EVEKlKa LBDaER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1915. T - mnr In y miHi iinftit'ic mmm Be'- in i - I fitjfjM J"''L Sffl.m ""., m T' vih of May Ten will tia served ?Itock to 6 o'clock, nnd sn nttrac W' i.i nrournm has been m ranged. TOihur a Dlclon Is In charge of Hf. Walter Hendciwon Bryant nnd her t,.. Miss Klwnor Bryant, of IK. .'T Vm itreet. will leave me inner iih fioatk d "ce''(1 the juramer nt tho W llol'r D-r Harbor, Mo. Miss fMrtl be on of next season debu- W. and Mrs. Samuel K. Reeves, 316 n :..:t will ho tho cueats of LR last nlM were Mr, and Mm. KJtl Mr. rorcy 0. Madeira, Mr. te1? fitownrt Moorchoad, Dr. and fencW, Bin!?, nnd Mr. and S P'vhU wen" W? Coxe enter ilfeW? SS; ible in liohnr or titHr Bf? mim Elaine Taylor English ana L& it-AhiA Society of Iho Colon "rt AmeriSt will hold a nl stenton Man- on Thurs- fkr. n1 '.'.I. ...Ill hn thn ClIMtR Of V' mother, Mrs. Craig Llppln SfThlr home. "Craig Eyre," ftl JM. Vile Mcadowbrook, for tho sttm "! iiriLIPPlncott will open her coun-C'- '!:'' .!,.. flr.f nf nnxt week. residence "" j -- L, tntsoh M On warn, who Is again K,rlJr her home at 25 South wih W has taken a box for tho Devon K". i Show, and will entertain a party f'ffi S her daughter, Miss Olivia a Gaaiam, who will be presented ? frt early In tho foil. Mrs. IS OCly """' .,... !.,.- ,ltl lnvn for" CambrUlgV. whore they Was ibV.rrngai.Botl Pier for tho fait of the summer. Sinn Virginia Rodman, who will havo S pjl Fraternity Fair, to bo held ll'Sri. Bamuel F Houston's rcsldenco at IffioHtnut Hill, will be assisted by tho fol lowing ftldM .Hiss ucny imii, iido Inclllt do Koscnko. Miss Lorraine Ulss- tS Juliana S. Baker, Miss Peggy Ora- f . .. T ntv 1lna TVTnrirnrottn ii, m jiiea .,iuijr -.. ... ......0..-.,- ijuD,i Miss Hope Wilson, Miss Anno llAtltf MlBB AHrCUH. i-Uttia nu iia-j .,ij- Pri. J." Hldgway Rcilly, presiding over i t. nrltl Vh naalctfifl liif ATI on Dttreacn biiuij. ih " ..o.,..,. , ....do IBwtnce Howell. Mrs. Leonard T. Henlo, Ijlrt John 31. Tacknrd, 3d. Jtrs. S. Crozcr tfttluon, Miss Prlscllla Bohlcn, Miss AI Joia Brinton and Mrs. Edward Ingersoll. SBr. and' Mrs. N. Allen Stockton, Miss CfciijUne Stockton nnd Mr. N. Allen Stockton, Jr., will close their apart liifi nl thn Ttp T.nncnv. 23d nnd Pino jtreeta, next week and spend tho summer II tolT couniry numo, uio ivnuii, xjciii wrw, Pa. EX wedding took place yesterday nt tlu plU-Carlton, New York, when Miss Al berta Holland became tho bride of Mr. John-F. Flsk. 3d. Mr. nnd Mrs. Flsk will jealje In Wynnewood, Pa., nfter an ox- man weaaing irip. iv party or inua. 'Jelphlam went over for tho wedding, in cludliiff Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter Blackburn, itlr. and Mrs. Daniel Mooar Davis, Mr. 'Joieph Behal, Mr. William Connor, Dr. lf,J Mrs. Thomas Reading, Mrs. Masey ffl<taker and Jlr. i'ostletnwau. plr, and Mrs. Louis C. Mndclra havo ilikea a house on Greenwood avenue, Jttklntown, and will occupy It after the trrt of June. Mrs. Madeira will bo re- 'numbered as Miss Mario Welsh. Mr. and ia uaiacira aro spending several weens uiUie gueBtB of Mr. nnd Jlrs. T. Henry uion at tneir nome in uneatnut iilll. Mr. Sidney r. Tyler, who has been Wdlng the winter In Philadelphia, will (pen Ms country residence on Wnshlng- cnune, Ellclns Park, about Juno 1. Friends of Mr. Joseph E. WIdencr. of Irwiwood Hall, Elklns Park, will bo faauo hear he Is recuperating after his tttent Illness. Mrs. Joseph E. WIdener tu Jait returned from a week's trip with Mparty of friends to a reserve near rftmeitown, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. TlpnA nnillnu tara -tuVir, ! been in town for the winter, will Te&d thA Slimmpr mnnllio a a fVia itiiadIii Of. Ur. find Tm Tlnhnrt TCmt Un n ttelr country residence at Strafford, Pa. m. Hare will be remembered aa Miss JfcMulia Hanson, of Bala. !Ur8. Henrv C.mnenv T?llnv fRR UnM,nt, ltreet,ve a breakfast yesterday from 12 tfl) I A'rlnrlr In vtaa 1,1.. T7.JI.I. ri, fir .T. .nci. .iiioa j:,uii!i uuuj. Kri. Hlley was assisted In receiving by W. John Hlley, Sirs. Thomas Stlnson. w-w. N. Boyer. Mrs. F. H. Stevens, lit Merles Mrs. W. T. Brooke. Mrs. J. IIUjT ffln Till... ir t v. n,,.i vr. ff" Harrington. Mrs. John M. Fries, 5i. i? ".u"ye, Ms uioronco Hancock, Wu Bessie Wilkinson and Miss Dorothy fcri. - -. . .' - - . lh.ui BlT' ana Mrs' ueorge Holt t2r. . f' of "Wlndybrow. Bala, will )i'..v.i.n lnal ,ne,r ltle daughter, iM Katharlnn TTaI.h o u,j ' S-5 AJor appendicitis yesterday ljrtrat, Price Hospital. 18th and fi.-'3-. ?hs cn,la la reported as S?"' n'cfly. Mrs. Strawbrldge. be- Vik.Vi.r i "a,acr n me social circles Wtr h.'vi We" known for her literary 5.2:.lrueIei to Various magazines, nnd fgnj a book which has a wide clr .Jl'lef those lntereat-rt In hA l ttff Mtl Flower Market was tofflrL rnl,JB at the home of Mrs. fAr!. Mee. 1700 Wilnm .l,o. ink. iU"' e held on May 10. '&".'""" uordon Sleade Large la (ner M.fr l V9 HUtenhouse Squara hSrtb1?1 A"elloni Mrs. J. W1I lB'IC Ph,- ?norary President, and Mrs. an,' - ui Becreiary. Aloncr tlip Mnin t.jo tlBIOOE-Colonel and Mrs. Thomas 'itr, kl ""'Phy. of MOO Drexel road. I eWiiv. ,. a"ea ,0 Pittsburgh for sev l'arii ? Mcount of the Illness of Mrs. W ' ' "father, Mr. Joseph Vande. itti0!iif .7r. .. . WiMweaT.: rcn,Dal1- ". En'e- ' ie4 iik,iV '"' Bnq i-aiones, enter i'e! Mr. V, y"terday afternoon In if n Mrs, PierBcm Irwin. ffl? wliinV Clayt Harry Tag H.I. '.!' Montgomery avenue, will en. Uiliff? Pn Friday "'ternoon In S4i to m, part Bwdbury, whose n SiV.."uJB" '-aver wil take LailRflnwno uhhM H,P.vif ot Mytc. Con"-. (Uifj-.V',"n "" T Darby, (r wdowne avenue, has returned , - iti!irt,,Up. "j?ub of Lan.downe ?M o t at the hom Qt Charles I f Owens avenue. ST.pl!.Uim Boyd' PMtr "' the Ui t-r"""if"n i-nurcn, wno has W IQf lorn. 'tin,. , , t ald.V, -.""" "vicens -'"if improveq. ot WUllard, of West Baltl- . w returned Xrom a vllt to MISS DOROTHY KIRK Who will net ns n maid of honor to tho May Queen at tho svm bolic paRennt to ho clvon on Sat urday afternoon nnd evening in Lansdowno. Germantown Mrs. Franklin L. Sheppnrd. of JM Har vey Btreet, has gone to Ocean City for soveral weeks, accompanied by her three children. Miss Julia A. Wilson, of '.".'I llnrvcy street, tins gono to Southampton to open her cottago for tho summct. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lloyd, of IM Harvey streot, nro spending some time In Worncravllte, Pa., nccoinpnnlcd by Mrs. Lloyd's sister, Mrs. Cirny, of Cali fornia, who Is their guest. Mr. nnd Mr. William It. Hrailhury, of 633D Grceno street, Imvc lsued cards Cor tho mnrrlngo nf t'nolr daughter, MIfs Mar gnret Knox Flrndhtiry, to Mr. Hor.iro .1 Clonver on Tuesday, Juno 8, nt 8 o'clock. In tho Second Presbyterian Church, Greene and Tulpchockcn streets, Gcrninn town. Thero will bo a business meeting, fol lowril bv ten, nt the Stevens School, 'J21 West Cheltcn avenue, of tho Alumnte Association on Tuesday nfternoon, .luno 1. All members nro uiged to ho present. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Blakeloy, of SVa In dian Queen lano, gnvo a dinner last night before the weekly dnnco nt Manhelm. Tho guests included Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Morlce, of Ovorbrnok, nnd Mr. and Mrs, Ferdinand Graves. Mr. and Mis. Francis P.. Strawbrldge, who havo been touring California for tho lost month, will return to their residence on Wlssahlckon avenue nbout tho middle of this month. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Pardee, of West Walnut lane, havo returned from Charles ton, S. C, whero thoy were visiting friends. Miss Anltn Miller Smith, ot 227 River side drive, New York. Is tho guest of her sister nnd brothcr-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb J. Mlluc, 3d, of Queen lane. Mr. Hnrwood Closson, son ot Dr. and Mrs. Jamos Closson. of 63 West Cheltcn avenue, who Is n student nt Princeton University, spent the week-end with his parents. A "Colonial Dance" wns given by the Z!d Legislative District of tho Woman's Suffrage pnrty InBt evening nt tho Colo nial Dnnco Castle, Gcrmnntown avenue, below- Chelten avenue. Souvenir votes for women pins were given to tho guests. Mrs. Victor H. Roberts, manager of tho cnstlc, left nothing undono to make tho affair an unprecedented fenturo. Tho com mittee In charge of arrangements wns Miss Mario C Weedstrom, Miss Olmlys M Wntson, Mrs. fleorgo Wobensmlth, Miss Nettle L. Halm, Miss Helen Lukens nnd Miss Helen Itahn. ( West Philadelphia Invitations will shortly bo Issued by Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Aimer Dlttrlch. of 950 North 4"d street, for tho mnrrlngo of their daughter. Miss Jessie Elizabeth Dlttrlch. to Donald Irwin, on the evening ofWeil-nee-day, Juno 2. The ceremony will tako plnco In Grace rrotcstnnt Episcopal Church, 41st street and Glrnrdn venue. Miss Dlttrlch will bo attended by Mrs. Robert Downs Wilson no matron of honor, and Miss Ida Mathewson of Nnr racansett Tier, R. I., as maid of honor, and her bridesmaids will be Miss Mary Ker Christian, Sites Minnie Endlcott. Miss Marian Hnllowcll nnd Miss Edith Mullen ' Guv ltnu.r will net as best man. nnd ho ushPrs will be Mr. J. Milton Hngy, Mr Walter A. Dlttrlch. Mr. Scott Stew art, Mr. Robert Wilson. Mr. Waldo Phll ltpB and Mr. S. Clement Irwin, ot ritta burgh. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Wilson, of 422S Walnut street, will close their town house early In Juno and move to their summer home at Great Neck. L. I. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will bo accompanied by their son, Mr. George B. Wilson, Jr. Mr. George II. Weaver, ot 13H South B3d street, gave an attractive luncheon today at her home. Her guests ncluded Mrs Horace Fleming. Mrs. Louis Blck iey.'Mrs. Raymond Snelllng, Mrs. George Fcatherer. Mrs. Bartholomew. Mrs. Kep ler and Mrs. CaBe. Mrs. Hnrry Palmer, of 4C1 Prestcm street, entertained the members ot her "-00 card party yesterday nfternoon, when her guests were Mrs. Comly Shoemaker. Mrs. Walter R. Eastburn, Doctor Bacon, Mrs James Gladding, Mrs. W. Hirst, Mra William Shoemaker, Mrs. A. Chal mers, Mrs. R. Russell, Mrs. Foster, Mrs. J. Scherr. Mra. W. D. Chambers. Mrs. Lowener. Mrs. J. Eckel. Mrs. Wright nnd Mrs. Reed. Miss Gertrude Murphy and Miss Anna T Murphy, of Ki North 53d street, en tertained over the week-end their cousin, Miss Marjory Elliott, of Wilmington, Del While here several entertainments were Elven In her honor. On Saturday evening a strawberry klotch was given, and on Sunday night the Misses Murphy entertained informally In her honor. Among those present were Mr. William Breslln and Mr. Albert Anserawlch. both of Shenandoah, Pa.; MIbs Cathryn Farley, Miss Gene Mack. Mr. Jack Rudolph, of Wilmington; Mr. Jack Lynch and Mr. Ray Golden, also of Shenandoah. Camden and Vicinity Many social affairs are being given In Merchantvllle for Miss Emma Spangler, whose engagement to the Rev. Harold Morse, of Merchantvllle, has been an nounced, Mrs Frederick Fox. of 805 Cooper street, was In charge of the Raymond Academy Alumni reunion. Mrs. Fox and family will summer as usual In their cottage at Ocean City Gardens. Mr and Mrs. C. H. Stewart, of KM North 4th street, are entertaining their son Earl and family, of Rochester, N. Y. Miss EUte Tophelmer, of Avondale. Cin cinnati, who "has been visiting Mrs. Er nest V. Charaberlln, has returned to her home. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Lowry closed their Camden home, at t3 Cooper street, Sat urday and with tbeir daughter. Martha, motored tq their summer homo near Edgewater Par. v(laiLllllilllV v Jt i LilllllllllllliHHsilw '" ' "' H'JsMMJSlA u s ,-j -S aaitf imF Wl -' LHiillllllllBIU jLHHIBOi f ill mm : '4 IHik ' Jj J Wis '?oHHH Zt. IrWy I l'hoto by It. J. Uooncr. JIISS HELEN BUCHANAN Who will nppcar in tho lending roles of tho "Sorcerer" and "Trial by Jury," to he given tonight by the Savoy Opera Company. South Philadelphia Friends of Dr. H. B. Shmookler, 1320 South &th street, will bo glad to learn that ho has completely recovered from his two weeks' lllncfis, and that ho re turned yesterday from Ml. Slnal Hospi tal to his home. The Illness did nut prove to bo typhoid fever, ns was fenicd nt first. Doctor Shmookler Is secretary ot the Mt. Slnal Hospital staff. Miss Cella Cohen, 1331 South Bth street, gnvo n farewell supper yesterday In honor of Mr. and Mrs. M. Pransky. of 1015 East Moyamenslng avenue, who leave this week to take up their resi dence In Brooklyn. N. Y. Covers wcni laid for 12. Miss Cohen was assisted by Miss Mary Tress and Mr. nnd Mrs. Lceti'r Kutner. Miss Mary Abrams, 1312 South 6th street, will return tomorrow from New York, whero she Is tho guest of her sla ter. A danco will bo given In her honor tonight, nt which there will bo more than 200 guests. Tho Bnchelor Girls will hold their first nnnunl danco two weeks from toilny. Those In charge of tho affair aro Miss Winifred Wilcox, chairman; Miss Uesslo Mayer, Miss Allco Kersey, Miss Jcsslo Frnntz nnd Miss Mary Horter. Thn Unique Club met this week at tho homo of Miss Penrl Burnsteln, 127 North 10th street. Miss Gertrude Sltvcr ren dered severnl vocnl selections, accom panied by Miss Helen LoblanK. Miss Rnc Bnron, Miss Sarah Gerson nnd Miss Penrl Burnsteln demonstrated tho modern dances. Miss Gertrude Sliver was ad mitted ns a member to tho club. Re freshments were served. Those present were: Miss Jenn Ilaron, Miss Helen Mnr golis, Miss Rae Baron. Miss Clara Cohen. Miss Fannie Cohen, Miss Jenn Cohen, Miss EpsIo Deutsch, Miss Sarah Gerson, Miss Roso Krakovltz. Miss Helen Lel bnng, MIe Cecelia Supovltz and Miss Gertrude Silver. Miss Mnry T. Cohen, of 831 McKean street, entertained on Sunday evening In honor nf her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Olschan, of Bridgeport, Conn. Among those present were Miss Bertha Marks, Miss Nellln Shestack, Miss Rosa Gross man, Miss Florence Splelman, Miss Sarah Luber, Miss Gertrudo Lederhandler, Miss Roba Llpshutz, Miss Minnie Tnlkman, Miss Kntheryn Rosenwerg, Mr. Albert Kardon. Mr. A Cohen. Mr Joseph Dlvno, Mr. William Odell. Mr. Thomnn Buck Mr. Jnck Wcllenbnch. Mr Hnrry Collins, Mr. Conrad Luber. Mr. Solomon Bern stein, Mr. Jack Grossman. Mr. Jack L. Cohen, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Cohen and Mr. Benjamin Cohen. Mrs. Allen Caperton, who has been the guest of hrr daughter and son-in-law, Lieutenant Ralph L. Shepard, U. S. M C . nnd Mrs. Shepard. nt their homo In tho Glrard Estate, 2333 South 21st Btreet, has returned to her home In Richmond. Va. Mrs. William Fax entertained tho mem bers of her sewing club yesterdny after noon, at her homo, 2323 South 12th street. A buffet luncheon wbb served. Her guests Included Mrs. James C. Mc Hugh. Mrs. Daniel McHugh, Mrs. George De Wlnton, Mrs. B. McGowan, Mrs. Famuel Lair, of Nnrberth: Mrs. Christian Baurer, Mrs. Andrew Steuffey. Woodbury North Philadelphia Miss Mario Shea will entertain nt cards tomorrow afternoon, followed by tea, nt hor homo, 210-1 North 13th street. Sho will bo assisted by her sister. Miss Jnuct E Shen. nnd tho guests will Include Miss Dorothea Miller, Miss Hester Raw ley. Miss Mnrguerlto Ryan, Miss Helen Rnn. Mrs. Dnnlel Kennedy, Miss Helen Ilea, Miss Elizabeth Kelly, Miss Mary Kelly, Mbs Emily Devcnny. Stlss Marie Rnn. Miss Emma Gross. Miss Anna Garr mid Miss Mary Mngnhcrrl. Miss Elizabeth Rose, of 2.113 Marston street, cntertnlned a few friends Sunday evening. Among thoso present wero Miss Ilnsnlyn Shull, Miss Fny Trumpeter, Miss Paulino Shull. Miss Molly Abrams, Miss Lillian F. Rose, Mr. Joseph Smith, of Lcwlstown; Dr. William Welsor, Mr. Harold Swain, Mr. Jack Klein, Mr. Ben jamin Klein, Mr. J. Josephs and Mr. Maurice M. Rose. A dnnco wns held on Tuesday night nt tho North Broad Street Drawing Rooms, 715 North Broad street, under the auspices of tho Chaos Country Club. Prominent among the hundred guests were Mr. James A. Byrne, Mr. Joseph A. Clavln, Mr. Charles Heffernnn, Mr. John B. Qulg ley, Mr. Jntnes C. Crumllsh, Mr. William J. Buckley, Miss Lilllnn McGovern, Miss Edna Barnes. Miss Mary A. Qulglcy nnd Miss Mnry Mooney. Tho danco was pre ceded by a vaudeville performance. Mr. and Mr. Charles Miller and fam ily, of 1831 North 17th streot, nnd their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mortimer G. Levy, and family, have opened their cottage, 13 South Boston avenue, Atlantic City. Miss Henrietta Loeb, of 1833 North 17th street, la spending some time as tho guest of Mrs. A. Loeb, of 523 West 112th Btreet, New York. Mr. nnd Mrs. Maurice Ehrllch, of 3030 West Berks street, entertained tho mem bers of tho Gem Deity Club Sunday night In honor of tho birthday anniversary of their daughter, Miss Mary Ehrllch. Tho guests present were Miss Dorothea Ras kin, MIbs Frances Hermann, Miss Thel ma Bnrmuch, Miss Esther Margolls, Miss Lillian Shapiro, Mr. John C. Enrllch und Mr. Joseph Romm. Mr Albert Katz, n turtent of law nt tho University of Pennsylvania, will spend the summer at a Maine camp. Mr. Katz lives at ISth and Diamond streets. Tho Stags, Jr., a private social organi zation Is preparing n function to termi nate Its season's activities. The place and date ot tho celebration havo not yet been determined. Mr. Jean Josephs, of 2020 North Park avenue, Is In St. Joseph'fl Hospital, re cuperating from the effects of an accident of revcral weeks ago. A large party which motored to Atlantic Cltv yesterday morning, lunching at the Brighton Hotel, nnd returning this eve nlng, Included: Mrs. Frederlo J. Halter man. Mrs William H. Rltter, Mrs. J. Schrlber, Mrs. Hiram HIrsh, Mrs. Ru dolph Sosna, Mrs. Edward Hartel, Mrs. Jacob Relswanger, Mrs. J. Hnrry Bowers, Mrs. L. Essllnger. Mrs. Radcllff, Mrs. L. Rosenberger, Mrs. C. S. Lauber, Mrs. Charles F. AVall, Mrs. Harry Artelt, MrB. Fred Dannehauer and Mrs. A. Hartung. The third and last of a series of very attractive bridge parties given by Mrs. Daniel P. Mitchell will be held at her residence. Knollwood, tomorrow after noon. Mrs. Frederick T, Stevenson will enter tain nt bridge this afternoon. Mrs. Henry H. Clark has returned from a brief visit with friends in Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. A. Browning Canfleld wilt entertain n number of guests over Sunday at their summer cottage In. Cape May. Mrs. Canfleld Is hostess today at luncheon at the Country Club. The regular fortnightly dance at the Country Club will be held on Saturday evening. Mr- Henry Eckert Heevea has been procured to furnish the musia for the occasion. Miss Eleanor Dillon Is entertaining the Sewing Society this week. The members of the) Monday Sewing Club have arranged for a white sale and rainbow tea to be given on the Country Club grounds on Monday afternoon, the proceeds of which will be devoted to local relief work. Mr. and Mrs. Mvron E. Dnuc-in, r I Mr. and Mr. John T, Bailey, of Mid' entertaining Mrs. Douglas sister. Mrs. j vale avenue, are spending a week In At- ucorge ' uunry, o oareriy. mw wj, Roxborough An entertainment of unusual Interest In the Falls ot Schuylkill was the sixth an nual musical of the Falls Male Chorus, held In America Hall, 35th street and Sunnyslde avenue. Mr. Joseph Smith was musical director of the chorus. The offi cers and board of directors Include Mr. Herbert Greenwood, president; Mr. Harry Brown, vice president; Mr. George Bates secretary; Mr. James C Lawlor. treas urer; Mr. Thomas J. Davey, librarian; Mr. Walter Smith. Mr. Thomas Brim field. Mr. Joseph Tldswell and Mr. Wll Ham Raleigh, The chorus was assisted by Miss Frances Leedom Hess, reader and Impersonator, and Miss Camllle Plasschert. violinist, Under the auspices of St. John's Assembly, Artisans' Local, the- club will give a concert at Lu Lu Temple on Friday night. May 28. Mrs. Roy A. Robinson, of 5445 Ridge avenue, will be hostess at the May meet ing of the Roxborough Sewing Club on Friday. May 21. Her guests will be Miss Helen Rehfus, Miss Emma Rehfus, Mrs. Orlando Petty, Mrs. Robert Hays, Mrs. Albert Hood, Mrs. Charles Weln, Mrs. John A. Struse, Mrs. N. Claire Rora baugh, Mrs. Frederick. Stott and Mrs. Frank Kenworthy. MISS ELEANOR CONWAY Another mnid of honor at the Lnnsdowno pageant which will ho held on the lawn of the homes of Mrs. Alfred Balch nnd Mrs. John Ridings, Saturdny afternoon nnd evening. Northeast Philadelphia Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hater, of 1435 North Wntts stieet, nro today celebrating their golden nnnlversnry. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bntcr nro English by birth nnd enmo to this counm 43 ears ngo. They havo six chil dren nnd in grandchildren, who will be with them today nt their home. Tho nniiouneement ot the engagement of Mlsa rinra Klrner, 1522 North Law rence street, to Mr. William Khmer, of 1011 North Randolph street, wns made nt a reception given at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Klrnln Inst Monday evening. A number ot thentrlcnl folk were guests. Miss Klrnln and her sister. Miss Mnrlo Klrner, were fnrniorly connected with sev eral musical (omedy productions. At n reception given Tuesdny evening nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm E. McCnrty, 20JJ East Elkhart street, tho announcement of tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Ethel McCarty, to Mr. Franklin C'lnypoole, of Mt. Holly. N. J was iimdi- public. The dato for the wed ding Is iiot yet set. A birthday party was given lu honor of Mr. Wllllnm Frnlner, Jr., 2S10 East Emerald street, Monday evening, nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chndwlck, 600 East Indiana avenue. Bcnutlful decorations, mu sic, dnncing, recltntlons nnd refreshments mnrkert tho evening's enjoyment. Tho guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Smlthers, Miss Annie C. Chadwick, Mrs. William Dcgiin, Miss Mnmle MncDounell, MI.--8 Aiinn VocorBch, Mlsa Nellie Frleden man, Mr. and Mrs. William Frnlnei, Sr , Mr. Ocorgo Fralnor, Mr. Frank Fralner, Miss Dorothy Fralner, Miss Gertrude Fralner, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Clegg, Miss Ellen Goodman, Miss Beatrice Goodman, Miss Annie McChcstncy. Miss Mnry Cur nan, Miss Tlllle Went, Mr. Thomas Clegg, Mr. Frederick Clegg. Mr. William .Miller. Mr. Raymond Mason. Mr. Samuel Reamer. Mr. Charles Eddie. Mr. Wlll lnm KitUile. Mr. Charles Morgan will tnko a trip from May Hi to May 20 In his motorboat Stormy Petrel down tho bay. Miss Helen Margcrum, of 2743 Kensing ton avenue, has returned from a two weeks' visit to tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. David PnrUo, at Clemcntoii, N. J. A debute wns held last week at the Port Richmond Library, Indiana avenue and Richmond Btieet. Tho question wut. "Resolved, Thnt the United States should purchase nil Interned ships." Alllrmatlve Mr. Z.oln Itosenfcld, Mr. William Gordon, Mr. Hal old Fnlkner. Negative .Mr. Nor. man Class, Mr. John Enoch, Mr. Wil liam Iiucklnnd. Mr. Hairy Gottlieb pre sided. The Judges wero Mr. Victor Schil ler. 11 or. Joseph M. GottkChalk. of thu Fmnkford High School, nnd -Mr. J. W Henderson. Tho negative side won. SOCIETY tonight will witness the 16th nnnunl production ot tho Savoy Opcral Company In tho Brond Street Thentte. They will present two operas this year, "Tho Sorcerer" nnd "Trial by Jury." both by Gilbert nnd Sulllvnn, nnd tho proceeds will be devoted to tho Oermnntown Boys' Clun nnd the Baldwin Dny Nursery. Tho rnst In "The Sorcerer" Includes: Sir Mnrinaduko l'olntdestre. nn elderly hnronet Mr. F. Ashhy Wallace AlexK of the Grenadier Ounrds. hi on, Mr. Philip Wiirren Cooke lortor Daly, Vicar of rloverlplgh, Mr. O. I'lnntml Mlcldlctnn Notary Dr. Isaac It Jonea John VVIItlnaton Welln. of .1. Wells Co., family unrrerers .....Mr Cliuenca (' llrlnlon Lady snnaiuure, n larty ot ancleni llncnsre. , MI'S Helen II. Illllftlo Aline, her dauithter, betrothed to Alexin Mlis Helen Iluchanan Mrs. IMrlct, a pew opener, ,MIm Mary Monroe Decker Constance, her daughter. MIks Albert W. Urlnton Tho cast of tho "Trlnl by Jury" In cludes: Jndno Mr. Clarence C. Ttrlnton I'lalntlff Mies Helen Itiirhman ouneel for plaintiff . .Mr. O Plantmi Mlilill-lmi t'erendant Mr. Phllln Wnrren Cnok" ruber Mr. Wlltlnm Tilled Klefer. 2d Foreman of the Jury Mr. Oeorae II HoMt Many boxes havo been reserved by tho "smart set" nnd many people of prominence nro pntronessos, nmnng whom arc Mrs. E. It, Austin, Mr?.. Thomas O. Halrd. Jr . Mrs. It II j Portar Bindford, Miss Anna O. Baldwin.! Mrs. Mortimer Brown. Mrs. Reynolds Brown. Mrs. Hntnpton I. ("arson. Mis. Arthur L. Church, Mrs. George M. Coates, ( Mr.i. Charles Howard Cnlket, Mrs. Henry Brinton Coxe, Mrs. Trevanlon Dnll.ii. ( Mrs. Edward E Dennlstoti. Mrs. James Mnpes Dodge, Mm George W. Chlldsl Hreel, Mrs. L. Webster Fox, Miss ('. Boat'ko U. Fox, Mis. J. P. Crozer Grif fith, Mrs. Albert Atlro Jackson, Mrs. Roh eit I). Jenks. Mis. Norman Marriott Jones, Mm. Frederick .lost. Mrs. James Largo, Mrs. Edward Fayssoux l.cippr, Mis. Wllllnm M. l.ongstreth. Mrs Mnt-thew- F. Mnury. Mrs. O. I'lnnlnu Middle ton. Mis. Finnk II. Mnnn, Mrs. llnnlimn S. Mori Is, Mrs. C'hnrlcs C. Noirls, Jr., Mm Wllllnm Patterson, Mrs. Jnmes do WiVlf Perry, Mrs Enrl B. Putnnm, Mrs. S. Partrnm Richards, Mrs. Frederics II Stra.vbrldge, Mrs. Harry Toulmln. Mis. Edward Troth. Mrs. Samuel Wagner, Mrs. Joseph S. Lovorlng Wharton, Mrs, Frank' II Wlglon. Mrs. Edward II. York. Man Hgemcnt, Mr H. Norman Bael, president) Mr, I Ashby Wnllnce, vice president J Alls: Mildred W. Shnttock, secretary) Sir. Walter C, Neely, treaurer; Mr. Camilla .eckwu, musical director; l'r. Joseph Crnlg Fox, stage director. Mrs. Wllllnm C. Kent, Bent road, Wyncote, wns the chnperone nt ft dance held In Cheltcn Hills Hall on Saturday nlghl. The irjuele wns furnished by ft part of the Mnsk nnd Wig Orchestra. Among- thoso present wero Miss Emily Lewis. Miss Eleanor Flood, Miss Ruth Jnekion, Miss Mildred Fctterolf, Miss Mnry Mlrkll, Miss Mildred Lewis. Miss Knlherlno Rogers, Miss Dorothy Beach, Miss Helen Gray, Miss Helene Hodges, Miss Mnrjorlo Kent, Miss Allco Hood. Miss Mnry Mulford. Miss Margnret Rus set, Miss Dorothy Mulford, Miss Clemen' tine Pent. Miss Dorothy Bacon. Mr. King Allen. Sir. Edwnrd Herat)', Lieu tenant Jnmes Glcnnon, Mr, Lawrence Miller, Mr. Jeff Bunting, Mr. Charles Beach, Mr. Harold McCurdy, Mr. Edward Heller, Mr. J. S. Thompson, Mr. E. H. Rogers, Mr. W. Thompson, Mr. P. Sand erson, Mr. D. S. Whlteman, Mr. W. Mc Curdy. Mr. Jnson Henkels. Mr. Joseph Cochran. Mr. Alnn Fctterolf, Sir, Jack Hheetz, Mr. Edward Schellengcr, Mr. Frank Rogers nnd Mr. William I. Mlrkll. Thn Nhczlerd Club held Its first In formal entertnlnment last Sunday eve ning nt the home of Sir. Herman S. Trngor. of 3201 Clifford street. Although disappointed bv the failure of Mr. IrvlnR II Schweldel to appear, the affair was a huge success. Among thoso present were Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Trngcr, Miss Mary Trnger. Miss Frances Sllvcrsteln, Sllss Helen Schwartz, Silas Fnnnlo White, Miss Annie Frank, Miss Molly Davis and Miss Lilllnn Francis, Mr. Herman B. Trnger. Mr Louis Welnsteln, Mr. Nathan Welnsteln, Mr Dnvld Fox, Mr. Manuel IMnttberg, Mr. Benjnmln Stllgrlm, Mr. Mnurlco Weiss nnd Mr. Maurice J. Krasney. The features of the evening were plnno solos by Mr. Hermnn 8. Trager rtnd Miss SInry Trnger, a mando lin solo by Sir. David Fox. a dancing ex hibition bv Miss Frances Sllversteln and Mr. Mnurlco Weiss nnd a speech by the president. Mr. Mnurlco J. Krnsnoy. The nrfnir wns splendidly conducted by Mr. Benjamin Mllgrlm, who wns assisted by Mr. Mnnuel Blnttberg. Frankford "The Wild Man From Borneo" will be presented this evening at the Frankford Avcnuo Methodist Episcopal Church. Thoso who will take some of the princi pal roles nro Mr. Raymond Logan, Sir. Katherino Conklln. Mr. Jnmes Schlmel and Mr. Wlllard JIarr. Sir. and Mrs. J. II. Hnnna. of Hnrrls son street, will leave tomorrow afternoon for Atlantic City, whero they will bo the guests of Mrs. J. Hughes, of 132 St. J am oh Place Saturday evening Mrs. Hughes will entertain nt dinner in honor ot her guests when thero will bo 25 pres ent. Including Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Maxwell, Sir. and Sirs. Albert R. Kirk nnd Mr. nnd Sirs. Charles E. Slooney, of Frankford, nnd Mr. nnd Sirs. Walter BIckley, Miss Jnno Cullen, Sllss Florence White, Sllss .Martha Alloway, Sllss Eve lyn Clarke, Mr. nnd Sirs. Wnlter Mar tin, Sir. James Walton, Sir. Thomas Wat kins, Sir. Hnrry Gilpin. Mr. Frank Can non. Sllss Ellznbeth Glenn, Sllss Roso Bloom, Mr. Thomns Price, Sir. Kenneth Lewis nnd Sir. Alfred Slaxwell. Mr. Joseph Shnrplcy, of Galveston, Tex., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Frederick Wyckoff, of Benson avenue, Fox Chase. "A Slldsummer Night's Drenm," pre ceded by a "Pageant of the Hour," will be given by the class of elocution under the direction of Sirs. Adelaide Llvezey Kellet. B. E., at the West Philadelphia Republican Club, 4105 Chestnut street, to morrow evening. Sllss Lucretla 31c Clelland Cromley, of I street, of Five Points, will play a leading role with Miss Lillian Blddlc, Sllss Mabel Coates, Sllss Marie Collins, Mrs. Anna Plummer and Miss Rose Smith In Shakespearean works. Dr. George E. Levis. Mr. William E. S. Dyer, Mr. Fred Woolatenholme and Mr. William Edson have returned to their homes from a trip along the St. Lawrence River. The fourth piano recital by the pupils of the Misses Haines, assisted by JUsh Lull. TIltnL- ,inrann ...111 .- ,--- Assembly Hall, Frankford, on Tuesday .tunln Xlnv 1ft n.lll t, ,j . .. Frankford District Organizing Charity. A sacred cantata, entitled "The Holy City," will be given at the Frankford Ave nue Slethodlst Episcopal Church, Frank fcrd avenue and Foulkrod street, with the following talent: Soprano, Miss Wanda Oroenveld; contralto. Sirs. Jennie Allen; tenor, Sir. B. Harrison Kncnvles; baritone, Sir. Benjamin F. Evens; Sir. Robert Ed gar, director; Sllss Edna J. Reynolds, ac companist. Dr. and Sirs. Swan will be honor guests at a dinner Saturday evening, given by Dr. and Mrs. John James, of 2433 Lehigh avenue Along the Reading A country fair will bo held on the lawn of tho Ashbourne Presbyterian Church by tho Ladles' Aid Society of tho Church on; iTldiiy nnd Saturday afternoons mm evenings. June 4 nnd 3. All the different organizations of tho Church will tnko part. Sir. nnd Mrs. Henry S. Spalding, of Webster nvenuc, Wyncote, havo returned from spending sevoral dnys In New York. The Vnrnlly Club of the Cheltenham High School will give a dance for the members and their friends on Friday evening nt the Old York Road Coun try Club. Tho committee In cliurge Includes Mr. Frederick Schlnlch, Mr. Henry Sheets, Mr. John Uhcrls, Mr Dnvld Fell and Sir. Thomas Hoggs. Tho ballroom will bo beautifully decorated with spring Mowers' nnd bluo rlbboi.s: both light blue and dnrk bluo will bo icd. Mnnv of tho souncer set nlon ! II, rien.ll,,.- will lin nreMont. The i:L- tioncssi's nre Mrs. Frederick Schlnlch. Mrs. Henry Sheets, Mrs. Thomas Uogga, Mrs. Uhcrls nnd Sirs. Robert N. Fell. Sir. nnd Mrs. Harold P. Sloon and fam ily, of Wyncote rnnd, will go to their cottngo In Cnpc May on Juno 3. where they will spend tho summer months. Sir. Georgo Kent, of Bent road, Wyn coto. who has been In London, Eng., for the Lint tun venra. Is snendlncr some tlmo lu Queenstown, Ireland. Mrs. B. Palmer Hutchinson. ofJChurch road. Wyncote, Is visiting friends Tor sev eral weeks In Boston, where she' will bo extensively entertained. Mr. nnd Sirs. Wllllnm Hlppsley Luther, of Elklns Pnrk, will spend the summer nt their cottngo on Stockton avenue. Capo May, N. J. Mr. and Sirs. George E. Daniels, of the Belgravlo, have moved Into the Cen tennial House on Susquehanna road, Rydnl, whero they will spend tho sum mer months. Sllss Slnrjorlc J. Sillier, daughter of Sir. and Sirs. J. Sillier, of Germnntown, will be honor guest at n smull oimii--dnnce, which will bo given by her uncle. Sir. James Mallon, nt his home In Noble, Saturday evening. Sllss Miller's engage ment has recently been announced to Dr. James R. Swan, of New York, the wed ding will tnko place June 23. Notices for the Society page will be accepted and printed In the Evening Ledger, but all such notices must be written on one side of the paper, must be signed In full, with full address, and when possible telephone number must be given. Send all such communications to "Society Editor," Evening Ledger, 603 Chestnut street. Unless these requirements are car ried out so that verification may be possible, tha notices will not be pub. IHhed. Tioga Tho fifth nnnunl charter dinner of the Tioga Business Men's Association was hold Inst night nt the headquarters of the nssoclntlon, 3543 Germnntown avenue. Tho president, Mr. Wilbur F. Zimmerman wns the tonstmnstcr. Addresses were made by Sir. George W. Hobson. Mr. Eugeno J. SIcAlcer nnd Mr. William J. Frlcdgen. Others who took part wero Mr. Thomas Kelly, Sir. Thomas Bluett, vlco presidents; Sir. Slatthcw Donoho. secretnr.v; Sir. Edgnr A. Hobson, financial secretary, and Sir. Henry Wolf, treas tuor. There wns nlso a program of Interesting musical selections. Delaware County On Friday and Saturdny, June 11 and 12, n lnrgo cnrntvnl will be held at tho Methodist Episcopal Church In Nor wood. As this Is nn annual affair a large amount of interest is centred upon It, nnd quite a few- residents of the borough nre nldlng the Rev. Roy Kalcaer, the pas tor, In his pluns. Mr. William Bodley, of Wheeling, W. Va., has opened his summer home at Chester Heights. Mr. Bodley Is accom panied by his mother, Sirs. John K, Bod ley. Tho Rev. Francis Tnltt addreraed a large audience last evening In St. Paul's Prntestnnt Eplscopnl Church in Chester. The event was a reception to the newlv confirmed members, nnd musical and vocal rccltntlonn comprised a large part of the entertainment. Mr. James Bagshaw and his daughter, Sllss Slary Bagshaw, are being enter tained during a visit to Harrlsburg by Mr. Samuel Bagshaw, a relative. Sllss Bagshaw Is very popular In the Chester High School, whero she Is a student. The Men's Club of the Trinity Church, of Colllngdnle, were entertained at a so cial in the church parlors last evening. Mrs. Francis Barlow, who lives on Clif ton avenue. Colllngdnle, with her daugh ter, Mrs. L. Norweln, celebrated a few days ago her 70th birthday, and was given an nutomoblle ride and dinner party In tho evening. MIrs Verna Staut, of Chester, enter tained a number of friends nt her home. MIbs Stnut provided n number of voca) numbers, and a buffet luncheon followed. "WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT ?" "Pop" concerts with refreshments, Phlla dtflnhla Orchejtra, Acudemy of Music. 8 o'clock Single Tax Society. 1414 Arch atreet: 8 o'clock. Musicals, Emanuel Reformed Church, Dast York and Fepvlva streets: 8 o'clock. Manayunk Hoard of Trade, Manayunk; 8 o'clcck Commercial Exchange directors, Bourse; 8 o'clock. Lancaster Avenue and 5-M Btreet Business Men. Lanedowne avenue and &1d street; 8 o'clock. Free lln'lrtlngtop noard of Trade, Olrard avenue and 110th street, b o'clock. Free. Germantown Improvement Asaoclatlon, Oer mun'own: s o'clock Free Logan Improvement Aisoclatlon. Broad strett and Windrlm avenue: 8 o'clock. Free. Concert, pupils of Campbell-Lyona School, I,u I.u Temple. Society of the Army of the I'ntomac, re union and dinner. I'nlon League; 7 10 o'clock. Savoy Opera Company, llroad Street The atre. 8 o'clock Ncff College Play, New Century Drawing Booma, 8 o clock. Order of the Founders and Patriots of America, banquet. Utllevue. Stratford. Federation Jewish Charities, annual meeting. Mercantile Club. 8 o'clock. Homeopathic Medical Society, Hahnemann College: 8 '.10 o'clock. Dinner to Frameaco A. Travaeelo, Conona dl T'Vrro, 10th and Catharine streets. SUFFRAGE EVENTS TODvY WOMAN SUFFRAQK FAHTr. S ti. m. Meeting of the party's branch In the 131 h Legislative District at the Hotel Majea. tic. Broad street and Olrard avenue. Speak ers : Mra George I'leraol, Miss Sadie Live, rlsht. Presiding officer. Miss Blanch Ot linger. .1 p. m. Canvaitera' rally at the noma ot Dr. .. M. It. Moore. 102i Clinton street. Can. vatsrra In the ilth Legislative District make canvass of the district during the afternoon. 8 p. in. -.Mrs. Marlon Holme addresses thu General Lodge and Commandery. Patriotic. Order Sona ot America, at th headquarter nt Broad ar.d Federal sheets. 8 p. m Open-air meeting at 40th street and Lancaster avenue under auaplce of tha party's branch In the 17th Legislative District- Mr. Mary Carroll Do well In charge. EQL'AL FRANCHISE BOCIETY. Noon Upen.alr meeting on tha Poatoffic plaza, l)th and Chestnut streets. Speaker, iltas Bertha Sapovll. 5pm Miss Anna McCue, In charge of th variety's headquarter in Kensington, makes liouse.tn.house canvass In that section. Sh will ho assisted by suftraglat who ar mem. her of th branch. I'leaa for woman uf.' (rage made and pledge for vote for th "cnuse" In th fall taken. Woman Suffrage Committee of the Frlsnda Knual Illghta Association, 8 p. m., Mra. Beatrice Forbes. Hobertson Hal speaks under tha auspices of thla body at 1Mb and. Race streets. Presiding officer. Mrs. Ru dolph Itlankenburc. Admission free. Should "Love Your Enemies" Be Ignored During the War ? So full was the response by prominent American divines to the invitation of the Public Ledger to comment, on I)ean Lyttleton's advce. to Englishmen to overwhelm their German enjejpieg with a "war of love" instead of a "war of hate," that the contributions exceeded the space available to the subject in last Sunday's Public Ledger. Another collection of these timely sermons will form an important and interesting feature ?f next SUNDAY'S PUBLIC riOfcLEDGp !r: n S