV uuatC. iW f..lff UIUIIIV I'ttl'I'tU IIUH. WIG "inmi.. pfCER. giving the contestant's name, home address, name and thTnini?'i c'10?' attended, name of gas range used (its number when tuuin a. nnri riiii a . i f -. -. -M ....i. 4.j f.u r..- -. w i r.. ... "toirrfsi-X ! "icig uf juuu luniesieu jur. iuutnea aim oaKing ?BBnirf f 5!i i " ' oa presentea m wooden plates, anil one entry blank 'tht. ny """ m as outlined above, in this case being pasted in the '., " : H'w en'fnv' '..fare 'must be taken in this respect, because the great number L, Ivf l ae it necessary to eliminate any contestant whose blank ilnmTeond ltrV fc'aft. filled out carefully, must be mailed to the jintrarf.. " " 6'a".wtay be cut from tho Evening Ledger, or may be I..I . exhibits Will be indited nn ThuYHifnii Jim, m n-,,,1 ,ni ha ,. tntllta3Auorium f Horticultural Hall on Friday and Saturday, 'iikool Uetu e au'ar"8 will be announced at the close of the cooking BtyTfoiAi " i ""'ruT, juite is, mis particular session oemg given 9 Th 0rl3yho a members of the cooking school classes. IHncu Jl ?.1. ex,"ited in the contest will be dispensed through Wminngc ' '? oraani:aiion8 wntfsr the a8Pcs of the Society for vthe i?, Pn.8.wi be aa follows: wtsasTfrv!e x?e.ach claa3 modern Cabinet Gas Range valued at ntimtR AUS1?."1 ? at leaat a second and third prise and honorable t vj me jour divisions. These prizes will be announced later. I WRY BLANK FOR COOKING CONTEST Open to rirl ,1, .- ., .t... i-, t i ,l. ilJi-i.. j "m iuo jucniuera ot courting scnoot classes in ma M'l)hIa Bcbools. " .... Tomorrow's Race Entries for Latonia Meeting First race, selling. 3.year-olds and up, furlongs-' Hean Splller, 0.1; Carrie Orme. 103; Mrx, HO: Cash on Delivery. 107; Chirmeusa, I"8 Su.r.p . 0et- 110: Chilton Klni-, 112. Caeey Joncr, 112 Hecond race, purse. 2-5 ear-old maidens, it furlongs Little Cove, 100; Jane Stralaih. 100, Black Coffee. 109; Infidel If, 100. '.Mandy Hamilton, lui; Pol noma, 11J, Mediation. 112: Stephen n. 112: J. C. Welch, 112; 'Jefferson. X.Iv nsston entry. Tlilrd race, 3-year-olds and up. mils and 70 yards. Water Witch. U7: Goldcrest. t)7; Uncla Brjn. 100; Iloval H. l6j; The Grader. 107; Imoresilon. 107. r'ourth raee. the Inaueural Handicap, 12000 added, for 3-year-olds and up. mils and alx. loenth aieWlle. 01; ningllnj-, OS; nancher, lis, Cjyberry Candle. 1ft), Prince llermls, 107: flar Jasmine, 106, Kobort Bradley, 100, Duld falff. m; John CJund. 115; Black Toney. JjfO: teo xSkolney, 102. xDuckhorn. 123. xllc Kenzle entry. Fifth racp. nttrK .v,i,,M. ,,.!.. Jr iky. 103: Molnen Star. 103: Gypsy Ooprie. 112; Flrown-eyed Kat. 112; Ellison, US. Sixth race, aalllnr. for 3-year-olds and up, 8 lurlonKi-Mars Caialdy. 102: La Patrle. 102: father Riley. 101; Soilous, 105. Dr Larrick. Ila7.Bhaor?.UVl010T' Dn,n"' U0' th,ll- JU': nevenin race, aelltnx. for .1-year-olJi and up, mile and a. furlong Malabar. 102, Mockery. 101, BuUh B.. 1(T; Kxpeetatlon. 100; Old Ben, 107, 'Brrnllmah. linT ApprentKe allowanco claimed. Cleir; fait. RUNS SCORED BY MAJORS LAST WEEK AMERICAN LEAGUE. ssmKm: ' 0t father or mother or nearest relative 1 ' contestant ,. of cookjng fchool .,,... ..a ' of teacher, , , , , l number of caa rang9 ujed , entered for prUe for bread cookies, ..ui... -.r. ' ., ii d, j au.r ri.Aii. i i, Athletic .... a ;i .. .. 5 4ts g,w'n Jl 4 T .. n J-2il Chicago . . 1 a 4 1 ., S 2 1 Clei eland . . 2 21 1 o .. 1 6 (0 Detroit . 4 5 1 4 .. 3 11-2$ New York ... '15 .1 1 .. o 2-21 St. Loull... 3 7 2 i .. 3 2-2S Washington. .. a a ,. .. a 420 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Boaton 4 7 R ,1 . . 322 Brooklyn .... 8 is 11 1 s v-t Chicago .... 3 0 2 T. .7 ,. 05 Cincinnati . 4 fl 2 4 5 1 il-2S Nw Vork.. .. 8 0 5 in .. 321 Philadelphia .. A 4 a 2 .. 3-tO Plttsburah.. 11 2 0 .. .. 2 1115 fct. Louis... 2 5 4 5 2 6 0-'.' FEDERAI. LEAGUE. Baltimore 5 12 .. .. 7 lit Brooklyn 8 3 .. n 12 6 10 Buu r 8 .. 8 a 010 Chicago 4 4 113 3 410 Kansas City 8 4 .1 4 1 6 12A Newark 8 T 3 .. .. 4-23 Plttaburfh,. 4 2 .. O 3 3 4-1A St. Leuia... 0 3.. 2 3 8 12-24 THOMPSON-BIGGINS GO When You Hear Mrs. Carroll Visit the Wilbur Booth in Horticultural Hall Make it a point to sec the biff display of Wilbur Quality Chocolate Products when you attend the Evening Ledger's cooking lectures and contests. Our demonstrator will permit you to taste these rich, delicious food products more nutritious than meat. Ask for a sample of Wilburcocoa. Free A copy of "Cook's Tours Through Wilbur land"; 60 delightful money-saving recipes. Wilburcocoa is used in Mrs. Carroll's demonstrations. Booth in Main Corridor H. O. Wilbur & Sons, Inc. PHILADELPHIA iliB!WaIW'aHf Imperial Excelsior Gas Range "Made in Philadelphia" This i the range selected 01 one of the first prizes in the Evening Ledger's Cook ing Contest. It includes a box cnbinet with warming closet and pinto shelf. Large baking and broiling ovens. For sale by U. Q. I. and all their branches, and all tjood dealers. ISAAC A. SHEPPARD COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PA. Easier Cooking at Half the Cost .Modern Housewives Use the Duplex Fircless Stove and Save Gas, Work and "Worry. ItsFeatures make it theFavorite Cookins Is no lonser the hot, llsa-ree-able, expensive tasW that It ussd to bt. The Duplax Klraless Stove has dons anay nlth It. The inodtrn housewife prepares her meal for cooking-, places It In the Duplex and forget" It until time to serve. She knowa that everything- will be cooked per fectly. She knowa that there la no dancer of burnlnc or drying out. for the Duplex conaerves all the food's natural moisture and flavor. And. beeldes having a bettsr cooked, more tasty meal, she can spend the time It takes in cooklnc na she please. Any one can understand and operate ths Duplex rireless Stove. It la simplicity Itself. Ask lour dealer tn show ou the many sites and styles, all fully equipped, and how any ono of them will quickly pay far Itself In fuel saved. Or write for booklet tsSj? Til UPLEK FIRELESS STOVE Fur sale by the belter Department and llousefurnlslilng Mores 111 Philadelphia. Durham .Mfg, Co., 108 Chambers St.. .V. T, 'aft. -"" , .,,.,,.,. " V" ft artiele amUited ftw.) , ft TODAY'S blank, fill out. ami send to Evening Ledger IY. 6 ve tomorrow's blank to iate on your exhibit. Meet In Final of Six-Bout Card at National. Promoter Jack JlcOulgan today closed a watch between dtergle Thompson, ban tam champion, of the coast, and Youpg Diggliui far the oiiul fray 0 an all-star six-bout pros-ram Friday night. The other bouts follow: Tommy O'Kesfe vs. Bdille McAndrews, Young- Jsek O'Brien vs, Henry JUubr, Alx. Fosttoa, Hungarian tighter, vs. Frddy Kslly; Jos Tuber vs Bobby McCann ami Mickey McKay vs. Frankie KUln. Cuts Chase Alimony in Two NSW YORK. Jus T.-Juile Dustily has stfosd sb order pMsuluios Ky Caut, for soerly flrae baseman or lbs New Tok Amiilcaa LSaLgu team. b jumped frejm tsw Cokaio While Ho 10 ths BuflaK' F4&, tu se4iM bte wKe's Hawoi (Kin 1JW to flM , year. with good cooks. Cast iron oven side that prevents heat from ' top burners causing deterioration is found only on the FORTUNE Gas Range "Made in Philadelphia" But that's just one of sev eral exclusive improve ments that add to its effi ciency and your satisfac tion. On sale at all U, G, I. Offices pii;''fjj flip1'! 13. Caution . (fiffl 4$3fet vgS-nold Siirntltuteifer bjLiij ID THE QRE&BHAL ALTED MILK THE FOOD-DRINK FOR ALE. AGES TAKE A PACKAGE HOME gsTNo substitute; is iust as good" Thonias, Roberts, Stevenson Co. PHILADELPHIA k t 'wBm liru"T0l9er I