Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 29, 1915, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Violento Duello d'Artigli
cria Nella Vallc del
l'Adiee Gradisca Occu-
pata dalle Forae Italiane
Operand Nella Valle '
dell'Isonzo. !
nOfA, 29 Maggie,
tavaniruardla deli'armata Itallana che
ha, InVaso la. provlncla d'lstrla nulla via
dl Gradisca, c Rlunta s.no a 16 mlRlla ila
11 Gran Maestro della Massonerla.
Itallana ha meeso a dlsposUlone del
governo la sua aede, t'ftlnr.io (Jlustlnlanl,
per essere Usato come ospedalc per I
Un telegramma da Hrlndlsl dice clio un
neroplano austrlaco partlto da Catlato nt
taoco le liavl da guerra llnllano nticorale
Irl quel potto, ma ftt messo In fujrn da
due aeroplanl Italtanl prima clio nvesao
aVUtO II tempo dl far ilalinl Rravl. Sow
dlmeno lagclo cadere otcutia lomb.
Olunge pure notUla die due aetdplAiil
del tlpo Tallbe, usato dal todosohl, hanno
Volatd la notte scorsn su Venezln, iasclnti
do cadero bOmbe In riazr.a San Marco, ma
senza far dannl,
OkrI 11 rombo del ennnone e vlolentls
slmo sul passl dl mnntagnn ad cut del
La SO dl Uatda, dove e lmpennnto un
violento bombardameutu per II possesBO
della ferrovla a senrtamento rldotto cho
porta da Mbrl a Ilorerctu. Dlspaccl da
Verona dlcono die per II momento I com
battlmentl che si svoUono uclla vnllatil
dell'AdlKe hanno fatto pnssarc In secondn
linen quelll della vallala drtl'lsoiizo. 1
cacclatorl tlrolesl retlrantlsl da Ala, dl
fronts all'nvaniata dealt llallnnl, si sono
trineeratl dietro lc fortlfleailonl dl Scrra
valle, a tnetft stiade Ira bterravalle n
Rovereto, ed hanno con loro miovl mortarl
da, monUsna. II loro acopo c uuello dl
reslstere itll'nvaniatn deall ltatlanl flno
a Che ttll attatrlacl nen avranno nvuto
11 tempo dl preparare la dlfesa dl Hoer
eto. Ma le fortlflcolonl dl Serravalle.
out) aasoffftettAte al fuueo del cnnnonl
ltallanl portatl sulle craste dl Monte
Un'altra colonna Itallana tenta dl
prendera fill austrlacl dl nanco a Serra
valle, e dopo avere cacclato II netnlco da
Store, el dlrl'ge verso est atlorno all'cslre
mlta aettentrlonale del lago dl Oarda,
per attaccare Ttlva c Mori. Gil auetriatl
cercano dl ostacolarc nuesta avanznta
con 1 cannonl plazzatl da loro sulle nlture
che domlnano Ja vallc dl Ledro.
Tuttl gli sforzl fattl dagli austrlacl per
Impedlre l'avanzata desll ltallanl Bono
atatl lnutlll c rjuesla confirm a tanto net
Trentlno die nella rcglone dl Trieste.
Da fonte non ufllclale al annunzla cho lo
autorita nustilache hanno itbbandonato
Trieste nelle manl ill una folia turbo
lenta che iciroil?..n la populazlono.
Le forxe Italians hanno occupato
Gradlsca, hanno attraversato I'Iboiizo e
marclahu orn verso Monfalcone. Un
violento duello dl artiRlleila bvoIIohI sulle
nlture dell'Isonzo ha dlmOstrato la supe
rlorlta dcll'artlKlleila Itallana dl minva
modello, cloc la 75 ud nffusto a defor
rmulonei A sud-est dl Gorlzla hi vn de.
termlnando un nccanltn combattlmento dl
Larmata Itallana che ha Invaso 11
Trentlno ha occunato la borsata ell aioro.
nellaalle del Chlese, n sette mlglla dal
confine Itnllano ed a nord del Ungn dl
Idro, ed ha nttaccato la nlture del Monlo
ti'ortlRller.la 'ItallrtJla TU pnrtntft siillo
create iell montagne In terpltorlq aus
trlacb e lIomBn'ulo le Vallate del Kella.
dlatrugiiendo u,n treno dl munlzlonl rhc
si dlrlgeva verao II conrtn. Ancha Hlva,
che a.Una Importante clltadina nli'es
tremlia del liRn dl Garda, e stata vio
Kntemente bombardata dagli ltallanl.
Da GInevra mandano che la popolazlono
Official Forecast
For eastern Pennsjivanla and New Jei
sey: Showers tonight and probably pun
day: centle to nloderate oast winds.
The western disturbance Is central ner
Illinois arid Indiana this nlornihg and
has caused showers In most of the great
central valleys. In the middle and south
Atlantic States and the eastern half nf
the cotton belt. The rainfall has been
generally light. Fair weather continued
In New York and New England, with
frost In iorrie places last night The tem
peratures have fallen throughout the
'central valley and are generally about
10 degrees below the normal this morning-,
except In tllb Ohio Valley, where sea
sonable conditions prevail.
U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
ObrvatIon taken at S a. m. eterit time,
Ittlt ttaln- Wloc
flutlon. Ra.rn n'' tall. WJnd. Iijr. Weather.
AblltneiTez .,, M l)J . H is clear
Atlantic lily ... .jl HIV 4 Jtaln
Blamarck, N. D, SO U . NQ 10 noutl
Beaton, iia. ,. . , R n clear
L'hleaio, 111. ... aj W t.iid B 13 Ilaln
Clarelaud, U, ..MM .nil NT-: n luin
Denver. Col .. 4 41 .. SW 4 Clfar
Da Molnea. la,,. AS 02 ,V2 NIC n Itatn
Detroit. Mich. ., M K .01 f. 10 italn
Uututh, Minn. 4tt W , NE 21 cloudy
3lveaton. Tex.. 7ft Tl .10 .V 4 Clear
Uarrtaturr, la.. M M . E 4 Haln
llatteraa. N. a. "2 04 .oil HW li Cloudy
Helena, Mont. .. SO 40 22 HW H p.cioudy
Huron. 8. 1. . . 40 40 ,us N 8 naln
lackionvllle. Fla. 7H 72 IN MV 12 Clear
Kanaas City. Mo, Ml 00 ,cs w 12 Cloudy
Loulavllle, Ky . 01 H4 .12 s 12 Cloudy
Memphis, Trnn,. 98 U ,0i SV 0 Clear
New Orleans ., 72 TO ,02 SVf 4 P. Cloudy
New York . &H 64 4VlV 10 Cloudy
N, Platte,. Neb , 18 4H NW a C omly
fAIhm OUla.( RS SO N 12 Cloudy
Philadelphia. ,, , fO 00 ,. HB 4 Italn
I'noehli, Arl. ., u H Cloudy
Hlttturtb la.(. M 84 ,50 K a tuin
PortUnd, it. J; fo U 10 Clear
Pertuno, ore. .. 4 40 K'W 4 cloudy
Quebec, Can, . , 4 80 ,, NH 4 Cloudy
lit inula. Mo. ., fa 04 ,4A HVf 12 Cloudy
St. Paul, Minn. 60 48 , v, 12 Cloudy
Bait Lake Utah. & 02 .Al K 4 Cloudy
Fan itanclaco . 02 02 .01 R 1 Cloudy
Beranton, Pa. .. M 41 , Cloudy
Tampa ... 82 74 NW 4 Clear
Waehlniton ... M M . , NK 4 Cloudy
Wlanlpec ..... SO 01 . . B 8 P.Cloudy
Observations at Philadelphia
fe A. M
Temfieratura .............
Wind SoblReast. ft mllej
. .... Unaeilleil
Precipitation laat 24 hours
Minimum temperature .....
Mailrpum temperature . ...
On the Pacific Coast
EM fntneUtA W4ther. elear. Temp. 81
tfirf fcleao Weather, cloudy. Temp. 05
Almanac of the l)ay
8un t ,.,. . .. T:S0p.m
Fun rt( tomorrow 4.31a.m.
Mow rltea ...w. 8iM p, m.
. Lampgi to Be Lighted
kntoa ud others Tblelea . . . I . . . T ISO p, m.
The, Tides
M waur ,.., OHO f,m
lOlOO M,
BIKStTffOT StttBn4''itAITi'.
jjew vatt r -,..
Mlsti water Unioirow. ,
iw irater t6ioor
n.os D.m.
...: a,Bj.
. .. ,flia,to,
!jer Baler tomorrow
U atr
ito mm
1 1 rtt oraiar
1 iir uwBsrnWf
Jlfiaa aia.t minont . .s . . .
i i
Plvlle dl Trento h Hcevutd brdlne 1
Usclare la eltta, dot botrtnnd tlmanero
aoto col6ro cho hanno aurtlelentl pro
Vlale ch 6no perfettamente etonoaolutl
alle autorlla rnllltarl nUatrlAehe che fnnno
preparatlvl per In dlfesa della ell la.
A Mltano e'atAto pruelamatci lo slalo
d'nssedl6 alio scopo dl proteggere I clt
'tadlnl tedeschl che al trot arm nlltora In
qnella cltla e contro i)nli sono avvetiule
vloletite dlmoBtrnzlonl. Atl'lnfuoM dl Ml
Isno pero non si sono nvtitl nltrl dtaordlnl,
Al Vallcitno e stata smtntlta formal
went ogal la notlxla che II papa nveva
detlso dl laiclare Homa c recaral In
Spagna. tl presldente del Conalgllo
spngnuolo aveva messo a dlsposlzlono del
nkrt (,.. .I..I Mtl .a.(ll MM II ndhn lll
ilecllnnto 1'dffetta. dlcendo che cgll hoh
nVeva affntto 1 Intenzlone dl nbanndon
nre 11 VatlcnhO. '
Drive Made by Slavs on
Both Sides of River.
Teuton Reverse at Sien
iawa Counteracted, Says
The HiiRslnns In ii general westward
movement from the Hnit nro reported to
bo mcnncltiR tho Teuton flnnlt on tho
Teuton reinforcements have been
rushed to Slenlawn, north of Przemysl,
where a reverse was suffered yester
day. Vienna announces heavy bnni
bartlment of outer defenses of the Oa
llcln stronghold.
Seven desperate assaults delivered
by the Ucrmana upon the positions
recently lost by thorn to tho north and
northeast nf Arms Were repulsed by
tho French, according lo the ofllclnl
report from the Paris War Odlce. Tho
French hold all of the ground gained.
Tho British pained furthor ground
In their drlvq on La Hnssee, whllo tho
French took the offenslvo In tho
Woovro and Alsace, reportlnp gains
In both regions.
Berlin reports that French attacks
near l.orette Heights worn repulsed,
hut ndmlt the loss nf trenches nt
Mctzcrat, In Alsnco.
PctroRratl Admits Galicia Situation
One ot Permanent Crisis.
The situation In Galicia Is one of per
manent crisis at one point or anothet
of tho line. It Is admitted here. The fight
ing continues virtually without cessation
day and nlgnt.
The main front still follows the course
of tho ttlvcr San from Its confluence with
the Vistula as Tar ns Przcmysl, and then,
roughly. Drohobycit. StiyJ and Molina.
The ftuislnns hold tile ground on the left
bank of the San at Przcmysl nnd to the
north of the town.
For davs Teuton efforts have met with
no material suceem and their castlaltleH
have been tremendotn. After one of their
assaults In the district of rjinsakoff,
foutheast of Przemysl. the Russians
counted more than 1000 of the enemy's
The army opinion hero now Is that
the Russians' position In Galicia Is as
Impenetrable as that they constructed
west of Warsaw.
In the angle formed bv the Vistula,
bending north of Sandnmlr, the fighting
appears to be golnir on continuously with
varying results, but there seems to be
no doubt that the balance hero Is In
favor of the Russians. This is indicated
by the fact that the enemy has con
siderably reinforced tho army ho orig
inally allotted to this region to cover
the left flnnlt of his main movement from
The Germans have Tailed to deprive
the Russians of control of the situa
tion In Galicia, but they nre so close
to the different Russian armies that
thev are compelled to make frontal at
tacks in which they suffer very heavy
Through Inability to maneuver they
Were defeated at BtryJ In attempting to
reach the nnphtha field and many prison
ers were taken.
The Russians on both sides of the
Vistula are moving slowly westwnrd from
the San, and nr threatening tho entire
German flank.
Teutons Closing Circle About Galician
VIKNNA. May 2).
Bombardment of the forts defending
Przemysl was begun by tho Austro-Ger-mon
forces under General von Mackenscn
On Wednesday, according to dispatches
received from the front today. The Aus-tro-Clerman
circle around tha city is not
yet complete, but Is being drawn closer
anil Closer dar by day. TraKia V still
possible on the railway between Przemysl
and Lemberg. but sections of the line nre
under the lire of the Teutonlo allies' ar
tillery Reinforcements have been sent to Sle
nlawa, where the Austrian nnd Hunga
rian troops were driven across the San
Hlver by superior Russian forces. East
of Radymno the Auatro-Qerman forces
are compelling the retirement of the Rus
sians with their superior artillery fire
from heavy batterlsa.
BERNE, May a,
Italy fears Auatrla may .en an air
raid on Rome. For several flights ma
neuvers have been going on aver the Eter
nal City, so that preparations can be
made to guard agalnat attacks from the
Detween 1 and 1 o'clock In tha morn
ing all street lights In Rome have been
turned out. while Italian aviators circled
above the city In the darkness, It has
been discovered that even on the darkest
nights and with all lights extinguished,
the dome of At. Peter's Is alwaya dis
tinguishable, and this discovery has filled
the Italian authorities with apprehension.
Similar maneuvefe have been executed
over Milan, Florence and Venice. Real
dent of tha Italian cities have been told
In each Instance tha the abutting off of
the lights was due to "fuse trouble."
Kaiser's Troops Try to Gain Lost Po-.
eltlons ParU Announces Gaini.
PARIS, May 2t.
CeMlng tbtlf countertattaoki with in
fantry, for th. tlrria being, tha armans
launched a terrific U-hout bombardment
agalnat the new French positions at N'otrii
Dame de lairette. in an effort to dUlodge
th Fre.nIl soldiers from their trenehas
An official oommunlqua. uaued by the
French War OfBu today. tlM tha.t tho
Germans o,rrld 91 n all-night cannon'
avde agalnat the French. jioiWen ( 8etr
1 liJilil5y&. I
Several thousand persona nro expected to attend the i dedication of ( tlitn
memorlnl in llnrlolirh Cemcterv today. Invitations extended by
Cnmdcn Elks have been accepted by many lodges in Now Jersey,
Pennsylvania nnd Delaware.
Dame de l.orelte, hut dpile the violent
artillery flro tho French have been nblo
to make, further progress east of the roods
that run through Alx Noillotle nnd Hon
chex The French hnvn renewed their offensivn
In the Argonne foreil, capturing n Her
man tiench at FontMlne Madame
The commiml'iue shows Ihal there is
no abatement In Hip ferocity of the list
tli that lias now been raging for many
dais between the Hermnni nnd Frencn
between Arras nnd trft Rnssen The fight
ing centres particularly around Boucliei '
and the l.orelte bill, where the French I
nre trying to break through the Herman
line" and tnUe l.em, Hti important crime
of the highways and railroads.
Syrian Divisions Sent to Reinforce
Ottoman Lines.
ATItHNS, May 23
The totnl Turkish casualties In the fight
ing on tho Dardanelles are estimated at
60.000 In dispatches received today from
Tenedoi. The 8th and 10th Syrian Di
visions of the Turkish army have ar
rived nt Constantinople, after n forced
match ftom tho Interior.
The troops nro In had shape from 21
days of constant marching.
Cashier at Bank Turns Lad
Over to Cop When He Asks
for $100 Named.
A 16-year-old boy, caught in the act
of trying to cash n check for 1100 he H
alleged to have forged, was hold in $300
bail for a further hcnilng today at Cen
tral Htntlon- by Magistrate Carson. The
lad Ii Harry Henchman, 1S::S North Park
Julian N. Solomon, 731 Arch street, one
of the boy's employers, said nt the hear
ing that he din not wish to prosecute
Henchman. Solomon, whoso name was
forged to the check the boy attempted
to ensh at the Penn National Rank, "th
and Arch streets, expressed the ul'titl'm
that some one else had been guilty of
Henchman was turned over by the bank
cashier to Special Policeman l,nelle.
The hoy told the cop that lie hnd intend
ed to buy n new suit of clothing with tho
money and go to Atlantlo City. Ho said
he then Intended to go from there to
Toledo, Ohio, where his father llvei.
Another check for $100 with the forged
signature of C. E. Ralblrnlo. nlsn nf 731
Arch street, uas found In Henchman's
pocket. Ralblrnlo nlso Is his employer.
Solomon paid that when he got to his
ofllce today he found papers that had
beer. In his desk strewn about the floor.
About $1 In cash was missing, also some
blank checks!. The pollco nra trjlng to
find out who slgneil the checks
Continued frnm Page One
however, penetrated to evcr floor of the
building nnd did considerable damage to
tho stock of furniture nnd rugs. Mr.
Kahli estimated the value of the stock at
between $75,000 nnd $100,000, He could
make no eatlmato of the loss, hut It Is
expected to exceed $5000.
Tho building was Inspected two or three
days ago by the fire underwriters, ac
cording to Mr. Knhn, and found to be
In excellent condition. The reason for the
blaie has not been determined. Flro
Chief Murphy and members of the firm
are Investigating.
On the northeast corner of 11 1 It and Fit
bert atreeta la the office building or tho
Hell Telephone Company, where hundreds
of girls are employed. Ofllclals said there
was no excitement In the building. Most
of the employes watched tho work of the
firemen from the upper windows,
Fatally Stricken Watching Flro
Frank Armstrong, a young Negro,
waa stricken wjth heart disease n title
watching the tire at 11th and Fllheit
Htreots today and died while on the way
to the Hahnemann Hospital. Ha waa
standing at the end of the Reading Rail
way train shed, looking down at the firs.
The excitement la believed to have been
the cuuse Of hla death. He waa employed
In the baggage department at Reading
Terminal and lived at 1H8 Bouth Dorranco
Epidemic in Lancaster County Vant
qulshed at Last.
LANCASTER, Pa , May 20. The report
issued today by the Federal inspector-
who fought too apntnoua aver epiaemiu
in Lancaster County abowa 190 premises,
with 220 herds, were Infected, end iOSi
cattle, awne, sheep and goats were da.
Btroyed. their asaeaaad value being 133,217,
With Indirect losses to farmers and cat
tle dealers, tha epldemlo, paw ended, corl
Lancaster County nearly $500,000.
la order to coclorm with u.o LumjpiUii
Amendment of tb Ajt to. rtiglat. suminnrve
and the dtctaisii Of Infe Interstate coalmen,,
tomniueloti In jfMnutlpu therewith, the PhlU
dtlphU. it JleaoTua Railway Company will ra
vlte Ua battailas, ruUe on lotcriute jriltlc
atfeetiva duns J, 1913, requtrln that the tbip
itr of oam muat oe-iacaltr atata la Writ.
Inr th vlu of tb baxaass to ! forward!.
to' tna Kauroao mail not in any case T
liable beyond th amount tpulftaally a'gla.1
When tlckat 1 urteented for the eJfi.klaK of
batzaa str.i wlrtfcs.ua a. "DaalarkUM
Li VaTu" form to lb ahlipr who muat lnaeft
th valua ol th taaaaaa h4 alaa a me. De
clared valuta of baaaas In eiM I 1100(0
for n Idult and SO 00 for a. tblld will b
iuBleet le thuja of 10 (.ants for each I09 r
Fraction thtraoi. of jutaa a!u.
Til stet reaulolloua aculv an lmartii
traOlo oulr auiil tba aminninia heieio'nra
In net will reanln uaDhanx4 on traffic
entirely nltbla ona aiat. lAdv
HnndBoinc Bronze Memorial
Maries Burial Plado in Har
lcitfh Cemetery.
Pennsylvania and New Jersey lodges of
Elks wcro represented In Camden this
nfternoou nt tho dedication exercises for
the Elks' Rest, In Itnrlelgh Cemetery.
Tho rest, which Is marked by a handsome
bronze and granite memorial, was built
at an expense of $6000 by tho Camden
Tho Elks, headed by the 3d Regiment
Hand, loft their homo, at Broadway
and Federal street, early In tha after
noon, nud nftcr a short pnrado through
tho centro of tho city marched to tho
cemetery. During tho services tho deed
for (he Elk lot, which will afford burial
space for 150, was presented to the lodao
bv John H. Fort, executor and trustee of
Mrs Sadie M. Nlchttals, donor of tho
cemetery property. Mayor Ellis and
Judge Runyon, of the Plnlnfleld, N. J.,
Elks, delivered orations, which were fol
lowed bv the rllunllstlc ceremony.
Miss Dorothy Ferat unveiled tho monu
ment nt 2 o'clock. The memorial was ac
cepted In a shott nddreBs by Morris Odcll,
district deputy grand exalted ruler.
The memorial unveiled todny Is a life
slzo bronze elk, standing on a baso of
Dnlfour granite. Tho height to the tip
of the millers Is 21 feet. It occupies a
prominent position In the rest, and has
attracted conslderablo attention slnco Its
completion, a short time ago.
Continued from rage One
however, not only declined to comment on
It or to Indicate Its nature, but forbnde
his subordinates to discuss tho sltuntlon
In any way.
Dlsconceitlng reports that the German
note In reply to tho Amorlcan protest on
tho I.usltanla tragedy will be Indirect,
with a prospect of protracted quibbling
over facts between the two nations, were
understood today to bo worrying olllclnH
who are awaiting Germany's reply.
Although It Is nsserlcd at the Stato
Depnitment.that no ofllclnl forecast of tho
reply has been received, American officials
cannot disregard entirely tho apparently
trustworthy rump-B frfltrt abroad that
Germany's reply, 'while conciliatory, will,
not conform In dlrcctncFfl nnd frankness
to the noto of President Wilson regarding
the submarine activity of the Kaiser's
The uncertainly nbout tho contents of
the reply, relating particularly to the
Lusltanla case, the delay nt Germany in
adjusting the controversy which has
arisen out of the Gulfllght, Fnlaba nnd
Fryo Incidents and the growing under
current of feeling hero that Gormany
will attempt to prolong diplomatic cor
respondence on all these cases, gave
much concern to the Administration. Ono
report was that Germany first will saek
to hnvo the United States nnswer "jes or
no" to the questions "Did the Lusltanla
havo aboard war munitions for tho Al
lies? AVas sho a peaceful merchantman or
nn auxiliary cruiser mounting concealed
cnnuonT Did she curry Canadian soldiers
bound for the front?"
Of extreme Importance also Is the re
sult nf the Investigation now In progress
by American nnval experts tti determine
whether the steamer Nebraskan waa
struck by n mine or torpedoed by a Ger
man submarine. A finding to the latter
effect will aggravate greatly the present
delicate situation.
Much credence Is given hero to reports
that before answering the United States
directly on th future conduct of Its sub
marine warfare, Germany will stipulate
that the United Btates confine Its rep
resentations to the broad subject of the
facts In the Lusltanla case before tak
ing up the general policy ot submarine
attacks. It is pointed out that It these
rumors be true, Germany may conaume
a great deal of time In reaching an agree
ment on facts before she geta down to
the real point Involved the safety of
American Uvea aboard passenger ships of
belligerents or the vessels of neutrals.
If the reply, In effect. oakn America to
"define the terms" prior to an adjust
ment, there la sure to be bitter dlaap
polntmeht here. There nre plenty of evi
dences that the military party la trying
to shape Germany's policy, and If It suc
ceeds It la felt It will be almost Impos
sible to continue friendly relations.
The President ia said to feel strongly
that Americans will resent anything that
can be construed as dickering upon points
of national honor,
Much curiosity la expressed in social
circles concerning the Kaiser's where
abouts. It has been agreed that If ha
dominates the situation Germany will
meet the United States half way, but no
official advices from Berlin rerer to him.
and It Is understood Ambasiador Gerard
ha not seen him slnco the note waa
It la not expected the Nebraskan ease
will pgure In tho German reply, It will
bt taken up later If the United Btates
decider B. German submarine attacked
the ship
CHIASSO, Switzerland, May 29,
Italian: authorities at Como and sev
eral other points along the Swiss border
have begun seizing Germans fleeing out
of Italy,
Several Germans were taken from trains
(it border stations yeaterday, Their bag
gage underwent rigid Inspection, and they
are being detained. A formal dedal u
tion of war by Germany la expected mo
mentarily by the Italian authorities along
tha border
For several days there has been a great
exodus of Germans from Italy. Italy's
formal declaration agalnat Austria salil
many Germans fleeing over the border,
(md th number Increased when reports
reached Italy that Germany had declared
herself "in a state of war" with reapeot
to Italy The border officials say Ger
many la delaying an actual declaration tq
allow bar nationals time to cat beyond tho
Italian frontier.
Three Months Ago She Waa
Happy Girl Bride of Trolley
Car Romance.
Cries of "murder!" Issuing from tho
room in which an llnllan was beating his
wife because she was n German, sent
Policeman Hugh Qulnn flying UP the
stairs of the house at 4037 Poplar street to
the second story, where he put an end to
the scene. , .
Mrs. Frank Cointl is only 17 years old.
Her maiden name was Nellie Knderle.
Cotntl, who is 31, was ft street-car con
ductor, and met the pretty Oermaji Rlfl
on ono of the many rides sho tbok In tho
car on which ho worked. Her dally rides
ultli Oomtl ended three months ago when
he married her.
When Italy went Into the wnr the ex
citement went to Comtt's head. His wife
told Moglstrate Kmely, nt tho 30th street
nnd Lancaster nenuo pollco slntlon to
dny, that ho hnd sworn ho would kill
her nnd then go over to Germany nnd
kill tho members of her whole German
family) then ho would cnlht In the Italian
He was sent to tha Philadelphia Hos
pital for examination of his mental con
Cnnllnuril frnm Pane Ono
which Invaded lslrla (Austria) hy way
of Gradlsca Is within IB miles of Trieste
It Is unofficially reported that the Aus
trian authorities have left Trlealo and
thai tho city lias hern nbnndonrd to tho
moroy of turbulent mobs.
Tho Italian fmre which occupied Orn
dlse.t have crossed tho Ihoiizo River and
reporting rushing southward to Montfnl
conv. A snvcie nrtlllery duel along the
heights of the Isonzo dtmoiistrnted tho
superiority of the Italian guns.
Infantry fighting on a, largo scale Ii de
veloping southeast of Gorlzla.
Tho Italian nrmy of Invasion In Trent
has occupied Htoro nnd has stormed the
Austrian defenses upon Mount Tremalzo.
Htoro Is seven miles Inside of tho Aus
trian frontier and lies northeast of Lake
Idro, Mount Tremalzo Is east ot Sloro
and lies north of Lnko Garda.
The boom of big guns Is Bonding crash
ing echoes through tho Alpine passes east
of Lake Oordn. A violent nrtlllery bnt
tlo lor possession of tho narrow defllo
leading to Rovereto has begun.
jai:gi:rs rktrkat.
Tyrolean Jaegers, retreating from Ala
boforo the Italian advance, have Installed
themselves behind the walls of tho pic
turesque old fortress nt Sorravalle, mid
way botween Ala and Rovereto. They nro
equipped with now mountain howitzers.
Their object Is to hold back the Invaders'
until tho Austrlnns can prepnro them
selves to meet tho attack upon Rovereto.
The Itnlians have dragged mountain
guns northward along the mist-covered
ridges of Monte Haldo. They havo opened
fire on the Austrian position at Serrnvnlle
from the heights of Monte Altleslmo,
dominating tho Adlgo Valley. Shells nre
screaming down tho chasm with a great
roar that can be heard distinctly at
Italian frontier towns.
Another Italian force Is attempting to
outllank tho Austrlnns at Sorravalle.
Having driven the enemy fiom Staro, they
nro moving eastward around the north
ern end of Lnkc Gardo, to nttack Rlva
nnd Mori. Tho Austrlnns have posted nr
tlllcry In the heights commanding Vnl dl
Lndro nnd nro disputing this ndvnnco.
On Monte Raldo ridge the Italian Alpine
troops nre making Btendy progress. Tho
fighting hero la of guorllla nature, troops
advancing In some plnccs single flic.
The Austrian forces In tho valley of the
Chleso River nre falling back. It was In
this region that tho Germans were re
ported to havo massed soldiers to co-op-erato
with tho Austrlans nnd Hungarians.
An Austrian hydroplnne has been cap
tured off tho Italian coaBt and Its crew
taken prisoners, It was officially an
nounced todny.
Italian nrtlllery. which was dragged to
tho crests of tho heights on Austrian
soil, hnvo bombarded tho valloy of the
Fclln, wrecking nn Austrian ammunition
train that was on the way to the front.
Rlva, an Important Austrian stronghold,
nt the extreme north end of Lake Garda,
has been violently bombarded.
Italian troops are pressing In upon Tri
este and Gorltz and are capturing one
height after another In the Trentlno and
In the Carnlo Alps. Torpcdoboats en
gaged two Austrian submarines that at
tempted to attack shipping at Venice nnd
sank one of the submerslbles. An Italian
dirigible flew over Bobenlco, Dalmatla,
75 miles southeast of Trieste, and bom
barded a group of torpcdoboats lying In
tho river.
The hea fight off Venice was described
In unofficial circles ns the most spectac
ular engagement of tho first week of the
war. Tne official announcement Issued
nt midnight gave details of tho attack by
the Austrian submarines, but did not
locate the scene of tne lighting,
The Austrlans sllp;,ed out of Pola with
the (ntcntlon of attacking Italian vessels
lying In tho ship channela nnd lagoons of
Venice. A few miles off the port they
ro.se to the surface to get their bearings
und were Immediately attacked by two
Italian torpcdoboats patrollng the coast
to guard against Juat such attacks,
The etibtnnrlncs at once began to sub
merge and an Austrian torpedoboat, act
ing as convoy, cams dashing to their as
sistance Tho Italian worships turned
thelt tire upon the silbmeralblea, their
sholls striking several times.
"Thick black smoke poured out of this
submarine, a column ot water shot up
and ahe disappeared with a loud, hum
mtng sound," said the Ministry of Marina
statement. "Sho left patches of oil on
the aurface, giving ground for the belief
that she waa sunk,"
The second aubmarlna and the Austrian
torpedoboat escaped. Neither of tho
Italian vessels Buffered any casualties.
Th dirigible M-2 which flaw oyer the
Adriatic and attacked the ehemy dea
troyers oft Sebenlco was violently bom
barded by Austrian aircraft guns, but re
turned safely to her baaa.
Official reports from the front show
that Lieutenant General Cadorna, Italian
Chief of Staff, Is attempting to carry otit
a well-denned movement for the occu
pation of the important points ip tha
Alps, along the Gludlcarla chain of the
Leaslnl Mountains, tho BUgana Valley
and the Carnlo Alps. This maneuver,
if accomplished, would pts.ee the Itallana
f in an advantageous position to meet tha
Austrlans if they should unuenane any
serious attack for the purpoaa of Invad
ing Italy. It Would also permit tha
Itallana to chooaa their own time and
place for making an attempt to force
the mountain passe and penetrate fur
ther into Austria.
Tha occupation of Altlaahno Mountain,
which is 70 feet high, Is regarded as
th moat Important achievement In car
rying out this plan. This Is the highest
peak of tha JJaldo rang, which oxtends
for 5 miles on tha eastern tide of Lake
Occupation ot Alttaalmo Mountain
mean tha domination of three Impor
tant Austrian centres of communication
with the Province of Trent The flrat la
AU. from which point starts the railway
leading to Rovereto and Trtrit The. aec-
. f
bnd I MdH, the (starting point ot the
narrow gauge railway to Rlva, The third
le Rlva, which I aeven.rollee distant In
a direct line.
Altlsslmo dominates the entlro portion
of Lake Garda n Austrian territory.
Possession of this mountain, together with
Monlefcorno, tho Raftelan Mountains nnd
the Selteorocl Peak, places tho whole
Rovereto district under the domination
Of Italian guns, Moreover, tho Agarlna
Valloy, through which runs the Adlge
River, tho Valbona, Ronchl and Arsa
valleys alno aro entirely under control
of the Italian positions.
From the high plateau north of Bchlo
Italian Artillery hits bombarded Aus
trlans' positions' from five to seven miles
distant, inflicting aevcro losses on their
opponents. In the Cnrnla district tho
Italians dominate the DOfirta Valid'.
Continued from Page One
vault, might land them ahead of Cornell.
Tcschcr and Foley, In particular, look
very good In tho 100 and 220 yards dashes,
whllo Wlllcox nnd lllngham should get tit
least eight points In the 440 and 8S0 yards
runs. Then, If some one can upset Cor
nell's mllers nnd Soulhworth como
through In tho two mltes, It Is easy to scj
nearly ,15 points In sight for Harvard, nnd
such a totol Is sure to be enough to win
tho meet.
It Is seldom that any team experiences
so much misfortune ns attended Pennsyl
vania yesterday. First of nil, Captain
Llpplncott pulled a tendon In his left leg
In his first bent of tho 100-ynrd dash,
which put him out of the meet. It was
thought at first that It was tho same
tendon ho pulled a year ago, hut It was In
tho other leg. Ferguson, usuilly the most
rellablo of low hurdlers, failed to j;et his
stride right In his first heat and took a
tumble, which lost him an entire hurdle.
But ho recovered himself and ate up the
distance with nn nmnzlng sprint. Ho only
finished third, nnd this compelled him to
run another heat to qualify for the semi
finals. Tho fall nnd the exertion wcro
too much for him, and he wns shut out
of this event, though he Is still In the
high hurdles, where he has another
chance to win a first place,
Pennsylvania's only hope now Is for
rntterson and Lockwood to come through
Rtrong In tho 100 nnd 220-yard dashes.
Should those two men get ten 'points
here, with what Meredith can get In tho
quarter and half-mile run, Ferguson In
tho high hurdles, Kaufman In tho low
hurdles nnd Murphy In tho hammer
throw, they would bo dnngcrous. But
after the way tho whole team performed
yesterday, this Is nsking too much ot
Only one Intercollegiate record was
brokon yesterday. That was tho hammer
throw, In which Bailey, of Maine, threw
It 1(15 feet Inch, bettering the mark of
lot feet 10 IncheB, made by John DeWltt,
of rrlncoton. In 1802. Thnt nnlley can
better even this mark Is cortaln. nnd It
will not ho a surprise If he approaches
the world record this afternoon.
Outside of the fight for tho team cham
pionship tho crowds which go to Franklin
Field this afternoon will watch tho out
come of tho fight in the quarter nnd half
mile runs between Ted Meredith, of tho
University of Pennsylvania, and Wlllcox
nnd BitiBhnm, of Harvard, it will bo ono
man ngnlnst two. With tho possible ex
ception of Meredith, Wlllcox Is prob
ably tho fnstest quartcr-mller in the
country, just as Bingham Is conceded to
be the fastest hnlf-mllcr. Meredith wants
to do what no man has ever done, win the
quarter and half-mile runs In a single
nfternnon. Ho meets his strongest ad
versary In tho quarter-mllo run nnd n
fresh untngonlBt picks him up In tho hair
mllc. The quarter-mile comes first and
the consensus or opinion is inai jicicuiui
will win It nnd establish a now world
record if necessary. Fortunately, Mere
dith hus drawn second from the polo for
the lnnl today, with Wllkle, of Yale, on
the pole. Meredith docs not fear Wllkle,
but ho docs have a wholesome respect for
Wlllcox. , , .
if Meredith wero able to start fresh tor
tho hnlf mile he could surely beat Bing
ham. The Crimson runnor can do l:5o.
and If Meredith Is run nut In tho quarter
mile It 1b posslblo that this will be too fast
for him In n rnco HO minutes nftcr the
quarter. If Meredith does win both races
he will havo shown hlmsolf to be a super
man in athletics.
In the several other events new rec
ords nro looked for. In the high Jump
cither A. W. Richards, of Cornell, the
Olymplo champion, or Oler, of Ynlc, are
thought to havo Mofflt'S C feet 3,i Inch
,.n-H nf fltAir mirnv. Ttrtrrv AVorthlne-
ton. of Dartmouth, has a chance to beat
A. C. Krftettzleln s marlc in tne urnau
Jump. Worthlngton wnn near the 21-foot
...M-1. .'Aofaprlnt ntlll lift VI M tint fritted tO
uiuin j.on-twij, ...... .. ...
extend himself. Whether or not a rec
ord Is made in tne two mues win uepcnci
upon the pace. It Is certain thnt tho
Cornell men will go out to make It hot
from tho start In order to kill off the tre
mendous sprint with which Overton, of
Yale, Is equipped,
There Is likely to be some change In the
relative positions of tho men In several
of the field events. For exnmple, Russell
D catty, of Columbia, Intercollegiate Bhot
put champion, is likely to move up Into
second ptace, while both Spears, of Dart
mouth, and Allen, of Maine, have a good
chance to shut out Richards, of Cornell,
In this ovent, In the pole vault, Fobs, ot
Cornell, who qualified with the handicap
ot a sprained wrist. Is not likely to come
tnrniipn in inn nnais. rl least, nnt in ret
better than a fifth place.
Poatofllce Memorial Day Hours
Postmaster Thornton today laaued the
Memorial Day achedule, which will be
observed by the Postoffl.ce next Monday,
Tho money order, registry and Inquiry
divisions at the central office, 9th and
Chestnut atreets, will ba open until 11
a. m.'i the wholesale stamp window, 8 a.
in. Until 1 p, m., and the ratal! stamp
window, 7 a. in. until midnight. All tho
substations will close at 11 a. m. One
mall delivery, at 7 a. in., and several col
lections will be made.
Just Out!
"The Saintsbury Affair"
America's latest mystery story comes to you with Sun
day's publlti Ledger. Fresh from the author's versatile
pen, "The Saintsbury Affair" keys yqu to the highest
interest pitch through baffling situations, daring: escapes
and gripping affairs at the heart. Read every instal
Begins May 30th and continues every
Sunday in the
Order From Your Dealer Today
i i . i ' i i - . t
M6rc Handful of Enthusiastl
oce luosc uiaasy jytogram afl
, jjevon.
The weathef gods, who have been nier!
'""" i.Kiuu , invoring the DtVei
Horse Show with an nbundane r l.i
aunahlno to date, grew peevish thl. J
Ing. and ns a result the best eesalonn f
the show, scheduled for today, Ver
,.k.,,i:U uy h. jjioomy exy ot lewerlni
clouds and a disagreeable threat of mi.
As a consequence the morning attend
ance, always alight waa negligible aW
the horses, which weather condition. ,.-
fact little or not at all, ran through their't
classes oeiore a -wen nigh empty stand
As far as tho exhibition In the tiai
was concerned, tho schedule, from iEt
Bianupoini ot variety of classes (lnd,,.
tercet appeal, was tho most prorntiinj
on tho four-day program. The nt.,'
event of tho day was a novelty and a
goou ono, nlthough not In nny wise aoec
tacular. A Judging contest It Wa,1
icrmeu. nnu was open to students ItUM
University of Pennsylvania veterinary
school. Three classes for model, draft
and slnglo harness horses, consisting oi
four standard entries each, wero shown
In Itlng 2. Tho regular show Judges, flrtt
passed on the merits of the exhibits ana
then each of the students made his
choices for the ribbons.
Thoy were required further to give nB
explanation to tho Judges an to reasons
of their selections. The student whoia
selection conformed most nearly to those
of tho Judcea nnd who siinnnrfnd lh-
with the bcBt explanations got a cup ln;
each class. 4
As has been tho case on the preceding ,11
flays, the mornitie session, with tha ..!
ceptlon of tho classes noted above, 6m
devoted to events for Jumpers. The
open class today differed to somo extent,
in that It was handicapped according
to tho provlous performances of the en.
Tho feature for tho afternoon is tha
Corinthian class for hunters. This nlmava
produces the best competition and per-5
iormanco oi tne snow in lutnnincr. E
Miss Cornell's Rock Cress, an entry alt 1
tho way from IHe N. Y carried ,0ff the '
blue In the llahl dflht clnsk from lh
Knox; entry, Grnvdel. and E. B. JfoLe&n'a"!
isnncy Pansy, m the event for middle- .
wclRhts, W. S, Kilmer's Lady Eileen titan,
from Echo, a good performer from Btron
tla Farm, and tho old favorite, Bennlng.
ton, belonging to Miss Ruth Wodd.
Alarm, Mr. McLean's great Jumper, had
11 oil his own way among tho heavy,
weights nnd carried away the first prlia
In splto of good performances by his
stablcmate, Rnvelo, and H. L. Collins'
good-looking St, Rocco. r
Another excellent cltua Is for trained
officers' mounts, There Is a vast number
of restrictions on performance required, I
out tne nuicers entries ill me snow nave
done extremely well and should make tha
ovent inoro than Interesting, I
There Is also a difficult Jumping class
for officers' mounts Hated The prltei In
this event, offered by Mrs. William dtl !
Pont, of Delaware,' nre the largest of the
show, nmountlng to nearly $600. ,
In tho clnss for aged horses there Ufa '
three entries, all more than 20 yeara" old.
Tho usual breeding and harnesa classes
occupy their share of the "schedule, and j
tho day will close with a Jumplng'cUsj '1
for hunt team?, thre hunters abreast a
across the brush Jumps. j
The summaries: ;
Class 178. Jumpers' handicap Won Ar j,
ftirontla Form's Warwick, second, yalley (
I'orae Farm's urayaeie. inira, Ultmttiant
aiolrterneM" Julia Had Boy"
Horse Show Society Notes "on Pag 9.
Borlin Admits Foes Took Trenches in
BERLIN, May 23,
Tho Wnr Ofllce reports that attempts
were mado by the French to break
through tho Gorman lines northeast ot
the Loreite Ridge. Southeast of Loretti
Rldgo the French renewed attacks en
parts ot our line last night, but were
At Ablnln n battle Is raging,
Tho enemy nlso attacked In the forest
of Lo Protre lrfat night. After prolonged
nrtlllery preparation and bitter hand-to-hand
fighting the engagement ended In a
severe defeat for the French. .
In the Vosges Mountains the French
succeeded In capturing a small trench to
tho Bouthwest of Metzeral.
A French attack aX Relche-ACkerKopr.
north ot Muchlbnch, enelly was repulsed.
Austria's real efforts to resist the in
vasion by Italian troops has not yet be
gun, according to the following official
statement given out here by the war
Ofllce, ,. . .
"In Tyrol Italian detachments -WhlcB
crossed the frontier had to deal only with
gendarmes and patrola. The bombard,
ment of our frontier works with heavy
nrtlllery has ocasefl,"
It is reported that Archdtlke Eugene,
who had charge of the operations against
Servia, has been appointed commander
In-chief of the Austrian forces against
Italy. ... ,
An appeal to the Austrian soldiers t
"chastise the Italian armies with steel
and "flro" Is made n the special order
of tho day Issued by Archduke Frederick.
Kills Wife and Drinks Poison
DETROIT. Mich., May
Realty, on employe of the Maxweii
Motor Company killed hla -yj
wife early today and then took hUQwn
life. Ho cut her throat and then, (Jrann