EVENING- LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1915. 11 iTrnding Not Active nnd n Wait ing Attitude Continued. Rock Island and 'Mop' Weak. I S INTERNATIONAL SITUATION STILL CONTINUES MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR MARKETWISE STOCKS MOVED UP; SHORTS COVERED . Nfew VORK, May 27.-No better Illus tration that tlio market Is In a Btrong technical position could be tlCBlred thnri Its ncllor) today, especially In vlow of the acute International situation which 1,98 ruled since the sinking of tho Lusl lanla nnd which was Intensified yester day by the mishap to tho American gteatfslilp N'cbrnsknn, There wasi no pressure to sell securities today, and white there was no outside demand, soma traders bought stocks, whllo shorts cov ered commitments. This resulted In A if recovery which wis participated In quite generally throughout the list. Activity nts not large, howovcr, and tho attitude ttltl was n waiting one, with the answer ef the Herman Government to our note the most Important factor mnrkctwlse. Net a few of tho tirulcia took tho long .' Mt for a turn, expressing their hellof 8 that n market which could withstand the l unsettling circumstances was good for a rally. Then, too. me oeuei is oecotning wore general that the Nebraskan struck g floating mlno nnd was not torpedoed, II first reports had It. Tho argument was advanced that It was difficult to seo '- ... .ha rjrtrtnnna ivntlM tnrtiarln nn m, American vessel, or any neutral, for that ' .ii aftar tlm ruCfinf nnfn in IliA . mi .. r,. . .. - . 1. .. ...),, !.... ....M,.aA V UnltCa Ota.ua Ull mu duuiiihihio .ui..mi;. : In any event, the Street thought It best .- -.nl n. ttftt. rftnnrfa nn th. Ini-lilAnf 'and In the meanwhile to suspend Judg i ment f, On the recovery the copper shares fur 'tilihed the strong spots. Their gains, I l....),, tvern nn, Inrtrn. nn nnn th 'case In some of the specialties nnd tho "war stocks," where ndvances of a point H' and morn were reHiBtcroo. ncioro noon. 91 The sirengin oi wits uuppcrs was encour- m agin?, and thoso Issues were looked upon ii the holders of tho market to Bomo ex- JE tent because of the belief that the dc t wand for tho metal will become larger as " time goes on, nnd a helpful thing was the higher prices for the metal cabled over from London. ; The weakest shnres In tho mnrket were j Chicago, Hock Island and Pacific and I Missouri Pacific. The former made a ! new low record of 15?4, a loss of 1 from ij-eitcrday. Tho previous low record was 1 18U which was reached on March 1. On : April 10 of this year tho stock sold at 39. ' Missouri Pacific dropped nearly 2 points, despite tho fact that $15,400,000 of the $25,- Cw.uov nous nave Dcen aeposuea unuor the extension ncreement for one yenr Both BtockB recovered from tho low in ,the afternoon, but were still off from the closing yesterday. Itcports were reiter ated that In the reorganization of the "Keck Island a heavy assessment would he exacted from the stockholders. Pre vious reports have had it that this would be between $30 and 540 n Bhare. Belief In some quarters that SO per cent, cl the Missouri Pacific notes would not h rlenoslterl for th extension, which fe amount Is necessary, was the cause of i the break In that stock. Only 6114 per KjCent. of the bonds have now been do- E-i mlfarl . If I Tin CA ..A, pamI la nn. flnnlll. deposited It will undoubtedly mean a receivership for the road, that Is, unless the unexpected happens. Prices of other Issues held up well during the afternoon, hut there was no Increase In the volume t, of trading. i. me closing was srong, uue largely xo ii report from Washington that the roply tot the German Government had been re ceived at the State Department, and that It was conciliatory. Maxwell Motors Is sues attracted nttentlon, the Common ad vancing 1 points, the First Preferred l?i and the Second Preferred 1H. Three big railroads issued their April earnings statement today. Union Pa- fflflfi Rhnnffl n ,lrpnq rt ZZfti 11T In J gross and 5311.436 In net; Southern Paclf- m 1i'b prnBQ fll t7QR MR nnrl nnt tlnllnnrl ,PS,SS1. Tho return for 10 months was jfcalso smaller. While there was a de- icrease or J&si.zw In the gross earnings ft'of the Northern Pacific, the company 'turned this into an Increaso of JCD.807 in f,net. The 10 months' showing, however. p was much tho same as union and South- em Pacific. New York Stock Sales 85 0 20 lUtJ MI1.L'. HaM l.t. .. j AmelcamatedCoi . itfi AmPffi' Migar 45 Ar3nrakoSAF1tt...,loi AmBrafcos hV pf .149 Am Can ....,.,.,,,,,, ;,.) Apr-.-ronndfy ... W Am Exprcu ....i..,. 8U Am Jceoccnrltlei .... , 29 Am locomollTi ....... Hju AmctloanMatt fi Am Malt pf .,.,,,..,. 2.-.H Amhugaf iteflnlaj ...107 '"'"' "l.M 119 AmTobpfnew ...... .10 107 nni nooienpi ........ SKI A rrconda Copper. , 31 AtchTSK ,. no). llaldivlnLoco -uiH rta'llmore&Oh'n .. . 7 ', rialtlmore 4 Onlo pf . ( 0J. Ilelhlchem Moot !, , Iicihlchcm Steel pf ....112 Ilrooklyn Ilap Traa ... ,) liulta A Superior....... CO Cal retroleum j) Canadian raclfls Ifis Chrs&Ohla .iu thlno Copper 44W Chi Mil A St I' qui i.niAiu &at r pr .....12.1 Chl4 Northwest 127 Last close. Illah. Low. Close. PI !5 n 46'f A6U io3 loon mum Ifll 15J 1ST mi filM 8 311 ACM 5 21K 7H Pi am 8fl 30 a: 6H 28 mm ii)5 119 no 81 am D1! 10 'J 71 38 1li 102 2). :74 00 Mi 10 Vfi Hi 7J 111 :o chin 1 a 1' Cluctt Pea A Co pi . 1 clcrsilo M v Comstock Tunnel.... Coiiio.idated u-,, . Corn Products Hof .. rruclble ateel Co Cuban.Am Sugar ... Den A nio Grand) pf Distillers' sccurltiei ., Krlo Ocn Chemical Gen Chemical pf .... General KIcctrl; .... General Motors Goodrich HP Co .... Great Northern pf ... Gt N cfs for ore prop Gucrenlcim Ktnl'u . HavKlItyLAP .... Illinois Cent Inter-Met vot t e .... Inter-Met pr International Taper .. International Paper pf Imr.ratiim Cohim J I Case Co pf ox r... Kan City Moutnra .. Lack hteel Lako Erlo & West pf Louis In NasUvlliu.... Maxwell Motors Max Motors 1st pf.... MaxMotorr'd pf. . . Mexican Petroleum... Miami Copper Mlsrourl Pacific National Biscuit Nat Cloak & Suit Not Lead. Nat Enameling Jt S... Nevada Con Uoppor.. N YNI1A: II NY 0& West Norfolk Southern 1 A riortucrnracui.:. . TaclilcMall Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal Pitlsbureh Coal pf ... Pressed Mccl Ud: . . Pressed Steel Car pf . . Pullman Co Ky Steel Sprlne Hay Con Copper. .. Keadlnc Hep Iron & Stool... Hock Island Co.... Hock Island Co pf . Ilumcly M Co 72 vj G CO mi. 45H 80)J 12) li!0 I7i 101 ant. 8 IS34 VJ. . Y.V4 13'1 107 81 .11 l.0 40 71M 70 13 112 N7 70 IS 107 81 aii. iik 17 7U. 7il i:i7 112 S7K 72, u, New York Bond Sales 1.0' 163 4il 40( 44H 4". 80H 80 12 Ih 12t 1211 12 1 101 101 0 j ; h 8 8 12:1 ( 124 .t i:i'( 28' 20 i V7 to om on 12 12 12 KIH 0 WH : G) 2.-, 205Vf 205 20.i 205 lOQij 1001 100W 10HM loii'j iw isuif 15:1 135W 13d UH AMI 110 17 5M (0 81K 81 UO 13(1 43W -Wf lil'Jf llijj s.ijj r,0H m si iu-; ios u).; toon HUh. .llico Amer lVl clt la. ..... (n ljiUU Ainer Tel tit 4',8,.,luu, loim Armour 1.0 4;t" ... ti-h. A.fi.v Aicninun adj tn ...... Mft Ww AKtiuon ev 4a 11,55. . M; in.v Ateli.son cv 4s lmiu. . in ..lv Atcniaon cv S luti...lWJH ."1U1U Knit O H'is M; HUU linlt ,t ll 4a .......... titti SK.U Dalt (tun '4 41KI.I H.ih aten 1st 5s llM 4K lleth Steel lit !...., 100 1UAI uruokn M It 5 'IS... vali -mo Urook Un Klv lat 5s 0j; HOii lirook Un Una la( 5a., 1W .UvoiJ Cent Leather Hi 5..i US'i Hum Lent r-ae lat j S7s 50iW Cent ItHNJ ft. , . ,. .1I.I- ti.tw ilim m olilo cv 4V4., T8 mj Lia c uiilo 4h 05 '..W Ul.l A. Ul8l 111 4 ..23 lltl, uu ta UU14 MM Chi i Nun Ken 4 WH Until CM 11 tilt joint 4a .... 118 tiui unl u -i mm 4a .... U1H MXi Liu LI as (j ret 4 .... Uj"i , 3mo cm ,u y 111 :1.4a.... siii t.lut,i.(i L l Hi 1' iv 0a rct.luiyj i'uuc C M it ht V tun 4Vs.auu ..dvO C M A tit ' in At ... ,10-M. 4(W C.M & St P CV 4Uj.. LU 5vw c to & at f d 4t.jj .... w !tM Cunibcnaml i'el i;a. . . . UU noi ii ai mil. At 'to .... mi ;t lixu uol aua nd 4a M 1WAI L'Ol At liud 4Hrt tQO il(KI Utl A. If In lip ,M R ni ivu jj)8 aecur vorn oa . li" oj line (om la Ser A soou Hud Man In it..?. UOJ ill Steei db 4U.. Haai Iowa Ccntml 4a 49 .SUO 111 Cent 4s luM 824 4Wiu in (,cn & Si 1. U ile..tl!.4 (Xiuo lna cv ret Ud pd (la 1U.12211 ui iinerb .Met .-, ;u 70OC lnterb 11 r tcf 5a.... t.T'i ltti'.i inter -Mer Mar 411a... 4J li'uou jap now Uer ata 4',&a. . ".IS At .11, lit 4v-.s "4v 1UW Kan City Sj 5a li Low. I'lo.c. 8"!i ,S7' luu & Uua wu S.1'5 vol J Will 1(KI ll.lK TS',4 85 :b (in b'iji viW ,S.lS 1WIH XUJS 'IMli UU to BU'4, V. 100 81 l(-( l Sin Hi', vvn Iu , 0l. S.V, Ul (Wit &t' llM 11'? U! 85 25 (W i.uU Ut( wlH 0i 81l WjS lv, 04 IIO UK III II) 81 o5 R8 SM Silt 3$ 0.1 Of N.I 4il 40 2U M14 12i 70 in j, 12.1 7.1,. 74 . 01 L, U(K LaLleuo Jao lat 3a... .1104 lcoji, tixiW KumelyMCopf IWi Sears Hoe 5. Co . . Sears Roe & Copf. ... txLoulsocan' bt Louis 8 F 2d pf , touthcra Pacuic...... boutl-crn itv Standard Mllllnepf ., btuue baler Co Studcbakcr Co pf .... Tennessee Copper . .. . Texas Co Texas & Pacific 'ihuu Avcnuo. I 7.K HH 37 i0 77 j0 44 10 UU 4J bOU 7H US'f :lH Vi 117 71 00M Jfl'f r4 li2M -') 15 'i ln4H llll :4V 24M 23M ,07 22 f9M 80f 45 44H 00 lOa K5f 155 2!J. 2ilVi liH 23!f I43X 142 2SV,' 27K 3 lj 4i 11 . 78' -6 . 45 10H .110 j ao; 85 a5-i 07 1 j .AH y-a 12J 72U S0) 15 14i 03 S 1UU 21'a . 0J . 44 05 .153 .. 201 j .. 2d ..142 .. -J.7H H .. H 4 yjH 72j Mi 3'i :o 77 .5l 4. 10 110 4014 84W ;ii!f 07H -AH ,0H 117 71 00 15J 14H i2H 28K 15 5'U 7.tJ( ow 37 vo 77 .6H 44 10 110 43 8W 37H C8V4 15 III4 117 71 COM 15H IDS t:M 28)i, 15 10 IH 24 1U0 100 n't 810U Lk Hh deli Jfl Ml. . . . It I 6U.U lrh 'ai or .S Y j(B..lU0V SOW Loril.ard 7 . ,.rV.. ...121 2uiU .Munhiuuin ta 4a . . 88 ilW .Mil Kail Ai . let 4s. 8U lino .Mo Knn .ii 'r 2a 4.. nu ltOo Jlo K Ai T irenu Issa 02 10iai .Mo It t T Ii 73W a iikiO Jlo j'no 4a 43ia 17UU. .Mo I'ao ev 5a 41 5W 0 Mont l'or 5a Illi A0 S V C t, S .(lis .. 09 I04U.IU .-J Y C & II 0a ret. 102(4 2l".M N . L & U As S5?, 1 im .v v nt 4 IliM" . i.i'4 ivwi 1 iiy hs 1UUU.1UU Clt 48 JUilS' '."i7.U)l V UA8 II A. 1' 4a. B2t lunu N 100,1 N lllUl . 111X0 N lOOu N aooo s :;uuu n iM) N 1WIUU N N II & H IHia '54.03 .N II ,t II t;a..l(iUU l.'5i 1.5, 1L'4 . 5 1. 0 . h7 Of ,. 60 . 04 . 00 . J3 .123 . IS 4bf SOif 14H OOJj 155U 2'Jii 142'i 27i H 4 11 135 Y Y Unt & w a.. 100 Y Itwy ref 4b .. 7U(i Y' Itwy ailj 5s . . M)' Y State 4Kb ...lU8t Y Tel Ren 4ws .... UU .'kiiHI .nrt V (..flt itt.i in.. lAiX ll.txio Nor Pnc prior 4b 1)1 is .1U1O Ore ,: W It & N 4b... 8KVt I'euo I'enna 48 litis Ii7s .Mii-UO oo gen 4V48 w I H7k R-XHf) do col 4Kb IM'n awo Public Serv , J 5 87U l.HOO l'.ay fon Corpcr (is.. .lUJi (Hi Ileaillnir gen 4u 02-n looo Itcpub Cuba 5a '04.... mnli loon Hlo Or & W clt 48.... 71 l'.'O" Hock Ittand Is S2(i (XXIV0 do Bs 47 .'.l)C0 St I. 1 JI f. 48 I.I II4UUO So I'ac cv 4s. . . 100UU l.HOO 1000 fH,K do cv ret t p 3a 11)34 link do rfd 4a. uo Term M'i, iu rv-.'t 00M, 75, ns ICKt li 0 South nwy sen 4s. . l.'iroo do eon . 140011 Third Av adj 5b... r.ooo Trl-Clty 3a flftnn IT H HuhhL.r Its .' nfll II M Kl.r,! Kb 101'i 4000 do rtK Ob 101U 400U Union l'nc lat 4b 84 :iixx do ev 4b 10.10 do rM 48 in (I Vn Car Chm 1st 3b ICOOOO Wabaah 4s 1000 do 1st 5b :nun Wiih Knit ct ata 4s 2 00 Wnb-P Tcr lt ct 4s 1..00II no .tl ct -is . Sill, . 80V4 . uti ..101 .100' on tool, m s. 71!(, 30 02 74!i ::u 80 '4 K)!i no HI 8, nil. 100 "111 03'' iou,i loo 0h 60W los DO 1014 VI SSJ4 Life l8 122U 02S Wl((, 71 xwi 4214 rci 80W 80li 7!l 03V5 nofi "."ill t!S IWI l'KJTf, 101 S4Ti mff SII4 llll III) 100I4 121 , 88 SO ull 02 7.111 41 i 40', tlUtJ 00 10J (5J, ioo''j us" 10J?4 low 70W .iwi luati 00 III 841 SfiJ 122'i H2 HUM. 71 8214 K" K 8 70 nr.i SJj 05 10.1 101 U lOlU 84 fc W14 i'ii 1DW 1814 10 oow 100(5 10O5 17i; 17 17 Ii II 0 U H 4 10i U5 1241S 1241, 124Vi 4H 4ii AH oi n J7K H 08 115U 08 32J 15 50 8 I OH as OS us 3-r 124 15 50 5 87i !0h 08 60 08 32JI 124 15 5 NEW YORK CURB 'Brailen Britlja-Amerlean Tobacco old.. do new Gotdne!d ConJolldated ipreena Cananea ILa Kose flrtlah Valley Coal Sales MpUalng Otli Elevator j; ia pref iRUnr.Hegeraan Etcrlbir Hum Tobaeco Products United cigar Storea f 1 do nref IVnlt Proht new World Film '..,. '.Tulion Qold . . , Bid. Asked. 7 ::: l?.w ::: .-.V" ..-.133H ,5y ...70 ... 02 - Sit ... so ...105 VA 10 82 103 0 Of' 7 572 DO 113 3 4 2' FRENCII BANK STATEJIENT PARIS. MftV 2T.-.nhA rnllnmlnw ,r. Ih. principal Items n statement of the Bank of France tor week ending May 20; franca Francs May 20. stay 13. 3,uof,aoo,ooo a.tiis.tioo.ooo a7,800,000 370,200.000 ll.M.1,.100,000 11,738,000,000 2,2I)0,0(,0OO 2,ai2.10rt,000 2.111,200,000 221,000,000 02,300,000 80.100,000 630,200,000 643,000,000 2,4011,000,000 2,41)1,1)00,000 Cold Sllrer .. . . Irlllailnn .gfMral depoVl'ta. I Kill! nUnniintnJ Rtt,'g5'- d,!Pa Euitncled tills ., UnlonPacIdc 125t 120h 125H 12GJf Union Pacific pf 81 sOH hOi U H Ind Alcohol 3I)J( 30H 30 i UbCastll'&F 13H 15 144 United ltys Invest pt... 32H 12 b'j Lirtltubber 03 12( b2U u b ituDber 1st pi tbbteel h bbteelpf. Utah Copper U abash H H Wabash pf Ji ii tstem Union Tel CO (7 h estlnshou.se nleclrlc. 02H 04H Wheel 4 L K 2d pf 2Jf 3 tiooiHUltur iv V.O....102 ll3 SOH 39H 14-j 3.' L2'f .105H 1U5K 105H 105W i3H oAH 54 biH 1U5H ltOH 1U0H IdOH osi (.oi uan t)0H H H I8H U2H 3 07 04 3 1U2H 103 PAYS $4 TO SELL HIS STOCK NEW YOKK, May 27. How a man sold 100 atiarea of Wabash common stock for $12.50, turned the sum over to his broker aa commis sion and paid $4 tax, which goes to the State, for tho privilege of disposing of the stock Is belnc toll In Wall street. Tha sale was made when Wabaih told down to the Irreducible 1 rlco at a V.. or 12W cents, esterday. The usual commission of an eighth was exacted by the broker, and thereloie the entire sum went to him. Trust Company Clearances The Clearing House Committee of the Philadelphia Clearing House Association plan for the clearance of checks of trust companies and State banks not members of tho associa tion has virtually been approved by the vari ous institutions Interested, after some modifi cation from the original draft. A mecttng of at a data not yet fixed, to glvo final upprorut to the. plan and nuke It operative. 14000 West : & SI cv 5a...l01'i 1014. 11X)0 West Union 4'4b D1H ntji 101 0 Wltcon Cent gen 4a.. Mi 81 lOlfj lili IMPROVED INQUIRY FOR UNION TRACTION Fears Regarding Dividend Dis sipatedLocal Market Quiet. United Railway Plans. Returning confidence thnt the Union Trnctlon dividend would be pnld at the usUnl limn and In email cnuscd an upward tendency In the prlco of the stock In nn otherwise uninteresting local market aea alon today. The buying enmo chiefly from Investment sources, and lifted the quota tion above 31 befoie noon. Ttnpld Transit remnlned Inactive, however, white Phila delphia Traction established n now low record for the present movement at 7314 on an odd-lot sale. In the afternoon flnpld Transit trust certificates moved up to 8 on tnoderato purchases. tluffalo and Susquehanna alnrea roe over n point and Heading wai another strong spot. On the other hand l'Mlndclphla Klectrlc wnn for tale nnd loat a fraction The Street awaited with Interest tho outcome of the Hntdwin Locomotive dl rcetora' meeting today, to act on tho dividend. General opinion was that tho 1 per cent, payment would bo maintained, and the stock, nftcr opening at a frac tional loss, moved up moderately. Annther stronR spot was Orntnp Ship building stock, which recovered more thnn a point of yesterday's decline. Cam bria Steel fluctuated erratically, but de veloped no definite tendency, while United States Steel ruled steady throughout the irrenter part of tho session. Philadelphia Company crossed 31. de spite riillnRs of the California Ttallroad Commission ordorlnn the United Rail roads of San Frnnclsco to set aside $650,000 a ypar for thieo years for purposes of Im provement. The commission acatn criticises the bookkeeping of the company and says thnt Instead of a surplus In Its treasury therr Is really n deficit. On the evidence now at hand the commission oas tnnt there was apparentlv a deficit of $4,000,000 June 30, 11)14, while the books of the com pany showed a surplus of $1,018,633. Rumor now has It that there may be a reorganization of the system which, It 1b said, would Include a scaling down of the ?23,OOJ,000 4 per cent, bonds. Increasing the Interest rate to 5 per cent, and readjust ing the capital stock. Commercial paper transactions contlnuo to constitute the bulk of tho money mar ket Iti this city nnd quotations cover a considerable range, ratea being given all the way from three to four per conk, ac cording to maturity and names. The bulk of tho business Is being dono around 3 rcr cent. Just as the stiffness resulting from the Lusltnnla disaster was passing off the Nebraskan Incident crops up and may cause another tendency to harden. No change has occurred In call rates. Local Half -hourly Sales mi, liS 10 (o 10:30 A. M. ,Ui 200 Inter Met ... 22H M'S 100 Union Trae .. :iOH :!0l luu crucible Steel 28U 3S 20 Phlla co. ... 3IU 20 Ph Co cum pf a s I'enna ....... MJi BO W CramD t e MH 10 Penna 53J4 iu union irno . sua steel., loo Inter Met . . ji' a i 100 If S Steel... :l I'enna 2.1 Klec Storage ao rnna Kiee .12 I'enna link ,11 22H SI ,11'i 2K . ... S3 8.10 10 Penna ....... A do loo Union Trae . 200 W Cramp t c. 100 V 8 Steel . . ,10 l'hlla niec .. trn ir a a,fl.i 10 do., mu 20 Lnlon Trae . . aoti 10 Tonopah Del 4 0-ttl ,10 v 8 Steel.... Mil loo dolC M ICO tlo.T; 54j 100 Baldwin mi, ICO do 41?i W W Cramp t c .1811 20 Inter Met pfd 73l BONDS. IBS! Cambria 8leel scrip May lnlT. WW I'enna gen 4'ls ctfs w I.. iiKS Pt'nn'1 gen lHs et(a w I ..000 I'enna gen 4r ctfs w I lOiio Itemllng Jersey Central 4s .... 34 Cambria Steel acrip May 1017.. 02 Cambria Steel crlp May 1011.. 7 Cambria Steel scrip May 1017. 10:30 to 11 A. M. 18UOI 83 1 Cambria Steel 45H ? do m 3 Union Trae.. 31 4 do Dill 2 do 31 30 Cambria Steel 474 I Ph Co cum pf 3'J 10 Elec Storage. MMi PONDS. 0 Cambria Steel acrlp Feb. 1D17 .... P7 , 0 Cimbrla steel scrip May 1017 17 looo Phlla i;iee ns lom 312 Cambria Steel aerlp Nov 1010. .. . W 11 to 11:30 A. M. 100 North Cent . SI 100 tr S Steel.... ai 20 Elee Storage. 14U ,1 t'nlon Trao .. 4(i 100 U S Steel.... MjJ 10 I'enna S4'i 20 Tonopah Del. 5t 13 union Trae.. Sales in Philadelphia 7'4 lilt?, Cent 8314 84 ... .13U?i3D.10 lft Union True ICO V 8 Hteel. 100 rlo. . .. 10 do 50 do 101) do UO Buff & Susie 11 , . IIO.VDS. 1000 Penna cone ila 1011) SJ5J0 I.ehlgh Valley gen cons 4s 2000 Lehigh Nav eona 44 02 Cambria Steel scrip Nov 1010. . 02 Cambria Steel acrlp May 1017.. 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. 31 Sal .. il'J .. 00 .. ys . . o" 1 t. I .- M.-- ,.. 20 I'enna .110.1(1 10 do fi.1 B-10 10 do M 0.10 10 lna Co N A.. 21 'a LONG ISLAND ANSWERS DICKS I FINANCIAL1 BRIEFS m tt the Pacific Mall Stenmshln's annual jneetlng stockholders discussed the out wok for thn mmtiinv mil hp nnxslhllltv Xf dltSOlVlnir It. Tlntlrlncr illrpolnrB with M.the exception of W. A. Worthlngton, who - iiucceeaea Dy Owen F, noDerts, were .re-elected. F Exports of train. Inrliirlln flnilr. for the pMt week at the port of New York, rank IJfions the hlsb, records, totaling not less pW.MS huahels of wheat In It different pwiilBnments. six of which represented iMrgoes of from 300.000 to SOO.OOO bushels Kch. SAieOrfra H. Pnv ha. Kan -I-aI. n,.M.nl M the World Film Corporation, succeed- van Horn Ely. Milton C. Work, of fcfU4 CitV. RllPriir1o TTavViwi TT Ttm n an CWrman, " ""'" ,v "' """ ' New Vn.t. v..-,.- ... M.MM. . -1 Ki.W "' V'la lost l,Wf,WV IU " llMUpr yesterday and have lost U 4w sinsa last frlday. Tha fniiAniin .....a , ---. M..M- . ' ,w.ina imva ueeii oieciu iiiciiii Ikfi rte H- DodJ- of Harris, Wlnthrop; g.non sturgls, of Chicego, and W. B. ---n, 01 Kansas city. 2rfa Jtlrac,te clllrle of the Susque- (Wiht 11 p "" wl" D9 ciosea aown K' v-' uuiu iipii 'inininau 'i-na Am 11 aris .fHF'pl three divi thi wlv hpvin all R dosed Monday. firS, Wpments of anthracite coal In 1314 ItaSviim alrar, est prppertles lr Sy "vi and Columbia Counties, apeord. IS- lht feport made to the Board of &meJ2iSt..?m'unte'1 J.9M.MJ tons, gPa4 with 1.878.72$ ton produced In WlfVi1,' meUnff of the stockholders W t-nlted Btatea Oast Iron Plna and wy Company will be held In Jersey IR 1ia?S;l to VQt "J1 resolution 1 SSSKS? ot Pfsrred and 5000 har ft miwa now ir, tn8 treasury. I The price of lead was raised 10 points. The New York City Market Association, having received notification of settlement by Alex. II. Low, of all his obligations, has officially reinstated him as a mem ber of the association. The Iron Trade Review says: "A tro mendous demand for lathes for shipment to Italy lias appeared, but owing- to the fact that machine tool makers are already overwhelmed with orders for foreign and domestic- delivery, Italian buyers have been able to place but few orders. Domes tic purchasing of machinery for making war supplies continues active, although not of such proportions as In previous weeks. Shipments of pig Iron are going forward satisfactorily, but few sales are being made. Inquiries for large tonnages of steel bars for manufacture of shrapnel uro pending. 'High prices of spelter have resulted In many manufacturers of gal vanized sheets withdrawing from the market." The Minneapolis. St. Paul, Rochester nnd Dubuque Electric Traction Company has sold 1750,000 three-year 6 per cent, potes to General Electric Interests. Succeeding Clarence 'M. Brown, who re signed, Joseph C Fraley has been elected a director of the Jim Butler Mining Com pany. Retiring officers and directors of the Standard Oil Company of New York were re-elected at the annual meeting. Bids will be received by the Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia, trustee, until 3 p. m., June 4, for as many bonds of the WeUbaetl Company as 85, 33.63 applicable to the sinking fund will pay for. Sir Thomas Bhaugbnessy, president of tho Canadian Pacific Railway, sailed for England at oon today on t)oard the White Star Jlner Adriatic. Sir Thomas spoke in praise of the new coalition Mln-Ut-y forme4 In England. FOREIGN TRADE CHANCES Opportunities or Amarican maniiaclurer lit the orclon (rarfc arc hereiclti given, and additional Inoi-matlon maw be secured from the ifurcau 0 Fortiori and Domestic Com merce, Department of Commerce, the file num ber to be plticn In fie Inquiry; No. lfll.V), lighting plant and tramway sys tem Tho commercial attache of the Depart ment ot Commerce In Chill transmits a report relative to an opportunity for the calo of ma chinery and supplies for an elcctrtc-llghtlng-plant nnd tramway. Copies of this report may be hud on application, to the bureau or Ita branch offices. No. 1CM1, superphosphate of lime An "Amer ican conrulur officer in Bpa'n rcporta a possible opportunity for the rule ot large quantities ot superphosphate ot lime. A copy of this report may r.o had on application to the buresu or Its branen offices. No. 10U52, maihtncry A contracting company In Erglami informs an American consular offi cer that It has an Inquiry for machinery to be used In making asbestos cement slates (shin gles) and she ts. The company states that it also desires to vecuro the services ot American englnreru tor Installing the machinery anu erecting the plrnt. No. 1CU3.I, buttons, fancy goods and glass ware Supplementing foreign trade opportunity No. lr&'iu, an American consular officer In England leports that a business man In his district desires to secure the names and ad dresjis of American manufacturers of buttons, glasaware and fancy goods, with a view to securing an exclusive agency for these articles. No, 1GI.34, lumber, irult, etc. One of the commercial attachea of the Department of Commerce In i:urope transmits tho namo and address of a man who dealrea to represent American exporters of lumber and timber of arlous kinds, canned fruits and vegetables. Reference ls'gUen, No. 10US.1. machinery The commercial at tache of the Department of Commerce In the Netherlands reports that an engineer In that country dealres to repreaeut American manu facturers ot machinery, especially electrical and agricultural. The man suggests that per haps some American firms now maintaining their principal Kuropean offlcea In some of the belligerent countries might find It advantageous to transfer their agencies to a neutral country. No. ICu.'.O, machinery An American bualneea man writes the Bureau of Foreign and Domes tic Commerce that a firm In Europe desires to secure machinery to make buttona and bead of horn or celluloid; alio machinery for boring mouthpieces of 'pipes. No. ia,.-,T, coal Supplementing foreign trade oppoi Unity So. 1810(1 and conndentlal circular No. r;il. tha commercial attache of the t'epart ment of Commerce in South America transmits a detailed report relutle to an opportunity for the vale of coal, Ills report may be examined at tha Ilureau of l'orelgn and Domesllo Com merce or Its branch offices. No. 16'J3S. coffee and rubber The Department of Commerce Is In receipt of a letter from a bualii'ss. man In the United Statea stating that he has been requested to supply the names ot American exporters of coffee and rubber with vtw to exporttnsr same to the Netherlands. NO 10050, coal A report received from an American consular officer In Canada statea that a Business mun in nis aisirict la undertaking to establish a rather extensive rn.i hn.ir... I'ricea on a good quality of anthracite coal, quoted f. o. b. shipping point, uro desired. The man atatea that the lnltlul orders will orobably amount to 1000 to 1500 tons. pruu.uiy No. lOOUO, harlware, leather and buttons A commission merchant in Portugal Informs an American consular, oltlccr that he desires to be placed in communication with Amerlca.i man ufacturer and exporters of ti'ttons, hardware ami shoe leather. Reference Is given. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Southwest Pennsylvania Pipe Unea, 13. pay able July 1 to stock of record June Is. standard UU Company or Kentucky, recular quarterly , payable July 1. Books close June 15 and reopen July 2. ' " Hallway Steel Springs, quarterly IK per cent, on preferred, payable June 21 to stock of record Juno B. ' Jlubber Goods Manufacturing Cqmpany. regu lar quarterly IS per cent, on preferred an! I per cent, on common, payable June 15 to stock of record June 8, Calumet and Arlaona Mining Company 50 rents. ' ' " Champion Copper Company. II, Uoatnn and Worcester Electric Company. II on preferred, payable July 1 to stock of record June 2J. . Asserts Claims Aro "Shocking to Good Conscience." NEW YORK, May 27. In Its nnswer to the suit brought by Dick Brothers & Co. charging the Lonsr Island mnnaKemcnt with mismanagement, tho company holds that the claims ad vanced are "shocking to good conscience" In thnt for 13 years, with full knowledge of the plans nnd operations of tho com pany, Dick Brothers "publicly applauded and approved and acquiesced In tho acts of the company" without objection until now. The nnswer Is a statement of the needs of the Long Island for the expenditure of new capital to bring it up to standard after tho Pennsylvania had bought con trol and tho manner In which the Penn sylvania, through the expenditure of large nmountB of new capital, has brought tho Long Island to it point where Its physical development has been as sured and Ita credit restored. 'The whole development," tho nnswer states, "has been. Is and will be of great benefit, profit and advantage to the Long Island. The debt ts neither unreasonable, excessive nor unfair. Relative to the magnitude of the undertaking It Is ex ceedingly small, The rate of Interest has been low, 4 per cent. Tho directors of the Long Island hnvo committed no waste, they have permitted no waste." The expenditures for entrance into Manhattan have been justified by results. It Is held, the gross earnings of tho Long Island having Increased 190 per cent, over thoio In 1900. 63 o-ia .. 1s . . 07 .. 78 i:-P SOU 8 Steel. .. 51 18 V S Steel Df.107 20 Tonopah Bel. 44 I10NDS. 1000 Lehigh Nav cons 44a 00 loupo Penna gen 4Wa ctfa w 1 07U 15 Cambria Steel scrip May 1017 07 12 JI. to 12.30 P. M. 10 Baldwin 47J, 55 Penna .... 1OT lna Co N A.. 21U 10 Phlla Trae. 10 Mo Pacific .. lnlj 10 Heading ... 50 Col Fuel 30 BONDS. 3 Cambria Steel scrip 101T looo Phlla nlcctrlo 4 700 Phlln Electric 4 ,. 12:30 to 1 P. M. 125 Buff A Suntc 12 .10 Baldwin ... ,&! , fi-i' '. I'i., '"Phlla i:iec iP Cor .7J4 10 North Cent 45 Hurt & bus t c 124 BONDS. 1000 l'hlla Co cons Bs .' 1 to 1:30 P. 3 Penna KI14 200 Mt Broa 10 100 P P. T t o. . . 7Ti 1:30 to 2 I. M. 10 Am Oas ....101i 100 U S Steel, .'i r- jfc . 1 c... .". iu no . 41151 100 do . 23S 20 do.... 10 do wV. BONDS. 3 Cambria Steel scrip Nov. 1010 3 Cambria Steel scrip Feb 11110 . 3 Cambria Steel scrip May 1017, 2 to 2:30 P. M. .1 Buff Susn. 12 50 Baldwin . n T t c... Si 2.-. Pennn .... 10 Am Oas 1 200 Am Milling ,,, sy, luu hum i.ocn . ,,,47 l'33 Buf A Sua t c IT 147 Cam Slfel .... 47t4 50 Col Fuel .. .1. .. loo crue Steel ... 2S HO ICIee Stor 51 300 Interboro Met . Hiy, 20 Inter nref ...... .. 120 Ins Co N Am. . 2IU luy lko isup t;orp 2.10 Mt Brothers.. iu mo pacuic. msj ivortnem 200 I'enna ... 20 Phltn. Co 23 do cum pref. . 311 125 Phlla FJectrle. . 24 2uo l'hlla Hap Tr.. a . 110 tr ctta ... in Phlla Traction 10 Reading 53 Tonopah Bel . . 200 Union Trae . . . 20 u a i 1827 V B Steel i 110 prer tlONDS. 100 Cramp A Bona . 37 Kit Am U Ar B fls . . MS 3117 C 8 son Nov "in 8 170 do May 1017 07 0 do Fuo 11)17 .. n, 3000 r, N oona 4'ts.. WW 2IHJ0 I, grn cons 4 8nti 270CO Pa g 4' ct w 1 Ii7lj 1000 Pa con Js 11)10. .. 1000 Phlla Co con 6. 71 87 do scp 11118... 01 17fO Phlla Elee 4... 78 H'CO do 5a 10114 li.ni Heading gen -is. im Ves.elose. Illsti. Low. Clote, ,1UV l) 1U1-4 1U174 T?i lU. M. -V3 " 47S Jfl's 4 12S It 12 4SJ 47H 48 30 30 30 28 284 2814 81 50V. 80)1 22K 22K 12 73k TJ 73U 2PS 2IU 21 1 10 IB4 1 1014 1CW 10ft 81 l a 5-10 507 .14 V, 34 W 30 .ID. H K 30 2.174 H EIGHT-CENT BREAK IN MAY WHEAT M4 M ,a $ m iv. 80S 11 53 13 si 107 08 07 07 no sou lift. ii2g 80 80 113 111 80 78, I0H4 10114 n.1 .1 looo Itda-Jr Cent 4s. rati 034 KIH 1000 Un Ilya t c 4a.. 74M, 74 7lk 1000 Welsbach 5a .... Ill 01 Ml 824 5ltk 107 37J4 1)8 07 07 on 8914 51)1 107 37 RW nR 07 11" no M) w 80 10114 IM IWJ4 Local Bid and Asked Baldwin , do prof Cambria Steel Klectrlc storago . General Asphalt . . , do pref Kcj stone Telephone do t c ,. do pref ..... Lake tiup Corp Lehigh Nav Lehigh Valley Lehigh Valley Tr. ... do pref Penntiyhanta Phlla Htectrlo Phlla Co do 5 per cent. pref. do 0 per cent. pref. Phlla n T do t e Beading Ton Belmont Ton Mining Union Traction u a 1 II S Steel Yorlt Bwy Wm Cramp t c Today's Yesterday's BM. Asked. Bid Asked. 4014 47 404 IS 1001; 10114 loo loiu 4714 48 4714 48 50VJ 50 DOS 5114 2Ttl 274 27 28 05 00 0314 Wl 14 IS 11 IS 14 15 14 15 07 08 07 08 714 Vi 74 -iH 72 7l5 72 72 704 7015 70 7014 14 13 14 15 28IA 20 281 20 B3V 5414 53V, 53',, 2314 23I 23i 24 U.V .14 33 33H 34 35 34 35 30 40 DO 4V , 8 8)1 TO 7!4 8 8U 7J 7 71H 714 70S 71 4 tl-10 4H 414 4 n-io -yt 7'i 7k 714 31 (J 31 4 30 30 83t, ai'4 82(, Kiln 5114 54H 5.1 53',, T 38 37 38 JI. 20 U 9 Steel.... Sit 50 Cramp t c 379, 100 Baldwin 20 Phlla Elec 100 P 11 T ... 100 u S Steel. 10 do 101) P It T ... 100 u S Steel. 4 Inn Cn V A 13 Cambria Steel iu 1; aicel.. 30 do 50 do in l'hlla F.lec 54?4 S4& V.S if i 47$ :! 08 118 07 ... 47 ... 6314 ... 5.1'S 8 11-in .. 5-114 RAILROAD EARNINGS NORTJinnN PACIFIC. 1015. Aprll gross 4, 082.800 Net after taxes 1,420,2JO Ten months' gross 3'I.18.B18 Net after taxes 18,105,243 CUBA RAILBOaD. April gross $315,701 Net .118,221) Ten months' grois 4,S0S,2US Net 2.137,814 CANADIAN NORTHERN. April gross 11,429,000 $181, COO Net 480.UU0 74,800 Ten months' gross 14,8.10,400 4,573,400 Net , 4.170,300 1,2J,3C0 Third week May 208,500 100,800 From July 1 15,045,100 4,058,500 WESTUBN MARYLAND. April gross $703,240 108.48t Net 232,412 iiia.oai) Ten months gross 7,000,720 113,510 Net ... 1,580,082 1,260.834 in r Iihi Cambria Steel 4N 2 do. in u a Bteei.,.. r.i" ion do 3 do... 54H 3 U S Steel. 5 Am Milling ,. 3-t BONDS. 1000 United Rwys t c 4a 13 Cambria Steel scrip May 1017. lOixi Beading gen 4 ..;...... 2:30 to 3 P. JI. 20 V Cramn t c .Wl 40 P It T t r jo ijec Storage. rW, :t Buff & Sus t c 12 u i.nimp 1 c oia uu j.it uroa .... iv JI do 17' BONDS. 100 Am 3as f. Elec 3s ... 87 l'hlla Co scrip 1018 . . . 7414 , 07 0.1 5H 8514 03 JIINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. Ulil Jim Butler MacNamara Mldnay Mlzpnh Hxtenslon ., Montana Northern Star Tonopah Belmont .. Tonopah Kxtenslon Tonopah Merger ... Tonopah Mining ... Rescue Uula ivtest l'-na .78 .ui .10 .23 .33 .15 3 .34 !. .TO QOLDFIELD STOCKS. Atlanta 33 Blue Bull 06 Booth 6.1 Bulldog 03 COD Ql Combination Fraction 10 DlamondDeld B B 02 Unlay 05 Florence SO old1ld Cons 17-10 Ooldneld Merge.' 27 Jumbo Extension 1.45 Kewnras 14 Oro 08 Fand Ken 08 Silver Pick OS MISCELLANEOUS. FalrWf Aitoc 02 KlmL ST 05 Nevad.-. Wonder 1.78 Nevada Wonder l.bO Asked .70 .01 .11 .2D .35 .17 .30 ? .1.1 .81 .81 .00 .53 .04 .OB .12 .04 .07 .55 & 1.50 .10 .00 .01) .00 Price Forced Down by Commis sion House Selling, Despite Poor Crop Condition Reports CHICAGO. May Z7.-Heatricted selling of SIny wheat by commission houses forced the price down to I1.42H, off 8 cents from the final yesterday nnd 711 cents from tho opening, July started at $1.27',, went to $1.28 and dropped back to tho close of yesterday, $!.I6. There was a poor demand throuRhout the day In tho final dealings May wheat recov ered some of its loss, closing at M.45, down Just 6 points. On tho other hand, July advanced, ending the day at J1.2JW, up nearly a cent from the opening. Indiana reports a large aroa ot worth less wheat, covering five counties, as a result of the damage caused by recent heavy rains. Fully 1,000,000 bushels of wheat are In transit to Chicago from Missouri River markets, St Louis and Interior points, all of which will be on sale for May de livery. Itcports from Iowa, parts of Illinois, Missouri, Indiana and northwestern Ne braska and Kansas say that a new lot of corn will havo to bo replanted owing iu ictciu coia, wet weauicr. Amorlcan shipments of wheat to the United Kingdom will naturally depend upon the progress of the new crop. Tha floating supply of wheat to England at the end of the season promises fair ex pectations, but shipments during July are likely to bo much Btnaller than this time of last year. Fears of a prolonged wet spell are ef fecting Argentine markets. The amount of corn avnllable for export from that country will not exceed 153,000,000 bushels. Russian cables report almost a full acreage seeded to wheat, as seed and labor is plentiful. Leading luturea ranged as follows! 11'h..l ..... . CSQ tl vi'bii. isign. "r l.ou i.ou July 1.27 1.28 September .. 1.2114 1,214 ..... ,.uv- ucuvcryj Low. Close. 1.4211 1,43 , t.l 1.2011 M.27U 1.: i.20i 'Lain !.: eloi 501 2S' 20 May juiy ae lati May July Heptember Lard May July September Ribs May July September Pork-May juiy 77stt .. 7714 B!ff :: 4 ..0.70 . fi.RO ..10.05 .H0.45 .10.02 ..10.87 . .1T.05 ..18.17 7614 77t, 77H 33 no'j 45W 77$ 7014 ;77? t77H iI9w 7BH 0.87 10.10 0.80 10.02 0.72 10.8T 10.10 t.07 0.80 10.08 10.07 10.05 .... 10.47 U0.4S 10 00 10.BJ 10,57 10.87 lO.tia tl0.85 11T.93 tl8.12 .04 .07 LSI l.UU ENGLISH RESERVES LARGER Decrease. $584,200 50,1107 2,200,632 330, 701 $820 S3, 523 112,220 04,070 CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN. 1015 $3,884,003 L453.028 liUU,KI0 8T.07 1,885 18.8.41,873 U.DOf.loU Decrease $391,281 lie.vea 1117,010 2,ll70,41U 1,342,815 1.360,781 LONDON STOCK JIARKET Northeastern Railway Bond Issue Oversubscribed, LONDON, May ST. The tone of securi ties on the Stock Exchange was steady today, and the markets were Idle. There was a general disposition to await the new Cablnet'B declaration on the national service question. Irregularity marked trading In home rails. The unsettled cotton labor situation In the Lancashire district offset the suc cess of the 1,000,000 Northeastern Jlall. way VA per cent, preference bond Issue, which VM offered at P. The block wa oversubscribed. Americans were dull following h ad. Ylces of the markets from New YVk yesterday. Harrlroan shares and United States Steel were about steady. Suooort was furnished again to gilt-edged issues, with Colonials In most favor- A steady tone prevailed In RumUm. There was little doing in the mining department. Diamond Issues Improved, and Oils wire neglected. April arose , Total Income .... Surplus Tin months irross . Total Income ... Surplus SOUTHERN PACIFIC. April sross $10,101,038 Net 3,388,315 Ten months ftois 10T.3Ou.77l) Net 20,438,220 UNION PACIFIC. April sross t,204,00l Net 1,700,220 Ten months irross .... 73,016,820 Net , 23.520,6.10 ILLINOIS CENTRAL. April sross J 4,035,270 Net 535,452 Ten months' sross 52,301,378 Net 0,717,887 MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. LOUIS. Third week May $174,61)2 J8.420 From July 1 0,007,870 146,633 YAROO AND MISSISSIPPI" VALLEY, April gross 1931,110 Net 220.118 Ten months' sross 0,073.214 864.858 Net 2,453.247 533,204 ALABAMA GREAT SOUTHERN. April gross $414,415 Net 1)0.011 Ten months' sross 3,072,231 Net 755,1)02 MOBILE AND OHIO. Weekly Statement Shows Increase of 1,096,000 Pounds. LONDON, May 27.-Tho weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows an Increase of 1,096,000 In reserves, as com pared with the previous week. Details follow: . , This week. Last week Last year Circulation C.".2.ni7,tHi0 34.002.0110 28,i:i.uiO Public dep. 132,088,000 130,382,000 10 011,000 11 V. dep., 87.742.000 04.1124,000 41.248.0CO iGOV. BOO.... 31,013,000 31,013,000 11,041.000 Other SOC.. 130,200.000 145.533,000 41,461.000 Reaerve ... 47,240.000 40.134,000 23,400,000 Pro. of res. to Hob.. 21.40 20.50 42.24 Bullion ai.T37.00O ni.TOfl.noo nnnJTnnn Dank rate.. n 5 s BANK CLEARINGS Dank clearings today compare with corre sponding day last two yeara: 1015. 1014. 1013. Pnlla $28,200,138 $31,007,878 $28,352,274 lloston 22,725,840 23.127,283 20.202! 775 New York... 272.48.1,227 241,H18,I.'15 28J tlu.1 20U Chicago .. 50,031,003 4 6, 31 1), OS! 48,816,1)30 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. May 27. BUTTER Market steady to firm: receipts, 8133 Pkgs.; extra 2814(i2814c; hlsher scoring. 20'.'lii,e.. state dairy, 28ffl28!Sc.; Imitation creamery, 22ffl'2214c. EOnB. Market uorettled; receipts, l.'...'i.V PKJtS.: CXtra firsts. 21ffl22c. rpenlar Tur.U-.it' firsts, 2021c. regular packed: nearby whites, 24B25.'.; mixed co'or. 2014822c.; nearby browna, SJtiK't, ex,ra firtB' 2H41J22C., storage; firsts, 201402114c., atorose. 18,00 17.05 1T.0T 1H.25 IH IT lfl9Q September .1418.52 18.00 18.50 418.00 IST Hln. tAakaxl. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK. May 26.-Tho coffee market opened steady, with futures unchanxed to 3 points uboe the final yeatcrday. Tradlmr waa lainy nciive. x-nces louow: les'day'a Aorll June July August September October November December January ... .-...., February March llld. Bales, 2000 buss. Todav'i Opcnlns. Close .. .80EU.lu 0.84tiil..s .5.408.1.45 A.40H6.BI ll.52iiO..M ..0.54 0.6400.3) .. 0.00S0.63 B.67 B,ain.is . .a.cii B.a4n.0" ..o.os o.cngu.70 .. fl.7200. 74 0.T4MII.TJ . . 0.755(0.81 e.TBjia.so LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. May 27. HOGS. Receipts. 20 000; market strong, oo. higher; mixed sn'il , ibutchers, $7.4ja,.8U: good heavy, ST.20T,m roughs heavy, 87.20gf.35; llBht, $7.60SlTi8O: ple. $a7.40; bulk. $7.0387.73. CVTTLE Recelpts, 45C0; mnrket steady: beeves, $7.10S 0.38; cowa and heifers, $.1.!I58.83: Texar.s $0.407.IO; calves. $760.73. SHEEP. Re ceipts. 8000; market steady: native and West ern. $708; lambe, $7.75IO.CS. Gold From Abroad NEW YORK. May 27. Announcement waa made by Laianl Fteres that $2,000,000 In gold hail been received from Europe. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS RATES FOR MONEY Call. Philadelphia 314iM New York l'.SZ Doaton .'I Chicago 34.IS4 4 Commercial paper, three to alx months, Phil- aaeipnia, a)if0 per cent. Foreign Discount Rates Time. 3VSH4 3 at nu Dajs- $790,538 202,881 8. 082,5411 2.714,400 $504 "'" 311,406 4,030,738 1,483,671 $1TO,032 7301 3,478,032 &:t,i;ii tso.soi I2T.120 $13,286 48,845 CUO.lbO 145,614 April gross ... ,..,...,. (314,628 Net , ,..,. 234,013 Ten months' sross. .,,,,. 0,182,151 Net ,,...,..,..., 2.UU.02U Increase, $167,631 31,881) l,T0O,872 JT.oiJ Philadelphia , New York ... lloston Cleveland ... Richmond .. Atlanta Chicago .... St. I.oula .... Minneapolis . Kansas City . Kalian San Francisco ow or ou or uu or over '.est. 60. I'O. UO. i 4 4 4V4 5 4 4 4)4 4W 4 4 Ik I 4 4 414 6 4 4 4 4 4 414 8 3 ::::::::::: I i l 4 4 4 5 4 4 M oft 4 4 414 414 314 41J a" Reserve Banks' Discount Rates London . . Parte .... Uerlln Amsterdam Vienna .. Bank rate. .. 5 .. 5 .. 5 .. 8 . 5 Date of last change. Aug. 8, 11)14 Aug, 20, 1U14 Dec. 23, 1814 Aug. 21, 11)14 April 10, 1015 FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bank of Germany Gains Gold DEKL1N, May ST. The Relchsbank weekly statement ahowa Increaata In metal stock, treasury certlricates and notes of other banka o( $28.8S3.7S0; of gold, $331,000; securities. e41,260. and deposits. $3.U.5o6. Decreases In discounts, including treasury paper of $1,633,. 250; In loans, $110,500, and In not circulation. $14,063,7(0 ar bon. NOTKS OF THE RAIL The Interstate Commerce Commission today ordered ull Western railroads to submit voluminous details ot revenues and expenses at the Chicago investiga tion, July 6, of Western passenger ares. Bleeping, dining and parlor car receipts, train frequency, division of passenger and freight revenues and increased cost of labor and material were included. Complaints filed today with the Inter state Commerce Commission were' That coal rates from Dultith and Superior are too high; that Ohio crem rates are excessive. NEW YORK. May 2T,-The foreign exchange market opened steady. Sterling Franca Marka Lin Cables ... 4.781',, 5.40U ga" ," Demand,, .78'i, 8.40 83 IUIH4 GOVERNMENT BONDS ?! SJ JS52 KS1!"1 B8l' m"' Panama 2s registered , ., or !! Panama. 2s 1038 registered,,,,,.',., OT .. Panama new 3s reilstered. ,,..,.,, ,10014 .. Panama new 3s coupon. ,,,..,,.,.,, 10014 .. 8a of 1018 rtt-ltlmrti. .''..'. .'.'' "irKi? " 3a of 1018 coupon.. 7,;,,,,,.,.., ,,,.10oS '.'. 4a of 102J registered,.:..,' ,1" J iou lid 4 of toss coupon, ,.;.,..:,,..'.;.':ui ,, COTTON NEW YORK, May IT. Cotton opened bare ly steady this morning, alx to nine points lower, This was better than had been ex pected, however. In view of weak cables, re ports of labor troubles at Lancashire and private crop advices. Recent sellers were the best buyers, apparently taking advantage of the bearish news, A'!!r. th ,Wh In Liverpool tha market ateadled. This waa partly the result of smaller offerings and active scattered coverings, baaed on diminished apprehension over the Nebraskan affair. Yea. Cloaa Open. High Low Close Jo', .3 8.25 OV3 $.23 $.37 c"L!r 8-es o.oo .u t.ja iu December 0 01 8.80 0.07 0.80 0.84 January .2 9.85 0.6a 9.85 9.60 March "lS-& 10'10 1010 10.24 spot 8.50 pry Reading's June Coal Circular Tha Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company hae Issued u pjlcillst circular for anthjMlta dslP.erl at Tort Richmond and Njw York barber during In, month of June. Th quotations r unchanged from June of last year, the usual discount of SO cents per too bring allowed from ttf Hat. which la equivalent to an incnase of 10 cents per toi absve tha AprU prices. GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. Receipts. 07,263 bush. The mar ket opened weak and 3c. lower, but prices after ward recovered lc. and closed firm. We quote; Car lots. In export elevator No. 2 red, apot, $1.4701.(0: No. 2 red Western, spot, $1.526 1.55; No. 1 Northern Uuluth, $1.831.00. CORN. Receipts. 80.002 bushels. Demand was light and there was no chsnge In prices, quotations: Car IoIb, In expert elevator No. 2. upot ana Aiay, laiiiTUWc, Car lotsAfor local trade, aa to location No. 2 yellow, 82!4K'lc; ateamcr yellow. 8lUfifi2e.; No. 3 yellow. 78 80c.; No. 4 yellow, 7U78c. OATS. Reeelpta, 218.823 buahels. Trade was slow and prices were tac. lower. Quota tions: No, 2 white, 5014(teOo.; standard white. Dstttluuc,; no, a wnite, olwaotK. RYE. Nominal. We quote at $1.1001.12 per bush., as to quality. In export elevator, and at $1.0381.08 for snail lots of nearby grain In bags 1'XOUIL Receipts. S140 bbls. and 000,018 lbs. In Backs. The market waa dull and weak In sympathy with the further short decline In wheat. Quotations, per llld lbs. In wood; Winter, clear, $0.50fl.75: do., straight, $0.007.111; do., patent. $T.207.03; Kansaa, straight. Juts Backs, $T07.25; do., patent, Juts sacks, $7.30&T,30; spring, flret. clear, $7er.2S: do., straight, $7.SS7,50; do., intent, $7,500 T.70; do., favorite brands. $7.8S8.25: city mills, choice and fancy patent, $7.8588.23j city mills, regular grades, winter, clear, i).50'ff0.75; do., do., straight, $0.00T,1B; do., do., patent, $T.207.65. ItVE IXOUR waa quiet but steady under small supplies, we quote nearoy ana western In wood at $0.2380.00, aa to quality, PROVISIONS The market ruled steady, with a fair Jobbing demand. We quote as follows: City beef. In sets, smoked and air-dried. 25626c.; Western beef, in aeta. smoked, 25S20C,; city beef, knuckles and tendera. smoked and atr-drled, 272WSc. ; Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, 27frJ9c beef hama. $31632; cork, family, $21.50822. hams. . P. cured, loose. lZQU'ic. do., skinned, loose. liitt.2V.c: do., do., rmoked, 1814Qil4c.; other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and average, 13110140.; hams, smoked. Weetem cured. 13440140.; do., boiled, boneless, 22Q28a; picnic shoulders. S. P. cured, loose. 1014811c. I do., smoked. 1014ft lie.; bellies. In pickle, according to average, loose, lllisjlJc. : breakfast bacon, aa to brand and average, city cured. ljMjnc: breakfast baron. Westeru cured. lOSuc,: lard. Western refined, tierces. lOtfllc: do., do., tuba, lOiia lis.; lard, pure city, kottle rendered. In tierces. lCUUllc.i lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In tups, uremic. REFINED SUGARS The market waa quiet but firm. We quota: Standard granulated, 0,03c.; fine granulated, 8c: powdered, e.lOc; confectioners' A, ifcOOci soft grades. 5.15S,T5c. DAIRY PRODUCTS 11UTTER waa in good demand and nrlres ruled firm. , The following wars tha quo tations fancy firsts. firsts. 28SSOc; seconds, 20820c.: garlicky, 213 ao.; jooDing sates ot tancy prints, aotjeo. KfiCIH. Choice eggs ruled firm with a Sood demand, but medium grades were ull. Tha following ara the quotations: In (re cases, nearby extras. 23c, per doa.; firsts, $0 per standsrd easel nearby currant reeelpta, $5.70 per case; Western extra firsts, $0 par case: nrats, $3.70 per case; Southern, $5,100 3,40 per case: fancy relected candled eggs were jobtlng at 23S27C. uiiv.9iu TaQ waa ratr ana in market 7 lbs. Der rioz. rim . 11 KO.fl and No. 2, $1. Frozen poultryFowls. $2ffi2.50. iln An CiinniL Ik. .. .bOL dafkT-JiTsufflV.ao": ' srnall ? ."fcSi? SRS 'i". nd"dry. rl-do, mi, Tlba to i 'iotTlSc.rSo.iSmt mr ,-.". v"..iv."r":".. i ids. 48 lbs. 'to chickens. J it wHif? l0. ana over, 18c, ; do.. ., iu... iiviic; oo., ao.. Jtt lbs.. 15Uc ! do., do.. 2M63 lbs 14B15C.; broilers. mllk-Su fancy. Waifllbs. to box, 27c: : d5. finoy 232 io.' ,o,.d0-J240,! frn-7ad, fancy. 1824 lbaTta doi., 25c. j do., prime. 234W0 lbs. to do... m'? ISIR?"! ary-plokea ana: dry-packed, fancv. si la anA4 ii tff rn i .i a - - . : r.r - Via.; do.. No. 2. 12314c. FRESH FRUITS There waa a fair demand for choice slock S.'-SV"' "ertPtlons, and valuei kaaHy fu'sd Kaa?; .Quotations: Apples. New TorV. ier rU.l.aw,0 PI0' Ban Dlvls. $3b5; 'othSr ! 'fUS vM!l"- V--atta.no; medlGm. S2$ -.23; applea. Western, per box. $lni aonlts Delaware and Pennsylvinla. 5r hiSUf Paofe i oo., lemons, per Box. zx.SAifKi.iin- atisft. fts. sijpse5.sws at- Eastern Shore. SoiOc. VEGETABLES eicJtWrLt-ilh K? .aP.rUqoi fn,,e7.,rSOrUJo,uee?t B'-fiSpjS White notaioM n.r h,,S;?fi,u""S!Sf New-York "a. o 'quality'. 40040??' whlS5,'' tatoes. Florida, per bbl.-No. $J CWM? JK" -. --. ..v. . ..wi .TO. 2. 12.7MIR 9.. eUwi,'? ,er hampar-Lafii: ""JierSPii wt potatoe?. Pr DDL No, 1, M 2iv?iA-rt J -78; aweeu. jiiy. ir bb& sweet potatoes. Delaware, Xloi.2o medium. eastern onorv. ,.. rf, e i.mMi.iD sweeta. Jersey. -NO. 1, S3.T3t4.75; No. 2, $2aJ.B0 jersey, per oaaKet, 7ac.Bl.Z0; onions, Texas, Following were the quotations: , cnoice, new, iihmthc. ruled steady. Naw York, full cream. specials higher; do., do., fair to good, naw, V73..,w, uw., ,. M,u, OII..OU, POULTRY LIVE Receipts irere quite liberal, but fine dealrable-slied stock met with fair aal and ruled steady. We quote: Fowls. lT&HUc, roosters. llSlIs.I brohlng chlckeru, fancy, not Leghorna. weighing mat lbs. apiece. 211130c. i broiling cnlckena. Sot Leg horns, weighing Killt lbs. apiece. 22323c. broiling cblckins. Leghorns. weUhlng 1H3S Iba. apiece. M23c. ; ,rolllng chickens. Ceg. horna. weighing 1111 lbs. apiece. lOfiSlc. : turkeys. 13M1IC. : ducks. Pekln. 14013c. : do.. IndUn Runner. l?lJS.J,jaeae. I Oil tit; plat eons, old. .per pair. 23S30c.i do., young, per pair. 22a23c. m DBESbEDi, There was a fair demand for flna deslra.bls-sli.ad stock and the market ruled steady under moderate offerings. Quotations. Fresh-killed fowls 12 to box. dry-picked and dry-packed, fancy selected, 19c . do.. weighing 4tt&S,t Iba. apiece 18c. . do., wttghuur.SUai lb apiece, 18c.. da, S Tb! apiece. IttClTc . do. under 3 lbs apiece, lis 15c. fowl, tce-paiked. Western, 4 lhs. luul over apiece, ITHc do., do. smalTee slio. May ITc.: old reoattra. dry Stcked. 12l4e ; aqUba, ft bite wehthlBa- U to 12 Jba. par doa. $4 10 4.13, wh'ta. weighing 9 ta 1ft lb. c doa. $ so 64. iSo 4o.. 8 lbs. per dot. $J,TSH3, do., do? jwaata. ow-vi, tsr imonei. I0C.D1.20; onions Texai: per cummer crate. No. 1, llffll.10; onion.! Texas, tier eummr ra. k, u.J,.nI0.ns, cabbage. North Carolina 'and Korftilr i R5MvJSW?lli "bls4. Njrth carina. SJ? J'1-!I?sf-! "Uhnower, Norfolk. 5e hamber 76c.8$l; beans. Florida.' wax. per taaketPSl 2: beans, Florida, green, per basket liwY t. beans. South Carolina iniTOeorgw SrTjIS' ket. $t.6O02.23: beans, North Cr3ma.PMr bl. t.V8'.-?!. K"' "orth Cttrollnarper aniali basket, $101.23: peaa. Norfolk, 'per p M-bbl' Satt5t' J8c.;1.n?: J:?$. Eastern Shore! pTr 1,4-bbl. baaket. 78c.cfL33; eggplant. Florida, per box, 23U; cucumbers, Florida. Mr bailcVi il.23ai.73; squash. Florida, per tJaikit, BOcM il.23 MPPera. Florida rercrr"rV IsffSi fceeta, Charleslon. per ICO. bunchea. inSi' beets. North Carolina, per 100 bushefs, $3X3 beets, Norfolk, per 100 bunchea. $3.3. tim; toes. Flotlda, nr carrier-Fancy. $l.Boil T3 choice $tL2a; celery, norldi tr erili 75c.6$l: aaparagua. per bunch. 102Se, mushi rooms, per 4db, bagjiet, 60c.C$l. ' '""''" "How Stupid Attendants Often Ltae a Contest for Boxers," by William H. Bo cap. Here al-e some vest pocket rules for the comer coach from the experience of one of the best known and moat successful referees Ja rinir history. Read Itqcap's article in next Sunday's Sports Magazine PUBLIC LEDGER M rl .1. I i