mmmmmm jpja.JBiIWWfclIW wrp.wBiW!Wsii . EVENING LEPttER-PHILADELPIIIA, MONDAY, MAY 24 1915. II it STOCKS BROKE SHARPLY AFTER AN EARLY ADVANCE CRAMP ACTIVE IN PHILADELPHIA r! IRKET REACTED ON IVY REALIZING SALES futnor mat uerman lvepiy Iliad Been Received nnci Was TFlat Refusal Caused Selling. ..r-i vnnK. May 21 With ft brisk da- na for ! clfle8 ' stocks the mar R opened strong this morning nnd vlr Sudlr er thing on tho list enmo In 5r ihsrp advances, which, at times, wero Iii vigorous Although thero was heavy ' il,ng at tho higher levels, It did not kite any marked erteet during the first tSur selling was readily absorbed, Q Vgins of from 1 to 3 points wero 'recorded After tho first hour, however, iSsMftklng became greater, and under K. tiressure to sell the market reacted urnln many prices, In fact tho largo tolorltr. Klnff elow the final of Satur 5T; A Inning demand appeared nt the iii'bolnt and moderate recoveries wore N ' ( ,K itrt rf .Via nnl-nlHW .,,- iniae ueiuru " - " -I-. "---... tha market becoming Irregular. f'tlie heavy selling was caused by a pjBlOf inai lim v,,-, , lent; III UUt frols had been receivca in vvnBmngton La ih.l It wo a flat refusal to tho tomands of the United States There aB nt conilrmatlon of tho rumor farn Washington during tho afternoon hit the German reply had been received, 'til the Street In general nssumod an at tlHida of "watchful waiting," nnd tho Birket slowed down perceptibly. Prices nnnM Irregular, and about tho only ln'o to show any strength was Union t4 rifle . - -, t .loll ...l.t. ...- ThS marKei ciueeu umi, win, iiiil-us ...ular Notable strength was shown u Colorado fuel nnd tron, which waa bo nearly p punuo . u, umv rtinui Ipn Tobacco, an Inactive Issue, roso near ly point ftiuiniitrlals. or the "war stocks." as tW have berome known because of tho W war orders that have been recched inij -which are under prospect from the jdlljcrent European nations, once again attracted tho moat attention, and made in iharoest advances. Prominent In this Kftrotip were Wcetlnghouso, which made fill InUiai '" ul i'UllllIl, IIUIIBUUUUUB tbtlnir recorded nt 88 nnd 99, against 9G tt the close on Saturday. Crucible Steel tkiped 3 points In a very few minutes to t. ., Hinn T-nnnrn wnirn i.A.niAnnn. 1 HCW ,,.&. .ww., ........ -.vv...u. ...... Jltel came through with n gain of 2$. iv. iha bpavv renllzlnir theaa frnlnn wnm fill lost and In some cases prices went Jhlow the Saturday final; AVcstlnghouso, Ifor .Instance, losing tho 3-polnt advnnco lUd'lS. more, a loss of BVi In all. BPeflnlte announcement that Italy had mitred the war was In a largo measure ttuponslblo for the early strength. Three .Mulisn tueorics wore auvanccu on mis tctlon. One was that with Italy fighting I in the sldo of tho Allies It would tend l& shorten the war; nnothcr was that It fwold have a matcrlnl bearing on tho reply or uermnny to tne note or mo jfqiied States, In that the German limr would bo more conciliatory; and thirdly, our trade with Europe would tecorae even larger than It now Is, as the demands of Itnly on us for supplies Vill now bo added to those of tho Allies. New York Slock Sales ASH 07!. MH 47X 37. D7 64 03 4S). 305, 31 10 60U 5 mt 151. A7ii 00!, 6W 45JJ 355, 07 filJf 01 47l 30 30K 10). 4S 4r fiOJf 164 47U (10H fil! 45 3fl)i 07 mi 47 30 30)f 10! t mi r 07H st..i.An ..... ktcloM. High. tw Close, 7, "uo"""nes ... 30 mi 3! 3S , -iimmnii ...... m) AllL'-ChalmMfg pf , 48 AmalsamatedCop .... GOJf Am Agr Chemical .tut J2 Am licet Swat ....... 40i A2J9n V Wi Am Can p( ........... pf,)f Am Car Foundry ... fi-j Am Coal Product! .... 03 Am Cotton Oil 47 AmIIIde&Ii pf 28) Am IceSccurltles ...... 31 AmI.Insood ........... jq Am Ixicomotlva , 43 American Malt 41 AmtmcltUof nrii 1 Mt?-t. ..... . .1 rf 41111 cuieil oc not p AmSueat ttefinln AmTclfc Tel ........un Am Tobacco .........22(1 AmTobpfnaw 108 Am Woolen 29)i Am Woolen u. ........ 83 Anaconda Copper...... S2ii AtchT&SK 09! AlChT&SP pf ...... no; f luiiura uoo) 404 UUIUHmLDCO pi Balllmora & Ohio liatocias m nnir 1 1 Bethlehem Steel 142 145 Brooklyn ltap 'I raa ... 87H 8'iH Batto & Superior. ...... 7ij 73 Cal Petroleum 10 al Cal Petroleum pf 33 33 vuuuitiau ncuio ......juura Jit's "-till os da 1CI no Cent Leather Co ...... 37 Chra&Ohlo 41 China Copper 441 ChlOtWost pf 20 ChlMll&StP 00)1 uuuaatii pi G7H New York Bond Sales 12O00 Artier Cot Oil 4H tWX) Aimr Cot Oil 5a . . HWI Aiiwr Tel ut ii .. soon Armour Co 414s, ,. .Kiwi Atdilnon cv 4a IK. 1CU) do iv 4 1WJ1. I.UUO ilo v 5s 101". .. .KKti Ausn Co Lino 1st 4s, ISOOO Halt A Oh cv 4H W uth steel 1st Aa iwj no na ds 102H lOi'i J02' 102U IOS 1U03J 100i 100J no 110 no 228M 22- 228M 108lf 103K 108K 20 20M 20M 84 U 84)( 8IJf 3JM 31)( .UK 1003 1 H9I( DOH 00)4 09)i 004 oOM 48 40!f 10Uf 10f 101U 101 IAi MH J2ii 72 Chi It I & P Colorado fuel til.... Consolidated Qai.... CornProductJ Hof .. Corn rroductj Ilof pf Cruclblo Sleol Co ..... Crucible Steel prof 01 Cuban-Am bugar 05J uci at nuaaon .... Distillers' bocurltles 10)f 27)5 124 13) 70 32 1 1 130 140 874 B7K COW 70 IMi 1S( 3a4 384 150'f 100! 118)i 118-4 1184 37H 304 304 40!i 444 20 89 fi3 173X 28 41Jf 4-5X 29 U05: C8 104 3A( 1234 14) 78 35 03 704 147J 1484 148 104 17) 15' 40M 444 20 89 58 184 3.'4 12.14 1234 l.TJJ 13!( 78 ?01 024 004 2Mi 404 78 mi 02,4 70 148 10)5 2(1 404 ,HJOO tlmnk Unn Tp . MR lOOOlUrook Un Elv 1st b tiOoO Cent Lmther 1st Bfl. !W Cent I'nc 1st 4s ... 1000 Ches & Oh c 44s UWO ilo Si .. . 1000 Chi A Kast 111 4s .. IKW do 0s 10 Chi ft Own Ren 4s . ?0C0 do rtcb 5b 1UJ1 .. . lii Chi D i joint 4s . 1000 do gen 4s . . i.'OM) 0)181 I' cv 6s rcl liKOO do cv 4'4s wen do sren 4V4s.. . 1000 da is Mix) Col A Couth ret 4Us 1000 Hon . Illo Or rfd Cs lKiOW) DIs Beeur Corp r.. . 15000 Erlo conv 4s r 11. .. looo den Klec deb Cs.... Kou Hud A Man rid Cs, t0"u iowa central 4a .... lofin Inivn rnlral R trrjcioi in on a. nt t. i lu .120 7J0OO Insp cv ret .Id p 6s "10 12.V4 (174 VI II1U .100 . 1X1 . 87 . 45 ml BANK LOANS REDUCED Uadelphin Institutions Also Report Fewer Individual Deposits. reases In every Item were shown by ftsiatement of the Philadelphia Clear hs House banks for tho week Just ended. Kuans fell" more than a million and lndl Stiilual deposits nearly as much. The sur plus, reserve remained practically unaltered.. lUtimm uiiu wuiiifiii iauiin lOHOW . -nay , xu. uecrease. ";; 254 204 Eilo Jstpf 404 414 uoncncmlcal pf ios 1094 1004 1004 cntl K'trlo 162M lfit 1624 1524 Goodrich DP Co 444 40 44 44 Goodrich B F Co pf ...1014 102 101'i1 102 1174 117K 1104 110'f 33 333t' 324 325f 004 014 50W 50U iuu 214 704 . 9 . 354 . 30 04 105 214 704 10 37 304 204 105 2J4 03H 04 30 104 254 105 20!f 004 10 30 294 25f 1234 1224 1224 12.4 15 48 45 4G' 142 1424 1404 1404 Sfeus LPtpoilts (tnd.) . fOrtuUtlon ! Ini tram banks ' Ipot!t of banks lEWCltartnn llouso jRmrre held Rr required .. sonuus i under old form S41B.160.0UU .144.75.1,000 U,2jS,U(IU 51,111(1,000 111.101,000 i;;,;iu7,ooo lOl.l'JU.OOO 112,010,001) I1I,.'IU,(IUU May .'5, 1,271,000 1,114,000 21,000 1I77.UUU 2,111, OIK) 78 1,01)0 23(1,000 2J.1.000 J-l.uuu 1014, $111,- fr ftiralai rniMOMay 28, 1013. $8,3!0,oil0 ".May 2f, 11)1: HANK CLEARINGS B)DX elearlncs tnilAV rnninar,H with onrr.- Etpondlnc day last two years f . ., 101.1 1014. triIU4lpii 121 010,230 121,000,073 Ptoton ... 1918.210 17,474.753 Jwjork V.208,2(I2,I7I 2O.l.tJ)O,30n JR., tools.. 13 510 211 11 707,058 fpjfjro .... 4B.30O.4Ill 4n,li;l14R .imuraors .. 4 341.32.1 5 500.271 St 1013 $21,0.10,772 IB.aM.ST) 210,041,511 14,415 R2D 41214 7.'1 5.081 506 RATES FOR MONEY nilsUlRhia J'rTorlc , JKILM IBktK) Call .1V44 1 82 ;i Time 1H4 3 04 3Va4. oSK.iV.i ;....:. ??Ai mY Wlplila. 3iie4 per cent. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Da b- piUdelphla . K York . Butoa (ItV.lanfl ISletinoDd V,"" "WOl . . . . pjaio g. Louts .... JUneaimllj , Jimu City . Bf rTinrtico uor mf or uuoruer less 00 IX) 00 4 4 W. 5 4 4 4 4J, 4 4 4f IVi 4 4 4 6 ... 4 4 4 4 4 4V4 5 6 .::::::: 4 J J8 Sv5 4 4 4 5 4 4 M 5Vi 't 4 4 4j4 4i I .. 3'j 4 4 6 Great Northern nf GtNcfsfororoprop , uoEccnncim tipi'n . , IlllnoU Cent Inter-Met vattc Inter-lletpr International Papor .. International Paper pf Inspiration Copper ... Kan City Southern . . Klnss Co E L & P Lack Steel LchlRh Valley Lorillard Co pf U7M 111( 113 1UU Maxwell Motors 41. 414 41 41 Max Motors 1st pf 84 84 83 83 MaxMotors2d pf 35 10 344 344 MStP&SS M IU14 120 118r llf4 juuican jrciroicum.... hi 72 03 Miami Copper 245f 25) 24'j Mo Kan & Texas 12Ji 124 124 MoKan&Tpf , 20 29 20 Missouri Pacific )24 13 J2 Mlnn&StLouls 154 144 UM MonlanaPowor 484 414 414 National Biscuit 120 120 120 Nat Cloak i Suit 72 724 72 Nat Cloak & Suit pf...l04M 102 102 Nat Enamel &. 3 pf 834 804 804 NatLcad 014 03 004 AciadaCon Coppor... 144 15 14), NYNH&n 03 Ot raw New York Central 85 80 80 NYOAWost 284 20 28 Norlh American 75 744 714 .norinemi'acuic 105 1054 10-1 jvaciuo aiau 22u Pennsylvania 107 Peoples Oaa, Chi 113 Pltlaburch Coal 224 Pressed btcel Car 45H Ily Steel Sorlns rtJ Itay Coa Coppor 234 7.14 :.54 12)1 2) 12 14H 414 120 724 102 804 014 144 C3)i 80 28 744 1044 22H KKX) Interb Met -I'M 000" Interb It T ref 0. 8000 Ind Alcohol 5s . . 2000 Jup new Oer tt 4H 5O01I Kan Cltj 80 Ut 3a . 1000 Kan City So ,1s . 1O0O Lack Steel 5s 1023.. 1IXX) Liclode Oaa tat 5s., 1000 l.k Bh lcl 4s 1031.. 100" I.orlllard 6s . . . . liOO Minn & St 1,9 1000 Mo l'ao 4s 4000 Mo l'ao cir 6s ...v. Imnn Mnnl Paixop .If ..... 207000 NYC Hud C9.....101 5000 N Y C t 11M1 u 01 )i 1D0O N Y City 4s lBVf . I' 4000 .V Y City 4s 1050 .... 00 .1000 N Y City 4ViS UlOO . WIJ OOOO N Y City 4tj9 1003 imu 3000 N Y N II . II V 3'49 .OJ'j i) N Y .N H ft II OS Kino N Y HttJ nilj 5s RMiO or Pac prior 4s . . 61X1 I'unna cm ,llv .. 3KKK1 Tcnim xrn (Vji w I 42(00 Ptnna col 4js 10(KI 1'ubllc &trv .N J 6s . . . .two liny Con Connor Os.. 100 0 HciJInR xen 4s ... , 1000 Hlo tlr & W Ut 4s ... 1(000 Hock Island 5s . ... 0000 ht L1MS B Olf 4s., 200(1 Heiboard A I. ndj 6s riioo Hnuth Hell tn 7000 South l'ao col 4s . 3000 Soutti l'ao cv is High. lx)v. Close. lUUi i-',' 1W"V loo'j mS m i") mt mi sm. 74 101 Mi lra I'lH 102 CO 01 102. loo(t 80S si 5(1 07 UH 74 50H 81 121 U. 70 08 OlHl 07?t 01 II Iw :ioos M .ir-'H loo 100! fl 8(1 00' 01 H no, 74 101 20V 103 ,04W 10.1 1W 111 imt: .loo :W . 47 U . 6S . Oil . 74 501 iti l(l" P.! m M WN lllt ' 87 74 101 103 U4 H Wi 00 01 101 W1U lllOtj CRAMP SHIPBUILDING SHARES SHOW ACTIVITY Early Rise in Industrial Stocks Produces Profit Taking. Bond Dealers Complain. (Hi l loo, 1)0 I8't 87 43 40'1 101(1 8. 81 4i'l 6iji lls lltt'i 74 run 8tis ut u 70 w 1I')!1 71 (lit 01 loof. l0Y4 lllll, looU 07 f j loiU no 120 in 48 0.1 MM 117 R2U 81 1600 do cv ret f P 6s 1034 00' Tfuin flnnlh Van rfd 4s IO11O Houth l'ao Term fa 1000 touth Itwy gen Is lOOOO Bouth Itwy con 6s. 4000 Texas Co cv (Is . . 10000 Third A new 4s 11000 Third Ao ndj 6s . 24000 1! S Steel 5i 1 (Hid U M Htrcl res 5n ,. IO00 1'nlon l'nc 1st la . 1IXK) lu Car Clint 1st .s 2SOI 0 Wfthash 4s . . 4mm Wabash lot 6s . 42000 li i:qu ct slu4s 4'KHiO V est 11 & M c .is 80' 70 till 1HI1 on HI 7lU. lOIJi IOII4 110 on . 2(lj, .ltud Q7: uu-S oo'i o-iji 101N 05 liniU 60 111 lOiHd 117 KvHl. HO 120 HI 71) 48 04j 07 8JI, KUl If) 811 70 nil. no'4 ,11 1011, 101 Oil 21U IWiS 10'i 10U, 2 mu "i; loo', W) lw 87 45 404 HO'i IOIU 87 1H1 IHiii llll'j 0 lWl'i .0'i Ol'i lOllti "IN 10.1N 0) 1J1I 03 70 48 0.1 ma 07 MJt, SI'S no vil'4 70 on. oor 0 Hl'4 lOUi 101' Oil Hll 2 Ha 100', luj, 101 'J MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAlt STOCKS. Illd Jim Ilutler MacNamnra Midway Mlzpah nxtcnslon . Montana . ... Nor. rent Star . . lonopali Hclmont . Tonopah BMenslon Tonopnh Merger . lonnpnll MlnlnB .. Krrcuo Kula 1est Knd COI.DriKLD STOCKS .11 05 , .HI , 03 , .1(1 LU , HI ,10 4 3 1-10 , .13 .'it .73 Ask" I so 111 .17 .2H ,W .18 45 .1.1 234 224 107H 1004 10051 113 113 113 23 224 23 48 44' 45)J 324 31 31 23', 234 234 1444 1154 142,4 1434 Jteadlnz . Itennsslr & Sara R It 47 Ittp Iron , Meol 284 21) Iteplron&Meolpf .... e64 bO Hock Island Co pf I j j KumelyllCo 5 4! Itumely SI Co pf 134 134 Seaboard Air Lino 134 13'f beaooara Air Lino pi ... 3455 334 6ears Itoo A Co 1304 137 btLouls&SF 44 44 btLouls4B'2dpf ... 55 Sloss-ShefSctlCo 31 toulhern Pacific t84 boutberntty 163 47 174 c5!i M 44 134 134 3J4 47 184 80 4 44 134 134 334 boutbern liy pf . btudebaker Co Tennessee Coppor . . . Texas Co Teias 4 Paclflo 1 bird Avenue Union PacWc Union Pacific pf USCastIPa.F ... U 6 Cast I P & F pf. United llys Invest . . United Ilys Invest pf. 51 . COM . 35 .124 . Hi 504 54 344 t04 17 53 68 354 125 10 51 1301, 1364 14 44 5 334 88 104 52 07 334 5 St i84 104 52 07 334 Atlanta 1 luo liull Hooth llulldoz c o u Combination Traction niamondileM n II Daisy riorenco . . ... GoldOeld Consolidated GoldReld Mera-cr Jumbo Kxtenslon Keuanas Oro band Ken Sller I'lck MISCELLANEOUS. Tnlrv Aztec Klmberl Nevoda Hill Nevada Wonder .6.1 03 0", .11 .0 .)- .45 1 7- 1 17 .15 .08 08 .OS , 02 ,01 20 175 10 .1" .01 .51 .01 07 .11 .01 .07 60 :o 1 V) 111 0") 00 03 .04 07 .21 ISO Industrlnl stocks continued to tlomlnato the trading on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange at the resumption ot business today. Cramp Shipbuilding shnros scored another sharp gain, advancing from 36, last week's final figure, to 33 on tho opening transaction Profit-taking then cancalcd most of tho Initial gain Datd win Locomotive, Cambria Steel, Lnko Superior and United States Stent nil moved higher for u dm", but reacted mound midday when tho New York list turned heavy 1'or n. tlmo thcro was quite a llttlo ac tivity, but this was at tho cxpenso of values Later, after tho early fluctua tions, the market fell back Into a semi Inert state, refusing to bo aroused from Its lethargy. Tho "Strcot ' regarded tho iclapso Into dultiess on tho dccltna us a. favornblo sign. With rogaul to tho recent strength of Cramps shares, tho suggestion wns made thnt tho (.onipnnv s big plant could read ily bo Used for tho manufacture of war material other than shllis. Just as has been done with a number of Inrgo manu facturing ritubllahmentfl. Hond dealers wero complaining todoy that tho resumption of bullish actlvltj In stocks had put n check on their business. "My customers como to mo tilth mone to Invest," remarked 0. lending broker, "and when 1 suggest to them arloUs high grodo Investment bonds they becomo Im patient nnd say they vlsh to got aboard somo good stock that has n clianco to rise." This he went on to atnto was not only cutting Into tho bond business but might also proo n soilrco of danger to tho Stock Market Inter on In tho cane, of ndvereo doelopmcntn which might tend to causo this Bomewhnt easily frightened clnss of Investors to wish to liquidate. Meantime, money remains readily obtain able, nlthough conservative hankers nro not encouraging its speculntlvo use In tho slock markets at this time As had been known previously tho Pan Itnndlo pamphlet report for tho year ended December 31 made an exceedingly poor showing. After palng t per Lent, on the preferred slock tho tompnnj only MiomciI 0761 per cpiU enmed un 111'1 com mon, 075 per cent of whl(.h was paid out. TM.-iililent Urn InWduitnlh took iinusion to lemnrk thnt tho depicslon which pic inlled throughout the nsc.U ivrilod hail lot (linngul mill that innilltloii'i vhhli m.iko for poor earnings still exist, there lelug lnaWI im.loasnl t.iNes .md mo burdens IWetl 1 tho St.ito nnd I'cderal giivcrnmcntnl requlremcnls Local Half-hourly Sales 10 to 10:30 A. M. Cambria Steel 40 IU 1 5.V.- .! tin 441. M loo like Sup Cor 74 63 10 Cramp t c .1 j 7t 20 Tenn Copper rfJ i'i Ml llaldwln . M"4 H 20 v Cramp t c 3S tAi 10 fnlon Trne... .11 5.I71 too r s, Steel . 6i, 6"!j "iO 1" Crump t c .,0. 5VV Jt II I. .. , J. 714 V) Cambria Steel 48t prr . iv m t c 38 Financial Briefs 1244 124H 1U 10 404 50 .1254 1274 1254 1204 SOW tOH bOii 804 173, 454 17 344 USIIubber C34 Foreign Discount Rates &;;;;; 7,u 1" !!...' " " Sua",..'' -" Pate of last Changs Aug-. 8, 1014 Aug. 20, 1014 Dec. 23, 1014 Aug-. 21, 1014 April 10, 1015 FOREIGN TCYrmAismrc IKIW Tnhif i-.. n. L - . IMrk.i li;..;1. ' -. tno lore gn ezenance iffint opened flrm Wth demand sterling up ft. WOu mV'J' JTanca Marks Lire Hank rata . 5 ,. 5 .. B .. 5 .. 5 Ml) ' 4.7') 4.715 5.41 5.41V, S3 5 80 82H1-33 SSOVi GOVERNMENT BONDS SSJSa:: KKilS ,?". 'oupon .,..., loou ftl.'5 relf.t,H""",,,':'' (Sfiriiyu ----- .n b "-J I Did. Asked. 1 coupon. OS 110 USIIubber 1st pf.. UbStecl UBSteelpf Ulster & Delaware... blaliLoopor -VaCaroCacm Wabash W abash pf -Western Union Tel.... Westlnghousa Klectrlc. Western Maryland.... Willys Overland VOOItt01Ui!- w CO. Woolworthpl....... .100 5 ICO ' 054 32 . H . 4 . 604 1)0 . 25 Ul .lu: 184 454 10 32 144 WJ4 314 4 1 07 09 254 114 102 17 44 10 32 034 17 41 10 32 e34 1054 105H 1054 &u) ma 544 JDUV5 111(14 084 084 05 31 4 M rojf 034 254 114 lu: ...1104 1204 1204 iu h 084 05 31 H 4 CQ4 00 254 111 1U2 3 I20)i BUSINESS DEPRESSION HIT PANHANDLE EARNINGS NEW YORK CURB i?wa Bid. Asked. I JSH.P" ..'.','..'.::.'....'. '"-' Whnvii r.i'c:,:: .W . 70 n? fe,H Mori; .:;;i:;::r.: S irLw , :.:::;:::::"ai aT.ia BAILROAD EARNINGS CHICAGO AND AI.TON. ...v ,. 1015. Increas. JklIay .... $257,440 JU 405 tr 8T kOUJS ANP WESTEKN. VUAtUUU ggajJ Cosl Bai &'" .:"" iH'WMUm "."' njjMuci, 165 k 67 102 115. . ,... jui;t - mK 4.017,001 a 07? Hw; YORK 81ETAL MARKET fJUHl If.: FtK. ?a May ; today loU. 37K3sl i The lad, metal market i.lltttZMci WmDENDS DECLARED " Ri)bbi' Company, relr fin " ..hi un nreicrrea. daisdi tUDlT Z?X,.'"rl- .. .!.. Ks!'ilt- WW JW 1 to stock President Rea Says It Was More Re sponsible Than War, President Samuel Ilea, of tho Pitts burgh, Cincinnati, Chicago nnd St. Louis Hallway (tho Panhandle), In his annual report to the stockholders, made public today in pamphlet form, declares that pcor business rather than tho European war was the chief cause for the poor earnings of tho company In the last fiscal year, ending December 31, 1914. Ho goes on to eay that "the underlying causes of the unsatisfactory railroad situation un fortunately continue to operate as they did before tho war." Among tho reasons advanced by Mr. Ilea for the unsatisfactory showing were the suspension pf operations for a long period by several aon c ciua m Ohio, brought about by mining legisla tion in that State, wnicn causeo. an ferences regarding new wage scales. These remain unsettled In one district, known as No, 8. "The. Iron and steel Industries were very much depressed, and consequently the traffic offerings from these sources, which furnish three-fourths of the freight tonnage, were much be low normal," says Mr. Rea, "while the expenses Tere burdened with the effects of arbitration awards and wasteful legls- aTne' Income from railway operation In the year was $33,139,359, a decrease of 15.137,40, or 1180 per cent.: "Pfr3'1''".": were pared down H.TSM5O. that Item for the year standing at 130,010,637. This cut In operating expenses brought about an Increase In the net operating Income of I1.2SMIT. the net being f3,U8. SC The total gross Income from all sources was 7,S76.O01, art Increase of tl,015.SS9, while the net (or the year after deductions of fixed charges was J2.31J, iUmI J thu amount I8SO.B2C Ji applied to the sink, ink fund and PBer reserve, dlv dsnds ot 1 099 441 on the preferred stock, or at the rate o" 4 per cent., and I8WW on ihl wramon. or at the rate of . of I per cent This left a.8l to be transferred to the profit and loss account- In the Drevious year dividends of 6 per cent w?re paid on botb classes of tn. corn-: pany stock. FOREIGN TRADE CHANCES The allowing Hit of opportunities tor Amer (enn manunclurrra In the foreign trade are olicn lu the llurcau of Foreign and i)ometfo Commerce, Deportment 0 Commerce, and ad ditional Information may 6e had by corre tpondenee. iiulna the file number: No 1(1RS, Ico-plant machinery compiny In Honduras informs nti American consular ol flcer that It lhe to eecuro catnloKuos and iirlce Hits and full Information roiatHo to tho coat of Installation, cost of production of Ice, approxlmato Bhlpplns: weight, crated for ex port, and prices fob Now lork or New Orleans for Ice plant machinery I'lanta or one.ton capacity and less, for gasoline englno or electric power, are In demand. Catulosues etc . should also be sent to the American con sular officer. No 1CSD0. magnetos A flrm of engineers In England writes an American consular officer that It desires to bo placed In communication with Amirlcan manufacturers of magnetos to be used In connection with large gaa onglnen, from 100 to 1000 horsepower Speculations with Illustrations and drawings should bo sent at once. Tho flrm desires to secure an ex clusive ngency No, steel and copper wire, tools and machinery, etc. A firm In Italy has roquesled an American consular officer to place It in communication with American dealers, manu farturcrs and exporters of steol and copper wire, A Ornish, tools for tha mechanical Indus try, woodworking machinery and ahoes, with a view 10 securing exclusive agencies for these lines Correspondence ma bo In English. No. 1GS02, sugar An American consular offi cer In Canada tranmlts tha name and address of n firm In Ills district which desires to bo placed In communication with American man ufacturers and exporters of sugar for confec tioners. Reference Is glon No lOSUil. water turhlneB A flrm In Hon duras informs an American consular ortlcer that It wishes to secure prices and descriptive catalogues for small water turhlnes for electrla plants Trices and weights should be stated t o. b. Now York, and New Orleans. Copies of catalogues, etc , should also tie sent to the consular officer No 16894 nickeled steel sheets An American consular ofUcer In England reports tho noma and address nf a flrm In his district which de sires to purchase nickeled steel sheets. No. lflsm. harness and saddlery An Ameri can consular officer In Africa reports that a branch of a European house wishes to receive Illustrated catalogues, prlca lists, etc., from American manufacturers of harness and sad dlery It la stated that tha flrm has no knowl edge of American styles, prices or terms, No. tSSlW, leather and lard A flrm In Italy Informs an American consular officer that It dealrea to receive Kimples and prices of box calf Irather for shoe uppers. The Arm also wishes to communicate with lard exporters. Correspondence may be conducted In English. No 16SU7, X-ray equipment An American consular officer In Central America reports that a hospital In his district Is considering tha installation or p. snutu w-rsy equipment, cata logues, price lists, ets , should be sent at once, No 16S08. drugs, tannto extracts, etc A business man tn Iluisla writes an American ronsulsr officer that he desires to receive tha addresses of Amertcsn manufacturers and ex porters ot leather and tannlo extracts, chemi cals, drugs, rubber goods, canned goods, metal and metal tools. Reference Is given. Corre spondence may be conducted In English. Prices, weights, etc. should be stated In Ilusstan equivalents and quotations should be made c. I, f. Russ'an ports. No l8rl., fruit An Italian merchant informs an American consular officer that be desires to correspond with American exporters of dried California fruits. He statea that ha Is In a position to Import large quantities of Irult. Heferenca Is given. Full Information should be sent at once. Correspondence may be In English nlthough Italian Is preferred. No. IflOOO, spelter and sheet line A firm of Iron and Meel merchants In Scotland Informs an American consular officer that It dealrea to be placed in communication with American manufacturers of spelter an1 sheet line. Quo tations should bs rcade c. I f. Glasgow or Lelth NOTES OF THE RAIL The Interstate Commerco Commission today ordered the Chesapeake, and Ohio to establish Joint rqtet and thitough routes and to exchange bills of lading with the Kansas City, Missouri niver Navigation Company or grain for ex port from Kansas City to Norfolk and Newport News, Hxporti of goneril morchnndlio nt tho port of Now ork for tho week end ed JIny 22 totaled $23,907, SOG, an In crease of $9, 452,444 compnrod with same weok Inst your Imports for tho week totaled JIG, 553,930, an Increase of $3,396,551. "Until tho outlook, as far ns forelcn complications nro concerned, la nado clear, It Is likely thnt tho market may continued in n ncgntlAe state." b.ib E H Smith & Co "While Htockholdors show no Inclination to soil tholr hold ings, tho possibility of adverse develop ments detet-s tho making of now com mitments Nevertheless, tho market Is firm and prices nre inclined to improve." Nntlonnl bank circulation during last week decrensed $8,572,217. Tho Knnsaa Gns nnd Electric Company reports nn Increase At $179,011 In gross earnings for tho 12 months ended April 30. Net eornlngs Increased $31,159, and tho balance after dividends was $191,7.!3, a gain o' $75,003. Tho following stocks were quoted here cx-dlvldond except foi cash- united sie curltv Llfo and Trust Company nnd Rochester Railway and Light preferred, Tho Comptroller ot tho Currency re ports that overdrafts decreased from March 1 to May 1 In Chicngo $1215, and in New York $5S,SS2. In St. Louis an Increase of $SS,7H vas shown. A speclnl meeting of stockholders of tho AuKusta-Aiken Railway nnd Electric Corporation vJiub been called for Juno 23 for tho purpose of authorizing an in creaso In tho preferred stock of tho compnny from $1,500,000 to $2,500,000 Tho new stock Is to bo on a parity In nil icspects with tho present outstanding preferred stock, except that dividends on the new stock shall begin to accrue only from October 1, 1915. Tho new preferred stock will be Issued In exchange for the pioferred stock of tho aeorgla-Cnllfornlx Investment Companj, which owns the Georgia-Carolina Power Compnny, the investment company being In turn owned by the Augusta-Aiken Railway and Elec tric Corporation. The nnnuol meeting of tho Philadelphia Compnny will be held In Pittsburgh, June 7. The grosi earnings of the Portland Oaa nnd Coke Company In April were $97,229, a decrease of $(317; net. $15,107, decrease, $7494, 13 months' gross. $1,258,317, decrease, $24,6S2. net, $G4I,123, decrease, $18,871. L J. Selznlck, vlco president of the Woild Film Corporation, said today "I am going to recommend to tha directors at the meeting on June 27 that an Initial dividend of 3 per cent, be declared on World Film stock, also that this divi dend be followed by other quarterly divi dends of nt least that much " S. TV "Wlnslow, president of the United Shoe Machinery Company, says: "At a meeting of the directors of tho United Shoe Machinery Company, held In New York on Friday last, it was decided that when the regular dividends are declared at the June meeting of tho directors an extra dividend will be declared on the common stock The amount of the ex tra dividend and whether it will be paid in cash or part cash and part stock will bo determined later." 6 Tonornh Hel 2T U S Steel S4 Pennn III r S Ptcel 4 Ivh 'vallev WO Heading an Tcmopah Ilel 3(W llaldwln , soo u a steel .) do luo do . .. lOO Tjiltn Run Cnr lOrt W r-ritmn I n .111 II) I S UtltAie ,1, no . ., 01, i .MinJin .vcr . 8-V Uhe Blip Cor 7?i 4,1 U 1 Steel 500 IT S Steel SiWs 100 do . M 113 Cambria Bleel Wi 4 W cramp t c :j8 100 Unldwln . i, i U H Btcel 3 1R do W' too ilo . . . W W V B fiteel K.f .V) do M luo W Cramp t c MSS tno , do VI loo do , . ,ts 1W fnlon Trna.. 11 SO Tenn Copper ffi loo U S Steel M 3) U 8 Steel . .WIS 200 do . ,w'4 loo do . S5 t nlnn Trac II 2 ramhrin Blent asl . 10 U R Steel . . . MH M U 8 Steel . . sA4 in do PV SO do BH 4T do .. 100 do ... Mi 100 VT Crnmp -0 on Asp pfd, 00 BONDS. SOO l'hlla r.loe 4s 80H 10:30 to 11 A. M. 10 V S Steel.... flV, 100 l'enna . ..Klff-ln r Kev Tel rfd . I17'n V, en u s Steel MJi t, !( Cruclblo Mod Wi lou renna , . i.i' Tump t c iij 81. to W Crninp t c as :." Lnko Sup Cor 7 ftjl T nbn Uiat. r'n- ?V n ,ln . ?&. lrni do. .... tj in U S Steel .. r.'S 111 Prnna .. Mt 40 do . .. MS lnisaldnln .. . rM 10 Union Trnc ai 5 do no'., loo v s sieci. . r.W 114 renna . . .8.1 n-KI W do. . . CkW 10i 1! 8 Stool... ii"t 40 ilo ... r,aj; 2 West J & a H 4Ht, 40 Cambria Strel 4S', 10" Amer Can .. a(i, BONDS CJ Cambria meel scrlu JIny 1017 irj cornbrln htoel acrlp Mns 11)17 lis 0 West V Y . Tn lat ,1s .... HW Ilaldnln 1st s Sales in Philadelphia m i High. IVi to. 4!l siH a oo 77 in loo w Cramp t o as 10O do'. . as l.m Bnldtvln BO mil JAlio Sup Cor i ion tlnlon Trnc. m 111 HO-liltV BO w Crnmp t c ast. im w cvi i I'ennn .. Mi, (BUS! " Amer Itwy , ro BD do. TO W r'ntinn . flH "-. T Jl 1. A ! 7V 31 ; id v MfJ 40., ro4 in Hi Si no 7 71 7?H 2J "I 63 K 00 MM XI . , . Sat. cloae. a'. Amal Copper . 2 Am Itwji, . .10M S(W Amer Can 74ft Uald Loco 40 1 do ptef loiM 21 Butlo Sup Corp .178 Cam steel 4SVj lriiv ,-,ia.j. ai..i SO Klee stor . . " fti in wis ... . :y 4.". (111 Annhnlrt nf lilt 131 Ins Co N Am.. 21M m 5 Key Tel pfd . 07J, 140 l.aae Hup cor . II Irfhlrh Nav . II) Valley .... 21 Miami Copper.. ISO l'reei steel car Bso Pennnvlvanla . 17 Pn 8nlt MfK 41 l'hlla Co ... 4 l'hltn ISlec Ml 1' It T tr ctfe 003 Itendlnir . . 2ll 115 Tonopah Holm.. 17.1 Tonopab Mln. . 40 Tenn cod 10 I! S Ilubber .... 0-U I nlon Tract.. .. ,1t 112 Untied (Inn Imn K2U. kito 0.147 U 8 meel . . B4'4 BO 2 w Jer A Beaah. no 411't 4 Weatmorellnd C (11 01 1301 Wm Cranio A S 10 .10 ill AVCSt Llec. 4S D-IO BONDS. Last prev sale Itlrh. 100 'Am Gil & Illo Bs JtV'j 8314, 2000 Bald I.00 1st B 102 102M 1R71 Cam All acp 1010 OS 21VI do .Ma 1D17 07 1)7 1STB do Feb 1017 07 07 122 Phlla Co scp '10 00 H'l .14(1 Ilo 'IS . m 01 200 rhlla Blao 4a. BOM fW4 looo t n a w 4s ns ns 1000 W N Y&l'lat On 102 Low. Cloeo, 07U 07 20 BO SUM .'inn VJl 48 bI'4 2H Oil ml 072 7"1 5'i no ,f.i .'4 tu. T n.irt 71 il-10 7111-lfl lrf T 1-ltJ 7 1-10 .13 R0 2JU 67 W TH l 70! 23 4H tUf DO .11 21 7, H4H a ltd .IB noj, MS MS 40t, 01 104 Heavy Said Quantities of Insects. 41l'i II a? 4S0-1O 4S0-10 Low. Close 834 PB 102 PS 07 07 PO H-1 80M VI 10H4 1014 t lost 07 1)7 Oil ni BOM P8 101M Local Bid and Asked 07 07 IOII4 10.' 11 to 11:30 A. M. B fnlon Trnc . O'j. .Ml do . 40 l'cnnn . MM ICO do . . 4 do. . , V1I5 111 Baldwin loo Cnmbrln Steel 4Si 20 do . . . . 11 Hut Sup Corp 7,-li il do 10 do . , . 72S, 100 Amer Can 20 V R Rteol. . fi14 ino W cramp t n l'cnnn MS loo U 8 Steel 100 IT B Steel. 01 inn dn . . 100 IV Cramp t 17', 100 do .... 20 West Moclin-Hl inn do . .. inn Heading- . . 711. 11) do . 20 I'ennn . . .. MU 10 do . . . . 100 IV Crnmp t c .'17 ai 11 dn mil S Steel j u ao .1.1 40 . 4!) M ailt, 0 lUl'J . B1 M B1 . .IS . BIH i 10 Pr Steel Cor. 45', B1 B1 BONDS. 1000 Phlln Bolt ft Wnah 1st 4s 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. IS V S Stool IV, 11(1 f 8 Steel.. ai Amnl Copper. 07't I l'enna 2 fnlon Trni . II'! BOND1 1S71 Cambria Steol scrip 1010 12 Phlln Ca 11 rip 1 1ll it S2 1'hlli en ecrlp ims 21N Phlln Cn -rli 101S (,J Cnmbrln Steel ecrlp May 1017. 12 SI. to 12.30 P. SI. 21 Oen Asp pfd HI 10) If S Steel ... M 20 Baldwin -Til loo do. .. & ion U S Steel.. Blj, ao do . ill! 2 Ho. . .. BIH r Bendlnir 71 ll-lil n V G I . sjs 10 Ijiko wip Cor 7 IS Ijr-n Vnlley.. 70', I01V fnlon Trie .. -.o'. ,."' u ,-, ,,.-t-i .,-j , ,, i .-. i.-r, 10 do .. . . Btij ino do BO Tonopnh llel. 4n BO II S Steel BONDS .112 Cnmbrln Stoil scrip May 1017 rono l'cnni Ren Ivi? ctfs w 1 12:30 to 1 P. SI. 01 Ml, MS OX no m in 07 BlU MS r.i. 117 07M Bildnln do pref . .. t nmtrlo Sleil lllectrlc Storaee . llomrnl Asphalt ... do pref Kovmono Telephono do t 0 lo prof Lnko 81IP Corp Lehigh !s'nv LeblKb Valle .... Lib Val Transit.. do pref 3'ennevlvnnla Phlln Kluetrlo a'hlla Co 33 do B ptr cent pref.... .14 do 0 per cent pref .. 110 1MXK) Pa K 4Ha ct w I 07 Phlln Itnpld Transit .. 7U QDU Hcadlni? Tiuiniiitl llollinnt. 'lonnpnll Mining.. U nlon Tnctlnn Ifnltoil (Ins Imp f ft Steel inrlt rtnllnny l,x-dlldctid. ToJa) Saturdays Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. . 41)14 BO 411 BO .101 102 101 1U2 . 47M 4S 47M 48M . BO), SIM B1M BJ(, 2(01 27 27M 2S . Olf, tA, (Hi, COM .14 11 14 IB . 14 IS 14 11 , 07 03 07, 08 .77A 7n'A 72, 755 :j,v' IS' if" Is ... 2SJ, 10 2S4 2 . Bli B1M Blji BJ ... 2.11 21 2Jl. ; 34 33 34 33 .14 .11 40 an 40 07M 07H 7M 71 71?. TO 7JU jS 4lt-f0 44 4 5 aoij aoi; 31 ai 8.W1 wj4 S4ll SI 64, 100 U S S'cel . 100 l'hlla 11 T t .KM f S Steel. Ifo Ins Co N Am 21t .1.1 do , 10) U S Steel BONDS lm. Coinbrln Slerl sorlo lS71Cnmlrln Bteei scrip Mn May 1S71 Cambria Steel serin Fob 1.7)00 l'enna gen 4its ctfs vv 1. 1 to 1 :30 P. SI. 1017 . 11U7 1WI7.. 21 541-5 07 07 117 07M 4 Wcstmnr Conl HI 100 Ijiko Sup Cor 7;4 10 U S Sloel .MM 20 l'cnnn . MS. -') do. 1 do.. 100 do. .. .10 U 8 Steel Co. r-14 Bi 82J, Bll-i Kl 100 W Crnmp t c .'nij T Il . T. f nlrn Pne T5 21 1'hll-l in u u I,... 2 do. .. . 9. IT Kin) -.IS 100 do ..HI MM 1 BONDS 70 rhlli Co ecrlp linn. 70 Thlln Co scrip 10IS Ijikn Sun Cnr U 1 I ... 82 Ml 01 1:30 to 2 P. SI. 35 Ton Mln.. 40 do . . 100 U S fcteel. 25 do. .... .7 1-1(1 10 IT 3 Steel . .1314 7 l-lil IK) Ion Mln. 7 1-10 100 Phlln II T t a 71 3 BONDS. 100 Am nna A Kloc Bs . ... 12 Cnmbrln Steel scrip May 1017 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS riUCVnO May 24 HOOS Receipts, 42, 00(1 murkeia slow, r, to 10c lower, muted and biltchi-re. 7 2U7 ill. good beavj. fJ.OBJ lJ..;o. roiiKb henvv. 7 0W7.JO' llRht, 7 3307 0.1, plKB J171S7 21. bulk, J7 45Jf7i0. CATTLE Itocelpta, 20,000 markots steady to 10c. loner beeves, t VOiftV 20, cowa nnd helfrri, l.230B.0S, Texans, ftl 2.17.30, calves, Ifll.'Ofjll 11. Uccelpts, SOOO, markets stronp, 10c. bltber native nnd Ucstern, 17 4098 in, iambs, f7 73t(10.20, spring Iambs, .lujjl.' 50. COTTON May 24. Cotton Ni:v" YOrtlC, May 24. Cotton opened dull and fenturelees. Tho undertone was atead, hnwcier with prices ono tn threo points higher Tbero wero no cobles from Liverpool, that market belnc rlosed Tho vventher report con tinued favornblo Sat. close, Open IIIrIi I.ow Close. ,iuis ... mi ma 11 in n4s nM October JJlecember lonunr March Spot ... ORDERS PERE SIARQUETTE SOLD DI7TI10IT, Maj 24 roderal JudRo Tuttle ordered that the Pere Marquette Itallroad bo told at auction on October 1. 0 ss 11 RS 11 OH I) .' 11 Ki . . 10 11 1(1 II 10 17 IOIH 10.11 II 11 10 IS 10.21 10 II) 111 17 10 40 10 40 10.40 10 411 II SO . . . V 70 I.OW. 1 r.i 3.2(1 Close close. l.MH tl,34U 1 20ft 1.27JI 1.311s Mny juiy . September Oats May July September Lard May . .. July . fceptember Hlbs May .. July . . . September Turk May July September 1111. tAsked . 7.11,1 70K . B2 . BOM .. 43 . 0.7O . 1171 , 0 07 tUMO .10 .11 . 10 81 17 si 18 00 IN .10 iVm 704 83: 43 1 20 tl,20M 7311 74'5 73'i Si BO 44M II 81 10 10 10 42 10 0O 10 8S 18 IS 18 47 0 7,1 0.77 10 8.1 B07 tlO.10 tlOOO 10 40 110 4O 10 40 10 15 '10 00 flO.BI 10.80 tl0 85 10 80 17 87 tl7.77 1800 tis is ha Hi 18 30 18.47 118 32 NEW YORK COFFEE SIARKET NEW TOWv, llav 24 The coflee market opened steads, with futures unchanged to (our points ubove the final Saturday Trading1 una q Today's Sat. onenlnff. olose. 7 00 7.ttin7.4 April .... piny . .. Juno .... July Aucust teptember October November December January February March Bid. ..1 11 .8 00 0 Oil 0 73 0 mm 08 n (ii'saiai It 1105(0.711 0 72a .7.t 0 75tt7 (J.i8'0lN3 o.mSo.'ji PHILADELPHIA MARKETS 8 2 to 2:30 300 p n t t 0., 7 9-10 .00 U S fateel ., 1V III do f.. lo do. . . B1 bo rhlla n t t o t; 21 Leh Nav . . 7-'K 1 Bnldivln ptd.lOl SI. 71 U S Steel 1 Phlla It T t 211 r.rle 11 tt a 1. 40 I'eiinn 4 ) Tonopab SIM '.w .. B.'IJ, M 7-1ll Bel. 4M 2:30 to 3 P. SI. Ml; 11) Pennn Salt 00 . 31 23 Lnlio bup Cor " .11 10O II h 'UeiU . 33 0 37 1011 11 8 Steel BV 00 20 Cnmbrln Stoel 48 . 2t 20 i:ioo StornRC. .11 ii 10 u a 1. . 1-21.1 bo4 id' a 1, . s.' 01 jot u M oieei . CA llnlnn Tnw . .'till. S Ph Co till Dfd .111 SO Lake Sup Cor 7M 100 11 S Steol ... Bl', ir) U 8 Steel . Bill 10 Phlln Eleo.. 2I4 100 Union Trac. . .tOV 30 W Cramp lc.8 15 Lake Sup Cor "M BONDS. 15 Cambria Steel icrlp May 1017. 1000 Ualdvvln 1st Bs 0 Penna 100 U S Steel . 200 do 100 W cramp t 7 Pcnna Salt 4 Phlla Klew 20 Phlla Co 10O Union Trac. 11 rcicc atorarto GRAIN AND FLOUR UllIIAr. Itecelpls, 101,070 bush Tho market ruled steady, with u fair export ln ilillry, but millers showed little Interest Quo tntlons Cur lots In export elevator No 2 red, spot lBjai.M No 2 red. Western spot, 1 B7?1 1,0 Hound lots, In export elevufor No 2 red spot nnd Mny. fl.Sltfrl B8M. No 2 red. Western B8M1WI 01M, No 1 Northern imlutb liJI8il 00 , (OUN. I'e.elpts, 31.011 bush There was Utile doing nml no change lu prices Quota tions Cnr lots In export elevator No ., epot and Mav 7.Vfi70c Car lots for local trade, ns tn loentlon No 2 vellow, B.'CSJUr . stenrner 1) yeuuw, .qtiu. i7r-i lellov, SlftSIHc , No 3 No 4 vellon 7BM077Vc . 07 10JM SHORT TERSI NOTES NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW TOHK. May 21.-BUTTEn -Market steady, receipts 7258 pkits. , xt. ; higher scorlnr. SSHfeSW,, State dairy, !7M2kc, Imi tation creamery. 21MB23Mc BOQS.- Market firmer, receipts. 20.772 pkrs., extra firsts. !032fhc , regular packed drsts, isvjim4c regular pscsea nearDy wanes, art 023c mixed color, HKf21c., nearby browns, 21Hu2C . txirs. nrsis, packed flrsls. lsMSSOMc' BAR SILVER NEW YORK May 3. Tb erica ct com mercial bat silver today was ,8V cents, wlta ilexicaa dollar t HVt, ccsu. For the 13 months ended with April the Paclflo Power and Light Company re ports a. balance after dividends of JS3.703, an Increase of J16.713 over the previous year. The London market being1 closed New York had to stand Italian selling' of securities. The liquidation was not very heavy, It was said. According to Snow the damage Js very severe in the bis; wheat counties of Kansas, 400,000 acres, or one.thlrd of the entire acreage, having- been an entire loss. Jl is estimated that car builders have placed about 75.000 tons of steel n con nection with car orders received. There nre Inquiries for about 150,000 tons addi tional. One of tho largest manufacturers of cartridges and shrapnel announces that his company has sold its entire capacity to January 1. Additional orders are be ins refused. No Western Union Ticker Service CHICAGO, May 24 Tha Western Union is to discontinue dissemination of naanelal or eciumuctsl pawa by tltker service Tha aerv Ka loroiarly conduited by ln Western Union has beao laktu over by tb Chicngo N Bureau, aad control utU ta aaaucntd Ju&a L Am Locomotive Am Tel & Tel sub, Anaconda Copper., Argentina Govt.,.. Argentina Govt.... Argentine Govt ... Argentina Govt... Halt i. Ohio Halt i. Ohio. ... lirooklyn It Tr. . Can l'ao Kir) c a o nwj , ., Chicago I'.l Hw)s.. l.rlo It R . l.rla 11 It Urla It H t.ov t of Bwltiland lovt or Swltaland Ilovt of Swltsland lntl Harvester . .. Lackawanna Steel L B A M So R H-. L 8 A M Bo Ii Ii.. Rio l'ao Rwy . . N Y C & II Itlver. N Y C A H Itlver. New York City. ., New York City.... New York City , N Y N II A Hart.. Penna Ii II conv . Pub Ber Cor N J. Beabd A L Itwy.. Southern Itwy . . Southern Itwy . . II S Bmelt Ii & M Union Typewriter., rmtttd Fruit . ... United Fruit Utah Co Rata 7 Due B 5 0 (1 11 a o 4M f 0 3 3 a B SM s 5 B B B B B 0 B B II fl n s 3M fi B s B S 6 5 0 July 101.1 April 11)10 aisr. luii Dec. Dec. Dec. Way June Juno July Star Juno July 1015 1010 1017 1H.1) 11)17 1013 1018 1U.'4 10UI 10111 Anrll 101H Oct 1U15 Aorll 1017 Mar. 10UI Bid. IH'M IOOU OOli 101M 0J4 00 Vt 08V, U7J! 00 M lo-'M OS llu Mar Mar. Feb. Mar. Sept. Dec June Sept Oct Sept. Sept Sept. May Oct, Mar. Mar. Feb, May Juna Jan. May iiay 1UIS 1020 1U1B 1017 101S 1015 1013 1013 1018 1013 101 8 1017 mis lots 101(1 lOlrt una 1017 1018 10 111 1D17 1918 April 1P17 OS Oil'. on 03 118 u 07 v, 100M louVa M 100s 100 V iooi 102M 104 Wit 100 00;, W)i loot; 07i OS Asked 10 n KOU UOi, llllh lliuu DOT, 01) OS's U7 4 BO. 101'. nuv. OOJ, MlM JlO?i w 0U 07 llll IIOM 08 1U01, 10O4 87 100K 101 102, 104it 1110 IIOM wot 100 10(1 lis), 07 071, 101 V, 084 OJM ROCKEFELLER'S AIDE ATTACKS CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE OATS. Receipts. 14.001 Dusn Traoa iyss oulet but prlies ruled steadv guotatlona no. 2 white. BOijSiiflc . standard vyhlte OSi'jW.Oc , No 1 white BTMITSHc. ...,-,, HYi: dull We quote at 1.141 10 per l.usb . as to quallts In export elevator, and at Jl Olff 1 10 ror small lots of nearby gain. In l"rl.OIlK Receipts,. 1B0B bbls . 807 032 lbs In sacks The market waa quiet and without Important .nonce Following are quotations 1 per 101 lbs In wood-winter, cicar. wwyi.. do. straight H007 15, do, patent. IT SOW 7 01, Kansas, straight, Jute sacks. llSfT.JBj do . patent lute aacks, 17 30&7.BO, spring, first clearT 77 21 do., straight, 7 21K7.B0 do., patont. if S017 70 do., favorlta brands IT K5W S 21 city mills, choice and fane) patent. I7.S3 S21. cltj mills, regular grade;, winter clear, til. JOBfl.7.1. do do . straight, U 0OT 15. do.. llYi: 1'IOL'lt sold slowly, but ruled steady under small supplies Vve. quota liearbv ana Western In wood at I6.25S0B0, as to quality. PROVISIONS Philadelphia Markets Provisions. Philadelphia Markots Provisions. There waa little trading but lalues wero Kteadlly licld. Quotations City beef. In sets, smoked ind alr-drled 23826c . .Western beef, in sets, smoked 250200 . city beef, knuckles and tenders smokod and olr-drled, 27Qoc., Western beef, knuckles ana tenders, nmoked, 27a2S" beef hams, f.11012., Krk. Jfmily. 121.60822 bams. 8. P. cured, loose. 130l3VSc.i a- i.inn0i iAn 12ll12Ue . do., do. smoked, ISHtfUc , other bams, smoked city cured, as to brand and average. l01i.. hams, smoked, Western cured, lawww.oo. bolleJ. boneless, 2Jtf2So . picnic shoulders B P cured loose 10Mllc do,, smoked 10VW lie, bellies, In pickle, according to average, loose. HiiOlSc, breakfast bacon as to brand and average city cured. 10817c 1 breakfast bi?on7 Weitero cured 16ffl7c.. lard. Western refined, tierces. lOHOllc . do . do . tubs. IMjO lie. lard, pure city kettle rendered. In tierces. lO'.Sl" i lard, pure city, kettle rendered, in tubs, 1074ttUC- 16c ; do.. 37(142 lbs. to doz , 18c ; do , 43C47 lbs. to doz.. 18c: do.. 4!) lbs to doz., 20c; do., 14) lbs and over 21c ; corn-fed, 81(742 Ios, to doz., 1-Jc. do, 43Q47 lbs to doz, 17c; do., 4H lbs to loz,. V-ic. . do . 00 lbs. and over. 2oc; chickens, dry-picked and dry-packed. In bbls Western, cornfed, 3 lbs una over, 18c : do., do, 4 lbs. i7fil7Mc.; do, do. JM lbs., IBVic; do., do -hill lbs., US 1.1c. , broilers, mUk-tod, fancy, 18121 lbs to box, 27c . do., fancy, 21U2J lbs. to doz , 24c , corn-fed, fancy, 18S24 lbs. to doz, 21c, do, prime 234HO lbs to doz., 22c. lurkejs. dr -picked and dry-packed, fancy, 21 l22c., fair to good ISilJUc , old toms, lua.'Oc. ; ducks, tana. In boxes lTlf,c. , do. ordinary to good, 12til0c , geese, choice and fancy, 130 10c. do.. No 2, 12014c, FRESH FRUITS Trade was fair and values generally ruled steady Quotations Apples, New York, per bbl Baldwin. Mas, Ren Davis. W84; other good eating varieties, 12.2600.60, medium, 2fl 2 23 apples. Western, per box. I1SJ2. apples. 1. rui rM, Liiiiu4iL'LJic-a. iicr iraiHi'nnn Vs- tl mln 'Wls j"-- .A .." - "" Jiito. .uu(., r joriaa, n..o.-w o. straw berries, per qt North Carolina, 4Tc.; XorfolK, K07c., Marymand and Eastern Shorp, OlOc. VEGETABLES The market was generally steady under mod erate offerings nnd a fair demand. Quota tions While potatoes, per bush Pennsylvania. 40S46c , Maine. 404r45c . New York, as to quality, 33W42C. whits potatoes, Florida,, per uu, ..... ,. i tnntu, ,u ., ?o.ou'(F-t; street potatoes, Delaware, per hamper Large, 11 n I 23, medium, B0W75c, ; sweet potatoes, Rastern bhore, per bbl No 1, 12 230 4.3.1. N'o 2. 1.50 Fl 73. sweets. Jersey, per bbl N'o. 1. 11.73V 75, N'o 2, I2&2C0: sweats, Jersey, per bas ket, 76c Ql 23, onions, choice, per 100. lb. bag, II 2101 50. onions, medium, per 100-lb. bug. Bourse, onions, Texas, per cummer crate. No. 1 l 23, onions Texas, per cummer crate, Xo. 2. DOcotl, cabbago, Charleston, per crate. SOc.ffll 23, cabbage, N'orth Carol'na and Nor folk, per crate, iSc fill 23: cabbage. North v.sroitua iiu ,viuih. per uvi . ,c i: CSUJI- nower, iorioiH, ir crate iocjsi: e rvortn uaroiina, per oasseti oucqii; REFINED SUGARS Calls Members "Wire Pullers" and Explains "Giving Taffy" to Officials. WASHINGTON, May 21,-Charees thnt tho congressional committee which In vestigated the Colorado coal strike was "biased and made, up in a manner that was not fair," were mads today by I M, Bowers, ot the advisory staff of John D, Rockefeller, Br before the Commis sion on Industrial Relations. Chairman Walsh read letters in which Bowers referred to efforts belnc made by bankers and business men to "whip Gov ernor Ammons Into line." One letter re ferred to the committee as "political wire-pullers." Another reference was made to giving 'taffy" to Colorado offi cials. Bowers explained In this fashion.. "Did your mother ever spank you, and did you get candy or a cookie after war da?" When Walsh replied affirmatively, Bowers stated: "Well, that's what we did." "And that Is your attitude. Is It? You spank them and after they come around and do what you think is right, qu give them a, piece of candy," Walsh commented. The market was quiet, but firm. Wo quote. Btnncard granulated 8 0.1c.. Una granulated, 6c, powdered. 10c , confectioners' A. BOOc.j soft grades, 3.1033,75. DAIRY PRODUCTS nUTTKH. Tho market ruled, firm under light offerings and a fair demand. Tha fpl. lowing were tha quotations Western, solid packed creamery. lancy specials. .10c.. extras, 28 , extra Urals, 27c , firsts, 28c., seconds. 2423c, nearbv prints, fancy Sic, average extra, 30c , flrsls, 27tI20c seconds, 24C.'3c , garlicky, 21323c . Jobbing sales of fancy prints. 331Sc KUGS were In liberal supply, but demand waB fairly active ana values were steauur maintained on deslrablo stock Tha following are the quotations In free raaes, nearby ex tras, SUc per dox i firsts. 111 per standard casa, nearby current receipts, 13.70 per eases Vvl em extra firsts. fl per case; rtrsts. 15.70 per case, Southern. I3.W5 40 per caae. fancy selected candled eggs were Jobbing at 23tr27c, CIIEESB. Trade -was quiet and prices were without Important change. Offerings vvrro moderate but ample. Following; were the quotations New lork. full cream, choice, new, lTMOUMc.. sojclals higher, do., do., fair to good new, ltiMul7c, do , part skims, SUc POULTRY LIVE, The market was quiet, but steady under modcrato offerings Quotations: Fowls. 1UM4H7C : roosters. IHH'io.; broiling chickens, fauc), not Legborns weighing 1HS2 lbs. apiece. 210300.1 broiling chickens, not Leg hSrns, welihlnB 1UU lbs. apiece KtWc : trolling cUcktns. Leghorns, welghlnr Ui32 Iba. apiece. SittJ3e . broiling chickens Leg horns, welghlcg leiVi lbs apiece. 20ffl2lc ; turkeys. 13W1B0. : ducks., llBc.: do. Indtan Runner, 1213c.i ctese, lOallc, put eons, old per pair, 23630a.. do.. oung. per pair, 2J32JC DHKSSEI). Tha market waa quiet and prices of fowls were he lower Hquabs. how ever, were scarce and a shade firmer Quo tations Fresh killed fowls, 12 to box, drj Slcked and dry -packed fancy selected, 19c., ?( lbs apiece, 18c , do., 3 lbs. apiece. 1W 17c , do. under 2 lba apiece, 14315c, fowls. Ice-packed, Western. 4 lbs, sod over apiece. 17Vc do do . smaller silts, l&3l7c. , old roosters, dry-picked, 13c , squabs, white, weigh ing 11 to 12 lbs. per doaV 104 T5, white, weighing S to 10 lbJ JP'r d02- " t": do do , 8 lbs per dox., tfll3. do. do,, I lba. per do 1 lzfZ.G0 do do.. oa4 lbs. per ettuce. l, OUOnXl hian. K.,A,Jn .un n t-ll-t.- 1 . O k. -..' J-tUI.un, nwA, ,,v M-ns., .., icll, r lOr Ida, green rer basket, !l2, beans. South Carolina and Georgia, per basket. JJSJJ 3li. reas. per small basket, North Carolina, lo 110. peas, Norfolk, per H-bbl. basket, 11,230 1 50, peas, Kaitern Shore, per W-bbI, basket. 11.2581 IMJ, eggplant, Florida, perWc, g2f(3 5o! cucumbers Florida, per basket. .'2 50. squash Florida, per basket, flOc.eil.8i, pen! pers, Florida, per carrier, !2v1. beets. Charles ton, per 100 hunches, U8. beets. North Carolina, per 100 bunches, 14(7.1; tomatoes. Florida, per carrier Fancy, I2S2 SO; choice, 1 60O1 75, celery, Florida, per crate. 75c.l 1, asparagus, per bunch. 10320c. rruth rooms, per 4. In, baaket, C0c,ffl, WHEAT WEAKENED, DESPITE DAMAGE Sains in Kansas Arc to Have Destroyed CHICAGO, May 24 -The wheat marjtet opened steady todn.y but later developed ft weaker tone, May wheat dropped off l of a cent at the opening figure of 154, but regained the fractional point In the early trading, July wheat fared even worae, oponlng nt 126',. hi cent below Saturday's closing mnrkot, and sold at n stilt further decllno ot 12Gi. The trad Ing In oats was moderate, while corn showed a light demand. In the Into dealings wheat prices hard ened somewhat nnd tho close wag dull nnd steady. Tho havoc created In tho wheat belt by tho festering fly Is beginning to manifest Itself In the eastern counties of Missouri In six countlcn of tho State, Involving 400,000 acres. It appears fully one-third of the Acreage Is entirely destroyed, with less than half tho crop on baldnce. Mis sourl ordinarily has ft yield of 30,000,000 bushels wheat Minneapolis stocks of wheat decreased 175,000 bushela for two days against' 125, 000 bushela of last year. England Is nearlng tho wheat harvest ing season and high level of values Is bringing out Increased offerings on tho bulges, t Tho weekly shipment of wheat jtrom North America nmountcd to 7,450,000 bushels, of which 2,901,000 bushels went out as flour. Nothing wns reported shipped via the Pacific Coast, Canada exporting 2,032,000 bushels, 1,060,000 bushels of corn and 2,890,000 bushels oatn. Heavy rnlns In Kansas destroyed mil lions of chinch bugs, thus enabling the wheat to outgrow tho weakening effects of tho Hessian fly pupae. Making" due allowance for Insect damage, the pres ent prospect seems to bo for a, winter Nvhcat crop Ground CW.000,000 bushels, about 53,000,000 bushels less than last year and 200,000,000 bushels moro than the five-year average to last year. Leading futures ranged na f61lows: Sal'ri'a vvnini open High. Hay . . . 1 .14 l..v, July ... 1 201, i pi), September . 1 21 1 2ls '-u.ji ,it,n ,,r,,,v,j - Ar doi II aottl so dark n oust so small and No. 3, IL Frozen poultry fowls. s,s to cualKy, laoiDc , chickens, dry-picked and dry paexci, la toiti, mWt-tvl, SIS&J lbs. to dox.. The Guaranteed Mortgage A security unaffected by adverse conditions in the political and industrial world. Send for Booklet Philadelphia Company for Guaranteeing mortgages 211 Land Title Ilulldlng ThlladelphU William It. Nicholson, Vrrsldeot SOUND '' NVESTMENTS RtAzim&Ga BANKERS $ 132 Sduth 15th Street Mi &3Z eJMMgdMfci-