wnWeff EVENING TJEDGEB-PHIEADELPHIX MONDAY, MAY 22, 19X5: CLASSIFIED RATES nltr.V AND SUNrjAY R STYLE TITH (or Ilka thin) i ,' nsertlon i . ... . . . ...... . . . . Igo. per nt llim Smwutlve InMttlon. ..10c per iin SiJStlSi wanted, threa Inier . (ftlS SIZE-TYPE (or like this) IhtoiMrf '? A". f'5MJfl",.t'0"S &e?.M!i!i Flu Boarding and Rooma. JfS consecutive Insertions.... .16 perllne. f,,it. l'n ' fti """' FrXlIl NOTJU1.B inr paper Win linen, on time . .. Roe jjnrii Insertion ...11.00 DAILY UNIiT fn Meet iJcmcr , iff . rnMMNATION RATE PB,.rion In both the morning nnd evening l!B.Mr 'of me day I (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER IRVnNINfll ill our cn" per "ns net t0 lft'e " ftT'-. in ntTitATtnvn wiMTPn ffArnTISINO IN TUB FUIJMC LEDGER Kr nn iNsmiTKu in the evening Wkfi? WITHOUT ADDITIONAL IcJlABOE. RTlitre is a drug store near your PL. iiat will accent Lcducr want hii at office rates. r'jTELP WANTED FEMALE 'MtiMIlERWOUK English Prot.i best refa. TTtr 10 lo 12. 437 W. Winona nvc., Otn. EjoK-GermTn Protestant for family of 2 1 IaryIncludcd,Ivn2i,LcdgcM3iTico. onfiEW0nK Country Bin wnnted.adult fam. Kot Turin nea r Cynwyd. P023, Ledger Oft. iirnHEnY GOVERNESS. Swiss, speaking Filial."' . r.n-i1 Cnll un Mn. T. t.n K0,rm.n. .';."- - - pnoueau, fj'-V" t: -x. - ..r. i.mnci t'vpr.iMrvnrn n summer drees, voiles nnd linens. A. II. CAPI.AN A CO.,JilItWalnut. MTBATOnS on nil parts of shirtwaists, silks WEP?A7.I. ....J....l! hlolie.t tinv tiara. l..Meri Company, Sd and Ilrown. p- - pinAT0HS. enperlenced on wash top skirts. L?Si?. oJSh.ri. .121 Market. f.lUT -."... ;. WANTED Young women to learn nursing! Jr. . .N.!ilin hut an onnorlunltv: npoll- rrantl' education should consist of nt leant 3 & rears In nl"h echool or cijuU'nlcntj oourno In s tnlnlne S years; SO n month Is Riven first 3 A !I.-.i. nnii R thnrpnftrr for necessarv et- ! ?..... This hosnital offers n lino ODPor- ' :...n. fnr ihosa deslrlnir to enter the nurslnc f jrofewlon. Address P 008,- Ledscr Ofllco. WANTED A nursery Koverncss and mother's t MOB .Or CIllIU -. n jc.ua, mua, ua uiuiuuhii l reliable, capable nnd hao pood refs.; good Pliwir. Apply -Ul West Brlnchurst St., lier HBiintown, near Queen Lano Stntlon. SLANTED Protestant lady's maid, not Ger- i. IQSa tO CO lO in. iiuiuui. .nu iuim.iy ?tfort noon, IdOO Locust st. MfEAVEnS wanted on broad Knowlea nnd RCllpper looms. wi " m.u-u ui uiu iih Hftird Mills. Stenton and Godfjrey aves., Otn. Germantown, rhlla., ra Mny IT. 1015. Zlit Dr Ml, Dean, ( u aii certainly most kind of ou to hno Jtotttn this position for me. I consider It tho imoit deslrabls I hao hud In a very lone manning juu .h"'i .'. fvut nitiuiaa ouu ircmptnoss, I remain, flSlrned) "I. O. II." HELP WANTED MALE SkoT Tinted In dry roods store. Apply (Vld B-trd Woodbine ave., Ovorbrook. rhlladelphln. JTHAUrrEUIl to" run Jitney on commission. gilffl fiy Ljwrenre bi. JBKUG0.1ST Must bo a live wlre. with pood BnrirenctB- mjt iucnneiu, uuu jvaignn nvc, ivTim(l(n. . J IfihST-CLASS AWNINU MAKEIt, estimator: CiWi cipaDio taKinir cnarno: rorerenceB. An- Withi Inntilatnlv rui.lflnn ,llniniF nntv 1 Bk. Wrlrzlns. Son & Co.. Ocean City. N. J. PinST-CLASS JOINCRS "wanlnd nt Newport Mts snipDuiiatnz nna ury uock company, R.NOTOTI Nena. n ?INSIHUNCD SOLICITOns Catholic men jiftintM to sout-ic lor inuusirini inaurnnre on rvilck-itlllns al:k, accident nnd Btrnlcht Ufo Mlfctei: Kood commission, rarld promotion. Bipptr any mornln? botwocn A nnd 0 o'clock, iaaency department of tho Ctlhollo Assurunco HAwclitlon of America, 410 Walnut St., Mh owr SALESMAN Good opportunity for cneructlo Rmsn: raii saury nnd commission to start. Bpta, ledger Ofllco. SlPANTDD Salesman with exocutlvo nbllltv to Iitt si crew manager. Apply D a. m. iion- ujr, un teacrai St., u.imaen. lyAixTED Ktsht hlRh-cla9s salesmen to sell Ills tppiiances. Apply u a. m. 3tonany. -tin Preiuil t.. Camden. V'EAVEns wanted on Broad Knowlea and auirper looms. Apply at ornco or tne iirnu Bford Mills, 8tenton and Godfrey af.. Otn. OUNd MAS. ffltr fdnratlnn. nn orderly In a asspltil. Address, wltli rtferenco a to char jscitr. it l.M. Ledger Cenlral. rjPVT AfOTTATVTRn. TOh-Slr. Vnt. of the Commercial Iteglstry IBurtAu at Ledger Central If ou arc InnklnB Ifof sales, clerical, executive or technical rosltion. ledger odvertlrers In tho Situation iwintrd column nro dally rccurlnt? openings Iwreuth thla Service. Wrlto for tho booklet fci'pporiunujv or call nun uar AutjuAiwriiu: IJlCTOn TALKING MACHINE COMPANY ua vacancies tor' uouhlc-head moulders Cabinetmakers Touchers up Itubbers IPnjslcal examlnailnn necessary. Apply Vlc f Talking Ma'hlno Co... application ofllce, Pilaware qe. and Market St.. Camden. N. J. IQIUATIONS WANTED FEMALE toTEIvnsiNG WniTHn-Womnn with nens- jwr. cepartme nt stora nnd publication nouw experience, seeks now connection; good or ttnlier and aistematlzer, executive ability, ffyllve. E CIV. Ledger Central. CHAllBERMAir). rail,lABn,l refined. Trot.. tMJ?MCanfur. best rof. Phona For Chase 11 Y. flfltp.NUnsEi North German, expd.; small ,CHn.nVIInor? ., V-T.TTjT-i .YTe ywiren; would leave city. P 621, Led. Off. BCHTI .rtui In a b a- . a .." w,i"r capaoio ana exn, Beat in RILsMhoreiref. P C.12, ledger Office. IfS'f'RDD WOMAN wants day's work, wash' ffOK. ihoroughiy capable and experienced! iffi. ? L woman, good references. P BIT, feffWO. wishes DOsltlon'. mountains nr'aeaahora: USSSMfejenceC 82(1. Ledger Office. Wpj closing house'about June 1 wishes to fraiWy 211 BprucV'st. tllAlO WANTS" nniTlInn In trnv.l. cicallent !.s.Appry1721 Walnut. ItViis' ,,,Plbl. useful; Protestant woman. lK?S)fobyEnNESSi 'French, experience!!,' te3Ti.'. " ' ot young rnnaren, aee J,"100 In food American family; rood refer- finttP uovernesa," iso-i iiroaaway. KJJSE9 Engllah. Protestant, young- woman Wunil. . l"l lor small whsib. nim liuiiJI if .nHy olng to Panama Ki IgSJOXjilgheat reference. P-622. Led. Off. ilS?ilAPnEIl-Youns lady would like poi lanKiSi ' neatness and accuracy are an. lwJri'lr?",derat6 Mlry. reference. B UT. if(K.M lvORAPllEIti, experienced: moderate sal- KS'Sr'MPIlK.u. rold. accuratu, good IlK' ..-, inaust's. K tan i.en. i m l'-:l;UPHEH. bookkaaner. Indus., rellible. irutAi -j- -..' .--.i'.-.-T a . . mm. airy tu -tiu. iea. -";; kbfl?'.. Settled, ttlihoi Hnwn.l.lra wnrk and Rliilc.r'r cltsrL or 'Uburbs: references. 127, gaaJjlMO Columbia ave. Km. , )VJjMa shaa position." caretaker or iRsy, isu. n S.,. "lorougniy competent; rsier- Sgt-iH7 Ledger Of flee. 'K 0nir PTi...-rj-,-;,.'. -fir lofc; .V,1 ipassage. scalp treatment, manl 11 Drur. . Lnomr only Jeaneite Kalui. LSDruca g ii part o m v. Elkln.,Park, ra mm J!.. MA " " " B&ll.,iII',ry Bureau. IStertlt (4..wl,h '" Wa that you took suoh PS iV J? ." no' for youraelf. but for a per- a ,V l siarted work on tsaiuraay "S2h.'i "N with the position. PauT nire to mai.K you lor m neanat-tfullv AnDELLLBNHAUT RATIONS WANTED MALE ajj":!! and ifflce manager, eeptlon- H M, w in laat poaltlon of tru.t "fUbyt., rould iaa age 8S; mar Siid ape- ial ief J fttd. Led Cant fER and o'H.e maoagar. good cor E" "i i mi oroughl conyariam g-- in i s coaseaaad or iomu SITUATIONS WANTED MALB BOY, 2tfu1.rtatii ,,,,n," .Position, In country: tif.IJn Kentleman place or farm: beat of . .S.VU..FH. fti ii,. iiifl-er ornci.. ,1nTr'rrif'.";HnIninT,'Sl,1 Vno lunches or din Jsreferenccs. Phono lx)cut 8H), noon. CV,AIL,rnuJl 'hea . Position: 12 ycara' ex- KJv WtaP "A'1 nrllni . n- " 1'owers, . '! V41il ux WestI'hlladelphla, ' cA-Wf;Rt,n'MBCHANIti. sober, single. Fr !n:...E"f-' 8 mr' cxJi' cy or munlry, Jhouwjrktjuintapoajfe CBO. Id. Central C!.','wl,"!'.'-ir.,'I, ninrrled, speaks both I'rench fiinei'.nf!,,.h' "hj. Position: 11 yenrV exno- Jlncejjiest reL 1B12 Deal at.. rrnnkfoM, Cen:e,ri.,ioriIfr)1 ho,r,, JTturAnt; reliable, energetlc; needs work. E 050, Lodger Cent. C!cn'-lni'i0aK' -r" "lnRl,i 0 jcara book Jicyip; nndcler!c.ip,; good ref. J (iJI.Leil.Uen, C'hFi5,1.M.iVf..Bnd.,?',r,)ener' a vr.' ?! refa.: -Whiloj single. Phone Chestnut Hill fen. CV'I:0i!.IAN flrf Position during; ac.i- hi 'k ". ."oucr; eaceueni uusinesa f ", uenger i:enirni. bolh UfkriiiiA.Ji12 y'"r. no" nerlenco on i2f,orK?. nnd nomeatlo cars; beat of ref--"-Jl-yaLjdgerj3fflce C!.'ilTC's"r colored couple dealro placca In . gather or aeoaralelv!ri.ftihfin. Preston 42.M. i!iEJ?.H' flni1!' 23' wishes" position on K .'IITiPJ! Place, country or city; oxnorlonco Lki.i ""Ablet, flowers: tnko ciro of lawn, JRVA cow' horse; very good refs. aA.n.rKNfn wlhea posTtlon as chauffeur nnd gnrdener; can furn good. ret.. C 3U3. Led, urt. JiA,N1:sl3..wl,h.t" Position butler, or willing Wat si Private family. Y f312 8. JAI'ANIWD wishes position, butler or cookl iili.ui!ii.llt"OijBiiipioyer, inM ?i, ti.iq st. JAPANESE wishes position, butler or cook; Jieatreferencc. T ,1 N. 18th st. H1!?8013 'vtor operator" or porter wishes position; can furnlah references. Address iLa!iy Alston, 17.12 S.IJnncroft st. MAN AND WIPK, "colored, wieVosltlonsas cook and butler; good reference. MCfl Kllhert, MAIiniED WlttTU MAN, gcneraTworkTsmali fnrmhouao; 'ir) per month. C. M. Walm, csttonn Statlon,Pn, BttTPl'Ell or naat.r yean' oxperlence7"ileslrcj permanent pos'n; gooil refs. n 163, Ixd. Cent. SYSTEM and efficiency manacslrea connec tion, establlahed llrm, reducing costs or In creasing output. D 213, Ledger Central. YOITNO MAN, 2.17 7 years'"offlco cxperlencnT capnhlo of handling correppondence, now In rhargo of order department with mfr., with no Hdxnncemrnt, desires ehinge; will nceept mod. salary wltlifuturp. E .131. Led. Central. YOt'NU MAN, 2d, four ears' cxpcrlenco telo phono construction, one year contractor, de sires otitsldo position, energetlo and nmbl tloua. E 442. Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN." 22, desires booltecplng nnsf tlon;4ijearexperlence, D2J(j LcuCcnt. YOUNG JtAN. grndiiato of"l. C. S. concrete courM. wishes position. C 23. Ledger Office. WHO WILL GIVE ME WOIUC7 Man, 33 jears. marrlod, his had wldo of flco experience, has family of small children depending on nlm, has excellent references, will tnko work of any kind. Tolephone Spruco 0147. Haco 3337. WOULTJ LIKE TO SBCUTIE POSITION for chauffeur; four years in my service; first rlnsa In every particular. Address Dox E 211, Ledger Central, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OUAHANTEED whlto help, supplied without advanco Tclopliono Miaa I'Iats.B35S. Camnc. MIlS. HrA"nVEY, ltUO"nittenhouses"q.-nellnhio help supplied and wanted for all capacities. MIPS PETERSON. 20.11 Fltzwater-Flrst-elass help suppllod and wanted. Phono Spruco SOSO. MISS MA11Y T. McCAIlTHY, 2107 Christian: wum i.iim oiippiiei vc wnnia ipi-cinss neip. MADAME AHHE. 1M.1 Christian-French cm ployment offlco for high-class private help. AUTOMOBILES EAGLE AUTO CO. 1400 X. 82 D ST. Phone, Uelmont 6011. Quick icnlce automobile repairing. First class repair work at .price gunranteod loner than elsewhere. Let us estlmato and be con vinced. Itepalrlng In prhata garngca nt the lowest price. 1'or Sole 1011 rORD touring car, perfect condition: nil I now tlrca; no dealers. Call Wyoming Gar- I age, A Hr.d Mentor sts., Olney. , AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES e'rVu1,-"' I?h.rnlnW,illB1f,Ter' 'M ! per hour. Phone Wyoming 1UIQ Y. j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES YOUNO MAN, with 3000. for nn cBtabllahed business In a good neighborhood; object, to Increase (be buslnetu; one-half Interest with hpnlcca; this a rare opportunity, nlli stand strictest lnestlgatlon, oxperlcnco not neces sary. M 83R. Ledger Central. Vj 1NTCKUST In the West- Suflruifthanna Gurag for sale, $ZQ; rota, exc, with nrst c laB,?. mec hnnj.JI SO 1 W. Sufifiuehannaay ft. CJOOD-rAYlNG furnished apartment" houra at ery low price. lfi'Jl! Mount Vurnon, CARPET CLEANING WEST P11ILA. MONARCH ST0RA3E CO. 3c. PER YARD. 3170-72 LANCASTER AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANED. DYED. MAILHOT.1310 Chestnut. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY HEMSTITCHING done while you wait. A. Itelchard.il 11 Chestnut. Pictorial Review pat. FASIUONAI1LE dressmaking; ftt guaranteed; remod. ;reas. 6468 Chestnut st. Helm. 17U8 Y. DRESWMAKINO taught; 6hort, prac. course.' MacDonell. 307 Denckla llldg.. 11th & Market. DRESSMAKER Philadelphia. Ta., 211U llalnhrldffe at , May 16, 1013. (From a French Dressmaker) Miss Reed. Household Regl'try Ifureau. Public Ledger, nth nnd chestnut els. Josephine Fclger wishes to thank the man agora of the Ilurcau for their kindness and Interest for having round her so much work. Hoping to Jlnd biiiio moment to call per sonally. Very respectfully. FnL0L.R FOR SALE BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d-hnnd bought, told, rented, oxch'd, Keafer, 3'.'qGlrard ave. INSTRUCTION RAGTIME In 20 lessons. .Call or writ Chrlitcmen Piano Ecboola. 8820 dennantawa ae.. 1.12Q Tasker st. STORAGE J. M. FENTON STORAGE CO.. INC. Lowest rates. Free eatlmate. Uelmont 1300. WEST Monarch Storage Co Auto nnd pack. P11ILA. Ingand ahlpplng.3g70Laiicastr aya. ROOMS FOR RENT nARING ST.. 3218 (The Chllton)-Two first floor rooms, suit dentist, doctor or apart- mCntS. Alia itVlkl tf..v.'""i .....B-. CHESTNUT. 1S03 Attrac. furn. rooma; south- ern expos.; tumi"" ."- ...-.. -.-.- ... CHESTNUT. 2115 Two well-iurnianea roonn, sliiKie orfnBUl'uLiHmm!I-rliyijJ)E,3lco 5ISi FAhTmOUNT AVE.. 1532-Heasant rooms for congVnlal bual. men, alngrcnjiultejjhnne; JEFFERSON, 1409-Furn. or unfurn. parlor J V,,!,. private bath and bell; hardwood floors. KOIUHS. E.. 2041 (Hotel Carlisle). Thompson and Norrfa-Nlce, large front parlor, ault- nMft IQr OOClor ui- ut"i"H .... . . i'fiWELTON. 4010 Ueslrablo room near batli: 1 also amaller: Prot. prhale family: near -U'1 Ki'UllCE. 1203 Large front room, furnished, bi 11111.U, -r -r.. va-nrlA reasonable. vpmanoo W.. 1821 Comer house t Urge, airy Vrn en BMW! bKt running wmcr, w ...v. -- , , TTvmr 3 302 Large lry roomj well furn. i '"ned "private , gml?: Fllbart' 4MJ W. ;...,h h . 114 Large, airy front room for 1 '"or i r.;.?."-nfgrtvat. family; eleo. lights. isTH N.. 3775 Private family ,has 2 well "furn. Vooms' for lUbt hsP): f bedroomj convenient to oars. Tioga f.87J ivriT S SilSublet, furn. suite, 2 largo "rSoms; Trun. llttr;j!ghtJouflelphoa. l(rrHr8T"l!0-ndsomely lur largj. airy room, bathj wlllJiiJuro.J-hIujiiOlO. rTst-s-233-Fum. vacancies: corner house: aie laiimyi r"""' - -- - rr-n-s 1240--Attractive unturn. rooms; In "lla'oren suite' bath; modern: facing park, water: i1"-- - w... - -.. ., BOARDING ARCH 2oil-2015-Large. beautifully furnished A2si ?""" aler. 8: hotel table. 4Wistn sssssss&3mi cTlEStNUT,,.4030-:Buu,u! ff,.,,,;- Crinn'm v 2041 (Hotel Carlisle). Tnoropaon ORRIS. , AVAntly urnlatia4 room, board hSe da7 wk. himt tookjogi rv w- tnlW thfat; .Utnt car Mrvic. Vnp aus-Tralned curse bas pleas, homo for B0AHDINO WAt.tACR, 1R21-C00I, attrac, single, doubto rms., rtinnlng water: reflned hdma',phpnet; AI,L,ACr5TlS55 Itnoms, single or eh suite: cnod tahlel renaonahle. WaT.nOi', 3r)0X ComfortahTe rooms"."som prl- li5j'alhjbeaut lfuljielgh'dJatonJvt2tW. IVALNUT, 4M1 2T-floor rooms, with hoard; near L southern expos. : refa. exchanged, loTH.a, 314 (cor. Clinton sO-Largo single, doublo rooms; private bath! board opllonal. WEST riltM.-Ltixurloun aocom. for elderly Pnrlo and Invalids; scientific care: number limited, large grounds; old shade wldo Porches, Ideal locnllon Phone oodlnnd 4S10. guhtirlmn QntlMANTOWN, 23.1 W. Illttenhouse St. (l-e- tween Wajno nnd Orcene)-IJrge. front. Si. . story tin.: good table, corns. I'll, tun lnii X. OnnMANTOtt'N' (M2S Wnn nve.)-Wel.fiir. tms oxc. tftMe; near train, trol. "In. B!27X. APABTMENTS SPIlUCn, 1 420-Ilachelor apt., 2 or 3 rooms; Prlv. lnthf furn. or unfurn.i electric lights, linrdwod.1 floors, all modern Improvements. PHIN( (TXltDEN, lolo Excellent ants. In 8 uiuercnL nouses; some lurnisnem hiivithwihi 2ino CHESTNUT ST. Itooms, with baUii single room, use of bath. Weil 1'lilladelplila CHILTON APAHTMENTS . , 3218 Baring at. Twolal-clara rooms, with private foath; nil able dentist it doctor, or aportments. Mrs. nolle McClaln, mgr. Hell phono Preston OJ87. PUBNISHED APAHTMENTS LOCUST, 1313 Well-furnlshod apartment; nrgijilryriioma, rots. Phone Wnl. ilKlj W. PINE, POO Furnlshdd"housekeeplnR apartment 4 rooms, bath, all outaldorooma; phone. 17TH, S., 132-Kurnlahed iipurlments"; 3 rooma nnd bath; loan! optional SlfilLET (Do Lnncey Apts., 23d nnd Pine) 3 rooms, bath, kitchen, nil ontsldo rooma. for summer or permanent. Phone Walnut i44l. LADY having furnished housekeeping apart ment would llko to share anmo with busmen women. 1 627, Ledger Omce. SUI1LET AT"Vl27 flPIlUCB, fur. or unfur 7'sli roons nnd bath, reasonable. L'nderhl 1 L West Plillndelnhls PINE AND 46T1I Apartments, attractively lurnisnca. Tno nnehurst tnewj. u rooms, nam, private porch. Apply to janitor. I'UItNISHKD complete f Inrgo rooms, bath; norm nnd west exposure; 14 windows, awn ings. Janitor, West Thlla : bargain, June to October Phone liarlng 7123 X, HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 23D AND PINE 8TS.-DE LANCEY APT3. New, light, 4 to 0 rooms. 1 and 2 baths. kltch;nette; central location Apply Janitor. DIAMOND, 21123 rooms, bath. Kitchen, hot- water heat ; ref . J 2d floor, $25 i 4 rms., bath, kitchen, nil cor, rms., $03. Diamond 1813 W, SPRUCE, 2110 Coof, high and airy apartment, unfurnished; 4 rooms, bath nnd kitchenette) for rent after Juno 1; moderate rental. C A. rotter. Jr. rhone Locuat 1712 W. WALLACE, 17111 6-room housekeeping flat, modern; oil conva. : porchidumbwalierj KEAL ESTATE FOB SALE CITY lOtC N. OTID ST. T"or sale very low; 3-story, S rooms; good ordor; largo yard. W. If. IICOD. C12 Norrls st. riltr. INSURANCE Albrccht's. 373 Droxcl llldg., 2414 W. Lehigh. NEW JERSEY UUNUALOWS, lots 2.1x150: noar trolley: over looking Delaware; National Park. Greater New Jersey Company. 33 8. lfith. Ilnddonflrlil. N. .7. HAVE HUVEIIAI. FIND PROPERTIES, at bargain prices. W.M. CAREY MARSHALL. 631 Kedernl st.. Cnmden. Wnodhury Heights. N. J. SEVERAL desirable homes and Improved bldg. lots at reasonablo prices. John Mayhew. SEAHllOIIE Capo Muy, N. J. COITAOCS, hotels, npts. for aalo and rent; some bargains In building lots. C Earlo Miller, 218 Ocean St.. Cnpw May. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA 1AIUIH TVO acres, overlooking Chester Valley nnd .Main Lino; set of buildings, flSOO. J. U. Thompson, West Chester. Pa. I 3v FERTILE rnstern I'CLna. fnrnis. A, D, "' "w ChoMer ig :... REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME by monhlly payments of from $17 to Jf,0: houses located N. Phlla, and (Hn., worth from ?16n0 to ticno. Merchants" Union Trust Co., 718-710 Chestnut st REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY lnl'J N. 4T1I, 8 rooms, all conveniences.... $13 20(11 N. 4th, 8 rooms; very desirable 20 llll'i I.elthunw, il rooms, bath, rnngo 1- 1PI2 Race, 6 rooms, bath, range H W2f. Mutter. 5r.. bath, range: lino order.. 13 272S Ialethorp, 4 rooms, range, etc H 412 Hewfcon, 4 rooms.... 10 W. II. HOOD. 612 Norrla at. 210S V1N& Newly papered and painted II room house. Inquire 1028 Mt. Vernon st. I'oclorleaJU'nreliousea.MfglTloors CHERRY ST., 024-28 Threo floors. 5000 so. ft each; modern building. Phona W. II. Delsfitli. 713 Sprln g Garden. 83t N. 4TH ST. Third nnd fourth iloors. each 20x14): pood light, with or without heat and rower. Ilualnesa Properties nnd Stores CHESTNUT, 831 Store and basement, suitable for household or ofllco specialties. Inquire on premises. F. AV. aADDLDR. nrncr.ii. husiness hoo.m.s. etc. DREXEL I1LDO. OFFICES Annual Rentals. Ground Floor, MOO. $120. Suites, 2 rms.,H6O.175,$200.22.'!.250,J32. Suites, 3 rms.,f202,275.540O,J4riO.S00.J33O. Corner Suites, 2 to 10 rooms. tyOO to $1073. J.l.l.ia u. Wil.L,l,Aia. ouu iJrexeiuuuuing. RENT Office space or desk room; phones; stenography. 5S3 Lafayette Bldg; TWO-STUDIOS, furnished bedroom attached use of hath: central. 1301 Arch at. Profeaslonnl Ofllcea ItKriNED family has suite for dentist or pro ffs.ilonal man; rensona ble. Phone I'op. 10S3. Desk lloom DESK ROOM Perry Hldg. : light, cheerful : Keystone phone free. M 755. Ledger Central, GEIIJIANTOWN KNOX ST.. 4003 Attractive 3-story, It-room nouse, conraining piiuara room ana laore, Apply W. II. Delsroth. 713 Spring Garden st. SUIIUlinAN llala. Pa. DALA, PA., 112 Bala ave. Modern seml-de- tache.1 nom, u large, cneercui, aunny rooma, with 2 bathx; wide, shady porch) Ideal loca tlonirent ?S0. T. S. Mitchell, BON. 8th at. Illdlcy Park. Pa. SMALL country place, old shade, mod, convs., 7 rooms, brautliul surroundings; 5 mtn. from station: t20 month. N. P. Sloan. SEASHORE Avaloii. N. J. liEAUTIFULLY furn. new bungalow, garage, near ocean, -W. Any agent, Avalon. N. J. ,V.nnnn fill KTrtl tl Jlh t UT jmilUH.ll. ..... ..m-.. .... ..-. CDTTAOU, a rooms, furnished, on ocean front fiso Any a Bint, Avalon, N. J or Johnson ?,31 North 41h at. Stone Harbor, N. J. COTTAOBS, bungalows and apartmenta, furn- lanea, lor rein, nwu,w i.ut-va, mi convrni. rncea; itrar ut aim t-mxiuci. uum ruutudui to Philadelphia: fishing, boating, surf bath. Ing. tenms, gou: muiowns on peacn; se Illustrated booklet, B. J, II. Compan; Real Estate Trust Bldg., Philadelphia. BcasMo Park. N. J. FOR RENT Modern, comfortable cottage; porch on 3 aides; 6th ave., Seaalde Park. Ap ply 4634 Cheater atg., Philadelphia. Cape Mar. N, J, FURNISHED cottages, ocean view, all loca tions: reasonable. C. Earla Miller, 218 Ocaaa at.. Cape May. Metterton. aid. IDLEW1IILB INN Fully furnlaheds an eatab llahed trade; for rent summer or on long lease; Urroa reasonable to right party. A. II. Buplee, owner, lletterton. Md. FOR RENT FURNISHED St. Martin''. Chestnut Hill RENT FURNISHED June to Sept. 15; T bed rooms. 2 baths, porch, near station; garage nearby. Telephone Chestnut Hill 631. Spring Lake. N. jl HANDSOMELY furnished bungalow; large grounds, all conveniences; 8 rooma, sleeping porches, running water In all bedrooms. Apply HO B- I81" at Phona Locust 3010, MORTGAGES MONEY FOR AiQRTGAGES W H HOOD, Jtjja NORRIB ST ifTJXijlNU AND 1-OAN ASSN MORTflAGE. Vn, utiRiu' i "P to IMoa r'ntate Uult, T Cswe-vu. 2811 liMulujlou ave. London Malt. "That gentleman In front of us la Mr. Kaciowltch, tho celebrated con ductor." "Bus or tram, rmtmmle?" Itnly Lnughs at Ilersclf L'AsIno (Romo) deptctn Big. SaJan dro, tho Premier, trylnc to eat at both tables at onco (the Allies and Ger many respectively), and likely, as a result, to end by a-otUnc nothing;. Rejected Addresses "The man I marry must hare, common sense," sho cold haughtily. "Ho won't," replied ho bitterly. Den vor Clarion. Those Queens Again It I dreamed last night I took the clnBsle.it queen on tho campus to the prom. Sho Did I danco well? Pelican. Kvo Informs us tli.it slnco brandy balls and "fllch llko" havo taken tho place Btralnlns after simplicity and Innocence, has adopted a popular game reminiscent drops tho sweet, which the expectant fair catch In their tiny mouths. No Friends "Who stood up for him when ho was married?" "Nobody. They all called him an Idiot." Inborn Genius Mandy Sarah, has yo' son gone ter work yet? Sarah Land, yea! He's In an undertak er's shop. To' know, that boy seems to have a regular gift for handling tha dead. Yale Record. AND TOE WORST -II W ! z-tftrvrt$wo HatWKWWW SCRAPPLE &- W?- -xps London Opinion. "Mother, what day wns 1 born on?" "Wednesday, darling;!" "How fortunatel Why, that's your at-homo day." Father's Kind Mothe-What hind of a show did papa take you to sea whllo you wera In tho city? nobble It was a dandy show, mamma, with ladlos dressed In stockings clean up to their necks. Puck, Fitting tho Crime "It eeems to me that I havo seen you before," said the Judge. "You have, my Lord. I used to Blvo your daughter singing lessons." "Twenty years!" Nebraska Awrwan. Nipped "So you enjoyed all of the show but the chorus, eh?" "Yes, you see I had to take my wlfa along!" IS YET TO COME w .L.l 1 ax A"vj THE PADDED- CELL Y for amnI Come N AM& HAVfl DlMhiER VNITH HE. . 4VYBfc I CAM AMKE TOO PRESIDGAIT OF MV BAMk. AT 3 "7SOOOOOOO A Ferocity Explained Bill I rend ns 'ov that 'cro 'Indenburn 'as got an English wife. Alt Ah, that accounts for Ms flghtln' like 'a does, London Saturday Night, Precaution .lugger Where's tho best place to stop In Boston? Nnught Beforo you forget your name and addrcBS. Dartmouth Jack o' Lantern. Taller. of the tiny liqueur In London, society, of our childhood, Adam, lucky man, DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? I "Y FlttE! VIRftP 'ERUP TWO DOLLARS B f-, THIt,n ' LmE rv. Ni J?mmM jwm THE USUAL THING 1914. rmtLO.ALtc. (WHftTS THE USE? 1 f J'"M Udi 1 IPC! rl.Vai i j TH' TEAM 'vtiN. j PLAf TOPftf ;) ) The Mean Thing KEWP-. Peggy-Jack sent me a handsome mir ror for my birthday. May Oh. that accounts for It Pergy Ajaounts for what? May-ajJjPJTrday he asked me if a woman." fot too old to bo pleased with a looking glass. BE Jrr AlO'HO l'fAO4 Ai f SFAST FcOR MV . M ( HEALTH. BESIDES l domot Believe. I I I 11. Cllr-U IIAIl XI-AJ 1 I k. .n.nii-naii yl C" iic- AlTVJ 3 T.iCr'b,K m ' r- upvuy London Oplnloa. Little Btobbs I can't make my wlfo out, Georse. Only yesterday I paid a fiver to nn anti-fat specialist for her, and this morning I distinctly heard her tell her dressmaker that sho hoped her new skirt would be much fuller than tho last one." 1915- :r,UP. what's the) USe ? THEY ALWAYS LOSE J HYA.AIEC- GatrlO OUT TO WATCH TrV TCAfA THIS AFTER J Some Air "I'd like to catch an old air I heard at a concert List nlsbA," "What air was thatr "Oh, s uulllooauo." 1 Qls ..sglftrr ''fiffjrWari W ' i sr y;I us Kf -