wf(t-pMprT"i'WF "HHSiWl CONGRESS NOT DECENT TOWARD BIG BUSINESS, SAYS N. Y. PROFESSOR Difficulties of American Manufacturers Could Be Beduced 25 Per Cent, Dr. Robert Grimshaw Tells Delegates Here. "If we had a decent Congress the dim cuttle of the Amerlcon mnnufacturers would be reduced by nbout 35 per cent.. ' alii Di Itcbert drlnuhftw. of the School of Comrtirrce, New York University, peaking today In the Bcllevue-fllratford Hotel at tho convention of the American Supply and Machinery Manufacturers' Association This organization Is meeting simulta neously and on the same floor with the National Supply and Machinery Dealers' Atsoclatlon. "Wo have no merchant marlix despite anything that may bo said to the con trary." Profwwor drlmshaw also re marked. "Our silly little navy does not frotrct us. He then Issued a warning that at the dose of the present war America would be flooded by cheap articles stored by Germany because of tho Inability of that country to distribute her products throughout the world while the conflict l.i In progress. "We shall be Torced to meet this com petition," ho declared "Some method of retaliation should bo devised. A revision of the tariff might provo effective. "Whatever the method, It should be definite and thorough. The Prussian railways nro discriminating against us now They make It Impossible for us to dlstrlbuto goods throughout Germany The Emplro Is entirely willing to sell to Us, but will not buy American goods. "During tho Civil War merchants wero forced to seek the protection of the Brit ish flag because the flag of this country failed to provide safety to our businesses A somewhat similar situation confronts us todav." Jt waa hero that Doctor drlmshaw launched Into an attack on Congress Particular significance was attached to his nttltudo towards Ocrmany because he, lived there for several years and poko from practical experience. Considerable Interest was manifested among the delegates to both conventions In tho decision of the Circuit Cqurt of Appeals In favor of tho United Slates Btcel Corporation. The general belief aecmed to be that the result would be a restoration of confidence In business con ditions and a changed attitude towards great Industrial enterprises These otllceiB were elected: President, Fnrnam Ynrdley, New York; first vice president, llaney n. Dlckcrman. Cleve land; second vice president. C. II. Miller, Columbus; third vice president, Georgo E. Hall, Boston Women relatives of the dclegntc to the National Supply and Machinery Deal era' Association have planned i visit to the Curtis Building and Independence Hall and a trip through tnlrinount Park Accused of Stealing Harrcl of Whisky The cat of Hubastcs or the sacred cow of the Hindus wan not guarded more carefully than a large barrel of high grade whisky, which, placed todav in a conspicuous position, attracted the at tention and admiration of every, cop of the 4th and York atrectn station Tho whisky Is part of a curious assortment of loot taken last night by Special Officers Clifton and Hrdmond from tho home of Thomns Owens, 36 years old, of 240 Dia mond street Tho loot Includes two crates of eggs, a quantity of home net ting and a consignment of straw hats. Owens and William Hatfield, 20 years, . boarder at his homo, are accused of rob bing a box car of tho Philadelphia and Heading Hallway, w.hlch was standing at American and Diamond streets, on Deco ration Day, Doth were held In $600" ball for a further hearing on Friday by Mag istrate Glenn, In tho 4 th and York streets station, today. POUT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels Arriving Today Sir. Jran. Tampa, phosphate rock, Jonathan May & ons Str. Kanearoo (Kr.). Bordeaux, at Break water, for orders. Htr. Pawne, New York, freight and pamen cera, Chela Line. Sir. Ala, Boston, ballast. Steamships to Arrive PABSENOER. Name. I'rom, Sailed. Aneona Naples May 1- TKBiqiltfT- ,. Name. Iroro. - Balled. Mansurl Calcutta Aprlt II City of Delhi Calcutta April 0 Miiltby tiatona April 10 antra Hhloltla April 21 Kastlanda I'oit Talbot . . .April 21 Conrad Mohr Ardroauau May 1 Columbian Jlllo May 4 Orla lluenoa Aires ..May 7 Uratland Sivlllo May n Hapldan , .Lelth May H Maine . . ,, ..... London May y 1'olaratjernan Hblelda May 11 Georgian ... Illlo May 1 1 Turnbrldga London May I'd Manchester Mariner.. . Manchester ....May in Caatlemoor Uenoa Mey 11 Ijossel ......Tenerlfte May IS Kansaa ,, ... Illlo May IS Silvia ,Huela May lu Cluermey ,.., .... Balboa ........ ,My 2J Columbian Balboa .,.."T .Maj Ti Maine ,.,.. London May ft! Virginia Christian! .. ..May St jTuno . Huelva May '.M P.9?tBJ ti Maconlla May 27 WHtonhMl apeila May 27 Hrpnnen Loulrhurs May 2S Fellrtana. , London May 2u Baratad .Bairn May sq n force Pyman Maraclllea Mai no fleorgUn . ., , nil boa MaySl Wanger Bane June 1 Steamships to Leave PASS KNOCK. . For. Date. I.Uerpoot ... .Juno !i Naples Junjll Name Dominion Aneona t'HI-JlUHT. Name. Tor, Data RackUn .. Lelth ... .... June 4 Conrad Moor ''"" June 4 Virginia Copenhagen . .June 4 Feliciana . .. ..... Loudon ,r.. .June R Manchester Inventor .Mamhtater ....June 13 PHOTOPLAYS Chestnut Street Opera House TODAY 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. Pour Part WHERE ay. COWBOY IS KINO Moit sensational full of horaemanehlp SXtf ; Curbing. Bucking Broncho.. Hiding Wild llulla. Time pictures present A dentil-defying spectacle In each and vary scene Direct from the New York Hippodrome Eiclutlre ghosting Hera In Addition to Our IUauUx Prciram. ADMISSION $ AND 10 CENTS AT TUB Knickerkocker Theatre IMby, June 4, Matinee and Brg. Five-part Moving Picture) Drama wilt be shown The Adventure of a BOY SCOUT Thj pktuw baa received tfaa imlwwet of Natiftnai ami Leeal Hwulau3rtr, and i, iiijnwtive DRUG CRUSADE AT SHORE Government Charges Man Sold "Dope" on Boardwalk. ATLANTIC CITY, June 4.-Invesllga-tlon concerning the Illegal ale of heroin Bhd other drugs In Atlantic City led to the arrest tedn of Waller Millard, by United States Marshal John Volt, of Camden. Tho arrest Is the first In south Jersey under the Harrison anil-drug law. It IS alleged that the prisoner wi trnfllcklng In drugs along the boardwalk A number of drug users, It la said, will appear agnlnst him tomorrow at a hear ing before tnlted States Commissioner Jollno. SURE, THEY'LL NIVER FERGIT THIS WEDDIN' Jimmy Byrno Lades McTam many Baste Phwin Poort Richmond Pair Are Kidnap ped. Tort Itlchmond In tired today It has had another wedding, one coniplcuous re sult of which, In addition to changing the name of Miss Mary McDcrmott lo Mrs. John Toman, linn been to out Jimmy IJyrno upon a pedestal along- wld Jimmy Hamlll, who la be way av being the Scatchcn nv the dlsthrlct. tt was Jimmy llamlll thnt Inthrojooccd John Toman to Mies McDermott pliwln Toman was blt man to John I.anRan, nnd they do say alt tho wlddlea nnd ould malda av 1'oort Itlchmond are nfther Hamlll to Inthro Jooee thlm to likely byes fer busbiinda Do that as It may, Jimmy Hyrne. the name Jimmy th"t chopped the Ice from the wnthcrlng troiiKli nfore the polccco turned off tho wather, and sould It to his customers, him heln In the Ice busi ness, Jimmy Hyrne. thin, agnln klvered himself wld glory latlln" the donkey baste that made MeTntnmany famyln In I'oort Itlchmond. The baste, It may be sold, was har-rnlsscd to the chaise In which sat the blushing nnd narvoua John To man nnd the nlso blushing, but iulto at her atse. Miss McDcrmott. Th route av the plrr.idc wan from tho i lstli war-rd Dlmlcratlc Club, d'ye molnd, to St Ann's, pwhero they were married Th' plrrado thin pnhlnt t' th' houso av John Toman an' 7ls br-rldc, pwlierc the two w Indira wero so schmall thnt what wld the hoIzo av tho fur-rnltur-re John Toman bought he had to tear out tho front av the house and put wan slnslo Inr-rge windy to get tho fur-rnlturre Into tho bouse, d'yo molnd 'TIs a grrat head ho has, John Toman, but thin the poor byo was narvous, him not knowln' pwhat the byes were to do to him. It was the nlobt gang from Cramps nnd Lalguo Olslaml and the Ridding Railway that kidnapped John Toman an' his br-rlde, tho same gang that ttik John I nngan pwhln John Toman was Ills blst man nn' rode them In the chalso bcynnt MOTammany's donkey, carln' divll a lilt for th' danger nv Langan, sthuidy lnit thot ho la "Twas ralnln' pwhln tho cnrrlagc drew up befooro the bouse av Mlsa McDcr mott thot was. "Twas a dnrk and dish mat day, d'ye molnd, nnd tho chalso came full nn hour earlier he order av John Toman In tho belief he could fool tho byes Hut John I.nngnn alums had a slsplclon thot 'twns Toman who tipped off the byes pwhln he aphrend th' wrong date av his wedtlln' so'a ho could deceive thlm. an' John Langan nnd tho others pwhero lookln' for deceit. Therefore, they pwhere waiting pwhln the carriage c.tP'o un to the dure "Whist!" said some wan wld the t'roat av a foghorn. And afore ye cud wink, around the corner came the McTnmmnny donkey, brayln' wld all his lungs and howldin' back ngaln firty or fortv big lads av tho night gangs A peevish bastu Is MoTammany's donkey It's Idea av a good time Is to nte tin cans. At any rate, up sprang Jimmy Byrno from somewhere, nn' wld a wolld yell ho grabs the br-rldlo av the bnste. A dozen others tie the (lures shut av the cab so Toman nnd his hr-rlde will be afthcr sthayin' there, an' off they uo to the chur-rch, wld all I'oort Richmond at tho htcls av the lads pushln' the cab and a hundred or two moro dancln' nbout Jimmy Dyrne, who Is as proud as a pea edek, wld Ivlrybody ahoutln' to him us he la'des the baste, an' him knowln' MrB Byrne Is at home madder thin a march hare, and calling him a fulo and a dunce, what wld his capers In tho streota. A picture llluatrntlnc: thin aiory Trill he found on tin- linrk nuge. m VICTROLA VIII OAK VICTROLA XIV UAHOOAJfT OK OAK KVliALNG LA LINEA BOLZANO TRENTO MINACCIATA DAVALDIFIEMME Violenti AttAcchi, Tutti Re spinti, Per Riconquistare le Perdute Posizioni La Difficile Conquista del l'Altura di Monte Nero. ROMA, 4 Olugno. Una colonna Italian! avanzante lungo la. Val dl I'rlmlero In terrltorlo nustrlnco e glunta alno nlle vlclnanie dl FredaKO, II cul poasesao c dl grande Importnnza pcrcho darebbo null llallanl II mezzo dl mlnacclaro una Importantlsalml via dl tomuntcnzlone nustrlnca, quclla che da Innsbruck passa per Bolzano e va a Trcnto. Dopo flsscrsl rlllratl costantemente flnora davantl ngll Itallanl, all auatrlacl hanno nra prcno l'offcnslvn. Un co munlcato uftlclalo besato buI rapportl del genernlo Cadorna dlco che gll auatrlacl fanno sforzl ntraordlnarll per rlconqula tarc lo perdute posizioni dl Monte Croce, da dove gll Itallanl mlnacclano la vallate, delta Rlcnz o delta Drava. Tuttl fill at taccht nrmlci Bono pero atatl resplntl. Kcco II testo del comunlcato udlclale: "Lungo tutto II fronto I movlmentl dl truppe In preparazlons della bnttnglla contlnuano favorevolmente. "Crcdlnmo nccessarlo rlchlamare l'at tenzlone nulla lenta dctcrmlnnta offcnslva dcllo nostre truppe nolle montngne nulla rlvn sinistra dell'Isonzo, dove o necossnrlo nuperaro le operc dl fortldcnzlono nus trlachc dlfeao da grossl cannonl. Lo nostro truppe hanno avanznto coatnntc mente nulla montngna c stt prcclplzll. "Lungo II fronto della Carnla sll auatrlacl attaccano cncrglcnmcnto ma senza auccesso lo nostra posizioni, ccr enndo apeclnlmontc dl rlprendere lo perdute posizioni dl Monto Croce. Not slnmo In complcto possesso dl Monte N'ero." SUL MONTENEGRO. lerl I'altro e lerl gll nustrlacl hanno fntto sforzl strnordlnnrll per slogglare gll Itallanl dalle alture dl Montencro, al dl la dell'Isonzo. attnccnndoll parecchlo volte; ma sono stall costantemento res plntl, coslccho le truppo Itallane tengono tuttora le lnro posizioni. SI hanno Intcressantl partlcolarl circa rpicsta nvanrata dcgll Itallanl attraverao I'lsonzo. Come o noto plove da dlvcrsl glornl cd II tempo non al o nncorn messo a bcllo L'Isonzo era Ingrosnato cd era chlaro cho eoltanto la cavallerla poteva jiassaro a guado II flume. Pero una se zlone del pontlcrl del Genlo, sotto la pro tczlono deH'artlgllerla, rlusct n gcttaro un ponto per la fonterla, cho In tal modo potetto passa ra nll'nltra rlva. Ma allora al prcsentarono dlfflcolta plu gravl, porche I aentlcrl dl montngna crano atatl trasformntl In verl o proprll torrentl sradlcando pcrflno bII alberl, coslccho l'avnnzata dello truppo era , ostacolata contlnunmeute D'oltra parte era 1m- posslbllo faro un alt, percho lo posizioni ctnno troppo osposto al fuoco ncmlco, no lo vallate potevano essere usate, easendo conipletnmento nllagatc. Xon ostunte la Inevltabllu Icntczza della mnrcla, le tiuppn itallano avanzarono su perando tutto le dlftlcolta o, quel che e plu notovolc, trasclnnndo con loro ancho 1 pezzl dl grosnt artlgllcra cho crano neccssaiil per lattere II ncmlco nello aue posizioni fortlllcate, c trasclnando ancho I ncccssarll ccrri dl munlzlonl a dl vet tovagllamento. Coal 'gll Itallanl occu purono succctfHlinmpnto Drczenaca, Ccseo, ICarfrelt ed altrl plccoll vlllacgl sul flan chl dl Montencro. c al Impadronlrono Mnolmento della clma del monte, mante nendo eon la loro base Bulla' rlvl destra dell'Isonzo le comunlcnzlonl a mezzo dl una llnea telefonlca, con la qualo si Infor mava II t'omaudanto delle forzo che ocrupnvnno laporetto dl tuttl gll nttac chl che k11 auatrlacl andavano facendo per rlci'iKiulatoro Montenero Ua queata nltura gll Itallanl domlnano tutt la vallata del Frlull e mlnacclano Tolmlno nlle spillc. K da notaro che Tblmlno forma con le nlture fortlllcate dl Santa Maria e Santa Lucia uno del plu fnrmldablll ostacoll che devono essero supcratl dadi Itallanl nclla loro marcla verso orlentc e nreclsamentn vemn In I reglone fortlllcata dl Tarvls. ur summer HEPPE Victor Prices and Terms Victor prices are uniform all over the United States, but at Heppe's you may purchase any Victor outfit at the cah price and settle by cash or charge account or our rental-payment plan, by which all rent applies to your purchase, without any extra interest charges for this privilege. We deliver free anywhere in the united otates. Patrons tell Here are our plan. VICTROLA IV .., 5i5.oo 6 10-inch Double-face Records,. .,,,, ,., f , , 4,50 Total cost , ',... $19.50 Pay ?3 down, $2.50 monthly, VICTROLA VI ,, .1. ... f.i ...,.. ,, ,, .,, ..,.,,,., .,,,,,, $25,00 6 10-tnch Double-face Regord .,,.,, 4.50 Total cpit , .., 229,50 Pay ?4 down. $3 monthly, VICTROLA VIII ,, $40.00 Records, yqur selection. ,..,. .....,..!.,., ,..,.. 5.00 Total cost .,,...........,....,..,..,...,.,,...,, 45,00 Pay $4 down, $3.50 monthly, VICTROLA IX ...,,v,... 1,, ,.,,., Racqrds, your selection ..,...,.,,., Total eost ..,.v,..,., ,.,,.., , $60.00 i'ay ?a aewn, mP"liUr In pianot, rfmmhw C. J. HEPPE & SON LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, UiNE 4, GOVERNOR DISAPPROVES SENATE ELECTRIC DILL Vetoes Measure Freeing Companies From Service Commission's Authority. HAnnt8Bbna, June 4, -Governor Brumbaugh today announced the veto of Senate bill o. 1001, a supplement to tho Act of March i. 190R, extending Its pro visions to corporations charteren ror ine purpose of "supplying light, heal and power, or nny of them, by electricity lo tho public." HARIlianURO, Juno 4. - Governor BrumbnURh today signed the bill which makes tho property or estate of any per son maintained In nny hospital, homo or other Institution maintained In whole or part by the State, llablo for such main tennnce. The Attorney General Is to havo chftrgo of auch collections Other bills signed Includo these: Reorganizing the State Treasury De partment and providing Increases for scmo of tho employes. Torblddlng unnaturalized foreign-born residents from owning dogs. Forbidding the construction of mauso leums In second-claaa cities. Amending the achool code by providing that Stoto normal schools may condemn portions of public highways extending Into lands of the school and not terminat ing In any public road Providing for nppenla In Juvenile cases to Superior Court. Requiring the State Insurance Commis sioner to bo tho oftlclat upon whom all legal processes Involving foreign Insur ance companies licensed to do business In PennBylvnnla shall bo served Providing for tho appointment of In terpreters for assesaors at 12.60 a day In countlea of not leas than 200,000 popula tion. To provide for tho return of school taxes on aentcd lands. Amending tho mine Inspection net by providing for mine Inspectors In the First anthracite district nnd six In the Second district. The First now has bIx and the Sfcond five. MARRIAGE LICENSES John F. Meclinl.'y, 2n2( N. 17th t , and lZn II Mfller, i'713 N. Talrhlll et. Slanley W. '."irroll, WH4 Bllanorth et., and Anna V Moore, 2uOS S. Cleveland Ave. John V Dnk-T. 1130 Oermantown ave., una Hose A. Bncoiy, IS E. Oxford at. Chtrlr !:. Hal, 1210 Cabot it, and Mamie I. 1 1 lit. 2011 Chestnut st William K Aluni, League Iiland, and Sarah it inn, ..iii .. -un it. Georgo Oolroyd, .Mlla Wallace t., and Wlnl- JreU McClrai. x.v 8. 44th at. Ilueell C. llnrtll.iir. New Hope, Pa. and Julia D. Urildno, luicklngham, m. J'a. lMwnnl llonerta. 4.1S7 N. 4th it., and May one, 4.U i X. urlunna st Ijmreiice P. Kelly, 1MO Harlan t., and Annie McDndr, llCO Harlan at. Ilnrton O l.eln, Merlon, l'a , and Helen E McKlnley, Kllli Green at. Josvph rrlel, i'112 Ulclgo ap , and Anna W. Mueaelmnn, .'I1J IlldRe ap. Mer Komlnai My, 1R20 IMInbrldge at., nnd rrnnces II. I nnc ."! I vt Kenalngton nve. Wllllnm Jacoba, Jr.. KiM Callowhlll at, and Srah MiKemlrv. 2027 Harper at. , Peter Lleotrt, H27 Oreen lane, and Mar7 E hman. 440 I.vceum ne Udvtnnl U JieeTcr. 2H E. Mt Plennant ae., nntl Arabella Uethell, 4ll Haiel ac. Mlehaol U I.lpn.m. 1L22 N 40th et , nnd Heila Epstoln, Camden N J. Flllpno lievllnrina. i'42il Carlton St., and lloslna Cnniao, mot Stllea at. John A. Clark. 2S Duilley at., nnd Annie N OoulJy, 12S Dudley t Huh McFadden. willow Grove ae., and I,lry Mcrnddcn, rTieatnut Hill. John J Sh-aron. K.VJU llrandywlne at . and l.llzabelh M. Cojle. 2M.I Pennsylvania ave Homce I. ri-av.r. Arrtmoro. Pa , and Mar- Buret K. tlradburg, .v!l Greene at Tlieodoro (loe'mr, IS Pi N. Front at, ana Johnnna Funk, oil May at William MicDonald. i02 Vine et., nnd Lucia C. Patterion. tlM"' Webster at. Ilavmond C Bfbck ""4,1 N Mb at., and Elsie A. Jlehm, 217 V. Iouden tt. Dnnlol J. MeCole, 21"s Kluuater st . and Mary McAtctr, H71 Ilroolilvn et. I'Vank Gnmlmin, H40 N flth at., and Daley K. narker. 4H)S N. Warnntk at norno Kenni, n. w cor 17th and Lombard stt.. ana Louiso unamDcra, uainuriugo t. Bmtile. Ml N. Prnnklln at., and So phia Sternberg, 13211 8 lath at. Leonnrd Giordano, 11.13 Annln st., ana Theresa UUn.lo. 1211 Annln ft. Thomna J. ration, 523 E. Allegheny ave , and Kniherlne M. Phay, Holmeiburs. l'a. August L Goetz. Jr , 40f! N. Wanamnker at., and Katherlne Urucstle, 0010 Klngsesalng nvo. U Giuseppe Qarrnmone. 1332 Catharine at., and Lnnllla Camilla, 1822 B inth t. Cnrl r. Botto, 4M2 N. 13th st.. and Lulu M. Friend. 1714 W Westmoreland al. Irving l.nvlni, Trenton, N. J, and Rose Orlsln trail N. Cth at. Albert Trueman, 1M N. Delhi st., and Kath orlne Sprang, KI14 W. Venango et. Charles W Hjatt. Now York city, and Louis- need, 21 S i!4th st. A ho Stein, 41S Titan street, nnd Katie Kra mer. 418 Titan at. STEAMSHIP NOTICES ANCHOR LINE Royal Stall Twin-Screw Geared Turbine NEW YORK and GLASGOW Caraeranln,June Il.BpmTuscunla,Juno 2S,spni ior rates and full particulars apply t ..?.J?lc0,,AT 10l Walnut St. UOUT. TAYLOR Jt CO., 902 Walnut St. Or Anr Local Agent. TTEJCfiE lULruia rurnisn tne music us that our service is a great advantage in record shopping. outfits complete with prices and the terms of our rental-payment $50.00 10.00 lftt.t.... .......!...... Write for large illustrated catalogues. w have tk Heppe patented three.wunding.bMrd, instruments and the wrld.famQua Pianola THE Pfl QUESTIONS AND ANBTT.tS The rhntonlay Bdlter of the Keening Ledger will be pleased to nnmrer $" tlona relating to hl department, tlnea tlonn relating to fnmlly affalra of aetora and nrtretare are barred arnolntely, (inerlea will not he answered by letter. All letters mutt he ddresed to Photo play Pdlter, Erenlng Ledger. Bob Ryland, colored porter of the Vita graph Theatre, New York city, became the possesaor of a handsome St. Bernard dog. Bob, on account of recent happen ings In which tho dog figured largely Is uncommunicative ns to Ihe where and wherefore of his new possesion, but Frank Loomls, manager of the Vltograph Theatre, la of the opinion that Bob took forcible ownership of the dog for debt, without realizing he was loading himself with a white elephant. The day on which tho dog became Bob's property he chained him under the stage of the Vita graph Theatre The prcseneo of tho St Bernard was not suspected until the or ganist began playing tho overture when there unit n succession of mighty howls that startled oven tho pnssersby on Broadway. By the time Mr. Loomls started an Investigation both Bob and tho dog hod disappeared and wero not seen again until Inter In the afternoon, when word camo to the theatre manager there was a colored gentleman wanted to see him. It was Bob and his dog stand ing In front of the theatre's entrnnce "Mlstnh Loomls, I done took mah dawg home an' dcy wouldn't let me In; Ah dono buyed him meat wld all de money Ah had, an' he's stilt hongry an' ao am I, on' Mlstnh Loomls, Ah don' dare git rid of de dawg, an' what'll Ah do7" "Hero are two dollars," answered Mr. Loomls, "go feed yourself nnd tho dog. but be aure nnd show up for work nlone." Boh did, but ho has been wearing a wor ried look ever since Lcdercr Is Neutral Take It from George W. Ledcrcr In person, he Is neutral. To provo this assertion ho polnta to the cast ho has engaged for the film version of "Sun day," which will be his second motion picture production. The lending man Is Montagu Love, who cornea from London and who was once nn officer In the English army. An other member of tho cost Is Adolp'n Link, who la aa German as tho sausages his name suggest. He, too, has Berved In tho army tho Kaiser's. Barnoy Mc Pheo Is what hla name Indicates, and Jeanette Bageard la ao French that when her nostrils ore closed by a cold sho can't pronounce words at all. A Japaneso Is acting na butler, and a Turkish wrestler also Is In the organization, "Who maintains neutrality In the troupe7" Lederer waa naked. "Joe Pocnnllco, a Sioux Indian," re plied tho manngcr. "Pocantlco waa one of Carlisle's sturdiest football players." Rip Van Winkle's Son Speaks Thomaa Jeffcraon, son of tho noted comedian, the lato Joseph Jefferson, be RUM ME It RESORTS COOPEnBTOlTN, N. T. O-TE-SA-GA On Otsego Lake, Cooperstown, N. Y. SVi Hours by Halt from New York City. OOLV Juno IS to October 1st MOIOHINO TENNIS Hooking Offices IIOATINO Tkt Dakota. 1 West T3d 8L. Naw York. ADHtONDACK MOUNTAINS. N. T. Lake George, N. Y. Fort William Henry Hotel( Lake r.nrarv MVV HOTEL CHAMPLAIN on Lake Chi m pi a In, Illuft Point. N. Y. ALBERT THXERIOT.Ucr It cached by the Delaware & Hudaon. COLLEOKVILLK, PA. Glenwood Hall J $XLr&g Social and out-of-door amuse Large danco pavilion on grounds; large rms ; excel, table, train or trolley; bkt. Chaa. A Zlegenthaler KSSICK HEIGHTS, PA. THE ESSICK 2300 feet, delightfully situated on AllerhenU Casino, nine-hole golf courae, cottages, atearo heat, garage, tennla, other sports; booklet; electric light. II. It. ESSICK HETTEHTON. .1ID. The Chesapeake K..' & for June. Auto meets all trains J s Owens e a entertainment- VICTROLA X Records, your selection ,.,."" Tntnl ,nc. w.h. vua it,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, Pay $5 down, $5 mpnthly!"' VICTROLA XI Records, your selection ,..,.,, Total nae Pay $8 down, $6 monthly, VICTROLA XIV RecorwlCo"lfC,ion - pa$iodoWn;wmVbiy, VICTROLA XVI ,..,', Pay $0 down.W'manthiy:'" 11 17-1 1 19 Cbestmit: Street bth and lhompson Streets 11)15, OTOPLAY lieves that motion picture art la bringing nbout a return to one of. the conditions of his father's lime. "In those good old days," aald Thomaa Jefferson reccntly "nn actor was able to cxerclso nn nlmost uncanny -control over Ills audiences. I remember that when my fAther entered a scene ho became a mag netic centre. If a door slammed any where In the theatre the audience would turn automatically toward the noise, but a second later their eyes wero again fast ened upon my father. "Of courae, this was due to the Innate magnetism of tho man. But a part of It, at least, was due to tho deep seclusion In which nn actor lived during hla hours nwny from tho house-Of-make-bclleve. In this seclusion ho broadened and devel oped. He did not become a frequent eight along Broadway. So each one of his public nppearanccs was In the nature of n revelation "Tho motion picture Is restoring this condition The actor Is seen on a screen. The picture Is exhibited hundreds of miles from the actor. Tho player's own personality romalna pretty well hidden. Perhaps, becauae of this new artistic factor, wo shall have silent drama play ers as great aa the speaking stage glanta of old." Snakes A 20-foot python, trained to ateal at tho direction of Its owner, Is one of the novel features In the two-reel drama, "Under the Fiddler's Elm," by Harry Chnndlce, Just completed nt tho Lubln studio. A prlvato collector of big snakes, who lives In Philadelphia, was the owner of the python. In tho Lubln picture the snake, ns tho trackless thief, mystifies SUMMEIt RESORTS BrUINO LAKE I1BACH, N. J. THE BREAKERS BPniNO LAKE BEACH. N. J. Season, May 20 to October 1 Now Open for Inspection CAPE MAY, N. J. THE WINDSOR nn "Trior.05"" vl,w MISSHALPIN. CMALFONTE tt ATLANTIC CITY THK LEEDS COMPANY IraSM 1 iliPf 'UL4 AVALON YACHT AND MOTOR CLUB , $75.00 10,00 1 $85.00 $100.00 10.00 $110.00 $150.00 10.00 $160.00 $200,00 25.00 fin 'iihiiii ...... , ".,:::::::::;;;;::;; "" ".,.,.. ,$22Jt00 veryOrto anV) steals large sums ef t0. without beitfe detected. The snake ZZ an excellent screen "actor, and t r3 duct was exemplary until tho last f. scenes were being taken, when, at n crawled from a basket, without a wdM of warning. It bit the owner In the h4na seriously enough to send the man in .... hospital. Edgar Jonds nnd Juitina tlni? ii: play the leads In the picture. UIt ml Scllg's Satirist Snys: It's seldom a movie star looks at hand, some as his photograph. Do you like "chases" In motion pn, turo comedies? Neither do wsl Our weekly puzzle: Why does the flsshr lady always take the end seat In th motion picture theatre? Chris Croua nays! "Many are now mortgaging their automobiles to bnlld movie theatres." We have our moments of bright on. tlmlsm when we fondly think that the movlo pianists will soon stop playing ras time during death scenes. ALARM WORKS OVERTIME Norrlstown Flro Whlstlo Insists Upon Being Hcnrtl. NORRIBTOWN, Pa Juno i-The mech anism of the borough's steam whlttla fira alarm became disarranged early thli morning whllo giving tho alarm for a fire, which destroyed part of the carptn. tcr shop of Benjamin Wager. The thrlek Ing whistle, which works automatically had to bo cheoked by hand after ths un. usual nolso had aroused every aleeptr la lorrlstown an hour earlier than usuaL -i BDMMKIt RESORTS ATLANTIC PITT, N. J. OSTEND Occupying an entire block of ocean front aal connected with the famous Boardwalk! li ...a nnriltlAr PtinlseA rtlftnt oana.,1.. 'atS? .mutually large, cool rooms with unobsfnicttj view ot ocean from all; every appointment the inui ana romioru n .n,,u. iresn water In all hatha) running water In roome; 4000 (L porches surround the hotel, the new dinlnt room overlooks tho eoa; finest culilne eJ white service; orchestra ot soloists: dtncini twice dally; social diversions, rnagntnerrf new Palm Loungoi special, 117.60 un wvi5f Illustrated booklet mailed; auto meets triinii management by owners. "u, JOHN C. OOSSLEn. Mtns.w. Leading Illgh-Claes Moderate-Itate Hotel "" ALBEMARLE $0r''nJ,'"-, Bc,n- . , ?B0t Steam heat, eleratw. sun parlors, private baths, etc.; excel, Uhu $10 up wkly; 12 up dally. Bklt, J, p. copa HOTEL SINCLAIR aT VJ Homelike. Moderate rat ft, ti 6o et? day. O. H BNYDnrf ALWAYS OPEN ON TMC BEACH Avalon-by-the-Sea THE OEIf OP THE JEHSEY COAST Come ns our gueat to Inepect best home and Investment opportunlUen on coast Excellent assortment of furnished bungs Iowa and rottnges juat finished Aalon Is higher In altitude and 'i mile furthtt seawurd than neighboring Islands Safest, moat level beach on Atlantic eeaboard, Not a bather drowned In -1 years. Arte sian water In every homo, llret gunning, bay, aurf and deep-water Hahtng In State. Motorboatlnt- on Inland Waterway from Cape May to Bay Head Ideal motoring to Cape May and, Atlantic City, over new Ocean Highway. Hoardwalk Hi miles long ClIAIILEH It. HALT. Avalon Development Company MIS Itenl Estate Trust llldg. Ilotli phones. ILJXm V-vw-AJXtt Hi 1JU llMlim 'Hill II hi I II I "Bg" 'tEScSnJi liiiiiwiiiiiMiiiimiai VICTROLA IX MAHOGANY On OAK immout JM. rtfl I! t t It I h tl T d tf r M Li II K pr 1 rol Eh In on T ilt( tt tur hot bro (fit Utr "3 trot rou and Hal llttl en i Iters dca crab cleat vts thell for cleat the ) At the hert now worn fnl r crab concl of th hert Ing a A It T wotni coinrr crabs ere roll a tercet far b :DTe c Ather frabs lit so portar mcntlt that t (rami ;In till hauler 't'oi t ithcerfi .hpmo Sht i ireful Vtrti, M fo pown t fhlcken hucc i "ftlch i Butte Percd, i fttt. Cl tikK ! Mm6i tMaiim Powder Plate. tytntn o no T. Stknim Jm 5. 1 8rd . iitflny hneu Kheol , wr to 1 J. Vtganin iW ti Wiwi mi OrtAv IMf m ... imitHs , VICTROLA XVI MAKOONT 08 OAK WILL it, rth-y V t'UL tTlIn Pay