Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 11, 1915, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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lll'Kitty MacKay' Is 'Bunty'
l. A Halt a uozen utnerc
K , uirKAT A comedy by Catherine
SMri "Vr. iMIss Maim lv'dson
! M?"if.l . Mr Jock McC'rau
,pmr "'. , Ml niranor iwnltli
HUM l?in!S-.v Mlns Irene llnUman
WW"? V"cWnrahm. or, Ihe Coldstream
KVva """ Mr. Iiarr. i;. rower
lOOrfJ,,.,'.-,, ..Mr. Home Southern
nime,'"".0 M MarKdrel Culvert
lytt. y':,',.ri , . Mr waunce Limine
ifj InlUnsr Mr Ilobott Ireland
.vnoitu ,.,,, ol th0 MmMlin In Drum-
B,Ari,. "- ,,i,,ift. Act II Tne urnnnm
Rr"i'. SW.1 Ynleharl's House in .London A
-YM"" .",,, Act in The MUCMira -'"
Kijiy herself Is nt a Rood deal ot pains
'laeiplaln he"1 rc-icmomnco .,,1
So much. In ract mm .-.." - ..-.
Im the Impression that sho Is trUm? to
ihro -" orf t,,p trnck ",,0,lt thC 'C
cedents and -low relatives of 'Kltiy
LcKbV " B"t the nceslry ot mc Jolly
L, play Rt tho Adelphl lin't half bo
..... in doubt as Hint of Kitty herself.
Miol can't mlia various parents-all
nunty"V ourse'to start with. There-
liuniot. PIckH'K out tho "day vherf Mac
Xor was sobtr." It goes on to cxpla ft,
S,.7orr pllRlit of Kitty, for whom Sab-
tM ?V? r. .- ... ...... .ll..lr.nllnn A ll.l
'v.. .. ..i,.m. inin the sad talc ot her
tr, mcV 11 l.trentment of her. It rernem
"u. .. ..... ..,.11,.,,. llh oil.t, dotifl.l.
' to " "" i'"",w v., ,:
i.v ' ....!. i, ..ntimm nR remould rur tho
f niM nearer to tho Prcsb terlan heart s
Srfitre by rcmovlnR "the brazen begats."
R ". ...i.. icnin the Scotsman s ODln-
ftlm of tho' Knallsh It may not bo tho
lt mj-lciJ "f Klttj's life that her
rraanle wan cngaKCU 10 nn -..ngiisiimnn,
!'. t s ..orj. good to learn that sho had
;lh racial nelf-ref-pcet not tcy sleep for a
eek after she hcurd ot It.
There Is more still of "Bunty" In tho
iiulvcli melodrnmntlo hints nt tho dark
'tut "Think If tho truth should com
; cut " sal'8 tllc u,'clo who Uvea oft tho
money willed for KltU's upkeep, while ho
'-Utna her In rags. "Ah," sny his friend
lind conspirator, "only you an me an
,- .1.1 t.n Irnmvn "
m Part of the secret one of them, for
K- Kitty Is loaded down with ancestral ms-
RLterlw-comcs out quite promptly nn-i
Hr i,A nfTnir nurn fnr nil Into a fetnl
Mine version ot "The Good K.ttlo Devil."
We sort or suspected u irom ino uci
Inxs and culllngs and general ilevlllshncs')
if uncle and aunt. AVhat clinches It, Is
to learn fiom a handsome young olllcer
.,, vinv in tlip niece or ward or some-
Mm of Lord lnRlehnrt.
'" Next London and a Scottish "Peg o
L mV Heart" nut neither lasts very long
L if?' . i. tIi.. I., milln ntrtrlntitlif nlnOO
. For inougii Amy ii ih """ ,
"Wn to tne ruciiou man m", uu ,tii,,n
'that the poor are cruel and the rich
kind which is not according 10 um
Pesslan sospcl: but. then, Inglcharts are
'naturally where the iiooKb come from
i. rne II, n ninirl ilInnnenr.mLH of 1.011-
Kon Klttj runs back to hoi ery abom
inable Scottish home ror tno more ircncn
int of reasons It Invokes the entr or
! ,k. PAnllnotitnl dmnin. Into thlo. ovonlng of
comparison and lemlnlsccncc The pai-
B tlcular i:uropc.in piay is one -ivinnei.
by Hermann ii.inr, in wnicn n. jouug mu
irtaA ih. hnndqonin ounir nfTlcer mid sou
:K of Lord Inglchart) finds that his sweet
heart (read Ixlltyj is reaii nis sisier, ita
Ihe result of an early nffalr of his
father's. Bahr soUcd the dltlleulty In still
- r,MHn.nlnl fuel, Inn 1,, linvlnt thn
k HJUtO U,,,,,,ll,,. iiiili ".' ...,...r. .,
f, toy also turn out to have different inr
fv int from those ho Imagined. Miss Cush
? , tuff just rakes up another nn story of
KM) 5 past. Ma tnai mysicnous remure
rh(nlr If fhn Irnll, nhnuM rnmn out'
The real daughter died long ago and the
tncle palmed off an orphan In order to
keep the allowance going
Vnw It fa nnlln nvlrtmil Hint thf, hllinnr
'tnakes "Kitty MacKay" good entertain
ment ior mo HiijiniHiica'e., wniie ihk huii-
j tb fun with moie old-fashioned play-
pers, aoq isw costumes, which lur suuit
linknown reason always accompany any
Knttlch rllnlnnf ntwl Ihn rp.qiill In Rltre-
E in succcs3 If the acting is good
ira acnng unoouoteaiy was gooa last
night. It wo concentrateon a few ot the
web8t8cots In tho cast, Mnymo Davld
lon a close second, John F Glancy and
Jock-Grau as dour old men, and Margaiet
Calvert and Wallace Ursklno ns the very
te.t that mero Kngllsh people could be.
nude up for many shortcomings else
where. As for Kitty herself, In tho person
cf Irene Halaman, she was n creature of
nrocnarm outn, spirit, run and n goon
Bcottlsh accent sho had them all.
Fiim, ..
m" ine Kainbow" at
Walnut Street Theatre
Sentiment Is rife this week nt the Wal
Bnt People whosrilsllko the sort ,ot fcel
lnj that A n Thomas has Instilled Into
The Rainbow" will probably cull It sen
timentality But the story of the lovo
of father for daughter, which Mr. Inger
joll and his players are telling the pa-
trOm Of IhA Tl'ntnlt 111 nrnknlili. ..la.ioa
m justaaTnany people now as it did when
W Henry Miller acted tho play a couple of
mu ago. -rna construction of the play
R aa ilmple and direct ns the talo of
b me miner wins uacK his sweetly ma-
Er turine duiinhl,. , .. .
r -"o uuuetiicr mice u qeimraiiun lias
Wndered the family for mnny sears and
flr!in l.l. !. ... ..
- mm iulo ways mar are, u not evil,
It im rata nnnn n ... ..... .. -.,.,..
taa there Is considerable lively humor
..vuiivorBci me -weepy moments.
A faln-nl.,.! ,...& .... ..,
k.' - uui vastly nppreciuiiva
Koiu applauded a well-balanced per
pwmanee In which letter-perfect know!-
I ... q: ",lea was nt the least ot vlr-
H - " t"V nv..( UIIU iur 1113 UJ11J
H' PPMrance. Mr, John T. Dwyer registered
ff u "it as American uonsui nnrt
f'ormer manufacturer of hatchets. Miss
ml. " L,UKes, a young rhlladelphla
"S? ' mads her ,,ebut lBBt n8ht ns
S"" ana received several hand-
Ritti. 1U"' ol ituwers irom ner jnenus
t the end of the third act.
llicn.ll. .,... . . ...
c ite ;::, ::'.? . "?! p
Siteouni. f .V. " lwe in apparently
IWnT..L ' ",a B"ccess oi urace u itue,
rwhrin- ,tar featura at Keith's. Her
lhu?.5,, a treat these days w"en many
th i.v,Ii" Blara believe that art .consists
lfMi i t0 the aud'ence and personal
B a. .."'',
itthfik! La. Rue'a numbers, "Salutation
Item I, WD" lne most empnatic ap
Iltew al 'elections Included "That's
lTeim" ., n ,IW8 My Tango
it. Me one won numerous encores
-. irouquet. Her accompanist, Charles
,-'- .w.mw,u am i uwjiiilb M,
PTbj a lon or ns ongs.
Itt th. "",c,nr can be artistic and funny
m miS? !m .waa proved by Vo"
jJpon. who howed tha they were
H5Jn,Vter- Thls c,ever pair also
fV' 'eal estate agent, who falls
ffcullin . cnea' an innocent Jewish
n ;5 ' al I." presented by Sam
""ner Other eU included Dw
jflw wi6y j "Behind the Scene-!
--;, nao tQuae4 acj end oi
laiiRlm nnd applause with his iarlat nnd
wit; Homy G. Itudolf, a Caruio-llke
tenor, and Myrl nnd Delmnr In a rcmnrk
ably unique gymnastic offering which
wnp giently appreciated.
The pictures show tho departure of the
Ill-fated Litsltanta nnd glvo a vletv of
nilierl Hubbard waving Rood-by. Suf
fragists of this city nre also shown In
their recent parade.
Nixon's Grnncl
Tiovato and his lolln aroused tho
musical Instincts of the audlenca, at the
Nlxdn Ornnd, He pao a long musical
menu and launched Into Imitations ot all
kinds of blids. Ho soon hail tho audi
ence whistling, too, and Imitated tho
sounds of tho "human birds" ns each
whistled In dlltcrent kcs
There was plenty of fun In "The Elec
trical Vclius," a noel comedy offering,
and tnnpss nnd Ttyan lived up to their
reputation as clnssv funmnkcrs In roal
clothes. No end of Inughs Riected tho
Ltfitigdons In "On the Boulevard. Lady
Bettx, the talented chimpanzee, showed
that she wnsgettlng smarter every day,
nnd Stuart nnd Kcclcy won applau.o with
their noel dances
The putures arc up to the minute.
K vi uiiiui.
AUKLI'llI "Kitty MncKny, null trenn HMj
mnn A inmcd ot life In Scotlnnd. by Cntli
eilne (.hliliolm Cushlni! New Vork applaud
ed the comedy through moat of lint seifon
Seo relc . . .8 13
f OHIli:sT The Lndy In Ited," with Valll
Vnlll. A nf musical comod with u lad h
portrnlt for n plot. Tunetul munln, well
pure, but the book not po nmuntng as might
be S 15
M ItIC "TonlRht's tho Night." with Emmy
Wohleii Mnurlco T'nrkoa nnd nit rxcellent
English mm. Drllghtrul refined and fresh
ns nn nngllsh dnlsy. The good old plot nt
"Pink Dominoes". . 8 15
WOODSIDH PAP.K ' Tho Chocolate Poller. '
with a muslcnl stock comritnv, headed b
JIudKe Caldwell Ostnr Htmus' mnsterplece
or llnht opera roUecl nt th" opentnic or n
musical stock season nt Woodslde Pnrk..R 1"
W'ALNIT "The Ilnlnboi." with William In
gorsoll and his new ,tock company A 1'
Thomns' sentlmentnl tornedv or rnther nn-l
dnusliter reunited See re low 8 1.1
KniTH'S Orace Ln Hue, the singing tome,
dleniip. Will Hogers. the Oklahoma towboj ,
Snm Mnnn, In "Loin nnd Lots or It" tho
Six Wntrf I.lllcs Dojlo nnd Dixon, eccen
tric dnnccrs, Unrle Hejnolds nnd Nelllo l)on
egnn. on roller skntesj Hmllv Pnrrell nml
Clnrles Comn comedlnn. Henr CI rtu
dolph. tenor, Myrl nnd Delmnr, nnd motion
NIXON'S OIIAND Trnnlo iollnlFt. tho
Klectrlcnl Venus. Lndy Betty." chlmpan
7ee. Innes nnd rtnn slngeri, the Lnngdonx
In 'On the Itoulenrd", Arthur Stewart nnd
Hazel Keeley. dincers. nnd laughing movies.
CASINO I'h" filrl 1 rom the Follies "
TltorADnno She n out Again "
week ol the poison
DUMONT H IJumonl'a Minstrels In the last
neck ot tho season
In what Is presumably the final concert
of the Y M II A, Kinnk Glttclson, tho
young Philadelphia violinist, gno a re
cital at Wlthcrspoon Hall last night. The
program follows:
Sonate Caesar Franck
Allegretto ben Jlodernto.
Reeltatlvo Fantasia
Allegretto poco inosso
Adagio nnd ruga Joh Seh. nach
Trom O minor Sonate. (ror lolln nlone).
Rondo Caprkclov) .... Camilla Salnt-Saem
(a) Mart call Characterlstlnue-Frnnk Oltlelspn
(l) Walt. .... Leopold Ondowsky
(Dedicated to Frank Glttelson )
(c) rnlonalsa de Concert . . II Wlenlawskl
Mr. Kills Clark Hnmmann nt the piano
Tt will he seen from this detail that It
was the lirst ptrt of the evening tho first
two numbers, In fact which could glvo
an Indication of the powers ono may in
sistently demand of a ollnlst They are
tho potencies without which Inexhausti
ble technical expedients prove vain, they
nro the sense nnd the significance behind
the Reliables of tone Thev are, more
over, the powers chiefly found wantlne
In tho previous plavlng of this violinist.
So theie Is a double pleasuro In signal
ling tlulr presence last night Particu
lar in the Intter movements of the so
uata nnd In tho fuga of Bach Mr Glttel
son gave expression to a greater variety
"and a more Interesting depth of feeling
than It has been his fortune heretofore
to display.
Moio than the concerto chosen for hla
Initial appearanco with the orchestra,
and more than any number (excepting the
"Chaconne") which one can recall of
his later programs, the Franok sonata
offers Itself to poetje fervor and to de
leted thought.
Theao woip. Indeed, the nudities brought
to the plning bs both the violinist and
his excellent accompanist, Ellis Clark
Hammann. It wus the more disappointing,
then, that the whole should have been
marred bv a meagreness of tone, a
pinched and strained utterance on Mr.
Glttelsou's part. It la not a fault from
which ho has previously suffered, and Is
noted here In the Interests of accuracy.
Granted a full and freely flowing tone,
his performance of the sonata would have
been satisfactory In every way.
Time vva.t nothing In the professedly
coucert-plices which followed the Bach
number to compare with the difficulties
which It presented In Itself Mr. Glttel
son did not forget that this was the mas
ter who boasted that he had written In
every key known to man. But he kept
In mind also the fact that this Is the
master of whom his admirers claim that
he has written In every mood known to
man. The variations of the adagio and
fuga were so skilfully made, with o
much penetration of analysis, yet with
such cohesion, such technical compass
and restraint, that they were well-nigh n
triumph for the player They Indicate the
path which Mr. Glttelson should go. And
that the path Is still both long and
arduous Is certainly the last thing which
the artist would himself deny.
Wilmingt6n Entertains Mayors
WILMINGTON. Del., May H. Mayors
from nearby cities were guests at the
luncheon of tha Membership Council of
the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce
today, and speeches were made In favor
of Increasing trade between Wilmington
and those towns. Among the Maom
present were B. F. Willis, of Pennagrove;
Augustus Broslus, of Avondale, and H.
M. Lang, of Oxford.
crirnnTH ANT1 rOLlEdES
Language Instruction Free
In conversational Spanish, Gnnn, French or
Italian FltEB. Only char too for leaoa
took Mornlna-. afternoon and evenine classe.
1600 Chestnut Street.
112S Chestnut t Open all ummsr EJMrtln
The CQRT1SSQ School
Would Establish a Refuge to
Comrrlemol'nte the Coming of
World-wide Amity.
The Countess M. K. Ewlng do Guzmafi,
of rhlladelphla and Washington, has
launched a movement to establish In the
National Capltat n homo tor widows to
bo called Cns.i de 1'nz (Home of Peace)
ns a memorial to commemorate the coin
ing of world-wide pace
The Countess, who herself Is a widow,
believes that through her Influential ac
quaintances she wilt be able to enlist
wide Interest in tho movement nnd have
it well undei wa) b.v the time the uni
ting nntlons of r.itrope cease their hostili
ties and come to nn ngicoment
Sho proposes to base her campaign on
on endowment fund to be ral-ed bv itib
scrlptlons, lnige nnd small, obtained all
over the I'nlteil Htntes The Countess Is
sending out her appeal to the whole coun
try thtougli the pi ess
She hnn In mind nn Institution which
shall be a real home to the widows who
ore ndmltted, nnd she proposes thnt the
ago limit for Inmates shall bo from i' to
75 years.
It Is the plan of the Countess thnt life
membership In the home be gi anted upon
payment of $300. together with compliance
with other Biiltnblo regulations The home
would be governed by a committee "f
women, who also would pass upon the
qualifications of applicants for member
ship A Financial Commltteo of respon
sible men would handle the funds nnd
mnke proper Investments She would
have the homo absolutely nonsectnrlan
In discussing her plnns, the Countess
"I nm slmplv n plnin humanltnrlnti,
with high Ideals of the duties nnd obli
gations of life, Justice and gratitude,
pence nnd harmony the symphonic
chnim of existence
''Hern nnd there I llnd mnnv worthy,
refined cultured women, who hnve lost
their nil, nnd In despair have tried to find
positions to earn the necessities of life.
The llrst question with which thev nro
met Is 'How old are you?' Hnppenlng to
bo anywhere In tho shade of BO, thev nro
told, 'Very sorry, hut we need women
from 23 to 1"' It Is for these unfortunnto
widows that I nm working.
"Tho times nnd existing conditions and
tho Inevitable results of a long-drnwn-out
cruel war nmong our foreign neighbors
will hrlng to our peaceful shores mnny
helpless ones seeking protection anil sup
port It is this problem thnt stirs mv
ambition and furnishes my Inspiration It
Is mv deslro and Intention, with the kind
approval and encnurngament nnd prompt
assistance ot gcnerouslv disposed men
and women, to estnhllsh and erect In
Washington, D. C , this beautiful memor
ial, over the cntrnneo of which will be the
Olive Branch nnd the Dove, sjmbollcnl
ot tho Idea."
Police Seek Landlady Said to Have In
jured Boarder.
A boarder, who fell in love with his
Iandlnd. the mother of live children. Is
In a iblng condition In the rciinsvlvnul.i
Hospital with a hatchet wound In his
skull, nnd tho police nre looking for the
The man Is N'lcandrn riussln. IS jears
old. The missing woman, who Is thought
to have felled iilm with a blow. Is Mrs
Conglne Tllcclo, 10 venrs old, of TOt South
Ttnndnlph street No one Is nald to hnve
wltnesse 1 the scene dining which tho
man neelvcd the wound which, phsl
clans think. Is fntal
Flusln, whose nttentlors to the womnn
had been noticed since ho took a room
at the hcuso, wns found ljlng In a pod
of blood Into jesterdav afternoon bv n
son of the woman, Patsy HIlcIo A
hatchet lying nt his side and a gush on
his head ravo cvlderce of what had hap
pened riussla nnd the woman's husband, ias
nuale Tllcclo, hnd left the house nt noon
to go to work. Shortly fatcrward I'lussla
returned. No one wns seen to leave tho
house, but the woman hns not been found
Spcclnl Pollcemtn McGinn, of the Id nnd
Christian streets police station, placed
two other boarders under nrrest ns ma
te! lal witnesses Thev nro Carol Lane,
IJ years old. of Svvaithmore, nnd Andrew
Larre, 12 years old
Preferential System, Combininp; Pri
mary nnd Election, in Trenton Today.
TRCNTON. N J . Mas 11 Trenton to
day Is electing a city commission under
the Walsh rommlsslon act, to govern tho
cltv Tho present commissioners, five In
number Mnyor Donnelly, LaBarro, liurk,
Lee nnd Fell are seeking re-election, nnd
18 other candidates nro in the rnce
Tho new preferential njstem of voting
Is being given Its initiation here, fly
this system a voter may, after voting
for a se.t of five candidates, express sev
eral preferences In regard to other seta
of candidates This system, It Is antici
pated, will necessnrlly hnmper the count
ing nnd delay tho announcing of tho ote
until late tonight The voting today Is
comparatively light. As required by law,
the saloons nro closed during tho hours
of balloting
Eight-year-old Girl Terrified by Fire
in Neighbor's House.
Fear of a fire next door caused R-year-old
Josephine Kchlnsky, of "02 De Lnncey
street, to leap from a second-story win
dow Into a crowd early this morning.
Strong arms caught her, and she was
The fire, which was discovered In the
basement at 3 a m., drove 30 persons to
the street from the three-story tenement
of Abraham IlublnBky, at 201 De Lancey
street. No one whs Injured, although
there wns nearly r panlo aa the five
families crowded down the smoke-filled
stairs. The fire was soon extinguished
after It had done about 1155 damagu. Ita
origin Is not known,
Atlantic City, New Jersey
The Leeds Company
Leading Ulfh.Claas iloderats-IUts Hotel.
A I RPMARl E Virginia av., nr. Ben. Cap.
ALOCftmHLG wo steam beat, elevator.
un parlors, private baths, tic: excel table.
ltupwH, 42 Up dally. Bait. J.P.CQPB
THE INN" Open All Year
FIt thousand acre plnetj lakes, springs.
Favorite week-end and tourist resort. 1 amoiu
southern cooking. Naw maaactmtnt.
Only Boardwalk hotel. K A YOUNG. iU r.
Chebeaaue. Me.
try at seashore; Bltlts.
EltiLWOHTH INN T mile, tram Sudlu
ytnaUti, csh opts, Alfred Lirstitrt,
The Photoplay Editor of the Evening
Ledger will be pleased to answer quel
tlona relating to hla department.
Question! relating to family affair of
actors and actresses ire barred abso
lutely. Queries will not be answered by
tetter. All letters rnuit be addressed
to Photoplay Editor, Evening Ledger.
Four hungry lions, a beautiful vounit
woman nnd two men recenllv foregath
ered In ono, corner of the Hellg Jungle
Zoo nt Los Angeles, t'nl. A steel cage In
the shape of n trlnncle hnd been built
Inside this Imlnsiiro n Jungle ramp had
lieen made
The stngo directors, nnluinl tinlncrs nnd
enmera men worked from n smaller cage
placed nt the npev of the larger inclosuro
and rnlsed to the height "t jevpinl leit
In order to give a tocus on the enti-i
space within the cage.
At the rear of the camp shrubberj luul
been placed ngnlnst tho bins of the cngo
In order to give the proper Jungle effect
111 the relil re a large p.ilm tiee stood
nnd around this the lending characters of
the drama did most of their artistic
At the far end of the camp provision
had been mndo foi the quick get-nwnv of
the nctois In me any of the animals
became vicious dates were nlo placed
at Intervals nlong the sides of the cage.
,i.ltl, nM.nnnla rn.1l tn MICH tlieitl fOT
tho rapid exit of an artist In peril
A band of :." N'egioes, dressed In nallvo
African costume their blnck bodies deco
rated with nil the wnrllke color of
the Congo nnd arrvlng nntlve spears as
thev danced around on their shoeless feet,
gave a touch of color nnd made tho
scene realistic to the flunl degree
"All rendv ' ctlleri the Dliector "Take
vour positions cnmei.v'"
The opt mini begnn to turn the crank
of the camera, the hunters disappeared
ono bv one Into their tents, out the back
end and through the filde gates of the
cnge Plovvlv tho black men went Into
tho lungle nt the far end of the camp
and imniedlntelv out of the cage
Thomnn Snntschl and Edwin Unlock
snt In front of their tent nnd smoked.
The enmprire burned low Thev stood up.
vavvned, and ictlred Into their tent for
n night's rest
A cnge containing four lions was hauled
up to the side of tho Jungle cnge A
smnll door was opened foi the lions to
Jump through nnd Into the picture
Ono nt a time the great beasts Jumped
out ot their cage and came Into the
rnmp It happen that their dinner
hour hns been postponed bv tho keep
ers s0 they would a' t as becoming good
motlon-plcturo lioii.s 'Ihe meat was
snatched off the ground, and devoured
with great satisfaction
Nearer nnd nearer to the leading men s
tent they came Tho two men insldo kept
unlet nnd let them como to their tent
door. Of course both men were guarded,
but Just thosame they wero assuming
more or less risk In order to contribute
to n realistic motlon-plcturo scene After
the clovo cnll given the; men In tho tent,
tho lions followed the ment trnll off Into
the Jungle and Into their own little
As the dawn was supposed to he
approiching the big game hunters, tho
African nntlvcs nnd the leading char
acters raine out of their tents and pre
pared the moinlng me.il.
Tho most Interesting featuro of tho
dn's work wns the scene in which a
great African lion trailed Miss Kathln
Williams through tho swamp There 1 a
real swamp In the great Hcllg Jungle-Zoo,
making tho scenes unusually realistic.
In a scene of one of the wild animal
plcturea reeentl made liy the Sellg Com
pany nn Immense leopard grow restive.
Ho did not relish wnltlng longer for his
revvnrd of invv beef nftcr tho dav's per
formance He sprang nt Miss Williams
With piescnco of mind, she throw a piece
of n. eat which she was carrlng horse
back to tho animal nnd danger was
promptly averted. Tho leopard gave his
undivided attention to tho meat which he
hod coveted
In some of her acts with wild animals.
Mlrs Williams frightens the keepers with
her nerve .mil daring "Duke." the great
lion which gives trouble to the keepers
nnd tnmera at times, Hccms to have nn
affection for this young womnn, and "Tod
dled," n huge elephant, will follow her
aiound the Inclosuro anticipating peanuts
or a bit of sugar
Mother Love Filmed
Nearlng completion at the Lubin studios
In Philadelphia Is one of tho most unique
and vltnllv Interesting feature pictures
that has ever been made there It is
tailed The Eternal Sacrifice" and wfas
written and Is being produced bv Oeorge
W Terw llllger
Tervv llllger hns taken for his theme. In
this lemarkable play, tho greatest thing
in the world mother love, and hns not
nril succeeded in telling a most interest
ing story, but has carried the mother love
Instinct from the animal world, up
through -various periods of human exist
ence to modern days, nnd he hns driven
homo n lesson that should have a lasting
Influence wherever the film Is shown
Tho first reel Is devoted to tho mother
lovo to be found In different animals. In
sects and birds. The story proper be
gins In the second reel, with a mother
lovo tale In prehistoric das; then follows
a mother story In the days of pagan
Rome In the next reel the same theme
but with wide variations. Is carried out
In tho days of the Spanish conquest of
North America, and then, as a finale, the
theme Is brought down to modem days.
Throughout the entire story Terwllllger
has shown the entire range of sacrifices
FIRST SHOWING of authentic motion
Btcture. of the ILL-KATED I.UBITANIA
on her last trip from New York with many
notable passengers and scenes Incident to
her sailing-, In addition to variety program
Showing 9 Reels Daily Change
Hhourina all Ihe Start and Pramlntnt ArtM
mv Having uUh th. Universal. Jutuai
and General film Companies.
PRICES 5. JOo and 18a
Performances Continuous
From 11 A. M to 11 P. M
Empress Theatre
"The Heart of Maryland"
"Dough and Dynamite"
Matinees Dally at 3:30. Krenlngs, 7 and 9
Admission, llalcony, ioi Ier Moor. lOe
11 A. M. TO 11 r. M.
I An 1 Kit f Sn
la O&lpptnr Flay of Snow World, th
Shooting of Dan McGrew
Thursday. Friday and Saturday "COnA"
tani AMI
The Prince of Peace
bteward la SUAUOW9 Or Till" PAST
BUtm.wi UPtflBI S
, L-JsBlMMaarfc--ftiffii','a3EiMBL -J
tho popular Vitngraph favorite
tho mother either has to, or Is willing to,
makn foi hri ioung To get the pioper
backgrounds for the ptnv Terwllllger nnd
his company hnve traveled thousands
of miles Orml Hnvvlo) and Karl Metcalfe
nro to he featured In the production and
supported by an unusually strong cast of
Lubln plaers
Frank Daniels' Debut
Frank Daniels, who will mnke his Initial
nppenranco In motion pictures In tho
nnmo part of the Vltngraph Compans'
four-part production "Croo Scruggs,"
has n profound respect f"i unlmnted
photography since he saw his picture ru'i
for the first time Mr. Daniels had. what
for a bettor term might be i ailed, "stage
fright " during tho ft rut few minutes of
tho unfolding of the story, .mil It Is to
this feeling tho power and Influence of
motion pictures wns brought forcibly
home to htm.
As Is customary at tho Vltagraph
Studios, the principals In "Crooky
Scruggs." formed nn nudlence that as
sembled In the exhibition room to "flee
themselves ns others sec them' Inter
From the tlmo ho was seated, until It
wus absolutely, certain the picture vvoind
bo a success und the comic opera king
had registered a "hit ' Mr Daniels acted
as he would have done and experienced
the same feeling ns If It were the Initial
production of one of his legitimate stage
successes In speaking of It later, he
remarked "If I had had lines to rend
I would have 'hit the celling hard,' for
tho first few scenes until I had gained
control of my nerves"
"Crooky Scruggs," was produced under
the direction of C Jnv Williams, with
Harry More, Anna Laughlln. IMwIna
Robblns, Evnrt Overton nnd Charles
Eldredgo In suport of Mr. Daniels and
will bo released ns a Vltagraph Blue
Ribbon Feature
Answers to Correspondents
t I- T T1nf.-I Wl.l. . arn nt PfllllA. I f!nn.
Rress avenue. Jerasy On N J. Send 2.i
lenta In mnn order t lier nnd n holograph
will Ir forwarded Photographs ost mone.
nnd then there It the popular, and actresses
get dozens of requests, so are firccd tn charge
llio urinal col
rj u Th principals In Ihe Tohn)n-Jef(rl's
light got verj Ilttlo from Ihe men Ins pictures,
an tho exhibition of them nns Inrrcd In
neurit nil of the larger i Itlei Mtngraph
took them nnd did the relenslng
Hl'NH'i Owen Moore 1 CUo a sweetheart
In The inttle of tho Sexo ' (Mutual).
ANM1' M riorente I.a Itadle a address la
Thnnhouser Compun, N'eiv nochelle, N. Y
IOHN W Chsrllo Chaplin Is nt the Esaanay
Studio. Nllc. Cnl
OOItDON K ' Smiling Eddlo" Ljons was
born nt nenrdstnnn III, In Issfl, nnd nt pres
ent ho Is with the I'nlvorml
Empire RED
is a Sure -Thing Tire Buy
You don't expect to get two dollars for one,
but you do want your dollar's worth;
you're entitled to it, and here's where you
get it in tires.
Nobody knows how long a tire will wear,
but you know when you get good serv
ice. We expect every Empire RED to
give it. If it should happen to fall short,
you can't lose, because we make good
till you get 100 value.
It's the first time "you ever bought tires
knowing in advance that you were abso
lutely going to get all you pay for.
We couldn't offer you this kind of a propo
sition on any tires but Empire REDS.
Empire RED Rubber produces this tough,
resilient tire that not only outlasts all other
tires in service, but is practically free from
deterioration standing still. Empire RED
Rubber barely gets warm under friction
tests that sizzle other tires; it's because
our RED Rubber is a poor heat conductor
a wonderful wear and tear and time
resister. One Empire RED saves money
for you four will
Any dealer can supply them.
PhdadalpUa Branch l
322 North Broad Street
Factory ud Homo Office i TRENTON, N. J.
Mtim el "PiV-.J.r lunar Tubas
Expected He Will Tnkc Vncn
tion After Leaving Paterson
and Then Go to Windy City.
nu n Staff Correapenrfenl
t'ATKRSON, N. J Mny ll.-Hcfore he
left for Hackensnck this morning, where
tin tlnllt nh.rl trlntv aorlttntl nl thft
j homo of cx'Bcnalor Johnson. "Wily"
I Hundav Intimated that he would accept
the call that has tome for him to cam
, palgn In Chicago mid that ho will mnke
It his nexl cnmpa'gu, following his vaca
tion aftei closing here
'Chicago fnr mine, said the evangelist
when somebody naked, "How about It,
UUI" (Jolug to tackle that naughty
town 7"
It begins to look ns though the agree
ments made in Vnrlous cities that "Hilly"
f-hnll lecelve nnlv the money collected In
the final dns collections ns his compen
sation foi the ennipnlgns nie pielty use
less It tlidn t work out that way In I'hlla
ilelphls. nml It Isn't going tn woik nut
t mi wnv here, for the trustee of tho
North Jerse.v Evangelical Association lust
night dccld"d that collections should be
taken nt everv service next week, all the
inone" to go lo "Hlllv "
At that thev decided to ask 'Hill" to
piolong his campaign one more week than
nrtglnall planned Instead of closing
Sundav Mav It thev are anxious for him
to keep nt It until Mav 30 It will be re
membered that the Phllndelphln campslgn j
went several extra weeks
Rut this Paterson campaign It's safe to
say, will stop where originally planned
To dnte It has been no gieat success, at
least so fnr ns Paterson Is concerned
The tahernacle audiences largely have
been made up of persons from other
"Hlllv" Is lii verv poor shape pyslcallv,
and, ns he hns confided to close friends,
not satisfied with the Paterson campaign
He has an engagement to speak at a
"dr" State rclcbiatlon In Denver Mav M,
so It'll be no extra week lor this part of
the world.
Carpo Excccdinp; $120,000 in Value
Carried by Norwegian Vessel.
Laden with Hl.OM enses of refined
peti oleum and 3000 cases of naphtha, val
ued at $IS,T0X.Tii. the Norweglnn Inrk
Hell, biggest crnft or her tvpe afloat left
the Atlantic Refining Compnnv today
bound for Yokknlchl, Jnpan The esel,
which was formeily the Brltlfh bark
llrlljlnnt, li commanded bv Captain El
leng'nen. She wns sold by the British lo
tlic Germans Inst July and renamed
Perkeo On her maiden voyage under
the German flag In August she was cap
tured by a British warship nnd wnn later
condemned as n war pilo and sold to
her present ovvneis
Submarine Leaves Unaccompanied
for Naval Review Scene.
Unaccompanied h.v the usual convo, tho
nubmnrlno G-l left the Philadelphia Navy
Yard today for a run to New York to take
part In the naval review Tho G-4, which
li the first and onlv undciieas craft built
on Italian plans, was constructed by tho
William Cramp nnd Sons Ship and Kn
giue Building Company.
Store your
Winter Suits
now W MeAtn press
and more fop $1 In
nurlnp against moths,
riro nnd theft
1116 Walnut
Tallorlnir Only-
save more money.
. . .i'i'M
.OM: .v-V ti
.J. . ..
Lower Brahdh Aroused by First Ac-ji
, cusntton of Session.
lt)i a Staff Porreapoitdent
liAnniSHtmG, May 11-Chargei 6f
pndded rolK cnll were made on tho floorJ
of the House for the first tlmt this
sion inst nignt, wncn ino .1.1OV-B nni. m-
nultlng that county funds be) tleposlfe
nt Interest wris defeated. The first !
nountement of tho volo on the Measure, j
which was on third reading, was Mi
nves nnd BS nays A constitutional m-
Jorlty of 101 favorahle Voles wis fifteen--
saty to pass the bill.
Iteprcscntatlves Henry I, Wilson, of,
Jefferson, neked for a Verification of ths.
roll, asserting that ho had kept account
of his own nnd had recorded 303 ayea.
llenresentntlve Kulm asserted that tins
had counted 114 n.vcs during the roll call.fi
Kepicsentntlvo Love, tho sponsor of the,:
nm. tnarged unnurncss in tne count. ,
Speaker Ambler, who voted against thOi
bill, flnnllv allowed the roll to bo veri
fied, mid wlilln the. verification was belne
made, the supporters of tho meaAUrn 'i
'Inert up evcrv nvnllable vote In faor or. -
It They rniieii, however, tno final vote
being 102 ayes to M nays.
Your Waterman
Fountain Pen
Repaired Free
The Waterman you
have in your pocket
docs it need the at
tention of nn expert?
Here is your chance
to have it repaired
without cost.
We have arranged
with the L. E. Water
man Co. to send Us an
expert mechanic for.
two weeks Monday,
May 10th to Alay 24th.
Just step into the
Pomcrantz store and
hand your pen to
the expert. He will
clean, adjust, reset the
nib anything that
may be done without
replacing broken or
missing parts.
Have your pen right
for the summer.
If you need a new
one here are thou
sands to select from.
34 and 36 S. 15th St.
M.. V.' i.. .liV.V
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re:. r?F,n
It's an EMPIRE"
'an irf ;? .tat" .. r?(;
., v$yJ&e.8sr..tZivr I v v 1
.iS".ao r ' jaws Itr m
.dmE&i &r w 2 i