4HR)Vbf)Mr FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA ffirtrgr lbuemn NIGHT EXTRA ft t: c YOIi. I NO. 217 PIIILADEJLPJltA, TUESDAY, MAY Lo, 1015. Copiriwit, 1015, it the Public Lsoota Counxi. PBIOE ONE OBNT 5 ITALIANS SWEEP INTO AUSTRIA; DRIVE FOE FROM FIVE TOWNS gr ri KNIGHTS TEMPLAR MARCH UP BROAD STREET IN SPECTACULAR AND PICTURESQUE PARADE i .Hhb Bi ml K VI jn 111 W miWB : liiijui' gain EVJKiBHKM i mlAf0ilV .positions in BBWjnPrBPwi B ' ITRIESTEDASH Ipt f Positions Between Jud- mih W fvMffl M-M L . frlilkiil 'Imb fkio.andlsonzo Rivers ilf: ff'! ' JI ECaptured, Reports Sm -jUg: Ji VflR f ? iijl , ' 'j ,PrJ , flfaly's Destroyers Raid Porto ;. m wk Vfflt f J",wassJ?U' J -1, LgBuso, Destroying Flotilla of j' toff HJ ' fc - jg &fa 1 ' t i iS Small Boats Strict Censor- ttr-zP&aKSi mk Mm " i shiR Enforced by Roman li-J'v ' - ffifeasK. Authorities Arrest Editor. -" "" " " " - .fj wm ttt HaKan offensive aoalnst Trieste Jait rAttiliJ ttt the. nnnftttrn nf Hut leiirlaik towns lulna about, live miles Fccrtist the border, according to an of- tl report Jssued this afternoon by JC'ar Office at Rome. The towns VCaporetto, Cormons, Cervlonagno, Ttno aifd Vcrza, all of which He be- fif the Judzio and Isonzo Rivers, ti are but a few miles distant from Us iiorlftcnt extremity of the Adriatic, Etrllef reports said that Italian cav il had crossed the frontier In this MJigton, $hlch is Known as Vcnetia and (Mi o large fotce of infantry was fol- na fleet of Italian torpedoboat de- fmers raided the Austrian harbor of w(o flmo, at the head of the Adriatic, W(nj7 a flotilla of motorboats and Wiuring p prisoners. King Victor Emmanuel lias left lor W front, where lie will assume per- Jmi command of operations. the Tvrolesc Alps several sham wmliJie have taken nlace. and the Autrlan troops are shelling the Italian KfKionj ulth mountain hntnUxr. IS? heaviest bombardment is takina me on the Adlae. nnnr rnnli. PB the Teutonic envoys to the Quir- ana tne Vatican have left Rome. ei?n;rficotl,L0f8h0thi0 kni o Mwy Commandery, ofPhilndolphjo, Jailing jnto lino at and Wharton streets. The lower picture shows Cru3adejs No. 70 in their stflkinK uniforms closely follow the model of ancient days. Brond linking uniforms, rwhich PRESIDENT PROCLAIMS NEUTRALITY AS ITALY JOINS BELLIGERENTS Penalties Prescribed for In fringements of U. S. Neu tral Policy Toward Ital ians Transgressions Enumerated and Defined m rumored that the Italian Consul at UWlanltnople has been assassinated. T7nM17 'hTnv 5wtth5ic'" have crossed the Austrian roorit, i ., .'" ""omening- me cuy ot mX. tfpUal of the Province of the 1B War im.. 4i.i . w the capture of the Austrian iipyhi cauo.' ' nyaainff forces comprised a body ?J&dnaid An 1ta mr v f fwb - au nu4 l;uiuiuii aiiu Se weather I int. finalmenlA t'Tinll. ....i.. ii. 'fcT AbbfamO Inf4llhhl.nt.nl. .na - ..w...wd una JgSgP' cl danno ragione dt senUrci un iWKe, Look 'what naye dne! fcSf'POlitan atmosphere that has en- gua recently must have gone to 1SW Believe us. if .., a- sa8 wiTZtaTv -"',".',, t:z ixtO'Z t0 wn,1e' aKout with a wet S??" "W head When we shswed tfh l' Paragraph we fairly ShtwPrldee P kind V he " "., "Mi. ;.," ;"''' tflfl Star SDanrrUl nUrani. vmrlll ,!?; ?.u wla write the weather -$ msn Phlfodelvhla and mrinthi tight, followed by xnereasxng ' iw tltahtlv warmer Wed gtntlg, easterly wad Hi?45T oy rAGE 4 'ttt te WASHINGTON. May 25. The Stnte Department today Issued President Wilson's proclamation of neutrality between Austria-Hungary and Italy. The proclamation is along the conven tion lines and differs but little from those which havo preceded It In the cases of the nations previously engaged in the European Btruggle. "Whereas." Bald the proclamation In part. "a state of war unhappily exists between Italy and Austria-Hungary; and. whereas, the United States Is on terms of friendship and amity with the contending rowers; "Nuw, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States ot Amer ica, d hereby declare and proclaim that by certain provisions of the act approved on the 1th of March, A. D., 1905, com monly known as the 'penal code of the United States,' the following acts are for bidden to be done, under aevere penalties, within the territory and Jurisdiction of the United States." PENALTIES FOR INFRINGEMENT. Here follows a recitation of the penal code's provisions against any act calcu lated to aid either of the belligerents. The usual provisions are also made for neutrality's preservation in American waters. "And I do further declare and pro claim." adds the proclamation, "that the statutes and the treaties of the United States and the law of nations alike re quire that no person, within the terri tory and Jurisdiction of the United States shall take part, directly or Indi rectly In the said wars, but shall remain ot peace with all of the said belligerents 1 Concluded on ! Two, Column Tbree MOTHER, WITH BABE IN AR31S, TAKES POISON, BUT JUY IIVE Despondent Woman Plunges Down stairs Into Arms of Her Husband. A mother with her baby In her arms swallowed poison and plunged headlong downstairs Into the arms of her husband, who had heard the Infant's terrified wall ing Unhapplness, caused by her famll)-' comments on her marriage, are respon sible for the woman's act, according to her sister, who said she had tried to buy poison three weeks ago. The woman, who Is expected to recover at the Methodist Hospital. Is Mrs. Anna Anderson, 23 years old, wife of John Rob ert Anderson, a painter, of 2311 South American street. Late last evening she went upstairs, carrying- her 15-month-old child Suspecting something because or her melancholy actions. Anderson follow ed In a, moment she appeared at the head of the stairs, walking unsteadily and clutching the crying baby tightly Then she fell and Anderson caught he The baby was taken to the hospital with her a H w thought she might hav 1 given It some of the poison, I SLAVS DELIVER CRUSHING BLOWS ON GALICIA LINE Teuton Sweep to P r z e m y s 1 Gates Checked by Vigor of Resumed Offensive. Austro-Germans' Footholds on East Bank of San Menaced by Advance Vienna Re ports Success at Kielce in Poland. ONLY SYMPATHY FOR GIRL WHO SHOT DOWN HER FAITHLESS LOVER Never Doubting Her Ac quittal on Murder Charge, Women Seek a Home for Ida Riehl, Now in Hospital. TEMPLARS IN IMPRESSIVE PAGEANTRY Knights Make Splen did Demonstration Amid the Plaudits of Spectators. Marchers Give Wonderful Ex hibition of Skill in Evolu tions, Representing the Cross in Varied Forms Com manderies Vie in Drills. QUICK NEWS TAKE 21,000 SLAVS IN NEW PRZEMYSL DASH BEltlilN, Mny 25. Renewing: thp offensive movement noith of rrzemysl, dencinl Mnckenscn's nimies have stormed six strongly , foitlfled villages and captured 21,000 Russian iirlsoneis, tho War f, Offjto announced this afternoon. & DUTCH SEND LUSITANIA PROTEST TO BERLIN fl" LONDON, Mny 2G. The Dutch Government has sent a note to f Germany concerning the sinking of the T,usltnnin, accotding to ills fl patches fiom The Hague today. The text of the note has not been (1 made public, but it Is lcpoitcd that It is similar to tho American , note. Among those who lost their lives In the Lusltanla disaster , arc snld to have been sovcinl Dutch subjects. BECKER DOOMED TO ELECTRIC CHAIR ALBANY, N. Y., May 23. Chailes Becker, the foimer New Yoik police Heutennnt, twice convicted of the slaying of Hctmnn Kos.cnth.al, a New Yoik gambler, in front of the Hotel Metiopole on July 1(J, 1012, must expiate his ciime in the elcctiic chair. Tho Cotut of Appeals today so decided the fate of the f aimer head of the New Yoik city "stiong-aim squad.' PARCEL POST SUSPENDED BETWEEN U. S. AND ITALY WASHINGTON, May 25. Italy today cabled the Postoffice Depaitmcnt that paicel post scivice between the United States Mid "' that countiy hns been suspencVil tempoiarily. Postmaster General Uuileson immediately notified nil Postmasteis that until futthor notice they shall not accept any paicel post matter for Italy. Other classes of mail inattci aic not affected by the- older. KESER WILLS LEAVE ALL TO SON ' Wills of Harry J. Keser, lce president of the Philadelphia National Bank, and his wife, .Mary, .both Mctims of the Lusitunla disaster, were admitted to probate at Nmrlstown todaj. The banker's estate is nlued nt ?50,000 and that of his wife at $20,000 Both will go to Flod Keser, a son, who resides at Jenklntown THE COMMONWEALTH VS. IDA RIEUh Muscovite offensive, along a 400-mllo line from Southern Poland to South east Qallcla, has succeeded tho defen sive position Into which tho Czar's troops were forced by the recent Aus-tro-German sweeping advance to the gates of Jaroslau and Przemysl. Tho Teuton grip on the east bank of the San is seriously menaced and a section of the left wing of General Macften zen's army is In danger of being cut off from, the main body. Vienna concedes vigorous opposi tion to the Teuton advance across Ga llcla In the official statement that the mid-Gallcla battle still rages. Capture of 6300 Slavs In the Kielce region In dicates marked hostile movements In that part of Poland. The BrltUh admit the loss of some trenches east of Ypres, which were taken by the German infantry under cover of a bombardment with as phyxiant shells. Some of the lost po sitions were afterward retaken, and the b.rttle was still In progress when Sir John French's report was sent. Along the Flemish coast there has been a resumption of artillery fight ing, the big guns ot the French and Belgians bombarding Raverzyde (three miles southwest of Ostend), where the Germans have established' shipyards. So muph damage was done hat the Germans brought their heaviest can non Into action. This is the case of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania against 11-year-old Ida Riehl: The policeman that arrested Ida Riehl said he vas sorry he had to do it. The Magistrate before whom she appeared said it was the most un pleasant duty of his life to hold her for the Coroner's inquest. The Coroner hopes that the duty of holding her for the action of the Grand Jury will devolve upon one of Ms deputies The Assistant District Attorneys said they did not uont to prosecute her and each said he was hoping her trial would be during his va cation. The Judges do not want to try her case. Great difficulty is anticipated in obtaining a jury. Sympathy for Ida Rlchl. the 17-year-old girl that shot and killed Cdmond Ilaupt luhrer when, upon her demand that he marry her, as ho had promised to do, he laughed at her and Insulted her, has been expresjed by social workers In this city In offers to give the girl a home, and. when she shall hae been acquitted, em ployment. For no one aeema to doubt for a moment that she will walk out of court a free woman. Even the detectives and officials In the Concluded on Paso Four, Column Two Twelve abreast and to the martial air of "Onward, Christian Soldiers," 15,ou) Knights Templar In the presence of a cheering crowd of more than 50,000 per sons today marched up Bioad street. The demonstration was among the most pic turesque ever seen In Philadelphia. From tho grnndstunda erected about the City Hall Plaza tho parade was reviewed by State and cit) officials The foimlns of tho famous "Passion Ciois" took place nt Broad and Race streets. Seated near tho windows of buildings along North Broad street were hundreds of persons Some of them waved handkerchiefs to tho middle-aged nnd elderly men who helped to form the famous cross known to templarlsm Others waved the colors of the crder, which are black nnd white. As though by a prearranged signal the thousands of persons tfho lined both sides of the Btieet suddenly became silent when different dhislons went through the form ing if different ceremonies Tho cere monies consisted of tne "Double Cross," the "Salem Cross" and the "Creek Cross," all of w hlth were formed by special corps of fie marchers. Threo women among the spectators fainted nt Broad nnd Arch street when .Edward I) Bossert, 130 Woodslde avenue, Narburth, was thrown from his mount at that point and fell upon his face. Mr Bnssert's horse became frightened anil l eared up, throwing him to tho street He ubb taken to Sledlco-Chlrurglcnl Hospital for treatment Physicians found he had escaped with severe bruises Tho three women who fainted are Sirs Emma Craves, 4215 AVestmont avenue, Mrs. Katharine 'Schofer, b327 Leeds street, nnd Miss Sarah Mundorf, Burlington They were revhed at the Hahnemnn Hospital About 1500 police were necessary to handle the enormous crowds that Jammed sidewalks until It was Impossible to move They were headed by Captain Harry Dals, who Is acting Superintendent of Police: Captain Tempest and Lieutenant John P. Duffy, of the reserves. Lieuten ant Buhler was In command of the mounted police. BIRDS CIRCLE MIGHTY PAGEANT. Several hundred pigeons that make their nests in the cornices of City Hall contributed to the beauty of the pic turesque spectacle as the head of the great parade was about to swing Into SCHUYLKILL GIVES UP BODY OF VETEUAN OARSMAN The Schujlklll Rhir today gave Up the bodj of Charles H. Elliott, 3211 Montgomery avenue, a veteran oarsman, who was drowned near the Straw berry Mansion tiolley brldqe. Fait mount Park, while out sculling late Friday afternoon The body was lecovered shortly aftei 10 o'clock by Park Guards Dollard and Glass, who belonged to tho party which has been combing the oottom of the Hver with grappling irons night and day since the tragedy. The body was tuken to the German Hospital and later to the Ulllott home. that n ABSENT-MINDEDNESS COST NEARLY 200 LIVES CARLISLE, England, May 23 An nhspnt-mlnrin,! !,. i , i. i - - ....... ,t,.,t, ti.ti,!, nuu lUiliUb local train was standlmr on tlin mnin iin nt , --,i.i i t... . u.hn ., .. : . . ... " " "" -i "U.iwuy ..wv,,. nu.ii jjaoaru, was lespousioie for Saturday thai resulted in the loss of nenrlv "(in given today at the Government piobe Into tho disaster, the wreck near Gretna last 00 lives, according to tpstlmnnv SERBS AND AUSTRIAN'S AGAIN JOIN BATTLE N1SH, Servla, May 25,-After a long lull, fighting between Servians and AlIMtfiJinW nirtl n linn V.-. , . . .. ----- " ":' ramraenceu. it is oHlcially announced that Austrlans have opened a bombardment against Ordjenovnc and that an tlllery duel at Sekeli Is proceeding. the nr- PtL'C r0R NEGR0 DRUNKS IN ARKANSAS TOWN . -""". ". . .-o. strict sounety will be encouraged rZ'ta i , V T ' "" onHnanco "nt any negro caught on the n!! . , ?ted 0r""y "eKro b05' ,esa than 1S 5" W y from home tnwn i .. r ., V ' , m '" " mppeU "' lne vat tne ext morning, town toasts of the best dipping vats In Bradley County. In this The GENEV have Inv papers from niREL ARMY CORPS INVADE AUSTRIA. SWISS HEAR NEVA, May 23 Three Italian army corps, approximately 120,000 naded Austrian territory, nccordlng to dispatches received by 000 men. liv fttvlata todai Thev statpil thnt Vi a..o.i -. ... falling back to their fortified lines without giving battle to the invaders. the frontier FIRST LUSITANIA PROBATE CASE MOUNT VRRNO.V. N. Y. Mnv 23 -The first proceedings In the West- beener, HUrr0Ba,'e'?Urt by "" "elr f m of tho Lusltan.a's victims wl begun today when Mrs Anna V. Mills, of New Rochelle. applied to Surrogate Mmf t , 'etter.S,..gf niMsl n the estate of her husband. Charles v! .!.,?." ' T "WW SaS: "'Mr- Mllls de"arte '" Ve on board the Lusltanla on the high seas off the coast of Ireland on May 7 last" Concluded on Fage Three, Column One 1Tlro TUKS DESERT FROM SMYRNA GARRISON i. J:1 ' May 25'-Brltls warships off Smyrna are keeping up a hot bombardment of the Turkish positions An official dispatch from the Anglo' Ease's ,8ntetr,8ort.hat ' C" POLICEMAN ACCUSED OF MISUSING MAILS WOODBURY. N. J.. May 25.-On a charge ot sending obscene letters through the malls. Policeman Samuel Merchant was arrested near midnight in Mayor Ladd's office and hurried off to Trenton. The arrest was made at the instance of United States District Attorney J, W, Davis. The letters now in possession of the attorney were sent to a prominent oung woman ot this city, who is said to have been recently living with Merchant. i'EW SLAV OFFENSIVE ON SAN DEVELOPS MORE MOMENTDM Crushing Blows Check Teuton Ad vance and Menace Positions. PETROGRAD, May J5. Along a 100-mlle baitlefront, stretching from southern Poland to southeast Qa llcla, the Russians are now on the offen sive and delivering crushing blows against the Austro-Qerman lines, according to an official statement given out here today Southeast of Stryj the Austro-Qermans are battling stubbornly to the path of the advinelng Russians according to the War offl-e but the Sle,v armies continue to LA CITTA DI GOR1ZIA MINACCIATA DAL CORPO 1TAL1ANO D'INVASIONE Rumania, Bulgaria e Grecia Seguiranno Presto Vltalia Nella Guerra Contro Austria, Germania e Turchia. La Quadruplice E Un. Caucludid on Fate Two. Coluuiu Foul Un dtspacclo da Roma conferma l'occupazlone dl cinque clttadlne italiane dell'Austrla da parte delle truppe Italiane, cho Incontrarono soltanto una debole resistenza Le clttadlne occupate sono Cormons, Verza, Cervlgnano, Caporetto e Terzo. Le forze italiane mlnacclano ora Gorilla, la capltale delta provlncla. Un telegramma da Glnevra dice che 1'eserclto Italiano ha gla lnvaso 11 ter rltorlo austrlaco con tre corpt d'armata, ed agglunge che le forze austrlache b! sono rltirate dletro le loro opero fortlflcate II dlspacclo lion e stato ancora confermato da alcun comunicato ufflclale del -governo Italiano, e probabllmente non vl e da attenderst alcuna conferma se non quando le operaztonl dl questo prlmo perlodo dl guerra saranno terminate II governo Italiano ha tnaugurato una severssima. censura, come non si era mat vista prima in Italia, e clo per evttare che 11 nemico prendo, dal gtornalt le information! che altrlmentl non avrebbe. A Roma e glunta la notlzla che 11 console Italiano a Costantlnopoli e stato bssa.gsinaw, uia iwit 01 u aiyuna gqnicrniti. Rumania, Bulgaria e Grecia hanno intavolato trattatlve per concludere un accordo e rnetteril In guerra, contro U Turchia e gll tmperl central!, e pare che le trattatlve proceAano sodisfacentemente, L'ltaUa e formalmente alleat con rlngWlterro, la Francla e la Russia essen dosl obbliguta 8 uon flrmare leparataraente la pace con le naxioni teutonicbe. iLcrien la la. pio piu dgttsUat compHt aotlili circa U eturr, diU'IulU. in $75,000 COAL BREAKER BURNS AT ILAZLETON HA2U7TON, Pa.. May 25.-The Lattimer No. breaker of Pardee Brothers & Co.. Inc., one of the largest and best equipped In the Lehigh coal Held, was destroyed by fire of unknown origin today. The loss Is ,75.000. partial y cov ered by Insurance. Five hundred hands are thrown out of work. THIEVES WITH WAGON LOOT RAILROAD STATION Thieves with a wagon robbed the 0ton station of the Atlantic City Rail, road, between Audubon and Haddon Heights, early today, carting away the entire stock of the newsstand and many parcels. When Clayton Hankie the station roaster, reached the place today he found that it had been ransacked from top to bottom. ! Asquith Defends Speyer Loyalty LONDON. May M.-Premler A'squlth has written to Sir Edward Speyer a letter in which he characterizes as "baseless and malignant the Imputation made upon your loyalty to the British Crown" Re ferring to the desire which Sir Edgar ex pressed when ho resigned from the Privy Council, that all honors bestowed upon him should be withdrawn the Premier says The King U not prepared to take any step such a ou suggest in regard to marks of distinction which you have received in recognition of public services and philanthropic munificence." The HI mile that he alee, tonian Says: 'urray likes icorl q much ilortgtlda of it. roSTi AND POUND spring ovtrcou. qwhms ubi ffi pocket lUnurJ if ,.n,,i; ,i's,iP5' B?iTi?ia cro trm foary. Iasu ikUin m ! m a