Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 26, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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I 7 vyNwiKStevi '73P'
:;J. lff&f'
m, AT THE marriage ui .mon iinncy v.or
efA.fey Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
iT THE marriage of Miss Nancy Cor
B)P - . flml.L . .. .4 At tl...Kll H'nAll
'jf, which will tnkc place In St. James'
Church, 22d and Walnut streets, on Juno
IT, the maid of honor will be Miss Fran
.... West Bally, ft cousin of Miss Smith.
" . . , IJ. ...Ill l.- Ml.a rl.nMA
3 The DnaesnimuB win n ...ion "Kium.
?r Gamble, MIssElennor Ward Deans,
!... v.m Duval Williams. Miss Emily
KB Saunders, Miss Marian Twiggs Myers
jnd Miss iBabel Brocklo Stoughton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob It. Baits, of Burr
fOaka. Ierlon nrc rccelvlnff congratula
tions on the birth of n second daughter,
Mlas Ethel Marie naiiz, nameu ior nn
f.unt of Mr BatU. Mrs. Baits was
formerly Mies Maybelle Elizabeth Park
",r daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Leldy ranter, aim is u 01011 m u,iu
thur Hansa, formerly Miss Ethel Parker.
(who resides In Berlin, where she Is wldo
If known In grand opera circles,
'a .T. Drexcl Blddlc, Jr.. will glvo his
jituhers' dinner at Delmontco's on Juno t.
Many prominent women aro entered
hn the tournament for the women's
'championship of the Merlon Cricket Club,
Ljay In which Is In progress nt Haver
'ford, Including Miss Phyllis Wntsh, Mrs.
""jloxlo Harrison Smith, Miss Edith Blnk,
; Miss Evelyn Rink, Miss Agnes Kennedy,
'Mrs. Kane S. Green, Miss Clara Chase,
'Miss E. C. Ilenscl, Miss Marian Toulmln,
MIjs Pheodla Lllllc, Miss Sarah Myers,
Miss Margarettn Myers, Miss Ellanor
Knousherty. Miss Emily Kennedy, Miss
..Edith Bally. Miss Dorothea Obertuffor
! and Mies Lucia Warden.
'"The club will glvo a dlnner-dnnco on
t Wednesday, Juno 2, In honor of the
' vtiltlng players competing In the Enstern
' States' women's championship, which will
; ha Attended by guests rrom uoston, -now
"ITork and Bnltimore.
' Ensign Valentino N. Blog, U. S. N.,
v'cf Haverford, will return homo for a
i 'short visit In nbout two weeks,
k The officers of the V. S. S, Minnesota
Will entertain this afternoon nt a the
'dana&nt on board the ship. Tho affair
t'wlll bo quite informal, and n cordial ln
ErMtatiun has been extended to nil naval
iM-m..-.. nwl Violr wlvrn.
HiOliltCID ,.. ......
I' Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Vincent Lyon, of
IJJG1 rino street, aro regvivms iw.
Nations on the birth of a son, n. B. Vln
f cent Lyon, Jr.
c- nnnmt n WArrer and hlr son.
Mr. George D, Wldcner, of Lynwood Hall,
KEIklns Park, will leave early In June and
loccuoy her new villa, Miramai, at sew-
Eport, It. I.
mim Katherlno Rogers, daughter of
fMrs. John J. Rogers, of 2201 St. James
Iplace, will leave tho last week In Juno to
file the guest for a fortnight of Miss Sarah
iHaitlncs. dauBhter of Mrs. Daniel H.
) Hastings, at her homo nt Bellefonte, Pa.
JMany entertainments win do given in
honor of MIfs liogcrs rjy ncr many inenus
ln Bellefonte
$ Mr. and Mrs. Julian Story, of the St.
BJames, wilt shortly move into tho resi
dence of Mrs. T. B, Harper, on Washing
ton lane and Old York road, which thoy
ITwIU occupy for tho summer.
Mr. Robert Nellson. of Hamilton Court,
', MliipntH t PhllnrlolnViln frnm a trln to
'the West.
t Mr. and Mis. L. B. Hcndrlckson have
'.. , ...,... , .i .....ui r
Ethelr daughter. Miss Mnrlo Smith Hen-
4rlckBon, to Jlr. Elwood Warren Miller,
Ron Wednesday, Juno 9, at their homo,
BJWalnut streot, Jenklntown. Tho cere
's mony will be porforjned nt noon by tho
Btv. Joseph D. C. Macule, or uarmei
Presbyterian Church, Edge Hill. Only
the Immediate families will bo present.
i Bala-Cynwyd
P The Neighborhood Club of Bala and
tCynwyd will give Its evening of Music
honlght at 8:15 In tho Bala-Cynwyd audi
torium, Bala and Highland avenues.
'(Dancing will follow. The committee In
ichargo Includes Mr. II. A. Fcrrelra, chalr-
rrnan; Mr, George Haskell, Mr. ThomaB
JH. West and Mr. Georgo B. McKlnney.
&Th artists who will participate nro Mrs.
irfederlck Newbourg, soprano; Mrs. John
ftJoyce, Jr., contralto; Mr. Ednyfed Lewis,
Btenor; Mr. John Jay Joyce, Jr., bass;
Jfirs. Dorothy Johnstono Baesler,harplBte;
sMr. Henry S. Prv. nccomnanlst. and Mrs.
pulla Cummlngs Sutton, soprano.
KThe program Includes many Interesting
elections, as follows;
U. Quirtd-ntlla. nllo del amor
(from "illjtoletto") ...
era. newoourff
Mr. Lewis
Alra. .Tnvpa t Tnu
i Soprano and baas I Vor Thv Anirl Rnlrlt.
Ft r.. !r8- Newbours; and Mr. Joyce
El. Contralto-O Mlo Fernando
urom -la Favorlta") Donttetll
tw tiifmt uyi;
Tenor-Ah Love, but a Day Frotheroe
Ei ,, . Mr. Lewl
lHn() water Nymphs
f (I)) Ballartf, Opue V.
rmpna ....i'lerns
)dub 32 Faura
If SopranoPace, Pace Mlo Dlo
uiuin i t-orxa ai ueitino ' verai
V ... y, ?" Newboure
""-Vulcan's Bonr
t worn "Philemon et Daucle" ).,,.. CounoJ
I rv.. ,. Mr." Joyce
IvJ'ralto and tenor Horn to Our
wauuui iirom "ii Trovatoro"),...verai
Mm .TnvrA bm 1 1 .n.l.
Soprano '
SI c5?, cVtRK ot Water. .Campbell-TlPtnn
to) Polly Wlflls Dr. Arne
Mrs. Sutton
onr't,IK"d)rl" ns cycle by H. Lane
uoa. to be rendered by the quartet.
EJnVttatlOna tfi Th waHHIno. a Ifl. a
jjlen Cathcart, of 636 Weatview street.
H Mr. Itlchard Harris, a broker, of New
"tk. have Just been issued by tho young
JWy". parents. Mr. and Mrs. ivilllnm 1.
Clthcart. Tha rrmnn will h r..-.
jtnaea (n the Summit Presbyterian
g?irch, on Juno J, at 8 o'clock in tho
Km ln,t' A receiltlon " th " of the
Sjwa will follow. After their weddlnjr
ilr the bride and brtdesroom will live
forest Hill Gardens.
fMrs. Wllllnr,. Tl IT....- . i.-.i.-i
lt. h. ' '"""i U iU.IIOII
S tuwm B,vo " luncheon today, to
Bbb.. r. ",w rnmtir of the Ladles'
SSv!f ?m1mlttee of he Germantown
2iwml,b' Th nw members Include;
Rebwi"am. q' Mor,' Mr- a- Bllh
tuUatn Prlr Kf.n.U.II If TU
Qinrff. t ... "'lil. yvim
gf Newhall, Miss Mariana J. Steel.
KvTn'. uraa ,Bren. Jr.. ot 4301 Pulaski
. has ,eU 'or Nw Yorki f0" a
afii stay.
l1 N""nn R. Dean, of m Pomona
Ikklvni. -. ""mmnr auino unit iu
KSS. Ma'" wh,r n ' vUltlnr her
Kr.sULer. a ..,... . i,.i ... S1-11...A
--T- w v.uvivui ih JioijTWMO V.UIlCi.
J Hope, of H55 Wayne avenue, is
" snorj time in Atlantto wty.
Ig; and Mr Walter P Hushes, of 415
,eavie, ana their two daughters.
Miss Elslo Hughes nnd Miss Mildred
Hughes, have left for Atlantic City to
spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sinn, of 722 Wts
tcr street, have left for Echo Lake, Pa.,
where they will spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Klmber. of MJ7
Wayne avenue, have opened their cottago
nt .Newport, H, I., for the summer.
Mrs. Anna M. Cane, of Sll Locust ave
nue, has opened her cottage at Ocean
City, N. J., for tho summer.
Mrs. Marshall Wilson and daughter, ot
SoO Shedaker street, have left for Clifton
Forge, Va., whore they will remain for
some time.
Mr. Russell Clapp, of 5103 Newhall
street, has left for a short stay In Pitts
burgh, Mrs. J. Tllllnghaat. of 107 West Penn
streot, Is spending several weeks at the
Delawaro Water Gap.
Mr. J. M. Bryant, of 206 Hnrvey street,
has left for a short Btay in Ocean Grove,
N. J.
Mr. Joseph Fling, of 408 Wlstcr street,
Is spending; a few days In Atlantic City.
Along the Reading
Miss Mario Nelffer, daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. Milton K. Nclffor, of Wyncote, with
It other girls of her class, announced her
engagement yesterdny on tho evo of
graduation from Wellcsley College.
Miss Nelffer Is to becomo the brldo of
Mr. C. B. Robinson, n, Dclawnroan, gradu
ate of the Georgetown university, ana
now nn agent for an automobile tiro con
corn. They will bo married in early fall.
Mr. Clement R. Hooocs. of Spring ave
nue, Is on n fishing trip In tho Rangeley
Lnltes, Maine, for several weeKs.
A country fair will bo held on the lnwn
of tho Ashbourne Presbyterian Church,
frlday and Saturday, Juno 4 and 5, after
noon and evening. All organizations of
tho church will tako part. It will bo
under the management of tho Loaies Am
Society, tho proceeds to go to tho Manse
Mrs. J. P. Pugh, of Weston, Ohio, ar
rived at Bcechwood last week, Sho will
remain until after the sraduatlng exer
cises of the Bcechwood School, when her
daughter. Miss Sylvia Pugh, will receive
her diploma from the Normal Domestic
Arts Department.
An Uustratcd tnlk on architecture from
Egyptian ruins through tho Greek, Ro
man, Byzantine. Romancsauc, Gothic and
Renalssanco periods to the homo of to
day, showing tho Influence or religion
upon architecture, will be given on Thurs
day evening. May 27. by Mr. StUart and
Mr. Hay, under the auspices of tho Men's
Guild of St. John's Lutheran Church, in
tho parish building, Melrose nvenue nnd
York road.
A musical tea will be given at the homo
of Mrs. Robert L. Russell, on Webster
avenue, Wyncote, Friday afternoon, at 3
o'clock. Miss Miller, of the Collego Set
tlement, will glvo a talk concerning the
work accomplished by the Flower Guild,
and a very enjoyable musical program Is
promised. No cards lmvo been sent out.
but all aro Invited to bo present. A stiver
offering Is asked to nsslst In carrying on
tho work of the local branch of tho
Flower Guild.
Mrs. John T, Edmondson, of Nth ave
nue. Oak Lane, Is spending several weeks
In Now York.
A , suffrago meeting was held at the
residence of Mrs. W. A. Kelss, S00 Cott
man btreet, Jenklntown, yesterday after
noon, at 3 o'clock.
Mr. Horace Blnnoy Delany and Miss
Florence G. Delany, of 303 Wyncote road,
Jenklntown, will return tho latter part of
this week from Atlantic City, where they
have been spending the week,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pullman, of
Woodland avenue, Wyncote, aro being
congratulated on the birth of a son on
Saturday, May 22.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William E. Grobcn. of 12
Asbury terrace, will close their house on
Thursday nnd go to Ocean City, where
they will remain until October.
Girard Estate
Mrs. Frank Sutton, of 2512 South
19th street, entertained at a. delightful
luncheon, followed by cards, this after
noon at her home. Covers wero laid
for 12, and the guests were members
of the card club of which she la a mem
ber. Lilies of the valley were combined
with dainty pink roiebuds and maiden
hair ferns to form the artistic decora
tions. Those present were Mrs. William
F. Cushlng, Miss Elizabeth Cushlng,
Mrs. H. Stanley Holloway, Mrs. Charles
Shlsler, Mrs. Flnley Morrow. Mrs. Will,
lam Gouget, Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs.
William Eddie, Mrs. Frederick Schmidt,
Mrs. T. L. Cobailgh and Mrs. Frederick
Mrs. J. V. McAlplne, wife of Dr. Mc
Alpine, U, S. N., entertained the mem
bers of her brtdgo club this afternoon
at her home, 2125 Rltner street. A dainty
luncheon was served after the came. Her
guests Included Mrs. W. F. Cochrane,
Mrs. C. T. Blackburn, Mrs. Lucius Beebe,
of Walltngford; Mrs. T. 8. Fillmore,
Mrs. Aloxander S. Williams, Mrs. Philip
Seymour and Mrs, Frederick W, Grays.
Mrs. J. T. Fenner was hostess yester
day afternoon to the members of her
bridge club at her home, 2313 South
21st street. Her guests Included Mrs,
Herman Livingstone, Miss Anne Harris,
Mrs. Harris, Mrs. John Handy Hall,
Mrs. Henry C. Swartz, Mrs. James
Vodgea and Miss Marlon Harris.
Delaware County
The program of the commencement at
Swarthmore College has been Issued, A
reception to the students and their par.
ents will b held on June 4, this to be
given by tho faculty. The senior class
will hold a banquet and dance on June 11
in the Strathhaven Inn. President and
Mrs. Swain and Dean Meeteer will giye
an Informal luncheon to the class on
June U at X o'clock. On Sunday, June IJ.
President Swain will deliver tho bacca
laureate addreu In the Collection Hall.
Class Day, June 14. will see a play, "Mld
Smmer Night's Dream," .iven at 4;J0
by talent from the class, and the re
union of all thi classes takes place on
Alumni Day, June 15.
Miss Carolyn Long, of Chester, ex.
pU horlly"to entertain Miss Helen
Garner, of Portland. Me. The ladle, are
both students at Dana Hall, a prepara
fory schoo" In Massachusetts, and Mis.
Garner has many friends amonr the
younger set In Chester-
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Overle. of Pros
Dct Park, will shortly be "at home" to
their friends. The couple are returning
from their honeymoon this week and wlU
bV greeted by a host ol Wends.
South Philadelphia
Mrs. F. L. Akcrs, of 1301 Morris stroct.
entertained this afternoon from 2 to B nt
a delightful surprise kitchen shower In
honor of Miss Ethol .May Hnyilen, whoso
mnrrlngo to Mr. William Croemer John
son will tako place on Juno IB. Tho fol
lowing guests woro present: Mrs. George
Ferris, Mrs. George Nichols, Mrs. Henry
J. Sclbold, Mrs. R. E. Blackall, Mrs. II.
W. Hayden. Mrs. Edith Rosenthal, Mrs.
Thomns Ely, Mrs. R. E. Watrous, Mrs.
Arthur Clovcnger, Mrs, Hodgman, Mrs.
M. E. Paul, Mrs. Benjamin Weston, Mrs.
Robert Gordon, Mrs. John Scott, Mrs.
William Clark, Mrs. Smoot, Mrs, Arthur
Pago, Mrs. R. L. Ballcntlno, SIlss Emma
Ely. Miss Arllne Lnngworthy nnd Miss
Catherino Wallace.
Miss Margaret Mooncy, who has boon
the guest of Miss Anna McCarrlston, of
Mlllvllto. N. J., for t7io last few days,
has returned to her home, 2337 St. Albans
The Mlshorral Zlnn held a meeting last
Sunday nt the home of Miss Rose Udo
wltz, 707 South Sth street. Miss Clara
Herman, Miss Jennie Jnapan and Misj
Rose Udowltz read their essays. Miss
Sophie Bramntck reported on the develop
ments of the Junior Club On Sunday
they will give their outing under the lead
ership of their adviser, Mr. Leon Rose.
Miss Sophie Brnmnlck and Miss Hattlu
Blleden, Mr. William Lupowltz nnd Mr.
Herman Malerman also reported, and nn
address was made by Mr. Leon Rose,
president, on "Shir Hashlrlm."
The annual summer dance given by tho
auxiliary of the Jewish Consumptive In
stitute, of 408 Wharton streot, will take
place nt Clayton's Casino, Woodslde Park,
tomorrow evening. The proceeds of this
affair will be added to tho funds being
collected for the contemplated hospital to
be erected by the Institute this coming
THE marriage of Miss Marjorie Gott
lieb, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Conrad
Gottlieb, and Samuel Gelss will be sol
emnized tomorrow evening at Apollo
Hall, 1726 North Broad street. The nev.
Marvin Nathan, of Beth Israel Synagogue,
will officiate, The bride will be given In
marriage by her father and will wear a
gown of white satin, with spangled trim,
mlngs, and will carry a shower bouquet
of white roses and lilies. of.the-valley.
The bride will be attended by her sister,
Miss Rose Gottlieb, as maid of honor.
She will wear a white satin gown,
trimmed In duchess lace and pearls, and
will carry pink roses. The bridesmaids
will be Miss Anna Alper, Miss Ros
Leltelman, Miss May Huskey, Miss Anna
Golder, Miss Henrietta Singer, Miss Rose
Buxbaum, Miss Mary Goldberg and Miss
Rose Singer. Tho bridesmaids will wear
pink taffeta dreises and will carry pink
roses. Miss Elizabeth Gottlieb, sister of
the bride, will be flower girl, accompanied
by Master Samuel Fineberg. The best
man will be Samuel Sachs and the ushers
will be Louts Weinberg, Sidney Schaller,
Harry Felnalnger, Harry Parries, Jack
Selgel, Bernard Krakoff, Harry Bwarti.
Herman Oelis. There will be a large
reception following the ceremony, after
which Mr. and Mrs. Qelis will leave for
an extended wedding trip.
The marriage of Miss Rosalie Harris
Koons, daughter of the lata Mr. Walter
Koons, of Wllkes-Barre, to Mr. EUwood
Lawrence Munder, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Munder, of 3523 North 16th street,
will take place on Wednesday, June I, at
4 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs-Munder-
Miss Koons has selected Ml
Curl, ot Wllkes-Barre, as bridesmaid, and
Mr. Amos K Gdkler. Jr. will be the
bridegroom's best man. The ceremony
wilt be followed by a dinner for the im
mediate relatives.
Bridegrooms Often Wear Them,
Too How to Tell a Woman's
Character by the Ring
She Selects.
Tho wedding ring clork wears one, not
because It Is his business or Just because
ho happens to be married, but because
it's nil the style.
Every man ought to. any way, tho
clerk says. It's Just as much his funeral
beg pardon. It's Just as much his
wedding as It Is hers.
At any rate, tho wedding ring clerk Is
stnrtlne to get down to the storo early
theso dayB and stay late, for what with
doing double business on account of
recent masculine leanings toward the
little golden circlets, and whnt with the
record season for marriages beginning,
this overworked creature scarcely gets
tlmo to Join his frlendB at the counter
where It Is their noon-day custom to
gather round,
But It hasn't made a cynic of him. Fur
from It. Instead the dally stream of
wedding ring purchasers furnishes "nlm
with some entertaining bits of phllosphy.
"You can always tell whut kind of ft
wife a woman Is going to make," Is ono
of the conclusions he has come to as tho
result of his 12 years of observation, "by
the way sho selects her wedding ring. If
she wants a big and showy ono and Is
proud to death of the new station In life
that nwalts her, she's tho real womanly
woman. Her home Is going to bo her
kingdom with her husband as monarch.
"On the other hand If she wants a
small Inconspicuous band one which she
can wear around her neck without It be
ing n dead weight, you can bo pretty sure
shot has some notions In back of her head
of continuing n. career, or of 'managing'
her husband. She'll pull tho purse-strings
and be the all-round boss.
"Another thing that you notice," he
continued, "when you've been In thto
business for some time, Is that the older
a man gets the more sontlmental he gets,
and the less he minds showing the whole
world how he regards his adored one.
"Only the other day a gray-haired man
of about W came In with ft sweet young
thing clinging to his arm. The Inscription
that he had ongraved on the ring was:
'God knew I was lonely and he sent you
to me. I thank Him.' "
"Mlzpah," according to the wedding
ring clerk, la the Inscription most fro.
quently used. It Is taken from the stoiy
ot Jacob In the Bible and means; "The
Lord watch between mo and thee." The
Initials of the man and woman are also
commonly used.
"But so often," said the clerk, "they
make the mistako of wanting to say 'J. U,
to M. S.' The 'to' Is absolutely wrong
for a wedding ring, though It Is all light
for an engagement ring, The wedding
ring should have the Initials Intertwined
or they should be connected with the
word 'and.' They are both being mar
rled and the ring is a sign of union."
In many cases queer hieroglyphics,
which even the experienced clerk cannot
decipher, are used as an Inscription, and
this usually Indicates some cherished
secret sentiment.
Wedding rings range In price from U
to J 100. The inexpensive ones are plain
gold circlets, made of II and 12 karat
gold. Those In stock are virtually all
the very narrow kind. The old-fashioned
broad band, which could be seen 10 feet
away, has becomo passe.
A novelty wedding ring which promises
Notices far the Society page will be
accepted and printed la the E?enloi
Ledsrr, but all such notices must be
written on one tide of the paper, mut
be signed In full, with full address, and
when possible telephone number oust be
Bead all such communications to
"Society Editor," Evening Ledger, sot
Cheatout etrtet.
Unlets three requirements art carried
out so that verification may bo possible,'
the notices will pot a publlihed.
Photo by Hloly & Way.
Thin is the second ot a series of
articles avpearlnp in the Evk.nino
Ledoeii on Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays, discussing the many
Questions that concern those about
to he married trousseaus, wed
ding rings, flowers, music, invita
tions and all, and who pays and
to become popular is called the alliance
ring. It breaks In the centre for the In
scription and when It Is put together
again tho cut does not show. In this
way It Is supposed a secret engraving
could bo kept more inviolate than most
secrets ever nre.
Platinum wedding rings rnnge In price
from J13.60 to $30, Some of them nre
Often the purchasers are amazed at the
Inexpunslveness of this tie that binds, and
oven though they want for sweet senti
ment's sake the plain gold band, they
cannot get It Into their heads that a real
gold ring can be had for Jl.
It Is on occasions like these that the
,.. i. ,..,..- .... .,.- i j . , .
,ci uiuiHt, uuv mo jcweien xray, just I
to show how much can bo spent for n I
wedding ring.
Platinum bands carved and studded
with diamonds cost from 95 to $400, un
less the finger in unusually largo and
then more must be paid for the extra
gem added.
The prices for men's wedding rings, and
they are being sold in goodly numbers,
Is slightly higher than those for women
bocause of tho extra metal needed, but
tho fashion, the plain gold circlet, Is the
West Philadelphia
Miss Cella Elsenhandler, of 25 North
(2d street, will ba tendered a reception at
her home tonight by her friends In honor
of her graduation from the Hebrew Edu
cational School, Miss Elsenhandler gradu.
ated with highest honors, and was
awarded a gold medal,
Mr. and Mrs. James Field, of the Pow
elton Apartments, will leave early In June
for Ocean City, N. J., where they have
taken a house for the summer on Waver
ley avenue.
Mies Jane Murphy, of 618 North 63d
street, will entertain at her home on Sat
urday evening. Covers will be laid for
12 guests, and daisies and spring flow
ers, arranged In baskets, will form the
artistic decorations. Cards nnd vocal
numbers will precede the supper. Those
expected to be present are Miss Jeanne
Buehler, Miss May H. Foster, Mlas Delia
M. Brennan, Miss Mettle C WIthlngton,
Mr. Thomas P. Rogan. Mr. Joseph F.
Foster, Mr. Joseph D. Lynch. Mr. How
ard B. Stoffan, Mr. Anthony B. Bellwoar
and Mr. Edmund A- WIthlngton.
Mrs. James A. Bolton, of 6731 Pember
ton street, with her little son, Bernard,
and her daughter, Dorothy, Is at present
visiting relatives In California, and In
company with her mother. Mrs. P. J.
Culhane, of Hamilton, Ontario, is at the
present time is tho gueat of Mrs. Bolton's
aunt, Mrs. M. A. Woodworth, of San
Francisco. Mrs, Bolton will also spend
some time In Los Angeles and Paaadena
before her return in the fall.
Announcement was made today of the
engagement of the Rev. Daniel I, Suit
baoh, pastor of the Lutheran Church of
the Resurrection, Hd and Thompson
streets, and Miss Marlon D. Rawllngs,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Rawllngs, of 1633 North 62d street.
The marriage will take place on June :
In the church where the Rev, Mr. Suits
bach Is pastor. The bride Is Is years old
and is groom 36 years. Both Mas Raw.
lings and her parents are, numbers of the
Churoh of the Resurrection.
Mr. Walter Bernstein has been spending
some time in Maryland and Virginia,
Tho Rev. Dr. Rutger Dox, of North 16th
street, la recovering from a recent ill.
neis. Doctor Pox has been pastor of the
Tioga Baptist Church, on North Broad
treat, for 21 years.
THE world and hl. wlfe-or that little
portion of It centering around Over
brook and Its ndjncent suburbs will turn
out In Torcc tonight to witness tho very
clever performance which has been
ptnnned to Inko place nt the Ovcrbrook
Golf Club.
Tho nttrnctlvo posters announcing the
entertainment promise a lively nnd tune
ful hodge-podge, Including ns tho poster
so glibly nnnounccs "steps nnd stunts,
dances, nnd a dirge. Good songs nnd not
so good A clash of movies'- these last
operated by Frederick Hnrdlng. The
cast of "The Model Wife" has been
coached by a member of tho Plays and
Players, nnd tho dancing choruses have,
been trained under tho leadership of Leon
Downing. Thoso taking part in tho
sketch will bo Philip A. Castner, who Is
also chalrmnn of the Entertainment Com
mittee. Mr and Mrs. Frederick Hard
ing, Miss Mary Potter, Miss Katherlno
Stovens, Miss Adelp M. Mosler, Mrs.
William Gayley, Eugene Hclno and Miss
Tho black-and-white-chorus, tho mem
bers of which will be costumed In nc
cordancn with Its name, with a dash of
cerlso by way of contrast, will Include
Miss Virginia Wctherlll. Longstreth
Brown, Miss Adolo M. Moslor, Reynolds
Plerpolnt, Miss Marlon Ycrkcs, Everett B
Mosler, Miss Jcssla Sparks, Archlo
Sparks, Miss Myra Atkinson and Mr.
Miss Helen Campbell will sing the song,
accompanying the Jnpnncse chorus, and
tho dancers will ho Miss Sidney Wilson.
William A. Ilnys. Miss Gladys Supplco
Mr. HuU'liason, Miss Eleanor Evclnnd,
Mr Carrier, Miss Dorothy John, John
Pftwcctt, Miss Esther Blslcr nnd Frank
Harrlty. Little Miss Eva Mulhollnnd will
glvo several solo dances.
Miss Mary Barrett and William New
berry will sing several selections. Miss
Frances McCann will give n solo dancs,
nnd Miss Mlrlnm Blsler will nppear In
the aesthetic dance of the Swan.
The pupils of tho Becchwood School,
at Jenklntown. will present tho Shake
spearean comedy, "As You Llkr It," this
afternoon nn tho college campus. The
play will bo hnndsomely costumed nnd
wilt be given under the able direction
of Mies Emlllo Krlder Norrls, with the
following cast:
Rosalind Miss Vlrclnln Wolfo
Orlando Miss Ruby Husband
Tho Duke Miss Ruth Latimer
Duko Frederick Miss North
Amiens Miss Hnrrlot Iteascr
Jnques Mfls Gladys Stcver
Lo Beau Miss McCrenry
Oliver Miss Mary Kirk
Adam Miss Gladys Hugulnln
Chnrles Miss Fulton
Touchstono ,. Miss ColHer
Sylvlns Miss Gardiner
Corln Miss Roselle
Cella Miss Helen Waller
Phebe Miss Moyer
This morning at 11 o'clock nn Interesting
lecture recltnl was given nt the Belle-vue-Stratford,
by Dr. Edgar C. Abbott,
of Boston, fop tho benefit of tho auxiliary
fund of the Chapln Memorial Homo for
the Aged Blind On Friday morning n.
lecturo on tho Tempest will bo given.
The lectures nro under the auspices of tho
auxiliary committee of which Mrs. Wil
liam Henry Wopdward Is chnlrman. Tho
other members if tho committee are: vice
clmlrmen, Mrs. Edgar Fahs Smith nnd
Mrs. Olln H. Burrltt; secretary, Mrs.
Charles L. Doollttle; treasurer, Mrs.
Joseph Swain, Executive Committee, Mrs.
George W. Chapman, Mrs. I Levlck nnd
Miss Elizabeth Thompson, nnd Mrs. Theo
doro E. Bennde, Mrs. Rudolph Blanken
burg, .Mrs. William B. Bodlne, Mrs, Eliza
beth Powell Bond, Mrs. Hugo Bllgram.
Mrs. John Cndwalador, Miss Anna Cole
man. Mrs. Eric L. Doollttle, Miss Emily
Dutllh. Mrs. Stanley G. Flagg, Jr., Miss
Eleanor Foulke, Mrs. L. Webster Fox,
Miss Amelia Gemmlll, Mrs. S. Lord Gll
borson, Mrs. W. H. Glthens, Mrs. Helen
V. Granlees. Mrs. Vlrglnlus F. Graves,
Mrs. Theodoro Mitchell Hastings. Mrs.
Harriet Chnpln Hill, Mrs. William George
Houston. Mrs. William E. Hughes, Mrs.
Charles L. Huston. Mrs. Robert Johnston,
Mrs. James C. Krayer, Miss Julia B. Lem
mon, Mrs. Jerome Longeneckcr, Mrs.
John Archibald MacCallum, Mrs. Joseph
North Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo M. Storey nio
now occupying their new house, SS? North
Judson street.
Friends of Mr. Jean Josephs, of 2020
North Park avenue, will be glad to hear
that he is recuperating from u recent
The graduating class of the nurses'
training school of tho Garrctson Hospital
will hold a dance on the evening ot
June 10.
A muslcale and vaudeville will be held
on Sunday night at the Alumni Building
of Keneseth Israel synagogue, llroad
street above Columbia nvenue. Tho en
tortnlnment will be followed by an In
formal dance.
Olrl Bcout anniversary exerclees, nirnees
School: o'clock leo.
Combo Coneervatory of Muelc commence
ment. Academy ot Muele: 8 o'clock. Free.
Sons recital, Philip Warren CooUe. Orpheus
doe'lety o( Surgery. Hahnemann Collate; 8:30
Plna Arta Dall, Academy ot the Klna Arte.
flurtraalata' reception to Mra. J. D. Thomas,
musicals and daniant, 1123 Chettnut street; 8
o'clock Vrce,
Philadelphia Collego of OeUopathy com
mencement. Wltherepoon Hall, 8 o'clock, m.
Dinner. Pennsylvania Inelltute of Certified
Publla Accountants, Manufacturers' Clubs 8
"ncceitlon to Homer A. Itodeheaver, Olivet.
s. ...... irBHi,.rln nhitrrh. Mmint Varnnn
an S2d streets: o'clock. KJ-ea.
Market ana tuin oircei iiuihkh m,h, ,
South 0th street; 8 o'clock.
County Medical Society College ot Phyalclane,
22d and Ludlow atreete: 8 o'clock.
Democratic Club: o'clock.
Municipal Dand, 234 and Bpruce streets.
9:30 a. m. The association opens Us local
headquartsre In tho l"orff Theatre Building.
137 South llroad street, Wis, Hannah J. Pat
terson to be In oharge. A vlgoroua campaign
to be waged throughout ths, summer and. fall
fiom thle office. Tha aitoelation to work In
entire harmony with other local suffrage or
Kinlutlona Ita main officii ar In Harris-
10 SO a mJesKpU meeting or the Executive
Board St the eefUty'a headquarters. OT South
Sth street. Mrs. Wilfred Lewis, preildeot,
PNoon-'Mlas Bertha Sapovlte, organlier for
tha society, apka to employes of jh Baldwin
Locomotive Worke, at 16th and Hamilton
atreata. Open air.
8 p. m. fleorg O. Swarts and Miss Bertha.
Eapovlts speak on City Hall plaaa. aouth.
s.M p. m. Mlia Anna. McCue, organiter for
tha aootety In Kensington, apaaka at an open
air mealing at Gormantown atenua and Dia
mond street. . Aailstanta, Mlas JtonU Berkott
and Vies Kaba Erb
p. m. Registration meeting at 1(33 Plna
J -SO p. m -Open-air meeting at 6th elrcet
and LMih'avenu, Baker M announs!
at mettlng.
MncCnrrolI, Jr. Mrs. Alfred Marshall,
Miss Josephine Mather, Miss Dorothy
Mather, Mrs. H. Mcknight Moore, Mrs",
Edwin P. Monroe, Mrs. Thomas M Mont
Komery, Mrs. George A. Plersol, Mrs.
Harris B. Price, Mrs. Ivan Prowattaln,
Miss Mary W Schlott. Mrs. Alice Powell
Sellers. Mrs. George A. Smith, Miss Rosa.
Ho L. Smith, Miss M, .Alice Btecher, Mrs.
Floyd W Tomklns, Mrs. Ernest U Tus.
tin, Mrs. W. Graham Tyler. Mrs. Lewis
L. Walker, Mrs. Chnrles F. Warwick,
Miss Florence Wiener, Mrs. David D.
Wood, Mrs. Sidney S. Yarnall, Miss
Eleanor Zwlssler, Miss Jane W. Hornor,
Mrs Charles C. Stotesbury, Airs. Fulton
p. I'eale, Mrs. Charlemagne 1
i Tower.
An attractive fair "111 be Riven on ths
lawn at the horn' if Mrs. Theron I.
Crane, 6111 Green reel, on Thursday
afternoon, June 3. from 2 until 0:39
o'clock. The proceeds nro to be Used
for the Home for Inourables. Mrs.
Chnrles W. Ncvln, of Rlverton, Is pres
ident of the home, nnd somo of those
on the board of managers who will take
nn active part are Mrs. Caleb J. Milne,
Jr.. Mrs. T. E. Ross and Mrs. Theron
I Crane, who will bo In eharge of the
fancy goods tnble. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss
Nichols will havo charge of the books and
Mrs. Anthony Wnyne Robinson will pre
side over the selling of baskets whloh
havo been made by the Inmates of the
home. The children's work will be In
charge of Mrs. Caroline Llpplncott, of
Ico cream will bo dispensed by Mrs.
nobert C. Hey I nnd Mrs. Paul Fife.
Flowers will bo sold by Miss Beatrice
English, Miss Elnlno Taylor English and
Miss Eatollo Llpplncott. Miss Hoyt nnd
Mrs. A. Reed Mclntlrc, of Merlon, have
arranged a gooseneck grab ting, denr to
tho heart of every child. There will bo
n lemonade well, a fortune-teller. In the
person of Mrs. Harry V. Register; a de
lectable candy booth, In charge of Mrs.
Henry O. Mitchner, Miss Judith Marr,
Miss Loulso Tllge nnd Miss Winifred Marr.
Real thrills will be caused by fascinating
moving pictures arranged by Mrs. Will
Inm S. Poulterer and Mrs. Hnrvey J.
Mitchell. Little Bernnrd Mcllhenny nnd
his pony cart will delight tho youngsters.
Tickets may bo obtained from Mrs. John
II. Jopson. 1824 Pine street, nnd Miss
Helen Wrlgglns. Others on the board of
managers nro Mrs. E. O. Shakespere,
chairman: Mrs. Cyrus II. K. Curtis, Mrs.
John B. Orlbbol, Mrs. Edward R. Fell,
Miss Elennor Johnson, Mrs. Samuel Kerr
nnd Mrs. H. Spencer Lucas. The board
of managers, the young women's guild
nnd the tlrst auxiliary 'havo all combined
to make tho fair n huge success.
A Greek play of unique character will
bf presented tomorrow evening nt the
First Bnptlst Church, 17th nnd Snnsom
streets, by tho Junior department of the
Bible school, assisted by members ot the
Eastwood Players. Mr L. Eastwood
SPlbold, tho author of the piece, the
"Unknown God," will nppcnr In the lead
ing role of Dionyslus, the Areopaglte.
Tho theory of emotional effect of color
or. the mind has been Introduced, and
both scenety nnd costumes have been
planned accordingly. The costumes, all
of which are historically correct, aro
mado from rnro materials nnd copied
from ancient diagrams. The drama will
be preceded by a group of tableaux on
Paul's early life, under the direction of
Miss Arllne Lnngworthy. Mrs. Henry J.
Solbold has arranged a most effective
musical program during tho vnrlous
sccnoH. Tho cast will Include Miss Lucille
Kepler. Mr. S. J. Clovengcr, Jr., Mr. Mor.
rls L. Roscnthnl, Mr. E. Roland Snader,
Jr., nn( Mr. Eastwood Selbolcl, of thei
Eastwood Players, assisted by Miss Marjfl
gnret Walker, Miss Dorothy Kelly, Mlsy J
I'na Norman, Miss Florence Mason, Mlf V
Evelyn McCurdy. Miss Lillian RnniTJ
Mr. Cralgo McCombe Snader, Mr Carpen
ter E. Loxlcy. Mr. Charles Hawthorne,
Mr. Chester Shlber, Mr. R. C Vanger
nnd Mrs. Arthur II. Clevengcr
A most attractive dramatic nnd musical
entertnlnment will bo given this evening
under the auspices of the Tra'cey Home
for Women. 42 North 16th street. In Grif
fith Hall, 1420 Chestnut street. The pro
gram will consist of tho story of "Ben
Hur," told In 12 scenes, nnd Interspersed
by vocal and piano solos. The Tacey
Home, which Alls n need among wqmen,
and is similar to the work done by the
Inasmuch Mission, Is sorely In need of
funds at the present time; It Is maintain
ed solely by voluntary contributions, and
Its success is due to the untiring energy
of the founder, Mrs. Tracey.
Tho Story Tellers' League has con-
eluded its season's program of enter
tainments. Frankford
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mnckey, of
I.awndale, will have ns their guests over
this week-end Miss Lillian Umpstead, of
1S21 Thompson street, and Miss Marlon
Hoyer, of 1520 North 20th street. Invita
tions were Issued last week for a dinner
Saturday evening In honor of Miss Ump
stead nnd Miss Hoyer, when covera will
be laid for 20.
Mrs. William Johnson has returned
nfter a seven months' trip through Colon,
Cristobal, the Canal Zone and Panama.
Mrs. Johnson was formerly Miss Agnes
Canlleld, of 5112 Tacony street.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. M. Schaeffer,
of 4619 l.etlier street, announce the mar
riage of their daughter, Miss Sara B.
Schaeffer, to Mr. Harry E. Sarins, on
Saturday, May IB, at Elkton, Md.
Miss Florence Pretsch, of 156 Green lane,
entertained the members of the HI-SIx
Club at dinner nnd cards last night. White
daisies were combined effectively with
red roses In the decorations. The guesta
were Mrs. Benjamin Ferguson, Mrs, Jo
seph Yf. Kwlng, Mrs. Wllmer C. Dutttn.
Mies Betty Bardsley, Miss Betty Louwo
Dutton. Miss Naomi Blschoff, Miss Mar
garet Gallen and Mlsa Edna Smeader,
The annual strawberry and 'avvn festi
val of the Blenen Vereln ot Bethanlen Lu
theran. Church, the Rev. H. C, Schmleder,
pastor, will be held on Saturday after
noon and evening on the grounds of the
church, Martin and Bechln streets.
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