ItOATIONS WANTED MALE strong in, i atnoiie, TOienks poillon In Satry either on private; eaiaio w farm: gerenre roi Artn st. Telephone Race bj7 or vful-w ..'.. ft 10, Jswhri. bright, active, would llk ta ark in reunify, pri ate pr fatm: good ret- Kjee. l"Wi Arcn, leiepnone Mace 3S37 or mo .-. EJm or cook, Japanese, wishes position; litest reference and at present employed. fa N su " Thoroughly exp .and refined Trot.! 5l rf M MS, Ledger Office jjrt, whit, "wants situation In private I OOmr n"'1 p""" .p.. r ,., ucu, mi. FsTBUR and wife: Intelligent, neat, col- ilcnesl with oars, Oitvlng automoblea orses, wl' firet-elasa cook or laundress; . .air roll chap . armrcclatft anotl rr,l.t from former employers, bit N. Watta at. IRutlPTKITl an! mechanic, young man, em iiwl r' "Perlcnce; city or country! ISSrences. r 740, Ledger Centtat. r1!?. .tltn Yi t nAA th.rAi-.rhlt rnti. rx. fStit dflre meehantr. with 10 yr.' oxp. on Rrs .-. n-nmtlo earn, heat rllv rf :! "V ---,- .IfW N 1lh .t. ' jtSrtmn. white. Just oft Plerce-Arrow Ju, T 4 rears driving, also 1 year ropalr-ahop tTrotrlencet married; have no children, aober ffifrrnfld references, r 141, Lodger Central. imrfTEUR. English, -wishes position with Vitals ismlly; eyperfonccd. aober. wilillng, fillle. LVut 1MH W, or 133 N. 21st at. rititlFFBUR. single, white, want position; aiku good reference: willing- to bo useiul. Ledger Central, VrrJiureun, ', wisnes posn; Sptni iS3lii Branch, 18th Ellsworth. WJ3UC Progressive, 2 with 10 InTt' experience, also purchasing agent for i lafyettateamsnipconiytmy. r iw, cu.w. rrirftJC S8, accurate nt . figures: atari KSsSla Salary. F 037. Ledger Central atart at It moderate IroAfStltAN Young man, can also take care IUOT and garden: re(. D 112, Led. Off. ' CONFIDBNTlATi SBXHIBTATIY ' tifsh-rrsde gentleman having thorough train f1 loir along ilnanclal lines desires to render I' jar along nnancwi m Jtlrlces to busy man umrlnc out his pla I "p Sfsltty. Fa IIiui. -m.w &. 4E. v., ni'uuivi lans ana oxecuting oraers iO, L.eager enirai. DtlOGOI&T desires position aa manager, city oVcountry! registered In Pennsylvania; grad- UStS tnorougniy j.iioiilcu, ewu ic.wuuva, UlOfl. L3er Office. lUCTIUCAi UNOlNBEit, graauate, wants rfflutloii: excel. ref. F 747. Led. Central. ILECTOICIAN. prac and tech.; 8 years oxp. dolm, construction, operation, maintenance; employed at prcaont. on. meager central, OARDENEIt and care live stock, full charge; t m'erenccs. D 11a. Ledger Office. SIliaK SCHOOL BOY, 17, desires position with 1 tt typewriting. D 108. Ledger Office. I ITAVE 10 years' oxpsrience aa salesman and cpqMlelty work among farmers and fruit ftnmers; reliable and conscientious; ago 33; Rxiatrled; handle men. F 038, Ledger Central. JiUAICA.V wishes position aa waiter; 3 yra.' t, (ipf.rltnce: referonce. 2212 Manton at. JIAlr AND WIFE, Japanese, wish positions: j hiia as cook or butler: wife maid; refer- fncis. N. Y.. 308 N. 18th. Mktt vounr. wlshea position on farm or sea- shore: do anything. it.. Ftlladelphla. 4t. vj'fcui, uxt uawnEU UAti m1 wife, chauffeur or butler and cook: I but private referenced. Call or write, Sul nTan.wo in.iotgt u. l!AN, middle-aged, good reference, seeks po- luon, mini wsicmnan. k Am. xjeujfcr u. vtr rnnii nn laundry 4074 Lancaster ave. IllKN'H FURNISHINGS: joung man has had ta txperienee, out win an nis oesc to give eilUiacuon. r mu, xjcqger central. CU-TICI-Young man wishes position In offlco . or architectural drafting; high school gradu ate: John V. Muench. 303 B. Indiana ave. PROFESSOR of German and French wants tutorship or situation as traveling com. Opinion for the summer months. Address OS FLock Box. Carlisle. Pa. t' REAL ESTATE iiJjTounr man, 28, with business training, do- rsires 10 learn xnts ousiness; salary secondary. E.F 147. Ledger Central. IALESMAN, aggressive, good personality; IS years' experience: city or traveling, familiar with the cigar trade; ability to produce re suits. F 753, Ledger Central. SALESMAN, successful, experienced, owning- 'lantomoblle, desires to reprosent reliable firm fla Phllsdelnhla and vicinity on commission muui r- ,i, meager central. SHOE STORB; young man as learner: good references, p 745, Ledger Central, -.UPPER or ASilstnnt. Rn ft -mm1 ,. n-rln-M, year 033, f -.-u L.riiu., reference. F Ledger Cent. B1N01.E MAN. 2: psychologically trained, a personality, sales exi ixperlonce, confident; my IJObitlon, ability and courage would prove ,.jb v a rcpuiaote concern. sol, KLtdxer Central. STOCK Or ShlDDlnB' Clerk hv VAiin-. man 0, ta handle men, 3H years' experience; ref- r-..-va. Aumcaa g .n, -meager central. TIMEKEEPER or watchman (Austrian), best Wrefs . wishes position. F 7B2. Ledger Central. tlUTOll of experience wishes position for com f S!5S"ch.00i-,Xea r ! wld act aa private secra I ffry L 630. Ledger Office. r,.wi.u MVN. 20 having one term In college. rSiES" bulns where there Is a chance for adTnceraent If he makes good. F 010, Ledier Central. ' !!kQ MAN. 23 j ears, college education, wim nrm offering good advancement on S'S.,,I. 'ec' coneld., held responsible posi i IM pas t two years F 741). Ledger Central. rffi'!40. MAN. 10 years old. college graduate. BlmL n 114 Y .-.. ni wiin years experience In -hlnntnp dennrt- n i,o --"--- "" - ' f -- ij,uscr umco, liSPI MAN "f0"11 education, wishes posl- rrfs. Address W. Rernolds, 2118 S. Philip st. JOIIaN. with 3 years' general office ex: ir-M,.10?: 'W.rats typewriter, studying stenog. Itsphyknowledgioook'p'g. Ffliaf Led. Cent. 2?m'I,?. , V- P- ?od "education, personality, clsrlcal position. V-By. ledger Cent. JiiS'.0..HA'Nl 29- wishes pcition-SfafTy -'iai-d references. F 451. Ledger Central. KOOU ?EJ2S MAN' 21- a r"' ' Me-pt any work- refa. K clerical experience; 748. Ledger Central. IOUNO MAN, .(M. ..I,," Tl u- uwmu. Bttivaiuaili TT. - .- g,uMB po.mon, suing F 248. Ledger Central. ATBNTION, BUSINESS MEN IninT.. ,nrHc bright BOYS and fejow available for offlce, shop or pysctory work; NO CHARafcs. JUYENILE WORKERS' BUREAU plephones. Race 33S7, Spruce 814T, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES srlAj'n? Domestic Employment ItS;.. 5- Bydsnham (near lBth & Walnut) p-VMIti. nnr... walfses wish; ref. AUTOMOBILES rASf.HyDATIONS FOR 3 OR L COMMBltCIAL CARS. lazr flLBBRT ST. For Bale lJt?V-..cll'I, .drlv'- T-peisenger Sleri t .;.ntV., ? !?...'''? ?" wilruek- ii.. " i""r us, or convert SS.R,1,ni1.'.'ioyf'. iernu ' purchase to K2,;sI .,?'? Call 8unday or "Monday for iiJa i, ' inr week days by appolnt-rU-jgl- J r Phone 'PrestonWaOa. ITJJI f h I n a Lhnn in. -.t-' '" ii'! e,k5ui'i0,'n f..r 8 a,ri I"" P-r ,55 e6- good location. wn vnn-r t- tm L CentraL . ,., . ,, WIMk"?'1-' IIVERY AND GARAGES W&AWbWWIvS0 2 m Vt' p '"Wng.-with drlverj i50 -gr. Phone Wyoming 14 Y. J2lH?0JPr0RTTINITIES 3D .stV-kTl1 oppoRTwrrrr 1S eStabllshttd r-n. In !-nln m )r',5Uu,,,1. Intersection o Btitfr?,1"A'n ?. PblladelpWa, rxaVw at ,,, -".wvcies, mwi tor ine ?'.?? no agents. Poaiofaea ", MU'I Iin4ln- u r ?sP Practical (window aie'mr y Mve Bertnanaot employmMt wiB. OARPB-J OIBANINq PiliLA jih1 HfrMkl a TeY rustAn m aa NING AND DYEING , ftAlTJIERS AND VANCIE8 JJ JHAlLHOri510 Cfcsatout glAHING AKD MIIXINBRT itS,. ,. JlUriinu, Willi: 1UU u.ji Flctarial kevfa,, , MCINi mi ' wi L,?kt H,l"-,?4 SS?f- unt . abort. ,t.Hl0 t1 uatrSi k l Srd." ,'?.. """" enoioiav loW Chu.t. Spru. 2.08. "J"i'-! -ut4cft entuoi fci , 184ft N. FOR BALE ni Va.srei so: !SLvWmif. VJifi- J!&1ulekUMl.N- "t,i prlC ,MMn HEATING AUK1N-KELSEY HEATING !f,rn5h?l?r "fn he' ' o steam. "".tttHlA'f with nOMiml moisture. CUTS COA-I. HILL IN HALF 6 and 8 N. 18th INSTRUCTION HAQTIMB In II or write Chrla. tmren Piano Schools, Germantown ave., -u-v w.r U STORAGE wssr itsT1! fi.,onarh Storage Co, Auto and pack H1LA. Ing and shipping. 8870 Lancaster ae. r ROOMS FOR RENT ArtClf, 1700 Mcely furnished rooms, running ..water, single and double; ta up. AIICII, 1012 Desirable taeanelpa. lml n. Hnuhla uAa k.- ..t-s . . w r kw.p luviu. nuniB coqKingrfiiiniiifiti Ancrtl, 2041-Deslrable front room hot and ... nmc, , an vmiyciuejicea; pnono. DAUINO ST., S2t8 (The Chllton)-Two first Moor rcoms; suit dentist, doctor or apart menla. Mrs. Belle Mccufn. manager. CHESTNUT, south, eso.i 180.1 Attractlvel cont'ous hot wai y fum'd rooms; ter. Spruce B2SS. C?LKMPIA d-VK.- 18S4-Furnlshed parlor for light housekeeping; al wlwjfjontjOTma Ellin AVE . 14M-Cool, atlractlvo furnished tmiL.b0ri0Pyona,Lr'isonabl!it,lc,n,. LOQAN SQUAItn (231 N. 18th)-Dcllghlfui rooms, Blngle or on suite; a homo for the discriminating; references exchanged. MONTOOMnnr AVE., loot-Vacancies, aln gle or en aultei running water; private fam . lly, all conveniences; phone. POWELTON. 4010-Large airy rooms, single or en suite; reflnert Prot. fnm'.W. ! i." - ' T ""' - SPUINO GARDEN, 2033 Cheerful furnished rwumw, sinaiw or nouote; summer rates, SPnUCE, N. E. COR. 12T1I-Attractlve rooms. ui, ur uti.ur. outside rooms fur. or unfur.; single or communicating; all JL "ardwood floors; fireplaces. SPnUCE. lls-Large, airy rooms, slttglo or en suite; neat, clean; new management. WALNUT. 5003 Newly furnished rooms for reflnod gentlemen. Delmont M21. WALNUT, 8002 Newly furnished front room, modem conveniences. Phono Belmont 8343. 12TH, 8., 114 Large, airy front room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, prlvnlo family; electric lights. 13TH ST.. N.. 1B57 Desirable vacancies, sin gle. en aulte: refined, prlv.; ex. loca.: phone. 1BTH. rms. S., 814 Sublet, furn. suite, 2 large running water; light housekpg: phone 10TII S., 120 Large, airy room, private bath, furnished or unfurn. Phono Lo.ust 3010. 1STH, N.. 220 (Logan Square)-DeBlr. 2d-fioor . Iront; running water; other vacs.; phono. 20T.I, N 2033 Front rooms, nicely furnished: home comforts; private family; phone. C4TH, 8 120 Large comfortable furn. room, adl. bath; corner apmt. Delmont B347 Y. FIRST AND SECOND FLOOlt for rent, well furnished; owner wtir rcscne third floor, yearly lease, best of reference required, M JiTi'tyPf I'tb: and Jeflcrs.n. Phono I'oplar "URNISHED ROOMS, with board. In private fnmlly; excellent location: ne-ir train and trolley. Phone Germantown 1B22 X. HANDSOMELY furnished Iront room, in large, modern, private, home: electric lights, 10 ir.lnutea to City Hall Telephone Baring 41.1. ONE or two furnished rooms, with private family, 60th below Spruce. Phono Wood land 3454 a. TWO ROOMS and bath; good car service. J-nono Tioga KKIT D. BOARDING BROAD, S 770 (Tho araham)-Cool and at tractive furnished rooms; all modern con von.; excel't table board, hotel acrv.: J7uu. BROAD. S., 1632 Attractive second floor front room; table board; phone. CHESTNUT, 1030 Beautiful sulto, private bath, first-class table board Miss Hanlev. NORR1S, W. 010 Attractive rnnm- 'In nrlvato iamuy; nomc cooamg. mono Kens, 3TW W. RACF. 3413 TValned nurse has pleas, home for ref. people desiring good accom. , spe. care ot mvaiiQs or eiqeny persons, i'reston gna n, SPRUCE, 1028-30 Desirable suit with prtvato bith; choice table board, Walnut 7253 W. WALNUT." 4300 Attractlvo rooms, single or . en aulte. fur, or unfur, : refined home: phone. TIOGA Two largo communicating rooms, ad joining bath, for refined gentlemen, corner homo, strictly prUate. Phone Tioga 7831. 10TH, S 311 (cor, Clinton st.) Large jlnglo. double rooms, private bath: board optional. 107 N. 60TH ST. Nice cool rooms in modern home: excellent board; reasonable. Suburban GERMANTOWN, 235 W. Rlttenhouse st. (be- iween tvayno ana ureenei uorge iront ::.. story room; good tab.: conv. Ph. G'tn 1373X. OVERnROOK. 0003 Drexel road-omfortablo rooms, with board tennis sftlmmlng pool; references. Phone Preston 65.13 W. ST, DAVID'S Prhate family would like a few summer boarders, private bath. Jll Midland ave.. fat. David's. WALNUT LANE, W.. 43-Rooms. single or en suite, with board, refined surroundings. Phone Oln. IOCS Y. Photos at Ledger Central. APARTMENTS BROAD, N 885 Three :arge, light rooms, 1st floor, high-class apartment, modern conven iences, exchange for owner's board; excellent opportunity tor caterer: phone, SPIIING GARDEN, 1010 Excellent apts. In 8 amferent nouses; some furni.nea; Kltcnenttes WALNUT ST.. 2208 Remodeled 2-room apta. wun cam ana private nan. Apply janitor. 2106 CHESTNUT ST. Rooms with bath; slnglo rooms, use of bath: summer rates. West Philadelphia. CHILTON APARTMENTS 3218 Baring at. Two ftrst-claas rooms, with private bath; suitable dentist or doctor, or apartment. Mrs. Belle McClaln. mgr. Bell phope. Preston 6367. FURNISHED APARTMENTS BROAD, N 853 Well appointed apartments, steam heat, ciectrio light, private bath, tele phone service, large garden, comforta of a country house. less than lo minutes' walk irom uiiy nan. i LOCUST, 1318 Elegant apts , 2 rooms, prlv. pain; also single rooms. Walnut 7005 W. ATTRACTIVE bach, ants., 10 minutes' walk from City Hall. Phone. Poplar 1873 W. West Philadelphia FURNISHED complete, 5 large rooms, bath; north and west exposure; 14 windows, awn ings Janitor; South 40th St.: bargain; June to October. Phone Baring 7123 X. FOUR airy outside rooms and bath, screened porch; elevator service; immediate ocou pancy; price reasonable. M P5S, Ledger Cent. HOUSEKEEPING apt.. T rms., 2 baths: hand. somely furn. for the aumr. Ph. Baring 7460 W. Atlantic City. tt. J. FOR RENT Completely furnished corner 6-room-and-bath apartment; all outside rooms) ocean view; elevator service. 01 Santa Rita Apts., Atlantic Cltys finest apt. Dunaing. SIX OUTSlDfc ROOMR BATH AND TWO PORCH88. C 808, LBDOtflt OFFICE. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS DIAMOND. 21123 rms., bath, kitchen, hot. water heat; ret.; 2d door, SSS; 4 rms., bath, kitchen, all cor, rms., Mo. Diamond 1813 W. SPRUCE 2119 Cool, high and airy apartment, unfurnished; rooms, bath and kitchenette; for rent after June 1; moderate ranttal. C. A. Patter. Jr. Phone Locust 1712 W. WALLACE, 1718 5-room housekeeping flat, mod.; all conveniences; porch . dumbwaiter. "NORFOLK APARTMHNTS Desirable 4 and S room apartments, near Park; Janitor service, reasonable rentals. BIsCHTEL. 3232 Ridge ave. AND PTNEi STS -DE CSnCET APT! New. llaht, 4 to 6 rooms, I and 2 Uitbs. Apply lanltar. kltcheniita. central location. West Philadelphia 9 and 7-room apaitmann. with all the latest ovenlceB, 440 to 11 monta. IBRT A. WTTS J40SNT Ball pl-otis. Belmant 4U8 fit Looviat at. REAL ESTATE P0R SA1H CITlf iPatfl ST., above Hawownta 8q New ftitcii 9V,. gas um . iisan. HH I, ckuia. eis4. at,, tWO. easy liraa, mi B. Aiiejuany ave. 8TIJ 'ST For sate vary low; 3 story. MEARS & BROWN CITY akf.D BBtRBA JttAt. ESTATE prQprlit Managnd Hu'j Cvllevted tas anue aad Koruages Place Z,M ea afrUvtiiv 20 South 15th Street a rooiaa. gooa oraer. oust yara. W II HOOD m KatfU st, SA LES RENTS-WSSAHtUm 878 Drexel Bldg -Albcb.ti4U WXsbJgB. EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY JUNE REAL ESTATE for sale Wtat Philadelphia HOMK HUyKIM! ATTENTION Wt tats mim attractive dwellings In West rnuaoeipma for sale prices, WOW to sum-w- ,v,vvu. Title hoto xor net (.'ontlnentai-Bquitame . and Trust Company. SI s 12th St. Or.nMANTOVN EAST WASIItNOTOM LANE. nlc surround inw, 12 room house, lot COxJMi garden anl fruit trees ISOOO. Wm If. Lamon Sons. 20" ...- tront st. Hotn rhones. Chestnut Hill NBYV SALH AMD HENT LIST HEADY relhatn, Mt Airy and Chestnut Hill. PBL1IAM Tni'BT CO , 6740 Oermant'n ne St'nURUAN 8PKCIAL LOW PRtCR Ton JUNG 8 ALB Rton and shingle, a tiearooma ana oam, no- mter heat, electr fitv anil rs laraa lot. com manding beautiful view iNVESTiOATB. CHlMTHlt QSUORNK. IKC.,1824 Chestnut at, NKW JERSEY lladilonfleld, N. J. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bargain prices. WM. CAREY MARSHALL, 631 Federal st , Camden, . , North Cramer Hill, N. J. 8WO-STORY, 7-room, T,rtfY.h. front brick house slda yard, 80x100. B doors from trol ley, all Conveniences; cheap. J. Yeager, 43 Hunneirn si,, uormantown, or pnone, Voodbiiry Heights. N. J. SEVERAL desirable homes and Improved bldg, lots at reasonable prices. John Mayhew. HBASHORE Capo aiay, N. J. FURNISHED cottage ocean view, all loca tions; reasonable. C. Earle Miller, 218 Ocean st Cape May. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS I ACRES, overlooking Chester Valleyt set of buildings: I180O. J. B. Thompson. West Chester, Pa. REAL ESTATE WANTED WI3 NEED HOUSES, ralo or rent; Quick re sults List your properties with us. WM, J. P'HIHEN & CO, 2517 W. Allegheny. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT Ott N YOUR HOME by monhtl; payments of from 117 to S30: houses located N. Phlla, and Gin., worth from 11800 to 10250. Merchants Union Trust Co.. 713-710 Chestnut st. West Philadelphia 4742. 4744 AND 4740 HAZEL AVE.-3-etory twin houses: can be purchased on terms to suit. Emll Ouenther.26th and Gray's Ferry rd. SUnURDAN Lansdonne. Ta. 3 RARGAINSt 1(200 TO J M00 (Easy terms) Detached half.stona dwelllnss. living room (fireplace), S bedrooms, tiled bath, hot-water neat, electricity, ateam or ciectrio trains; im mediate possession Our auto by appoint ment. CHESTER OSBORNE. 1B24 CHESTNUT ST. R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE, or will exchange for small prop, ertles clear of encumbrance, a cottago In Vontnor, N. J. M 058, Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Factories, Warehouses, Mfg. Floors (MODERN FACTORY FLOORS 14.(.oo Squaro Feet. N. E. CORNER ARCH AND 23D STS. Steam and electric power, 2 elevators, low Insurance, automatic sprinklers, watchman. R. R, sidings, extra large windows and high ceilings. Owner management. Apply O, P PILLINO & SON CO. on promises. CHERRY ST., 021-28 Three floors. 8000 ft. each; modern building. Phone W. Dclsroth, 713 Spring Garden. Oarages FOR RENT Private garago: will hold 12 to 18 tare; central. Apply aui wasnington ave. OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC. DREXEL DLDG. OFFICDS-Annual Rentals. Ground Fir., $120. Single rms., J 100, 1223. 1273 Suites, 2 rms., 150. JIJS, 200. 122.1, 1230, .T23 Suites, 3 rms., 2t)0, 27S, J400. $150. $300, 13JO Corner Suites. 2 to 10 rooms, 1500 to tiers. ELLIS D WILLIAMS. 880 Drexel Building. Professional Offices " FOR RENT Desirable office for phsylclan or dentist, all conveniences; North Philadelphia; owner. F 748. Ledger CentraL WEST PHILADELPHIA WE HAVE somo try desirable 3-story, side yard dwellings, rent, from fJ2.S0 to 183 a month. Bend for list. Continental-Equitable Title and Trust Co.. 21 S. 12th st. GARAGE, suitable for 2 machines, conven lences, 118 monthly. 244 6. 40th st, HOUSE for rent, near Falrmaunt Park; rent reasonable: convenient train and trolley. Ap ply at Blanc'a Pharmacy, 62d and Parkslde, OERMANTOWN WE HAVE some very desirable 8. story, side ;ard duellings, convenient to queen Lane station, rent ju a montn. anna zor list. Continental-Equitable Title and Trust Co., 21 S. 12th at, SUP URBAN NICE "VILLA," Oreen Hill Station, Freser branch, Penna., for summer; $30 monthly; chean: vory desirable property. A. D. HEALD, West Chester, Ta. Bala. Pa. BALA. PA., 113 Bala ave. Modern semidetach ed home; 0 large, cheerful, sunny rooms, with 2 hatha; wide, shady porch; ideal location; rent 180. T. S. MITCHELL. 38 N. 8th St. Ridley Park. Pv. SMALL country place; old shade, mod. conv,; 7; rooms; beautiful surroundings: 5 mln. from station: 20 per month. N. P. Sloan. Kennett Square, Ta. TO RENT, at Kennett Square, Pa., a furnished cottage. Apply to Laura P. Swayne, 221 Oarfleld St. Bell phona 137 Y. NEW JERSEY Wenonah. N. J. HOUSE 0 rooms; hot-water heat, gas. bath. white enamel finish: garage one square from oepot. ilicnarq r-yana, jr., wenonan. I. J. Ocean City, N. J. 6701 CENTRAL AVE. Rent for season, newli furnished cottage, unsurpassed ocean view; 4 bedrooms and bath; 2d-floor basement has batlthouses, bedroom and garage; main floor, living ana oinins room wi sss xiicnen. CISC' trio lUhtcd: price (300 season. J, QRIF, F1TI1S. 10 Alexsnder ave., Merchantvllle, N, J or C. W. McCorkle. 6000 Central ays. Cape May, N. J. FURNISHED cottages and apartments; all lo. cations. W. R. Bheppard, 423 Washington st. TOR RENT FURNISHED SUBURBAN St. Martin's. Chestnut Hill RENT FURNISHBD-June to Sept. 13; 7 bed rooms, 2 baths, porch; near station: garage nearby. Telephone Chestnut Hill 631. Wrncote. Pa. NINE ROOMS and bath, for the season, res. satiable, to reliable party. Ledger Branch. S3, Wyncote. Pa. MAIN UNE. PA. W. It. Overbrook DRTACIIBD stone house. 1103 N. 63d St., cor. ner lot; over half-acre lawn, tennis court, shade trees, extra cool house, windows on all sMes. Urge porch, ga and electrlo lights: garage near; overbrook trolley passes the house, oonoeatlng with X at 60th st.j 8 minutes i.w wuhwwk Bianco, -. a, R. ; for the summer season. Overbrook 36tM l. BE ASHORE Atlantlo City, N. J. SWONT VILLAS AFARIBNTSTT. ryrT .a mm, imMmiaWBtr vmifst TBUBT BLDO. Spring Tjke. N. J. grounds: all omytSmem, 9 reajus. stesptag iy at iSm?&ff2p2?mr ' lUagport, K. J. OOSA AXT ISA OUARANTS XXmPOBTAtaiellv ta. a fMVt Oalsuut (joe. r.xbt uu ii ' ri'etf Trust B MORTGAGS MONEY FOR MORTGAGES W H WOOD. 6.1 KIS JTT. T . ...... ..- ni M ,. . ' i ' ..'-'. ' ' ' ' 1M ' p" ' .' '.,"f" '' ' "" "O" ' liiimnmiii. SCRAPPLE- "" '" - , ,,,.,.! , THERE'S NOTHING TO IT THE PADDED CELL Her Own Blinks Where -was tho Declaration of Independence signed? Thinks (recently a ffrass widower) Reno, at course. Illinois Siren. Would Qualify Possible Employer-H'ml o you want a Job. eh? Do you ever tell lies? Applicant No, air; but I kin learn. New York Times. DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOUT 4fryfl. T ffl j ITHESEOWUTRAIW OUGrtt'o I - -T" I '" -" i - - I r-lfeW' l& j , BE.cAvitD5NAas,Gosi.i s v N. " N. $3bW& r ml THEY'RE S10W. WISH I'D " ( Asx f ( UhTnMti A U GOME Ort THt 9.51 f? Jrk rfJiWll V(sC j III Si li);rJ ftSt '$?? iff-Q" lWZ yS. W T"V$- Tha Stone-Brcaker-Thla 'ere , prS 111 1 i, 5 W Vmfr 1 U SIS VWy TrN. 2 W&ys I r3 ri Wy hlbltlon Is nil rot; why. I know from I S-W H JCWt J ilrn' yy J '' - U5J J . VCS 5 Vsy mo own experience that I can; do tSB& -rjt Wm?- sS? B $?' 1 l W???'1''''' -f S & TV2zw)" double the -work when I've had a "Ziiit$$ily S&Zr 2:&j8Si& yyy K isV vyy ( S&LJ V drP dr.-ik workln' two 'ornrnerg x i , Nr - l"7-m ,ni mi T nil V. -.-.-. I - . X - Yft-ft-ft--t-- VsHEffE THE SflM HIU Gr?EftT5C0T flffiB atfiTlrJ. i" Mr-W1 kir'SLf' ff&mr "W' kp&Skf TEm "oh. ls far 'o Wvolom. Ar'n't asC J&& v"' ef HI0' j you bringing out any serious toys for AMATEUR NIGHT AT THE MOVIES I iiHE H W SCTIMT 0 ffiERSWJOUTBl-rHe. rAtPORD-FPCELfTlTGoJ 0ESSIE MAXES GREAT J 1 TERROR tl TW MK -tfi-MAMSrVP SomM I pKA3SS.SHEFREFEEy J I EPISODEJVUTOWXXV I lirJ WStik mS$ CONSTRUCTS SKf-SCRWESSj THEMSA TAKES UP 1 TJ1 pTl 1r7P37 i"iW j IH HEfcSPARE I I S1EE.L OOWTRUCTIOH I ,. " : T '' Y' -A AAOrAEUXS. WOWCARELKTOPME! sTO aIL m I lvCX h &28S ft oH -'l fe LOSES HEE. if fcS' jS'S 3L ST NihjJ BOMCE 'wwus I XSs AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME THE TRUE SPIRIT iii "" ' ir 'TiglK5lSII!3I EzJj,pfH r'"rr.jii1! !!!B!BWaBE?Ri3- Ti' M tS " " aaHlite rt. tic 111 vtTK. r .. hi wim,9kWmSkmmmBm' aveWf"1 eiatv5nAxXa It vsfT r ' -A M yon Cwv tf-s-,N- Uf mS?3SI!EE jw ifL cv9KMalvnvtoi. U "S. K iSfr 4 L rSSiSX KX '" t'lf Iff ?LUuWi'ZSS&&Bi J1 salrt, Ix .mK Ui- aaiMmMlima! .. Ililiit i , lu !-,,' , ,, w ,, i'" iiij,i-'jP',.)aafas."7 , " i ill"'J7 ' r ari t " llBz!!!iSIHr -! ' 3tsBJHSSiLiiJ t 'jS!MLffHMB. 'i'Sm bBSBBKbKu' Discovered: The Fountain of Youth 8he Old Mrs. Butterbur stem to ba a. fountain of youth In spite of her yoars. Sheba At any rate she's always gush In. Chaparral. When Boston Goes Dry Old Lady (entering drug store) Eau d cologne, please. Clerk Tea, ma'am, light or darlc7 Lampoon. 2, 10X5; ---lA A Base Pun Dill What happened when that hair less wonder went Into the barber shop and asked for a haircut? Pickle He was bald out Penn State Froth. A jT W. S! ii.M. ". '0 41.HC1IIUVU iiietouu UI. DUO, Seeing Double sy x&SfNw r. . 40f-- -Puasiv Mae- Ots r- Bltkf i -,, , . ., e rt , . 1 CMt t, ., as at ,-.,. . t ESj5SHySMaMBHBIaa-aW Si3sirswtfSflqaBg9BB-avMBanaBBBHHa