"El. WANTED FEMALE ,-f rrtts clrrka, stenographers seelt WKKSESi or thoso 'desiring letter pol- l positions or ""';..,...,- inrArmftflrtff lir !S MS, 'Falling o too :' A"?' rltl Jn,S1. She H constantly helping td" ? have adv-rtlse.1 to aeuiro good gS5l5 nS " II M BlaJ to help Jou. No ;ltrf crar pS-ftrTntf trhlte girl, family 3j permanent B0?SS?n , smnlner. Vers ) rctu.rcd lull fiiVood av F5r Mmsetcnl, from 0 n m until ;, 1' m. lci -.;,i MIllirT CRUTCHe " """" " w" sww4 ? llarerfor oung woman wanted to lentn least two Y.oo cants must havo at least two V", Tift, month.' probations .mil sum l2?ilf,r hoVpll! otters a' splendid ..ppor 8Mf; ! iJr'dVmtlr.K to ntcr the rotes- OTu Ijtittr rtntral. Tiwins en all part of ehlrtvvalsta, silks, S'S'ilSJr M?"" work, highest paj. Ilsge- r"ST TMACIIKn wanted to travel during W-22!, weatlorV, railroad ld. s?iar nnd gSSlonl irlte for a personal interview rr.n tjnrr imui Eir avh "-'" i termjss wanted, for one neck .$1 day r-rZZvn WOMt:.V OF I'KIISOS M.ITY AND sftSiq-5rpll"nts must bo hclwrcn 21 nnd Ptob"V. .". ..i,r.ioiii nf r lili.li schol edu- && f and ; t" If" lta tho. F" . NN ,U E2S iS hlh-cla women seeking larittr l'"i2 nd mnro IndepeiueiK-e. -iT-nai-orin-rT. aalari and com Mis Oliniin, the F iSUiil. Siiruce and inn ws. ori , h in. r ?!! ni.! e'gs. nnn ni:. u appoiiuniriu KTSeD-A cook to go to the Muskoka Iko 1f5I.E rn.Sa. for the Bummer with prlvaia .C2S?! ilt Willi tho laundry pik. rcr j.uHnru i'. U2LJLL. lln IllRCftOOa roiiu. irilinure, i-ji. i tt" "" "" -- iJItJlib-Settlcd woman. It L"ihit fsmllj . willing to to . HV;.... 10. If 101. Ledge laundress, large o anni In suni- ger Ilranch, 4013 r ,-i. -. IrHIH't '". riOTRD-For a ramllj of two adults, a "iSiinto to general housowork, must bo g,li S. 21tgt iiVTKD-Woman to croeliet or cmlroldcr rr tMir.r imtiprrrtrv. state snlarv tSftitl. I-edger Centra , rrivens anteTon broad Knowle looms. Sr at office of tho llradford Mills. HteM ZSr:i aodfrey axes, aerinnntown TOU.fO UAUY slenngmpher. "" ?2rUt 10M Heal Hslntc Trust llldg. rTIitOB FlItM can offer an unusunllv at- r.iifitTe nrCP to a rrsponnuic wnmnii oi en JtS.7dlMtlame no cam J M. Ixm! Cent tmrtemala experienced rng sorters wantel. Imol salary: stead work U. Hose, 2J1 Snat UWliniington, " HELP WANTED MALE tinr wintod for work ln office, must bo 10 kftits or over, neat and willing to worlc. riiifieft fcr aavancemeni Aininps i. iniu, .Lrittr Branch. TlhjindtHford Hlnk-Ielrable position iIjSjs 0 610. ledger Central Pnrtlculars nd- SaU0HTSMAN. architectural lirldgo, SI'pOT iirmiiritlons must be filed not Inter thnn t in MondaV, Maj 17 Hin ror ni pile Sll it noom jjicity Hall Civil erv ho itlons Com Tu iwn win: irefernbh colore 1 cMerlv. tot rtrong for work on firm woman to do homework for 2 fnrmlnnds. man for chorci tnd light work, good homo, permanent M J-111 Imager uniee lorriCE DOY 700l Lincoln drlvo corner of Eprlnf field nvc OpiOrtiinlu for bright well- ff inlaea bo. wim poamiiiiic i innnni-emnii filtESllDN Two cxcrltlonall forceful gool SiiMnss-ancI npiearanie stature. J1 to I" Ptwrfl Penno , N J . Md Del stnlght s-il-fiir orsalan and commission with expensed ifillires and discontented stnv awnv, vvnnt Slsitlfrs, ambitious satisfied with ' VI stnte Sr etperlenre and how now cmplojed Ad- ff-wl B 101 Ledger Office ItlESMEN hxcellent nnportunltlM for flrst- CSUS salesmen ill lic-ini) it'rriiut in uiio 'M,p line nf househnli.1 reclaltle. men cm- Ftfcrii but desirous of n better opportunltv S ihoaia M Interested Applj anv morning, le I iwten and 10, at our Plilltdelphln office 00( 000 pArcb st. Tho It M Holllngshend Com- lOUCITOllS Catholic 1 reil llvo men. city and vicinity. Itoom 111. 020 Clicntnut. irENOfinAPIimt nnd clerk (men), ISveirsor . OTcr, rWBJuu Appiicuiinn im Hi nu uici sot litr than Satnrdny noon tnv 9 mir ror SfDllcatlons call at Koom S7.1. Clly Hall Civil Sirvlce Commls'lon t tTTVOartAriirn and clerk (men) $1200- APDlieniions must no moil not inter n. m Mondav Mav 10. lllin Por an- llcittons call at Itoom 871 Cltv Hall, Civil tea Commission. HV0R. auartet choir good rvndcr only bOffil. Ledger Central ViNT-D. by largo New Jersev tnanufnetur Rlct cnacern. a high grvle sileanmn exnerl d In lithographed tin sign silei work tci xho has traveled from liti fnctorv pre-fiml- excellent opnortunltv open addres' llrlM sge, natlonnlltv, experience mnrrled cCf liosle and compensation exneeteil nn- ir will lio In strict confidence llox P 402 UJrtr OfOce XAJJTEDA voung man to learn nursing np- wuiu. aniiui'i ii-ii c m ichhi one leir in nigo -CbOOl fir eaulVBtent mil.l In nr f nn.1 mn.ll 5?"'JJ ani- habits no salarv glvan. but Is Is 13 per month alloweil for neccssirv troeuts room and Imnnl provided tho raurii u 1 years ddrcs, with references. H ffl Ledger Central lA-NTED-Young man lnt( rested tn Clirlitlin vs, must have leadership, forco ami nm gujn, permanent a real opportunltv call JArera wanted on bronil Knowlcs looms" SPiTr,?- .0,ncc .or. ,nc Urndford Knitting 1111. Ktntnn nn.1 fTn irAu ..., -...- ri '" "" -t w vi n in in i n TICTOR TALKING MACHINH COMPANY" sins viicniicies lor Hand avvvers, Double-head Molders, caolnetmakera for nlnlit work, Touehers-up, Rubbers. Shcllacers, 9hv.i.i iruuro enters tfTWkiI5,l?i?S5!on if' Arpiy vie- SbmS.? ,c.nlno Gompons Application j-r-?""LKl ' . c-amuen. N J OrTlCB Three uosltiona niun t hi.h BnhnAi 'mJtii,... '"v",,H open io nign scnooi lliiiirSt ?".Psl"on requires fierson atiout era Kfiini. rs oxpeneiuo otner tS-2.ie."y experience nnd A-l Under- Mrfi.. miur' . excellent opportunll Es willing to spend tlmo renul Jagjjmlness. Q83J iMti',r Central y Irod to -ITTJA.I0M3 WANTnn-vwTVTAT.T! fcIrta?.P.E.Ii;?.Fv1' niTKR. several ears' P"te.' rCIarial,Rorlt Preferred, lliat 'rrT""- r "" Leilfer Central fetTi?N;1D. or. childnurso exp. rami) ickn?"a"f -111 Sptin 'Ml11 u"' .taAUnpnvil.T; . r. - . .tlt iirirati;-?!?-?."1-?!? ?r..0"'g '''mm..,.. ""-""" n prei ihjii " xf fici tf n uiiq bi fiw AmTA" anJ elilldnurse. expeFol iv. fTlAl.AL exo canable hiirhR mfp. "bSSUSSSLP or lenahore m Aitt 1 iirKfr 1 Hllfilr-ti - i ' "- ' t,rn?-':oil- Haizard 20th & York) hl-r?,l"; or asslat with 'anumaker iS'u"oe. capableT ftaCal 4un8. i Wff ad cashier, ri yc( capable, experienced. best Pthat. J. tccuratsT ViT Hi 'S'"ff ."JP"'!"ce. capa. M-, T " iiu. linger ueni. -ft. KOI Na'uil,'?;.8".'." P"'on aa housework ii. xpMlencedcarable woman, good ret 7 irrdrrr Office BSo5-rrrV2e tft r,ruBJ:.nnlermald WBnt Place toaether. fflfr-JSgLmnt6wn. SStS!slS?io,"r:;rar?s: IDu n a. -..- ' it! D,-V0S :,?"". "'". ."P.- Main iiTi7i;i??iiiS2Ly: 5!t' finpv-i2 " J. desires engage- iSSyCASjTwoxriiJ WtfiTT- T """- ; specialty. Wal. 4002 W. as traveling companion 5fflt,. .'J"!?- roe",? if iio rTi in novel, snore or -. jollier urn" T5?m imii'Ii3 'arg ot young ladlts, Sj&.MPh.85?.?-8i.?053'omani "UT . taka tej?,.t.d00We?m'K "5riT-a-nd-iBSolng. - --' luiiwii u. I i.i?S.0.,man, experienced In ic-eneh ik&'tSSS?SSSKS ff"5SJSH- tfpiTiir "-"in oj v.uiumum, i.,No,rn,n,,e!thbV,t.r0ferenCi C3ik. ithiS!r!?ln.p",t-' neat, Capable; lthoutjvaih.ijrej:102l'rjreen st.' i XS '.".?au lamll ty; settled Vwhlts 6 n mil st. -s,.i,ien aw nrsege-a-fiaj,.?: 'ES feof ly wo"" like to fcaniD?.,.MI'15A0-eP-house for doctor t--r--" AUUriU 1II1T1 Intnn -l in. .T-r : rj'"w STmSSSL Krw.vr. STTS efllr.a mfauz.AA'Z-i&.S Cent. CJifS A ..' ."-ilHI IIIJll wlaiSat. hA.lllnni llflUI . '--i 'i"v rtr KAtfi - ? v-ilr,: fJ . T. ' ."" 'j-itfirus mi . jxu, ii: a'Sn5-ftll!.I"JtJir!iihi RUVi.- " " ' riST'Si "f N 0t. Ledger Of rile. "Kil" , roVgh 4ri.i.cUph0D operator, 4 t MiiZS.'L .experlencs quick, aeourats. ' "eretaiv vVkT. quick, acourate. S1UHp- -..--." niro r"? vrtiltnvrJ,...,,p,ril,c Da- e'V.,u.fy 'l. e1Plence thor La S7 tiW" J .'. --an assist with IPMBo Pbon9Hpuv, 0S3? b2?B,Sf?. v,tXK woerleiced in iM,i. tss t' ruian Prmph Tn twi ' pfs.i. .r -.-."'" k.-" -.wl, tv.ruag. u 357 SITUATIONS WANTED.'EMAI.E ,XhlMn1iSlhtiifte.t,ftV,e W Position M mcr.nn mall can .m8 Market at. iltif.SltV. "oveiVnre put In toucn hnnkkmrl'SV Winced toi ogrnpnera. 2? m "t?";' t'."rk ot n'l kin i. Writs fr,,." un Walnut .iduo mm Dean. an l tell her your needs Blin "vlll Wo voi! iree" ?a,.;Jn.".cnt .?'"' e smlcc is -iilngerni!jertii!er "."PT wl"! corporation mnhtifac ?.i' te"klnf nnd "Ubllo accounting crpo rieriie, possessing tact, Initiative executive Jii' .rT'i'V T? "'""' linuu"l lonol UiS . ili!f.1,??t "efirencn. solid a Inter ullJlhll.,,la,.uM .,lrhls nr eorroratlons SITUATIONS WANTED MALE aa'er UI13pi!!tt rouhl cucr office mm- iinh.,. "iS?ni '1,,1",rc ' mod silarj. Jlobctts,ui; a Hi mil at l'h Olek .m x. 1'i!iJri L" r:IL ? n.' sl. 30 rears old, with SSn.,c?..anl H,.'"t exftrlcncw will take . Iimitlon, daj or tilglu wora a M Led. Cent work, able corrcsrondcnt 1' lw, 11 Cent I'ly.',- JL.snr?l ""ni" Position In country, eirH SV'l'-n'in s place or farm, best of reterenre M 4in. i,!..,-r iir,.r. riii ":. .'- ' Swra cxp. gool. careful S.ini i ..' d0 on" !?1'll,'lns. excellent Phlla delnlda rtlereneo u uj, ijh)t Oince. CL'ihLKP?':mi1,1' .uni .white, winls sttitdy po" ii!!0i-,-.5"lln ,0 !,-,' ln jprden Address nit 1 rnnces ac. Wayne, Pa t!JA..,lT.yt,lr,llRl?' w,ll, wlhesprlate .posn, er Lest rels 15JJ N Ldgenood st C!i.VVi: rri'11, Co'0""1. P. careful driver"; KTirdener sooer .references ll.lti Led Off UM: t.puV,lc. ,!fi"t "'"Co man, H. wishes stead clerical poslllon, rtfs 11 II i.el orf. lli,llllS''As' colol"ed. courteous. Industrious", will go nnynhere drho a car, best of ref erence U(BJ, Ledger Central J'l!A,Nl!-S "lhes twaltlcn, cook or house work, oxpcrlemed, but ret. Ivado, 3os N lsth J1iVi I'!1"". I01."0." " Janitor, apartments, goo.1 rof. u. Led Uranch, dJul I'onelton ae, .iJ"!1 w.',r.c.(.co1 housework together, refs r.(Snanls, Dickinson, 10.17 V. lio Catharine. MAN AND Wim Kngllah Prot . gardener and cook,bestroferenslt 117, lilger Oflice. I'UULISIIKItS Mnrrleil man aw. u. A degree. experienced in aaiortlslng copj Ing emploitii In J correspondence nurrlmn firms In trc last it jelts. H dl, Lcdiicr central SALLSMAN, -igo 11 10 j ears' experience with larae corporations, deslris insltlon with le Iliblo compan, either road or executive capnclt) tl Pit, ledger Central SALESMAN, translator, corresi ondent. nung oPnninril. A ira' Pin r.f. 1 ulu 1 n.i i n SnifPINO C'LHItK, 7 vrs textile experience 1 rsf furniture business nimble ot tnklrg '"5odepjnrtment J va Jcilger Ceniril hoi .NotlltAPIIl.lt, knowledge of bookkecpFng reliable and thoroughlv trained, character references OjKW odecrCeiitril !T.i:.N,il,UA,,,,,:u "I1 oomp vTllllng not a clockwatcher .trlal lecj 1 44" Led lent fl.CIINli'Af. OHADPATl 12vrs broad ix ixrlonco In steel buslnes-. Including operating, liurchaslng, sales desires nwltlon with lit "i. rrulp eomi inv. where nl llltv Is eniitlnl. PhlH district pref ref tl 4il, I.cdtent AM 12D Position nn manager or superin tendent In club or apartment houc cits rr sns'iciro leroreiuo furiiUhcd ni to rclla lilllt mil experience 11 li", ledger ortlte lot NO M W, 21 vearp refined competent and a. willing nnrker, wanti work outdoors of nnv kind beat of references ns to honesty md sohrlrt). U US, Ledger Offhe lot NO nnn 20 snr idiualod at mllllnr nindemv lln ling Impois I lo to toiitliiui higher cduritlnii desln pnltlou iciulrlug lirnln nn lnhllltfl "s I e Igcr Ccnirnl lOI'NG mm dclreq tcTleirn business willing to btart with u mnall salnr Ujl7. I edger Central lOt'Ntl MAN, "l senrs. all-round orflco man, experienced In accounting nn 1 transportation claim work Cl4"s Ledrcr Contril A mrsivnsa MAN with KVEROY seeks nn ni port unit) to advance b hard work, mlcs, managerial, ndmlnlstrntlve nhlllt) experl enceil In manufacturing business, ronw knowledge of real estate lapible liookkeeper, crcillt lorrispondent office man. ant mo nn Interview nnd judge mj worth 1' 80, LedMr Central CONnnCNTIAI, ASSISTANT To tho man requiring an assistant or pcrional reircsenlntlve III v honi absolute reliability and till led qualltli itlons ore or tlrat Import nnre, with cool education business experi ence ml ablllt) to do things us they should be done ms services are offered with best of references U 130, Ledger Central. AN PNtflNKril of good executlvo ablllts de siics position with un engineer and tontrie tor Holding the servlcis of an estimator, driUKhtsnmn solicitor or genenil office ns slstnnt O 13 Ledger Central DO or WISH rervlro of office man wlio-cin lorrcsponl intelllscntlv, sell Insldo or out, take full charge of oflice bring with htm capil le oftlce woman now In his ernplov , ago 11 ponum ra nf llquoru or ro'anlt) tl SSu, i t oy r i eniril POSIION ni nr ite secrctnrj by High School gradinti It 111 Iidger Office l..PI3RT clilm ndjnatrr and Investigator wants work (1 n.'. l.idgcr Central AUTOMOBILES Id sttlf rsati 101 1 Olds mobile n-pairnspr: In tiontl tontlUloii llione I.tk Ho lor par. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES ALTo"hlrcrl)r touflnt; wlihllrTer, TS5 jirriiuur 1'iiuiit HiiiuiiKiuiuj BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1NANTI1D by 111 inufncturer and Inventor, ruirtmr with floio to S10 000 to net as treis uicr, who will own 0 pir cent of thu stock, lundlo cabh and druw uliry of ?.'l)ll, or a Mrs attractive anl prolltnblo agreement will b mudti with Inactive business man as a silent partner (1 4H, Ledgir Central I.S'IUULSIINO proposltlo'i for a mun, .13 ears of age with $1li0 inh at solute satisfaction to right pirts. (1 417 Ledger Central IIA70R blado s'larpenlng mnclilne, electric, al most new for sale U 110 Ledger Central. CARPET CLEANING IVI'Sl' PH1LA MONARCH STOllAOC CO ,lc Pnit YARD IS70-7J L VNCASTKR AV15 CLEANING AND DYEING oarmcii rntTHDRS and pancies cia.ANrDnKD, MAimcn.iaio chestnut DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY AIITIbTlC dresses, lingerie froiks. reas. prices; I'aribian moueis copieo jam vvainu at. llKMhTlfCHINU done whllu sou wait. A. ItcUhard.lll t Chestnut Pictorial Review pat Dltl-SSMAKINO taught, short, prac course MacDuvtell, .HIT Denckla HUB ,11th & Market FOR SALE 1IILLIA11D, pool, combination, 2d hand bought, told, rented, exch'd. Keefer, 329 Olrard ave. ItVOK blade sliarpenlnE luacrilne, electric, al most new, reasonable U JM, Led. Cent. llltlll-aRAPn M-nnto plano-plaser at aacrl-ni-e must sell 1517 Montgomery ave INSTRUCTION RAGTIME In 20 lessons. Call or write Chrlitrnicn Piano bchools. 3&,iu Oermantowll av e . lil-M Tasker at MACHINERY AND T00-S T-H. P. gas engine for sale, cheap, can ba seen running at Leonard 'Machine Works, 1222: ltace st. STORAGE J, M PENTON STORAOE CO owestrateS; Free-stlraate. iielmont WOO. nELIADLE STORAaE, MOVINO, PACKING. SHIPPlNa. i040-44 N 30TH ST. DIA 47.17. WKST Monarch Storage Co Auto and pack. PHILA. Ing and shipping 3870 Lancaster ave. WANTED CLEAN-UP WEEK Turn your old clothing Into money, HI itrlcea paid Call, vhona Walnut 335J. Highest WATCHES AND CLOCKS B0C. REPAIRS YOUR WATCH OH CLOCK. no matter what It needs, 1 year guaranteed. AnON'S. IU7 W dlRARD A.VB. ROOMS 370R RENT ARCH. 0-1 (The Diamond) Absolutely Uean, neatly furn.t hot and cold running water: suitable for ladles, gentlemen or married COUDisSi- r wetn, investigate, reas. CATlIAHINE. 1305 Penned family baa nicely lurn irons room, mu m juiui iyr congenlal married couple, ref Ph Wood, aa. tArtt All!t? attrncttva rooms, hamo of train. nurse single, doub vacs bd opt Pres3305D 8PRINO GARDEN, 1703 (opp. llbrary)-Pront mite prlv bath coropi rurr nxpc : reas. SPRUCD, lO-'d Large attrai-tlve 2d-floor suite. turn or uufum i prlvato bath and porch. VENAwQO W, lwl tiuruer bouse) Largo airy rooms; single or ea suit, private suit, crlvat oatn uiodem nrhate family Ph Tioga 7931 WALNUT AND lSTlf Very Urge furnished rSini witK batb suitable for 1 or 3 aentle !nn (Sw month. Phone PUbert S3 W 'ixil J lil-Larxv airy trvat roun fw 1 or 8 gBtltws private ita lly ie4rlo llghta. EVENING LED&ERPHILADELPHIA, ROOMS FOR BENT ftTlt AND flPntffR-Sulto of 2 large, airy rooms home comforts. In private ramlly) summer retea Thone Locust 27S7J). Rid nnd Sansom Furtilhed .,. . roomaj rrrn only: meals; WRHTtinANOlI thoner bstha.near l! all the T. M. C A. comforts of hhme, rhono IleN , ment n8U Key.Vt ISO BOOMS WANTED VobNO WOMA.V wants romfortable. room with cood tmard. In Kensinaton or 1 rnnkford must h rensonablo, . iciiKer uniee BOABDINO AtHMi 2011.201-1 (ttoreheslcr) neaiitlfully occoisted and furnished, running water touih's Sll single i hotel scrvlco & tible ClIliSTNUT. 1110 I'leasantl) furnished roomt In reflned family j convenient location. Sd siori front, 2d-lloor botki tablojioard. phone, CHKST.NCT ST, 40tft-!lautlfuT homo, Vrltn eierj comfort, references Miss Hanley IIACB lln Trtlnovl nuro has ideas liotrte for rr-r reorl desiring goal nccom pe caro of In naiu ida or elderly persons Preston m 1. Sl'lttH E. ICiS-no-nrslniblo suite with prlvite lfflth choice table boird. Walnut 72S W . SPIfCH, 1521 20 (nrUlnondel-l-uni rooms, .single, en suite, prlxate bathsitabloboard SPllt'CK. 12.10 eflTn MT1I PftlVATE JttATH.jOTllnil ATTltACTln nOOMB WALNUT. 170n-Prl ramlly will board rot gentleman, prlvnto bathconvcnlent to city lf'TlH W OP"PlNf5-I'art"of 4 gentlemen tali nae bedrooms, smoking room, home cooking, E2J!?n.,,,!2nr2r riwnc Licust, 24.12 J. ITU a "Tos Prlinto ramlly haa handsomely .furn room corner, excellent table, phon. 40TIT, N 700 Private family wlil"bonrd rt nneil gentlemen, conv. to clt) Harlng Ml Suburban (inilMANTOWN II W, Vnlnut lane, large, aln, front room, 1 windows, beautllul trees larrte lawn. PhoneJClermsntown 1000 Y. CinltMANTOVV.V, 21", W. Itlttenhousa st , be tween Warno nnd Oreeno Desirable rooms, alngln or com . homelike , Oln . 1573 X DOABD WANTED ltTl anl board eldcrl lad, private-family. vvesi t niiaucipnia u oi', linger convrai COUNTRY HOARDERS WANTED ST DAVID S-Prlv ate family would like a tew tioardrra for the summer, prlvato both If deal red Ad Iress tl 1 . M David's APARTMENTS SPIIPCU, lljn tlichelor apt , 2 or .1 rooms, private bath fur nr unfurn , electric llahts, hanlaood doors nil modern Improvements 4uni, K, 11 1 I urnlslieil complet, for hkpg,; I ronmsprtvato bath Preston 2040 SPlll.M! OARDI3.N. lIMIV-nxcellent apts In 8 dlfterent houses, some furnished klt(.lienettes PUltN iil Ht 12 rooms. Si;, per -no large anl 1 to 4 months L 442,1 edger Central. 1 1 HVl9Ili:DAPATlTMi:ST, two rooms and loth, Mas to November first door, llrnnt woil Hotel 421 niid Parkslde ave. FURNISHED APARTMENTS WALNl'T. 1222-JI (Kennood)-Dislra.ile npta , Private lath nlo stnpjle rooms run wnter; newlyri.nov ited. sumincr mtcs, phones PIMI, liuo Sublet furnished houstkreplng jipmt , 4 rooms bntji. nil outsitle roonii phum. LOCUS 1, Ills v, ell furnlxlcd niartment, nrgo nlrv looms refs iMione 1 nlnut 7INH 1 . HtHILUT Well-furn hiKtg apt ." rvms. bath nil outside rooms nelRhhorhool 1 tth anl Pine Phono beroro noon Filbert 411 1V LvDY having furnished housekeeping apart ment vvnnt k to shin Hitiu with businesi vv onion Pli inn I orutt J41J U HI I LI I mint nnd hath In the Newiort. 10th and siruie L 411 L Iher lentril. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS DIAMOND 2I12-,1 rim luith. kitchen, hot" watir heat, ref , 2d door, J-'l 4 rms . bath, kllchen, nil C"rrms, J.nPlnmond 1SH 23D and riNU st ni: LAc apts New, light, 4 to i, rooms 1 and 2 bathi, kltchneiic jentnl location Applv Jinltor T10 outside rooms prlvnto hath furnished, ?7, other vnmncles Appls 1101 North lflth 1 M.LAcr. 2000 Comfortnhle apart : 2 rooms, bath and Kitchenette good service, reas, ph. It est I'lillailelphltt IlALTIMORi: AVE 4110 Ilkne ant . 2d Moor. t. rooms, prlvato por. h hent anl hot water. Onlt I one OAIi LNn Apirtment of 1 rooms bath, kitchenette and porch In refined family: Ileal location near station or trolley. Phono Oak iJine 41 J I) or L 410 ledger Central Ilnvrrforil, Va. 1IA KttroRP Attractive 7 room apartment !rc'i llox 1S7 HiverfordPa HOUSEKEEPING- APTS. WANTED THItni: rooms an!-bnth7 fulls furnlslnd, for svtrnl months within w liking dlitance o Iiroid nnd Chestnut fl C.l, ledger Central REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 2l20 2.,-Jfi N. 11TI1 ST-.1 STORY. MODTRN CONVH LOT Hi .'xllS TO WIDE ALLEY, ASii ssrn uoo wiLLyACitu icn make OlTKIt WALDMAN. Mill fllltAltP Mest Plilladrlphla WILL STI.L handsomo apirtmrnt on Walnut st , paving In per tent settling an CBtnto reieon for selling incap L 441, ledger Cent Chestnut lllll NKW t-ALIl AND RENT LIST READY Pelhnm Mt Mrs nnd Chestnut Hill l'elhnm Trust Co iVTin neriuintnwn ave m:h .lnitsEi UtJ.NOALOWH lots .'"ixl'KJ neir trolley: over looking Delaware Nntlonnl Park Greater New Jerses Compnns tlS llth HiHhlcmilcld, N. J. HAVE SUVERAL I IM! PHOPERTIES at bargain price WJI CAREY MAR&IIALL. Ml Federal st Camden Uoodlnirj Heights. N. J. bEVERAL deslrahle honus and Improved bldg, lots at reasonable, prices John Mnyhew m:mioick Capo Ma. N. J. COTTAGES, hotels, apts for sale and rent; some bargains In building lots C. Earls Miller 218 Ocean st Capx Mas. N. J 1TOS1HAMA P.ItMS IPS ACRE", If miles Philadelphia, $10,000". A. D Heald West Chester. Pa new ,ii:rhi:y pakmb IYR SAI E Small and Infgo farms, will sac rlllco IT clear acre 1500, poultry location I V HARRI",Jevvncld, N.J REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT 5v"N YOUR HOMP This can be done bv making monthly pasments of from S17 to 1130 for houses worth fiom flMiO to tei'A 1 II H ItlT.D, 717 Chestnut st. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Dmlnesa Properties and Stores CHI-STNUT Ml Storn and basement, suitable for household or oflice specialties Inquire on premises P W SADIiLBH O PI K'r 8. B USINESH ROOMS, ETC. ONU-IIALP of office for rent, with telephone strvlce HlO Commonwealth ONL of dee, also desk" space prone IllJg J5-J! Keystone Tele- Wyncote, Po. FUlTNiailED 0 ROOMS AND BATH, for th mnntha or June, ju y and Ausust: tea. snnablu to reliable party. Address u II , 88, s ncote. Pa - SEASHORE Allantlo Clly. N. J. For Rent, Furnished Cottage :a N Drighton i, v uumtiw, usins, long Ocean front, 12 bedrooms. I kakon. .-itu. i.iihtf. stum Other cottages In Chelsea and Vcntnor.JJOO u up vuioiiioo Automobile aervice, P. W. WYLD. 2S2.1 Atlantla ave COTTAQE3 and apartments, 1B0 up. Atiantlo Realty cglumphry'i Bldg , N.Carollna aye. Capo Way, N. J. FURNISHED cottages, ocean' view, .all Iocs,- lions: reasonable. C. Earle Miller, 218 Occta, st . Cape May Stone Harbor, N. J. SrOND IIAIIDOU cottages, bungalows and apartments for rent, furnished, at rnodsrate prices, situated near ocean and channel: all conveniences. Coll, phone or write for thus, trated booklet. S, J, R. Co., 015 R, E. T. mus fi" FOR RENT-J?TJRNISHED Cape May. N. J. HIQH CLAB3. furnUhed cottage, best section i X2 rooms. 3 baths, shower and bathing rooms! front, side and 2d porches, fine ocean vtawl lardi mod convs. garage. Ph-Barlng 722J w MORTOAOES MONEY FOR MORTGAGES W H HOOP.,aia NORRI3 BT 139.000 FOR 18T AND 2D MORTOAOES ' SAMUEL 11 CHESTNUT B38 Real Ktti Trust Uuuding, - " mmm - . i ,i , i , i ni ' ' ' "''""" .".'f.jf'ju111 "' ' ' riSf?? .. '" "aie ii f k& SgR APPLE t4 The Wronrj Mnn Confldcncc . THE PADDED CELL 1 f - - UJ. J-Jy f1-. I ar-g-. t 1 i . i . i . i airv . sn. i rjMifATl ?. te5TK?sr35sa?25rrs3jw . - a oti Twiiri?ftsfrr..ii. zwmmimmmmm . rzzz?r i -London Taller. Mfe&45sRllKi??3WX 1 Y " fl kVj e""' (V l M4I l 3 Visitor Cnn jou tlt mo tho nay to KeSfiiifflsnRWSKlla I V lKi---''i V & Ml 1 S 1 J V 5 Chnrlnc Ciois? SliPlflUsMaf)li 1 Y 1 A M Zr i i The Arrllcted One I-t-tur-tut-B-g- VrwJVjSgKJFJr'l lKnBK vstt I J---C(v VA 1 ' Bn-oli here, what's pop-population Punch. J nTril-ii ' I of L-london? Officer's Slew anl-Will you take sJ i llll -! J52c I I ' llong?buT y' ' Cn Ur m" Jour bath, air, beforo or after hac V-"A T ii A I Tho Aftllctcd One-Then d-don't you Uon7 I vTaLH JOJ " aTatW I th-thlnk jou could ask sus-sus-somo TW " 'Ufln TOM I ont cls Unkindcst Cut V -Jjpri- B Hi NSW-,- Appropriate Jlruduppe-nubdub ,. pretty mean. ia Cll fj M&3bKT7 ) , "How do jou sell jour music?" UotTowcll-Mcnn? Why, say, that Tel- -X."5!!" ' v P jrj f : We sell plnno music by tho pound nnd low is mean cnoush to havo his name I C . , J V V X .sfr I ' organ music by tho cholr."-Columbln cngraicd on tho handle of his umbrella- I -'' V to gprr- I a Jester. Ufa. I I 1& Up I ftfT Hk ''Jlflfill Gencroua What May Happen A Canadian View , "My brother died nnd left nil ho had fC.3S3SF?fc ' I Ionaon Cat toon, n rm nrnlinn nnvlnni Atintle-Won't hao jour faced washed? Why, when I ns a little Bhl I had T hat's fLl 'But by tho way ... . , ' I it washed twice a daj whnt rti,i ii leivn? ' Tho Cental African missionary to Aljs-Yes. and look at It now. "Ton Piiildreni" Germany to convert the devotee of k J 1 en children 1 "Kultur" to hlcher and better thins. A "DR." WINSTON CHURCHILL BREAKING THE NEWS TO MISS BRITANNIA Another Nut Joke I Z 1 1 7 1 1 IMVtM 1 "Joyful news 1 Your fleet haa gained a "Except erillsht Injuries. to a dek "I u.j th. nirf ...... ....u- ... I U AJ ,.! vlrlnj AArt all Jnili. ahln. ,M Iauam ..! tm. .,U.. I J... ... ... '"-' mhimm , ,iii - ap -AND THE WORST G9 -jvVe.lliii$)4-tfr-. WETS I TERRORS (K M. cjKJ I TESS,E n&KlLX ttm h 1 Tffi portfolio I zfu ir rrrffirrrTTi ' i 1 jrsiWfiTW , im ii'i i im m 4' ' ' " I I I rti FRIDAY, MAY T. 'Exceot-ep sll&ht Inlurlsm.ta a dah froyoc and two other little destroyers and, ahem, four battla cruisers slightly Injured' " IS YET TO COME H 0 AMATEUR NIGHT AT THE MOVIES 'itvvrf rAknCTH t-w, ES-iOiC.tUrA WMM5SOS4e &NSA.CWW WD AKWLOFCCtWM TVEriai rEMMWr CffHCWTAM) "trECAWKf IS buY'tEssiSX-- l?rCWtR5TUnf5 TESSTKBlvT now cri AGWLUr 5WS& WTlErVACE-lF THWE WAS THE. AANASt VIO1L0 wftifil Hlir A3r teliLr 1915. I knet the old beast couldn't stand anything t I must suppress the battle Cruiser sunk I" Copyright. tJImpllclsslmus. "Hold 'er for another minute, Dill an' London Opinion. The Victim Look 'ere, that's done It That's the second time you've copped my 'and In ten minutes. The Villain-Well, wot of UT I'm glttln' better. It might be a, hour be fore I lt you again," tog 'YESS CWiCOOK.' KOM.rxxr'fcuurj iKirxcrpi'n RttO. RfftDSJ'Ej'X "i a I BaBagesSMHsWi KlWHsl WTl .,&. atS0itO(irMWfCCS SSff AM.t aropocn. "By the way, who was the flret IClne of Englandf "Let me aee. Wasn't It Richard 11V London Opinion. we'll have plenty ot milk ln our tea." Higher Efficiency Demosthenes waa about to go down to the seashore and perform hit customary atunt ot talking with his mouth full of pebbles to Improve his enunciation. On the way an Idea assailed him, "What's the use ot fussing with a lot ot bllgy pebbles," he growled, "when I can get the same effect out, of the Qa Urlan battlefields?" And he saltt Suz lysmsehrgl six times tn rapid succession. Cleveland Plain Dealer, Man's Duty Sirs A When 4) man gtve vov seat lq a crowded car do you ibaak hlroT Mre. II -Certainly not lie ovxkt 4a have walked In the flret plae, u-ud left more roooi to ika w WsSsassSSSsJBysr . ,.,i.5 yi"f""'Ji'i 1gtfr?jBtM -- i A