EVENING LEDaBRPHlLADELPHIA TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1915. 0 S30AL : ehS ( "" Xi Y I I H a 1' VVX 1 V 7 l ' I Tim l -S I H I 1 mra- , .i4tih 1 Uftt.t.t A a e rt. iiflrBS. uaviu x-.. ................ . ,.- ijyl ielgh, Bain, will have a Harden day ttl. ... Afternoon. Lunfcheon and tea 111 be served Informally. No cards havo Mn nt mu- Tha marrlase or Miss KeBenln Clracss Ifti.rernore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Iti.nry Itandall uaremorc, 01 ujisbi nnti tV.fffifiion streets, will be solemnized on iffiSi Juno 12. nt 8" o'clock. In Christ fSJe'ts. t" Ju,1& Clttrk Whlttlmorc, of IFmim Ua'rcmoro will be ntlemled by her tSwAs matron of honor, and Miss Mar ..ret Faulkner, of Oermantown, ns maid lit honor. Miss Margaret i, .miss uor- Bll?.'i..inn. and Miss Jane Whlttlmorc, i'tUter of the bridegroom, will be brides- K6a large reception will follow at the 1 IPS. - 11.. hrictn'n nnrents. On Monday. M??.!! Atm. Barcmorc will entertain at ifwheo'n In ' honor of tho bridal parly, llftS on Friday. June 4. Miss Margaret Bind on lfi will entertain at bridge- In honor of AM. Baremore nnd tho bridal party. Aim Baremore will also be a few additional LTHero JVaite Whlttlmorc will give his fare t..lt dinner to his best man nnd ushers ?5'La.. '.'..' Im limn 11. In Min n..Ifi- ! (ii Friday :..".. ;TM-8tratford. Ktln Elizabeth C. Lewis, of 133 South ' " . . Im.i rnlurnoil (mm n. visit rjlr. and Mrs. Frederick Chcsebrough. si? Mlllbrook, N. Y. Mrs. Chesobrough ! .lD . .1 I,-...! nn Ml. HtdnpV lUathews. her father being Mr. Edward 'Mi hews of Tcssmore. the famous La fXTaite; mansion In Valley Forge, now oc- Wei by Mr. Philander u. ivnox. I i' Mr and Mrs. H. Lo Maltrc, of Merlon, '". --... .1,-' mmpr In California nnd if weeks on their ranch In Idnho. ... ... rvta nt 2lfi WjlBt Ponn Th6 jHlseca ii"bi "- - - 7, ;ti.r pntcrtalncd yesterday at n linen '"' e... u.r nf Miss Elizabeth H. prkr whoso engagement to tho Itev. Imncls N. Wcthcrlll was lately an- i iounced. .. a it, Alovnnilor Henry, of 7203 crMhelm road," havo leased a cottago In CM May, N. J., for tho summer. Mrs. h', nprnmnanled by Miss Evelyn ChtwV returned yesterday from a trip to Washington, u, ., u.ci om.vic. . ... .-a M v.. Earlo Johnson, of I20S Charlton street, havo taken a cot- two . ..,mmnr Vhlfh EWK at uay iicu" mi i ou......--. pMywIll occupy anpr juiiu i. I ... ,i it 'Frederick Slmonln, of ftui Willow Grove avenue, will motqr to losttyiburg, Pa., for several days this ' .. T..,r. Mnnrn fllmonln. of Navaboo fn4 liooreland avenues, Is at present tho pitt of her brother ana sisut-ui-iu... .Mr. and Mrs. Eugcno Bufflngton, of Eranston, III. Mrs. Slmonln will return this week and with Mr. Slmonln will , j cninninv nnd Sundni at Buck gHIU Falls In tho Pocono Mountains. ' i v.u .n,i "r.nn" nnrtv will bo given Fin Tuesday afternoon, Juno 1, at 2 o clock. ,t the homo of Mrs. Horace Burrell, 401 S'Oowen avenue, for tho benefit of woman ' m 111 1.a kawiiaiI fl 1 1 ft I tnA ; murage, ira win do ... ..- - " nnie. and those desiring to reserve tables i an do so by applying iu mi. " If. .. ii i.-- nni.nifln4niun wnmeii i?,iisy wcii-iiuvu v......vw.... -. f -... .ii iho nrroif ihnlr Dersonal sup- f port The committee In chnrgo Includes lllin. William Albert Wood, chairman; Mrs. Charles Z. Klnuder, A11S3 cuepiieu IDtcalur Lirge, Mrs. Frank Robinson, .. t iF.hi. TJninn Mm. Frederick W. 'Ehfpar'd, Mrs. Horace Burrell. Klhe Germantown Boys Club, of West E.Peon street, has arranged lor a special ffTtrunc ot tree cnieriaiiiincin. m o.t o'clock on Thursday evening, Mny 27, In the auditorium. Tho special feature win t a stereoptlcon lecturo called "A Trip Through the World's Schoolhouse," which ll be delivered by Colonel W. U Ratder. 6-Mr. and Mrs. Frank It, Donahue, of iFIIher's lane, will give a small and In formal house dance on Thursday of this Miss Dorothy Hamlll. of the Blenheim, ijlll lave on Thursday, June 3, for Cali fornia to be gone all summer. Sho will Jlilt the Panama Exposition before re turning home. Mr. and MrB. !M. F. SteDonouch. of 2127 .Jtaa itreet, accompanied by their two hnthters, iMIss Kathleen McDonough ki Miss Asnes MoDonough, win leavo lh!l neek Inr- rtir.1nen whnrA thev Will Pn their cottage for the summer. tlKlMr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Slack, of 6512 J jjwtnor avenue, Atlantic City, formerly fi r nuaaelphla, announce tho engagement :" thslr daughter. Miss Marlorle Slack, to 'Jjr. Charles E. Itupp, son of Mr, and " JOhn K. Hupp, of 17 North New mpsaire avenue, Atlantic City. Chestnut Hill Mrs. 'Wllllom riflai nfmt. nt lvh iJWi 8tenton and Evergreen avenues. &lm IIln' wl" Siva a tea today at fjtlch the will bo assisted In receiving ijr MrB. Pope Yeatman, Mrs. Joseph C. ;. Mrs. jonn Kent Kane, airs. J. ii? '?y Paul' Slrs- Edward S. Dunn, Mrs. ,' Atlee Jackson, Mrs. Edward S. i-.uuni nu airs. Harris. VH: ?.n& Mra- Orlfflth will entertain In- nally at dinner tomorrow night Hri. James Baxter, of 110 Mt. Airy ave- by buno io waurornia. wnere one Mtl,y tor 8veral months as the eucst tt. ut Mitchell. fiMrt. Wfil. ir..n At- - Mr n t. SJ5 w give an Informal 4 o'clock tea EV,cn"aay for a few friends of Mrs. CriiiJi ' "" tiwo uccil mra. mail? aaw guest this last winter. Mrs. Ban ffljt IU leavo on Friday for tho Pan- . "Do.mon, and from thera will go fti& Philippines with her brother-ln-p5nd 1 (later, aiajor and Mra. nandolph Kiltli 2rkloy- Major Berkeley, of the SM States Marina Corps, will be sta 51 t tha PhlllDDlnes for soma time. I lnii, SnCroft w'11 vl8lt China, Japan and f nri11 bfora returning to this coun- Germantown and Mm Tinl.K. n...l.H tm Icll i, '"" """",' wuimu, Ui Ul fumiplke, are receiving congratula- ' "n ha birth, of a little daughter. m&h 8. M. Flelschman, of 324 East p ,, " raiicriainuiff jior n4iei lHii.-iT7""fl jacooson. or uammore, jor fiJld Mra ni,n..J ITT m.i.nBll H Vet Walnut lane, entertained a g w inenaa at dinner last Friday tf nd Mrs. A- Theodore Abbott will taeir new homa at 620 West street after June t lm a Roberts, of 50 Pomona $fU entertain at brldja on JW dllU kon tiny ntternoon, June 4, In honor of Mls Margaret Brndbury, whoso marriage lo Mr. Horace Cleaver will take place Juno 8. Mrs. Itoberts will bo remembered as Miss Edna Montgomery before her mar rlngo several years ago. Miss Laura E. Good, of Wayne avenue, will be in California throughout the sum mer months. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lloyd, of 232 Harvey street, are staying nt Werners vllle, Pa., for a short time. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Worrell Wngner. of Olpsy nnd School lanes, will go to Chel sea for tho month ot August. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Wurts Hnrman, of 3101 Mldvnle avenue, will occupy their cottago In Ventnor, N. J., after June 10. Mr. Arthur Ooodfcllow, of Detroit, bns returned lo his homo In Hint city after spending several weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ooodfellow, of School lane. Mr. nnd Mrs. James O. Lindsay, of West Walnut lane, announced the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Mildred Lindsay, to Mr. Harold Sinclair, ot New York. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold F. Dade, of 6020 Clreeno street, will give a dinner on Fri day evening at their home. Miss Emma Cahall, of ISt West Uiel ten avenue, will give a bridge party on Saturday, Juno 5, In honor of Miss Mar garet Bradbury and Mr. Horace Clcavor nnd their entire bridal party. Invitations havo been Issued for tho mnrrlano of Mlts Mabel N. Lea and Mr. Harry Wear Donald, of Germantown, on Saturday, May 23, at 4 o'clock, In tho Ashbourne Prnwbytcrian Church. Tho couple will be nt homo nftcr September 1, nt 130 Hnrrlson avenue, Olenslde. Along the Reading A musical will be given at the Old York Boad Country Club on Saturday, May , nt 8;13. Miss Emily Stokes linger will be the soprano. Tho rest of the program Js still being arranged and will bo announced later. Mrs. Howard F. Pent nnd her daughter, Miss Clementine Pent, of Wyncoto road, Jenklntown, will leave early In Juno for tho Pacific coast, where they will visit both the San Francisco nnd San Diego Expositions, and many other points of Interest. They will return to their homo about September L Friends of James L. Street, of Ash bourne, will be glad to hear that ho Is recovering from his recent accident. Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Dardcnelte, of Park avenue Oak Lane, have left for San FranclBCo. where they will remain until the end ot June. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry H. Shelp, of Oak Lane, have returned -to their 'homo after spending tho winter In Tampa. Fla. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Raff, of 1300 Oak lane avenue, nre receiving congratula tions on the birth of n son, Mny 12. Mrs. Irwin Gottshall, of 4913 North Camao Btreet, Logan, Is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Emanuel Moycr, of Coopers burg, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wllmsen, Jr., of Oak Lnnq Park, will leavo the latter part of tho week for their summer houso at Ventnor, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beatty, Jr., of Mrlroso Park, with the members of their brldgo club, motored to Egypt Mills, Pa., where they spent tho week-end. In tho party were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Aarons. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Weltzel, Mr. and Mrs. F. Lclghton Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. George Leldy Parker and Mr. and Mrs. H. Clay Dlngee, Jr. Invitations have been Issued by the faculty of the Beechwood Inn School at Jenklntown for the annual commence ment, to be hold on Thursday, May 27, at 10 o'clock. The following events will also be among the closing exercises of the school: Sunday at 10 o'clock the baccnlaureato sermon nnd at 6:15 In the evening Vespers. Yesterday was field day, starting at 9 o'clock In the morn ing and ending with a concert at 8 o'clock In the evening. Today, starting at 9 o'clock, there will be tournaments all morning; class-day exercises In the after noon, and n concert In tho evening: to morrow nt w o-ciock, mere win De preparatory graduation exercises; nt 2 o'clock In the afternoon an exhibit ot all the practical departments and a Young Women's Christian Association lawn fete, from 3 o'clock until 8; at B:30 the students will give Shakespeare's play, "As You Llko It," and In tha evening there will ba "Tha President's Recep tion." Many out-of-town guests will be present. Mrs. Thomas Huber, of Fort Washing ton, Pa., 'nas as her guest for some tlmt her niece. Mrs. Daniel Layton, of George town, Del, Mrs. Herbert K. Taylor, of Qedar road, Ogontz, has sent out Invitations for a on nn Kntnrrinv. Mav 29. at her home from 3 o'clock to 6 o'clock. West Philadelphia Sir. and Mrs. Louis H. Parke, of 4039 Spruce street, and their daughters. Miss Charlotte Parka and Miss Annette Parke, will leave early In June for Bay Head. N. J., where they will occupy their cot tage for tho summer. Miss Annette Parke will be a debutante next season. Mrs. J. W, Armltage, of 107 South Ruby street, spent the week-end with friends In Washington, D. C. MJSS NETTIE COHEN Whose marriage to Mr. Samuel Kllgman, Jr.. will take place on Thursday. Mis? Cohen, ft will be femembered, had the honor of winning a prize as one of the best TooWng girls in Southward BBBBBBBBBBK ,Y S tSBBBBsV Soak. t-aSfflP ft C3T EX i!iMfitfsT li - - -'& MISS BLANCHE O. BLANDFORD Whoso marringo to Mr. Albert Hill will tnko placu on Tuesday, .Tunc 1, nt the Church of tho Atonement, 47th street nnd Kingsessing nvenuo nt 8 o'clock. South Philadelphia Joseph Cohen, 619 Tnsker street, left for Atlantic City yesterday. Ho was tho guest of honor nt a InrBo staff din ner In the evening, given by Harry Blum berg, ot Atlantic City, In one of tho largo Boardwalk hotels. Charles Gutzclt, "th and Mifflin streets, left today for Trenton, N. J., whero ho will bo the guest of hlB brother for sev eral days. Abram Welnsteln gave a "freedom party" at his home, 6th and Wolf streets, last night. Dr. Charles Kcllmnn, southwest corner of Bth nnd Wharton stroets, will open his new homo at 001 North Franklin street next Monday, with a reception for the many friends ho has mado In this section of tho city. Mrs. John Guertlor. 2131 South Opal street, gave a red, whlto and blue lunch eon to the Ladles' Bible Class of St. Luke's Methodist Kplsconal Church or Thursday evening. The guests weroi Tho Rov. and Mrs. William Bamford. Mr. and Mrs. Coxe. Mrs. Hartzell. Mrs. Charles Begley, Mrs. Charles Westcnbcrger, Mrs. 'Millard, Mrs. Itoache, Mrs. Thcodoro Seidell. Mrs. Kershaw; Mrs. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Parson. Mr. and Mrs. F. Kclley, Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Harry It. Heynolds, Mrs. Meattle, Mrs. Stovcnson, Mrs. Har ris, Mrs. Morgan. Mrs. Llp9ick, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Ball, Mrs. G. Caralne, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Frank Tuft, Miss Mnud Barke, Miss Clymer, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Banks. Mrs. Burton, Mrs. Orr and Mrs. Henry Morrow. FTlends of Mr. Thomas I. Cliadwlck, of 243) Fltzwater street, will be glad to learn that ho has recovered from his recent Illness. Tho members of the Qui Vivo Club will entertain this evening In tho Corley Club, 11th nnd Jnckson streets. The guests played euchre and "SCO," and general danc ing followed. The attractive Bummer home of the club at Laurel Springs, N. J., will ba opened on Memorial Day nnd n cordial Invitation to all members and friends of tha club Is extended by the officers, who nra as follows: Miss Marie Jackson, president; Miss Mario Hogan, vlco president; Miss Margaret Keenan, secretary, and Miss Mario Kevins, treas urer. The first annual reception of St. Mon ica's Guild will be held tomorrow eve ning at McCrea's. for which cards havo been Issued to all tho members. Tho club, whlrti met with Instant favor on Its organization about a yenr ago, has stead ily increased In membership and bids fair to be one of the most popular girls' clubs In South Philadelphia, since It has filled a long-felt need. Miss Mary Welnsteln and Miss Yetta Welnsteln, 2239 South Darlen street, motored to tho Delaware Water Gap, whero they spent tha week-end. Mrs. Paul Wlnthrob, 1343 South 6th street, will open her summer homo nt Willow Grove tomorrow. Sho will remain there until September. Mr, Edward Kadne, 713 nttner street, will start Thursday on a motoring trip to Now York and Saratoga Springs. Ho will ba accompanied by Mr. Jacob Weln steln. They will be away two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. David Kosmlth, 637 Wharton street, have bought a farm In the neighborhood of Doylestown, Pa., where they will spend the summer. Frankford Miss Mary WlUon, of Lelper street, will entertain the members of her card club tomorrow, There will be 18 guests. Miss Vera Walllngford, of Harrison street, will entertain this afternoon at luncheon and cards In honor of her coufln, Miss Jane Duryea, of Olney, whose engagement has recently been an nounced to William J. Mooney, of Mt. Airy. Mlas Walllngford's guests will In clude Miss Marie Wells. Miss Florence Bradford. Miss Martha Beal, Miss Oert rude McCormlck. Miss Iteba Bruce, Miss Florence Paul!, Miss Jane Duncan, Miss Ethel Schull, Miss Margaret Butt, Miss Pauline A, Clarke, Miss Frances Fuller and Mlas Rose Bloxom. Captain and Mrs. William Carroll, of 2606 Ithawn street, will entertain at din ner and cards this evening In honor of their guest, Mrs. Hen,ry Garant. of Chat tanooga. Tenn. Their guesta will Include Mr. and Mrs. William J, Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCormlck, Mr. and Mrs Arthur McCaron, Mr. and Mrs, James Parker, Mr. and Mra. Martin Flak, Miss Margaret Call, Miss Florence Freas, Harry Maxwell, Albert M, Lester and John V. Cully. Mrs. Garant will leave Thursday for Atlantic City, where she will remain two weeks'. Mrs. K. C. Clifford Smith, of 6823 Tor resdale avenue, will be hoatess this eve ning at a novelty party. Thero will be 20 guests. A euchre will ba given In the school hall of St Dominic's Church tomorrow evening. The affair will be In charge of Miss Mary Carpon, Miss SaUle Lom bard and Miss Alice Corley. North Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bonnom, of 2121 North 10th street, Announce tho en gagement of their daughter. Miss Jcnn netto l.oeb Bonncm, to Mr. Joseph Fcld mnn, of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Justin Paul Altmnn nnd family, of 1M9 Oxford Btreet, will leave early In Juno for Atlantic City, where they will occupy their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. S. Brnman, of 1817 North 33d street, announco tho engagement ot their daughter, Miss Anna Brnman, to Mr. Isadora M. Smolcn, of Philadelphia. Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaac I Nowmnn, of 130.1 North 13th street, held an Informal re ception on Wednesday afternoon in honor of tho confirmation of their daughter, Miss rtuth Newman. Miss Lillian Hcler nnd Miss Mattel Belcr, of 12th street nnd Girard avenue, cntcrtnlncd tho members of their "fiOO" club nt luncheon nnd cards yesterday. This was the final gnmo for the season. Mrs. E. Howell Smith, of 16:B Diamond stroct, will cntertnin nt cards tomorrow afternoon nt tho Illttenhouse. "500" will be played nnd will be followed by a buf fet luncheon. The guesta will bo Mra. Nelson Perry. .Miss Mlrlnm Hill. Miss Mary Bennett, Miss Mnry Clawson, Mlsa Edith Mullln. MIsh Mnry Christian, Mlsa H-lcn Possehl, Miss Minnie Endlcott, Mrs. George PCrklnH, Mrs, Itobcrt Pier point, Miss Jessie Dlttrlch, Miss Grace Habcrmchl, Miss Kathnrlno Turner, Miss Marian Hallowell, Miss Margaret White side, Miss Florcnco Whiteside nnd Mrs. Norman Harker. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mark Elkln, of Diamond and 32d streets, will spend tho summer months nt Chelsea. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Blgley, of lt20 North Wllllngton street, nro being congratulated on tho birth Of n son on Saturday, May 15. An Informal danco was held on Sun day night by the alumni of tho Sabbath school of the Keneseth Israel Syna (jrpuc. This was one of n eerie' of social gatherings that has thus far proven highly successful. The danco took place In tho Alumni Building, Broad stroct nbovo Columbia avenue. Miss Louranln Vnndegrlft will enter tnln nt luncheon and bridge tomorrow afternoon In honor of Miss Mnrgarct Frances Whiteside, whose marriage to Mr. Albert Vernon Smith will take place the following week. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kreashen. of 131!i North !3d street, entertnlned on Fri day evening In honor of their dnughter. Miss Jennie-- Elizabeth Kreashem. Tho house mis beaut. fully decorated with ferntf nnd smllax. Delaware County Mr. and Mrs. George S. Shlmer, of Milton, havo issued cards announcing the engagement of their daughter. Miss Miriam Shlmer, to Mr, Raymond Hem minger, of Media. Mr. and Mrs. G. Howard Shrlver. of Baltimore avenue, havo ns their guest Miss Eleanor Garde, of Canton, O., for merly of Philadelphia. Miss Garde Is being extensively entertained during her visit here by her Philadelphia friends and expects to return to her home about tha first week In June. w w. A PRETTY wedding will take place to day at 13 noon In the Church ot the Good Shepherd, Rosemont, when Miss Helen Lewis Parker, daughter of Mr. Alexis du Pont Parker, of Denver, Col.. will become the bride of Dr. Harry Bond Wllmer. The ceremony will be performed by tha Rev. William Lewis, of Poekskill, N. Y., a cousin of the bride, assisted by tho Rev. Charles Townsend, rector of the church. A wedding breakfast will follow Imme diately at tha home of the bride's slater, Mrs. Reginald Morris, Wake Robin, In Vlllanova. The bride, who will be given In marriage by toer father, will wear a gown of cream-color corded silk, with a tulle oversklrt, embroidered In silver. A court train will fall from the shoulders, and her veil will have a crown of duchess lace, fastened with orange blos soms. The bridal bouquet will be of Ward roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Reginald Morris will attend her sister as matron of honor and will be gowned In pale blue taffeta with an over skirt of tulle embroidered In silver. She Notlcei for th Society pais will be accepted and printed In the Uytnlnr Ledcer, but all such notices null be written on one side ot tha paper, must be alsncd la full, with full addre, and whtn poiilblo telephone number must bo gUen. Send all audi ommunlcatloni to "8ocIetr Editor," Ereulng Ledcer, 08 Chcttnut trt. Ualcaa the requlrtmtot are rarrltd out so that vcrLBcatloa may be powlbU, the notices will not be published. I r Lansdowne At the Twentieth Century Club tonight a danco will be given In aid of the now Mlserlcordln Hospital to be erected In WVst Philadelphia. The hall has been elaborately decorated and specialty dances wilt bo given during the evening by Mlsa Elizabeth Loughney and Mr, Standley Hope. The patronesses aro Mrs. Thomas Cultlhan, chairman; Mrs. Thomas t,ov, Mrs, Isaac Adlcr, Mrs. Thomas Fitzger ald, Mrs. Louis Meyers, Mrs. Frederick Leopold, Miss Ella Itudolph, Miss Marion Peterson, Miss Kiln Ityan, Miss Agnes Hynn and Miss Charlotte King. A dellnhtful reception nnd dinner will bo held this evening by the Brotherhood I Blblo Class of tho Mothodlst Episcopal Church In the rooms of the City Club. Mr. J. Frank Deschnnts will be the prin cipal speaker, and an address will be given by Mr. Jennlngn Hood, president of tho class. Among those who will be present arc Mr. John W. Zelgler, Mr. J. W Cnmac, Mr. Edward neld, Mr. J. Lynn Barnard, Mr. Harry U. Parkinson, tho Bcv. Barton Masters and Mr. O. B. Bupor. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Krumboldt, of 7 South Church lane, nro receiving con gratulations on the birth of a son. Mrs ,T Llddnn Pcnnock has resigned ns recording secretary of tho Twentieth Century Club, nnd Mrs. Robert W. Glck has been appointed to fill the vacancy. The Lansdowne Mothers In Council will mct nt the homo of Mrs. Cnrroll Llppln colt, of Hill Dale road, tomorrow after noon. As this Is the Inat meeting ot the season, annual reports will be read and the election of officers for next year will lako place. A musical and social hour will follow. Mrs. Horry U Parkinson, Miss Grace Llpplncott and Miss Laura Willis will give vocal selections and Mrs. Alfred Bnleh will give several piano solos. Mrs. Matthew H. Oyer, of South Lans downe avenue, was elected president of the Faculty Tea Club of the University of Pennsylvania. The other officers rlccted were: First vice president, Mrs. Edgar Marburg; second vice president, Mrs. Samuel F. Houston; recording sec retary, Mrs. James T. Young; correspond ing sccretnry, Mrs. Howard II. Mltcholl; treasurer, Mrs. Henry 1C. Pnncoast; direc tors, Mrs. Alexander C. Abbott, Mrs. John Stokes Adams, Mrs. J. P. W. Crawford, Mrs. Itobcrt II. Fcrnnld, Mrs. Barton Cooko Hirst, Mrs. Warren P. Laird, Mrs. .Inhn Bach McJfnstcr and Mrs. Allen J. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean, of East Greenwood nvenue, havo left for an ex tended trip to tho Pacific coast. Tioga The Ladles' Aid Society of the Evan gelical Lutheran Church of tho Nntlvlty will glvo a strawberry festival and clip ping party on Thursday night In the lec turo nudltorlum. The entertainment will bo In charge of Mrs. I. Chantry Hoffman, president; Sirs. Gustavo Schnctzle, vice president; Mrs. George Ulrlch, secretary; Mrs. J. Prlco Moyer, Jr., flnanclnl secre tary; Mrs. H. N. Ely, corresponding sec retary; Mrs, Oscar C. Schmidt, trensurcr; Mrs. Walter A. Knnls, Mra. Berges. Mrs. W. S. Mumma. Mrs. W. Norgan. .Mrs. Walter K. Hoyer, Mrs. James Snyder. Mrs. Von der Krone, Mrs. John W. Martin. Mrs. Charles F. Spless, Mrs. John L. Hubert. Mrs. Philip Butchert, Mrs. Gcorgo Bnckmlrc, Mrs. Charles Gleso, Mis. Bergstrcsser and Mrs. Harry Boyer. Miss Amelia M. Abrnhnmson, of 3216 North 13th street, Is spending some tlmo In Chicago, III. Mr. nnd Mrs. Abraham L. Ashor, of 1SCN1 West Erlo avenue, aro receiving con gratulations on the birth of a daughter, Miss Elaine Fllco, on May 13. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goldsmith nnd their daughters, of 1501 Alleheny avenue, will pass the summer In Haverford. Northeast Philadelphia Mrs. Louis Rlngold, of 3030 Frankford, avenue, will entertain at "600" followed by a luncheon on Thursday. Thoso present will ba Miss Lena Lutzner. Miss Cecelia Lutzner, Miss Reba Rlngold. Miss Esther Cohen, Miss Lena Lazaroff, Miss Bess Lutzner. Miss Mollle Jacobs, Miss Annn Epstein, Miss Mollle Goldberg. Mrs. S. S. Rlngold, Mrs. Louis Rlngold, Miss Bessie Bcgnell and Miss Pauline Rosenthal. A meeting of tho Daisy Social will be held at the home of Mr. Alan Ludwig, at 2001 East Cumberland street, on Thurs day. Camden and Vicinity Mrs. Joseph Bowden, of Kansas City, Mo., Is the guest of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. S. Carlln, of North 3d street. They will spend next month nt Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs. John Ake. who recently returned from a winter's Btny in Flor ida, havo been entertaining relatives from their old home at Glen Campbell, Pa. Mrs. Mary Campoeil Keene has rented a cottage at Chelsea for the season, which she and her daughter will occupy. Mrs. Keene's engagement to Mr. Collin, of St. Davids, Pa., has been announced. Judge nnd Mrs. W. C. French and their children have closed their home on Linden street and have gone to their farm nenr Port Republic will wear a black hat and carry an arm bouquet of white peonlea. iJoctor Wllmer will have as best man hla brother, Mr. V. H. Wllmer. and the ushers will Include Mr. Perry Wllmer, Mr. Howard Wood, brother-in-law of the bridegroom; Mr. Isaac Pennypacker, of Ardmore; Mr. Edward Ingersoll, of Pen lyn; Dr. Alexander Randall, of Philadel phia; Dr. Peter McCall Keating. Mr. Lloyd Tllghman Emory, Mr. C. W, Til. linghast Barker, of Troy, N. Y. After an extended wedding trip Dr. and Mrs. Wllmer will reside at 6019 Germantown avenue until July 1, when they will oc cupy their pew house at 138 West Walnut lane. RESNJCK-SCHBCHTEL. Announcement Is made ot the marriage ot Miss Minerva Schechtel and Mr. Ber nard Resnlck on Sunday, May 23. The bride was attended by Miss Sadie Schech tel. as maid of honor; Mlsa Rose Res nlck, Mlsa Florence Schechtel. Mlsa Clara Schechtel. Miss Sara Harria, ot New York, and Mlas Serena Nerf, of Chicago. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. N. Hawthorne Harris, of New York, and the ushers Included Mr. Edward Taxln, of Newark: Mr. A. Brody, of Chicago; Mr, Samuel Levlck, of New York; Mr. Samuel Zetf, Mr, Joseph Glaaman, Mr Emmanuel Newhofr, Mr. Henry Kolaky and Mr. Ralph Shalef. On their return from thalr wedding trip to the Panama Exposition Mr- and Mra. Rasnlclc will occupy their new home, tH North Mb. street. dir'tM ' L JmrSt r rll-t3St ii fciv THH annual spring fesllvnl In aid of the Baptist Home, Norrls and 17th streets, will be held today In tho homo and on tho very attractive grounds thnt sur round It There will be two Interesting mualeales nnd literary rnlcrtalnmonts, one nt 3:15 and the other S:1S o'clock. The artists on the first program will be Miss Azalea Hawkins, soprano soloist; Mr. Lesher Peachln, violinist; Miss Gertrude Moore, accompanist, and Miss Mary Mc Nulty, reader. Tho evening program will include the following well-known enter tainers. Miss Naomi Leldy, soprano solo ist, Mr. Arthur Sherwood, tenor sololAt; Miss Mary Phylona Jeffcrls, plnnlst, and Miss Florcnco Frctz, reader and Imper sonator. Tho committee In charge of the feto Is composed of representatives from tho Baptist churches In the city nnd Stnto nnd Includes Mrs. J. Crnlg, Mrs. Elizabeth Gardiner. Mrs. W. E. White, Mrs. Ethan B. Palmer, Mrs. A. J. Davles, Mm. Howard M. Leedom, Mrs. Georgo Shelmlre, Mrs. C. II. Woolston, Mrs. Emma Bnrdsley, Mrs. C. II. Banes, Mrs. A. It. Parsons, Mrs. Gcorgo L. Arm strong, Mra. E. R. Rlcknnl, Mrs. Joseph W. Davis, Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, Miss M. Hart. Sirs G. E. Elliott. Mrs. M. A. Heist. Mrs. S. Farley, Miss Tllllc Ritchie, Mm. O. Hufnnl, Miss E. Unruli, Mm. William H. Hunter, Mrs. Allen II. Wil son, Mrs. J. K. Mcschter. Mlsa Sadie Er vln, Mrs. Joseph A. Morris, Mrs. Clay ton Tunis, Mm. W It. Wnrdcr, Miss Ethel Jenkins, Mrs. Robert T. Seymour, Mrs. J. E. Kllpotrlck, Mrs. Gcorgo A. Johnson, Mrs. T. C Loomls, Mrs. Charles Mendowcroft, Mrs. G. C. Rlcman, Mrs. W. E. Watklnson, Mrs William J. Hclss, Mrs. Clara Kane, Mrs. Mary Glass, Mrs. John Weaver, Mrs. Hutgcr Dox. Mrs. II. Griffith, Miss Sara E. Hardcsty.Mrs. Sara Sltcr, Mrs. O. G. Roberts, Mrs. W. Harry Cochran, Mrs. George F. Townsend, Mrs. II. W. Lewis nnd Mrs. Ezra Waxier. Tho officers of tho board of managers are: Mrs. Walter T. Lee. president; Mrs. Chnrles N. Selser, Mrs. Henry A. Wei nnd, Mrs. Richard II. Russell, vlco presi dents; Miss Annie V. Ingham, corre sponding sccretnry; Mrs. J. G. Walkor, recording secretary, and Mrs. Charles II. Banes, treasurer. Tho Northwest District Council of tho Society for Organizing Chnrlty will hold an open meeting this evening In tho lec ture room of tho Germnntown Branch ot the Free Library. Vernon Park, Price street and Germnntown nvenue. Tho offi cers nro Stevens Hockscher, president; Henry Tatnall, treasurer; R. M. Little, penernl secretary; Miss Rose Porter, dis trict superintendent. Tho Northwest Council Includes Robert Dunning Drlpps, chairman. Thomns II. Fort, vice chair man; Richard N. Austin, Thcmns H. Ball, Mrs. Margnret G. Bostwlck, Miss Dorris Earle. Rev. John Harvey Lee, Mrs. Louis C. Mndolra. thf Rev. J. Clayton Mitchell, William Murphy. W. II Emhnrd. Jr., Harold Evans, Dr. Wilfrid H. Fettcrmnn, Miss Mnry E. Pnnconst. the Rev. W. Gray Jones, Mrs. Frederick Perry Pow ers, Mrs. G. W. Robinson, Mrs. James Starr, Jr., Mrs. Joseph L. Wolsteln nnd Miss Elennor Cndbury, secretary. Invitations havo been Issued by the Wcsttown Old Scholnrs" Association to nttend the ISth nnnunl reunion to be held nt the Bchool, Wcsttown. Pa., on Seventh dny. Sixth Month, 3th. Entertainments havo been arranged for nil day, starting nt 9 o'clock. Tho entire "school plant" Roxborough The nnnu.il "Cherry Blossom Tea" of the Mission Band of the Central Metho dist Church, Green lnne, was held on Snturday In the nssembly room, which was arranged ns an orchard with trees covered with cherry blossoms, over which hovered birds and butterflies, while between the trees Japanese lan terns were suspended. There were It tables with two hostesses presiding at each. Tho hostesses and their nlds in white frocks nnd dainty enps. trlmmod with pink rlbbotiB, served tea, cakes, nuts and candy to tho guests. Tho girls who poured tea were Miss Ruth Mattls, Miss Kathryn Walker. Miss Florenco Schotleld, Miss Elizabeth Edwards, Miss Ruth Weiss, Miss Marian Layre. Miss Lollio Giles. Miss Hazel Buehler. Mlsa Margaret Rlffhtcr, Miss Lydla Moyer, Miss Grace Preston, Miss Gladys Tres trn, Miss Florenco Jnckson, Miss Ade line Blnne, Miss Agnes Cowing, Miss Lydla Rosenberger, Miss Dorothy Fisher. Miss Chnrlotte Klppax. Miss Dorothy Morgan, Miss Mnry Stout, Miss Dorothy Jones, Miss Helen Bozold, Miss Beatrice Lewis, Miss Enid Yenbsley, Miss Ellen Bodkin. Miss Allco Farrel, Miss Miriam Dornon nnd Mlas Laura Rlggs. The band Is composed of young people from all fthe Roxborough churches, who work under the direction of Miss Nellie Kurtz, assisted by Miss Llna Blnns, Mrs. Wil liam Eddleman, Mrs. Charles Eddleman. Miss Heltn Kommer, Mrs. Samuel Ken worthy and Mrs. Lnzello Thornton. Tho young mission workers havo endowed a free bed In the children's wanl of tha Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington, D. C. and nre educating a girl. 11 years old, in the Watts do Pcyster Home, In Tlvoll, N. Y. The Young Women's Christian Asso ciation of tho Falls of Schuylkill will give a dramatic performance tonight at Its rooms, on Ridge nvenue, In aid of the Silver Bay fund, The comedy. The Kleptomaniac." will ne prentmra win the following In the cast: Miss Katharine Mnyhew. Miss Lucretta Janko. Miss Sue Harbison, Miss Jessie Mollnenux, Miss Ida Prega and Miss Jennie Smith. Mr. William P. Rell. formerly of the Falls of the Schuylkill, will spend the summer camping along Lake Erie. Mrs. Leon Field, of Buffalo. N. Y.. Is the guest of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Jano Field, of 401 Rlghter street, Wissohlckon Mr. and Mrs. David Grill, of Queen lane, have returned from Atlantic City The annual meeting of the Interchurch Federation of the 21st Wnrd and the vicinity will be held on Friday. May !S. In the First Presbyterian Church, Mana yunk. The principal speaker will be the Rev. Georgo Dowey, general secretary of tho Philadelphia County Sunday School Association, whoso subject will be "The Church and the Community." SUFFRAGE EVENTS TODY BQITAL FRANCHISE BOCIETV, Noon-Open-air netting- In Filbert (treat be low loth. Speaker. Mlsa Bertha, SapovlU, or ganlier for the eockty. 8 p. m. Mlas Bertha SapovlU speaks at Mra. Illll a boardlni home, 722 Spruce itreet. 8 p m Mle Anna. McCue. orsanlier for tha aoclety la Kcnatniton, canvaues tire dlitrtot. Aujtant, Miie Kathryn Knurrmao. JPi p. m. Open-air meeting at Broad itreet aitB Columbia. aenue. Speakers, Mlai Bertru SapovlU and F. K. Oraaer. WOMAN StTFFRAaB PARTY- 8 p. ro.Open-alr meeting at S3d and Arch street, under the auepleee of tbt party's braVcta In the 11th LeglalatUa DUtrtct. fipeak" era. Mrs. Mary Ctroll Powell and, MUe S. O. g d. m.--Opeu-elr meetlna; at 52d and Cheat nut etreet under ausplcea of the party's bianch la tbt list LeiUUtt District- Mrs. it r BleUet chairman. 8 p. m - Ui Gratia Krloji, a suffragist from IlUooii. speaks at KUt itreet aai Ln 4awst imbij. wmm will bo open for Inspection. Attention li called to the Lake House and lake, the W O. S. A., natatorlum, gymnasium, mu seum, hospital, carpenter shop, drawing nnd cooking rooms, girls' hockey field nnd tha dairy plant. At 11 o'clock, meeting of the W. O. 8. A. In old scholars' tent on the girls' lawn: opening remarks and reading of the report of the board ot mnnagcra by Morris 12. Leeds, president. Addresses: "Tho Changing Status of Pri vate Education," Rayncr W. Kelseyl "An Intellectual Revival," Thomas IC. Brown. The meeting will be closed by calling for the early and middle decades to proceed in order to luncheon In tho central build ings. Tho recent decades and classes will then group themselves by years In the tent nnd be served there. After lunch baseball, cricket, tennis nnd walks over tho farm will bo Indulged In. These games will bo arranged between tho present and old scholars. Spcclnl trains leave Broad Street Station for Westtown at 8:18, 8:J1, , !:4S nnd 11:03 a. m. Many of the gradu ates nre expected back, so that the day will be a great success. An Intel estlng 'affair which will take place on Tuesday evening, Juno 1, will bn n song recital by Miss Lucy Isabel Marsh, soprano, assisted by Mrs. Dor- ,. othy Johnston Baeseler, which will be f for the benefit of the Provldenco General Hospital fund Among those who have consented to net as patronesses aro Mrs. Rudolph Blnnkenburg, Mrs. Charlemagne Tower, Mrs. Georgo Woodward, Mrs. Charles T. Evans, Miss Mary E. Con verse. Mrs. Jones WIster, Mrs. Mary , Roberts Rlnchart, airs. Alice Barker Stephens, Mrs. John Deamley. Miss Ida N. Nelson, Miss Kntherjne Nelson, Mrs. Robert Hey. Tho annual Mny festival ot the Review Club of Oak Lane will be given on Wednesday nfternoon on the estate of ; Mrs. 13. Clarence Miller. Tho performance will be an open-air production of "Mid summer Night's Dream." under tho direc tion of Miss Elizabeth Lavender Schrlener. Tho hostess of tho day will be Mrs. 13. Clnrenco Miller, nnd she will bo assisted by Mrs. William II. Shelly, Mrs. J. B. -Mlllor, Mrs. Gaskell, Mrs. Dougherty, Mrs. Dexter, Mrs. Ijiubach. Mrs, Prince, Mrs. Shoemaker and Mrs. WHHnm Wagner. Tho Wednesday Evening Dancing Class wilt gtvo a largo and attractive subscrip tion dance In the Twentieth Century Hall this evening. The hnll will be decorated In spring flowers nnd the committee have engaged sovernl well-known dancers to glvo exhibition dances. Tho proceeds will bo given to the fund for the new Mercy Hospital. Mrs. Thomas' CuIV nan q chairman and she Is being assisted by Mrs. Thomas Love, Mrs. Isaac H. Adlcr, Mrs. Frederick Leopold, Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald, Miss Ella Ryan, Miss Agnes Ryan, Miss Ella Rudolph, Miss Charlotte King, Mrs. Louis Meyers and Miss Marlon Peterson. A most enjoyable dramatic and literary entertainment was given Sunday evening In tho church auditorium by the mem bers of the choir of r"ne John Chambers Memorlnl Prcsbyterlnn Church, 28th nnd Morris streets, under the direction of Mr, Willlnm Boyd, nsslsted by the organist, Mr. William Lenton. Tho younger mem bers wcro seen in a humorous sketch, en. titled "Waiting for tho Trolley," and tal ent of a very hlsh order from all parts of tho city participated. The following had the Important parts: Mrs. J. Colgan, Mlis Alice Boyd. Miss Elsie Tcears. Mlas Elonnor Knox, Miss Genevieve Knox. Miss Genevlovo Semple, Miss May McGIInn, Mrs. J. Schwnrtz, Miss Margaret Foote, Mr. F. Mclntyre. Mr. Frank Sperry, Mr. Gcorgo Stellor. Mr. James Bonis, Mr. ' Harry Bonis nnd Mr. James Johnson. Wilmington Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrold Perot Keen will glvo a, dinner tomorrow night at Kynlyn, Bcilcvue, in honor of Mr. nnd Mrs, John Flsk, Jr., of Wynnewood, Pn. There will be about 18 guests and thoy will Include the younger married set In Philadelphia. Members of the Cornell' Women's Club of Philadelphia have been invited to Hngley Community Houso next Saturday, when they will be entertained at a lunch eon given in their honor by Miss Irene Earll, the director, and Miss Minnie Ed gar. Members of the Delaware Associa tion of College Women nlso will be guests at tho luncheon. The Cornell Club will come dqwn from Philadelphia on the boat nnd will be met by automobiles. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Ernest Smith will give n dnnco nt the Country Club Frlny night for their daughter, Mrs. Frederick Bart Berger, of Sierra Nevada, Cal. Mrs. Berger spent the week-end at Atlantic City. Mrs. William Chadwlck, who returned recently from abroad, where she and her ' husband have been tho last two or three years, is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bancroft. Mrs. Edward Duer. of Philadelphia, has been the guest of her sister. Mrs. Fred erick Willlnm Curtis, the Inst week. Mrs. W. K. du Pont, the Misses Draper and Mrs. Lam mot du Pont are guests of Mrs. T. Coleman du Pont on the yacht Tech In New York harbor. "WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT ?" Turnol and ball, Knlahta TtmpUri. Convtn tlon Hall: 8:30 o'clock l.uthpr l.asu". Church or rtHurroctlon, S2d nil Thompion ata. . 8 o'clock, Entertainment and itrawbtrry ftitlvtl, by Eauxhttra at Ilelh Uratl, llch Iirael Syna gogue. Monlaomrry avtnuo ami 324 street; 8 o'clock. Feed and drain Dealera, Hourne; 8 o'clock. Concert, pupil ot Mre. Phllllpf.Jenklni, Bellevue-Stratford; 8 o'clock. Ablnglon League, Ablnston tlllh School; 8 Northmen'a Qlee Club, North lUptlit Church. Women's Dlble Clue. Tenth Presbyterian Church, 17th and Spruce elreeta; 8 o'clock. viee. Municipal Hand, Hancock and Muter streeli. Hecltal, MUs VamJalla HUaey, Bellevue. Stratford; 8 o'clock. Let Your Ledger Follow You On your vacation or to your summer residence. Before you leave town simply notify your carrier, agent or the PUBLIC e$Ms UBDGEB to forward the Public Ledger or Evening Ledger to your temporary address. By mall outalda of Philadel phia Public Ledger, dally, 15c per month; dally and Bun. day, 5c per month- Bvenlne ' Ledger, dally. .tie par monttfl 1 For further particular wyFg Walnut or Slain $000 ",'t 1 - aS I4 f V Jl i .1 -H a tfH 3