EVENING LEDaBB-THILABELPHTA, WEDNESDAY. MAY 10, 19l5;; I 1 KfflON AND DELAY' ISA TO BE COUNCILS' hOGBAB FOR TRANSIT ,. in nir pance uommiuue may fSeize Excuse to ncyu up lnDaacrp. of Enabling iOrdinances Making $6,- JjUUU AYttJiouiw Sbtand for Universal ireo fTrangfers as auvuhuuu uy PKorthwest Business Men Is fttaf Sufficient Cause to Ob- Igtruct Work, Says Taylor. L.,,,,,.,1 delay and Inaction Vwlll Do Kwwtm of Councils on the enabling Sfac to make available Uio M.O0O.O0O transit ' ", .-.. . reports In political circles to day The Finance Commlt tec, Under the direction of John V Connelly, It Is gen erally accepted, will offer as SLtlteallon for their delay the appeal Site by tho Northwest nuslncss Jicn a Relation at the public hearing yester- Sniftai I Muck and Walter B. Ucr ISTwresentlng tho business assocla K. .ppearlne beforo the comlnltlco at XX time, urged that all action on, tho "iL.Ti: ,,?.rrli to the use of" tho IlSmooO loan bo postponed until fin ngrec ESto Wto with the Philadelphia Ilnpld Ki! Company which will4 Insure tinl l'...i rm transfers. It uns openly clc- Vlin-d in somo ciuartcrs today that tlio futile hearing was arranged by tie rin 1 irfci Committee with Jlio undcrslandliiff t'll would Blvo them a plausible ex CiVcontlntie their obstruction tnotlcs. SWJlla Director Taylor swept aside tho i-nathts for delay, and showed that tho (iiedtliil thing now wns action and a Wlnnlrg on the Broad street subway nnel tb Frankford elevated, tho members of at Finance Committee today would Klvo to Intimation that they expected to follow hli recommendation The position of 1)1--rfni- Tnvlor also wns supported at tho fU luring by Archibald Allen, representing H ..- T.I..M.1 nn.nlntct' Wllllnm Tm. 7 IDILeaMUB wianu ti"iJi;ai " ......... .... ffll Improvement Association, nnd Wll Dun H. Holt, n member of the Citizens' Committee of One Thousand. ACTION TOMORROW VITAL. The passage of the pending trnnslt ordl- fince providing for 30 days1 advertising rf the city's Intent to create tho loan ind the Immediate Introduction of an or jtaance authorizing creation of tho loan t" the i regular meeting of Councils to morrow, would mean that construction work on the Broad street subway and e Frankford elevated could bo begun this summer Delay would mean that no lirinnlng could bo mado for some tlmj ind the necessary legislative routine could tot ho completed before Councils adjourn aty Solicitor Ryan added the weight ( his opinion to the arguments for tromiit action by Councils when ho nd- iititd that tho advertising ordinance nnd tie loan autnorlzauon ordinance bo pad by Councils before any ordinanco ipcrcpnaung mo t,uuu,uuv ror specula imposes be considered. iTAtyOR ANSWERS ARGUMENTS. Director Taylor nnsweredtho nrgu- hfntlt fnp flnlnv nffnrfxl n, tt,n hAnrlnn PTlthe Northwest Business Men by prc- Jffltlns a written brief. Tho future dc- ttlopment of the entire transit program Ju now the Issue, ho declared, nnd tho Mullon of the problem should not bo iSoffed to hang upon tho free transfer tutitlon. He also expressed the conviction that ise rree transfers could bo obtnlned -hero l they were In New York qity by using the cltjr-KilU high-speed lines ns a club l force the co-operation of tho transit company and to bring It to accept tho linns of the city when threatened with ui possiDlllty of a competitive company. If Oil: SOLICITOR 11 VAN TELLS IWHY NORTHEAST HAS BEEN NEGLECTED BY THE P. It. T. Transit service In tho northeastern sec.. ft-ws of the city was scored last night U?j:uy Solicitor Michael J. nyan In an lUOTeas before tho annual banquet of the KCnslneton Mprnlinntn' AeanMntlnn In tO.D. F, M, U. Hall, Kensington avenue too. Cumberland street. The reason the wpia Transit Company cannot provide Niter facilities, he said, Is because too OltfCh Of ltR Inonmn la nnf.l In lntar.,1 flu company, he sad, Is mado up of 78 Km!i inB comPanles, which receive r"im ranging from 5 to S7 per cent. W. Ryan said tho northeast Is neglected i the ftav or ntrpot ivi ni iihtin EM favored an asphalt route to the V ot the city. Tho northeast, he Sa .. trlca alnce 1701 ,0 set a good ST 'ii t road uetwee the centre of fi, i u "efmaniown without result, mine banquet wns distinguished by the i!Z , ?' tha wives, daughters nnd Jr.. .'' 'rl.ends f tho members for the Hori . In tne h'atory of the organiza tion. Josenli iron.. .. . . Ib rV ?? 'her responses were made jK Walsh. president of the asso- &f ?.r.0'' Cn,v,n - Althouse, of the iirai niih ai , i . wr umuui, unu isaao uroos '! . el for ,he assoclatlqn. During lreWm,lwt a musical and vaudeville tuw was Blven py niemberp. David iy,5CT"i monologue, David Farrles VUUam i? yes p,,n(l Bolok Snd Dn Jal number. ",u" anu unrry w,lson OMEN SUE FOR DAMAGES K PljntilTs Allege False Arrest R . by Defendants. irruf ""'"" Drought suits for false Foort ? y' bo,ore JudEe Dougherty, In UiW J., '"""non rieas fio. 2. One or fi.'1 orence Trout, of 1225 Haverford Sfflsf'ffS8" r son-in-law, John lc mZ'h J. Nortn Conestoga street, of re6lln . ""nrreMea -on a charge of 5Ur Mv1 ,Blbles atul several rings. Win "SK ?'ey withdrew the larceny mirnM?"1"8 that hlswlfe was the Vraa Jewe'ry- "" Trout wants Ebuiil .1 P'alntlffs are Anna Connor, Kl"1!? ulng Robert Morrow, or S of SSiti i uaIaBes, and Viola JacK- Bm. v"""y sireet. wno wants isoog it S ."' Sidney B. Thorn, of 2356 it siJi"' Mra- Jackson formerly 5r Jr"1,"8"1 her arrested on a iWuiiuX i? "Peakeasy, but she I BOqulttel hf Quarter ess,ons Court. Sues Wo.. m-.. . Ihnm. "-""" "r raise Arresi NiS"?U??' ' X5 Melon street, rep. wlLbrnnli onRres"man Jonn B- K fantt eJ1J c!ult ln the Municipal Court p-teov; XrZis"' "' ww '0Plar street. BworL? damages for false arrest Rproaonment Dixon wM arrested fc2i . warrant sworn out by the tSVniBmS'ns Wm wlth ,he larceny fSriUJ.'?oblle was imprisoned fat v.h Uya be'" he procured T .Lnnen 'be case came before a tid wcrualnal courts. Dixon whs. j unE: ' '3S l"a t"9 charge was Kan YOUiNO MRS. DONALDSON TO TELL LIFE STORY ON SCREEN Writes nntl Will Vet "Million Dollar Bride" for Lubin's. Mrs. Keith Donnliloon, "tho million dollar bride." refusing to he daunted by the failure of her excursion Into tho realms of musical comedy, has become n motion picture scenario writer, utV ?lnce "Lu,, Mnry Mack," In which she, wns the dancing star, went fjom Wilmington to Wllkes-Barro and then the way of many other poor but honest theatrical delectations, nh0 has been burning the midnight oil nnd wear ing out stub pens on a real motion pic ture drama. As n result, I.ubln's has In Us possession a film story based on facts In tho career, checkered nnd other w .' ,?.f lhe.. versatllo society woman. And Its called, what ilo ou think? Nnlurally enough, "Tho Mllllon-Dollar Urlde. "Lubln Is to produce It," said Mrs. Donnldson, triumphantly, "and I am going to net In It!" After her unforlunnte theatrical ven lute, Mrs. Donaldson Is back ngnlii nt tho house on Logan Square where sho look up her nbodc when she was en deavoring to get custody of her daugh ter, llttlo Dorothy Donaldson. The child Is nt present with Its paternal grandmother ln Now York. THREE-YEAR-OLD GIRL WANDERS 42 SQUARES Couldn't Tell Her Name When Policeman Picked Her Up Four Miles From Home. A little girl that' could get lost and wnnder 12 squares without n bite to cat for eight hours, and never cry onco, earned the respect of tho pollco of thu Park nnd Lehigh nvenuos station. She was only three years old nnd couldn't tell her name or address. Tho child was picked up nt the corner of Gcrmantown nnd Lehigh avenues nt 8 o'clock last night by 1'ollccman Lake. Sho wns so tired that sho went sound nslccp tho moment her head touched Lnko's nhoutdcr, but she woko up In tho stntlon house to cat. All this time Mrs. Rosa Luplnzzl, of 50: Hall street, which Is below Christian street, wns looking nil over Llttlo Italy for her U-ycar-oId daughter Frances, who hnd gone out to play at noon. Through n general alarm sent out by tho police she wns nt Inst directed to the Paik ave nue stntlon. where she arrived shortly befoio midnight. Th nlrli nt li mnlliai M,na ll.n alrrnttl rror the little girl's tears, which had been held In with Spartan-IIko restraint nil day, to flow, and nil went homo on the cur crying for Joy. UPHOLDS HONOR OF YALE Professor Scott Nearing at U. of P. Discredits Author's Charges. Tho wickedness of Ynlo ns described In the book of F G. Gundelllnger. a former Instructor In mathematics there, hns no counterpart nt tho University of Penn sylvania, In the opinion of Trof. Scott Uearlng. Professor Xcnrlng also finds It difficult to believe the charges ngalnst Ynle made by Gundelflngcr. "If you go to the right place for It," suld Professor Nearlng today, "you nl ways will find some people doing things the;- should not do. My personal opinion of Ynle men Is Hint they nre? rnther line characters These attacks happen every once In n while. About 10 yenrs ago a man published a. book attacking nil the colleges." Gundelflnger's volume Is .untitled "Teiv Years at Ynle" If what he says Is true he might have callffl It "Ten Years In a Barroom." He accuses Yalo students of being drunk oud disorderly much of the tlmi), nnd says the professors who make money "on the side" ns tutors give the examination questions to listless students to swell the graduating classes. JITNEY DRIVER HELD Accused of Assault on IJoctor Due to Alleged Competition. The willingness of Dr. Lewis Oreen, of 1755 North 33th street, to oblige patrons, who preferred his private car to n Jltnoy for n ride downtown Inst night, earned for him tho animosity of n jitney driver looking for tho Job. who sought satisfac tion by beating up the medical man to such nn extent that he was compelled to go to a hospital for treatment. Dr. Green, who hns a drug storo at 13th street and Montgomery nvenue. was on his way downtown at Broad and Jit. Vernon streets when he recognized his customers on the corner nnd took them nbonrd. Jo seph Till, 2.1 years old, of 1321 Vino street, the Jitney driver, was dlrectJy behind him and demanded to know why he did not display a Jitney sign If ho was carrying passengers. ' "This Is a private car," re plied the physician, "and I am not col lecting fares." When the argument was ended Dr. Green drove to tho St. Joseph's Hospital for treatment, after which he gave tho number of Tlll's enr to the po llco and had the latter arrested. Mngla" trato Beaton today held Till under $600 bull for court. 10,000 SING AT FESTIVAL Chorus of 5000 Delights Great Audi ence in Convention Hall. More than 10,000 voices Joined In singing hymns last night In Convention Hall at tho May muslo festival of the Philadel phia County Sunday School Association. H, C. Lincoln directed the trained chorus of 6000 which led in the singing. Tho most effective numbers on tho pro. cram were "Brighten the Corner," "Onward, Christian Soldiers" and "America." Tho Junior chorus also gave a pleasing selection of hymns and a brass choir, under the leadership of F. Nevln Welst, cornetlst, gave Do Chaneets' "In the Cathedral."- The choir was forced to re spond with an encore of this number. The concert was given for tho benefit of the Lemon Hill Association open-air religious campaign. U. S. to Lose by War, Says; Professor No matter which side wins in the Eu ropean war, the United States will suf fer, according to the belief of Dr. J, Duncan Spaeth, professor of Kngllsh at Princeton University, expressed In an address last night to 170 employes of N, W. Ayer & Sou, at 300 Chestnut utreet. He declared the United States would become subservient to either Ger many's or England's power on the sea. JourROOFS Paint and Small Repairs NOW May Save Them for Years ' ' Let our experienced men eive you an, Accurate report of their condition without charge. Realdentlal Work a Specialty Real Estate Roofing Co. 2343-2349 Wallace St. Belt- -PoflQt IttJ Kiyslonr-Ract, a7. v3 FRANKLIN MEDAL ft 'v f i & ''-i L i , The Franklin Institute will present these medals tonight to Thomas A. Edison, Prof. Heike Knmcrlingh Onnes, of Holland, nnd Samuel Insull, to whom will go the sculptor's model of the medal. ONE KILLED, ANOTHER - INJURED BY ELEVATED Man Falls From Platform of Train to Death Companion Hurt Trying to Save Him. ttnbcrt Roberts, CO years old, of 212 At lantic street, wns Instantly killed, and hlq companion, George Creaton. S3 years old, of Atlantic City, who tried to save him, was badly Injured by nn elevated train nt 32d nnd Market stieets today. John S. Kelly, night supervisor of the elevated, who wns running tho "pay train" which struck tho tuo men, and who was tho only eyewitness of the tragedy, said thot Roberts seemed to lmvo fnllen from the platform at the In stant tho front car reached the point whero he stood. Creaton tried desperately to pull IlobertB up from In front of the train, nnd wns himself dragged down be tween tho plntform nnd tho train. A leg nnd nn arm were broken and he was Injured Internally. Ilo was taken to the University Hospital. Kelly nnd Jacob K. Dnir.pmnn, also a member of the train's crew, were held without ball later by Magistrate Hnrr, to await the action of the Coroner. WftljIC BARRED FROM TRIAL OF KUEPFERLE AS SPY Military and Naval Secrets Expected to Be Disclosed. LONDON, May 1?. Because ot tho nature -of the evidence relating to military and naval affairs, spectators were barred today from tho trial of Anton Kucpferle, tho alleged American citizen accused of being n Ger. man spy. Two shriveled lemons, one of which had been cut open, a bottle containing formalin, a pen which bore traces ot formnlln and lemon llbro nnd a letter which had been written In Invisible Ink wero produced ns evidence against Kuep. ferle. Tho letter, which ho Is alleged to have written to an nddress ln Rotterdam, boro between the lines n communication In Invisible Ink, which was discovered by the censor In London. This communi cation gnvo correctly tho names and stations of British warships In tho Irish Sea. WHO KICKED McCREEDY? Police Trying to Find Who Effected Junction of Foot and Noso. Who kicked George McCreedy's noso? This question promises to become more famous In Brlde3burg than tho classic query relative to tho Individual who feloniously assaulted ono 'William Pat terson with a brick. The pollco nro ex amining the evldenco they have and are seeking more clues that may throw light on the mystery. Ono man, Torry L Bortt, 33 years old, was held under J200 ball for a further hearing Friday by Magistrate Campbell, nt the Belgrade nnd Clearfield streets? station He Is accused of tho deed. Tho y action, sharp and painful, be tween ti'0 top of "somo one's" shoo and tho nose of George McCrcedy, who lives nt 2692 Bridge stieet, Is alleged to have occurred at a carnival at Orthodox and Richmond streets. And to look at Mc Creedy's nose ono can bellevo that It occurred. Ho says when he poked his head through a hole In a tent somebody poked a foot ngalnst his nose. Boitt, who was practicing at n piano Inside, must have done It, hn said. Bortt stanchlx denied kicking McCreedy on tho, nose, but remembered kicking somo one else. The police aie looking for this man. They aro also looking for tho person who kicked George McCreedy's noso. BUSINESS MEN'S OUTING Frankford Board of Trade Will Picnic on tho Neshaminy. Tho members of tho Frankford"Board of Trade and their wives and friends will have an outing today at Croyden, on the banks of the Neshaminy. They will lenve the headquarters of the board, 1612 Frankford avenue, at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon, proceeding ln 30 automobiles to the boathouso of John T. Ward's cot tage at Croyden, where, at 3 o'clock, a shad dinner will be served. There will bo about 200 persons In the party. Take Your Choice of 42 Routes to California Rock Island Lines have recently Issued a small folder describing In detail the 42 most popular and Interesting routes to the California Expositions. Each route Is accompanied by a map telling at a glance Just what sections the tour takes In. If you are planning a trip West, you will need this folder, We have also published an authentic ,11st of hotels and boarding houses In Cali fornia with rates in fact we have made it so easy to enjoy a trip to the Exposi tions that about all you have to do after perusing our literature, Is to buy a. ticket you'll know Just what jou wish to see and do. Very low fares for round trip from Philadelphia with choice, of trains, Includ ing "Golden State Limited," "Rocky Mountain Limited,' "Caiifornlan," Col-orado-Californla Express." Automatic block signals Finest modern All-steel equipment Superb dining oar service. Both Exposition, included In one ticket at no extra coat Write, phone or drop In for folders and booklet, at Hock Island Travel Bureau, 1019 Chestnut Bt. Philadelphia H II Brown, V. P. Puoa& Walnut I2J. FOR EMINENT MEN "BET YOU $200 YOU WILL NOT WED!"-AND HE DID Ardmoro Architect Accepts Friend's Challenge to Get Married in 24 Hours. "Dot you SHX) ott haven't the nerve to get married nlthln the nevt 21 hours." This challenge, nnd the sight of two J10O bill (cilsp ones), decided John Charles Norton, of Ardmorp, who wns engaged to marry Miss Mnrgnrct Adams, of llnzleton. Pa., In October. Mr. Norton, who Is nn architect, was In llnzleton jes tcrday looking nftcr plans for a now hotel annex, when he met I'dwnrd S. Wnltz, an old friend. Mr. Wnltz didn't think for a minute that Mr. Norton would tnko him up, but the words wero no sooner out of his mouth than Mr. Norton wns i tinning to the nearest phono to call up Miss Admits. Sho consented nt once, a license wns ob tained, nnd the Major of llnzleton was marrying them SO minutes after .ir. Waltz had made his rash wager. He acted ns best man and handed over tho two crisp bills. Mrs. John Persons, of Hnzlotcn. was matron of honor. A wedding reception at the home of the bride followed the ceremony. Mr. aijd Mis Norton will be at' home ln Ardmoie after September. Mrs. Norton met Mr. Norton when she wns n student at the Misses Shipley's School, nt Hryn Mawr. They hnd boon engaged for some time Shn Is tho daughter of n prominent business man of IIn7leton. Mr. Norton Is the snii of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry V. Norton, of Ard moro. CHILDREN "PLAYIXH HOUSE" CAUSE FIRE IN ROOM Workman Hears Cry of Youngsters and Saves Them. Thrco children who were "keeping house" today while their mother went i shopping, narrowly escaped death when they attempted to bake bread dough on a dining room tnblo and set lire to tho table cloth, Tho blaze occurred on tho third floor of BOG Lombard street, occupied by Charles Schlatcr, hie wife and tho thrco children, Anne, Lena nnd Samuel, nged four years, two years and ten months, respectively. The children's cries attracted the atten tion of Ilymin Frlcdburg, or C12 Morris street, a workmnn who chain r, to bo on the flrM floor of tho biilldjjig. He ran to the third floor where ho found tho thrco "housekeepers" vainly trying to escape from tho room, which wns aheady filled with smoke. After dragging tho young steis Into tho hall ho extinguished tho blazo with buckets of water. pthcr workmen In tho, building had noti fied a policeman of tho tiro and a local alarm wns rung In. Property wns dam aged to tho extend of several hundred dollars. i IJICHES AWAIT MISSING MAN Large Share in ?500,000 Fortune Left to William O'Sullivan. Is your namo William O'Sullivan? 1 Hero Is nn Instanco whero ono cannot r trpat the off-repeated phrase, "What's In a name?" with indifference For the per son answering to tho above designation, thero is n share In an unsettled estato variously estimated at from ?30O,00O to $500,000 wultlng for him. Five yenis ago William left his home In Port Huron, Sllch., nnd soon after Ills father died, The will of the deceased showed that tho erring one Inherited his full share of the property. .lames O'Sulli van Is making every effort to locate his hi other, by widely advertising In all parts of the country. The missing heir has un til March 1, 191G, to return to his Michi gan home nnd claim his portion of tho property willed him, but If he does not nppear there on or before that date ho will fqpfelt his share of the estate. Big Golf Features in Sunday's Ledger "Presidents As Golfers" WM. H, EVANS "How I Mastered Putting" FRANCIS OUIMET "Caddy Goes to School" GEO, P. WILLIAMS "Ouiniet As I Know Him" J. H. SULLIVAN, Jr. "Learning Golf As the Ballplayer Sees It" JOHN B, LODERT (New York Olantt) "Long Driving" JESSE QUIFFORD and GEO. V. ROTAN (World's Longest Drivers) Sunday's, May 23d, Sports Magazine PUBLIC LEDGER FIREMEN SAVE-SEVEN FROM BLAZING HOUSE F Two Others Escnpd by Ladder. Father and Child Fall Down i Stairway. Seven persons, overcome by smoke, wero rescued by llrcmen from tho burn ing building nt 706 North 2d street enrly oday, another man escaped by climbing down n ladder from tho fourth floor nnd another, who tried to get out by tho stnlrway, fell two flights with a 10-month-old baby In his arms, lie tutnrtl Just ,is he landed nnd the child was lunhurt. It Is thought burglars started the lire. A motortnan on n 2d stieet trolley car dlscoveicd tho lire. He ttotlllrd Police man Link, of tho 3d nnd Race streets station, who turned In nn alarm and then bioke down the rront door of the house On the second floor Samuel D'Voren and his wifo wero found overcome by smoke A detail of blueeoats nnd nreinen from tho New Market and Brown streets com pany arrived nt tho same time After D'Voren and his wife wore car ried out through the stalrwny, their chil dren, Rose. 2i? yenrs old; Gabriel, 21 yenrs old; Sadie, IS years old, nnd David. It earn old, were found on the thlid floor nil unconscious ns the result of Inhaling smohe. I'lrcmen lowoicd them down lnd dcis put Uf) nwliiBt rear windows Antonio Gant, his wife and thell 10-motith-nld Ininnt also wero found on this lino-. The woman wns unconscious. While llrcmen wcip eairvlng her to a laddci her husband grnsned tho Infant nnd started dortn the stall way. At tho top of the Might lending to tho thltd floor he lost his bent lugs and pitched foiwnrd, rolling all the way to the llrst floor. In some wny Gnne managed to protect the Infant. Ills nim nnd body were badly bruised. Firemen put a ladder against n fourth floor n-ar window and Alexander Skuinnt skv, n boarder, psenped. The building wns damaged to the extent of about J3000. Several .pf the llrcmen lighting the flames were cut by flying glass, but none serl ously. D'Voren dlscoveicd nftcr tho lire was extinguished that n lenr door had been tampered with. Ho believes burglars stnrted the lire. The police nro Invest ing. "GRANT'S CURE" DREAD OF TRUANT "JACKIES" 28-Mile Run Around Super dreadnought Texas Not Cruel, But Effective. Running IS miles on a bnttleshlp s "Grant's cure." discovered by a foimer Philadelphia!!. It helps blueiackets remember not to overstay their leave of absence and to drink tno much, nnd Is said to be more efficacious than "docking" or lmpnson Ing the men. 'the dlscovprer, or Inventor, of this new method of punishment Is Cap tain A W. Grant, commanding tho super dio.ulnought Texas, formerly commandant of the Philadelphia Xavy Yard, Visitors on tho Texas are often sur prised to see a group of perspiring sailors patlcntlv running around the deck, cir cling tho ship time nnd again. The usual prescription for breaking the rules of slioie leave Is nine "turns" around the deck every afternoon for two weeks, or n little less than 23 miles. Petty officers conveniently stationed along the line over which tho offenders must run see that they do not allow their pace to lag. Jolly tars returning to tho Texas crest fallen nftcr n long and unsanctioned stay on shore would rather face a battery of 12-Inch guns than Captain Grant before tho mast. They know what lip will do In variably. After the usual questions off Ills nosi come his gold-rimmed spcctnclcs and the ilin Is stuck In the corner of his mouth. Then out of the opposite corner come tho words. "Hot-foot It on tho deck nlno times n day for two weeks." Polish Flap; Day Nets $6000 Moro than $6000 was raised to aid the non-combatants of Poland, by selling little celluloid Polish Hags. Iron war lings nnd post cards throughout tho city on Polish Flag Day yesterday. Jlany persons prominent In Philadelphia's social life stood for hours on tho street cor ners and bold these nrtlcles. They were aided by hundreds of Polish boys nnd by many school children. The selling was In charge of tho Polish Relief Com mittee, of tho Emergency Aid Committee, HJS Walnut street. Tho funds realized will ho used Immediately to help the starving Poles. arydhajCifitXtm I DURABLE AS IRON -,T--tK-,:-3- - mi Unprecedented Price Reduction I Ruas e A limited lot of JUllllllCl fjew Bozart fibre Mew uoza Rattanfa f 12 alE.7i 31-1 rOTCll & Rattania fibre rugs, Dnnm 9x12 aK.75, Sjpal Imported cocoa fibre, the 9x12 Rugs Our Varied i x j ivirt Hardwiek & Magee Successors to Ivlns, DIetz & Magee V. K JIAYOIt PRAISES MKKION AS PERFECT COMMUNITY Civic Association Report at Annual Meeting Shows Progress. '"Civic perfection" was the expression used by Mayor lltnnkenburg last night to sum up his opinion of tho many good1 qualities of Mellon, which has acquired a national reputation ns n model suburb. Tho Merlon Civic Association met Inst night In tho "cabin" on tho estate of Frank Oiahnm Thomson, Merlon rond and Highland avenue, to report on Its activities and elect offcors, The Mayor and Mrs. Blnnkcnburg wero tho honor guests. The Mayor wns plainly astonished at .Merlon's progiess ns shown by tha report of Kdward Iiok, president of the association. Although the association Is only two yenis old, It hns nccompllahcd many things to make life In Merlon Ideal. The pollco protection given the residents l snld to be unsiirpnRBcd In the country. Two detcctlvps nld In guarding tho town, and last year not n single robbery was reported. Flro protection Is equally adequate, nnd not n lire occurred Inst year. Merlon Is provided with absolutely puro wnter. Mr. Uok was re-elected president ofthc association. Other olllccrs chosen were: Vice presidents, William J. Coition, John C McKcon nnd F W. Rockwell ; treasurer, Kdwnrd H. Wllford: secretary, Franklin Dubbel; directors, Hdwnrd W. Uok, chnlr man; T. Wood Andrews, Dr. George D. U. Darby, Kdward C Deardcn. William Do Krafft, W. II. Folwcll, W. S Humphcys, Charles S. Kilck, J. W. Leo, Jr.. Isldor Levin, H. II. Lincnwpnvpr, Frank C. Pcqulgnot, F. W. Ilockncll. George It. Sullivan, Herbert O. Stockwell, Sydney Thnjer, Henry C. Thompson. Jr., Frnnk Graham Thomson, E. A. Vnn Vnlkenburg, William H. Wnnnmnkcr, Jr., nnd Hdwnrd n. Wllford, End of Ingcrsoll Engngcincnt The engagement of tho Wllllnm Inger soil Stock Company In the Walnut will terminate on Snturda night of the cui rcnt week with the final pcifoimance of "Tho Cntl of tho Hrldgc." Get every day's work out of the way quickly and V easily. Jt easily. It's the strength-giving, quick-working, easy-way soap. It cleans everything in cool or lukewarm water without hard rubbing or scrubbing. It helps in all kinds of ways. FeIsSoap Powder makes all sorts of cleaning easy. BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE Philadelphia's Leading Commercial School Announces Re-opening of Day and Evening Classes Thursday, May 20th in their temporary location The Lafayette Building 5th and Chestnut Sts. Opposite Independence Hall E. M. HULL,. A. M Pd. D., President JH ; IgP- " v USI t THESE TWO WEEKS WILL PREVAIL At Our Semi-Annual Pre-Inventory Sale ol & Carpets Crex ruga and carpets, Axminster rugs in rich Oriental colors and designs, together with rugs, the 9x12 at $6.75. splendid values, the Algerian porch rugs, as low as $13.50. Lines of Colonial Rugs Will Interest You. Prices Cpt From $ to FROM OUR CARPET STOCK WE HAVE TAKEN ALL REMNANTS AND MADE THEM UP INTO READY- MADE CARPETS. NICELY SEWED, WITH BORDERS in. mi.i. m.h.n a . . naih'c att . . -..,, ..- vMU, These dre but a few of cjur many attractive offerings. J BEHIND ALL THE I wuulij's i.KAnTNn " . WILTON RUG AND - CARPET MILL, f MAN DIES BY1IUNGER STRIKE AGAINST LIFE Retired Saloofikeebcj? Success fully Seeks End by Starving Himself to Death. '" Starvation today ended the life oflAtir renco Bocrslg, 6" years old, of 23H JSotth lli street, a retired saloonkeeper Twhj months ngo he attempted sulclda J drownlng himself In the Schuylkill Ittver. Ho hnd leaped off the Glrnrd avenue bridge. He wns saved by h. policeman- For weeks Iloerslg remnlned In the West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital. A few days ago he was dlschaTged. After teaching his homo he refused to taste) any food. Every effort to get him ttf tat foiled. Recently ho bccnlne exhausted. Ills dpnth occurred early today. Deputy f'oioncr Grecnhnlgh, who Investigated tha case, snld today that Itoerslg chose star vation ns n means to end his life, LEAVES $160,000 TO FAMILY Will of Mary B. C. Lovcring Admitted to Probate. Mary It. C. Lovorlng, widow of Joieph S Lovcring, left tho bulk of her $100,000 cstnle to her four children, a sister anu n brother. Mrs. Lovcring died at Illy' hew ood, on School House lane, May- . 0. Her will wnrf admitted to probato today. Other wills probated today Includes those of Itlchnrd fiourkc, who left $650i); ,1opph Cavnnaugh, .WW; II. W,, Bartels, J-IWO. Mary J. Uitemnn, $.1000; Adam J. Ashwoith, KTOO. Letteis or administration were granted In the pslate of Ilannih M, Kcyser, amounting to $33,000. 1'piFonnl property of Annlo Fields hns been iipprnlscd at $IJCS.O."; Mercy J, Tom llnson, $T6M.lli: lioinnrd Muller. $3002.71), and Maignict A. Harris, $2213.03. !fKfVHirw---Ji I , PHILADELPHIA'S EXCLUSIVE FLOOR COVERING CENTRE SL Descriptions Axminster excellent offerings in Tapestry and lalj Velvet Rugs and Carpets at worth- -ntl Velvet your-while' reductions, RlI03 X -4.L kJi I Ji,0, J cI7T t?o Company 1220-22? Market St PHILADELPHIA !