r Mumwwwfr SEJ I7R. II uu ill wiill tpecfl m e. ';1 f- ea shof g arkn fl H ew erf I her oref fi cllnj'f I ishlnjg ;r I for tti seal, tt sCaJwiri belli tl iy lo orn inji vhcat 'i seabouj he tra eek nj.' it. 0,!) is, tr.M IWfl Hi 41 ...7 it kw 'I 1 ? 0 lO.OjJ 2 10.5tf t ) : )NS 'j h Nm CtMT. I one. K(. :KET i lit nub. ojeDlaj, EGGS -Mrtrf i, itVfi-t ?(l. 13, picker; packet: neirtf tome, .s IltUe .et wu points tie asl veathet y Prt In the Llvei pected, e, final lints. V. ClOB. mat: 10.M1 taw VLSI 9.111 al eost-len. istyeu. i.Wl.Ill ES 6y troths M r fiid'S ortr! o&otrti .pplUfi f m NTERCITY Sur tmOTI?DC T QV ili' I VllltlllMlil lillill'i mi !" PHILADELPHIANS $G0LFTOURNT cal Women Win Match in Griscom otip uoniest, y to t 6 M r s . Vanderbeck's Play Sensation oi the Day. iWlVEHFORD, To., June 5.5-"Thrlll- 5 just aooui u..". ."" ..-.... fi.fiM In the contest between New York "l Philadelphia for possession of the ement A. un.,., uu,. .... " 'IllUdelph"1 won uy a uiuiuuue iu , u ,rt hlcger thnli nt ono time appenreil fn, and of these Philadelphia won 2 to Ci.. York's 1. ... Tti- Tfirpn miiiuuua .vuui iu uiu avii rrtbably everything else In the con tt, ", overshadowed by Mrs. Clarenco IW-W.-Lb-. nlnv acalnst Miss Lll- !' '? j. ti.n tnntrntinlltan rhnmtilnti. 11 I1.' .' ..l, l,.,1 irnlf wlllinllt n rl VHnueruutn. j.j- d-.- - . - " ..a Wanted her opponent 3 up and fVnl&y. Seldom, if over, has "Mrs. Vnn J&i olayed better golf, and without "J.nbt she Is a better golfer at the prcs- Svi lime than over before in ner career. sjnt time ' . , . . ... .. Ms- . TTlRLUII IUJ . ..,, Cits for the first nine holes, a scoro iJtrOK" V" ,l,f 1, Wtonoot In I.of tnit a , , l.nloa nhp nlnvprt r.omlmr I!"1.0".:-. .. nntlnr lives. Her short 5'lpu wonderfully nccurato and her i ihp vr no -- - - - 'ntffnoPnaldalH.8Dar.ow played much v.iir nKttlnst Miss Marlon Holllns than ihi dM In her match with Miss Osgood V.ttMday. and defeated her opponent 3 b Mi i to play. Miss Holllns waB de Scdly erratic, and yrs. Uticlqw took iplendld advantage of every mistake sho DWfj' n. H. Stockton arid MIbs acorgl '.. 'nishon evened up matterB by de- Ltlnff respectively MIb Anltn Phlpps ;j jirs. Caleb F. Fox. Mrs. Lawrence cut nu New York In tlw lead by de- featlnff Mlas Mildred Caverly nnd then t.mft most exciting matchlbetwccn Miss Cttherlno Davis and Mra. (3. M. Heck i.k.r Thev wero all square at the 18th, tut MIjs Davis Just secured the victory m the ism u lno ou s'ruK0' Right behind came anoiner xu-noie latch, but this time Mrs. A. S. Rossln "on for New York by defeating Mrs. ! If. Fitler. This made the scoro 4 tb 3 'fa favor of New York, but the local 'women oon snaicncu me icmi irom .mo .IIXMUID. ltlss Florence McNecly nftor being 3 fB&rtvn and 5 to play to Mrs. M. D. Pat tenion, pulled a splendid victory on the ,18ta hole, and. Mrs. a. S. Munson, Miss P.'C. Orlscom and Miss Eleanor Chaitd- d !gl"jtr recorded handsome vjrtorlcs over 8. Sirs, W. 11. wnuney, ansa iMsa i'ick-kj- lirdt and Mrs, C. Robertson, this giving t Philadelphia a lead of 7 matches to 4. pi Miss E. 0. Hood lost to Mrs. C. Boycr, kut a 13-hole match between Mrs. W. S. C'HIlIea and Mrs. Gouvcrneur Morris gnve (.Philadelphia m Jarloyt of the matches. 'i?Ia the two final matches New York ,-Und Philadelphia split oven. i' Miss Helen AJexandor, of New York, IflXeatlnB Mrs. G. Henry Stetson, and Mrs. f rtalton Herold, Philadelphia, beating Miss H,J. Alexandor. Miss B. Ethel Maul was unable to fill her place on the local toam ' either yesterday or today, owing to an c -attack of grip. L In order to wrest the trophy from Phil ILiMphla New York will have to win flvo pert of the six foursome matches. Tbl.tMLm match summaries follow: PHILADELPHIA. NEW YOTIK. Kn. a Vanderbock. 1 JIIs Lllllnn Hyde.. 0 IHJ.H. Harlow. 1 Sllss Marlon Holllns 0 Mill Anita Phlpps.. 0 Mrs. H. It. Stockton 1 Vn. C. F. Fox 0 Mlaa n Ill.hrm 1 ft MIm M. Caverly.... 0 Mrs. I, Swift 1 mm iavia i MTB. U. llecKHCIier. U Jtn. E. H. Filler. . . 0 Mrs. A. S. Hosiln. . 1 aisi J, McNeely... 1 Mrs. M. D. I'aterson 0 i " Munson. i Mrs. ir. W. Whitney 0 llTL 7. C. OrlSCOm. 1 Mica r. Vilthnft n !" E. Chanillcr. . . 1 Mrs. O. C. Robeson." 0 him Bllrn Hood... 0 Mrs. C. Iloyer 1 )!n. W. E. Illllca . . 1 Air n mi. n S'?,-,,?- 6'?'on- 0 Irs. H. Alexander'.' 1 HMllton Herold. I Miss J. Alexander.. 0 0 :i Vanderbeck defeated Mlsa Hyde, Ur D..U. .. ... ... . ... .. . n fe i .;' o. ' . ujirmwi ansa iininns. a nnn i". nrm W1"1, erented Miss f'hlpps. .'! and 2. f!: J,"",1 5efeate,l Miss Caverly. .1 onj S. IS ThS? defeated Mrs. HeckWher, 1 up in Kletaf R""ln d"ealci1 Mrs. Filler, 1 up In 10 f. 85? gee'y teteatea Mrs. I'atterson. 1 tin. li 2 Mr ?n debated Mrs. Whitney. 4 and '.'. ail x """" ueitruicu ansa ncicnarat, 4 Ulji Chandler defcatel Mrs. Robeson, 4 u S?Xcr ie'.t!'i 5Il8a Hod. 3 and Holt7' defeated Mrs. Morris, 1 up In 10 MIh M ll.V.H.U. .,... .J f I m ' .tu:i uviemeu airs, Stetron, l.'.T-,. v t jfS.Hwol(t defeated Miss J. Aloxander, !" fl. COLFER W.J. TRAVIS HAS ANOTHER TITLE jVeteran Athlete Today De- leated John G. Anderson for .Metropolitan Top Honors. JPTE, N. T June B. Walter X. Travis. twan of a score of years, won the petropolltan.Bolf championship here this wraoon. He defeated John G. Ander- "P. In the afternoon round' after held to a tie In the morning. tlUJ WOn tha nftffmnnn 1fi-V,nln mntph ?'..."" one of tha ereatest battles BB "'stu. xne morning round ended 1P at 18 holes, hnth moM to kino K Jff", the course. Travis went out 1L1, """"nine round, and In In un- r. ,uaKlnK "is total 82. Anderson 1 ..JJ al.lhe turn ' Ul niorning IJttlof a 42, making hla count 82. KMers i ""' t auout 2600 followed the - we auernoon round, while the n,crwd numbered 1500. Bit .v ,or the morning round fol- 5 5 4 6 8 15 4 5 4 3 n 41 4 fi 10 Itli an 11 4 41 li 442 afternoon card; i 5 i 4 6 4 S 36 5 ti-38 ' i 5 3 s totals5: 3 B 3 40 70 0 04170 mm. Mb. urn!ng Afternoon wn. 40 42 as it -in tnen showad &! n -nMA -m during WinttZm TounZ WOMEN'S GOLF MATCHES inTrai-P nr,n,m; ' DEFEATS ST. LOVtS BROWNS Continued from rKC One wTt w!lKhy t0XM t0 'r'- a"y errors. "' No runs' no hl8' " FOL'RTU INNING. errors. 'J'- N tUtxs' one hlt- ba'ntehM ."rt.1"' ,01dflnS ns hit tL mi? !(1 ''?' McI""'s filed to Shot. ,?i' MJd,lnK Rlle second. McAvoy fan ncd. No runs, no hits, no errors. FIFTH INNING. Kopf threw out I,avan. Aghew popped to Kopf t,quderinllk walked. Rarry ; a. If m'tlful stop of Shotten's hard fiV"1 thrcw ,,ltn m,t Ko "ins, no hits, no errors. v?nl'l?nM V""er. Kopf walked. M yckoff '.nniied. Kopf died Btenllng, Ag. new to I.avan. No runs, no hits, no errors. .4lXTH INNING. x"?U!l .VVunlked Au8tl" at0'e flocond. ?m?7 vCn lrnU,ml. AUBtln going to third. Wnlker singled to left, scoring Austin. Walker Btolo second. Walker went to third on Vyckoffa wild throw to catch him at second. Williams walked and stole Becond. I,enry fanned, l.avan struck out. Ono run, ono hit, ono error Pratt throw out Murphy. Ilnrrv dou bled to left. Wnlsh wnlked. Rube old ring singled to right, scoring Harry, and alsh went to third. Oldrlng stole sec ond Molnnls singled to centre, scorlng ... . "u ulurl"B- .Mcvvoy struck out, while Mclnnls stole second. Malono sin gled to centre, scoring Mclnnls. Pratt threw Kopf out. Four runs, four hits, no errors. , SEVENTH INNING. Agnew singled to left, E. Wnlker bat ting for Ijiudormllk. E. Walker fnnned. Agnew took second on n wild pitch. Shot ten filed to Oldrlng. Austin struck out. No runs, one hit, no errors. James pitching for St. Louis, WyckolT nut, Pratt, to Loary. Murphy struck out. Rarry fouled to Agnew. No runs, no hits, no errors. EIGHTH INNING. Pratt struck out. Malono threw out C. Walker. Williams filed to Kopf. No runs, no hits, no errors. Walsh fanned. Oldrlng fouled to L,eary. Mclnnls filed to Shotten. No runs, no hits, no errors. NINTH INNING. Lapp now catching for the Athletics. Lcnry filed to Kopf. Lavan filed to Mc lnnls. Agnew struck out. No runs, no hits, no errors. JAY PATCH VICTOR IN BYBERRY RACE Light Harness Races Draw Large Crowd Eleven Horses Jlun in Class B. BYBEnRY, Pa., Juno 6. A large crowd saw the light harness races today nt the Philadelphia County fair grounds. The fields were unusually large nnd the fin ishes were close and exciting. Jay Patch won the free-for-all event In straight heats, defeating the rtooster nnrt Carna G. lloth heats were timed In 2:16. Eleven horses faced the starter In Class B, mixed, wjilch was won by Itcddlo Lake. Besults: FREE FOR ALL. Jay Patch, b. g., E. O. Manger Booster, b. g., N. Yelland .... Carna, G., b. g., A. Ashton Time, 2:16, 2:16. CLASS A MIXED. Mazio Madamllne, J. Smith .. 1 1 2 2 3 3 St. Margaret, b. g., F. Masland Princess Cochato, b. m., A. En- whistle 3 2 Time, 2:22-y4, 2:26. CLASS B MIXED. Reddle Lee, B. Conn 1 Prlnclda, F. Masland '.. 8 Matty Boy, Peoples 2 Free Mason, Doan 4 Prince J., J. Kecans 6 Mollie B., A. Peoples ,7 Adslm, R. Simmons 5 Daisy K., C. Krouso 11 Jack Homer, F. Bishop 9 Build Owyho. A. McClay 11 10 Baron Arnold, Danenhower 3 11 TRAPSH00TER T0MLIN HIGH GUN AT NEWARK Camden Gunner Breaks 174 Out of 180 Targets in New Jersey State Title Affair. NEWARK. N. J., June 5.-Fred S. Tom lln, of Olassboro, a member of the Cam den Shooting Association, carried off tho coveted amateur target championship of New Jersey here this afternoon In the Dual day's shooting of the Now Jersey State shoot, Tomlln breaking 97 out of his quota of 100 targets, with C. B. Piatt, of Brldgeton, and Frank J. Hlnellne, of Camden. Tho Camden Shooting Association mem bers finished second and third, with 96 and 95 breaks scored, respectively. The Camden Shooting Association representatives made a clean sweep In tho two State team challenge cups be sides the first three medals In the ama teur championship were won by the South Jersey Cracks, while Fred S, Tomlln has out-shot all amateurs and professionals, breaking 524 out of hla total 510 targets; Albert I Ivlns, of Red Bank, second high amateur, with 497 breaks. For the third day's high average, Tom lln again led the field with 171 broken out of his ISO targets. Piatt, the Camden representative, was runner-up with 173 targets. i ' ' Fed League Meets Today CHICAGO, June 5. Tho Federal League's board of managers will meet here today, pre. Idem Jamea A. ailrooj said the members ex oictJd to talk oer tlw -baseball situation, but hTd nethlne of Importance before them. Miss Wagner Wins Title NKY YORK, June 5. JIlw Marie Wagner, Hi New York State champion, gave another btant dUpUy yesterday nth tennis tour SamSit fw -V Vstern New York State ctam SsEsbip ft TKrtwtale. when she won tb flna ""Vf. , ZJ u.nn,n'u aliiti!s from Mrs. Itoyal $& Tra.ght !.; tW.'frS. EVENING LEDGER EVENING LKDGEB-FHlLADELPniA. to i SAM M'MEEKIN AGAIN LANDS BELMONT RACE Top Hat Is Beaten in Six Fur long Dash Adams Express in Show Position. BELMONT PAItK, Juno 5,-Sam Mc Meekln romped heme n winner over Top Hat In the Inaugural dash on today's program here, and sprinted so well that ho wns timed in 1:10 3-5 for tho 6 fur kngs. Top Hat shook off tho attempts of Adams Express to win the place. The summaries: First race, the Creemoor high-weight handicap, $C0O added, C furlongs straight Sam McMeckln, 132, J. Broyer, G to 5, 1 to 2, out, won; Top Hat, 132, E. Dugan, 7 to 2, oven, 2 to B, second; Adams Ex press, I2S, CJ. Byrne, IS to 5, 11 to 10, 1 to 2, third. Time, 1:104. Nourcddln nnd Spring Hoard also run. Second raco, for maidens, 2-year-olds, $500 added, 5 furlongs, straight Tea Caddy, 115, E. Dugan, 3 to 5, 1 to 3, out; Plaintiff, 115. T. Davles, 7 to 1, 2 to 1, 7 to 10, second; Murphy. 115, J. Dryer, 3 to 1, 7 to 10, 1 to 3, third. Time. :60 2-5. Old Koenlg, NolII nnd Plquetto also ran. Third race, ladles' handicap, purse J2000, for marcs, 3-year-olds and up, mile Addle. M., 106, G. Byrne, 3 to I, 6 to 5, I to 2, won; Lady Botha, 104, J. Butwell, 3 to 1, 6 to 5, 3 to 5, second; Comely, 113, Borel, 6 to 1, 6 to 2, 6 to 5, third. Time 1:39 3-5. Flying Fairy Pomette Bleu and Chnrter Maid also ran. Fourth race, the Belmont, 52500 purse, for 3-yoar-olds, 1 mile and 3 furlongs The Finn, 120, G. Byrne, 7 to 5 and out, won; Half Rock. 126. D. O'Nell, 40 to 1, 3 to 1, out, second; Pebbles, 126. Borel, 3 to 5, out, third. Time, 2:18 2-5. Only three starters. Fifth race, 3-year-olds and up, selling, purse $500, 6 furlongs, straight Amans, 92, P. Louder, 16 to 5, 6 to 5 3 to 5, won; Superhuman, HI, Borel, 6 to 1, 2 to 1, even, second: Lost Fortune, 112, T. Nolan. 30 to 1, 12 to 1, 6 to 1. third. Time, 1:11 4-5. Young Emblem. Uncle Jim, Aviator, nosemarlne, Hilt Stream, Hydroplane and riantagenet nlso ran. LOUISVILLE SPRINT ISGIFTTOMAZMK With Mott Up, Henderson Geld ing Defeats High Private in First Douglas Park Race. LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Juno 5. Jlaznlk, with Mott up, won tho opening dash heto this afternoon. High Private was second and Colle third. The summaries: First race, 3-year-olds and upward, 6 furlongs-Mnznlk. 103, Mott, $6.50, $4.15, $3.30, won: High Private, 108, Goose. $5.70 nnd $1.70, Becond; Colle, 101, Robinson, $5.90. third. Time. 1:12 2-5. Doe Rls, Foundation, Sweetneart Sue, Gabrlo, Prospect and Lackrose also ran. Second race, 2-year-olds, 5 furlongs Rochester, 112, Peetz, $28.60, $5 and $3.10, won; Gypsy Blair, 100, Robinson, $2.90 and $2.40, second: Eulogy, 100. $3.10, third. Time, 1:00. Mediation, Argument,' Asparagus Sam and Belgian Trooper also ran. Third race, selling, 1-year-olds and up, mile and sixteenth Impression. 110, Gnns, $4.50, $3.20, $2.40, won; Beulah S., 101, Stirling. $7.10. $3.40, second: Old Ben, 106, Goose. $2.90, third. Time, 1:13. Korfhage and Jessie Louise nlso ran. Fourth race, $500, for 4-year-olds and up, 6 furlongs Deposit, 111, MQAtee, 1 to 3, out, out. won; The Busybody. 114. Dodd, 5 to 1, even, out second; Miss Prlm ity, 111, Ballngtr, 20 to 1, 5 to 1, even third. Time 1:112-5. Arcene, Balfron and Lamb's .Tall.Awf fttteir.ara wjftaw cWaut IIIU Ml. MAIN UNK. IW. . it. Owcrbrook ACIIKO W hou, 1108 Is. 8J t., cor "lot. over half-4cr Uwa, WuU court. Me tr. extra K bouw, window ou "iUec Urge, psreh. sm al elsiW Ihfbl; u.i wx; OvurWuo; trotter ( ' 55. owwMcilHK with L al !; 1 I fir tfc iwiaar jwat. Overtcittk 3 U SK.VSIIQKU Avtun. N. J. t HVNOAUOVW JFt '-A ' wi.r&iirttKK. Wis.. June S. Al Tavlor. 9' this city, won his 'JWU-poinc is.s tiantune tut llard match fiom Joseph Mayor, of Phlladel Iihla. last nljtht. capturing the llnal blook by M points. Total scope: TVylor. 21U0; Mayer. MOVIES-HE MAY BE A "THE FOURTH TEE" ilv2fC t. 5iV -M,, Jtmk, Vftu ciPW ouoiL f-fimi1' fig 1 some f P U Wi w Ik J&& n I , FM Too-. ty , 7 i!V I" ?L rttiSil V .-W, W KVJ0U r - i-, , 5 J i' fM rw A PRETTY Ok) THS JfllAE rTWK , I I H,T J MSk KIBii 3ot) CRiimR- l PoT kfoowl uJiisw J7t f J I X C MMM mlXh A ULevJ cue PLYet so fierce, (m, USLK-x Po.t' yv' Ow ' lM )IJ BUT t CAM-rf i Jom-t CLWM To BE ?A- SS, &$J Jl' ' .,V'i P"D MVJBLFI " . - V W' I I If TODAY-BASEBAlI RaitKTIS ' -w,v a aa. i jir J.U11XHJ, PENN NINE BADLY BEATEN BY YALE Continued from Pnirc Oni dlebrook to third bu3c. Legoro stole second. Hunter elngled over second, scor ing Mlddlcbrook. Legoro wns out at plate, Irwin to Koons. Rcllly fouled to Koons. Two runs, two hits, one error. SECOND INNING. Wallace filed out to L. Mlddlcbrook, who ninde a long running catch. Koons struck out. Moore struck out. No runs, no hits, no errors. Hush walked. Rhctt was safe nhon Murdoch dropped his fly In centre. Punipelly sacrificed. Wallace to Kane. Mulburn lilt to Wallace, who thrcw out Hush at plate. Milburn stole second. Ulictt and Milburn scored when II. .Mld dlcbrook hit In front of plate and Koons throw wildly to first. II. Mlddlcbrook stole second nnd went to third when Koons mndo n poor throw to second. L. Mlddlebrook walked and stole Becond on the first pitched bnll. Legoro waa out on a close decision, Kane to Wal lace. Two runs, no hits, three errors. THIRD INNING. Kane struck out. Splelman struck out. Elchelberger out, Rellly to Bush. No runs, no lilts, no errors. Hunter filed to Irwin. Rellly walked. Bush hit to Mooro. who thrcw Rellly out at second, and Bush wns doubled nt first, No runs, no hits, no errors. FOURTH INNING. Murdock wnlked. Irwin singled to cen tre, Murdock going to second. Mntchett mndo a' homo run far Into right Held, scoring Murdock nnd Irwin ahead of him. Wallace filed to Ithett. Koons walked. Mooro walked. Kane struck out. Splelman struck out. Three runs, two hits, no errors. Rhctt singled to centre. Pumpelly struck out. Rhett stole second nnd went to third on Splelman's wild pitch. Mil burn walked. Milburn stole second. H. Mlddlebrook hit to Kane, who caught Rhett at the plnte. L, Mlddlcbrook filed to Irwin. No runs, one hit, no errors. FIFTH INNING. Elchelberger tiled to H. Mlddlcbrook. Murdock hit by pitched Call. Irwin tiled out to L. Mlddlebrook. Mntchett fouled to Hunter. No runs, not hltB, no errors. Legoro filed to Irwin. Hunter double, to left. Rellly nut, Moore to Wallace. Bush struck out. No runs, ono hit, no errors. SIXTH INNING. Wallace singled to centre. Koons sac rificed. Pumpelly to Bush. Moore walked. Pumpelly made a wild pitch, on which Wallace tried to score from second, but was caught nt the plate, Hunter to Pum pelly. Kane out on a fly to Milburn. No runs, one hit, no errors. Rehett out, Splelman to Wallace. Pum pelly was safe when Moore lost his bounder. Mllbume filed to Murdock. Pumpelly went to second on a passed ball. II Mlddlebrook struck out. No mns, one hit, one error. SEVENTH INNING. Splelman hit to left Held for three bases. Klrhelberger drove a liner to Rellly, who made a double play unas sisted, getting Splelman, Murdock nut. Legore to Bush. No runs, one hit. no errors. ' L. Mlddlebrook was safe on Eichelber ger's poor throw to first. Mlddlebrook stole second. Legore tiled out to Moore. Hunter filed to Murdock. On the throw in U Mlddlebrook took third. Rellly singled to centre, scoring I Mlddlebrook. Rellly stole second. Rellly stole third. Bush walked. Bush stole second. Rhett walked. Pumelly singled to left, scoring Rellly and Bush. Mllbourne out, Kane to Wallace. Three runs, two hits, one error, EIGHTH INNING. Irwin struck out. Matchett drove to Mllbourne, who made a clever one-hand stop and threw him out to Bush. WaN lace walked. Koons filed out to L. Mld dlebrook. No runs, no hits, no errors. H. Mlddlebrook out, Splelman to Wal lace. L. Mlddlebrook was safe when Kane fumbled his grounder. Mlddle brook went to second on a balk. Legore gets a home run to right field, scoring Mlddlebrook. Hunter aoumea to centre, tellly walked. Bush singled to left, tcor- big Hunter from second. Rhett singled r cht lie d. Pumpelly strucK out. aiii- urne went out, Kane to Wallace, Three uns, 4 nits, no errors. NINTH INNING. Moore walked. Hlgson batting for ane. Hlgson walked. Splelman singled fn left, scorlne. Moore. Hlgson was out, ,h, Mlddiebroo:. to Rellly, trying to reach lUlru. KicneiDerger luuieu iu jiemy. Ifurdock walked. Walsh now pitching lar Yale. Irkin singled to centre, ilatchett was out on a grounder to Hush. Ope run, two hits, no errors. JFISHERMAN OR A BALL PLAYER; BUT IT'S ALL THE SAME, LOUIE - 'TTRDAY. JUNE FAVORITE DEFEATED AT DORVAL MEETING Viley Is Raced Into Submission in Dash by 3 to 1 Shot Hearthstone. DORVAL PARK. MONTREAL. Can., Juno 5. Hearthstone beat the favorite, Vlley, hero this afternoon In tho first rnco at 6V4 furlongs for 3-year-olds, while Miss Jean showed. The sprint time was 1:07 3-5. The summaries: First race, selling, purse $400, for 3-year-olds and up. 5V4 furlongs Hearth stone, 100. Tnplln, 3 to 1, even, 1 to 2, won; Vlley, 100, Connors, 3 to 5, out, sec ond; Miss Jean. 112. Smyth. 3 to 1, oven, I to 2, third. Time, 1:07 2-5. Single. Ada Anna. Nlla, Edmond Adams and Joe Knight also ran. Second race, purse $100. selling, 3-year-old non-winners of two races since May 15, 6 furlongs A. N. Akin, 112, McDer mott, 3 to I, even. 2 to 5, won; Zlndcll, 100, McAtec. 5 to 2, even, 2 to 5. second; Reflection. Ill, Mntthcws, 4 to 1, 3 to 2, 4 to 5. third. Time, 1:14 2-3. Indifferent. Celebrity, Faker, Smiling Maggie and Doctor D. also ran. Third race, purse $100, selling, 4-year olda and up, that havo not won at this1 meeting, mile Irish Heart, 100, Smyth, 1 to 1, 8 to 5, 4 to 5, won; Bogart, 109, Cooper, 2 to 1, even, 1 to 2, second; Lucky George, 109, Obert, 5 to 1, 2 to 1, even, third. Time, 1:13 3-5. Ovntlon, Lllllnn Krlpp. Sir Fretful, Bula Welsh, Liberty Hall. Font nnd Water Lad also ran. Fourth race, King George Handicap, $1500 added, sweepstakes, for 3-ycar-olds and up, 1 1-16 miles Klngloy, 112, Metcalf, even. 2 to 5. out. won; Brave Cunarder. 102, Taplln, 3 to 1, 4 to 6, 2 to 5, second; Onlto, ICO, Turner, 12 to 1, 3 to 1, even, third. Time. 1:47. Stalwart Helen. Or mulu, Tactics, also ran. (Valaday, Jr., Buck Keenan, Privet Petal scratched.) NEWC0MB, IN FORM, LEADS TRAPSH00TERS Pennsylvania Champion Loses But One Bird in First Four Trips Despite Wind. Forty gunners fired over the traps of the Cednr Park Oun Club's registered target shoot today. At the end of tho first six events of n card of 10 targets, Charles, II. Newcomb, holder of the Penn sylvania, target emblematic target, led led the field, collected 92 and made a high run ot 54. Al J lell .the Allentawn gunner, and J. Griffiths, of this city, were runner-up, each shot bagging 90. Newcomb lost only one bird In his first four trips to the score, achieving the best feat of the day. Strong winds made shooting difilcutt, for it turned the clays nil around as they went soaring Into the sky. Scores: SIMONTON'S TEAM WINNER Trapshooters Defeat Coyne's Squad, 238 to 149, at duPont. WILMIXOTON. Del., Juno 5. The feature at tha duPont Club shoot this afternoon waa a match bstween duPont employes, captained by Wltltum Coyne, manager of sales, and W. A. Slmonton, ,'hlsf of traffic. After the worst scores made In u long time Slmonton's team iwou, 2HH to HO. Tho match was for blood, ana tho shooting spirited. For the Spoon euints. which k.orei also count on the lllchard sot, trophy, tho shooting waa the best In seme time. The sco.-cs: Coyne team-I. E. Miller. .1: I.. P. Mahoney, IS; W. i Jenen. 0; W. C. Wilson, 1. J. 8. Cirant, ; T. K. Jackson, 1.1: E. 11, Jenks. 18: 11 U lindsay. !; H. J. Nlchol. 0: la C. Fer. rtdnv, 12: F. H Ounsolus H; Mllo Boyd. 3; Henhett Sailn, .1; W. J. Pumthrey. 8; O. L. Colte IV O V. lienkhardt. 1- B. F. Carluy, 5: W. M. Coyne. 23. Total, 119. Amateur Boxing- at the Gayety Flve lnttitstlng boxing bouts were the fea turo of last night's amateur program at the Gayety Theatre. In the 103-pound class hid Clark defeated Young Andy in three rounds; Tommy Slurray stopped Voung Coster In the second round, the latter's , seconds throwing the snonge In tha ling, while the referee dis qualified Young Joe liurns and Dago Frank lor fouling each other. In the feminnal of the lis-pound class Kid Reynolds knocked out Jo Carer In the first round. In a special pro fessional bout Bobbv Williams defeated Youn l.oury in four rounds. Philadelphia Polo Team Victorious Th. Philadelphia Country polo team this afternoon downed tsrnoon downed the team of the Sth Iiegl mint. United States mvoiry, in ""V" usnt, unnoa o Uytd at Bala pUjfi at Bala. I Country Club, 1W Dual score: Philadelphia. sth icegiment, uniieu State Cavalry. 13!.. 5, 1915. NORMS WILLIAMS 2D. Philadelphian Captain of East ern Team to Play in Panama Pacific Tourney. n. Norrls Williams, 2d, of Philadelphia, tho national champion, will lead tho team of four Eastern players who will Invade tho courts of California In an effort to capture the Panama-Pacific titles. Wll Hams, who so eensatlonnlly lowered the colors of Maurice E. McLottghlln last sea son, win tie the captain of the team, and, with Watson M. Washburn, George M. Church and Dean Mathey. will uphold the honors of the Eastern States. The selection of the team wns an nounced yesterday by Robert D. Wrenn. Harvard and Princeton sham lh linnm-a of the selection, as Williams and Wash bum are wearers of tho Crimson, and their teammates of tho Orange nnd Black. Williams has twice been a mem bcr of Davis Cup teams. He wns beaten by Churrh for the national Intercollegiate championship. , , iranm Church and Mat hoy won the Western doubles championship. the sectional matches and stood ns challengers to Mc Loughlln nnd Bundy for the national titles at Newport. Williams rates No. 2; Church, No. 7; Washburn, No. 9, nnd Mathey wns ranked In class 2. DORIS GETS FURLONG IN SCHOLASTIC MEET Catholic H. S. Boy, in After noon Games at Villanova, Wins in 24 Seconds. Villanova College officers hold an Inter esting high school meet this afternoon on college fold. Catholic H. S LnSalle, Narberth H. 8., Vlllanqva Prep, Nowtown H. 8., Haddon Held H. S.,Tolentlnc, Royersford, Camden, Swarthmore, VIncland entered teams. The summaries: Running broad Jump (Class A)--Von by Elscr, LaSalle; Mahoncy, Catholic; Sullivan, Catholic. Distance, 10 feet 10 inches, 220-ynrd dash (Class A) Doris, Cath olic; Glasscock, Catholic; Dietrich, Cath olic. Time, 24 seconds. 220-yard dash (Class B) Wynklewlcz. Villanova Prep; Donovnn, Catholic; Mooney, Catholic. Time, 25 seconds. High Jump (Class B) McCalley, Villa nova " Prep; Coursalt, Villanova Prep: Barr, Swarthmore II. S. Height, 5 feet 4 Inches. SSO-ynrd run (Class A) Sullivan, Cath olic; Boland, Catholic; Redding. Villa nova Prep. Time, 2:15. RSO-jnrd run (Class B) McCauloy. Villanova Prep: McIIugh, Villanova Prep; Greer, Catholic. Time. 2:11. Our Mother of Sorrows scored 46 points. Lady of Victory 8 nnd Tolontlnc School 7. The morning summaries: ICO-yar.l dash Won by Tcnny, Mother of sorrows; second. Oullen, Mother of Sorrows: thirl. Ityan, Mother of Oood Council. Time, 11 ..ecoi Is, 220-yard dash Won by Muth. Mother of horrnws: second, Lucent, Mother nf Borrows: third, McQulrc, Ludy ot Mercy. Time, 25 iwc omls. Half-mile run Won by Kellv, Mother of Sor row; seiond, Connelly, Tolentlne Orammur School; third. Lnwn, Lady or Mercy. Time, 2 minutes 25 seconds. Shot put Won by Cullen, Mother of Sorrows; second, Tcnny, Mother or Sorrows; third, lirown, Tolfntlno Grammar. Distance, 35 reel 8j Inches. Ilnlt-mllc relay race Won by Mother of Sor-rn-is (rullen. Thompson, Teiiny and Kell); second. Tolentlne Omnimar School; third. Lady of Victory. Time, 1 minute 4R second llroail Ji:mi Won by Thompson, Mother of Sorrows; second, t'ullen, Mother ot Sorrows; third Mcfliilre. Ludy of Victory. Distance, 10 feet 2 Inches, iiirii lump won oy .ileum re, i,oay or vic- torv seconu. jenny, aiotner or sorrows; third, I.uicnt Inches. Mother of Sorrows. Height, l' feet & PHILS SCORE THREE IN OPENING ROUND Continued from I'age One rolled to Nlehoff. Miller tapped to Alex ander. No runs, no hits, no errors. FIFTH INNING. Alexander singled to centre. Alexander went to second on a passed ball. Meadows tossed out Bancroft. Byrne lifted to Bescher. Becker went out tho same way. No runs, one hit, no errors. Long boosted to Wleser. Dolnn called out on strikes. Becker took Hyatt's long fly on the line. No runs, no hits, no errors. SIXTH INNING. Betzel nnd Hyatt retired Cravath. Nle hoff fouled to Snyder. Butler threw out Luderus. No runs, no hits, no errors. Bancroft tossed out Betzel. Snyder walked, the first Cardinal to get on base. Meadows forced Snyder, Byrne to Nle hoff. Butler struck out. No runs, no hits, no errors. SEVENTH INNING, Welser struck out. Klllefer doubled to left. Alexander popped to Hyatt. Miller threw out Bancroft. No runs, one hit, no errors. Bescher out. Luderus to Alexander, who covered the bag. Miller called out on strikes. Bancroft whipped out Long. No runs, no hits, no errors. EIGHTH INNING. Byrne lifted to Bescher. Becker popped to Miller. Cravath singled to right. Mil ler toascd out Nlehoff. No runs, one hit, no errors. Dolan filed to Cravath. Hyatt fouled to Klllefer. Byrne tossed out Betzel. No runs, no hits, no errors. BELLA V. WINS TROT EVENT Makes Impressive Debut in Road Drivers' Matinee on Speedway, In the .racing on the Speedway In Falrmount Park today by the Boad Drivers' Association six homes con tested In the Class F trot. In which Bella V., making her debut on the course, won In two heats. Fred M Doctor Box bury's stallion, was the contesting fac tor, finishing second In both heats. Al. Winkle scored a victory in Class B trotting, with his entry. Lady Llthla, after dropping the opening dash to Que B. The third race was a mixed affair. Stranger annexed the Initial trip down the half-mile course, and St. Peter showed first under the wire In the next. Toronto Beats Braves TORONTO. June S. The Toronto Interna tional League team defeated the WMbJ'a champion Boston Nationals la an xkiMMea inmeTisre yesterday. 5 to 1, Boston sad Iu regular team la tbs Bald. 13 S RESULTS TED MEREDITH FAILS IN 600-YARD EVENT Olympic Champion Bucks Head Wind at Artisans Meet and Is Fifth. Ted Meredith, Penn's flyer, found con ditions too adverse to try for a new coo-yard record at tho Artisans' meet to ''ay t Houston Field. Ted started and uiniieu nun. Handicaps up to 23 yard were awarded ngalnst him. He trotted the first 410 In 52 seconds, but slowed Up Intentionally In, the last spurt when he saw he could not make a victory of It Joe Lockwood, of Pennsylvania, was one scratch man to come through the handicap fields. The Pcnn man won the 100-yard dash In 10 1-B seconds. Keenan, of the Morton Boys' Club, set tho paco In the half-mile open event and wns never headed, He had 76 yards hand icap. Slgmund, of Pcnn, was on the 5 jar,i mark, the lowest marked Btarter, but could not ptaco. Tho 880-yard time wai, 2:03 1-8. Tho summaries.' S80-ynrd run, open-Won by Keenan, Morton Boys' Club, 75 yards! second. W. H. Rumen, Germantown B, C, 45; third. "h.uuiu, iuurnuciio . .. 60! fourth, Noel, Marquette C. C, 60, Time, 2 min utes 3 1-5 ccconds, Midgets half-mile relay-Won by Ran dolph Boys' Club (Llpowltz, Brick, Comlnsky nnd Asperino): eocond, Apex Club (Palter, Goldman, Cohen and Israel); third, Germantown B. C. (Dowd, white, McBvoy and Jenkins); fourth, Klngsesalng A. C. (Rawlins, Bchell, Mysiafer nnd Small). Time. Mi 2-5. 100-yard dash, open, final Won by J. n Lockwood, Pennsylvania, scratch; oei ond, Rollly, Marquette: Elsman. Boys' Club C. C, 20 feet; Gardiner. Pcddy In stitute, fl feet. Time, 101-5 seconds. 100-yard dnsh, for Artisans Won by Trout, N. W.. 7 feet; second, Weitz, Union. 12 feet; third, Reed, St. John's, 10 feet; Laur, Union, feet. Time, 102-6 st onds COO-yard special run Won by R. Meredith, Peddy Institute, 28 yards; sec ond, A. F. Steele, Germantown B. C (27), third, S. J. Dorscy, unattached (17); fourth. J. B. Pceso, Now York A. & (12). Time, 1:11 3-5. "Ted" Meredith finished nfth after n try at the American record. SSO-yard relay raco for boys under 18 years Won by Germantown B. C. (AI lard, Scanlon, Brcnnan and Dowd); sec ond, Amster A. A. (Junkln, Walsh, Umffer and Wodell); third, A. M. B. Cluli (Pollenkoff. Rothman, Altushuro and Reed); fourth, N, W. Boys' Club (Nlemnn, Gallagher,Flnk and Connolly). Time, 1:40. One-mile, open Won by J. Morse. Boys' C. C 85 yards; second, P, E. Slg mund, Pennsylvania, 20; third, O. Price. Germantown B. C. 20; fourth. Goodman. Chestnut Street Pier, 125. Time, 4:36 3-6. N0RRIST0WN MEET BIG EVENT TODAY Sixteen High Schools of That Section Compete in Big Cin derpath Carnival. NOrmiSTOWN. Pa., Juno 5. Sixteen 1.1..S pci.riM ostitis section of Pennsyl vania are battling for honors on the I,., .ei'-,tnh ami track events at the Public School Field hero this afternoon, the occasion being the 13th annual Inter scholuBtlc track meet of the ,Norrls,town High School f Tho meet begnn nt 1:30 o'clock. One hundred nnd twenty-four nthletes com peted. The high schools entered are: Ablngton. Allentawn. Atlantic City, Chester, Chel tenham, Lansdonno, Lancaster, Lower Merlon, Media, Norrlstown. Pottstown, Bndnor, Bending, Upper Darby, Tredlf frln, Easttown and Wilmington Friends. Summaries: The summaries: 100-yard dash First. Motley, Atlantic City, second; Holmes, Chester; third, Hnsseen, Atlantic City; fourth, Hall. Vllntlngton Friends. Time 10 3-5 seconds. 220-vord dash (Clnfls A)-Flrst, Motley. Atlantic City; second, tie between Hu ... Bndnor, and Pierce, Beading; fourth, Sassen, Atlantic City. Time 23 3-5 sec onds. SS0 yards First. McLaughlin, Chester! second, Cornog, Badnor; third, Reldlert Norrlstown; fourth, Ball, Radnor. Time 2 minutes 131-5 seconds, 220-yard dash fClass B)-Flnst, Shocji. Upper Darby; second, McLean, Lans downe; third, Muth, Lansdowne; fourth, Osmond, Lower Merlon. Time 25 4-5 sec onds. Pole vault First, Schmehl, Beading: second, Brown, Media; third. Heyser, Norrlstown; fourth, McGrady, Chester. Height, 9 feet 9 Inches. Broad jump First, Downing. Radnor: second, Storch, Atlantic City; third. Shoock, Upper Darby; fourth, Krcmp, Beading. Distance, 20 feet 1 Inch. Shot put First. Wilson, Radnor; sec ond, Connocer, Atlantla City; third, Jde, Norrlstown; fourth, Hall, Wilmington. Distance, 43 feet 11 !i Inches. A new track record. One mile run First. Swede, Norrlstown; secondi McLaughlin, Chester; third. Hart man, Allentawn: fourth. Beldler, Norrls town. Time, 4 minutes 63 4-5 seconds. TROPHIES ARE AWARDED The victorious West Philadelphia H)h School crew, winner of the Interscholastlc rowing championship on the Schuylkill River on Saturday, May 22, received the B. F. Keith's Theatre trophy at the theatre last night. The crews of Cen. tral High School, with Coach Keyser and Manager Baldl, and Northeast, with Coach O. E. Gerpey and Professor Big man, were present to do honor to the victorious eight. West Philadelphia was represented by 13 young athletes, with Coach Marsh, Profeasor Shaw and George Astley. one of the members of the faculty The boys occupied boxes dn each : of the house. AMKRIO.IN LEAGUE BASEBALL TODAY SHIBE PARK Athletics vs. St. Louis OAMK CALLED AT 3 P. M. ni VMPIA A A Bread BalobrMge UUIInnA A. fu narry Edwards. Mgr. Monday kioiit, 8: khaii? WIU-1K MOOKH . WAI.TKK MtlllU Adm. 15c. Ifel. Hk. Mc. ArU4 Hi-.. 13c. t Yji ' i" ' iv j "wBsgn ; si - SAY. VOU DON'T Y JOHN. tvvA BES.PCS THAT I PITCHEW AS A -PHIELPE. I MIND ME CONFIDING, 'WOW I UAC rtnir-T CACrHT 99,999,999 66 HO HIT GAMES. AU.THISTOYOV. '.Great ball-playepJ T V ynu,nrrr ii DO YA? r rfr r V faf- 1r TT JartgM ajujife rf x - I 1 BATTCn 9RO JlM V oir HQy i vrs - - fucVO.fl"lPA&UE 1 V V V- - t J l SAY UNTQ YQU- p " ' ,S32 law -- ! "l ST f -w "v Vs ""