Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 21, 1915, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    fEW low records for demand sterling and francs list penna. r. r. bonds
i .ni.ntinn Atrain Dc-
Tm'ir:"ne w,, nr
Bp.Kum - "
fowling iuu,uuW,vuu.
E, nu' May Si The lone of tho
S6" .kit today was vcry much lm
""Iiihough there, wns some early
'f&Jui this soon khvo way to
k when It was found that tho
itrwuth wn' , ,ock8 wns not large
tm Bticularly truo In the spccial-
Nf J'-hlch 1" beli'B lengthened almost
Wrf.uhlr py rumors ot blB war ortlera
fj.rt,, either MJ' ,..nt, fnr ntun
rf.MSr 'C.U -i.Hnt havo been bIbiici!
irtOU oi , ru)e tlmt la aa fnr n3
JLl4 J ,ove UP "' Prlcca' runlora nro
ii tood ?s acts.
lIM'J If n hem very wide. Crucible
Wi for Instance, advancing nearly J
St o a new high record American
"Itw? gained over VA. Baldwin
Bethlehem Steel, not to bo out
(r Mi " ... an 0( more than
-A fMi.15.f 2L... Man milled 2H
-'m to Us pflee A11 thoso advnnct,:
r- -.! before miuuujn
UfflESi answer tho Gorman Govern
ed, Mikes to tho note of tho United
1 .and whatever action follow e,
JtlW Bl'. .... ,t, nn.itimi nf tho "war
Pf'a... i ,11 nrnhahllltV Still bo
lS5fMmtertaU would continue to be
tt jeroand. ,, mnrttet iieltl
rll Trading, however, was not
in n?i. .. -non rtlirlnrr tim
5?!u! hunlness was confined to tho
hXltles, although some of the stnnrl
PS. uris showed gains. Very little news
.'... n nuibne of circulating a
' '""','. ? .ml In this con.
lUon the Steel Corporation was men
tec.u. m,. .ntriB old report that orders
Ko' amount of JIW.000,000 had been re
'..,.J ra brought out and were again
jftdilly denied
FTh corporauun s uii.., .. ..-
. ..... .tthr tho Allien or Germany
Kl not been turned out and It Is not tho
IrYsent Intention of tho corporation to
aim In tho manuracturc- ot animiini
S. at least not for the present. It was
itj. known, however, that the corpora
.... i. ..o.ivin, hpiiellts from orders for
itl d In the manufacturo of ammu-
iltlonand is snipping iiiro iuuiuiu ui
.iot ofrr1 tn Kurono. through tho
jBtttl Products Compan, which handles
iUiittport ena 01 i" i.
fBTte closing was strong. Several shares
iRiJf new high records for tho clay in
k hit few minutes
IMTlio entrance of ItaH Into tho Curo
iftun conflict w'as regarded as a bullish
til . .... t.l 1 n Ulr. llt. nM
iriClOr, aS It nuuid ICIIU iu umib mw wm
ItTt close much nooner
ljTil or a neavj ascEBimcni on inu
LwV nf thA rhlrnco. Ttock Island and
lpacie was sufficient to drive tho piico
ttelow 19, on more man n poini. j-o-it-jenenent
of tho dividend on Chcsnpoalte
udOJilo did not affect the stock in early
Ccilmjs ana u anvancea mere uiiin u
nt, but this was lost later. Missouri
Pidflc came up siieiui on me oeuei
A, tho flniilrl sc.tjitn wnnltl ncrpp tn
thsutenslon for one jear of tho $25,000,000
-k. lt.U nil rltin nn limn 1 A o thn
I.UIU, niUkll AMI UUU U.I MUHl i. fc H,V
KtiU' holds $6,000,000 of the notes it
oulJniean a lot for the road If they nro
teUly deposited It would lend other
tollers to agreo to tho extension, It Is
thoarbt, and permit a reorganization ot
j Ui property, and a receivership avojaoa.
jjjle new PennsyUatila Konoral mort-
I PSS Ih per cent bonds wero dealt In on
j tlgfTxchange for tho llrst time todaj .
(Ttilrit sale was at 97H. Dealings in
I All Utile- were crj light
JStuch concern is oeinff shown over tho
yjlness of foreign exchange. Today tho
nt for demand sterling went to 4.78H,
' BiFlow point reached last ilnrch, whllo
fnitci viere quoted at 5.-H. This Is tho
!d?t that exchange on Paris has ever
ilf the afternoon demand sterling mado
1 iTnew low record by selling down to
U.JS 1-16 between bankers. This was suc
ceeded by a better tone and lates nd
gnetd a trifle from tho low. There was
fr little demand for exchange on nnj
cwntry The report that n prominent
bittyg bouse had bought $10,000,000 of
tollifc exchango was not confirmed.
m 'continued weakness In the ex-
sis market nas again given rise to
,,,. ui wrKu creuus 10 do esiaDiisnea
lert by European nations to offset our
tllrft.vnn.fr. Tl.. .U. t - al 11 ,
r tte balanceot trado In our faor
JBI be easily $700,000,000, and bankers
rata that something must ho done, and
ttll inn n nT... .l.l , .
(, tu mci una iiue umouiu.
IS'? .Copoer
Brtbj.Amerjcan Tobacco old ..
gBW-Aroerlian Tpbacco. new.
Sg3jw ?i M :::
obj Etvitor..' ;'.'.;;:":::
t"7)- t ... . .. :
J-kiMfetema'n, ". ;.";"
nid Asked.
. 7 7ii
. 15Vj HI
. Ill i7
. l' IV,
. IS 30
H "
. 151 m
. .' ii
. 70 7Ji
. 02 111
m i
. 2ii 5M
, 112 llfl
. 10O 11H
rz1" uum
Sgffjo. l-roducta . . , I ! ! '.
a.',. 3',.
Jnfaia Gold ,,'
' I'.
."Rt'o1 "aro ttlth corro
aM l!5M:SJ ?.?
' 5.'ii5! 4nT'isn 4HH2T1.W
? .?50.101 0.118.183 5.SJ5.1U1
HATES for money
Wi. w 9?" T,mo
ffi ami :n,3-t
??..:::-. - . fh ;l.i
tBUsSv'l0K.,o " Pre10" low record of
UiR)rkn 7h,?u lu.otatlon wa8 estabiuhed
mIS??,. 'i 'j10 lowest it has ever sold.
!& Sin1?111? 5' .T8. Francs reached
l!Meam,lnt, aJ ?!48 'or checks. In tlia
lwTfiw "!?, atcrlln dropped to 4 78 1-18.
Si jSl?Mlln8r Franca Marks Urea
jp" 'j:?.,. g;jgy, gS 111
m,L0 .90TT(n
WttMrnini ' ,?'r ..-Cotton opened nrm
BJImi tSS. at an advance of 3 to 0 polnta
lMeVblLm?Jnn.ac.tive than for eorne time"
W!a Inin,.JnVPQP, were better tnan
R?w WiS,clJi . The buylnB wag by Wall
Lfc'iOrSi.',.J5relners and room traders.
1 fr'n'"6, variation In tha afternoon
ta ,nfi. '? 'ound fulurea up from
v,h,e '"tlf t" Mann
lw-cll Open. High. Low. Close.
22 1.W 0 4O U.10
R-S? .0i3 0-l ust DM
, M 10 00 10.01 0.91 U.UO
!Si? !"-- lu-:i; IO.I " "
10.21 10 27 10 28 10.111 UUiH
I0SJ 10.M J0.M 0.7 W.l
.TS ,. U.7S
'iSirhr MH,'ewln; Company, rs
Je&NSlSES " wr quarterly "of I1.2S
Bin r.S' IS centl. navahln t,,n tn .u,v.
Jl 'eiord Jlay 2T Hooka reopen
te'crfi ompany of Ohio, regular ouar-
dBsuttit h ben made )n the paat
tPwiTita; 4 .Llht Company reg
EP I ai r.Efr.t,ni ,1" Preferred, paya-
PW ratmixrTJ,""
m tani ' .; ..''. iciuisr i4Mn-
i c Tn. omjianj, regular temi
S? CW on oreferrert and remla
P9F cai on common
New York Stock Sales
K.:::: u H s
I AIILi-ChalmMfg pf ... 47 47 17 V4
I Am Aer Chemical i ?, , 1
Amaleamated Con .... nsn r.m op.i o
Amllret Hicat ii 4Wi 4,,, .gi.
AmUrakoS&F pf ,.tl40i,' 150 I6n 150
. S8 1 roum,fy " ci fiZU 1U M!
Am Coal Products .... 02 03 01 01
Am Cotton Oil 45 47 im 47
Am Ice Securities 3U 31 30 30H
A motyo, tl)( 46J 41 40M
Am smelt & Hef cg rou csw no
Am if HeflnliW ...107 107H 107U 107M
Am lei Tel noif 119 U8M no
Am Woolen pf 81 81 MH 8.1IJ
Anoronda Coppot 3Uj ypr 3lv, 3.IJ
A!fhT,a'8P V 08 !1M 9 8'
Atlantic CoaH Lino ...105 105 101i 104!i
llaldwinLoco -15U 49 40H 40
lialtlmoro Ohio 72H 73 72H 72!(
llalllmore Ohio pf .. C0H 70 70 70
Bethlehem Stool 13M-, 143W 139U 142
I ethlehem Steel pf ,...1UU UIH 111 111
llrooklrn Hap Tran ... 80' 8if 80!. 87K
Broun Shoo 2,1 25 25 2"
llutte Superior 08H 71 GQH b9J(
Cal Tetrolcum pf 37 37 37 37
Canadian raclfio 168W 160 J6S5f 160
Cent Leather Co ...... 35!f 30H 30 3fW
Cent Leather Co pf ...103 102H 102M 102M
ChcsOhlo 40M 4W 30U 40
Ch no Copper 43M 4 IX 42 ii 43M
Chlcaco Great West ... 11 lli lUi 1
ChlOtWest pf 29 20h 29 20
Chi MUX. St V so till M)4 0.)
CCC&StL 31 30 30 30
CCC&StLpf 01M 68 68 63
Chilli 1' ), 20 M( 10H
ChU Northwest 125 120K 125H 125M
Colorado rue. 1 1 20H 27H 20i 27J
Col & Southern 26 30 30 30
Continental Can pf .... 05H 00 Oft 00
Consolidated Oaj) 123VS 12R)f 123 123U
Corn Products Ilof .. . . 13H 13M 13V 13W
Crucible Steel Co 24W 282j 24JJ 28M
Crucible Steel prcf SOU 88 88 88
Cuban-Am Susar 03 (US 0,1 63
Distillers Securltloj ... 14 J5)i 14JJ 14U
DulSS&Atl pf 8H 0 0 0
Krlo 25M 25J ?6H 255.
KrloMpf 3IJ( -HH 4(lt 40H
ErIo2d pf 33W 34 33J 31
(Icneral Electric 15U loll-i 151 153M
General Motors 135 130 U5 130
General Motors pf .... 07J$ ti8S 07 C8W
Goodrich BF Co 42 43). 42H I2)S
Goodrich II F Co pf ...101M 101W 101H 1014
GrcatNorthern pf ....117U 117)5 117X 117)(
GtNcfsfororoprop .. 32 32W 31. 32M
Guccenhelm Krpl'n ... 57H tH r,T( Ubii
IntHarvN'J 11 13 C3 01
International Paper ... 8U 0 0 0
International Paper pf . 354 3fli 35(f 35)J
Inter-Met ottc 205S L'H 20H 20J
Inter-Met pf 0!) 70)f 70 70
Inspiration Copper .... 28I 20h :0 20)
Kan City Southorn ... 2G'i 20 20 20
Lack Steel 41H 43 42)f 13
Laclede Gas 100 101 101 101
LchlRh Valloy Ill 142 141 I41H
Louis tV Nashville 115M 110 116 ll'l
Mackej Cos . 77 S0H S0)2 SO-
Manhattan EUnated... 120 127 127 12i
Maxnoll Motors 39 40)j W))s 40H
Max Motors 1st pf. ... 8j 8J'i 82 83H
Max Motors 2d pf. . . 31 35 33H 35
May Dcpt Stores 44 43 43 41
Mexican lVtrolmnn. .. 1,8 (iflJJ 1 8lf 09
MStPSS M 117 119H IWA 119H
Miami Copper 24M 24H 24! 24M
MoKan&Tcras 12Jf 12l 12)f 12JJ
Missouri Pacific 13K 13M 12 12)i
National Biscuit US 120 120 120
Nat Cloak 5. Suit 72H 72 7IH 72
Nat Knamellnc & S.... 15 15U 15 15
NatLead l&i CO 68)f 59'i
Nevada Con Copper... 14)i UM 14H 11)4
Newlorl. Central H5)4 85 85 .'S
New York Air Brake... 85) 80 S5H 87
NYNIU11 (j2M 01 r2!-5 ( 2H
NYOS-West L'7I. 28 18 18
Norfolk-i. West pf 86)5 b5H 85H S5H
North American 74 74H 74 74)5
Northern Pacific 10W 103 10-1 10-IH
PaclflcMall 21)i 21)i 2W 21
1'cnnsjlvanli -107 l'7 IWi'f 107
Pctllbone-Mul 1st prcf . . So 85 81
l'HUburuh Coil . . . 21 'Mi 'Mi Mi
PIlUburKh Coal pf 80)5 00 90 90
Pitts C C & St h 05 68 OS (18
Pressed Steel Oir 44H 45U 41 45)i
Pressed Steel Car pf.... 05W 95K 95) 05W
Pullman Co 153 lVtJf 1557i 153)f
ny Steel Spring 20 30 30 30
Hay Con Copper 22JS 23lf 2.J 23W
Iteadin. 143 144H 143'i U3!i
Hep Iron t Steel 20 28h 20).' 275f
Hep Iron i Steel pf .... 84 5 kiii S5
Hock Island Co H W H )5
Hock Island Co pf )5 H H ii
HumelyMCo 5)5 6)5 4J5 5
fceaboard Air Lino pf ... 33)f 31 34 31
SearsHoo&Co 134 135)5 135)5 135)5
btLouls&.SF 435 5)5 4H 4tf
St Louis &SF2dpf... 5 IS 5)5 6J5
Sloss-Shef S I Co 20U 31H 31H 3IM
Southern Pacific 87lf 8)i b75 i8i5
Southern Ry l)f IH'i 16'f 10M
Southern Hypf 53)1 0tf 10H 50)5
btudebakerCo Oi'i 00V, 04H 0M
Studebaker Co pf OS 07 97 97
Tenncsseo Copper S33S MH 34X 34)f
TcxasCo 121 l."35 123H 123)5
TcxasPaclflc 11 15 15 15
Third Avenue 60 50)f 40)5 40H
Union Pacific 124)5 125)5 12455 125M
USInd Alcohol 38 38 38 38
United Rys Invest 17H 17)5 17 17)5
United Hys Invest pf... 34 34)5 34 34)t
UfaHubber 01K C2)5 6155 615f
USbtoel 52J5 63 52). 53).
USSteelpf 105)f 1C6 106 1011
USExpress 04 04 01 01
UtahLopper 64U Olfj 64)f U4H
aCaroChcm 28 31 20U 31
aCaroChcmpf 053f 07 97 07
Wabaih H ii if ii
Wabash pf H H ii )4
Western Union Tel COW 07H COM T6W
Westingbouso Electric. SOW 95 80M 94)5
Western Maryland 22K -'4)5 24H 24i
Wheellns &. L E 2 2 2 2
Wheel&LESdpf 3 2 ,2!. &t
Willis Overland 111)5 112 111 112
W Isconsln Central . .. 'Mh 32 32 ii
Totat siles, 308,200 chares, compared with
2n,X) Eharea esterda. thus far this week.
1.141.100 shares, same period laai week, -J.SIT,-000
Recent Colonial Issues Wero Quoted
nt Premiums.
LONDON, May 21. Steadiness Generally
characterized trading on the Stock Ex
change today, but a holiday feellntr was In
evidence. The news from Italy stimulated
the undertone of the market. Gilt-edged
Issues were firm. There wbb Investment
buyirnr of the war loan. All recent Colo
nial Issues were quoted at premiums.
Homo railways were dull on the labor
situation and on rumors of an Issue ot
1.000,000 44 per cent preference bonds
by the Northwestern Railway Company.
Americans were Irregular, United States
Steels were purchased. Canadians were
quiet. Mlnlne Issues weie steady. Dull
ness In rubbers was accentuated by less
favorable statistics regarding the staple.
Ot) descriptions were stow. There was no
feature m roreisiiera
London N Y.
close, equlv,
'Amalgamated Copper
Atchison ...
lUlllnioro Ohio ...
Canadian I'acine .,
Cheoueuke and Ohio .
ChlcoKo ()rat Western
Chl. M. - h'. I' .
Denver & Mo Orands
(18 1 i
3) ' i
n '
. 4 Hi
I'll) J
30 -
fcsi -H
201 . .
do 1st prer . ..,1 ",?,. ,?,?, T
Illinois Central . .. lta f. , -,;
lroulKu,&TN"0,. :::::: Jaw Mite iJ.
uw h
N Y Ont & Went
106. J
143Vi Vi
jrta -M
United State. Steel , . . . .
1 inc(". .
vBw yobk. May SI. Durlnr the lat week
.?nk rectlv" from interior SJ.92J.000 and
rPPntloMl ""W no'"? to WMblngton
fflM0stfbtSBSJ "Per,! 155, prbjer
New York Bond Sales
lll.h. Low
101 i,
iro Amer Cot till 5a... iJ ,
,TOW Amer Smelt See 6s. . 101 loj'4
liwiu Amcr lei cvt 414a loo'i ltOj
HO0 Armour Co IHs. . 12' Vi 'f
25WO AtehlRon cv i. 1011 . Oi Vl'l
Mono Atehleon c 4a iihkj Ho '"
earn Allan Co Line clt 4 M 83
WiOW Halt & O tv 4H . .. SVft H
:tHi lllh Steel 1st .Is.. . 1W TO
IMjW) Heth Sicel d .is .. VVA M
lijoci llrookn II Tr ra .. i02 Wi
WW) llrookn H Tr Pa IS. WJ4 .J?
luu lanndn South As . lot's Wl'
4tKi0 lent Leather 1st Ts V i's
.im Cent 1'nc 1st 4a ST Wl
2;o0O Ches & Ch cv 4149 . T1i T2'
.W0 Chl A Host 111 ra MiVHi yjjl
21100 Chl f, East III a ... 09 np
40W Chl & .Nwn ,IVj ... SO 80
iiixjii Chl & Nn gen t .. mt 'J!
a.!tni) thl U & g joint 4a Pfl JH
louo Chl n 6 ileb ,1s . 55 iftn
.noil Chi 11 y ill 314a . WW .s
2HKX C M A St I C 6a Kt 103 102's
ixil V M t, St P cv 4t4 1K)H
;. Col i. South Ut 4n 884 884
."ion Col South ref 4'4i ml M
low Del & llud 4s '16. .. WK 09'.
SOlO Den & nio Or 4a 73H T3J4
2W Detroit United 4149... Tl j
lonil Ills Becur Corp Sa SI 5II4
-Mi Krla conv 4a Bar A . 03
0100O Erie conv 4o Sr 11 . MH W
iMmil Ha A Bast Co 4Ha .8J. .?,,
lllOO Oen Elec Sa HA, 1W .
1000 llud Mar in 8a ..20)4 2h
221100 llud Man rfd . . Tl, T3j,
inoo 111 Cent 4s Wtt .... M!4
ll'iOO 111 Cent 4a 10M 4 82)4
KIO0O Ina Coo cv (5a 121 122
lfiuoo lnp c ret Sd od 6e,12;l 12J4
KO00 Inter Mer itar 4Hs .. 42 41 '
1 000 Internal Paper cvt 5s TO, T0
t)0 Int & wan Aa . .. 41 40S
10UO Japaneee lat 4iia T04 T6J4
TOflO Kan rilv Sn Ut 3a (17 . iW
82 S
ItHO tk Sh deb 4a mil . POU fim
R01 Minn at I, Ha ST.
rXi Mo Kan A T lat 4a T4, T4J4
.Doo do .d 4a on vt oa4
nThpVHi4thrdlun ahrdlun ahrdln cmfw
1O000 Mo Pae 4a 44ft 4.V,
:i0 0 do 5a 10JO ... . . Mi 81
OfKio do cona 6a 00 00
Kmi Mont Power la . . WA 00U
ypu u
m ,
iuwi j y canal 4a iuoi.. "i i"i.
IM10 N Y C ft It SHa T0 TO'
... T0 TDU
..loit loi
.. nn n'i
. 81 RT
aavnH) do Ba ret
I0OO N Y City 4l,s 1080
UKn v v TlnrV i
iouo n T oa ii r bs in i"j
10") N Y N H & II fla .. 100 151
2(00 N V Hwy odj Js.... N)'4 V
3000 N Y W C A B 4Ha . . T5f, Tv4
inii Nor iPao prior 4s .. 014 ni
2nnn do gen fla il, A
lODO ore Fhort I ref 4s RO .jn
10"n do la 10 10
rmo Orn A Cal 5 ... 1'n, ion1,
srmo ponna col 4'4 103'v lol,
lomo do gen 4H w l .. HT' Ii.'.
2IYI0 Pen & Kaat lt 4i . SS Jj
100O Public Serv N J 5 HT s,',
WCO lleatllng ger, 4s . . m M
1000 Itendlr g-Jer Cen 4n .. nt in
llioo Popub Cuha. 5a '04 . Pn; "
WO nep Ir ft S Ba . . 02S PSH
snooo nnrk Ialand rfd 4s 4 in,
inono do : 4f 40
inoo St L I M & So gen 5s. nnj4 on',
7fOO do 5s OiW Oj1!)
2(ionn Pciiboard A L adj 5a h '.;'
5n South Ilell 5s OTHi l'i,
400(1 South Iac cv 4s .. SI si
llKio do c ret f p Bs 1014 ""i '
nion smith Tac rfd 4 Ml, Mi,
innn Rnnth iJap Term os n' "
nnno souih Ilwl con
nrno Third Ave adj 5s 7l TVj
Minn Tol Pro ft V 4s . . I? 4 4S
7100 Third Avo new is
-., -,
mroo V S Steel 5a IO 10
r.on 1 P Steel reg 5s . lot 101
iv.no rnlon Pne 1st 4s . or, nil
r.or-n rnlrn Pac c 4s . on s n,
irro Va nwja SFls ... 43'a 4iiJ
1 1, Oil Hibnsh 4s ,2"-a -'I
Vjr)0 Wob-lsh 1st Ss 101, l;l,
tnsmi Wnn lu ct sta 4a Sl'i ;
27('(l"0 West H ft M c 5s 102s inn
lOOOMcst Shore Is . 8.1. si'i
IDCOWIscon Cent gen 4b Rl SI'i
Little Change Reported in Cotton;
Steel Market Improving.
But little chnnge la reported In the local
cotton conditions compared with previous
week, nlthouEh manufacturers of hosletv
and undeiwenr report conditions In their
line aio still improving and In u number
of ca'es the mills are working full
time, say It. G Dun & Co In their
weekly review. Somo dlfflculty Is being
experienced In having their goods dyed
promptly, nnd tho dyers In bomo ensis
have Increased their prices. The wool
mnrket is cjulet, but prices remain firm.
Dealers In worsted yarns report business
exceedingly dull, there being but little
hpbt business nnd but few- Inquiries
These conditions arc occasioned by lack
of business among the local knitters nn.I
weavers nnd no chnngo Is looked for In
the immediate future.
Manufacturers of shirt waists stato that
tho season thus far Is ono of tho best
.they have had for some time. They con
tinue to experience dilllculty In getting
help. The last few weeks lino shown
more activity In business among the silk
and cotton diess manufacturers. With
few exceptions, trade has been generally
quiet among the manufacturers of men's
and boys' clothing:. They state they are
experiencing some difficulty In making
Jobbers of woolens, etc , selling prin
cipally to tho near-by trade, report busi
ness at present quite active, sales for the
month having shown a substantial In
crease Shirt manufacturers state that
thc are fairly active; the- senson has
been a reasonably satisfactory one Re
tailers of dry goods and men's furnishings
report n slight Increase In sales.
There appears to be no great activity In
tho hardware line at this time, with tho
exception of seasonable goods. The prices,
however, appear to be firm, and thoso
consulted are of the impression that a
recovery of business Is near. Some quar
ters are more favorably Impressed with
tho outlook for futuro business than
others, but, generally speaking, confidence
Is expressed that business will become
more nearly normal In the near future.
In tho department of collections, some au
thorities report that tho Southern busi
ness Is much better, although thero ap
pears to be considerable room for Im
provement In this line.
The market in Iron nnd steel continues
to show Improvement nnd new orders are
reported to continue Railroad buying Is
somewhat more In evidence. Pig Iron re
mains rather quiet, though a somewhat
better tonnage Is reported. Stocks are
said to be small, but to have somewhat
increased during the past month.
Denlers In electrical goods report a sat
isfactory volume of business and note an
increase In present month over preceding
month and slightly In advance of the
same period last year. The stove trade is
fairly well emplojed, considering the sea
son of he year; foundries are operating
at about GO per cent, capacity. The leather
market continues firm but only moderate
ly active. Condition's in the lumber trade
continue unfavorable; demand Is slack
and prices not stable.
Did. Asked
MacNamara on 01
Jim Ilutler , 81 .80
Mldftoy 11 .IT
MUpah Extension .2rt .28
Montana ...,35 .'IT
North Star, . . 10 .IS
Tonopah Pelmont 41,, u
lonopah Extension ,3 3(1
Tonooah Merger v .30 40
Tonopah Mining .,.,,,,, 7 TH
Itescue Hula ..,.,.. ,11 .13
West End Tl .TO
Atlanln. ,38 , IS
Illue Hull ...., , .Oo ,01
Ilooth ,..!- .53
Hulldoar 0.3 .04
C. O. 1). , , ,05 ,00
Comb Frae ,..,.. .19 .12
numl II, II 02 .01
Daisy ...,,,. .OS OT
Florence .43 .48
(loldneld Cons ,....,... 1',. 1U
Cloldtteld Merger ,, 'J 8 2S
Jumbo Extension , .1.2TV5 1.10
Kenanas ,. .15 in
Oro ,08 ,0f)
Sand Ken ........,,.,.,..,,.., ,08 ,n
Silver Pick ,08 .fti
Fairy Aiteo ,, .03 ,01
Klmheriy,, .....I. .,,..,,. .05 ,07
Nevada Mill 21 ,54
Ex dividend.
NEW YOflK. May 21 Butter-Market
steady, receipts. ooMipackatta; extra. 26c.:
higher scoria. 2SH820C . Btale dairy, 2TV,8
20. Imitation creamery. 2tli023c. '
EMS Market Irregular, receipt. 21 350 pack
agta extra, rlrat. lOVsSSOt . regular packed
Jlrata. tSSl&c , regular packed nearby whites,
21jrf23i; roixtd color. l021e , 'rathered
nearby browns, 22o extra, nrsta, SOailc.
3Wr$o 5CK4, Srat, Jflg,
Baldwin Locomotive and Cramp
Shipbuilding Shares Show
Noteworthy Strength.
War order talk continued to dominate
the trading on the Philadelphia Exchange
today Ualdwln Locomotive wras again a
centro of Interest, advancing raslly two
points on light purchases, while Cramp
Shipbuilding shares nbo moved up on a
report that the Russian Government had
placed an order with the companv for a.
number of small mcAorbonts to be used
for dispatch Bervlco.,
Lehigh Navigationscored n further re
covery today on oUd-lot buying Tho
liquidation of an cntato which has been
keoplng the stock, weak of late Is said
to have been completed Philadelphia
Company shares fluctuated erratically
After belngt offered down from S4V4 to
32H, where asaie of r-omo SOO shares was
effected, the prtce rallied to 34 The nn
nunl report sbovved heavy decreases In
both gross and not earnings and a, loss
of JSS0.079 In, surplus Meantime Rapid
Trnnslt trutt certificates moved up to
8. Lehigh Valley rose a point, reflect
ing the favorable April report of
earnings. There was nn Increase or?
more than a quarter of n mlll'on In oper
ating revenue, while expenses were cut
over 160,000, making a gain of M10.110 In
operating Income For the 10 months
operating Income Increased J671.9M
United Stnles Steel ns usual wns the
most active Issue In nn otherwise quick
action Orders of the corporation for tho
current month nro expected to run some
what In excess of those of tho procedlng
month, due to Increased export business
A moderate Inciense In railroad buying
has also helped to swell the total Gen
eral Asphalt preferred sold both for cash
and ex dividend The common wna
Another stock to bo emoted ex dividend
ns well as for cash wns Philadelphia
Electric, which, nftcr selling at 2334, ex,
milled to 21 Slight lecesslons occurred
In Reading t per cent bonds, I'nltcd Oas
Improvement nnd Ulectrlc Storage Hnt
tery, but offerings wero Btnnll In tho
Into dealings West Jersey nnd Seashore
roso 1V4 to E0, vvherens Cambria Iron de
clined 2 points.
Financial Briefs
Call money dropped tn 1 per cent in
N'i-w York this nfternoon, tho lowest
slnco tho European war began.
Thi I'nmmeiiinl Kxchango membership
of William U Heir .1 Co will bo sold at
miction June 23
According to Dradstrcefs, exports of
wheat this week weie T.boT.OOl bushel"),
Inst week 6,tSS,0W bushels ln3t year 4,
757,000 bushels, since July 1 31l,0oi.000
bushels; year ago :27,0t0,000 bushels. Corn
shipments this week l.ZOO.WO bushels, Inst
week GC6.000, last year 30,000 Corn ship
ments slnco July 1 amounted to SJ.SSO.OOO
bushels, -compared with 2,633,000 bushels
during tho same period a oar ago.
i Tho New York Cotton Exchange makes
1 the amount of cotton hrougnt Into sight
' for tho week 110,401 bales, against 70,711
last jear.
Ellis Rarnes, of the nutcloneerlng firm
of Darnes & Lotland, will leave tho city
today for a vacation trip In Maine and
Between 1 and 2 o'clock Pennsylvania
Railroad stock wns the only thing traded
In on tho Philadelphia Stock Exchango.
six shares changing hands during the
hour. Directors of the Chesapeake and Ohio
have authorized the purchase of 21 Mallet
locomotives and tho building of "00 steel
undorfrnme box cars.
The production of pig Iron In Germany
In March was 03S.000 tons, against 804,000
In February.
A membership on the Chicago Hoard of
Trade has been sold for $3000 net to buyer,
an advance of 530 from tho previous salo.
In ncccptnnce of the plan of Bale to
Interests Identified with the Home In
surance Company, of Now York, more
than 75 per cent, of the capital stock of
the Franklin Fire Insurance Company
has been deposited with the National
Bank of the Northern LlbertiPH
Copper exports fnr the we"k ending
Ma 20 were. 11,357 tons, against 32C1 tons
the same period Inst jear From May 1
24,655 tons, against 20,833 tons in 1914.
The following stocks were quoted x
divldend on the local exchange today
Geneial Asphalt preferred nt IVi per cent,
nnd Philadelphia Electric l?i per cent.
Carrlgan & Co. wero buyers of Rapid
The Southern California Edison Com
pany has sold to a syndicate formed by
E. II Rollins & Sons $2,108,000 flve-ear 6
per cent, convertible debentures, which
will bo sold at par nnd Interest The Is
sue, as approved by the California Rall
load Commission, was J2.500.000, but 33.
001 of the debentures will be exchanged
for an equal amount of debentures Issued
April 1, 1011.
The Now York banks lost to the Sub
treasury yesterdaj $1,310,000, but gained
since last Friday $10,000.
The annual report of the Philadelphia Corn
pony a poor one. the surplus uaa re
duced from fb0,070 to J2,tiiO,Stii Details fol
low. Year ending March 31
, . lots Decrease
Total earnings $T,2M,7M 3U8,Mil
Expenses and taxes .... 3,406,sSl 17, wi
Net a.MJl.dbU JSl.usu
other .ncoino 2.312 S.'7 'IST.uyi
Tutsi .ncome tf,ltM,.W4 Hi. I, ( in
Cnurges 2,251,001 11, Jul
Hal.Mice n,IH.i,.'iOI HH bid
Imp, betm , etc 1,1C6,7IH 'Jl'JM
burplua 2,S3D,5iSS UHI.07U
1015 Increase
April oper. revenue ... $3,T.,2T0 2'u.4rt3
Net 1.TJ.I.45.' J10.42J
Ten months oper. rev 33.045.S44 4l0.,vd
Net ... ... 10,1111. 0T1 700.173
lots Decrease
2d neck May W2,OVO (,!. 7m
J'roro July 1 45,040,1T1 7.U2S.03-"
1015 Increase
April grots,., 78i),ni '117,140
Net 2(11,180 llloiu
Ten months' groes 8 411,7tm B9l.b(lT
.Net asn.Jl.' M18.4B3
Second week May $-'1(1,111 i2,D7l
J.-rom July 1 0,517,050 1,711,013
NEW YORK, May 21. Commercial bar sliver
was quoted at 1. cents, unchanged In Lon
don the price naa 20 0-18 pence.
The Executive Committee of the Trunk
Line Association of the Eastern Division,
made up ot vice presidents of the Eastern
railroads, will meet In Chicago on Monday
to decide whether to submit to the recent
decision of the. Interstate Commerce Com
mission which compels ip railroads own
ing or operating lines on the Great Lakes
to surrender these lines, or whether to
ask the Interstate Commerce Commission
for a rehearing
The Interstate Commerce Commission
today disapproved cement rates, Pennsyl
vania anc New Jersey, via Norfolk, to
Virginia- 4td West Virginia,
Sales in Philadelphia
Yes cloo
Low Cloe.
Unld U.10
4S 40
ii 4i
11 15
50 M'
2.1 21'4
04 ft4'
.'! -If
-I'! Tl'i
814 Mb
,1l- 5.1
10 50
l.'lj H'l
51), 2l
74 74
Cam Iron
Dlst Spoil
l:lc Htnritae
Jen Asphalt ..
(It pror. .
Ijtke Sup Cor
Lehigh Nnv . .
Ihlah Valley
Mo Pacinc
North ( ent
Pciinsvlvnnla ..
1'n Stiel pld.
Phlla t'd .
Phils Flee .
P It T'tr ctfa.
83 U
Phlln True (4
Tonopnh Helm 4 7-1U 4
Trnn Copper, 11
I'nlteil this Imp W'i
t 8 Hleel . . V2.i
West Jer S 4V1(,
VV On mn t c !I0
.11 1 'j
1(1 4 7-111
II v. ,ll,
?J'5 Win
1I flril,
,K1 5(1
10 .IP4
Last nrev
sale High. Lo. Clote
$71 Cb St cpNov 'Id rrs l5 08 OS
71 do sep Feb '17 KT nT 0T 07
10no Cltj Is 1PI1 res loi'i tol'. 1014 KrtH
lnooo Pa rt-n 44s n I 07M 07 07 07
2000 docv4U! 't( wl 101 l(H 101S 103
4CM Phlla t.lec Is Tfiil S ,WJ4 Hii
inoo do r,s I01i 1014 iOlv loll,
10"O P n A VV 1st 4e PS I IIS t'S
3000 Head gen 4s P41, 01 114 04
WHEAT lterelpts, I25.08O bushels The
mvrket ruled nrm and 1 higher under light
offerings an ila. lair export demand, but millers
showed llltlo Intorcst. Quotation, Car lots In
esuori elevator No 2 rwl snot, H.lMftl .15 Nn
2 red Western sool 1 57JJ1.HO Itound lots. In
txnort elevator "o 2 red. spot and May,
S155ISJ71 ,YO, No 2 red Western, Jt 1S,
1 U1H No 1 Northern Duluth. si 03131 on
COItN wai quiet and without Important
change We qiote Cnr lots. In export ele
vator No i. spot ard Jlay ?.1(I71)c Car lot,
for local trnde, ns to locatlrn No 2 j-ellow.
2f7V4r siramer .vellow stCSlHc. . No .1
villon. 7SU'J7iiiir No 4 scllorv, 7.iWfl77'ic
OATH necelpts, 03,567 bushels The msr
kct as dull nnd 4c lower Ollerlngs uvr
modermo liui nmnle Quotations Nn 2 white,
MiSfitiCr smndarl while .I'i'-vT.Vlc . No 1
whlt YJlKivi-
llr. quiet We quote at M.I.T01 HI per
hush ns to qualltv In export elevator, nnd ot
$1 0131 10 for unall lots of nearby grjln In
n.OL'lt necelpts, 215.1 barrels, 1,208.410
pounds In saiki Trade wns slow and the
lmitkel was Inrgelv nominal Quptntlons ner
Hid its I 1 w. k1-Winter rlrnr 10 50110 75,
do straight $0 00117 15, do rmlfnt 7 2T
7 0.1 Kmmns sttnlcht Idle sacks S7U7 25.
do ritent. IuIh f.uks. J7 10117 5(1 prln, nrst
clear 7n, .'", do strnigH 7 2',fl7V) do,
rnlent 7 507 7.1 do. rnvorlte brands $7 sv,(
8 21 clt mills choice nnd fancy nment, 7 1
(TtS 25. r ,tl m.ils regular raili. winter, clear
fit ',0 do do Ftmtcht JC IKM17 15. do., do,
patent 7 20177 C,-,
Itli; I"l. 0111 wna quiet hut stead under
small supplies We quote rc-irb nnd Wpstern
In wood at 10 251JI1 5), as to qunllty.
The market ruled stead, with a fair Job
blnw demand Uuuta'lonr City beef, in sets,
moked nn 1 Hlr-drled, 2-B2flc W esiem 1 er,
In sets stroked 2.'(fr2iV clt beef, knucklei
and lenders, smoked md nir-drled. 27Q18C .
Western bcof knucklei una tenders, aniokud.
272V., beef hams, -f 111132, lork. family.
J21 o01l-2 hams, S P cured looce, l.lHTl Pi',,
do . 'klnncd, looie, Iliiff 1214c do , do ,
smoked, l'ifiHc, othe- hams smoked cliy
cured, as to brand nnd average l.tinit. .
haniH. smoked Western rurel llfill . do,
tidied, lonles-, 2.r(i-h. ptdiii shoulders, ti
P cured loose, 1041711c do . smoked, ID WW
lie.: bellies. In pickle, accuullng to average
loose, 11'st(12c , breakfast bacon, as to brand
and average city cured, KHJ17c , bixakfast
tncon. Western cured KK?17c . lard, IVestcrn
retlnod. tlciieo. HIWllc . do, do. tubs, lu-kfr
lie , lard pure tltv kettle rimlered. In tleicus.
lin.flltf . lard pure cltj, lieitlo rendered, in
Tho market wno quiet but firm. We quute:
atniK.nrd Branulnted 0.0VC. line grnnulatel.
(n . powdered 11 10c . cunfu-tloners' A. .'.'Juc. .
suft nruues 5 155 75
Ill'TTKII. Demand wns fair nnd tho
mnrket ruled tlrm under light offerings, fol
lowing wire tbu qiiotatlune Western solld
packid inamer, inm apellate, ,10c. extras,
is . evtrn llra!n, 2 To ilrois, 20c., seconds.
2li(2"c . ne.irln iirims, fniuj. lie, average
oxtrn, ,'l(ii., Urals, 27'iJlc . seconds. 24'UJ'ic ,
gnrllikv, 21Hi.'1. . JobliiiiK talis of ianij prints.
,i.V( Ihc
LOOS, Demnnd vvas less aitlvo nnd
prices wi-re sllghtli lover Wo ni.oie In in
inses, ne.irln otrns, 2.1c per do?., firsts, ?'l
per sli n lurd iue niarb current ricelpts,
15 70 per rase VA estcrn etra firsts, Jil per
laso. ilrstn, , 7(1 i r inre, Southern, $. 1. 'j
5 1(1 per iiibe Mm j beleitcd uindted iggs weie
jobbing at 25i27i.
CIIi:ii: was In fair request anil firm
under unall suppllti Follow ins were tne l"o
tntloiiti New Vnrk full rream, choice, new,
IT'sfilTl.p. do do., fHlr In Bood, new, lil'.U
17c , do , part sklirs, Srgi.h
JJH The market was nulet. with fairly
liberal offerings ut ipioted prues uiioiatioiia I
Fowls, lilVulTc. roosters, lli12c hrolllngr
chkkens, faniv, not Leghorns, weighing Wft.
Iba npirio, illr Ibc. broiling ehiikens, not ,
Leghorns, weighing 1KH. lbs npleie. JSu'JJc .
broiling ihlckens, Leghorns, weighing IV4QJ
lbs. upleie. 22!iJlc broiling chickens, Lg- I
horns, vvelghlnt, lfTD. lbs nplice, itifl-'lc..
turkeys, lltille. ducks, llfilSc, geese. Upw
lie , pigeons, old. per pair, 255tlUc, do., I
Soung pr pair. .'."325c. 1
I)ltKSsK)The market wns nulet with I
moderate but amplo offerings at former rates. '
(,'i.otutlinii Kreih-kllled low Is, 12 to box dr-
(diked an! drv -1 liked, lancv ailictcd, lOi-jc , f
,io weighing l'airi lbs apleie, lSc do. P4 1
!t- lbs apleie, Psc , do .1 lbs. apiece. Wit 1
17e ,to un 'cr .' Ihs apiece H171.e rowls '
ico-packed, Weste-n, 1 lbs and over ajdee, ,
1P1 do ,uj srnilUr sliea, UI'Tl7e , old roosters
ill-plcK3fl l,i"i squ ins wuue, wiignin 11
to 12 lbs per doicn. M 81Q4 Hi, white welsh
ing 0 to 111 lbs, per ooien d 25fl J bO, do , do.,
8 lbs per dot . 2.751J2 W, do do , 7 lbs
per dos . HVi 35. do, do, dbflii lbs. per
doi., Jl 501 00. dark, l 50SI 60, amall
and No. 2. 41. l02en poultrj Fowls, as to
quallts, lOSISc ; chickens, dry-picked and dry
nacked, In boxes, milk-fed. JlBJUo lbs, to dos,
16c. do., 37HT42 lbs to doz , lbc , do, 43047
lb j. to doz., lbc, do.. 4tj lbs to doz., .Uc; uo ,
CO lbs. and over 21c , rorn-fed, illJMJ lot.
to doz., ltlc. , do , 43U47 Iba. to doz , ITc , do.,
4a lbs to doz.. lue . do . 00 lbs. and over, 2uc,
chickens, dry-picked and dry-packed. In bbls.
Western, corn-fed, 5 lbs nnd over, 18c j do,,
do.. 4 lbs., lTOlTVr- d. do. J4 lbs.. 15Hc.;
do., do JMI lbs , 111115c., broilers, mllk-tid,
fane), 1812 1 lbs to box, 27c , do., fanc, JjJJj
lbs. to doz, 24c com-ied, mncy, !Sa2l lbs to
doz , 25c . do. prime. 25810 lbs. to doz , 22c,
turkejs, dry-picked and dry-packed, fancy, 21
U2.'c. fair to good. Ibu20c , old toms, lUuJuc..
ducks, fancy, In boxes lTSlsc , do , ordinary
to good, 12'siOc, geese, choice and fancy, 150
1U,... do.. No. .' 1231K-
There was a fair demand for iholce stuck
ot Must iiesiilptlnna and wiltiea generally
ruled bttndj. Quotations Asplea N'lvv A'ork.
per bbl.-lialdwui, t.'Vt'u'i tun bavis. . .h
41,1 50, ether good eating varieties, JJ.J.ifld 50,
medium, .'Sj2 25. oo , Western, per box. !u.',
ilu., Delaware and Pennsylvania, per hamper,
504i75c , lemons, per box, 4- 503.50, orangis,
HortdJ, per box, i.'.25U4. giupetrutt. Florida,
per bux, (1 50'ul 5U. ptneaFples, per crate
Porto Itlco Jl Sn'rfJ Florida, il. bog.' 2.1. atraw.
berries, per qt. North Carolina. 4tTTc, do..
Norfolk. .IttTc. do, Maryland and Eastern
Shore. 5810c
Offerings were quite liberal and the general
m.irkat u&l nulet Quotations White nntatnes
per bush Pennsylvania, SOoWc Slaine, 4KS
50c , New York as to quality, J5S42c . whita
potatoes Florida per bbl No I J150S5 25.
No 2. J15084 sweet potatoes, Delaware, per
hamper Large, Jliffl li, medium, 50t(75c ,
sweet potatoes. Eastern shore, per bbl No 1,
.'2533 2S No 2. 15flS173, aweeta, Jersey,
per bbl -No 1, 3 75B1 75. No 2, 2ffS.50,
sweita, Jereev per basket. 75c all 25. onions,
choice, per 100-lb bag SI 2131.50. do. me
dium, per 100-lb bag. AOSTSe. onions, Texaa,
per cummer crate. No 1. $L25, onions, Texas,
per cummer crate. No 2, lX)c gjl, cabbage,
Charleston rer crate. Hfll 10. do, North
Carolina and Norfolk, per crate, tl 5001 71,
do , North Carolina and Norfolk, per bbl,, 110
1 50, cauliflower. North Carolina, per crate,
Slijl 50. lettuce. North Carolina, per basket,
50c fill, beans, Florida wax, per basket,
(203, ilc, riorlda. green, per basket, ?2ff.1.
pea?, per small basket North Carolina, 10
1.50. South Carolina large, 1 2591.50. do.,
small. 75c.l 21 peas. Norfolk, per H-bbl
basket, il 5081 Tl eggplant. Florida, per box,
$29.1.50, cucumbers, Florida, per basket, tit
2 50. souaeh, riorlda per basket, I10T2, pep
pers. Florida, per carrier. $19 1, beets. Charlea
ton. per 100 bunches. 1S5 tomatoes, Florida,
per carrier-Fancy $22 50 choice, It 501 73;
celery Florida per crate, T.le.SJl, asparagus.
Eer hunch. 1O320c . mushrooms, per 4-lb bae
t, 60c.eil.
Receipts today Wheat, 123,380 bush . corn,
3-1.414 nurh oats, KI.507 bush , hour, 2555
bbls. and !,20(i,43S lbs. In sacks, bay. 310 ton,
and 4 cars at straw
HOUSTON. May 21.-Judg Burns, In tho
United States District Court, has Issued 11
Anal decree of foreclosure In the case of the
International and Great Northern Railway,
now In rei-tlvsrahlp. Tha entire property will
be sold to the highest bidder, by the special
master yet to be named. In Houston subse
quent to August 1
Antwerp Coffee Stocks Released
ROTTERDAM. May 21 -a. Durrtng 4 Zoon
report private stock of coffee tn Antwerp, to
taling about 270 00" bags, have been released
for distribution hi Germany and Belgium. They
further state that the valorization .offea atore.1
I In Antwerp la sull Intact, no dUpcaiiiun. as yet
ff4tfl, ra tH
I Local Bid and Asked
Today's Yesterday's
Illl Artted. Hid. Aakod
4Si 40W 10 4T
100 102 1001, HJLt,
5754 4S 4j, 4J
nirt. M1 f'0)t 51
2ft 27 24 21
nm ." m 01
14 1.1 14 1J
14 15 14 11
117 I.R 064 7H
711, .714 T.. 74
Ualdwln . ..
do pnf
Cimurla Steel .. .
Klet aiorane . .
Oen Ash
do pref
Keystone Telephone
no t e
do pref
Iike Sup Coin
Lehigh Navigation
I.enlsh aney
Istilgh Valley
do prer
Pennsjlinnla .
I-hll niectilc .
Phlla Companv
do 5 rer cent pref
do K per cent, prer
rhlladrlphl-v n T
do t L .
Ton He)
Ton Mln
I'n Tnc
ir o i
U S steel
York Itwy u.l
Local Half -hourly Sales I
10 to 10:30 A. M.
100 V S Steel Slli 100 Term Coppei
30 Ton Bl 4 7-1 KK1 ' S Steel.,
ion V S Steel M'i lo Ienntv .
21 do SJrt, 100 V S Sieel .
51 Pennn H WO "?.. ,
2CO W Cramp t c an vi W cramp t
1(0 V Steel MS 50 do. . .
20 do n'i
icon Cltv 4s 11111 reg
4rn Phlla Llec Is . ,,
71 Cnmbrla Steel scrip Nov tpifl .
15 Cambria Steel scrip leb 1J b.
,l Cnmbrla Steel scrip Feb -OJi .
3 Ca-mhrla Sleel scrip lob 101,
( 1 t amhrla Steel serlp Mav 1017
IS Cambria. SHrel scrip May JUli.
141 Cambria Steel scrip May lnii
12 Cnmb.-la rtteel scrip May Itlli
(2 ."ninbrln Steel scrip May )
12 rnmhrli bteel scrip May lOji
150 Cambria Steel scrip May 1017.
(25 1 nmbrla Steel scrip May JWJi
C2 Cambria Steel scrip Mny 101, .
. Sa'
. wia
O 30
till 11
. tr
. 07
07 (:
10:30 to 11 A. M.
1 Pennn .
50 f S Strel
1 W Crnmp t
100 r S Sleel
1 Pl-lia Trac
100 Ualdwln .
10i l' b Steel..
HO Phlln Co.
loo do
1 do
13 Pl.lln r-ler
20 W Crump t
. .IIS 20
. -tlk no
do . ..
do. .. .
, r-iiti
r 111 1(111 P
H steel
MH, 200 Mo Pacini
Ii 11x1 V S Steal
4S 2' V Crnmp t (
M 20 U S Steel
UH 100 Ualdwln
,"2(4 t) t' h Steel
12H, 10 VV Crnmp t c
241 2.1 Leh Nov.
r 10'4
To Cambria Sleel scrip Mav JgU.,
1S7 Cambria Steel scrip Jlay 101,
1000 Elec A Peop Tr 48..
11 to 11:30 A.M.
3 I-ch Nnv .
to Phlln Co
171 (Sen Asphnll
2(0 V S Steel
100 do
ion do.
2:, t; a I.
Iimi Gen Asphalt.
71 10 IV Cramp t c 11 I
33 1H0 do .. 31JI
21 '11 Phlla Bloc .. '.
V.H, ihi w Crnmp I c JIMr
Viu, 200 Phi a n T t c n
53 11 1 I (, I. ,
H2V 5i V S Steel.
Iii Phlln Klec 3s
lbfli Penna gen 4's vv I . . .
123 Cambria Sleel scrip May 101,
I "I
11:30 A. M. to 12 M.
.11 21 dec btornge.llOi
70 Penna . 53Va 50 do JJJO'
in do .. .llri s" W Cramp t cfll
21 Klec Storage riPi, 20 do 31
U O I. .. S2S
3000 Heading gen Is
12 M. to 12:30 P. M.
2(1 do
10 do
10 Dlst Sec
. . 5.i!iv.3 immiRY uvo,u
r.fi st
uiwpiusi oo
15 r,,-;
pais s a oot
125 Cambria Steel nrlp Jlay 1019.. . OT
12:30 to 1 P. M.
21 i:iec Storage K' 5o U S Steel . Ml
17 Pennn . H'n MO Cen Asp pfd. '14
21 Oen Asp pfd o.V 2 Penna 534
171 Cambrlt Steel scrip May 1017 B7
02 Cambilit Steel scrip May 101,. .. 0,
1 to 1:30 P. M.
2ml Heading gen 4s
1:30 to 2 P. M.
II Penna
2000 Penna con" 44s low) 1 ln-l't
14.1 Cambria Steel ncrlp May lUli.... 0i
2 to 2.30 P. M.
1.10 Phlla dec 2IU 10 U S Steel . . Si(
10 Leh Nav 71 1(11 do. . . Ml,
.1 do 71 10 U O I S2S
7 Cambria Iron 42 20 IV Cramp t c .III,
I Phlla Klec 24 SO do. . . . .IUj
Hi W Crnmp t c 31 '4 2 West I & S S 50
il Phlla Lie 24 1 Lch ullej... 71',
2 Pn Sleel pfd 4UW
"i:x dividend. ,
12 Cambria Steel scrip May 1017., . 07
U Cambria Steel scrip Mr 101 i. .. T
lnim Phlln II & W 1st Is ... i5
21S Cambria Steel scrip May 10li. . JJi
31 Cambria Steel scrip Jlay ltlli. .. 0T
2:30 to 3 P. M.
1 Leh Nav T2, 200 V S Steel . MH
M) W Cramp t c aiVa 10 Phlla Co . t-Jh
50 r S sleel .MS Ml lJike Pup Cor ,'3
11 (Ten Asp pfd r11a iro Ualdwln 40
1(1 U G I .. RJ'-j ICO do. . .. 40
100 U S Steel vi'i 1 I-ik. Sup Cor TJ?
100 do. .. 5.1. 2 North Cent. K1W
12(1 do... Ml, .1 Lch Nav. . 721,
3) do. . . . 53n,
NEW YORK, May 21 The metal market was
unchanged today Lead, 4.l7MH.22Vc tin,
five-ton lots, 37 50638 50c. Cables from Lon
don gave prices aa follows Spot copper 4175
5s. off 12s 0.1 futures, JC70 5s , off lie. tld.
Electrolvtlr, "i7 Spot tin, 102 5s. up 1
10a . futures. JC1I&, up 1 5a. Straits. it)7,
un 1 10c Sales spot tin, 20 tons, futures w
tons Lead, 20 Is, 3d. Srwlter. JC71, up 1
Steel Orders in West
The Wlrconsln ltridge Company has been
awarded a lontract for 2308 tons of steel for
MlFsouri Kansas nnd Texas spans. Tho Ualtl
mnre and Ohio has ordered 250 tons of steel
from the Chicago Bridge Company for a bridge
at Chicago
Bid. Asked.
. 07 Oh
2s of 1010, registered
nf 11C10. inunnn
Panama 2s, registered OT
Panama 2s, '3 registered, hi . ..
Panama new .is registered u'ra
Panama new Is ioupon.. . ..I1104
3s of 1H1. registered JOOIJ
3s of WIS. coupon lOOl J
4s of lO.'V, registered ... 100 110
4s of lli.'l, ioupon 110
application will be made to the Governor of
the Mate of Pennsylvania on the 'Hat day of
la. 1015 hi Louts Oreenblatt. Ilernard A
Ihuwai and Heniamln A Haas, under the Act
of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennssl.
vanla, entl'Ied 'An Act to provide for tho In.
corporation and Regulation of Certain Corpora
tlnns " approved April 20. lRil. and the sup
plements thereto, for the charter of an intended
corporation to be called VMNBLAND-aiL-MOHK
iharacter and object of whteh Is to buy, sell
and leave coal-bearing lands, to mine coal and
manufacture coke and to sell and deal In coal
and coke generally, and for these purposes to
have, possess and enjoy all tha rights, benefits
ard privileges of the said Act ot Assembly
and Ita supplements
ceased Letter ot administration nn
the above estate having been granted to the
undersigned, all persona Indebted to the said
estate are requested to make payment, and
those having claims to present the same,
without delay, to LILLIE VETTEIt, or to
her attorney,
C. J, UEPBUnN, Esq.
1218 Chestnut it. x
per J. K. THIMDLE. N
"f I'4 ImIJ's
7,i. 71 70Vi I) il
Trnnslt 14 1.1 II Jin I
' ill1. v.. Mi.&(1tl4
2iv, 2:ti 21 "tain
.12?; ,14 31 .It
U 3 HT 31 11
111 40 30 40
7(? 1 "(1
. 7l4; T2 Tl, Tt'4
. 4'., 4 4 I'm 4
, . 7 7',. 7 7'
il .1114 11 2'ii
M,4 2 Zfr so
53 ,M' 52i iWi
Aprlt 2th, 1815.
Broad and Chestnut Streets,
Philadelphia. Penna.
We beg to advise ou that under authority
given In the mortgage dated January 25th.
lull, between tbls corporation and tha Glrard
Trust Company, Trustee, securing the Issue
of M.000.O0O First berlat Stoking Fund II per
cent. Gold Honda of this Company, we hereby
give you notice ot call for redemption, on Au
gust 1st, 1015. out of the fund now on de
posit In the Sinking Fund Bond Nos. S. 0.
iuT 11. 12. 13. 14, 15, 16. IT. 18 end 19. Series
A, ' and request that you make payment for
the said bonds, upon presentation August 1st.
1915. at the price 01 103 and Interest, as pro
vided in said iwrtgfge
Pr J. iv TRmaJ-B. iftr)r
Close Was Nearly Two Gents
Higher Missouri Crop Re
ported Bndly Damaged.
CtltCAao, May 21. A Bcnsltlvo rrlarlttt
wns mnnlfcsted this morning: by an Ir
rcRtilar rise and fall of prices, due chiefly
to various dinnes In the war news, "but
n broader view of the strained situation
Is that thero Is too much -wheat In sight
for bulges to hold at this time.
Jlay opened with a jump ot two points
nt IB I, with commission houses buying At
tho start The sinnll trade that followed
subsequently brought tho openlne figure,
down to 153. July wheat held out but
little hope for nn Increase, with art orerr
liter of 1265,. this being- a slight advance
over yesterday's close.
Ih the nfternoon. however, short cover
ing sent July up to $L8H. where It closed
,3Iay moved up to fL55$i In the final
' Latest reports have It that northwnst
ern counties of Missouri show a wheat
crop badly damaged by chinch bugs and
fly Rain will check tho onslaught or tho
chinch bug, but will not Interfere much
with the fly These counties wilt not
exceed hnlf of the expected crop.
Situation throughout the wheat belt Is
very much mixed, and tho loss Is greater
than anticipated Tha Acreage, while
largo, will show a final rate of yield tm
low normal
Steady American cables and stronff
closing of Buenos Aires markets helped
tn establish a firm undertone In Liver
pool, Whoat shipments from India are "su
mmed at 1,500,000 bushels for tho Week,
this to bo followed by 550,000 bushels tor
the next week. Port arrivals In this coun
try are large, but tonnigo Is scarce- and
All the wheat markets In England will
clone tomorrow.
Thr wheat crop for New Zealand Is offi
cially estimated at 4,000,000 bushels,
against 5,200,000 bushels of last year. The
yield for oats la 10,200,000 bushels, com
pored with $14,700,000 of previous year.
Prices of wheat nnd flour keep high, la
Greece, notwithstanding Its foreign ar
rivals It Is scml-oiriclnlly reported from Rus
sia that the wheat stocks In Odessa
amount to 8,000,023 bushels. Vcry llttlsi
Is moving from Its Interior.
The sentiment on wheat in Chicago was)
slightly bullish In certain quarters. Th
crop damage vvus believed by some to
have widened.
Leading futures ranged as follows:
WTieat Open High. Low. Clone, close.
1 2(A, 1 2Si 1.20 tLS84jMl.'i
.. 1 2Uti 1224 1.20. 11.22H 1.20f4
l "vr,i i 114 i.aa i.;wi
Cora (new delivery
111 42 110 42 10,40
10 ,1T tio.uo MO on
10 85 UU.80 10 83
17 00 17.bo 17 M
18 17 MS 15 UA2J
18.47 -18.15 tlS.S
18 2.1
18 27
Did tAsked
CHICAGO. Jlay 21 IIOOS Ttecelpts. 15
OOO. Jlnrket strong, 5c. higher. .Mixed and
butcher.". 7 40CT Mi good heavy, JT.l'O'j, 70;
rough heavv 7 2Mi 7 .15. light, 7 43iT 73;
pigs. ni7.l1 bulk, 7 (KI137.70.
CATTLE Hecelpts, 100 Market slow and
steady beeves H,l)(fiO 25, iowi and hellers,
JI.2was.70 fexnns. ?0.20ii7 S3, caLes, Jil 50
WI 35
SIinfiP-ItecelptH. .'000 JIarket steady. Na
tive and Wvtern J7 70fH .m: lambs, ti.iSP
J0.10, spring lambs. fS..Vlijl2.50.
NEW TOI1K, May 2t The coltee market
opened atend) Some month, sold one point
above the final jesterdaj, while others changed
hands at a loss of two points Trading- was
moderately active Prices lollow.
itmiya iraoars
September ... .
December ....
.February ... .
March ... .
Hid fOffered
.711 t.i
0 rtiOO.Ud
.1 llfl.1 111 5 5IMJV53
.1 4.135.53 0 4DER50
May . 72 74V4 72'4 74'i 71V,
July . . . 75H 7KV, 73Vi tTtP, 73T
September . Tt,3 77Vi 70, TTii 170
Jlay . Sis, .121, Mfci 'll 5114
July .. 50's 50i 501, t30lj ffltl
September . 45 45, 451, '45 43V4
Mav ... 1) 05 0 7(1 0 02 II OT O.ffi
July ... 0 80 8 R2 M TT D.S2
September .10.00 10 10 10 00 flO.OT
.May . .10.10 10 4
July 10 5T lO.o:
Sentember .10.81 10 8
. . Il.5.'a BMfll'
nnoefl.m k . iiiiu u..ia t.
U.,n,',, Jtl .a.n4...
A S7l7H.ntJ
fl.S0e.R3 a85il0.87
Sales. 2COO bags.
NEW YOHK. May 21. Notice was given
bv the New York Stock Exchange tojay
that the new Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany general mortgage 4Vi per cent,
bonds, due l!te5, when Issued, have been (
admitted to tne list. . ,
Pass New Haven Preferred Stock Bill &
HOSTON, Mas 21 -The Senate, by 23 to 7.
passed to he engrossed the bill to permit the
New Haven to Issue preferred stock
Philadelphia Suburban Gas
& Electric Company
First Mortgage and Refunding S
Gold Bonds
Duo I'ehruary 1, 1060.
Free of Pennsylvania State Tax
Free of Normal Federal Income
Girard Trust Company, Trustee
Company serves greater' part
of territory immediately adja
cent to City of Philadelphia.
Operates under forty perpet
ual franchises, exclusive as to
Earnings applicable to this
issue nearly twice interest re
quirements. Guaranteed Principal and
Interest by endorsement of
company which has paid
dividends uninterruptedly
since 1893.
Yielding 5.30
William P, Bonbright & Co., Inc.
New York llostou Petrel!
London! William P, ISnbrlght A Co,
Paris t Bonbright & Co,
132 South 15th Street
j ?
" vd
i m
" i ,i-i- vt i. i jpj,SM,
4 ,"