"FW1' ' " JWWJW' t '- EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1915: 13 MRS. YANDERBEGE BEATS MRS- BARLOW AT GOLF IDENTITY OF "MR. RYAN" DISCOVERED It? MYSTERIOUS ATHLETE RYAN, OF ATHLETICS, IS LEWIS A, MALONE fc Young Second Baseman M Who Has Been Flaying Rattling Game for Mack men Is Mt. St. Joseph's College Star Athlete. the mysterious Ryin, tlie collegian who 1,80 been piayinp; aecona ansa lor mo sAthlttlcB, l In rtallty Lewis II. Mnlone. ilr of the Mount St. Joseph's Colleeo yearn, nt naltlmore. JOo Enrtel, pitcher it the Washington ciuo. Admitted todajf that this l the real name ou m young iitr who has been playing such fine halt it aecdnd base for the Athletics lor the lljiit two days. fcfs Engei Is a former student of St. Mary's prtbtUge. of Emmlttuburff, Md., and r toadied St. Mary's this spring. Mt. St. $ fury's and Mt. St. Joseph's aro hitter jV'HvAl on the diamond, and keep close tab ,' on the players and naturally Kneel knew t Jlslone well. When tho Senators ap 1 jyared at Shlbo Park yesterday Engel i TtcostnUed Mnlone at once, an he had ir pl.v- summer ball with him three sea- Kons before. Had it not been for the fact that St. Mary's and St. Joseph's aro to meet for the fhampionnip iruo ween, ciihci yvuuiu not have revealed the Identity of Mnlone. - Matone came to this city Sunday with the Mt. St. Joseph's team to play against iVHIanova at Vlllanova on Monday, hut Manager Mack, who has had an agree ment with tho youngster all this season, called on him and Induced him to play with the Athletics Instead. Malone's teammates were sworn to secrecy and agreed to play without him on Monday. On Monday Mnlone made his ' debut with the Athletics under tho nama uof Ryan and looked so good that Man- - ager Mack Intends to use him at second bate until cajole returns 10 mo game. The return of Lajole was ocheduled for today, but Manager Mack announced this M.i.nfn- thn.1 T.nloln's Inlurv 1r hv fnr "moro serious than was first thought and that he will not do ame to return to the came for at least n week. ! The mystcrlouB young man Is also j somewhat of an all-around athlete, and hat played foolbnll and baseball at Mt. BL, Joseph for three years and Is nn ex pert boxer. Ho Is tho son of Frtd Matone, a well-known trap-shooter, and ' has a brother -who was recently killed, who also was a wall-known shooter. The revelation of tho real Identity of Malone will bar him from tho final game of the season with St. Joseph's, nnl Manager Mack says that the lad will ') i ilrned to a contract and will remain X here until he goes to Baltimore for the vi commencement exercises nt Mt. at The game scheduled for touny between the Athletics and Washington was post poned on account of rain and the teams wilt play a, double-header tomorrow. Manager Mack Bays that he will use Wyckoff and Dressier on tho mound for the Athletics, while GrlfTlth will use Shaw and either Engel, Qallla or Boehllng. WISNER PITCHES FOR y PENN THIS AFTERNOON Continued from Page One lossed out Benson. Itoseft out, Mooro to Wlsner Frederick walkel nnd was caught stealing by Koons, Mann and Wallace. Watt scored on tho play. One run, no hits, ono error. 1 SECOND INNING. -Matchett fouled to rtoseff. Wallaca safe on Frledrick's wldo toss, but caught Mealing, Lane to Frledrlck. Koons out, Walt to Oncalc. No runs, no hits, no errors. Page walked. Beck forced Page, Mooro to Mann Oneale filed to Mann. Beck Gut, Koons to Mann, In nn effort to steal. No runs, no hits, no errors. ' THIRD INNING. Moore missed the third strike, Kane ilntled over drat sack. Wlsner walked. ON-ale tagged Mann. Smith throw out Murdock No runs, no hits, no errors. Lane went to rtrst on called balls, Smith I , " lne nl "cnd, Koons to Mann. T Watt out. Mann to Wallace. Benson died fc by the same route. No runs, no hits, no x, errors. FOURTH INNING. l?n out- "w'a,t i0 Onsale. Matchett Ku.lu,-' vauace was thrown out by n - Sl Na rutlB " lIts. no errors. I V.- . ""' t le". Frederick died, liMann to Wallace. Page went out "the name way Wlsner tosnert one n.w v runs, one hit. no errors. FIFTH INNING, iii- ", ""?"" "" tnira sir he. Moore followed suit. Kane was Smith's third Knohl.. "" "" - o runs. K. rt.vi . "vi. JEl U Neale, nut r.K - ,,. ... f L WJXSZ. S-mlth out' Winer to rjrror. "a,"-ce- t runs, no hits, no mtoRAN'S MEN DROP I A DOUBLE-HEADER 'W& mm U YntlhieA fvM t..-.. a "n -- hd uno tumgartner struck out. No runs, no . no errors. 1 Myr bunted and -was out, Baumgart- er to Luderus. Daubert singled to left. UnltSVteaUn' Burns t0 Bancroft, sungei filed nut n i.u.. ,.. .. to nit, no errors. SIXTH INNING. ( Whf,ek?.al Ban0"' Bym lifted ."a- "? W". no errors. iw ii-rf" ,r.,9Mwl out Wheat Cut ?. . i'?,ea ou' to Cravath. Get -was nT "?"croivs cad throw. Geu stole U j . .," vvi tell., nurtllb Plate. Smith struck out. On nin "It. one error. SEVENTH INNINq: ath bunted and was safe when no Plckeu p the ball, hoping t would tout Niehorr ilifc.1 in ut.r,i ,..i... 1 the ball, and both men wf safe. I'ug was thrown ahi fa h. rvA. -foing to their Welsner flled' out to . Cravalh u.in. - .- ,." aaw tbrew out Runu ri,. ,n . one trror ,w ,w ara lined out to Cravath. )tyrs OUt to LudAruj. iibsuImiJ nu... Irullfd BanninWn.. ,..) ... M.l No run. n7.'." 7"T1 s"1 -, ! M iU4 it Frommo Signs With Venice . T... .?""" ! z. Arthur , Vi;DW '?' w yer LCsiiriiffiS-.iJh.TBS1, Ud hank ; u 1 "r-. -.-n' 4 cfin uottt esatoa, It Buck Weaver Is SusBtwled ' '' lom t -Pruldtat IMJ JotuueB, zkrwtuBtsSS u ifa&twu tmkMl urVt KtMB4, it n- PHILS' AND ATHLETICS' BATTING AVERAGES ntiLurss. ....,. A.H. It. It. T.B, BD. Pet, Kjjtre" ..... JM IS at s ,SA StJM'h 11 Vi 3J J.I 2 ,2T S?1Lt,td ,:t t Si .t , !TIhofr i4 . in 2S 88 2 ,2V) !l!'efer ) Km u ij jq a ,2So ner 30 a 7 0 1 ,tr ATHLETICS. u. A.D. It. It. T.Tt, O.B. Tcf. nSNS' 147 21 3' ST R 'f gI"nK tot in m 4j 4 .:uq fje'nnl M a Sn so 0 .301 !Jrry un 12 D3 an 11 iVi ';" vi n 14 in o .Sit "lah ins in sn 33 B .Sit GOLF TITLE LANDED BYMRS.VANDERBECK Philadelphia Cricket Club Woman Wins Eastern Golf Association's Championship. HAVEnFOHD, Pa.. June 2,-Mrs Clar- I once II, Vnndorheek, of the Philadelphia Cricket Club, won the Woman's Eastern Golf Association championship here today with a score of ISO for tho 36 holes Hhe began her round this morning two strokes worse than Mrs. Ronald II Har low, hut she easily wiped out this deficit and finished up six strokes better than Mrs. Barlow with 92 Btrokes against 100 Considering that the weather was of the most miserable description, Mrs Vandcibeck played wonderful golf, and her performance demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that nlio Is playing better golf now thnn ever bforo In her career. Mrs. Barlow and MrB. Vnnder beck each had 4S strokes on the first nine holes, but coming In Mrs. Vanderbcck went right away from her opponent with 41 to D2. Under nny conditions a 41 would bo excellent, but today It was nothing Bhort of wonden'ul. Miss Harriet Curtis, of Essex County, camo In third with 1SS. Tho cards: Mrs. Vanderbeck: Out T rt R (1 7 fl .1 8 3 IS In 4 0 7 3 4 .1 4 HI- 02 First round M Tnlnls 180 Mrs. Harlow: out 4 n n 4 ti 7 4 H r. is In 8 0 7 f, ll 8 0 4 tV-52 ICO First round f Totaln 18'1 n the H years that the Eastern cham pionship has been held, Mrs. Barlow has won It three times In 1811, 1912 and 1913, and Mrs. Vanderberck's victory today marks tho only other success of local players. It also marks Mrs. Vanderbeck's first Important golf victory outside of purely local events. Mrs. 11. It. Stockton. Plalnflcld, N. J., won the handicap for 30 holes with a net scoro of 194. Mrs. Raymond Scotter, Phil mont. enptured the prize for the best next scoro for the llrst 18 holes with 92 and today, Mrs. George S. Munson won the llrst net score prize witn 96. With the Eastern championship con cluded tho stage Is all set for the Inter city matches for the Clement A. Grlscom cup. Boston plays New York tomorrow and on Friday Philadelphia plays tho loser. On Saturday the winners of Thurs day and Friday play for the trophy, which was won last year by the Women's Golf Association of Philadelphia. Summaries: Mnc. C. II. Vanderbcck. Phlladel- nhla Cricket Club... (8 02 iso Mr. Tl.-H. Barlow. Morion.. .. SO 10O 1$(1 Ml II. CurtU. Eastx County... a 10O 1XS MIhs K. C. Oskoo.1. Brookllne... 98 103 108 Mr. C. F. Fox. Kuntlnfidon Val ley 00 102 201 Mlns M. Curtla. Essex County.. 04 10S 1'OJ Mr. J. .a. Munson Merlon 100 102 20s Mlns Mf llolllna, Weatbrook 100 IMS 211 Mr. H. n. Stockton, Plulnfleld.. 114 104 ins Mr. Lawrence Snlft. Knollwooil 103 111 "lit Mis Eleanor Chandler. Hunt. Val.101 113 -'17 Mrs. Wm. S. Ullle. Wllmlnrton..l02 nil 21s Mrs. C. noberson. Knollnood. .. 114 no ir.'l Mrs. A. S Possln. Century. .. 107 11R VV.i Mis I. A. rtlchardson, Phila. Ckt.ljl 124 1M7 Mr J. 1J. Wllllamaon, Wj-om Val.112 121I -.'IS Mtsa F D. McCarthy. Woodland. .11.1 128 2IJ Mis M. S. Benner. Moorestown .118 ISO Six Ml Blliabeth rtoberta, Moorcswn.127 r.' L'.'ll Mr" II. P. Smith, Northllla. . .117 121 2.IS Mr. A. K. BIIIteln. Bala 101 IIS 218 MO Anita I'hlpa, Merlon 07 100 1U Phlladclphians Get Harvard Letters CAMBIUDQB. Mat., June 2. Three Phlla delphlan are luted among the "ll" men on the llaward tonnl team. They are Captain B. Norrl William, 2d, George C. Caner and lllchard Harte. Cner and Hart made their letter for the first time this aeaion. the other letter men are A. F. Doty. Waltham, Mass.; W. W. Mansfield. Portland. Me; W. Band, Bye. N. Y.; J. Wooldredg-e. Califor nia; J. S Brown, Newport. B. I., and I,, cur tl Unsion. A captain for next aeason will be' chosen thla afternoon. Captain Williams probably receiving re-election. BEATS PHILLIES V NB'vt W Bh ffi r " xN eKt 'BBBBBsl!1 "StiBBW. "wteS lBBBKBwP ' -T .ASjilfiiN&BV fE& mLLLmWLmmwi2K&!&mBkW&k . v vapr John Wlw Cooinba pitched wnaingr bull fw fil?lyji in the firat game of t4y's doable-header. This we the third H tfee mct Athletic plUher defeated the FfailUes. Coowbe' oaly tofti Oil seasm was saitut the Pittsburgh Pirate. On that occasion lie yielded twt ve hits, error by hie teomawtee being reepwteible r tiW Seoeky City's victory. $? 1 -1 s ,"1-. I MO fWT WAIT- ' THE LOOA MIKE frtjJMf-.a I '. JV WT TILl .HE irtodt - CflWT )lg8&Q-&:J s s OMATrrR J makbj Tm(! TArfer Trier G"e tfi0- r. . .. ,,,, NvlO PsWsasWKsiFWKS3MW fjBsflQHmJMQs'lnH tMHtJBIIMMiMsBKff?KlLM ?j .!vgVw3sWlQ8BSftl' , Jf ""! 3rV wriWjjmMtwmHW mWmBi&mSmWa. a'aiMMMMaWsHaBgisttsKJeW v'r'i?a'jLEJHKPiiaRWTTB SAM M'MEEKIN WINS BELMONT MUE RACE Gino Comes to Wire Second and Fair Count Third Jockey Dreyer Up on Winner. BELMONT PAllK. N. Y.. June 2. Only three stnrtera faced tho barrier in tho opening race this afternoon. Sam McMcekln, with Dreyer up, won, with Glno second nnd Fair Count third. The mllo time was 1:39 2-5. Tho summary: Pint race. Jl-yiar-olds and un. JiVO added. mlle-Fam McMcekln. 10. J. Dreyer, 11 to 10, and out. won: lllno 10.1, darner, 11 tn 10. out. rccond. Fnlr Count, lot. Dorel 1.1 to 1. .1 to 2. out. third. Time, 1.30 2-5. Three utarlers. Second race, the Dlack Stump Handicap, !!-yenr-old and up, JOOO added, 7 furlongs, main course Distance, 0.1, Louder, 1.1 to 1, 4 to 1, out, won, Top Hat. 100, E. Ducan, 5 to .'. fl to IS, out. seLond: Adoma Express, lus, Byrne. i to 6, 1 to 2. out, third. Time, 1.23 J-3. llunea also ran. Third race, tho Fashion, for fillies, 2-year-old, purso I2S0U, S furlong atralglu-Plelonu, 113, 1 Illy. 12 to 1. .1 10 1, 3 to 2. won; Uorac, 111, Itutn ell. 7 to .1, :i to .1 and 1 to 3, sec ond, Malachite, 111, E. Dugan. 4 to 1, S to 3 nnd 7 to to, third. Time. ..It!. Grasp, Ludy JIllllnEton, Smoothbore, Celandrla and Queen of Paradise also ran. Celandrla and Queen of Paradise added starters. Fourth race. Harlam handicap, .t.year-olda and up. Benin, purse $1000. mlle-Montresor. liu. W. ITral, 7 to 20. out, won: Q. M. Miller, 114 M. Buxton. 12 to 0, out, second. Time, 1 41. Two aurters. Fifth race, maiden. 2-ear-old, selling, rmr J300. flvo furlong traltht. Stellarlna. 10.1. J. Dreyer, 3 to 1, 4 to 3, 1 to 3. won; Devonshire. Dolly. 100, Lilly. 3. to 1. i to 3 1 to 3. second: High Chair. 112, Loftus. 3 to 2, 1 to 2. out, third. Time, .Bit. Mlsa Phllbln, Dr. Oremer. also ran. Sixth race. 3-year-old and up. Belling, purse 1300. 0 furlonaa atralght-Strlker, 114, (1. Ilvrne. 6 to 3. 1 to 2. I to 3. won; Forecast, US. P. Loudor, 18 to 3, ll to 0, 3 to 0, sec ond, Aman. 100. W. Ural. 0 to 1. Still, even, third. Time, 1:10 4-5. Vote, Plant (tenet. Mento. Park, Aviator. Mill Stream and Song of Valley, also ran. CROSS TO BOX AD WOLGAST Fighter3 Will Clash Tonight nt the St. Nicholas, New York. NEW YORK, Juno 2. Leach Cross, tho lightweight from tho East Side, and Ad "Wolgast, former lightweight champion of the world, will try conclusions at tho St. Nicholas A. C. tonight. The men agreed to weigh In at 135 pounds at 3 o'clock this. afternoon, but yesterday both were well below thut figure. FOR THIRD TIME KELLY FIGURING OUT A HARD ONE DORVAL PARK ENTRIES FOR MEETING TOMORROW First race, purse 1400, 3-year-olds, selling, flU furlongs Mona O., 1)0 Mlss Flisy, !-: color, irio: laehsablbble. 102, Mr. Me., 101; Miss Menard. 103; Cloak. 107, Velio Forty. 107; Bluo Jay, 1U'), Inlan, 1W. Second race, purse MoO, 2-ycar-olds, con ditions, 4 furlongs 'Joe Herntteln, f)'i. Hap plnes. 101; Cherry, lnij will Cash. 107: Sem per Stalnart, 107; Tarbrush, H7; lloneroso First, 107, Harts, 112, Early Blnht, llo. Third race, purse flW). 'l-j ear-old and up. selling, SH furlongs 'Vlley, 10"). Ford Mai. 100; lloso Illng. 110. Slnxle. 112; Marsand, 112. Cannock, 112. Ilearihstone. 114; Joe Knight. 114. Drind, 113, nirdman. 117 Fourth race, puree. Jiiou, .l-)cnr-olil nd up, handicap, fl furlongs Stalwart Helen, 01; Deposit. 102: Briar Path. Hit, Protector, los; Ketvessa, 112; llackbay. 117. Fifth race, purso tiXO, 2-car-olds, condi tions, 4U furlongs Alfanlr, 102, lollte, 103: Anltn. 103; Phil Unter, 103; Serla, 10S. Tab Her, 112; Olomer, 112. Sixth race, purse JBOO, 4-year-old nnd up. aelllnc. mile nnd 70 ard Patience, U'J, Zo diac, nil; 'Venela Strome, 102. 'Joo Stein. 101. 'The Hump. 104: 'Cultyhunk, 104, S)k rle, 104. 'Balfron. 10(1. Dick's i ot. 10J. Au tumn, 100; J. H. Houghton, 112 Seventh race, pur HOO, :i-yenr-olds an,l up. selling, mile and 70 jarda-Durln. 101; Patty ltegan. 101, 'Tiger Jim, 102, Penalty, 102; Lucky (leorge, lot, Lillian Krlpp, 101; AJax. 101, June W.. 101; Laird o' Kirkcaldy, lOfl; Sir rretful, 107: Font, 107. Leamencc, CARRIE ORME PIRST AT DOUGLAS PARK Three-year-old Selling Race at G Furlongs Captured in Good Time of 1 :31 2-5. DOUGLAS PARK, June 2. Carrie Ormo was tho good thlnff In tho opening dash here this afternoon, and lived up to tho good things said .about her. Cannonade was second under the wire and Mnlhcur third. The summary: First raco, selllnc, A-year-old, fl furlongs Carrlo Or me. 103, O'Orlen, U.rtO. 2.'M and 12.30, won; Cannonade, 105, Gentry, 2.S0 and U.W. second, Malheur, 102, Taylor. $5,110, third, 'time. 1.31 2-.". Alkanet. Dean Snlller, Day Day, Dorothy Perkins, Jano and r. A. 1 elsle, also ran. Second race, maiden miles, 2-j ear-olds. .1 furloncs Mofnen Star. 110, Mott, S.1.20, IS.B0 and J2.0O, won; Clypsy Illalr, 110, ItoMnaon, $.1.10 and (2.1)0, second; Busy Dee, 110. Gas. 3, third. Time, 1:00 4-0. Oakland Ilelle, Mandy Hamilton, Mlekle, Little l'alry. Trap hold, Eulogy, Cablrla and Industry also ran Third race, aelllnir. a-year-old and up, mile and a sixteenth-Mallard, 02, Darner, (3.S0, S2.R0, J2.40, won: Justice Ooehel. 112, Small, $3.00, s.4.40. second; Jck Katanaugh, n;, Oentrj-, J3.70, third. Time, 1 411 2-.1. Lady Jana Grey. Oeorce atoll, Wander and Kort Sumter, also ran. LOUISVILLE RACE CARD FOR MEETING TOMORROW First race, selling-. 3-year-old and up. 0 fur lonrs Mabel Montgomery. US, Alledo, Of), ltaflna, 100; Droll, 100; Slater Florence. 108; Allan Gold, 10.9: Lonsfellow, 108; Ijidy Pan chana, 108; fJabrlo, HO; Oakland. 110. Lack rose. 110; Blrka. ill; Chilton King, lis. Second race, purtu, 2-) ear-old, maiden colts, S furlongs AsparoRU Sam, 111, Mediation, 114; J C. Welnh. 114, Stephen It.. 114, Pock Ichoo. 114: (s)Col. Mat. 114: (a)l'olroma, 114: Belgian Trooper, 114. (a)Jeffereon Livingston entry. Third ree, 3-year-olds, 0 furlonga-Mla Fielder. 103: Marlon Ooosby, 107; Mar Ca tdy, 107; Corners. 110; Sklle Knob, 112. liar and Stars. 112; Liberator. 112; Dr Lar rlcic, 113; Itoyal Interest. 113. Fourth race, purse, ,1-ytar-old and up, 1 mile liadtnage, 07, Fleet Ahelle, 08, ater Witch, 8S: Col. Tom Oreen, lrtl. Itoacoa Ooote, 10.1; Dortch. 103; Dennet, loo, Huntress, 110. The Norman, 112. Fifth co selling, 2-year-oldK miles, .1 fur long Paulson, 0r: Yaca, n.1, tlessle K.. 03, Intention, 1001 Vollma, 101. Iady of Lynn. 102. Aunt Sal, 102; Ituth Strickland, 103; Mary II.. 107. Sixth race, selling, 3-year-olds and up, 0 fur long Droorr, Flower, 07. Mil Thorpe. 100; U See It, 102; Father ItUey, 107: Soalu. 107, Utah Private, 107; San Vega, 108; Chattier, 113, Seventh race, selling, handicap, 3-year-old snd up. 1 1-1W mlleMockery, 102: Oold Crest Hoy, iiKi bxpeciaiion inn; urostenor, iuo; Bryn Llmah, 110; Wllhlt. lie. Weather clear; track fast. HARTE, OF HARVARD, MISSING Crimson's Star Ball Player Did Not Catch Today. SOLDIERS' FIELD, CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 2. Has Dick Hart, Harvard's star, deserted the Crimson nine? Harts did not catch In this afternoon's game and report had It that he had quit the same, being dissatisfied with the move that forced Doctor Sexton out as Har vard's couch. Manager Cunningham de nied this and sstd Harte's absence was due to the fact that he had a lot of study ing to do while Assistant Manager Fore man Luter stated that tho Fhlladelphlan had a slightly Injured arm. fStop Paying Toll i to the bumps in the road 1 Road shocks wear out the car Hartford SHOCK ABSORBERS. cut repair bills and increase comfort. Prices $16 to $60. Thirty days free to prove their worth. GAUL, DERR & SHEARER CO. CiMUrtaou Set-riM, AulooiobU Acoual 217 NORTH BROAD STREET "pit I lensl mm ll FAKER TURNS TRICK AT DORVAL MEETING Speedy Sprinter With McAtte Up Gets First Lady Spend thrift Runs to Place. DORVAL PARK, June 2. Jockey McAttco piloted Faker to a clover victory In the first race hero this afternoon for 3-year-olds and upward at CH furlongs. Lady Spendthrift sprinted Into tho place, with Indifferent showing. Tho dash time was 1:0S 1-5. Tho summary: First race, purse. JIOO. for .'l-year-olda and up, elllng, fiH furlong Faker. Ml, McAtte, i to ft, 7 to Hi, 1 to It, won, Lady Spendthrift, HO, Collins. 1 to 1, even. 1 to 2, second, Indif ferent, 107, Taplln, 7 to 1, 2 to 1, even, third, lime, 1 OS 1-3. saliadn Queen, Doctor D.. Skinny H Ray II. Miller, Urookcrcas and Mlmlco also ran. Second race, purnj 40O. 4- ear-old and up, jelling, fl furlongs-The Spirit, 103, Acton. .! to o, 1 to 4, out, won, Gordon, 113, Metcalf, 4 to 1, oven nnd 1 to 'I, second, Ee White, lull. p"r, 15 to 1. I, to 1, :i to 1. third. Time, 1:14. Duko of Chester, Wolf Hath, The Gov ernor, Mr. Me. Durln, Klldey, tfrymnla and Cordova also ran. Third race, nMllnr;, purse S50O. 2-year-olds, 4 furlongs Broom strav. lie. Matthews. 11 to 10, 1 to 8. out, won, Roso Gordon, 07, Acton, 8 to 1, 3 to 1, :i to 2, second, 1'rldo of Grecnway, l'1'. Groin . .-. to 1. 2 to 1. I to 3, third Time, in 1-3. (New track record). Keilos Flames, Lvndora, Grey Lady, Friend Oblo and Larkln also ran. Fourth race, soiling, purso S400, 4- car-old nnd up, mile onfl a furlong Voladav Jr. 104. Taplln, ll tr. 1. 2 to 1, even, won: Beau mont Uelle, 04, McAtee, 7 to 1, 3 to 2, 4 to f, eeond: Uaby Sister, 00, Collins, 5 to 1. 8 to 3, 7 to 10, third. Time, :3l 4-3. Fred Johnson, Bcauporo. Beno Uncas, Gerrurd and Love Day also ran. Fifth race, selling, purse (400, 3-year-olds that have sturtod nnd not won two races thl year, 'i furlong Jefferson, 104, Schut linger, 2 to 1, 4 to 5. 1 to 4, won; Deviltry, 104, Ambrose, 4 to 1, 5 to 3, 3 to 3, second; Eneregetlc, 102, Forehand. 4 to 1, 5 to 3, 3 to 8, third. Time 1:08 2-3. Golden Lassie, Goggerty, Ilapsburg II, llrlny Deep, Aswan, Almeo Lealls and Smiling Maggie also ran. Jockey Acton wn suspendeil following a foul In the third race, when Jockey Uanmer, who had the mount on the favorite, Filly Delphi, was bumped, thrown olT and badly Injured. Inman Plays Fine Billiards LONDON. Juno 2 Melbourne Inman. th Kngllsh billiard champion, Is making full amend for hi defeat by Harris, by playing wonderfully against Newman here. Conceding the latter 20011 start In lt,000 up, at the end of tho first week tho champion has caught hi opponent within 41 point. O'Neill, Harvard Lacrosse Leader CAMBRIDGE. Mass , June 2. Eugene n O'Nell, 'lfl, of Darners, will captain next season's lacrosse team at Harvard. O'Nell la a defense man. CALIFORNI EXPOSITIONS SrECIAL ALL KXrENSE CONDUCTED TRAIN TOUItS Leavlnr July S and SI, Including Grand Canyon, California. Colorado 23 day. !73. Leaving July 10 and 81, Including alaj Yellowstone Park 31 day, $317.50. Other HIGH CLASS TOURS Weekly, Individual ticket with or without Hotel reserved In advance. Pullman occommo. datlon secured. THOS. COOK & SON 1ST 80. IIROAD ST., 1'IIILA.. PA. lYavtl Wltsj Cook's Traveler' Checki, STEAMSHIP NOTICES ANCHOR LINE Itoyal Mall Twin-Screw Geared Turbine NEW YORK and GLASGOW Cameronla June 11.3pmlTucanIa June SJ,6pra fcor rate and full particular aupbr tm J. J. UcUllATII, 1019 Walnut St. BOUT, TAYLOR CO., 003 Walnut St. Or Any Local Agent. Motordrome POINT HIIKBZE PARK Tomorrow Night, 8;30 Sharp 40-MILB MOTOR-FACBD RACK 4 SENSATIONAL MOTORCYCLB RACBS Prices 2e and SO 10.000 Sau at 3c and tire you. Jf HHHKHI RUNS SCORED IN MAJORS THIS WEEK NATIONAL LEAOUB. ftun. Mnn. Tue. 4 0 7 .1 n 2 4 2 Tuea. .1 4 .1 .1 1 1 4 i TI. 10 i :i rniuie New York IVvstrtn Mrnoklyn ,. .. Hlttshurah 0 Chlcrtn .1 ( Ineinnetl ,, 4 St. Leuli 2 AMKtllCAN I.EAOtJB. Run. Man. n. 11 Ati-iMlea Itontrn New Vrrk .. 'fhlnton Detroit I CleVCIlVId 2 a 11 is & 15 1H 10 HI 21 SI 0 7 rhl'3n It 14 71. IS ."I. I-OlllB FEDErtAfi LEAOUE. Sun. Mon. Nenrk Jlronlclyn 8 Hnl'lmnre b llufffiln ft 1'ltUburah 4 0 Chleiao 4 2 Tus. 2 1 8 10 11 4 7 0 12 ft. t.oul o Kansas city 8 ? -i WHAT MAY HAPPEN IN BASEBALL TODAY NATIONAL LEAOt'E Club. Won. I1. P. Ct. IVIn. Ie. rtilrojro 83 1 .190 .1100 .MB rhlllle SO 10 .MO .(! .flll llo.ton 20 1. .112(1 MR .111.1 llrnnklyn Ill 1 .SOO .RM .4l rltf.liursli 18 SO .471 .47 Mt St. I.ntils 18 21 .4M .47.1 .4.10 Cincinnati lfl 18 .471 .4rt .417 New York 14 20 .112 .410 .400 AMEttlCAN LEAOLTJ Club. Won. Ixt. T. Ct. Win. Los. Chlrngn 27 14 .ft.10 .7 .8I Detroit 2.1 17 .R0.1 .01 .Mt Ilnaton .... 18 IB ..14.1 MO 1 New York 10 lr) .MS ..1111 ..118 Cleveland ... 17 20 .1.10 .474 .417 Wellington ..in 10 .4.17 .472 .444 st I,oiiN 10 23 .410 ,4fl .400 thletlr 1.1 27 .32.1 .311 .317 llMIEItAL LEAOL'n Club. linn. Lost. P. Ct. M In. lose. I'ltUhurgh ... 23 10 .SOO .BOO .S7.1 Chlrago . . .2.1 17 ..17S .Ml .Ml Kansa City . , 22 17 .Ml .MB MO Newark 21 17 MS .Bill .B88 Ilronklyn 18 10 ,4A .BOO .471 St. I.ouU ... 17 17 .000 .114 .486 llultlmnre .... IB 28 .30.1 .110 .383 llufTnlo 13 20 .333 .350 .323 DOYLE "PULLS PRIZE BONE" Catches Ball Thrown by a Boston Outfielder. BOSTON, Mass.. Juno 2. Larry Doyle, captain of tho New York Qlants, pulled ono of tho greatest "bones" In baseball history this afternoon in the fifth limine of the Br.ivcs-Qlants Rome. With ono out nnd Burns on third, Doyle hit a lonft sacrifice fly to Moran. Burns scored. Doyle ran out the fly, and after tiirnlnir first and seelnsr the ball comlns toward him. reached out. caught It and throw It to the Braves second baseman. Burns had scored lone; before the throw from Moran reached Doyle's hands, but tho Braves put In a kick aKalnst Doyle's action In catching the boll, nnd Umpire Qululcy ruled In their favor, declaring. Burns out for Doyle's Interference, nnd the run did not count. Tho run would havo put the Glcnts In the lead. THOMAS TO BOX WHITE Matched for Ten-Round Bout in New York. Charley Thomas, tounh local light weight, left this afternoon for New York, where he will meet Charley White, of Chicago, In a ten-round bout next week. Thomns received a wire this mornlne from Billy McCnrney, matchmaker of the American Sporting Club, to leave for Now York today. The communication did not say at which club Thomas nnd White would show. The date for the bout also was not stated. Thomas gave White a hard battle here recently. SUMMER RESORTS C00PER8TOWN, N.I, O-TE-SA-GA On Otsego Lake, Cooperstown, N. Y. eu Hour by Rati from New York City. GULF June IS to October 1st MUTOK1NO TENNIS Booklnr Offlcss IlOATiNU Tka Dakota. 1 West 72d St.. Naw Yark. ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS, N. V. DELAWARE and HUDSON SHORTEST. QUICKEST and BEST LINE DnTWKCN NEW YORK and MONTREAL. WEST CHESTER, TA. GREEN TREE JNN ."..'-"p" Particular atten. to com. men, motor and tourist parties. Rer. meal ftO-. Sunday meal 7.1c. Cite at. Hist. aur. C. Welnrartner. prop. MEDIA, PA. llrooke Hall, 8 acre. High, healthy. Tennl. etc. Porch 183 ft: long, loo from OOth st. "L."' rtETTERTON. MD. TllP Phesanpnkf Oentlle clientele; fish., for June. Auto meets all trains. J. a. Owen. CAPE MAY. N. J. CHALFONTE HOTEL CAP& JU. Reaaonabl rate. Mr. Calvin Batterfttld. THE WINDSOR nn bj:cr,oc"n Uw MISSHALPIN. SEA ISLE CITY, N. J. BUSCH'S HOTEL r"' " " wwiw.. w ... . ww t convtn- Booklet. SPRING LAKE T1EACH, N. J. THE BREAKERS SPR1NO LAKE BEACH. N. J. Seaaon, May 29 to October 1 Now Open (or Inspection Choosing a School for Your Son or Daughter is a very difficult thing to do unless you have personally visited and investigated a large number. In order to helpT you and save you a great amount of correspondence and tiresome investigation, LEDGER CENTRAL sent out a college graduate to visit schools and colleges. He has spent several months visiting all the best schools in the East, securing all sorts of information at first hand and is qualified to help you find the school best suited to the peculiar needs of your boy or girl, at whatever price you can afford to pay. The service is free, and we suggest that you get in touch with the Bureau at once, as many schools are registering pupils now, and will be filled to capacity before June. Call, write or phone. EDUCATIONAL BUREAU LEDGER CENTRA BROAD AND CHJtKTKUT STRT PHILADELPHIA EDDIE M'ANDREWS WINS I10UT OVER BUCK FLEMING Clever Boxer Outpoints Slugger in Fnlrmount Fray. Eddie McAridrews defeated Buck Flem ing In the final bout at the Falrmount Athletic Club last night. H was a cun ning boxer, it ho possessed a wallop In either hand, matched against one who de pended on his ability to hit and get away to win, ami the former triumphed. Fleming held the margin or advantage. In tho llrst tuo rounds. His method of attack proved too puzzling for MoAn drews to solve. Ho would allow the Man' nyunk boxer to lead and then, befora McAndrews lind tlmo to regain his equl libitum, he would step In with a short, snrppy, right uppcrcut or a stiff left Jab, which found lodgment repeatedly. However, during the last four sessions McAndrcws Old not attempt to box Flem ing nt long rrmge, but continually rushed tho latter, and getting In close he would send a volley of left and right swings to Fleming's midsection. In the third iculid a hard right swing started blood flowing from Fleming's mouth and McAudrews landed often enough thereafter to entitle him to the decision by u generous margin. Young Jack Totand meted out a nifty Inclng to Hddlo Chvanaugh In the simi windup. Tolitnd worked a neat punch with rapld.flro precision during the con test, and he succeeded In penetrating Cavanaugh's guard repeatedly with rights and lefts to the body. BELMONT PARK ENTRIES FOR MEETING TOMORROW . llrst race, for 2-year-aId. conditions. 6 fur lonas atraisht Ormesdsle, 118s Friar Rock, lis. Murphy. 107i Prince of Como, 107. Second race, for .'i-year-olda and up, condi tions. 8 furlonaa main course Carlaverock, 101, Housemaid, Ui: He Will, 108: Kilkenny Boy, 111: Prairie. IOTi Astrology. 01. Third race, for 3-year-olda and up, aelllnr. 1 t-in mllM-Kllcrrs, 101; Wooden Shoea, ll.il Illue Thistle, IIS: 0. M. Miller, 114: Re publican. 111. Fourth race, for 3-year-olda and up. handi cap, the Hyde Park. 1 mile Fllttersold. IIS; Hedge, ICO. Raizano. OSi Garbage, 10'J; Runes, 101. Fifth race, for 3-ycar-olds and up, steeple chase, selling, about 2 miles 'Judso Walser, 140: rrljolce, 143: Abden. ISO: Cacocla, 137; tOun Cotton. 138: tSklberean. 140. Sixth race. 8-year-olds and up, selllnr, 1 mile Dr. Dutnner. 107: Chesterton. 00; neethovon, 102; 'Astrology, 80: Dervish, fid; Gallop, no: Orotund, 103; Perthshire, IIS; Jawbone. 113; Sepulveda, 110. Track fast. rue pound apprentice allowance claimed tTen pound apprentice allowance claimed. 6UMMER RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. OSTEND Occupying an entire block of oeean front and connected with the famous Boardwalk: tn tha popular Chelsea aectlon; capacity 800: unusually lane, cool rooms with unobstructed view of ocean from all; avery appointment and comfort; aea and fresh water In all hath; running nater In rooms: 4000 ft of porchea surround th hotel: the new dining room overlook, the eat nneat outline and E&'ir Vr.lce: oreriiitri. of soloists: dancing Jif'r. I11?' cU1 dlveralons: magnWcent Illustrated booklet mal led; auto meet trains: management by owner. uin. JOHN C. OOSSLER. Mangr. CHALFONTE Atlantic City, New Jeroey The Leeds Company Leadlntr High-Class Moderate-Rata Hotel. ALBEMARLE y'ln'a v- "r- Bch- cp- .330. Steam heat, elevator. un parlor, private bath, etc.; excel, table, 10 up wkly; 32 up dally. Dklt. J. P, COPE. T STONE HARBOR, N. J. Summer Cottage. Rungalovr and Apartment for rent at STONE HARBOR The Host Delightful Retort on tfia New Jersey Coast Price S17S and upward for tha aeason. Fully furnished; electric light ; modern plumbing: purest artesian water; golf, tennis, boating, bathing, fishing, motor lug. For booklet and particular writ LEO McCRAVEN, Borough Clerk, Stons Harbor. N. J. OCEAN CITY, N. J. HOTEL BRIGHTON J. e0; mous beach-front hotel. Centra or social lit ; modern building; excellent cuisine; breeze from ocean, bay and Inlet; A hour from At lantic City. Booklet. Make gservatlons now. R. K. SOOY. Prop. WILDWOOD, N. J. Hotel Davton 0pen " y' capacity nutci uajiuu 250 rine table: all outside rooms, running water; early season rat. Coach, music & bklt. F. W. A. McMurray. RFAflHWOOD c,p- 1S0 Vnr Beach DnAnwuuu,,,,, amu.ement. Auto meet trains. Booklet. C 11. KURTZ. EDGETON INN capacity sso. vruta cuuun-l inn .arvce. orchestra. Music room. Coacb. Bkt, J. Albert Ilarrl. HAnnnN HAI I Ocean view. Private HAUUUn nALLhll houaea. Spealal rates till July IS, Booklet. N. A. RANDOLPH. Hotel Reading , " AwY.ffl: Near depots, beach A amuie. C Wambach. HOTEL ELBERON StS'fifc Hup, table. Nr. Deb. UftiAl Hfl villi Burk Ave. Beach. I8UP. ,,u,w, ......- un MRS, J. FRANK TICS, RAI T1MORP UHlt. 22- B- Magnolia Av. DAL, I imt-m N,.r BMh a amuaement. 1V1LPWOOD NORTH. N. 3. TV, a OTTPrJC; Beach front location. Spa. incui i cno,,., tM untu Ju,. iTth. CURRWnOn S23B. Slstat. Oceanvtew, iHCKWUUU!,,, 8perwkup. U Oil Zei -