EVENING LEDGEBPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2. 1915. 11 KNERAL ELECTRIC ROSE FIVE POINTS 5ek Market Ended the Day RJtrong Missouri Pacific low in Effect. K ; tv YOItK. June 2. A more confident tae that the pending International ".? .. t.tt. ...lit. ri.K.... a .. jllcations uowi niui ucuimny anil to. will bo cleared up satlafactorlly ,(lt rccoiirno to lorce, a Knowledge n, fnndnmcntnl conditions of the (rf Slates nrc Rood, the cheapness ri .......I..,.,. f mnnAu nn,t hm nntlivtla frj eent Xor tho future resulted In Sfrked Improvement In tho stock market Kaky Tn addition to those favorable Hum for an upward swing, there waa a Bint offering; of stocks, while the tie s:. nss Rood, In fact, much better than B?dm time past. Before midday prices had advanced . a fraction to more than 4 points Alttiouah the "war stocks" showed the rreatest gains, as has been the case on Ii. .. ...... ..... HiA cttat.r1at.fi artnrAc, nlin ttiime strong under a better demand, hutllde Interest was still absent, as was iirielr reflected in the ugiu aitencianco in timitlnn houses, and the market waa C" . . , f ... 1 .all a.-......,. .-... LMOfe?S10nn' unci 111 ail icaww. A HU tittl looked with much favor on tho Vi.rvUw between President Wilson and !tl German Ambassador, which took clM during the clay, believing that the Ittlser'n representative would submit pro totals which might go a long way toward educing the tension between the two countries. After tho conference tho Ger man Ambassador would make no com Liit, and tho White House was equally fatlcent. It was Intimated, however, that Statement tnlslit bo Issued later E-rrejIdent'e Wilson's note to Mexico was well receivcu uj niu wnt-vfc. . ,,u iiu Immediate mumer. aueci, nnu mera was no decided change In prices, about tho nlv result being a material slowing latin In the volume of business. Stocks inch as American Smelting, Mexican petroleum and others with Interests In Jtlco were strong, as they had been throughout the morning. iiAfter somo Utile hesitation In tho late trailnir. when prices went oft from tho Hah on realizing sales, the market again jesumed Its upward cOurso and closed itrong. General Electric wna tho fcatute, showing a gain or a points ror tno day. JMarketwIse news today Included tho announcement by the Missouri raclflo (tit the noto extension plan had been declared operative, nnd tho tlmo for drpoalt of tho nqtcs extended to Monday, June 7. This leaves tho way clear for a ! reorganization of the property by the officials without rccourso to a recelver illp, which was thought very probablo IIIUC inuu Mf,w. ,, o.wi.., U1.VU111V ouuill Mowing tho news. In the main thd Government weekly crop report was (Ivorable. Damago to tho new crop by Insects has been checked. New York Stock Sales .. . .. Last else. A arts Gold Mines .... at Alllj-Chalm Mf ...,. igw Alllf-Chalm Mf pf ,,, -to 05 03 Bt, Van mi AmalramaintRnn AtnAgrChcm pf ..... Atn life' Mieat ...... Am Rett Sugar pf ..... Am DraVe H ft K pf t r Am Can , Am Tarft Foundry ... Am Coal Products .... Am iIlde&Lpathor ... AmlotomntlrA . ium American Malt........ fiM Am Malt pf 2s1 Am Smelt .v iw ns ih oinen nor or Am Steel Foundries High f6!. a (t7Mf 93X 7'f 81 Low Close, MM fUM inn 7 93 al 83 149J, 140H U9U Ji7 30!i P0)4 I65f 47 7 9W 47 61 W 03V 100 fi!( 6i 47 5 28 L7H 0W I04) 1D4)( y.'M 3t 34 B1H 103 M 40 6 27W 06U Am 'I p & 'i ei Am iei& uable 01 CO Amwooienpf 84 mM AtchT&SFpf...;..1 100 Atlantic Cout Una ...lajH 105 Baldwin Loco 48H 4 Baltimore ft Ohio m 72 i,aiiiniorBs uaio p .. Qi Dethlfhem Steel 145 IlrooUjn ItspTran ... bSll Butto A Superior 72 i rctroleum lr, I2M 10) r,H 47 5 28 67l 10I.U 34 1IHH 119t( HUH 110) 70), :4s 74W 16H 00 84 1 30) ino 100 105 48H 72 70 144 83M 72 15 00 8454 31) K014 J01 105 48H 72)4 70 140 8S14 74 Si KM Canadian 1'acUTc jM)4 165H 154) 185 C.nlUatherCo ...... a&H 30f 30 SO CcntUatherCo pf ...103 103 103 103 ChM&OMo 39K 4l)M 30K 40 rhm.rSrifr , 44, 45! " ChlMll&StPnf Chi A Northwest 120H ciiia i a i 18H Colorado FuK tl 29 Comstock Tunnel 8 .132 . 12)t , 75 48 8 80H 70tf .100 . 00H 10)i 25X 30U - 14 31)S 211 109 160 U, NEW YORK CURB fi' Erlden IMtlih-Amcrlcan Tobacco old f)o new . GoldflDld Conodatcd Green Canaries la Htm Bid. Aaked. H 14 . v Valley Coal Sales 1 Uhlth Mulirlnr Otla EIeator BMo pryl mifriieKPinan M1!hk Uum . . Tobacco Products tnltel Cigar Stores ( pref . . . Cnltel Profit now . . World Film Tukon Gold 1.1U in ,n" 30 150 .?' u .... 03 . . . . :::: s?'4 . ... 02 ....101 v lrt inw ! 100 0 T.'IVg 04 H 87" US 11s :t. I BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearlnes today conmaro with rnrm. nsndlng day last two years: lni; 1911 1013. Fhlla. turiL.VM fifli SM.1ws.s7n sjo ras.721 Boiton n4.1nr.sno a? r71,mr 2n.fiRS.2ns xiw York cs7,aT.(iii 3S7.m2..iT DTio.riin.ficn Calcaio . 01,100.003 01,5S.1,821 85,103.013 k t ItAiliS roif flIONEl t Call. Philadelphia ,1UQ1 Kw York liS2 Boilon 3 ICommerclal paper, thrco to six months, Phll- wciuiAv 7U"t iur ttm. I FOREIGN EXCHANGE vTir !rnr n l . . ftlrbet tTnmA .Innilu l,h Amwmw.A ...ll. .. -. . -f...... .wu ...... u.maiiu Bici tills UJI Rii oierunc rrancs. .M&rxa. L.irea vuica .,, . -t ,ij A.-I1. i''4 iPeoanil ... 4 78W 5.44i Klir1-3: r t GOVERNMENT BONDS Did sua a.VJVj Consolidated Oau. CornTroducta lief ... Corn Products Ilof pf Crcx Carpet Cruclblo stool Co Crucible Steel prof..., Cuban-Am Sugar .... Cuban-Am Sugar pf . , Deero&Co pf , DlstUlors' securities .. Krle Erlolstpf KedMln&Sm HcdMln&Srapf .... Oen Chemical Gen Chemical pf General Electric General Motors Goodrich 11F Co .... GtN cfifororoproD . Oucrenhclm Eipl'n .. IntHarvNJ IntHarv Corppp .... Inter-Met rot to Intcr-Mctpf Inspiration Cooper ... International Paper pf Kan City Southern .. Kings Co EL& P ... Lack Steel Lacledo Gas Lehigh Valloy Llecett A Mverg Df .. Lorlllard C6 100 Louis a NashTllla 110 Maxwell Motors 42 Max Motors 1st pf 85), Riaxiiotors2d pr 37 125 10 304 20 123)f 13 75J, 40 29!t 89 70 100 00 lOH 20 40 38 215 29 88J. 125 125 18). 30 8 S0' 40 44!( 20 88Ja 125 125 18)4 30 20 123U 132M 12)( 12!( 5! 40 28 87 70 100 90 Wi mi 40 UU 31 2I4W 215 109)a 109X 109X 101K 167 lOTf 75J 4T Mi b0 70 100 00 10). 20) 40), 15 3GV4 135' 137) 137!f 43)4 31 004 l'45 97K 22 n 73 281, 37 2614 122)4 123 41 44 101) 102 45 33 01)4 05 07 23J 73! 30), 37 20 43!( 32 OOtt 05 97 221, 72H 'Mi 37 26)4 123 44 137) 45 32)( C0J 95 97 22), 72! 29J, 37 25)4 12.) 44 101W 102 I4tm I42M 142), 14214 U8M 118H 118H 118)f 16H 103 lt!8 68 1U4 2C Ml mi 15VS 60 SO )5)( .. 01W .. 86Vi .. 27 it ..102 .. 73 ..10-1 .. 22H ..107 .. 2 J .. 80)4 ihH uo 42' SOU 37i 09,' 12 25K 12). 48H 16 03)4 8H I6i 02U 86 28 102 74 1(5 23 107 23 H 02 40 120 42)4 81 37)4 68 11U 26) Ml 48)4 15H 02 81 15t (OH e5' 28 10.2 71 120 Wi fOK 37 1 09 12 25 12 48H 1SX H2M 80'f 15H r2U 8G! 28 102 74 lOUf lU-1'4 22 22)4 100H 105 M H . 2ji; 31 23 23J4 107 22JJ 01!, 4.i), 105 a 30 23 107 22J4 01)4 4uJJ 103 H TO). 23), .142' 13'i 112!, H3M Ja of tato rejlstered ltft -7. Panama 5a registered 'Panama. !s mis reglatered.. .., ,iw ,,3 rogisierea. . Wis coupon i" ' j"jJ reziaierea u aj.j coupon .. 07 .. 07 .. 07 . flT ..100W ..looji . 100(J . . ico; . ,10' . 111 Asked OS FEWER FAILURES REPORTED ;Month of May Showed Decrease of 40 rer Cent. From January. OtTUnerpIfll fntlllfaa H urine ot.. nntU - "Mi6 HIO IllUIlVlt l&AlftV WCTA fAtVAr Ihnn nmr 41mA 4V.t !;r- The total was 1707. a reduction of I "ft or 40 per cent , from January's ahow- Sl- .i "J" ,eaBt lf any montn tnts jj- - -...h...i,b l.wiivll.ll J.UUi Ul 1?, .ly 'tnprovlng btislness conditions. .. iicwuciu 19 snown mora BtriKinB Wi 1. . amount f liabilities, J21.063.212. k-v u noL oniy mo smallest this year, Ft also compares with 123.447.496 In May, BCOtnmerrffil rlafaniin ,n.A... -- i- jSwber In excess of the average In pre- jc-. jvau, xiiero were lower insoi &.'JJ, .ver ?100.', there being 33 for S,Z,ln MaJ'. compared with 33 ror g,...,, a ,r nKO -lne smauer re Ties aVeraippli S7J7A In Xfa., AnmnqM. ffitt tUll a year ago. 0P" AGREEMENT OPERATIVE fe for Further Deposits of Notes . extended to Juno 7. aX Y0RK- J"ne 2,-The directors of ouri racmo Railway Company L,i el arel ,ns e5Ctenslon agreement tiAAyi,,:ra,,ve as ,0 8 deposit or ? m m 8 per cent "e. Tomor- " or receipia ror such notes by nniMnllnM It...,- .,- .... tl lnfYlma tfiv ulA..l.. .- t 7 '' depositaries June 1. 1915. Inter- - nio cAieniion commission 01 4j ni -ine 1 me for further d. has been extended until Monday, DIVIDENDS DECLARED S,i!"2Pny of Pnnyanla. reular RWunflB ' p4yat" '"'y ' to "toilt te?.n,,.Lan f'0TP)'. regular quarterly JJ? ' 'fO'd on June IT. foA 19 abl Ju'y 1 t" K ' m uita Ponder Company, quarterly 3 r of record June IS. nlannuai h pr cn on preUfied, "ocvo lomnuj. rKUUr quar t" nt on preferred. b ' lar 1'oina.nv rttatilir ntiMvtmrlV ' tnt uli Dreferrtd V llelme t.oiupan, rvjrular quar- -l wijabii July i to Hock Smeltera Com CrrrA1 tl ..Th27 in - . -fW-i tipasir, rtiuUr 9-Hr- 1 Oaa ind Klactrtc Commay. quar- rtui,, rvKUiax quant.? in U pyabl' July I to iY EQUIPMENT ORDERS i tfured lht uulptnenc ordcia in LU. (III. ,1. U.B.A ..I..J . ,!... u ui ihin tio a lajrK aa ior Mexican Petroleum. Mo Kan & Texas Miami Copper Missouri Taclflc Montana 1'owpr Nat Enameling ft S... NatLead NcwVorkAIr Urako.. Nevada Con Copper.. KVNIU U New York Central.... NYOAWcst Norf&Wcst North American.... Northern Pacific.... PacincMatl Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal Flttsburch Coal pf .. Pressed bteel Car ... Pub S Corp N. J.... Qulckstlter hy bleti faprlnj Hay Con Copper.... Kcadlnc Heading 1st pf hep Iron I'ifttcel.... Hop Iron A Steel pf . Hock Island Co Hock Island Co pf . . ItumelyMCo UlLouls&SF StLouls&SF2dpf Seaboard Air Line... Sloss-bhefSA.ICo.. tonthern Pacltlc Southern Itv. .". Standard MUUne pf . btudebaker Co Tennessee Copper TeiasCo Texas & Pacific Third Avenue Tobacco Prod pf.... Twin City It T Under ood Typo ... Union Paciiie Union Pacltlc pf Ubltubber US Rubber 1st pf... Lb bteel USSteelpf Utah topper USU aCaroChem Wabash pf Western Union Tel... ViestlDchouso Kloctrlc Willys Overland WoolwoithKWCo.. PentM Der share. I Total sales. 400.400 ehares. compared with .',400 aharea jeatcrilay; thus far tbl week, 611,600 ahares, tamo period last week, 1,2H. S00 aharea. S6 8 82M i 3J4 45i 4U 13 32 Si 154 0TM e54 33 122W 123 IS . 40 . mil . 07)4 . 61 .124 . SOU . 62)4 .100 S4I4 85 2X fc3 H a 3!f 4i S 13H 34U t0 1'. C84 C0)4 33 122J4 123 UM 14H 50 0! 07U 075' 0714 07M CO) COVf V.SH 1241( 12 AH biH MIH 80H C3H 02f D2J4 100H 1C0V4 100H 051S 64M i S 85 K8 I'M M M 4 Ail 514 13)4 34 H 87), lfiif e8!4 o3H 83 28 fc3 a a 3H 4U 13H 34K 87H es4 titlH 33tj 14!f 60il 07 07V4 C0V .106)4 lOOJi 106M lUoH L6) 30H 30M H it 66 eows 93W 05W 11514 115 115 115 102 102Jf 102M 102)f mi 30H it (0 04U 6614 3014 H C6 05 COTTON NEW YORK, June 2. The cotton mar ket was steady this morning, with Octo ber 3 points lower and other months from 1 to 2 points higher on the call. This waa better than had been expected on the cables from Liverpool. Business was unsettled and unimportant. After the call the list turned stronger, October rising 7 points In the first quarter hour. Thereafter tho market ruled quiet, with prices but slightly changed. The New Orleans Cotton Exchange will bo closed June 3. a holiday Last msnt elnae. Open. Hlyh lv Cloee July 010 041 O.O 0.37 0 37 Oiiober 0.71 K.tW 0 78 w.tvl U7t December U( ODA 10.01 0M 0 03 January 10.00 10.09 10OJ o 7 oon March 1.2 030 IO.S. 10.i"i (May 10.15 10.43 10.43 10.4T pol 933 .... 0 00 Week's Trade Balance $19,170,460 WASHINGTON, June 2. Secretary of Com merce tiedneld today mad public. Hiures ehow Ina that the (aorabl trade balance of the United States for the weelc endlnc May 20 ua I10.17U,160 Biporta (or the uma rxrloi wers S.S78,II7 and Imports were 1,10S.037 The cotton exports for the-earn week wero 106,701 bales, making a tout of 7,S3T.tOt balsa exported alnco August last. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK, June 2 -UUTTKR -Market ..- r..imi S3.SI1 Daclusea Kilra. SAc.: hlihar SAoflng, 28(c i Jltale dairy, i'H e . Imitation crtamery, MfjKtVau. r. rtcel P!ira nt. rccular ftackeJ. :mtt rsts. reauUr paeKed. iW'-Me,: neaiDy Hi"M2Ic l. in.ii.iinn .mmarv. . EiiGS.- Market Irreruiar. . recelDla. J nuckaan Extra, first. reeuir nacaeij. ;. ire , n wnlt by biowna American Pipe Dividend Passed rbs directors of tb American Pipe and Con .uucilin Company t-y took no actl i the Suart.Tli ill8nd of 1 Sr cent , wbieb would SiJI Ln dua iJuls ' 1 ThU la ths fourth sot rl.Ue Seilod that lb. dividend has been tif and tU aagrsat at the passed dlvl- Jear-s decUratton. ftntstandinK National Bank Notes $sBmmm& nH. Boles leauvl I. . six days. 5IAY COINAGE jiw..'-rXffl?,M'aK-. ay isiaue . vw ; ii ITaavv SttlW Of HorSM inri Jun. -' bales oi noteeiw " a, ITtiroue -liaO les or borsej to th RISE IN TRACTIONS; CONFIDENCE RETURNING Brokers Reported Moderate Re Investment Demand Shorts Inclined to Cover. Demand developed for tho traction stocks on the Philadelphia Exchnniie during the early tridlng today. Led by t'nlon Traction, which Jumped over a point, the wholo local list displayed nn Improving tendency, After selling fit 37, Cramp shares rone to 3SW, and Philadel phia 15lectrlo also hardened. There was nctlvo buying, too, of United Btntes Steel, part of which was reported to be for the account of shorts. The reason given for the rise In Union Traction waa assurance that tho next dividend would be paid In cash. In tho afternoon business quieted down to nominal proportions, but the earlier advances were for the most part well maintained. United States Steel slipped back rather abruptly In the last hour, but rallied again at the close No particular news was forthcoming to explain the better sentiment prevailing In the financial district other than the steady Improvement In general trade con ditions Investment houses, however, ac counted for some of the buying as com ing from persons who wished to place June dividends and Interest disburse ments. Bond dealings, however, failed to develop any notable activity. In the case of the mors speculative Issues, brokers were Inclined to think that those who went short after tho Lusltanla disaster wero now less pessimistic, and were en deavoring to retire their commitments, which cannot have proved very profitable Judging from tho manner In which the gcnernl market withstood attempts to knock it down. One strong supporting factor through out tho recent period of tension has been tho continued ease tn money. Few toans wore cnlltd nnd of lato they have begun to expand again as could be seen from last week's Philadelphia bank statement, which showed an increaso of more than a million In that Item. Financial Briefs I New York Bond Sales W0 Amer Cot Oil 44.. ?JH Am,r Sm' Sec 0s. 11000 do cvt HU 2O00 Atchlnon Ken 4s.... 4000 do adj 4a loco io rec 4a f'OOO do cv 4a 1033 400O do cv In toco 1MHJ tin iv ."is 1017. . , 1??,?? ,,a," 01" '" 1 u.OC do 4a 3)000 m cv 4 .... 000 lwo ! MjfcWV 4a. 2000 Ucth Steel 1st 3a.. cui'uu no riil m looo Ilrook City 1st 8a.. 4000 Ilrook H-u ir 4 20UO Urook Vn Elv let IOijo mi Gan tt Elec 3a. LIS!! CIU Leather lat R00O Cent l'ac 1st 4a.. r.rK i , ni nit n .1 Js r.000 Chl & Alton 3Ha. . "OOO chl & i:aat 111 fla port Cht U A (J joint 4s 6V to C M ,fc st P cv 4'4a ..w. ... k ol i- cn O HlRh. 1.avv Close. .100-H 100H 100S .104. 1(M4 10w, . R7S Alt, HV 100W 100 lOOifc . U2 U2, ll'JS . M 82i M . 01 HI 111 . 2y. VW, 02Va .lOOi, 100 100 .101 100V 101 . m m ot . Ri R, mi ?? wi R"fc . 07'i, B7k 07'. HIH .ilOOii 1UI 3a W . Ml .. 87 114 .. 42t4 fW . 01H ..07 . . 102', wlOO'i 40000 C I &. Pt l cv ret Ra.irwtJ 2000 C M &. 81 P Ben 4V4s 10041 20IXI Clh n I & V 5a .. . 4fll! ,IK Del fc Hud conv 4a 00'i r,000 Del & Hud 4a '11. . 100 4000 Den & Itlo Or Is 7l, HKXI Den S Itlo Or rfd 3s . 47'! 14000 Dl SvL-ur Corp 3s. . ,17 1000 n I'ont Powd 4Vv S7, 100O IJrlo conv 4a Ser A . 01 ij 1000 Ilrle ionv 4s Ser D . 117. ltVki i:rio Pa col 4s ... .SI 3000 Ocn niec deb 3s .. 10:1 2noo Oreen Hay cv Ca. ... 101 :iouO Hud -Man In 3a 2" 7000 Indiana Steel Ss uov, ldiio III Cent 4a !..- . .. gC 2000 111 Cent 4a lOKt .... H.13? 34000 Ins Cop cv Os.. 00 14 S.-1J, mkmi Ins cv re Jd pa Oa'lU.lSI'Ji 12.1 sooo Interb R T rer Si .. US H7) 1000 Intornl Paper Os . . 100 100 1000 Int & at Nor 1st Oe .. O'l 10 ..0m Knn CIK So 3s . nts Uli, 4000 Laclede Gas 1st .Is loot, lorn, 100O l.k Kh deb 4s 10JS . oo'J to, 7000 I,k Sh deb Is lull . tmu noi, aootl Lie A. I T .1 inn in,J IIOOO jax & Nash Os 110, .".(00 Louis & Naah 4a 02 1000 Manhattan 4 ss TOOO Mo Kan A T lat 4s... 71 JOTO Mo K A T aen 4Jie. . 60 MOO Mo Pao 4a ....... 41'. 1000 Mo Pac cv Sa 40 70O0 Mo rac col Ss 1017 . OOi. iroo . Y A Brake cm s. . 07 13000 N Y Canal 4s "02 ...loot, SfUCflO M Y C & II ret Oa ..1021? inoo f? y r & h Is.. v7 C0T0 N T C & II 3t,.. 70U HKiH) N Y Clt reir 4s ItiVi.. lis 20OO N Y City 4t,s wnn.. .100 2'0rtO N Y City 4ijs 'til. .. mn, MOO N Y Gas II A P .1S...103U 3000 N Y iJick g. W 4s . . 110 lrion N Y n It & ii os. .noi. 2ffl0 N Y Ont & V 1st Is . 70 2000 N Y Itwy ref 4s 71S, 0000 N Y Ilwy adj Ss . Sll-j 1000 N Y Tel Ben 4Hs 0Si isonn Nor Pao prior 4s... . ms 40n0 do Ken 3s H3$J inoo Ore Abort I. lat Oa ...10S ROOO Ore A Ca) Ss wot, 10OO I'ncinc Tet 5s .... OK; nnnnn Ponna r 3Um ... I00it 20IX) Pcnna 4s 10IS 07', 47000 Penna ret 4Ws.. . ,ir.n! 210l Pcnna ecu 4 Us . 07U lOfO P C C : 8tL 4s Ser D 021-2 -iiin, iud werv .n j os 23000 nay Con Cop its. 5000 ncndlng Ken 4a . :000 lteadlng-Jer Cen 1000 Iter I & S Be .. 1000 Rock Laland 4s.. 16T00 do rfd 4s 4000 do Us 4000 do 59 0000 St I, I M A So cen Sa. 00H 700O Pt 1. I M A B air 4a.. J1 BOO St U & a P A Cairo . SS 3000 St L A S P rfd eta 4a. IO 1000 do sen Sa ti't 8000 do gen eta Sa 40 7000 Keatmarrf A 1. adl K. u iihkh) houth lieu na ... 2000 South Pac col 4s 5000 do cv 4s. 24000 du ccv rt f p 5s '34 1S00O do rfd 4a 200H South Pac Term la 17000 South Ilwy sen 4s 4000 Third Av adl is.... 100O Tol A Ohio lat 3 ., SIO U 8 Steel Bs 1000 Union Pan lat 4a .. 24000 Vu. car Chm ln Ss.. 1000 Va Itwy Ss 21onn Walmah 4s 4000 Wabaah 2d Bs . . . . fWlO Val Kqu ct tin 4a 1T0OO Wah-P Ter lat ct 4a 2RTM West R ft M cv Sa.., 2000 West Bhors res- 4s. Total sales. Jl.032,000, compared with SI 3s -000 yesterday; tbua far this week, 12.047,000! earn? period last week, I3,020,00i). NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NKW YORK, June 2. Trading- was quiet on the Coffee Exchange at ths opening. Plrst fig ures were unchanged to one point abote tho final yeaterday. Prlcea follow Today's Today's Yes day's openuiK U 7343 U. 70 The Pennsylvania Itailrond has put out new specification for Us 13S.000 tons of rails for 1915, nnd It may be several weeks before the order Is distributed The Iron Ago says: "The largo sales of round bars for shrapnel and for gun barrels nre ntlll the outstanding feature, 60,000 to 70,000 tons of auch business having been placed In the Pittsburgh district In the last week. Due to,lncreacing diffi culties of ocean transportation the accept ance of export orders for steel waits in many cases on actually securing vessel space " The price of corn oil was reduced a cents to a basis ot 5 26 a tank. Comptroller of tho Currency reports that at the close of business May 31, the amount of Aldrlch-Vreeland emergency currency still outstanding waa J2.KI8.9I0 The maximum originally Issued was W2, 502,615. The Interest rate on grain advances has been fixed by the Chicago Board of Trado for June at S per cent, tho sametns in Slay. The Chicago Utilities Company has de faulted on the semiannual Interest on Its 6 per cent, bonds. There has been ndmlttedsto the Jfcw York Stock Exchange list Texas Com pany subscription receipts for rapltal stock full paid and first 'mstalment 25 por cent. paid. There has been stricken from tho list American Drake Shoo nnd Foundry Company preferred nnd common stock. By declaring a quarterly dividend ot J'J the Qulncy Mining Company Incrcnacd the payment II. "I lunched with the senior partner of our largest dry goods house, the presi dent of n big steel company, nn officer of our largest railroad and a partner In one of the country's biggest cotton linns. Every one of these men spoko most hope fully of the business outlook, saying that It had undergone a notable chango for tho better In the laBt few weeks," said H. C. Thayer, of Iienry & West. Tho Norfolk and Western has ordered SIM tons steel ralla from tho United States Steel Corporation. The Chicago Board of Trade will be closed next Monday, Judicial Election Day. Tho Anaconda Copper Mining Company In May produced 20,500,000 pounds of cop per, ngnlnst Zl.SOO.OOO In April, 10.000,000 In March, nnd :3,6OO,O0O In Mny, 1011. The Standard Gus and Electric qtrir tcrlj dividend of 1 per cent, was declared payable In scrip WHEAT FELL SHARPLY; RAINS DOING DAMAGE MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. Jim llutler , MacNamara Midway Mlzpah Uxtenslon .. Montana Northern Star lonopah liclmont .. Tonorah Uxtenslon Tor.opah Merger ... Tonopab Mining ... Rescue Kula West Uml 35 UU. Ark . .7(1 .7M . .Ot .04 . .10 .IS . .23 .211 . ,3J .13 . .lH .17 . 4h 4S .' O'U M .it" '..'.! .7J .73 GOLDKIULU STOCKS. Atlanta 32 ..1.1 Blue null IV, .nil Hooth si .si Uulldog or .ui V O. I) 03 .07 Ccm Prao i In .ii- Ulnmf. U n OJ 01 Daliiy iij ,u7 Klorenco ,v .31 Uoldneld Consolidated Hi 1',, Uolilllelil Merger 23 .27 Kewanas 11 1 tj Oro OS ,01 Sand Ken OS .110 fallver Pick 10 .11 JIISCnLLANEOUS. Falrv Aztco oj , Klmberly 0 ,07 .Nemda Hill il ,.- Nevada Uonder 1.V3 l.MJ R7!J 02V. il2j S2(i OH, 04 48(4 07', . SH, )Vj iir; . RlPi . 70 1W . 7hU .101I . on . nvi :?ov' . 02 . SOH .ioih . o 07', SI', SOU nut? 101 i; 101 J mi 0111 pu, 10l SO rtprll . . . May Juns July August rteptember October November December January February aiarcn 1 lose close. 0 0760 US tl7.Ti(H7 0 71 H7K4H.K0 ll.70 ... 0 40n.41 B 4041 4.1 0.41 ll.494lll.ro 0.40430.30 fl.MViA.1t O.IOtiAAl fl.51 E0 (1.61 II OlfiO.SJ e.5l0.8t aB2.1 an.iAd.54 auaost asin.i3 o.A7s.w 6.Mta&3 H.Mgij.ar flfliOn.M .nrfn.30 nniSno-j ii.ftMiit.70 n.niaam nn.vwn.Mi a no Bid. Total sales, 7730 bass 8.6430.63 O.ttSjflUO NEW YORK' METAL MAnKET NEW YORK. Juns 2 Ths me'al market rs unchanged today. Lead. 4.84I.Me. ; tin. 5 ton lots. 37..'0.lc 1'rUes In London were aa folios a. Snot coprwr, ST.) ,1a. up 7 6d : futurM. . up 3s. BlsctroItlc. coo. un. sbamad. Spot tin. tbO. o 10s , futures. X) 10s.. ort 10a. Straits. 100, nrt lOs! Sales. Pt tl". 10fl ,on'- futures. 1RO tons. Lead not lecehod. Spelter, 03. up 2 10s. INDIANA COAL CO, DEFAULTS NBW YORK. Juns 2 The Consolidated In dlana Coal Company has defaulted on tbo latsrsst and tbs slnklni fund payment due juns 1. on Ua drat roartfas 30-year staking ud 3 Pr at ('d bands. Payuxnl of In tersil oa ths bonds la ruaranlesd by toa ChlcafO, Rock Island ana Paclfto Railway, but tbs racslvsrs of that company hav bn Inatruetsd by tbs Court set to mak (urtber payments. Hamilton and Dayton Defaults NHW YORK. June 2. Pstoult bavins bean pajinni, im ia.,wtsfc nua ,uoo a ua iaarta;aa s per cast (old bonds made oa ths payment of latsrsst due June 1 on the (saarai nwrinsa o per cant ua nonai JTll& aaatonaU. JiaBUItan layhviffBil 5er, rMsatln stwjii 44) pr cast, at ths Stilt ta. bavs ar4 ta art as a pretacttva coBUBitisa- Cement War Ended uMiiaaWifttaB4csaatlS&Mji to asdaj flit par laml aionaslfs 4ack TawVock ctty! 1 U unsrtool that this Mvanea was tfrsad SECURITIES AT AUCTION The following securities were told at auc tion today by llarnes fe LoDsnd: IVAHbllUCSi: UECIITS Ncrvhall warehouse, L'leartteld, Pa., as follows. No. 613 for 73 tons relaying; bars. Nos. 2S3 to 2S8 for :i78l3 tons new light rail and Nos. 277, 323, 341 and 312 for 6t4Vb tons mill rail .. MOO Warehouse at Wllliamsport, 1'a , aa fol lows No. 271 for 212 ions relalng bars. Noa. 271 and 2SI for .10 tons new light tall anil No 2,1 for 10021 mm te.Hv- , lne rail 100 luuu Burs Knipire Lumber Co, par lto, $40,000 Kmplre Lumber Co., ii per cent . ami mortgage, coupons Junuari and Jub , due 10.10 . .101JO 31 shr. Inmirancp Co N. Am , pir $10 211. 20 shra Thlrteenlh and Fifteenth Sts. Passenger Itwi Co 22tl $SU0 Noith biirlngflelil Water Co, 3 per tent. Ural mortgage, coupons Jan uary and July, due lu'-'i 81 2 ab'H I'hlla. National Uank, par $100 ...,415'i IS sI.ib 1-hlla National Hank, par $100 . in 10 uhrs Pcnna Kajt Mfg Co . par 5u do .0 sura -'ipiea .-aiionai t iro insur ance Co., par $J3 13 10 shrs I'hlla City (Chestnut and Walnut Sts.) raasenger itwj Co 130 2 ahra Farmera and Mechanics' Na tional Dank Woodbury, N J ....230 8 Bhrs Flrat National Hank, Cam den, N. J., par $100 ,. ..,177 10 shra Fourth Ht. National Hank: par $100 yjjii 10 ahra National Stat Rank, Cam den, N J., par 1100 jjIO 10 ahra. 1'enna Co. for Inaurancea on Lives and Urnntlng Annuities. par $100 . .023 10 aharea Merchants' Trust Co.. Cam den. N. J 130 12 ahra Wlldwood Title and Trust C0..UU 10 ahra. Lumbermen's Inauranco Co., par $21 .ioj 11 shra. Penna Railroad Co., par $30. MI4 i.5 ahrs United New Jersey Rallrcad and Canal Co., par $100. . .. 2JIi 0 ahrs Otrmantown (1th and Sth ts.) Passenger Railway Co . ..lop, 20 shra. Penna. Salt Mfg. Co , par $30 00 3 ahrs Hoopes & Townaend Co., par $100 . . ..... 4'ji, 10 ahrs United Gaa and Electric Cor poration flrat preferred, par $100. 80 10 ahrs I'hlla. Ufa Insurance Co., par $10 10 $10,000 L'Ecole dea Haute Ktudea Com merclales de Montreal. 4 per cent , oupons January and July, ilua January 1. 1041). guaranteed prin cipal and Interest by the Province or Quebeo ... . ynt. $1000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Co. 3.1 per cent general mortgage: coupons January and July, due 1033 ;n. 2 ahrs Farmers and Mechanics' Nat.l33U $2000 City of Chester, Pa. Hi rer cent., coupons January and Jul , duo July 1, 1915 . . ..100 $1000 Hestonvllla and Mantua Pass. 3 per cent. .. . , ion 4 abrs. Real Estate Trust pref. ... SI LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CIIICAOO, June 2 1IOOS Receipts. 33,0X), market alow, Sc to 10c lower mined' and Dutchera, $7 lie 7 70 good heay, ,e7.60. rough heacy. $707 20, Tight, $7 407 72, pigs $3 7f,7.30, bulk. 7 5077 H(l " - "". CATTLE -Receipts. 18.000 market weak. 10c. to 13c, lower, bssvea. $8.73410 40, cowe anl betters $3 2008.70, Teiana, G.107.B0. calcs, 7il'71 SHKEP -Receipts. .10.000, market steady, iiHthe and Wsatern, tMaT3i, lambs. $7 SO 10.30. sprlur lambs. $7 30I160 ' " MEXICAN RAILWAY DEFAULTS NEW YORK. June 2-lh $20 010,000 Na tional Railway of Mexico notes due )aerday were not patd. At tbo company's local ofoosa It was said a etatemmt would probably bs made In a day or two. unofficial advlcaa irom Meilco City state that bankers who underwrote these notes will bs Informed that a. virtual moratorium exists, and that th noteholder will be paid as soon us a rsorgaa Ijatton tan be affected, following the con clusion of the retolutlea. S0UI INVESTMENTS RtAZTCRcvCa BANKERS 132 South 13 lit Street (Argentine Producers Consider- I --1. a , , mg jjoinying sales nussmn Wheat Acreage Reduced. Sales in Philadelphia 1$ So CHICAGO, June 2 -Satlsfnctory domes tic conditions and developments Rcnerally were agnlnst any ndvnnco In grain prices today. July wheat opened with a de cline, of i of n cent nt ?1 SOW. while Sep tember wheat scored a still further drop ofl cent with n opening of $1 1 . An the dtiv advanced nrlcos continued to weaken. July finally fell to I1.1SH. wnne septemher ended the day nt $1.H',4 The present rains throughout the entire wheat belt have prevented work In tho fields. Many parts of Ion 11 report a ralnfnll of 10 2S Inches, 4ml considerable damnse done tiv washing uplands There was a gner.I selling of corn by commis sion houses. The new corn crop outlook appears less fovomble, due largely to the depression of other prnlns Oats, on the other hand, nere nctlve Yesterday's sales reached 1.000.COO buihels. The recent prlee recession In wheat la considered unwarranted nnd Inexplicable by Argentine producer, and they nre considering the ndvlsabUlty of delaylnp; sales tlujsln's acrenRc to whrat, nccOnllnrj to authentic reports, will bo reduced from that of last enr, notwithstanding tho Oovcrnment's report to the contrary. The wheat stocks of the empire are being Closely protected. It Is oniclally reckoned that lthllan Im ports of wheat Horn July I, 1014. to pres ent date hitto amounted to 33,OnO,000 bushels, thlt being only IM.rxO bushels moro than Inst ear for tho same period. Hxport sales of grain nt the seaboard wero -100,000 bushels wheat, consigned to France. SO.0O0 bushels corn nnd 1,000.000 bushels oats, tho bulk of tho latter ob tained nt Chicago. Leidlnir futures nrnejed ns follows: vest'd k M Bald Loco 24 rl nrff 131 Cam Steel cat ret Erin lat prer Den AstirMlt 1 Key Tel pref ro sup Corp. hlsh Nav U U Vsl Ir prf- siit renna It It ."I Phlla Kiev . am vniw n T Yea. ckts HI; 2PO Ln B I.eh ah Law Close. 4KT4 IB v air' 101 101W 101 101 4)4 ISH 47i 4UH 135 1?S to? 0' 12't 0i 074 BS IW US -i! & & tk 2fs S' 2,l SSH . Si- sw. m RU St SU, S4 lf) . dj tr ctfs . . . 8lJ ?H st ' I0O Hep I . 2tJ !J 3S .13 nndln .. . . ;6' 7 7t 71 3 TO Trmo Mln T 7' 7U 7i 383 L'n Trac . ... .15t, aS Ati 93V n ' SIH 37 93tl K .ft ll,,, ...... ,,.. .. July . 120 1 1 20 1.I7U 1.171, M 21 tfeptembei .. lltll 1 17I, 1.11! I.141S tl 17 .Corn (new fielUery)- J ' ' Jul) 73N, 70t, 74 '74t, 173U, itentember . 71 It rnti tjh ri" I-. ' ! June tats- "ly . . 4i. .luiy . . i,, ivj 4, t!7, 4S litember . 41. tV -12', -ill! 4 IN, Ijinl- JUly 0.73 0.77 11.72 0 72 !! 77 iieDtomber .,10.00 10.03 D P7 0.07 10 02 Rlb July 10.37 10 00 10..-.2 10 32 111 'J Sentmher ..10 b3 10 S7 10 S2 102 tlO.TTr Pork July . . IK.no 1R.07 17.07 1(io 1t(7J fceptember ..ti-.TS 1M2 19.10 '1S.30 'IS 33 Hid. tAsked BAR SILVER NBW Yf)KK, June 2. Commercial bar Bllcr nos quoted ut 40a cents 1 it n 1 toll ea 47 S Steel . . tlllf .tHu 316 CrampASnna te .17(4 .Wi Total ruled, Slat shares. compired with 4&J shores yeeterday, thui far this week. 12. shares, hio period laat week, M,rH0 srnire. DONDS. Iwiat urevloii Itooo Am uaa f.s so ' 2vi u.th steel rer .Is 40il Uo lat ex 3a 4 Cam S n M '17 07 is do 1017. .. 07 do t-'eli 1017 07 f.roo Cboe gen s 7roo Klee I'c Tr 4 74 7000 I.eh N rons !' Wi 1000 Leh V aen n 4s SO'j 20tm do Coil fi . .' 1000 Ixh Vat Tr 4e ,4 2.100O Pa Co e 4'4s '03 071 300 rhlla Elec 4a . 71) 3000 Heading jten 4 HI I'OO fn Iltv) 1 c 4 74U 4000 W NYI sen 4 70 Total sales. 71,ro.t, compared with $1.1,32(1 eterday. thus far this ncek, I0a,o12, same period laat neck. ino,447 lllah. L"w, Cljee. SS) 0 0 Ott, 01'4 P1H loo loo loo II" 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 074 07t i4 70 "0 70 07') W, P". RUli Mill KflLi lraii ion. im . s.sl slj sl, m74 07i ti7 M) so so 02', 1.2'i KV'i 7t' T4 74l 70 70 711 Local Bid and Asked Daldwln do pref Cambria Steel nieeirle Storace .... Oenernl Asphalt ... do pref Keystone Telephone do t e fin pref t.akfl Sup Corp l.ehlsh Nav .dote Leh Vnl Transit.. . do pref IVnimlnnli Phlla Klee rhlla Co . . .. do 3 per cent pref do 0 per cent pref Phlla 11 T I. . Phllo Ft T t c ltentllnc Tonopah Ttl Tonopah Mln t'ntnn Trap r n 1 r a Steel York Unv Wm Cramp Co Toda y Hid. Aaked . f 10 lnou, mi 14 :r on 27U IU", 14 14 07W 7? 4S ,"J) 27 no 13 13 CI - 7ti, 7lt till Hi 21) " Vt, MU M nit. "n Yesterday Illd Asked. 4Rli 30 lOO'l 101 l.j 4 47 30 r.ou 2a, 2715 in on 14 n II 13 G7 r,u 7'4 ,74 721, 7 m 70IJ 70lj 14 !4i-j JSI4 211 .11 34 311 23i 34 ,T) 41) 7-10 Mil-lit 2TIU L-, ili N 7J 71,, T 7'i 3114 1 .111, v.'J 'r!, .17 IS 33 34 30 Si, "' 71', i( 321 1 2i r, ov4 .10 .11 .13 40 S S2, :0 WIRE PRICES ADVANCED Sr.W YOnK. June 2. The American Steel and Wire Compiny notified customers of nn adinnre of 4 a ton in the prices of gatvan lieil wire prmliKts Harbed lre, RaUanlicd, la nihanced to 2 40 icuts a pnunil from 2.20 cents and plain galvanized wire fiom 2 cents tn 2 20 tents a pound. The ndtnnrr, which Is attributed to the In created prices for Bpelter, took effect today PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR lli:.T. -Ittielnts. 113323 buah. The mniket fiinlur ue lined 1e on winter and 3c. nn spring inrli'tles. du to n light demnnd and bearish epeiutntlon In all honif grain centrer Ve quotp i.ar Iota, In export eleiator No. 2 red, spot nn.l .tune, SI IS'nt II, No 2 red Western, mini l I iff I 10. Vo. 1 Northern Dullllh. tl 52B1 33. COItN. Krielpls, 4701 hueli There was tin ttttlu ilotnir nnd prliea were nomlnolly un changed tjuotatlons Car 1ms in export ele-ntor-No 2, spot and June. 7"tt7t'r mr lots for locil trnile a tn lmntlnn No 2 ellow, s2 D1S2S- . steamer el!ow MfilSlWe No .1 cl low. 4itti,Ili3i.. No 4 ellow, ,T..77tic IATK. Uecelpte. SS.SO.I buah Demand rtai light and prices wero 'jt lower. Quota tions No 2 white .iVtdl'ir . sundard while, ri73S1c. No .1 white. ,Wjrh7r 11M5 dull. We nuoto nt $110ffrll2 per bush , nn to quality in export clcvalor, and nt fel o-tril OS tor small lots of nimby grain. In "ri.Oflt. Ucrelpts. 10OO bills., 1.20S.bll7 lbs In sirks Demand wna light and aluea wero largely nominal Quotations follow, per 100 lbe , In wood Winter, clour f0 23fiO.Vi, dn atralght fit VMifl 73 do. patent, Jil 73ft 7.21, Kansas, ntralzht, iuto sacks, iBi. d"., pBtent, Jute sacks. fTf , 23. etirlng. Ilrat, tlear. taiuiiinu. do. mrnlght. 10 S3fi7, i'o , patent. 7?7 10. dn , taonle brands 7 30iT 7 1, city mills, .hol c and fancy patent. J7 Vlfl7 7.1. city mills, regular grade" winter iletr, HI 23 1 r.mi, do. straight, fi).Gflil 75, do, talent. It) ,317.23 HvK PLOlIIt was tn moderate but ample suprly anil quiet at former ratea We quote nearby and Wcmern. In wood, at JOSOJj. aa to iua!tt. PROVISIONS Tho market ruled steady, with a fair Job bing lnqu'o. The following are the quota tion, C1t beef. In tela, smoked and alr-drlca, 23420c . Weatern beef. In eta, amoked, J3u '0c clt beef knuckles and tenders, smoked and atr-drled, 2702Sc . Wcsiern beef, knuckles nnd lenders, smoked, 272Rc , beef hamn, S.11t3'J: pork, family, I22S22.30. hams. 8 V. cured, loose, 11S13v,c.; do., skinned, loose, 12UlJ?!l2IaC , do, us., amoked, 13t414c. : other hama. smoked rltv rured. as to bran I nnd n.erage. 13,rct4c. ; hams smoked. Western cured. 13i$il4e . do, boiled, boni less, 2-'a-Mc . pitnu shoulders. S I' cured, loose, 10tstllc , do. smoked, lligllljn , bellies. In Dickie, according to aierage. loose. Ilj(ill2c , breakfast bacon ua to brand anl aveiase. city cured. 10Stl7c , breakfast ba ton. Western cured, 1017 17c , lard Western refined, in tteric, or tubs. 1054fJUr , lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In tleneo. intflle. . lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In tuba, 10, ifclU REFINED SUGARS Trade waa quiet, bui aluea were well main tained We quote refiners' Hat prices Standard granulated, 0.13c, extra tine granulated, B luc : rowdrred, O'.'Oc . confecllonera' A, be , soft grades, 3.2333.S3C. DAIRY PRODUCTS IlUTTnit. Pemand waa fair and nrlces were well maintainor. Quotations Weatern solid-packed creamery, fancy specials. ;l(JSi.., extras. 2SUc extra firsts, 2Sc . firsts, ',t , seconds, 2&92i)c. , nearby prints, fancy, 32c, average extra, 30031c. firsts, 2SS20c. , seconds 23'o2ia: , garlUkt, 24S23c . Jobbing sales of tancy prints. DOB'ttic. KtiON were stead), with 0. fair demand for tine stock e quote In free cases, nearby extras. 23t per doz , firsts, id per standard caee, nearby lurrent receipts. 13.70 per cass, Western extra. Orate. fO pr case, flrats. (3.70 per case, Southern, Ji.lOilS. 10 ier caae. fancy selected candled eggs were Jobbing at -M627c. CHKKNK aold slowly and waa barely ateady. with moderate but ample offering's. We quote. New York, full cream, ihotce, new. 1'eiH.c. , specials, higher, do., do., fair to good, new, lOfllHiic. , do, part skims, SiJlJc. POULTRY I.1K. There was little trading and prices ruled weak Offerlnga were moderate but ample Quotations: Kowla, lH'aBUc.. root! era, US12c, , broiling chickens, fancy, not Leghorns, weighing ltgt?2 lbs apiece -'iKl'LV . broiling chickens, not Leghorns, weighing lift t'i lbs. apiece. 23i23c , broiling chickens. Leghorns, weighing IMf2 lbs apiece, 246200 , broiling chickens. Leghorns, weighing lb- lbs apiece, 20821c , turkes 12vllc , ducks, Peklu, 14813c., ducks. Indian Itunner. I24i lie, geese, 10911c , pigeons old, per pair. 24810c , pigeons, young, per pair. 2043 32c nilKSSKIi. The market ruled ateady with a fair demand for desirable stock, of- in inga of whhh were light Quotations Kreah kllled fowls. 12 in box. dr-plckel and dri pjiLked, inncy selecled, 10, no , neighing lit ITS lbs nnieee, lc do weighing .ii,nT4 lbs nploce lSc , do., 3 lbs apiece. lliH!7c do, under 1 lbs apiece, 1401.1c. fowls t.mi packed, Western. 4 lbs and oier apiece li4c . do. do, smaller sues. Usi7c old loosters, ilry-plekeo, 12it , squabs, w,to, uplghlng 11 to 12 lbs. per doz. 4 lorai 71 whin, weighing to to lbs. per doz.. ij tli 3 73. .do. do. H IM per doi V1 MssTTlo Uo , , lbs per dox., 24(2'I3, do., ,lo , HHii lbs per dox. SI 301 1. dark, I sbfifus' small and No 2. Jl Frozen poultry-Fowls ai to qual ty. lCflisc . ihlckens, dryplLked and dr) -packed, tn boxes, milk-fed, llft.lil lbs to dor, ISc , do. .17012 lbs. to doa , lSc , do 13 17 lbs to doz , ISc., do . 4S lbs to dog no., 1,0 ibe. and over. 21c, corn-ied, .:Ui42lhl' to doz., l'lc, do, 41S47 lbs to dox. 17c i 4 lbs to doz.. luc, 3o., 60 Iba. and over! "20?" iblckrns, dry-picked at.d dry packed, in bbls Western, rorn-fed. 3 lbs and over, 18c : do do. 4 lbs. 17i;iic., do, do. 3Vj Iba.. 1314c I fancy, 188(21 lbs to box, J7c' , dn., fa'ioy "iSSij ids. 10 uox , -ic , corn- ed, lancy, 18y24 Iba, to iliii.. .'.1c. do, prime. 23l.1l Iba to dox., 22c, tiirKcve, dr-plckea and dry-packed fancy, 21 i22c, fair to good I8u2ne . old toins. lufiifoc.: ducks, fane j. in boxes 17QlKc. do. ordlnari tn good, 12Srlfte , geeae, choice and tancy, 130 lfic: do.. No 2. 12014c. FRESH FRUITS .Chplre stock told falrlv nnd values generally ruled at-ady Quotations Apples. N?w York, per bbl jlnldwln. HW3 lien Divls, 3 other good entlng varieties 2 21B1 ,",0 me n uni 2tf2.23 apples It eatern ).er box, sia 2. tio.. DelHwaie and Pennsylvania ner ham per .1OI..C. , lemon,, per box. 1 2 30ft 1 30 orange, Florida, per box, 2 .lOfll 10. gran frult Florida, per box. S234 plneipplea rer Jfo'fn..' "rt0 rJln. '12-"1''" 'In riorlds 1 ?.1ii)2. straw berries ner quart Norfolk .W Se do pelawor". Maryland and KaBtern Shore, 01?12c . gooseberries per quart. SJTOc VEGETABLES orferinga were falrlj liberal nnd prb-ea gen erally favored buers, demand being only moderate Quntntlona IVhlte potatoes per bush Maine MW32C. New York aa tn quali ty, J'MJ.IOc White notatoea Florida, per hbl. No. I $1 2304 30 No 2 $1 231.73c. White potatoes, South Carolina, per bbl. No. 1 1 30 0i No 2. $2 10111 Sweet potatoes. Dela ware per bumper Large MOl.75 medium. .0, ,e Sweet po'ain-a Eastern Sliore p r I bl -No 1 US 23CT1 21 No 2. St V)l 73 Mvcn, jeraev. per bbl No 1. $1 73 4 73; Vo S S22 fO Sweets Jersey, per basket, 71c ffjl 2.1 Onions Texas per cummer-crate. No 1 SIW 1 10 nnlons. Texas per cummer irate, No. 2. 7315000 Cabbage North Caro llnn and Norfolk, ner crate 73c OJ1 do . North Carolina .and Norfolk, per bbl. 173c cauliflower. Nnrfo'k per hamper, S01J71i beans, per l-.'1-bbl basket Florida, green and wax. 73c Oil 23. South Carolina and Georgia green and wax, Siai 23. North Carolina, green and wax $101 23. beans, Norfolk, per I-3-bbl basket, 12, peaa. North Carolina, per 1-1-hhl basket. $117123, do. Norfolk, per 1-3-bbl. baakel. tlfil 23, de , Norfolk, per ti-bbl, bas ket Kl 21171 .10. do, I.'aatern Shore per H-bbl. raeket Jl 2.11 M. eggplant. Florida, per box $2432 30, cucumbers. Florida. rr basket. 7V fj f 1 sn squash, riorlda per basket. 30, 171 21, peppers KlorMa. per carrier SI W1f2 10 beets. Charleston, per I11O bunches, J22 30 do North Carolina, per 100 bunches 21i.' 30, do , Noriolk. per l"0 bunches $1f?4. tomatoes, Florida per carrier fancy. 11 231 SO, eholre, 71c liS 1 velery Florida, per rrote 7ic4Jll, asraragua rer bunch 10323c. , mushrooms, per 4-lb baaket S0fi7.lc We Own nnd Offer CAPE MAY, N. J. DDF, MAHCII, 1913 l-AKTICUUXns ON APPLICATION A. B. Leach & Co. 115 South Fourth Street Philadelphia New York Chicago Buffalo Boston Chicago London. Gng Baltimore PENNSYLVANIA TAX FREE Exempt Under Federal Income Tax Law Legal Investment for Trust Funds Legality approved by Meaara. Townaend, Elliott & Munson $75,000 COATESVILLE (Cheater County, Fa.) 4Va SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS Total issue, $115,000 Maturities 1925 to 1944, inclusive Prices to, net from 4.20 to 4.22 Now ready for delivery Population, about 13,09 Aaese4 valuation, J5.77e.M9 Total debt (tncludlag this laaue), JSJ7.9W Martin & Co Investment Bankers Stock Exchange Building I RQAL AOVKItTlSEJtENtfl in the rotnr or common ixbab of Chektee flonAtv. No. COS. In Remit, IBIS The Pennatltnnln Cnmpnnr for Inanratnre on Lire nnd tlrnntlna; Annuities, Trustee under a. e-rtaln Indenture or morts; dated Mar 1st, 1009. exeeuted hv reflnfrl rnnl Mnrlile nnd Ornnlle Companr. vs. The rennsjlvnnla Marble nnd Uranlta Companr. Turauant to decree of ths Court of Corn rnon rieaa of Chester Count ai ef th "IT." 'rm ""d number, made the S4th J of stay, 1015, notice Is hereby tlren Ihnt The renhtylanla Company for Insurance on Llres and nrantlnir Annuities Trustee tinder the mortgaite or deed of trust dated May 1st, 1909, executed by the Pennsyl vania, Marble nnd uranlte Company, Trill expose for mis nt public sale to the hinheit and best bidder or bidders at the front per Sir" "L the Court ltoue In the DorouRh of Jt Che.f.r, In the County of Cheater nnd State nf Pennsylvania, on Frldny, the 2d day nf July, IBIS, nl I n. m all nnd singular the mnrtirnire, property, franchises, estate, rlBht, title and Interest In said mortmne or deed of tiust particularly mentioned nd aescrlbed and conveyed to the said Pennsrl vanla Company for Insurances on Llres and arantlnir Annuities, as Trustee, said mort gage property belnir more particularly de errlbed oa follows: FII1ST All that Certain Quarry and Lot or riece of flrnund with the bulldlnirs and Im proemnt threon erected situate In London oroe Township, County of Chester and Com monwealth of Pennsylianla. and bounded and described according to a recent aurvey thereat made by Nathan It, nambo, Esq , County Sum )ejor, na follow a rtealnnlntr at a stone In the Intersection of public roads in n line. of land belonging to the estate of Sanuel Morrle, deceased. It being hiso n corner or lanvl belonging to J. Thomas Itaker. thence by said Baker'a Innd and alons; the east IJ ef a public road 8. 20 deg, 0 mln, n nine 'lundred seen and nve-tenths (1)07.5) feet to a atone, thence still by Dsker'a land and alone the east side of said publlo road 8. IB deg .14 mln i: eleien hundred eighty-nine (USD) feet lo a point, thence leaving the said public road nnd crossing to the west aid thereof 3 T2 dg. 81 mln. V fifteen (IS) feet tn n corner of John Taranl'a land; thence by TannPs land, the same course continued the additional distance of two hundred thirty-one (231) feet to a corner ot said Tavanf land: thenre by the eame 8. .10 deg. 84 mln. It. one hundred four and (lie-tenths (101 B) feet to a corner, thence by the eame N. "3 deg. 21 mln. n. one hundred eighty-eight and two tenths (1SS2) fett to a comer on the weatern aide of n public load, thence the same course continued i rmnlna tho said public Toad to the eastern side the -oof the additional distance ot nrteen (till feet to a point In J. Thomas Dakr'a lanl; thenre along the eaet aide of said rond. by naker'a land and crossing an other puhllr read nnd by land now or late of nilubeth Hunt Hepburn S. 18 deg. 84 mln. B. tno hundied seien nnd eight-tenths (20T.8) feet to a stone; thence partly by Elizabeth Hunt Hepburn's land and lands ot Hiram Cor son nnd the (state of Joshua Jacob, deceaaed, 8. (19 deg. IS mln W four hundred atxty-slx nnd (He-tenths (10(1.1) feet to a point In tha centre line of the Tomeroy A Newark branch of the Penmi rt. It , thence along the centre line nf said It It. th next seen cnursea and distances to lt N 74 deg 31 mln. W.seventy six and (lve-t"nths (TO .1) feet, N 78 deg. 41 mln YV one hundred (100) feet, N. 77 deg. 49 mln. IV one hundred (100) feet. N 7P deg. B mln W one tium'rcd (tOO) feet, N. 81 deg. 45 mln. W one hundred (100) feet. !C. 82 dec. 45 mm. w one Hundred (ii)) reet , r a aeg. is mln. V two hundred (200) feet, thence leav ing the cntre or mid It It nnd by tract No. 1 the next rix,. mures and distances to wltt N. 11 deg. .12 mln. W five hundred seenty-four and flie-tentha (874 8) feet to a stone; N. 87 deg. GO i.;ln. E (lie hundred twenty-eight (828) feet to a atone near the southwest corner of i etnble; N 12 deg. 0 mln. W. three hunlred seventy-three and seven tenths (37.V. feet to a atone; N. 53 deg. 42 mln W one hundred thirty-six and two tenths (i:itl2) feet to a stone, N IN deg. 4S mln V. eight hundred thlrty-ntne and twenty fle hundredths (KM 28) feet to a slone in a public road. In n. line ot land of the Samuel Morris estate, thenco along the publlo road and by the Samuel Morris estate N. OS deg. SO mln E. !h hundred twenty-tno (822) feet to the place of beginning. Containing forty-one and six hundred seventy-three ene-thouaandth (11 07.1-1U00) acres ot land, be the same mors or less TOdKTHER WITH All and singular the buildings and structures, machlnea and ma chinery, shafting, engines, boilers, pumps, dy namo, railroads, locomotltes, tools, fixtures snd other uppurttnances, erected or In procsss of erection, or which may hereafter be erected on the real estate hereinabove described, or constituting In connection therewith the quarry and slone cutting plant thereon erected. It being the Intention of this Indenture to Include aa part of ilia real estate all the buildings, machinery, railroads, locomothes, tools and appliances erected or used thereon aa part of the said plant. sr.CO.NU -All the marble, granite, feldspar and other atone anu iiiinernia img In, unuer and upon All that Leituin Lot or 1'lece of Ground, situate In Lonaon oroo Township, Coumy of Chesier and Commonwealth of 1'enn sjUunla, ndjolnlnc the prunlsea first herein described, and bounded anl cirscrltiea accord ing (o a recent survey thereof made by the said Nathan It, Rumbo, Esq., County Sur eor, as follows- lleglnnlng ai a atone a corner ot land be longing to Cornelius Linen and In a line ot land belonging to the heirs or Joshua Jacob, deceased, theme by Lynch's land N 1 deg. M mm. n. thirteen hundred fift-al and iurt-de hundredths (1J3U.4.",) feet to a atone, N. 24 deg. ID mln. W. lout hundred thirty elslu nn.l elglit-ne hundredths (ltH.85) laat to a stone tn a line of J, Thomas Baker's land; thence by the same N. tn uex. 00 mln. K. three Hundred forty-two and thirty-seven nun dicdilts i.U2 17) feot to a stune, N 14 deg. 10 rn'n. W. six hundred one und nine-tenths (tiOt 'j feet to a atone on the north aide of a public road and In a line of land of the Sam uol Morris estate, thence by tame land t. DD Ueg. 32 rrln. L twelve and fifteen hundredtha (12.18) feet to a slono in the centre o( a pub lic roud, thence still by the Morrla eatate and along the public road N. 37 deg. :b mln. K. alx hundred ten und nve-tenths itllu.5) (ett to a stonM, N. t)S deg. 50 mln. 12. eleven hundre-1 thirl) -two nnd ulne-tentha H132.ti) feat to a atone in a line of tract No 1, thence leaving the public roan ana ny tract o i tne next twelve counea and dlstancea to wit; 8. IS deg 48 mln. K eight hundred thirty-nine and tnemy-nve hundredtha (KJ0.23) faet to a mm,, s. A3 des;. 42 mm I! one hundred thlrty- alx and tno-ientha (13tl 21 feet to a stons, 8 12 des. 0 mln. L". three hundred aeventy three and aeven-trntha U7.1.7) feet to u atone near the southweat corner of a stable! 8. 87 del. 30 mln W. live hundred luenty-elght (i.'S) feet to a stone, 8 11 deg, 32 mln. E Ave liundred seveniy-iour and (Iva-tenths 1374.3) tect to a point In the centre line o( tbo I'omeroy 4. Newark branch of the 1'enr.a. It. It.; thence along the centre of said It. It S. M deg. 13 mln. E. two hundred 12001 feet, 8. H dag. 43 mln. E. one hundred (10U) feet, B. 61 ds. 43 mln E. one hundred (100) feet, S. Tit deg, 113 mln. E one hundred (ICO) feet; S. 77 deg. 40 mln. K. one hundred (100) feet. 8. 73 dag. 41 mln. K. one hundred (100) feel; 8. 74 dag. M mln I- seventy-six and flvs-tsnths litl.5) feci to a line nf land belonging lo the Joshua Jamb estate, thence 'caving aald railroad and by the said Joshua Jacob eatate 8. t deg. la mln. W. twenty-atx hundred sixty-two an.l one tenth (2Hd2.1) feet to the place of beginning. Contnlnlng ono hundred six and six. hundred one-thovmndtha 10 UOU-imxj) acres of Und, be the same more or leas. TOUETHEH WITH the right to explore for, dig mine, ouarry and remove said alone and mineral at any time hereafter lorevtr, with out any liability lor damme caused by mining or lemovlng the same, with full right. lor such imposes, ot Ingress, egress and regress. In, to and from said premltea an.l an) part thereof, and of constructing and maintaining all necessary unq coutcmeiu uuiiui,,, ,vu. rallroada, iramwavs, pipe lines, wire lines and other structures In such maner and In such location bs may be necessary and ion venlent lor the purpose of mining and remov ing such stone and minerals, provided that such operations thall at all times be sa con ducted as to preserve adenuste support for the dwellings, barns atablea and other buildings and structures now erected on eatd premises and safe and suitable access to the same, by the roads and In the manner now used and enjoyed by the occupant of said premises, llelng the same premises and mineral rights which Thlllp U Shaw, by deed dated the Jutn day of April. 11.08, and intended to be forthwith recorded, granted and corjveied unto the said Feimaylvanie, Marble and Uranlta Company in s- AND TOUKriIER WITH All and singular the otate, real and personal, lands, waters, lights ot way. casements, licenses, rights, liber ties and privileges, franchises, hereditaments and appurtenances now owned or which, may tie hereafter acquired by the aald Company far the uurpose of erecting, inalnuirlng and opera ling Its aforesaid plant and all the corporate fran chises ol the Mid Company, as well at law ae In equity. In and to the same and every yart and parcel thereof L.M1RR AND SUBJECT NsSVKRTHELEBa to certain water rights, rights ot way and other rights and prlvilsjis. rteerved or created, granted and convejed fey the following Inetru- meats, to wit Used from Jonathan Mortis el ux to Evan Mori Is, dated 0tee- lth. 1S, aod recorded In t be of See for HecoJdluj of Deeds for .Chea ter County, r-ehruaxy lOik, 1808. in teed Boo Y 2, Vol 47. paae 307. &c. Deed from Jacob Baker el aL ta aHrak. U Jilcsca. aaieo Jjy a, "s, uo aeeaaraea the aTSe ofSce In Reed fcosTD 47 p ISA e. Deed trona J. Oakf it u. la AuM Baker, dated A pall t, fltt i ecoriad FeferuarK i. lajiu, in the aavnu oiSce tr. Deed Hast O tt. Vol ISS. page 4. c Deed from Aaron Baker to Fenaylvanls. and Delaware Railroad Companv, dated Sjapumber M, 1871. recorded October 13. 1IL lu tha unaf orace u Mute. De4 steak 4, Tfce purehaaer aa provided In said decree sall be wtiileel lu nxeJilnc puu at Uu SHarcaMa) Lr'ce to turn In and ueg say ot taV KaaM and coupune secured by the eaid ajavrt SjA4fe istea rtiaKueu &uu vieis fcwkrve. Ray ment of the purchase prke la tea w:' manner protoeo fox in tn said 4r MLiwmiit .o ti qiuh q. tae wltbln inirly oais or tn oaie M X)v order . ' lh Cr.url HOBKRT S I.AWIKROP .1(1. i J HEPBURN A M HOLll, JOHN i. JOUSiu.N llUmUli'l farTruaiea. 1,000, taliuc at A atnaa iwaa( m asay, immmmrmmimmmmm 4 m: . v.i ui.ua.ua ui una.