jFJ (Si'jWWTrtlKftiip1 w jg, v FINAL I Illrlllllll MM&Mm-)t II PfiriPr UK A 1 4 m di Y0L.I-NO. 228 Vri mr PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1915. COTIMallT, 1913 ST TH fOSLIO LXMEX COMMM. ROWNS DEFE PHILLIE AT MACKS, 4-1; FIRST TO SCORE PBIOfiJ OITE CENT fr If JRCRAFT RAINS BOMBS ON BRITISH COAST, FIVE KILLED BIPLANE DESTROYS ZEPPELIN erman Aviators Rain Both Explosives and Incendiary Bombs Two Great Fires Started Spectacular Battle in I Cloudland Ends in Wreck of Teuton II Aerial Monster. ; GERMAN AIR RAIDS ON BRITAIN Unitary IS Norfolk coast towns 5 hilled; 70 mile from London. April 14 Blyth, Tyne, Walluend; 250 miles from London. Aptil 5 Canterbury, Sittingbornc, Faoersham; 30 miles from London. fay tl Raid over Suffolk coast; 45 miles from London. May IS Ramsgatc; 65 miles from London. .. a no C..af. k ? rwls rrim T tinrinn May a """"' "" - -- one I London; first formal attack on capital; G killed, many injured. jane S East and southeast coast; naval stations attacked; few casual- ... . .ir.n dnmapc to docks. Uttl no "- T nVTlflW. .Ttino 7. r- m ..... ml nurtwl Innrl nilfl WaS In toda dispatches from lfKtnconT-llme In IS hours the ;5.iih fast coast was bombarded by a Si-.tru nlrahlr. Flvo persons wero Kllieu, laJtathe ninth air raid made on Great ;HBritl"'h airmen destroyed a Zeppelin in spectacular cloud battle over Belgium. SU. airship shed at Kvore, orth of Brussels, aim uj. - - ---Ui-v..i,.. a Zonnelln was Inside tno 'hingar is not known to the Admiral tv According to a dispatch from Amster- .. . (-... 7nnnfl1ln tft-rtr1f rl llV i dam, inc uerniau 4.- !,.; ,,.v.w..u -,, if th British airship between Ghent nnd Brussels ten upon u. hki v......B .- suns. ., . Twenty-eight of the Zeppelin s crew vers killed. Besides tho two nuns killed, Bny others were wounded Following its now policy of withholding Continued on Pago Two, Column One Will Break Up Illegal Liquor Sales NOIMtlSTOWN. Pa., June 7. Con stables were notified by Judge John Kaber today that ho is reliably Informed that there nro many Illegal sales of liquor be ing made from wagons, especially near Philadelphia, and he expects tho con stables to break up tho practice. ITALIAN ON TOLMINO IN ISONZO ATTACK First Big Fight of Ital ian Campaign Open ed for Capture of Railroads to Trieste. Both Sides Reinforced in Strug gle Along Entire River Fronts Austrians' Resist ance Stubborn Between Go ritza and Montfalcone. Both tho Italians and Austrians have been reinforced In the great bat tle now raging for tho possession of Tolmlno, in tho Isonzo Valley. Tho Italians nro meetinpr with stub born resistance on tho part of tho Austrians In tho struggle for Tolmlno and tho advance between Goritz and Montfalcone. Bcrsagllcrl regiments are attacking Austrian trenches southwest of tho town of Gradlsca In an attempt to capturo tho railroad to Trieste. Italian forces advancing up tho VILLANOVA MAN IN A'S UNIFORM iPPARKEY BEGINS ON MOUND FOR THE PHILS TODAY m Robinson Pitches for the f Cardinals Small Crowd Rwfl T.npnlct ninsh With Pi Rivals in St. Louis This Afternoon. ROBISON FIELD, St. Louis, Mo., June f .Th TkllllA .ntU.I.J aha ..v. ift Tnlin Kfcnrv Pnhlmtnn Hi .nnrlinnw. In thn I epenlng Inning of the third game of the Udes'Wlth. the Cardinals this afternoon. It cam on Bryne's pass and a long 4outle to right centre, by Becker. I Robinson was opposed by Kppa Rlxey. ! wis com ana only about 1000 fans ameij out. FIRST INNING. ;. Bancroft lifted to Bescher. Byrne ,lll(ed. Becker rinnhlprl in latt wntpr. fBCOrlnjT Bvmn Cmitl. na r.ollA1 nut SOD StHko MtaTinn iin&ri n t nnr rinn K?n. ens hit, no errofs. i it 2 a'Keo- uescner poppea to p-ftleholt. Butler swiped second. Miller "MUCK Otlf. Lnnn- mtMillarl A .1f1 nl(i.h Sj'utler on third, but'Lons hugged mu poUn fanned. No runs, no hits, ,MTors, RUMANIA ON VERGE OF WAR WITH GERMANY AS SOVEREIGN SSUES MOBILIZATION ORDERS Early Entrance of Balkan Nation Into Conflict Forecast by King's Decree. 30,000 Cheer for Italy in Great Demonstration at Bucharest Aus tria Fails to Meet Demands. SHAWKEY WEAKENS IN FIFTH, BROWNS WIN GAME TODAY - vjf - ' r. i .r. s .',z . .ix-i M -A . W- " V ".- SErnun iMMiHf! JUijenis popped to Miller. Paskert safe t t" '"' s 'ow throw. Burns lifted to f umi Dlxey struck out. No runa. no - t. em error. J"" mashed a slnelo through Lu- S,,-1."11 was out y'ne o "teal. rs to Bancroft. Bethel lined to Beck- . KBVdfr Glnr.1. , ....... T,v.. .... 'BuUer tripled down the left field VSl na "oD'naon scorlngr. Beseh fflxti. Rixey and Luderus cauzht iCoilnvcU on l' Tiehe, Column llie THE WEATHER ? UNSETTLED '. bard enough to rain yesterday ny succesa untlf nightfall. Bu areatnlng enoMgh to take the to speak, out of tho weekly f But It WHS .AaI a,A nll.nlffrh my. MHH .IW .liyiPH ' tbieatenins' rau. imi.i. if i- Dion Which brings us to a consideration. kd I.'?i.hw Y'" kot r of ..""" na aampr we give our n Utter Rrf w.iii... mD h. Bt. b.ir i, ZTTl ,.,.. Tr-T7 ' "(Uatlinu W. connnt knivo tar 80 with the MraprowlM br Workin ...i 1..- " i.i-i. &r ifs Junm. anA'iaU FORECAST , --1 -mm rwiimy MS wan.).--, j . f." Tuesday shewn ami eooltr; Lear, tho star baseball player of Villanova, whom Mack signed some time ago, reported at Shibe Park this morning. Lato in today's gamo with tho Browns, Lear replaced Kopf at third, and handled himself well. Wolgast Arranges Match CHICAGO, June 7.-Ad. Wolgast, who fights Young White in Appieton Wed nesday night, today accepted Floyd Fltz slmmons' offer for a 10-round battle with Joe Welllns In Benton Harbor, Mich., in July. Ritchie Declines to Fight CHICAGO. June 7. - Willie Ritchie. American llghtwplsht champion, before leaving today for Portland, Ore., declined an offer from Tom Andrews, of Milwau kee, to fight Charlie White 10 rounds there In July. Willie said he is not at his best In hot wealher. and gave this as his reason for refusing the match. McAHester to Join Indians CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., June 7. Will McAlteMor. former catcher of the St. Louis Browns, left today for Cleveland to join the Indians. McAUester was a freo agent. He was sent by the Browns to Rochester, N. Y.. last season. St. Louis drafted him from the Montgomery Southern League Club. Adlge Valley are within artillery range of Trent. The defenses at Trieste, Trent and Tolmlno have been greatly strength ened by the Austrians. ROME. June 7. Tho battle In tho valley of the Isonzo, between Caporetto (Karfrelt) and Tol mlno, is still without a definite conclusion, both sides having been reinforced. Tol mlno is 33 miles from Trieste. Farther to the south the Italians are also meeting with obstinate resistance between Goritz and Monfalcone. Italian troops advancing Into Austria by way of the Adlge Valley are within artillery range of Trent, according to dis patches from Bologna, the present head quarters of the Italian General Staff. The success of the Italian Invasion Is said to have caused consternation in both Berlin and Vienna. Emperor William, who is expected to visit the Austro-Itai. Ian fropt soon, la said fo be personally dictating to the Austrian General Staff as to the operations to be followed against the Italians. May Circulation of the Evening Ledger May 1 8l.40 MnS a 79.759 May 4 21'Sno May. 5 . WS May 6 ",478 May 7 .?$ Afov May 12 83.252 May 14 Kb May IS 88,9d- Jlay 17 86.274 lay 10 ' 6b -lay 19 3,688 lav 20 86,051 Iajr21 4,071 fciay 22 ....86i700 May 8 120692 Way-24-.. MJ, May 10 891682 Way ...,. "iS?'288 Mayll 85,370 W ... 101.728 May 27 M,1w Stay 28;.. .. 92,884 May 3fi .... 05,708 MiyaK..... .' 80,981 58,726 Daily Average for January Daily Average for February Dqily Average for March . Daily Average for April Daily Average for May The foregoing figures represent the actual net paid circulation ol thh tutipOper, eliminating all returned and free cop'us. . 64,04$ 70,947 82,104 88,614 Rumania is rapidly drawing nearer to war. An order of general mobili zation has been signed by King Ferdinand, according to dispatches from Athens, and the entry of the Balkan nation into the conHlct upon the side of the Allies is believed to be a matter of hours. Bucharest is clamoring for an early declaration of hostilities, although the peace party is also active in counter-demonstrations. According to Swiss advices, yesterday was the end of the time limit fixed by Rumania for Austria to yield territory demanded. ATHENS. June 7. King Ferdinand of Rumania Is reported to have signed a decree ordering general mobilization of tho army. This indicates that Rumania Is pre paring to enter tho war very soon. Reports to tho effect that Rumania has definitely decided to remain neutral were circulated by tho German Olllclal Tresa Bureau in Berlin on Saturtlay. LONDON, June 7. Reutcr's vorreipondent at Bucharest tclegruphs thai a great demonstration was held there sc&torday In favor of In tervention by Rumania In the war in sup port of tho Allies. About SO.CW) pel sons marched In proces sloi., with Hags (lying and bugles sound ing, to tho Italian Legation. There speeches wero delivered eulogizing Italy for entering the uar. In the afternoon partisans of Alexander Marghlloman. the Conservative leader, to gcther with Socialists, organized a coun ter-demonstrnlion. "AC a mftettmrtrf-tTiVExeciitlver-ComTrilt-1 teo of tho Conservative party the attti tude of M. Maighiloman in favor of Ger many was discussed. After a long de bate the majority condemned his leader ship of the party. M. Manghlloman there upon left the meeting, followed by his supporters. According to the Genova Tribune, Ru mania sent a note to Austria on May 23. demanding territorial concessions and fixing June G as the tlmo limit for a reply. Bulgaria is giving its support to the note. Austria is ready to concede pieces of the Maros Valley, a strip of Bukowtna, and home rule for the rest of Transyl vania under Hungarian dominion, or one eighth of the Rumanian demands. The communique Issued by the Minis terial Journal, In Sofia, declaring that Bulgaria had resolved to adhere to a policy of neutrality Is now disavowed, according to a dispatch from the corre spondent of tho Times at Sofia. Athletics Unable to Hit Bill James in the Pinches. Lear, Villanova Star, Re ports to Manager Mack. Small Crowd at Game. ST. LOUIS. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Shotton. If 4 1 2 G 0 0 I Austin, 3b 4 I Pratt. ;b 6 C Walker, cf...., 4 E. Walker, rf 3- Knnftmah.il--....' 4 Lavan, 33 4 Severold, c 3 James, p 3 Totals 34 4 ATHLETICS. AB. B. Murphy, rf 4 Barry, ss Walsh, cf 4 Oldrlng, If 4 Mclnnls, lb 4 Lapp, u 4 Malone. 2b 3 Kopf, 3b 2 Shawkey, p - Davler 1 Lear. 2b 0 Thompson t W. Davis, p 0 Strunk 1 12 27 7 0 H. O. A. E. 14 0 0 112 0 0 2 1 2 0 10 3 5 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 1 7 27 12 0 Batted Tor Kopf In seventh. 'Battel for Shawkey In eighth. IBatted for Lear In ninth. Triples Lapp. Doubles Lapp. Sacri fices Severold. Struck out By Shawkey, 4; Severold, 1. Base on balls Off Shaw key, 3. Double plays Shotton, Austin. Batter hit Malone, James. SHIBE PARK, June 7. A rally In the ninth Inning saved the Athletics from a shut-out, but not from defeat. The Browns won, 1 to 1. In the last round Oldrlng singled and went to third on Lapp's double. Rube scored on an In field out. Lear, the Villanova third baseman, who is reputed to be a wonderful hitter and base runner, reported at the Athletics" headquarters today. Manager Rickey made a shift In his line-up. Dick Kauf man, who has playea considerable ball aiound this city. Is back on first base, while Eddie Walker replaced Williams at right. Hank Severold was behind the bat, his first local appearance since his re turn to the majors. FIRST INNING. Shotten out, Shawkey to Mclnnls. Aus tin fanned. Shawkey threw Pratt out. No runs, no hits, no errors. Murphy filed to Kauffman. Barry filed to James. Walsh fouled to Austin. No runs, no hits, no errors. SECOND INNING. C. Walker fouled to Mclnnls. E. Walker walked and died stealing on Lapp's fine throw to Malone. Kauffman fanned. No runs, no hits, no errors. Oldrlng out, James to Kauffman. C Continued on Vnie TweUe, Column Three ANTHRACITE TAX BILL SIGNED 1JY THE GOVERNOR Measure Adds $4,500,000 a Year to State's Revenue. HARRISBURG. June 7. Governor Brumbaugh today signed the anthracite tax bill passed by the last session of the Legislature, which will add about 14,500. OOO a year to the State's revenues for highway purposes. Half of this sum goes for construction and the other halt for repairs. The law, which Is a substitute for a somewhat similar law now on the books, provides that from and after Its passage each ton of anthracite coal of the weight of 2210 pounds mined In Pennsylvania shall be subject to a tax of 214 per rent, of the value thereof, when shipped for market, tho tax to be assessed at the time when the coal has been mined and is ready for shipment to market. Fifty per cent, of the tax so collected is to be devoted to the construction, mainte nance. Improvement and repair of State highways, and the remaining GO per cent to the boroughs, cities and townships from which the coal Is mined. Pinned Under His Own Auto Chailes Minster. 36 years old, of 1730 North 13th street, is in the Jewish Hos pital today in a critical condition as a tesult of being pinned beneath his auto yesterday afternoon on Green lane near Sth street, when his machine overturned while he was trying to avoid a collision with another car. C ADORN A PRENDE VOFFENS1VA SUL FRONTE DEL FIUME ISONZO I Bersaglieri Attaccano Violentemente le Trincae Nemiche a , Sud di Gradisca Sul Frante di Tolmino Continue. Accanita la Lotta tra Italiani ed Auslriaoi. Un dlspacclo da Roma dice che 11 fatto che una squadra navale Itallana potette aabato inoroclare Jlberajnente neU'Adriattco e bornbardure le coste della Dalmazla senra, che perclo' la flotta austrlaea. twta dl vn!r fuorl delle sue basl per tapedlre 11 bombarda,mento, mostra che Vltalla na em U dominlP d,l "" Adrjatlco. Le, tone itallane phe hanno lnvaso 1'AuitrU sul (rente GoriiU-MoafaUsone hanno preso energleamente l'affenitva. attaccando le poelilM fort locate austriaehu sulla dtra dslt'Isonio e eercando dl pafeare il flume per iwpad.rHlri delta, ferroyU GorlzIa-TrtMte. Bu quel fro.ite e" perclo lmpiw.ta una grande battagita, wentre quelU gla." Impegaata ul froate 41 Tolroin dura anew a, avendo tato gll italiani che gll auatrlael portato rlnforii. Una squadro della flotta Itallana attacco1 sabato le coete delta DalnwU. atatruggeudo pareccnl farl-'e potl dl oseervaaioac aoa. che la squadra a nmlea dee sgw dl vita. Nel tewpo medeelno una aquadigtia dl sllursntl attaccava dl nuovo Monfalcone e vl altoadava slcunl plrosan nemksi. Sul fronte del Trentino contlnuano 1 dueUl dt artlglieria si dice che gtt Italiani sono gluntl lno ad un tiro dl cannone dalla cltta' dl Trejtto. (Leggera In Ja paglna le ultune e plu" complete notlsie sulla guerre, la ItaUano.) (TODAY'S baseball: scores bt. XOTJ1S 000020. 02 0-4 120 ATHLETICS OOOOOOOOII 70 James nnd Severold; Shawkey nnd Lapp. PHILLIES lOOOOO ST. LOUIS 0 2 0 0 0 Rixey nnd Bums; Robinson and Snyder. AMERICAN LEAGUE DETROIT OO010OO1 0.10 1 OOOO NEW YORK 1- o- Covnleskle and McKeo; Keating nnd Nunamnker. 3 2 r? Chicago 0 00 0 00 O 0 O- 0 1 BOSTON OOOO 20 1 O x 3 L Faber nndvSclialk;,Wood nud'Tlioniaa. & 4 5 2 4 1 4 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 93 ZT CLEVELAND .WASHINGTON 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 HIortoninndO'Ncilj Boehllng nnd Henry. NATIONAL' LEAGUE (15 (BROOKBSW 1 O O O O O 0. 0 1 O- 1 1 0 2 rjfctfnTSBTJRGK ,00101 I ,0 ,3- x G GO jr. Coomba oarZiMcCartyj Adams nnd Glbsonj FEDERAL" LEAGUE ETOSiLLTIMORtf O0OOO003 0-3 52 BB BROOKLYN. 1 0 O O O 0 2 O 1- 4' 10 1 Smith and Jacklitsch; Scaton and Pratt. BALTIMORE 000 0 10 0 0 1 BROOKLYN 101 0 O 0 0 9 Q Bender and Owens;. Marion and Land. ST. LOOTS OOOOOO.OO O- yO. S O KANSAS CITY OOOOOOOI 1 40 Davenport nnd Hartley; Packard and Easterly. Other leaguo games postponed on account orNraln ondwebgroundB. CHINESE UNI. O 0 3 O O O LEHIGH 12 0 0 2 2 PITTSBURGH TEXN TTATE l. .fe-v-M-'-.fc-1' O 2 O O WILL PKOBATED ; t ' " - I HEW YORK, June 7. Charles Klein, the noted playwright -who lost his life on the Lusitanin, left his wife, Lilliau, $45,000; hia Oldest son, Philip, $35)000, nnd his other son, JohnVictor, $20,000, j p'ecording toMhiS'iwillj, which as -filed' today to.-tho-Surrogato'a Office-herJ, .j L:,-.t.. .-rtoTtiiCJ 1, : RAISING OF F-4 LONG DELAYED WASHINGTON, June G- Gunner Stllson, in .charge at the Brooklyn Navy Yardsquad of divers -who have been working to raise the P-4 o Hnwaii,Teported to Secretary Daniels today, on his way,.to Brooklyn, tthat it may heeveral'weeks-beforethejiwork is completed and thatit may-he necessarytobuild -ppntoonsias part of .their-'vwork:, - . ') 1 - - f . . rj -ft. ANTI-GAMBLING LID ON, SAYS PORTER A warning to police captains and lieutenants thai the anh gambling lid Is on as firmly as ever was issued this afternoon hy Director Torter, of the Department of Public Safety. He says the impression has spread that the last months of the Administration have brought n-lessenlng of activity on the part of poller, and calls for investigation and report on conditions relating: to gambling m Philadelphia. NEIGHBORS FIND WOMAN SUICIDE'S BODY Mrs. Mary Niwender, 38 yr$ old, pf 99 North Hutchinson atveat, eowaUtwi sujejd latt-thi. tjr iahaling gas throuh a tub. Her harfy was disoovarad-hy.niighbsw who forced thf &t of thi'itwwul' bBe epi"aftr smilllpg gas. Fled After .KunnlngjDojni Boy After ftWBiag dewn liax Jlsntisky, If years aid, of 7M Pudley street, at h aad Verey strta lt leht, four yutuj; mta ab4Bdee4 a touring ear an$ eseajMd frew tlw pe. PoHtwea (rem ta 4lh rt n4 Salter avenue sUtloa took peejMMVw 9- U . which they believe to e been steJea. Tbe number em the Hceaee Uraad been obllUrated The Kemingtonian Says: Join Novelty A9m real peeved lw causa the 0vejd9 -.& dot copv a name out 0 tbf jKiiKst4a " A gtis a write W " AeM - vo-M mU9 his nam 0H twwt and trust to the tMW of the laager's -' W4Hor flndtna it. LOST AND P0UN UD0TQu gtuti axis, a loam to ll GrtB a i uvinl llk kiu Hi-tu. n UkiU Kutfea. FiwUjr w- H 4.. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers