uhp mil, ii nmmmmmmmmm. EVENIKG LEDGBH PHIUADI3LPHIA WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, IDl'S: 3 I 1 STATE JEWELERS TOLD ( WMANULUIALLI BY THE PRESIDENT Ira D. Garman, Addressing Retail Association Con vention, Points Duty of Patriotic Americans in Trying Emergency of National Affairs. . DetesMes to the 10th nnntlnl convention of the Pennsylvania Retail Jewelers' As sociation In tlio Hotel Atlelpllla today ficafri n utrone rilca by their president. . -v tf-f-.MM , thl- nltlv flnlplt ? -irf u. uniiiiaii) vfc iw .-,,. - Councilman from the 45th Ward, to stanu fast on the war question and support (President Wilson In whatever courso ho may pursue, "N'cvcr In our lives has ..tnero been n moro trylnfr time for ui as business men and citizens," ho said. "Bc ' side 'standlnR at our post' we must all hang together as true Americans what ever omersency confronts us. lt us bo true to ourselves, to our Government and our President, and as we stand true wo can feel wo are Joins our part as loyal citizens. "President Wilson Is pursulnc the right course In our relations with the nnrrlnsr countries of Europe," he said, "and every member of this orsanliatlon and every other citizen of tho fnlted States should stand shoulder to shoulder behind him." Edward J Cattell, City Statistician, who represented Mayor BlankenburK, delivered an address of welcome. In which he de clared that great prosperity Is near at hend In this country following the end of thu European war, and predicted that the war would end befora autumn. When It Is over, he said, tho Vnlted States wilt haVe "0 per cent of tho wealth of the world and 90 per cent of the Initiative Tho terrible waste of wealth and man hood In Europe will leave us In control of tho commerce of tho world, ho said. The opening session was otherwise de voted to tho hearing of tho report by proxy of Secretary William Sutton, who Is seriously 111 at hla homo, and the treasurer, George S. Katz. Tho latter stated that unbuslness-llke competition and unfair price cutting had been stopped to a great extent through tho efforts of tho organization during the last jear. This aftornoon will begin the propagan da to creato a permanent and profitable business understanding with the Jobbers Tho first paper will be read by Colonel J.WArner Hutchlns, of this city, whose subject is "Business Klllclcncy." F. W'allis Armstrong will speak on "Local Advertising for Retailors." Louis Sickles, president of tho National Wholesale Jewelers' Association, will In troduce Important matters for debate In a paper on "The Wholesaler In His Rela tion to tho Retailer." Thomas J. Fern- ley will follow with a paper on "Price Maintenance," which Is expected to be of great Interest. Other papers will be read by Colonel John L. Shepherd nnd B. J. Doyle. The wives and daughters of the delc- ffates will be taken on an automobile tour of the city this afternoon. This evening the members and tho ladles will go to Willow Grovo Park. SUFFRAGE LEADER WELCOMED Mrs. J. D. Thomas to Bo Officially Greeted at Reception. Mrs. J. D. Thomas, president of the JKpman Suffrage Centre, will bo officially welcomed 10 tnis cuy aner a visit to California, at a formal reception which will bo held tonight nt 1123 Chestnut otreet, under the auspices of the society. An elaborate program has been arranged by Airs. A. M. Sweet, chairman of tho Entertainment Committee. A musical and dansant will concludo tho entertain ment. Mrs. Thomas, while In California, made a special study of political conditions, with special roferenco to tho part played by women in politics. THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, May M. For eastern Pennsylvania: Showers to night and. probably Thursday; cooler to night; moderate to fresh northwest to north winds. A secondary disturbance over Pennsyl vania is causing unsettled weather, al though the main rain area from the West has not reached the coast districts The Western rains have covered practically all of the Northern portion of the country from the Lake region and the Ohio basin westward to the Rocky Mountains, and extending- southward In the plains States to Central Texas. There Is very little clar sky reported from any part of the country this morning. The temperatures continue moderately high in tho central valleys and the cotton belt, and are un csaaonably low in Eastern Canada. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Obaerotloaa taken at S a. m. Eastern tin. lattrtaln. Veloo Sutton. Sa.m n't fall Wind, Ity. Weather. ltill.ni. TY. .. TO fifl (11 UW. l'J '!... Auantio uiy ... '" w ciiv S 10 Cloudv Ulamarck. N. Ro.ton. Mala k. N. D. 48 48 .. K . KYV .10 .NB .41 N .01 N .06 W ..'.o r. .58 .' .. NB .. S .. w .. s 15 Cloudy 12 cloudy 14 Cloudy SO Cloudy 16 Rain 4 Cloudy 12 Cloudy 18 Cloudy 28 Clear 22 Cloudy 4 Cloudy 4 P Cloudy 12 clear 14 Cloudy ID P.t'leudy Si Itafn 10 cloudy H Cloudy 4 clear U Cloudy 14 Cloudy 14 Cloudy I Itatn 8 Clear 14 Rain 10 Cloudy 4 Cloudy 8 Cloudy 15 P.Cloudy 24 Cloudy 4 Cloudy 4 Clear 4 Cloudy 4 P cloudy 6 Cloudy 6 Clear Buffalo, N. V. sa fiu 48 JS Chicago. UI Cleveland. O... . Denver, Col Uea Molnea. la.. Detroit, Mich, .. Duluth. Minn . Oalvtjton, Tex.., liairUbuur. fa., Hatleraa, N. C. Helena, Mont,.., 52 1 M Ml no os so so as 78 TS 112 It! 72 62 4H 41 w B nitron, d. i. ... Jacksonville, Fla, 60 bO Til .oa Sff Kanaaa city. Mo. 02 62 Ivl.vl1l Ky .. U4 64 .34 E .34 SB .. S .. SW .. S .. N .. S .. S .. sw . w Memphis. Tenn,. 78 76 New Orleans.,, . 7ii 74 -Nw York M M N Platte, Neb., 2 .V Oklahoma. Ok... 72 70 Philadelphia so 118 Phoenix. Aria.... 60 60 Wttaburfb. Pa,.. 64 84 Portland. M J) 52 Portland, Ora, .. 50 Quebec. Can ... 4a 46 fit. louts. Mo.... S 64 St. Paul. Minn.. SO 60 gilt L.IM. Utah. 4H 46 Ban Fraoclico... M 54 Beranton. Pa ... to M ia .08 .10 NW ,50 8 .42 E ,20 K . aw .01 sw .. 6E .. 8 .. SB Tampa I? I Washington . ... J2 JtVtnuleeg ., , ,.54 33 Observations at Philadelphia. a A. M. j,Eiromter , sMmperatura feWInd .... Z0 SB 60 .South, 6 mllea ...... ...,.naln Traca IE llra raclpltatlon latt ii hours... HK timidity Puinlmum taracaratura ia a..........,.. fiI .Maximum temperature . . On the Pacific Coast Pin Vranclaco Weather, clear; fmn K tn mego. Wetther. cloudy; temp , 0 Almanac of the Day FUu HM .....7ISpm. hub iliei tomorrow 4 3 a.m ilcon ftll tomorrow 8. to a.m. Lamps to Be Lighted : Autos and other Tehlclea 7.3s p. m. The Tides t PORT RICHMOND. flaw ar .,,..,.., 6.1lp.m. Mft water lerowrow ...., , 42:10a, m. Sr ter tomorrow ,. 728a.m. CHB0TNWT PTB8HT WHABf. jiattr l . ... .... ,r (S 11 .68 p, m. ... 7ma.m. f I " 3 Ma 01 .. OttSa. qj. 6 07 p m 13 Jiu m. ... .3J,B, r water tomorrow IlEBDT ISLAND. Sk water vim toiaejTO watc tomwrew cat Vl W$ TRYN&To COMMeMTIcJG ON Tle RECENT SCTtOrJ oP rtl W jjll DECoe MOTHER. CCOrJrR.V C TrXlP OR. MOT ITALIAN VOLUNTEERS THRONG CONSULATE Young Reservist Who Was Stabbed in Quarrel With Aus trian Is Wined and Dined. Every hour brings forward a new hero In Littlo Italy In theso days of wartlmo excitement. Tho latest Is Mnrlo Cotel lessa, who led GO young Italians to tho consulato at 717 Spruce street today to mako plans for having himself and his fellow patriots sent home to Italy as soon an posslblo to take their places In the armies of tho Fatherland. Besides Cotellcsna, who lives at 1012 Salter street, thero were Joseph Pannun zio, 710 Catharine street; Mlchelo Tunsl, 1224 South 13th street; Donato Carpcn dlerl, 1110 South Sth street, and Ott.avlo D'Angelantonlo, 023 Annln street. The last-named has been a popular Idol In the downtoun colony ever since he was stabbed in the arm at 7th and Chest nut streets on Sunday night, when an Austrian with whom ho was arguing pull ed a knife and slashed D'Angelantonlo In the arm. In splto of his wound (this -nns the first blood split for Italy In Philadelphia since tho wnr began) D'Angelantonlo, unarmed, throw tho Austrian Into the gutter. In honor of the young reservist a ban quet was Riven last night at Talumbo's, tho restaurant which has been tho centre of so many celebrations In tho last few days, and D'Angelantonlo had to drink many glassc? of chlantl nnd show his wound to dozens of admiring residents of tho district. Tho reservits who went to tho con sulate were told thnt ns yet no arrange ments had been made by tho Iltalinn Gov ernment otner than those which obtain In times of peace, when tho consulnto la willing to send reservists who wish to complete their tlmo In tho army home to Italy at half-fare, namely, $23. As thero hnj been no official call for volunteers from Itomn ns yet, tho consulate has no authority to provide cheaper passage. Prof. Vlnccnzo Dl Santo, n professor of romance languages In tho t'nlvcrslty of Pennsylvania, declared today ho was ready to Join the colors at a moment's notice and go to Italv to light Mr Dl Santo volunteered two wcek ago, nnd yesterday visited the Italian Consulato to discuss with the Cavallere Poccardl, Italian Consul In Philadelphia, tho probable number of Italians wno would leavo this cltyt to enlist. Tho colony downtown gavo vent to enthusiasm laBt night over tho Italian successes In the capture of five small townB on the way to Trieste, Veterans of tho wars for liberation from the Aus trian yoke. Garibaldi men, put on their old uniforms and marched about the streets and were cheered whenever they appeared. There was a parade with a band, and tho Italian and American flags were car ried through tho streets side by side. The shipping offlces were kept busy an swering the questions of reservists today. Most of them wanted to take passage on the Taormlna, which sails from New York for Naples on May 31. STUDENTS GIVEN DIPLOMAS Commencement Exercises Today at Misses Shipley's School. Prof. Clarence' G. Child, of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, delivered an nddrcss on "The Folk Tale In Literature" before the graduating class of the Misses Ship, ley's School, Bryn Mawr, at the com mencement exercises today. Diplomas were awarded to Frances Gar rett nrannon, Rosemont, Pa.! Gertrude Hobs Brodhead, Parkesburg, Pa.; Eleanor Valentine Coverly, Troy, N. Y.; Morlbah Croft Delaplalne, Merlon, Pa.i rtuth Driver. Santa Barbara, Cal.; Elizabeth Douglas Fuller, New York; Dorothy Gage, San Antonio, Texas; Gertrude James Hearne, Wayne, Pa,; Janet Farrjuhar Mc Keever. Santa Fe, N. M. . Margaret Elea nora Itushton, Wynnewood, Pa.; Annette Stiles, Fltchburg, Mass.; Barah Colo Tay lor, Morganton, N. C, and Constance King Welter, Newburgh, N. Y. IT is no accident that Uneeda Biscuit are al ways uniform in nourish ment, freshness, crispness and flavor. Great care in felection of material!, in mlxln?, in baking, la packing, nil tend to the urn fnrm nnniln.tlthathll f(2 mads Uneeda BUcui I the national loda " cracker. Hl Unooda Biscuit fM Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Alww &o for that Nam; LITTLE ITALY DISCUSSES DEVELOPMENTS IN THE PHILADELPHIA SECOND CITY OF EAST IN THE NUMBER OF BABIES WHO DIE In Whole Country it Is Surpassed Only by Chicago and Baltimore. Neio York and Montclair, N. J., Have Remarkably Loio Infant Death Rates. Philadelphia Is prominent nmong tho cities In tho number of babies who die. Nearly B00O died last 5 ear within tho city limits, nnd many of theso wee mites of humanity could have been saved If the mothers had known how to take euro of them during tho first scar of their lives. Only two cities exceeded Philadelphia last year In tho Infant death rate, and they wero Chicago and Baltimore. Tho deaths per 1003 In Chicago wero 132.7, In Baltimore, lol 6, and In Philadelphia. 121.3. New York, that vortex of humanity, where ono would think a baby could not survive, showed tho lowest Infant mortality rata of all the largo cities, 04 C, out of eery 1000. Montclair, 2f. J had the lowest record of all, with only 3S deaths In every 1000 babies born In 1914. The secret of success In New York and Montclair lies In tho education of tho mothers, according td Albert Cross, secre tary of tho Chllrt Federation, of this cltv The Board of Health of tho New Jersey town, which has gained nn enviable rep utation thicush ltu model snnltnry regula tions, maintains a 'baby clinic. New York, to ovcrcomo tho handicap of congestion, from which tho emaller town is free. Is spending money. "A determined effort has been made In New York for the last raven or eight ears to check the Infant death rates," &ald Mr. Cross. "This city will have to do the some If It wishes to save Its babies New York has tho best organized division of child hygiene In tho country and has expended hundreds of thousands of dol lars In the scientific education or mothers and In having puro milk laws enforced. Ono would naturally expect that a city like New York would have an enormous Infant death rate Only tho measures being used to combat the evil prevent this. Even tho congested districts, such ns Manhattan, show surprisingly low death rates. "The solution of the question tests on tho knowlcdco which mothers havo o MERCY HOSPITAL FUND NOW OVER $100,000 MARK Workers in $200,000 Campaign En couraged and Confident. Ine parish teams engaged In tho work of collecting ?200,W)0 for thn Mercy Hos pital In West Philadelphia started out to day confident that they would keep up the 110,000-a-dny pace they havo been aer aglng this week. The half-way mark has been comfortably passed, the total marked on the big "clocks at the head quarters, 18th and Haca streets, and at the Phllopatrlan Club, Is now $104,715.28. The amount collected yesterday was 19714.05. Tho Cathedral team, captained by William J, Shields and Miss Mary Mc Caffrey, marched Into tho campaign sup per with tho record for tho dny, $2517 25. Our Mother of Sorrows parish was second with $1693.25, and Our Lady of Lourdes was third with $1652. Other parishes among the leaders were Our Lady of Mercy, $1075.25; Our Mother of Consolation. $879 65; St. Teresa's, $449.25; Our Lady of Victory, $441; St. Phllomena'o of Lansdowne, $131, Our Lady of the rtosarv. $372: St. Margaret's, Narberth, $300, and St. Thomas Aquinas, $177 50, Announcement has been made that "The Friend" who pledged $1000 on the night of the opening of the campaign was tho late Thomas P. Hunter, who died yester day. Two $1000 contributions were made yesterday by Mrs. Edward B. Schmidt, of Radnor, and a member of Our Mother of Sorrows parish. Senator McNlchol and Joseph McLaughlin gave $500 each. John C. Sullivan gave $350 and E. J. Dumee and Joseph F. Gallagher, $250 each. Camden Lets Jitneys Alone The Committee on Licenses and Ordi nances of the Camden City Councils has decided to place no tax on jitneys and to refrain from Interfering with the new service In the belief that It will regulate Itself In the courso of time. M $ 5.00 ens, What part of an oxford "gives out" first? Its shape! The shape - retaining quality of ours is one of our strongest assets, SteftferaPaffi Vw. 1 420 Chestnut St. "Wbr Only to Best la Good Enough." Infant Death Rate Per 1000 in 1914 Itnltlmnre 1B1 2 Chlrirt 132 7 IMillnclcliilila 1S1-3 (Ic-'Un-l HO.- I'lttnbu.-gh US 2 llnston 1037 St. Louis 103.1 New York t " Jtontelalr, N, J 3S 0 tho care of their babies. Tho only way to educate them Is to spend money. The only work of this kind now being done In tho city Is through private agencies, such as tho Child Federation, but things look promising for a municipal division of child hygiene." "Montclair considers the health of Its babies of more Importanco than the con servation of Its hogs and horBes," said Dr. Elizabeth Mcrcells, head of the baby clinic in Montclair. ".Money put Into tho scientific care of babies produces more deslrablo results than appropriations ror checking tho spread of hog cholera and breeding better strains of animals. "Nothing Is so worth while saving ns a baby," he continued "Ono adequate law which guaranteed absolutely pure milk for babies nil over the country would do more to safeguard our future ns a nation than a docn new battleships." Doctor Mercells' Mrst rule for tho.' baby's health is nroDer feeding, Blnce a baby's stomach Is the most Important part of hla anatomy. Puro milk In proper quan tities Is the text from which the baby clinic's Instructors preach. Next comes cleanliness. Tho other rules are import ant: warmth, regularity In the baby's life, dallv exercise for the mother, cud- n I dllng. etc hut pure milk and cleanliness f ' aro thn foremost. Whitman Retains Commission ALBANY, N. V., May 26. Governor Whitman today vefused to remove from offlco tho Public Service Commission, headed by Edward E. McCall, on charges of misconduct The Governor said that tho personal integrity of the commls5lon crB against whom charges were Hied has not been Impugned. 5?&10? Crackers At school recess : Between bells, a swift came of tag, a package of Graham Crackers young brain and body refreshed for the remainder of the session. Just as good for grown-ups. Bay biicuit baked by NATIONAL' BISCUIT COMPANY Alwayi look for that Name rT 7- WPCS " iriL fh ORAHAM WAR NEWS BOMB SUSPECT TO ENLIST Magistrate Says Accused Man Will Bo Welcomed 5n Italian Army. "Tho war should welcomo such a spe cialist In high explosives," paid Magis tral Ilaggerty today when NIcholns Baronl, of 123.1 Catharine street, who was arraigned ns tho mnn who left a bomb on tho front doorstep of Vincent Tot rozelll, 121.1 South ltth street, two weeks ago, Bnld he wanted to go to the war. Tho evidence that Baronl had tired the bomb was not convincing enough to offer grounds for holding him further. Magis trate Hnggerty breathed relief when Baronl mentioned his liking for servlco In a foreign army. "I'll tako ou up to tho Italian con sul and you can enlist right away," ho said. i 'Si'TrrfBTnT M&Piy Social Tea Biscuit are so light and delicious that they tempt the appetite and make a welcome accompaniment to luncheon, dessert or dinner. Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Oriental and Domestic Rugs and carpots drv clfonsd, ecnured and re paired at cry low prices. Ituca stored for per cent, of your own valuation. Eatl mates free. Call Walnut 000, BAKALIAN BROS. S. E. Corner 10th & Chestnut ItOO.M 3t hZjHJIfRn s 1 HJUllfM uT a "825 A PHILADELPHIA newspaper, noted for its upholding tAJProhibition' has th5s to say. editorially, of the FACTS VERSUS FALLACIES articles appearing every Wednesday and Saturday: "PERTAIN features, it will be admitted, show a marked improvement. The matter is written in better vein and in a better tone than usually put forth. ... It is duly signed by the organization responsible for it. The argu mentative purpose is well sustained." pROM the beginning these articles have been pleas for x Temperance in eating, thinking, speaking, as well as drinking ; and we feel that the editorial commendation ac corded this series is deserved. TT is a FALLACY to suppose that the word Intemperate -1 is applied solely to the person who over indulges in al coholic stimulants. It is a FACT that intemperate eating, thinking and speaking has much to do with the misery in the world. Philadelphia Lager Beer Brewers' Association The next article will t3 31 M'"l-k' iET7TiTnr,H. ; rronnnrni WHITE GIRL WANTS TO MARRY CHINAMAN Employe of Prosperous Laun dryman of Oak Lane Has Him Arrested. Harry Tom, a. Chinaman, tvho has made so tmiiti money laundering the collars and shirts of Oak Lane residents that ho rides about In his own automobile, owns property nnd employs whlto folk to work for him, had a hearing to day In City Hall on a charBO brought by Miss Mary Crock, a young woman of Coatesvllle, whom he employed. Ml Ct'ock, a pretty Rlrl, 29 years old, left her homo In Coatesvllle, Pa., to seek employment In this city a. year ano. She found It In a laundry In Philadelphia, Harry Tom drovo up to the door of this laundry ono day In his auto and visited tho proprietor. Ho went Into tho work rooms nnd looked at tho American girls buiy at the Ironlnc boards. Ho took Mary Crock In his auto out to see his own shop nt C07 Oak lane, Oak Lane, and offered her work there. She decided to accept employment there nnd It nppearcd that shs was provided with lodBlngs. This was three months nco. There was another girl employed there. Last night Harry Tom was arrested at his homo. A warrant had been sworn mvnn stkasitioats THOMAS CLYDE FAMILY EXCURSION STEAMER TO AUGUSTINE BEACH Three Special Excursions Saturday, May SB! Decoration Day, May 30 Monday, Mur 31 Faro Round Trip, 80c; Children, B to 10, 23c. Dancln Music on Boat and nach Now booltlni- MnontlBht and Combination Dentin Excursions. Boat Leaves Arch fit Wharf 8 80 A. M. JAMES n. OTIS, Mgr.. 3 Arch 8t. Mithaivaka Woolen Mfg. Co, W ' 4SF ill ?ltfe ill ilill What a difference an L. B. card ledger makes ! The Mishawaka Woolen Manufacturing Co., of Mishawaka, Ind., is going through the pleasant experience of a steadily increasing btlsiness. As its business grew, so, until recently, did the bookkeeper's row of ledgers and it finally exceeded fifty volumes. When one of these was being used by the accounting, credit or sales force, about a thousand accounts were tied up. This inter fered a great deal with the office work, and resulted in much lost time. Now they have a Library Bureau card ledger 1 What a difference it makes 1 lore Ivork done in half the time, Ivith less effort. We'll be glad to show you what an L. B. card ledger will do for you. It simplifies account keeping, cuts out lost motion and makes work easy for the whole office force. Catalog free. Library Bureau Manufacturing distributors of Card and filing systems. Unit cabinets In wood and sir. el, M. W. MONTGOMERY, ManaBer 910 Chestnut St., Philadelphia fefm'M Facts Versus Fallacies FACT ts a real state of things. FALLACY is an appar ently genuine but really illogical statement or argument. 'pHE praise given in the above editorial is all the more welcome because, coming from an antagonist it has double force; and proves that the purpose of these articles Temperance is being felt, 'pHESE articles constitute a brief for True Temperance. They are planned and written in a temperate spirit to disprove the FALLACIES foisted by the Prohibition ists, and which, through publicity, gained wide credence. By opposing, through equal publicity, these FALLACIES with FACTS the thinking public has realized that the temperate use of, alcoholic stimulants has never worked harm to a nation or to an individual. appear Saturday, May 21th) oui oy inary vrocx at ritv wii m. i declared he had promised to marry h.TI Uu, u i M, MTCa nim that iheir marriage be not delayed lnn.f. v T. fused. Ho spent the night In n, oU wA M was brought to City Hall this morning 1 Tom was held under MM hull e-P' further henrlne Juno 9. The girl said sh i was wining 10 marry mm at once, but! consent of her parents, because she . under age, " In regard to the question of marrlsa Tom was reticent and erfused to Ray what" ho would do. when It was explained In 1 him that If tho girl's storv i.. ,1.11 to bo truo ho would face punishment ( 1 "How Stupid Attendants Often Lose- n Contest for Boxers," by William H. Ro cap. Hero aro Bomo vest pocket rules for the cornor coach from tho oxperienco of ono of tho best known and most successful referees in rinjr history. Read Rocap's article in next Sunday's Sports Magazine PUBLIC LEDGER 1 Jkfl IF ErVCT5.v.C; FALLACIES" TEACHES TEMPERANCE IN ALL Jx THING511 d?(fe iiifil TlLfliff f. 4' 'IS III aiu tipowrrsw ajt wtwt . .