't 1- EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY 2D, 1916. 0. III ' l30 AL TEjfwi 'features w-IU iftV'Jluyi h dnd Sslf of the MfeHlkV J .JMYkymcMiA horse show WHBsS. , m, " fj-EC0RATION DAY" coming this if J- yftI" on Sunday a number of nf sfalts win b0 carried over until Monday. W. i. .t.nnttv the elnslnff rlnv nf the ijl 19 if,""- " $)eon Horse Show and on Mondny next 'the show will close with indies' any, h pfoced of which will bo devoted (0 cnariiy. iui no w...vn Juunv jfumpeters, vetcrlnnrlnns, a women's . mmmlttco nnd the showing of Ihenes b women. J June, the month of brides, will be rnofrly ushered In on Tuesdny. At I fiPM. Ltn.. utot-K r"nmt.hr.II Morris will tecwiio 'tlie bride of Mr. llcnjnmln 11. 1.. .. t Tin, nnrntunHv will tnkft nlnee fin thfthome of the bride's grandmother, fwl Alexander D. Campbell, of 1322 Pine lr V. !.-. fl t."1ln1iAll P1ft. At 1110 BUllIB nuui iuwo '"'""" w.i.. rftxton, of Chestnut Hill, will become ' hrMft of Mr. John Humphreys fitoter. Jr., of Boston. The ceremony wr will J"-1 1WI "1 "' "",w , , Kih BoV. Jphn La Fnrge, of Leonards- B10WH, -" u.l,rH Un nr Chtjtnut HII'. .,.. .t..t.iinir nf Mlaa Kmllv Dorothy BTsl'lor, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes Burling xnyor, . w... u.H. , p - .. fCllfforu li, llBnicy, ui jBiiiiH ,n,, I The marriage of Miss Francos reck. PdauchUr of Mr. Stnunton Illoodgood fpek. of uermaniown, ami an, vivmu n. Egleston, or iew iui. "" !'-" In thd homo of the bride's Krandmother, Mrs. Thomas Pccli, 111 East 31th Btrcet, Vow York. t Tuesda" Is also the day of tho fcto to be slven In Latham Tark, York road -j nu., x.lnn. for tho benefit of tho tr(iu ' . T .w i.Jt ,. ,,, no Slorooriai iiosnuai. inoro win . i.Im4m nr nrtmino i nr Hn in. II lii 1 1 it'i ,Jl nnfnnt nnrt to.i trnrdon. fin . ivoittu.Hn ..- D ..i J-. tt,n firArlrlltir-1 ft Afto F. t-ii.u.r.H Tfnnftrllor i1niif?tit nr nf KJIU' iiikwh'uii 4in.i.iii ........ -. Mr. and Mrs. Howatel U. Knecdlor, of chestnut Hill, to Dr. Aloxnnder Itandall, . . . t 1 1 O. Tin. .I'm Tlrnf... Will 6e sniemnizeu in m, rump , i tant Episcopal Church, Chostnut Hill. An liucrenui'ii ;-.. .m ........... .- ..... , ...Unn nflea fnrlir, fnr. renter, daughter of Mrs. -Waltoi Samuel Carpenter, will become tho brido of Mr. Walter G. Tntnall, Jr. Tile ceremony will take piaco in me uumu v,i "- " Bullth M. Varpentcr, Montchanln road, Wilmington. The wedding of Mr. Lawrence Johnson, Jr.. son of Dr. nnd Mrs. Russell H. John ion of Chestnut Hill, will tako placo on Tqeiday to Miss Glndys M. llawes, In Lisbon, Portugal. ' On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Percy H. Clark will bo at home, nt Wllloughby, their homo In Cynwyd, from 1:30 until 6 o'clock, In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas WlUlams Roberts. Mrs. Roborts Will be remembered as Miss Ellanor Thompson, i Mr. Graham Roberts, of tho Philadel phia Club, will give n stag dinner nt tho Radnor Hunt Club. Mrs. Joseph Priestley Button will give 'i. garden party nt her home, Homewood, !.r . ,.. ,.. i.n..nn nr Vmr fltimrhtrr. All.! pn. rtiri', ,n nunui . c -- Marlon -Hutchinson Button, on Friday, 1.7' " .r.t ...in l, , .lnhntnnln nnxt .pirns nuuuu , " "' i year. ' . , .... ...Ill nlan lia crlVpn hv iMr. and Mrs. Snmucl T. Bodine at their llOUSO, SJlOneieigll. V IIUIUUVU, 111 nunua w Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Warden Bodine. Mrs. Bodine will bo remembered as Miss i Angela Forney, in mo cveiuuk t Gardner Cassatt will give a small dlnner- ( aance at iveiso, ner cuuuiu .m...-, 1 Berwyn, In honor of her daughter, Miss I Eugenia Kelso Cassatt. n- ci.irt.. ifn ntiil ATivct. .Tnsenh W. 1 nr... nr rt.natnt 1-1111. will HlVO n I jmall' Informal dance In honor of their nieces, Miss Nancy Walker, nna jusa Eorothy Walker, of St. Louis, nnd Miss 'Elizabeth Trotter, of Chestnut Hill. ; The large charity affnlr for Saturday nt h. n i..rHn tMt in hn trlvcn on tho Restate of Mrs. Byron P. Moulton In Ard- more. I: Mr. and Mrs. Tlerco Archer, Jr., of SCynwyd, will give a dinner and dance at lino jiuse irco 111.111 mu .. ...... - levonlnir. Juno 9. .n honor of Mr. and 'Mrs. T. Williams Roberts, of Tencoyd . . . ... . i . or (Farm, unia. 'inero win no uuuui j 'ruesta nresent. Mrs. Roberts, whoso IS ;niarrlago took plnce In April, will be S tClllCIUUCllJU a ,o j.h... -.. . tL Members of tho graduating class of Miss Hills' School held their class day exercises today In tho chapel or mo Church of the Covenant, ISth nnd Spruce itreets. Their guests Included the faculty nnd the members of tho entlro tenlor school. M Class bfllcers were also elected this Eweek and are an follows: If: Class of 1916 President, Miss Kath- Sleen Johnston; vice prosldont. Miss fMarlon Palstej secretary. Miss Virginia j, Lloyd; treasurer, Miss Charlotte vare. B ' Class ot 1917 President, Miss Theodora 1 Eldredce: vice president, Miss Sydney - McLean; secretary and treasurer. Miss Hunnne iiinam. Class of 1918 President, Miss Gertrude Russell; vlco president, Miss Elizabeth Evans; secretary nnd treasurer, Miss Eleanor Eldredge. Clas-jK 1919 President, Miss Edna Dobbi JBce prosldont, Miss Evelyn Price; tcre M nnd treasurer. Miss Lucretla HecktcRer. S Junior School President, Miss Eliza- il tth Mencke. Along the Main Line si K- AltOtlOllE The closing exercises of Hiss Hills' School, Main Line Branc'n, peulter and Thompson avenues, Ardmore, wmi take place on Monday at io:30 o'ciock. Should Monday be ralnv. the exercises mil be postponed until Tuesday at 2 y vtuvtt. rjovmnritnwn MR11!"- and jlrs. Albert M. Warren, of 463 Hansbury street, will leave today for At lantic City, where, thev will remnln over fXtta holidays. ICards of tnvltntlnn Iiava hnn luiuierl fnr liie MtHtnnnpamonl BVonl.a nt trm Bttvens School, which will tako place on Friday, June 4. nt the Germantown Cricket flnh -Rf-nhslm nt 11 n1nV. the. address will be made by Clarence G. thUd. Ph 11 T. TT T nt tUa familtv nt le University of Pennsylvania. The (WHiBers or me graauating class are aiiss fwollne Y. Crouter, Mies Alice H. Dil- Vl V "'" IHljr t0 U. UClllVIlia, tsg Jean Knox, Mlas Clarice P, Moyr, Sr Caroline Osborne, Miss Margaret is. - liittllll, s Lillian Smalley, or 3025 queen iiv. will navA OR tip iniAflt nvAv tna lk-en4 MUa Marjorle Parker, of Brook- jjs?. ass. Mlaa TCIafna rPavln. tnnllh nt -M 1Vat fwljooi Lane, U at preaent the guest of lgH Lillian Blrney in Washington, D, a Ulss LUCV TailiMlA Mflrdh. nnnrntin. will ft hearrt In Vanltal la. I., Xtlmm Ttnw. My Johnstone Baseler, harpist, on Tues Wg venlnjr, June 1, at the Germantown !. ciu& The proceed are for the 'f&eill Of th "Prnvtnuno rtn-p1 TTas. WJ1. Lincoln drive and Wlwahlckon i BWa lower, Mrs, George Woodward, r u a AiiiifA. Jii sv t439iiVSBasaBBsasasasasaK'BBBBi iv IfsBl 1Kb BfcMrTnBHBWBBBMBUlBiBflffWBIMrM'tfjrfMi"- - -V j i waHn. ft iv s"q6--vcS 9 flr Hmf If f J Mrs. Charles T. Evans, Miss Mary E. Converse, Mrs. Jones Wlater, Allco Bnr her Stephens, Mnry Roberts Itlnchnrt, Mrs. John Denrnley, Miss Ida Mi Nelson, Miss Kathcrlno Nelson, Mrs. Robert liny. Invitations have been Issued by tho board of trustees of tho Germantown Academy for n reception In the Alumni Hall of the academy on Saturday nfter noon, Juno 5, from G until ,C o'clock, to meet Dr. William Kershaw, the retiring principal, and his successor, Mr. Snmuel E. Osborn. Tho board of trustees In cludes Mr. Jay Gates, Mr. Calvin M. Smyth, Mr. Spencer 1. Haznrd, Mr. Will iam F. Potter, Mr. Edward I. If, Howell, Dr. William N. Johnson, Mr. George It. Warder, Mr. Charles B. Adanuon. Mr. Horace M. Llppincott, Mr. Clarsnco Ilrln ton, Mr. Henry M. Firth, Mr. Charles K Morgan, 3d, Mr. Charles XV. Schwartz, Mr. Churchill Williams, Mr. Amos T. Brown, Mr. John Blnkcley nnd Colonel Sheldon Potter. Mm. John Slomakcr gnve n golf tourna ment nnd luncheon yesterday nt th" Whltemarsh Country Club for the women members of tho club. Mrs. L. M. Dorey, Jr., of EOtt Schuyler street, was hostess yesterday nfternoon at an attractive Informal tea from 4 until G o'clock. Miss Mnry Goodwin, of 5330 Bayntnn street. Is visiting friends In Washington for a fortnight. A motor party. Including Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Boulton Earnshuw and Mr. Harold Gllllngham, will motor to Stroudsburg over Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Warner G. Earnshnw, of 239 East Johnson street, will spend Sun day and Memorinl Day In Atlantic City, N. J. The graduating class of the German town Academy has Issued cards for Its class day exercises, which will be held in Association Hall on Wednesdny evening. June 9, at 8 o'clock. The Ivy oration will be given on Tuesday morning, June. 8, at the academy. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph 11. Bromley, of Cheltcn nnd Wlssahlekon nvonues, have motored to their cottago at Silver Lake, in the Pocono Mountains, for the holidays. Along the Reading Tho wedding of Miss Marie Jacob, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Jacob, of GOlh and Lawnton avenue. Oak Lnne, and Earl S. Breeding will tako place on Thursday, June 3. Many events have taken placo and n number of af fairs are planned for tho brlde-to-bo and tho members of the bridal party. Last night a dinner was given nt Moore's Inn. Hatboro, after which the party motored to Willow Grove. Tho gucstB Included Miss Charlotte Jacob, Miss May B. Buck, AllSS J..OUISP fSUUUl'r, .ntna . t,wu, nu Barrett, Miss Elizabeth Oliver, Miss Reba White. Mr. Earl a. ureeaing, .ur. Jiarry T. Breeding, Mr. Norman Barr, Mr. Leonard Conly, Mr. Burrltt C. Harring ton, Mr. Everett L. Hosklns, Mr. Robert Hood and Mr. Edmund Crowther. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Henderson, Jr., ot Elklns Park, will give a dinner of 10 covers Monday at their home in honor of Mies Delia Holoumb Brown, of S61 Highland avenue, Overbrook. Among the guests wljl be Miss Jane Kuhn, Miss Rose lllley, Miss Marlon J. Cromley, Mr. Fred Hall, Mr. John J. Brown, Mr. Har ris Tyson, Mr. Gcorgo Mellon and Mr. and Mrs. George Hess. The G. A. R. will assemble In the auditorium of tho Cheltenham High ctb.,.ni nt iTMiHnH TnrW. on Monday. at 9 o'clock, where tho students of tho high scnooi win ncui mini ud mim ing and the services; afterward a pa- ,- ...ill .. nnri mnrrh tn 5t. Paul S Church, where tho Rev, F. Thompson Cole and tne uev, menu uihi,ui i will conduct the Memorial Day services. . 1...I trnnn nt thn TlOV ScOUtS Will be seen In step with the Civil War Vet erans. A strawberry festival will bo given by the Woman's Auxiliary of Calvary Presbyterian Church, Wyncote, on Tuesday evening, June 8, In the parish house. . . .. ,,1-nHa nf Mrs. William Glasgow, of Ashbourne, will be glad to went Injury and returned to her home from the hospital last week. ...m ant TrH(ItH Fit ttlA Jenklntown High School will be held on Wednesday evening, " "-"- S'ay atternqon, June 22 and the gram- mar scnoo. v ..--.. ----."- .,"", sm:'&.& i. ss Georce u. nnKM ---- church on Sunday evening, June 20. . m ti, a m.llnj.t. Mrs George uauer. hi v iiiiwh phla, will shortly move Into her new Home, - "" ..v., -. - Mr Geofge t. Campbell, of Wyncote, will have as hl BMesti over th week- W". 1. . nlat...,l1 Kt-rn.r nf 2MI Hnrlh 27th ttreet. and Mr. Harry MeyeTs. Tho narty will motpr to th Water Gap. re- turnms ""' --- Mr and Mrs. A. J. Mechler, of 03 Greenwood aysnut, have a their guest Miss Thelkta Irlt-e,, of Parl France, ;;;. ta.u, h been in this country since the Utttr part of March. The ACaaemjr u osnv ww,,iin.a;,Bfc and dance will be held at the Jenklntown ...JH..I,,-, -nv.1n.idav evtnlrir. Juna I. Auatiunu"i "- -- ----- , - ,. Mr. Patn-.r rheaebrough, of HilUldt avenue Jenklntown, is spending a month at roustown wtth friends. ' i nmJP' H?nHHk SStfCfelsl its. SOCIETY RESPLENDENT AT DEVON HORSE SHOW Rain-filled Clouds Have No Ef fect on Enthusiasm or Size of Crowds. Though threatening weather and occa sional (-bowers dampened the grounds this morning, the spirits of society folk wore not dampened and a goodly number gathered nbout the ovnl nnd In the boxes for tho opening classes. Among tho early arrivals were Mrs. Reed Knox and her daughter. Mrs, Knox had donned a white gown, over which sho wore a brilliant corlse silk sweater; her black hat was trimmed with cherry velvet flowers. Miss Knox woro white also, n largo hat of panamn nnd a turquolBO bluo Bilk sweater. Mrs. S. Dnes Slnkler nnd two of hor charming children were seated In one of the boxes, Mrs. Slnkler wearing a dark green mixed sports buU and a line straw hat of tho same shade. Mrs. R. Ponn Smith and Miss Kitty Smith, tho latter in riding clothes, were seated In the grandstand, nnd Miss Ellen Lathrop Hopkins was again one of the early arrivals. With her was Mr. Wil liam Hopkins. A number of next season's debutantes formed an attractive group, among them Miss Agnes Allen, Miss Josephine C. L. Foster nnd Miss Louise Grey. Mr. nnd Mrs. Archibald Barklle were enrly on the scene, as was Mrs. Richard P. McCrann, who wore a black taffeta gown nnd a smart hat of black llsere trimmed high at tho side wtth aigrettes. Mrs. Henry L. Collins was frocked In white linen. Her hat was of a light shade of tan; the uppor brim was covered with whlto taffeta and the crown was trim med with Alice-blue velvet. Miss Ellen Mary Cnssatt was a guest In Mrs. Collins box. Sho wore a close-fitting panama hat, which had a narrow black band trimming, and over her white gown she wore a bright blue sweater. Mrs, Robert Kelso Cassatt came early, wearing a smart gown of covert cloth, trimmed with navy-blue silk. Her hat of light tan llsere was faced with n navy taffeta. Mrs. B. Dobson Altemus chose a very chla costume of midnight blue cloth, which was made with a very full skirt and short jacket, Her small toque of black hemp had a tiny ornament of yel low beads; she also wore a rose fox-fur scarf. Little Miss Mary Altemus looked cun ning In a brilliant orange silk sweater and coasting cap. Her cousin, Miss Mary Norrls, wore a pink coat and silken cap. POLES MARCH IN MEMORY OF COUNTRY'S FREEDOM More Than 3000 Parishioners Parade and Sing National Anthem, More than 3000 parlshoners of St. Josaphat's Polish Cathollo Church, Cot ton and Grape streets, mached to martial music In the parade which was held this afternoon to commemorate the granting of the constitution to Poland on May 80, 1791. Enthusiasm was aroused to a high pitch, when promptly at 2.30 the march ers left the church with banner un furled and the Polish national antham ringing in the air, Morethan 16 tem perance and benevolent societies and COO school children were In line. Several attractive floats Were greeted with enthusiastic applause. The figures ot Generals Pulaski and Kosciusko were especially well received. The lips of the parade was as fol lowat From Grape street to Sllverwood street, to Greene and Main streets, to Walnut )ane, to Main street, to Cotton street, and to Grape street. The nev. Joseph Poremda was In charge. He was assisted by Alfred Gun bach. Tonight at 6:30 o'clock a grand rally will be held in St. John's parish house. Patriotic addresses will be made in Polish, and an attractive musical pro gram has been arranged. 100 Autolsts Visit Wilmington WILMINGTON, Eel. May is. More than 100 members of the Automobile Club of Delaware. County, Pa., stopped here today on their run to Washington. Rain delayed the start of the party, and they took dinner at the Hotel du Pont Instead of Havre do Grace, as Intended. 1 jytAffs timor mo joy Chestnut Hill Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Bradford Frnloy, nf Sunset avenue nnd Crcfcldt street, nro being congratulated upon tho birth of n son, born on Wednesdny, May 26. Mrs. Frnley will bo remembered as Miss Elilo Dlsston. The annual spring festival of Miss Mills' School for Girls, nt 302 Gowcn nvo nuc, Mount Airy, will tnke placo this nfteinoon. Tho affnlr will be nn Arthurian pngennt. In which nil tho pupils of the school will participate. South Philadelphia Tho cntcrtnlnment, "A Night In Iro Innd," given In the Epiphany Hnll, 12th nnd Jnckson streets, on Wednesday was tho greatest success of tho season nnl consisted of nn elaborate nnd vnrled pro gram. Among the talent wns tho cele brated nrtlst Jnmes McCool; ulso the I'hllopntrlan minstrels, Joseph Barry nnd Joseph Kelly. Solos woro also rendered by Mr. Antony McNlchol A humorous sketch, "Popping the Question," concluded tho pcrfoimnncc. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Do Luca, of 1513 South 15th sticct, nro receiving congratulutlonn on the birth of a daughter. Miss Theresa Mario Do Luca, on Mondny, May 24. Miss Elizabeth Stcrnthal, of 153t! South 5th street, will take part In the com mencement exorcises at the. Academy of Music on June 5 as a member ot tho class of Temple University. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Columbo, of 224S Carpenter street, have gone to Atlantic City for the summer. They will return to this city about the first of September. Mr. and Mrs. M. Shapiro gave an elab orate dinner-dance this week In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Edwin Stein-' berg, of Cednrhurst Park, Cedarhurst, L. I. Pink roses nnd pink llbbons formed beautiful decorations for tho tables. Among the guestH wero Dr. nnd Mrs. H. M. Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kohn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Carrol. Miss Irldell Cnr rol. Miss Bcrdena Carrol, Miss Sarah Bella, Miss Rac Shapiro, Mr. Stanley Carrol, Mr. David Shrull, Mr. Lew Bailey, Mrs. David Shapiro, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Shapiro. .Mr. nnd Mrs. H. O. Baer, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Adelbcrg, Mr. Max Adelberg and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kaplan. Mrs. Harry Miller, Mrs. William Jones, Mrs. M. Kllpatrick. Miss Sadie Russell, Mrs. A. Lnuderback and Mrs. M. Savin are delegates from Osseo Council, D. of P No. 10G, attending the Stnte conven tion of Great Degree. D. of P., which Is being held In Wllliamsport, Pa. They are staying at thn Hotel UpdegTaft, which Is the headquarters of the delegates of Philadelphia councils. Mrs. II. C. SlnexTof 1913 South 17th street, entertained the Jolly 12 at "C00," followed by luncheon, on Thursday. The guests were Mrs. J. Klmmlley, Miss J. Jol ley, airs. M. Strain, (Mrs. Amos West, Mrs. A. Schofleld, Mrs. R. Baxter, Mrs. M. Blnex, Mrs. M. McCormack, Mrs. H, C. Fisher, Mrs. John Burks and Mrs. Will lam Dunlap. Mr. Nathan Buzmer, of 33S South 2d street, was given a surprlso party at tho homo of his sister, Mrs. Vederman. of the southeast corner ot 25th and Thompson streets. Among those present were: Mlas Anna M. Burstetn, Miss Rose Flnostoho, Miss Miriam Flnestone, Miss Oraco Hor wltz, of Norrlstown, Pa.; Miss Esther Novlck, Miss Sarah Rosenberg, Miss Fannie Rosenberg, Miss Elizabeth M. Roseman, Miss Mollle Stern, Miss Elsie Suzmer, Mr. Samuel Corson, Mr. Solomon Hanlgbaum, Mr, Philip Krause, Mr. Abraham Llpschutz, Mr. Myer Epnteln, Mr. Albert Hurwltz, Mr, Israel E. Mas tor, Mr- Isadora Novlck, Mr. James Sum mers Mr. Samuel Fomerantz, Mr. M. Klelnman. ot Oklahoma; Mrs. Falrsteln, Mrs, K. O'Holerln, Mr. nnd Mrs. I. B, Suzmer and Mr. and Mrs. Levin. A reception was given at the home of Miss Borah Gtrson, 600 South (th street, In honor of the Unique Club, of which she Is a member. Miss Sarah Baron and Miss Gertrude Silver rendered several beautiful vocal selections, Miss Mae Baron and Mr, Larry Gerson demon strated several of the modern dances, which were artistically done. Mr, Lyeon Kohn, Mr, Larry Gerson and Mr. Harry Seldenberg hilped to entertain. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Golden, Mrs, Waxman, Mlas Berman, Mlas Lltchman, Mlas Lillian Schwa rz. Miss Alda Cohen were enter tained as visitors. Buffet luncheon was served, which was followed by an In formal dance. Those present were; Miss Jean Baron, Mias Rae Baron, Mies Helen Margolls, Mies Pearl Burnateln, Miss Clara Cohen, Mlas Fannie Cohen, Mlas Jean Cohen, Miss Essie Deutsch, Mlaa Sarah Gerson, Miss Rosa Krakovltr. Miss Helen Leblanr. Mlas Gertrude Sliver and Miss Cecelia Supovltz. Each Elrt In the club received a small club pin. Notices for the Sociaty page will be accepted and priated la the Evening Ledger, bat sll auch notice moat tie written on one tide of the paper, tntut be algnad b 'U, with full adaeu, and when poaalblo telephone numbar moat b alien. Send all auch Communlcatlaas to "Society Editor," BrealDg Ledger, Ml CUMtnut strMt. ValcM tbcae requirement are carried oat o that verUUation mtr be pouible, (b Bailee wUl not be pubiihed. mi so RUTH WOOD West Philadelphia Mrs. Frank Spnngler Elliot, of 1537 Spruce street, announces tho engagement ot her daughter, Miss Florence Jennette Elliot, to Mr. Wnldo O. Folding, also of this city. The wedding will tnko place In tho fall. Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew Dowllng nnd family motored down from their homo In Scrnnton, Pa., and nre tho week-end guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk Kelly, of Westminster avenue. Tho ladles who wilt net ns bridesmaids nt tho marriage of Miss Augusta Mlnnis Newman, daughter of tho Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John Grant Newman, of 4612 Hazel avenue, to Mr, Wilbur Lnwrence Young Davis, Jr., ot Cincinnati, are Miss Hnzcl M, Lewis, ot Indianapolis, Ind.; Miss Jean Harvey, of Washington, D. C; Miss Anna Adnms, Miss Julia Piatt, Miss Mnr garet Talt, Miss Agnes Watts nnd Miss Dorothy Grey, of this city. Miss Helen Elizabeth N'owmnn, sister of the btlde, will be tho maid of honor. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. F. Halsc, of 4505 Chest nut street, nre receiving congratulations on tho birth of n son, Arthur F. Hnlse, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis F., Cunningham, ot 5331 Osage avenue, will entertain nt din ner this evening Their guests will ln cludo Miss Ellen N. Collier. Miss Agnes Collier, Miss Kntherlno Golllmorc nnd M.ss Florence Collier, of New York. To morrow tho party will motor to Glnd wynne, whoro they will be entertnlncd at dinner by Mrs. A. W. Mngee. The Fleur do Lis Choral Society gnve Its Inltlnl performance Inst night In tho Knights of Columbus Hnll, 35th nnd Market streets. The Japanese operetta, "Princess Ju Ju," was glvon nnd wns fol lowed by dancing. Tlio society wns formed recently nnd li composed of a number of the grnduntps of the schools of St. James and St. Agatha. Mr. nnd Mrs. George McCord. nf R818 Vine street, celebrated their COth wedding annlversnry on Monday. The couple nre the parents of 10 children. 21 grandchil dren nnd 12 great-grnndchlldren. Mr. Mc Cord Is 82 yenvs old nnd Mrs. McCord 80. Mr. McCord served In tho Civil Wnr undor Genernl Lee. Mih. J Keeler Stnuffor. of 4307 Locust street, entertained the members of her Ilternry society on Thursday ovenlng. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Bnssett gave n dinner Inst night at their homo In the Powelton. when their guests wero Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles S. Wood, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm Hoxnmer. Mr. and Mrs. Joioph Schmitt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel Paris, Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Ilrelsh, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Potter, Mrs. I'onfleld, Doctor Maler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curran and Mr. and Mrs. Hartman GUmoro. Lansdowne A delightful dance was given last eve ning by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stntzell, of Shadeland nvenuc. Tho guests Included Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Hays. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Ogden, Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Hays, Mr. and Mr. Robert Taylor. Mr and Mrs. Austin Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sagcndorph, 2d, Miss Louise Vnn Zant, Miss Dorothy Longcope. Mr. Josepn Vincent, Mr. Jofferson Griffith and Mr. Frank Moorsehead. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Balch. of West Baltimore avenue, have Issued Invitations for a barn dance for Juno E, In honor of their son, Mr. Fred Balch, who graduates next month from Penn Charter. MIbs Florence Lowden will give a mu sicals this evening at her studio, at 25 Madison avenue. Among those who will tako part nre Miss Ruth Livingston, Miss Edna Garret, Miss Helen Clark, Miss Ruth Zelgler, Miss Lucy Marshall, Miss Emma Brown, Miss EBter Stewart, Miss Elizabeth Clark, Miss Florence Oarrftt. Miss Laura Lindsay, Mr. Lois Masters, Mr. Arthur Kneen and Mr. George Brum field. A delightful card party will be held In the Twentieth Century Club this evanlng, under the direction of Mrs. Harold Burt, who will be assisted by Mrs. Blols C. Hannlngton, Mrs. Frank Johnson. Mrs. William Johnaon, Mrs. George E, Forcoy, Mrs. Charles Shurtleff, Airs. Harry Keen and Mrs. J. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Wllkle, of 60 East Steward avenue, will give a house party at thalr cottage In Ocean City over Memorial Day. The party will motor down from Lanadowne tomorrow after noon. Among the guests are: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gtrstenberger, Mrs. Henry S. Barker and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gallagher. Tioga Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wahl, of 2013 West Toga street, will leave early In June to spend the season at Oaean City, Mr. and Mrs, Franz Ehrllch, Jr., of 22JI Went Venango street, will pass the sum mer In Atlantic City, Mr, and Mrs. Charles J. McQInty have returned from their wedding journey and are occupying their new home, S023 North Judson street. Mrs. McGlnty will be re membered ea Mlas Dorothy Flaher, daugh ter of Wr. and Mrs. D, Edward Flaher, of 1 East Knmer treet, Germantown. ' Wilmington Miss Frances Bain, of Newburgh, N. Y has returned from a visit to her slater, Mrs. E, M. Hoopes, Jr., of this city, The social feature of next week will be the open-air moving picture show at Mrs. Irenes du Font's for the benefit of the Weat End Reading Boom, on Friday night, June 4. at 6:19 o'clorir. In addition to open-air pictures there will be open-air dancing. The committee In charge com prises Mrs. Irenes du Font, Mrs. Hender son Weir, Mrs. George P, BlaseU, Mrs. Macmillan Hoopes, Mrs. Caleb E. Burchl nal, Mia Eleanor Fyle, Mlas Constance Moore, Mlas Marlon Dunham, Mias Emily y.hualL, LDDINGS ft T f A WEDDING of Intereal socially In New York will tako ptace today, when Miss lone A. Rnlll, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Anthony P."Ralll, of 351 West End avenue, will become the bride of Mr, Henry Butler Allen, of Greenfield, Mass., now n reildcnt of Philadelphia The cere mony nil! take place at 4 o'clock tn Alt SouU' Church. The Rev. Dr. Samuel Max well, of the Second Church, Boston, will olllclnte. assisted by tho Rev. William Sullivan, rector nf the church. Miss Rnlll. who will be given In marrlago by her father, will wear a gown of white satin trimmed with rare old lnce, which wns used on Miss Raill's great-grand-mother's wedding dress. Her tulle veil will be cnught with orango blossoms, and she will carry n shower bouquet of lilies of the vnllry nnd white orchids. The brldo will be attended by her sister, Miss Jutln Rnlll, who will wear a, pink frock nnd lint nnd will carry pink sweet pens. The bridesmaids. Including Miss Mar garet Allen, of Greenfield. Mnss., a sister of tho bridegroom: Miss Lois Rnlll, n sister of tho bride, nnd Miss Miriam Walker, will wear yellow gowns nnd brown transparent hats trimmed with yellow daisies. They will carry graceful arm bouquets of marguerites. Little Miss Helen Cnlvocorrcsl, tho flower girl, will wear n white lingerie frock nnd will carry a basket tilled with yellow roses and forgot-mo-nots Mr. Allen will have ns best man his rousln. Mr. Thomas Lamb Allen, of Oreonlleld, .Mnss., and the ushers will In clude Mr. Jerome Ripley Allen. Mr. An drew Gutinrl. Mr. Philip W. von Saltza, Mr. Sheltcn E Martin nnd Mr. William Ely lllll, all of New York. A reception will follow Immediately nt tho homo of tho bride's pnrenti, 3S1 West End nve nue. The usunl formal atmosphere which pervades wedding receptions will bo done nwny with, ns the house hns been nr lnnged for dnnclng. Peonies, daisies and palms will be used In abundance as deco ration for both the church nnd house. After nn extended wedding trip Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen will be nt home nt 7711 St. Mnrtln's lane, ChcMnut Hill. GOLDBCRO GOLDBERG. Tho marriage or Xtlss Sarnh Ooldberg, ilnughtcr of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Gold berg, of 938 North 7th street, will tnko plnco tomorrow night to Mr. Harry M. Goldberg, of BBG4 Market street The ceremony will take place nt 8 o'clock, In Apollo Hnll, 716 North Broad street, the Uev. Marvin Nnthmm. of Beth Israel Synagogue, ofllclntlng. The bride will be attended by Miss Tdn Goldberg, sister of the bride, ns maid of honor. Miss Mnry Goldberg, Miss Bessie Goldberg, Miss Rebecca Goldberg. Miss Ycttn Ringer, Miss Jennie Rodells nnd Miss Mathilda Curlsch will be brldcs mnlds. nnd little Miss Sadie Goldberg, n sister of the brldogroom. will ho flower girl. Tho best mini will he the bride groom's brother, Mr. Morris Goldberg, nnd the ushers will bo Mr. Harry Schwartz. Mr. Joseph Singe. Mr. George M Cohen, Mr. Isadora Itohrman, Mr. John Segal and Sir. Fermnn. Little Mas ter Hownrd Dunn will net ns page. The bride, who will he given In mar rlago by her father, will wear a hand some gown of white satin trimmed with pcdrls. Her veil will be of tulle, falling from a cap held In place by lilies of tho Frankford At tho wedding of Miss Mnrlo Schlater, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Schlater, of 13H Orthodox street, and Dr. Joseph Toland, to tako placo on Tuesday, Juno 2-, tho bridal party will Include Mls3 Knthryno Schlater, who will act as maid of honor, nnd Miss Knthryno Toland, a sister ot the bridegroom, who will be (lower girl. Doctor Toland will have ns his best mnn his bi other. Mr. Gcorgo Toland, and the ushers will be Mr. Will iam Toland, Mr. John Toland, Mr. Theo dore Snyder nnd Mr. Rnymond Consldlno. Mlsa Rose Phlllln. of Harrison street, Is entertaining Miss Ethel Smokes and Miss Frances Wllklns, of Atlantic City, over tho week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwartz, of Lel per street, will entertain n number of friends this evening nt their home. A muslcale will be given during the early part of the evening, followed by "500." Theie will bo 18 guests, Including Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Jackson, of West Chester, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foulkrod, of Rosemont, Pa. Tho Union Club will meet this after noon at the home of Mies Margaret Swift. The Wnyslde, Longshore street, Tacoiiy. The members of this club have nltendy done a great deal for charity during the last winter, having nsslatod a number of distressed families In this dis trict. Tho ladles an now working to buy a rolling chair for an Invalid boy of Tn cony. Miss Swift's guests will Include Mrs. Edwin Montague, jvirn. jiraiiuitu Cnrtledge, Mrs. George Potts, Mrs. Wal ter Annon, Mrs. Jonathan Rowland, Jr., Mr. Joseph Conley, Miss Margaret Mo vlesson. Miss Florence Weed, Miss Mabel McCartney. MIbs Marietta Rowland, Miss Nellie D. Travis and Miss Ada Travla. Tho engagement was announced this week of MUs lva O. Rumsey, of E305 Rising Sun avenue, Olney, nnd Mr. Henry Felton. of Rising Sun avenue and Tabor road Tho wedding will tako place early In June. ........... nva halnr- veil- in Mr. uongnuumuuiia ... a,-.. ,-- -- - nnd Mrs. William Ward, of Rocklertge, upon the birtn or n son, mm mo" i" nnd Mrs. S. W. Kelso, of Loney street, Fox Chase, upon mo oinu ui a "b' ter. Mlas Loretta McCann. of 7010 Felipe street, Tacony, accompanied by Miss Helen Bradley and Miss Bernardino Davltt. will spend the week-end at Eas ton, Pa., ns the guests of Miss McCann s alster. Miss Agnus McCann. Camden and Vicinity Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Marter and their daughter, Miss Oladys Marter, have closed their home at 7th and Btate streets and gone to their Ocean City home. Mr. Nelson Hanger, of Altoona, Pa., whose engagement to Mlaa May Truscott, of 310 North 2d street, has been an nounced, haB been visiting In the city, Mrs. E. A. Y, Schellenger and her son and daughter, of 6th and Cooper streets, will leave shortly for Denver, Col., where they will visit relatives. They vlll also go on to the Pacific coast. Mrs. Harry Day, of Bath, Me., la vis iting her old home at Haddontleld. Mr, n. T, Patterson and family have moved to Island Heights from Merchant vllle. nr. X- W. Tlnnttf, nf 115 MftvlAnri Ktraaf Is vlaltlng friends In Hartford, Conn. Mr. J- W. Miller, of 4"S5l ievhalj atreet. ts In Atlantlo City for a short stay, ' nnA XTraj .TABanh 17&rnihaw nt 494 Earlham terrace, will entertain at bridge tomorrow amuivvii. Mrs. H. M. Plalated and her daughter, of the Coulter Inn, will leave on Sunday next for Portland. Me., whare they will remain for some time. Mrs. Louis Wagner, of HI East Mt. pleasant avenue, U spending a lew day In Belm&r, N. 3, a-aj aa a ' aaaa 11 r" Mrk sV fvi !!dSsl j 55 i WcvBm 1 1 (wfepi valley. She will carry a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. The maid of honor will wear nn nttrAS tlve frock of pink pusay willow taffeta, trimmed with Georgette crepe of the same shade. Sho will carry nn arm boll quet of pink roses and lilies of the val lev. The bridesmaids will bo gowned nllke, In simple frocks of pink, nnd will carry arm bouquets of pink roses. The little flower girl will wear pink chiffon nnd will enrry n baaket of pink sweet peas, nnd the little page will wear n suit of whlto. A reception will follow, after which th young couplo will leavo on their wed ding tilp, and on their return will be nt home, nfter July 15, at SB46 Larch, wood avenue, West Philadelphia, STELLA-TL'RCHI. A quiet 4 o'clock wedding was held yes terday In the Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Good Counset, when Mlas I'ellca Turchl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Domltilo Turchl, 1042 Tnsker street, be cnnie the bride of Mr. Pnul Stella. The bride wore n beautiful gown of white satin with an oversklrt of old lace and chiffon. Sho carried n bridal bouquet of w))lto roses and lilies of tho valley. Mlas Rncohcln Turchl wns n charming maid of honor In a pnte green frock of taf feta and a white straw bonnet She car ried a shower bouquet of white roses. Tho best mnn wns a brother of tbo bride, Mr. John Turchl A small supper and dance was given for the bridal party nfter the ceremony at the home ot th bride's parents. Mrs. Julia Wright and her daughter nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Dominic Veronte wero the only guests bcsldea the Immediate relatives present. The bridal couplo left on their honeymoon for At lantic City. New York nnd Buffalo. They will bo away nbout four weeks. Mrs. Jnno Mnthls, of 2501 South 20th street, has Issued Invitations for the wed ding of her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Mae Mnthlr, to Mr. Enrle Russell Meyer on June 36. The wedding will take place at the Church of the Resurrection, Brdad and Tioga streets, nt 8 o'clock. Miss Mnthls hns selected Miss Lillian Cleelnnd, of Now York, for her inald df honor, Mrs. Harold Mortimer Weaver for her mntron of honor nnd Miss Marie I Mnck, MIbs Lillian Bahls. Miss Hannah Nenll, Miss Grace Hnldeman and Mrs. Raymond Parker for her bridesmaids. Mr. Meyer has selected Mr. Elmer Meyer for best man, and, the ushers will I bo Mr. Harold Mortimer Weaver, Mr. Philip Bnrry. Mr. Wnlter Schonle. Mr. B. Wllllnm Dever. Mr. Georgo C. Rose nnd Mr. Raymond Parker. Owing to tho recent death of Mr. Mey er's grnndfnther, tho ceremony will be followed by a small reception for the bridal party and Immediate families. Mr. and Mrs. M. Master have sent out Invltntlons for tho marriage of their daughter, MIbs Ester Master, to Mr. Harry Schwartz. The ceremony will take place Sunday, June 6, at tho homo of Rnbbl Simon J. Englnndor, 841 South 3d street, at 7 o'clock. The brrde and the bridegroom will spend their honeymoon In tho western States, visiting some of their friends. The couplo will return to the city nbout the- middle of August. Roxborough Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph I. Levering re turned on Thursday after a six weckai- trip through the' State of Washliulton. California, Grand Cnnyon nnd Yosemlte Valley. Mr. Levering nttended the Bap tist convention In Los Angeles. Tho young people of St. James the Less EplBCopal Church, Falls of Schuylkill, will present the comedy, "Fncle Eph rnim's Summer Boarders," on Thursday night, June 3. Mrs. J. B. Montgomery, of Roxborough, accompanied by Mrs. C. W. Klauder, of Bala, are spending a fortnight In Atlnntlc City. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Hlndle, of 4156 Man nyunk avenue, gave a dinner last night at their home. Pink roses and ferns formed the decorations. Their guests In cluded Miss Marian Stout, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Benle. Miss Anna Du Gan, Mr. Calvin Haines and Mr. Robert Fltz. Miss Helen Haas, of Mansion avenue, Is spending some time nt Holly Beach. An old-fashioned all day picnic will be given on Monday at the Richard's farm at Plymouth, Montgomery County, by tho Young Men's Bible Class of Ebenezer Methodist Church. Miss Ruth Jennie Frame, of Ridge avenue, will be the hostess, and those who will participate are Mlas Ella Murray, Miss Henrietta Elizabeth Sheldrake, Miss Myrtle Biace, wnu.D jiuuinson, aiibs h-Ulth Mc Donald. Miss Florence Common. Dr. An drew Flanagan, Mr. William Flanagan. Mr. Lees Farrand, Mr. Lester Blankln, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Bambs, Mr. and Mrs i Frederick Carbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Flanagan, Mr. and Mrs, Leon Strickland. Mr. Clarence Weaterman, Mr, Everard Kelly, Mr. Howard Butler, Mr. Richard Wahl, Mr. Earl Btrlckland and Mr. George Bovard. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Keever, ot Rldgo avenue and Harmon road, left during the week for Harrisburg, Pa,, where they will .be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Springer, and Inter of Mlas Har riet Keever, Mr. Keever'a aunt. Mr. Ke ver will be one of the speakers nt the an nual reunion of the clasp of 1900 of the Mlddletown High School, which will be held In the Opera House In Harrisburg, Mrs. Hubert Wells and Mlas Margaret Wells have gone to their summer home at Islesford, Me. Dr. and Mrs, Clarence IC. Denger. of 6201 Ridge avenue, are entertaining Mrs, Dengler's brother and sister-in-law. Mr, and Mrs. Walter E. Cropstey, of Pitts burgh, Pa, In commemoration of the 2Jth anniver sary of St, Timothy's Hospital, suitable exercises will be held at the Institution In Roxborough on June 11. The annual lawn festival, under the auaplces of the Ladles' Aid, will also be held on that date, "WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT ?" Municipal Band. Tabor road and Water street, limnchtowo. Bnqut, Muilq Teacher' Association, Al din Hotel! T o'clock. Concert, Symphony Club, Wltharspoon Mallj S o'clock. T Lutheran MlnUterium, Church ot Holy Com munion: 8 o'clock. Alumnae mllnf. 61. Joseph' Collect, SUFFRAGE EVENTS TODAY EQUAL FRANCHISE SOCIETY. Noon Open-air meeting en nty Hu piua. nonb BpMkr. 11 lis 0ftli Sapovlu, erzaa lr (or the iwslfty. ,r 8 p. iV-sMi -An"; irg; ornUr fW tt, oclfly In Knmitoo. MfftkA fii Wnxlin In th Courthoii Bq. UHye auselee of in Camden Usual Bsrtri' 'lajue. Ohjiu roUne " WOK.. SUPFBAOE PARTlf, 8 p oi. ope air mrUng nt Criej T d n.'aa aifcit B.asaataBie al tavrto.i 3a..4i.m&i laiuiaa.! iuf, ai.wss CfftPMKSV, 1 .Piisvv - r f frT -r- -rji-ft- - "" l"5"