flBWS FAKEIt DU3Y AGAIN Sanson Held for Fntso Crying f "Drtrtnrrf. fHM newspapers hy 8,,0Ul,n lI,at ,h0 Si11""' L ... ..i .wtnrr.il ivftr on tier- W was responsible for tho nrrcst of A Sn.on. of 3 Vorlh Clli sheet. -T t Already under bftll ns ono of llio . ., .1,. nniunillv Sunday "Lid- .. Sanson vn. held In M0 l.all for Sihy MafUtrnl" Morris at the atli Bl '. . ...(a miliro station loclny. S .. w iin WW "vcr ,h0 COi'19 55 . (raveled nrouud tho tiols?Jitjor l&rTjjlh street nnd Montgomery nvo 55" ...iv nftcrnooli with a pn,f..iRO - Yqrlc evening pen under hln '. i. .wlnrrd," ho shouted, "l'resl imt Will Bciiku Aiilllin- n. tft'bln. by tho arm. Isvf Aldnt 10 u "" ," , Kl . !., II snnson would nay when nr- Jflined today. "SaSSIFIED RATES -.. wn ottfsinAT motion , ;:,: 15a . E" 5! fe'MniMUtlvo Iniertlons... loo per Urn Mien." "anted, throo ln..r- ItRIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) liLallied in " clttinciitloncrpt Help n!."tHJ,Tr5ln? and ltooms. 7,i.riioi. .vo per una lTMo per line 19c per line measurement. Itmi Inierlton In a week... IsmJ consecutive Insertions . SfTIC . ,4i n n grain :Ri' t?".,? .nuTh0 Inch." iBtATB NOIlCES-elther paper- Lr..,,... ,. lima 009 Jwiuwrtiori. -..". .oo DAILY ONL.T . n ..... t a,l In EUtCI limmmr .. . ti C0MBINA11UJN KAIB rtion In both tho morning and evening CUUL1L. ivjii (MORNINO) EVENING LEDGER BV (EVENING! flii Jour cents per lino net to ratca siren fit MZrtv AND SITUATIONS WANTBI) RSupnTISINO IN 'Ulfc PUIILIG lkdoeii (KrEnK IVSF.KTEU IN Tllb EVEN1.NU PA&Pjf wnllOUT ADDITIONAL IciunaB. There Is a drug store near your Rome that will accept Ledger want jdi at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE fiirinKKEEI'ERS cleik", stenographer! sock lfffiliii.iiinn. or ihos.. dealt lug better poal- liinns tan secure valuable Humiliation .iy Ivimlng or calling to tto - Mlm IJenn," liiJnr Central, hho la .anatuitly nclpinK Trl who hato uderileil, to eccuro uno.t Imlt'loiu. and Mill bo Rla.1 to help ou. No liitn charge. fEosiIlALio lor quartet choir; Kool rcndci MonlrO 749, Leugur 'Jenlinl. j5Kand"donntlra Klrl. Protestant, wllllns Bto help nlth wash i-nono usuntz o.iu. EoiSEWOMi White Elrl for general housed OPERATORS, experienced on cnlldrcn dresses. liuiieca IHg Co , Metropnllinn UUe , iiruau ini ttsllici) st , bth floor. IJKraTORS on all parts of alilrtnalatsT allk mil cotton, steady uork, highest pij. Ilago- dorQ.Mcrs Compan, :M nntj IJrown. ICPERAloItrf. experienced on wash top'sklrTa? hStltier Orothers, Ml .Market. St ANTEDA n cup'il colored laundresi by the i!i;; must hae ref , imr picpard to work. iTlcfi t5 .ix". N liroad at. 11AVEKS uanteil on bioa.l Knowlps looms. rAPpir at oiui o oi ino i.i.iuiorti '.muih, oieii toa and Godfro aes , tiernmntown. IJOITNQ LADV ttilh knowlcdgo In drawing to aiako penru tictstgns anu assiu oru Bidy, tnnanent i xtimu lor ituht part), h'.ltc go and cxperlem e L 427, Loil.iOIT. it- LAIII.E FIRM ran ofTer an unusually at. tncuve prop. 10 a responsioio woman or fii rijand Inlllathe. no canv. i; 51,Id. Cen. ET I'lillnilelDhla. Mrv .V Via Dean, xeoier tentrai. ruiiaaeipnia, l a rar .Miss Uean I ulsh to thank u for eoirinff a position for me. l started work at m new position on HoMij. and I am well pleased ilh It. .sinning )ou nuu ..eager ueniiai lor our lonees, i am, aini-crciy jouih, SYLVKSTEK., HELP WANTEDMALE trvREMAN, or ons having close association alth or stinerv Islnn nvt i, ,111ml. or n m.n H oltred an opportunity to tarn nomo oxtra nu without inteifcrlng with hla tegular work. Addrcsi.. In lonllucme, 11 .110, Ledger SlUN AND WIKK, white, tu fake mtlre charge IS " i.ippini.uit ave.. It erton. N. J. IPwme. I her ton a I.. . . i I" , . ' o."....n. k.v.l...l.u H.UUI1CI1. IIJUSMEN-Kxtellent opportunity for first- ltM.iln0' Jl0l'h .lit Bpcdultles. nieli im ISSVI'i.' dlrous "f a better opportunity ItaS. c 8 l'll,et"l Apply any morning, bo- lirch i, """-A- "" r i-niiaiicipnm ortUo, COD lArch tt. Tlio n. M. Ilollliigahenil Com- y?'?,"' .luanct choir. good reader onliJ w-- u. ..racer 1 nlral UM'En one to six Kiiiini,i'"n'..r"TTrnr. WiiSFK", '" .?,! '!'?" organization r.. VM"13 '.wu lor propagation pur ISTiad0!!fi . E'"""""0 ' interest. To.,. IkSuwlain1 0uf.B or"'."1, """"thing worth lijlrtM .?iiih,"n "nlls Khc nume and l!'aiaSsa . r dtopon.. BiiS7m,7An rxperlenccd machinery epeclnltv !wBltl?.UVn?e.nSle .'". p". ncelled CijlMJntri r'C,lt ma"- ArtJrc'8s Dmtips Phu!.,.. . . ;ttl111 Buiesman to KSSr o, i' pl,.la ,md8: B,al experience. IE...3' ! ""'"''"Ion expected and ilvi Lr. fcjS-i A"- ledger Office. PU!LllihlEi,Ply lora-IIUshea Companj, ISl.NTED-lian wTfii .,k..i... r:: rrrr r. I"all department .; .i. lS.V lfEKl!del-Phm I" . lVedger'off.c: itita .iuS.xl,.rl?nl . Paper " box" salesma HMnferVneeV f? T,m'?'?2- r"'L0." traveled vES -- r--l EL uiiiee IrPPlj at office of (?E.bf.oa'', .Knowlea loom: i. Bana D.U... 1 C.WnMjJ.H'1""1 Mold'ers, CiWn.tmaVer. for night work. Touchera.up. l&n,-'nol",Cei.arl, AnnIv v,. iLiur.etTSfndPeny-vrA';''llcat''" & Hunt. '-nuaatlphla. i.a s'Itty ,; Sn. !lf-I want to ih... . .. aft r.MCK.' ""bferteTln'; IJ54a. It is J a,ral Commercial lieglatry LiJfmnf ThSStiK0."'0.? i"l charllJi for HP. ' b.mc ?uiA V?..:",n' ' " j. rms.vrii. tlenernl el8!?! .-. . 6Wu"n'iS.9An BBSBi"s!st g50BS wTHTZD-rZMAM li"HBElti.. r- WBJ&' -' rEB7cr'-2,2L''Pru'ir,""tKii '"' ti ffi?vPK - iTeliablV. f .. ..-:.- RE '1 Jiyia Plltltni.t 11.11 rhuolnnt . ?$ I ..'wS''."".5 it rap5b HkjrtjjYfu sewer; best references, l eiperlenced JHo canabl Sf"e 14 ubu,hi'""" .uerrnan. for .mall 'IMou t0 " : anri303N. Front. EDBB-- t - -Z' " fiVsuffKiri i27H 1 pioi1rr.1'" rk aftST7SH3 iETv," . ik wonr central. R." 110 alS i',rj flrst-c ais reference StVlUvfa." 'ho"e. "call LM4 ,''. El"u Prol : , thoroughly re OREiia r""--lL 2Jb4l?r Office, k titri D.rt rlasa. with rfor.nsrj"".n7 ' ft.."'f,,,n ami JOtb, off S. iiTJ?? Poa-tlon aa pUta'cookTAWlv Jii, Bl - --tr-r "Eku , t. I MThltdr JlSmA?-.P",t"c.'Ull KJ; SM Boulevard. 6loty, rhIU fiaii .iV B,"wwd "loroJ Elrl. home I ! rtlfxwc M0 Pout)? : BWirTiqNaWANTED-.PEMALJt LAJJL0' 5. Iivln near Philadelphia dealt. position . travellna; companion to lady visit. lnr IVinama Upoltlon, would travel else W'here at 420. ledger of fit e jSJ1",.'5""'!;. fnrnlly mending: ft day nnd cr fare, n 2I, i.e,iKer olAcc. NA-OINO IIOl'BEKnnrnil - Any poltlon . ... ust In that line, by tapabla woman, ac S'W I" responslhllltv. Iiest reinmr , I. 13!, Ledger llmneh, f.Id and Market. Ni'..'I?.K"7rir",;.c,a,i rxperlencc). tralnel hihv """' Jrom Now l'ork Iiaby Hopltnl, wlhcs -S.C0,0'. '''H. or "01 hahv best referenre iS., Lodger Uranrh. 1SW Market. N,VilJt'' ,"nd,t(trailuate, nrlv. or Institutional ork. ph)slclan' rer, M m I.eiigor nili . NUItaniir OOVEIlNias, thoroughly experl-inrcl.ptcellr-ntj-ererem.es. M tin. Led. 111T "VI.rn?,f,,Y ,'OVBMNHSi-ltennH OunB glrh xpejnie.Ljjtereiice.ti tr, Id. fcntral flSPiTf" ''flMlant girl nlshca" poeltlon aa iHl'1.mlr'?,r"lrr- rof- 'ro'" present em plorer 4623 Cedar ac 8I1iMO0"AP,ln"-Tf'" jrarn' riperl. Ill legal nprki necurnle, o.ul k. (J 410, Ledger Central. flIm:i'?OIVA1'I":"-Vm""t 'ndy would like po riJ". . nero "entiirsa nnd nccutary nra np preciatcd; moleralo salary; relcretice. It .Hi. Ledger Ofllro STENtwiHAPIIEU, competent) moderate sat nty lijicheunut I'hono Kprui e ii.m.'. 8Ti:Nd(lHAPIIBn-lnt1u8trlnu,llllng begin ner, good speller, mod. eal. tl (Ha, lx;d, cent. VIHIT1NO goiernnsn, Herman, Trench, Ppan ISh, Lngllah, comoiaatlon; coichlng. O 23T, Ledger Central. AlTttLPS, thoroughly competent, reference Cnllat 2li7 Hprucojrt. WOMANT'Prolestnnt, wlslica position ns maid tu o drily lidv or lnnlld, releren. e Nn. 11, l.edger Hranch, 2.1,1 and Christian. WOMAN, ,oloreit, reliable, ulsh cooking and downstnlrs work Call ItllO Warnock st. YnrNfJ WOMAN, In reduced rlrcumclanccs, well rducnted, neat, strong, healthy and lion est. wishes position ns mother's helper, fond of children: musical: not afraid of work of nny kind, thorough homo oxperlrncp, willing to nsslt other help- seashore or mountain. U 711. I.edRer Ofnce. Itni'lNEIi oung Ungllili girl wishes'posltlon n lnd' maid and other light duties, best ii.rnmiies II 7l Lcdgeri'enlr.il i'r.PINF.n WOMAN desires entire charge of nn Infant, lst-clais reference. P 122, Led Off. TItnornit the "fnmmerclal Department" nt ledger Central omptoers are put In touch with competent, exporlenr,! stenographers, bookkeepers and clerks of nil kind.". Write or call up Walnut looo "Miss Peon." nml tell her .lour needs "iho will gUo sou prompt nnd efficient service. This servlco Is tree to Ledger mhrrtljcrs SITUATIONS WANTED MALE IJAKE Ft Second hand bread baker wanto po sition, cltv or country l.'.os N Howard ftOfiKhTnLl'i:!!, 15 voara' experience woiTTa like to connect with good ai counting firm. II Hr. Ledger Central nov Irt enn wants position In country; either on gpnllenmn's place or farm, best reference M IIP. Ledger Office. Ill'TLER wants poiltlnir best reference from present cmploi er Appl 11)00 Walnut st. CLICItK. aged 22, emplojcd, excellent rmer- piices. wnntpoa,for evgs.ll 147, JLed j."ent. COACHMAN, emplored, giving up Kiiburban residence, recommendel as man having thor ough knowledgo care of riding- and driving hrrees Telcphnnei-hcntniit lllll sn. COAf"HMAN-cn inn car nnirmnke himself Kcjierallyuseful. refji l 411, Ledger Office roi.OUni) MAN wants position, porter. hnue lr.nn; subs , city; drlvo and milk 121.1 Ogdcn, COOK Japanese wishes position, experienced: references. IMmotn, P.OS North l"th. roItTRTUrt renn Ptnte grnduato desires p sltlon, foreslrj, lumbering, or survcjlng: paesed tlov't exnma. ft 441 Ledger Central. HOI SUMAN AND" VALET Young Scotchman roeks pnsltl n capable nf doing anv work In or around house; splendid reference". 11 4.1, Ledger Central. - JAPANESE Competent voung man wishes position nt houseman or waiter, moderate wages. A. II . MS North lth. JAPANEftE. Industrious: wnlter."genernl house, work, wnnt position In Mnnll famlb : best teference Iso, li).tl lnest. JAPANEfcK. excellent cook, wanta position lii private fandl or vacht, best reference T. 1 . 30S N Ifith. JAI'ANESE cook or buller nnd general lioue- work BOS North lth. Phone MAN AND WIIT, garilenlng. care of nutornn. I.lle, wife good cook, good reference. It 127, Ledger Office TAILOIt "LADIES' Will dn sewing, cleaning or pressing either nt jour home or mv home, chirges reasonable. Address Mo Pike st. TECHNICAL ORArifV'rr 1J vvrB' brmd ex", iierlenie In strel luislne-s iiiiMud. onerntlng purchasing sales desire position with hlgh B'nrto compnnv, wheio nbllllv Is essential. I'hllft district pref . rer CI Oil, I-d, Cent. TOt'NO-MAN 21. 7 5 ears' orflce experience, capabln nf handling correspondence, with knowledge of nilvertlslng now In (hnrce of order department wllh mnnufactiircr. with no further advancement and will change shortly O Hjj J.cdgcr Central YoUNO MAN. 20, five jcars In responsible lmsltlon In tire Insurance office: knowledge of stenography nnd tpewrlllnc. relliblo nnd energetic, well educated It 121. Led. Off. ydl'NO-MAN. shipping nnd clerical experi ence, deslrea a position with ihanon nf ad vnncement. best ref G 047, Ledger Central AUTOMOBILES TO settle estate, 1011 Oldsmobllo .'.-passenger, In good ciindltlgn.lhonenick.l 170 for par AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES AUTO hire. 1013 touring, with driver, 1.S0 per hour. Phone Wyoming 111 10 t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCELLENT OPPOTl OFKEIIBD LAROE OP. SMALL INVESTORS. O l.I.En. CENT. CARPET CLEANING WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAOE CO 3c PER YARD. .1170-72 LANCASTER AVE CLEANING AND DYEING OslRlCH LEATHERS AND , rANIJHM CI.LANi:DnpMALHr1310CJlcst. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DRES3MAKINO taught; short, prae. courto. MacDowell. 307 Denckla UldB..Utli A Market. Hi:.MhTlTCHINfl dono whllo ou wnlt. A. Itek hard.l 111 Chettnut. Pictorial Rev low pat. FOR SALE BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d hand bought, sold, rented, exch'dKeefer, 1129 Otrardavo. GROCERV AND'I'ROVISION STORE"at" Rata"; Pa.; atoio and llxti-res for Kilo at Inventory, guarantee J1000 business weekly. Alex McCory. OLD MUCKS for "sale cheap at Williams it llarvev'a Rowland Ml'l. Tamnv and Lewis uts.. I'rankford Edward Atkins. INSTRUCTION ItAOTlME In 20 lessons. Call or write Chrlitnucn Piano fcchools. 382U llermantown ave.. I'lJo Tasker at. MACHINERY AND TOOLS 7-JI. P. s engine for sale, cheap, can be seen running at Leonard Machine Works, ,ZXS Race n. . STORAGE J, M. PENTON STORAOE CO.. INC. Lowest raterea estimate. Htlmont 1390. REI.IAnf.E STOHAQE.MOVI.NO, I'ACKINO, HHlfilMNIl. atM0-4 X. S0T1I ST. DIA 47-47. wTbT Monarch Storaga Co Auto and pack PIIIUA. Ing- and shipping S870 Incq.ler aye. WANTED CAST-OFF CLOTIUNO WANTED Let ua convince lou that wo pay the Highest S rices for gentlemen a discarded ilothto AM11EL COOPEH KsiablUheil 2 seara lOlO nhard ave PhonaPog 3710. Park 4480. WATCHES AND CLOCKS mn, REPAIRS YOL'It UATcIl ult CLOCK, no matter what It needs. 1 m guaranteed. ARO.VS. 1117 W JJIHARD AVE. ROOMS FOR RENT UUtlNXl ST., S21 tTho Cll(ton) Two flrit floor rooms; suit dentin, doctor or apart- menis ,.- j...---- - CHESTNUT ST.. 4222-Retlned family wants to rent 3d floor to congenial couple for light housekeeping apartments, 20r also conifers tabto b<ttn?nUt floor, phone. cifBsTNUT, 2013 (Lexington)-Larga airy frwit room private bath; alao single room. OlllARD-AVE., mi-Large 2d floor room, iiirrU- coupl.gotltn.nglejaeii VENAlSBoTV., 1821 (corner hoie)-Larso V;tVyAm.U, o. ,n wit.. Pr.va te vj ai Ntfr lANliKi3TH Very iarjn furnUba4 fiMin; intxictn, !,. -";.' r'v zz"sr . m 7r monthV t'honV Filbert 4lsS W; nTit a 413 Newly furnished, front rooron, "d central looatfon Walnut 7ISQ W. rTj a. 3-Uxht, airy room, well furn.i iVlv'ate bathxotlwr v aeanclen. phone. ,.vrir""B 114 Large, airy front room for 1 or 1 S gentitmeo: privets family. lctrlJUbt rsTlTToSnESIRAllLE 2U-STORV F1'NT 1SlloV.xivjLJb-t'RNIglIED. HKA8QNAUUK. Tvrif 8,. BOl-BualneM man can secure ell f irolshed nam lo wl.jie luwio. board op iloSal, reflned uelgliboi bood BOOMS WANTED voTlNQ WOMAN want lomforteble, lry i -uh -oil boarj In Keoelngton tw Skio-iVl)L5e.M. !$L Lea sts aais- EVENISrft LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAY 10, BOARDINO ARCH 2011-2013 (Dorchester) neaiitlfully Oecoraled nnd furnished, tunning water! . couples til alngle 1 hotel service tabls. ItltOAD. S, 10.12-nESinAltLB 2D STORY FRONT ROOM. TARLB HOARD. rilONB CHESTNUT. 4tln-rieasantly furnished room! In refined family; convenient location: ad- story front; 2d-lloor back; lablojioard; phone, CHESTNUT ST. 4010 -Ilentitlfnl home, wttn every comfort, references Miss Hanley. JtACC, .'1111 Trained nursn haa pleas, homo for ref peoplo desiring good neenm , spe car rr Invalids or elderly peron9.Preston 1101 1) SPHITB. 1PSS-10 Desirable sullo wllh private batli,ciolcotabl"loard.1Vnlnut 72M W SPRITE, 12JI-2A (Rrlsmonile) rum rooms, jilngle, en anile, private baths, tajde boird, EPni't 15, 12.10 SUITE WITH PRIVATE ! V nLJTTIU'.tl ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, WALNMtT, 3700-Prlv. family will board ref, gentlemaji. prjvntn bath; convenient to city WALNUT, 4Wl-2d floor rooms wllh board t itcarjL, southern exposure; rets exchgd. WALNUT. P1I4 2d Door front for couple or gentleman; also single room, 31 floor lr.TII. N Of PINE Parly of 4 gentlamcn can havo bedrooms, smoking room, homo cooking ortheJioorders Phone Locust 2412 J. 40TH. N. 7fin-Prlvato family will board re- fined gentlemen conv. to city Raring S48 41ST ST N, 2 riensantly furn. rooms, board optlonal; conv ln''l," Preston 2 It.tJ . Pubtiijian (lEHMANTOWNn W. Wnlnut lane; larg" inrv, iroiu room. .1 windows, neautnui vrece, Jnrgo Hwn. Phone Oernmntown 1008 T, OERMANTOAVN, 233 W. Rlltenhouso St., be tween Wnvtii. nnd Oreene Desirable rooms, singlo or com,; Jiomellke, tltn. 1.173 X (inilltANTOWN r.12.1 IVavno ave., well furn,: excel table, near train, trolley. Otn. MJ7 X APARTMENTS nnori, X 2I04 Modern apts , furn. or un furn., private bnths, board optional, reason. JEPFERSON, 14W-Furnlshed or unfurnished. jiarlor suite, prlv. bath (c bell. hardwd tloors bl'ltfi-r, 1 120-llachelor apt, 2 or 3 rooms, prlviite bath, fur nr unlurn.; electric llqhts, Imnlwnod flnnrt, all modern Improvements 40TII, V, irt- Furnished complete (or hkrg.1 I rooms, private hath. Prcwton 2040 W. HPIilNi OARDEN. 1010-Excellent npta In S nuierrni nouses, some luruisnnu, Kiiciit-iieucs WALNUT. 1222.24 (Kenwood)-Deslrable npts . prlvnlo bath, also singlo rooms, running wri ter, newlv lenovated, summer rates: phones. l-'UUN. IOUSE, 12 rooms, sili per mo . large vnrd. 1 lo 4 months, L 412, t cdfr Central. West Philadelphia CHI LTON A PA RT.M I5NTS 3219 Ilarlng st. Two flrst-cliss rooms, with prlv. bath, mill- nhle dentist or doctor or npartment Mrs ltello Mclnlnmgr IWIphoPresiin K 07. CHl'Srr.n AVE. houaekeepV npts .3 rms, hath kltrhenetto, furn. or unlurn Preston R3..0 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 10T1I. N. flli I'nrtlv furnished houseliceplng apartments, runninif water, gas tiingi' an I separate meter, wtll furnish to suit ten in' 2JI) AND PINE hTS.-DE LANfEY API'S New, light, 4 to tl rooms 1 nnd 2 bubs ktlih'iiriie, central location Apply J.uiltor DIAMOND. 21123 rms, bath, kitchen. Iiol wnlcr heat; ref : 2d floor, $2.". 4 rnis bub klichcn. all cor, rms . Ma; Plimnn I isri vv WAI.LM'E. 2000 I'omfortnhlo npart., 2 tonms, bath and kitchenette; good ncrv lire.ie. ph. West I'lillmletpliln. HALTIMORi: AVE . 4"V-UkpR. ant , '.M floor, 0 rooinv, prlvnporh, bent nnd hot water. Oak Lnne OAK LANE Apartment of 3 moms bnth kitchenette nnd pon h. In tetlneii family. Ideal location nenr atatlnn or trolley. Phono Oak 1-nno 412 n . or 1. 440 Ledger J 'entral llnverfnril, Pn. HA ERFORI Attractive 7-room iipnrttnent, porch Rux 1S7, llnverford. Pa FURNISHED APARTMENTS LOCUST, Mlf -Well-furnished apartment bugonirv tooirrfPh in alnut JS W LADY having furnished housekeeping apart ment would like to tihnr- same with business vvumen Phono Locust 2142 W. SUrtLET room nnd bnth In the Newport. 10th nnd Spruce I. 441. Ledger Central. UURNISIIEI) Fine nil outside looms- large rorchi reasonable rent, phone Raring 7443 D REAL ESTATE FOR SALE city; lflirt N SIXTH hT -FOR SALE VERY LOW Three-story 8 rooms, good order. Largo ard W II. HOOD. S42 Norrls st Chestnut lllll NEW PALE AND RENT LIST READY Pelham, Mt Airy nnd Chestnut lllll. Pelhatn Trust Co., 0740 fierinanlown ave. NEW .lEKSKY UUNfiALOWS, lots 2Vcl.V); neir trolley; over looking Delaware: National Park. Crcater Sis Jersey Company. 3.1 S. Ultlt. llmlilonllelil. N. .1. HAVE hUVEKAL FINE PltpPERTIES at bargain prices. WM. CAREY MARSHALL. .Ml redernl st , Camden Woodbury Heights. N. J. SEVERAL desirable homes nnd Improved bide, lots at reasonable prlcce John alayhew. SEASHORE C'npe .tin, N. .1. COTTACES. hotels, np's. for sale and rent; sorce bargains In building lots C Earls Miller. 21S Ocean st . Cape Moy. N. J l'ENN'.VIA A .l.J-ini If7-ACRE, Main Lino P It. IL, bargain; only SKI per acre. J. 11. THOMPSON, West Chcs- ter, ra. ttt ACRES, near Downlngtown. Ji'ifoorreasona,- blo A. P. HDALU.WestCheat.er. Pa 11.1 ACRES, 18 miles" Philadelphia, JIO.00O ' ,. D HealJ. West Chester, Pa. NEW JERSEY r.UMS rort SALE Small and large farms, will sne rlllcn 17 clear acres 1300, poultry location L. W. HARRIS. Newfleld, N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN VOUR HOME This tan be done bv making monthly pnvments of from 17 to ItiO tor houses worth from JlfcOO to ()2fO. II S REED. 717 Chestnut St. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Iluslness Properties anil Stores CHESTNUT, 8.11 Store and basement, suitable for household or office specialties. Inquire on premises F. W SADDLER. OKI'ICKS, IIUSINESS ROOMS, ETC, WE WILL RENT OUR PRESENT OFFICES, 3 UlAiOHS, NORTHWEST CORNER 3D AM) CHESTNUT bIS .FOR I3U PER MONTH. Oft WILL DIVIDE. N. V SLOAN CO. PART of flrm-claea office; central: etenog rapher. pl 702. Abbott Illdg,. Rroad . Race. ONE-HALF of offlcefor rent, with" telephone eiirvlce. 1110 Commonwealth. Tloga ALLEOHENV, W , 1305 Thoroughly remod etesd, with electrlu lights, hot-water neat, new ruper and paint. 2 porches, beautiful lawn, lot f-lxtii) ft , SO per month lo des tenant suniiniiAN Cynivyil, l', MODERN HOUSE, 12 rooms: large grounds. 3 minutes' from station; furnished or unfur nished, for summer month or by the jear 427 Statejroad. Cynwyd. NEW JERSEY tVenunah, N. J, TBN-ROOM HOUSE, white enamel finish! bath, hot-water heat. gas. garage; on square from depot. Richard Evans, Jr. SEASHORE Cape May, N. J. rURNISHED cottagee, ocean view, all loca tions; reasonable. C. Eafe Miller, 218 Ocean St.. Cape May. Stone Harbor, N. J. BTONH 1IAIIHOR cottagee. bungalow and apartments for rent, furnished, at moderate price; situated near ocean and channel; all conveniences. Call, phono or write for lllui. tietsd booklet S, J. It, Co.. 013 R. E. T. nidg . Phil Wlldvvood. N. J. A1TRACT1VELV furnished Northwood Apart ruent. ith and Atlantic ave. Open, Sunday. I'hlla.. phone. Franktord 12g2 W. FOR RENT FURNISHED Vcntnor, N. J, 12 ROOMS.. V'batlu. garage, ocean view: 1630 eeason 11 N. Oakland at. . MORTGAGES MONEY FOR MORTGAGE? W. 3U. IIOOO. BIS NORBIS 6T. I & 3 SCRAPPLE -z tfT ' -, -.... II ,. .,,.... I ,,., I l ... , .is, -, .- .. j ., ... ....., .. -,.-. slesl (Scrmnny's View of nrltnniiln r- j j j I I THE PADDED CELL 'OhaVo (CCvv0F,,n,.st RlJnnl for TommlW." ra pta?ln to .ee who Si iji help' Wo nre hnrdlv threo times ns could lean tha furthest out of the V,H.THE t-ERMAol6 jff ,ji -,W strong ns tho Gcrmnns " window, and he won. pi7iit lip THEIR i--I slsmiiresamir-im3 - ' THERE'S NOTHING TO IT 1 H0R.V,VT2ERS (d3 AT 6 AM I (SSi) jr55 1 A - ' - Jlt? JS m Pl'& HOME DEFENSE nwj i c. f : mm wmmm m 'vj i . m? immmwr ' - Punch. Commandci What Is jour complaint nsnlnst this nov"" Tlhiejackot Well, air, ns I was a vvnlkln' urft, this 'eio boy, 'o up an' calls mo a hlnomln' ldjlt. Now. 'ow would ou llko to he called a bloomln' ldjlt, supposln' you nnsn't one? -AND THE WORST m f -K -. ' f tol SflfT !i rr&a ..' jf. u.. . ff - ff ns tWNS . ' ' f 5i - HfHV'iX 'if ' fff ; BL ff 4 SroiH f qTTfrv"cJlltt.r ...-. I-- .. . I HUM, r - II "1 p-----.-Msa-----eJ-----M:ill HHHeTaB lsZusflsV34ii ifs-k.PJ t Punch. Irasclblo Lieutenant (down engine room tube) Is there a blithering- Idiot at the end of this tube? Voice from englneroom Not at this end. sir! DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? NY, IS Tli AT. ? tU- I YiA5tVT JOYRIHtlu, I OOHnr-ltirt ntVER hvi TrEM BEFORE Irt hLV HY LIFE. OOHT LIE. To nt ij o Dm ft ,ar?.lOM WITH i E.TS 7 IS YET TO COME .?AJ1 TPXrt A - , , , . sr- iVAHr1. . ... -,.,. ,. ., TU3flW4 a v cy " ( "Vmffl rrr---Ti JP5 XU&Ui H Mn lF3llltft ill V ft 1915 Private (who has had about enough discipline may be all very well, but wait No Cloture "Why does the Senator keep talking In that rambling way? I don't know what he's aiming at; do you?" "Sure I do. He's filibustering to keep his daughter from singing." Puck. fio. Yon rmriV 5ftY 60 j1 VltlL YOU'Ll, wmh Hone AFTtRTHlS -Tatler. Oroundman "Ow are yer getting on? Caddie Slow; Just now we're dlggln' tranches, presently we 'opes to be able to advance a few yards, London Mall. the I saw the doctor today about my tola of memory. He-Wbat did be do? She Mad me pay In advance. 3 S ( il r' liTrtrv M'RtTOn7l'BltTvA !T?1'stnlVe T,JlT(iY THt-iV -gS i-aa.v." y. iSMvJ-ijBluid JW WMMmt$mm&l f TnMlTrga--rlt?l hlrwMW7P99Kl mrvZjM WMmttat evcg fat : 1 1 -'lj IS ,. Or ! P. London Opinion. of Instructor's remarks): "Military till I raise your rent next quarter day." Patriotic Hen Small boy (much Interested In shop man's reason for high price of eggs) But. mummy, how do the hens know we're nt war with Germany? Punch. A Conversation at Kiel Tndan Oo!lQ "Tell me, Herr Admiral, are you ever seasick?" "Madam, I do not yet know." Commiseration Regular Customer I shall want a large quantity of flowers from you next week for my daughter's coming out. Flower Woman Yes, mum. You ohall ave the very best for er, pore dear. Wot were she put In for7 Punch. London Malt. Turkish Communique We are mak ing tremendous strides at present In the vicinity of the Dardanelles, Punch. Elderly KnllUnsr KnlhiwUut )a cue me. young nan. Co,tit4 yyj ;tL jue what sti in socks; Adoiml Jwye takes? Rt501nR(? 1 "' --3--- eOi-up STUFF --i d:wJsafid www AT ' t&iy&W' EH Q-V EZJW (WWHi - &t wSSk . 1 4 W0