WsUPW-liWW ttf fcr 5SSST!u i - HELP WANTED MALE Kt tt-iS'TED wnltnirmn, Mnctir temperate 1 W twtrAVEriB wanted on Broad Knowles nnd F nirrer looms, .Arply nt office of the nrad V fifd Mliln. Stanton andlodfrey aveg., nerln. El Triti,vri MAN IT la 20 jcnro, to nsslst super ' iniendent cf manufacturing establishment. Kb'' ptsleserinollng C 333. Ledger Office, L ..MflmtnUd WATtfT'rjn TJP.MAM! $ P""-"" """""' f ""- ,! Ttvi-F.nTTSINQ 'W'ntTRn Woman Ith nam e. i frr I miMri department store find publication Jiouse K ir.'riMir seeks hew connection enni nr K sanltcr and sjslcmntlJcr, executlvo ability, W foltiatlio. K UJ2. LodgcrCenlral. M.I j-irAMBKnMAlO or waitress desires situation! &i Valuable maldi reference trom present place. r. xtttr"0"" ljOcusiii;i5aii uei,nnccyat. J-ItAMUBItWOnK- ttigllsh t'rot.j best Tela. Applyjw to 1?. 121 W.Wlnnn avcGln ritJilHEKWOIlK or housework! pxp. and cap. able, small family; good rcf. 1. Oil. Led. Oft. nOUSEWOIlK Settled woman: thor. capabls and 1 ep.. for small fani. U 001, Led. Off. W fitAMhimWOIlK nnd waiting. eprlsnced ft vvMWjtjrlil ref. , Call iau fine st. fc rtlAMBBHWOHIC and sewings comp. nnd R "riL.18tcla" rf' m' ljt8tr 'ac- nltLDNUItSE, oung girl, experienced with "midrcn: best reference. 1. 010. Ledger Office. CLEriK Expert nt figures, good penman, In. surance, dctau worn, u aai. 151. . Ledger Central, CLEItK-Oood penman, nulck at figures: Years' experience. 18. IIH, ledger Central. I fOMPETE-VT UnESSMAKBR wishes engage" "oirie. B 61. Ledger Central. Wcnf)K and chambermaid, Protestants, wish i u." .., l....h.ri flralolaaa afA.An..Mk. 11 Main Lino or seashore. Write or call 20J4 FIttnaler at. . B.foOK. flrat-class. Trot., wishes pos'n, moun Ri tilns or seashores good ref. 3JT Aubrey road. TM rhone 689 Aramore. li t iw.Atf fhnrnittfhlv ranahlo and oxoerlenced: H iXslata woman, good refsrences. P 017. f . Liiaur Offlce. ' COOK wisnes perrnaneni posuion; nrsi reier-li-F enc Answer by mall only, 325 E. nitten- hpuis Bt.f ucrnmnuiwii. raENCIt MAID, best references, wishes sltua llOn IOr Ul U HI......" t.fc ns..a..M..J ... ...vw..- itlns: care of children prcf. Address XI. N care J. Uarton Townsend, Overbrook, ra. 'i OERMAN WOMAN" wants washing. Ironing 1 ind housework. 803 N. Hancock st. E , A1RL wishes chamberwork or chamberwork .K and waiting, best reference Germantown preferred. 0050 Tacoma st , Germantown. nini, colored, neat, ounc. dcalrca assistant heuiswork or nursing. Phono Baring 788. Glfllj wanla downstairs work and cooking, em , Lena at., germantown. GOVERNESS or companion, young woman, .10, educated and musical, doslrea position from Jims 11 experienced In education and car of children; willing to travel; reliable refsrences required and given. Address C 403, Ledger Office. r "COYERNESS N. 0r., Eng., Frch., mustcj tUltlng or res. Pleck, phono Wal. 7178 W. noUSEWOniC or laundry; English Protestant woman with boy 7 ears; highest reference. IS N. llth. Darby. Pa. Country. HOUSEWORK Settled woman, with good references. Call 1817 Ranatead st, HOUSEWORK German girl, experienced, wtnts position. 628 Lycoming it. LAD? closing her house wishes to place her maid as chambermaid or wnltress for the summer, best references. Apply Tuesday morning, between 0 and 11 o'clock, at J2U s. ism st, LADY closing house about Juno 1 wishes to I tiIscs cook and chambermaid; good refer; S encas. Apply 2U0 Spruce at. J f LADY, closing house, would like places for 2! ir.lias about June 1; cook nnd waitress: ref- erence. 110 B. 23d st, L Jjo-iix chambwk and wall's; Prot.i good ref. 27 Aubrey rd., Wynnawood. Ardmoro 680. ,' ilAlD WANTS POSITION to travel; excellent v!- retertnets. Apply 1721 Walnut. f rBlNASiSa HOUsBkBEPER or mother's c nsiper; capaoie, useiui; x-ruicsLnni wuinuii: tT OiJ, fciHUIjcr v.llll.:. t," RufiSE, North German soung woman; exp. . Main Line: ref. Address 1010 Christian st. NURSERY GOVERNESS, Swiss, speaking German. French, English. Call up Mrs. I. La Botteaux, phono 13rjn Mawr 320; NURSERY GOVERNESS, Swiss, speaking iGermin, French, English Call up Mrs. I. La Oolteaux. phone llryn Mawr 320. riUR8BRY GOVEitNESS, North German; child over 8 years. L 003, Lodger Otflco. OFFICE WORK; experienced In addressing 'lllllnr-lngen. cler. wk. J 844, Ledger Centj ?PJikXOR MAID and cJiambermald wantB Tltce: country or seashore; good references, . 2134 Latona st 'ilOLlSK GIRL wants general housework. Call r. 3m. NewcomD at.. Nlcetown 'DEFINED Entrllsh. Protestant, voune woman ' : would, In exchango for small wages, glvo ". serylees with family going to Panama Ex- f- i' PMltlon; highest reference. P 02.', Led. Off. ilEAMSTRESS desires work at homo or hv i tty: special terms for week; reteronco. J7 .Borlngrield a'e.. Chestnut Hill. J STENOGRAPHER, correspondent, secretary. " ; wishes position nf responsibility and requiring exceptional ability, thoroughly oxpcrlenced u and capable of handling correspondonco In f . dsoendently. C 314. Ledger OfOce. BTENOQRAPHER Tounir ladv would like ro- ' ' titlon whero neatness and accuracy are an- rreclated' moderate salary; reference. B 117, Lt&Ktr Office. .BTENOaitAPHER Expert typist desires work to be done at homo evenings at moderato erlfe. Phone Lombard 1027. f STENOGRAPHER and otflco assistant, year's L exp,; thor. know, ot bkpg. C 331. Led. Off J-.STENOGRAPHER, experienced: moderate Bal rtHsry. 1711 Chestnut. Phono Spruco 0532. S ,'orEN'OGRAPIIER, rapid, accurate. good wmer qnq speller, inquat's. K nn, Lea, cent. KENpGRAPHER. bookkeeper, Indus , reliable. . rood speed, mod, salary. E 440 Led. Cent frBTINOGRAPHER and clerk: 3 years' thor- wuu pKpgneiicoi willing, j laj, ijcagcr v.ent. I TENOGRAPHTrt nn.l rlni-lf- ft vni-M nrnprl. I . encet'best references. E 43. Ledger Central. f TRAINED NURSE wishes summer position; ,, ttg.jnasseuse. highest refs. B 741, Led, Cent. r WHITE GIRL wishes position, chambermaid '" siwing: nest reference. 1U20 Christian. ( TV0RKINO housekeeper, take full charge: city eruntryans:2 weeks. P 033, Led. OfL f TTORKIN6 hkpr.; Scotch. Prot., with child 10 a,'-?".: highest ret.: country. L 000. Id. OfT a LKEW Ynntf PYmrni. ,A..t 111,- .!... .n mm" .'J5! ',c.'.' massage, scsln treatment, manl- ' sK'S" " 'aaies- nomes only, jeanelte Kann, JQ1 Spruce st. Filbert S434 W. INSTITUTION Housekeeper or rare linen VS"l; hotel or hospital: reference from pres-'-"itrlacs. "The Oaks." Haverford. Pa. Elklns Park. Pa., ft1'"!"."... . .iiraa iiogistry uureau. I iSJ'Cir "1.c!( flih ancl Chestnut sts. I .. Tu .IV . .u iiiv ow securea a position .ii.t.S?.n1..'w,sh to B,a,a ha' you took suoh feel .lianVA. "Drl IKJ1S5"'':.."1L '?,'... 2? 1 1i?K".li s,'ned with the position. K....'!ih' therefore, to. thank you for what '". Jteapectfuly. , ARDELL L-ENIfART. SITUATIONS WANTED-MAL13 tofYft?ErIIIrt,y. .uyfld; possessed . iLuJrIir,"'!,.urlng and corporation ox. Kj.iiJ TnV.i..i.."a Judgment, executive ab ty Iff 'HJ ""'Ml"; ab? correspondent; typist; ?IwluUN ''"' L"1, mt small . t,. -. srstemutizea ana Eh. Ss"mn''f,.,ptAat reduced rates during sura. W-'rSS-(,nl-,Acoun,ant. 821 8.. Blst st. f&5yj5SIi8iNo soLiciTon7onxp.7BuE: TELJ tttf r ViSJJ IIIOH-GRADB CLIBN. UPACTIIlllJDUS,'rA'a U-IADINO MAN- rFyVV.njllEHH RPPiril ftuKTcmiirMir Til. .JJUSTPJAL UAOMtHB nn iJWSl K-rSiJly-REFERlSjOEa. C SarLEDQEii' W TuvTr.i7'iV0. ancles need critics and fj.e l..' excentlonal abllltv eel. B 67. Led. Cent" wants position in country! TIBn'a nl.M, ... ....... !.. . 410, Ledger Office. lion "l!y?' Wdls-agd gentleman wants lipn of trust. Q 34, Ledger Office. EEffiS yTLER Or COQk. "' .lanin,., .!.!... li.H . d itf'DC from f""1'1 mployer, lioi RlvSJ-STS- H1 ref i ,YPP.. reliable Englishman: splen. te-JJjyclty, country. "Butler." 643 N. llth. J, ,.?T-i1 T"! servo lunches or din"; ir3---p-..... rnone tocust Miu. noon. -yiarvftSR n4 a"o mechanic, with five Wmt ae.slvi n'mndaUon from present em. 8rleneV,SSlll,Brom Jun it 16 years' iwirlMn '.ZBr and '' ervlc..' with Jled Gnfii Eu"fsn cars; age S3; mar- S-r-a-jSBanham, Box 601, Ardmore. Pa. Hit. fifv ?t olord, -wants position, prl WV4 SST ' . countrjr, S yearif experience! "LJ 'Hjmi references. 02S 8. 15th st. telsii5nSKiiMooorr- tferr&i-ai-iWt Philadelphia. 5"t MaJtie?' t.Xf"' references from pres. EBn4rmii?w,l! C,P' .ununsr or year- Ey EnTiiS 5M. apeaksboth French ac. &t ?,n,, .?", H years, ex. gXVtJc ,Sl!,' fcf). restaurant; reliable, ani PTS-J'worit K 660. Ledsrer Office. Tr; ' c. ,. , ' ni.e uku St.. rj-Anatora. RiHjaMs trm ",T""; nesires position wun a rjf5rAlreferences. B 651. Led, Cent iMOI,K- lnf le. 6 yrs.'" book ElKMsri W g,. good ref. irOill'Led Cent experienced. desUea position with a (MitJ ? run car general "work ix i IE t r,a'- P "L I-dS OHM &?& &' polUon"aurtBg v a to,"". V, s-ytew e.-eJUnt BaatBi aatV.Via.'ibrJsu. 0 years. sKtsrs!i!si!llfl- no obj 0??ll''r On rent!., SITUATIONS WANTED MALE'5D MAN "e position porter, waiter. . -"-..mi.. U1 VI wruo or write 23 N. 4th st. C9:ViKTENT colored couple desire places to gctner or separately! refs. Phone Preston 42M, uJAH-ltT8MAN. arohltccturnl, grAduate U. of P. regular, course, 2 years' practical , ox- rrrijnce, nesires position with good firm. ..i.,vcj "csircs posit 4Sg,j1cdctr Central. aAIinnNKlt, single. 29 wishes position on gentleman's place, country nr cltvi experience n vegetables, flowers: tako enro of lawn, ?i. $r.1ln.(t. COWl horsoi very good rets. . Max Wolff, lllvorton. k. J., Ho fa. OAUDBNfcH, first class, at present emploved, v 111 bp open for position Juno li caro nf JJJff'S.S1''"' '"i". references. Call or write . .. .r.onipson.vy.i'nii a. OAIIUDNER wishes position as chauffeur and gardener! can turn, good ref. C .IPS, Led. Off. GAUDENEH, married, llvo on place! exp . JLLJwitOi. citable, etc. P 020, ledger Oft. JAPAN11HH wishes position liilller. or willing to do anything In prUato family. Y, M CS 41st St. JAPANESE wishes position, butler or eooki wmjcieienceB. t., iwa Ii. IBtn St JhACIUNlST, handy man on any repair work, fitting, bolt ruing, plumbing, carpentering, painting, etc.) understand steam nr hot water heating, n 744, Ledger central. MAN AND WIPE, colored, with positions, prl at famllyt beat references Call 1240 8. 3Sth at. Phone Dickinson 3517 X. MAN AND WIFD, white; butler, housemani wlfa cooki beat ref. Wrlto 7.10 s. Wth at. MAN AND WIPE, white. Clerman, butler and . cook: good reference. P 02S Ledger Office SA1.IXIMAN, married, with 8 years' experience In men's furnishings! record will proe my abllltyi best references. B 34". Lodger Cent. SALESMAN, 8 years with one. firm, manufac turing line, married. 80. good personality! now employed, a 10, Ledger Central. SPANISH speaking correspondent or salesman familiar with South American territory, would llko to connect with reliable concern after June 13. 13 r.52, Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER. 2J. exp.. 7 years: also Clerical work; mod. eivlflrv ntitl II ability li proven! best ret, C 053. Ledger Central TECHNICAL ORADL-ATn of S years' aland Ingi .1 years In engineering work, 2 years as Instructor, desires position with commorelal concern! will be glad to call for Interview. C 401, Lodger Office. TUTOR of experience -vlshes position for com ing school eari would act aa private secro tary. I. Mo. Ledger office. WATCHMAN, day or night, experienced, hon- eat nnher. and reference inuniui: in or out or inwn; uona till, .11 111 Mill VI 1IIV.II, B 251, Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN, 23, 7 ears' orflco experience, capable of handling correspondence, now In chargo of order department with mtr., with no advancement, desires change: will accept nioq, salary wun xuiure. n oai. ieq. uentroi. l'OUNO MAN, 20, four yeora' experlcnoo tele' jmono consirucuon. ono oar contraotor, ae wires outslds position; energetlo and ambi tious. E 442, Ledger Central. ' OUNCI MAN, 00, 13 years' buslnesa experl enco, quick and accurate at figures, wishes Clerical position, i'j do, imager uontrai, YOUNG MANT2J and address: knr ennd character, nnnnarnnrt and address; knnwledgo leather business; ac- copt anything. D 058. Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN lector, also c 18. onn venr exnerlencn ns rnl- lector, also clerk; aim to mako good; salary no object. E 050, Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN. 3. college education; 4 years' buslnesa exp , sales and Inside; ambitious to mako good. E 747, Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN of 20 wants a position In a. shoo store whero there Is a chance to ad yanco. n 740, Ledger Central, YOUNO MAN. 23, bookkeeper or clerk', 8 ears' banking exper. D 218, Ledger Central. lOUNO MAN, graduato ot 1. C. S concr-to course, wIsheB position. C 235. Ledger Office. YOUNO MAN, 23, shinning. clerical exp.; ac- cept any work. E 740. Ledger Central. WHO WILL OIVD MFl WORK? Man. .13 years, married, haa had wide of fice experience, has family of email children depending on him; has excellent references: will take work nf any kind. Telephone Spruce 0147, aco 8337. AUTOMOBILES For Sale 1014 FORD touring car; perfect condition; all new Urea; no dealers Call Wyoming Oarage, A and Mentor sis , Olney, 7 to 7'3Q p. m. $10 WILL TEACH YOU to drive nnd start you in Jitney business, 601, Rullltt Building, 4th nbovo Walnut. Iximbard 2042. AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES AUTO hire, 1013 touring, with driver, 11.50 per hour. Phone Wyoming 1040 Y. MOTORBOATS AND SUPPLIES FOR SALE Small auxiliary sloop; new boat; very reasonable. Call 311 Oeorge st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES YOUNG MAN, with J.1000. for nn established business In a good neighborhood: object, to Increase tho business; one-half Interest with aervlces; this a rare opportunity: will stand strictest Investigation; experience not neces sary .M S5, Leager central. RESTAURANT FOR SALE-Splendldly fitted up, all new; for rent, long lease; must be sold; owner retiring from business. E 737, ledger Central. Vi 1NTDREST In tho West Susquehanna Garage for sale. S230, refs. exc, with flrst claBS mechanic 2801 W. Susquehanna ave. GOOD-PAYINO furnished apartment house at very low price 10J2 Mount Vernon. CARPET CLEANING WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAOE CO. ae. PER YARD. 3870-72 LANCASTER AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANED. DYED. MAILHOT.1510 Chestnut. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY HEMSTITCHING done while you wait. A. llalchard.lll't Chestnut. Pictorial Ravlew pat. FASHIONABLE dressmaking; fit guaranteed; remod., reas. 6450 Chestnut st. Helm. 1768 Y. DRBS1MAKINO taught; short, prae. course. MacDowell. 307 Denckla Bldg., llth & Market. DRESSMAKER Philadelphia, Pa., 211U Balnhrldge at , May 18, 1015. (From a French Dressmaker) Miss Reed, Household Registry Bureau, Publlo Ledger, 6th and Chestnut sts. Jossphlno Felger withes to thank the man. agers ot the Bureau for their kindness and Interest for having found her so much work. Hoping to nno some iiiutiieui tu cult per sonally, Very respectfully FRL0Enj BOR SALE BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d-hand bought, sold, rented, exch'd. Keafer, 320 GIrnrdove. INSTRUCTION RAGTIME In 20 lessons. Call or write Cbrlitenien Piano beboots, 3S20 Germastowa Syi;. 1320 Tasksr st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS $00 00 BRAND-NEW oxyacetylene.. welding and cutting plant. Hercules Welding and Alachlne Co, 223 North 16th. STORAGE J. M. FENTON STORAGE CO., INC. Lowest rates. Free estimate. Belmont 1380. WEST Monarch Storage Co Auto and pa."ck PHILA. lng and shipping. 3870 Lancaslsr ave. WANTED r.T.riiTK rrrvriiiNn wanted 'Let ua couvlnce you that we pay the highest nrlces for gentlemen a discarded clothes. SAMUEL COOPER. Establlihed 23 ears. luiu uintru ilvv. mvmw v.. wi 110. ROOMS FOR RENT BARING ST., 8218 (The Chilton) Two first, floor rooms; suit dentist, doctor or apart. ww-. - w ' 11.11 11.1.1. m.n.D.. meats, aits. uua wvufm, Ma..B. CHESTNUT, 1S03 Attrao. furn. rooms; south. em XPOS.S continuous nui nmw, nvmn iuq. CHESTNUT, 2116 Two we)l-furnlshed rooms. single or cii u mm...... ...., .f,-iw Mw. FAIRMOUNT AVE.. 1632 Pleasant rooms for congenial busl. men, sing or eh suite; phone. JEFFERSON, 1400-Furn. or unfurn parlor suite, private bath and bell; hardwood floors. POWKLTON. -lOlO-DesIrable room near batET also smaller; Prot t private family; near "L.'1 VENANGO. W.. 1821-Corner house; Urge, airy m?7ag"' Ph'orTy. PhotoVat IdVsr Cent. tTlt. N 2317 Beautiful newly renovated housekeeping: private bath. rflTH. S.. 302 Largo, airy room 4 well furu.j UM-i ...... retthed private raroiiy. rimcrt j n ilriTsTlU-Large, airy front room for. 1 or ii gentlemen: private family; elec. lights. itH." N-. 8116 Private family has 2 well. furn. rooms for light hskpg; also bedroom; convenient to cars. Tioga .8873 p. I5TH. 8 . 3l4r-suwet, rurn suite. . large rooms: fun, jatcr. light housekpg ; phone. 10TH-B.. 12e-Handsomely furn., large, airy 1m. hath. wUl unfurn. Ph. Locust S010. ia n' s li Airy 2d front, desirably furnished, a aatha TvoiS. torner Preston 6201 W MST S. feFuro. vacancies corner housa, Greened throughout spaloua corcli. hot iaf WlvrS ohonePhotoiat Led C.ot ais"r7B AnrtU unfiu-n roona tin- I 1 e ult. " woro. XsUn park, EVENING TJEDGER-PHTEABEL'PHI, TUESDAY, MAY 2S, BOARDING ArtClt, 2011-SOloLnrge, beautifully furnished rooms; running wnicri u. nqiei inuie, CliliAIt AVE , 4711 Congenial business men can get nlcolyturn reoms.woodl'd 8912 X, CHESTER AVR, " fiO0S-Prlva"te family will board desirable persons! rets, woodland 3211, CHESTNUT, 4030-Beautlful suite. orlvnf bath! lat-clast table board juiss naniey RACE, 311.1 Trained nunso has pleas home for ref. people dentrlng good accom. j spe. earo nr invaiias or euicriy persons.iTcsionjwii.i v. SPRUCE, 1028-30 Delrablo aullo with prhate rrjtncnoicojabl board. wainutjia5v. WALLVCE ST, 1DC2 NIceTy lurnlshed rooms, .with boardi under newjrnnagoment WALLACE, fi Cool, otlrac. alngle, doublo rms.i running w aler: renncd home; phone. ALLACIi, 18201looms, single or en aultej good tablo; reasonable, . WALNUTTSSo-r-Comfortalilo re5ms some prl . ato; bnlli; beautiful ncjglibor'd. Iresl.fll5lw. WALNUT, 4531 2d-floor rooms, with board; rcnrL; southern expos ; rofs. exchanged WKST PHILA. Superior nccommodatTons for elderly people and Invalids! eclcntlfio care: number limited, large grounds; old shade; wine porchesi Ideal location. .I'm wooa 4"tn liiTII, H, .114 (cor. Clinton st )-Lnrga single, doublo2om8, private balhiboarilopilonal Suburban QERMANTOWN. 236 W. Rlttenhouse st. (be tween Wayne and Greene) Large, front, 2d . story rm.: good table: conva. Ph. utn. 1573 X. GERMANTOWN (6123 Wayne aVeO-Well.fur. . rms., xo. table! near train, trnl. Utn. oS27X. APARTMENTS SPRUCE, 1420 Rachelor apt,, 2 or 3 rooms; prl. hath' furn. or unfurn ; electrle lights, hnMwntKlnoors, all modern improvements SPRING GARDEN, 1010-nxcellenT"nptB In 8 . different houses; tome furnished; kltc!ienettes 2100 ciinsrorUT ST. Rooms, with balh; single room, uso ot bath. West l'lillailflpllln CHIIiTON APARTMENTS 8218 Baring at. Two let-class rooms, with private bath: suit able dentist or doctor, or apartments. Mrs, Hells MfClaln, mgr Dell phone Preston (ll7, FURNISHED APARTMENTS LOCUST, 1318 Well-furnlahod apartment, largv, airy moms, refs. Phone Wal "tun W. l'TH, S , 132 Furnished apartments, 3'rooms andbalh; loa rd optlona I SUDLUV (Do lrfincoy Apia.. 2.1d and Pine) 3 rooms, both, kitchen, all outsldn rooms, for suminerjnr permanent Phone Walnut 7441 LADY having furnished housekeeping anart- ment would llko to share samo with business vvomen,p 627. Ledger Offlte. SUDLET AT 1327 SPJUTCnr fur. or unfur . six .. roona and bath, reasonable. V'nderhlll, West Philadelphia riNE AND 45TH Apartments, attractively furnished. Tho Tlnchurst (now), 6 rooms. cntn, privato porch. Apply to Janitor. FURNISHED complete. 0 largo rooms, bath; north and wcat exposure: 14 windows, awn ings; Janitor- West Phlla.; bargain. Juno to October. Phone Ilqrlng 7123 X. . HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 23D AND PINE STS.-DE LANCET APTS. New, light, 4 to 0 rooms X and 2 baths, kltchinetle, central location Apply Janltor DIAMOND, 2112-3 rooms, bath, ..lichen? hot water heat; rcf.; 2d floor, $2.1; 4 rms., bath, kitchen, all cor, rms., J35.DIamond1813W PINE, 000 Housekeeping apartment, furn. or unfurn ; 4 rooms, bath: nil outBldo rooms, ph JOI'LAR APTS.. 1(120 Poplnr-illkpg. suites, - f"r;.unfur.. prlr. bs 1st, 2d, 3d Moor; owner. WALLACE, 171(1 B-room housekeeping flat. moaern; an couvs. ; porcn; uumn waiter. TWO outside looms, prlv. room, kltchcnetle. 2.fi0. both, furnished, $0. Apply 1401 N 10th. Germnntovrn. QUENN LANE APARTMENT QUEEN LANE AND WI9SAIIICKON . 0 rooms and bith: awnings; screens and ahovver bntbs' JAMES W. LAW ATTORNEY 018 LAND TITLE RLDO. Key with Janitor In rear. AVE, REAL ESTATE EOR SALE NEW JERSEY BUNOALOWS, lots 2')xl50: noar trolley: over looking Delawaro, Natlonnt Park. Greater New Jeyaey Company, ,'U B. 10th Ilnililonfleld, N. J. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at. bargain prices. WM. CAREY MARSHALL. 531 Federal st.. Camden Woodbury Heights, N. J. SEVERAL desirable homes and Improved bldg. lots at rcasonablo prices. John May hew. .SEASHORE Cape Slay, N. J. COTTAGES, hotels, apts. tor sale and rent; some bargains In building lots. C. Earlo Miller. 218 Ocean at.. Cape May, N. J. PENNSYLVANIA l'ARMS TWO acres, overlooking Chester Valloy and Main Line; set of buildings; S1SOO. J. U. Thompson, West Chester, Pa. 3 FERTILE enstern Heald. West Choitor. Pa. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME by monhlly payments of from $17 to $50, houses locateil N. Phlla, and (Itn., worth from xisoo to S025O. Merchants' Union Trust Co.. 715-710 Chcatnut st. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY II0S VINE Newly papered and painted II room house. Inquire 1028 Mt. Vernon st. Factories, Worehousftw, Mfg. Hoots CHERRY ST.. 02l-2S-Threo ft. each; modern building. Delsroth. 713 Spring Garden. floors. 5000 so. Thono W. II. nuslnesa Properties and Stores CHESTNUT, 831 Store and basement, suitable for household or nffleo specialties. Inqulro on premises. F W. SADDLER. OFFICES. IIUSINESS ROOMS, ETC. DREXEL IILDG. OFFICES Annual Rentals, Ground Floor, $100, (120 Suites, 2 rms,$160,$t75,$200,$225,250,325. Suites, .1 rms.,$:02,275,t400,$45O,(50O.$550. Corner Suites, 2 to 10 rooms. $600 to $1075. liiiiiia li. vyii.mAJna. ouu urexel Building. RENT Office sparo or desk room; phones; stenographer 623 Lafayette Bldg. TWO STUDIOS, furnished" bedroom attached; use of bath: ctntral 1601 Arch at. Professional OHlces REFINED family has suite for dentist or pro. fesalonnl man: reasonable. Phone Pop. 108J. Desk Jloom DESK ROOM Perry Bldg; light, .cheerful; Keystone phone free. M 765. Ledger Central. OKRMANTOW'N KNOX ST., 400.1 Attractive S.story, It-room house, containing billiard room and table. Apply W. 11. Delsroth. 713 Spring Garden st. SUI1URI1AN Bala. Ta. BALA, PA., 112 Bala ave. Modern semi-detached home, 0 large, cheerful, sunny rooms, with 2 baths; wide, shady porch; Ideal loca. Hon; rent $5U, T.B. Mltchell.88 N, 8th st. Ridley Park, Pa. SMALL country untry place, old ahade, mod. convs.. beautiful surroundings: S mln. from $J0 month. N. P. Sloan. I rooms, station! SEASHORE Stone Harbor. N. J. COTl-AGES, bungalows and apartments, furn" Ished, for rent: moderate prtcea: all conveni ences; near ocean and clunnel; both railroads to Philadelphia; fishing, boating, surf bath. Ing, tennis, golf; motoring on beach; lend for illustrated uuuKict, 0. j.. it. uompany. 915 Real Estate Trust Bldg., Philadelphia. Seaside Park. N. J. FOR RENT Modern, comfortable cottage: porch on 3 aides; 8th ave.. Seaside Park, ApS ply 48-14 Chester ave.. Philadelphia. Cape May. N. J. FURNISHED cottages, ocean view, all loca tions; reasonable. C, Earle Miller. 218 Ocean at.. Cape May. JTOR RENTFURNISHED St. Martin's'. Chestnut 1IUI T1FTNT FURNISHED Juna in Ran. Is. T h.,.i rooms. 3 baths, corch. near station,' garage Spring Lale. N. 3. HANDSOMELY furnished bungalow; large grounds; all conveniences; 0 rooms, sleeping Prc.ll".'.nP,n,7. wate ,n aU bedrooms; APPlyl2a8., 18th st Phone Locust 8010. MORTGAGES MONEY FOR MORTGAGES W II HOOD 6IS N0RRI8 8T BUILDING AND LDAN ASSN MORTOAGE aoy amount up to $6000. Eauta Row. P rameron 8SH Ktoslngtan ave HAVB FUN'Da iutgesT desire fund AX &p SCRAPPLE 1 1 , .Trmtm&smm TIIE tadded cell H . J&L rhmMmzr mM Rudo Man Buck up, old girl! Thera'g n. chance for yeryotl a" nr 8 aw' ""asy ' L. JZZ WP JlH SONGS WITHOUT WORDS I zKJJ ' i H TTylnp; to Slip tho Fntnl Question I ' T "iT'p' " I H V. , I VIsM ll I V !! I Will ,1, , J llfBaS a. cs ire - . iWm pBq H p3i fjl 3sl V J5sSa?sssPC s -jfffHfHsPC "it M lsssssssssssi W 1 1 v js-- ' .' IIBiEi 1 a illlsH K Wft r Jw2E& M V ft London Mall. eg-1 jg) vr'.' la IP9H r I I 7 XZCk ''..V- . VV cu- -..-. . . s ' CI ' .. J WWssVl r -r Cf 7riv rV v. Vn i,c vcro uavo you Deenf vr' mjw, vSl T vfKf jBLSTS Hl l l r-y j He In tho hlapltal cettlner censored. ffiTO'" " tt ?L!j ( rrralSl V i rfssirir i PsssavLi) r ill T5 He Yes; I had several Important " ' 'S- 'flpEi1 JSHM& I WKm&' I yy V parts cut out. "Tou swindled me with that hone) jflHs OlH iP J k A y' '" I J0U soId me 'aBt 'wcelc'" H HSBBBBBBsL JCSZ SBBsf Vn. JS - DOCtOT KlXCW "HOW SO?" eSBt HslSB ( resHsBsssBsfe ) ( "My doctor t0,d r"0 J would have to "Well, I only had him three days fl(B SB' nB-fl ' -77 if-11 quit eating jo much meat." when ho dledl" HK UHlW bbbI sssi Dld you laugh him to scorn?" .,,. ,, T , ., itmlmtl 11 I H JH I "I did at first; but when he sent In his Thal s stranBe- I owned him M ffl&5 I IBB Wm Jl I Wrnrf ' Jl lium biuml "" l toua ho was right." Washington years and worked him hard every .-alffaB)- ' I Star. day, and never knew him to do a thing tBMI " ' 1 like that before." jffiH Russia and the Turco-Germnn Alliance THERE'S NOTHING TO IT ifPin Pitkvsimi ,rW3iH . . In tho Good 01d Days Mm- W$&SS( KlimfeHr) P 1 SIerry Klne ArL-Now Just what aro HH ' sH$$$Wa ASKWafBj ft l - .' your reasons for wishing to resign from) jjfrtil . tgjfSfiyr fflSatpj ". Vag s fes the Hound-Table? iMMellli V?jfSH NJ'' CTTtW "V " slr Lionel My wife objects to thU) jftP v Jj'fwSES, . ?J ' r tS- Knight work. Pelican. 1?M ic?B AMpg I -Wftr .g UMa PWrW 5 -meaa iff Ira i mrMSkJm mM rmMA Kt9SFL mm ?Hsr.fl-irsNi335ei8--r-..sw r & v s w &&: --nnjn.x .:iuijav ffJiKCi-Sac. H " TjyLQl 1 ."? :f( Yt r? r?y WE "-i X . 1mH WmlMm&mMJZ I 1 2) J&Z r-i m M Wsg3 - $ mmE Ww?hNBf) --? V c mJlmm iK f$w mm IBm wm a iiilllM -:ll- - -rk JM-f m n-y rovs 4tssL ". s8msmim3m mmm vm Eitr m w Wi J' J ftMmWCM& iHl mWw i PMrf-m fflw&fim m -Novoe Vrema, Petrograd. 7?A ' I 11 I Is'-' MV II 4sHfi k Towards the abyss, or the new Ger- ff I ? " ?&. I 'l & l?) ''HI I man-Turk tango step. fl It L & S K 4? r, .. iHHl', y By '?, jfs && -, '- - r Bulletin. Sydney. JsHl i ff Pnnr.n . - . . W it, I WSO " M Stella I'm to be married next week, HunH al . ,,.w . . ouo . " X-U- W, . - Jm - ,W'--" W and I'm terribly nervous. IIMi "i 8-What Is a ground hog? yyi- W ?! .1?) 5" f-i T , - E""1 ""PP"" there Is a chance of v7M I 15-&auage, I suppqse.-Cornell Widow. -g - fr-? t--SRr "--' --cr-iS the man getting away up to the last filtffi J c-.i,-it. ,.-"-- . TiTrrrmil minute? iBtt " AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME lil i t a H iM & rC S k JL Wm I Vp a---pp.HM..,-.l---- , , VVvxi JTgC !,, 79& WM. jiBB " V'- .. . A jTrir 7. BW,r!RV ,ysS5t ttjKCv. fiflEl " i (ymffli y t Ffi ieR A 3h - .w tn i- I ffifiSft l At -Jl Wch, l-BB Sl a ::HI1 . . m i i,... i r v0e?r AWMmBSri wm ?S55n 7 - . -- WwFi UrtM r&MmJMt at li I J iv - M, - ,.. . . , Indon Opinio. 4s ' I; YL vSi vm Tommy Wot! d ye mean to say you only copped one? 'larR I M I n W i i i& vS I . Bl" (late meat talesman) That's all right. Tommy; I'll bet 'e scales aa much xS-H I 111 J iSJtj -nJl i -L i ' h H yur two -jH jI-T'BsIHIIdI '" ' ZT-M Reward Wanted Got One Thing Easily JB BWHsiMwnMusiimuiHiHfp f . 5 C"r7 . sS&T k Sfilt! -rK tc aeT" r- -i if "Jvrai immumi- wS&hh f&iv&K w-1 'Srap WmM Pi i,l J'' nil ' tKKmm &Sr KrJ ' mLYZb flail . , mMaaa!imy. ry4fsT-rMrrT ar imvz mm I a" y'' sE9 """ f -- S$akF VHa -r"'' S 5-S -r i suppose youi are doing well at- -HI "TH e miC tenwt to the mlUlonalre'a wife, doc- . Hubby-It makea me wad the way a ''WS&m m k hww. .h, y; pretty weU... Uow hM d'rork to " BB ' "Well. I hopo you won't forget that ,n thU WOrld WiM It was ray Willies hoop that fright- Wlfy-Well did you ever get say. Jf eSThrri f- nriiii 'fel Md Ul h0MI ,nd - thing wlthoutjjMbng -ar4 for ltt IMI , I ' SU J dent' B-b-r-Trph ! Wt - t-t 1 1915;