Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 19, 1915, Night Extra, Image 9

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i ' ' - .
Dy Louis Joseph Vance, Author of "Tin Brass- Dovvl," Etc
vW) mvt: n d,ld ' fn
fh mnrrlngc took lcc ycstoi-
irPenu" B. . t... Pnlnl. Vll..
lEJ i,.fnro R0n" l" v " ..
FSffJ MfO .,, bouse. .Mrs.
i. . . hm-P i lint
W TL ,meml." .'"" ,,,,
IS" "' .. i..fr I
iJwta before Her llrsl marriage
Kwls .... ii- u. William
tfrH W,s . ,,, inin Mr. William
years n
I- William t'ntll O'Ncll, of
Sr. Bd.i ',,.,. ,,ml Hnruco Btrrets,
lftlMUMtll of Mrs.
SM. ii J HMlrnni Uppliicolt. m
T LttA AliB- ... .t . It..
K ' 1., .rv icslde.ico. nt Ileum.
ft" j r O'Ncll will Bpciul July umi
giuit l JRn.cion.
B' ntr llnmptoti I.. Carson, ot
pt. i,"tSet have closed their town
&j Spruce sire . tl eP country res-
5 155.1 h. thoy will spend
tft ,ommer.
W a Mrs Basil Liberty Smith, of
Elf. and " yMcil Invitations for
H'oril'Mny Tho nffalr will
fe !"Ri f' honor of their daughter.
Jnuth Smith.
IS. .rtorlo Kent, daughter of Mr.
W."'Km Kent, of Bent rand.
tr,(l '' . r KUC8t over tlio wock-
fell. Pa., daughter ol .u
& Ho""-
C . ...i. n.nrinn w rccr'jt
!lftn ?""""" VnVrntcd on for
TOt. "at th o Garrctson Hospital
feeek Hols reported na doing very
iwir, .
L. . I. Hoycr. of 410 Biyn
ji, .--r-vnwyd. has na ner ruosi
ffiV" Dl'xby" o New YorK. formerly
jf Philadelphia.
,i..t.nm T.lnnlncott. of
Sjir. ana ""' , i,avo opened their conn
r Spruce street, have ope, c
fcHhe ..Sy r -1 llll '"
f,n.. Prances nohblns. dntightor ot .ir.
Diiu ---- ... . TinhiiinR. nr VVeOSlCr
irwyn-t" wont "tho weeU-end with
frlenai m uiiouw....-.
'. . -.,iotifior niivmon.1 S.
ETi N-and Mm. Keyea will en-
,tetiu " ""'.',. n iV,i itetntp. SBO
tSIfimce and w l do ruth m m . .":..
tel cn, "" . ,-.. u-linsp blrth-
bun i "''-" ";- . mvitcd are
,SUln V S. Smith, U. S. N.. tmd Mra.
W'""' " .. . n m Klnnlllmrtl. IT. S.
thieuena,... .. -;r-r". .
'.... i.i M-a Wlntrra: Civil EllEl-
i S.' . ..."!?' ";J-T,"""
i C.and Mrs. Shepaid; Captnln It.
'iCreecy, U. S. M. C, and lira Creecy:
j.S.noBseI, u. b. ai. . " "" ""--Ml;
Captain J. TwinlnR. U. S. M. C. ami
i S.1JI C, and Mrs. Itobards: I.lontcimnt
mk. VandcRrlft. V. S. M. t'. iiml Mrs.
Vuiaeer ft; I'aptnin w. in. iiin, " - "
.SjSdM". lll: ,l "' Sullivan. U S.
M.C, and Jlrs suiuvaii; r. unu ..na.
W. W. Brlttaln, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Merer, of Rlverton. N. J-: Mr. and Mrs.
im.j.. a n..ia Mr. imil Mrs. Lucius
llRbt Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Allen, Miss
Ejiirnret Smith, Miss Blanche Lane. Doc-
f torillcnael, v . .: uieuicnum. .wuuy,
JMS,i)l.i Colonel Ramos.
VM.riitfl..r.Aitni' T.?nllalt nml Iter diiunh-
fi; itu. .n...ll., L'ttrrllali nf !!in Rnriinn
1..., will Iaauo nn Tntiilnv .luno 7. for
JiSHtinde'd trip throusli tho ;cst. where
lftr will rcmnln tliroimn mo summer unu
jilid attend tho San Francisco and San
IMtjo Expositions.
pllhs Eleanor Beers, daURhters of Mr.
Hln C. Beers, or tno ueiKravia, nas
liroed Invitations for a luncheon and
jlrldge on Tuesday, May 25. In honor ot
lift cousin, Mrs. GcorRO Vcddcr, of South
iCranie Grove avenue, Tasadena, Cal.
0lng to a misunderstanding In dates
Lb J. the Twentieth Century Club of Lans
feww. tho Itesal Club dnnce, which was
K'fine been held on Saturday night.
WJ 22, has been changed to Juno 4.
Che Mill Dam Club, which hna doubled
til membership list, hna sent out cards
for a tea at Its quaint little home, near
fcron, on Wednesday, tho 26th, fiom 4
tnlll 7.
KTbe patronesses are Mrs. Charles K.
ICoie, Mrs. W. W. MontRomcry, Jr., Mrs.
nrt t- - t-i iinn.nn
u. &.UBCI1KMI LCIl, i.llB. .JUllil l,Ullli,uil
ftimts, Mrs. D. Morcau BarrlnKer, Mrs
Unitit Law, Mrs. Georfje Wharton Pep-
WM Esther Lloyd, .Mrs. Lewis Nell
V Mrs. C, Howard Clnrlc and Mrs.
Sithan Hayward.
ftTba directors of the club are Mr. Mal
relm Uoyd, Jr., Mr. William M. Coates.
ar. Thomas Newhnll, Mr. Nathan llay
ffi and Mr. Lewis Ncllson. Mr. llay
fui la president of tho club.
Alone: the Main Line
lOVPtinnnnw . . xnD. tii, uni
r!ir!rrita . i r nj -i a
jlpw. ot tho Arches, Overbrook, left
i r ' r a iorinigw B V1SH l"
Ijniihlngton na the euest of Mrs. John
fiMERION Mr. Anthony Schwartz, of
WPton. will entertain the members of
m Round Table Club nt dinner Wednea-
tit. Xfav e n.... m. nt ....unM
f-.v1. ' " H KUCHV3 Will 1IUIIIUCI
Ki.V ulm roi. .award i. x.uiiuib.
K , ' By8' Central High School, will
ri. Joseph V Kdwards Is spendlni?
.1411 tnnnlh In tv.t.t . .1.. ..afr
ft,; ', it, ijuiiiiuuru ti 1110 unci
r brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
c; noiier n. ADell.
rAftrjUnncr t r, t. ..t.n
lawmore, will spend the month of June
l!M her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
?,"" James K. McClure, of West
j-tomery avenue.
I?'.' and Mm. Vrniirrrr Tlnrant have
W1 Mr. and Mrs. Ileuben B. Clark's
g" on Mill Creek road for the sum-
AVERPnnn ,... .. t.rt ... .h.
-it--,. -.. v.. w villa vi II, u nivo, ,..'
Jwi May affairs along the Main
3. II1 take place at the Merlon
HJl Club, on the evening of May
the "Summer Dance" will be
5J. 'or the beneflt of the Social
E Bureau of the Medlco-Chlrurglcal
mui 'The Follies." given several
HSf go, vnder the dlrectloh of Mra.
i.,"arJ Llpplncott. and which will be
g with go much pleasure, was the
Fern.. 'iair Bivcil iQr who yerjf
LrfMir eai u. t i 1 i. , .i.nu.
tUll li! -IO. flJIlJllllUtl IB lillttll-
!H the Woman's Auxiliary Commlt-
naer whose auspices Thursday's
9 II tl) h trlw.. At, .1.. . .&..
... " rY -v all Oil. ttll U4 illU liuiliuqf9
"rf ,c,nmlttee, which Includes Mrs.
,. U Ste, Mrs' William II.
fin . " A- "oy'e. Mrs. William
Wwi Woodward. Miss
sir n,?' ' Ear"e8t '-a Place Mr8-
i-V ' " nno uooson, oira.
' 4adr V. a v... .. n
tub! r. nciivur iiuuviib, Aiiaa
k d Uer- M, Virginia Rodman,
W JHddleton, Jr., Mra. Albert
iB. C j " E"labtl.Samul a"d
tl ?hl . ,""v". e wurmnv "u i"
BohTi c on b8 succwa. A
"VWl BervlLa rtunnrimanr nf this
..oipltnl i supported rntlrely by volun
tary contribution!,, u H hoped that the
dntict' will be the menus of plnclm? a
Inrgo nnlonnt to the virillt of tho bureau,
which Is dolus so much Rood In Its noble
ami unsplllsh Unlit against physltnl,
metilnl and moral inirciy.
BRYN MAWrt fnder llm ntisplpes of
the I'h'lndelnhla Mothers' Club "An Aft
ernoon In the C'numrj" will bo Riven at
the home of XI rw. Itnbert White Steel, on
Friday, Xtn.v :i. Mrs ateel Is chnlrman
nt tho I'ubllo Work Committee ot tho
club, and the euteitnlnmcnt Is for tho
brnclll of the bnby savlntr work during
the siiinmrr. There will ho a sale ot
houie-mnilc rnko, candy and Irn cream,
ami tables for bridge and "600." Tho host
rss will be assisted by XIrs. .1. Hart Wng.
nrr, -picsldont of the association; XIrs.
Louis N'earliiR, first vice iircsldcnt: Xtiji.
R. .1. CummliiRs, second vlco president;
XIrs. William Forbes, lecordlng Bccro
tnry; .Mrs. (lelulo, corresponding secre
tary; XIrs. George Wheeler, treasurer;
XIrs. Hvnn Hills, Mrs. Wllllntn Lowry,
XIrs. Wood, XI ra. Kline. XIrs. It. L. Xtcr
klo. .Mis. Wilson Brown and XIrs. T. K.
XIrs. Clmrles .1. do V. Keefc, ot Linn
hcrrls rond, llala, left Inst week for n
two works' Islt to Chelsea.
XIrs. Walter Scott Detwllcr. of City
avenue, Bala, entertained tho members) of
hoi Wednesday Card Club today at
luncheon. Those present were Mrs.
George Kcrblcr. XIrs. G. A. Blsler. Jr.,
Mrs. Gcorgo Fleming, .Mrs. William A,
.Miller, Xlis. (.Irorgo Haskell, Jr., nnd
Xllss Cnrollno Biuncr.
XIrs. Plcrco Archer. Jr., of Consho
hocken Stnle road, Cynwyd, will open
her Chelsea cottaRo July 1.
Mra. Houglns Cochran will spend the
summer traveling In South America.
Chestnut Hill
Xlls Xtlldtcd I-ino, of r,I Rex nvctiuo,
tv 111 intcrtaln a ri v friends Informnlly in
Frlilav ntternoon nt tea, to meet her sni-tcr-ln-law,
.Mrs. Ldwln Lane, of Gcrmnn
town, Xllss Kmlly Xlofllv. or Allen lane', will
entertain at n huffct supper for tho mem
bers of tho bildnl iiarty of Xllss Margaret
Bradbury and XI r. lloiaco Cleaver. Tho
supper will take place after the re
hearsal on Xlonday, Juno 7.
XIr. nnd XIrs. Charles Wolcott Henry, of
Stonchurst, Chratiiut Mill, will give a
small dinner dnnce on Frldny In honor
of their ilnughters. Xllss Gertrude Henry
and Xllss Illlznbeth Henry.
The Alumnae luncheon of thn Wlssa
hlckon Heights School, at St. Martin's,
will bo held nt tho school on Thursday,
June 3, at 1:30 o'clock.
The XBases Tiers, of 21fi Fast renn
atreet, have Issued Invitations for a linen
shower In honor of Xllss Lllzaheth
Barker on Xlonday, Xlay 21.
XIrs. Robert Dunning Drlpps. of 5905
Wayne nxenue, will return today from
Baltimore, whero alio haa been spend
ing sovcial days visiting friends.
Tho Js'oithwost District Council of tho
Society for Organized Charity has Issued
Invitations for an open meeting In the
lecturo room of tho Germantown Branch
of tho Fiee Llbiary, Vernon Park, Prlco
street nnd Geimantown avenue, on Tues
day evening, May 23, nt 8 o'clock. Tho
olllcers arc Mr. Stevens Heckscher. piesl
dent; XIr. Henry Tntnall, treasurer; XIr.
R. XI. Little, general secretary; Xllss Rosa
Porter, district ' superintendent, Tho
Northwest Council Includes Mr. Robert
Dunning Drlpps. chnlrmnn; XIr. Thomaa
II. Fort, vice chairman; XIr. Richard N.
Austin, XIr. Thomas II. Ball, Mrs. Xlnr
garet G. Bostwlck, Xliss Dorrls Baric
Rev. John Harvey Lee. XIrs. Louis C.
XIndclin, Rev. J. Clayton .Mitchell, XIr.
William Murphy. Mr. W. II. Lmhnrd.
Jr., XIr. Harold Evans. Dr. Wilfrid B.
Fottennan, Xllss XInry K. Pancoast. Rev.
W. Gray Jones, Mis. Freddrlck Perry
Bowers, XIrs. G. W. Robinson, XIrs. Jnmes
Starr, Jr., XIrs. Joseph L. Wolsten, Xliss
Eleanor Cadbury, ccrelary.
XIr. and XIrs. William R. Tucker of tho
Grcystone, School Hnure lane, ore spend
ing the week nt Lake Xlohonk.
Along the Reading
Tho Xlisscs Subcrs, daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Hornco J. Subers, of Ashbourne
road nnd Spring avenue, Ulkina Park,
held a suffrage meeting at their home
yesterday ntternoon. XIrs. S. Howard
Brown, suffrage leader of Montgomery
County, conducted tho meeting. Miss
Adella Potter wns the speaker. Tho meet
ing was to organizo tho suffrngo party In
Cheltenham township. .Many of tho prom
inent women In Kiklns Park, Ogontz,
Jcnkintowu and Noble were present.
XIr. and Mrs. Karl Fueller, of Ash
bourne road, Klklns Park, are receiving
congratulations on the birth of a. son.
Mrs. Fueller will be remembered as Xllss
Dobbins, of Elklna Park.
XIr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence B. Saint, of
Woodland avenue, Wyncote, are receiv
ing congratulations on the birth ot a son.
XIrs. Saint will bo remembered as Xllss
Kntherlne Proctor, of Wyncote.
XIrs. Bux, of 630S North Park avenue,
Oak Lane, will entertain the matinee
"500" of the Ladles' Auxiliary of the
South Oak Lane Improvement Associa
tion this afternoon.
Xllss Klla Rudolph, of AVycombe ave
nue, will give a card party this aft
ernoon in the Church Hall to aid the
fund for the new Mercy Hospital. Among
those who will assist will be Mrs, Louis
J, Xleyer, XIrs. Edward Ryan, XIrs. Isaac
H. Adler, Mrs. Thomas Love, Xtr8", Her
bert Smith, Xlra. David Colvey, Mrs. Ed
ward Mlnsey, Mrs. John J. Sullivan, Mrs,
Edward Fay, Mrs. Harry Rudolph, Mrs.
Thomas Fitzgerald, Mrs, William Cul
hane, Mrs, Thomas Gaffney, Miss Ella
Ryan, Xliss Agnes Ryan und Mrs. John
J, Xleyer-
XIrs. A. F. Grlfllth, of XJaple avenue,
Is spending several days with friends in
Mount Holly, N, J,
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Jack
son, daughter of Mr, and Sirs. John Jack
son, of Owen avenue, and Mr. Laurence
Shaffner, son of Mr. and XIrs, William F,
Shaffner. will take place June 9.
Notice for the Society page will be
accepted and printed In the Evening
Ledger, but all such notices mutt be
written on one tide of the paper, muat
tie aloned In full, with full addresa, and
when poaalble telephone number mutt
be given. ....
Send all such communications to
"Society Editor," Evening Ledger, 608
Chestnut street.
Unlet thcte requirements are car
rled out to that verification may be
cottlble. the notices will not be pub.
U Mined.
Who, before her mnrrinRO last month, wns Miss Ellen Jnriuct Sellers. Photop;rnph wns taken by Mnrccuu.
West Philadelphia
Tho marriage of Xllss Augusta Xllnnls
Newman, daughter of tho Rev. John
(limit Newman nnd Mrs. Newman, of
IGI2 Hazel avenue, to XIr. Wilbur L. Y
Davis, Jr., of Cincinnati, will take place
on Tuesday. Juno 22, In tho Chnmbers
Wyllo Xlomorlnl Presbyterian Chinch,
Broad and Spruco streets. Tho cere
mony will be performed by tho Rev. Dr.
R. K L. Jarvis, formerly of Bethany
Picsbytcilan Church, ot this city, assist
ed by the brldo's father.
Xlis. Irwin N. MognrReo and her daugh
ters, Xllss Lornn D. Xlegargco and Xliss
Xliriam Xlcgargee, will close their npait
ment nt tho Essex, 31111 and Chestnut
streets, nbout the mlddlo of Juno, nml
will open their houso nt Chelsea for tho
North Philadelphia
Class No. 4 ot tho Bethlehem Prcsby
tcilnn Church, Broad and Diamond
streets, will hold n banquet Thursday
evening, at Wimley's, Broad nnd Ox
ford streets. Among tlioso present will
be XIr. nnd XIrs. Robert Lamberton, XL.
nnd XIrs. Gcorgo XIacBrlde, Mr. and Mra.
William Rawilnga, XIr. nnd Xlra. Frank
Kelly, .Mr. and Xlia. Xlelvln Rowan, Mr
and ".Mrs Joseph Hclntzelman. Mr. and i
XIrs. Ralph XlcKclvey, Xllss Blanche
Grauley, Xllss Harriet Parks, Xllss Flor-
enco Grauley, Mr. Roy Kratz, XIr. Li man
Hoffman, Mr. Howard Jviatz. ,ir. .
Gruuley and XIr. II. Hnnloy.
A caid club, composed of Miss Florcnco
XIacXIorrls, Xllss Beatrice Ilottncr, Xllss
Violet Carson, Xllss Edna Scull, Miss
Adallne Froellch, Xllss Helen Eels, Miss
Dorothy Graves. Miss .Mildred Heist, Xllss
Hazel Crawford, Xliss Alice XIcFaddcn,
Miss Brown, Miss Charlotto Fleming,
Xliss Emma Lawrence. Xllss Florenco
Gelkler, Xllss Xlarlan Jones and Xlis.
Jones, closed their club season yesterday
nftcrnoon with a paity nt Keith's, fol
lowed by ten at the Bellevue-Stratford.
Northeast Philadelphia
"Fascinating Fanny Brown." a two
act play, and a musical entertainment
will be given by the choir of St. Luke's
Church, Huntingdon nnd B streets, Wed
nesday evening, Juno 2. The proceeds
will bo donated for repairs to tho
church organ. Xllss XIargaret McKenna,
Miss Florence Wilkinson and XIr. Edward
Smith have chargo of arrangements.
Xllss G. S. Simon, of 1512 Frankforcl
avenue, visited Washington. D. C with
tho graduating class ot 1315 from tho
Northeast Girls' High School.
Ml Mnrv Ellis, of Lehigh avenue, will
entertain nt bridge this afternoon. Her
guests, will include .Mrs. Edward Ilam
mell, XIrs. John Cornish, XIrs. James P.
Gill, Xllss Eli-'o Ellis. XIrs. Hugh Qulnn
and Mrs. Edmond Brlckley.
Xllss Hannah XIcGulre and Xllss Mary
Mnnn nr.tlve in the younger set of Ken
sington, have returned from a week's trip
to the seashore.
The annual apple-blossom fete of tho
Queen Esther Circle of Tlogu will be held
on Thursday night, Xlay 27, In the social
hall of tho Tioga Methodist Church, 18th
and Tioga streets, wnicn will oe eiau
orately decorated with npple blossoms.
Cake and dainty sandwiches , .will bo
served from bnskets ndorned with the
pink nnd white blossoms, und the apple
blossom scheme will be carried out in
the trimming on the white gowns of the
members. There will be a musical nnd
literary program, which will include the
presentation of the comedy, "How the
Vote Was Won." Those who will tako
part are Miss Ethel Johnson, Xllss XIary
Flnley, Xllss Edna Davis, Xliss Ethel
Clawson, Miss Ruth Wilson, Xllsa Emma
Harlow, Miss Kathryn Parker, Miss Lil
lian Kllliun. Miss XIargaret Hilton, Miss
Rhea Duryea, Miss Xlarlan Trlnce, Xllss
Alice Yonker, Xllss XIabel Barul, Xllss
Ethel Adams. Xllss Lillian Cannon, the
XBases Eflle. Josephine and Jessie Brown,
Miss Millie Baugh, Xllss Olivia Cox. Mrs,
Carl Herschel, XIrs. Charles L. Anderson,
Mrs. F. B, Nleman. XIrs. Xllller Burk
hardt. Mrs. Banford Craven, Mrs. Rob
ert Fries, Sirs. Frank Thompson, XIrs.
Harry Van Dutton. XIrs. John Jones, Xlrsv
Oscar Clawson, Mrs. Florence Dalrym
ple, Mrs. A. Weikel and Mrs, Marion W.
The meeting of the Delaware River
yachtsmen's League will be held at Wis
sinomlng Yacht Club on June 1.
"Home Tits," a novel sketch which has
been successfully coached by XIrs.
Barnes, of Holmeaburg, will be given uy
the members of the choir of (he Holy In
nocence Church of Tacony tomorrow,
The case Includes the following: MUs
Clara Case, Miss Helen Umatead, Xliss
Ellen Gibson, Mica Clara GUUn, XIr
James Gibson, Mr. Albert Hooper, Mr.
Charles Notter, Mr. Arthur WUA aod Mr,
Thomas Tomklns.
TIIH marilage of Xliss Sadie E. Craig,
daughter of .Mr. and .Mrs. James Craig,
of 2S.-.7 North 2Mh sticet. to XIr. Chillies
John Hoiter took place on Saturday nlgnt
at the home .of the brlde'H parents. The
ceremony was performed by the Rov
Finnk Hoor Fisher, of tho Calvary Re
formed Clmich, ISlli street and Lehigh
avenue. The bride woto a lovely gown
of white ReorROtto crepe, trimmed with
princess lnco and pearls. She was given
in marriage by her father and was at
tended by .Mrs. Xlargnret Kranlch as illa
tion of honor. .Mr. Newiln Hoiter was
his brothel's best man. Tho aervlco was
followed by n icceptlon. The wedding
is tho culmination of a schooldny ro
mance, XIr. nnd .Mrs. Hoiter having gone
thioiigh all tho school guides together,
entered high school at tho same time
and. nfter their graduation. went
tbioug'i the Philadelphia Business Col
lege together. Tho bridegroom nnd liridi
ulll bo nt homo after Juno 1 at 2Sj7 Nortl
2sth street.
An Intel cstlng wedding to tho younger
set will be that of Miss Dorothy Lun
deiiberger, daughter of XIr. Charles H.
Lnndenbergcr, of 20 Gowen avenue,
Xlt. Airy, and XIr. Thomas Morris
GIlllnRham. which will tako placo to
dnv nt C o'clock. Tho ceremony will bo
performed In Grace Protestant Episcopal
Church by tho Rev. T. Sparks Cllne. rec
tor of t lie church.
Xllss Lnndenbergcr, who will be given
In mnniage by her father, will wear a
dainty, girlish gown or whlto Chantllly
lace, made with a Bhort skirt and a girdle
nnd court tiain of white satin. Tho train
will be attached half way between tho
shoulders and the waist line. A tulle veil
will be fastened with orange bloi-sonis.
She will carry u shower bouquet of bride
loses nnd lilies of the valloy. XtUs Elea
nor Dllks will attend Xllss Lnndenberger
as maid of honor nnd will bo gowned In
pink tnffeta with ruffles of soft, white
lnce, which lnce will also form the bodice.
A leghorn lint, trimmed with pink roses
nnd velvet strenmcrs, will complete the
costume. Sho will carry pink and white
snapdragon. The bridesmaids will be
Xllss Anna Stunrt and Xllss Catherine
Perry, who will bo gowned alike. In pink
tnffeta mndo very full over tho hips nnd
quite short and trimmed with Chantllly
laee. Their hats will havo transparent
brims and wreaths of pink roses. They
will also carry pink rosebuds and white
XIr. Gllllngham will have ns best man
his brother, Mr. FranHBteen Gllllngham,
and the ushers will be XIr. Gcorgo Aberlo.
XIr. Gustnve Aberlc. XIr. Blight Ser
geant Robinson, Mr. Frederic Helm Lan
denberger. A small reception will follow at the
home of the brlde'B father for n few In
tlmute friends. After nn extended wed
ding Journey, XIr. and Xlra. Gllllngham
will be at home nt 20 Gowen avenue, Xlt.
A charming matron of the Main
Line, who is associated in a num
ber of social and charitable affairs.
"' 'HP .- JiHb '
Society Patronises the Roof
Gardens During the First Day
of Opening.
Tho new Rltz-Ciuiton root gardens
opened csterday with grent success at
lunch time, music nnd dancing continuing
throughout the aftcinoon and evening.
Tho gardens are unusually lovely nnd
quite transport tho visitor from the sor
did earth in both senses of the word. The
side of the building towaid 13th street
has been so arranged as to nlako It pos
slblo to Inclose tho entire space should
the weather prove loo cool, ns wna the
enso Inst night.
Tho largo double doors used for the In
ctosuro are separated by wldo columns,
which are covered with trailing English
Ivy. Tho upper pnrt of the room, which
Is celled over, la arranged with a wide
ledge, which Is filled in with rose begonlns.
Tho arches of the l'nnf are outlined with
tiny red clcctilc lights, and In the west
garden a beautiful fountain plnys. Tho
entire railing of tho garden Is covered
with trailing vines and geraniums. The
Inclosed room and furniture was carried
out In tile Adam period which prevails
throughout the Rltz-Carlton
Among those noted lunching were XIrs.
Barclay AVarburton and her attractive
daughter. Miss XInry Brown Warburton;
.Mrs. William II. Donner, XIr. nnd .Mrs.
J. Xlnrechal Drown, Jr.. XIrs. Samuel Xle
gargco Wright. Xllss Xiao Conover, Xllss
Hannah Wright nnd Miss XIargaret
A party who lunched together Included
XIrs. William .7. Clothier. XIrs Victor C.
.Mather, .Mrs. George Dallas Dixon. Jr.,
XIrs. William Drayton and XIrs. Ilnrry
Dlsston. At another table XIrs. Samuel
K. Reeves, XIrs J. R Evans Roberts,
Xlra. Norman .MacLeod, .Mrs. Edgar XI.
Church and XIrs. B. C. .Madeira luncned
At night all the tables wcro filled also
and dancing was the order of tho even
ing, nnd later, when tho theatres were
over, numerous parties flocked to the in
viting placo and supped nnd danced Into
the wee sma' hours.
The gardens are to be open all through
the summer months, and society will"
avail Itself of tho pleasure of this charm
ing, cool spot high In tho air and tho de
lightful dancing during the warm weather.
Others who dropped In during the after
noon nnd evening wero XIrB. Wllllnm H.
Donner, Xllss Harriet XI. Frnzler, XIrs.
John T. Dorrnnce, XIr. Caspar Wlstar
-Morris, XIrs. Archibald C. V. Wells. XIr.
Ellis A. Glmbel, XIr. Simon Wolf, XIr. P.
Williamson Roberts, XIr. E George La
vlno, XIr. Vale Dolan. XIr. Thomas Xlas
sey, Mrs. Julius Sondhelm. XIr. Joseph N.
Snellenburg, XIr. Samuel D. Lit. XIr. Jos
eph Norils and .Mrs. Charles H. Dirfen
derfer. Roxborough
Mrs. Norman L. Aspden, of Gerhard
street, gave a luncheon followed by cards
yesterday afternoon, when her guests
wero XIrs. Clarence C. Keever, Xlra. John
Cantley, Xllss Gertrude Peoples. Mrs.
Howard Cade, XIrs. Hnrry Cade, XIrs.
Joseph Schnfleld. XIrs. Joseph Schofleld.
Jr., XIrs. William Devitt, XIrs. Joseph
XlcXIanus, XIrs. Marlon Hale nnd XIrs.
Earle E. Everett.
XIr. and XIrs. Harry D. Fretz, of Frank
ford, are spending several weeks as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph XlcXIanus,
of Harmon road.
XIrs. Emma K. Cooper, of 113 Sumac
street, has returned from Rlverton, N. J.,
whero she was the guest of her sister,
XIrs. Thomas Xloore.
Delaware County
An organ recital will be given In the
Xlethodlst Church nt Norwood this evening-
XIr. Arthur Kennedy, of the Whar.
ton Street Xlethodlst Episcopal Church,
will play.
A flower show will be held In Ridley
Park on Juno 4. This la an annual affair,
given under the auspices of the Civic
Club, and Mrs. J. D. Shattuek, who has
charge, is planning the affair on a scale
larger and more elaborate than has ever
been attempted before. j
Dr. and XIrs. Frank W. Lange. of
Elwyn, have been entertaining Xtlsa Betty
Nassau at their borne, Breezy Ridge.
Xllss Nassau Is popular with the younger
set in Germantown, where she resides.
XIrs. Frank Yarnall, of Bowland Man
sion, has returned from the Eastburne,
Atlantic City. Mrs, Yarnall Is entertain
ing Xlrs. John Dunwoody, of Minneapolis.
XIr. and XIrs. George C. Rawson are
opening their country place In Maryland
this week.
CHAPTER. XVI-tContlnued).
Trtgo barred the way' to the garden;
nnd that was as well (alio thought In n
flash), for now the only hope for her wna
to lose heraelf temporarily In the shadows
of the shrubbery.
Tho thought of tho trees thai stood be
tween tho Riounds nnd the highway w.ii
vaguely In her mind with lis Invitation t-
shelter when she turned and darted like a
hunted labblt around the corner of tho
house. . . , , .
Before Trego regained sight nf her shi
. . . , . ...... nrmalllff
was on tno innnwnni mwnr.. -. "
them like the shadow of n winu-Biiru
rloud. she darted Into the obscurity ot
the trees nnd vanished. And XIr. Trego.
! i,, .,! Mi- t.vtileton emerge from
under tho porto-cochere and start In pui
sull paused long enough deftly to trip
up that gentleman nnd send him sprawi-
..hi. ..II llm anndwlll Imnglimhle.
Kr.intlr with fright, her being whollv
tiWssed with the one thought of escape.
Snllv Hew on down the drive until, pn
I n,n nlnt of lenvliiK the grounds by tho
gate to the highway, she pulled upper
forre nnd jumped back In the nlek i.f
time to avoid disaster benenth tho wheel."
of a motor-car that wns swinging Inward
at u lecklrss tac-.
Involuntarily she throw a forearm
neross her eyes to nhleld them from the
,.i....l. ..lira nf tlm llnd-llimtS. Ill
splto of this she was lecognl.ed nnd
heard XIrs Gosiinld's startled voice cry
ing out. "XIIph Xlnnwnrlng: Stop! Slop,
I say!" . . .
With grinding brakes the enr lurched
to n sudden halt.
Wenk, spent, nnd weary, the girl made
no effort to consummnto her escape, real
izing that It hnd been a forlorn hope
at best.
Somo little time later there filed Into
the boudoir of tho hostcm of Gosnold
Houso a small but select troupe of
strangely various tempers
Xlrs. Gosnold herself led tho way, n
portentous counlennnco matching well
her trend of Inexorable purpose, but In
odd coiitrawt to tho demure frivolity of
the Quaker Girl coslumo sho still woro.
Snllv followed, nervously sullen of bear
ing toward all save her employer.
XIr. Wnlter Arden Savage came next,
but nt a respectnble distance, a very
hnng-dog Ilniiequln Indeed, a cigarette
drooping disconsolately from the corner
of his mouth.
At tho door, ho stood aside to give piec
edence to his sister, no longer Colum
bine, hut a profoundly distressed nnd
apprehensive blond poreon In u particu
larly fetching negligee.
Xllss Pride nlone woro her nccustomcil
mlen-of spilghtly Bplnsterhood-unrufflcd.
XIr. Lyttletoti wns almost tin much at
lilliluiiiK ,."- " .. ' -
case; Mr. Mason was qkmuiiiwj "
blous; .Mr. Ticgo was. for him, almost nb
normallv grave.
This last, bringing up the rear of tho
procession, closed the hall door at a sign
from XIrs. uosnoui. ine cumiimijr iu..
seats conspicuously apart, with tho ex
ception of XL a. Standlsh and Savage,
likewise Mercedes, who stuck to her dear
Abigail as per Invariable custom. Sally,
on her part, found an aloof corner where
she could observe without being readily
"So," snld Xlrs. Gosnold, taking her
placo beside the desk and raking the
gnthcilng with forbidden eye. 'Now, ir
you will nil bo good enough to humor
me without Interruption, 1 have some an
nouncements to make, some news to Im
part, and perhaps a question or two to
nsk. It's late, nnd I'm tired and short
of temper, so you neenn i oe uiram
sha'n't mnke the proceedings ns brief
ns possible. Hut there nic certnln mat
ters that must be settled before we go
to bed tonight.
She managed a dramatic pause very
effectively, and then: "I've been kid
napped," she announced.
Xlurmurs of astonishment rewarded her.
She smiled grimly.
"Kidnapped," she Iterated with a sort of
ferocious relish. "At my age, too. I
don't wonder you're surprised. I was
So were my kidnappers, when they found
out who I was. For, ot course, it was a
mistake. They were conventional kld
nappcra. with not nn ounce of originality
to bless themselves with, so naturally
they had meant to kidnap a good-looking
youngster Xllss Xlanwarlng, in fact."
She nobbed vigorous affirmation of the
statement "So I'm told, at leaBt; so
Walter tells me; nnd he ought to know;
he claims to have been the moving spirit
In the nffalr. When ho found out his
mistake, of course, he, posted off nfter
men to rectify the hideous error, and ar
rived Just In time to effect a dramatic
rescue. And then lie had to confess.
"The whole business," sho went on,
"from beginning to end, was very simple,
childishly simple. In fact, ridiculous
And sickening. You're not going. Adelo?"
sho Interrupted herself as Mrs. Blandish
Without answer her nleeo moved
haughtily toward the door. Xlrs. Gosnold
nodded to Trego.
"Oh. yes, let her go I'm sure I've no
moro use for her. But half a minute,
Adcle; tho car will be ready to tako you
nnd Walter to tho nine thirty boat to
morrow morning."
There wna no answer. The door closed
behind XIrs. Standlsh, nnd her nunt calm
ly continued:
"It seems that Adele'a notorious ex
travnganco Rot her Into hot water shortly
after she divorced Standlsh nnd hnd only
her prlvnte means to support her Insane
passion for clothes and ostentation In
genernl. She went to money-lenders-usurers.
In fact. And. of course, that
only mado It worse. Then Walter, who
has never been overscrupulous, conceived
the brilliant notion of squaring every
thing up for a now start by swindling
tho burglar-Insurance people. Adele has
always carried heavy Insurance on her
jewelry almost the only sensible habit
Bhe ever contracted. And so they eon
spired, like the two near-sighted idiots
they were.
"On tho ntternoon of the day they weie
to start for the Island they gave all the
servants a night off, and contrived to
miss connection with the Sound steamer.
Then they went to the Blltmore for din
ner, and when It was dark Walter
sneaked back homo to burglarize the
safe. I understand he made a very
amateurish Job of It. Into the bargain,
he was observed. It seems that the serv
ants had carelessly left the scuttle open
to the roof, and Xllss XIannaring. caugna
there In a thunder sturm. had taken shel
ter In the house which was quite tne
natural thing, and no blame to her. In
addition, a real burglar presently Jimmied
his way In, caught Walter in the act of
rilling his own safe, and forthwith as
saulted him. Walter and the Jewels were
only saved by tho Intervention of Miss
Xlanwarlng, who very bravely pointed a
pistol at the real burglar's head, and
then, having aided Walter to turn, tho
tables, ran away. So far, good; Walter
booted the burglar out of the house,
loaded up with the Jewels, and left to re
join Adele. But fate would have it that
he should meet Miss Xlanwarlng again In
the Orand Central Station."
Bhe paused for breath, then summed up
with an amused smile "There was a
most embarrassing contretemps, a broken
desk and empty safe at home to be ac
counted for, whether oi not they attempt
ed to swindle the Insurance company, and
If they did make the attempt and re
member, they were desperate for money
a witness to be taken care of. They
couldn't let Mlaa Manwarlng go and tell
the story of her adventure promiscuously.
as she had every right to. If she chose,
for If It sot to the ears of the lnauranae
people their plot would fall, and they
were none too sure that they were not
liabio to he sent tc jail for conspiracy
with Intent to defraud. Bo they eookoi
tip a story to account tor Miss: Xtnnvrnr
log's acquaintance and brought her here,
knowing that 1 had recently dismissed
Xtlsa XInlting. And immediately, n wa,
quite right and proper, everything began
to go wrbng.
"To begin wllh, the Insurance people
proved skeptical, largely through WaL
ler'a stupidity It seems that certain
evidences had been left In the house o(
Xllss Xlnnwnrlng's presence there "with
what we nmy call, I presume, Walter's
pci mission, the fatal nlghL The servants
who discovered Hie burglary noticed these
evidences nnd mentioned them In their
telegram. Waller hurried back to New
York to hush the servants Up. He wasn't
sucrcsnful. and the fact that he had en'
denvored to cover something came to
tho attention of the police, and, InevN
tnbly, through them to tho lnaurnnce
"Then .illss Xlanwarlng turned out to
be a von iig woman of uncommon char
acter, less gullible thnn they had reck
oned; also, I may Bay without undue self
conceit, thev had reckoned without their
hostess. 1 grew suspicious, nnd ques
tioned Xliss Manwarlng; she was too lion'
est to wnnt to lie to me nnd too sensible
to try.
"Meantime tho need of money grevv
dally more urgent. They decided that
Walter must pawn the Jewels In Boston.
They could bo redeemed piece by piece
when money was more plentiful. But the
Jewels were here, and Walter In New
York, nnd it would bo Insane for h)"m to
como here nnd get them and thcri tako
them to Boston. In thla emergency Adela
went Wnlter one better In the matter of
stupidity. Sho took XIr. Lytlleton Into
her confidence nnd, crowning blunderl
took his ndvlce XIr. Lyttleton conceived
a magnificently romantic scheme. Walter
was to como to New Bedford, secretly
hlro a motorboat, and bo off the harbor
here at a certain hour of night. XIr.
Lyttleton was to leave the Jewels In ft
designated spot nt the foot of the cllrra.
At nn agreed slgnnl between the yacht
end Adele'a bedchamber window Walter
wna to come In, nt dead of night, nnd
get tho Jewels, return to the mnlnland,
discharge his boat, go to Boston, pawn
tho Jewels, get the money, nnd bo here
in good time tho next day.
"Walter, notified of this nrrangement
by letter to New York, fell In, with it
henrt nnd soul. Xlore stupidity, you see.
Worse et, ho put It Into effect. Tho kr
raiiRement was actually carried out last
night. And again tholr tuck turned
ngalnst them. It so hnppened that both
Xllss Xlnnwnrlng nnd XIr. Trego were
sleepless last night nnd observed certain
details of the consplrncy; nnd, to make
mntters worse, It was tho very night
chosen by tho thief to steal my Jewels.
hen that camo out they wero alt in
panic Walter, Adele and XIr. Lyttleton.
They put their empty hcadB together to
think what wna best to be done to avert
suspicion from themselves. Xllss Xtan
waring wns tho real stumbling block.
Sho knew fnr too much, and had proved
rather dllTlcult tn manage. Among them
they evolved another brilliant scheme!
XIis8h Manwarlng must be kidnapped nnd
hidden nwny In n safe placo until the
trouble had blown over. Xllss Xlanwnr
Ing huvlng ostensibly confessed her guilt
by flight, suspicion of complicity In the
theft would be diverted from Wnlter,
Adele nnd Lyttleton; though they haa
positively no hand In tho thing, they
lacked the courage of their Innocence, and
they argued that, when in their own
good time they set tho girl at liberty,
she would be wanted 'by the pollco nnd
would never again daro show her face
where it might be recognized. Not onlv
t-tupid, you see, but cold-bloodedly selllah
as well.
"Wnlter undertook to manage the busi
ness. Ho engaged a rascally chauffeur of
his acquaintance and commandeered
a. closed car from my own garage,
llgurlng that the kidnapping would be an
accomplished fact long before the ma
chine could be wanted, while its absence
would never arouse comment on a fete
night. He then Induced Miss Mnnvvarlng
to consent to meet him In n conveniently
secluded spot near the gate
"I overheard something, enough to
lead me to suspect there was something
wrong nfoot, and thereforo persuaded
Xliss Manwarlng to lend mo this costume
of hers nnd went to meet Walter In her
stead. Before I guessed what was up
a bag was thrown over my head, my
hands and feet wero bound, nnd I was
lifted into the body of the car and driven
nway nt such speed that Walter, who
found out his mistake almost imme
diately, was unable to overtake me be
fore 1 arrived at the spot chosen for
Xliss Xlnnwnrlng's prison a deserted
shootlng-loilRe on the south shore. i
".Meanwhile, when It wns found that t
hnd been kldiinpped instead of tho gjiJ,
and while Walter was In pursuit of mo
to mnke what amends he could, Adele
and XIr. Lyttleton lost their heads en
tirely. Adele rushed round looking for
Xllss Xlnnwnrlng. and when finally she
found her. endeavored to induce her to
run away on her own account. And XIr.
Lyttleton fwho, by tho by, l leaving
with Adele and Walter In the morning)
on his own behalf arranged to direct
busplclon of the robbory to Xtlsa Man
warlng, Induced XIr. XIason to exceed my
Instructions nnd open the envelopes In
my absence, and led XIr. XIason to Xllss
XIanwaring's room, where, to his own
stupendous surprise, there was found
hidden one of the rings that had been
"What makes you think he was so
much surprised?" XIr. Trego cut In, who
had turned In his chair to eye XIr, Lyttle
ton In a most unpleasantly truculent
"Because he didn't know it was there."
"But somebody must have made th
plant," Trego nrgueil. "There's no ques
tion, I take it, of Xllss XIanwaring's In
nocence?" "None whatever!" XIrs. Gosnold af
firmed. "Then why not Lyttleton as well as
"That," Xlrs. Gosnold said slowly, In
deed reluctantly, "brings me to the fact
that no con tension has been made, as I
had hoped it might he. That Is to say,
thn Jewels have not been restored, I
am sorry. 1 have done nil 1 could to
protect the thief."
"You know " Trego Inquired
"I Haw the theft committed," said Xlrs.
Gosnold. "It was done not for gain, but
for the solo purposo of securing Miss
Xlnnwnrlng's discharge "
A short, sharp cry Interrupted her, and
in the momentary silence of astonishment
that followed Xlercedes Pride shut her
eyes, sighed gently, slipped from the
chair, nnd subsided to the floor In a
dead faint.
Camden and Vicinity
Xlrs. Anna Parker and her daughter,
Xlrs, Anna Neubor, and children, of 411
Ponn street, have gone to Mrs. Parker's
cottage at Pitman for the summer.
Xllss Jesfele Wlnkworth, of Ha6iqn,
Heights, will leave the first of June foi -,i
a. trip 10 me racinc coast. -
XIr. and Xlrs, W. S. Sohermerhort) will
close their home In North 4th atreet tb
first of June and will occupy their Ocean.
City cottage until fall.
Mr. and Mrs, Don Read Frary are now
occupying their bungalow at J 13 Merrick
Villa, Colltngisvoqd. Mrs, Frary was IU
Ruth Raal, ot 6th and Cooper streets.
Mr. and Mrs, Franklin Johnson will
leave the flVst of June to occupy tbelr
WUdwpod eottage until Fell
Mr. ad Mrs. Cfearies aUUmer atvyer, ot
US QePer street. wtU spend th auuwo,
at Beald fmuit.