f&ntAfy r TUESDAY May 11, 1915 o . illfctor J . III ywniJfl l(I,t IE & U SCENES AND PERSONS OF NOTE IN THE WORLD'S NEWS DAY BY DAY AS REPORTED BY THE CAMER& hoto by InderuotuJ fnderwocxi. r;KI?VT ARMADA OF UNITED STATES SWINGING THROUGH NARROWS' Dreadnoughts and superdreadnoughts coming into the Hudson River for the Presidential review. The deck scene in the foreground is on the Florida. Then, in the order in which they appear, are the Kansas, South Carolina, Michigan. Delaware, North Dakota, Texas, New York and Wyoming. Fboto by International Nevsi Sor.i.i AN OFFICIAL WELCOME FOR itiH FLEET In the absence of Mayor John Purroy Mitchcl, Acting Mayor McAneny welcomed Rear Admiral Fletcher (on the right), his fleet and his men, on behalf of New York city. The city is full of jackies who are being welcomed sincerely. rimtu by Mfftem Photo Service TO THE DEAD WHO WERE FAITHFUL This fountain, erected in Battery Park, New York city, is in memory of wireless opcrntors who" have been lost at sea while at their post or duty. Among the name3 inscribed arc those of Jack Phillips, of the Titanic. f.a&Bssmsz&f . , .tvr.gK "-!ygFt5gsi.ii? m& 9Tii!Ssesv9if))iifw!gF!miMia , . jlt-om 0KAJUCJUIKOr, CU4A v)Mr ajvu Td.-A UV 1 li tt'XfWf. . ll"' l jl&KJ titl ) : ' .'riyv "-'-A XiZVieyt jkiVZJ.VJSCtfUrT-7ZI J7V13 ".iMi .'.. . - ". '-vjas iV'f.'V : :' . S!?4?iiPs3SK,Sia -w"- "j. . -:; .vtVkrtJMvn'mtMKw,-, ,., ?Jii.i. .:.. n. irA..iuinituui-.9TTj..h..T.-rnM. . .. ... :- - .: rrCiSWJBiSSSSESSiSaBK lhoto by LmJcnvnod & Lnderuixwi ONE OF THE LARGEST UNITED STATES SUBMARINES The K-6, of the Atlantic fleet, led the squadron which came up the Hudson River for the great review to take place May 17. "" .1 hi i i i . i ,i .1 i I ij .,ini i ZZ vVN. . ' A'rask.' k.Jv' JPSi,rlPs:r!'Sh iX. vS. '.' Jr '-'4 ? v Vvs, " tT i? iiirry TiimtUtfiii -w- ." n, (,. ..ir.. j f ; - fe , tsw- w ka f&Rirjrx mMK ftaataitiatf f-)e)ftfv4-w ('k.s-v--'-- ,CT V ,i " ' " ' ' ''",l "' ' -1. II. ..,!, i, i .in iMi.wm n ., in., I I zmm bING HO' FOR A SAILOR'S LIFB fnwo M lr.JercoJ A i r-dstwcoa Aa iadicaUan as i why some sailors are perfectly contautd to leave tkir bew&)1 tij',jt.to.jiart, instaaij OOLUNG UF FOR THE BIG PAY yiiowr W I niirwood 4c I jtff-w". Oi TOXSM tn TnaVa Vj- ..J.. J-. iU., ..la. yfrtflrnHnjM'fc !uv4 i ,7ra " ?r AT5JW ?-' "- nCMPNMMM