SM EVENING LEPgER PHIIiADEIPHIA MONDAY, MAY 17, 1915: StARZAN OF THE APES h THRILLING ADVENTURES OF A PRIMEVAL MAN B AND AN AMERICAN GIRL By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS BH. '" C.McClur Company. I I i - t-nrtl OryotoUe. omwirxs !?! founr, Tf'tSA-i Arric, wl'tre he f. StM ""'i'V-.n Vtoteh from mm no in ,2S hv bJ?.. .5 lav nothing umtor 'a by nuv chapter H WIBWVAOBIWMB "' .ii iiinv nn.vo luua .....-, k !tk for his accustomed fttk WW ?Iw nd another. S(MB iw ". - . t hB ejes connnneu 6t eight whicn m mt,8 knot gfSKld."aSd at their head stood ,uctlt volley from the omccrs tha II? &' .hater, and from points of G k.hlhd masts, whcelhouso and WK.i returned the fire of the five riv they reiurniu u ,,. ,i,.i, ahd representee! m ..... ; ES"? their number had gone down 152 ?hK captain's revolver. They lay wtoeV had fallen between me com- knhenflr the flret maio lumeu i. ." "IffiMs face, and at a cry of command E&stae : Mlchnfl the bloodthirsty ruf JSrS.VrM the remaining four. The S?& Ten able to muster but six ?J i so most of them wore armed WW.JIJT . hatchets and crow- iriuff0"111 ins captain had emptied his revolver Bw reloading ns tho charge was .. The second mate's gun had Srf "nd bo there wero but two iSSu woaed to the mutineers as J rapidly aproached the ofnecw. who fijitarled to give back before tho In feUfed rush of their men. Both sides were cursing and awearlng S?,nfciLi,fiil manner, which, together l3lUh reports of tho firearms and the f&Sms and groans of tho wounded trned the deck of tho ruwama w mo ibiiness Of a madhouse. Ifofore'the officers had taken a doon ttWard steps tho men Tvcro upon them. Wiie In the hands of a burly negro Srt the captain from forohead to chin. Instant later tho others were km dead or wounded from dozens of lu.. onrl bullet wounds. Wfliorl and grisly had been the work of fciautlncers of tho Fuwalda. and HmoSh It all John Clayton had stood IwloK carelessly beside tho companion )-.. .,m mariltntlvnlv nnon his Dlod 'i though ho had been but watching an 'WUIerent cricnei maicn. Aa the last ofTlcer went down he bo lohuht him that It was time that ho Burned to his wife lest eomo member '.mi,. k flnrl linr alone below. wjlhough outwardly calm and Indifferent. ClITtOa vifia imvuiuiy tutu Wight up, for he feared for his wife's ktely at the hands of theso Ignorant 'Ulf-brutes Into whose hands fato had kK rmorsel'ssly thrown thorn. jjt h turned to descend the ladder ho itii surprised to see his wife standing rl IL ..ana nlmr... fit J. I a nlrln CD UJfl Sicya ttiiiiwoi. ui. ii0 a.uu. ifHow long have you been here, Alice?" "Sli.ce tho beginning," she replied. How awful. John. Oh. how awful! What u w hope for at the hands of such u those?" KfBreakfast, I hope," he answered, paauug u,vo( ill .11. uiiciuiii iw iiimj Itr (cars. feti least," he added, "I'm going to l!K uem. ume witn mo, ..Mice, wo BtitBot let them think wo expect any thi courteous treatment." jfct&fmen had by this time surrounded Qwjilci'i and wounded officers, nnd wlth u33fther partiality or compassion pro ps, to throw both living and dead Jim, the, sides of the vessel. "With equal ykjrtl&snMs they disposed of their own rotfaa and the bodies of the threo nllorj to nhom a merciful Providence Juliets of the officers. MPieently-one of tho crew spied tho fwproachlng CJaytons, and with a cry el "Here's two more for the fishes," jBut Black Michael was even quicker. 9 isat tne leuow went down with a JJltt In his back before ho had taken a Cllf.dun tttnr Ijnth a loud roar. Black Michael at tracted the attention of tho others, and. wraunj to Lord and Lady Greystoke, cried: felhese hero are my friends, and they r to be left alone. D' yo understand? Urm PBnlnln n 11.1. 1. 1 I . fV VII. O HU.VI I.UMT mi wnut iwiri roes," he added, turning to Clay- m. just Keep to yourselves, and, no Wrll harm ye," and ho looked threaten- llje Claytons heoded Black Mlchaet's jaouciions bo welt that-they saw but Wat, of the crew and knew nothing of til Una th m... ... i., lcculonally they heard faint echoes of it.. 1 nuarrellnjr among tho mu- JViVb a wWUfllUtlD t.ltS V1C1UUH hw tI ?' !rearma rang out on the still Mul. ?lack M'ohael was a nt leader S, '' heterogeneous band of cutthroats. .Jlthal. held them In fair subjection. y aw rule, lOnth, fifth day following tho murder ;effi iSuS,..5J?"L.I?,5?..w- Blht.ed Uii Vr , .V. ""B'ner isiana or main- l?7i?.lvl .Ulchnel dm not Know, but Manounced to ninvi ,f ,t i.,...i K" 'hoJred ,hat tho Place was hablta- hf2),Jn .ay Greystoke wero to be l4,mr6v.wltn tnelr belongings. KlttViJ?8 a right there for a. few iTliv " "P'j'ne'J. "and by that 'time lt have been nhlo in.i.. ,.-w,..j COUt -,r an iiiuuuilBU U?. ,tw!"re8 and scatter a bit. Then Wm v. I ytr Bover-ment's notified gW you be an' they'll soon send a Wd1r(b8.aU, right, but it would be t;l?:.,nat.ter to land you In civilization. fWmVL010 bene B8ked' ,Vr.s 1..5a5 sr.y co- Bi leasts, and. nnihi .tin i"5roen. " " """ """" ! were of no avail, and inger Black Michael, so desist an$ make tho best KSUtorTJ0. "i15" Black Mlehail. so ES:0""! to desist and mnk h hut Uwrt Btuatlon. ' " ""' n me afternoon they g o the Expositions? Don't "" -oioraao ocenery ecan h inHiw.H . . ... imnaeur of the Colorado Rocky h,Z ntr 8nd visitors to tn tnT "positions should make a o" , ' Aisa jjenver, coio- fcw'nw, Piteblo, the Royal Oorgo 'hero's no in nk.... -- . I xVla the Burlington Route. - "' oecause It so happens thr0Ugh service of that line :" Punned so ihnt -,. -,- .11 JSJ"u.Lhy. JayJKht. and you ln iZit L '" .". a panorama of :.tath9"wor!d " M ceIeb-at JWrtuniK wayyu will not miss 'm fKS'i? and. r would like to 4 aatui. iS." ","res. maps and T but p?,y? Jn Colorado Won p"it?f .?Mr -Frk or wid vliit vT . ey ?" an 4ke Lii "if thB return trip. rtrlSSf i ?.? o-j.t , heft AtT.., UI- ta ga 0,r writs sta, Oeaeral Agent Passen- ' is rc I'bUdelphU. Phono came about off a beautiful wooded shoro opposite tho mouth of what appeared to bo a land-locked harbor. Black Michael sent a small boat filled with men to sound tho entrance In nn effort to determine If the Fuwalda could bo safely worked through tho entrance. In about an hour they returned and reported deep water through the passage) as well as far Into the little basin, Before dark tho barkantlne lay peace fully at anchor Upon tho bosom of tho still, mirror-like surface of tho harbor. Tho surrounding shores were beautiful with semi-tropical verdure, while In tha distance the country rose from tho ocean In hill nnd tableland, almost uniformly clothed by primeval forest. No signs of habitation wero visible, but that the land might easily support h' man llfo was evidenced by tho abundant bird and animal llfo of which the watch ers on tho Fuwalda's deck caught occa sional glimpses, as well ns by tho shim mer of a little river which emptied Intj tho harbor, Insuring fresh water In plen tltudc. As darkness settled Upon the earth, Clayton nnd Lady Alice still stood by tho ship's rail In Bllent contemplation of their future abode, From tho dark shadows of tho mighty forest came tho wild calls of savage beasts tho deep roar of tha Hon, and occasionally tho shrill scream of a panther. Tho woman shrank closer to tho man in terror-stricken anticipation of tho hor rors lying In wait for thorn In tho awful blackness of the nights to come, when they two should bo alono upon that wild and lonely shore. Later In tho evening Black Michael Joined them long enough to Instruct them to mnko their preparations for landing on tho morrow. They tried to persuade him to tako them to somo more hospita ble coast near enough to civilization mo that they might hopo to fall Into friendly hands. But no picas, or threats, or prom ises of reward could move him. "I am the only man aboard who would not rather see you both safely dead, and, while I know that that's the sensible way to make sure of our own necks, yet Black Michael's not tho man 'o forget a favor. You saved my llfo once, nnd In return I'm goln' to sparo yours, but that's all I can do. 'Tho men won't stand for nny more, and If wo don't get you landed pretty quick they may oven change their nrtuils about giving you that much show. t"l put nil your stuff ashore with you as well as cookln' utensils an' somo old sails for tents, an' enough grub to last you until you can find fruit and game. "So that with your guns for protection, you ought to be able to live here easv enough until help comes. When I i;et safely hid away I'll see to It that tho British gover'ment learns about whero you bo, for tho llfo of mo I couldn't tell 'em exactly where, for I don't know my self. But they'll find you all right." After ho had left them they went si lently below, each wrapped In gloomv forebodings. Clayton did not believe that Black Mi chael had the slightest Intention of noti fying tho Brlttah Government of their whereabouts, nor was he any too sure but that some treachery was contem plated for tho following day when they Bhould be on shore with the sailors who would have to accompany them with their belongings. Once out of Black Michael's sight any of tho men might strike them down, and still leavo Black Michael's conscience clear. And even should they escape that fate Was It not but to bo faced with far graver dangers? Alono, he might hopo to survive for years ;)for he was a strong, athletic man. But -what of Alice, and that other lit tle llfo so soon to be launched amidst the .hardships and grave dangers of a primeval world? Tho man shuddered as he meditated upon the awful gravity, tho fearful help lessness of their situation. But It was a merciful Providence which prevented him from foreseeing tho hideous reality which awaited them In tho grim depths of that gloomy wood. Early next morning their numerous chests and boxes were hoisted on deck and lowered to waiting small boats for transportation to shore. There was a great quantity and va riety of stuff, as tho Claytons had ex pected a possible Ave to eight years' resldenco Jn their new home, so that. In addition to the many necessities they had brought, wero also many luxuries. Black Michael was determined that nothing belonging to the Claylons should be left on board. "Whether out of com passion for them, or In furtherance of his own self-interests, It were difficult to say. There Is no question but that tho pres ence of property of a missing (British official upon a suspicious vessel would have been a difficult thing to explain In nny civilized port In tho world. So zealous was ho in his efforts to carry out his Intentions thnt he Insisted upon the return of Clayton's revolvers to him by the sailors In whose possession they were. Into tho small boats were also loaded salt meats and biscuit, with a small sup ply of potatoes and beans, matches and cooking vessels, a chest of tools and the old sails which Black Michael had prom ised them. As though himself fearing the very thing which Clayton had suspected,. Black Michael accompanied them to f ML MtiVf m We'ro quick to get your "wash bundle" to the tanks. Accumulating heaps of soiled laundry is highly insanitary. Consider clianllnei in choosing a laundry. Neptune Laundry 1501 Columbia Ave. WunotjuxvtthtUttr shore, end was the last to leave ihetn when the small boats, having filled the ship's casks with fresh water, were pushed out toward tho waiting Fuwalda, As the boats Moved slowly over th smooth waters of the bay, Clayton and his wife stood silently watching their departure In tho breasts of both a feel ing of Impending disaster and utter hope lessness, And behind them over the edge of a lowrldge, other eyes watched close set, wicked eyes, gleaming beneath shaggy brows. As the Fuwalda passed through the narrow entrance to the harbor and out of sight behind a projecting point, Lady Alice threw her arms about Clayton's neck nnd burst Into Uncontrolled sobs. Bravely hnd she faced tho dangers of) tho mutiny; with heroic fortltudo she had looked Into tho terrible future! but now that the horror of absolute solitude was upon them, her overwrought nerves gave way and tho reaction came. He did not attempt to check her tears It wero better that nature havo her wayi In relieving these long pent up emotions nnd It was many minutes before tho girl llttlo more than a child she was-could, again gain mastery of herself. "Oh, John," sho cried at last, "tha horror of It. What are we to do? What ate wo to do?" "There Is but one thing to do, Allce,"i and ho spoke as quietly as though they were Bitting In their snug living room atj homo, "and that Is work. Work must be our salvation. Wo must not glvo ouri selves tlmo to think, for In that cflrectlon lies madness. . "Wo must work and wait. I am sure; that relief will come, and come quickly when once It Is apparent that the Fu-i walda has been lost, even though Black) Michael docs not kocp his word to us." 1 "But John, If It wero only you and I," sho sobbed, "we could enduro It I know,) but" "Yes, dear," ho answered gontly, 'l) havo been thinking of that, also; but wq must face It, as wo must face'whatoven comes, bravely and with tho utmost com fldenco In our ability to copo with clrcum stances whatever they may be. "Hundreds of thousand? of years ago) our ancestors of tho dim and distant past faced tho same problems which wo must face, possibly In theso same primeval for-, cstB. That wo aro hero today evidences their victory. "What thoy did may wo not do? And) oven bettor, for aro wo not armed wlthi ages of superior knowledge, and have wo not tho means of protection, defense nndj sustcnanco which sclcnco has given us, but of which they wero totally Ignorant?) What thoy accomplished, Alice, with In struments and weapons of stono and, bono, surely that may wo accomplish! also." . "Ah, John, I wish that I might be a man with a man's philosophy, but I am but a woman, seeing with my hearti rather than my head, nnd all that I can see Is too horrible, too unthinkable to) put Into words. "I only hopo you aro right. John. I; will do my best to be a bravo prlme-al) woman, a fit mato for the pilmeval man." Clayton's first thought was to arrange a sleeping shelter for tho night; some- thing which might serve to protect them, from prowling beasts of prey. Ho opened tho box containing his rifles) and ammunition, that they might both, be armed against possible attack while at work, and then together thoy sought a, location for their first night's sleeping) place A hundred yards from the beach was a, little level spot, fairly free of trees, and here they decided eventually to build, n. permanent house, but, for the time; being, they both thought It best to con-, struct a little platform In tho trees out of reach of tho larger of tho savagq beasts In whoso realm they were. To this end Clayton selected four trees which formed a rectangle about eight feet square, and cutting long brnnches from other trees ho constructed a frame-, work around them, about ten feet from the ground, fastening the ends of the branches securely to the trees by menns of rope, a quantity of which Black Michael had furnished him from the hold of tho Fuwalda. Across this framework Clayton placed other smaller branches quite close to gether. This platform ho paved with tha hugo fronds of elephant's ear which grew In profusion about them, and over tha fronds he laid a great sail folded Into) several thicknesses. Seven feet higher he constructed a sim ilar, though lighter platform to serve as a roof, and from the sides of this ha suspended the balance of his sailcloth for wnlls. When completed ho had a rather snug little nest to which he carried their blan-, kets and some of the lighter luggage. It was now late In the afternoon, andi tho rest of the dnyllght hours were devoted to the building of a rudo ladder, by means of which Lady Alice could) mount to her new home. All during the day the forest about them had been filled with excited blrda of brilliant plumage, nnd dancing, chat tering monkeys, who watched theso newi arrivals and their wonderful nest-bulldlngi operations with every mark of keenest Interest and fascination. Notwithstanding that both Clayton andi 40 Ways to the maair WsiHHiiaiH MSM ssssssss California Expositions is the title of an attractive booklet is sued by the Chicago & North West ern Ry., which outlines in concise form forty different attractive routes from Chicago to California, and shows plainly by a series of outline maps how you may visit both Exposi tions and see the grandest mountain scenery and the localities most inter esting to the sightseer en route. You should have this booklet to properly plan your trip to the Pacific Coast and the California Expositions. It will save you time and money. Mailed free with other literature which will assist you in determining the places you wish to visit en route and giving rates, complete train serv ice and full particulars. Address D. M. Davis, G. A., 1020 Chestnut St. Tel., Walnut 356-357, Philadelphia, Pa. Kmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgm ImB $1.00 r isWSSsx .wotm turn &; rrht o&en rtadr nicklnr 3 Jn. wtdt. $1 .00 Buy a Moth-Proof Chest : : j Store your fur, 'overcoats, Winter clothe and blanket at horn in "QUAKER" Moth-Proof Chests for ft. loor, -1814 9H la. detj. Ptnt4 March 31, 19H Urch , ))S These sturdy chests give ABSOLUTE PROTECTION. They serve you as well as cedar chests and AT LESS THAN QNE-TENTH THE COSTI They will last for years. Biff enough to hold five suits or their equivalent. Do the work of five moth bags at the cost of (wo. Last twice as long. SAFEST 5IMPLEST--CHEAPEST. For in houffurnhhing Miction of all dtpartmtnt for. Manufacture bf kAFORB-FPijTEB CO FfrlladdpJM. tmMSIM"lTTTTiirTOrMi,Brrrrtf' his wife kept a sharp lookout, they saw nothing of larger animals, though on two occasions they had seen their llttln simian neighbors come screaming nhaV chattering from tho nearby ridge, cast ing affrighted glances back over their 11U tie shoulders, and evincing as plainly as though by speech that they were fleeing some terrible thing which lay concealed there. Just before dusk Clayton finished his. ladder, and, filling a great basin with water front tho nearby stream, tho two mounted to the comparative safety of their aerial chamber. As It was quite warm, Clayton hadj left the stdo curtains thrown back oven the roof, and as they squatted, like Turks, upon their blankets, Lady Alice, strain ing her eyes Into the darkening shadows qf the wood, suddenly reached out and grasped Clayton's arm. "John," she whispered, "look! What Is It, a man?" As Clayton turned his eyes In the di rection sho Indicated, ho saw silhouetted dimly against tho shadows beyond tu great figure standing upright upon the. ridge. For a moment It stood as though listen ing, then turned slowly and melted Into tho shadows of tho Jungle. "What Is It, John?" "I do not know, Alice," ho answered! gravely, "It Is too dark to eco so far, and It mny havo been but a shadow cast by the rising moon." "No, John, If It waB not a man, It was some hugo and grotesque mockery of man. Oh. I am afraid." He gathered hor In his arms, whlspcrlngi words of courngo and lovo Into her ears, for tho greatest pain of their misfortunes, to Clayton, wns the mental anguish of) his young wife. Himself bravo and fear less, yet was ho nble to nppreclate tho awful suffering which fear entnllB a raro gift, though but one of many which had mado tho young Lord Qreystoke respect ed and loved by nil who know him Soon after, ho lowered the curtain wnlls, tying them securely to tho trees, so that except for a llttlo opening toward tho beach, they were entirely enclosed As It was now pitch dark within their tiny acrle, they lay down upon their blankets to try to wrest, through sleep, a brief rcsplto of forgetfutness. Clayton Iny facing tho opening at the, front, a rifle and a brace of revolvers au his hand, Scarcely had they closed their eyes than the terrifying ory of a panther rang out from tho Jungle behind them. Closer and closer It came, until they could henr the great beast directly beneath them. For an hour or more thoy heard It sniff ing and clawing at tho trees which sup ported their platform, but nt last It roamed away across tho beach, whero Clayton could seo It clearly In the bril liant moonlight a great, handsome benst, tho largest ho had ever seen During tho long hours of darkness they caught but fitful snatches 01 iileep, fur tho night noises of a great Jungle teem ing with myriad animal llfo kept their overwrought nerves on edge, eo thnt a hundred times they wero startled to wakefulness by piercing screnms. or thq stealthy moving of great bodies beneath them. (CONTINUED TOMORROW ) Mumps nt Elkins Orphanage Ten cases of mumps yesterday pre vented tho holding of tho usunl religious sorvlccs nt the William L. Elkins Mn sonlo Orphanage for Girls, at Broad and Cauga streets. The epidemic broke out about threo weeks ago. It Is be lieved tho first case of the nllnient wns contracted at tho Edward T. Steel Public School, which Is attended by tho girls connected with the home. StasaPt t Mr 1 xD elivery Trucks id ff Shooting Up the Delivery Costs The European war, with its great slaughter of horse flesh, is going to influence the cost of draft horses for years to come through the immediate scarcity and the difficulty of replacing today's economic answer to your delivery problem is The Motor Truck. Stewart Trucks combine a Con tinental Motor, Brown Type transmission, full floating Tim ken rearaxle, dry disc clutch and three point support which is the last word and the best of each unit; backed by men of years' experience building motor trucks. 50 Of all our customers have tried many other makes CONSTANT SERVICE Winsor Eveland Motor Car Co. Distributors of the Distinctive Stewart Six Broad and Ridge Avenue See America on a Rock Island Scenic Circle Tour To see America In the most satisfying way, make jour trip to the Panama Ex positions at San Francisco and San Diego on a Rock Island Scenic, Circle Tour Ticket very low fares from Philadelphia for round trip. You see Colorado, the Pike's Peak Region, the Rocky Moun tains, Royal Gorge, Glenwood Springs, Bait Lake. California, BOTH Expositions, the old Spanish Missions, and the en chanting1 Southwest. Stopovers allowed at any point en route ample time to see everything of Interest. As for train service there is nothing that quite equals those famous trains "Golden State Limited" and "Rocky Mountain Limited." Also the "Callfornlan" and "Colorado-California Express" dally from Chicago and St, Louis. Automatic Block Signals Finest Modern All-Steel Equip mentSuperb Dining Car Service.' Both expositions Included in one ticket at no extra cost. We maintain a Travel Bureau at 1019 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. Our repre sentatives are travel experts, who will give you full Information, explain the nu merous tours available via Rock Island Lines, prepare Itineraries, etc , Write, phone or drop In for our litera ture on California and the Expositions. IK M Brown, p P A , Roch Inland Iots. PWWdphl. ?twne Walnut 133, SHE JES' WILL STAY IN DETENTION HOUSE She Ran Away, But Returned. "Pore LiT Brack Girl" Was Happy Only There. Tho machinery of tho Juvenile Court has proved Inadequaio to prevent a small 9-year-old negro girl named Qenova Jullnnna Kord from taking up her resldenco In the House of Detention. Tho court has exhausted Its resources In trying to keep her away. But Geneva Just won't be kept, with tha result that sho Is happy today, playing about the building. Two years ago her parents died nnd sho lived with her aunt, Jennie Jackson, of 418 West Venango street. Sho seemed contented In her new home until nbout a week ago, when the wanderlust got In her blood. Sho felt ns If she Just had to go somewhere, so sho started on an expedition that landod hor at the home of a friend, Mrs. Nash, a Negro, of 3S32 Nlco street. Hor aunt did not approve Geneva's wanderings nnd so sho petitioned tho Juvenile Court to tnko charge of her as an Incorrigible nnd truant child. Geneva couldn't understand theso high sounding words, nnd felt thnt something awful was coming when Bho wns taken before Judgo Gorman In tho Juvenile Court But anxiety was turned to pleas ure when sho was taken to the glrU room, received a nice llttlo bed of her own and the freedom of the quarters. She was perfectly contented In her now surroundings, and didn't oven mind at tending school. But her happiness was rudely Inter rupted last Wednesday. Her aunt asked the court to put her on probation and Judge Gorman assented. Geneva was taken back home. It Is true, but sho didn't Btay thore long. Sho ran away the samo day, bound for tho House of Detention as fast as her legs could carry her. She got ns far as Hunting Park when a guard saw her In tho shrubbery nnd asked hor whero sho was going. "Do houso ob detenshum," she declared boldly. The guard took her there. Geneva appeared before Judgo Gor man In court, dressed In a long 8'nshftm garment that reached to her feet. She looked at the court with a dignified manner and plainly showed that any change of residence would be distasteful to her. "Do you like It here?" Inquired the Judge. Geneva nodded assent vigor ously. ''Then you can remain here for some time." A wide grin overspread Geneva s face as she was led from the courtroom. Walks 2fi Miles to HospUat May JUte Hopes tor the recovery of Utarrj' IB, Ball, 31 year old. Who reached Coopelr Hospital, Camden, yesterday, In a state dff collapse after walking 23 miles white suf ferlng from pneumonia, were held out by hospital physicians today. Ball, a wM ower, once a prosperous Jeweler, but now out of employment, said he had become 111 at Pennsgrove several days ago. He ws Unable to get carfare to Camden, he said, so, accompanied by his H-year-otd son, set out to walk. Whiten your floors; brighten your painted woodwork; freshen the colors in your oilcloth or linoleum by using X. or linoleum by f soap. It does your cleaning easily and quickly in cool or lukewarm water without hard scrubbing. Dirt? It can't stay around with Pels-Soap Powder Brand new strictly pure, pleasant smelling. iiPIPP !' ?!y,!!!yiMMip;,iii I'iTiFip wi(iraii! hi niii.'i m. I1 'l I'll l" ll kft'1 ' WWH.InWTfoU l ! ii h'l''LTSxll'l I (l 'I I;1 I i 'I ' y y f ill1 'i!! i'' ' nlXOl1' ill Mil ' ' wtf0p j'"'"rJjMBB wspw ysstC&SfZZ&JSJ VS , TOT-' " S25'S'5' ' ' 5sCS: JJ2ZZ?Z2Z. The Final Touch of Elegance and Distinction in Any Home Is the 8 . I II NWm m II i If I 'Kit TER GRA The old handicap of room and price is now removed from Grand Pianos. Any home in Philadelphia can have the newest Lester Grand because it takes up no more space than an upright. A perfect grand. Beautiful, graceful lines. Glorious, mellow tone. Responsive, velvety touch. Its exquisite design and mag nificeni fin ish are excelled only by its marvelous durability. Among the world's greatest artists who unite in praising the beautiful tone color, responsiveness and flexibility of action and singing quality of the Lester Grand are: Olive Fremstad Florence Hinkle Alice Nielsen Bella Alten Margaret Ober Charlotte Maconda Franz Kneisel G. Campanari Sold direct from our great factories to the home at the lowest factory price because we have no "in-between" profits to pay to jobbers or agents. Let us show you how easy it is to own a Lester. Your Old Upright in Exchange at Full Value & M . - . - O .--' r . I. 1M KJtS. 1 tl liUv 1306 CHESTNUT ST. 6r 9 S1 -V 1 f9 " Open Saturdays & Branch Stores Open Evenings KENSINGTON WEST PHILA. 3244 Kensington Avo. 302 S. 824 St. TRENTON. N. J. 209 East Stats St. READING, PA. NORRISTOWN, PA. SCRANTQN, PA. IS North SUt St. 228 West Mn St 526 Spruce St. T . T Until R P AT. j tr J T - -. .-.. .- . PS? r . ' & 1 A i. CAMDEN, N. J. ? a? otv Broadway JfiP ;? WIUCES-BARRE, PA. SrJ V 170 Soutn Main St V n x . Sf ?s .V " SJ f J gfefgipagjga ,r