f2 FRIDAY May 7, 1916 Primer itirotmn HSsfo . ualWI ' AHfe AWAY-. Ift "K ZBE CAMERA'S KEEN EYE MAKES CLEARER THE NEWS OF THE DAT BOTH AT HOME AND ABROAD '&' K-ji . ' jf ' '1&: t 1 ' 'vf '" I''fSS PROMINENT MEN AS CANADIAN PRIVATES X H-r ' m m Wmkt m m ' ." "' f ''''. ''? Tho Duke of Connaught la rcviowing tho Montreal homo guard. Ho smllos as ho recognizes old friends. Tho figuro at right- TJ r. " 'M 7 ''tti ,'',,,. . ,''.S43 hand sidrto tho oflfcor who has l?is back turned is sFr Frederick I M i V v! it f" - - 'aaKl ' - . , ,'-' - ,v . , 3 of Montreal; next to him is A. E. Holt, general manager of the Royal Trust Company, while the third figuro is that '-V' f'' t J m ivf dLLHaf: "?' ' '"'- ' v'-.'J of A. D. MacTicr, general manager eastern lines of tho Canadian Pacific. a ' Lady Constance Richardson, as a faun in her Greek danco, "Tho Wilderness," at the Empire &l ) obtained for that purpose, establish- lmliilBb-"r JwPaMBWFt ," " ulllfll' ' Theatre, London, has a furious struggle with her dancing partner, and is flung from a height ITrf nB a now recor" Needless to add, rft lWkM &r b& W<mSW IdSkmE. A .BACHELOR-YACHT WORTH THREES QDARTER8 OP A MILLION t was budt for Afaucaiiaci eautn ichrane, the millionaire carpet manufacturer, of Yonkers, N. Y. The cost of the Sea Call was $760,000, Tha own la mefl&Uy wey Jgiowji fojr ptip tbinsj H J miUionahra yachtsman and a millionaire bachelor, JUaQt jpower post was built for high speed, M v , WOMAN NOW WIELDS THE CLEAVER Sw bast.g Al081"8!' fnd tt Is n lon8eP undignifled to SI., j A1 " wtth ucl Innovations as honest weight and iSlpSrtST5? ha3 corae mother, the womaTbutcherfMiM Bally Paraesa is seen at the lock" to booth at th , 4ViiHiao airKBS. A: