EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1915; 1 tejtTAXlONS WANTED EEMAI.E KffttEBPK" seven years- experience, with SiMrts, "'' "-" --,.i... JieiSErnn and tenogrnpher, 4 year' ex- energetic K .158, Ledger Central R&7MBERMAID. exp. In hotel work, wishes IfUiiiion civ r seashore. 2123Arllngton at. JifunrMtMAtD- Scotch Prot.S capable, cip.: HAM-'1 i.i.n- nmiil Miir-. ' ii,V' M. Or """"'" "-- "-"' :!" fcfitiirEBMAID-Exp..cnprtble girl; good ref Kb"" & seashore, L 2. Ledger Qfnce.J STliiinr.nJlAtD and insist light laundry. Call iSSmMO. Public Ledger, bet. 10 a.m. A Mm. FfrTHnEKWOIlK and. waiting, experienced "&.. iirl! beat ref. Call 1.101) Pino it. tStiTiKtrilflR. youna: (tlrl. experienced with 'YiMn: best rererence. u uiv, La. un, MMrtn; oesi reiorem:. ui,wu MlTONUira" ""; s yi.'.'SS' Firouii woman, .:-..' -""" " ti-su' .nil chambermaid, Protestants, wish JYrJr.i-nii together! first-class references; BCTin Lino or seashore, write or call 20J4 InJHi5-JSs rr;. ..,... :..,- -; i Lfiliii wish poMtlona together or aeparote; ttf'f.'Lf-r.n.f.- OKI N. ITflllon. W. Phil. ilXfAt'TlSaTS it.iv-"--' --- -- - " - fessECExrerlenced; best reference: out ot LJr Can be Interviewed Hoom 2J0. Publlo lii3r. between iu a .-Hie "! ' m. and 11 a, m. lrotrooKTng and downstairs work; youn frteman Protetnt. U 020. ledger Office. ISniTand chambermaid, two, competent, eg. iSrlMiced, colored: highest ref. 62.8 Arch at. &trrtrrta: neat woman: boarding house 'sfenfCoTored: neat woman: boarding house Ff KiTni; aood order cook. 1817 Christian at. rOuc-ExV; capable; highest i capable; highest ret.i suburbs or KToSTandChambermald 2 young girls; exp,! jffl.V'J; reference. 1 Oil. Ledger Office, k!nen im- iwiSt and canable: aood refer 144 Webster st. nante place! country preferred: refer Call at 20.14 Pine at. rTRW Wllnes cnamDBrworR vr viiHinuciwmn k" iv-iri. tein waiting! best reference: KiSfemd. 6050 Tacoma at., ti Germantown frirtrred ermantown. feSTTMnta downatalra wt LPl.i? Lena at., aermantown. wants downstalra work and cooking, r: ' -Ais-rf. neat, young, dt desires assistant JPL.iirk or nursing. Phone Daring 780. ra" ---. ' . MfSnNBSS or companion, young woman, ,1U, iwatd and musical, desires position from jnnsl: experienced In education and physical iS 'el children; willing to travel; reliable Si.rincis required and given. Address C iiftL. Ledger Office iouiBWOBK Settled woman, wltlj goad feferine. Call 181T liansicaq si. iKiitiiEttXjnK Settled woman, thor, capable k"ffiKip.. for email fam. L 60I. Ledger Office, LtDT doling house wishes to placo her maid f. ...M-msM nf Wflltrena fnr thn atlnimpr! PbJrt reference. Apply 320 South 18th. n hv ' closing houso would llko places for 2 ItTmtld about Juno 1; cook and waitress; ref- innet. 130 H. it-ia st. 'tibT WISHKa PLACD3 for cook and walt ifniM: best reference. Phone Merlon 552, 1 n aa fA tide aamnalaHl VIJDT wants to nnd place for her competent I rrinch maid, Mrs, ttlsphnm, 310 8. 10th st. r.nV"S MAIDVoung Ocr. Prot.: comp.; good , teaanlrnil embroidering. L ImuT rhamb'rk nnd watt's: Prot.: good ref. v M7 Aubrey rd., Wynnowood. Ardmore 580. kill) WANTS position to travel; excellent Vefirences. Apply 1721 Walnut. ffANAUINO HOUSEKBEPHfl or mother'a p 815, Lecfger Office ftmoff MAHh OArman vnttnir wnmnn; eT. Stt line; ref. Address L. 010, Ledger Oft. tliOTESTANT maid and seamstress; under riluds' dressmaking, embroidery, tine sewing; J rood packer and traveler; good reference. Plane Cornwells 153 W. iJKTOqilAPHEH Thoroughly competent, ac trtt young lady desires position where ap juration to work will bo appreciated: mod Hintr salarv. 1! 752. Ledger Central. I ItKOUHAPHEU Young lady would like po- .iiuin where neatness and accuracy are an- fmclated: mod iUaim Oftlco. moderoto salary; reference. It 117, rrCNOORAl'lII-R nxpert; exceptionally nciJ; 5 years' experience; well educated: not itfrcld ot work, C 14!1. Ledger Central. mwonilAPHEHl knowledge of bookkoeDlng. 3 rears' experience, sceka a position offoring tliti FSvivmAI'I I lilt Exncrt In law work. ""ij ""..- ,i.4..j, l r- ,!.- v-,r JMTS expcnciivt;, iiiuiuuuig cuiiuiicrciat worjf. imerciai IA1 lecretarv. E 2.1.1. Ledger Central. JTENOORAPHER Experienced: knowledge of l.ttt: Int. accurate, willing. E 150. Led. Cent. rrENnriRAI'111-.u and ornce assistant, venr'a tmc; thor. knowl. of bkpng. C 331. Led. Off. rrEMOORAPHER-BKPR Real eatnts nref.! 9 tip, in ima line, j im. xcqger central. TRAINED NUItSE wlahea aummer position; kin. msiseuae: highest re fa. E 741, Led. Cent. SrAITRESS-Young Dnntah Protestant girl: ittpable and exp. L 022, Ledger Office. B0RK1NU hknr.: Scotch. Prot., with child 10 'rra.: highest ref.: country. L CPU. Led Off LRVftivi.iv uuusunnjucr, uiku lull iJUHrKO. CllV &or country; ens. 2 weeks. P 033. Lodger Off HORKIN'O HOUSEKEEPER Can., exp. wnm- r an wlfh rhIM' HlwH r-f T. ,OT T .A nr flOUNO -WOMAN wants place cooking; no" ,v wMioinir. t, , estminiipr ave. RCLIA7JLE PLACES tn aecurn a cood sten. errtpaer, bookkeeper, clerk cashier or com mmlil'help of nny kind Is the Public Led fir.'1 ,Call up "Miss Dean," Walnut 3000. Ledier" pentral She will put you In touch rlthnilM vna,tanPfiH m.m,n(- larflu ni.nl, ylth'cspable," experienced young ladles quall- f.Gu.i9n your poBHions, maio your necas to tiiand'she "will render you valuable service, tlLvcir MAID, best references, wishes altua gpra for1 or ,1 months at seashore or moun BUtaa; care of children pref. Address M. N., J, Barton Townsend. Q-erbrook. Pa, IRST-CLA8S chambftrmnld. nrlvntn fnmllv. fA"-Mre or country: best" refs.: two vears. tfrtons Baring 721D. Call 4013 Falrmount ave. Jf-ttilAN NURSERY QOVBRNESS or com- Pioa wiines position tor tno summer. 11T erBranch, 2720 Oermantown ave, IIFINia) English "Protestant young woman, UJads maid or companion, L 61l),Led.Oft. CERMAN-WOMAN wanta washing. Ironing U4 housoBork. 808 N. Hancock at. 'THTTE cook wanta cooking or housework: Pteterence. Call 4003 Haverford ave. 8 - Elklna Park. Pa.. wr Mlis Reed, tHjusehold Registry Bureau, . Udrer Office, flth and Chestnut sts. n am tty glad that you aecured a position efJE ni. w'"' to state that you took such CUreSt In Ir tin, tnw- -mtmal, h,l fnn n nan I Wrwr. i started -work on Saturday ; VI eii satisfied with the position. S.1 .V tbereforc. to thank you for what Toa-dld. Respectfully, lUUtLl, t,B.MJtAJlT. fS-TOATIONS WANTED MALE t-WNTANT - Highly qualified; possessed nature manufacturing and corporation ex S ' taVil MU"d TjKment' '"ccuthe ability "n ati, 31; hond and refs. E 745. Led. Cent. .nSKNT'OOOKKEKPEIt - Young pro- IKfJ.t! !na1- 32. with 14 yearn varied ex- tSS.H.mM nnanciai unea; hard worker! .. f.riS?'V.J!!,"v'??- l Prove my blllty. . ZZZLJzr - UNTATTt EXPERT and credit iiAtlV ,i1 iwArtiinr ana cretin manager 5rX m?r -na8eI",nt; has had charge or r "vmi iwr engag vniLOrfLee fornA- Itorln-rlV . u1!i ' tuaver-ttini who moor JElBV,le,inV Wh"t teatlmonlala. D 042, i conversant witn laDor- . wi.rm, JVSiyiS? .AUDITED, sy.tematlxed and WT Mint hat A am-,!-...-.... !. J7t at.-.. iT- aT " "nwumaiH, aJj-I. O. OlOl BI. MituTISINO" agencies :iScVisy"'sf,c..I' b"' ttiE5f.?'-6l'EItK' ' h'Sh hool grad-fSf- yetrs' exrerlence. 13 Bio, Led. Cent. ifeVSm"., Wanta iviiltian In fount rv: xTCntlfimRn'sl Yfam , farm Kaas ill 'if an . --jrmr vr-jf - . HJBTTT-L.r ""T " .-" iu, jueqger unice. WwjnifX? ,c,noo graduate, wanta position L'rT' T -"'gIBM rgfertneea. B tH6. Ledger Cent. S or cook, Jap., wUhe poaitlon: haa preient ernp. iiuo n. 03d and auto rcechanln. with flva v&iir ."ir,conJ,'nen.datIon from present em MfirLSn'. .'"'' " prvato service, with need critics and n'saaVi i, l?,,r PrmUng; and engravings: I el rS-" ' make a change. B 740, Ledger Cent, tlillnSBPEn' -.uflltor. married, age 35. with tlMr i Jp-. V urchaea and retail accountaj r ., .....,.-.r.n..T nin. 15 uu. la. ini. il fcis.LTti.X --rssan.carsj age aa; mar gijnharn. Box 004. 'Ardmore. Pa. ? f,rj-i"- -uiotsa, warns poaitlon, pri affr Sf? -or .cou"tryi yeare experience) Iw PouKi?t l.T'-ra reference from prea. -afSi;M?! wlU A.c,f ummer or year ISJcsltlon, B T3, Ledger Central. u and mechanic, colored: cltv or lyra.' exp.; sober. B 853. Led.Cen. M fn . ' , ,rr---? thU! ...- '" n.5.n."r' "'" " flffrcr ' 'a"r "nce. L A---YOUng man par- fnr Wut' ffiLprt" wf. d m, Ledger Offlcel Mte laUUr MUril 9 1a.o.. n..nMA a.-.- nttDfa. .i " -"a . vssp vaabivai SWJUW "" W04 flrm. UN'8 HELPER -"Young- man, 2lT (i.ir snop, uenerai ijecirio hard worker. B 041. Led.CeB. iNAfti:R, steward, young, comp'ti rif,prctntae, B 887, Led. Cent. EN" WIFHT whtta, Oerman. butler and O04 ....uc, f aia. injuaer uince. vKiur operator, licensed. 1 year" -tj " mscnanic. a 832, Led, Cent, 'eSSESSl n.' .I.?.'V "Jn".,?"". trad. '.,.: Zi'XZ" ,"!'" VA"!' . -.-f.M, ni 9V. AnlUgef .UH at . 11,-auaN ?LV mechanical snalneerlnsr perl. a? r-arcaait. gooa personality, a for" advanceoient.B SSLed. Cen. if ruVSIV w"n 8 years' experience I tu,iTra,tllin record will prove my i out references. B 31T IjJ., rnt. w aasuunt 30. 8 years' experience. -... vue. k, you, Lntuger BTENrviInuitir '"" ltmi.lent n.nn '4a .,, n .,.u '&& rajuaa smw;. SITUATIONS WANTED-MAI.E BTKN'OtiKApilBn, 24. exp.. ? years, also i""cal work; mod. salary tint srv until ahllttv la fiuYK,,i bpsl rers B 0,13. Ledger Central. SI??0P5Ar,,l:n' graduate. Ihor. depend- JI?iin?aJii,'iLS'- J? J1?1' J. .Cent. Tr"j'fAt' ORADUATI1 of ft yeara' atand lf.L? -y'ar. " engineering work, 2 yenra aa ln,.,.!u':tor' .d.'ir", .Position with commercial concern: fllll be glad to call for Interview. . C 401, Ledger Officii TUTOR of experience wishes position for com ing school year; would act aa private secre tary. 1, sap, ledger Office WATCHMAN, day or night, experienced, lion est, sobtr. fnlthruli In or out of town: bond .and reference, n 2.11, Ledger Central. EljL-EDUCATBD Japanese atudent wishes position In nice family at evening for room and board. Klml, 308 N. 18th. . TOtJNO MAN, married, desires office position: competent typist, with knowledge of short hand and bookkeeping: good corresponding! 4 Jeare' experience, u 8M, Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN, 23, college education: 4 years' business exp., sales and Inside: ambitious . to make good. T. 747, Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN of 20 wants a melt Ion In a shoe atom where the t a chance to ad- vance. B 740, ledger Central. TOtNO MAN, 23, good clisracter, appearance and address: knowledge leather business! . accept anything, B 058, Lodger Central. YOUNG MAN. 18, lector, also clerk 1 venr's exnertenrA AM ml lector, also clerk: aim to make good; salary no object E wn. Ledger Centra TOUNOAN, married, desires position; expd. In bituminous coal business; good correspond ent; satisfactory reference B 944, Led. Cent. YOUNO MAN, 23, shipping, clerical exp.; ao cept any work, n 741), ledger Central. YOUNO MAN wanta position with carpenter .as helper; steady, sober. C 403, Ledger Off, YOt'Na MAN wishes position of any kind; aged 30; good reference. C 410, Ledger Off. AUTOMOBILES For Bale $10 WILL TEACH YOU to drive and start you In lltney business. 501, Bullitt Building, 4th above Walnut. Lombard 2042. AUTO LIVERY AND GABAOES AUTO hire, 1015 touring, with driver, per hour. Phone Wyoming 1040 Y. 11.60 M0T0HD0ATS AND SUPPLIES KOIl BALE Small auxiliary sloop; new boat; very reasonable. Call 311 Ooorge at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES YOUNO MAN, with WOOO. for an established business In a Rood neighborhood; object, to lncrraso the buslnesn; one-half Interest with services; this a rsro opportunity; will stand strictest Investigation; experience not neces eary, M 810, Ledger Central. RESTAURANT FOR SALE-Sclendldly fitted up: all new; for rent, long lease; must be sold; owner retiring from business. E 757, Ledger Central, GOOD-PAYINO furnished apartment house at very low price, 11122 Mount Vernon, CARPET GLEANING WEST PHILA. MONARCH 8TORAOB CO. 8c. PER YAIlD. 3870-72 LANCABTER AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH KEATUDOS AND FANCID9 CLEANED, DYED. MAILHOT.1510 Chestnut. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY HEMSTITCHING dono while you wait. A. Relchard.1113 Chestnut. Pictorial Revlow pat. DRESSMAKING taught; short, prao. course. MacDowell. 307 Denckla Uldg,, 11th & Market. DRESSMAKER Philadelphia. Pa., 2110 llalnbrldge St., May fs. 1013. (From a French Dressmaker) Miss Reed, Household Reglttry Bureau. Public Ledger, 0th and Chestnut ats. Josephine Felger wishes to thank the man agera of tho Bureau for their kindness and tntorest for having found her so much work. Hoping to And some moment to call per sonally, Very respectfully, J. M. FELOER. FOR SALE BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d-hand bought, sold, rented, exch'd. Kcafer, 320 Qlrard ave. INSTRUCTION RAGTIME In 20 lessons. Call or write Ctrlstensen Piano Schools, 3S20 permantown avo 1320 Tasker at. MACHINERY AND TOOLS m00-BRAND-NEW find cuttlna nlant. oxvacetvleno ivAlrilnp plant. Hercules Welding and ilachino Co., 223 North 10th STORAGE J, M. FENTON STORAGE CO., INC. Lowest rates. Free estimate. Belmont 13D0. WEST Monarch Storage Co. Auto and pack PHILA. lne and shipping. 3S70 Lancaster ate. ROOMS FOR RENT DALT1MCRE & 47TH Newly turn, rooms! beautiful surroundings. Phone Woodl'd 20U4D. BARING ST., floor rooms; ments. Mrs. 3218 (The ChIlton)-Two first suit dentist, doctor or apart Bello McClaln. manager. CHESTNUT, 1803 Attrac. turn, rooms; south- ern expos.; continuous hot water. Spruco C258. CHESTNUT, 2115-Two well-furnished roomiT fingio or en auito; au mme rroi es. apruceuoio. COLUMBIA AVE., 1024 Furnished parlor for Hgnt nouseKecping; also two xroni rooms. (ERIE AVE., 142cP-Cool, attractive furnished rooma; board optional; reasonable; phone. FAIRMOUNT AVE.. 1532 Pleasant rooms for congenial buel, men, sing, or en aulte: phone. LOOAN SQUARE, W., 218. Cool, attractive single -room, 2dfloor front, facing square. MOUNT VERNON. 1001 Bright, cheerful rooms, with board, table board. 1'OWELTON. 4010 Desirable room near bath also smaller; rroc. ; pmaie ramiiy; near ,. SPRUCE, N. E. COR. 12TH Attractive rooms, fur. or unfur., single or communicating, all outside rooma; hardwood floors; fireplaces, WALNUT, fiOOS Newly furnished rooms for retlnod gentlemen. Belmont 6121. WALNUT, 5C02-Newly furnished front room, modern conveniences. Phone Belmont 5343. 10TH. S 302 Large, airy room; well fum.j renned prtvate family; Filbert 4202 W. 12TH, 6., 114 2 gentlemen -Large, airy from room for 1 or prliate family: electric lights. ivrfl. r.. riTlr, Private famllv has 2 well. a turn, rooms for light hakpg. ; also bedroom; convenient to care. Tioga B873 P. 15T1I, S 314 Sublet, turn, suite. 2 large rooms; run, water: light housekpg, ; phone. 16TH. S , 128 Handsomely turn., large, airy room. Dam; win uniurn. u Locust 3010, 16TH, N.. 220 (Logan Square) Deslr. ad-floor front; running water; other vaca.; phone. Olsr, 8, 1240 -Attractlte unfurn. rooms; sin- gie or sn buiib; ontu, muuciiu tnuiuii tii,i IHANDSOMELY furnished front room In large, modern, nrltate home; electrlo lights: 10 rnin utea to City Hall. Telephone Baring 415. BOARDING CEDAR AVE, 4711 Congenial business men can get nicely turn, rooms, woodl'd 8612 X. CHESTER AVE., BO08-Pflvate family will board desirable tier sons, refa. Woodland 3324L CHESTNUT, 4030 Beautiful suits. Drtvata Datn: isi-ciaaa tauis uwm. Miss Hanley. RACE, 3418 Trained nurse baa plaas, home for raf. Deopla desiring good accom ; sps. cara lot invalids or elderly persons. Preston aaoa u. 6PRUCB, 1028-30-Deslrable suite with private bathi choice table board. Walnut T2M W. fal'ItUCE, 1224-24 (Brlamonds)-Kurn. rooms, , ..Bn n,.Iai.a. V-iai rakfa hAB vfl sinsie, en lum, yri-, no.,,-, ,w.g ,M. WALLACE ST., 1602 Nicely furnished rooms, ...i.h n.,niitnil,p nw nianasament. WALUCK. 1820 Rooms, single or en suits; aoodtabloi reaaonabla. , WALNUT, ,1005-Comfortable rooma; sains i prl. "ate: balu: beauttlul pelghbor'd. Prest.6421W. WALNUT, 4M1 2d-floor rooms, with board) near L: southern expos.: mw. exconau. WEST PHILA. Superior accommodatlona lor elderly people and Invalids; scientific care: number limited: large rounds; old hade; wide porches! Ideal location. Ph. Wood. 4810, Suburban OERMANTOWN, 233 W. Rlttenhouse st. (be, tween Wayne and ,a"n-ft, 'r0,n.fi x :,fv rm.: aood table: conva. Ph. Utn. 10T3X. OERMANTOWN (8128 Wayne ave.)-Well-fur. rms., exc. isblei near train, trol. Otn. tia27X. BTTDJCVlD'S-Prlvate tarally would like lew summer boardsrs: private bath. JU W IUHHHVI STW ST SJii W Midland ave.. Bt. David's. APABTMENTS SPRUCE, 1420-Bachelor apt., 3 or S rooms; nriv bith: furn. or unfurn,) electric llghtt, hard wood floors, all modern Improvements. AJ iiPRINO OARDEN. 1010-Excellsnt apu. In 8 Wmlti aW.nt hoisiaTsome furnlahedi kitchenettes. WT-.- ' .."n.n---r.l'l-M ' tl1 IrAAml Uflth hllth! 2100 CHE8TNUT BT.-JtOOms, single room. - foiffeR apt., furn. ; 9 rm bath, kitchenette, euvatsr. ManBeUnl cor. 12th and Spruce. West Philadelphia ' fSllltTON APARTMBNTa 3218 Barlojr at Two tt-ea rwu, with private bath; ult APARTMENTS WANTED Furnished ItEFINED young married couple, no children, wish to sublease for the aummor or rent per manently, West -Philadelphia preferred, tuo rooms, bath nnd kitchenette In an apartment honat or prtvate family; rent must be reoson- . able, B 0.17, Ledger Central. r rUBNIBHED APARTMENTS LOCUST. 131S - Well-furnished apartment; largy, airy ruoms; refs Phone Wal, 71)0,1 1. SPItUCE, 1001-Sublet, 2 beautifully fur. apts.; 2 roomi and bathj reasonable. Janitor. ltTH, 8., 132 Furnished apartments, 3 rooms and bath; board optional. BUIlLtrr.tDe Lnncey Apta., 23d and Plne)-3 rooms, bath, kitchen; all outside rooms; for summer or permsnent. Phone .walnut i4t',). LADY havtnr fnmlaherl hmittekeenlnr anart, ment would like to share same with business women. V 527. Ledger Ofllcej West rhlladelphta riNE AND 45TH Apartments, attractively furnished, The Plnehurst (new), 6 rooms, bath, private perch. Arply to janitor. FUIINI8HED complete. 5 large rooms, bath, north and west exposure; 14 windows, awn ings: Janitor: West Phlla.: bargain. June to , October. Phone paring, 7123 X. HOUSBKEBPiNO AIT., 7 rooms, 2 bains, hand, fur.; for the aum. Th. Daring 7400 W. Atlantic, City, N. J. In rtENT Completely furnlihed corner 6-room-and-bath apartment: all outside rooms, ocean view; eloator service. S01 Santa Rita Apts., Atlantic city's finest apt, building. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS S8D AND PINE BTS.-DE LANCET APT8. Ntw. ltsht. a In ft rooms. 1 and 2 baths. kltchsnefte; central location Apply janitor. DIAMOND. 2112 a rooms, bath, kttchen, hot water 'heat; ref,; 2d floor, 125; 4 rms., bath, kitchen, all cor. rms 3B. Diamond 1813 W, DIAMOND, COIt. lUfll-Attractlva apt., t) rooms, all outalde rooms. Apply 2121 N. loth. PINE, 000 Housekeeping apartment, turn, or unfurn.: 4 rooms, bath; all outalde rooms; ph. SPiilTcE. 2110 Cool, high and airy apartment, lor ran: orter Juno l; moderate- remai, Aj i"oiier, Jr. i'none Locust lih w. WALLAdbr 1710 6-room "housekeeping flat, modern; alt conva, ; porch; dumb waiter. IOPLAR APT3., 1020 Poplar Hkpg. suites", fur., unfur., prlv. bs., 1st, 2d, 8d floor: owner. Or.ItMANTOWN QUEEN LANE APARTMENT QUEEN LANE AND WISSAHICKON AVE. a rooms nnd bath; awnings; screens and shower batha. JAMBS W. LAWS, ATTORNEY 018 LAND TITLE BLDO. Key with Janitor In rear. REAL ESTATE EOR SALE CITY tlfioo Two-story residence: fine neighborhood: 1718 Arlington st. (above 17th and Berks): well rented at $103 per year. Address 10U N. Brood st, NEW JERSEY BUNOALOWS, lota 23x150; near trolley; over looking Delaware; National Park. Greater New Jersey Company. 33 S. 10th. Hnildontlcld, N. J, HAVD sr-VDR!AL FINE PROFERT1ES at bargain prices, WM. UAltBl' .MAnsii.iUi-, 531 Federal at., Camden. Woodbury Heights, N. J. SEVBItAL, doslrable homes and Improved bldg, Iota at reasonable prices, John .Malicv. SEASHORE Cape May, N. J. COTTAGES, hotols, apts. for sale and rent; some bargnlna tn building lota. C. Enrlo Miller, 218 Ocean at.. Cape May. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 204 ACRES, 2 sets of buildings, 1 mile to sta tlon; only 75 per acre. J. JJ. THOMPSON, West Chester, Pa. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME by monhtly payments of from 17 to 550; houses located N. Phlla, and Gtn.. worth from J1S0O to $0250. Merchants" Union Trust Co., 715-710 Chestnut st. Garages GARAOE 5 otabes suitable for garago; elec tric lights; largo elovator. Apply Kline Bros., 5th and Ellsworth: both phones, REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE ALL KINDS-ALBRECHTS. 373 DREXEL BUILDING. 2414 W. LEHIOH AVE. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Factories, Warehouses, Mfg. Floor CHERRY ST.. 021-28 Three floors, ft. each; modern building. Phone Delsroth. 713 Spring Garden. Huslness Properties and Stores CHESTNUT, 831 Store and basement, suitable for household or office specialties. Inquire on promises. P. W. SADDLBR. WEST PHILADELPHIA GARAGE, suitable for 2 machines, conven lences. 118 monthly. 214 S. 40th St. OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS, ETC, DREXEL IILDQ. OFFICES Annual Rentals. Ground Floor, fl00, 1120. Suites, 2 rms.,C150,il7S,$200,225,t250,t325. Suites, 3 rms.,t202,1276,l4OO,t45O,t50O.)55O. Corner Suites. 2 to 10 rooms, $500 to J 1075. ELLI3 I), WILLIAMS, 580 Drexel Building. RENT Office apace, or dealt room: phones; stenographer. 573 Lafayette Bldg. TWO 0TUDI08, furnished bedroom attached; use of bath: central 1501 Arch at. Professional Offices rtrFMNED famllv haa suite for dentist er fesslonal man; reasonable. Phone Pop. 1082. Desk Hoom DESK nOOM Perry Bldg.: light, cheerful! Keystone phone free. M 735, Ledger Central. DESK ROOM M0 REAL ESTATE TRUST BLDG. GERMANTOWN KNOX 8T 4003 Attractive 3-story, 11-room house, containing billiard room and table. Apply W. H. Defaroth. 713 Spring Oarden sr. SUBURBAN nalo, I'a. BALA, PA-, 113 Bala ave. Modern aeml-de-tached home, 0 large, cheerful, sunny rooms, with 3 baths; ivlds, shady porch) Ideal loca tion; rent t3aLT.S. Mitchell, 68 N. 8th at. Illdley rark, l'a. SMALL country place, old shade, mod.- con vs.. T rooms, btautltul surroundings: s mln, from station: t-0 month. N. P. Bloan. SBABUOBB Ocean City, N. J, B701 CENTRAL AVE. Rent for season, newly furnlihed cottage, unaurpaised ocean view; 4 bedrooms and bathj 2d-tloor baaement has naiunousrs, wunwiii mm i 5arage; main floor, gas kltchan. elec. livlne and dining room an rn liuhlfd price 4100 season, j, 6 ft II""- ". ;'.7": '. . - - . . T . i ." .--,-- FITllo, iu Aiexanuer ave.. uercnantvllle, N, J., or C. W. McCorkle. 6000 Central ave'. Stone Harbor, N. J, COTTAOES, bungalows and apartment; turn lahed, for rent: moderate prices: all conveni ences; near ocean and channel: both railroads to Philadelphia: fliblng, boating, surf bath ing, tennis, golf: motoring an beach; send for Illustrated booklet, 8. J. R. Company, 918 Real Estate Trust Bldg , Philadelphia. ' Seaside Park. N. J. FOR RENTVModern, comfortable nn,,.VK. porch on 3 aides; 8th ave.. Seaside Park. Ap- ply 4634 Chester ave., Philadelphia. Cape May, N, J. FURNISHED cottages, ocean view, all loca tions; reaaonabla. C. Earls Miliar, 218 Ocsaa St.. Cape May. ' FOR BENT FUHNISHED Sprint; Lake, N. J, HANDSOMELY furnished bungalow; large porches: running water In all bedrooma. Apply 128 B. 16th at. Phone Locuat aoi" WUdwood. N. 3, 6-ROOM cpTTAOB. best loc. on island: rent low. M. H Frldenberg, 0th and Buttonw ood. SIOETGAQES MONEY FOR MORTGAGES W. H. HOOD, 613 o; RIB ST. Bt7u3JsaASDOA lORTCfXOE; nit m Camero: Svtli'mXa1 jiooi. -. ' "in '' nil ix.1 fi.i-) H' SCRAPPLE 3 i&3i07?. Thc Wrctch THE PADDED CELL I UMlM t2: -H-- 1 Ab) SM MY CUEHT 1 M 5r "Sfev PT B" You? w-WHERE ( SlP !& Jb QmBy J X I ( E5 ou 0l THE A416HT ) A 3Hif- VM& YvF I rH V OCTOBER 3Zr- w4Wm& mm JKml i- & rV Mrs. Poek-Wlthout exception, you K-i l V ' are the moat obstinate, perverse man -. J t . ' (fcl" London Opinion. I ever aaw. ( vJ 1 - A J J "Too bad we got drove out o' that Mr. Peek What have I done now? . s I H' -T" German trench, BUI." Mrs, poek-Why. I've had that new lJv ln)'t "Still, I'm glad to get back 'ere. accident policy In the house a month 11 L J? I S " I There ain't no plyco llko omc." nnd you haven't had a slnglo accident. ll t-SLJL II If Na- ' I SONGS WITHOUT WORDS J 1""? ) ) I It Doesn't Take Long to Change Your Opinion About thc Stock Market J I - S-y-sgL rL . IP p . JL-) S (Ts" PrX l-sSk Batesman-Now that you're seen all "There'a your mpther." jr. XVj I ("balLw-SiK ' nS th' blankets whloh kind do you wish? "Oh, we don't speak now." tft 1, H5f)lwg la S Lady TVoll, I was only looking" for o "Why not?" 5T JN. rTrWjU2ll (f VN-JttSrffi Mend and didn't expect to buy. "Well. Just before John and I wr T-OWTilMIs rf I KjS s " V 'V)tOTJjw9 Salesman Well, ma'am, If you think married she told him that I always SP tv Itltliflltn; m, WiCvV I IrwSi " ! Vn-tSSisIllsSi she la In that remaining blanket ud trimmed my own hats, and now r fin-sfl I ififif VSfflSffi til M NwCXEnfisSJl there I'll take It down for you. never jjet a now one." QJm ftWj PO S" booo so. SSJk iffiffffitnl B 6X1 55 a Doctor Well, Casey, aro tho eyes Improving;? W. II. TffHa 115222381 B 851 m Patient Sllr thv nr. alr. MW tHiiS iS il lv Si Doctor Can you sea better: can you see the nurse now? LI 11 tjilH Jl I II I iilliilHHa Jl jtlwy ftgrW I Patient Sure, I can thot, sir. Faith, she gets plainer and plainer lvery day, AMATEUR NIGHT AT THE MOVIES r SWEATS Up the I littsirmKii7"iK-ri jouormnesK TSS,"VHIS IS WR-BCCTON nEStAULSWrAAaiHEau Vn'goOORESS! - THEiNC flv SMtTe uTrli a ' ?HtB, WTHE5MlS.ASPlEl.KWG . THDE. DAHCED .gTs TBCTTCED a SuS $L fcHt AND THE WORST 4iirHtmsimhi?n . r- w j , I "' j.- ', . . ' i i ' i iy --I-II----------. IS YET TO COME Bright Lad Pill "How old ro you my little man?" "Six." "And when were you 6?" "On my last birthday!" Wandering" Tim-Hello, Bill! Ter looktn' mighty seedy. Been sick? Weary WllllamNo, Us work wot' doln' It work from seven In the morn in' till seven at night and no time off. Think ot it, mate! Wandering Tim And how long- have you bin timer Weary Wllllam-I ain't been there jet. Begirt tomorrow. The Peril of Pride iJaBBBBBBBafta-B-KKj?' eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa VBBBBBBBBBBLaBBB nwn BSSSSSSSSSSSSS. BBBBBBBuBBBBBBB. aT-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl JTgn2j The Paeslnc Show, Dearl dear! can you tell me what's going; on up there, my man?" "Ho, nuffink, mum, only the bloke not works the roller want us coves to call Mm a chauffeur." "Hang it. Jones, I've lust, been stun by one ot your confpunded beest I detruuu reparation!" "Certainly. BUson. You Just show tnewhleh bee (t wis in4 i'll-putuih toe horrid thing a.yeWyr ' QJmg. . idcofer veoirai.