I I r c w mmmji um ?StTUATIONS WANTED MALE ATTENTION', BL81NE8B iMBN JvMnjr energetle bright BOYS and (11(11 S who coma under our faro are now Mailable .for of lice, shop or factory work. No CHABOKS. juveNiLkwchk tins' bureau Irot Atirn If Telephone, Race .IJ37, Spruce OUT, MR. MANAtJER, do J'oil need sn ail. writer or buyer of printing? Best references. P ftl, "a vc""n" AUTOMOBILES for Bile -CltCVrtOt.nrn touring car: run only 1100 mil?Bi Jiuumimi, i'x. I ( . 'lii'j 1 1 1M1 , I'lsU complete. $lll0f will sell nt 7nO cash 4IU4 N. Broad , t"tn Vltil TW.rlt VOtl to ilrle and slnrt sou in Jliney business, t,m, nullltt Building, 4th iihlA tVK In uliIjm ton r(l 21)12, AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES AUTO hire, JMB Injrlng, Willi driver, $l.(io wk perjwri 'none winning imp y. MOTORBOATS AND SUPPLIES wilt BALK Small auxiliary sloop: new boat! very reasonable. Cnll :ill Oeorgo at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A1'M'iHMl OPPORTUNITY OMt 'blh!ird garage In Atlantic rnii"ly, 'Haled at Intersection nt Htftie roads irnrtlng In Philadelphia, AlUtH'n C'ty, Cape May nnd other r-rist fully equipped tnnchliin shop and slorl' of accessories, mint for the rlshl rartyi no ngotitH, Poslofnco n. May's Landing. N. .1 Bo I ton SALIf-UP-TO-DATK POULTRY PLANT, kuIIs1a for wholesale Or retail liuilnpss; eq'llnped with sanllnry rnops, iargo cooling raiilfofflenlN of lloanl of llenllh regulations. Tlils Is an excellent oiuortunlty for nn etitor- " call 0 to lit, ft in.. 2ni0 IV, York it. jr YOU WIHlt to lines! In nn active butlnees, well cstnbllshril end tnnklni; jpwnrrt of luo per tent tiel Prollls, n Ihorouch Inic'lfgnllnn of the Moines and books tan be made A siimll nmmint of slock la for salo to Increase business. U, Jt o, UAiifu ivut tncsinui bi. tOUNU MAN. wllh (.1000, for nn established butuisa In a aood neighborhood! object, in IncreJjo the business; one-rnlf Interest wllh ttrv'co! tills a tarn opportunity will stand H'le'est Inmlltntloni experience not neces sary si p.)o, i.ciiKgr ipninii K DKCOnATOIt, practical (wlndov and i'nrnl K val)r can have permanent employment lln Investment! stttlo experience, amount of cap Hal at command, i. iui. i.euger unice. QOOU-1'AYlNO furnished apartment house at very low price. 10.12 Mount Vernon. . CARPET CLEANINQ WE8T 1'IHI.A. MONAIICII STOnAflB CO. c. PEIl YAIIU. .'1870.72 LANCASTnil AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING cwrn.cii ruATHisiifl anu rANcina CIHANT!D, UYBll. MAHiHOT.1810 Chestnut. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY OOWNfl remodeled on 1015 llncx. 1521 Cheit nut st,, lipoma hJt28. . Phone. Upruce 22SI. H:MBT1TC11IN0 done whllo you wait. A, llelchard.lin Chestnut Pictorial Review pat. OrtKHSMAKINCl taught! short,, prne. cou i so. MacUowell, :II7 TJentkla Illdg,, lltli ft Market UEMSTlTCHINai nil materials Be. rer yard"; plaiting, button cohering, eoutocho embrnld ery y Toinasulo, HI2 Chestnut. Hpniro 2:;ilV POR SALE BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d-hnnd bought, sold, rented, exch'd. Jteafer, 321) Olrnrd itve. CAKI1 lti;01BTCII8, new and socoiulhnnd, 2 snd upward: new Improved total adder. J 10; new total adder with sales printer. IN! full lines of Bsoond-haml registers at reasonahln prices! new and eciond-hand registers fully guaranteed! wn guarantee to furnish a better cssn register for less monny than any other concern In the world Tlfll NATIONAL xiiiii nt. itd'iL.'n i,nniMV Tin rl,iHi ONU ADlJlti:ssDTlTLIinachine, iicariy'liew; Can he seen at lot N. 22d St.; prlco reasona- ibis lor i rUlck sale. HEATING .- MAKIN-KELSEY HEATING Belter end cheaper than hot water or steam. j'ure. iiesn nir. wun normal inoisiuro. CUT8 COAL HILL IN MALI''. 6 and 8 N. 18th INSTRUCTION lUGTI.Mi; In 20 lessona. Call or write Cirlstensen i'lano Bcliuols, .1S2U Germantown ae, 1J2u TasKcr st. STORAGE J. M, FI3NTON STOttAGU CO.. INC. Lowest rates. l-"reo cstlmato, lielinont 1300. wi WEST Monarch Storage Co. Auto and pack MILA. Ing and shipping. 3S70 Lancaster ne. R00M3 POR RENT AIICH. 1612 Desirable acanclrs, single or douDie rooms: homo cooKlnK,j-ellnedhouse. HALTIML'Iti: & 4TT1I Ncnly turn, rooms! beautiful surroundings. Phono WoodPd 201HD. BAKING ST., 32IS (The Chilton) Two flrs Door rcomu, suit dentist, doctor or apart- monla. Mrs Belle aicClaln, manjger. CHESTNUT, 1MM Attractively furn'd rooms: south, cxp.: cont'ouB hot water. Snruco B23Si CTTESTNITT. 2115 Two wcll-turnlshcd rooms, slnslo or on Bulto: nununer rates fapruce d57u. COI.UMUIA AVi:., 102l-b,urnlshed parlor for light housekeeping, also two front rooms EltlB AVE, lJ20"-Cool, attractlto furnished rooms! board optional, reagonablo,phono. FaiKiIOUNT AVE.,"l5l2-Pleasantroo!ns for ronsvnlal bust men, sing or en suite; phone lUxiAN syUAHi:, W., 218. Cocl, attracllvi single room, 2d-lloor front, facing square JlOSTnOMKIlY AVI! , 1UH Vacancies, sin gle or en suite; running water; prUato fam lty all conveniences, phone. ilOUNT VEP.NON. IbOl Bright, cheerful rooms, with board, table board. PINK. iOO Ideal bachelor quarters, furnished, single, double, private baths: also suite, ace. 4! teducA rates tn Dertnanent tenant R l'JNB. 131J Large 2d-story frontl southern exposure! also sin gio room; central. lHWBLTXJN, 4010 Ijjrgo. alryrooms. slnglo or en aulta; rellned Prot, family! near L, BPSUCB, N. L COM. 12TiTAttractlve rooms, fur. or unfur., single or communicating, all cutsld rooms', hardwood floorsl fireplaces. WALNUT, sooa Newly furnished rooms for rellned gentlemen, llelmont P12L fl'ALNUT, SOOa-Newly furnished front room. modern conveniences, t'none ueuiiuni uo-ta. WTJI, S S,, 114 Large, airy fiont room, for 1 or itiemeni private fnmllyi electrlo lights. j seni ifn- lain ni,, pit, jun( wesirouio vacanctes. sui gle, tn suite! rellned, nrlv.l eg, loca.i phone. lSfll. N iniKPrlvate family hag 2 w'elf turn, rooms for light hskpg.t also bedroom; ioTH, 8 , ,.1U Sublet, furn. suite, 2 large rooms tun, water : light houaekpg.l phone. J8TH, H., 120 Handsomely furn., large, airy ..room, bathi will unturn. Ph. Locust 3010. iwiKnitiii tn ears, iiuHauaijii, sTII, N., 220 (Logan Square) Deslr, 2d-lloor lront runhlnB water! other vacs.i phone, I wan TWIlNTYBECONO, N., 2320 Two men or counlet BTnn,l hnantt nrlvntt. famllv nhanl. "iNlBUBb ItOOMS. with board, in prlvale famllyi excellent location! near train and Ha7np3Hely furnTshejlfront room. In large' modern, Private hontei electrlo lights; , 10 jr.lnutes J6 CMty Hall Telephone Baring 415 iroiiey, t'none uernlantowrr tosa Jt, BOARDING lBno",p. B T70 iThs (Iraham)-Cool and at- tractiva furnished rooms i, all modern con- tn.l MYlal't Inhla l.narH. liAlal idrv.l 17 .III. 'fiOJKIS, "itltt-ATTHACTiyH JSffiFapU V'ltONT ItOOMl TABLli, nOAItPi PlfONK. CEUAtl AVE., 4ffTConaenlal business .men ! -.na get nicely furn. room. Woodl'd 8612 X. CHESTEn A.VB.. BOOO-Prlrite family, will' . toaro desirable nersonsi refa. Woodland oMiL qffi8T'lfOiR -foTlOr-BeautlfuI suite, private bathj nrst-clais table board. MUa llanley. iTSce, Sll Trained nurse lias pleas, horn for rV..,P,PP1 dealrlns good acconbt p. care of Infafids oraldrl persons. Preston 810a D. FVJTOCE. l0H30-r Pestrabfg suite with .private l"liU"!5ESJSBl? fosra. wainui )J w. prni'ujs, n ALL ADriTTiZuVhoami, single or en suite! a. """- Ug tmillWtC WAlJlpT, 4800-Attractlva roon iams. " slnsle t-i ;;"uiur, or un lur.jrijisasts',A-Wiysai WALITt0MpTiifirta61e rnii son.rpfp . ...r.- .!-' -T- ".--'r.-- . j c-i .... vti aaiiii beautiful nelghbofd. yryit,ivt .'aTnTJT, ' 45-Tl-2d-noor rooms, with baardl ft'ALNTJl oarj., 5arj., southern exjgs.j rets, tich'pg M. . SVBST P1IILA -Superior awimmodalionirfor elderly people and Invalids! selentlJW earet number 'limited large grounds: o.ld shadei bts porches ideal loiatlon ph Wood 4il0. IWTIj., Jt frl-Pront room, prlv Um.l batba porh beautiful lie com I- pbone Suburban CEBMANKHVN 233 W Hlttsnhous St U- - vYayiie ana oreenej- Mirai, iriwi. i . Story m.i aood tsht ,ana Pb utu laid X Us. table, near info. trel. Otn. 6S2TX. 12ZI-2U tHrumonaei jTurn, rooms, lugis, ensuitet private caini) isoie uoara nALLATrB ST. leOS Stcsfy furnished rooms,' wwaui uuuci ,s rw ,..i.CTBB,.. BOARDING j- ,, Juhnrban "ii-kAyiDS-rrlTate family would" Tike S ttnlaiW' ord.,pr(ato bath. :IU .Midland tke , 8t David's, W.mV.NV,T.L4NE'.w- T-ttoome, single or en till! 'tSJAhJ)0"'" rellned surroundings. Phone Otn. lend V. rhotoi nt l.edcer ontml. n!5 Lft?f?.!IY,,?i!,,nI," M-idory coiner .room MnipL' lm,h' ,0 gentleman, In the r ele- Rftnt new home. M Mf, Ledger Central. .Allah lie Clly, x. ,i, 2Vo?,,?AV.1fP,t.MU .AVn- Chelsea-Desirable ICH2 '.-'"" J"""11, "nn location! cottage JL?etoJ,'eachi references. APARTMENTS nAt5tiNu' MS-Three large, light rooms, 1st i-l!.ll,Rl,Le1"8 apartment, modern ennven-!"-. '"hanRo for owner's board, excellent E51!lnillyrj!atcrer!phone, Sdfn'!?-ltClA.II"KN' IflOr-ExcellenrrBla. In S .jiljutenljieusca. somo furnlhedklleiientte9 .I'it'lWJ a,?.l ?"'P-' 3 rms Tilh. kitchenette, .einainr. Mtiilieim, far. gth and spruce tti ri,ti.tAii.i cniKrotfTPATtTMnNTir h... .... ... ! Baring st. .... ...I. i,lr"J cl""" rooms, with pruate bath: a tllnble dentist or doctor, or apartment. Mrs. l!tUjM?SI"ln, l'Jjl''llhonel2Mtj)UJilOT. .h1?.1 'jHTMRNfflru rooms.-airconFent: iK'".' .of wl" "nl "hole liousa furnished. .-r'JJi'll"'I'nvc.i. wnllHeljiant!lWX PURNI3HED APARTMENTS U,P.A!'' N' Mx - .Well-ippolnlid baohelor "PffU'i'pis. steam heat, electrlo light, prl tate bath, telophono servlcai large ganieni tomforu of a country hbusei leas than 10 minutes' wslk from ully Hall rocIfgr,ISi-lcgant npls , 2ronm","7irrvt hath) also single rooms. Walnut W3 W. M;ltUuI3Tlii5T-s'uu1et, S bTauituily fur."apfs1 ..d roomjgndbttthi reaeonable, Jnhltor. WALNUT, fm-VeryHttracme apis , 2 room", nntiti also single room and bath, turn, or unfurn excellent location! first-class serv ice. Phone Spruce liiojir nppiyof jnnlior; . M' .M 1. iSJiH'urnlshed npirtnietits," 3 rooms . and batln board optional. BUUL15T (Da lttcev Aprs., 21d and Plne)-,1 rooms, bath, kitchen: all outside rooms! for ..summer or permanent. Phone Walnut 71lt V-t rhtlmlelnhla HL'MMlH. MOrJrilS-Attractlve housekeeping furnished apartments! 0 rooms, balh, extra toilet, largo porch, neighborhood ot nuth and Locust! nulet location, cnintnlent In trolleys. PyJ.I(W. yi'lCK. 8 8. 40that. I'TiiTnihih.u' complete, ft largV rooms, batlu north nnd west exposuro: 14 windows, nwn Ingsi janllor West Phlla.i bargain, Juno to . October.. Phone UarliiBTmX,, PINI1 AND 4nT.l-Apnrlmenla ntlraclltcly furnished .Tlie rlnehurst (new)t n rnomn, hatli, prUnte porch. Apply lo janllor. iiUUHUKIlBPffKl AIT., 7 rooms, 2 baths, hand, fur,: for tho sum. I'll. Baring 74111) W. Atlantic City. N. J. -'OR ItlDNT Completely furnished corner 0-rnom-and-bath aixirtment: nil outside roomsl ocean vlewi elevator service. Ml Santa Jtltu, Apis , Atiantio. uitys itncst apt, Dunuing BIX OUTS11.11 ltOO.MH. ItATlt AND TWO I'OlirilDS. U .IDE, LEDOnit orFicra. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 8, E. 18TH AND TIOCIA Desirably located modern 0-rooni housekeep ing apartments, steam heat. Janitor; con venient tn tralni and trolleys. SAMUI0L T. POX A CO. S E. COIL 0TII 'AND CALLOWIIILU 2.IU AND PINE STS.-DE LANCEY APT8. New, light, 4 to II rooms. 1 and 2 bnths, kitchenette! central location Apply Janitor UiAIbr7l. COB. lllTlt Attrnctlle npt., rooms, nil outsldo rooms. Apply 2121 NIlilh. WALL .ell, 17f0 n-room housekeeping tints mod, : all conveniences! porch; dumbwaiter. DIAMOND. 2112 ,'1 rooms, tnth, kitchen, hoU water hent! rof.: 2d floor, 2.1: 4 rms,, , balh, kitchen, nil cor, rms, fin. Diamond lsl 1 W. BI'ltOCH, 2U'l CfonTriilgli nnd airy npnrlmenL unfurnished: 4 rooms, bath and kitchenette: for rent after June 1: inodcruto rental. C. A. Potter, Jr. Phone Ixictut 1712 W. NOnroLK APAI1TMENT8 Deslrablo 4 and 0 room apartment!, near Pnrki Janitor serlce; rensonnblo rentals. linCHTEL, .12.12 ltldgo avo, West Philadelphia TII15 ItUTl-AND APTfl JltST COMPLETED LOCUST ST., RITIt TO IWTH ST. G and 7 room npartments. with all the latest conenlencpsi g40 to $15 per month. nOBERT A PITTS, AOENT Bell phone. Belmont 4 I'll. BUI 1-ncimt st. (lerraantown QUBEN LANE ATABTMENT QUEEN LANM AND WIFBAIIICKON AVE. 0 rooms nnd bath: nvnlngs: screens and shower bnths. JAMES W. LAWS, ATTOBNEY PIS LAND TITLE BLDO. Key with Janitor In rear. REAL ESTATE POR SALE CITY 101S FBANKrOBD AVE. tl looms, store and dwelling, and n 5-room dwelling, lot 20x10(1 ft., containing nil Improvements; rental 35 n month; make offer Address Box G51, caro of 2.M4 Kensington avo 101. N. 0TII ST. For sale very low! a-story, S rooms; good order; large yard, W. II. HOOD12 Norrls st. JASPER SfT above Harrowgate 8q New stone-porch dwgs , gas and elo. lights, tubs, buffet, china closet, etc.: f30O0, easy terms. Carney. 8.U E. Allcglienyayo. JllirtO Two-story residence: line neuVhTorhood: 1718 Arlington t (above 17th nnd Berks): well rented at J1U2 per year. Address 11)1.1 N. Broadst "bealty and insurance bbokebs. Alhrecht, 873 Drexel Bldg. 2111 IV. Lehigh av. WEST PIIILADKLPHIA Iia.tn BUYEIIS, ATTENTION We have somo attrnctho dwellings In West Thlla. for sale, pricos S1000 to J1O.00O. Send for list. Continental Equltablo Title and Trust Co , 21 South 12th st. Chestnut 1IIII PELHAM MT. AIBY AND CHESTNUT HILL ' NEW BALE. AND HUNT '.LIST BEAbY Pl'LHAM TntTBT CO.. B740 Oermant n ae HllH-fHIlAN Chester Heights, l'. TWO-STOriY COTTAOE on St. John's aje.i furnished! price. MW! open for. Inspection May 31. Memorial Day. Iheo. Grace, 2127 W. Cumberland St. w I.lanercli, l'n. FOB BALE Two brand-new bungalows, gas and electric, hot-nater heat! large plots ground! 350 fset above cltyi easy terms for quick sale. F 212. Ledger Central. West Prove. l'. COUNTRY HOME. 10 acres. $36001 good frame buildings, asparagus, large and small trulls, A. P. IIEALb. West Chester, Pa. Ulklns Park, Pa. WESTV1EW ELKINS PABIC Beautiful building tracts, high location) extended view over line homea ot Elklna I'ark. near train and trolley. Prices 11100 and upward Our automobile by appointment. Phone Melrnse 1JT4 RHOADS & PAUL ".SMc SIAIN I.INB. l'A. n. IL Narbertta $0210-11 ABO A1N rrlce fm high-grade house. 11 rooms, modern .onvenljnresj prominent avenue. Oodfrey, 111 Woodstde avei; NEW JKIIBEt UUNQALOWS. lots 25x1601 near trolley! over looking Delaware! National Park. Ilreater New Jersey Company. 34 S. 10th. Ilaildonflrlil. N. J. HAVfl etlVBIfAL FINE rnOPnTIBf at bargain prices. WM. CAHEY llABSHALU 531 Federal st . Camden. Woodbury Heights, K. J. Sl-VUrtAL desirable homea and Improved bldr. Iota at reasonable prices. John lis) haw. HEA81I011R . Cape alar, N. J. COTTAaBS, liotolS. lp. for sale and rent some bargains In building lots. C. Earlo Mlllsr. 218 Ocean st Caps May. N. J, jENNyrA2fiArAHJia 68 ACHES, stone house, large Swiss barnt out buildings! itrearal spring! frulli peir (rain and ''jl"ilc5cLUM. 13J4 Walnut .t.. PblladelphU. Dun't Forget the Nu .'bsf-" , SkM AcitBS, il sef of buildings. 1 mile to ia 1""j'"By JT0flPrs0N"we,t Cblsr, P.. V1IU11N1V gAUjIia HMAI.Ii VIRGINIA FRUIT FARM! 4-rooin hou; fine, nevar-falllng spring; good roads, near It rllrds1 $1000. 1314 Walnut st . PblladelphU. "Don't 1'urget the Number." R. fe SALE OR EXCHANGE JOR SALE or will ex ixcha nge for small pri u-anoe. a coitaxa La Ledger Central. tvtitmt- REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT 4712. 4744 AND 4710 HAS.ni. AVH,-3-tory twin housia, can be purchased on terms to suit OWN YOt II HOillJ by monliily.liaynunts of from $17 w VJ, houses ocatedxN. Phil, and ljtn. north from (Ifmu.to fRJsn, Merchants' Unlon Trustco,, 7ln'7ll) Chcsinut st, i . tlnrne OAHAOB R rlnbles suitable for garage: elec tric llghtss large clcvnlor. Apply Kline Bros., Mh and Ellsworth: both phones. REAL ESTATE WANTED Wn, VlIHi) HOUSES, eale or rent; nulck-re-suits. Llet propcriles with us. WM. J. trniHEN fs Ml, 2(117 VT, Allegheny. REAL ESTATE POR RENT cirv 11112 2P0I nun llU'J liiai 27 Jl 412 N, 4TIt, fl rooms, nil conveniences . N tlh. 8 rooms, very desirable . . 7.clthgnw, (I rooms, balh. range ., . ltace, (l rooms, l Mh, range.. Mutter, flr bath, range i fine order I'AlMhorp. 1 rooms, innge, eta... llcwron, 4 rooms...,. , W II. HOOD, f.12 Norrls st. HIlNTAI. LISTS l"l 20 12 , 11 II J" i 10 ftll-in,NOHTIt BROAD, slord nnd tipper Hoors 707-711,1 Arch at , store and basement. t'il Chestnut st , store niul basement, nail fhestnut st , store and basement I'i'i XVnlmit at , ground-floor offices. 2U N Delanare ate., store, 240 Market nt., entire building. .Apply tlixmtlb II. LEA, 7O,San0in st I'nclerles, Wnrelioiises, Mg lloots MpDEttN FACTOItY FlOOlia 1S,0 Squaro l'eo!, N. li UOitNEll ARCH AND 25D STH lllcani and eleclrle power. 3 elevnlots. low Insurnuce. nutomtitlo sprinklers wntehmnn. )l It. sidings, extra largo windows and high ceilings. Onncr management. Apply 0. I. PILLINO & BOH CO. onpremlses. GHrTiiiri' ST., "u2.21-ltifeo"lloors. tO)0 sn" ft. each! modern building, Phono W. 11. Delsrolh, 713 Spring tlarden. Onrngrs rOR BKNT-Prlxnlo gorngo: will hold 12 to 19 tars: central. Applv WI Washington na ornuKH. misiNESH upoMH, r.rc. DltEXEL IILDU. OFFICES Annual Rentals, Oround Floor. $100, J120. Suites, 2 rms.,finil,$l7n,200,$:2n,2S0.321. Suites. 3 rins,$202,$27B,$4i)O,$ir.O,$flil$.'ir,ii. Corner Sulfu. 3 In II) rooms, tftOO to $107,". KLLlMJ).WiLLIAMSriilODrcTel Building. TWO STUDIOS, furnished bedroom attached; use nf linthj rchtrnl. 1B01 Arch st. JTdSV Ofllco" spaco or drstt room, 'phones; stenographer.. BJT Itfnietto liullillng. Professlnnnl Olllrrs ItEFlNED family line sulfa for dentist or pro. fcsslonnl men; reasonable. Phone Pop, 1U62. Desk Ilonm DESIC BOOM Perry Bldg.: light, cheerful! Keystone phono free M 7SH, Lodger Central, ur.sr I'liiKMim.i'iiiA WI! HAVE somo very desirable 3-slory, slde- ynru (meiungs rem, imni etjjiii id ti. mnntli. Hon Tor list Coiitlnentnl-Equlliible lltlo nnd Trust Co. 21 H 12th si. HOl'BIl Foil RENT near Pnlrmount Pnrk rent icnsoufible, i.niivpnlciit train nnd trolley Apply nt Blanc's Pharmacy, r2d Ac ParkslUe UAIt tlE,ultnblo for - maehlnes," conven lcnce,is monthly 211 S. jothst OEHMANTOWN Wll ttAVl: sotno prv ilelrahln 3-story, sldo ard dwellings, oncntcnt to Queen Lane t-iaunn; rem e ,u a mourn ncnu mr iibi Contln-ntal-Equltablo Tltlo and Trust to., 21 H. 12th M. . M'nynn .lunitlon S2S PER MONTH Cheapest nnd most desirable il-story, porch' front houses nt Wnno Junction; nil conienl ences: two minutes' walk lo stntlnn 4457 N. 20TH STREET DIBECTLY AllOVIl OEHMANTOWN AVE, suiiuhhan YORK BOAD. nbovo Willow Orovc, Colonlil bouse, i' rooms, nirnisiiou: gnrngn; ,r- acres, liontlng. Hailing; $27.1 season, r., 13.11 Pineal. Ilnln, l'n. UALA, FA., 112 Bala ne Modern semi-detached home, l largo, cheerful, sunny rooms, wllh 2 bathi; wide, shady porch; Ideal loca tion! rent t:-. T B. Mitchell. M N, 8th St. KenncttNilinTe,Fn. TO BENT, at Kentictt Square, Pa . a furnished rnttnge. Apply tu Lautn P Snnne, 221 tlarlleld fit. Bell phone 137 V Illdley Park, 1' . SMALL Country ploco: old shado, mod. conv. i 7 rooms, beautirul surroundings, n mln. from station; $20 per month. N. P. Sloan. MAIN IJNi:. PA. It. It. FOR HUNT Pino stone bouse, containing 33 rooms. 3 batliH. 3 ncrc lawn, abundance of fruit and shade trees; located 215 Upland way, Wnino: ilncst residential location In onner vvayno or ot. uuvub. .ti(iy Tolan, 12.1 W. Wnno ae . Wayne NKIV JERSEY Wenonali. N. J. HOUSE 9 rooms, hot-water heat, gas, bath Wllliu o, (. ...u.,, .....u n....nw . h',. ..u... depot. Richard Ewtns, Jr , Wenonali, N. J bEAMIOKK Capo 5Iny. N. J. FURNISHED cottages, ocean view, all loca tions; reasonable. C. I.'arle Miller, 218 Ocean at., Cape May. Oicnn Citj, N. J. B701 CENTRAL AVE Hent for season, nowlj furnished cottage, unsurpassed mean view, 4 bedrooms and buth. 2d-lloor basement has Vmtliiimines. bedroom and iraracc. mnln floor. living and dining room and K.ia kitchen, elec tric iiunica, iirii.o e.""' tt'.iBuii. j i.iiic FITHS, 10 Alexander nvo., Mcrchantvltle, N. j or -.W McCorkle.BaOi) Central nve WfCL BENT half of laruo home. M 1150. Led ger Central, or call I'oilar 1U9. Stone Harbor, N. .1. COrTAGES, bungalows and apartmcnle. furn ished, for rent! moderate priren, nil lonvem ences t near ocvan and cliaunel: both rnllroads to Phlladelplila: Ashing, boating, surf bath lug, tennis, golf: motorinr on beach; send for Illustrated booklet. S J. It Company, 015 Ileal Kstste Trust Illdg . Philadelphia. POR RENTPURNISHED SUBURBAN ATTRACTIVE suburban residence, large lawn; shade: sightly. Phns. Bpruro4MX, Itoxb'h 1000 OverbrooU DETACHED stone house, 1103 N, aid st., cor ner lot! over half ncro lawn, tennis court, shade trees, extra cool house, windows on all sides, large porch, gas and electrlo lights; garage, near, uverbrook trolley panes the house, connecting with 1, ot coin st,; H minutes' walk to Overbrook Bl&llon, P. It. II.. from Juno 1. for the summer season. flt. Martin's. Chestnut Hill RENT FURNISHED Juno to Sept. 10; 7 bed rooms, S baths, porch, near station! garage nearby. Telephone Chestnut Hill 05L SEAHIIOBE Avaloli, S.J, TWO APARTMENTS on Boardwalk 1 8 rooms. newly furnished, $100. E. 0. Howell, SOI Wll nut at,, 1'lilla., or Avalon. N. J. ETnAUfiFULIA" 'furnished new bungalow, wllh garage! near pecan Any agent Avalon, N, j,. or .luimBuii. ii -. -i.ii ,. NEW cottage, ocean front, beautifully fur nlshel, all conveniences. 13. O. Howell, Jr., (SOI Walnut st , I lilla., of Avalon. X. J. Spring Ijke, N. J. HANDSOMELY lurntshed bungalow! Urg grounds; ill conveniences! D rooms, slseplng porches! running water in all bedrooms. Apply 120 B. 16th st Phone Locust B010. WUdnood. K. J, ATTIUCTIVBLY FUHNIBHBD Northwood apartment, 35th and Atlantlo avenuss, block from Ocean Pier and boardwalk: open Satur day, Sunday. Mondayi also agent, Pblladei- pilltl. IHUUI lauaiuiu 4V pnoOit COI'A'CJB. best loo. on Island: rent low. M, II, Frldenberg, 0th and Buttenweod. MAINB East Machlai, Me. A EPOnrSUAN'S PAIJADISH Fifty acres In fee, with substantial log buildings and all furnishings ready for oc- cUpaney! situated on Hadlay's Lake, four ndea from KSist Maahlss iilni easy of Mcels Big arid small game Of all kinds and fish Ih abundant.- For rail at a M rl SAMUEL W. MeOUMN 702 Heal Estate Trust Bg . 1'IUU- Pa. MORTGAGES MONEY FOR MORTGAGES W. It HOOD. 12 NOBRIS BT. --yfr!e -BB--MmeajpitwjaiMafts FTTJAT) IDTfPH K, 7 Ills linmllcnp "The ion.1 mntt rises nbovo his linmll cnp." "f rlao neforo mlno." "Heforo?" "Yo, ho mnkeg mo set up nnd cook my own breakout." GALUMPHING! A HORROR CMHinJNf, of Cttirwcto But hoi THa HtaMiyr. siMi rlet T5 -j 11 awr" . ANO Twt roj'fxi tTS.TC oe Acurn Dioconros.T ANB UNHArriNE.SS otciNS &S&ZU w. tsaarwrv a-e tindon Dally Mirror. Tliero Ih grnvn reason to fear that tho pjlinstly nmaleur mania for "clnsslcnl" and Acini-clothed dnndlng han Burvivod tho seriousness ot thej wnr. What this means tn society only those, who havo had experience of It can tell. Lights Out! "My denr, you look sweet enough to Itlssl" "Tlint'n thS-wnyI Intended to look, Jack." Princeton 'TlBer. "T"'?'"' i"-- Tommy (on AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME I T "ZZP " W'rri4 h rP Vferi h) gi &. C,'1m,v. --T J W V1 'V7tZZ W t-eiveMlriab . jjMi ,Wrtp- -MM .,.,... mi 7 ((rt)ft SATTTBT)AY, jfAT 20, S G K A riinMt. Count von Uiiclow to ltnl.v Hut 1011 were to bo hypnotized, not mobilized. Ilrllevlnp; Her Mind Mother Why don't you snvo gome of you randy till tomorrow, denrJ Helen I'd rnlhcr cat It now, mother, nnd get It off my hands. Judge. THE WAR HAS NOT KILLED iuflitiAaivELt uM.f f 1 nttLZ . tser un iweiwuagap rt 1 ewtu Too Dangerous Professor Aren't you taking; my course next yearf Htudcnt Cnn't possibly. I walk In my sleep. Harvard Lampoon. Salisbury rialn) 3ty IJIIIl Ain't they tamo The Wrong Cue mi Sr-v "" ' -1 A TS 'l hi I 19T5; ml nu 11 n ,,fc Jr Jr JL JtL THE PADDED CELL J ( IT'S ALWAYS LIKE THIS .oAljfflmS;- -rr WtfvW'.vA. Quite Emotional round 'ere? Punch. . Lonagi) utli.ain T-m ninr to h thi movement done property tWa jaorninT l( I Kj ? utf ftll night 1 ., iijm w-.fcAiMw. wwfcifa A x Mndge Nelt has a highly emotional role In the new play. May That's good. Last year she was only a chorus elrl. Madge Tea. She has to scream tvvlco In the second act while the star struggles with a burglarl mWi W 1 M Iilfiii'iltiii 11 i. Tjjg