i i i Hi i ii ri -1 1 ifirfiMjA kARKET BROKEi wide open after news of disaster to lusitania selling heavy EVENING LEPCmB-FmkAPEIPHlA, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 191.3. boCKPWCESFELL gNLUSffANlAWSAMMl lhart Losse3 Throughout List BIH1' , -. aVSf r,P Bfollowea iNuwa ui j...w..b . $.mr vnRK. Mny 7.-On tho report Hint inai' -- . ' .-. i kAan rornerioen ana m ' he const of Ireland by a German kflv Ifkdlns stocks sold off sharply tfrrfralflc "nd meet the 1...U lWMf the decline. From a fraction to W' nolnts was lost by tho big stocKs, IV P.""s w nolnt hnd been reached V"L iunoort was met from traders who Rnrmat.onof,herep5t.en feK.' se.Hnrf .p. Vr Zi and Virtually mu ! -Plr(i .harp losses. Selling was heavy. toon" -" i .,.- mab tnntin nv MGiniG- ftSUThlch had gained 1H6 points In PmS.li:.,.inn. that Ipiuo dropping to ltM ! im of 23 points from the high of KSSiv before and 17V, points below last ttM.aJ . . nU ninantr wns UMk. WW' J from 1 point to 29 points wero IKS? throughout the entire list. Steel ttWfn nre . DlntB nendlng 5 rJeouthern Pacific nearly 4 Theso r-Mtafew of the da's losses Kolni fell off materially on the early Djrsu"" . fnivntilsnlnn houses re- KSu that public Interest In the market fesilmost entirely absent, and, there- KlTptofesslonat character, Vor the most E,ii..iiniM were at declines at the &(T.vvlth the exception of a few K omclM announcement of the dect for'10 . .. ..... i. Amnlfrnmntnil Honticl film to oimu''--."-," anmn .,Ptinn ftP directed to 'thats'tock and to Ana- - ii .i.nir rr nninii iiii nil iiin Stated to holders of Amalgamated stock Thtro ws some disappointment In tho ..Mulallve group because nothing outside l Amalgamated stockholders In addition to tHo Anaconda stock. Boom trades sup- S.. K . ,1 mOior frflplv. hppnllHG of the belief that many holders of Amalga mated would seek a market for tho Ana tonda stocks received by them, and this lelljn caused a decllfto In tho price of Anaconda. k on the curb "rights" of the stockholders riahscrlbe toAnaconda shares wero sold t VA Tncy were miur u"". -" rtnd Hi yVew York Stock Sales At..t. r. .j ,. t-aslclOM. High. Jow. close. AMsk.1 Gold Mines.. ... 3 t 3U 3')j 32J4 Amaigamitcd Cop .... 74J 74J 0' Am Agf chemical 6!W fljjf fiOK AmCan ....... 3 39 3 Am Car & Foundry ... oi 60l4 2)f Am Coal Product! .... 05 0i 0i Atn Hide A Leather pf, faU 32i 31! Am Ice Sccurltoj ...... 33) 3351 3D$ AmUnsced 11)4 n joh AmLocomotlTO ....... C1J 63V 41 Am Malt pf .......... fco 2Slf 23 Am(!milt.t Itflf mi .m m Am Smelters pf D 8JJ 83 83 15 tl 0! 60U 45 34h fi2W 05 10 32 31H 11 Jl 25 03 8t Ambtccl 1'oundrlai ... 35 3i 34 ;5 Am Sujar Ucfinlni ....10JU 1005 107H 107H AmTcl&Tel.... V22 12 121 121 AmTobacco Myi 2355i 235 235U AmTobpfnew 103 10iM 108M 108M Anaconda CopDor ..... 35U UMi 32 32 AlChTASB- 101)( 101M WH 18 AUhT&SFpf 100' 101 100 100 OaldnlnLoco GJ.U 62 42 42 naltlmote & Ohio i4j tiii V0 70 Baltimore Ic Ohio pt ... 70K 70U ii'JH 01)( IlatopllasMlnlnz.. IU Ui 1 1 Dethlchembtool 140W 160 130 134 Brookljn Itap Transit.. 8jjf 8UH 8aH 80U Dutto A. Superior COM 07H 04 01 Call'ctrolcum 1"K 175J 10 111 Canadian l'aclflc I5uf ICOJi 164H 1C44 CentLcather 38S ,i0 3 H 35'i Chrs&Ohlo 45 41U Wl 42!f ChlnoCoptor 4 OH 47 2 42 ChlcacoOtWost 12' 12)J 12 V2.H Chicago Ot West pt WVA 32 31K 3US ChlcMlli-Stl' 0 03U 00 CO CM Itl.tr 21H 21 225V 27H Colorado Fuel & I 23!f 20)( 25 15 Continental Can 02 02!' Otti DIU 11 45 2l!i SUM )iVe; Tor1; Bond Sales High !!Amer Agr S , ". fclim Amer Smelt Sec tta .10 . KjiiCO Amer Tel ctt 4s ) If SOW) Amer Writ l'ap 5s .. .; !.. it.kl.nn ni Jo 11I.VI 1I41. ZX. ,..hl.n. n. Ju 1IKUI..1H1 . HAW n.v.i.o".. ... ".'''-'- P140C0 Atlll CO Lino 1st MW Bait . unio io , irMl Hull & O 1 CV 4US 1M) Bait &. O fawn 'JVi, ttiwuncin anei mi ..a l..i.M.ll.lk C I fil 1B 1XX) Brookn Ilap Tr 5s 1 10W UrtOKn nan ir m Low. 10'J 10O 101 i-j Stl lonii u Is Close. 1U2 limy, 10-1(4 Hu mow OS I'-V-j uin 84), 84 ll.lt. 114 j, 100V4 lOOVa I''IA 1 u ui uih 11154 87Vi K''i MVi SJ SO N) 1UOH 10OV4 ItHJH 111". Ill 01 IOO DD't WIT. llltX 1ILE.1.. 11 111 aBSK"un&aViSa.:iwQ iKM IK'S .nA.i ti.i.i. n-.n. Illrlp. Ra axX) Canada South As urn Cent Leather 1st 5s p3Cent Pacillc Jls IllCW Cent Pao let 4a . Iranm Cites A O o 44s Esau) do 4V. BUD Uni &. L.asi ill ua 13Q00 Chi Gt CBt 43 ijoOJ cni & .itvn in -.a E'sift) do deb .'9 ICllitO do res 4s 1 low uo iown js . !iMCltI M A St P .. tllOW) do 4j .... r 19.ii do gen cs . i;iC0 du coup Zi .. SSM) do CV 443 .... VAi A, wn.i AIL "10M Cleve bh l.lno 414s .JWAl con uas v;v va IftUl Tl.l J Til. rt Ju '111 ... ;iWDen u Rio Gr 4s . fixo do ira . ilWOODu Pont Ponder 414s KS 104t, . ') ,. Ill . (. . 70i 114 eouO Chl d". Q Joint 4s.. Iiifji , . . i-n .. DLH '.W-'U .. lAHi ... DJ .ld .102, . MH ..101 'linn .. in-. . 74. 4M now 104 27W Tilt. hS 'lTOOOOreen Ilav Us lfWH. XlttA l.n In a : 11000 Hod Man rfil 3s ,vxo lowa cent rot 43 1HU lewa cent 4s ... -8000 111 Cent 4s 11)52. . .. 80 nmft in fan. jo mr.l H. WJ01H Chl It 53 ....10O'. litOO Ina Cop cv 0s l-'- ,eC0 Ina cv ret ad pd. 0s 'lV.KVA RtWO Interb H T rcf 5a USVj psuj inter jier war 4W ECCli Jtp new Oer ata 4Hs. 74 rrr. . ..... ". UAM Jtp lit 43 ildOMKan City 60' 5a .v uh an aeu 4B .ii Nvu f 1. Dk .t. 1.. 'rs OM Uf & M T 53 . . . . 1V Lorillarrl 7s on Mmii i. .Na;n -la htfn .. n.. ... i.. 'SOW Minn & St L 4s t ,a.f g iv -1 Bi B .. MIW) Mo K & T Sd 4s L100O 0 It T rrd 4s. lm )io Pac 4c .... MOO Morris & Essex 3 4s. UW tfn tin... at.. ilOOO N T A nraltp 'c t fia wT Cana Imp 4Ha. .rt M V . I d 11;. SfV i f ,". -o"' HfiY c & H Os ret.. Jw urotH 4'4s H JaJTO N Y Cltv 4t.B fnoi in WO K T City 4 Nov '57 !0 711 . i , nj 7J 1001I ICOU 122 V, ni 107 , 5.1 , 78 no , 7S a I8U ns 10!li 7t M)Vf 1UU1 NIH Contnllilalixl Oai Corn Products llof Crcx Carpet Crucible btcol Co rmelMo RlniI Cn nrnf cuoan-Am sugar irt DclS. Hudson 15U Den & uio uranao u UlstUlcrs'bccurlllos .... 13V4 Kile L'HU Erie 1st pt VIA ucneraiLiecinc. General Motors.. 120; 123 14J. 10 25). l0 f.8 12H 127H UH 12h 10 40 2J 22 U0 00 f.7 A7 140K ll'Jlf 14 4( 'f ti't t l.tJI 12H I2i L7). 251i 25 tll MM 41 151H 154?, 154 161 144f Ill 140'. JlO'f GoodrlchUVCo 47 iSU 47 47). Goodrich 11 F Co pf....l02J. 102 101. 10lJi G rcat Northern pf llUh HOW 117U 117.1. . .. i.w K ie G 1 N rf for oro orOD 6 J5M GucgcnholmKxp'n (0 00)3 69 Illinois Cent 110 110). HOh IntcrMct 21. -'U lnlciMitpf 71J U. IntStcaml'ump l)H OH Inspiration Coppor 31'. 32H KanCltysouthern t'8 283 Km. nllvhnnf OlVi CO UrpunSSCo 135 1301$ Id) Lackbtecl 45 40H 40 LehlgUValby 14iM 14 1 J.' Maxwell Motors 62 i'.iii MauwcllMotoM 1st pf. 144 c7J MaxMotoH 2d pf .... 42 W May Dept Stores pf ... 05 00H MMPA.S, b M 117M 117H Mexican l'clroleum ... 70W 81M Mexican 1'ctroleum pi . 87 b54 Mo Kan & Texas 2f Id MoKan &lcxaj pf... i3 4 .'11 Missouri Pacific i4!i 11U Miami Coppor 25' 1.0 MontanaPotter f2 63 National Bbcult 110 118'i National Knamel & 3 .. 17, i7H NatLcad 5 0on New York Air Brako .. OiH 0JU Nevada Con Coppor ... 6K 15H NYN'114.11 17 07 Nn ork Central t-8 b75f Mi '.OH 0M 3H 28f 50M HUH 50 14 41 Q0H 117 78W 85 125f 34 13H 5 6J J5 CO HOtf 2UH 70) a CH 31M 28 5JH U5 40H 140i iOU 84 H 00H! 117 70 85 UH 3t 13)4 25 5 118W 118U .'M KiJ 4 til 15W 1 OH 87 04 Ul liM O0H 87 Norl & West North America .... Northern Paclfla ... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania It 11.. Pittsburgh Coal .... Pittsburgh Coal pf . Pressed Meet Oar ... Pullman Co 11 bteel bprlng .... ltay Con Copper ... ltcadlng. Kcp Iron & Steel ... ltcp Iron & Steal pf KumelyM Co HumelyM Copt ... btLouls&bif 101U 104H 10 tH 104H bcaboard Air Line 16 ;7 70 .108 l 7 . 20 :o)j .10b)f 108' 224 'ii ,14 13S 41114 m ,16IH 154 H 151 Ji J.Ji .0 23). :4'J .24 147W 140H 143 28 i 2oM 27 0 18 14 7SU 75W 1004 10GH 20M 20H 108W 10O4 b5vi 0 i7 5'' tax 45 l&K 4 15 5W 14 kfnre Plw A Cn Cmilhprn Pacific '.'UK II bouthcrnRy UH u-i bouthernlty pf 65'f .'01 hti dehnknr Co 7J)f 74 MudebakerCo pf IOO) 101 TenncsseoCop -i jj TcxasCo 131 134 Ihlril Ainnlln 62)f )2 Tobacco Prod pf 1U1 47 164 .0 J.'4 143 i7 b5!f 4 15 5V 14W 138W 137) 137H ld7 nw w 1 tifv iiui rvni WW NY Gas 11 i. P 5s . 102 t.iz:?. n 11 11 i3 ui'i '.?SSJ N Y Rwy ref 4s . . 74W JMNorf & West Poch 4s. 8S fJSNorf & West ctv 4ijS. 104(1 gen .Is Rtstp 4 (1b ni IRisC; v.gr' esi ctv 4iii.l4ii ItSSS Sor Ec Prlf 4s . U3V5 . 101 07t4 07 14 100'i 114 .4 j 102 a. llTC. lll(j ISJi ll JS2.'"or rac gen M0 Org cal 3s B.SS2 &0..cat it s. Lenna cv .IUj. r-?5 Penna 4 s 111 ft iSSV'Jnl 4Ws 10. t ira. ISSISSr' BerA..l0O ICM ljSSSuMIJ,Berv R J 3s 87H 81 B?W1UV Con Onnn.. It. i' 1"n rSJjRepub Cuba 3s '04, ". 07 :-swi. umnn rr VI J a mil. ism S - 8 Vr 4s. . , . t)2 BgSS S P gen 5a. ,10174 120 07 IH 52 02 ; ini 101 1014 I55 eLj?ui M 4 1av " ueH OS IIS III. IS South Pan cv 43.. . M 82J4 StKlE?"!? L'a&Term 8s.. 81 81 sr.v duumi iiwv .n miit iMTena q Ir gen Bs.,101 SHft":i:!iB FeMF..B S,A1 S .'. 102 sraoiS'S? p 4i . oitf ttrm yftih a ; .. r.; liSStk'f) U 4a.. 28 2fl" '28 sHi?-H f'r'a 61 .101(4 1CU1U, 10OU iSB-Siii, hcm ..ioij4 lo-iti ii g"Wlxn ptnt gen U.l 86U SOVi SOU G; "na UitCiAUlNUH L&n ' SHnMsr vc.m.p"ei1 w'th HllU ino 101 inn 7RW 102 1 102 onu 40 Ofl 10m veara. JUU .Mi:ju... ." ..". .. ij 414,620,003 2ea.429.232 284ll3T70$ RATES FOR BIONEY !&ll.i. E? H rall Tlm 3V,I SU64 4i2i4 Sjjgl SHOi 4 64H ORIGN EXCHANGE h .. waj 1 m rorAlrn vrhiinirA uVoe arm, with demand sterling Sterling; n.nn aimi,h n..it,4. 4.0 fiAiu itui fli. t-j C32H 824 30J4-1-33 J5 WVIDENbs DECLARED ' M-4 Mr cant on nrafN novovi. itau 1 - --- 0fVW,J 4 a.11 8- S'eta Winder r--r,, wumpony, regvur quarterly wcarf -7r """ " - w rompaay ot New York. 12 a Toledo bt L & W pf Twin City H T ... Union llag&Papor Lnlnn l'acllfi ..... LnlonPacVflep.' .. United Hyd Invest United hys lnv pf UbUndl Alchol .. U b Itubbor USltubborlst pf USSteel Ubfclivl nf United Clear Mfrs Utah Coh.it Va-C'ar Ll.cinlcali .. Va-CarChem pf .... Uabisa Wabash pf Western Union Tel . W estlnghouso Eloctrlj Western II arylanl .. WMjs 0erland SC01Hbilul) ulo, , 0 t7H 0U 100 0 08 0. SS O'i Lb i "OH 101 .UH 13Jh .0 100 0 08 II H lfijf ..OH 704 101 3i; ly-ri-a iO 100 0 18 ll .128U 1281s 124K 12-1H . M4 M1 olJS l 17 34 H . 40. 07W 17H 31H 41 OWi 10 . 1 41 (14 10 31 41 Oltf 1(I7 KI7W 107i 10714 f.rf 67X . I's fil? K7K 107 107H ..H7' .. 60H .. OiH .. 154 .. 00S .. H ,.. ,H . 0b 100 .. J". .4 ..110M 121 ,..xui lu-1 45)5 314 U04 1 1 07U 45 l2 33 09)1 H Hi m 7d -1 121 101 15 i2 33 004 1 IK 7K 70 -4 12j 1U4 G93,000,000 BUSHEL WHEAT CHOP FOR UNITED STATES Output of Winter Staple Will Bo Larger Than Last Year. WASHINGTON, May 7. A rcPJjL i,!' sued today by tho Department of ASil ture places the ntea of winter wheat as. of May 1 to be havested at 40.16D.O0O acres, compared with an Indicated area sown last autumn of 41,263,000 acres and 36,008,. 000 acres harvested In 1915; 31,639,000 acres In 1913 and 28,571,000 acres In 1912. The average condition on May I was 92.'.', against E3.8 on April 1; 95 9 on May 1, 19H and 87.1. The average for the past 10 yeara on May 1. A condition of 92 9 per cent, on May 1 la Indicative of a yield, per acre, of approximately 17.3 bushels, assuming average variations to -prevail thereafter. There would thus be a total production of 693,000,000 bushels, or 9.000,000 bushels more than In 19U. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPA" Biuvvn NEW LOW RECORD FOR RAPID TRANSIT April Anthracite Shipments Largest Ever Reported. Break in Baldwin Shares. A new low record was eatnbllshed In Unpld Transit shares on the Philadelphia Block Exchange this morning, when the quotation fell to 8H. Comparatively lit tle stock changed hands, but the Street appeared to be pessimistic over tho com' pnny's future and no one seemed to enre to support the price Union Traction nlso went to a new low figure at 33U- Aside from tho weakness In the trac tlons, there was llttlo to dtscus In the dav's dealing on 'Chunge Tho market wns extremely quiet but fairly Arm In tone, with Uatdwln Locomotive a feature of strength. The price advanced a full point on tho purchase of about 1100 shares After tho news of the Lusltanla's clnklnx camo out tho volumo of trading rxpnnded considerably. Heavy selling of United Statos Steel nas a feature. Cum bria Steel wenkened In sympathy. Dnld win broke back to 46 Some Idea of the sudden expansion In tho volume of rnles can bo obtained from the fnct thnt up to 1 o'clock fewer than 3000 shnrei of United States Steel had chinned hands, whereas the day's total of Steel ntone approximated 16,000 shares. Baldwin extended Its Recline to 4H4, but befoie tho close 47 wnp bid for It. Honda at first wero moro actlvo than stocks As had been expected, tho new Issue of Pennsylvania General Mortgage 4'5i were offered to the public at 9SH, or 3 points abovo what tho bankers paid for them As anything above 2i4 points Is shared In half by the company, the lat tr will obtain a-etldy bonus from the sile. Subscriptions close May 11 The old lssuo sold at 103!', on the exchango Tho anthracite stocks made llttlo re sponse to the April coal shipment figures, which showed 6,4S6,201 tons hnd been handled, as compared with 6,072,181 tons In April, 1014, nn Increase of 414,037 tons Tor four months to April 30 the ship ments wero 20,431,211 tons, as against 20,534,050 tons In the same period of Inut year, a decrease of 62,803 tons. Tho April shipments were tho largest over reported for thnt month, but It was expected that the tonnnge would bo heavy The Rend ing Coal and Iron shipped a smaller ton nage than In April of Inst year, but tho Lehigh Valley's shipments wero nn. usually Inrgc, and all tho other compa nies incrensca tneir tonnage over Inst year. Tho condition of the trade this month Is a clear Indication thnt too much coal was mined. The Increased tonnage In April made up nearly the wholo of the deficiency as compured with last year, nnd.nt the end of tho month this year's shipments wero but 62,809 tons less than in 1911. The Lehigh Vnlloj leads tho Hat, being ncnrl) EOO.OOO tons ahead of the Reading, which company Is nenrly 300,000 tons be low last j ear. Tho other companies, ex cept the Central Railroad of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Erie and Ontario and Western, show Increases over Inst year. LOCAL HALF-HOURLY SALES 10 to 10:30 A. M. 100 PflMwIn ..... no'i iOO V 8 Bteel 100 U S Steel . . . Mil loo naldwln 1 . 12 I'Mla Klec... IMS so U s Steel do.. zu llMidlnjr ..... jo u h Hieei. . . IOO Uitldnln 100 t; S Steel . . 4 Ih V Tr.pM 100 1! 3 Bteel.. .. TOO ilo .. ,. 200 tlsldwln . ... inn Phlln tl T 1 . in Arinccn.m Min .H BO Let! Vat Tr IS 100 BONDS lOCO fifth Steel 0 2000 l.eh al iten eons 4a 3oco r.lec A Peop Tr 4s TOfO Ih Nnv cons 4H low York Ifny 1st Tm . . loco Leh fll oen cons 4s looto Leh Nov eons ii.. Ttti loo MS .0 Penna 01 111 do.,. , Mli 10" U s Steel no 200 do .16, 10 do... BO, no W cramp MJ4 SO do... 200 nay Cons 1UI I.OKO HUP do 1 Cor 10:30 to 11 A. M. 200 Ilnldntn .... 52 ICO do (tt loo do ra 10 Cambria Btcet 40li ;iu u steel. 80 do . ... IO do ( T.eh Nnv. 1C0 U S Steel 100 do 100 do. ... 57 87 ft) W Cramp t c. 100 U 8 Btel. .. 3.1 Mills, Klec .. T 1'hlia nioe. . 10 Heading ...7s is renna .. .. ao . .. do do. .. . rtfndlnc uiee stornno. IT 11 5 fl 3 5.10 SSI 62 Financial Briefs Bid. Jim Butler MacNamara .,, ,........ Midway t MUpali Extemlon Montana ..,, . m ... (North Btar ,...t Tonopan lielmont Tonopah Extension , TonopaK Merger .... .. Tonopao Mining ,,,.,..,...... Iteicue Eula nn iivi jmw ,,,.., .. -. -. ,, lll.nti .................. '?? Ml la 27 ,M .19 1 TT Asked. .81 .04 .18 .30 .38 .20 Ulua bull ,. Uooth ..... Uulldos .... c. o. 6. ... Comb Frao DUmfleW D iMisy .tti- ....,.. ,,,,MI.MM. ..mV.mmi B.. ... .... ..Jt.l Kloronco ... ,:s,:,j' OoldrtelJ Consolidated Goldfleld Merger Jumbo Kutcaalon Kawanas . .., Qro f6Uer Plelr fairy Aiteo Neiada- Hill ,03 lit ,0J .11 fii , .M 17.16 , .Z 120 .is 1 ' 6i VK MISCEtAANEOyS, - .F:::::::x;:::: :8? " -JO .1.7s a .70 .31 .00 .41 .04 ,07 :S .U7 .SO ?i1 12V ,10 .10 .00 oa ,04 .CO XI l.W nrituh Tmnorta Larger riNDON May 7 Brttleh Imports for April s&S ii In "e ovVr April. IBM, of r (j5.oooloo. A rhiladelphla Stock Exchango stat was sold this morning for J3300 This Is a decreaso of $500 under tho last sale. New York banks gained $411,000 from the Suhtrtnsury yesterday and have lost $34,000 elnce Friday. At the annual meeting of Michigan Central stockholders H. E. Andrews was elected a director to succeed James Still man Mr. Andrews succeeded Mr. Still man as director of the Now York, Chi cago and St. Louis at the annual meeting of that company on Wednesday. Mr. An drews Is also a director of tho New York Central. An order for 10,000 tons of rails has been placed by tho Rock Island with tho Illinois Steel Company. Tho Chicago and Northwestern Railroad has placed a contract for 2000 freight cars with the Western Car and Foundry Com pany. Tho St. Paul Railway has ordered two additional sleeping cars from tho Pullman Company, and Is understood to bo In the market tentatively for about 32,000 tons of steel to cover tho construc tion of 3200 freight cars at Us Milwaukee shops. The Carnegie Stool Company has 33 blast furnaces actlvo out of a total of BS, or 67 per cent. For the first time In 18 months the Greenville, Pa., mill of the Carnegie Steel Company Is operating double turn. Tho American Linseed Company Is sell ing oil In carload lots for May delivery at G1V4 cents, an advanco of H cent. In slnglo lots 67 cents, an advance of 2 cents. William J. Jamison was elected assist nnt treasurer of tho Gunrnntea Trust ntirl Safe Deposit Company, and Edward E. Znchurlas, assistant secretary. Amalgamated Copper rights were ad mitted to the dealings In the New York Stock Exchange. Tho order made by Judge Thompson In tho United States District Court directing Samuel M. Clement, Jr., and Frank Sllll man. Jr.. receivers for the Falrmount Park Transportation Company, to sell at auction tho company's property and assets, was a formal matter In connection with the reorganization plan of the com pany which recently was effected. Exports of copper for the week ending May 6 were 7029 tons; since May 667'J tons, against E40O in the same period last year. Gold to the amount ot $30,000 was with drawn from the New York S ub treasury for shipment to Spain. The reported movements of currency in dicate a gain in cash by New York banks of about $5,300,000. The Taylor Wharton Iron and Steel Company has received an order for shrapnel shells from the Canadian Gov ernment. The work Is being done at the Tioga plant In Philadelphia. , According to Bradstreet's, reports ot wheat this week wero 9.817,000 bushels; last week, 7,890,000 bushels; last year. 3,777.000 bushels; since July 1. 349,710,000 bushels; year ago, 218,553,000 bushels. Corn shipments this week, 621,000 bushels; last week, 821,000; last year, 31.000. Corn shipments since July 1 amounted to 31,021,000, compared with 2,579,000 bushels during the same period a year ago. NEW YORK CURB Braden lirltleh-Aroertcan Tobacco old Hritleh-Amerlcan Tobacco pew Gollneld Consolidated , ., Greene Cananea La itoee ... Iwhlgn Valley Coal Sales.. Nlplvelnx . Ot( Elevator .... .. . Otu. Klevator pref Rlker-Kegeraan .... .. Sterling Burn . . . Tobacco Products ... United Cjgaf Stores ..... United rigar Store pref... World Film Yukon Gold Bid Aeked. 30. 33 ,. ,..' U-. ti 8 T1V5 M 08 10J 2K 8 If 2i 100 3 BONDS. 2000 Heading Imp 4s loo Am (Jai A Ilec oa. 1000 l.eh Valley Coal fs r-QO I'M! niee 4s in Cambria Steel scrip 1017 .. 2D00 Iltadlng gen 4a 11 to 11:30 A. M. .10 01W sr4 1 R3 Klee Storage R2 Si dn. ..... fl too V S Steel . .i7)fi IOO do JIH 200 do fi7 7B Amer Milling. 11W 21 IJ S Steel.... r.7M SO Leh A al Tr. . 14ft BONDS. .VflO Penna cons 4iia 1000 1000 Beth Steel 0s 2."i Cambria Steel 411 V lUHUUII ...111. 1 rt lAnnn SJ 100 U 8 Steel ... 601 0 1) & S pfd t c 40 15 Hlec Storage. WM 10 Union Trac... 33N ::i8 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. 84 10 Tenna MJ4 B114 5 Leh Valley. . To' 40 U O I. SO naldwln BONDS. 2000 Phlla Co cona .M Jl 1000 Bnldnln 1st .is 102U 12 M to 12:30 P. M. 2231, a 75 81 .102'i .1IU 100 IT 3 Steel .. 3BW 8 Un Cos N J, 2i)0 do r.o;J 300 U S Steel.. , f.00 dn IW'i 21 Tonopah Bel. 200 Hildwln .174 10 U a I... W) I'onna . SIN 10 l.eh Nav 2 do.,... . BH in Union Trac . . fin l.eh Nnv 7.1 I U a 1 So .NcMlda Cons, 11 BONDS 1000 Leh Nav cona li,s TOOi) f.ch Nav gen 4Vj .100 t'hlla i:icc (tt 1000 Key Tel 1st 5s UXX) Key Tel let .la 1000 Ioh Nav cons 44s 2COO l.eh Val gen cons 41Sa 12:30 to 1 P. M. 10 Phlla n T t 0 RK .1 B & S pfd t c 40'- vi v emmp t o a ion u meci.... 2D nrlo ... 2IH1 n Elee Storage. 10 U S Steel r7 30 LUo Sup Cor 200 do r7W BONDS. 1000 Phlla Eloo .1 W leoo Phlla Co coni Rs 81 , !0O Am nas ft KI03 .U JM WOO Am Gas & Elec 9 &1i 2 to 2:30 P. M. ft 100 U 3 Bteet. . tS'i .VI n1,lrtr. 100 Ton nel.,...4n-10 24) 10 u a nuoiier.i in soo 200 U 8i Steel .. 0154 40 IOO CnmhrlA SIvM th Din XoffT ir. ?. ... ll U S Steel 20 do.,. 100 do. 100 Baldwin , 100 U 8 Steel IOO dn..... 2 Cambria Sieel I8H 21 M It a aMl K-. tt ,": y .t..v. . "' -i. '.l do. do. do, no. ii( 1(. U ni4 37 Unli Sl'j .H) 0 f zy 7.1 Ion Trac S bteei 0 M . 65 . B1 M 00 4Sji 100 llrtldwln . .. A!U MS 2xi U H steel.... f5 100 Amftl Conner. w vninr1'1 pin v1 m oa to 54 . SO Mil 10 Fl M4 200 U RI M W 4'1 64 B 64 Hi do do do 20. do....... 20 Penna 10 do U .11. .... lo U s Steel.. oo do do do. . do do Fhlla, Co... H uteci.. do. .. do 120 I' H Steel.. UK) do... . 100 tl 8 Stee . 61 IOO Fj-Ii. .. .10 in 100 Cambria Steel 4S 101) . n Klee Storage. .12 10 ICO V 8 Steol... MH ion 10 Wee Storage C2 10 vi v H steel.. .10 do. 100 do , 20 do. 1000 do. 200 do , IV) Baldwin , ... 300 u S Steel .20 do .100 do 10 do. . . . 10 Amnl Copper, in u u 1 100 Amal Copper v ijn tain 100 U 8 Btoel 20 t'hlla CO. 10 l.eh Nav. 2S II B S(ol.. . 52 2ft Ton .Mln 25 Cambria Steel 47fl 200 U S Steel w ixcypiuno i pi. ivn w ieuuiiiK .... 10 South Pacific. CO 400 Tonopah Bel 10 Cambria Bteel 4R 20 lh Nnv . 74j 100 Tonopah Mln. "H 10) V 8 Steel . 12 100 do. ... MM 100 do B2J4 20 do. . . GJlJ Copper "o( alley 0) toel .. KjJ fU 10 do 100 Mo lMciflc.. 40 i,Ah r.'av. . 201) U a Steel :wh W Phlla Elee in B(") u H steel . WHEAT MARKET TURNED WEAK Dnmnge to Crops Reported From Missouri, But Magnifi cent General Yield Is Still Predicted. no tr b ntooi 100 Beading 10 do. . . lort iiko s c, 100 V 8 Steel 100 do. ... IOO do. r.ai 101) .IU 73 Tl 1011 .7 1-10 100 ..52 20 . 62 10 ..62 10 BONDS. 2000 Phlla Itleo 4s .. .. 1000 Key Tel 1st 15s .... 1000 Phlla r.lec 4s . . . lOOO Penna cons 4ts 1000 U 8 Steel no r.ik do 6JM do r,2 do r2tj do 52'i do 32U . 70, .loay, 2:30 to 3 P. M 100 Phlla Elee... 24 100 do K a u h steel lay, 10 Reading 1 10 do. . . 52 IOO U 8 Steel ... 5! 360 lake Sup Cor 7 100 do 63 1 JOO rin. 400 tf 8 Bteol . IOO U 8 Steel 60 do. r Po Steel pfd 0T4 61 i M M 62 10 do M ) Pa steel pro. ni ,l tlMln. Til 03 63 Mt s8 71i IO Itpfldlne 60 U 8 Steel .10 dn 50 Lh V Tr nM no IOO do. ... IOO Inter Met t e 18t 100 do ... 100 U 8 steel rsjl 200 do... . loo do . M n Bendlnp . , PO do 63 200 U S Steel 60 do. .. W 1 do 200 Cnmbrla SteeMTIi lo do 10 Union True. 33U 300 IPhlla B T t c 84 rnjt i u h eteei.. h 4-ih 10 do .. r-iti 21 21) B ft S pfd t C 40 Mil 10 U S Stoel.... 54 Yt zoo do, o no, 63j "4 10 rr a 8ii. 100 Italdnln . . IOO Phlla Elec . 20 IT 8 Steel . 20 Tononfth Bel TO Tonornh tln. 7 111 Penna . . . .Wl V) Erlo 25J 50 Iako Sup Cor flt' .in nice storage, niyi 100 U 8 Steel . 64 21 BONDS. 100O Ih Nnv gen 4t5e.. ., 'too Penna cone 4Wb 10OO. 2O0O Penna cons His 1000. 100 do. 100 do. . . 60 Baldwin do.... ?4t4 61 W4 63 40", 64W .102 .law .1034; 100 IKi 11 COO IOO lffl 20 IOO 1(0 10 ICO ."0 1 to 1:30 P, IV Cramp t c 27 100 Union Trnc 3.fH 10 lllec Storage. 32U 20 U S Steel 57 20 do 57 100 Phlla Elee. 24 IOO f S Steel Vtl4 100 Bending ..71 lo "n. . . 73 50 l.eh V Tr pfd. 30 lno U S Steel 5fi. 7.1 f H Steel .. .11 10 do .. 31 50 do.. . 614 181 Union Pacinc.127 100 I S Steel . 5.1 10 'A do ,11j 20 . M. do I Beading .... U S Steol. .. I do do I do i do. .. i do I Elec 8toragn. , U 8 Steel, do : do i Ijlke Sup Cor Cambria Steel U 8 Steel .. I Elec Storage, i U S Steel . I 1:30 to 2 P 100 II 8 Steel 200 Penna 50 U S Steel. vi 10 600 200 500 20 10 100 ion KO 20 1 10 Hi 10 1 CO do. .. .HI 50 do. . . 3 200 do 50 100 do. ... .10 2l do . . .10 m do 30 100 do m 2.1 do. . 1V4 100 do 65 10 An ... vii: 100 2 Leh Nav . .. 74 200 rnmhrln Iron. 44 60 100 U S Steol 51)t 10 7 Mlnehlll . .. 574 8 BONDS 4000 Phlla Bloc 5s 40011 Phlla Elec 4 , . M. U 8 Steel.... do do. do. do . .. do Studebaker . . Cambria Steel 48 Amal CoDDer 72' Phlla Elee... 24tf West Elec. 48 11 -111 needing . 73 Ton Bel. .4 S-IO Uko Sup Cor 7. U S Steel 61JJ do 514 Mlnehlll . .. 57 Vi 101 , 70 BAR SILVER NEW YORK, May 7. Commercial bar silver was quoted at 60 centn per ounce, unchangtd. London's price was 23J4 pence, oft 1-10 penny. Local Bid and Asked Today's Yceterdai'a Bid. Asked Bid Asked. Baldwin 4T 40 W 61 do pref 100 1014 1O0H 101'4 Cambria Steel 47",4 43 48i 404 Electric Storago 61 S2 51, 63 General Asphalt 254 20H 23 204 do pref 04'4 034 05 CO Keystone Telephone .. 14J4 13 144 IB do t o 144 15 114 15 dn r-ot 07 08 07 68 Lake Sup Corp 7 71-10 714 74 Leh Nov T)vt 74(4 74U 73 Leh Valley 00 .. 70, 704 do Tr 14 144 13 ir.( do pref 204 loii 10 30 Penna 63 61 64 1-10 64 1-10 Phlla Elee 24 24V. 24V1 244 Phlla Co 334 3fl(J MK 3!i do 1 per cent, prf . 34 31 34 H fo 0 per cent. prf... 30 40 .10 304 Phlla B T 84 8 8 0 do t 84 S Ml 0 Beading 714 72 73 734 Tonopah Botmont .... 4tf 4,, -4(4 4 Tnnorah Mining . . .7 ,i ,1. -T Union Traction .. . flili 33 311. 14 United Ons Imp 83 814 81 83 United lntes Steel... 0414 6i 3in 3 York Hallway . ... 7 8 71J 8 J, do pref 30 32 30 32 NEW YORIC BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YOBK, May T. BUTTER Market firm-, receipts, 0220 pkgs.: extra, 31c ; higher scoring, 31W32c , Stato dairy, 309.104c; Imi tation creamery, 223'2214c. EQCSH Market steadj , receipts. 22,000 pkgs ; extra firntf, 2l214c regular rackod, flrste, in4Jr204c., regular packed: nearby whites, 2J 2.1ijc., mixed color, 20fl214c. gathered; nearby bronns, 22K23c : extra firsts, 214fl2.'c storage, firsts, 20421Hc.. storage PHILADELPHIA MARKETS MORE GOLI) IMPORTS NEW YORK. Mar TfQoU to th amount or 13,250 000 has been ogaged for shipment to New York. Ot this amount 2,60O,O0O (a comUur roo Paris ana 1780,000 has Veen en gaged la YoioiamA ror ihlpmeit a Saturday. GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. Receipts, 182 034 buehels There nns a fair export Inquiry, but with loner out side ndvlces prices further declined 1 cents. Quotutlons Car lots, in export elevator No. C red. epnt, l 34B1 67. No. 2 red Western, pot. I1.W1H2 Itound lots, in export ele ator No 2 red, spot and May. 1 51W51.C04. No. 2 red Western. C041J1.034: No. 1 North ern Duluth. ll.01Ol.CS. CORN. Receipts, 804T bueh. Trade was oulet. but offerings wero moderato and values were well maintained. Quotations; Car lots. In export eleator No 2. epot and May. 78tf TOe. steamer. 70ViS771,c. ,'o. 3. 734it70J4c. Car lots for local trade, ns to location No 2 jellow. 84B814C.. steamer yellow, 838834 No 3 ello. SfJliSSlMc . No. 4 yellow, 774 704c. ket ruled steady under moderate offerings, put trade nns quici. wi " ;.'",,- ""4 OJUflftle standard white, t)1482c.. No J white. t01,01c. ., ,,, bush.. a to quality in export elevator, and at 1 "! ' O..M... wi. w. ....... , a.-. '" FLOUR. Receipts. 1004 bbls. and 1.278, KH) lbs in sacks There v.clb little trading and no Important cnange In prices V e quote mand fair. Quotations Freeh-kllled fonts, 12 tn hox. drv.Dlcked and drv.nackod. fancv. selected, 10c , do., nolghlng 441(5 lbs, apiece, do , patent, 7 7.1s. do., ravome oranas. si.1fl8 60. city mills, choice and fancy patent, 8 2TS8.B0. city mills, regular grades LwlntV clear. , JO I J0T do., straight. IT 7.21 ilo , patent. J7 23S7.0O. RYE FLOUR sold slowly and showed little change We quote nearby and Western In i wood at 30 2360.80. as to quality PROVISIONS There was a fair Jobbing movement and S rices of some kinds were a shade rlrmer uotatlona City hecf. In sets, smoked and alr-driod 25j20c . Western beef, in sets, sr.oked. 23S20c.. city beet. knuckiesmand tenders "meted ind alr-drled. 2728e.; West ern beef, knuckles and tenders, .smoked. . 27 2c. best hams, J31632. pork, family, I21B0 22c. hame, 8 P. cured, loots. 13813UC.; do , Jttnn'ed. loose, liWtflSlfc... do., do .smoked lll1"c.. other hams, smoked, city cured, as toraiid rnd aversge. 134llo.; hams, smoked. Western cured. I34014c; do, boiled, bone leie, 22fi23c: p cole shoulders. R, P, cured. oose, lfol04c.i do. smoked. lOfjloUc; be IfVa. (n pickle, according to o erase, looey, llli eille.; breakfast bacon, as to brand and awraee. city cured. 10817c: breakfast bacon. Western cured, 1MJ17C,; lard, Western reBned. tierces. Iteil'io.: do. do., tubs. llOUUc.: lanl. pure city, kettle rendered. In tierces, 110 llc 1 lard, purs city, kettle rendered, la tubs, llSllUc REFINED SUGARS Tho market was quiet but ateady. Ws quote; S'indard granulated, 0.03c: fine granulated Ic Mwdered. 6 10c : confectioners' A, D.00c.r soft grades, 5.16fi0.75c. DAIRY PRODUCTS UUTTEIl. The market ruled firm, with demand abeorblng ths offerings of desirable stock. Quotatlona: Western, fresh, solid-packed Jrelm.ry. fancy specials, .3ie.. extra. 31c.:.ex- tre. firsts. 30c.i nrsts, ssjr.-uc; seconas. w 27c . ladle-packed. I0ff21c. as to quality; brand, of prints Jobbing at 3ee, . EOOB were In good request and firm. Quotations In free ta.es. niarpy extras, tie. oVr dox. nearby firsts. 18 per standard ss; neorbi current receipts, 3 M per case: Vest. rn extra firsts. 10 per esse. do., firsts. S3 83 Si? ?a. Southern K 406.70 per cass. fancy selected candled fresb eggs were Jobbed out at 241126c. per dox. ... CHEESE The market ruled, firm under llsht offerings and a fair demand, and prices " Sllgbtly higher. Quotation. Nw Vork, full cream, fall make, fancy. ISo.; do., do., fair to good. Temic. do. do. ne n.e, l6HOc i do,, pari aktms, 813c. POULTRY TjVE-Trsde was fair and values war well jiuaulned ur.der moderate offerings. Hue- ttions! jronf, i.7st ,f, "'vi broiling chickens, fancy, weighing- 1K62 lbs. aple.ee. 358Ssa , broiling thickens, weighing la ll, it.; apiece, SoeaSc. turkeys. I3l3cl ducks. 11U19C geeee, witai summ, h iu aualltV. ft pair. MXMOc, pigeons, old. per pair, isftKoc do . young, per pair 2223c wees mUt and the nuVkst ruled Drpj, with de- 18c: do, 3404 lbs nplece, 18c, do. 3 lbs. apiece, lOaiTc , do, under 3 lbs, apiece, 14 15u. Fowls, bbls , dry-picked and dn -packed. Western, l3 lbs apiece, nwSc , do., do . 84 lbs., 104E17C. do , do , 3 lbs and under, lliflOc. Fowls, Ice-packed, choice, 174c Old roosters, dry-plckod, 134o Squabs, white, weighing 11 to 11 lbs. per dozen. J3.S3B4 Hi, uhlte, weighing 0 to 10 lbs per doz , M.i.l'a ri SO. do . do . 8 lbs rer dox., (2 "5aJ-.81; do., do., 7 lbs per dox., Mfl2 3.1. do , do , 1WO4 lbs, per doz . SI 505J1 00. dark. II 50l.o6. smli and No 2. tl. Frozen poultry Fowls, as to quality, 1US18C ; chickens dri -picked and drj. packed, In box., milk-fed, 317)10 lbs. to doz. lc. do, 3742 lbs to doz, 18c; do, 4KTY47 lbs to doz., 18c. Uo , 48 lbs to doz., 20c; do., CO lbs and over, 21c . com-fed. ,IHri2 lbs. to doz, lOi.. do. 431(47 lbs to doz, 17c ; do., 48 lbs. to doz., 10c , do, 00 lbs. and oer. 20c. Chickens, dry-picked and dry-racked, In bills. Western corr-fed. 5 lbs and oer. 18c. do. do, 4 lbs, 1713174c.; do. do, 34 lbs, 154c; do do . 243 lbs., 14813c . broilers, milk-fed foncy, 1R-D21 lbs. to box, 27c : do , fancy, 23020 lbs to doz 24c, corn-fed. fancy, lHl-'l lb. to doz . 25c , do., prime, 231130 lbs. to doz., 22c Turkee. dry-PlCKed and dry-packed, fane). 21 622c ; fair to good. 18220c, old toms, lOfcliOc , ducks, fancy. In boxes, 17til8c , do , ordinary to good 12SJ10C , geeee, choice and fancy, 15m Klc; do No. 2. 12014c. FRESH FRUITS There um a fair demand for chotce stock of most descriptions and values gener ally ruled steady under moderate offerings. uotatlona. Apples, New York, per bbl reenlng. 2 5Offi60, Baldwin. 2 50I60; Ben Oals. 2 2ia.' 73, other good eating a rletles, (2 2351.I.W, medium. 11 50 apples, Western, per box, lltti apples Delaware and Pennsylanla. per hamper, &0875c , lemons, per box, 1293, oranges, Florida, per box, f J 2384, grapefruit, I'iorlda, per box, JI.-'VJ 2: pineapples, per crate J'orlo Rico, ij 230 2.75; Florida. J2.2382 50, strawberries. Flor ida, per at . 10tf.'5c , do.. North Carolina, per VEGETABLES Offerings wero fairly liberal and ths general market was quiet at the lollowlng quotations White potatoes, per bush, Prnnslunla, 50 62c: Maine, 50zrS2c . New York, as to quality, 43 CM 5c: white potatoes, Florida, per bbl , No. 1. 34 60031 No 2. II50U4. sweet nutoe.. Delaware, per hamper, large, f 1 2301 73 me dium. 50cJJl: aucet potatoes, Eastern Shorp, per bbl,. No. 1, tl 2533.21. No 2. II 50nJ 75; sweets. Jersey, per bbf. No 1, 11738(4 73, No. , iQi oti; iivKiB, gertejr, lr pasKi 11 'J5. onions, choice, per 100.1b. bai 1.30. do , medium, per lOtl.lb. bag, 604175c onions. Texas, per cummer.crate. No 1, l .".iij 1 60: onions, Texas, pe -ummer-crate. No a, 0Oc,II: cabbage, Florida, per basket. 1161 2.1, do , Charleston, per crate. I2.M1J2..V). auli. flower. South Carolina, per crate. Il.&ofi'.', spinach. Norfolk, per bbl , 23073c, ; kale, Nor folk, per bbl , 20ir"!(c; lettuce. North Carolina, Eer basket, ISo fjtl 60; do , South Carolina, per asket, 11 23112; beai.a Florida, wax, per bas ket, II 50tr2.73; do.. Florida, green, per basket. Soutli Carolina. Il,602 do,, large. II 7.VS2; do, small. il.21S'2. eggplant, Florida, per box, 2ffla.&i, cucumbers, Florida, per basket, f.'W tiers Florida, per carrier. I2A3, beets. Florida, per 100 bunches. 2ff3; do,. Charleston, per H) bunches, 4rt3; tomatoes, Florida, per carrier, fancy, 1303.60: choice, 11.7302.73. celery, Florida, per crate. 73c 611, asparagus, per bunch, log 20c,; mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket, ouc.0ll.2O. DIVIDENDS TUB CENTRAL NATIONAL DANK OF PHILADELPHIA May 0. 1013. Ths Directors have this day declared a semi-annual Dividend of Eight l'er Cent., free of tax. payable on demand VILLIAW POST. Cashier. LKOAL ADVKBTISKMKNTS irca ESTATE OF AUGUSTA GOODY, DE. :s' ceased Letters of admlnlstratloa on ths above estate bavins- been granted to ths undersigned, all person. Indebted to the said estate are requested, lo make payment, and tbos having claim, to present the fame, without delay, to LILLIE VETTER, or to her attorney, ... C. i. HEPBURN Esq 1218 Cbcjtnut at. CHICAGO, Mny 7, Tho (train market opening wns featureless. Wheat slipped down, but Inter recovered find remained steady Lack of outside trade was ap parent tn all grains, although an uncon firmed report from New York stated lnriro foreign orders were being clinched. May wheat declined 1 cent per bushel following tho opening with email sates, but rallied later when buers began tak ing S000 to 10.000 bushel lots. Corn held fairly steady, supported by tho bullish Argentine reports The weather In tho South American republic was still reported ae bnd for corn grow ers Country offerings continued light. Oats also assumed a Ann tone. But botli corn nnd oats are expected to follow the trend of wheat. In tho afternoon prices gradually eased off until May was Hi below Inst night and July 2H Tho cloao was heavy. Damages to somo crops by tho doadly chinch bug have been reported from Missouri. Tho Chinese situation Is also causing considerable speculation ns to Its probabto effect on the market. Liverpool conditions are unchanged at U cent less per bushel, with Paris 1V4 cents hlghor. A considerable bullish at titude exists In the French markets Tho Marquis of Crowe, of England, has Issued a stntcment declaring that tho India crop will prevent nny rlso or noar panic In English prices this year. Tho Government's crop roport had been anticipated, and clearly disclosed In Irrefutnblo figures tho expectation of a magnificent American crop. Leading futures ranged as follows: . . Yesfd's i.ueui upcti, mgn. uovr. uose. close, A1H . . July September Corn fnew delUerv) May . ... 7mi 7014 July 781 70 September .. ill's 709i Mny . . ,. 544 54V July . ... 54 64 September .. 47 471l Mm T tlO.10 July 10.20 t ( I. ! ... AMALGAMATED COPPER TO QUIT BUSINESS 1 , Stockholders Asked to Dissolvd Company at Annual Meeting JNext Month. 1 511 1 1. SOW 1.80V4 LBS l.l'.S M.OllU BIS 133 1.00 1.31 U33H ,235. 1.24 1 22(J 1 22H fl.23t iOH 7014 73J1 T3H 'TOM 78 70 77 '77 78tt 7lll 70?i 78(J '78K 704J 6l 40K, 46?4 541 X, 7 Septomber ..10.42 leptomb Ribs Max- July .... September I'ork Mav July September 10.7S .10 07 .18 23 .18 03 Did. tAsked 10 20 10 45 10 75 11.00 18 77 18.07 .... 10 03 10.10 10.16 '10.16 MO 22 10 40 tl0 40 10.47 .... 10 4B 1042 10 70 10 03 . .. 17 80 17.00 18.13 118.17 tl8 32 18 37 18 00 18.72 tlO.70 10.76 tlO DO 11 02 Sales in Philadelphia .. Yes. close, oiu Amai topper . 10 Anaconda Mln 73 Amer Milling- . 1S00 Bald Loco U4 Hurt d Susq pf 2 Cam Iron . .. . 732 Cam Stocl 26S Eloc Stor .. . 170 Itrlo 100 Inter Met T Co 60 Key Tel Co. .. MOO Lake Sun Corp. 327 Lehigh Nnv .. 25 Lehigh Valley. 100 Lehigh V T . . 74 do pref 15 5Ilnolilu 1(10 Mo Pacific .. .. 25 Nevada cons .. .. 403 Penna II R... 61 1-10 53 Pa Steel pref.. oo 80 Phlla Co ... 334 Phlla i:iec 410 Phlla R T t 0 200 Ray cons . . 313 Reading 200 Stuilebaker . 10 So PnclHo ... 543 Ton Belmont , 140 Ton Mining 10 Union Pacific 72 Union Trao . , 74 U O I .... 1S243 U S Steel . .. 10 II S Rubber Close, TO 100 w 250 w rrnmpssons. 2T tLost previous sale BONDS. 5400 A M & E 5s... SSJi lODO Hold L 1st 6h. 1024 2000 Both Steel Os .11R 15 cam stl scp 'IT. m 3000 B & I' Tr 4s. 3000 Key Tel 1st 3s, vain L.on s gon -J)4s .. 15000 do cons 414s OOH 3000 L V gen ens 4s soli 2CCO do 414b . ... ni5 HKO do Coal 8s .lotti 1 ono Pa cons 414s '00 101 1000 Phlla Co ens 6s 82 760D Phlla Elec 4s.. 78 B3PO do 6s . 10114 2000 Reading gen 4s 1)1 20OO do Imp 4s 0614 1000 York Rwy 1st 5s 02 High Low. 7 ,1V 7UVI 3414 3414 a 64 514 614 6!4 61 6 44 (, 40H 401& 40U 40 40 44 44 44 44 41)14 49W 47i 47 5214 6211 Bit? 3l(i . .. 201, 23U 2SJ4 is) 18H im 13 14fA 14 l 14U 74 7 6 0 7S-JC 73 74 74 W '?? WIS S 30 30 ait sn 15 15 Ol"4 6fS ! 8514 3514 I 24 24 , 2f i 7114 . 72. till 127 ii KIT 83'4 Bltf 6414 03 U3 ,0 48-11-: 27 27 80 Sit 15 64 r2(J nny, 24T, 74 3 U 24 111 73 6-16 71V . .. 72. UH . .. HI 811 :To74.'lo 7Vl 1X7 iaT 11.114 ' 84 57'4 0.1 30 24 S, 84 83T4 60?4 ni.tSS 13-10 48 11-10 4R 11-10 48-11-10 7034 0441 83i 83J4 8341 102JJ 102(5 unit 111) 118 110 "716 "7ft U7J4 70 70 704 0414 ' 4 ("Vi 102(1 102fi 102 0li 0D14 0014 00 00 DO tioi4 oi'H osu 104(4 104t iO-M io.t; 1334 10341 81 81 81 W) 71) 70 102 101 101 04 04 01 01114 OllU OOU 03 03 03 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NE1V YORK. May 7. The coffee market oponed steady. First figures were unchanged to 3 points above tho final yesterday. Trading was oulet. Prices follow April May Juno July August September .... October No ember .... December Jnnuury February Msrch Did Sales. enoo Today'a opening. . . 7.63S7.70 ...0 08 ... 0.1500 30 ...7.28 lii'Lai ... 7 4007.42 ... 7.42S7.60 ...7.41 . .. 7.60J17.S5 . 7 B3I37.CO .. 7.0l bags. Yesterday's close, 7,t)107.CS 7.1327.10 7.2107.22 7.3207.34 7.3137.36 7.35417.30 7.40S7.44 7.4407.43 7.487.40 7.6087.51 7 6887.30 7.03fj7.oa Foreign Discount Rates Rank Date of rate. last change. Bank of England 5 Aug. 8. 1014 Honk ot France l Aug 20. 1014 Hank or Germany 5 Dec 23, 1014 Dank of Belgium .... 3 Aug 27, 1014 nnnk of Austria 614 Oct 31. 1014 Hank of Italy 3 May 0, 1014 Bank of Switzerland .... 5 Pent, 10. 1014 Bank of Russia 0 July 20, 1014 Bank of Spain 5 Sept. I. 1011 rank of Portugal 314 Jan. 14, 1014 Bank of Sweden .... 314 Jan 6, 1014 Bank of Denmark 814 Jan B, 1014 Bank of Noray . 314 Aug, 12. 1014 Bank of Netherlands S Aug 20. 1014 LEOAL 22? NOTICE IS IIKREIIY GIVEN THAT an annllcatlon will be made to the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, on the 81st day of May. 1013, by Louis Green blatt, Bernard A. llloway and Benjamin A, llaas, under the act ot Assembly of ths Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to proilde for the Incorporation and regula tion of certain corporations," approved April jo, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for trie charter of an Intended corporation to be called IVlneluiid-Gllraore Coal and Coke Company, tho character and object or which la to bu, sell and lease coal-bearing lands, to mine coal and manufacture coke, and to sell and deal In coal and roke generally, and for these pur poses to hue, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and prlt lieges of the said act of As sembly nnd Us supplements REAIUCK & ILLOIVAY. -. Alienors, NEW TOltK, May 7.-13ccauBo of th passage, of the "Seven Sisters bill" Irt Now Jersey In 1013, which repeals the -s. " v a.w.u...fy v,,l,niMCD .U iilUIYU 111 vestments In other companies, tho Amal Bumuieu copper company win do uib solved nnd stockholders of tho company are nalcH in initn tMa aih n ). ........... -, . u..u ,,,a a.j ,fcv m, ainiuui meetlne on Juno 7. Another reason given .t. 1 ""spension or Dusiness is tne rewt that tho Anaconda Copper Company Is now tllfl nnln anlii... nt linn. ,.. 11.. AmallTAmnflrl. ntirl M.A wnnnl..l n.A 1. c-. .. ...., h.im uiu vu:.viiii null UJB pursing of dividends from tho Anaconda to Amalgamated stockholders would doublo taxes paid, which would Involvo fully J100.000 annually; nlso the whole; ex penso of tho Amalgamated organization can also bo saved by the change. Tho reasons for tho dissolution of the Amalgamated were contained in a letter sent out last nlrfht by the company's president, John D. Hyan, to tho stock holders, and in this letter It was pointed out that It Is the Intention of tho direct ors to distribute to tho holders of thB Amalgamated shares two shares of Ana conda stock from tho treasury to each enaro of Amalgamated and about W In cash. Tho letter states that the cash will result from tho salo of a sufficient amount of tho Anaconda stock to bring the total held by tho Amalgamated down to a nguro which will admit of ths dis tribution evenly. . In rdr ' d0 ths " will bo necessary to sell 2o0,179 shares of Anaconda, and ownors of Amalgamated stock of record May 17 will be permitted to subscribe to this stock at par on tho basis of one share of Anaconda for each block of six shares of Amalgamated. Tho letter points out further that it Is possible when the time comes for dissolving tho company, the distribution may bo made share for share, as tho Anaconda stockholders will hold a meeting on May 20 to act on tho pro posal to change tho parity of their stocilc from is to 50 a share. If taken, this stop will not alter the capitalization of Anaconda, but will divide tho number of authorized shares In half. Tho Amnls-ntnntArl rm....... . 0 ........u rfwiiimiiy was or- ganlzed In 1899. In 1901 the authorized rrU?1 . Bt?f.kr J! Increased from $75.- ,'... 'UU-1UV".W". or wnich153,887.900 was nrtnrwnrtl Id.1,.,1 ii a-.j .. - -. .sauuu un mm. rrom umo to tlmo Investments were mado In stocks ot other copper-producing concerns out of ........... uiu.vu turnings. COTTON TRADE CONDITIONS SHOW STEADY HIPItOVEMENT Collections Slow in tho South; Leather Market Firm. ' . Condltlous In tho local cotton trada show . stoarty Improvement, oc oralni lo n ii n! f3 feeling prevails among the dealers and hao shown a. decldod Increase. Whllo collee tlona are Inclined to bo a little o ih.r.'i. S d4.n lf revement In thl.'respert: Jobbers hrS'0.," "itat0 ,,hat h,le trade hss been ili5Sri5iri52.la,t fa.w Wl'ek" hft shown a slight lncreaao In sales. Shirtwaist mnnuiiio. ti'ln ni,le ,b,u ',y-,Di "h "season ??m ilea J1utfOrnSnCFaecCre?.n.d,,?0n" nrao & a" CM?e.rd e.em.o ?i,be n d'fterenco of opinion ex narflVare Iln?. ' ,ehV8t!?" coltlons In the . ?. , lines at this time. In some ouar UK,in",r7,rt.011 "V?1 bustrfess shows a bet JS5neo.f:.i?,hV ln others there appears to b "s .fd,er1 hin???veracnt- T" 'utu outlook nihSuidi0b? T. ?r "" ccnsulted, while Collection, "at thl.Ut.Sa8 S5S ff'WFi SSSi .S.wW??tftf.' Ay .Vowr,"a,S5.ffiS better " eondltlons. tendency toward L,X 'S?,'""1". rn."rk,t. continues firm nnd prices .T'nr.r?-, "I raa aemona. with ,. ,w,.ru in nain ior export. Shoe dealers report trado unaatlsfactory. purohaiei ire mid! ln small auantltif.a .nn nav.A.. . .""u . .. uu.v.i.a kg ami.. HEAVY FALL IN COTTON npiw Ynntr rBV t Tir..t, i s . and rain In tho coat ern belt resulted In cotton ;i... ""- v jvuiuia uown, m ina pntt Hun.tci m. un uuur wio jnarxec, on wail street im aHrl mltaMa Km Inn .nltl.4 A n . . ". ' i. " . ""; "" rum oim points. Thereafter prices fluctuated until the news of the Lusitania camo out. when the market 'broke violently nearly half a cent, or 2.50 a halo from laat night's close. Yes.close. Open. 11:00. 11:30, 2:30. May O.K) 035 July P.74 U.SS 0.70 0.69 0 CI nint,,.,. 1011 n m mn mnn mid December .. ..10 32 1018 10.20 10!ai loilS January . . ..10 30 10 SO 10 30 10.30 1010 larcii . .. .iv. id iv.u . ,.. , Big Argentine Loan NnW TOHK, May 0. Announcement was mads today that arrangements for the ISO, 000,000 Argentina loan are now computed. All difficulties have been overcome In London, and 23,0OO,0OO 0 per cent, five-) ear treasury bonds will be Issued Immediately at 90, with the llrltlsh Government's sanction. The other :3.000,COO of the Argentine will be taken here by a syndicate headed by the National City Ilank and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. A large part has already been provisionally placed here, It la understood. Sound Investments Erie Lighting Company If IH ST S. V. MOHTOAOE 57. BONDS Due April 1st, 1942 1. Secured by an absolute first mortgage on all property of the company, 2. Serves a well - established and progressive territory In the State of Pennsylvania. 3. Free of tha Pennsylvania State tax, and the Interest Is payable without deduction for normal Income tax. 4. Franchises ar,e perpetual and free from burdensome re strictions. ...... Price 03 nnd Interest, 7lrldlngr about B.30. fRAZIERfi'Vjbl 132 8.18th St. ? r, T, CHANDLER L. E. WAKING A, J. UEONAHU E. 5IEN11ENIIAU. Ghmdler Bkos kQO. 1338 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.' 34 Pine Street, New Yqrjc We beg to announce that we have purchased a membership on, the New Vork Coffee Exchange and are prepared to execute orders for the purchase or sale of Coffee and Sugar for future delivery, Detail information on trading possibilities in the recently established raw sugar market will be sent on application. MKMHEB8 New York Stork Exchange New York Cottoq Exchange New York Coffee Exchange, Philadelphia, Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trads CHANDLER ?ROS. & Cp. J ysF