WjPWJiipilt.iium .. mmmmw , immpn syv-ifl1 .niff.jjpgi.'ipwfl wvimmvmmmmmmm EVENING LEDGEK-PHIi;ADELPHIA SATURDAY, MAY 29, 101S; 13 ,3 fWO AMERICAN TURF CLASSICS , Ai?? SCHEDULED FOR TODAY - i .,, At Belmont Park Historic Withers Stake Will Be Run, While at Douglas Park, Louisville, Kentucky Handicap . Will Be an Attraction. Tw' elasslo American turf events tvlll fcoto1 the Interest of the followers of the fcnitall today nt two prcnt Yankee race plants. At Belmont Park, New York, he historic; Withers Stake for 3-ycftr-oIds at a m Ho will bo contested, while nt f Douglas Park, Louisville, Uy the Ken ...!, Ttnrwtlonff will Iia rim. The Withers event was Inaugurated lit Jerome Park, New York, In 1874. nml nave. m for Hie years 1911 and 1911 has had an annual running boiiip or me most mm oils animals the world has ever known havo come to tha post In this race. The tabulated history of tho event ipeaks for Itself: Tr. Winner, Jockey, Value. ljll-Uubltn, ronton 1,i!no i7,V-Arllde, Swim 4, ISO jjja-Flddleiitlck, I'fakea a.fiOO JMT- nombast, lIArretta 4,200 MS Duks of Mngenta, Hughes n.Mn t;-ran Sparkling, Kelly.... 6,nv 1l$0-JIrrn!lin'e, 'Barrett S,Ro iM Crlckmore, Hughe .... 4,2TA MS-Foreatrr, McLaughlin . , . 4,000 lKl-flM. Kinney, McLaughlin 2,no jim-Panlqne, Kltspatflck .... n.ato im.T Trrnnt, DtifTy n,n;o s;a lllggonet, Mnynard n.Sno itsr-Hanover, McLnuglilln..,. ,1,1m) lg.pirk DHon, Fttzpatrlek. n,rt20 jOT-Dlable, Oodfrey MSO jsso-KIng Eric, Harrison .... MIO JKII-Plcknlcker, Llttlefleld ... 4,100 intra Tammany Garrison .... 7.4no Tine 1 i. 1 IM. 1:M I 40 lsl 1 It 1.10 lilt i:lU 1 ir, ! l 44 1 ik1 1 I1'. l.T i tr. in lMOJi- 1:40 1143 1HO l-IPH 1:41 1 I't 1:11 112", 1,41 4-3 l.tiij 1:42 l: It 1:40 1:1 ti HO IM 4-5 1:10 1 -II 1 41 1-3 1 10 I .W 2-3 l:.14-3 IKM Dr. nice, TAral 0.470 IBM Domino, Tarn 7,100 lfi0.v-i,ucania, Rein 2,,no jjKM Handspring, slmma I'.rao 107 Octagon, Blmma a.MO M1 The Huguenot, Bpeneer.. n,R1(l jags jenn uernuu, viauson .. 4,4.i IfiflO Kilmarnock, Turner f.,470 IWlii-The parader, Landry ... n.OJO jflOS-Compute, Shaw 4, SIR 1WI Shormoso, I'lacK ".aii KOI Delhi, Eflom , f.,7.".0 190.1 Blandy, Davla ,220 Rifln Accountant, J. sinrtin.... nsm IMT-Ornnk mil, Notter 7.77(1 1008-f'elln, Notter la.rmo lOOO-HUarlnu. Butwell 11,070 Iflto-Tho Turk, Medea 3,nnn l13-Rock View, Butvvell .. . .,R2r Idle Charleatonlan, llurllngnmo 2,wo In tho early 80s McLaughlin, famous as a Jockey, made a record which has not been equaled. Ho landed ihreo win ners In tho Withers. In 1882 IiIr name appears for tho first tlmo aB having the leg up on the winner, forester. In 1BS.1 he Is attain In tha limelight, having mnde a wonderful rldo on George McKlnney. His tlilril and record establishing feat came In '87, when he- piloted Hnnovcr to 1he Wire. It was about this tlmo that "Snapper" Unrrlson came to tho fore. Many perrons havo used tho fnmlllar ex pression "He mode a Oarrlson finish," applying tho term In many general ways, yet probably do not know tho history. Oarrlson was ono of tho most wonderful Jockeys of his tlmo and was fnmotis for brlflcliiK his mounts to tho foro In tho last furlonjr when It Hcemed the animal was duo as also ran. Snapper's name first appeared In the Withers Stake sum mary when ho carried KlnB Krlo to tho wlro In 1890. The next tlmo was In 1S92 and this was when ho wns tip on Tam many. Tho record for the AVIthcrs course was made In 1S90, when Jockey J. Martin rode Accountant to tho wlra In 1:33 4-5, As horses engaged In the Kentucky COBB AND LUDERUS THE LEADING BATSMEN Georgia Peach Increases Lead From .400 to .417 Luderus Drops Lajoie Hits at .308. Tyrus Raymond Cobb continues to hold tho lead In batting over his American teague rivals. This wSelc ho Increased his batting percentage from .400 to .419. Lajoie, with .U08, and Mclnnls, with .305, aro tho only members of tho Athletics In the .300 class, although Strunk's nvcrago la .238 and Tonnock's Is .291. Eddlo Col lins fell off In his hitting during tho week, his average now being .278. Detroit Is first In club hitting, with .261. and tho Athletics are third, with .232. In club fielding the White Elephants nnd St. Louis nro tied for seventh placo with .915 each, nnd Washington Is first with .968. In the race for Dase-steallng hon ors Cobb Is lending Malsel by 20 to 17. "Cobb has also scored more ruiiB than any other player, he having registered ut the home plate Uptimes as against 32 runs fpc Eddie Collins, who is second In this respect Benx, of Chicago, has four victories to his credit and no defeats. Faber, of Chi cago, has won the most games, nine, as against one defeat. Shawkcy Is the only ono of Mack's pitchers with a good per centage. Bob being credited with winning five games nnd losing three. The batting- records of tho leaders and the Phillies who havo played in ten or more games, Including Wednesday, May 25, follow: n ati n ir nn hit tr a v. m Si0"".. Detroit :tn ill 41 40 t Ruaaell. Chicago. 10 20 .1 8 410 .400 .37S .3ns .332 .311 .3J3 .33! .33.1 ,314 .308 .305 .301 .208 .204 .22 .278 .20(1 .26.1 .241 .231 .227 .IIIS ,W .125 rvuilUPr, 1,111, .. .G II i dl T. Daly. Chicago IS 10 S T Jackson,. Clev,. 82 32.1. in 44 Crawford, Del. . Ml'tH XX 47 Counolly.' Wafh.. 10 m fl 11 nuth lloaton .. 10 18 .1 il picotte, Chicago, 11 15 2 n Kavanaugh, Del. H3121 13 38 Lalole. AthUttca ni i:tn u 4n tS'Mclnnla, Ath. ... 23 0.1 S 2i Xcach. Detroit,. SHI 130 20 41 Btrunk, Ath...,. .11104 10 31 rennock, Ath, ... 11 17 1 5 MeAoy, Ath,,., 1.1 39 4 11 KODf, Athletics, 2.1 73 10 20 ffchang. Ath,,., 22 ftl 10 if Olarlnr. Ath. .,: :;ollS 21 31 J, Walah. Ath., 23 70 10 10 Upp. Athletics.. 17 30 3 11 E. Murphy, Ath. 30 110 10 27 parry. Ath 84iin o 23 0 VI A 20 2 63 3 23 2 11 3 30 3 20 1 ft 1 8 I, JBawkey, Athw.10 22 O 3 h Wyckoff. Atl 12 83 0 4 NATIONAL LEAGUE AVEnAOES. Luderus got back Into the" game tlIs week anJ his percentage fell off from .198 to ,390. Cravath and Baler are bat tling for long distance hitting honors, the IMter'fl drives being for 33 extra bases M against 31' for Qavvy. Chicago leads the National League In club batting with .263. while the Phillies are sixth, with ,217, The Phllllea and the 1 Plants are tied for seventh place in club fielding, each haying a percentage of .WJ, while Pittsburgh Is first, with .963. t-icrce, oi vmcago, nas won live games and is not chftrirp.l with imv ilptonts. Alexander has turned in the most vic-torles-eight-and there are two defeats ,rked against him, The record of the leading hitters and the, Phillies who have played In 10 or InOre Came, fnnhlrifnrr VAn,(9V Afnv ?,W, follows ' . flayer, club, o ati. n ir fin. sir. Tit Av. lUHttut. I'htla.. IT Bfl U 22 2 3 20 .3W) i' ni -. t. .-..T - a t . . r: . -r t . 370 ,3Brt .337 .333 .8X1 ,827 .323 .318 .315 .310 JK .8(11 Jl03 .SOI U oiwIly.Boi::: 2267 13 10 a 2 o 2 4 3 .".'' ,K?-- 5 "i 2S U.Ti f't" fl " A 33 1 m "' ' 40 S l'l 13 40 M 8T 94 Err5!1' " SX2'Jl$',L?rf- IrijU 1 83 na . . A .n T a ft..y.lller'S. U 83 114 ia as m Ewct'tr, si. . ir m 10 17 0 B & r 3B 1 1 T 0-T?rfaj Y- 2 S J2 27 Mift-paC I -.84123 28 37 "hltttd. Phil. TT t t ' KflvJUl' !' . 20 08 )8 7 B :iS v-7vrrii rp"a 37 in: x 561 am 227 m 12 22 3 SO sa 34 8 an R 3 16 ftfrn phll 2a 9T Wurrsy. N"T U II li(ft4er Phila 10 3l 10 mi vZ '""rnn, 2S1UI 1i 32 t 4 r'r I'nua ii 19 Handicap continue to race, the event to bo held tomorrow over tho Douglas Park cottreo appears to be dally a more open one, Turfmen are anxious to sco Just what weights Handlcapper Mnglnn will put on Itoamcr, Short Orasa and tho three cracks trained by James Itowe Borrow, Harmonlcnn and Pahdeau. Hodge, Uradlcy's Choice, Prince Hermls, Double Kngle, John Clund, Hronie Wing, Itoyal It, Ed c'rup and Star Jasmine are the probable starters. a Many good Judges think Short Orasi, the English-bred thoroughbred, will bo the next winner of the Louisville Handi cap, as this one has been developing at a wonderful rate, and has been raced enough to make him want to go when tho harrier Is sprung tomorrow. He has started twlco since he eatno from Eng land, nnd each tlmo his efforts were spar kling ones. Itoatner and lloilgo beat him on those occasions At that time the anl mnl wns not fit Now It Is different, ns Trnlner Jim McCormick has been work ing out tho flyer, and when ho gos to the barrier the followers may expect him to show his best. The mile nnd a quarter handicap will ho much to Short Ch-ass' liking unless all signs fall. Emit Ilerr., tho owner of tho anmal, believes ho has yet to show his true form In this coun try. WANTED-A FEW MOTtE HOHSES FOIl 11ACING. What has como over tho owners of tho racing thoroughbreds? This year has so far been an open ono for the own ers and trainers of animals, yet they do not seem to appreciate It. Something must ho done. It Is high time that more support be given, clso no complaint can bo inndp If the attendance drops off. Itnlny weather has had something to do with tho many scratches, no doubt, nnd niavbe If tho sun takes up Its regular duties and tho going is fast Improvement In tho fields may ho expected. From all accounts there are plenty of horses nt tho tracks, nnd the hardest work that many of thorn havo been called upon to do re cently Is to eat their heads off. At Bel mont Park recently two horses started In a race nnd three In another. At Woodbine, Toronto, Cnnndo, a similar condition has been noticed during tho last week. t Governor Whitman, of New York, was not so suro that the Westchester Racing Association was conducting Its plant ac cording to law when betting wns con cerned. Yosterdny ho had representa tives at the track, who reported that there was no violation of the antl-bet-tlng statute. This Is good news to tho followers of tho lovers of the thorough bred, who believe If the sport of kings Is conducted In a lifting manner the popu larity of tho pastime will bo couutrj wide. Tho olllclals of tho Nassau County plant are doing their level beat fo clean up tho regulars of tho betting ring, Tho Sheriff, with 23 deputies, recently could not find a violation of the law at Belmont. SINGLE AND BUNGLE IN DIAMOND DOPE The clubbing of Shag Thompson wns one of the bright features to the gamo from an Athletic standpoint. The South erner had four hits In ns many trips to the plate His last hit was a line smash to tho bleachers for two bases. Dick Hoblltzcl made one of tho prettiest plays seen at first base at cither pajlc this season when he stepped In front of Barry and scooped up Wood's bad tore. Wood was falling as ho threw the ball, and It was a nnsty ball to handle under any circumstances and ntlll more so through tho fact that the ball was so cltfse to Barry. That play saved the game far Boston. Jnck Lapp's unfnmlllnrlty with first base wns apparent when he made an un necessary throw to third, fearing that Lewis was going to try to advance twj bases on Hoblltzel's sacrifice In the tlilr.l Inning. The throw was poor and Lewis reached third, from where he tallied on a sacrifice fly by Scott. It Is an jinusual thing for Bob Shnwkey to strike out soven men, as he did yes terday. Bob evidently had a lot of stuff, but rut the bnll over the plate too much. It nas unfortunate that his only bases on balla Bhould have handed the game to the Bed Sox. Gavvy Cravath made one of tho longest hits made on the new Fenway Park In Boston when he drove one of James' shoots over the deep-left centre field fence. This Is a trenmendous hit, and ac counts of the game state that the drive hml many feet to spare. Jim McAvoy looks like a better catcher every time he appears behind tha bat. He Is a fine hitter and will be Invaluable when he gets a little more experience. Score one for Connie. All the other play ers Bald last season that he would never bo a catcher, but Connie Insisted that he would. DEWHUIIST AND CARPENTER LEAD IN TENNIS TOURNEY Play Is Begun for Huntingdon Valley Challenge Cups. The annual Invitation doubles tennis tournament for the Huntingdon Valley Country Club challenge cups got under way on the Noble Club's graas courts yesterday, and four matches were play ed In the first round. Although H. M, and J. T. Tllden. Jr., defeated 8. H, Collum and F. H. Bates In straight sets, neither team played up to Its usual standard. ItlVER STEAMBOATS 50c Rd. Trip 50c Rd. Trip UltANI) Or-KNINCl Riverview Beach STEAMER QUEEN ANNE Will Iav Arch Street Wharf, Stopping at BilUniapori. Chester, Ptnnsvllla anil RlrerYla"; Beach Connecting with, Salem by Auto Bua Saturday. May 281h, leave Phlla. 2:30 P, M, ' ' Ret. lea K. V. V. 8:30 P. M. Sunday, May 60th: Monday. May 81at, lcavt Returning teste ft. V,' JJ.'4!lB P, M. Orchestra on Boat. CHAnTEllS AND COMBINATIONS Bell rhorwa: Markat 1368, 16 IT. h. II. GARRISON, den. Mgr, S3 B. 7th 8tryt. THOMAS CLYDE FAMILY EXCURSION STEAMER TO AUGUSTINE BEACH , Special Excursions Decoration Day, Mny SOI Monday, Slay SI, Tha only boat Unqlng at Auguatln Beach. Fare Round Trip, 6001 Children. 8 to 10, 23c Daocln Mualo on Boat and Beach Now booking" Moonllsbt and Combination Benent Excursion. Boat Irf4ve Arch St Wharf 9 A. M. JAMES B. 0TI3. MT. 8 Arch St. STEAMSHIP NOTICES ANCHOR LINE Roial Mall Xwln-Scrtw Geared Turbines NEW YORK and GLASGOW Caniaroolajuna ll.pnTuaciuUJun M.Ipm ior rl auiU full particular apply la " " T."7i .frit rmla U'. .,,, lit kulilT. TAVLOH & CO., SO IVBMut au. u rf. Bi ,-" :i rr. "i "- tM tt p. " -T- -tt.: -' Of Asa Local AtuU ARMY OFFICER MUST USE HIS OWN NAME IN SPEEDWAY RACE N. Van Raalte, English man, Under the Assumed Title of N. Graham, Came to Indianapolis to Con test With Autoists. tNDIANArOI.IS, Ind., May !9.-Aulo-mobile fans gathered here for tho speed way 6W-mtlo rnco Monday were surprised today nt the announcement that X. Van rtnalte, who entered the race under tTie name of N. Graham, will be allowed to drive his Sunbeam despite the fact that he violated nn American Automobile As sociation rule when ho entered under an assumed name. Tho contest board ruled that Van Itaalte may drive In tho race Mondny, but that ho must use his own name. Van naallo Is an officer In tho English army and It Is understood that ho obtnlned leave of absenco to come over hero at this time only on condition that his identity bo kept secret. Indianapolis citizens arose today nnd began lifting another layer of silver lin ing from tho clouds that caused postpone ment of tho Speedway EOO-mllo race from today to Monday. It was said that vari ous hotel proprietors who are charging as high as 2& for rooms with three or four occupants are ready to lift the mort gage. The city Is flooded with tourists. Thoy are Rtranded here. They have como from every Stato In the Union nnd most of the large cities are reprenentcd. When they awoke rain was falling. The weather man predicted rain for today and a fnlr Sunday. George Robinson, of Detroit, his son Daniel, H, nnd Mrs. Stella Kingston, who had come for tho race, were thrown from their machine when It struck one driven by I.. P. Dalmbcrt. The two machines were demolished, hut the occupants es caped serious Injury. Although the Speedway track Is In ex cellent condition the grounds are water soaked. Ono day ut sunshine will make tho rrico possible Monday. Only 21 racers will start. Tho A. A. A. contest board ruled that Wurman's I'eugcot Special must be raced ns n I'eugcot. This forced Bnbcock's Teugeot out of the race, for only three cars of ono make can race, anil 13nlicock' wns tho slowest Peugeot. Tomorrow the track will bo open to vlpltors nnd ns a drawing card announce ment wns made today that Barney Old field would drive a race with D. t-toyd-Thompsun, an aviator of Washington, D. C. MISS RAMSAY WINS GOLF PLAY Surrey Golfer Beats Boston Cham pion by One-Sided Score. NEWTON, Mass., May M. Miss Ven Tlamsny, of tho Leatherhcad Club, of Surrey, England, playing from the Salem Golf Club, won tho championship of the Boston Women's Golf Association by de feating Miss Margaret Curtis, of the Country Club, the title-holder and throe times national champion, 7 up and 6 to play. Today's Schedule National League Philadelphia at Poston Cloar. Brook!n nt New York Cloudy St. Louis nt Pittsburgh Pain; two games. Chicago at Cincinnati Cloudy. American League Boston at Philadelphia Cloudy Two games. New Tork at 'Washington Cloudy, Cleveland at Chicago Pain; two games. Detroit at St. . Louis Cloudy; two games. Federal League Buffalo at Pittsburgh Rain. Nevvnrk nt Chicago Pain. Baltimore at Kansas City Cloudy. Brooklyn at St. Louis Cloudy; two aft ernoon games. International League Providence at Montreal Clenr; two aft ernoon games. Richmond nt Pochfster Clear; two afternoon games. Newark at Buffalo Clear; two nfter noon games. Jersey City at Toronto Clear; two aft ernoon games. SCHOOLS AND COI.T.KOEB THE HOLMAN SCHOOL (U WALNUT STREET Wo have an Ideal for every Ilolman Girl. Wo concelv her education to h vastly more than tho mere acquisition of facta. Wo brlleva It equally Important that she be taught how tn think, how to work, how to play, how to tnaka every hour of the day count moat for herself and others. To thla end every Ilolman girl la carefully studied by her Instructors. Classes are there fore limited. May no send you a little pamphlet aeltlns forth thla Idtal wmen we oeiieve will accora with that which you havo for your own daughter? ELIZABETH W. nnALEV, A. B., Principal. Montesort through College Preparatory. General Course emphasised, Strong Domestic tic Science Course, Outdoor Classrooms. Special attention to small boya and girls. "Self-Building" "Self-Expression" Because of eelf-consclousness. timidity In the presence of other, lack: of con. ndence. a barren vocabulary, few people are able to give effective expreaslon to their thoughts and feelings. X developed, specially trained mind and masterful elf-eipres!on are an Invincible preparation for a auccessful life. Summer Session mo"ii n soon. Call for personal Interview or send for Instructive literature. 019c open 0 to B 80. 7.80 to 10. NEFF COLLEGE c'tut Lanuuaee Instruction Free In conversational Spanish, German, French or Italian JfllEE. Only charge SOo for lessen book, llornlnr. afternoon and evenln classes. TUB FOBTEn SCHOOL, OP UV.NQUA.aE3 1600 Chestnut 8trt. I.KlVlgBUllO. t'A. Bucknell University 1915 Summer Courses Begin June 22d For bulletin of Information write WALTER S. WILCOX Registrar LEWISBURG, PA. West Cheater. I'a, WEST CHESTER STATE NORMAL SCHOOL On ihr ivmmo K K. Trollsv to Fhtla Kit for imrlnai, telfes at Btisiaus. tltl-tUt tor f i- . .T ..r ,. .t. . " . I-.- looro. luiiwa, nt. " J"oi teor. wiow. Q. It PHILIPS, Principal. W!!Beg . SUBURBAN GOLF PLAY TODAY BRINGS TOGETHER FINE FIELD Conclusion of Preliminary Rounds for Valuable Gup Will Take Place at Various Places Final Matches to Be Held June 12 R. L. Mishler Wins Pcnn Mutual Tourney. The conclusion of the preliminary rounds for tho Suburban dolf Cup will bo played today. In Division A, St. David's looks like the semlflnallst, for at present the Main Mno team leads Frank ford by 13 points. Division D Ib the closest contestant of the four, ns Overbrook, which leads, has but a quarter point nd vantnrje over Merchantvllle. It Is hardly likely that Woodbury will be headed In Division C, and Old York lload has a commanding lend In Division D, The plot Of tho competition Is tho four winners qualify for tho semifinal, which will be played on homo and homo courses ono week from todny, when the winner of tho greatest number of Individual matches plays tho third In rank, and tho second plays the fourth. Tho flnnl round will tnko place on Juno 12. The annual tournament of tho Pcnn Mutual Golf Association wns held at Whltemarsh the other day and n. L. Mishler wan returned tho winner with a het scoro of Tfl. Last year Harold 13. McFarlatid, of Huntingdon Valley, took to wcarlnR plnsses, nnd consequently that aterllntr Bolfer, who then wns low handicap man of tho Golf Association of Philadelphia, found his pame deteriorating. There Is no doubting but that was the cause, but the wearing of glasses seems to havo nulto tho opposite effect on Georgo C. Thomas, Jr, Philadelphia Cricket Club Two days nftor having his eyes trented, and equipped with a pair of tlioso nice, round, goggles, Thomas played In a four ball match, with Alec Duncan ns a part ner, against .T. M, Jlaniea, professional at 'Whltemnrsh, nnd his pnrtucr. In this match Thomas sot the amateur mark for tho teconstructcd courso of tho Philadel phia Crlrket Club at To, ns follows. out s 3 r. 4 r. r, i i i-n In I I 13 8 2 5 3 4-34-T5 Tho distances In ynrds nro: out ..aw sr.n 4tr. sno 4in r.2.-. 'j;n to- ats'tivj In ....4ST S,W 173 135 470 10) f.73 J12.1 .'27--'SlS OXXI Incidentally, Thomas nnd Duncan won on the 19th hole. Kor a consistent 3C-holc performance It would bo hard to beat tho 139 made by . Charles Hoffner, tho Woodbury pro- I fesslonal, In a. three-ball match with ' George Green nnd Charles Grecno over ' tlie Woodbury course. In tho four rounds of tho nlne-holo courso Hoffner , had only ono bail hole. That ono was KL 1 Delaware ahs Hudson Shortest, Quickest andJBesiLineBetwtvnNetvyark anJAfonireal. Saratoga Springs, with its racing and its curative waters, Au Sable Chasm, Lake Placid, Cooperatown, Sharon Springs. Interesting pictures and descriptions contained in "A Summer Paradise," a book of 360 paces sent for 6c tn stnmps. "D. & H." throuzh Central Terminal. Hudson River Boat Lines make connections with "D.&H." trainaat Albany or Troy. Jk M.J. POWERS, a P. A. Albany, N. Y. Out of Door Life 1 Wgxiit 'nffi fishing, golf or tennis ?T 1 ''fw or you can spend a rest r llllsVV n on w'e Porcnes ad IE ifeg&Him under shady trees in the P.ife ADIRONDACKS IlllP or 1000 ISLANDS I 5i" BfiHsy-- Our boolkleli describing these resorts are I 1 Sa-tJfrtf31 ""-"v complete with information and mapi. I 1 jKjVii"'S ''y we '"" ,'ltm to ou ani' an"v" f I nJgSfi&L Andrew TJVAVEL BUREAU j II iK?cP5S Crand Central Terminal New York The Griswold EASTERN POINT, NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT Finest Summer Resort Hotel in America 2i4 Hours from New York or Boston OPEN JUNE 16 TO SEPT. 15 NEW A LA CARTE GRILL 18-Hole Golf Course, Also New and Completely Equipped Club House Munificently Appointed Throughout. Superior Yachtlnc, Boatln-, Bathing, Motoric. rirliliiar Tnnti. Danetnir. Loni Distance Telephone In Every Room. Poultry and Vegetables Supplied by our Firms anons saeujQ vm uuai, Kor Booklet, Room Plans, etc.. address If. II. SAXTON, Manacer. KGW YORK OFFICE: 805 FIPTH AVENUE. TEL. MAD. 8Q 805T Alw the BELLEVIEW, BELLEAIR HEIGHTS, FLORIDA m -n f,--, Tfimt- r"-iiir-TaTijsTirsinilffl tho fourth. 4Tfi yards, on the drat round, Tho card follows Out 4 4 .1 7 4 3 4 4 4-37 In 4 4 3 a a 3 4 n a :tl-?l Out ...... B 4 3 B 3 3 4 4 4-l3 In 4 3 3 B 3 3 4 1 4-3.-I-O.S-139 Excellent progresi Is being made In tho Philadelphia Cricket Club championship. In tho upper half of tho draw Ira ,T. Williams han reached tho semifinal by reason of victories over J. H. King, tho International cricketer, nnd 3. 11. Cololinn, Jr. Tho seinlflnallBts In tho other hnlf aro T. C. Henry, who beat P. M. Camp and lil, S. Jamlcson, nnd George J, Cooke, who registered victories over It. D. Prown nnd W. N. Price. When golfers got together for a res ular old-fashioned "nineteenth-hole" talx fct style and methods of play invariably como Up for discussion. The position of tho thumbs 13 a matter in which there Li tho widest difference, but even among tho many who play with tho thumbs down tho shaft It Is generally conceded that a little- length Is sacrificed. Hotter direc tion Is, of couise, the strong point in favor of the thumbs down ns compared to tho "two V grip." CALIFORN EXPOSITIONS si'iu'iAr, .m.i, nxi-ns'si: chnductiiii TIMIN lOUItS I.eaxlng July 3 nnd 31, Including Ornnil Cnnon, California, Colorado H.l days, 275. Leaving July 10 nnd 31, Including Also Yellowstone Park 31 days, S317.n0. Other limit CLASS TOtJIt.S Weekly. Indlvlilunl tickets with or without HntpM reserveil In ndnnce. Pullman Qcrommn tlatlnn rct'Uled THOS. COOK & SON 137 Ml. IIKOAI) ST., PIIII.A.. PA. p fi it Witn f'O'iiV'n TVniffrM' Clr. The Adirondacks Lake George Lake Champlain of Northern New York, famed for historic interest nnd scenic beauty offer Ideal canoe trip3 Fine bathing beaches Excel lent golf and tennis Lakes stocked with gamey bass and trout. trnins leave New York Grand Nw York City Information Bureau, 1354 Broadway w FORT WILLIAM HENRY HOTEL Lake George, N. Y. HOTEL CHAMPLAIN on Lake Champlain. Bluff Point, N. V. Albert Thleriol, Marnier On trie line of the D. At H., alio reached by auto. Com pleted State Roadvscenie route from point via Albany, baratofa. Lake George, Schroon Like, Elizabethtown, Lake Champlain to .Montreal. Over 1B0 Bathroom Suites. Milk, Cream. lUrly Itenr- 'The Branford Farm HUNS SCORED BY MAJORS THIS WEEK NATTONAIi I.EAClUn. Bun. Itrtn. Ti.Vtt.Thilf.F'rl.Tl, rhlllUs ,,,, ,, ., S ., ,8 17 New rom s . ti it ai JlronVlvn , .. .. B ,i S 1 8 HoMon .,.,, .. i H ,. 0 10 14 rinelnnslt ,, in,. o .. ,4 I'lttAburgh 1 .. n to fiileneo n o ,. n 14 St. I.oul 11 ..' 0 4 VI AMISntCAN MiAtltlB. . ., . , Sun. Mnn. Tus,Vd.Tliur.FI.Tl. Athletlf ... .1 .1 (l .. s ,1 !w Now York.. !) 4 0 If . . 1 l0Kn 2 .1 .. ,, ,. S 1.1 WMlilnctnn. 4 n S 5 .. m IVtrolt 10 4 4 10 2 ,. :o riaveian.l .1 4 8 u in ft. I)UIb ..4 4 ) Ohlcnxo .... ,1 ,, T A .. L't rniniriAL i.raoue. . . Hun. Mon. TUfa Wed.Thur.e.rrl T'l. I'ltlsburah . . .. 7 3 H 4 tHI fit. I.mllfi. ... 10 a 11! Chl'nao ,.,. ,1 4 7 .Kansne citjr 2 2 (1 lu nrookljn .... .. 8 (1 .. .. 11 iiiurrntn 4 ,1 ....no 10 Nerk ... .1 1 4 'Ilaltlmora ,.2 1 .. ,, .. .. a Lcvlnnky Dcfcala Gcorsc Ashe NEW YOltK, Mny 29 Tt Attllne Lotlnskv fltitpolntM Cleorgo Asha In 'en rounds at Urovrn' Far Itorknway A. r Inst nlRht. SUMSIEK 11KPOI1T8 coi,i.r.onvii.M:. r.. GLENWOOD HALL COLLEGEVILLE, PA. Special Features and Rates Over Memorial Day fta11tlfllllv Nltll.tt,! near thu Prllim.n Creek, 00O feet nboe tha en level rinthlnr. iwaiins; nnn usninir a msgninceni tlnncA pavilion on the grounds. Rend for Imolclet. (.'HAS. A Z1KOIJNT1IAI.RR iti:iiinitn spiiinoh. pa. Bedford Springs (Pa.) Hotel and Dalii In the most dellirhtful section of ths beautiful, lienlthrul Allegheny Mountains. Cool, Invlg-nrAtinff breeaes. flood roads for motorlne. Hotel nnd estate orford every rontfort nnd Indoor nnd outdoor diversion. MAGNESIA 1IATIIS AND .MEDIClNAt, WATnrtH Tormnl openlnc .nine 12lh. Openlnir for nuiomobllo tourists May 20lh. 11. i;. I11:m, MnimRer. EAOI.K'S .MliltK. PA. THE CRESTAONT INN KAOLU'S MERE. PA. The hotel mill the Incoiminniole situation. ZlittJ leet above the sea, on tho summit ot the Alleghe-ile. Golf, tennis, boating and the finest of fresh water buttling, eleotrta Hunts, steam heat, etc. Also bunxalowa with tiienls at Inn Tor booklet nnd terms ad drem WILLIAM WOODS. Manager. MEDIA, PA. Uroolto Hall. 8 ncres lllnh. heallhy. Tennis, etc. Torch 103 ft: long. lUo from uath at. L." MT.ST CHESTER, PA. GREEN TREE INN ..f"?1 ,lnn ' ., , .. v est Chester. Pa. rnrtlculur nttsn to com. men. motor and tourist partleii. Reg. meals r,0. Sunday meal iSc. Cafe at. Hist. ur. C. Welnsartner, prop. SCinVENKVlLI.E, PA. PERKIOMEN INN 'd,S,1m",,rn","ti , . . high loca j prl. baths boai'g, bath'c. nsh'g. Tennis. Hklt. a. M Carl. POCONO .MOUNTAINS. PA. Delnniiro IVnter lnp. Pi THE J3ELLEVUE " '"'"ut, ""' tlon Capacity ' 15v. Excellent table. Rooms with running water. Dancing, golf and tennis. The popular house for )0ung people. Booklet. CONWAY A BLAIR. LAUREL" RIDGE fl;Bb2S?;- Howard Near Station nnd river. Excellent Accommodations. Bklt. C. Howard FORREST HOUSE .'e n,rT"mtn,1 -lyrs A L.Marsh. Stroudsburi;, Pa. PHURLEIGH INN f" "" '. Blue Ridge Mts. Boating, Ashing, eto. Garage. Special rates May and June. Book let. MUCIIM0I1IS A BALD, Props, Pnnlvrn On Hebion Heights; own farm. v Booklet 31. MERVJN. Aloha Inn 808 Maln " iun.i inn fortlI Bklt Modern homo rom MRS. TRAIJGER. Enst Stroudsbtirg, Pit. Vineyard Cottage 7S ? bonnct"' Mt. Pocono, Pa. -TUG npi MDNT Mod. team heat, baths. 1 nc ucLmuii 1 SpeCal ,prlne ral, Elev. high, air plney and dry. J L. Cornish Canadensis, Pa. Pine Grove House "nT yVgV- tables from farm. Bklt. 11. J. OHAVLE. Tho Pinr: Cnpaclty 100. Booklet tell th i ..BlorJ'- lY?if?l!r'n,cE! PINP KNOT INN Writs for term nnd rillCMWi " folder O. W Crane, Cresco, Pa. ROPeTI FDGF Trout fishing, Booklet. KULNLCUUC HOWARD PRICE. Pocono Ijtke, Pa, I nnr1 Inn -000 " elevation; lakes; Ash- L.UUCI 11111 )ne nveryt garage; excellent table, own farm. Booklet; CI. RAYUR. Paradise Valley. Pa., TUP HI n INN Fornunly Paradls Inn. iriC VJL.U 11111 cresco Sta Penna. 11. R. Managed from the standpoint of th guest, good food and good beds, old shade, tennis, trout Ashing: rates, to to IISSO; booklet. Opens May 27 Miss Kirk, 4132 Parkald ay. Analomtnk, Pa STITES' MT. HOUSE -mV Capacity 100. Booklet. TII03. II, 3TITE3. RnnirlQ Hntcl A' Station; new manage Kitpius nuici ment Trout n,h,ng, .AUCo welcome. Booklet. RUSSELL a. PLACE. Mountain Homo, Pa, Mt. farm. Constance House Ideal location. Can. 40 Modern. Divn T up. Booklet. P. CAhOLIN. Heller's Mt. Airy Fins location. Bklt. 11. B. Heller. Prop Marstmll's CrreU, Pa. MARS1IALLB FALLS HOUSE Modern ln every respect. Booklet. N. HUFFMAN. Prop. Sharmee-on-the-Ilelaviure, Pa. I pnwnnrl Excellent location. Bath'g, ooat'g. "" nsng. nan, utiiitiuit e THP ANATOK Finest location : & son. Near itooklet. Ilusltklll, l'a. OAk5 nmnp HOUSE. Table supplied from Ualhlni P, O, N Water Oap. - ..-,. .. -"..T ZZZZ-"" J. M. OVI t.1 iRFlELD. Ilartouvllle, Pa. POKONA FARM ?3k upi 123 o.t", ALLEUER. Cralg'a Meadows, Pa. WATER FRONT farm. Fih, boatv. y A 1 civ rivvjn 1 btxh.Ki 8prlnl wate; Phon. Homo productar Horace I. Moshler. Egypt 31111s. Pa. Rrnnkside Farm country home in mt.; boating, 7 weekly. WM CORTRIOHT. Dlngruan' Perry, Fa. Mansion House writ for term and UROWN'a-MILLS-lN.TllE-PlNEa. K. J. "THE INN" Open AU Year Aiagoiaccat pinca, oeauuiut laaas, vpnngs. Motoring, riding, Ashlur, canoeing, bowling, tennis. Ifivorlt veelcvn ana lourm Resort. r.iH... uvu.. I. L. 81 ISLAND HEIOUTeyfo. J. THE PERENNIAL p"S.i0f" , OPEN JUNE I!!TH SrillNO LAKE BEACH, N. J. THE BREAKERS 8PRINO LAKE BEACH N 1. 6eaoo. May 19 to Ociobtr hovy Opca tit ItTJSKtloa. YESTERDAY'S HESULTS AMEntCAM I.BAOl'D, Boston, 8, A'hlattct, 8, Other games postponed. NATIONAL LEAOt'fi Boston, 5) Philadelphia, S (first game) . Rostdn, B; Philadelphia, 4 (serind gml. Nw,fork, 11 Bi. Mula, X rittsljufgb, Hi Brooklyn, 1. .... Clhclnrstl.Chlesgo game not unearned, ' "' FEDERAL LEAGUE. Pittsburgh, 4: Buffalo. 0. Other game potponed. SUMMER. RKSOKta NEW BN'OIANU"- Maplevrooil, N, It. Tltc Social & Scenic Center of, lh WHITE MTS. JIAPLEWOOD, N. H. MAPLEWOOD HOTEL CotttiRes - Casino - - Inir OPEN JUNE TO OCT. NO HAT FEVErt. One Thousand Acre Park 18 Hole Golf Course Unsurpassed. (iOOO Ynrds. First Annual 'KEtilSTKKKU Maplowood TRAP SHOOTING TOURNAMENT July 2fith-30t1i inclustvo Daily Concert and Dnnfcin;: Every1 Evchini; Booking Ofllcn for Hotel, 1JB0 Broadway, Now Tork. Also for Inn, .Mnplewoqd, K1L LEON II. CI I, LEV, Mgr. ' l'rnnconta Notclii Urnfton Co., t(, JL. , WHITE MOUNTAINS ' NEW PROnil HOUSE TW E.NTV COTTAGE3. .OPEN JULT 1ST. entering to tlioso tvlio vvhli n Summer Homo In a rrsort fnorrd with a cllentclo or tho hlghct order. ON IDEAL TOUR. Fin, Oarage. Goir, Tennis, Boating, Fishing.-" C. II. OREENLEAF, Pres. . Bookintr Office In Clisrce E. IL RICH, J Hotelyendprne, Boston,. Mass. , T. Portland, Mc, lf VF 1 OMr.FFI I HW INN orio6kini? . w t.. ... Casoo Bay. Lnrntlon linallrnassed. rAlerlnfi to rehned tmtrnnltrf. Excellent rulslne. naming- irom house., Uoat'g A Dsh'g, $ljT up. JL II. PEABEV Rnm;wrrk Hnt(?l fewest hotel, centrally tsrunswiLiw riutci locnledi Pri.bath. not & cold water. All rooms Euro., fl up; Amer. SS.riO. Write a. V. Seemayer, 21 Preble St; NEW CHASE HOUSE "e 'g European plan. Booklet. Dept. P. . , j Peak lslnntl. Me. PEAKS ISLAND HOU.S.H. ir minutes by auto Ferry from Portland Booklet. RALPH E. ROWE. Manager. Riv Vipw'HnlISP Write for terms and 'M uay view nousc blllt- c w hqward. fa Block Island', It. I. The HOTEL, MAN1SSES Ac-, 15 MILES OUT .AT SEA. Accpm. SOO. Ratesj ir, up. No mosquitoes! nshlng, sailing1 and bathing. Exceptional cuisine Own farm! products. Orcheslrn Tennis A: golf. .Boat direct, from New YorK Bklt C E. BROWN, Prop, The Narragansett jj;f' wr7.Uior booklet. ALTON H. MOTT, Prop. NEW NATIONAL HOTEL A'1, tirles and Pleasures. Bklt. -n. G. LEWIS. 4 Saunderatovtn, It. I. -it.. nnn Mflv U. Il)-M.! baunaers nouse -"5.7. aVod SkluTe..' bathlnr. nshlng. tennl. .J.L.RODMAN. ". ATLANTIC CITV. N. J. OSTEN D t Occupying an entire block of ocean front 4nL connected with tho famoiia Boarawalki' In the popular Chelsea section: capacity 30O; unusually large, cool rooms with imobstracted Mew of ocean from, all, every appointment? nnd comfort, aea and fresh water In alt baths; running water In rooms) 4000 fti oIT porchea surround tho hotel; the new dining room ove-looka the sea; finest culslno and white service, orchestra of aololata; dancing twice dally, nodal diversions; magnlflrent new Palm Lounge, apeclal, S1T.S0 up weekly: Illustrated booklet mailed; auto meet train; management by owners JOHN C. GOSSLESl. Manager. ? CHALFONTE; Atlantic City, New Jersey Jhe Leeds Company ' HDTFI. SINCLAIR ?T s. New yorlt ' Ave, Home torn. fort and moderate rates, cellent table. l,?0day. While servli1 ! r V O. II, NYDER. , Leading High-Class Moderate-Rat Hotel. 1 AI RFMARLE Virginia av nr, Bch. Capa ftLDClYUlIv.Lli 3B0 steam heat. lvator? sun parlors, private baths, etc.; excel, table. flu up wkly.; 2 up daily. Bklt. J. P. COPE. SEASIDE PARK, N. J. r H BOSS TURNER Directly on Beach. .( Prootor Strictly First CU$m.a Open June 26th Booklet. J V -it 'OCEAN CITV, N. 3. Come to the BRIGHTON Leading beach-front hotel of America's leAJ Ing faintly resort. Cool, convenient, comfort able. Swept by breeze from Ocean. Bay and Inlet, Modern hotel, excellent cuisine: atten tive service U ' hour from Atlantic City. Opens June 26th, Booklst. i.'v-U-, "Yft i , ' 2i I'PITH HAM 15 Wesley Ave, Selct Ktlin MALL. fam,)y holel. apectal rale over Decoration pay. Booklet. -- THE "TR E A K E'r's "? Onlylloardvvalk hotel.' K. A. YOUNP.; Mgr.f wiiJiwoon, n.j. - New Sheldon Hotel fe,.?.6 over Decoration Day Auto; ownership-' managmt, noletl forxcl table. D. J Wood",, t FDGETON INN Capacity ISO. wntu CUUCIU11 I nit ,rvce. Orchestra. Music room- Coach. Bkt- J. Albert Harris HADDON HALL .2. K rate till July IS Booklet. N A RANQOLPH.. Hotel IVCauillg niryroon,,. superior tabl. Near depolbeachJLamuse. C Wambach ADELPHI-WITTE NeWi running ftUCUniMKIilJ. watr In all room; . open until Oct. 1 Elevpri bath H 3VJTTBj RRpllDNT Sthelllnger Ave, near Beach.. r"1, ' Termarea'ble M XBflhartj.1 HOTEELBERON gJC RAI TIMOR E Bkl- !!3 s- Magnolia Atsu OftU l imu (l. ywr Beacb k npMniyy Hotel Havllla Burk Avt- b1 ,sp VIl.pn'QOU OBTH. N. 3. Vhp nTTPN Beh front location, Spe . ' ct1 rate untU Ju'y I7th. ?H ER WOOD 223 E-2l" "i iivt- " 7 r-z,. TT, CAPE MAY, N. 3. CHALFONTE HOTEL CAP THE WINDSOR . "$& rate over Urcoratlon Day. MISS If AU'IN. gEA ISLK pPTX, . J. BUSCH'S HOTEL &B - W, 1 i laTl!p- NER