ISLlHji)-gj- af-jSS"-!-1.-SS fUSl M 1. 1 tyS P J '! tf .3 . l. 1 i jig WANTED FEMALE ohk r.K ;asi-5Gff,ha Uf tftffCIU--! K,Ofcf rTnt wlshcW11 .'' or Pwoi wft,ence ,"n "-' -?- A.iitfe11 t-nflnfvl fiiSd wr MVf-ed' oK WON or ta.n, nn wowry to .iir "'- - !? rook, clean or sew; txperl rS"5f.hW. rn 1MB Rimer st. MI" ... - " ... , .-n t-iaitlnff. will engage wien pri .?" ,fTst work solicited. D 5K," cm..i r tt Mr d&v. all kinds sum PfVceMcnt designer Call Pres- -".-.- nt rofltlon an nurse, lady's - EVENING LEDO-EB-rniLADBLPniA, SATFRDAY. JUNE AUTOMOBILES for Bait '3&&$Tt&su nt AP TO LIVERY AND GARAGEsT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES rrt working, widower or work E w,orf roolci competent ink- !.5!rJ 110 Master t. ,,!? EMP. i. find Place 'r J0"'1 tw'ormall, IM Li wltln o, chamberwork. Phone IJt r -, Ifitt.runr lady would like po- 13 Vttnei and accuracy are an . .li lrys reference II 117. UftttJ? vfAlD, seamstress i .MDSfW trnnK-Toung laay, nign senooi run iWiiis gen'l office work. physician's J'WAd3r.s MITTotte, at. alert. Cent 3mv&MAr& ifHritHR. experienced, win euoatnuie KHgf VS., u 114 Led?" " . t. T e-mnVnunr latlv wishes SiS wnltM private branch exchange. iTtAl.ood cook 'bread Ibakcr. "... mrrienu. - - 2E-' ..!.. "and Ironing to take home, fSwIlVl?itori 151 S Uecchwood at. fi5-: ...,.. - . .. aw cljknnlntr. ht rf- - .( nun in u --rti - fgS bT oojec'ion to country Call 24l liHTrgngEKEni'Kll for small famllyi igSgffijggrt t, W. Udwr Otnce. 'wmmtmm CARPET CLEANING Rn'v-tfr. MONAlicH STORAGE 00! . wlKnjVAHD 3370-7LANCAKTr. Av& CLEANINQ ANJD DYEING OSTniCH JEATHKItS AND PANcISs aSSSyKp MA1LHOT"ilOChinnt3 DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY atJSil?iTlT(i!MJ"J' " "aterlala. 5c "pTr"a7dl y i Tomaiuio, iwns (.heatnut. Spruee MuJ. njf.MS'"ITcniNO Son whUeYo"uwan T Dl'iE'?,MANn utvTrTnortTpfaec5urS" .Maolkiw cU .lOTDenrkUtltul 1 thfa a?ket FOR SALE !Lhb!Ke&.h REAL ESTAl'E FOR SALE . CITJT 1046 N 6TH ST.-ror alo very low. S atory. ..nns, i orcrer, large yara. - . II lit ' V8I ifXU) ilt NSrrk at. ct fhllatlrlphliv ,.. . H0.MK DUVftns ATTKNTION Si.ii" 2X. " mo nttniMli tlrelllnga In et rtiltadtjphliv for wile price, 0H) to JlOtoa ?en,tlf"r "" coiitmentnl Fqultablo Title lTr,t -ompany. 21 8 12th it flKHMANTOUN KAST WAPIlI.VnTOX IVNE nice aurrounl inKa. XI roow house, lot ooS6o, trden nnl fruit treea JWOO m It Irfimon Sens. WW . N Front t Both I'hone Chentnut lllll NEW PAl.n AND 11KXT LIST 1U!ADV JVlham Ml Airy and Chestnut lllll I'Bl.llAM Tltl'Tl' CO H740 Clermant n ae. SUIltUtttAN l.lnnrrcli, la. KCH SAt.B-Two brand-new bungalowa, gas and electric hot-water heat, large plots round 480 frtt ftboio city, eniy tern for qulck aale. f SI2. I edger Central. Narberth fflSSu-DRsinAltlJi. modern, 10-room house: proni ent avenue. Codtrey. tU Woodslde ate, NEW JF.HSF.X Jlaildonileld, N. J. HAM3 SEVEHAL, TINK VttOPKnTtES at targtlu price VM CAltKY .MAltSUALL, CJlreilernl Camden Woodbury Heights, N. J. SnVKltAt. desirable homes and lmproed bids, lots at reasonable prices John Mayhew. .. nr inv. in secure, a good ato- rWA; Sokieeper. clerk, caahtcr or com fV'liol any kind la the Public Led- ? '.Jlil-JhV will put you in touch S,S. "irwTerSi! oungladlea quail ?!. Wi Fo.ltlona..tatoiyour need, to S.JlMiht wl rentier y"u i" liStlu ftw to Ledger adtertlsers. w --t-.;. -i.i, .n M i3 degree for the ky.. T...Alvanla and diploma from a rf . Mi ro and mechano therapy wouia El!iSn ith Bom Institution or with RiK. Address F .ro. irfdger fmTA-IONS WANTED-MALt: iOTV'eurSca3Tacco0un SSTsSreibon. pSs'n O S(l. ISCSTAOTWKKUKl-EU. "; ': i. Siil iin. In corp. bus. omco ingnu, tfrtrtt bond, ret a O 41, Led Cent MirKIivTANT. credit, collection manager, ex liS in managerial positions, deslr.s MSv'?rr Ml. UdgerJla rSoriiJTANt and otnce manager uesires io KtatMl y"rs' experience In ofttco .fart? FJ1L-SSHL jmrriouarounr man. w. or enucauon ami KKwW. to connect with u t 1 J l-H..a!!7 ;'. ..nnMfvnhli-h nlTprn nil- AV22$? W (;. F Wf Ltd cent. IhiiMOBMENTa made lo keip hooks few M-WU"L" -,., ....I,... rfpntrnl Audit bfljl facu mj . -"-v. . -: - Ct, Xt aa ap"" ""' ; yftlHTOn. It yr' eP'rlenco general office iiSiiiiil accounting. formcrl. on the m d a C. P. A ; willing to travel, age JO, SSlwirti bonded O lis. U-dger Central. lliooKK.EBPKn, S3, able, competent JounB cm, Riving o JIB. IJ"b I ,,w ..w".. Jrv routine, seeks reliable connection, M tmplQTtr retired J 48, Ledger Central SKEEPEn. J'elrce sscnooi Brauuato, a mrt1 tiprtencc Q 143 Ledger Central 0f. itron,. 13, CatholU nlshcs position In ST'V.." Ti. .... Au.n.A a farm B&rtnct 1W7 Arch st. Telephone ltaco ESI or Spruce 6147 :r. It. J-Uli. bright, active, would like to mrv in rmintrv. nrlVHte or farm. i:ooil rof- mace. 1V)7 Arch Telephone Itace JJ.17 or bin 0117. VSi ,. EdlfLUf or look, Japanese isnea position, (st wit rtnrence ana at present empiojcu : Iiw .y esq st. V.ttXK desires position In a nrot-class prl- we ouii. tsttrence. u o, imager uinco K(Illt er valet, young Danish man, evpe- iMKta wit reierences. u tui. Leu, utnee. MSfjENTElt, otig eiperlcnco. wishes posl- imereut oi town, goon teierencea. Aa n H. A. Grteh 17J0 S Orlannost., clt UUfrEUK. Italian yaune man. deslrta UHlj pcaltien. private lamlly, In or out of tn, Stst'Ctass reference, will do own re lurtat, lend mechnna 417 Simpson at (M'.h mi Oltard). il'FKCUR mechanic, wants pos.: Scotch, ,egemaKo car, u ou eq . C-,i ""'SI BS. new at.d second-hand total adders as low as 10, on ms momhlv payments all registers sold by u, lull? JuSK anteed . The Natlcnal Carh neelsi.r V n unestnut st. s'atlcnal Cajh Register Co , 730 rUT.Y retiring trom business will aell stock and Hxtures o? n hardware and liousefurnlsh Ing builness, r.00 drawers, large and am a I a fSSi SSS2Nl f,r "n ff"," ?IW into ou.S iM,ieasL j,odgcr Ofllco HEATING ' MAKIN-KELSEY HEATING Iletter and cheaper than hot water or ateam. Iure.?L""h air with normal moisture. CUTS COAL DILL IN HALF 6 and 8 N. 18th INSTRUCTION KAQTIMK In 20 leesons Cull or write Chris tatUMU l'lnno Schools, 3S20 Oermantown ave llu Tasksr st STORAGE J,1,..1, Monarch btorago Co Auto and pack m.AingdshUpglng :i70 Lancaster ave. ROOMS FOR RENT . !1: knowlcdgo of bookkeeping, 3 yn.' I i wer r n Ledger Lontrai a .-.u-Auiiiifiiit IVIKIVIIITV ttV .-, 5rHtlWl siaka En.llsli, go anyv f -e, auit p. Koch, ilox 03, 1. O. CMCHM4.V, Hollander, wishes poslilon, prl- i m umiu; sat roumi ,i norscmait, oeat I mip-Autrlcau reference age :l, mar- . Lake' , 14 J. N. younr mart, esn work on Iawii 'Brtea reference Soil Dorrance at. ECtJTlVl The MintlmiA .icfiinriillx.l mnl i raJoa of Urn galvanised sheet buslnesa no- HBittlet thk sacrlflce of un excellent poal laa lta a manufacturer by a resourceful ru, the selling and executive exiwrlenio le rjolitd ty good penonallty and liberal welloa, tku roan will bo to a tlrst-olasa gra a rolglity valuable asset. O Stt'. iBlrEH7lnitli can run car. good rsf- " ua opruig ave., Ardmore, fa. j,i"$!E wants position as butler, valet "or I KKald en v&.h- A1 w.f 1 ion KT 1U,h Ri?.NP.1'''K.want iKwltlona In country. IE J or". we. plstn cook, cham lteMk or waltlm. rail ksui n jutii & .6fs work any description, work for AttCII, 1701) Nicely furnished rooms, running water, single and double. J J up. ARt.ll, 2041 Deslriblo front ro67n,hotrTna col dvvateuaU convtnlemes, phone. UAL.TLMOllE& 47TII-Nenly furn. rtns., beau tiful surroundlngii Phono oodlnnd 201)1 D. ClILbT.NUT, turn rooms', south exp.. cent oushot watcrSpruco3.'5S LLHlUll AVt: , SIM-Doslrabla vncanelis, ceiH trnl, all conveniences 1'honoJDIani d 13M W. LOCUar, 130.1 Attractive rooms, single or"cn aulte , turn, or unturn single room $H. LOOA.N SQUAIti: (ill N lSth)-l)cllghrfuf rooms, alngle or en suite a homo fur tho llscrlmlnntlng references jxchangcd MAUV1NK, N SUMV-Llght, cheerful, comuSr- eating front room, hausckeiptng, turnljlicd, J l50 up. yamondr.m4 l'OWELTON, 40ll (con tr house) llrlghi airy room, nexth bath Protestant famllv , nar L SPltlNQ OAHUnN, 2013 Cheerful furnished rooms, single or doublo, summer rates SPItUCC, N I. roit 12nt-Attricilvi roomie fur or unfur. alngle or cnmmunkntlng all jo utsltfej;eoms hardwood Moors, tlreplaces SPIIUCE. 1J0 Large, alrj 100ms, si glo "or en suite, neat clean newnnnagement WALNUT, scat -Nicely fur room, convenient Jia,n ctt"cmab!c,r nollclmont 3121. WALNUT, fiat: Attrartltel) furn rooms," alt conva , adult famll. , ncur "L", phono WALNUT, -COJ Nonly furntihed front ronnf: niodcrn conveniences Phono Ilolmont 3.113 10TH, S , 10.' U cll-furnlshed single or doublu rooms, private family rummer rates: phono S., S14 aublet, furn suite, 2 largo running water, light housekrg, phono 15TII, rms lOTlt H. t2U Large, airy room, prlvsto hath, furnished or unfuin Phono Locust J010 PKNNSV MANIA TAKUS 80AC11ES, convenient to -naln line P It. It . rrnser and Whltford section quick sale. sv,noJ II THOMPSON. West Chester, la. PUNNHVLV ANI V FARMS 140 .teres, $10 acre vicinity Coatesvlllc. A.pHKALD, et Chester, Pa. 1LOK1DA FARMS I'LORIDA rAllM-lOT, OUARANTnED Most Northern (arms yield onl i. For Just 20 people who have $300 t have tho opportunity of a lifetime a guaranteed In vestment tuning 106 For $300 vou can own an orange or grapefruit grove In Flor ida's nnest section, where tromlnnt Penn sylvanlaus have already purchase I 40VOairea a farm on which Natal hav, Florida. al falfa, Indorsed by I ultcd Slates Oovertiment, should produce vou S3l to $10" per acre per annum In nddltlon to Your grove s prottts "Vou must hive $3001 have no time for trillers but s our total Investment on Innd. no iildlttona! expense for orange or grapefruit trees or for the tare and develop ment of jour farm uu can stay right hrre we'll loots after your place and guar antee In writing tofc per annum I will be In Philadelphia about Jur.o tl will bo hero only few lavs If vou mean business ad dress mo Dr W A Mat Kenzle, (.lis NasHU road, Ovcrhrook Heights Philadelphia Pa I won't ro to see vou haven t the time, must return to Horlda-but will make ap pointment with vou If vou ait LTomptlj Havo JUHt 20 opportunities llko above llrst come, first served Ctn refer vou to Phlta delpl lans who hivo seen the land and who have purlqsed from me Vrlte NOW REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME by monthlj mtvmciits of from $17 to J'lO houses located N I'hlla an I (Un , worth from slvin to $iK30 Merchants Union Trust, Co 71V711 Chestnut st. West Philadelphia 4742, 4744 AND 4710 HAZEL AVE -3-story twin houses can be purchased on terms to suit Emll i;ucnther.2("th and CSrny's Ferrv rd. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY S13-1417 N WAIINOCK tilth and Master)-!! rooms all conveniences toilet swond ttoor. newlv rtbne up. Key at office, 1-U7 airard avcnue $13M1T TRENTON A E. (Iront and Nor- rls) 7 room nil conveniences newly done up Key nt office, 2Q11I N 1 runt. 9ll"is y It)ER ST (Kith anil "Master) J Inroe cms newlj done up. Key at oftlce, ljn" rsirnrd av.c $10-24. S f,I.IITON (tlth and locust) 4 rooms, kev at 211 Nealls. 010 S. 12th st I'ltctorlc! Warehouses, Mfg. 1 luors 20TH, N., 20 J Front roonn nicely furnlshedj muu cuiiuoris privqto tainuy. pnone. BOTH, N , 21 Largo cool rooms, single or en suite, .deal summer location roar L 54T1I, S , 120 Largo comfortable furn room, adj bath, corner apmt Relmont 6547 Y HANDSOMELY furnished front room, In large. modern, private home, ekctrlo lights. 10 JlnjtMtoCItylIall Telephone Raring 413 ONE ortvvo"furn" rooms with prlv'fam , 3(jth below bpruce Phone Woodland 3111 X Suburbau aURMANTOWN, 101 W. Penn-Chcerful. furn. rms. gent. . conv car, train, reas otn J15UU. BOARDING RROAD S. 770 iThe arahami-Cool and at tractive furnUtcd rooms, all modern conven tencesJextUt le Jjoard. hotel scrv., $7 up CilFSTNUT. 40Jtt-Larce, beautiful room, next bath, lst-class table, ref Miss Hank) rARRAOUT ST . S , 30 (take I. to 4uth and Mirket) Rooms, 1 or J exclusive. In private liouna onl), for ladles or couple, with or with out board, excellent location, 7 minutes lu City Hall, refereniea exchanged. QIRARD AVE , 2Ml Hoard, pleasant rooms, gid location Poplar Jp JfoTThlS, v? , 010-Attractlve rooms In private famlly homo cooking Phono Kens JiW I'OWELTON. aiOlkl (Mardelo)-Larger a'lry front rms single or en suite furn. ot unfurn. MODERN TACTORY FLOORS I4,('uu Square Feet N E CORNER ARCH AND 23D STS Steam ard electrie power. 2 elevators, low tnenmnrn ntitnmntie sorlnklers. viatehman. It. It. sidings, extra large wlndowt and high ceilings. Owner management. -Appiy riLLlNC, ft SON CO. , on premises. G P Mt N ITH ST. Third and fourth Boors. 20x00. good light with or without heat and power. OFFICES. UU&INESS ROOMS. ETC. DREXEL DLDCl. OFFICES-Annual Rentals, around Fir , $120 bins 0 rms , $um, $ 'j, -7 bultes a : rms H0 S171. iiiM, SX Ji30. $.!.J Su c" .1 r . p.(). i!73; $400.' .SO, J0O 1350 Corner Su tes. 2 to 10 rooms $300 fo S1073 ELLIS D Vt ILLlAMb. 500 Drotel llulldlng I'rofesslonal Ofllces FOR RENT Desirable ofhco for phsylclan or ucntist. ll conveniences North Philadelphia, owner F 74 t cer Central 1.1TH bT" S . 237 Pnjslclan s" office, large furnlBed teceptlon room running water WEST PHILADELPHIA WE HAVE some very desirable 3-story, side sard dwellings, rent, from $.12 30 to 183 1 month, bend for list Contlrcntal-Jiquitablo Tltlo and Trust Co, 21 S Kth st. 1603722 I-OCLST ST lb rooms, alt convs. K at 3720 Nealls. 010 S. Uth. Wayne Juncllon pTOl . w builnets, capabla ifr PTO, ldser'Pen.Ut. yWaUN, succMalHl. esperlem ' r. John Klrsch, iwa N. tlB. ill rlrv ruialnaas usnlannjltlnn sMjssvs:rzz j" iA4r.iounK man, :a eara old. fiS'.-.-buslnees, capabla of taktns IWlMbll tot. perlenccd, owning wSbH!t ? to represent reliable firm WMeithia. and vicinity on lommlsslon & r 134. Ledxer Central. BklSInvrVTVW: .tstti :..rr- tauli vv vu(iii"uein, siciiue tK.??1 bjoklteeper vvlshea to connect TnT h;;"lu,t.,nf B0U' ProaLwcla, 1(1 yea ' lKSifiiJL. oltlon doslrad by brilliant, al iimn.K" ' . expert nooKKteper Kaffi .Lw,Sii,nnr ocountant. axp. Sriwojk das. 'bos. P 010. 1-eJ Cent tilH2i1.'i,un, -iO, 8 years' experlenco"; SSi reference. G 2u, Ledger Cent iStY i-s" Pathologically trained Ituil viinu vt'I'",c coniment my esSs! 'Vkyaurese would prova wVsmK "W'abla concern M b37. i B. young 'man. dMlra""po"n afjRrVrtSr-tixsa res Pt will b Hl.V5f Wi ableutlv and -Sit." "St !L?ai",u v-ihh. I thorough qJ6o itufHdUn ttuograrVtier typwrltar. da" ,wa aaeoadarv eonsld , I II necessary V OlS. Lad C '.VlftV..,wnor?hw Wrltr J.- U 1 18. I sdxsr Ofnc-n. 3n&fi!si Hl?K?ni!7E ' J3, will dj.ajt.J.l",v,,'rsiB.i.' 'i ''tXMsl '2 htC4l tBlgw .STtSKSF W'tA4Ta5s5rar. iss-jr. . iMUft ct. It C'E. .lilt Trained nurso has pious, home for rer people uesiring goo.t accom. . spe. euro of Invalids or elderlyersons l'reston 3333l SIXTH, N. SIM Hoard for Udy. "gentlemen or married couple Phono fal'RUCE, 1028-30 Desirable suit vvlthprlvato bath, choice table board. Walnut 7233 W. TIOO.V Two largo communicating rooms, ad joining bath, for rrrtned kcntlemen, corner Iwuao, strlctlv private Phono Tioga Ji33l 10T1L S. tilt (cor" Clinton st )-Large "single, double rooms, prlv ate bath board optlonal. io7 N. JOTintT.Nlce cool rooms In modem home, excellent board, reasonable. Suburban OERMANTOWN. IBS W. Rlttenhouse at. (be tween Wayne and Oreene) Largo Iront J 1 story room, good tab cqny Ph. G tn 137 IX OVERRROOK. 808.) Prexcl road-Comfortable rooms, with board tennis swimming pools refemncea Phone l'reston 3.W3 w, St c cheapest and most desirable 3.story. J porch-front house at Wayne Junction, all conveniences. S minutes' walk to station. 4443 N 20th st . above Ottt. ave SUUUKUN ISala, Pa. BALA, PA 14." 1 pund terrace .New. single, .'1 story. 10 rooms, bath, laundry, pantrv. large pun h gas ami electric fixtures, pura .. ..a- all mfiiiorn lonvenlences. kss range. eight minute a to train pr trolley (3c far.), m derail rent On premises, or R, C ROYD. ,01-U Walnut st , Philadelphia. HALV p 112 Rala ave Modorn scmtdetacrS ed home. 0 large cheerful sunn) rooms, with "baths wide shady porch Ideal location; reit 30. T 8 MITCHELL Ml ' Mil St. Ridley Pari., Pa. SMALL COI'NIR'V PLtCE, old shade, mod. convs. 7 rooms beiultrul surroundings. 0 mln from sta'n. $-0 rer mo. N P. Sloan. Wenonuh, X. J, APARTMENTS SPRING GARDEN, 1010 Excellent apts. In 8 different houses some furnished, kitchenettes. WALNUT- 14J1 ery attractive opts, 3 rms., bath. bIsq slngla room and bath, furn cr un (urn .xci lent location, 1st service 1'honi Srruc4!30. or 4pply ol Janitor. WALNUT ST, S)WoHemodIa S-ro apt. fttbTbt idwlvi hall. APtdy Janitor ilOB CHBSTNIT ST. Roofflui with bath: slngla rooms VMew we imui m.m,t, ,-. ant.. fast rOmiNI IOUSK SQlARK - Uafurn. i.Va rosuia and btlv oi Crplic Urvk V II dsvstred. K 4tLdilM Cmw ITSHTJON, BUSIN8W8 URaN . Sc mjt. gpfttM m JWT0MQBIIJ gliaj- &.&&&&!!' FS,lS5Sa fi,. .11 3UdV nr T ,,!-- f. r th, ,,. ", . ;- weak J.)!., appolSt .1 loi ,w JtoO gURNISICED APARTMENTS C5cl3W'r"l!,I-KUgaiit aaarimui: 4gfi. yuato bath. ala liI rw 3 "'pTlvatrBalh lwrtc !. fert?IJ'S?. sublet lrtojaaA- P- Sprues. 4l). T'rTHlcTlVBbth. auU,. 10 mluutaa' walk fa City H lk'JJ-ra.S'-. Meat Pulls. Jelobla FURNISllBD ccuaplele. S lrg rooms, Uth; tSIgi JinlW. StvulSlwh t . hanfaui. Juaa Kr OelVbr. Vbos BarlBS T1JX. ruBLBrrrptiy fwtil. !. e-rea HOUSKKEBPING APARTJHENTa "sraffH.vts,i OGAv M. !... fJ?i, i"'W' T vesuwv ,"?y1snr,-r SASJUKL T. cttiC TH A fssri' SPRUCK. 31) luUttlwaM. WZlXScK W !.. H own L1j-:i J&A& Dial MUIU. ktt- L tutts. . rt.cjk. is r sWC'Ottl, btath a4 HfvsSwf-. 4.3pvWF t - Vfw WsW-A,f",C UFW. MtjWBnwire T56iWlrXfABTMNT r-lraU 4 aM I tu utarti West PbilauelpliU THE Ill'tUM) )r"lt awots, nta, rB(ft, JL r 1 'MPt BIED iiOUhE 0 rooms hut-nater beat, gas, bath vvhlta enamel tlnlsh garage, t sq from depot. Richard Evans Jr.. Wenonah. N J SEASHORE CapeMuy, N. J VURNISHED cottages and apartments, all lo catlona ltShciipard.J23 Washington st. J.0R RENT FURNISHED OERMANTOWN iiivl'T1FUL rwldxace, Urg had4 lawn ubbU oourl inusto rooai iisrUkl furalture eltrvllSiry 1H TeJsvw Gta. 3T&1 St. MartluV. CJtestnut U1 HKVT. FUKN1MIKU Ju to Sejrt, T ba4' rooias, 2 taa, tsars. " statlOjti. garaga nerlTy. Tlpww ClwstBut Mill Mi. 1 Tl MAIN UNK, PA. . It. Overbrook SV to" ovr tell-acrs Uwrt, tevta court. ixiLje lr. W cwl boom. ! ou all 1J. terra lrc-i. tiaa a ad eltrtc light. uJ. evMUMetlas with U at h at , 3 S3SmI walk Ovrbwk '.. R.7 far t amw aaie. OvejUawk jsMB U, S Fv SHORE Avsluo. Ni J- . not leasuoviWs a ay uatf AvW. Iltstriai' s-ff-t&A.'Wvffl st. M Ualoa. N J ita I-ki K- J- WAN gteM KsHC lurntatuMl tMUUBtJA. la.ii couviUticw, . tatMM. eleeilsg inuuU as nt' In all tssHnaeM, A- 8. tlth nt Pssmw LotfU-t Mia. MKLX ! ltdvxia. N. J. HS 5Tsvm ww via. i WugwoaJ M f "' 9 fiutvUtod NsVHswaaaji Aaut- WORTGAQSH. fttWBWW'WHS plKallon le aiuttu-t its H60 l ilOOOuO H be .roicpii ana esxeuuiy cob Ildcicd .rom Lrukirs utid private owuen AJiiac ea t 10 iiio and complete details fur delrd luacs ij Di-i wiiuiutilcstiou 1 4M. LfctxiKK 1'I.NTHAL. c v 5, 1915. -,. , - . 1U '" ""' ' " ' ' ' n.i.-., - - . le.i i Th I SCRAPPLE L.i -.1 ' ' " --"is ,i.. ,ii I, mmf nrr " '" ' essssP-SiMesMssll.i.. .i.. 1 ii I, , , ,sstl1ia, Expected Something n ... qnfnu I Z. -- tcr Un ,he Snfe S,de THE PADDED CELL L jn- - t WZ- 1 b HE(? w THE. CAS6. OF V ZZir fLJP vffife, J THE STATE. VS. A kB&OF PRUAteS I WmS (7- n tTf r that the. traiv vas ajot on time I 1 ITT V s-sL sLU HZMCZ A WRIT vO HOKUS UOCo FOTo Hr U '' VgWp :RAMTED INASMUCH AM b HEPtTOFORE. v jmT -inl vrl rif.- m-xo Knx h6.RAFTr is or are, mJfcm z3 Xv?R JHf ) THE .BEST PRCPue.OR PRINCIPLES) ih-vm ILdb wmr vn7iR ?as& for - "will voS!!?! "Dom your father know I'm shoot- V 63t.&3-' "v , well, voutig man, do you ex.ect to . ... V yr 1 catch anvthlnt by flshlne on SuSdly?" Ins on hls S ,4s, "Tes, sir, a whipping: when I set "' 8s so. He locked the live ' . - . , r4is--. homo It I'm lound out " tock In the bam today." 'Pa - - TKV H IT'S ALWAYS LIKE THIS -P J!f!lf I When You Try lo Teach a Boob to Play Poker 1 U ffM T1551. v5plisH I ( noil , M IHllEt, tr" Arrsn avuhjlb To cprn the. ToT. , , II Al 1 tvva "5eV kWBM3V TWO KAJIt cyrt T j fl I jl 1 A -1S 3W S:::rV) a3 K( ItU STUR wtTHTHttWw; QaOY" vuMeTHen. I HA(t " i1 I atiTen drop - , "tyjtH.IMt: SPtrtl all SORRY.Olu MAN I HAVE TuULlf " I MlCHI HAVt KN0eJ I JU IM sihwMMmMmH, isVl-JrigHSeJ5? S Fnv MY MONEY IU.HME. To KmaS OoTYDU MAVt To COOLDriT Win Cn ONLY I Wi 11 ' iSMSMmm"-JSSirt:F Suj A lvft TN ELI I rsa V i i i h n i t .... . .i1 I lllll' ff.swmlWfflnA!Vll'l4Piii VsV9 flEFi 14'fi'p. , KJbAs--- r, jb!mLS' I JJe Hj Jj u 72 iX iTk - xmW Rfe wi K2k&sm v ! Til Jmm f VSSSSa? a3a' I L &&T-'- T And It Hurts! I ri i .ii .punch, Rlsttar of Women Workers What can I do for you? Applicant-. ou probably want a forewoman, somebody who Is used to Giving orders and words of command I've brought my husband to speak, for me. Jeslc rir-ase. auntie, the new lady ne .t door saja her compliments, and will you play ory low, because her husband la ex ttemelv musical Sidney Bulletin. Smart! The elderly cultured spinster I havo a scarab (hat Is 3000 yeara old. Tha tlash youn man Ah! A school prize Sydney Bulletin. Kind of Him DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? "I'm getting up a subscription for Brawn, he's sick and can't meet his bills." "How much are you trying to raise" 'Ten dollars: that's what he owes me." Democratic "What la jour Idea of tho duty of a patriot'" "He ought to be willing to fight tor hU principles," replied the mem- i bet of Congress. "What prlnclpleu" l "That's what I'm going back home to learn from my constituents "Washing- i ton Star. ! THAT REMinDJHEOf A FUtirti' 3TORY I HEARD T'O.HERWiY HrW. H fW f.f.0 THfc CtAA. ft . . TO run. P(?CV, PERCY IS THE fLUOytSrvrNriETlOT m iEuitG you ftwxrr ft FEIAOW VWGOIfiG DOtf tl STREET fttID ft MEEY5 ft Crlp- HftW. - ' .Hrt CHNP THM HE rttt .5 13 ftv.f OUf CUVArt, ttMWHHlb 15 t GOOD 0(16 rE SSV5 PERCV DID ho vumI " rtthR ThhY one ARoOt ho Hum 0V 1HW ER. ER Trl(ST-UT5v3E,lrtrtMfll tl nt jrviw Mp no &r ( HO'HO-HOM II AH-ER-ER-mV, , I'M ftFRfvUX I'VE .. Lmlkv it mat nnm ! new ftOOUt AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME ! PA tl nt Jrviw" i rvn-r JS WlwUl itS-rM i ' " NvsAK5afrakwJ?rvy 55e?9fiSCai3lifJi klh Alf-pill, thta "ere Wlnkln Keysw ' got ,W. t aasw t ,r- w, w w vmmm hS i b. v,W' whlk .' IWttK . ,w WtP-l Head t'tUaUt Punth. t ii. . c uvar. Svliooia ii.cs .t J a -Tsw Eve a hbd h enUgh-t Th, lra u tt Ci t IMtsMtt t. .c II u lu,, " ! uo T33 ieic cei ctcrsr sr iru ro wi -t .ri t ,.1,'iiji .,,.'.,. ,.i:n. Aitt all tea cs MONEY FOR MORTGAGE n ,!. true im i l a"SiiL r'i.t 3st W M Ut . -tr;tug si e5UWfV.)l" -rO . .. 7 . .i . '" ' , , ,1 IJ ,i ,ni i lrin-r i I