Kg j.S HI i ; w , I PlTtflK 'Si a responsible woman of an ?SS5StS & r"n- "J'L """ Dhllftdrlnhla. Pa. -- .... , a Arrtr An nusui t iti tes May 8. 1015. '' Mn ifi fnlcM rt much III ""-"? urintn ft position arid I want fet? tto'4 1SS? much . .I'V'AJ l4 , 1?t wslerdnv at the address yoi 'n Tuwdir "nd am thoroughly sat "IS eh Tuesday ana am .. vou for sug A. F. RWing the rlt relv. (Signed! K, frjIBtP WANTEDMALE WZZv foreman wanted who has the neees' IjSosn V Kn"S fof management ami est K"! !"& Mmphlet'boimd work of nil kinds fa '?lnouXn ntlon, to fill. position, K,wrr MPeted. H SM. Lodge; PTlv.,11 19 leara old. to work In nfftce: 1 iMUl ft"' .ho ran operate ii nnwrlter preierreu, l(","'?.f ll in purchailnic department EgS Monotjpe Machine Co.. ann ami BIaX" " - ' : Address II mriA Ljdfr sS-r3!-" teM I2. wanted for acallnn 0Km ITU a monili for the right men, ref- SfRKHllW. 9 Lv V...i , aiIiii firnri. SSe JL1!W' 'ederqmce. mile, -white, rrhnte family experience, K.."!.'.- i..h wasps SIM. otniorlunlty for ShXS Walnut near ihat. rsnvt&lCoT tooTa and, fixtures! must bo iW.lWF'i .wuriia. state ngp. ealary and WJSj of PKUoua experience. M Ull, :J!f,tr Central ItTTvuMie, marneii, " uuuurai ii LWa hoSei. small rotlaae to live In. good tiiei. ""' " tKB.ferCenlral. !s?wprBR nnPOHTEn with exp and ahll-L?-?miVi I man 1 pref , In town of W.W0O near MHf 'f!f!arM Add.SI. 4ii?Lcd.Cr Ofrice; YrrfSiiTAN Dxperlenced, high standard, i'i.n retiring, local territory! IS per cent iS'Vi 'omnSMlon -412. Ledger Office. TiE9MENwaiitd Berge & Udcr, 81 Stan. V2?7, nmoklvn. N. V. fSoaSXvUlM Snd cIcrTTwanted for"8u Klttenit.U's offl-e, must he nulck nnd ae- Jiriii one rsmmar wtm micnuiu ";. 'SJli it haMng shop expcrlenco preferred; !S i erportunlty for ambltloua oung man CSit ilvlng fullest particulars na to ex. ! P -i-SuBry.!Ii: InitTUKO SALESMAN WANTED, on ail 5?i i Mil white lead In Pennsylvania, and KirrJiritrs mutt be experli CS.T Awn handwriting, erlenced, Annlv by , a red stating xprl. mtt. g "d ialary required, f JBOCEfiS COMPANY. Scronton, lO UU3TU.N' Pa. WTNTED-A capable gnrdener to auperlntcnd tarrlvata estate, must have a gcnernl liortl. !Jan knowledge, understand handling of I lain. Address II , euro oi ureer a neca ;& PMlidelphla 'wTTED. mechanla en automobiles; general frewlr Work, iteady, position to good man. imlr A. Keppell, Olvmpla Onrage. from 10 ?P5tcD good serlre"man on automohlle to ffeMMlf work, stiadv position; fair ealary. tm 'A. Keppell. Hill llalnbrldgo at.. t wis . m ifEAVErtS wanted on Urojrt Knowlos and ,,;. i7Um. Ann v nt office of thu Ilrntl- f k j Mills. Sttnton and Oodfrey aves . Ot n Rfa0 MAN. with good education nnn am !'.V.i,y. f. J.'.i- ...i.M. rhl nrirlnh hi! IIS ner "." ta start. L 4W, Ledger Offlce. frrrnuTALKINa MACI1INU tUJlfA.N 1 Hi Titanclts fcr Jointer hands. Cabinetmakers. Touchers-up, nubberj. Shellicors. House painters nuiltil exsmlnatlon necessary. Applv otor T.tuni Uiehlne Co . arnllcatfon office. Dtli- Kinrt ae. nnd Market si , Camden, N. ,f. B REQUIRE EXPERIENCED MEASUTt- EK8 "N Afll.w Ariu nurture i-.nii EXPEttlENCnD ESTIMATORS ON SLIP COVER AND rURNITURE . nEPAlR ,WHK. APPLY N. SNELLENDUUG & CO., WTII ali liuinn is, IS' General FORD U8UD CAR CO. r 61 N. BROAI ST. Iirn to be n chauffeur, $5 will etnrt son by pour Miy-psyment plan: lll make you a rffiJman nno an expert tiiauneur. SIIPATIONS WANTED FEMALE SEPCKKEEPEIt. ledger expert. 7 leara" rx- Hriroct; capable of taking entire chnrge. j:'!! Ledger Central. f lOOKKEEPEK rirst-clnsa P. K. n ears' cx- twlenre. scrustrnnrd to mnptltii thn mihllo li inUndllnr details. It 5S, Ledger Cctiual. iERHkKEEPEH. KNOWLEDan or BTRNOO- pKAl'KV; .1 YUS ' EXP. HK1, LED. CENT. OUMDEIIMAID-Wm highly recommind maid BOrviltrets for city or Benshoro. Phone, be trwa 0 and II. Preston MI2II. iCHAMBEnMAID and waitress wnnts position. Mil lna si. Oermanton n. pUMUERJIAll) nnd waitress. cTipntilc exp.T wMtt girl, coo,! ref. Cnll noo Pine at. CHAURP.nRf All and nA. ,.... -wnir prwipnc pince. ivv h. intn st. ClEAlfBERMAlM fnntt BnllFA.. ni.l.l n.'a Po;a: tipd. and ref. It 811." Lodger Central. lIlAUHKHWrniw- -V.. .1.1 ...,l .. .1 .!?r,?i,J,.0.nd hctli wltu ilillilren: reference. ; Clll 8din Pine or nhnnn Tlarlng 7131 V. CttAUIIERWOnK and uniting;. English "Prot. .1-1: tno.1 reference, euhurbs. -12 N. 16lh. CUUIBERWOLK and waltlne In Atlantlo tray, up., capable clrl r-f. M ni7. i..i. nrt CIIUl.NlinsE, Trot, ihoroughly'capablo tak ifefofi,""" ch"'""'' ref8- M M0- R?mN,AP'l:.'PANT llcnncd jourig rII-5? (Am" "n) deslrea position as com iffi ..w."L,cnrl .for enl.nalldi thor Irtirttr?. pia-j "I"1, capable; will travel; - -. nruj,rr ju li?T?LT0.wi,llca quartet work after June !jj: mp1oyfl1( Itlger Central. country, it B27, Ledger Office. Hii.:' vw5c, "hue womnn; good baker: t f suburbs. M 014. Idn-r iirni. ' nrI,Alt'' .c.?er'!ncd. wanta position! good IfroiJfSS: Sri- I'uiasKijsAo., Oermantown. JltMnrl nAmani nnoatilaa rjubtub.,- ref" 3852 Bprlng Oanlen it " CXl'UllBvr.pi. ,..rr .. .. tenMMl. tl "Vm,i ucsircs poaition as B5J?. "J?" mtt"a,K'nff housekeeper, mother'a JftSi ffl?,.,,0J!",,t,l'r" worlc and eooklng. g.ta Lna t.. n.rm..i..n - -...... ., ,hji. iuxar unice. Ke? ??2? wlbea position either In country KSu vil.r." t0.r "mmer; best or reference. E" Morton (.. n.m..i..i,, IrrtMiKitS?' """ nd "liable, for small ewiaren for aummer: Atlantlo Cltv nmrarrnd. i'ti;ntNr;S3l,'rencni highly recommended; Ltttltjt Itaeher. II 48. Ledger Pentral. ?WiDH?L'' mn?!ng. for'sm-all-hoM Sflti fSS? ' fully competent. M Sit, MK T... -. " ' " IgMEKtEfKR-Kor adult family or mother Z2 wuiurtai awedl.h Prot. M 520, Led. Off. fil'.tW0UK or cooking; no washing 757 S il.V,"H-Ca.p.'bh 8cotclTrtotrglrr; m,, "" " "-". imager otnee. 401 B Ulln-n.i... -.. v. ,r.: - !Aii-itenned. capible. English J' V. S90Q UWBI! 1,-n,a. ..f. ...... ...... .. Miii,A.... WT i isi-ciass rs i country oi SltHS'ilfed In summer. M 821. Led. Off. if El?.il.,l,,,.wotk home- 181 "nod" t nJrt'i!.tyiT'tr,Y,."f1nc tnm Mrs. C. rcMauinn 7. I "" oesirea position aa Ifcio! ns-ii0 inv".""!. elderly lady or gentle. .-" ."ansa, mTL... r,--inrr i rrnrt, v,K3JHya0VERNKRt irv,v ..T..." St. ir?hWre.n under 6: 140 month: ref. -rjj?ij.aer uince. Atlantic city. i SutSS' young, school teacher ds- iidy. ii'RiVI'f " "..?!?"ly SSSBMe'r,ItE.2l n'de experience.' a. con rSVSK !P.lj llfrary.educatlonal Ja r"re5 .' ur ,oc,al """ ": ikf,nt.hV ,rr f"D,a. ""d accurate fWlmfr,1 no. Jr "Pa'lanced, capibU and WatrSr not 'rallS work. H 648. Ledger "JiuvritEit, ry anld l&5VBcte i'tt -skh $Fs? aS.."!!" lryi Feference. u uV. KraiSTK.... WiiL n ,n5 bookkeeper, capable tik.;,7r iec j can handin ,. i. j,....,I f&&fJPlJl.K. Ledger rin,,..' " MGSf.'Wi.iXl'. '. Jm"!"!-m QClltA iJU .V. . " """' Ut C1H. mSJSS. '!" nd,.J-aPldi hard HAtTTi-ZTii.'-Ti--." "j-fea. SSh ISuiJl eeper or ladv'a rnmnanent Ma.r0.,ffig.?H?.,c,Un""f'Uonai iU liBiW" Jr.u.worlc. .or plilncookTng. iil "tiuLi r,n',m.,rcUl at eonm..r;. "''" re put 111 touch aMr7iV rrV Prunced atenozraohsr. H ..-'-. ...U F ... '11 ui Tv.i, .rHS!U0' .Jr Itlnda. SVrlte a.Vra'.' ?! "F '4 :svs 'tTir f4i r.ftf. COOK Pgy,gCngUth. acoa Cfcyuga. HH1W0N8WANTED-MALB V.ats POJlllan III,.. ...-. -' .. 1018 N SlihYt "'"- S?iv -!t.. 35 iSiV' MP mawSoEb - ' to-T? ""L ahlppU I ri.i cO'" la In -a " tfJffle, Ota lU.!i' . ?! uaifle. C mppiQ expentocv. um?riicai coat' tr mrm t Uu aim Ulw (eWaL Ual0e ""JL l - .... .a. ffr n unusually B1TUAT101JS WAWTED-MALE Accot MTiT.iu " r. long en ,;,!, rVT.YJiK. i man, benkkieiier i4i? foun(,ry concern, capable illlftrt.f...-K-:-TT; .''-ygt'L nmi. ggaa'-irsfilSJ, """ fell Jvm!of -ii2l!aco,"UJ, 80oa "terence. ouu C"gAeyfrV.nfe"n'T,l7iiET"5r "'"'""S? private aervfe. ln,' i1? '. year. JrfaSef i"ntrl. "mko "' CBr' " w2' Cwma,'iif;"mchTn,l,,Jrr'"clperlen; .r.' . " tvmii, nnnii nntiiiAn i ,-...-. IMliTiBi.tir.S r- - v.,.u,i uiiur iiinun 1..'""" colore,! man "PiMnjepalrj ref. M 0J lc man, A ledger o earn' flUi. ... I I .1 f K mtt.J . t r SAi. ii1 ' "J'' yfararexperlence. -feem: tare nf ri,iin.n.2 ivl9. JhoroiiBh knowledR cV.'.tnit'in'iiV"'' Ur,vlnK h0""- I,h0M 111 89(1. UAHDDNEIt single, experienced greenhousi xalo nle..",nii : .-i."" ",V,"l "" '.r.K "" P" i.tian ph. DrnitnH. k...k- ... ' . -----. Place, nil stock, ruog, nu nork on ur iyt-U'dgtr otnee. milking, good ref n JAPANESE honest, - xi- position. coJKjgetieral hswk Pnnie, :: --'"-. iiuiirii, nil inr. wishes S3.1 N, ii n ?15& eihil?v,rp8.Bna. r31 Mi..A 'tfi afSTwrtlGna- nifihM 1nnA n.i; l"l'' ."...". uu nuti.ic- kriinar '.;' .'"."' '"'" OOd COOK Or IIOUSO- oSffirt. JalS tak" c,,,lrJS char or 'tot" and Si .liS. "Ji1 Acnn. fn rord rnr nnd take enra ofeitnjBodrefsjrijnijdger otnce, .-Si'-tJS HjlHam ThomSH, JI.'Sl Chancellor st ?I5f,?..'L''' lfl.' hltt cho1 nd commerHil KidlJ2i-, """I Institute, thorough clerical .,,, ,. ,, -" ,' .... miiiuiiiuuB inoKKennintr nn , a..... Mu..t and ;...... .1 it ijctixgr uentrai. Y'!?0 MAN. id, wants poiltlon, packer of nVrnJVr...- ' ln"tute, inornugn clerical erniMnirwn ae t!INJ MJ ',rsIAN, speaks rteneh fluentlv, , .-JKn""11'. ool'iga education, d'alrea . kind or work. i.TTn s nth st lit. nny APPLY II 5S2. LEtXIEP. CENTRAL ror a hlgh-rlnss, Industrious .... , tlllHINCSa MAN JIii'.1,t,ri'nf? c"rs the sales, managerial. Sr..7u' bookkeeping nnd corrcspondencs ? .'. . ",? ft manufaeturhg business. Inter- mcw soll-lted PHONE DIAMONO 114T p EXf'liHT bookkeeper, 18 cnrs' exp., desires' pos pcrjnterxlew fnllrltid. H oil, Led Cent. MAN AND WIFE, white; butler: wife, rhnm- berwork, arslst wllh children. 122.1 Ogdcn et. MASjSEI'H - Experienced, graduate" mataeur JJi! f ' p Pf'411'0 treilment to patients nt lnflLbmea byjippolnlm't II Bin. Led. Cent. ,. . .. .. OPPICH MAN Married ...1. collpgo grndunte: experienced In mlnlnit engineering ork, sales and ofilre; capable correspondent, aocretsry, purchasing agent, consider nny line. 11 750, Iz-dgcr teniral 8TnNOnHAPIIE"R7"saleman7-gineralcorre-epondenco and clerical, employer deslrea po e tlnn for nung man possessing above expe rience II icn. Ledger Central. BTENOOltAI'imil - 2 gears' thoroughexir; . ambitious, cap., reliable. II Ms, i.Pl cent. TELEORAPIt operator, expd., desires pes. In any cap. with stockbroker II sn.Led.Cent. YOUNO MAN with sMtrai yeara' cxperlenco ; purchasing agent with the largest mnnu racturlng concern of Its kind In the country desires a position aa purchasing ngent, sales man In executive capacity; beat references. P .101, J.edgerOf flee. YOUNO MAN. 2(1 with 0 years' buslnesTTx perlence, desires connection with n firm to learn the business, where his knonlego of Spanish could be usen to advantage, Raliry accondnry II 4W. Irf.lger Central. AUTOMOBILES 110 WE WILL TEA Oil YOU to drive and start you In Jltnev bushees. Sill llullltt Bldr.. 4th sbove Walnut. 1C settle estate, 1011 Oldsmoblle rv-pnesengerl In good condition. Phone Dick. UTO for par. ATJTO TIBE3 . RAROAIV WAISir RED TREAD TIRE3 Owing to the scarcity of (implies nnd conse quent increase In tlm cost of coloring pigment used In Ihe Walsh Red Tread 1 Ires, wo havu decld.d to discontinue the innnurneturo of the Rod Tread entirely and no more aro to he had when our present supulj of ravy ma terials Is exhausted, Our supply of law mnterlnla for tho Rod TriKid will last only a few ilavi more. To rloo cut our propent stock, nnd tn dlspnso nf those now In process nT rnnnufnctiiro as qulrkly oa Ihcy are finished wo offer tho fol lowing slxea In thn plain or smooth trend only .'0 In x 't In at $7.r0 each. SO In. x .11- In at I0 each Cash with order, f. o. 1 . fnrtory. These prices are lower than Jobbers' prices on goods of equal qunlltv and construeiton We guarantee theso tires to bo free from Im perfection of nny kind, both na to material and workmanship: to ho strictly "llrsta" nnd to be less than ono week old. These are tlo only sl7p except .11 in. x 4 In Q. 1). Red Treed, which wo offer nt SIB.W) each. None rend C O. D. or on open account. If not entirely satisfactory nfier Inspection on nrrlvnl. tires mav bo returned to us. nnl money will be refunded without argument, provided good havo not been used, WALSH TIRI1 AVD RrnREfl CO. Offlro and fneinrv. IIANOVlTIt AND ITU ST3. POTTSTOWN. PA. AUTO LIVERT AND OARAGES AUTO CARS to hire, 101S touring, with driver, 11.80 per hour Phone Wyoming 101(1 Y. AUTO hire, lntfi touring, wllh driver, per hour. Phone Wyoming KilO Y ft 50 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LARGE BTORE SPACE. 50 feet front, Ocean end Arkansas ae : will Improve for barber and boot polishing establishment; profitable lease; summer; wideawake men: other stores, suitable for laundries, etc. Apply Million Dollar Pier, Atlantlo City. APARTMENT HOUSE FOR SALE Rest section ef West Phlla; 4 apartments, 20 rooms, palng 10 per cent, on Investment; waiting list; will sacrifice to close an estate. M wu. linger v-entrai PARTNER wanted with 1500 In selling branch of textile goods; business expanding. H SV). Ledger Central. CARPET GLEANING WEST rHILA. MONARCH STORAflE CO, 3c. PER YARD. 38T0-T2 LANCASTER AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND TANCIBS CLEANED. DYED. MAILHOT.1,110 Chestnut. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DUUSSMAKINO taught, short, prac course, MacDowell, 307 Denckla Uldg , 11th & Market tiRMSTlTCUINtl done hlli vou watt. A. Relchard.UH Chotnut Pictorial Review pit. FOR SALE BILLIARD, pool, combination. 2d hand bought, old, rented, exch'd. Kcefer. 320 Olrard aye. OROCEHY AND PROVISION STORE at UaU, Pa.; store and fixtures for sale at Inventory; guarantee $1000 business weekly, Alex McCory. INSTRUCTION JUOT1ME In 20 lessons. ..Call or write Chrl.trnien Piano Schools. 382d aermaniowa Ivi.. 1320 Task.r st. ; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS RAMSDELl, upright mah piano, orlg, cost 1150, atll 150 Wlndtrniere. Broad &. Locust. STORAGE J M. FENTON STORAGE CO.. INC. Lowest ret.Feitlinit.UiBlmont 1390. reliaHle storaoe, movino. packino. BHIPPINO. 800- tV. 80TH ST. D1A 47-17. vt-ST Monarch Storage Co Auto and pack. VI 11 LA. Ing and shipping. 8870 Ijincaater aye. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES FOR BALB-Rtmlngton typewriter, good con , "ompl.te. with caa.. IIP. 1481 N'Redjjda WANTED CAST-OFP CLOTHINO WANTED Let ui convince you that we pay the rlce for'a dlacarded rloibta A MITEL COOPER. Established 21 year. 1010 Ohrd ave Phon. Pop. 3710. Park 4460. WATCHES AND CLOCKS eOc REPAIRS YOUR watch or clock, no mat. ter what It n.edii 1 year guarantee. ARON'S. HIT IV OIRABP AVE. . BOARDING ARCH. 2011-2015 fDorch.iter) Beautifully decorated and rvrplabed running xtateri lou pits. Ill single, ta. hotel aervlce & table. QIRARP AVE, liffLarge 2d floor rooio, married couple r geatknian. alngl vaCa. BPRUClloaS-30Deiirable suit with Private bitb, chttka table taafd Wainm 7243 Mr BPRUCK 1221 2d iBrie'iiou lei Farn roonu iT. i aull frlvan ttb. taU berd. EVENIflrg BOABDINO BI'ni'CK, 1K10 - Bl ITR WITH PntVATH IJATHi OTHEn ATTnACTIVK KOTOie. WALLACE lsai--Well-liirnlshed alngl and double rooms, refined nrlcb'd. Poplar .1023 A. WALNUT, 4wr-dflocr rooms wTtrfeoardt near ML"! i,nuihrn Mrtnsuro: reft, sxehgd. 1"VALNl!Tr49ii-3S"TK!or front for couple or gentleman, a so inio room, an noor. 41ST BTTf., 2 Pleasantly turn, rooms! board optlonal; conv. to l." Preaton8ltnl. 3t), N.,Ts-Weii.furnisheir front room; re. . fln"d prhate family; eiimmer rates. Fiilmrban QKRMANTOWN, KW W nittenhouse St., b. tween Wnyne and tlreene Peslrabla room, slnglo or com.! homelike, tltn. 1ST3 X. unilMANTOWN-Rm Wayna Re.i"I.S9r' excel mt,iA train. trollejtltn.JiTN H00M3 rOB, RENT ll.WHNU ST, (1211 (The Clifton) Two first floor rooms, suit dtntlit, doctor or apart- ment Ms.l)ello McClaln.manager liltuAD N , (ii4 row nttractuVtacancles fur nished or unriirnlHhed. beautiful corner houie, large jnrd with shade, eouthtrn exposure; ex. ceUent dining room, Ideal summer home CHESi'NPT Sl' 4A'!-lle"f)ned7amTTy wants to rent ,td floor to congenial couple for llglt hoiitsiieeplng apirtments. ISO; also comfor tabl bed-sltlng room, lrtfoorJhone. CHEStKut. Tf03-AttVac. furn. roonia, eouili -nV?' contlnnoua hot water. Spmco B2.V1 CITeBtnUt. sol's tCexTngton)-targa airy .ntroomprlvato batllBOsJngloooni, DIAMOND, 2,12 Elegsntly furnrth'ed . room, P.Mn, phono, eleo lihtsiporchre PINK,. 800 (DrestTpiD-idenl bachelor quarters, suitable for 2 private hath, reduced rates WALNUT AND UTII-VVry large furnhhed room, with bath, sulinblo for 1 or 2 persons, Wper month Phone Filbert 41M PTll, dT 4n-N'ewly furnCTea-front rooms, good central local Ion Walnut 7180 W. for I or 2 gentlemen, tirlvntn family: elec Ulhts. 18TH, k,. fi28-One or two gentlemen who de em. Jiving in n good home can have cool, well-furnlihed rooms, centrally located, con xenLint to all lines of trolleys, unlimited tele phone service free. 11 .V) to 12 Per week. Phone Poplar 844 lnrif, N., in;) ljvrte unfurnished parlor, alio "omfortably furn room 2J floor, phone FORTY-NIS'TII, S l01 lluslness man can secure vsell-furnlshed room In private home Jboard optional termed neighborhood. CHOICE VACANCirvS-Large airy rooms, new'. Iv furnished, porch house, steam heat, elee- irln light, rerinnd ntlgh'd. prlv. family. leln. Itv of Villi and Herka Phone Diamond 207.T APARTMENTS SPRUCE, tllp-nachelor apt , 2 or S rooms, prlv hnlh, furn. or un'urn. , electrle lights, litidwond floors, nil modcrnjmprovements WA1.NI T. 1222"2T (Kenwomh Detfraide nptsT private hath, also single rooms, running vva tir, newlv renovated jsinnnier alra phones flllOAD, N 210-i-Modern npta.. furn. or un furn. , private haihs, boird ontlonnl. reason. JEF"PERSON, lPIO-Furnlshed or unfurnished, parlor suite, pilv. bath .Jiell. haidvv d floors HPIllN(rlAinfN, 11IO ExccUent apis In 8 different houses, some furnished, kll heneilts ttest Phllndelpliln 8. W COR nmi AND lIAVERPOnD Two largo 2il-floor fiont rooms. prlnto bath. '-ti, large porches and grounds ClIESri'.R AVU nouiokeepTB apts .1 tnisTaTh ,1 kltchrnelte. film. ounfuin Pleston iQ CIllLTONAPAItTMENTa 21S Ilarlng st. . Two llrst-claas rooms, with prlv. bath, suit able dentist or doctor or apartment Mis Itelle McClulnn!grlioll phonoI'reston tl"i APARTMENTS WANTED PRIVATE, furnished kitchenette apartment R rooms bath .lune luls, August, W. Pliln llti. no rooming house. 11 Ml. Ledger i ent HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS MD AND PINE STP.-DE LANCET APTS. New. light, 4 tn i looms kltrhmetie, central location 1 and 2 baths, ApnlyJanltojr DIAMOND. 2112 .1 tim., bath. kit. hen. hot water heat, rer., 2d llonr. ?2ft 4 mis. ha Hi, kitchen, nil cor. rms , J1S, Dlnmond 1SH W. IIAK LANE Cl I.AN1-Apartment of .1 rooms bath, klii'henette am ,!i I Inn nrt nnrnn. In ref fain . Ideal ln Intlon or troiiejs mono ujk l.Ttie 112 D Photon at Ledger Central FURNISHED APARTMENTS LOCUST, PIIS Well-furnished nrartment large ilrv rooms, refs Phon- Walnut 7Ih)5 W I.ADV havlr.i furnished housekeeping npi mpnt wntilfl llko tn share same witn business woman. Phono Locust 2412 W, SUBLET room and bath In tho Newport, nnd Spruce. L 411. Ledger Cenlrnl REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HI'IH'RIIAN CIicjneT. I'm. fi'i ACRES. ?100. 1H mites station. HE ALU. West Chester, Pa. NEW JEKHEY UUNOALOWH, lots 25x150; near trolley; over looking Delaware National Park. Greater New Jersey Company, .1.1 B. 16th. Ilnililnnflelil, N. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bargain prices. WM. CAREY .MARSHALL. 5.11 1 ctleral St., Camden Woodhnry Heights. N. SEVERAL deilrable homes and Improved bldg. lots ui rcaaonanie rncee jonn jiaymw. BKAHHOItR Ilearh Haven, N nBACH HAVEN. N ,1. One nf the most de. slrablt, lota, near ocean nnd bay, MxlOO ft , on graded street, gas. sewer and nit modern Im.trnvttipntH nrrcsMlblp will Fell at n sc- rlftce easj terms If desired. H Sill, lilger mi. Cape JIny, N. J, COTTAGES, hotels, apes, for sale and rent! aon-e bargains In building lota, C. Earl Miller. 318 Ocean st . Cape May. N. J PENNSYLVANIA FARMS) GO-ACHE fruit farm pi bo appreciated. ITO'JO West Chester. Pa eclat, must be seen to J. li. TIIOJll'HO.-V, REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME This can be done by making monthly pament of from 117 to 1150 lor nousea worm irom iew to 9i.. II 3 REED, 717 Chestnut st. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT OITICKS. IIUSINES3 ROOMS, WE WILL RENT OUR ritESBNT OKKICES. 3 ri.liOKS. NORTHWEST CORNER .11) NU CHEhTNI'T bIM.fUlt I'KIt .MONTH, l lll,nini i oip.ruit OK WILL DIVIDE N. . r SLOAN CO. CHESTNIT, Ml-Store and basement aultahlu for household or office specialties Inquire on premltes. r. W. HADDLEIl, PART of first-class office; central, stenog. r aplier. rh 702. Ahbo tt Hldg.. Ilroad & Race. , Tlogn 1601 W. ALLEflHElNY-Thcroughly remodeled, with elec lights, hot-water heat, new pantr and paint: 2 porches, beautiful lawn; lot 50x tail ri , f.v per monin in oe.irapie tenant. Oak Lane 8(10.1 N 12th (helow Oal Ijne ve); York road trolley: 12 rooms, all conva ; lot 50x13.1. M5, ope". J Frank Miller. 1012 Walnut t. SUIIUHI1AN Ridley Park. r. SMALL country. Place, old shad, mod. conv. 7 rooms, beautiful aurroundlng. A minute from tailon. w I'rr inniun. .-,. j.. N. Atlanllo City, N. J. STORES. Ocean end Arlansa ave suitable Tor business, wllh limited living accommoda tions, 1100 lo 1100 a jeer Ilualnt.s proposi tions .ry attractivo for Umntr H.aa.n ,mrim.niB. unrurnisneo. z to n num. aA ents, bath, finely appointed, on Roardwalk, 200 to iwu ear, inj v -mw.. ..., aunui-rr to aq 'antire.letites. Apply Million Dollar Pier, Atlantic i" . . T Cape May, N. J FURNISHED "?.JS,un?i,,r'-fil '' tlonsi reasonable. C. Eirle Miller, 218 Ocean t ui g. Stone Harbor. N. J. BTONE IIAliuuii coiiage. punga lows and apartmtnts for rent. furnUhtd, at moderate lrlr. ltualed near ocean and channel; all trat.d booklet B, J, It. Co., 0J5 n E. T. llldg. Phlla. Ventnor, N. J, COTTAOB. 1 rooms, 7 bedrooma, baths. and e eetrlcliv, nicely fumlibsdj mi" bathing Uacb; reasonable. BI.ADY, Win" cheater and Bomertet ave., Vntnor. ' IT0R RENT FURNISHED BPBDHBAN HEW, amaii, w u-iurnnnea house, on mala trt. near Tork road. M 643. Ledgt? citiL SKASuone Ventnor. N. J. SfTlOuMS. Sfiih. .garage; oc40 view; 5d tatorv. 11 N. Oakland ave. Capo May. N. J. HluH l i A tuiiuaiuu votiaica. ht . ,i . 1 1 onm I...L... -1.1. ... T - 7TT- -"" " ".-, ni nairiag i ' ' . 4, I tl H LEDGBR-PHIUABELPHX, . . , TT ., ., ,, .. j mi i i i i - i mmmmmmmmmm,ll.mmml,mm,mmm,m,mm.mmm,m,anm,mmmmtt.inm,m,i,,itm nymmmmi in i iwiiiiiiii .nnii iiii.m.i jmmmqmml,uiiUMUmm'mmh..u,,mmmm i , a.. i .i. .lis n -I. , , , ,, ,,., , , imm ,,,. i,.i.e,. i. i. si.- i.i.t.,,y,li ,., . .... , m, Higjatt, n J4 ST-M --. at TT. --. TT TT-n A K re zi siK a p v k i r r W y rv -- -U. -. -a. -a .JJE, "'' " .. ....,., .. . . ...M.M. ..M I I I I I I,, I , mi . .1 I I II. I I II I t A Solution A New Vcrg.on THE PADDED CELL -" - "Do you believe the early bird geta S j S JK &r "Mr I'ollcemnn, pleaso move yer the worm?" crT J fh Cu ) J beat tor our block eo as Bridget won't "Nawi It'a the late guy what stays 1 i V' v Jtf leavo us." I up all night for It." V C xJ M IT'S ALWAYS LIKE THIS '''CS'L. J- 1 :::,l 1 ii! fs' s f 'vLMrTtSU.T 0P 'Wt j " in ALLRIHT. vlAD -R, KEplf ce-OBNEWV, I'LL HfWC TO I -- 1r--S ) , VV " I wet, Oones V4U tjy " wirr -jhh to the othw I u AA L f-EXCUlE ht- " lf'THtRt,-n-IATS BCTTIR- "If -WHY.THE POINT'S CAUHl1 l" KS S . KjK ,MaBP- IH MJtia COLIAC A.ND THE.1 , ' ' -5 jwB4B0 J RrMbtt QOtNCi POUiN VouCjUtc, 7v tro -? y "Vf' CMl! y Wj IP 'lg::2gfgfH '. Pleaee cut It tough, as we've got mmHKvI'f 'lllll vSfw3Hy tTC i . COlk J CnffilaiBI one ' Kltcnerer'a nrmlos billeted on WSBwJ ' - I tfSmraiiBtt A i T fi r r .mHkS fflH:-tT crfcsffK. Maklne Him Useful -r..., . ... ,,, r-- mrnr, lHV-lf ffiff " ii y c-f it JSt inl "Charley, dear, said young Mr. Tor- aH :TrF::r Hprnfflfl y l::5if klnB' "uhat 1b the intiiatv ad "fr- carried off from hls statlon ln a Brlu RprflRBQ :5f:: VHUJH flTrfff g tt:::" endum?" lah supply train) Stop the train! Stop RES3)Kh v 4TP":') fiH lHff I? X::gl:)' "Why, It would tako me half an hour je train' IB wlk. i:4fv:- sliliH y rrtrr-1 JwVt t0 CNP'aln ''" PU Wi. ! . J7 " 'bHI III I I r J S ly rr - V "W.!! ninvhA vrvn wnn't linvn In vrvlatM Phnpim nf Prpneli T?nl1tvnv rtfVlrta1 1Clh JS tj ':: i HLH . IftffM W It all Hut baby Is so restless, nnd ho ii.t.i,i ,,i. . iri.,. , ? tiM 1 y J Bl y fTOl Sll y Xm J wa f,,lets ,,on" when you "'et to ml8t!lklnff hlB Bestures)-Vlve l'An- l y tWmSLi III I Hi 1 1 WTO X TOv ' . tulklng." Washington Star. cleterre! Vive la Franco! . DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? A. D. f . Jlgm x s gosh! HERE (C- . M$Sm rf 7 5HE COMES T l' j. mmm t-t a r i k ns&.h, . i && - waa aveD-v u 'iy-ii vu k l i Tv wmt a . i v v r . v-yiruj i i ,ih? w j; mi MWVi'mM JTH&U J VV t v- dBz.XXL mr c V-A V "VWW I S yiejrAW t -y- . I"tK A 1 ""' KVj'jftiA tt B8UI jLfO. -mM-k r r w jp$zmn f- omm it .-z J? dA y i --- i HujsrcA'A v ci.ev.BtiV l I jcunea i?iiP Jtia Jvd7oi I ics. vanggsi..'iw'jh , I rl fife.tJMr'iJ'iij i eiaarS'3BW Vffl T U to JJmWt& -i Jmt v m -w W& W i si -"w'w, fj j &mWm . A tkP&Bs &! S3 f The shorUKo of postmen In London -fS)- . WMM 00 Att I'll 3EI THE jPjn grows apace,, as ever, steps Into j&rfit I '1 jsfev I Wmfflm CJRU5 TOGETHErJeX! the bleach. You can Imaglno the uu- (Skis, )(mi Jfru V w2hw!v ?S yYJWJPi adulterated joy of ono of her admirers vCr- T W i0tl TOw V '$fk JXj fU eK ViBSi who. unshorn nnd untidy, opens the fff S! ttitS ' 'K ??T W7wi.TtaKlviO H door of hte flnt to ieccle from her a tlra. l ljfr (iil l Kr5)IW IiKB0krHyMc pink nnd scented missive, iWLJiR tn fewrti V 3t 'slaK.E 'KSf ift Aunt Ethel Well, Ilp.itrlce, were you kn N-N SW m&4l " r" " Wtt7 I 1 very Dravo oi tno ueniisi-sr saiieaLUt-.tfi lL-isuriiiiiiliiiuii v i.msiii "FviZl ' ' f1 '' aTa 11 I . Healrlce Yes, niintlc, I was. SefiV 7 IlK Big I J I " vlrS starYvMl n?S7 I V ' a.. i.t. .i n.i.... .i...M. .,.. u.i i?irti i rnvxw ri' iis l I i I.TC. 'mill utiici i ikii viifs nail- inl3 I V I WVaV VV. VcVl 111 I crown I promised joii. Ana now tell me TiaiS " vali V"N aTtm 1 J 1 I what ha did tu you. JuB JB W. -W" cvyirSSi i, Hoatrlce-IlB pulled out two of Willie' OTtMll.U. .v&&l' .wl-""' j? flit teeth! Punch. I v'- fc I " AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME jggfo ggSSc" .ggr r- ' i I -.K.-&ir 'iiSiIlt -3Ti. ivjaiijm'Li uu!T j uau ii i'lmi'jiiiiiiii' 2feSSE2Lif?,. .V-l& Jr3T-' .. ' , .rf xfl ' VffittEzMm n, juig! ww? agyas uiuimiiiiumjjii Y,fSjdcM "i ulM llffrnnrv iJtimVnsnlrrn"! i I s.-v PL0NDE M l" lixMfe "( Tt -y- 7?rjr , Lonuon Oplulsn. . (. 1 Lv . o "2V y-y J Patroness If J were you I should alter the Jelllcose and the Beatty. They're rrgSSTK L TiT VS. 'hU-"" J not ver" K00d Portraits, y3l 7. . J I O i3 VlNr PTT U.kjjLT Artist Well, lailv T mm. 'nva amrnr an ttia aHln a hit n. . .,...n.u AsA V itX- fVSiw.l Nvv " u U ' ft lS makes 'em Into French and Joffer If we get any quick nooa from Belgium 'w ELWJ ifrdiiflk JjM, rCJti :STfflMMI Ml mm imMWn'Si W125l 1S&)l-mS3l iP-9 tfl, r MMiaii jrm .,,,,, . , ...ii. . W WWAIW L imWZHt ! m iiii 11 II TBJm ..TwrJBHR. ' .jc S I In ij s trflefelPWN J3. ,-'gg 'Jl "" .u I Berlle Ah. rflrl h. ,..-. n. . I i . iu ... , i i2n I ' -"-- - " " w Minj i '-- - - FRIDAY, MAY x nrvjj-,wiri xj.w v i . rini iii . r m - "-"riTI i 'feC'fv'JB JZXu r-v"ife-5SSay 1915: Touch 'Urn-Thanks, u, for the dime, you see 1 v bi driven to these cJrcunutwu-M by woman. Brti-Ah, did fat ntjtet or marry your I these cJrcunutwu-M by woman. 15 Choliy- Say Pno - xia yi be engaga the horu irMei In It minute?. prcy-8y a' lt wat bm uadt