EVENING LED0EB PHILADELPHIA, ffRIPAY, MAY 1 1915, PRIZE SUGGESTIONS, PRACTICAL FASHIONS AND SHOPPING BARGAINS FOR EVERY WOMAN 10 Ma 1 LyL THE GIFTOF TACT rQ$Vv v Btf Ellen Adair 0 Saying the IT 'IS a slrango nnd curious fact lhat mahy fealty well-intentioned peoplo hAvo a wonderful capacity for eternally eaylng-the wrong thing and Retting them selves Into endless trouble through lack of the due exercise of a little kindly tact Poof souls, this habit of "putting their foot In It'" has becomo chronic, ami after a lime they really don't know whether they aro hurting other people's feelings or not. Tho woman who possesses the kindest heart In tho world and who would be utterly miserable were sho to adequately realize tho extent of her blunders Is often and quite unwittingly most tactless "Oh, my denr," she will exclaim effusively and with a very well-meant sincerity when greeting some woman acquaintance, "I am bo very, very pleased to see yout Eut do you know, I would have hardly recognized you? Tor you havo grown bo dieadfulty thin and haggard! What havo you being doing to yourself? You havo lost nil your pretty cplor and look years older." These remarks can scarcely come under tho category of tactfulncss, and aro very far from being conducive of a plcnsant atmosphere. For no woman under the sun likes to be assured of tho parsing of the yoars, nor does sho llko to havo It homo In upon her that her beauty Is a fleeting affair. And yet tho tactless woman docs all this, and without In tho least realizing the enormity of tho crime. Then when her friend shows symptoms of chilliness In manner, the tactless woman will become aggrieved and will manifest symptoms of disapproval. "I can't think how It Is that so many of my old friends don't como to see me any more," she will announco In Injured tones, probably to her long-suffering hus band, who knows the reason only too wellt but for the life of him dare not tell her eo. "I don't havo nearly so many friends as I used to havet" Tho reason of this lies In tho growth of tho tactless habit. For tactlessness Is r.over static. It must either Increase or decrease And unfortunately It generally exhibits the former tendency. Hence, after n certain point, the habit has pro gressed jo far that It has become posi tively unpleasant. And few people will stand that sort of thing for long. "Wo aro" all familiar with tho candid friend, as Bhe loves to stylo herself. "My dear, I always say Just what I think!" Bhe proudly declares, as-If that were tho hallmark of a fine character instead of merely being the outward and vlslblo sign of a very self-centred nnd rather cold-hearted disposition. "I never say a thing Just because it sounds pleasant, or because it's going to please the other person, or because It's tho obvious thing to say under the circumstances. No, in deed! I believe in being candid and sincere." But If the good lady only knew It, there is nothing In the least to rejoice over In this mental attitude. For rude CHILDREN'S CORNER Queen Nell's W5 IEN" spring came after Emmas long winter Indoors with her nun nnk!. thn noor llttlo slrl looked white and thlrf, so unlike the gay, Jolly, plump 1IU1& daughter who had delighted both father and mother that they decided to send her to the country. "A, summer there will put her In fine shape again." said father. "I know Just the place," added mother, "we'll send her to visit my sister. There she can run and play to her heart's content and she will be well and strong in no time. So letters were written, trunks and bags were packed and before Emma realized what was happening she was on the train going to the country. When she reached her Aunt Jennie's, she was too tired and sleepy to do any thing but erit her good hot supper and go to bed. But after a fine sleep, she was up bright and early and was ready to see everything on the farm. "You Just watt till you've had some break fast, young lady," sam her uncle, -men will be time enough to talk about go ing over tho farm. You ent a lot and fill out your thin cheeks and I will prom ise to show you all the sights!" So Emma ate a good breakfast (which 'wasn't a bit hard to do, let me tell you) and then picked up her doll to go with her Uncle. "Going to leave her here?" asked uncle, with a twinkle in his kind eyes. "No, indeed I" exclaimed Emma, and she hugged the doll tightly to her. i "Where I go ray dolly goes, too!" So uncle, Emma and the dolly started out to Inspect tho farm. I couldn't pretend to tell you all the fun they had I If you have ever been on a farm yourself, you know all about it; If you haven't, there Isn't room In this paper to tell all the nice things there are to- da and to seel Emma saw the cows, the pigs, the roosters and the tiny yellow ohlckens. She smelled the blossoms In the orchard; ah peeked 'round the hives where the beea were at work; she saw the ducks waddling off toward the brook and she pulled fresh lettuoe In the, coldframe. But of everything' on the farm, the little bran new bossy cow In the barn pleased her the most. "I'd just like to TOWN OF FUNNY DREAMS THE GANDER GOOSE Or UOB WIIXIAjlS ' Bo many times you hear Folks say. That Fellow's just a uoose"; "Of course, they mean hla Thinker shakes 'Cause all the Bolts are loose I CJL Goose looks full of Fool-lsh-ness; At least: It's often said . That when you feed one It will act As too- it HAJJ Been reo. And so the Name just diners to Boys, And Llttlo Girlies; too. Who act as tho' they didn't know Just what on Earth to do. I Wrong Thing ness and btuntness of manner never yet did win friends. Without In tho least wishing to depreciate the vnlue of candor and sincerity, at the same time these may, to a very great extent, be combined with tact. And tho woman without tact never will bo popular that Isone thing suro nnd certain. t know a certain very attractive girl, whose whole clinrm lies in the fact that she somehow always docs manngo to say tho right thing In the right place and at tho right lime She places the feelings Of others before her own, too And Just bccntiso she Is sensltlvo her self, she tins learned that others may be cqunlly sensitive, nnd that, after all, kindness Is the finest thing to cultivate For kindness Implies tact, nnd tact means tho affection of one's friends nnd the liking of every one with whom ono comes In contact. PRIZE -SUGGESTIONS riUZES OFFERED DAILV Tar the follow sugxtittlons tent In by renders of the Eiemvii Lmmeb prize, of H ana CO cents aro awarded. .AH auRPFstloni nhoiild lio nddreeed lo Lllen Adnlr, editor of Woman's raw, Evenwi Ledokh. Independence Square, 1'hlUdelphla. A prlie of ?1 lins been awarded to V. 15. K., 5023 North 12lli street, 1'liltadclphla, for tho follon-lng lURgcstlan! An artist's method of cleaning oil paintings is to use lukewarm water and good whlto soan. w th a drop of nmmonla. Hub this mixture over the surface of the painting with a soft cloth, taking caro not to wet tho painting only clean It. After this, nnothcr soft cloth, saturated with oil, will complete the process. A prize of SO cent linn been mvardcri to )lr. W. B. Kuarr, 8311 South Mel street, Philadelphia, for the follow Ing .UBffestlom Flowers of sulphur, the old reliable spring rented for the blood, can ically bo mndo "palatable" by putting the dose Into a stencd piune turned Inside out; that Is, filling tho skin sldo of the prune. You will experience no trouble In giving It to children In this form. A prlie of 80 cents has been nunrded to Mrs. B. French. HIT Alne street, Camden, N. ., for the fallow Ing siiREcstlon: A handy dlshpan may bo made by sim ply folding a cloth and putting It over the drainpipe of your sink. Turn a saucer upside down and place it on top of tho cloth. You will havo a water-tight vessel In which our Bmall dishes or tea towels may be wushed. A prlie of 80 cents has been awarded to Norman Ringer, 123 North S3d street, tVct Philadelphia, for the following suggestion: A good way to mend small tears In a raincoat la by using adhesive plnster. Take a piece of medical adheslvo plaster about u half Inch wider than tho Bize of the hole to be mended Now take the plaster and hold It over steam until It becomes sticky. Placo it on the hole, and press with a. cold Iron, as this will make It hold more securely. New Doll stay and watch It all the time!" she paid to uncle, and, indeed, he had hard work to persuade her to leave It long enough to como In to her dinner! In tho afternoon she was back In the barn again. She named the $ossy She got a tiny lit tin to cowl Queen Nell and got so well acquainted that she could help feed her! Can you Imagine anything more fun? When night came, she could hardly bear to leave her new friend, "She'll be so lonesome without me," she told uncle, "you see, sho hasn't a dolly foi company like I have!" And without thinking what ha was saying, uncle re plied, "Then we'll have to get her one." "Oh, will you really, uncle?" exclaimed Emma In delight, "then let's go tomor row and buy It!" Uncle agreed, and bright and early the next morning he and Emma drove into town to get Queen Nell her doll. And what do you suppose Emma bought? She got a tiny little toy cow) Bought it, took It home with her and, presented It to Queen Nell I "Now she won't be lone some when I have to leave her alone," she declared with satisfaction, and uncle agreed that the new doll was the best of company! Copyright Clara Ingram Judion. Jin.v v.i iw S J Perfect jy Ccilllilllitf s?f Millinery . Es2?'fl d&s NewyStyles adapt- f "'9rR: jSA e1 to 8tret, trav- li fi M lit. cling and general ft Jy ll X. utility for spring J 'Sg2jg-1 XrVi ttnl summer wear, I J X You have seen I You'd be Sur-prlsed if you could see The Goose of Funny Town; And talk about your Cheer-ful-nesB It won bis Great Renown. ' He'd never lay a Golden Egg, Or- shed the Golden Fleece; For Booster Geese Just eat and sleep And Sing for Lady Geese. This Goblin Goose would Gobble Food Until his Sides would creak; And then he'd Wobble to the Woods, And Sleep About a Week. One gorgeous morning TiUle Smith, She heard this Gander cry, "I ate so much tr.y Conscience ache3" filie'd eatea too much Fie I r The Daily Story On Wings of Steel "Owl Ought" Dorton gavo a. gasp ot pain as his skate struck something snag gy in tho snowy Ice, then staggeringly recovered his balance, aided by a tlmel grasp from tho fur-gloved hand of Doctor Mel ford, who had been doing a neat outer edgo alongside and grumbling heartily tho while. "What rotten luck!" he had been say ing every five minutes, as the merry skaters whlrzed by, always In satisfying pairs. "And we have had our shingles up a whole month In this confounded burg, nnd stilt don't know a slnglo soli tary girl In nil this giddy phantasmagoria of whirling skaters " Then he was interrupted by Dorton's fall, "Aro you hurt, old man? What've you hit?" he demanded anxiously peering through his frosted glasses at his dis abled friend, who stooped painfully to pick up something from the chipped Ice before hobbling slowly shoreward, "Struck?" echoed Dorton, sinking onto a bench under a lamppost and nursing his ankle "Tho United States Steel Trust, I think, by tho feel of my foot! Hero It Is!" And he held up to view tho obstruction which had Interrupted his fantastic gyintlons In the contro of tho lake where the figure skaters had been performing. It was n good Blzed number ton, boy's skate, of tho club variety, and Its pol ished nlckol blade shone llko frozen moonbeams as he survejed It critically. Melford glanced at It with Interest and put tho laconic query: "Gender masculine, femlnlno or neu ter?" "Feminine," promptly decided Dorton. holding It closor. "It's got some Initials onp.ravod on It J. JI. T. No boy was ever so scntlmentol ns that. And no chnpplo over wore clubs, so by tho process of elimination we arrive nt tho rcmnlnlng nnd only posslblo sex ot Jlmty, Its owner. And, by Jove' from the bIzo of It, she's no Clnderotln, either It (Its a number Ilvo foot, or I'll cat my hnt. Girls arc so emancipated these days," ho went on uhlmnlcnlly. "fivcn'thclr feet nrc throw ing off tratnmclB nnd spreading out of nil " "If ou have quite finished Sherlock Holmeslng mv skate," broke In a high, cool voice out of the black region be yond the rim of light ras from tho nrc lamp, "will you bo kind enough to return It to me?" "Tfie devIL" ejaculated Dorton under hit breath, sfnttlng guiltily nnd dropping tho unlucky skate to the ground. It fell clnttcrlng under the bench and tho doctor dived after It with ostentatious haste. "Will you be so good ns to brine it to mo?" Her tone was ns silvery and distant ns tho strains from the band stand on tho other side of tho lake. Ho took a fctep forward and suddenly measured his full length nt her maligned feet, with tho skate stll clutched in hts hand. t "My nnltle," ho moaned, when she bent over htm nil womanly solicitude, her momentary pique gone. Only anxiety and pity woro vlslblo In her lovely face quite tho loveliest he had ever seen, Dorton thought at ho closed his eyes. "Oh, I'm nfrnld he's minted! He's hurt, nnd It's my fault!"crlcd the girl, tearing off her mittens to rub snow on the cheeks thnt looked so pale In tho white light "Can't jou do something for him? He wouldn't have been hurt If It hadn't been for my skate!" sho quavered, feeling In somo way to blame. "Please go for a doctor." "I nm n doctor a recent arrival In tho city," replied Melford "If we could get him somewhere nnd cut his shoe off nnd bandage his foot " "Yes, yes," put In the girl eagerly, "Call a. cab and take him to my home It's Just around the lake yonder." "Janet Tuttle, where nre you? We've been looking for you and your skate ecrywhoro! Did you find It?" The girl wns still explaining amid furious blushes, to her friends who had gathered In a curious circle around her, when to her relief tho doctor approached and announced that a cabman was wait ing. At the door of the big house where they drew up, her mother greeted, with consternation, her early appearance with two strange men, but this quickly turned to motherly concern when sho heard of the accident, "Now, Doc, do bo careful," they heard Dorton groan as tho door closed, but they could not hear tho rather curious dia logue which began a moment later. Mel ford got up from his task and faced his friend with accusing eyes. "Paul! You aren't really hurt at all! Say, what's your game anyway?" Ana ho glared at his pseudo patient, who sat In Btnte propped in pillows. That young man's audactouB gray eyes closed gently while nn Ingenuous smile wreathed his smooth countenance "Sh!" he said, "I'll tell you my game the old, old game of hearts, and you've got to help mo! Mum's the word there was no other way oh, don't look so sav age' I mean business." And the level lips spelled grim determination as they also closed firmly. "You don't mean you want to marry a girl you've never seen In your life be fore tonight?" "That's exactly what I do mean," re turned the other genially, "If sne'H have me," "Mighty certain, seems to me," grunted Melford. "You've got to square yourself for, that break you made about the size of her feet " "By Jove, I forgot." Paul's face fell and a haunted look came Into his eyes, whereat the doctor said with sympa thetic wonder, "As bad as that already? But I always said that when you did get It, you'd have U bad " "She'll have to forgive mo and marry me I'll love her so Bhe can't help itl And anyway," he added innocently, his face clearing, "I don't believe that her shoe is more than a four-and-a-half though she's no Cinderella, I admit, even at that." "You'll do," grunted the doctor. VOuess you'll get the girl." All of which rash statements were verified in the course of time. Copyright 1915. FoMo &4 manis Whit i Pas a th Fur Scarf tor String. W hav ihtrn tf ctatlu triced. MaWSOn and Ns priced as high as a S025 and MO, fVt AT 1 HSi De Many HIS Cfuatnut St MILLINERY AND FURS jfiMwMmStKKhtM lnvlslS0 Mill hM va wm$Y UMKta2rHt WVIsWSrHHBiHtfgifflM Will M AftvnBllSilfiil W nf itS I if 111 Mk III 111 ih- I film if J 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 fiysiipiif A CHIFFON COSTUME IN RADIUM AROUND THE BARGAIN CQUNTERS Afternoon and Graduation Frocks AS THE time for June commencements XJL grows nearer, many anxious mnmmns begin to scour tho shops In tho hopes of finding something which will be sultnblo for the most exacting of convents. A gown which Is Ideal for tho convent school commencement Is all white. Tho blouse Is very simple, with shirred not for the most part as trimming. Tho skirt Is made with three pointed tunics over a white foundation. Shlrrlngs of tho net were drnped over the shoulders, and tho bottom of tho sleeves, skirt and glrdlo was outlined with white satin ribbon, a little camisole of square meshed shadow The use of Gold Dust is second nature in millions of homes Gold Dust really works. i It does the work the fingers and washcloths and mops and brushes cannot do alone nd it does the work easily and quickly and thoroughly. Millions of women know that Gold Dust does the hard est part of the work of washing dishes, scrubbing floors and cleaning woodwork. But not all of these millions of women have yet realized all of the helpful uses of Give Gold Dust your full confidence. It cleans and brightens everything. The active principle of Gold Dust the valuable antiseptic cleansing agent is so remarkably thorough that you literally rinse away the dirt, grease and grime. Gold Dust cleans metalwork, nickel, enam eled ware, etc., without scratching or mar ring, and leaves a newness, brightness and sanitary cleanness. Lqt th GOLD OUST TWINS do yam work" STRIPES lace showed through tho bodice. Tho price was $2.' 60. Hand embroidered net Is exquisite for the joung girl, and the same shop Is showing somo lovely gowns In this style. Ono Is mado with a deep V-neck, crossed In front and back of tH6 bodlco with a foundation of flesh colored chiffon. Small lows of nccoidlon plaited net wcro used as tho only trimming. Theso wero placed at tho bottom of the skirt and long sleeves, around tho netlt nnd at the wldo ghdle, giving tho fashionable ropo effect A gracefully knotted corsngo ornnment of pink satin ribbon was placed at tho left side of the bodice. Tho price was $19.75. A stunning country club skirt, In blue and white striped corduroy and navy blue bone buttons, sells for f 6 90. A SMART GIRLS An Afternoon Gown T AM scribbling wabbly llttlo notes In JL my diary as wo speed toward Phlla .iinhin. nonrirn had to ride over with Elinor, nnd they nre so busy with their pathetic parting that I haven't the heart to watch them. Wo had a great "send off." Every ono thought wo were a bridal party, to Judgo by the flowers, candy, telegrams nnd tho crowd of peoplo who saw us to our train. Thero was Mrs. Dallas, and Mr. Ingersoll, whoso deep rel roses aro scenting the whole drawing room ns I write, nnd Jean and llttlo Doris, and I can't tell how many others. Any how, I'm thoroughly convinced that New Yorkers nro tho Jolllcst and tho most hospltablo people on earth. Just nnothcr short nolo about Mm Dalian' frock. Unfortunately I nm foml nino enough to see nn attractive gown in the most solemn occasion, and this ono I refer to was a dream. It was ad mirably chosen for tho afternoon (for Mrs. Dallas was going to nn Informal bridgo afterwards), and tho color echemo wns the fashionable black nnd whlto. Tho blouso wns mado with n soft V-neck In front, nnd the lovely design on tho nhadow lace of which It was mado wns brought out by a foundation of whlto chiffon. Tho sleeves wore long nnd closely fitted, although they ruffled loosely on tho under scam, night acrois tho front was a band of black sntln, with nn ovcrdrapery of chiffon, embroidered In French bluo nnd old gold motifs. An odd arrangement of ribbons gave an unlquo lino to the rest of the bodice. Tho normal waist lino wns outlined by a black satin girdle, crushed In to give a sort of "hour glass figure" effect. Tha wholo skirt was made of black and white radium striped chiffon, with a deep scal loped edgo of black. Tho pretty touch about this edging wns that tho seal- PLEXO INCOMPARABLE CRE Greaseless Cream Protects your skin from chap nnd wind burn; will Impart to your complexion tho volvety oioom oi youtu. These ttvo essential creams are scientifically prepared to be used in conjunction with each other, and will produce results obtainable in no other way. 25c and SOc $Iexo Abetting Imparts that soft, pearly whlto tone to arms, throat nnd shoulders. An Absolutely llnrrnlesH Crenra Easily nppllcd with n damp sponge, nnd iloex lint rub off. Unsurpassed for tho evening tolletto and dan sunt. 3.'c the tube. Got It at Kvans'N, Itlker-IfeRrman and department stores. ULfcAU l 94 DU st fa Gold Dust pensable expensive 5c a sold EE ozifairbanksmhvi m "Tin j tfh3"9i - 'MiWWUvm. m DIARY in Black and White loped Bide was used on the top, Instea-V of tho bottom of tho hem. The wldf bouffant effect at tho bottom of the skirt was iiciu in m iu nm uy a piaitlnftV which mado tho upper part look as If it wns all black. With this costume I noticed that h? wore n black Belgian split straw tnrK trimmed with French bluo wings, and tatifl edges. Well, we aro very near home, anCM I must plan my answer to Mr. InjcrJ Boll's iirsi letter, ns ucorgo ana Ellnof seem to iiunu wo aro sun ni Trenton. Fire Drives 12 Persons (o Street ; A slight flro nt 31S Federnl street eatlyj today drove 12 persons Into tho streei UM their night (.lothlng. Firemen easily nM ,l....lat..1 tl,A l,1nn. Tltn Inn, .I,- . ..fl ullguiaiiKU 'v .....-. -.. .wu.j nog UUQU1 1200. Tho III st floor Is occupied bv Mnl Saralt Steinberg, who has six chlldrenM tho second iloor by Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuatfl MemlolsrMn, with two children, and tha third by a boarder. Pedestrians dlscoWj ercd tho flro nnd nrouscd tho occupantiB of the house. "For the Woman Who $ares" Cleansing Cream Incomparable for ridding the pores of all impurities; will eivo tho tiure clear com plexion or. poriect ucauty. W)itt JKEDAimTlCTO N. MOORE ST N.y.C. Jg Centcmen B ; Hi Gloves ill i jj I ron the I Ip; , jgjf BRIDE g n BRIDESMAIDS jjjt Ki Is not merely a Question ct M-mgt i ii- color. Cenlcmerl Oloicj IB 333 M Sss-Si for weddings merge Alt, agSSE II ' Fashion oiirf Quality. P'SesE felf 1223 Chestnut Street f jj i 3fl O'-OVES EXCLUSIVELY I 1 1 Ml AM j 'A W i ; ! MW2. I is indis- jflnftJB-T and in- flHRn larger packages VVj erywhere. H m W