Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 11, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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tv TT S. IP L ..
UTrrtHB marriage of Miss Mary Hlshop
t I Jones, """"" -
....n tnnM. to Mr. John Ornnt Ayllng,
E gyraruse. Y-. wl" tn,0 ,,,rtco on
'Wednesday. Atlguss " ai. ruuu.ivt-n, mc
lummer homo 01 mu uhuhb uimiiu, m
jt,nnbunkport. Me.
a "white ten party" will bo given by
f lire. T Maxwell nieryweawier wn nuei
t . i j o'clock at her home, Ar-
Bjite, Sprlnff lane, Chestnut Hill, In lionor
f jj, Mildred morpe, wnose marringo
. f. ' Frederick Stanley Whlttnkcr will
r (lk place on Thursday, .luno 10. There
' ... ... nutate nrenrtnt.
Kill ne " ---phltadelnhlans
will be Interested In tho
Binnounccmrtit hi Mrs. S. Charles O'Neill
'f tho marriage 01 nor uuiiKmcr, hubs
'... . Weill, to Mr. nnol White on
arixlay. May . lnNcw York.
ft Mr and Mr. J. Ernest Richards have.
If " - i. 44 l4i4 nniln tfA rr, Tit.
J liken inu I uiunihiho umi&v ul uhi
:. t nn.1 tt.ltt innl'n nlintlf 1, 1st
Head, i ."- ",l" "'" ""' .... ...U .w
of June.
Dr. nnd Mis. Howard Hansel, of ISIS
tv.lnut street, with their sliest, Miss Mll-
rjred JIcArtluir, of Detroit, motored to
Princeton lor luncn on aunuajr,
Miss Josephine Glonlger, of Lebanon. Is
the guest of Miss Ella Brock, of 2101
Spruce street.
r Sir, una urs. nuiiiuei inpiictni iu ..4UO
I Miss Eleanoro Biapham, who mado her
ft ja.. i eAtiotn. Iinvn tnUnn n. rnttntrt. nt
Cape May for the eummer.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bailey Browder,
MUs Katherlno Potter and Miss HubortA
Potter have ciosen tneir nouso on Lin
coln Drive, Ohcstnut Hill, nnd opened
their country homo nt MontroBe, To.
. illis lluberta Potter was one of this sea
ion' debutants
tr. nrA ylrta lHwnrrl T Trt1l A,....
.,11 Hill. .'... .i..... .... t.awi, Ulll,-
t.lnftrf fr mif! Mrs. Wllllnm O. Ilnnw
and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowes nt tho
tneairo on oaiuruay nigni. ouppcr ac
the Bellevue-Strntford followed tho ncr-
Women of the Main Line and along tbi
Beading will have qulto nn Interesting
time this afternoon, when tho golf match
between St. David's and the Huntingdon
Valley Country Club will he held on the
Utter's courso nt N'oble. Those who wll'
Uko part Include: Huntingdon Vnlley
Club team Mrs. Caleb Fox, Mrs. II. U.
BtetFon. Mrs V V. Morris. Jr., Mrs
Bradley, Mrs Burton Price, Mrs. Gilpin
Loverlng. St. David's Club team Mrs.
W. J. Peck, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. W. S
Johnston, Mis Sheldon Catlln, Mrs J.
Kearslcy Mitchell, 3d, Mrs. S. Fuguet
and Mrs. K B. Pcchln.
I Along the Main Line
OVERBROOK Mrs. Frederick C. Mencke
tflll entertain at luncheon at her resi
dence, 6311 Sherwood road, on Saturday,
May K, In honor of her daughter. Miss
Elizabeth Wills Mencike, who will nfter
rd take her younpf guests to tho Busy
Be Fair to be held thnt afternoon for
the benefit of tho Children's Seashoro
Home at Chols-ca.
IIERln Mrs l.THit.fi.l TIi.ia -iTriifA.j
ht Hlirllland nnd Afnlrnnn nvomtna l.na
lent Ollt (nvllntlnna tnr n nVifTrlrATi n.t..
en Saturday evening.
I Chestnut Hill
" Chestnut Hill society Is particularly
Interested at present in the minstrel show
Bild rfnnrf whlnl, i.lll t.A t..An Mn m...
, -- .....w. .,.. w ,ti;u ,ii iuuu
m InJ I c ' K' "" XB' "' ,no i niiacioipnia
K Cricket Club ballroom for tho benefit of
Hi- uie Hannemann Hospital.
...no ui mo uauniiy aigniuea medical
Staff U'MI hlnnlAr. HibIh nAn nK,1 1..-.
K J!"lllu8hey Doughertys for that occasion.
K) The names of the doctors have been wlth
K held, which also adds to tho merriment.
m TlA anm .. u .1 - ... . - .
k, iiii mm vane win no served ny
K.. tirttv" nnlf1.il. nn.i , j . ...
ft fi -""1", " Kcncnii aancing win
P take place after tho entertainment. The
".oilman 01 mo commlttco in cbargo Is
Mra, Harry Weaver, tho treasurer, Mrs.
James M. Jenkins. The committee In
cludes Mrs, CJeorgo C. Thomns. Jr.. Mrs.
Dorothy Potter. Mrs. John H. Whlttnker
nd Mrs. Jay Gates.
Mr. William Potter, of Graver's lane
Mar Stenton avenue, will return to his
Borae from Europe In a few dnys. Mr.
Potter sailed on Saturday.
Mrs j, witlls Martin, of 130 Bethlehem
rike has gone to Baltimore, Md for a
Tlsit of severat days.
Mrs Stevenson Crothers, of noslyn
Hels-nta, has returned from Atlantic
..Mfia,1? Mrs Cnrrlngton C. Tutwller,
" m West Chestnut avenue, have re
turned tn hl. V, ,.,. ji..
fc-! weeks In Atlantla City.
Mr and Mrs. Marshall A. Morgan, of
,',on Willow Grove avenues, will
itava about June 21 for York Harbor.
ZM hey w111 sPend the summer
months In fiielr cottage.
fM lM Mrs' Joeph A. Janney, Jr.,
, r.,51 Summit .avenue, are visiting
"f- D. Murray In Maryland.
; Germantown
'P?.?Tne wmen'8 Guild of the First
'moV.M rUn Church ' held Us semi
S. ;.yi me.etnB yesterday afternoon In
riJ.pI,'h 1,0U3e. 39 West Chelten ave
f Peaker was Miss J. Relgel.
'tlnir fn " '""""Hllg lain on JJlOia
fh fi. , was served after the meet-
s'". me nOStesses belne Mlu TIln Tlnnha
:-Mr. Franklin Knlpe.
WId'i11.''.'1 H"' wTen H, Poley, of Bast
IinoBtv. I "' W1" Pend the next three
Kwllw In the West. They will
KarBin. . pnan,a Exposition before re
yminj to Germantown.
and Mrfl. William Cl TVa.n Mf
tit. tv..i o.J-T I. .' ..". ..;
eturn I snooi nouso lane, win
nTi. a fortnight from an extended
j. ".luusn ine West,
JM1j H.i.n rn . - ,. ir..
feriof Hff .tret' has returned from a
Eakl.n,ifpt0 Be'lmar. N. J., over the
Ifeor v r and Mrs- Edward Hutc'nln
B" Btv Quten ,ane' a,ao wer among
III.. r.. ..
Bite. V..tP K-Urtz snd her sister, Miss
Rawed w if: or F'essant street, accom
WmI xvin"?'1 Bue Bha ol West Halnea
Bttan,, I"1. 'e.ave shortly for a visit to
"' -" new York
mnA nt. M. ...
ItOlUe c-... "." vnent smith, of At
P'M, : S ho hava been tho gueata
hf- Barah Vandegrift. of 133 West
aj " '"Wi en loaay lor vaiiejr
tuth ElacnhAwr n n'ai irn,al
. U give a shower followed by
Ktm1 '""w of Ml VHUtU
uilVr.Kno? 8r" to Mr. Phil-
Melen Dando, Miss Jean Hcagary, Miss
Florence Illchards, Miss Balloch Hlrh
nrds, Mi3 Dorothy Wilson. Miss lldltli
Vllaon, Miss Dorothy Cochran, Miss
Edith Wilson, MIm Edith Wnlz, Mls
Cnthnrlno Houk, Miss Huth Mllllken,
Miss Emma Wnlton. Miss Helen Camp
hell, Miss Helen Gormloy, Miss Mildred
Caverly, iMIss Martha Collins, Miss Sara
Grosh. Mips Mnrgaret Wntklns, Miss
'Phyllis Walsh, Miss Loitlso MeKnte. Miss
Madeline Anbury, Miss Anna Kctcliem,
Miss Catharine Scheldt, Miss Helen Bates,
Miss Kunlco Williams, Miss Eleanor
Hord, Mtw. Howard Murray, Mm. J. Les
lie Davis, Mm. Frederick Chandler. Jr,
Mrs. Grenvllle Hopkins, Mrs. Harry Hut
terworth, Jr., Miss 1cnora Waltz.
Miss Harriet I,ow and Miss li.ivlnla
Low, of 201 Chelten avenue, entertained
at luncheon and a shower on Saturday In
lionor of Mlsi Ituth Bauckman, whoso
ninrrlago will tnko plnco In tho summer.
Along the Reading
Miss Marjorlo Wood, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Hnrrls Wood, of Noble, will bo
married to Albert II. Kirk, of Tioga, on
Thursday, June 17. The ceremony will
be performed nt tho homo of tho bildo
by the Itcv. Jnines Crowley, of Balti
more, Md.
Miss Mary Fnlrlcy Weldon, of Oak
Lane Park, who has been visiting rela
tives for six weeks In Champaign. Ill ,
and St, Louis, Mo., will return next week
Miss Weldon Is a nlcco of Mr. nnd Mrs
A. W. Fuirlcy, of Kcnlluorth avenue.
Oak Lane Park.
The Mny carnival of the Willow Grove
Methodist Episcopal Sunday Bchool will
bo held on Friday evening and Saturday
afternoon and evening on the church
Tho Wyncote Bird Club will bo ad
dressed by Mr. Samuel C. Falmor, of
Hwnrthmoro College, In a lecture on
birds Saturday evening nt the Chelten
Hills Ilnll, Wyncote.
Mr. Pnlmer will conduct nn early morn
ing bird walk Sunrtny, Mny Pi. Persons
Interested may obtnln Information from
Mr. Whcelock, Mrs. Noble, Miss Ksthcr
Hencock nnd Mr. Buland Rcbmnn.
Tho "Colonial Dames," a first-class
minstrel show, will bo given In Dramatic
Hall, Cheltenham, on Saturday night,
May 23, for the benefit of tho Dramatic
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Lnchman, of Wyn
cote, nro receiving congratulations on
tho birth of twin daughters, May 2.
Mrs. Ella T.enhnrt Is spending the
tprlng and summer with .Mrs. Knthcrlno
Lcnhnrt, of Lecdom street, Jcnklntown.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clark P. Pond, of Uth
street, Oak Lane, hnvo as their guest
Miss Mary Earnsbergor, of Wllllnms
port. Pa, Miss Earnsbcrger will remain
several weeks.
West Philadelphia
Invitations will shortly bo Issued by
Mrs. Harry Clegg for tho marriage of her
daughter, Miss Emma M. Clcgg, to Mr.
Chandler B. Bowcn. on Wednesday eve
ning, Juno 9, In tho Wharton Street Meth
odist Episcopal Church, 51th and Cath
arine streets. Tho ceremony will bo per
formed by the pastor of the church, the
Hew E. W. Stlllman, nt 8 o'clock.
Mlsa Clegg will bo attended by Mrs.
Frederick Leonard as matron of honor
nnd by her sisters. Miss Elizabeth. Clegg
and Miss Isabel Clegg, ns bridesmaids.
Mr. Richard M, Clegg, a brother of tho
bride, will act as best man and the
ufchers will bo Mr. Wilfred Krlmmel nnd
Mr. Alfred Clegg. Following the cere
mony thero will bo a reception at tho
homo of tho bride's mother, 6132 Locust
Tho friends of Mrs. William J. Jen
nings, who has been critically 111 In tho
hospital, will bo glad to know that sho
has returned to her home, 15 Walton
avenuo, and Is rapidly recovering.
Mrs. George W. Urquhnrt, of 4217 Pine
street, accompanied by Mrs. Edward M.
Moll, will go to Bnltlmoro this week to
attend tho convention of the Organized
Charities Association being held In that
Mrs. Frank L. Elliot and her daughter,
Miss Florence Elliot, of 1537 Spruce street,
who have bcon spending several months
at tho Exposition and points West, re
turned on Saturday.
An attractive dinner party' was given
by Mrs. Anna Stllz, of C021 Locust street,
on Sunday In honor of her son-in-law and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Hern
don, of New York, who are spending sev
eral -weeks In this city. Other of tho
guests Included members of tho cast of
the "Lady In Bed," among whom wero
Miss Valll Valll, Miss Gertruda Vander
bllt, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hall and Miss
Ann Caldwell, the author of "Chin-Chin"
and "The Lady In 'Red." Mrs. Herndon
will bo remembered aa Anna Stllz, who
gained notable distinction with Anna
Pavlowa during her last tour In America,
Miss Mary A. Stllz assisted In receiving.
North Philadelphia
The annual spring festival In aid of the
Baptlat Home, Norris and 17th streetB,
will be held on Tuesday, May 23, In tho
home and on tho very attractive grounds
that surround It There will bo two In
teresting mualcales and literary enter
tainments, one at 3:15 and tho other at 8.13
o'clock. Tho artists on the first program
will be Miss Azalea Hawkins, soprano
soloist: Mr. Lesher Pcnchtn, violinist!
Miss Gertrude Moore, accompanist, Hnd
Miss Mnry McNulty, reader. The ovcnlng
program will Include the following well
known entertainers: Miss Nabtnl Leldy,
soprano soloist; Mr. Arthur Sherwood,
tenor soloist; Miss Mary Phylenu Jefferls,
pianist, and Miss Florence Fretz, reader
and impersonator. The committee In
charge of the feta Is composed of repre
sentatives from tha Baptist churches in
tho city and State and Includes: Mrs. J.
E. Craig, Mrs. Elizabeth Gardiner, Mrs.
M. E. White, Mrs. Ethan B. Palmer, Mrs.
A. J. Davles, Mrs. Howard M. Leedom,
3Irs. George Shelmlre, Mrs. C. If. Wool
aton, Mrs, Emma Bardsley, Mrs. C. H.
Banes, Mrs. A. R. Parsons, Mrs. George
L. Armstrong-, Mrs. E. R. Rlckard, Mrs,
Joseph W, Davis, Mrs. J, A. Mitchell,
Miss M. Hart, Mrs. G. E. Elliott. Mrs. M.
A. Heist. Mrs. S. Farley, Miss Tlllla
Ritchie. Mrs. O. Hufnal, Miss L TJnruh,
Mrs. William II. Hunter, Mrs. Allen R.
Wilson, Mrs. J. IC Mesohter, Miss Sadie
Ervln, Mrs. Joseph A. Morris. Mrs. Clay
ton Tunis, Mrs. W. H. Warder, Miss
Ethel Jenkins, Mrs. Robert T. Seymour,
Mrs. J, E. Kllpatrlck, Mrs. George A.
Johnson, Mrs. T, C. Loomls, Mrs. Charles
Mcadowcroft, Mrs. Q, O. Rleman, Mrs, W.
E. Watklnson, Mrs. William J. HelM,
Mrs. Clara Kane, Mrs. Mary Glass. Mrs.
John weaver, Mrs. Rutger Dox. Mrs. B.
isrimth. Miss Sara E. Hardesty. Mrs. Sara
Biter, Mrs. O. G. Roberts, Mrs. W. Harr&f
Cochran, Mrs. George V. Townsena, airs.
II. AV. Lewis and Mrs. Ezra Waxier. The
olllcers of the board of managers are;
Mrs. Walter T. Lee, president. Mrs.
Charles N- Saber, Mrs, Henry A. Weland,
Mrs Richard H Ruisell, ylco presidents;
Mus Annie V Ingham, corresponding sec
retary , Mrs. J G. Walker, recording sec
retary, and Mr. Charles .H. Banes, treas
urer. . .
" JpFSllil 4r Bla I
rtk. mf irfr "&?: '
KIBIllSiwtr. ' XSxymSt . ywS.
4HH.A ' MmM0mW'zWmm m
JVPellltlllllllH llll ,BSBKUM$' t ''IKmWm WW
Who possesses n very fine voice,
formnnce of "Tnlos of HofFmnn"
South Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosetto havo
cloRcd their town hnuso and motored to
Atlantic City yesterday, where they will
spend the summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. P. j7 Dovlln, of 1730 Por
ter street, In thr Glrnrd Estate, have
mndo prcpnrntloiiH for a. box party -it
tho KnlghtH of Columbus ball this eve
ning. Tho following guests wilt bo pres
ent Mrs. Margaret Lee. Mr. nnd Mrs.
C. Daly, Mr. mid Mrs. E. Do Haven, of
Washington. D. C; .Miss Helen Lee, Miss
Mario Daly, Mlm Marie Dunn, Mr. Hugh
Daly, Mr. John J. Schneider, Mr. John
McKronln nnd Mr. Cornelius J. Devlin,
of New York.
Chief Boatsman John F. Brooks, IT. S.
N., who haa been stationed for the Inst
few montliH nt Guantannmo Bnv, Cuba,
Is at present nt his home, 1713 Porter
street, whero he will remain for a few
days beforo going to New York to join
the United States fleet.
Commander Alfred Hinds, U. S. N., nnd
Mrs. Hinds nro at present the guests of
Dr. and Mrs. Dudloy Guilford at their
homo In the Glrard Estate, 2103 South
21st Urcct.
Mrs. A. Calhoun entertnlncd tho mem
bers of her embroidery club yesterday
afternoon at luncheon nt her home, 1220
South Broad street. Her guests included
Mrs. William Seyfert, Mrs. Thomas Leon
ard, Jr., Mrs. Joseph Wlllouchby, Mrs.
Joseph Wayne, Miss Elizabeth Hunter
nnd Mrs. George B. Znne, Jr.
Tho Rev. Alfred R. Berkeley, of 2631
Wharton street, vicar of tho Memorial
Chapel of tho Holy Communion, 27th
nnd Wharton streets, entertained nt a
delightful lecture on Ireland on Friday
evening, during which were shown many
scenes of Irish life, which were collected
by Mr. George C. Thomas.
Mrs. Alfred W. McBrlde, 1525 Porter
street, entertained members of St Luke's
Sunday nchool at their monthly recep
tion Wednesday evening, followed by a
buffet supper. Among those present wero
Miss Mildred Martin, Miss Gene Baldwin.
Miss Anna Culp, Miss Althcn Culp, Miss
Helen MoBrlde, Mlsfl Helen Hoffman,
Miss Lavlnia Wllklson, Miss Mnrjorle
Sager, Miss Laur.i World, Miss Freda
Monroe, Miss Emma Blcum, Miss Edna
Sattem, Miss Edna Stenty, Miss Lillian
Bcglcy, Mr. Wllmcr Watson, Mr. Elmer
W. Hudson, Mr. Foster Guthree, Mr.
Thomas Church, Mr. Clifford P. Stone,
Mr. Allen 'Harbison, Mr. Georgo Fields,
Mr. William McCracken. Mr. William
Porter, Mr. W. Graydon Forrest, Mr.
Howard J. Bradford, Mr. J. George Lutz,
'Mr. Raymond Kcllner, Mr. Raymond
Hudson, Mr. Georgo Church.
Mrs. Elizabeth O. Home, 2220 South
Broad street, gave a recital Saturday
evening. The proceeds will bo applied to
n fund for the June anniversary of the
Methodist Episcopal Mariners' Bethel
Church, Moyamenalng and Washington
Vocal solos by Mr. Rowland Ersklne.
Mrs. Burton Beerben, Miss Martha Har
ley. Dr. Francis O'Neill. Mr. Harry C.
Welnmann, Mrs. H. C. Welnmann, Miss
Sarah McKlnney; violin 6olo by Mr. E.
Carr; recitation by Miss Adelaide Conley.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Buttcrworth, of
1811 West Tioga street, will spend tho
summer at their cottage at Ocean City,
Mrs. Elizabeth fichelble, her daughters,
Miss Elizabeth Schelble and Mlsa E. Bird
Schelble, and Mrs. Schelble's cousin, Mrs,
Josephine Schelble, of CBantrynook, Tioga
and 19th streets, win open their cottage
on 5th avenue, Asbury park, next week,
and will remain at that resort until late
In the autumn.
Mrs. Samuel T. Fox, 6r of West On
tario street, accompanied by her niece,
Miss Adelaide Schofleld, left last week for
a tour through the West to the Paclfla
MUs Edna Blumenthal, cf 1S30 West
Erie avenue, is visiting' Miss Catharine
Wallersteln, of Richmond, Va.
Mr, and Mrs. George Estes, of 3333
North Broad street, will entertain at din
ner and oards on Saturday night, when
their BUetts will 'be Miss Louise Helen
Maurer. Miss Suo Fitzgerald, Mr. Ralph
Earls Stanton, Mr, Norman Eberle, Mr,
and Mrs. Walter Lyla Whitman, Mr. and
Mrs. George McFarland and Mr, and Mrs.
Dickinson Shaw,
Notices for the Society page will be
accepted and printed In the Evening
Ledger, but all such notices mutt be
written on one side of the paper, muat
ba signed In full, with full addreai, and
when poaalble telephone number muat
be given.
6end all such communications to
"Society Editor," Evening Ledger, 60S
Chestnut (treat.
Units theie requirements are car
ried cut so that verification may be
poaalble, the notices will not b pub.
Photo by Marrrau.
She appeared recently in the por
tly tho Behrcn's Opera Company.
Tho Frankford Mothers' Club will hold
Its annual meeting for tho election of
ofllcerH tomorrow at !1 o'clock. In tho
Friends' Srhoolhouse, Orthodox nnd Ponn
streets. Reports of tho work dnno dur
ing the yenr will bo read. At tho con
clusion of business Miss Anne Hlghgnto
Hall, of the School of Practho, will ad
dress tho meeting.
Prof Frank I). Wntxnn. head of tho
department of sociology of llnvcrford
iiIil-hu, will deliver nn nddress on "Tho
New Basis of Civilization" Monday ev
nlng nt tho lecture mom of the Frank
ford Freo Library.
Mr. and Mrs. John Elwcll, Jr., of
Montreal, Can., formerly of Frankford,
are visiting Mr. Elwell's father, Mr. John
Elwell, of Womrath street.
Mrs. Maurice A. Nugent will entertain
tho members of thn bridge club today at
her homo on Allegheny avenue. Among
her guests will bo Mrs. E. M. Horn. Mr."..
George A. Wlllmnnus, Mrs. George Ham
ilton, Miss Ermn Hardart, Mrs. James F.
McCrudden, Mrs. Edwnrd Mallon. Miss
Mary O'NIel, Mrs Stanley .1. Sullivan,
Mrs. Lewis Pratt, Mrs. Stephen Whelan,
Mrs. Lcsllo McPherrln, Mrs. John Mc
Nally and Mrs. Anthony Williamson.
Mrs. Charles Castor, of 5332 Keystono
street, will entertain tomorrow evening
at her home. Thero will be about 35
guests. Mrs. Castor has Just returned
from a week's visit with friends.
Tho following ofllccrs were elected at
a recent meeting of the Frankford Ac
cordion Band; President, Mr. R. Tren
grove, Jr.; secretary nnd leader, Mr. A.
Snyder: treasurer, Mr. R. Trengrovo, Sr,;
Dusiness manager, Mr. William Lawson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George F. R. Jackson,
who went to England about a year ago.
Intending to spend tho summer there
and then go on to China, nro still In
England and aro now at Hale, Cheshire,
whero they expect to stay Indefinitely.
Mrs. Jackson's sister, Mrs. Starr King,
went to New York lust week to bo thero
for tho naval maneuvers nnd to spend
a fortnight with her husband, Lieuten
ant King, now with Admiral Fletchor
on the flagship of the Atlantic fleet. Mrs.
King will go from New York to James
town, R. I., to spend tho summer there.
Mrs. Jackson and Mrs, King wero before
their marriage the Mlsee3 Winchester,
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Win
chester. Mrs. Francis Lincoln, w'no is now be
ing entertained very extensively at Dela
ware City whllo sho Is a guest of her
sister, Mrs, Charles Jefferson, has re
cently come from San Francisco, Cnl
and Inter will go to her new home at
Fortress Monroe, Va.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Bates spent
the latter part of the week with Mr. and
Mrs. Ferdinand L. Gilpin and then went
down to Old Point Comfort. Va., to spend
a week. On their return they will visit
hero and In Germantown, Pa., before go
ing back to Lewlston, Me.
Mr. Joseph Goudy, of Shadeland ave.
nue, returns today from Pittsburgh.
Mr. Edward Maher, of Burmont road,
returned yesterday from a week's stay
In Harrlsburg.
Who will be married" to Mr. Morris
Marks oa Thursday of bis week.
Miss DulTus is tho nttrnctivc
daughter of Mrs. Hurry Kirtlnnd
DulTus, of this city. '
Delaware County
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Johnston, of 22
South 2d street, Colwyn, Pa,, entertained
at a wedding anniversary Saturday eve
ning nt their homo. Among tho guests
wero: Miss T. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Atwood, Mr. and Mrs. P. Atwood, Miss J.
Atwood, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Qulnn,
Mr. and Mrs. O. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Sln
nott, Mr. and Mrs. D. Martin, Mr. nnd
Mrs. J Martin, Mr nnd Mrs. J. Robb,
Mrtf. Morrow, JIrn. A. Johnston, Miss E.
K. Bailey, Mlsa Martin, Miss E. Chad
wick, Miss A. Crosslnnd, Miss J. Marine,
Miss E. Davis, MIhr V. Curron, Mr. J.
Eckcrt. .Mr. J. Smith. Mr. W. J. Brown,
Mr. W. J. Atchison, Mr. Chnrlcs Rhodes.
Tho Highland Park Operatic Society
Inst Saturday night presented "Plnaforo"
at tho Hlghlnnd Park Hall. Tho caste
arqiitttPfl Itself splendidly. Tho part of
Buttercup was very well handled by MUs
Florence Wudas. Juscphlno was well
taken by Mrs. llyle. Other persons who
nppenred In tho enst were Mr. Edward
Davis, Mrs. Oliver Krausc, Mr. Chnrlcs
FrcaBB, Mr. Frank Carroll and Mr.
Charles Kitchen. The performanco will
bo repeated at Clifton Heights Mny 18.
Tho members of tho Jolly Eight Pl
nochlo Club held their weekly meeting last
week In tho homo of IMr. nnd Mrs. John
Dahrlncor, of 110 South Front street, Col
wyn. Tho guests Included 'Mr. and Mrs.
Theodoro Precht, Mr. nnd Mrs. James E.
Rogers, Sir. and Mrs. William D. Reeves,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nowdock, Mr. John
Lee, Miss Helen Farley, Mr. Jamc3 Tip
ping and Miss Katherlno Reeves.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kane, of Chester,
aro rocelvlng congratulations on tho birth
of a son.
Mrs. John Dunwoody and her daughter,
of Minneapolis, Minn., aro the guests of
Mrs. Harvey Pratt-Howard, of Moylan.
Northeast Philadelphia
A strawberry frfitlvnl will be given by
the Women's Missionary Society of tha
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Frankford
avenuo and Cambria street, on Friday
evening. May 21.
Mrs. Nowton, of 2VU Frankford avenue,
has gone to Atlantic City, where she
will remnln for the summer.
Mrs. F. Baugher, of 2073 Frankford ave
nue, has returned from Russellvlllo, Pa.,
whero sho has been tho guest of Mr. John
Miss Dorothy Camel, of Atlantic City,
Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. C.
Camel, of 1133 Marlborough street.
Miss Margaret Campbell, of 2557 Emer
ald street, haa returned from a two
weeks' stay at her bungalow In Stone
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles L. Thomas, of
1209 Marlborough street, will entertain at
cards on Friday evening, when the fol
lowing will be present: Mr. and Mrs.
J, Pldgeon. Mr. J. Lofner, Miss Elizabeth
Larry and Mr. and Mrs. Charles L,
Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach Purchases
''Sentimental Library."
The "Sentimental Library," comprising
an exhaustive collection of Dickens and
Thnckaray letters and manuscripts, has
been purchnsed by tho Rosenbach Com
pany from Harry 11. Smith, the opera and
musical comedy librettist The negotia
tions were completed yesterday by Dr. A.
S. W. Rosenbach for a consideration of
There are about 1200 volumes Included
tn the S0O lots of the collection. This in
cludes the flneBt collection of Dickens let
ters nnd first editions extant. There aro
also a number of Items of Keats, Shelley
and Lamb, In addition to the Dickens ami
Thaikuray portions, which comprise the
larger part or tno collection.
City Awards Invention Prizes
Announcement was made today that
Philadelphia, acting- on the recommenda.
tlon of the Franklin Institute, awarded
the John Scott legacy medal and
premium to Herbert Alfred Humphrey,
of London, England, and to Cav. Ins.
Alberto Cerasoll, of Rome, Italy, for the
Humphrey pump. The latter Is a de
vice for raising water by the direct ap
plication of explosive energy formed by
a mixture of combustible gas and air.
The Edward Longstreth medal of merit
has been awarded to relatives of the
late George A. Wheeler for his escalator.
This Invention Is an Inclined elevator or
moving platform for transporting persons
from one level to another,
Glenolden Church Has Party
Members of Class No. 10 of tha Glen
olden Presbyterian Church gave a "Song
und Story" entertainment for the benefit
of the churoh last night. Miss Elizabeth
Roberts entertained with reading and
stories, and Philip Hippie, , former
teacher, exag several somjs. Swings,
sand piles and ''giant strides," together
with the other apparatus that comprises
a playground, are being purchased by the
Glenolden Board of Education to be In
stalled In the playground of the Qlen
rlden Public School. The playground
will be opened at the close of the scho
lastic yr. and a supervisor will ba appointed.
I-"-" ,-Py-w ?iw J rSbslw I
Clinton ptiect, will give an nuto bus
party today In lionnr of licr daughter,
Miss Edith Nelson Page, who will make
her debut next season Anions the In
vited guests nro:
Miss Sarah 6. Myers, Miss Mnrgarctta
Myers, Miss Knthnrlno Everltt, MlssJano
Everllt, Miss Mnrgnrct I. Kcstcr, Miss
Helen L. Marshall. Miss Sophlo S. C.
Baker, Miss Louise Evolnnd, Miss A.
Marjorlo Taylor, Miss Mllllcent McCarthy,
Miss C. Eleanor Pepper, Miss Fiances W.
Bcott, Mlas Mary Do Haven Derriitn, Btlfs
Elizabeth W. Packard, Miss Mary F.
Packard, Miss Sarah C. N'ellson, Mlsa
Barbara M. Boyd, Miss Eleanor Bryant,
Miss Mnry Norris Ccrbonl. Miss Mar
garet II. Davis, Miss Margaret M. Dent.
Miss ("orlnno B. Fireman, MUs Olivia
M. loB. Onzzam, Miss Helen 11 (lleason,
MUs Theodora K. Lllllo, Miss Lois L.
Jackson, Miss Anno B. Merrick, Miss
Gcitrudo L. Pnnconst, Miss Frances A.
Randall, Miss Margaret O. Remnk, Miss
Carolyn Sheppard, Miss Mildred Shop
pard anil Miss Clirlsllno II. Stockton.
An Intciestlng celebration will take
place this afternoon In honor of tho fi2d
anniversary of Hie founding of thr
Northern Homo for Friendless Children,
a lionscctailnn Institution, nt 23d and
Brown streets. Visitors nro cordially In
vited, and addresses will be made by Dr
Linn P. Bowman nnd Dr. Lnnt Y. Urn
ham. In addition thero will be a num
ber of nongs nnd recitations by the chil
dren themsrlos. The home, which Is
tho oldest of Its kind In tho city, co
operates with tho Organized Charities,
nnd takes earn of 175 boys and girls,
ranging In ago from 3 to 14 years.
Camden and Vicinity
Mr. and Mrs, Edwnrd King Carley will
bo at home, after tho 15th if this month,
nt 31 Halsted street. East Orange. Mrs.
Carley was Miss Dorothy Burlolgh, of
Miss Mnry C. Parsons, of 5n7 North 6th
strict. Is visiting Judgo nnd Mrs. John
Young In Now York.
An engagement of much Interest In
Cnmden which has been iinnnuuccd It
that of Mrs. Marl' Campbell Keen:, of
6th nnd Cooper streets, nnd Mr. Wnrrcn
Howard Cnflln, a wool merchant, now re
siding nt St. David's, Pa.
Mrs. Ira Simpler, of Schwcnksvlllo, Pa.,
who has been tho guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Shlnn, of 213 North
2d street, has returned homo and cntor
tnlned Mies Mnry Wilson and Mr.
Humphrey over the week-end.
Mr. nnd Mis. A. W. N'nsh. of 503 Cooper
stioet. will closo their home this month
and go to their summer homo at Island
Promptness and Accuracy of Service
Notable in Lusitnnia Disaster.
Tho popularity, ns well as the efficiency
of tho Evening LEDonn's bulletin board
services throughout tho city was especial
ly cmphnslzed during' tho gloomy days
when tho Lusitnnia horror filled tho pub
11a mind.
From tho moment tho first bulletin an
nouncing tho terrible trngedy was printed
nnd this was dono In less Uian seven
minutes after tho wlies hod flashed the
nows until Into Into tho night, vast
crowds surged around tho boards at the
different localities awaiting with almost
breathless Interest, fear alternating with
hope, the next mebsage which tho export
operator wns prepnrlng.
In many places trafllc was Impeded; but
what waa public trafllc, even to tho alort
policeman, In view of such a stupendous
On Friday nnd Saturday nbout 150 bulle
tins wero put upon tno boards a mural
newspaper, In which every detail flashed
acros3 the ocean was concisely presented
to tho public.
Tiniest Baby Weighs 54 Vi Ounces
Jeannetto Rubrlka hns only been in tho
world three weeks, but has tho distinc
tion of being tho smnllest baby In this
city. Sho weighs only BHi ounces, but nt
the Women's College Hospital, whero her
case Is attracting n great deal of ntten
tlon, the doctors say sho will llvo and Is
as normnl ns any larger child Tho baby,
who Is the 15th born to her parents, who
llvo nt 2231 Nassau street, weighed at her
birth 3 pounds 6H ounces, but haa lost
two ounces In weight since.
The Panama-Pacific and
San Diego Expositions
Are Free to You
You can see these world marvels and impres
sive sights without paying a cent. Your every
expense from Philadelphia and return will be
paid by the Public Ledger-Evening Ledger.
5o persons will take this big free trip. Let us
show you how. Now, white you have the
chance, fill out and mail this coupon-
.. m
Please enter ray name as a contestant tor tho Panama
Pacific -exposition Tour.
Bend ma all the necessary Information scu) eubseriiUlo UmJ,
Dr. Loyn) Y. Graham Is president, of j
tho Board of Trustees, and the Other
members nro Mr. William R. King, treasv ;
urer; Mr. ndward s. Sams, Vlca presi
dent; Mr. Millard Kcseler. secretary! MrU
Frank Pearson. Mr. Samuel Vrborrt&n. 1
Mr. William II. Stevens, Mr. Hownrd Vf.m
Lowls, Mr. Ohnrles O. Balrd, Mr. WHUoti J
.Miirnoii, .Mr. Honert neyl, fur ur&nK
Vnii Roilen, Mr. .Tncob Mohr, Mf. Her'
bert Havens nnd Mr. William O. Blair.
The Board of Managers Includes Mrs.
Geoigo W. Urnithnrt, president: Mrs, -Charles
V. Baeder, VIco president; Mrs.
Alexander At. Fox, Jr., vlco president:
Mrs. Frederick T. Warren, recording sec
retni-y; Mrs. J. C, F. Gordon, correspond'
Ing secretary; Mrs, Wllllnm O. Henry,
tren8urcr: Mrs. Wllllnm E. Hexamcr, as
sistant treasurer; Mrs. Kenton Warne,
Mrs. Theodoro Julius, Mrs. E. V. Mc
Caulley, Mrs. Frank W Mtlzzey, Mr
Benjamin F. Kunls o. Mrs. Edward M. M
Atoll, Mrs Henry Frey, Miss Mary Bloane, 1
.urs. nininni u -Jougniy ana Mrs, llow
nrd S. Roberts.
The annual tunchoon of tho nlumnno of
tho Ilordentown Female College wilt bo
held tomorrow In tho North Garden of
tho Ilellevuo-Strntford. Mrs. Edward
Nowton Hang Is president of the assocla'
tlon, and Mrs. Thomas C. Shreve, of
Pemhcrtnn, N. J., Is secretary and treas
urer. The guo9t of honor will be Miss
Mnry O Rice, nn alumna, who Is prom
inent In th Woman's Suffrage Party of
Pennsylvania. An Interesting musical
program will be rendered by Mr. Henry
Outney, tenor; Mrs. Linda Latch, so
prano; Mrs. Smathers, Miss Stevenson
nrA Mrs. A. R. Benson, of Dover, Del.
Mrs. Robinson, of Hackensnck, N. J., will
Mve a monologue nnd a song dedicated
to tho school has been composed by Mlas
Dorothy Stone Garbcr and will bo sung
bv the guests. Thero will be present over
K0 former students of tho school, which
was founded In 1S52, and was the Hrst
woman's college In tho Stato of New
Fiftieth anniversary dinner. Union league)
7 o'clock
lew leli JJducntlonal Hoard, Dropile Collet::
t nVlock.
Knights of Columbus reception. Academy of
MlIMn; n o'clock. ,
o'clocjJrlty Dlvnco Frolle." "''el Walton) 8
Ijelmont Improvement AMoelatlon, S010 Olr-
ui,l!0C8l,nk.Ia.ra "' Trade, Dln'monfl and th fi
..Thirty-fourth nnd 4tth Wards Dualncis
i',' ", Asyo.-iatlon, 5312 llavcrford avenua; 8
o clock Kree.
titrrnntitown miriness Men's Association.
vernon llullrtlnif, MM Uermantown avenue: a
o t lo.-k Tree.
rcMl and Drain Dealers, Dourcc: 8 o'clock.
Henrer a Hill Improvement AeiocUtlon, 1888
S.1""1 ,"-'1 street, 8 o'clock free.
Fi-nnkfnrd Bunlners Men, Marshall School:
n clock. Tree.
.,','ill.ldr"" ." , A.M Society, 321 South 13th
street, s o elo-k. Free
Orailuotlnn (lermon Hospital Nurses' School,
Urnrnn Hospital. Free.
,' ,'c,nn. Memorial Urldse Committee, Hotel
Awarding of dlplomns to srnduatcs of Ire
lutfrlan tJcn onBs' Home, First Presbyterian
Lhurch, WaiiltliiEton Square: S o'clock. Freo.
..n.ano."'''., PMfomalhean Society, AdelphU
Hotel: 8 o clock
,.1iln3.llctt. Northeast Trading Stamp Compaby,
2217 North Front street.
v-S & im.rrIf,m!.,Prs..of ,lho par,v address th &
orth Philadelphia Huslncsa Association at tt J
monthly niei-tlns at tho Mcctown Hoys' Club. 3
iiuminK i-nrK aenua and C'larlrsa street,
acnkers Mra. William All ert Wood and Mrs!
Oeorgo II. Wobcnsmlth. Musical program aW
nrranged. Mrs. Felix M. Kater sines. A num
ber of patroncsi.es hnvo the affair In charge,
nmoiiy them Mrs. SlBtnund Dernsteln. Mrs.
!,ma Rrlove. Mra. MorrU Myers. Mrs.
AMIIIiun Newman. Mrs. William Pool Mrs.
Oeorso Swift Mrs. T Wauner. Mrs. Edward
E. Zlecler and Mlrs Gladys .Zlesler, , ,
S. 1' m. Meeting; at Aramlnsro Mission..
JJhe.-it HhiMif lann and Coral street. Miss
Betsey McKuv In charge.
s u. m.--SuifniBe meeting before, tho Cohoek
slnk Business Men's and Taxpayers' Associa
tion. Oth nnd Diamond streets.
S n. m. Meeting at Klloam Methodist Epis
copal Church. 70th street and Woodland ave
nue. Mrs. Oforgo A. l'lersol sneaker.
S p. rc.-Optn-alr meeting at K!d and Cbes
nut streets, under aup!ces of tho catty's
branch In the 21nt Legislative District- Mrs.
II, C. neltzel In charge Similar meetings will
be held at the same tlmo and Place each week.
n p. m. nrn-air meeting in camtiringo
street. In vh Inlty of 40th street and Qtrsrd
avenue, under auspices of party's branch tn
tho 17th Legislative District. Speakers.: Mis l
Herlha Sapovlts anil Mrs. Edith Pierce. They
SDeak from 'ho nutomobllo of Mlis Mary A.
llurnham. Mrs. M. C. Dowoll presides.
II p. m. Opcn-nlr meeting at 10th street and ,
Cirard avenue. undr auspices of the oarty's
bram-h In the tTth legislative. District.
Speakers and presiding officer sime as In
CambrldRo street.
Noon Opon-alr neellng at Poatafflce, Oth
nnd Chestnut stri-cts Rpeaker: Mlia llartha
Sapolts, organizer lor the society.
1:30 p. m. Mlis .Anna McCue. In chars o of
Die Kensington brunch of tho society, speaks
between reels at presentstlon of "Vbur Girl
nnd Mine," tho suffrage "movie," at the
nrunmvlftk palace. Km nU ford avenue and
Norris Btreet.
7:rlO p. in. Mlea Anna McCue speaks at the
same place during Intermissions at the evening
lymaiji:' i ii'uuiulj