BVEtfttm EEDGBB PHIITAiW-EPB, FBIBXY, M&Y 7, I9X5: "" " ' : 1J1I1 i 1 1 In1 -i illiTu i-i'iafiimr I I. I . aw .I......1.4-,. tt. nMl MB MISS KWll U11U6IHOI - ' '" ..- William Kent, of Bent road, Wyn eote, ' entertolnlnsr nt luncheon today at i-80 o'clock In honor of Miss Eleanor wilrtuiy, when her guests will include MlM M" Qrlbb!!l' SI8S SInrJrl0 Kent jl,j Marion Sharpless, Miss Dorothea lenntns". trSl A,len ltceJ' Mrs" John C' ; Martin, Miss Mary Mulford, Miss Dorothy ' MUUort! and Miss Marguerite Sill. .i-,hnr of tho Pennsylvania Society of .... Ainnlnl Dame of America who wilt . in san Francisco or vicinity on Oe ?At,r 8 the dato for tho reception for vls itin miests of Colonial Dames, are in-IiiJ- to send their names nnd addresses while there to Mrs. William H. B. Ingalls, sio Octavla street. San Francisco, Cal. The regular meetings of tho Pennsylva nia Society of tho Colonial Dames of America wilt bo held toiViy. Supplemental culms Committee at 10 o'clock tomorrow, it-tod meeting of the board of managers 'LTtll'M o'clock on May ID, stated meet ing c'f the society nt It o'clock. Unless otherwise stated nil of theso meetings will be held In the west wing of Indc-..enc- Hall. The meeting on May 28 f the Committee on Examination of Pipers will bo held In tho Historical So ciety, 13th and Locust streets, at 10 o'clock. .. . r.lnrri nt MIau Mnre-nrflf Vnt. Tno Iim, ,,-f. ....ww . ... o - -- . .aUghter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Caleb Fox, tt Berthcllyn, York road, Ogontz, and !L"J..-i- n Mnrtln. of 2312 Snruce street, will take placo In October. ,.....-nn rnmmnndpr It. T. Mnnner and Mrs. Mcnner are nt tho Colonial, ,11th and Spruco streets. u, nnd Mrs. David Lewis will spend U enrlv summer nt tho Delaware Blvcr Club, Torrcsdale. - vnn .Tntinpv Jinrl Mr f1nlichtr. lllis Molly Janncy, will closo their town home, 121 South 10th street, early In June and occupy their resldenco on Meet ing House road for tho summer. w n.... T?neBmntw nt Wllniln t-tnn . ir. ruABuii w.w...w.u. ... ..o.w... Del., formerly of 2S15 Queen Lano, will ipend tno week-end as the guest of Mr. Mi- Mrs.Kcmp Bartlett nt their homo In Baltimore. Mrs. Horace Brooko Burt, of tho Blen heim, 17th and Chestnut streets, has left her apartment and Is spending some tlmo at tho Runnymcde, Atlantic City. In June flhe will entertain a house party nt her ranch In Wyoming. Philadelphia friends of Mrs. William Paul and family, of Pittsburgh, Pa., will be Interested .to know they are spending icme tlmo at Atlantic City, N. J. The Pennsylvania Chapter of the Amer ican Guild of Organists has Issued cards for the 33d public service on Thurptlny evening, May 13. In Calvary Presbyterian Church, Locust street nbovo 15th. Tho choir of the church, augmented for the occasion, under the direction of Mr. David E. Crowler, will render the service. A series of throe Shakespearean lec ture recitals will bo given by Dr. Edgar P, Abbott, of Boston, under the auoplces of the Ladles' Committee of the Chapln Memorial Homo for the Aged Blind. Tho proceeds w;IU be used for the nuxlllary fund. The BUbJccts of tho lectures are ss follows: "Julius Caesar," Monday, May Hi "Hamlet," Wednesday. Mny 26. and "The Tempest," Friday, May 23. W Mr. and Mrs. William Trlnklo have ,'x?. returned from n week's stay In Atlan- .,.- :.. ... .,.,... .,.! ,..,. , tic wity. wiin wieir uuugui.r, .uiaa v' fllnAva WvlHn Trlnlrlft tliov will rlnRft $" their town house. 1905 Spring Garden ! street, on Wednesday, May 12, and will occupy their cottage nt uneisea ror me lummer. Mrs. E, Leltsch, of Alden, Pa., enter tained at a week-end party Saturday In honor of the birthday nnnlversary of her (laughter, Miss Itosa Leitsch. Among tho "guests were Miss Emma Blair, Miss Mil dred Bell, Miss Ella Sibley, Miss MniS; garet Call, Miss Violet Vohmeyer, Miss' ElUabeth Moore, Mlsa Mary Manning, Mla Lola Hodgley, Miss Maude Johnson, Mlsa Lillinn Campbell, Mr. Ralph Smith, Mr. Harvey Hill, Mr, Harvey Kelly, Mr. Walter Mlllbourne, Mr. Jack Campbell, Mr. William Sharne. Mr. Robert Moore, p Mr, John Sharpe. Mr. Herbert Leltsche, Mr. Samuel Montague, Mr. Horace -instead and Mr, Edward Lcntz. Along the Main Line OYEItnnoOK. Mrs. Georgo McClellan rave a large bridge yesterday afternoon at her' home, 6103 Overbrook avenue, for charity. Among those present were Mrs. K. Burke, Mies .Catherine DcLaney, Mrs. M. Faust, Mrs. Harry A. Mackey, Mrs. Frederick C. Menckc, Mrs. Charles Hall, Mrs, Frank Zell. Mrs. White, Mrs. Daniel McCllnch, MrB, S. Kelly, Mrs. Henrv F. Michel!, Mrs. Harry L. McCloy, Mrs. Rob ert A. Pitt, Mrs. Frank Silllman, Jr., Mrs. Frank Weed. Mrs, Wilbur Wright Stew art, Mrs. Paul Wolfe. Miss Millie Young, Mr Naah, Mrs, Joseph H. Bllllngton, Mrs. Peter Hallahan, Mrs. McMlchen, Mls Rosalie McMlchen, Mrs. O'Meara, Mrs. Charles Hallahan, Mrs. Charles Donnelly and Miss Murphy. The dancing class, composed of about 1 young people, meeting every other Saturday throughout the winter, will give Its flnal dance tonight at the Overbrook Oolf Club. About 7G young people, In cluding members nnd their guests, will b present. The Men's Bible Class of the Overbrook Presbyterian Church will give n large dinner the night of May 2S at the Over brook Golf Club. M.BION Mr. nnfl Mn Tflnm Rphwart. ft Houpton, will entertain a house party - P young people over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Means and family. sF-0 spent the winter In the South, re Meath opened their home on Beacom JW -. miANOVA. Mrs. Edward Cadwallader L -31 lent Ollt Invltntlnna fni n llntlPA on Thursriav XT-. Vt If-- nnJn.llnHa will uo give a luncheon next Wednesday at - tujme. Bala-Gynwyd ., wiiBwUne folk wJH motor over to the ' JiK y'1 cluohouse tomorrow, when the Bf in i " noia open nouse." -ine ioi Kllo women of the Entertainment and .---, w-iiumuee win receive me mem i'w.'iS4 the,r !t: Mrs. Wilbur P. r5!T,0"!Mn' B- de B. Keim, Mrs. M. QWton wlfffnii n,-- -.-k-w.- nt ,1,1. fk commit,.. - n. . -.-..-.- P i tT -A. " "" alr "ooeri x-ainqs, air, r 2B?y. Dr. T, Lo BoutllJIer and Mr, i' -".nioer. SiTT,Su"et uneheon wlU bo served at the IS "WW- la the afternoon, and there .iw an 'nierestlnjr tennis matcn : yd a ih . mn' tennU teams of Cyn- DiM- ..." ;? neia uountry -i' tU ', Vil be l,I(1 ln the eyenlns In the S,! CIubroom an4 on the porch. A ,., nu,abr I young people, as well as .5'w the married set, will attend (Sub! Smtn'" t'nnls tm ot the Cynwyd Pfc IV,. i , r . "r nB "r ume is piaying FS-i?i,n ,!r?,lb 'ml8 matches, will meet fSLivIl,hla Crlckct Club this after- Hair' irX" wmwm?. wpm k4rtJ7'-f " v.iwyo leanj wiu o Bin. ij n "7 ', ctuurmani r. :no t -naKer' nt " wary ai. -i. nuier Aauijon Mpx na Miss ElUabeth Christie will net as sub slitutM this nfternoon. Vollowlng tho match tea will bo served on tho clubhouse porch. A number of well-known young people of Bala and Cynwyd, members of the Phi Sigma Sorority, organized this win tor by tho senior class of Lower Merlon High School, at Ardmoic, will give n large dance tonight at tho Wynnofleld Country Club. The clubhouse will be attractively decorated with palms and dogwood. There will be n number of specially arranged dances, and tho eve ning promises to be a most enjoynblo one. Among those who will bo present nre Mr. and Mrs. John O. Fleck, Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Mecke, Mr. nnd Mrs. Rodman Street, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnl: Secburger, Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Pr-tl-rlck, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Johnson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Morris, Mr. nnd Mrs. Isanc Kershow, Dr. and Mrs. George W. Lincoln, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry West. Mr and Mrs. Frank Hammer, Miss Sara Pedrlck, Miss Florence McDevltt. Miss Dorothy Hendron, Miss Grace Meyers, Miss Mario Mcse, Miss Helen Pedrlck, Miss Dorothy Morris, Miss Doroth Mecke. Miss Dorothy Fleck, Miss Myrtle Johnston, Miss Katharine Street, Miss Mnrlon Pedrlck, Mies Ursula Secburger, Miss Jean Hammer, Miss Marguret Ker shaw, Miss Louise Kccfe, MIfs Grnca Vandlvcr, Miss Ethehvyn Vandlvcr, Miss poiothy Moore, Miss Anna Ulnlr, Mr. Irank Powell, Mr. Ralph Jones. Mr. Thomau Vnndlvcr, Mr. Russell Hammlt, Mr. Gcorgo Cannotd, Mr. John Haynes, Mr. William McDowell, Mr. Howard Mecke, Jr., Mr. Benson Steed, Mr. Charles Rapp, Mr. Gcrrlsh Sproule. Mr. Donald Knowlton, Mr. Paul A. Vnnnc man, Jr., Mr. Joseph H. Koefe, Mr. Henry Poole, Mr. Howard McNeil, Mr. Philip Derhan, Mr. Warren Faunce, Mr. Whlttlngton, Mr. William dhupbert. Chestnut Hill Miss Rebecca Duhring, of Germantown avenue, has returned from Syracuse, where- she was the guest of Silts Marlon Uulloy, for a fortnight. Rear Admiral Edward D. Taussig and Mrs. Taussig ale at present the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hawlcy Taussig, of East Graver's lane. Miss Lockwood'a dancing class for tho school sot will hold Its final meeting to night in the ballroom of tho Philadelphia Pricket Club. Germantown Miss Fanny Kltson. of 213 West Upsal street, will glvo n Bmall i o'clock tea this afternoon to meet Mrs. Frederick Merrick Gai diner and Miss Elizabeth Claxton, whoso marriage to Mr. John H. Storor, Jr.. of Boston, will take place June 1. Mrs. Morgan Hebard, Miss Clax ton's sister, will preside nt the tea table. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Butler Reeve3, Jr., of Abbottsford avenue, are spending sovcral days at Buck Hills Falls. They will return home on Saturday. Mrs. John Peter Grant, of Louisville, Ky will arrive today to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Horner, of 6023 Boyer street. Mrs. Grnnt, who was mar ried soveral years ago, will bo remem bered as Miss Aleen Murphy, a talented and popular member of Germantown's younger set. Mrs. Joseph Fleltas has returned to her homo on Greeno street from a trip to At lantic City, N. J. At the next meeting of the Germantown Horticultural Socltty, to be held In the lecture room of the Free Library In Ver non Park, on Monday evening. May 10, prizes will be awarded for tho 'best col lection of wild flowers exhibited by n member. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Bassett, of Morton street, who havo spent the winter In St. Petersburg, Fla., are now occupying their homa ln Salem, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Svdnov RmlAn TTlttrtMnenn are spending the spring months nt their suburban residence on West Tulpehockon street. Mr. and Mrs. William Guthrie, of 6143 Morton street, entertained many of their friends the other evening In celebration of their wedding anniversary. Tho guests present were Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Stew art. Mr. and Mrs. William Oland, Mr, IMelrose Stewart, Mr. Charles Stewart, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, Mr. and Mrs, H. Gordon, Mr. nnd Mrs. George Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Snyder, Mr. George Helnold, Miss Loulso Schoeffler, Miss Mary Car bray, Miss Elizabeth McSchan and Miss Edna Brown. Mrs. Fritz Chailea Greene, of Lincoln drive, entertained at bridge yesterday. Mr. Charles H. Super, of 43S Harvey Btreet, was a visitor at Wlldwood for sev eral days. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mltterour, of 6653 Crowson street, have left for Jacksonville, Fla., where they will reside permanently. Mrs. Sarah Vandegrlft, of 132 West Rlt tenhouee street, has as her guests for a month her aunt, Mrs, Daniel Findley, and her cousin, Mrs. Mary Carson Adams, of Atlantic City. Miss Mary B. Klllen, of New York, is spending six weeks ln Germantown as the guest of Miss Helen A. Cross, of Chelten avenuo and Lambert street. Dr. and Mrs. George A. Cameron, of School Lane and Greeno street, left to day for Sharon Station, New York, Wilmington Mr, and Mrs. William Chadwlck, who havo been abroad for moro than two years, are returning on the St. Louis, American Line, sailing last Saturday from Liverpool, and due In New York Sunday or Monday, Mr. and Mrs, John Bancroft, tho parents of Mrs Chad wick, will be In New York to receive them. When Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lackey en tertain the Friday Nlsbt Cotillon at Na-maan's-on-Delawnre tonight, It will be the opening gala occasion for the old house that haB sheltered such great per sonages as Washington and Lafayette. Miss Amy E. duPont has been selected as one of the judges for Ladles' Day at fhe Devon Horse Show, to be given the last three days of May and June 1. Miss duPont and MrB. Richard McGrann, of Lancaster, Pa., will Judge the harness classes. Notices for ffto Boeletv page tclll be accepted and printed in the Eve ning Ledger, our oil such notice mutt be written on one tide of the paper, mutt be tlgned in full, with full address, and when possible telephone number must be given. Bend all such communications to "Society Editor," Evening Ledger, 608 Chestnut street. Vnless these requirements aro carried out so that verification may be possible, tho notices will not 6 published. if WsBBBBflBflDBQBs3-RBBflflBBBHBHfBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBB . 1111 BBmBsWW :if'' II iMRS. ALEXANDER. HENRY CARVER One of the popular young matrons of tho Main Lino. Mrs. Carver will be remembered as Miss Gertrude Nason, of Wilmington, Del. Tho photograph is copyrighted by Mathilde Weil. Northeast Philadelphia Miss Margaret Kirk, of North American street, will give a cuchro at the Catholic Club on Richmond street nbovo Shacka maxon street, on Monday evening, Mny 10, for tho benefit of the strnwberry fes tival to bo given on Juno 1 for tho Im maculate Conception Church, Front bo low Allen street. Tho Phi Delta Kappa Fraternity gave Its monthly dance at tho Bellleld Country Club last night. Those In charge of tho dance were ttlr. CInrcnco A. Hutton, Mr. Russell A. Delly and Mr. Harvey Ltppln cott. On Slonday evening n sewing clrclo meeting will be held by the members of the Temple Presbyterian Church Frank lin nnd Thompson streets, at the church. A sewing circle meeting will bo held nt tho homo of Miss Irene Inkermnnn, of CIS Miller street, on Monday ovenlng. when the following will be present: Miss Ma bel Shcctz, Miss Elizabeth McCrclfiht, Mrs. William Shcotz, Mrs. Charles Ken nedy and Mrs. Robert Rile. Tho Joan of Arc Club will meet to morrow afternpon at the Y. W. C. A., at 2d street nnd Allegheny nvenue, when those present will be Miss Chrlstlno Turn er, Miss Anna Ubcrt. Miss Lillian Wil son. Miss Mnrgarct Wilson, Miss Mary Fry. Miss Sarah Castor, Miss Anna Bello Wilson, Miss Anna Halworth nnd Miss Lillian Wunsch. Roxborough Mrs. George C. Bowker, of "5 Rochclle avenue, Wissnhlckon, entertained yester dny at luncheon, followed by n muslcalo In honor of Miss Gertrude Rommyson, of New York. Covers were laid for 20 guests. Among those present were tho members of the Symphony Club, of WIs sahlckon. and Norrlstown, Miss Clara Yo cum Joyce and Miss Helen Weber, of Wlssahlckon, who recently returned from Germany. A monster temperance rally will! be held ln the Fourth Reformed Church, Mnna yunk. on Sunday, when Major Dan Mor gan Smith, of Chicago, will deliver tho address. Tho board of deacons of the hickon Baptist Church entertained the senior and Junior choirs last evening In the church edifice. Tioga Mr. nnd Mrs, Maxwell Smolens, of 1836 Natrona streot, nre receiving congratu lations on the birth of a son, Stanley R. Smolens. Mrs. Smolens was formerly Miss Anna G, Roseman. Mrs. Henry A. Welnnd, of 2235 West Hunting- Park avenuo, left Wednesday to visit friends In West Chester, Pa. Her nephew, Mr. Carl Pcltz, who has been her guest for a week, has returned to Harvard College. An Informal muslcale, the proceeds of which nre to be used for missionary pur poses, was given Saturday evening at tho home of Miss Elsie M. Macintosh, 1213 West Erie nvenuo, Members of tho class who participated are Miss Marian S. Hume, Miss Elizabeth Creed, Miss Clara L. Holden, Miss Mamie ...nmbers nnd Miss Lillian Ryan. Choosing a School for Your Son or Daughter is a very difficult thing to do unless you have personally visited and investigated a large number. In order to help you and save you a great amount of correspondence and tiresome investigation, LEDGER CENTRAL sent out a college graduate to visit schools and colleges. He has spent several months visiting all the best schools in tho East, securing all sorts of information at first hand and is qualified to help you find the schqol best suited to the peculiar needs of your boy or girl, at whatever price you can afford to pay, The service is free, and we suggest that you get in touch with the Bureau at once, as many schools are registering pupils now, and will be filled to capacity before June. Call, write or phone. EDUCATIONAL BUREAU LEDGER CENTRAL BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA South Philadelphia Mr. Arthur Shoner, of 800 Dickinson street, will cntcrtnln Mr. William Moore nnd Mr. David Bosner, both of Cleveland, O., for a few days next week. Tho Silent Slrkle, of South Phtlndel phln, will give a dance tomorrow night at tho Now Auditorium Hall, 7th street and Snyder avonuc. Several prizes will bo given for the best dancing. Miss Jean Kelly Is chairman of tho commlttco In charge of the affair. Other members of the committee nre Miss Bessie O'Donnell, Miss Caroline Magulrc, Miss Maude Nolan and Miss Rose Cary. Mr. Max Fchler, of 1735 South 5th street, has gone to Capo Mny for six weeks on account of poor health. He is visiting relatives. Miss Sue Haines, ot 1C07 Passyunk ave nue. Is spending tho summer with friends In Pittsburgh, Pa. Miss Ida Pearl, 1231 East Moyamenslng avenue, Is taking a trip through Canada. Sho will visit relatives In Alberta, To ronto, Quebec and Glacier National Park. Sho will return In September. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Corcoran entertained at nn attractive dinner of 10 covers last evening at their home, 1915 South Brood street. Tho decorations were In pink and white, the roses being tastefully arranged In baskets. Their guests Included Mr. nnd Mrs G. W. Hoover, Mr, nnd Mrs. J. J. Farrell. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Far rell, Miss Cntherlne Corcoran nnd Mr. Joseph Fnrrcll, Jr. Frankford A euchre nnd ilnnco wns held Wednes day night In Sheldknects Hall, 4711 Frank ford avenue, for the benetlt of St. Leo Council, Knights of Columbus, Tacony. Mrs. William Carroll, of 2600 Rhawn street, will entertain at a small dinner Saturday evening In honor of Miss Mar garet Gtlman, of Atlantic City, whose en gagement to Mr. J. Roland Becker, of Wcstbury, L. I., has recently been an nounced. Miss Katherine Fitzgerald and Miss Elizabeth Fitzgerald, of Ashbourne street, will be hostesses at a euchre party May 14, to bo held In St. Dominic's School Hall. , Miss Lydla Parker and Miss Hnttio Knight are the week-end guests of Miss Ella Patterson at her homo ln Holmes burg. Lansdowne A very attractive danco to close tho sea son will be given this ovenlng in the Twen tieth Century Club by members of the dancing class, which was organized early In tho winter by Mrs. R. L. Mlshler. The members of the class nre Miss Dorothy McEwen, Miss Marlon Mlshler, Miss Alice Stntzell, Miss Sue Suddards, Mlas Har riet Lipscomb, Miss Pocahontas Lips comb, Miss Margaret Shaffner, Silts Elizabeth Shaffner, Miss Dorothy Ed wards, Miss Gertrude Edwards, Mr. Sam uel Irwin, Mr. Edward Irwin, Mr. Ber tram Balch. Mr. Fred Balch. Mr. Richard Wagersmlth. Mr. Daniel Wagersmlth, Mr. Ralph Wlrdle, Mr. Rowland Simpler, Mr, John Clothier, Mr, Robert Pilling and Mr, Charles Pilling. West Philadelphia A "Danse do Prlntemps" was given by tho members of the Nowman Catholic Club of West Philadelphia last ovenlng at 52d and Chestnut streets. Period dances wero demonstrated by Miss Kathryn A. Hastings, Miss Mary A, Stllz and -ir. Vincent Carroll. The ballroom was ar tistically decorated with cherry blossoms and wild honeysuckle, nnd hundreds of tiny electric lights In various colors pro duced an unusual effect. The decorations were arranged by Mr. H. Frnncls Mall grave, Jr. Mrs. Clinton Montgomery, of Wichita, Kan., Is the guest of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Clara Montgomery, 226 South 50th street. Mrs. Philip Seymour, of 4631 Sansom street, Is entertaining this week Mrs. George Diddle Penrose, of New Orleuns. Miss Clara Amy Wllllts, of 4405 Spruco street, lint, returned from a short visit to Owcgo, N. Y. Miss Blanche K. Dougherty, of 3801 Locust street, will spend the early sum mer ot her cottage In Atlantic City. North Philadelphia Mrs. Edward Cassldy, of New York, formerly of this city, entertained at luncheon and cards today at the homo of Mrs. C. P. Brewster in the Delmar Apartments. Mrs. Cassldy's guests were Mrs. ErneBt Wright, Jr.. Mrs. Frank Snyder, Mrs. Horaco McFetrldge, Mrs. John Bland, Mrs. William P. Squibb, Mrs. H. Clay Dlngee, Mrs. C. S. Schell, Mrs. Walter Schaeffer, Mrs. George Kessler, Mrs. Paul Irwin. Mrs. Charles G. Gery, Miss May Hengen, Miss Bertha Winslow nnd Miss Edith Newbury. Mr. p. P. Tustln. of 1813 North 22d street, and his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rex Stackhouse. have taken a cottago at Wlldwood Crest for tho summer. The flnal luncheon of tho Afternoon "500" Club was held at tho St. James. Tho membors present were Mrs. C. W. Scott, Miss Selma Strauss, Mrs. Hllyard Smith, Miss Isabel Hall, Miss Helen D'Ossone, Miss Grace D'Ossone, Mrs. Russell Wil son, Mrs. H. Rex Stackhouse. Mrs. J. Durbln Acker, Mrs. Lee Eastburn, Mrs. Charles Branch and Mrs. George Thomp son. Mrs. J. Harry Anderson, of 2135 Green street, has sent out cards for a children's party on Friday, May 14, H H B H M B M ' B B Model 947 is a smart new ideal for any average a Price $8. w r i Ilk Royal Worcester Corset Co., Worcester mass. u m ii ibii JMfTJl! 00& Kit itowffW ONE of the most Important nffalrs to day will be tho "Malfest" that Is to be given nt the Jay Cooke Memorial Hall, Old York and Aahbourno roods, for tho benefit of the German and Austrian Red Cross and the German Local Relief, There will be a concert in tho After noon, when the quartet from the- Phila delphia Orchestra will be heard. Coffee, tea and Ices nro to be sold, as well as the wares from tho usual bazaar booths. Sunoer will be served in tho evenlnc dur ing which time the band from the steam ship Prlnz Oskar will play. Among those Interested In tho affair aro Mrs. Charles D. Barney, Mrs. William P. Braun, Mrs. Amos Blrdsatl, Jr., Mrs. Joseph S. Bunting, Mrs. Lattrance Butler, Mrs. Antonle Ehrllch, Mrs. Georgo W. Elklns, Jr., .Mrs. Caleb F. Fox, Mrs. Charles II, Frazler, Mrs. Adalbert Koert-Ing-Flscher, .Mrs. J. Frederick, Mr. John Gilbert, Mrs. Charles J. Gable, Baroness Hlller von Gaertrlngcn, Mrs. Clement R. Hoopes, Mrs. A. B. Hubnrd, Mrs. Harry Hexamer Keller, Mrs. Sarah Kolb, Miss Emma Kolb, Mrs. Corblt Lovcrlng, Mrs. Wilson Potter. Mrs. Henry Rohncr, Mrs Wharton Stork, Mrs. John Steele, Mrs. Charles E. Schmidt, Mrs. Thomas E. Shoemaker, Mrs. Gcorgo Stobbe, Mrs. Wultcr L. Thompson, Mrs. Henry Miller Watts, Mrs. Peter Woll, Jr., Mrs. John 11. Whlttnktr nnd Mrs. R. Wlntcrstcln. There will also bo another affair to bo given for the benefit of the German war sufferers, it will be In the form of a caid party and dansant to bo given In tho Rltz-Carlton under the auspices of the German - Austro - Hungarian Ambulanco Committee. The committee In charge of tho affair Include. Mrs. Georgo Bowler Tullldge, Mrs. O. W. Kulllng, Mrs. Frank Shuman, Mrs. Carl F. Laubcr, 'Mrs. J. Koeltlng-Flacher, Mrs. Christopher Donner, Mrs. J. Mc. Clcllan Williams, Mrs. William Albert Wood, Mrs. J. O. Sheatz, Mrs. Louis Kolb, Miss Sarah Kolb, Miss Emma Kolb, Mrs. J. Meyers and Mrs. Henry Mccs. A number of girls will act an aides nnd Include Miss Estclle Lnubqr, Miss Mary L. Tullldge, .Miss Leonnetto Rehfuss, Miss Isabel Dixon. Miss Ruth Delbert, Miss Lorraine Stnhl, Miss Marlon Park, Miss Florence Rlcger, Miss Margaret A. Tul lldge Miss Katharine B. Tullldge, Miss Anna Sykcs, Miss Mario Mces, Miss Helen Omeata. Miss Sara B FInek. Mlsi Ruclln Nolte, Miss Dorothy Dexter, Miss Marie McKIean, Mlsa Qertrudo Miller, Miss Along the Reading Miss Caroline Llpplncott and Miss Mary Llpplncott, of Rabbit Hill, Chel ten Hills, will have as their guest this week Miss Dietrich, of Baltimore. Md. Miss Dietrich's sister. Miss Kathrlne Dietrich, will bo the guest of Mrs. Wil mer W. Hoopes, at her homo. Oak Meadow, Valley road, Puoll, Pa., for several days during this week. Mrs. Charles E. Schwartz, ot West ave nue, Jenklntown, will entertain as her guest for sovcral days next week hor daughter and granddaughter, Mrs. Thomas Baker, and Mary Elizabeth Ba ker, of Washington, D. C. Mrs. Baker will be remembered as Miss Clara Schwnrtz. On Saturday afternoonVn tea will be given nt the North Hills Couhtry Club, The hostess will be Mrs. Thomas Prlnglc, of Wyncote. Mr. nnd Sirs. George R. Roden, of Glcn slde nvenue, Wyncote, nre spending sev eral days in Gardiner, near Boston, Mass.. where they are planning to make their home ufter August 1. Mis. Harrison Woodward, of Bethayres, are spending some time with her daugh ter, Mrs. Walter G. Baetz, at her home nt Woodhaven. Mr. H. S. Walker, of Wyncote, who has been spending some time In Chlcngo, 111., is expected to return home the first of the week. Mr. Dayton Larzelere, of Washington lane, Chelten Hills, 1b spending several days ln Boston, Mass. Mr. Elwood Miller, of Glensidc. will shortly occupy his new home, 301 Hillside avenue, Jenklntown. Tho officers and directors of the Jenkln town Branch of tho Needlework Guild of America attended tho afternoon session of the 30th annual meeting of the na Uonal order, held yesterday at 2:31 o'clock in the auditorium of the Curtis Building, 6th nnd Walnut streets. The Queen Esther Girls of tho Oak Lane Methodist Episcopal Church gave a nov elty entertainment last night, entitled' "The Thursday Evening Post." Those who gave the performance and took part 1IIII-I--I1II.III ? AuthenticNew Modes Months ago our Parisian designers went to Paris and other centers to get ideas, to study fashions and their effect on corsets. They caught the inspiration of the new mode and designed models dis tinctly different from last season, with beautiful curves, higher bust and marvelous fitting qualities'. These exquisite creations are now on display. Just a hint that you should not delay in seeing them. Price S3 to 25, conception figure, Ask YOUR Dealer Makers also of ROYAL WORCESTER Corsets iiiiii.iRia'iRMiiti tui'a, iwmm Mnrlo Bcnner, Mis. Mnrlon Datemnw,! Miss Jennie Hickman, Miss EI-nrs Wood, Miss Bessie Walsh and Mis. Et3 Schelbal. Tho Young Ladles' Auxiliary Asoei-sJ lion or ai, j,uk6 Jiomeopninia 440-pninjt will hold n sale of handmade llngefi, fancy nrtlcles, cake, lea cream arid candy t; on Wednesday, May ., en tho porch an41 lawn of Mrs. Samuel Thompson, J?. 840. Wister street, Germantown. Mrs. Thomp-" son, who Is the vtco president of ths ntixtllarv. will hn nmilMti4 Irtr fhftA nf k fleers and m&mberai Miss Ailco Ma. J Launhtln. president! Miss Kllznbih B. 1 Hart, corresponding eecretary; Mlos Ma- '4 no Boric, recording secretary; Miss Mary 1 Guckes, assistant secretary; Miss Hor- fi tense P. Beck, treasurer; Mrs. Lewis Hop. per, assistant treasurer! Miss Helen Sfer-1 rott, Miss Beulah Horter, Miss Ada. Bat' tersuy, airs. Mercer, Mrs. f, j, Rieray Miss Trout, Miss Anna W, Borle, MM Mary Dells, Mrs. W, C, RlUlus nnd Mlssr irene Pile. An Interesting celebration will tak placo on Tuosday afternoon In honor of 3 tho Old anniversary of tho founding .f tho Northern Homo for Friendless Chli--dren, n non-sectarian Institution, at 23d ' nnd Brown streets. Visitors nre cor dially Invited, and addresses will be made by Dr. Linn P. Bowman and Dr. Loyal Y. Graham; In addition there will ba a number of songs nnd recitations by the j children themselves. The home, which Is tho oldost of Its kind In the city, co operates with tho Organized Charities and tnkes enro of 175 boys and girls, ranging In ago from 3 to 14 years, Dr. Loyal Y, Graham Is president of tho board ot trustees, and the other mem bers aro Mr. William R. King, treasurer; Mr. Edward S. Say res, vlco president; -J Mr. Millard Kessler, secretary; Mr. Frank Pearson, Mr. Samuel Vrooman, Mr. Will- lam H. Stevons, Mr. Howard W, Lewis, Mr. Charles O. Balrd, Mr. Wilson . Mitchell, Mr, Robert Heyl, Mr. Frank Van Rodon, Mr. Jacob Mohr, Mr. Havens nnd Jlr. William a. Ulnlr. Tho board of managers Includes Mrs. George W. Urquhart, president; Mrs. Chnrlea V. Boeder, -vice president; Mrs. Alexander M. Fox, Jr., vlco president; Mrs. Frederick T. Warren, recording sec retary; Mrs. J. C. F. Gordon, correspond ing secretary; Mrs. William O. Henry, ' treasurer; Mrs. William E. Hexamer, as slstnnt treasurer; Mrs. Kenton Wnrne, Mrs. Thcdore Julius. Mrs. E. V. Mc-, Caulloy, Mrs. Frank W. Muzzoy, Mr,'!J Benjamin F. Kunkle, Mrs. I-dward ft. Moll, Mrs. Henry Frey, Miss Mary Sloano,Sj Mrs. William C. Dougnty ana mm. Howard S. Roberts. ln It were Miss Anna Bossert. Bliss M.J Bcnnsc, Miss Dorothy Stessan, Mls3 Lois ' Gllnev. Mies Ruth Leaf, Miss Edith-; Goiter. Mlsa Grace Crumley nnd Mlss'i Bello Illtctiner. Mr. nnd Mrs. Enstburn. of 5243 Nortril 13th street. Logan, will be at home Fri day, June 1, from 4 to 7 o'clock "WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT?" . Dcbato on "Whether or Not th "United Stntcs annum rurcnnie jmtrnea nips, , ItU'limord i-inrary. manna nenue ana a- mnnil strop,! S d'p'fltk. 1'uWlc IMuc-tlon Aeiocl-tlon, Curtis Build in. M o'el-pk. ; I.ectur. on "Irish Poetry." by Prof. Xuno , M tii ,je mn , . It; h o clock, llet-ll Druggists' Association, Collets ot Uliupmav s ,. flnrlf. .. Philadelphia Chapter, American institute otS llnnkcr., itui cnesinui ritcei: ci a cock. Philosophical fcoclety. 101 south 8th street; O Vnlnnlr Hitler Hay Alumni Association, St. Mat- .fl thews i.uuieran inurrn, n n viuc-k. "a Kcunlon, Law A'umnl Association, unlver- fj 81v Ol unnvmnn, I : ' u tiuu,. Folk lore dancing carnival. Country Week ? AH'OC atum I wiy lar-; j s-uh. Plav, "Romeo nnd Juliet." by Xormal School Alumnae, ac miunm i-emi su.u cvui... SUFFRAGE EVENTS TODC nQUAL FRANCHISE BOCIETT. Noon Open-air meeting- on postotflea plaia, Cth nnd C'hoetnut streets. Speakers, tha nor. A. J. Arkin anil Mies Bertha Sapovlta, or. ennli,r for Ihn fto.letv. 8 p. m Open-air meeting at Front and aj Unupmn sireeis, umier nuspiccs ot in. wm -ulnMon branch ot the Equal Franchise So-" cl.'t). Speakers, Miss Anna MrCue, who Is la charge of tho branch; Mies Christina Archl. hnlrl. Mlsa Sidle Flmplo niil Miss EU!I S p. m. Open-air meeting at 7th street sn4 i ".., rii'-ktrs, .Has licrtha S-po. ltb and Miss Olga Helen Clro. WOMAN SUFFKAOB PARTT irr3n rt. m. Meetlnsr or City Committee, at . 17.H Chestnut street, second floor. Mr. ,i George I'lersoi, leaoer ot tno party in Fia-, delphla, pretldes. Iteporla read and plana torri a r. m Opcn-alr meeting at B-d and Cbst. nui sirrri, unurr Ml. -.vice- oc in- -isf. !egl-iaue aisinci ur-ncn 01 me paruN Speaker. Mlsa flratla Erlckson, of Illinois, ro-1 cent publicity chairman for the suffrage pa-'i raile In this cltv. She la hero for a short period aiciing suirragista to gain tne vols tni rennayivanm. B B B a B B B B. B M m m' M H B ' m m t i BE- $X to $3. j, im xBq."M at m m m 1