Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 12, 1915, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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Pr, of Piratps, and Wally, of Athletics, Now Major Lcaijuo
Stars, wun iwo more at Home Jiist Like Them.
Records of Brothers in Baseball,
Lit items to be I he ambition of every brother of n major league ball player to
on tlio diamond, But, for nomo reason or
lien Bob Schang, older brother of Vrtllv.
from the St. Joseph Western Lcacuo learn.
jfifis believed that he would follow the way of the brothers of other famous
t-U items io uu uiu tuumviuii ui uvery 01
HL the footsteps thai lead to fame on
raj the brothers generally fall. When
Kiiurehflscd by tho I'lttsbiirfjh club from
But lightning seems to have ntnick twlco In tho game place, as Bob Scliatiir
n considered nrst catcher of the riratcs. Nothing moro need bo Bald to
femrtoce tho fans that ho Is truly a great receiver, becauso any ono who can
LET ,., HAhlttni flWRV trtttW nilittrtM tniiat It .. n..lt.-.t ....,.
b' The remnrkablo part of tho career of the Selmnir boys Is that Wallv Is. in
RjHty.'an imitator of his older brother, but managed to mirpass Bob by a sudden
fern Into the limelight through the world's scries of 1913.
Robert Schang Once Rejected liy Georoo Stnlllnog
', Tiobert Schnng Was tho nrst of tho Schang family to play ball. Mo Is 2d
Kfirt of ngc, Wol'y ls 22, whllo two stars nt homo aro 20 and 18, Untilr tho
feflng Of 1912 Wolly always acted as substltuto catcher on tho Wales (N. Y.)
fcim, with his brother Hob oa tho star backstop. It Just happened that tho
id was piayioK m xuumiu unc uiicrnoon, aim ueorgo HtaiiitiBs, now manager
fit Braves, then managing Buffalo, went out to look Bob over. Tho Lafayette
dftMlonals, who were the opponents of Wales, proved easy, and Bob retired
jo the 8nrnc C(irll ftml Permitted Wally to como In from tho outfield to finish
(ft lame.
P One look was all Stalllngs needed. Ho took Wally instead of Bob. Two
Joliths on the bench under Krod Mitchell and Stalllngs, two experienced catchers,
'fond Wally ready for regular duty, nnd his work was a revelation. Ten major
grl clubs put In drafts for Wally, whllo the Phillies really purchased him,
tulth sale was set name, .manager iuacK wan mo lucky man In tho draft, and
itiiiigcamc here In 1D13.
!f Bob Sclifttig was disappointed nt not having a chance, but was naturally
smtid of his kid biother. In the spring of 1913 ho went to Erie, of tho Central
Lttgtte, onil, while a stnr, was not considered of big leaguo calibre. Ills rclcaso
"fa purchased by St. Joseph, of the Western League, and ho reported there In
U ipring of 1914. Kchnng wan Immediately a sensation In the Western Leaguo
)tl his relenso was nought by several major leaguo clubs, with Pittsburgh.
ly the lucky learn.
m m
Both Schangs Bat From Either Side of Plato
Now comes tho remarkable part of tho career of tho Schang boys. Bob was
first of tho family to hit left-handed. Wally immediately followed. With a
ht-handed pitcher they hit left-handed, and tho rovorso with a southpaw on
e mound. Thero aro several major leaguo players who dd this, including
Wh, Carey, Hugglns and Bancroft, but all of theso players aro handicapped
glen they are on tho right side of tho plate. With the Schangs It seems to
like no difference from which side of tho plato they bat.
. Wally Is looked upon as a wonderfully fast man for a catcher, as tho con-
'ittfit rtooplng Is believed to slow up backstops, but Bob ls even faster. At tho
present time there Is not a man on tho Athletics, barring, possibly, Strunk, who
fin circle the bases as fast as Schang, and Wally himself admits that Bob la
'Slhtly faster. Both boys also use unusually good Judgment on tho paths.
The Pittsburgh Schang haB not been put to a sufficiently thorough test yet,
but the fact remains that such u wise old owl as Fred Clarke has selected him
H first batcher in preforenco to Gibson, whom Clarko declared to bo tho best,
Uckstop In the National Leaguo last eeason.
i Moro Schangs nt Home Like Them
If It Is a remarkablo coincidence that both Wally and Bob should bo catchers
rf inch merit, but all tho more remarkable Is tho fact that two moro brothers at
Jbvme are catchers, nnd good ones. AVnlly ls authority for tho Btatoment that tho
"SS" ... i .1 f.. i.. I. r .. at. nlli.. I.. .... T7...V. .. J f ..I . i
lOUngesi oroilicr, uuuini, la luaiei viuiu uutici lie ui xuu uiiu la t;uillK LU ua il
puch better catcher. At tho present time the youngster ls captain and star of
t)i Lafavetto Hleh School team, in Buffalo, where he is nreoarlng for collena.
SWslly and Bob want him to play in tho big leagues, but they also Insist on,
Kttnding him through collego first.
Other "Kid" Brothers Knocking at Majors' Doors
several other of the present-day baseball stars havo brothers who asplro
to be big leaguers, but It Is doubtful If nny will reach tho height attained
m their brothers. JInity Walsh, of tho Brooklyn Feds, Is a younger brother
Erf ft famous Ed Walsh, of tho White Sox; Clyde Milan haH a brother who
111 playing In the Western Association, but he has been out long enough to
bire been picked up by a major leaguo club if ho were duo to bo a star,
Tho youngster Roth, who has fitted In nicely with tho Whlto Sox, Is a
prtther of Frank Roth, former Phllly and Whlto Sox catcher. Tho Zlm
iBSrmans, not Heinle, but Willlo and Harry, both have boon with Brooklyn,
but neither has ever looked great. John and Stanley Covaleskie, brothers of
Harry, the Tigers' star southpaw, havo had chances in tho majors, but havo
Stolen down. John Is now in tho New York State League, whllo Stanlov is
filth Portland, of tho Pacific Coast League, and Manager Mack, of tho Ath
lletlea, has an option on him.
Vic Saler has a kid brother who ls burning things up In tho South Mlch-
IgM League, but that la a long way from tho majors. Joo Harris, who Is
JWttlng close to .500 in tho Southern League, Is a brother of "Jumbo," who
pitched the 24-lnnlng game against Jack Coombs In Boston several years ago.
The Wonderful Dclchanly Brothers
0ns could namo no leas than 20 other star players who have brothers
yfTtag to follow their footsteps, but there will never bo another family like
pis Delehantys. With Ed. the most wonderful hitter of them all. as tho
Jw4ef, five brothers followed his footstopn into tho majors and threo of them
'were great ball players.
Jim is still a good man. and ho made tho Tigers a nennant winner when
Jennings' machine was wobbling badly in 1908. Frank, Joe, Dick nnd Tom
e all In the majors for two years. Frank had a wonderful future, but
3t Is said that ho liked tho hrlerltt llchts too well, and Griffith, who hart him
te New York In 1904, sent him back to tho minora. Thero was not a bad
Stall player In tho whole crowd, and It 13 not likely there will over be another
laally like It In tho national game.
w Tho Gleasons, Harry and Bill, were both stars at tho same time, but
liP Is the only other caso of two brothers being real stars simultaneously.
yj Delehantys, tho Schangs and tho Gleasons must bo placed at the head
n we list of brother stars.
Victory of Rod and Black
Over Catholic High and
Unexpected Defeat of
West Philly Changes the
League's Leadership.
Intcrschoinstic League Standing
"-".n5. "?h School 7
cntMi niuh school 4
CMhollo High .... 4
Southern IIUM School 1
Northeast High School's victory over
Cathollo Hleh School yesterday afternoon,
coupled with Southern High Bohool'a win
over West Philadelphia High School, en
nbled tho 8th stroot and LohlKh ncimo
lioys to romp Into tho lead for the Prlneo
ton trophy this season.
The Southwark nine, after losing soven
conseoutlvo games In tho liiters-cholnstlo
League campaign, sprang the biggest
surprise of the season by defeating tho
Speed Boys, who were tho bluest factor
for tho championship from the opening of
tho season. Conch Miller's nittoiml
pnBtlmcrs, with Pinltcl on tho mound,
won from tho Orange and Blue nlno by
a 3 to 2 score. Tho ltcd nnd Black, now
unuisputcil leader of tho circuit, boat out
tho Catholic team by n scoro of (I to 5
narltor pitched u splendid gamo for tho
lpaguo tondPis, nnd. although lie ullowoct
tho Purple and Hold eight hits, four
orrorB by tho latter gicatly nsslstrd tho
Noitheast Iiojb to win.
Tho unexpected victory of tho lowly
downtown nine, nnd tho defeat handed
Cnthollo High by Northeast greatly upsit
tho dopo In tho Intirscholnstlo League
raco. After Wot Phllly had all but
clinched tho championship, tho boys from
across tho Schuylkill lost their last throo
Coach Alkcr'a team will havo to tako
a decided brnco .In order to keep In tho
running, nnd unless N'orthoost falls lato
a slump, the Orangp and llluo will havo
a mlKlity stiff battle In icgaltitng Its lost
Southern High School's ball team rnma
to llfo for the nrst time this season when
Coach Miller's nlno got their willows
working to perfection ami lambasted tho
Pennsylvania Deaf Mutes In a one-sided
contest to tho tuno of 11 in l. Sheffe, of
auimiern, is a promising pitcher, but sup
-i ' i ,i
Effort Now to Show Homo Run King
Is Contract Jumper.
I'lnat disposition of tho protest of E. M.
Hackney, president of the Philadelphia
Suburban L,cnguo, against tho plajlng of
J. Franklin Bajicr with tho Upland Club,
will bo mado tonight nt the Philadelphia
Athletic Club, whore a special meeting of
tho Interstate Association will ba held.
13 M. Hackney said yesterday that he
bad In his possession cettnln letters and
documents that would prove beyond doubt
that Baker Is n contract Jumper and that
ho would present these as evidence sub
stantiating his protest beforo tho board of
Oh cc torn.
Joseph V. Itoitcrs, president, said that
ho had received numerous letters and
telephone calls from prominent Delaware
Lounty sporting men and backers of cer
tain clubs In that league, requesting him
to sustain Hackney in the protost.
According to this it Is said by officials
of tho assoelatlon not only will Baker
bo barred, but the Delawaro County
Leaguo will stay rlffht In tho association.
KenMn&toT Avenue.
llRlits In ar out v(ird and rclootto certain
oihir lights herein spacMtd.
taction I The Alct and Common Councils
ot Iho City of Philadelphia do ordnln. lliat the
Ufpiirtment of Public Safely (KlectrUal Uu.
rrau) to and l hercbj nuthorlitd to local
electrlo tltht na folluwi Hlx. 10) on Arch
treat, baittten Twcntj -nm and Twent) -third
Fiietls, Seventh atreot, at or nboo Commons
street. Boienth streit. between niberl sud
A".hm,,.r,''," .Hlbart alreet, betneen Twelfth
uiid Thirteenth suenta, sixteenth alreet, north
' Ubestnut a'reet, Cuthbort atreot, between
thlrieenth nnd Juniper atteett, Cuthbert atreet,
between Uroud nnd Juniper atrcets, Klltli
atreot. aouth of Arch alreet, Twontyaaventh
itreet, south of lmbard alreet. Van Pelt
and uhancollor atrteta, Tnonlj -fourth atreet,
lotween Locuat nnd Spruro atreeta Twonty
llral atreet lctom Ikii uat nnd Walnut streets.
Orccnutch street, between Mojnnmullire ao
nuo and Fourth atreot. Slxlconlh and BprlnK
atrwta. TlilH) -u ond nnd Dlcktnton streets,
Chvusa atreet. bemren t.ermantown and
Vtnyiio avenues llnni-ok stret. north of
walnut atreet. urelnthn! place, Hnruom atreet,
between J'rmit nnd Hancock ttrceta, I'lne
atreet, caet of ruurth atreet, Sixth atreet. bo
tueeu Hi own and Poplar atreeta, BLtth street,
cetween UullonwooJ nnd bprlna; Oarden
atreeta, Dnrlor; nnd Parrlnh atrcetai C4Khth
atreut, bctvtcen lltoivn and Parrlsh atreeta,
Hutchlneon nnd Wallaot atresia, Franklin
atrost, between Callowhlll nnd wood streetn)
Perth streat, between uuttonwood nnd Spring;
Oarden atloets, ClKhth and lirondywlna
streets Nnbla atreet, between Percy and Tenth
atreeta. Fall mount nvenur, between Twelfth
and Thlrieenth atreeta, (Ireen street, between
Tenth nnd Klotonth atreeta, tnelvn (12) on
rnlnnount nenue, between llrond street nnd
PenuivUnnlt nvenue Twenty-aerond street,
l'twien Drown nnd Pnrrlah atreeta, twe! (lij
on Kprlnn Oarden street, hetwien Ilrosd and
Trtei.M-Mth urerla, llndlno nnd Amorlcan
HtrentM, 1 rnnkford avonue, tlween lllrard
inentio and Thotnnton street, Cnmae nnd Itus
inmli nlrcota, 1 tnnkforil nvenue, between
Thnlursan and Master Htrrntn American atreet.
lelow Mnstir street, Howard atreot. between
Jeffereon and Oxford" streets, l'rnnkford ave-
port given him hns been wrlrd, nnd tho i"'e. lx;tween .Master and 'Ihompson atreeta,
cau'so" of hivi;Tn,.',rM.,,nV? C" 'H "-"."'''.'"Vou'S' TenSe. "en
cause of several defeat (hulked up -vil.lej street and illrard avenuo, Illchmond
igalnst him
Centrnl High Srhonl0 winner of the
rrlnceton trophy Inst season, virtually
Is out of tho raco now. Tho ilofcat Buf
fered by Northeast High School Mrttmlly
sidetracked Coach Dr, O'Hrien's tram A
battle between Xorthenst and West Phil
adelphia High now icmalnn.
Coach Eddlo Hcnnls has been working
tho Do Lancoy School bancbatl team hard
In preparation for tho L.a Salle game on
Trlday Tho game will bo plaved on Stcn
ton Field. Sid Loog or Armstrong will
pitch liennls la contlnunlly shifting tho
team around In tho hope of developing a
winning combination. Tho latest Inlleld
line-up ls Captain Johnson, llrnt base:
Boh Mnrtin, eccond base, Hill Hunn.
shortutop, and Movers, third baBo If this
Infield can ho taught teamwork It will
remain Intact; If not. nuother nwltch will
bo mado. With "Dlttv" Jlrlght nut of
iho game because of hlo low scholastic
standing, and "Sid" Bunting on the sldo
lines for tho rest of tho year becnttso of
sickness, tho outfield ls In a bad way.
Stoddart, If lie doei not plav first base,
probably will tako Bunting's placo In
contro field, although tho team's line-up
Is lrtually unknown.
Conch Wellor'B Lower Merlon High
School athletes, who this jcar nro amasH
lng championship reputations for thu
school in many athletic contests, also are
looming up strong for championship hon
ors on tho tennis courts. Tho Lower
Merlon track team, mlnun Itn cnplnln,
struggled hard for first placo In tho mllo
relay nt tho meet hold nt Cheltenham
IJIgh School last week, but was nosod
out nt the flnl3h tnp by tho track ath
letes from Media High School.
Fenthorweight Champion Outpointa
Mel Cooiran nt New York Club.
NEW YOniC. May 12.-Johnny Kilbnne,
of Cleveland, tho featherweight champion,
outpointed Mel Coottan, of Flatbush, In
a slow bout at tho Broadway Sporting
Club, of Brooklyn, last night. Congnn
declined to even go through tho motions
of fighting, and the affair resolved Itself
Into a succession of clinches.
Ktlbane landed tho moro blown nnd
had tho better of every round. Ho wan
handicapped by a bail right hand, nnd
also by tho fact that his opponent re
fused to meet him half way when It
enmo to swapping punches.
iSieuts for Handicaps nt Hunt's
Mcetinr? Annniineerl.
Wn following weights are for the
tMeipi (o jjB run R(Ur(iav nt Bel-
E5M Park, n. v , at tho meet of tho
ImiwsHu.?U Association.
fiS w Handicap, about five furlongs
!,' 1? Pounds; Bartlett, H5; Cul
itihn ' ExeinPlar, 135: Fenmouse, 160;
Im. K: Mack B. EubankB, 160;
iSat ..?' 1M; Muskmelon. 135: Otto
lS.,W: nosa Russell. 133; Tommle
KlJ"Mon. 150; Trua as Steel. l3.
RW. "" Steeplechase for hunters;
I wMwo and a half mites-Aggravate.
in-E,:J?e1 Cabe11' m' Conqueror,
EJWath LKH. Dsndam. 115; Duke of
KSStiI?' .FIoral Artl8t- w: Knleht of
MfieV V?i ' J- Shannon. 150; Royal
IBIIf.i r' oieoiJieenase, aooui two
Kfltl.v t, FrlJolee, W, Mission. 160;
I&I&T P8' 1H! NBt,ve Mal3' 13Si
Kir11 wdee. 132; Hahnh. lifi? Tinvnl
$" i1! Vnmaak, 159j Woolter. U6.
PhU Boxers Klrhr in H1oi.
In Pnn,l- i -kt ii
kmmov S.;"' ...
iSeianTbfI or a "Pedal show at the
MMriSH114 bout8 E,ldl8 Itevolre, of
ti iiT nagea to shade Jimmy
Uw, S.?f ,th,e Q" City, after
H to . ' al"Ucl wlth ac"ot from
S aven A,. :"" ""'. l"". ruunui.
ES -1 Jryw Bevolra annexed the
V Tnt' whlU ha temh wa "
u thiV r,UH1 ron,iy, dui siowea
5 h,50ut P8red.
ltia-UD w. k. i.. ,j .,
I'fcfa"??''' f ha distance) proved
S- fOr the Butcher nnv. nt Hrvn
CVth Jj1 wrey. of PhUadel
riou, Lrtf? ' the Uth session
JlSki mroutn tho remainder of
HHr in,h mlwlnd-up, Johnny
L Th'- ?' Pblladelphia. rfued to
kad l ei?,"M hd them off after
JooU4 Uaouih niaa rouB.li.
. JSa) ss55III::::s:55 liMMii'Wl Ii .
Wt fes m HUNS vBBI i
J- CV -- lrEr(:i(-" iV E" JXrM&iiaiaiaiaiaMaW '
S'k &BjmmJMmB&J tiiiM I
, ii'iej rii.Tt uiiu .iiritiit n)iiiu.i ,,v... ,,'.
lrpt tiAltLnt, I'nlm.r ntrrtft nnil MontKOtnart
mentio Knat Ojfortl atreot. between Kaat
(ltrnnl ietiue nnd Hnat Thotnpaon alreet, Eaat
OUnnl street, between Lust Olrarrt mcniin
nnd Pnat MMej street. Pntt Oxfonl street,
between 1'nst Thompson nnd ISelnrnuo atreeta,
(! runtilown nnd Hnsunehannn ftenues tier,
nmntottn nvemio and Norrls alreet, lUrmnn
tottn nenuo nn1 Flerka street. Junction of
rifth atreet. Oertnnntown avenue ond tora
streit. threo (1) Kensington nvenue. between
Voik street nnl I ehlsh nvenue, three 1 1).
Trent street. hetwron llerka nnd lork
streets, rainier etieet, eaat of rrnnt street,
rnnrth atrtoi, between Norrla nnd Diamond
streeti- t.eo alreet, between l"ront nnd Cumber
land atrrnts, rrnnkford avenue, below Herts
street, Cumberland street, between rrnnKlIn
nnd KlKhtli streeta. Ninth nnil Oxford atreets.
Jlnrshnll street, nbovc OlrarU oxenue, Norrla
ntreet. below Tenth atreet. Mnrvlno street,
obmo Oxford street, Warno-k street, nbovo
Cnliimtila nvenue. Perth and Thompson stteets;
Twelfth street, between Mnater nnd Jofferson
streets; two i2) (entre o! Hrond street, nt
Columbia axenue Mmmjunk nenuo and Hec
tor street, HlilRe avenue, lietween Shnwmut
nnd Itox enuos, Itldice menup, between ilex
and Port Itonl avenuea. Terrace street, be
tween Walnut Inne nnd Mnrtlo atreci, rerrnio
and ttetllln streets Hldse nenu , between
LexurltiBton and Ktnms nvenuea, Itoone street
uinl ItnxborniiRh nvenue, Tower nnd LeverlnK
streets, LoverliiK nnd Cretaon streeta rresai.n
utieet. between Vnuaar street nnd Hideo ave
nue, four (4), on Main street, betwoen walnut
nnd Green lnnea, Jlaln stroel. between Tiro Kn
Klno Ilotiao nnd Lcvcrlncten avenue, three (I),
on Mannv-unk uvenuo between Walnut lane nnd
Leverlngtnn nventie fJreene atreot. norlnweet
of Up3Tl itreet, ucut and MeJIahon nvenue a
Stenlon nvenuo nnd Wnshlnuton lano Herkley
and lireeno atreMs, 'Vol ton unl Herman
Btreels. Lincoln Drlvn and Arbutus street!
Ardleleh avenuq nnd Graver's lano. German
town nvenue, nbove Hlllcrest nvenue. I.uray
stieet nnd Germnntnwn nvenue. Iterkley
street, snithvvcfll of Germantown nvenue,
Devon etrect, Boutheaat of Chelton avenue;
f helten avenue, west of Haynton street. Ur
mnntonn nnd Chelten nvenuen; Paul street, be
tween Orthodox and Meadow atreeta. Rnnk
ford avenue, between Foulkrod and Harri
son streets, nrd; atreet, weat from Krank
ford LYeek brldse, Trankford nvenue and Ar-
ron street, (mkiana ami utiunEiinm svreeta;
Marraret street nnd Torreedale avenue. Worth
nnd Tucker streets, Torresdnlo avenue nnd
rtuni plreel. Grlecom street, north of Churih,
RtiAit and Konmln streets Until nnd Dyre
strestH. Saul street and Oxford pike, tVankford
nvenuo nnd Orthodox street, Penn and Koulk
rnd atreets, Harrison street, botween Oxford
plko nnd Oakland atreot, Oakland nnd Klll
moio atroets, KensliiKton avenue, between
Adams avenue end 'Womralh street, llarrlsun
street, botweenlargo nnd liorrocka streets l"or
ti -second nnd Spring Oarden streets, alx (111,
Heluinntnvenue. rrotn Lancasternvenue tn Park
elda avenue, two (2). Olrard avenue, between
Tbirtv-elohth and Tnlrty-titnth etreeta. Thirty
fourth itreot, between ttaco street and Powel
ton nvenuo, Stllei stroet, botween Torty-second
nnd rnrtv-fourth streets. Thirty -third and
llrimlvnlue streets, l'allas and Walla so
streets, llimllton stroet, between Thlrty-eav-enth
nnd 'Ihtrtv -eighth atreets, Frankford nve
nue, south of Clcnrtleld atreot, Orleans street
nnd Frankford nvenuo, Frankford avenue be
tween I'leurlleld street and Alloxheny ave
nue, Trnnkford avenue, south of Somerset
streot. Wltto street, botween Clearfield street
und Allegheny avenue, Aramlngo avenue and
Ann street, Memphis and Ann atreeta, Iluth
nnd Monmouth strcetB, Aramlngo avenue, be
tween Somereet nnd Ann streets, Memphis
street between Somerset and Ann atreets;
Amber and Wlshart streeta, Somerset atreet,
between Irenton nvenue and .Memphis atreet;
Washington nvenur, between Seventeenth
und Kighleenth atriwta, Twenty-second and
League alreeiH, Mnater and Dover atreeta. Co-
lumbij. avenue, between Thirtieth and Thtrtv.
I Hi hl streeta, Ivventy-elghth and Cabot atresia,
Maiaton and Master streets, Utiles and Mlrtlo-
noon airreis, ncnxirK anu uxioru atresia;
Twenti-fourth and Itednor atreets. Cam
luldge street, nest of Thirtieth street. Harper
s'reel, weal of Thirtieth atreet, Twenty-nun
ntiret north of Columbia avenue, North College
avenue and Tailor street, two (2) Front street,
be'ween Allegheny avenue and Westmoreland
sirsct two (.'), Krnnt street. between Westmore
land ami Ontario etreeta, Indiana avenue, be
tween i. nnu r eireem
ami a strettti Hilton sireet ti
avenue, liroaa strrei snn ''re
nn nvenue, per ond and miner streets. Temn
street nnd Oregon avenue. Front snrl Jacxarm
etreets. Front and ftltner streets, Front and
1'ortiT slreetsi Herond nnd 1'orter streets Third
and rorter streets, Thirteenth street between
Shuiik street sna, Oregon avenuei Wolf street,
between Front and Second streeta Mojamening
avenue, between MfKean street and Pnyuer
avenuei Van I'ell street, north of Dltmnn.t
street, flinniiehvtina avenue, between Twenty
ninth and Thirtieth Btreelai fledrley avenue snl
Ktting atreet, 'iwciun street, nciween nionv-
dowrte avenue and litr-cond Street Nevada.
atreet east nf Kierenth street) Kineteenth and
Somerset streeta Twentieth tint Bomerset
streets. Forty-ninth street, between raichall
nnd Woodland . avenues; Forty-ninth etreet
eouth nf rseehall nvenue, State road, north of
noverratix street) York rond and Undley nv(
nua. ork road and Wagner streets,, York road
ard Iluscomb street York road and Wlndrlm
nvenue. lork road and Louden street York rod
and Duncannen avenuei York road and Chelten
avenue; i.indiey ana winanmiivenue, ytt
tleth street and Parks-Id nvenue; rarksld
avenue west of llelmonl avenue; elghty-
grmery avenue nnd ilerks street. Twcnty-nlntii eight (88), on Southern Moulevardi on hun
street, letween llldge avenue and lJlsmonl dred and twenty-four tut), on Northeest
air. . ts Oilanmi and
Itnaehlll and Ontario
iiriBioi atresia; Front
Graham Suffers Injured Knee.
Team's Chances Hurt.
NEW YORK", 5fay 13. Columbia's for
midable track team suffered another loss
yesterday when It was announced that
Crackers Graham would not bo able to
represent the Blue and White in tho run
ning broad Jump snd hurdles at Annapolis
Saturday, Graham Injured his knee by
stumbling on the last hurdle In the Brown
meet at Providence, It has become in
fected and may keep him out of the Inter
Ho Is the best broad Jumper turned
out at Columbia, belnff eood for 23 feet
When Captain Frank Brady was declared
ineligible. Graham took up racing in the
hurdles and promised to develop Into a
star of tho first magnitude. With Brady.
Graham and Tom Black lost for the
year Columbia loses three certain heavy
l,...n,irr,.r in the Intercolleslates.
Coach Wsfers said that all he needed
to make) a bid for the championship was turned Just In time to see Graham rem- ' "
the return of BtuieU Beatty. Beatty r-1 dera hors do pombat, I S'; fc!
street and Allegheny avenue. Front and Llrinln
coit streets. Fifth and Ilrlstnl streets, Second
street north of Somerset street, Second atreet,
north of Cumbria street, American and Llppln
rntt streets, A and Llpplncolt atreela, A and
Cleanleld streeta, Mascher and Clearfield
eirrets I.ehl.h iivenuu, east or Twenty.fUth
street York and Napa streets, York and llouvlrr
streets Hrond atreet, north side of Susque
hanna avrnue, Lehigh and Glenwood avenues,
Natima and York streeta. Thirty-third anil
Harold stteets. Thirty-fourth street, Letween
Huntingdon street and Lehigh nvonua; Cumber
land street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth
streeta. on Thirtieth street, between Hunting,
don and Oakdale streets. Gurnet and York
itreets rear 11(11 South Broad street; Seven
teenth street.between wolf and Jackson streets;
r-erllale street. hetWeenWh&rtonand Iteed atreala
Wharton street, between Eleventh and Twelfth
atreeta, Fifteenth street, north ot Porter
, itreet, reer 1217-10 South, Hroad street! Seven-
t teer.th tret, between Heed and Ulcklmon
streets, rear iuu-i;uo Kieninson street; Han
croft street, between McKean atreet snd my
drr avenue; Rlghteenth snd I.atona atreais,
Mlrtlln atreet, between fifteenth and Hlcka
atreeta, IUncroft straet. between Mooro and
Mifflin streets; Clarlan atreet. aouth of Whar
ton street; Lehigh Avenue, between Sepvlva
ana jump uori, juijiiim airoui, uetween
Emerald and Coral atreeta: Ftrth atreet, be
tween Cedar and Haul streeta, Mover and Let.
terly treta; Trenton avenue, below Ablgal
street, Trenton awnue and Illalr street; Ara
rrlngo avenuo and York atreet; York and
Thompson streeta-, York street, between Tulip
and Sepvlva streea; Trenton avenua and llax
sard atreet; l.ehjh avenue, Letween Kensing
ton avenua and Jasper street; Sergeant street.
between Kensington avenua and Jaaper street;
four (4). on Fortieth street, between Walnut
and Sprue streets, two C), Locust street, be
tween Thirty-ninth and Fortieth atrseta; Thirty-fourth
and Sansom atreeta, Forty-tblrd
street, between Chester and Haltlmor avenues,
l hestnut street, between Forty-second and
forty-third streets; Forty-first, street, betwoen
fheistnut and bansom streets. Fort) -second
stieet. between Chestnut and Santom stre-oU.
rorty-seiond street. Letween Walnut and Lj
rut streeta; Korty-flrst street, between Walnut
and Loeunt streets: Kensington avenue, b
tweer. Cambria street and ltjlana avenues
Kenilnsto.i avenue, between Indiana avenu
and Cl-wrflold street; Kensington avenua, Lo
tween Somerset and Cambria streets. Milliard
street and Kensington avenue, Thayer street
and Kensington avenue. Kensington avenue,
between Clearfield street and Allegheny avenue;
potter and P aireets. nosebtll and Westmore
land oAreets liancock and l.lrplncott streets
li and. CtMrfteld (treats Second and Llpplncolt
Mscaer anu ivinyintuvv sirsets tvue
it ana Kensington mieaue. Kensangton
betwssa Somerset streM sad Lhlgh
.Wiiniua s-nu, jiiiesiuay avifDuts.
s'reet, two (2), Twenty-ninth streot, betwoen
Diamond strict snd Susquehanna, avenue,
ItlJge avenue, httween I'nenty-slxth an I
Dirks streets, 1'lfly ninth street, north f
Thomas avenue. Klfty-seiond eireet and tlreen
wny avenut, rirty-eriond street and Klng
aeeslng avenue, Hsvcnly-thlrd street nnd dray $
nvenue, Woodland avenua between Iloy,i
stnet alul Island road Woodland avenue, bo
tween sixty-thin! and Sixty-fourth streets
Woodland avenue, east of Slxty-tnlrd street.
Woodland iiunuo, between Seventieth an I
Seventi-tirat atreot Woodlitud avenue anl
Slmraon atrtet. Woodland avenuo, between
fflxt) -ninth and Seventieth streets Wcodlanl
nvenue and Shields strent Woodland avenue
and Uould street; Westminster and llavorfon
avenues. Sixty-first anl Arth atreeta Sixty
first nnd Ilact, streeta. Sixty-fourth and Ita, o
streets. Vine and i;Jseivoo,l streets, Sixtieth
and Ihompeon streets, dross and Malvern
strwits. Oxford and Allison sireeta, Iiroxel
road, between Flity-ntnth and Slxtleih atreets
Woodbine avenuo, between fifty-eighth nnd
tilty-nlr.th atresia; .Master and Slxty-aecond
slreuta, Slxty-nrat nnd Jerfetson streets, tvu
Ui. on sixtieth street between vine ami Cal
lowhlll atreets, two U). on Sixtieth street, be
tween uallotvhlll atreet anu (Jirard avenue,
two (2) on sixtieth street betwoen UlrarJ
avenuo and Thompson streot, Pirty-rotirlh
sireet ond Overbrook avenue. Oxford avenue,
;. ..v" .' j.iiawh ana ioncy airceia. an i
UotLeck atieeta. Oxford avenue (Huntingdon
pike) and Fillmore street. U and Loney streets.
0 and llollnjjie aueets. Ilhawn and N sire a
Hhawn street, east oi N street, two U), on
tastor rosu, north nf Ithann atreet Grant
avenue and iloif street Hlslnc Sun avenua vnd
'I'l'orman stieet, nt,aut JOK feet vvesi of lllsinx
Sun avrnue on coltmsn atreet ntout tBu teoi
iiS!:i. "I,l!"t H"n nvenue or, Cottnvnh street
!: i,lir." p.",?,.alu, county Lin. Ithawn am
iiJ?if". .""'ham and 11 aireota, Olrklnjon
IlrjIS ?x "' 'lolly wood atreet. Thlrty-rttai
IvJJ.V JftLW .'""" .1"' Oicklnson atree'a
tvl.lin.,.",,,,.l','n iwenty-aixth nnd iwen
;?r,.'n,fl "'""v Twenty-fifth and Heed
5nrt "!i.1"l"-elghlh atreet, between Tasker
M..nri0,r" s-trsets. Tusker etrtot, between
rl in &"!.:?,"' . and .'I'wentj-elghtli streets,
!... y"'.ou,,n ''' Letween lted und Dick
i?iii. !,"' 'Ihlrty-nrat and Uloklnson
In,f ', 1,",untr-sixth street, between TasKcr
i ?"' streets, Thirty-iourth street, bo
inS iWn,r,on and Jleed streets. Tvonty-llflh,
f. i ! lTS. "l- 1 seven (7), on Castor roid,
iieiwpen Oxiord pike snu Cottmun street soven
li,,..f..'""l,m 'lfK0 I'etwten Hyoerry load anu
Hit. " i?.,v,",kf 1berry road and nenenlem
S!i S'i'i; "'!'. '''"' n6r,h "' iHinsldson avn
iVini, "''''eiilli street, north ot Cumberland
i,t.i., r.ul".b,':'ll,n'' street, east of llurtecntli
j;!.;,!1.'""1 "treet, north of York street.
,it,',!L "lrel. south of Doupnln street, Sue
SSSJV1?. ?vo.,"'. weat of 'tenth street. Soni
tl!!lmU!?, .b,t,w,n Twelfth nnd Thirteenth
tji 'Ja?, and 'lloga streets, Oermantoivn
hIi,!J vi"J Vork street; Oermantown avenue,
imSm,!,, rlJ lrt( Oermantown nvonue ami
iSnh l ",r'c. .liermanivwn nvenuo. below
itXHi ., ,,r''l Hfoad and v. enango streets;
imlm,l" c,.n r,e or "a "treet. nt Lehigh
frriSy'v?".11!!'0 nue, north of Calumet
.,lLt. ?."",' "'" street, south ot Clearfield
li . .Al.l?f10 and Creeeon streets, gueon lane,
r?r.i: 'i1?8. avenue; Cresson and Stanton
K' .A1!.1"11 .a"!1 Thirty-fourth streets.
n,7,! "Cflj".h 5cl Bomereet atreeta. Thlrty
in!i L.JKi'"1 and Abbottsford nvenue. Ilutler
JJ "meJIey streets. Clearfield and Fox streeta,
.(!, ZWK ,!""! Allegheny avenue. Carlisle
5n..h T Ji"?, "Elieny . nvenue, Smkley street,
S?IiS,-of i!i"!"nS Ktk '"enuo, JtuniliiR Pnrk
?m il..?f," '1' flsrinaiitown nnd Chestnut
n'hin, I-i10'1, ot .""' lViinsjlvanln Ilallroad,
AJ!!?f 1'.e90rJI and .New (jueen stroets, Thlriy-
" New Queen streeta. Thirty-fourth
n?rlHWn.Q""m..,tr,,ltB- Thirty-fourth atreet,
i ,.?r.",v I erry road nnd Wharton street,
R!!.i. ,."'." ,"teet- "or,ll r n,,fr sireet, (llen
iSi.i ,'i itv,or.tll"x '"".'els, Dlsslon nnd 1111
!&, ', 'i,,",1!!"''' stnlt' r?a'' n,"l Umoreatix atreet,
iJ. .il:?J vn". ahove Pearson street, lllg
!,i i Wf,1, S "' s.,nln road t-hidon avenue
SS, .;lBl.k'r "trc?l 1-lnJen avenuo nnd Jai-k-rfve
fil lu? !-' In 1'leasnni Hill Park nloni
river front, Htxtu road, between 1'rlncoion and
'....., '"'", lts. 'tulip striot, nbove UlsHlon
?.TnLv-.Lu"n "lroc',( ,koul" 0( rant avenue.
I'l-ankford avenue, below Linden nvenuo, four
i.'.:.Vn 1X.,lltS.lon avenue, caet of Frankford
? ! ...V,'",?Inn.', avenue, between Sixtieth
?i,L;Sli,,,.""r?t streets, W'oilland nvenjo. be
frnJ?i.x, ,,rBt nri1 Klaty-scennd sirens Six-y-elghth
stroet and Cheater nvmuo. Seventy-?-?r,tl
;!r"t,JHncl 0;s, avenue. Jilxly-flfth
street, nt orldgo over Cobb's i reetl. l.lglily
slxth street and Knatwlek avenue, Seventieth
!!,.ll:,,ll!l'.,",f"f' niglitleth rtr.et nnd Dons
1, l't-lth fjreet nnd Whitt.j nvenue,
i,,Pm21 ?.V"UC and 1'rnxler street Thomas nve
nue and Ilium ftreet, Flft-nfth stteel, betwoen
liioni s anil llnltlmnro nvenuea Mneteemii
etrwt. between W hnrton and lteed strctv
1 went! -first struct between tteed nnd lUckln
son .streets, it, nm ihlrtj-llfth ntreits.
Gray s IVrry road between Thlrt) -sixth trett
and bridge, Nineteenth street between Morrh
unl .Moore atieeta r.lghteenth strw t hetwteu
Jiorrla and Slonre Birects. Morrli ntnet. be
tween Twentj -third ami Tnvnt) -fourth sinetn;
Morrla sireet, hetvveeii Twentieth nnd Twentv
flrst streeta. Twentj -nlnlh ntri-ei. between
(inkrord and Wharton streets. Twentj -ninth
street between Wharton nnd Ileed strwtn
Limekiln rlku nnd W llllini strret, Twilfth
Btrou and Sixty-sixth nvintie, Washington
lunr, west of Ogont nvenue, rourlh street
unl Olney nvenue. Third and (.hew 8trceta,
alxtiwnth and Cnurtland stricts second street
umi ivjoming avenue, Lieventn atreet and
Wjnmlng nvriiuo iowrenco street nnd Olnni
nwnue. Thirteenth nnd Iijscomb streets, Ninth
street nnd fnuicanrion nvenuo, York read and
Clmmploat avenue, Church lano and Opnl
btreet. rifth attect. between Somerset nnd
('ami rli streets llerse nnd Somerset strccis,
rnlrhlll street, letween Lehlzh avenuo and
Somerset street, Hunting IMrle avenue, east
of Broail stroet, Hutchinson stnet. between
Lehigh nvenue nnd Somerset street, rifth
street, between Indiana avonue and Clearfield
str.et. Fifth street, between Hrle avenue and
Ilutler street Sixth street, between Cambria
nnd Somerset atreeta, rifth atreet, between
Alleghenj nvenuo and Wontmnreland ptre-t:
Allegheny avenuo, between Fifth nnd bixth
streets (Uenvvood ovniue between Tenth and
Kleventh streets. Fifth street between Tlog i
niiJ Vetmngn strcetH Fifth Etreet, between
Venango street and l"rle avenue, Olrard ave
nue, between Flftj second and Wilton stroets.
Fiftieth and Thompson streeta rnrty-seventh
und I'arrlali streets, Fifty-third nnd Jta-o
itreets. Twenty-third and Jack-son streetn;
Twenty-third nnd Wolf atreeta; Twenty-fourth
nnd Wolf streets. Twenty-fourth street nnd
Snjder avenuo. Twenty-fourth nnd MeKean
streets. Nineteenth and Gladstone streeS
Lnmbert and nitner etreeta, miner and Garnet
streets, Lambert and Wmr streets: Twenly
sev.ond street, south of Jackson street, Twentv
thlrd street, south of Juekaon atreet, Jackson
street, west of Twentj -second street; nine
teenth nnd Jnckrnn streeta. IVolf etrect, west
of Twenty-second ttreet rnaayunk avenue,
weat of eighteenth street, Twenty-flrst and
IVrlght (or Stewart) streets, llighlconth nnd
Flora streets bejbert atreet nnd North Collego
avenuo, Twenty-rtrst street and North Collego
avenue, ficyb'rl street, twtween Twenty. second
und Twenty-third streets. Soyhert street, be
tween I'wentj-nrst and Twenty-second atreets;
Smedley and lngrrsoll flreeta, Tliompaoii
sireet. between Twenty-second nnd Twenty
third atreets, North College avenuo. be
tvveci Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets:
Sixteenth and Flora streets. Kightconth nnu
Harlan streets, nora street, between Six
teenth and Seventeenth streets. Flora street.
t,ttvon Uavpnteffnth and Ktzhternth atreets:
lngersoil street, Letween lllgntecnth and Nine
teenth streets, Nineteenth and Sharinool
streets, Emerald street, betwoen Tioga and
Venans streets, l'rnnkford avenue, between
Venungo street and Krle nvenue Jnaper and
Schiller streets, Ontario and Ilradilock ureeia,
Altezhenv and Aiamlnxo avenues, Krankford
and Allegheny avenues. Allegheny avenue, be
tween Thompson and Kdgemont streets, lior
don and Kennedy streets, Almond atreet, ubovo
Orthodox street, Kensington avenuo and IV
It It. brldgo. Frankforu avenue, below Vo
nango street, N and Jasper streots. Ilutler and
Jusper atreeta, Hedley and Allen streets,
Camac and Venango streets, Fnlrhlll atrset
and Indiana avcaua, Ulghth and Lycoming
streets. Seventh and Lycoming streets, Ninih
and Butler strests, Sixth and Uutler streets,
Ughth and i'lka streets, two (2). Fifty-second
strset and Farkslde avenue; three (3). on
Olrard avenue letvvien rorty-nluih and Fifty
first streets, (u), Dolrnont avenue, between
Lancaster avenua and Farksldo avenuo, Broad
street and Rlxty-nlnth nvenue, llroad street
and Seventieth avenue; Ueechwood and Spen
cer streets, Thirteenth street and Sixty-nun
avenue, Third street and Wyoming avenue,
Ughieenth und Iluscomb streets and Ueineld
avenue, Fourth and Summervllla streets. Front
and I.uray streets, Twelfth street and Kearo
avenue, York road and Ftshrr'a avenue, Fif
teenth street and Ltndley avenua, Fifteenth
street and Liuncannon avenue, Fifteenth
atrnflt and Fteher's avenue. Mascher street.
south ot Tabor street; Twelfth street and Wy
oming avenue, two (2), on Tenth street, eouth
of Wagner avenue, Richmond and Victoria
streets. Cedar street and Alleghany avenue,
on Itlcbmond street, between iludlum and
Westmoreland streets, on Illchmond atreet, be
tween Westmoreland and Ontario streets,
Illchmond and Schiller streets, Jltchmend
street, between Allegheny avenuo and lUdlon
street, two (2), on Uallimore avenue. Letween
eorty-ntulh and Flftyseiond streets, blxtleth
and Latona streets: fetxt) -first and Latonj.
streets Sixtieth and Lllsworta streets. Six
Hoih and Carpenter streets, Slxtleih and
Webster streets. Flfty.seventh street and
Washington avenue, Forty-eighth and Locust
streets; 'ltty-sUin and christian streets. Fifty-
eighth street ana Washington avenue, Chestnut
anJ Market strests: Fifty-ninth street and
Cobb's Creek I'arkway; lhtrtleth and Markst
streeta; two (2), west end of Market street
bridge; two (2), east end of Market street
bridge; Sansoai street, between Juniper and
Uroud streeta: Eighth street, between Wood
and Callowhlll streets: Eighth street, be
tween Willow and Nobis streets; Eighth and
Nectarine streets; Wood, street. between
Llov tilth and Twelfth streets; Twenty-seventh
street, above Brown atreet. Klghteanth and
Uuttonwood streets; Nineteenth and Button
wood streets', two 12). Twenty-fifth sad Green
streets, Sixteenth and North streets; three
(3). lUdgs avenue. Letween School lane and
Wlssahlckon Drive; Ridge avenue, above
Wlssahtckon Creek, five S. Walnut lane, be
tween Rldg avenue and Wlesahlckon Creek:
Oermantown avenue, la front of Chestnut Hill
Hospital; Oermantown avenue, south of Mer
maid lane. Germsntovvn avenue, south of
Frlco alreet; Oermsntown avenue, north of
Fries eirwt; Oermantown avenue and Mora
land street! Van Jtlrfe straet and Pennsylva
nia Rallroadt Van Kirk and Keystoaa streets.
Torresdal and Frankford avenues: Thirty
ninth and Filbert streets; Thompson street
above Lehigh avsnue; Belgrade street, above
Lehigh avenu; Chestnut street, above Thlrty
(ourth atreet, Chadwlok street, betwoen Hunt
ingdon street and Lehigh' avenu Second
atreet, between Erl avenua and Butter street
TtAva. and C streets. Ttoxa and I streets. Ijm.
iawoM YU aval ffUtr-iUtsv. atiaj lar.s-1
llmilAmfri. frmn tlrnad street In rixfoed r-lr.
cle; eighty-seven (8T), on the Northeast tloule
rard, rrom Oxford Circle to ithawn strret;
thirty-six (30), on South street, from Dela
ware avenu to Tvventyseventh street; twenty
three (2.1), on llroad atreet, from Hunting
1'nrk avenua to Olney, avenu; eight .to), In
lllsrk ouk 1'ark. ten (10), on Whitehall Com
mons I'nrk, seven (7), on Walnut street, Le
tween Forty-sixth and Fifty second streets;
eight (8). In playground, hounded by Norrls
and rainier streets, Frankford avenue anJ
Front sireet; six (0), in Aramlngo Square;
four (t). In Recrealfon Park, Fiftieth street
nnd Chester nvenue. three 13). In Westmore
land Square, llldge avenue south of Queen
lane, Fifty-sixth nnd Larchwood streets)
Blxty-thlrd and ChestSat streets. Sixty-third
and Walnut streets; Flfty-soventh street and
Chester avenue, Hunting l'ara avenue, be
tween Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth streetst
Fiftieth nnd Arch streets i York road nnd
Hunting J'ark avenue, Felts street, west tt
drays Ferry road; Mole street, between Mor
ris and Moors streets i Mol street, betwen
Moore and Mifflin streets; four (I), on Castor
rond, betwoen (.'oilman atreet and lluatietoa
tlke Also relocate certain lights as fol
lows On South street, from Delaware me
nus to Twenty-seventh street, on Spring Oar
den atreet, from llroad strict to Twenty-fifth
alreet, and on rnlrmount avenue, from nroad
street to Ttvenly-nftn street.
Section 2 The lights provided for by this
ordinance to burn from June 1st, in In. and
tn be raid out of Item fib In the annual ap
propriation to the Department of I'uhilo
Safety (Electrical Bureau) for the J ear lDlfi.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances incon
sistent herewith bo and the same aro hereby
Ar-roved this thirteenth day of April, A. 1).
No nil. Mayor of Philadelphia
partment of Public Works (Tlurenu of Water)
tn enter Into contract for the Improvement ol
the wator supply ot West Philadelphia and
South l'hllnttelphla. nnd a sedimentation basin
at Torreedale, and to appoint asslatanta nnd
Inapeotors and to purchase an automobile
tru k.
Section t The Select and Common Coiinellaof
tho Cltj of Philadelphia do ordain That the
Department of Public Works (l)ureau of Water)
bo authorized to enter Into contracts for the.
Impiovemeiit of lh water supply of West Phil
adelphia nnd ror the Improvement of tho water
supply of bouth Philadelphia, and aedtmen
tailou baaln at Torresdalo, and pny for the
sam out of Heme 1U1 (loan fund), lit! (loan
fund) nnd Item 10U (loan fund), and from such
other funds as may b hereatler appropriated
or said work.
feci Hon tt. That tha Department or Publle
Works (Bureau of Water) ba authorised to as
sign the necessary assistants nnd Inspectors on
snld work and pay caUrlcs, transportation and
Incidental expenses out ot items 100 (loan
fund), 101 (loin fund) and 102 (loan fund) In
thn appropriation to the Department of Publlo
Works (Tlureau of Water), and from such other
funds ns may L hereafter appropriated for
enld work
Scotlon 0. That tho Director of the) Depart
ment nt PuMlo Works he authorised to draw,
and tho City Controller to countersign, a war
rant for an ntilomobllo truck for f tie Bureau ot
Water, ami charge the same against Item 101
(loan), for (no Improvement ot the vvnter sup
ply In South Philadelphia, the coat ot same not
in exceed the sum ot two thousand (2.0OU)
Approved the twenty-first day of April, A, D.
RUDOLPH nr,.v..NKr.Niiriia,
. No W2, Mavor of Phllvlelrhla
AK'onDtWANcVro Attjfoni2eiVfeV
Saving of certain street
, ection ) ThJTseieii nnd cermhan council1
of the City of Philadelphia do ordain Tht
the) Director of the Department of PuhlTi
works Of, authorised tn enter into &nfeU
for reprmng the following streets with asphalt,
w.fflnllfi amcal'e tinlonltn or nltwrtlne, wltn
vltrlflel brlclt gutters, where, deemed tr.
ary by the salit Director Diamond itreet,
from .Tenth, to Khventh street, Paul etreet,
from Frankford avenue to Ituanireett Jtitner
tilt .ffom seventeenth to nouvler street,
Thirtieth street, from tiordon to torjt stwen
Vn Pelt street, from Diamond street U 8a.
from Leh
t'ber street
quehanna avenue
gow street, from Pornertet to Indiana. sireett
street. to Ruaauehanna avenue
nvenue to camoria street Lttn
from Diaftwnd''
urxner street
Hancock .street, from Cambria to Indieni
street; eighteenth street, rrom Tioga to V
nangn ttreeti Nineteenth street, from .flogs, tof
vennngo aireeti oratt street from raciftc to
Venango street; Mflvllle street, from Bin to)
Aspen, alreet i Bath street, from Venango to
to Pacing, strret) Bfldt street, from Oarden
VIMAtl -, Vl.t.Bt. ..J... m.m n,,Lll.J
... ."- .v,,, BLim, 1IUUI XIIUIIII'UIIU
to Myrtle street; Allen street, from Venango
street to Delawart River; Market street (south
;ii luni r iiiy-rixnin. id cixiy-vnirq eireeii
Sortr rret. from Dtghteenth to Ops! etreet
p Kalb street, fi-om walnut to Locust street,
Dauphin etreet, from Broad to Fifteenth streeti
Th.lrty-fo.trth street, irom Haverford avenu
to Mantua avenue; Fortieth street from Bar
ert Morris Trust Company ns n defiosltor) of
tho city's monoy
Section 1 The Select und Common Councils
of the f'ltv of Philadelphia do ordain. That the
Robert Morrla Trust Company be and the somo
M herebv designated as n depositor) ot the
city a monev. subjoct, however, to the provi
sion! of the ordlnsnco nppiovcd April 0, lfJi,
In lieu of the First Mortgage Guarantee and
Trurt Ci.mpnnv, which It has succeeded. Pro
vided, That the said Robert Morrla Trust Com
riinj Ilrst nny tho aum of llfty (M) dollars Into
the City Treasury lor printing and advertising
till ordinance.
Approved tho nineteenth day of April, A D.
Major ot Philadelphia.
tHln trsnsfer In tho annual appropriations to
tho Deportments ot Supplies and Law for tho
vear llil.l
bcLtlon 1. Tho Select and Common Councils
of tho city of Hhlladelphla do ordain That the
Oty Controller Lc nutnorlzed to make tho fi4,
lowing transfer In tho annual appropriations to
tn.- Lepartments nf Suppllen and Law tor tho
3 ear pus, viz Department ot Supplies iLnw),
f iota Item 1, stationery, printing paper books,
etc, live thousand four hundred nnd eighty
i.ilMD dollars, trom Item 2. for Iiirnlture. etc.
two hundred nnd llfty (230) dollars, irom Item
S. miscellaneous, two hundred ond fifty v'.W;)
dollars, to Department ot Law, ns lollows
Item :i o), miscellaneous, two hundred and
nrty (230) dollarn. Item a (h). for stationery,
printing, paper, books. Ice and cleaning sup
plier, live thousand lour hundred and eighty
in IM) dollars, item .1 (c), lor furniture, orflce
furnishings und uiiulument, two hundred and
llfty (230 dollars.
Philadelphia. April 10, 1015.
'this la lo ceitlfy that tho hill entitled "An
Ordinance to authorlsu a certain transfer In the
annual appropriations to the Departments of
buppuei nul Law, for tha year 11)13," was re
turned b tlio Major to Common Council on tue
lirteenth daj of April, 11)13. without his ap
proval, and mid ordinance having been acaln
ir-iitldcred was passed on th same day by u.
vote of yeus, (IJ, nays, none
Ihe said ordinance, together with the oble.
tlous of the Mujcr, having been aent to Select
Council, was again considered and passed by
that liody on tho same day by a voto ot yeas,
JS, tuijn, 2.
rile aald ordinance having been passed by
both boluct and Common Councils by a vote
ui ihree-nlths ot the members elected agree
ably to lb provisions of the Act of Assembly
approved May 2J. 1171. dividing the cities of
the Mate Into three clasaes, etc. it hse be
como ns effective as If tho Mayor had signed It.
V 31 Jl. ICLlUtM,
Chief Clerk of common Council.
Chief Clerk of Select Council
poiiitnient or a joint special lommiueo to
inikn neceessry arrangements for the ex-
ulbltloi. ot tha "Old Liberty Bell" at the
Puuaiiia-l'aclllc UxpoBltlon In San Francisco,
providing for tho payment ot tho expenses
lialdent thereto, and directing tha Clerks of
l'ou in lis to present this Resolution to the
Mavor for lif.i approval or disapproval.
Wheieaa. tho Oovtrnor, the Senate and House
ot Representatives of California, His Honor.
the Mayor, and the Board ot Supervisors of
Sao i'ranOsco, the Directors ot the Panama-
i'oclilc Exposition, public off.clnli snd school
children throughout the West huvs earnestly
requested that the "Old Liberty Bell" be sent
to tho Panama-Pacific LotposUlou now being
held In ban Francisco, therefore ba It
Rosolvjd, Bj the Select and Common Councils
of tlio City of Philadelphia, That these requests
to c.uopllei with, and that a Joint special
Committee of twelve (12) members from each
Chamber shall La appointed by the respective
Prisidents to make tho necessary arrange
ments for the exhibition of the "Old Liberty
1111" nt the said Exposition. The expenses
incident thereto to be taken out of an appro
priation to bu made hereafter to tha Clerks of
com ills.
Resolved, That tho Clerks of Councils b di
rected to present this resolution to ths Mavw
lor his arrroval or disapproval.
Ap.iroveit this sixteenth day ot April, A. D.
No 021 Major of Philadelphia.
Ing to j Spring Oarden street. Woodland avenue.
The following streets with asphalt with Hrl
fled brkk gutters and granite block between
th ttaqksi Seventh street, rrom Columbia ave
nue to Mnnlgnmery avenu; Seventeenth atreet,
from Rttner to olAdston street! Thlftr-thlrJ
street, from Market to Chestnut street Twenty
ninth street, from York to Cumberland etreeti
intersection, of Germantown avenue, Broad
street nnd Itrle avenue.
..The following streets with vitrified block)
Harold street, from Thirty-third to Thirty
fourth street; Fonlaln street, from Thlrtr-eeo
ond to Thirty-third street.
.The, following streets with granlt bloekl
Terrace itreet, from Dawson to Pennsdale
etreet. Parsyunk avenua, from Eighteenth to
Twenty-first slreeti Oermantown avenue, from
Lehlxh nvenue lo York street, fitiaiuehanna
avenue, from Oermantown nvenue to Sixth
street. Sixth street, from Diamond etreet to
Susquehanna nvenue
The foliowlnc strei
aranlto block between the tracks PnssVunK
The following aireets with wood bloek. with
avenue, from Sixteenth to Eighteenth street
The following street with wood bloek 0f
miintown avenue, from Lehigh nvenue to Cam.
brla street.
Tha cost of said work to he raid out of Herri
lot (lonn). In the npproprlatlnn to the Depart
ment of Public Works, llurcau of Hlgherays
All ordinances or parts of ordinances Incon
sistent herewith be nnd the earn are hereby
Approved the twenty-third day of April, A,
f". 010. Mayor of PhlUdelnh a.
Ing of Baltimore nvenue. from Fifty-fourth
to (Vhbs creek nnd prov Idlng for tho collection
of th cost of this raving,
Section 1. Tho Select nnd Common Councils
of the. City of Philadelphia do ordain. That
the Director of the llepxrtment 'of Publlo
Works be authorised and directed to enter Into
a contract for paving the unpaved portion of
Baltimore avenue, from Fifty-fourth to Cobb
creek with asphalt, thn cost it the paving to
b paid out of money appropriated to the De
partment of Publlo works (Bureau of High
wsyl for paving atreets.
Section 2. Thst assessment bills for the cav
ing authorised by this ordinance shall be trans
mitted by tha Department of Publlo Works td
the City Solicitor for collection or lien against
the property fronting on the said Baltimore
avenuo, between th points named.
Section 0. That all moneys paid Into the City
Treasury In tho payment of thes assessment
bllle be hereby appropriated back to the Rem
In tho Department nf Public Works (Bureau, of
Highways) from which the cost ot this work is
Approved the 23d day of April, A, D, 1915.
No. OH) Mayor of Philadelphia,
acter or raving authorised to be laid on
Camao street, from Wyoming avenue to Louden
Section 1. The Select and Common Councils of
th City of Philadelphia do ordain. That the
Department of Public Works b authorised to
chnngo the chnrncter of paving aulhorlxed by
ordinance approved July tt, 11114. to b laid on
Comae street, from Wyoming avenu to Louden
street, fiom vitrified brick to asphalt, with
vitrified block gutters ...... ...
Approved the 21rt day of April, A. ,D. 191S.
(No 042 ) Major of Philadelphia,
Schoenhut Company to Install a platfotnt
acnle In the sidewalk In front ot their prop
erty, 2105-21111 East Boston avenue.
Section 1. The Select and Common .Councils
of th City of Philadelphia do ordain That
permission be and In hereby granted to Th
A. Schoenhut Compiny to Install a platform
scale, In the sidewalk In front of thslr prop
erty. 2133-2101 East Boston avenue. The said
scnlo to be constructed under the supervision
nnd to the satisfaction of the Department of
Publlo Works In accordance with plan to b
approved by the Board ot Highway Super
visors Before exercising any privilege under
this ordinance tho said Th A. Schoenhut Com
pany shall first enter Into an agreement sat
isfactory to the City Solicitor. Indemnifying
th City against all damages by reason of
the Installation and maintenance ot the s&ld
scale, and to removo the same and restore
th -nvement to Its present condition at any
time within ono year after the passngs of
an nrllnance to that effect, and shalT tay
Into the City Treasury the sum of fifty 130)
dollnri for the publication ot this ordinance;
Provided, That th prnvlslona of the ordinance
approved March 31, 1002. requiring four . feet
rtf nt.rlnff hell not bddIv to this ordinance.
w. . ......, - -. rt.V-j--- J" , ,, , ft.il."
me .ia nay oz April, A. I' itiu.
Approved the 23d day
" IlllllUtllll
No 01T Mayor of Philadelphia,
an's Medical College of Pennsylvania to
lay and maintain Iron pipes under and across,
fiejbert street, between Twenty-first and
Twenty-second streets.
Section 1. Th Select and Common Coun
cils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain:
That permission be, and Is hsreby granted
tho Woman's Medical College ot Pennsvtva.
nla to lay and maintain three twelve-Inch
wrought Iron pipes for conveying steam for
heating purposes under and across Seybtrt
street, between Twenty-first and Twenty-sec
ond streets, connecting property of the said
Institution on th south side of Bejbert street
with properties Nos. 2115 and 2117 on th
north slds of Seybert sireet. as shown on
plan on file In th Department of Public
Works (Bureau of Surveys). Th said upas
shall be laid un.lei th supervision of tha De.
puiwiieni ot s-uuitc vvorua (Hoard or High
way Supervisors) so as not to Interfere with
any municipal or other structures In I4
atreet. Befor exercising any privileges un
der this ordinance the said woman's Medical
Collego ot Pennsylvania ahall first enter Into
an agreement In form satisfactory to tha City
Solicitor, protecting th City from all dam
ages by reason of tha laying and malnlnsn:o
of said pipes, and to reinova sain at any
tlma upou th passaga of an ordlnsnc or
resolution ot Councils to that effect and re
store th street to Its present condition, and
",,'S" P?. 431?. th -c"' Treasury th sum of
fifty ISO) dollars for th publication of this
Approved tb S3d day of April. A. D. 1015.
. No. 0?I. Mayor of Philadelphia.
iP1l!,.ot.Th!t4 Htft from Aahdal to
Rockland street, and Rockland street, from
Tn Boulevard to Fourth streat
Section 1 The Select and Common Councils
of the City of Philadelphia da ordain That
Iho Department ot Ihiblio Work be authorised
and directed to notify the owners of property
over and through which Third atreet. irom
Aahdal to Rockland street, and Rockland
street from Th Boulevard to Fourth ureei.
will paas, that at tha expiration of tbre
months from th data ot said nolle said
street will b rsqulred for publlo us Pro-
jlded. That ih owner of proierty within th
Unea thereof shall dedicate svnty-ftv per
nt of th m to th City
Section 2. The, Mayor ot th City 1 hereby
authorised and dlreoil to enter Mourlly on be
half of th City ot rhtlsdelphU, for tha pay
ment ot any damage which mar b assessed
by reason ot th opening ot said streets ulkju
th filing ot said bond, and at th iptratlon
ot toe, aJd three months, th Director of th
. vvoraa aaau iwthwllh
opening of Rlttenhous street, from Oros
street to Falrmount Psrk line.
Section 1. The Select nnd Common Coun
cils of the City nf Philadelphia do ordain i
That the Department of Public Works be
aulhorlxed and directed to notify the owners
of properties over and through which Rltten
houso street. ,from Oro street to Falrmount k
Park line, will paea that at th expiration
ot three months from the date of th said
notlc laid atreet will be required for publlo
"section 2. Th Mayor of th City of
Philadelphia ls hereby authorised and directed
to enter security, on behalf of the City of
Philadelphia, for the payment of any dam
ares which may result by reason of opening
Rlttenhous street, from Ores street to Fair
mount Park line Upon th filing of said
bond and at the expiration of said thre
months, the Director ot the Department of
Pdblle Works shall Immediately proceed to
"'Approved the 2nth day of April. A. D. 1018.
Vo 044 Maj'or of Phlladslphla.
printing a certnln tract of giound along th
Pennirack Creek, In th Thirty-fifth Ward, a
a .. ki.kllA nlaaa na & lv.Bli,
H pnrK nno open ruuiiu ,-,i.o , , w,m
and enloymcnt of th people, and directing th
Commissioners of Falrmount Park to assume
the custody and maintenance of the same,
Section I. The Select and Common Councils
of the City of Philadelphia do ordain: That by
virtu and tn purauanco of the authority vested
In them, tttey So select and appropriate for park
purposes and for th health and enjoyment of
th peopl forever, a certain tract of ground,
being part of property authorised to b placed
upon th City Plan for auch purpoae by era!,
nanco approved March 20th. 1903, and confirmed
by tho Board of Surveyor March 13th, 1909.
bine along both aldea of the Pennypack Creek.
In th Thlrty-fitth Ward, boundad generally by
certain rlreeta now upon the, City Plan, or
rrolected and described as follows: Beginning
nt a point In the northweet sld of Algon ave
nue, as shown upon the confirmed Plan ot
Pennypack Tark. which point Is also In a lln
perpendicular with the centr lln of the New
York Short Line Railroad, and passing through
tho trlangulatlon point recorded a Foehr, and
extending (hence along a Una at right angles
wltn the centre line of the New York Short
Line Railroad, and crossing tha said railroad,
N (W 1 W 873.1X13 feat to a point 74
feet northwest ot th said centre lln thenca
along a line parallel with the aald centra Una
8 iS 38' 42'' W in.4'i2 feet; thence along a
line curving to the westward with a radius of
ijenartment of Publlo
nrnresd to oosn aald street
Apirod th twenty-sixth day ot April. A.
Ka,u, RVDQUfSJ,SMi Oniinaactis Contiau3 a KiS,
U.ivibit feet 2,W!T,&M feet to a point, thent
B. W 20' M" E 26.333 feet, thenc 8. fti'
ni n.v v. 2RH.T0S feet! thence S. M IV 6V
W. 31.04 feet to tha northtaat lln of Solly
avenue; thence along the sam N. BS 0A' 40'
W, 005 MS feit, thence along a line curving to
the northward and eastward with a radius or
2U) feet 282.371 feet to a point In th southeast
side of Tabor avenue, thenee along th asm
th following courses and distances- N. E3 4a'
;n" E. 2007,021 feet, thence along a lln curv
ing to the eastward and southward with a
radius ot 100 feet 133 9SA feet, thence along a
lln curving to the eastward and northward
wills a radius of 3V) feet 1(XK.B87 feet, thenca
N 11 1' 00" E 1811.297 feet, theac along- a
iln curving to the northward snd westward
with a radius of 286.670 feet to th centr lln
of Verre road a now legally open, theac
northeastward along the same tha various
courses end distances thereof to tha southwest
side of lllonmlleld avrnue, tbenc along th
same tha following courses and dlstancsa
Along a line curving to th southward and
westward with a radius of TOO feet to a point;
thence S? St 43 34- W. 148.208 feat, thenc 8.
11" at' 37" E 2187.600 feet to th southwest
lln ot Oswald avenu produced, these, along
tho same S. 31 17' 33 E. MS. 603 feet to ba
centra lln ot Kiewstown road, aa tha earn Is
now open; thenc southward along th same to
ths northwest side of Algan avenu and thane
along th same 6. 30 Si' if W, to th pises
of beginning, containing- 314 acres mora cries.
Provided. That th appropriation by th City
of the satd tract or ground shall not Interfere
with or abridge th existing franchises of th
Connecting Rallwav Company or th NnrTeix
Short I.tns Rallroid Company to construct,
maintain and operat tneir line or rsuroaa
over, across or through th sent.
Sectiin 2. rha Mayor of th City Is hrey
authorised and directed to enter security lath
name of Ih City ot Philadelphia for th pay
ment of any darrages that may b awarded by
reason ot th taking ot in said ground aswi
thereupon possession of the earn aba) a
taken for public use.
Section 3 Aa eon a th city shell bJU
legally possessed ot th tract of ground htreiu
described, th satd tract shall b placid uA4er
Ih control of th Commissioner of V"lSuot
Park, subject to such rules awl regulations ajs
have been, or shall ba from trno to thus, estab
lished by Ih said Conufltwtoiiers for th car,
management and malnWrSnca of FulinitMuit
Park. Provided, however, that such eoBtrot
shall not extend over streets or road OO w u;wi
th City Plan, or hereafter placed thereon, a
public highway ovr. auou or tbrsjgh th
Sectlotrt. All ordinances or pans ot ordi
nance Inconsistent tare with be, and ts t-ita
ar heteby, r pes led.
Aporomd this twenty-ants day ef April
Jv 1913,
no- ' yor or fnnaapca