rwsr BBjOJ ll tlONS WANTED FEMALE hP, JrbAr referent, am ) f Fr I . .1 P" thoroughly capable 8"?L In.lll vhlldrcn. ret. M MB, r""1 . . 7.'. .n .i,i. i n,!!i ' 1? l.'lsrf central. ,-. itti'BANT ltennen oung Sfii A1Sf, "t. Tor MiVtfnvnljds thor- IP1 !ii!M" and apatvi "'" "-". Wirrri &' . ..I ih-imbirm.ild and .waitress, 'J ?J&Sr mofn'rH jVwV.yonjtn. ST "i .ilt.lie.1 either position In country !55tfEL i-r summer beat of reference. IfcjJlflrton. Oornianlown. JS"t7...leni'e 1 hl, "W-iiii, RMd baker; p'Kbiil in I.edor6ftW. Mr31L5 crn"". reliable woman; tcference. K5t-y.t near wuh and JInmtord. RSKjS,, situation, no washing, ran 4i-v, Wfli. V m:w&wjz: ung: fl'rman Protestant, tA "chambermaid wish positions to- Ptcall P'n 'ln"' M-3 ? "1-c-'t- I5?:r t,iisowork In suburb. In email hou'ry0.',?. a ..nou.v.-v- , 0frCC( 'JySHrVrrVrnvBSH. speak French. Hal fji?nS PoV( or, Ad.irera A. II,, care ot 11.' n' ?..' .i Thnmnson sis. PS limUr-. j MWffi-- ,i IOVE I pl eth ?' .tnrt ? .r em " - KJ S "ci ,lrsd, want nursing or ..- Christian at. R2;.. lrln. not lone o er, wlahea lp- ri va&fll, ir",'V, .i,ti,iMii 1??n North U?Slrcs" or mireery goxcrnere. SnUs; Svlteiltant mte entire charee of MS. fell Laniatcr no. iirii.r. " tR& Ilecfc,.ph.J-ftl. TITS W. U-TrncTi manaalnr. for mall liolel jScSKffhou'fufly competent. M fll. ff fr. ntnm SjS'niVf rMj&!i-lL.qfnce, irotna U'-iXTrpmteslniit Rlrl, email family knritffORK-r.1!'" "' - hml Wedneadn "".ImiVr -10(1 geen lane, Oermnnton ti. wi- actho hlto woman ,wlJjf, SjttSSWHK', ",k no washing or ironlnft ISwlWi fSr-eh00?'.!" nnd Mnatrr. &rL .inat"i 7'rtnent emplojer wlahea lo l,e,t5ll Ilavorlord, J'a L22irrrr-Tnico for ainnmer competent Sf:l or tAko enro VrfiMi2i2i-rrr-,iTrn" BalPsUdy, ln- t derc y?' ' r .,jlt ciPrical worn fcffj 'SSSer Dfanch, J3rond jyvlojuranm Kiii .. .. ,u ni homo. 1P21 Ho.l- W0!1 rlti irb"l referenco from Mr. C. PMso.., -Jenklntnwn. . .. . TrThouaekefPfr, Protwtant, , P M .ear. ' L'iL..,. tn aame lino, ''" '.SMI m .VS??Ri MiSTT7JTrrnmnn wanta nonltlon. noute :gg famnr'it RSI. ledger Central. - "'utT,.i,u rin Inlnnt or older child; lt.Vh.0r'0U8hF1nonell'rSto. RC.04, , zrrlTl gh.knUref. &s:?& ' iHftlr liir. . ".-... ti K.11 l'ntrpr -rJin"' S3Ur,rVerkvs!-c.oto l7.oonAPiti'n, r.vnnrlentfn. na con W'PuW'krMSi1. vat wiuairrc.ei i n.ii-, - IH gil. Lfdttr Central. cu.. .4,n;inii'Tr . hi. -Tiild nnd a'curnte tttorowhlv e. ; ...rlencul capable and Sniubft. not afraid of njrk. il 01", Iuer ; cctrti. iftSOQIUl'llEIl-'VounB lady would like po-ijm-Klirre neaintes all! accuracy ara un ifcndiW; moderate silary, reference, u 11., fcuiinr Otlice. RooanAl'HUH- voira thoroiiBh expcrl rit to ml. and tnsurjn:e, ell tmlned In bcill worlc,U 7."i7, .cd;r Central. HsCKlIUPlinn, exoirt. with 0 years' mfff. iKWltnce; capable of nindlins iieavy an i gfealt ccrr!poadi!ni.e. II 4H, ledger Lent. IfEMORAPHEH, neat and rapid; hard rtttW: molerate aalary. II 44, ld. Cent. bOuCRAPIIEH, High and l'elrce Schools, '.Ht, tntrg.'lli cava ilc C, 015, Led Cent. EEMWRAPHEll, npld on I ndeiuood, ac.'ln tiiMlnnl; t:. I teWu. 15j V. Dauphin. I7UUjRAI'HER .oinio'eut correapondenfi Ml bti. training and op. II 41. Led. Cent. trtXiXIIUPHElt, -II educated, ambitious, tetfitlt; willing to work O 05.-!, Led. CcnU tlLVCGRAFHttl-Iniel , "-xp., willing jouns lilr; meacrate ralar. O 7JS, Lcdser Cent. R?HEH3 (!) noulJ "lilfo work lor the two ,iii!smer moning. eiiner scasnoro or iiiuuu iliiti lui. Tri!!T nrn-e. tasoUGII the 'Tommprclal Department" at wvtcr Lenirai employers aro put in loucu U& compttent, experienced otenographers, IwUnepcti and clerks of all kinds, write a all op Walnut 3000, Mlsa Dean." and Ml ter jour needs. She will clva you frtopl nd efficient sen Ice. This service Is 2!"t0LMr adicrtlws. fAlTRESS-K-ncrln,'pd inttnrr wnmnn; nn- iJHsunli every deiall of private home, a !. Udter Office. rtilTOESS-Thorouohij co npetent, obliging; fmt!raic 2137 Spru.-e at. 0mAx ef refinement desires position as tSSS.'11'. liouaeieeper or lady's companion: amajuunt and reliable, with unexceptional Mmncn. M Bin. Ledger Office. BjAX o( education desires position as no- " itcrtiary, managing housekeeper, com- sjma or any dps. 01 irusi 31 out. xen. uit. L-ivaa, LWflU!). Protestant, wishes nosltlon child wishes position n.nllft rAtda.oF.aa Bf"- ltrad to invalid, references. X 12, jittt Branch. 22d and christian stsi Ililli ! 1 1 im V all, isV' "lered, competentT fjal by ton l.l.rla.. refs wants laundry 1730 Lombard. BIITJATIONS WANTEDMALE ki?HTA,T ?P TRAFFIC MANAGER R? ,'. "fai yeara' ahlpplnj: experience. Elf."?"?1",, course In Interstato com afi?rTw? traffic desires to locate Ri V.&X fit a traffic department. II p" '".V'L ggntltr or rnuntrv jMS N Howard. tSSAJSi'JJ"" O. n., 3 years' ex- wnraci. sccuatomad to meeting the ba k..J,r"M;l?,,'."i JP meeting the our no g-'toeiaiiSjjiBso. Lodger Central. ,: .,t,i 1,1.. ann avna.s nl.t. . T .... iKJuaxirvRBn .- " - . .. MSMril ,aklnir "" C&r- J?IrL'-rll. ledfier MnSrt rlAftr. t warm' tfeWTilBti.?.,Jt' ,ro1ln " country: Si.W yars, fc r- !WTarBn!Ji1J!lI!f,,i . "horouKhly rompe FJ M UtCinH. V..'! Vi.5". expert- cars, lath, P"tT JSvK,' "'""i 8 ycar Karago. 4 years ta.!! JrrTlcl any niaku nf rj. it fl !, 1 : . 4H1A.IU111IIT- iinisia -'i in 4 yoira of WnrtHfTr .i . , , Kit smiho-";" wnne, good mechanic, SAy&m'i&Z.? nrtvo"' reference. m y.('lf.'5Ln slnalf,. irc i,i,iu .;,T JtU(kDii7i1jrir.a?,'1.r,2chanlo. wl.hea re7lsr2a'anilly, D 318. Leda-er Office. ( SSrtS S?.?.pll?n5.ea mechanic, col tS:" V, W70 atrlctlv aober: B veara" . H Bi7.i"i oocr iM? iffit0; WR ?!??."" Placed llh fMMr'" "ri i.3inVu;1,"5-"''Qe?F: Efeioc1'' " ia Vt "o iwoT fe&. &$t?DW'.r anT".,"neral house'- ffijsriir -..""-x : "? ,iuhurtSni PO'ltions )n prUat'5 14 s l VJiS ?f country; good ref- s,xhvSiifruriKim HF-V-""' -oaren. 422J Ogden st. WItiiW!5;5f d- S'aduate, ma.eur 5lS ieaifffiS1.0.1. i P?tlnts at tiSsn'.-"-,'Slai' -l-eel. Cent. lJ!w tositiS "M , Foods for 13 years Ltef l.n?,.i'ttc1"n reference. H i?1'(rlJ,nn. feneraT"75?rT; iSfna rt."' m.?'?l'r desire, po- j wtus;.r?;rKT. ?" t- Jro?riteSi5 !??ce57, ."uvrrr"r5v J" hsr-i ..-fc:-i? v? relUlleji $"&l hVnY. vm : w lui .s .r.rW!B,'tlfn- fiji ,.- i V.f - . v?ri y7' ii prt.5c a..n,"Tr;.J,r Prl.Dxo iI2.F ! u ktod i -KT'SSSS: ' . - - vaaiaa ins III rvoai .... ECnmntoan ao lEHtiBlR vhlte Elrl wishes cookliiR or KCki referent 13.1II 8.Stanley t. . SITUATIONS WANTED MALE YC'NO MAN ;. !, vcar' experience bun filing men, wlt.irs position II 431. ledger Central ATTENTION, RLStNESS MEM",w'tl'. bright BOYS and QlRI.s who come under our rnr are rimy available . for order, shop or factory work, NO CIIAIUIE8 JUVENILE WORKfTRS' P.UREAU , , 1S07 AltCII Telephones, itacc KMT, Spruce 6117. APPLY H 2. LEDOKR mNTllAL rnr a high-elans. Indtwtrlmia ,, , HrSINtJSW MAN "My experience enters the ale, managerial, "$" bookkeeping and correspondence Otitic s of a manufacturing hulnci Inter view mllclted. 1'HONH DIAMOND 1UT I) (tn8T.CDAIfl mlllnrlRht, with helper, Innlal- latlon, shafllnr, fas, oil, steam, machine, r day or contract. 15inAiUnisnte . Krankford, SPANISH trnnrlator delrea Mtuatlon; will translate buslncsa rorrrspondenoe rpnre llmti jnolerale terras A r'roltjiton, MM1 NFront. 1JX1. and meciwful lnietla;alnr nnd claim dJnsternendsork It 4WL LMaer Central. AUTOMOBILES lO settle estate ini.1 Oldsmohlto r.- assenscr; . In good condition I'hona Dick. 1170 lor par. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A MAIL OltDEH HOUSE with nation-wide patronnRc offers an unusual opportunity for conservative Investment In a well-estahllshed nnd rapidly expanding burl ners particulars address ! 101, lvl, Off. CABPET CLEANING WKHT rillLA. MONAIICII STOttAOE CO. 3e I'Kn YARD. :i70;72 LANCARTRH AVI!. CLEANING AND DYEINQ OaTltlCH rHATHRllS AND I'ANUinS gDgANRp. JiYBD. MAtLHOTjlMfi Chestnut. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY iDltlWMAKINO tauohti short, nrnc course. Maci'owen iui ienckla Illdg . 11th Market. UUWNS remodeled on 1DIS lines. 1.121 holt- imfc ft, mjinn ii-a-v i-none. rpru, B JiZl. HKMHT1TCIII.VO dono whll ou nntt. a. JjelcluiriUM1 heitnutIJolorlnlltevleiTpat. FOR SALE DIM.IAHD, pool, ccinblnnllon, 2d hand bought, sold,rented, exch'd. Kcefir, ,'I2I tllrard avc. CA8II UKUISTKltH. new and second-hand, MA aim upnaia; now iniproveu total iiciaer, sin; hew total adder with sales printer, im; full lines ot second-hand registers at reasonable prices; new nnd second-hand register fully cash register for less miinv than nnr other concern In the world THD NATION M C-AHII HKOISTKK POMPANY. rtn Chestnut. OKiJCEItY AND PltOVlHION STOHK at l.ala, Pa., stnro nnd fixtures for sale at tmonlnrv. Kuaranteo $1000 business Meekly. Alex McCory. irni HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEATING Hotter and cheaper than hot water or steam, pure, fieih nlr with normal niolMtiro. CUTa COAL DILI. IN MALI-. 6 and 8 N. IStli INSTRUCTION IIAOTI.ME In SO lessons. Chrlstrnscn l'lano bchools. ac.. 1.120 Tasker at. Call or wrlto Xn Oennaniown MACHINERY AND TOOLS 7-H. 1. Kas enKlno for sale, cheap, enn he seen running at l Leonard Mnchlno Works, Itace t. STORAGE J. M. I-KNTON STOllAOD CO, INC. Lowest rates, l'rce estimate. Uelmont 1330. uHliauli: stohaoi:. movino, PACKINO, HIIIPPINO- 2040-11 N. 30T1I HT, QIA 17-17. WI18T Monarch Rtornso Co Auto and pnek PI1ILA. lng and shipping :i870 Lancaster nva. WANTED CAST-OFF- CLOTHINO VANTCD Let ua convince jou Uuit wo pay tho highest tirlces for gentleinen'fi discarded Unities SAMUEL COUPL'H. Kstabllshuil 2." Jeara. lOlil Ohard aie. Phone Pop .1710. Park 4IL0. nu old clothing, shoes, highest prices, send postal. IVi: 13a 21 If Uldgo aie. WATCHES AND CLOCKS tOC REPAIRS YOUR WATCH OR CLOCK, no matter nhit It needs, I year guaranteed. ARON'S. 1117 OIJtARD AVB. ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH, 021 (The Diamond) Absolutely cltan; neatly furn. ; hot and cold running water; suitable for ladles, gentlemen or married couple: by day or week, Inientlgato, reas. HAR1NU ST., 3218 (Tho Clifton) Two llrJt tloor roomi, suit dentist, doctor or npart ments. Mrs. Uelle McClaln, inninger. DltUAD, N , 001 -Few attractive vacancies fur nished or unfiirnlHhcd: beautiful corner houo, largo sard with shade, southern exposuro; cx ccllent dlnlni; room. Ideal aummcrhomc CHESTNUT ST.. 4222 Refined famllj wants to rent 3d lloor to congenial couple for light housekeeping apartments. $20, also comfor table bed-sluing room, lnt floor: phone. CHESTNUT, 2013 (Lexlngton)-Large airy front room; private bath, also single room. GIRAIID AVI". , 1424 Large married couple or gentleman: 2d lloor room, jinglovac's. PINE, SOO (Dresden) Ideal bachelor quarters, aultablo for 2: private bath, reduced rated SPRING OARDF3N. 1703 (opp llbraryj-Front julte; prliate bath; comp furn.; teas., hkpg SPRL'CD. 1020 Attractlio 2d-floor suite, bath, porch, double and slnglo rooms; reasonable. VLNANOO. V 1KI (corner housej Largo ally roomp, single or en suite, prliuto bath; modern; private famllj'phTloga 7331. WALNUT AND 13TH Very" large furnished room, with bath; suitable for 1 or 2 persons, $23 per month. PhonoFjlbert 41MVV. OTH, b . 413 Newly furnUhed front rooms, guod central location Walnut J1S0 W. jiril, fc., 114 Large, airy tront room for 1 or geniitmen; priima imimy. mwum ,,w",p' 19TII, N., 10J Large unfurnished parlor; ulso comfortably furn room 2d floor; phono. 40TI1 B , MJl Dusineas roan can accuro well furnlahed room In private home, board op tional, refined jicignoornooa. CHOICB VACANOIKS Large airy rooms, new ly furnished, porch house, steam heat, elec tric light, rttlned nelghd, prlj. lamlly ilcin Ity of lBth and llerks. Phone Jilamonj20idjj BOARDINQ ARCH 2011-2013 (Dorche.ter) Beautifully decorated and furnished; .running wuter; couples. U. single. 10. hotel servlco & table CHiTsTNUT, 413tf-Pleasahtly furnished rooms In reftned family, eonvenlent location: .Id story front; 2d-tloor back, tablaboardj phone. cilESTNUTST.. 4039 Iloautlful home, wr.u evecomfort ;Jreferenccs.MlssIlanley. . RACE. 3113 Trained nurse has ploas. home for " mvalhlaor elderfy ceraoiis. Preston :U03 p. SPRUCE. 1038-30 Desirable suite with prliate bath; cnoica tauie uuaru. n.n". ,... siTiT0cK"lBin- SUITE WITH PRIVATE IIATII; QTHKRATTRACT1VE ROOMS. , HPRUCE 1224-2d (Drlsmondaj-l-urn. rooms, single, en aulte; jrlvatebaths; table board. vrLIVCE. lS2l-Well-fufnlahed alnsle and double roorna. refined nelgb'd. Poplar J023 A. VALNUT. 4011--.Id-floor single room for gente- man; adjoining bath. all conveniences: phona. WALNUT. "aTOft-l'rlv. family will board rof. gentleman, prlvat. ba2hlnenttpcity. waTTnUT 4Ml-2d"floor rooma lth board: near "L''; southern exposurejefsexcligd. -dvil NUT. 4014-2d lloor front for couple or gentleman: alVo .Ingle roomJd floor. itVTirNT"orI,lNB-Party of 4 gentlemen eau 1 iTavi bedroom.' 'k'"? 0Iuh.0"1"43CSJ ' ho other boarders.'lmiLncu;t r4J-, J. 4lrfH77lT"700-rrlvate family w"'r.'10ri11r- fined gentlemen! conv. to clty.I)arlng 818. jit RTNr"2-Plasantly furn, rooms; board Kiiliin-ban isHAVrOVN. 283 W. nittanhouss St.. be fwn ne'and Orne-D. table rooms, single or coro.jhomellke.atn. 1373 X. rpTtsiANTOVN-3123 Wayne ave.. well furn,; G ?i"iAt.ti lieaf train, trolley. itn. M27 X. APARTMENTS - "Zr toi Modtrn apU.. furn, or un- 3?r?Eny,"' ,sraffiT. .!! ERSuw, "rtlih xTt3. Iiardw'd fleers. STrBTSTiSaTb.ler apt. 4 or 3 rop; " 'K?F'bitbT7ur or unfurn.. eleotrlc lUhu, f;ranewVyr.n"edMmra?ti..pfi?a Wet riilladelpul FURNISHED APARTMENTS FinNtSlit f Me All outMe rooms large por'b rcasonaM' rent phone Baring 7141 D HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS MD AND PINE 8TB.-DI5 DANCEY. APTS. New. light, 4 to 0 room 1 and a baths, kltchnttt central location Apply Janitor PtAMOND, 21121 rmo., bnlh, kitchen, hot water heatj ref.: 2d flour. 23. 4 rms., bath, M'elien. allj-or rm SIS. Diamond 1913 W WAI.iacK. 200!)-Comfortable apart.. 2 rooma, bath nnd kitchenette, good service, reas, ph, N-OliroUC APAUTMENT3 , D-rlroblo 1 nnd ,1 room npnrtmenla: near Park. Janitor service: reasonable rentals, linCItTR!13232 Ridge ale. TWO nutalde rooms, prlvato bath, fumlshevl, ". room, kitchenette, $2 SO. Ap. 1101 W. .10th West Philadelphia THD Rl'TI.ANI At'Tfl JUST COMPLETED IA)CI-sr ST., MTIt TO CSTIJ ST. rt and 7 room apartment, with all the latest conveniens, no to IIS per month. ltmuillT A PITTS, AOENT He-ll phone, Jtelmont 4I, 3441 locust jrt. FURNISHED APARTMENTS LOCUST, rniS-Well-rurnlahod , apartment: largo .ilry rooms, ref. Phone Walnut 7BQ3 W. LADY hailng furnlsho.1 housekeeping apart inotit nould Ilka to share same with business women Phone Locust 8 I42W. RUIILF.T room nnd both In the Newport, loth an lHpruce. 1.41.1, I1gerJi:oral Wllilitooil, N. J. A fTRACTtVDI.Y furnlslmt Nortliwood Arart menu, 23th nnd Atlantic ave.; block from Itonrdwalk and Ocean Pier. Open Sundays t'lilli. phone. Frankford ISPU W. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITV two N" rIxtii st.-foR SAi.n Viafif low Thrio story, 8 room, good order. Iarge yard. W. H. HOOd7m2 Norrla t. Chestnut Hill NF.W BALD AND "RENT LIST READY Pelham. Mt. Airy nnd Chestnut Hill Peihatn Trus Co., (1740 J?ermanqwn . ava Nurlicrth, I'. NARBERTH'S HIGHEST TRACT in lots, large frontage, Montgomery ave to lex via. "Stepney IMace" road. Ilenutlful location, old shade A fine Investment In creasing value. 10 mln walk from stntlon. V M JUSTICE. 012 Chestnut St . Phlla. M-.W .IKRHr.Y Hl'NOAUiWS. bus 2-xl; near trolley; over looking Delaware. Nntlotml Park. Greater New Jersey rompani. '1.1 H. Pith. JliuMnnflelil. Njl. ilAVri BrJVKRAI. FINE PIIOP13RTIKS at bargain prices. W.M. CAREY MAR9HALU f.'ll Federal si Camden. . Ujiodhiiry Height. N. .!. bUVERAL desirable homes and Improied 1.1 Ig. lots nt reasonable prlce John Mayhew. SEAMIIORH tape May, N. .1. COTTAOUS, holds, nfs. for sale and rent: son-o bargains In bml ling lot C. Earls MIlhM-. 2IH Ocean et ; Cap Mav, N. J IT.N.N'sri.V.tM.X IAIIMS DUCKS COUNTY FARM, slnfk and til. HI acre. 10 weinj, II paslurc, "-riinm house, fno barns, eto'-k and Implements, near trollei . good Ftnte Reed Nash. PlpTSVllle. Pi. IG7-ACIIE1 Main Lino I'. It. R.. bargain, only 0) pr ncre. J. 11. THOMPSON, West Ches ter, Pa. OS ACRES, near Downlngtnun, I'lO'O, reasnni he. A. I Heald, 1 est heiter Pa VIltCIMA I'AIIMfl 371 ACHES, with n li-rnom flame dwelling, '. tenant hnuiee. burn, outbuildings. Ktream 7ti niies nf wood. In Ian o under cultivation, main line of trneel nrnr Washington; n monevmnker nffcrnl ot lotyflnure 1114 Walnut t , Phlla'delphla. Don'tForuet the NtimherJ REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME-Thls ton be dono by making monthl inrnenl . of rom! to 11-0 for houses '""h-Vf.c'ffiiftiul st. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT City 301'J HOMESTEAD ST. NEAR FRANKFORD Arsennl-Fatlr. 'erms: rental-purchaso: S r.: mod, pch.. lau'ry. open 1" to Mo. fien. rortorlrs, Wnrrlinusci, Mfg. Floors ARCH AND EH) STREETS N. E. CORNER 22,000 EQ FEET IN MODERN FACTORY Strum and electric power. 2 elevators, low Insurance, automatic sprinklers, watchman, n R. sI'llngB, extrn large window and high celling pOWn5ro '"anagement. Apply on premises Easiness Properties nnil Rtores CHFSTNl'T. Ml Store and basement, suitable for household or nftleo specialties. Inquire yrrcmlses. F. W SADDLER OFFICES. IIUMNF.83 ROOMS. ETC. wTl WILL RENT null PRESENT OFFICES, 3 FlVboitS NORTHWEST CORNER 3D AMU CHESTNUT h-rs. FOR 13". PER .MONTH, (ill WILL DIVIDE. N. P SLOAN. CO. PART of flrm-cliss office, central, stenog rapher; ph 702. Abbott nidg., ilroad . Rare. ONE-HALF of office for rent, with telophono BTvlce. 131o Cnmmonwealth WEST PHILADELPHIA new corTiFdweTlInc-Ts 30 ct.nm heat, electric iignis. ncy si o-n o Alden, or d C. Kune, S(ith nnd Havcrford avenue. "ii"iR?.i SOUTH ALDEN TKInc-hnll house; steam heat. electric light; nwhf minted Key MS.S. Alden. or S. C. Kane. Sfith nnd llaieriora nvo. SlS-Semldetached, porch.Sr., mod.; good order. Ap. 7012 lireenway me. (Subway or surface). Tioga I LEOIIENY, w., j;io inornugniy rcmou Mod with clectrlo lights, hot-water heat, new paper and paint: 2 porches: beautiful lawn; e Ot fiOXl'il' II. . T"1 1'' Hi"',.., ." "ig. truqiu. Oak Lane nK LANE June 13th or July nnd Aug ; atnna house 12r.. 0 bedrooms, all conv.; near ta- ;inn, iroWVwIU '": Pbune Oak Lane in. Iloxlmrougli, l'a. .igai'min: , CHr Hall L 32J. Led geV OfL Cynivyd. l'a. MODDRN HOUSE. 12 rooms, large grounds. 3 minutes from station, furnished or unfur nished, tor suniniji. "'"" 427 State road. Cynwyd. NEW JERSEY Wenonah. N. J. ws.KOOM HOUSE, white enamel finish! hath hot-water heat, gas, garage; one square from ilitntchard Evans. Jr. . SEAfcllOHB Cape MayN, J. -tiriMISHED cottages, ocean view, all looa tlons: reasonable. C. Earle Miller, 218 Ocean "'""A.'- .1 V F , tm.w -.' Stono Harbor, N. J. tTroNT. HARDOR cottages, bungalow and Birirtmtnta for rent, furnished, at moderate ?rl-f situated near ocean and channel, all Knienlenccs. Call, phone or writ for lllus. uated booklet. S. i. R. Co., 013 R. E. T. llldg.. Phlla . t FOR RENT FURNISHED SU11URIIAN mpw email, well furnished hou.e. on main Jl. "'"" .,,, rnA Konira JOSJ1 trwi. .t.. . -..- Torreadale, Va. HOfSB on property of .estate of Robert H i&7derr. Vnown a. "Rlytralda"; overlook ing Delaware River: location unsurpassed; :KV3ffit 'SuiidirTgr'Fbiudeiphrr7 410 Pnn. A tlantlo City. N. J. OCKAN-FnONT VILLAS APARTMBBfTS. HOTELS "ANY feAl vn run n iii oni HARRIS li.1i uii:ati aUAUANTEB TRUST BLDO, Ventnor, N. J. 12 ROOMS, 2 tuitBs, garage; ocean view; S30 sltilL Ji OakUnd ave. tStfrb S& 7 ...- .! .,1. Punch. Sinter fwrttlng letter lo hrolher nt the front) And hao yo onythlng else tne nay. father? Fnlher-Ay! Tell Donnl' that If he come over yon German waiter that Rnetl us a bad gaxpence for change when wo had a bit dinner In London n while dyne, tell him tao lak steady aim. Well Earned "So ou'ro tho epeertlcat messenger In town, nro you?" "Dnt'a me, boss!" "My, what nn honor, nnd how many messengers In town?" "Just me, hOBs'" TERRORS TES5E EPISODE XCLVHXXVIX tessieooThstvie rMnrvf THiwviPPS achr-iiT t-u4- OM:r DOOGt WK-ttYULcrv ul.r, i rATTrflffnst!''rj!Ti"Tiiw"""r'-"ir"1 CUSSES, THEYVE GOT , AY RAjcjt- IT'S ALWAYS AND THE WORST !SteiV'Jifi J,' Tb'"l :,'''. "- efA- -5cv J"'-' it &' ., 'iiWi fZ i5flfl8jari,-''ia s t&f I i isy:?r$( n rOI ; ; 8Hv lH SPECiai-vvar-,edition' MX I. rj!& ' ?S!& - M SSSisSisSisSS SBBiSSiSSiSSiSSiSSisH rTDBWlaklt? MTj 'SrTTH"! rr-T-r1-?-' f H KiUECIH. II SCRAPPLE 1 HSt9Milllilw Punch, Flrat Lady-horrified at bright scar let muffler for navy, tho creation of Second Lady) My clear the color! It'll mak a target for the Germans"! Second Lady Oh' then It'll have to do for the stoker. The Wretch Bite I'd like lo danc awfully. He You always do. don't you? AMATEUR NIGHT SHESCMSTHE0 WEAVES! r- UA TTACrTE.D Tr-i r ijl AT ftP 55HP WORE AT ,TntVYIHEAGErn$ CA.HT GET A SHOT T EW UIT- I Dfthegermopah ideaehteredtess' hem) shed get bran fever--- ttOY,EVER,HOTHlHG BUT QCKTHIMKIKG ILLSrXVEHEHOW o LIKE THIS CM) 3IT IS YET TO COME s J I I THE PADDED CELL HAV. .ILL TWrV f ( -YHS .TRMSFER Hl V V10HT1WKX V3E S THERES w x 1 I idiot 'Round Stp 5 ? I towk vvith w . I A PERCULIAR TV-V J HUMOR.. xWjF mw ' I AT THE MOVIES I T" HOI i tADu -rurM LA. Ltrrrt iiiL.i'1 , ,..o ?ESKY y A Deferred Pleasure London Opinion. Subaltern I should like to pay that llttlo bill of yours before I go away, Mr Snip. Tailor Thank you, sir; thank you. Subaltern But I can't. At the Zoo $IG m Lady Is there any danger of the boa constrictor biting me? Keeper Not a bit, ma'am, he never bitea; he swallows his wltttes whole. '9 SwU v ttM K PERISCOPE ,J r Pj $ U MhMI J i v A'jl X)CA r ox ffreff fitftTrn rlsl I ,11 I. sir. & THIS IS ... -OV REDSKIN tjETTWO 7r SERIOli?" Got Something, Anyhow serious rT jSsJ TJTZ' 'Sir, you can send up and take your old gas meter out of my house!" "This Isn't the gas works, this Is the) water works office!" "Well, then, send a man up to my house at once and turn the water off! I'm not going to walk a mile and a half, for nothing!" Doubtful j,-. ..- - . .; "Ah, Willie, I was Just coming over to your house to see If your father has an encyclopedia. Has he?" "I don't think bo. I think It's appan-dlcltls." " CHILTON APARTMBNTS Cl"3SlV Uarta at. MORTGAGES . ,. . inrhurrrrj i....,-- - T--"oTifuffTTK."t. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES W. . HOOD. 12 N0RBIS ST WEBS THEY ALL DROWNED, MtMMY. h ea!d t, lhsre hlK lcnAlltA,4ffa nf U lift i J.' " advantage " licr Cantral. usl t.i advaBtaga. .alary H 1 fr-vXl ll r5 4-oT; .v. t5) '"" ' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' i,.,....ia..J.l.iiB.B.ill i -IBBBH!