i IT ilYSTONE TELEPHONE BEGINS PAYING OFF ACCUMULATED DIVIDENDS ON PREFERRED EVEftlNfl LEDGEB-rHIUADEl)PHtAt TUESDAY, MAY" 11. 1915. fOCKS MOVED UP ALL ALONG LINE R of Buying Orders Result- Hjri Sharp Ativnnces rrcai tet's Address Cause, b ronK, May 1. All th-t was SyA by.-tHe stock market, seemingly, 2 ,.!. and It got It In the shano of 5,'"f address by President Wll- Ncw York Stock Sales I l.,,,urlnf address by President Wll C"VrWIdlplila las' nIKlit. with the 1.. ik.t there wns n emeriti movo up f,S, aloMK the line today. A1 fl the President did not refer ill SS in the l.u.'imtila Incident, which m'Jtd M a ct blanket on tho.mnr Wince Friday, his tirccnt plcK for l4'linuance or peace made the Street Kt the fnltcd States will not rush S war until every effort to adjust ,-i. has been made. t!im ,nrKC scnl nt "L0 wili And brisk advances werS scored. 25. illns 2. 3 nd """ls' Thcre ,vn' Eof buylw orders, which came, from i?nSitt of the country, and for a time. Jfitfes ncre sensational. Knowledge, ifrtumulatlon of stock by strong in ,iU on yesterday's decline nlso helped ifumvard swing. It was the Kenoral dflon throughout the Street that the itirt "" '" n ,m,cl1 bcUcr technical mllon now than for several days past. nmny weak accounts wero cleaned Iron the decline nnd stocks nro now filrorm-r hands. Standard stocks again appeared to be iV favorites for the upward pull. Steel -nm-n, neadlnp, Amalgamated nnd -toother big shares wero In particular it the higher levels some prollt-taklng jcttrtd) and there, wero moderate re iiloni, but slock wbh well nbsorbed .a ih. rtecllnes were not lnrgo In any lie There was also evidence that mnny o'cis which wero bought on the d-mor-lui breaks wero disposed of. London again sent over a list of higher Hew before the opening, nnd this en. lurajed traders considerably. Another ivorable factor wns the report . that aJtrla had accepted the demands of tf, thus averting war between the to' nations. On the announcement by President "toon that he had not formulated a lilcyon the Lusltanla disaster there was deHnlte check In trading around mld j.' This did not last long and nftcr una adjustment brought about by rcallz 'tho upward movement was resumed, radlng was by no means ns heavy ns it it during the morning session. Some -tlrlty occurred In tho Mnxwell Motors MP on the announcement of .an Initial vldend on tho preferred stock, that Is- advancing 6'i points, later falling ort. h' common and second preferred also it, but fell back In the Inter trading. iierlcan Tobacco made a gain of it 'Into. The market closed strong. Mnny ares reached the high point of tho day the last few minutes of trading. AlasVsOnMMlnM ... aiif Allb-ChAlm Mfg Alllt.fh.llni Mfe t,f ... .i;ij AmMeamateiH'os . ... (il'j Am Aor Chemlcai tilH Am AurChom pf 03 Am ueet su-af 41) Ills);. IHH Ifl 13 r,ni A.'l 025 i 15' tw. Close. 3255 31'1 New York Bond Sales Am Can ,iij ,q.i( '"M, Pi's mi 1!) 110 14 8(1 . 2!)4 . ti . ''f !).! 111 103.4 10!) .1111 120 . 01 02 227 23ft 52.4 ll.1l, 404 Ml 31 315K 105 AMI 1)7 07' ( ll'i 45 00 524 024 42.4 324 00 504 I It ! 45 074 r.a 024 45 314 1)0! i 514 1154 1154 41 m 204 304 104 444 !)7 0.14 100 lit) 01 to 40 80 304 .'114 104 45.4 07 07 11)11 1 20 02 230 107 1074 1074 10751 21) 28 304 325 i 0S.4 100! j ir.i'j 424 . 704 . Oil . I 1325, . S04 654 15 100 47! 73 004 28 314 004 100 45 714 coJi 4 135 S7 58.4 154 28 324 1004 100 40H 73 00.4 4 13S SSH 02? 10.4 130 RS' 024 104 1504 1504 1574 15!) .M's .17 .154 37 102b 1024 1024 1024 414' 134 43 434 424 444 43 414 -.'! ;in 28U 20 125 34 4 1204 24.4 100 0I?( 1L 31 120' I , NEW YORK CURB r Hid. Asked. iJen 7 "', An Tobacco old u-, in Am Tobacco new IP. 1714 II Cons i ii4 tent Can : 'J 7 :: Kins ....". l.j n-lfl hllh Val Coal Salts inn 170 nlwln 7.1; it J, Bey 7114 7".'i '-;' i'-' H4 iir-Ht-eman 7 7U rtlnit Oam 214 2i, birraduets K! ,-,7 'W Ojr Stores kt nt ! tt ion mi i Prtf new 2T " orM.rilm 4H 4 ikon Cold 2; 2'i w COTTON EW TOHK, May 11. Sentiment whs bet ( ej the Cotton ExcliaiiKe nt the opcnlns a and prlcei were fl to 10 points higher, 'Ha steady lone. Tho weather In the cot s, Hit and the decline of only 2 points In rmwl were tho chief factors. Ulir tat OMt IB minutes' traillrm tho mar tltild iteady, with tho buying by trade ireita the fcRture. and thTe appeared lo tae covering. la the dav advanced prlros ontluurt to rdra, October showing n 24-polnt ualn hv Te. clnie. Open. High. Low. close. 11.11S 211 ii.rii 11.21 n.an !. !.!. U.,1 11.71 11.7s ii).r", n.ftl io.n' in.27 n.n. in 01 tn.27 tn.'in io.il 10,4'J n.s.1 I'clock. rfi;,.. tober . cemlier imrjr . '"A-.. it.;.,,. KK. n.r. 11.7s ln.02 in.02 10.27 (1.71 10.(1 10.27 10.27 1.J2 0.83 L'7' 50 004 044 tl"4 1244 1274 SOU 1215 31 120 21 1014 1014' 204 004' 054 12) 204 1114 11 S 244 .J.1SS l.'ti 234 115 124 S4 25.4 4-)h 1484 152 1204 124 2"4 115 124' S.4 25 3S4 150 1344 I30J,' 135 08 41!i 110 304 554 Ml 004 1) 3S 54 274 254 OS 45 117.4 334 5S aiJi 7l!f 0?4 30 (i 20.4 27!.' 014 1244 31 1204 254 11114 27 004 055a 1204 184 23.4 115 124 84 254 '0,4 1514 1304 07 45 1174 33 lOIJi" 102 1404 004' 1214 404 804' 404 114 117 137! 08 1204 434 80)4 304 42 117 714 12 304 13 23 47 120)3 1054 14 554 78 .. 134 .. 074 .. 834 .. 35 .. 28 ..101?,- 102 74 744 ..1034 100 .. 3 34 .. 105.' 214 114' 30 07 41 1104 814 504 104 00 04' 80 54 284 27 27). 102 102 1304 140)4 DIl'J !H1L4 214 704 04 30 0 20) a 1214 12 S2 30 41 115 MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TUXOrAH STOCKS. 11 Bui Butl.p ... JXinira ! ! ' ' ; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1.J Mh Extension '.'. .'.i ','. ',.'.', '. '.'.'. ! ntina nil fur .' piB Belmont II.!.!!. will Fitfnilon 10(1)1 Mercer wMli Vliilns m' Fula itEm '.!.!!'.!! EE 0OLDFIEI.D STOCKS. Wa imi .... ::::::::::::::::::: i"t ........ tr...:,:.:::::; ninrjution !!.!!!;;!..'!." JntBdfleld n n .1 wti use 'W ronsolldated' .'.V.'.'.'.'.'."!!." JWd Mereer "bo'Eitenslon ' a )!? Km .''."'.."..'.'. 'rjFick :..'::. . .01 . .m . .2S . ..'!." . .17 . 4'1 . :i' . ..it .n, . .'! . .70 Ask. .Ml .OS .17 .2R J 14 :i. s 7 .11 .7.1 .a: ,:n .03 .07 .4(1 .41 .01 .04 .or. .07 .in .12 .02 .01 .04 .INI .4S ..VI 1'.. 14 .22 .2U .ni .ni .H .15 .07 .flR .07 .07 MISCEL.L.AN'EOriS fflXrtt.1. . lirlr 7..V.V. ni wonder.... .:;: :.:.. i-.cs .OS .04 .07 .: 1.73 BANK CLEARING; adiiV ;'". l."na compared with corre- - iasi 1 wo yeara: P. 111.1. JjlV5S.Bw;j.M 24 17.1.412 2nM4 M,k'" 35'S?2 :i7.tn..172 2!l12.N7.) -.,,,....,,,, ,iu,;i,(nn 328,450,114 HATES FOR MONEY fall ... 3i,j(H4 ... 2 924 'ftTSfl1!' Mr'trV 3 to ' 6 mSntL Tin HJff- me. .1J4 S 1 aiiff4 4 I4 Phlladel- S per cent 8(rre H.inlo ii:s..i n.. . ...,u uiavuuiK uuica Day SO or 30 or CO or Over fnM. tanEr; lTir ."" ' taarnt i)i 4 lleaJa !" leas. 4 4 4 4 4 an. 4 4 4 4 4 4M 4 4M 4 i no. 41? IS K -4 (in. .1 n a 4 5 lfcEIGN EXCHANGE 'l'o,nS ,s! U--Th forelBii exchange Wl""""1 "lr, with demand sterling 'MR. ""'nir.f-ranca.Marka.nul ilera. M, 'TO'i, 5.325 82 33W-L16 GOVERNMENT BONDS van . , t m SSSS.1 101 lid Hid. Aaked. , 01 ft 0S iSSSSSSn'jtt !8 atiiss?-::-- -"""jjsa Si lre on New York Purl, 1ft okiSatlonS'""''1"11 lU inability Bar riivi ??i-..Hr J -Tb Drict of com- 16.'.rK.aMUMnti with llnlKin nta. " ' ' financial and Com- m$i i5!L U-Alejand.r Jf. h SJVUmv". York Curb Market II hi .CrrA'.. announced hi. fnhniT. t.owe, 19 Am Car A Kmmrif . Am Car A Kdy pf . . . Am Cotton Oil Adams Kttirra AmltldcA I, pf .... Am lcoSccurltlM .... Am t.lnswl Am Locomollvn Am l.ocomollvo pf .. Am .Smelt ft llcf .... Am Sugar Heflnlnir Am Tel A Tr-I Am Ttl A Cablo Am Tobacro Am Tobpf new Am Woolen ... Anaconda Copper. .. . AlchT&SP AtchT&SK pf .... Haliluln Loco Baltimore A Ohio . . llalllmoroA Ohio pf Datopllai Mlnlne ... llcthlehem Hteel .... llrooklyn Hap Tran . liimo & superior Cal retrolcum Canadian 1'aclflc Cent Lcalher Co Cent Leather Co pf . . Chej A Ohio Chlno Copper Chi Ht West pf Chi Mil & St S' ChlMIIAStl'pf .... CCC A St I, Chi A NnMhwc.il .... Chi HI A 1 Cluctt Tea A Co pf ... Colorado Fuel A 1 Contlnenl.il Can Continental Canpf ... l onsolldatetl Cias Corn Produrls Itef ... Crucible Steel Co Detroit IM Ison Distillers' Securities . . DtilSSAAtl pf Krlo Krlo 1st pf !. General Electric , Oeneral Motors fleneral Motors pf . .. . Ooodrlch I) K Co Citcat Northern pf (ft N cfs for oro prop . , Ouceenhelm Ejpl'n . . . Inter-Met vot t c Inter-Met pf International Taper ... International Paper pf , Int Steam Pump Inspiration Copper Kan City Southern ... Lacledu Gas l.ehlsh Valley Mackey Cos pf Manhattan Elevated . . . Maxwell Motors Max Motors 1st pf Man Motors 2J pf May Dept Stores M St P A S S M Mexican Petroleum Mo Kan A Texas Mo Kan AT pf Missouri Pacific Miami Copper Montana Power National lllscult pf.... Nat Cloak A Suit pf... Nat Enamellnc A S Nat Lead New York Air Drake... Nevada Con Copper... N YNHA II New York Central NY ChlAStL N YO AWest NorfA Wet North American . . Northern Pacific. Ontario Silver M . . 1'aclllc Mall Paclllc Tel A Tel . raclnc Tel A Tel pf . . . . 00! i 015. Pennsylvania 10.-.4 1004 1004 IOUJ3 l'eopies uas, cm ill 1151.115 115); rittsburch Coal U14 m.4 1U4 Plttsburch Coal pf f.8 00 00 Pitts CC A St 1 70 70 70 rressed Steel Car 421. 455a 434 rressed Steel Car pf. . . . 004 07 07 PubS Corp N.J 10S4 105 105 Pullman Co Hy Steel Sprini . Hay Con Copper 214 Iteadlns 141 Hep Iron A Steel 25 Hep Iron A Steel pf . Hock Island Co llumely M Co Humely it Co pf Seaboard Air Line pf Sears Hoe, A Co Sears Hoe. A Co pf. . . St LoulsASF St Louis AS F2d nf ... 0 St Louis Southtti-itern. . 10 HiJj 104 Sloss-ShefSAI Co .... 35 33 33 r-outhern Paclhc 804 804 87 Southern Hy 164 17). 104 .Southern lly pf 52 53 53 StudebakerCo 03 07 05!f Studebaker Co pf 101 100 OS).' Tennessee Copper 30)3 315. 315a Texas Co 125 127 120 Third Avenue -17J 504 40 Toledo St L & W pf . . . . 6 0).' 04' Union Dae & Paper.... 54 54' 54 Union Pacific Union Pacific pf United Hys Invest . . United Itys Invest pf. USHubtwr USJtubberlstpf.... USSteel 504 USSteeipf 1014 USEiprcss 04 Utah Copper 014' Va Cart) Cliem 284 Va Iron, Coal A Coke. . . 30 Wabash !.' Wabash pf 14 Western Union Tel 014 WestlnchousB Electric. 834 Wheel&LElstpf.... 12 Willis Overland 114 1174 115 WooloithFVCo....l01 lOlJ-i 101)8 1014 134 31 14 244 IKJS 10 004 814 114 05 854 3l .".I! 3 I'Jl.1 3 11 8.1 374 41 117 75.4 134 31 14 241.' 484 13 31 134 244 48 1215a 1184 1214 105 105 105 154 50 S24 144 035. 8"i 31 28 102 74! 3 10.) 3 20 80 01 10 0)4 814 144 115 85 81 104 102 74.4 100 214 :o 01' 1524 1534 153'.' 27.4 304 20 314 140 204 21' 90 70 444 07 105 1534' 204 1435a 1114 . 82 . '.' . 5 . 124 . 314 .1344 254 834 H 10' 83)3 13 35 1354 135. 35 13s)a 83) i ?s 54 144 3557 13S5 1215s 1254 1254 1251. 453 5 :, 5 f 104 33 tS4 174' 53 KG!. 100 314 120 504 04 54 1235a 1204 1245f 125!a 89.4 15 20 5S4 ..100 oi;. sua &. 17 10 17 324' 32 324 025i 00 024 1004 1004 1064 5t)f 524 534 1005a 100 05 05 05 1)3 30,4 30)a 42 1 14 tiO' 874 9 42 1 m 004' 805a 0 1004 05 044 304 42 1 14 004 88 9 1174 KEYSTONE PHONE DIVIDEND Initial Payment of 2 Per Cent. De clared on Preferred Stock. An initial dividend of 2 per cent, was de clared this afternoon by tho dlrectora of the Ke stone Telephone Company on the cumula tive pi ef erred sluiieb. This la the first distribution on the long ac cumulate dividends, and ulll be paid July 13 tu stockholders of record July 2. TKADK BALANCE $20,555,707 WASHINGTON, Jlav 11. Commerce Sscre lorv HedfteM told the Cabinet today th.t Aim rim's favorable trade balance for tin uerk endlnK last Saturday v,t SJO.553,707, amilrsl s..3V3.04 the precedlua week, t'nt tnu exports wero HU.IM bales, maklnir T, Ib'J.lfJU sluco August 1. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Eicelslor Trust Company, regular semiannual M, per cent., payablo Way 10, Cincinnati. New Orleans and Tesas Pacific, eitra "Vi Pr cent, on common, paable June 0 to stock or record May 20. Chlcano Hallways, semiannual 4 pir cent, on rles one cerilrtcotes and 3 oer cent, on series ' certificate, payable June 6 tu stock of record May PhlladolpMa Company for nuaranteelnr Mnfiijvcs. .exular senilaiinusl 3 per cent.. payable Juno u tostock of record May it). Maawell Motors Company, quarterly 1 per ni. on first Pf.rr.fini5i of I Per t. Illitli. Low. Close. JlXH) Amer Hide & t 0....IWH 1W4 tk wi mer smell see iw.. .no UMi Amer Tol clt 4 Wl, iiomi Amer Tel cvt 44 loo .KJ,0 Ati'hl'im ev U Ui.W... 114 (mi tin c 4 lliui tMiJi jl) Allan Ca Line 1st 4s. H'Ji Usui Hall x- ril.i.i :ili. . ttli l.VllKI (In Ih Rill, 'IIWJO tin ov IUn N)l IXKfl llrth Stcoi tst .' U'!l l.M)i do rrd on HI ii Ilinok imp Tr fis Iiet I'Mtui Ho 'i UK) I toil HrooXtn K 1st o9.. im' UW Cent lailier 1st 6... IHi'i toil) Cent l'nclllc SU f) 44ini do let Is S74 WOO Cent it tl N J M II 1-5, Wmil Chen Olilo rv 44s.. i" Hnl Chrn ,1 oil I4 lixiid 11141 Uhl I) .c U joint 4s... l'U lix rhl II & (j III n'ts.... Kl . IWil Chl II tt I) III 4s li4W tO'l'ls) f M ." HI V ov ,Vi rct.lo:i'j 1iN' f M .: Pi l 4s Ilii'i Vmn f it i m ! f, 44s.... Ill 4 .Vimo Jl & Kt f rv 44. . nil. imo Chi St P M A (I lb r.s.lni) mil roi St south ter 4Ws..ci in.-, N1, lmi ii lmni n3 w4 '!i wis lit. I null Wlf, K. l !(- SV). UK) IM 1'HIH PV PH. S'Jt. SI., nn .Hl Mi mi'. ml tj Kill Sii it1. ! 21HOI1 Con (Ins cv (Is UOW Corn Trod .is 10.11.. 1(Xio Cumberland Tel ."u.. noon Den & H 0 rfd f.. lnoo Detroit United 443.. os. . 1WM Ills Soeur Corn icoo Du l'ont lowd 14s. I(i" line conv Is Sfr A. Iiiki Rrb' conv 4s Srr II. 20(iU Krlo prior 4s iXun (It ten Hay Ps 1IUK) Hen F.leo ilth .',s... ISO' Hud Mnn in (is.. Ill"-) do rfil f.a sonii Herk Vnl 1st 14s. UM III Lent Is 1HM 111000 111 Con A Ft I. ti Us was, in cv ret an mi ns miuoip intern .Met 411.H i'lmti lnlorb n T rcr r,s... boio Inter Mer Mnr tus. awn ind Alcohol f.s .".. 4iiii 3apaiiu 1st 1 1.,. . . 21.011 K K Ft S ft Al 4. . . . 2WII Mcka Steel M 1H2.I. 1 1 DO tike Sh ilib Is IKS. 10ii'i Mr k M T ,'is KO11 u te Nosh In lll Mo Kn P 1st Is . 10KI Mo Kan 1 T 2d Is.. 7KIO Mo Pni- 4s VVO N V Cnnnl 4s 1001 . loon N V C-.M c ."Hts .V.Wii N v C ft Hud lis ict. ronn N Y C & llnd 44 .. mnn n v city :'., in"., lonoii n v city Ai in.m. ... :10m , v city 44 s iiiivi... (1700H N Y cit 44s -r,l 1000 .V y citv 14s Mhv '17 iwxi N y " M A- 1' Is.... .looo n v n 11 i1 .-.. . . . OKI N Y N 11 f, H r.s.... Moo N t Pnt "; WW 4s. lofw.n N - nwy rf Is.... MKKl N v 11 wv ndj r.s r.oro N v stntp Us .. .. 4000 v TV C n I'ss. .100 Nnrf & W Pn Is t .100(1 nr Pnc prior 4s... mono do cen .Is "'(in Ore n- f, N I-. .. 4000 Orp & V 1 N 4s. . lono rnc Coast 1st Sis ... smo Pennn rv :14s in n do H Til" 710110 IVnnH rt is rrmo Pub Pfrv N .1 .is ... "Oik' nny Con Coprr "s . Tono n-pndltiir urn Is KOft npiib Cnhn .Is '01.. 10io Krn Ir ". S .Is rooo Itlo Or & "V rlt 4s.. .10011 ito-k Island 4. '.Mono rlo rfd Is 1 toon do r.s 10"0 St I. , a p qrn .Is . Toon Pf.ihn.-rd A I. mlj .( 400 do stn 4s I'.'Oiii smith I'nc i'V Is .. "iriTO rn ,.v nt f n s HliVKI do rfd Is Ton Foutb Pwy con 1.... 2tiono 'ivxim Co cv r.s jeno Thin! Ave new Is.. . I00O do id I .1.1 irro Tol ivn & IV ;. Kivo r s (Invt ns 2lnoo I' s S'eel r.s -0-1 do rrir .Is 1W.0 I'nlon I'np 1st ts Toon li .rv 4s IM10 iln rfd s JfOO fii 11 vs H !" Is jnro Vn nwv r.s jii'on Wiiimsli Ik 1000 Hi r. : iro., in1t '-'on ct "tn 4n. .. -roo ivnh-p Tor 1st ct Is.. .-oi'O uvt I'lri'trt" r ,1iw KV-t 1" .C M ' r,s.. -n,.i Vst I'nlon I's" -i.r.0 iln r.s 'Uc.n Cent rrn Is.. 11U . I") . II4 . IX . 714 . PS . nil. . IIS . M .inil .101 . V'Hi . 7.MI . ICI4 . S2l . 1'J.I'i 1 1I. 11! I ... 7-11 USs I.H. PP4 . 70i(, . 112 . HI .11101, W . 7il . in . l.V, .101 . 701, .11".! . K4 . 'US . 07 . Pll'i . 004 .I'd 4 . "".4 .1031, .1104 . "0 . 714 . Ml, .ion . 7ht; '-in . 0:1; . 01 . om 101 .074 lisi . OS .ion; . 7 .111 . CIH . linij . nt , 72' . R" " . O'l r, i . .'im " '. f4 . S2 . 00 . 7", . 0'1'i . 01IJ .11 101 IO' iniu Wt onu nti., oi', Till. loni; 10114 0" on UH4 loon liOS Pti;s Kljl Mh t'l', nil. loj-i, 10.14 IMIV, 10l, I'l'i IH ) tun, txi-a ! 0 I'd 81 SI 11.14 ll.V, till HI mi', 4S IS 711., 74'a X.I NJ". IWI, 24 nn os si m IM 101 104 ml ri4 -'4 71 Tl l4 tH4 M'l W4 v:o, 12:1 l, 124 124 751,3 77 HSU -iS', 41t, UH imtj ti'i j 7.1 7". 70(1, 70', H'J 02 11.1 m 10011 IM)1, nn, lilt, 711 711 IVI IV I 4.1 1,1 101 lnl 7114 701, 1 01S 1014 M4 ss'a sn 07 H7 pi" I no1, I'OI, 0!M, 1004 1001I VII, SII.. 1104 noi" -o so 7". 714 f.o, -it; ion ion 7H"i -it'. .Sli SSI4 oi; n?s 111 III til's 01H 101 mi 1174 111, ii'' ino IIS lis 101, inn ST S7 117"; 1I7 oti; 014 om., run- 02'i 02'J 724 724 sj s; rtlij no .11 r.24 'Dl J'Ji iwt, l'l.1i mi., mrf, oH 00 .7li B7i. no', onii osi, mo ; lot 101 ion; ion, 1011, miu nr.iu tin- no ton in (lit, .11 41 oi"i nn; :', ?ni; rv. .'"", "if. ?7 711', Tin ions. 1001: 101 vr'i SHARP RECOVERY IN LOCAL SHARES Brokers Pleased With Kcpeul of Extra Crew Law and De feat of Transfer Tax Bill. The -hnrp recoveries In ,w York stocks wero rcllccted on tho locitl ox clinngo this, mornltiK. United Stntes Steel I'd the list In tho point of volume of bnyltiK nnd milled readily. ltentlltiK rose more tlinn two points, nnd l.elilgli Vnlley liearlj n.i mncn. furcly lioino 1shiip. thoURh not -o buoyntit, fnlloneil the RenernI tendenoy "Ith tnodrrntlon. Cnmlirla Steel rose oer 11 ilollnr, while 1'hlln.delphla Klec trlo. Tonopnli Helmont nnd others -cored fractional ndvnnces. Unldwln Locomotive milled " points nnd StornRc Hnttery half an much. A detllno of 1U to 74 In tlnpld Transit stock hum only In the nnttire of eveninB ii' with the trust ccrtlllcnles. The stock not clianRcd hnnds since the further FINANCIAL BRIEFS had (irop in me certlllcatc occurred. I'tilon iractluit Improved fractlonnlly. Cramp Shllilitilldlns dropped tl on nn odd lot snlo and thou lecovered tho loss. In the nftrrnontt Hnpld Trnnslt ;ei'tl(l catcs rose to S nnd the old stock sold nt . but only two shares weio token nt thnt llRtire. Some attributed the rally to the oxpoetntlcm of the pnssaRo of the Jltnoy bill. Keystone Teleplimip shares were a trltlo lienvy despite the April report of earn ings, which showed khIiis of $2315 In uross anil $P0"i lit not. Kor four months the net Imrensn wns iii. The surplus for ihe pcrlotl wns l.(il!), nn Increase of $71.1. Just before the close announcement wns innilo Hint the compnny had decided to hecln paylm; off hack dividends on the pieferied stock with nn Inltlnl distribution of 2 per cent,, but the shares remained Inert on 'Chnnuo. The total accumulated dividends amount lo over fiO ppr cent. ThrouKiirut the lnnnelo! district satis faction wns expressed over the presiden tial spee'h. Tlrokers, too. were plenscd with the defeat of the Hess bill nt llar-ilsbui-R-, which wns ilrslnned to place 11 tax upon tinnsfers of domestic and for eign co.-pointlotis, copartnership nisn clatlons nnd Joint stock associations. Also wns II1310 rniifp inr sntlsfnctlon In thn pnssnee of Hie hill to repeal the eMtn crew law In thli Hlnte. The repealer now soe.s to nnvernor lliiitnhniiRh for Ills ap prnvnl. Xevertheless. theie was nn underlyliiK fcelliK of nervousness over the market outlook. Some observers expressed the opinion Hint the rally was too violent tn last, and that the war situation wns en tirely loo umIi.uh In wnrrnnt a real rlso In security values at this time. The fcel I11S seems tn he kiowIiik, since the recent German victories, that the war Is ruIiik to prove of much lonser duration than was believed possible a month or so iiro. Howovci. invoslors were plcklnt- up stocks today In small lots, nnd the money market displayed only a sllchtly harder tone. This vwis chlclly In collateral loans made hy local hanks in New York and amounted tn about 1,4 of 1 per cent. Sales in Philadelphia 200 BnMnln 2.1 do pref Yes. close Iic.... 42 ., 100 21.1 Cam Rteel 4r, 220 Chlno Copper .. 42' SO Chi n 1 & Pnc. . . in i:iee Storage... Ml Ti Ren Asph rf.-. fi4 100 Goodrich H V.. 11 1:0 Ins Co N Am. 21'4 .m Kevsl Tel Co... IS irn do nrcf W 2(is tjikc Pun Corp. t'l It t.chlKh Nav ""4 M IhlKb Vol "S4 112 l.ehlKh Vnl Tr. . II IS rin nr.r 26 in Mo Pacific 10 Mo K & Texns. ,. M4 Pcnna II n .VI 1 Pennn Fait Mfc. Ot 30 PhlH Co "I'l 1-7 Phllu Klec 2"'s 102 Phllu It T "". .110 do tr ctfs "'j 4r, Phlla Trao 7.1 411O nay cons ...... 22; 241 ReBdlns Tflll 1U Fo Pacltlo S7 1140 Ton TIelmont ... 4 HI.1 Ton Mining ... 7 200 Utah Copper 1104 Union Trac .... SOJ4 Ml I) U 1 -?3 4 Cn' Cos N J.. OSMi II a Sieel . .. 4 war ir .s nt I TV J a S... 4SI, 350 Yv' CrampiSons. 27 IofDS. IJVSt prev. sale. 1000 Paid Uic 1st 8a. 1024 2000 City 4s 1III1...1UI4 2000 Key Tel 1st s.. 014 IK10O l.eli Nv con IVjS nil!, liOOO Pa & Old KH .is. 100 Ilissi Pu con 4';3 '00.10'l'i .".ikio Pa v 4Mi -t reir . . ::oti pcc&si. 4jSen .. 2iOO I'lilla Co con 5 St 20CO Phlla nieo 4s.. 71 ;iOi do .is lo'.' 1(10 I'ub Berv Cor .Is . loon lleadlnir sen 4s. H.14 12U0U t'n Itwys t c Is i!V Hl"h. lin'v. Close, , 1014 474 4PI, 2.11, .114 III It". 214 in os 74 71 70' i 14 :si; i-'i w M"s nt 31 21 0 h 4.TI 101 1, 474 414 2.11 s .114 01 44V, 214 144 OS 7H 71 701, 14"; 204 134 13 r.14 Ot 34 24 0 H 75 IS 1014 t"i 114 2.1's :a hi 4l"i 214 US OS 71 70U II :s'-, 131 i 13 mil 01 :u 21 74 74 NKW YORK COFFEE MARKET SEW YnHK, May II. -The torfee market was flrni at the "ponlne. with luture.s up fi to 7 points. Prlrcs follow: Todny's Yostnda's Openlnir. Closs. April 7.2.1f7.5U 7..'l2W7..-i:t Ulny .1.0OJJ.1.H2 Juno ".I.mi .l.aifl-.n.i July nim iinK)7ou AUKllst 7.01 7.nlr-.(l- September '7.0.1 7.01m 7.0 1 October 7.I2 7.0i"177.U7 .Vovemher S7.1.1 7.00i77.l4 December 7.1!i 7.127.1l Janunry 7.miJ7.2S 7. IS?:. 1:1 Pelirimry 7.2" 7,2I7 23 March 7.32S7.I0 7.30ff7.32 Hid. S.ik'H, lono bncc. An order for 2000 freight cars for Itiis slan railroad has been plhced with the Canadian Car and Foundry Company. The I'rovlnce of Albcrtni hns snld Jl.tlOO, too 10-year S per cent. Bold debentures to New York hankers, who nVc offering them at a price to .leld fi.40 por rent. The Philadelphia Compnny for Otiaran- teelnff AtortRaces has milled $100,000 to the surplus, making Hint necotmt IHOO.OOA The April gross enrliiuus of the Ameri can Hallways Compnny show n decrenno of 430.615. For the fotirinniiths there was a decrense of l"i,l"i!. .Mnli'olm Mtiev hns closed the business of lluey Hros. AV Co. nnd become asso ciated with the firm of William A Head : Co., as lnnnnger of their bond trad ing department. An Initial nnnrterly dividend of l, per cent, wns declared on .Maxwell Motors preferred, nnd nlso "4 of 1 per cent, on nc cumulated back dividends. Approval of bond Issues aggregating f22.ni9,c will be nsked of Illinois Suilo Public entitles Commission by Chicago and western inoinna Hallway. The Northwestern Trust Compnny, In declaring an annual dividend of per cent., Increarcd the disbursement 1 per cent. The dividend Is payable May l.V II. O. S. Noble has been re-elected president nf Hie New York Stork K. chnnge. A special meeting of the stockholders of Ihe ttobert Moirls Trust Cnmpniiv will be held nt the Adelphlu Motel nt 1 p. m.. Mny "0, (0 honr Ihe report of the special committee which wns unpointed to hives tlante the institution's nffnlrs. Mnniieli assents and pledges have been received by the Interboiough-Metropnll-Inn committees of preferred nnd com mon stockholders In favor of Ihe plnn of lliianrlnl readjustment. It Is said, In wnr mnt the belief thnt the plnn will be de clared oivrntlvo nt the speclnl meet lug on the first nf June. .Joseph Moore. Jr., ntinntincos that more than the requisite ill per centum of the Franklin Fire Insurance Company slnek hns nlieady been deposited with the Na tional Hank or the Northern Liberties, making operative tho plan of sole to the Home Insurance Compnny of New York as soon as counsel for the piirehasets hns approved Ihe transfer. The New York hanks gained from the Subtreasury yeterday $1.7i"i.(ihi, and since Friday ? 1,711, CO The New York Cotton ''xrhnngo mem bership of tiruce I,. IJke was sold at public miction today from tho rostrum of the i:rhnnge for 'IS.OOO, 11 decline of "lx ft nin ihe last pievlous sale. Wil liam Mitchell usis tho buyer. The City of Haverhill, Mnss., will re ceive bids until l a. 111. Mny Pi for pur i baso nf "l'.n.OOO i per cent, hnnds. tinted April 1. Wl. and due serially laifl-ire", Inclusive. Ciold to the ntiiiitint of 00,CO) was transferred from New York lo New Orleans. The nniiunl Amerlcnn Hcet Kusar letmrt shows a balance after preferred divi dends equal to S.GI per cent, on the com mon stock, against 2.2H per cent. Hie pre vious year. The surplus was "I,l2l.n"i, an Increase of D7.5h0. William I". Phcrrerd nnd Walter II. Habcotk, of the firm of Hutcher, Sher rerd ti Itnnsell, returned today from a business trip to the Fnclflc coast. Itpprescntntlves of the Federal Reserve Hoard nre conducting the first examina tion nf the. Federal Reserve Hnnk of riillndolphln. Copper Imports for the week ended Mny 1 were: Ore, matte, etc., l.MS.ooj pounds, of which from Chill l,3"2,ono pounds; pigs, Ingots, etc., -,l36,oro pounds. Exports were: Pigs, bars. etc. 1S."2,000 pounds, of which there went to Fnglatid S.OM.ooil, Sweden .",4"-,(K)0, Canada 2,012.000, France ToO.Ofs), nnd Itnlv S37.000. GRAIN PRICES ROSE ON SHORT COVERING RAILROAD KARNINOS CANADIAN PACIFIC. tiil.V ('Irsl week Mav l-'roai July I MlPSOtmi First cek Msy From July 1 HIO (HlANnC Fourth Meek April Month From July 1 CINCINNATI. NEW TI..SAS J1..VU (S'O SI,IW7.tlVl PACIFIC. 1.02n,(Hl .10 107.74(1 SOUTH Kit .V tt0.3l.-0 37.RI2 100.7,15 nni.nA.vs He. reass S.I l.iioo 2il.17li.H7l A.rrs) 1.4i(1707 t-1. 10" 7.7.V, lil.tSl ANIi Month April , From July 1 PACIFIC. vM7n i.sa,s:hi COt.OHAro AND BOCTHKItN. Itis.nin l,.'i2..1H' First week May. t..h. 1 , Kill, UUI I . SSI). 137 12,2111,3,17 .'11,110 if.l),a21l VlltOINIAN ItAHAVAV. Mori h gross IHS7.I7I Net 17I.IH Nine metiilM' gross 4,r.'l,IH.i Net l,.1si:i,42,-i TKXAS AND PACIFIC. March gross Jl, 1.11,411.1 Jlft .., lU.'.UKt Nine months- Kress I3,Iiv.-,i.i:i Nft ,1,11111,1)11 DHNVI'lt AND I1IO iHIAN'Di:. ,'-rn week Mi :i..-:isi I' rum Ju 1 lii.i'.'.-.mo 1 ST. l.OflS SOCTHWIMTHII.V. First week Mu HH.I.oiO $1.1,000 irom July 1 n,llit,30ii 2,mm,ii;i MIH.S'lfltl, KANSAS AND THXAS. Firs. k .May .,l.1,i2! 11,210 ron1 July 1 S,lVS2,7,il M).1 772 Increase. "- flT.H.I I..I4 4 IVII.UM :ri,7i .-lll,.llll 2,43.1 7--l,471 1.17.741 V'n.i li-,2IN) Pcnna. R. R. Rnnds Ovcraubscribcil . lm. Vl,1.n!-- V"' 11. Aiiiiounrenifiil hs 4."t1.w,i:J. ,"'i". l Co. today that tho Z'i. . . !!" I'cr lent, general inortKuite liumls oncteil by ihtni hnd Imen oersubb--rlbcd. NEW YORK AIETAL MARKET Nl-W YOftK, Mhj 11.-11,, ,ot,n market nns ttneliHiiKeil today. ,in,, 4.171.11 l.rjije.. Iln. Ilie-lon lots, Ili'MSc. In l"nntHt. I.ouis' spelter hs offend ut i:i.2"e. for spot, 1.1c. for May, I2.ie. for June nnd 12.2.V. for ,lul. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EOCJS NKW VOIIK. May ll.-llfTTKII.-Mnrket slower, unseiileil. ri-eelpts. 111,101 packnges; c. tin, :!!.;' Iilubir eiorlliB. 2!lifi2U',tc ; Slnle dnlrv, Js,.. : Imitation ircanierj, 22t722)c. KG(!S. Market steady and tlrm; retelpts, 3R.H0II casrn: trn tlrsts. 2l!2ijc, reKular p.ivki',1; Hints. 1I.i3'i2(i1.jc , tcgulnr packed; nearby w lilt. h. 2.1fl2.'ii:e.; niixril tolor. 201i 2li-e.; nearb browns. 221121c.; e.xtr.i flrst3, 211,15220.. sloniRe parked; Orals, 20i,l?2Ii,.. , sIoiuko parked. Wheat Stocks Decreased 2,210, 000 Bushels During Week, According to Bradstreet's. CH1CAOO, .May 11. - Despite atlver. bearish conditions, the grain markat opened steady todny. It wns supported hy n report Hint Austria had conceded to Italy's demands nnd n better prospect for export business. Wheat's break for ! the past two neeks amounted (o 1?J cents for May; 13 for July. Com dropped 'i's to 6U nnd oats ITs to S'i. Drastic lhiuldatlon by the longs and heavy selling hy tho shorts had Its effect. The bears became more aggressive as the prices de scended. Actlvn selling In the early hours soon oversold the market. Corn was buoyed by tho report of nn advance of 8 cents at Liverpool In cargoes nnd unfavorable weather reports from Argentina. In the afternoon May soared upward, tho rlso extending over S points. Corn loan a point or more nnd oats, ufter nn early decline, nlso scored more than a point gain. Short covering was a factor In tho recovery. According to Uradslreet's the wheat stocks In the United States east of the Rockies decreased 1.41.000 bushels during the last week; west of Rockies decreased bushels; Canada decreased 512,000 total decrease, 2,210,000. Afloat In Kuiope, Increase. 1.500.000: decrense, 710,000; corn, decrease, 237.000 bushels ; for nnd total nvailnblo Culled Slates nnd Canada I,.'l".l00: oiils. decrease. l,178.0on. Leading futures rsnged as tollonsl ,, , Yesn'd'B .ilirai- , .(.nn. IIIRI1. I rev 1 'HISS, lloes). 'i" I..M-, l.O', L..i.ki July 1.2; l :i2i I. "jii September .. 120 I.2.1S, l.:n, ivuiii uicv. liriMITVI nt. nt, -I int 7 71', 7' 1 Ml 77lii Msv July September Onts- Mny July .. .. Sept ember Ijinl- Mny July Sent ember lllbs M .... July ... September I'erk- Mnv July September l.M-4 741 .12', 401, , . H.7.1 ..10.00 .10..1.1 ..to.:,.-, . . 10.S2 1 1.02 ..IS.Vl .".HI Ml, 4BH Pld. tAskeil. titi-111.17 io.n.1 10.00 ii.no 1S.M 0.7.1 10.00 l.Mli ' I ..Tit t1.SU i.-m; h 7n 7S'4 7114 rati I9IJ t47" P.00 H.n.i 10.17 741s UMj" tT75 j-':i 10.".-io.s: O.M fi.n7 B.03 ll.25 10.12 tio.n- tio.no 110.0.1 10.7B 1R.02 1S..K1 17 0.1 1S.2.1 1R.C2 i7.ro l7.nx l8.r,s Tho Hank of bar gold and Argentina. ICnglanil linuaht -'.oooin ear marked 0ii,0or) for LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS IMIICAUO, Mil' 11.-llOaS. Ileeelpti., Il.lldll: I nuiikei stindN. 10e blRher; in'M'tl und buteb rs, s7.'M'n7.it7. l.O'id beavi. 5"'7. 2.11)7. .",,-,; rouctl ' heavy, fil.IHi4i7.2ii: llslit, 7. Illfl7.7ll; pigs. Silli i 7.2.1. bulk, S7.nv.i7.iai. CAT'PI.K Itci'ilpts, 2.1,oiii- market strong. -loi- l.lnhi-r: bfi'veii. Sh.'J.IIJU.I. cows and hell ers, Vl.'.'.'ilTfK.II); Texnns, H..K)fl7.H.i. calves, 7..Viiltl Slil'I'.l'.-lteieipts. II1.1IOO: market 10 to 2.-.c. Iilnlier: naiho and Western. .l..l(H!).i.,".o Innibs, 71itl.1li. ' Counterfeit Treasury Note The Treisury Douartmint at Wnslilnittoii dies iinH-o or ii nc eoiinterfMi $10 National l.iink ti.ite nn the First National Hank o Hrei'kenrliicp. Tex., scries, r, l:m2' che'k let ter "'". ebirter number 7I'."J; bank numh.T MM: Treasury nuniLet Nnail'ilUA : J. v. Lyons li'izller of tbe Trensiirv: rills II. llol.erts Tienhiirt-r of the Cnlteil Htfttls- portriP of William Mil'lnles-. I.ni-k plate number "l". ; How to Derive Permanent Advantage From Present Investment Conditions II We have issued a circular pointing out what we believe the wisest and safest invest ment policy under existing conditions and including a list of eight selected securities adapted to this policy. H'riie or call for Circular No. SSO. Villiam P. Bonbright & Co., Inc. MORRIS W. STROUD, Jr. Manager 437 CIIKSTNUT STItEET Philadelphia Vortt llostmi Detrol'. Innrinni William I'. Honbrlrht Co. Paris! DonbrlEht Co. ni 22 ; 7 OI!i .11 . K3 7.ii- jv -H? 221 SI MVi .S-!i ir-: 27 High. 1021, uui. 100 KB"' 100H 101 Rl 70 ins R7 74(1 IVs SS"4 I l4i r.ou ni l-'4 s-, 4!i Mi, :in, S'l 221 Mli O'r, Iiw. Close. 102'', li:2', .1)111 lOPi HI (J 1 ArtlT tun IIUl, ton mi! i 10l, 101 si 7!) 1112 S7 li, 7I'J 101S llKIlL 101 M 70 1IC 87 LJ'l Local Bid and Asked Caldwln 4D do rref 101 Cain Steel 47Vi Riectrlo Dtorat .11 (ienersl Asphalt -Wt do pref "l) Keystone Tel IIS do t c H do rrf n'Mi i.aKA bun uorp i Today Hid Asked I.i.. -.w .,., , 111, r.uju on accumulated back; dividends, payable July 1. Uuaker Oats Company, rerular quarterly 2 kit rent, on common, payable July IS to stock of record Jily 11 and iv per cent, on pre ferred. naab!o Aujust 31 to atock of record N.w1 yirk. l'hllatfcljihla and Norfolk Itall road, semiannual 0 wr cent., payable May 2S to stock of record "iay 1J. American Bugsr Reanin Company, refular mmriVi-l 14 per cent, on preferred and coni 2n. biV payabb. July 2 i atoolc of record -'""J n d. nrnani (-nnioanv rn. ?f4S.rt" 2 per Vnt rVSWK Tha l?itloo U Coippany. regqUr qiujr. QJI prejrTij. iiniw ?Mu I.dileh N'w Lehlsh Volley LehlKli Val Tr do pref Pennsylvania Phlla Kleo Phlla Co ... do " per cent. pref.. do 0 per cent. r"f--Phlla n V du t e neadlnx Ton Bel Ton Mln Union Troc II O I . IT S Steel York Rwy do pref ?" 14 21 M., .14 30 R14 'i 7" Rr SI I? kA MS 7 30 IR 102 4S 52 20 07 lr l.i es $ W. .IS as 40 88 si-; R1 Sl" 0 32 Yesterday Hid Asked 42 ion 411 f4l 24H tl'l's II 11 (VI .!!' 711 BSlI an IS 71 I ,Ji' no SI 7 30 45 Wl 47 61 on; ill OS 7 71 no 4ti i-.i M!, 24 ;;., 35 4" 7HJ V" OI'., 32 Corn Exchange Dank's New Fund The directors of the Corn Exchange Dank have set aside 110,000 as an eltlctency fund to he divided among men and women ot the bank, excepting officers, od December 31, 1013. Payments will be In the form of extra salaries, not based on iprtsent salaries, but entirely for efficiency In handling details of the bank't business. D. and O, Note Issue Approved R-.I.TIMORE. May ""'-The Publlo Service ComrnlMlon PJr,Pved the Issue by Baltimore and Ohio of l40.000.0oo short term 4U per cut. notes. Of the total. 113.000,000 will go to retire a like amount of notes coming due June I. and .the remaining "3.000.000 will go for betterraentat extensions, equipment, etc. ulae CtUI oraf SPECIAT. IKEnNO . A 6PEC1AI, "lEETlNa or THE stockholders of the CsiasAllimi.ii i Mfg. Co, will be bald at tbe ofljee of the Company, 2331 Bodlne at. Polls.. Pa., on lloaday, June T. IQ8 at t p. m., to vote for or against the Increase ( the Indebted osss of the company from, nothing to Thirty Thou-md 1130.0001 dollars. ' ABTHPR DYSON, 8e--strjr, Government of the Argentine Nation Five Year 6 Treasury Gold Bonds Dated Mny 15. 1915 Duo May 15. 1920 Coupon bonda in denomination of $1,000 Interest payable November 15 and May IS Principal nnd interest payable in New York at The National City Bank of New York in U. S. gold dollars of the present standard of weight and fineness. EXEMPT FROM ALL PRESENT OR FUTURE ARGENTINE TAXES Theso Treasury Bands nro issued under authority of Law Number 9468, dated January 2, 1914, and ebruary 9, 1915. which authorize the Executive Power to issue a total amount of 80.000.000 Araentine Law Number 9648, dated gold pesos (equivalent to 57,760,000 United States gold or 16,000,000 sterling) for the purpose of furnishing means for the extension of the Sanitary Works and water supply or ino reaerai (-opitnK i no immediate issue consists or tho SD.UUU.UUU now offered in the United States of America and 5,000,000 offered in tho United Kingdom of Great Britain. Both the sterling and dollar bonds are of substantially aimilar tenor and content. After May 15, 1917, sterling and dollar bonds will bo interchangeable between London and New York at the fixed rate of $4.86 per pound aterling, tho expense of nny new stamps which may bo required, to be borne by tho holder. These Five Year 6 Treasury Gold Bonds are the direct general obligation of the Argentine Government, whose faith and credit are pledged for the prompt payment of the principal and semi-annual interet as they fall due. The text of each bond is to embody the following three clauses: "For the purpose of furnishing means for the eventual replacement of the present short term Treasury Bonds by the issue of long term bonds, the Executive Power of the Nation shall procure such amendment of Laws Numbers 8889 and 9468 as will permit the Government to assume responsibility of and endorse with its guaranty the bonds or obligations which the Board of Sanitary Works is authorized to issue in accordance with those laws. When the amendment has been obtained and the issue made, the proceeds thereof will be applied to the redemption o f the present issue. "Until the entire loan, of which this bond forms a part, is cancelled, the Government of the Argen- 4 tine Nation will not agree to more favorable conditions as regards security for any other loan whatsoever without securing in like manner the principal and instalments of interest of each and every bond of this loan. Loons are excepted which may be raised for industrial purposes, such as railroads or petroleum, and for which the industries themselves may be encumbered. "When the amendment of Laws Numbers 8889 and 9468 shall have been accomplished and the attendant issue of bonds or obligations shall have been made, the Executive Power will retain in his control, as security for this loan until its complete cancelation, an amount in money or of such bonds or obligations equal to the amount of the present loan." , From the proceeds of the present loan there will be retained by the Bankers, funds sufficient to pay off $3,000,000 Series "A" 6 Gold Notes maturing December 15, 1915; 5,000,000 of short term notes maturing in London, September 2 ; and 3,000,000 maturing December 15, 1915. The balance will constitute free money available for further construction expenditures upon the Sanitary Works of Buenos Aires. Additional bonds are reserved under the authorization of the above laws to refund the $5,000,000 Series "B" and $5,000,000 Series "C" Notes maturing December 15, 1916 and December 15, 1917, respectively. A circular giving additional data may be had upon request We offer these Bonds, subject to prior sale and change in price, at 99 and interest Interim certificates will be Issued cn or about May 13, pending delivery of definitive bonds. I T, ,-,..,. The Fourth Street National Bank of Philadelphia The National City Bank ot New York Continental and Commercial Trust and " Harris, Forbes & Co., New York Savings Bank, Chicago - Guaranty Trust Company ot New York Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago MeUon National Bank of Pittsburgh The Union Trust Company ot Pittsburgh The First National Bank of Boston The above statements are bated on data Uerltcd from oOlclal sources. We do not fuarsmtee, but believe tltem to b correct- V II m cilia May 21. J-on May zs.