m-EffTflrfl- LEDGER PHILADELPHIA'. TTTE8DAY MAY 4, 1915; wr"! AM OUTSinFR A GIRL'S ADVENTURES tJUN KJV 1 OIIEjI in social pIRACY By LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE, Author of "The Lon0 Wolf," "The Brain Bowl," Etc. rv,rtltht, 9H. Loul" Joseph Vance, CpfJTH" BTMOP8J8. Ths burglar, na in'x !K1 blue ww the, nri ffl?J?,A.,ahir. 'Then Ball nee- from .. . . . -i. .... A .... tintMfl. 2T years oia, oui 01 ttoi ,7..rstiT l locked out on the root !t.J 5Sel New Yo"' Drlven ,0 J"k Jt',1 h e. itotm she tried the trap-door '71Mfc.r houiei and finally entera the houaj J?nJh family. No one la at home and MMlnited by beautiful clothet, ?12iei " ownfor them. A. she la leav- H ii Vuffle. and covers the. men. tee' I" SSfTenl the other, &. !& 'rj'iB.'on. Tbfy1?o down to n",w,""" and hero me iur" WS Sfh1M.?.Tfa""waUer ' T "bnrilir re ien ram l' t,,ft hovisn ; J5ML.W! i'irv b".U!i;rc7."c ? rrn!R5 Rlon6,hinC..eh?rurbur',ntt fomWnjtlori. nhen me ir ftnfeselon. Adele I iSferW'S KtJr ei ieecmtnenrhUlon nnu nu w !IM "ilnces that the 8t.rnm,h TO.1 orr nce in the houae. so that t SiUM Ip"i,'js2 burglar Insurance. tte may collect 1 er "",' al tho house, .'(reare wn men siRyii . al tract! f.rttleton and Trego .inj" . west- ' filly r. m"c", out of place and who mAv'no " "an outsider." He aVto'ie'frfcnrwUl. her. CKArTCn iX-(Continuenj. nrnwn n tittle calmer. he couldn't deny 0; ,"" ,omtl.lnB rentable ... I.I. en Phc really hnd "Wen 1,1m 111 'STStnces Impulse nn.l mtit.net hnd '. rked upon her. cnusltiR her to jump a t i.,.inn which, however WCH-IOUnucu recncluilona jn '"", ruso nct. If without she had In 't M M?..f ' . n,..lnt her will: rravocan. ..-.-- , for Th0 5":'. .., udthout excuse M laci. v ":;- i, . ,. tj ljivenfi ner. n .!.. w . nnu nio." : . Err . . . ...a iiifln hue; isnt ggor no "'" ,onBC1. wnrited It. She teWh. dupSof he own folly, blind aW pcen i" ,, i ,ent nnd tho ttd W ner " ' ,' ,n the csachtlally $!& ' w'rit c,otl,cd lK thC nMh f k engaBinB person XuiBfitnatlon of n mind nil too ready needing Heroic irciu- jlUblelnfatua " '"'r": .h'. 1 l.a and blmilied to rr.n ,r..e. Ami IU "hock of .",.. rn, that mad ilicatn, no less L Sin the "hook of physical contact, had her irnntlc nnd unreasonable, fehe 11 ,.", St that. and. ndn.lttliiK It, KeTenerous enough to let lilm clear him- '"if "only he would not Insist on his dec- Wlon of love, that she knew to be un true if tha compliment of It must be , balm to a Spirit as bruised as her own! - uSent on: "And nil this because I itemed to hesltate-bccause did hesl fate knowing I couldn't say all t wanted to, Ani before I could explain- 'Toore not married?" she Inquired, ttllh an absence of emotion that should Slave warned him. !fc "Of course not. But I'm intiepenaciu, ' . m . !... I.. .. linallinOIt WTt V. snd tooa ior hoiiumh " uuo.. ..... ""' Mr Income is from my lunuij, mm .i pewls on their favor. Wlint can 1 say. 1 1... vmi I .1o on inv soul, I do! P'He put his arms once more lound her ihoulders, ana sue tiu. noi reaiai nun, .". "none tho less held her bend up and back, erelnir him steadily C "I love you desperately, but I enn't art you to marry me uniu i kci ."- ,jci mUslon of my family. Till then Is itherc any reason ly kind to me, uo f.... A mA n .wMtrfit ctf wnmpn! I'm Intel .v ittv, j .,.w- .. tad, mad about you!" with no more wtirnlnc he lowered hlrf head, faatcnlns his lips to the curve of her throat, and discovered suddenly and qeBnltely his error. In a twinkling It va a eavace animal he held In his arnin, land before ha knew what was happening flhj had broken his grasp and he was fretllng back with a head that rang from (the Impact of an open hand upon his ear. "You shrew!" he chattered. "You In- ffernal IIUlo vixen! And I thought " h He sprang townrd her, besldo himself ivlth a purpose that failed only through the Intervention of a third party. j A man swinging BUddenly round tho end.of the hedge shouldered between Lyt Ueton and the object of his rage a man 'whose bulk. In the loose flannels of n flomiKlnc suit, seemed double that of iWtleton. t "Oh, here!" said Trego, Impatiently, but without raising his voice. "Come, come!" SH caught Lyttleton's wrists and forced Moem nown. "uon t Be an Idiot as well a a cad. Do you want to rouse the IhousehoM? If you do, and get kicked ,01. you'll never get another chance on IhU Islandmy friend!" t.'"Damn your impudence!" Lyttloton tattered, sufficiently recalled to his wraes to guard his tone, and wrenched it Bis WrIstS. T..t Tn rml T'tl ' tSlll.. TMI I.. , m . cbetrfully. "But unless you want a thrathlne In the presence of a lady, you'll whothlns foolish." TVIth this he released Mr. Lyttleton In lUCh wise that hA wnn nit tnotn... Int.. cklni himself up fiom tho gravel path. :,?" wnue ne was picking himself up .", WIS also rpflfi-tlnr. a.i.ir.lir .t.ln M. ylthitandine that Hnilv .na 'no i,. SP.I t0 he a stay upon tholr brawllne. S'.J?.1" look w vicious, his tone was ink. 5 a" ho Btdod hrushlns off the dust ?-tk,n came when you did." ho "ft flth an effort to seem composed. liS.ii "Usui 10 manic you ior (!?r.m? about Thls confounded 2.?,' of .ni no w' set me Into serious rt.. y J. ,r lm not careful. I was EtbI." y nearly wlld b- tnat' llttle Slnf r. t,Jrprl"' l,ut woally to semlsuper atltlolis dread. JIhn, .PH;et1,ce ,,,d "ot movi but she r..rl"S.uU,.ly Jwarp of lhe ""ed regard of Its coldly hostile eyes. -i'Viho al?. you?" Bh0 demanded In a here? What do you want?" "Where have you been?" the Presence retorted In a level voice Instantly Identi fied ns that of Mrs. Standleh. "What nave you been dolng"-a spectral arm gestured vaguely toward the terrnce- out there?" Sally took firm hold of herself nnd mus tered all her wit against this emergency. I went out," she said slowlv, "bo cause I couldn't sleep, nnd-lt seemed so lovely out there." "Dressed like that!" Profound scorn Informed this comment. The girl writhed, but held herself well In hand. V. w.as 80 'ate," she explained. "I dldn t think It possible there'd be any body clso nbout." "Of course jou didn't " The woman's tone wns saturated with tintxrui in. nuendo. 'On the other hand, you soon discovered your mistake, didn't you?" Sally muttered a sullen "Yes " "You're wise not to lie to me," her patronesn remarked with Just n suspicion of satisfaction. "I knew, von see. I've been sitting here, waiting, tho better part of an hour, listening to you two bicker ing behind tho hedge You little fool!" b'nlly said nothing. Ilcr mood was all obsessed now with the conviction that this was the end o her life of u moth. An end to everything: come morning nnd she must be cast forth In disgrace, to go back to She choked upon an Importunate sob and dug nails Into the palms of her hands. "Who was the man?" Mrs. Stnndlsh pursued Inexorably. Then she didn't know! "Docs It matter?" Sally fenced. "Certainly. I Insist upon knowing. Ilc mcinber your position lipm nnri miiu t hnve assumed icsponslblllty for you; but I cannot permit you to mnke me answer alilo for the antics of n man-crazy woman. If you can't behave :oursclC nnd refrain from annoying my aunt's guests, jou must go. 1 thought vou un derstood thai !" n'i.' collrsc'" lhe girl muttered. "You dldn t think 1 expected anything else, did jou?" ,e, "Who wns the man you followed out there? ' The calculnted offenslvcncss of this wns balanced by Its sudden revelation to Sal ly s mind of the fact that .Mrs. Standlsh dldn t know thcie had been two men. It was. however, true that the window did not command n view of the approach to the side door. "Are you going to tell me?" "I'lcnse, Mrs. Stnmllnh 1M i-mh.. .,. "Think agnin, my girl, and don't forget the circumstances under which I was pcr- Judgment, to answer by k.p.. .. .t,.:?.."' "?nF there!" Trego Interrupted. 'rwiM .. know a"'t"lng about te T"dn ' hear a worrt 'hut Passed inibien yS,u.twt-and It's none of my , "' ?"'" ,nere'8 any blame to be WrT . d better 8oulder it yourself. fli'l Warn vm, t. . . . finv .' '" ,,ul boiuk to near Uffioman called names by u pup like R ( CHAPTER X, Iwiih . fECBRDEMAIN, SSfl,M?,mlnd half distracted, the bat Mich tb. d?Ie" unhaPPy emotions of to-rtDrnaii; eonereni were a seething BVch ar,d frfll,10 irritation with it Wocfudl '""'"Idwately left the two enS- J,.'e,r 'ua',rel without an 4 (Deri lit. . ner nee,s incontinently vta Lll lke a unted shadqw across the ind rf i? u,1s ,hrousl the side Stiir. il , ll wi(3e- stumbled blindly ter?. her bedchamhpr ,inir nnrt fWutw,t.wl,h no anticipation so teher .v. 0f. b0",ude nnd freedom to K000" toward her hn i .. m. 6l'Uiunnl."5rV.?,ng oft her black cloak mlh? hlf" "endless to the floor. Hrl! beca.me aware, that solitude SErt.r ware in that mnm ih.i i,. 14 pai.hora,,4'e" r'fir.;" 'rtlh!l,P . ".B,,n,t the m00nllt RdiW. V .the Widow. t?H faltered anrf .onn.i ..-.. ..m trarrgied whimper, due in part to WECIAL ft E TMM Mnnt?i .r C7 FOR MEN 25S Jewell, best 2?S'Wce, 17 lweVanee05rbSt va,ue3 C.R, SMITH & SON SiMEIgliteenth Street sunned, ngalnst tnv better Introduce you here.'' "Whnt do you mean?" "J.'VC -vou forKotten you wetc caught .? I , "J?1 ot uurfilarlzlng my housc? tnat I nrst saw you wearing clothes stolen from me? You told n stor. but how do I know It wns true? You mnv well linvo been an accomplice of the ruf fian who neatly killed my brother!" That's hardly Ilkelv, Is It?" "How am I to Judge? You may have qunrrelcd nnd turned on him In revenge. Judged by your conduct here. I'm sure you ro capable of anything. Or you may hno thought you snw n wav to win greater profit by aiding my brother." "That's all nonsense," Sally retorted hotly, "and you know it " If dismissal from riosnaM tii ,..- Inevitable, then there wns no reason why kn Dkni.lJ ua. It I . - i,c niiuuiu jiui ciui ner soui ner own. A pause was filled by the dramatic effect of Mrs, Stondish nobly holding her tem per In leash. . vtnen aro you going to question?" Sally was dumb, "Was It that man you went out there to meet " "I didn't go to meet anybody. It was an accident." "So you say. Was It some one of the guests here?" Silence was all the answer. "If you persist In your present atti tude, remembering your dubious history, I have every right to take It for granted you went to meet an accomplice In crime " "Oh, rot!" Sally Interjected impa tiently. And then, encouraged by consciousness of her audacity, she let her temper run awny with her for an Instant. "All that's no good," she declared forcibly, "nnd you know It. If you mean to speak to Mrs. Qoanold about mo In th morning, and have me sent away merely because I've had an unpleasant experience and refuse to discuss It with you when It's none of your affair why, I can't stop you, But I'm not a child, to be bullied and urowoeaien, and I'm certainly not going to humor your curiosity about my private business. And that's flat. Now run on nnd tell on me. If you really must but you won't." "Oh Indeed!" Mrs. Standlsh rose with vast dignity. "And why won't I, l you please?" "Because you won't dare risk that In surance money, for one thing ' "So you think you can blackmail " "Call It'anythlng you like." Sally flashed defiantly. "Only tear In mind, I'm not going to submit tamely and be sent away In disgrace, like a kitchen maid. I'll go, right enough you don't need to worry about that but I'll go on my own excuse. If you tell on me, I'll tell on you, nnd I'll tell everything I know, too." "And what, please," the woman purred dangerously, "do you think you know " "What about your signaling that yacht Just now?" It was a shot at a venture: she had no real knowledge that the lighted window had been that of Mrs. Standlsh's bed room: but It was Just possible, and she chanced It, and It told, though she was not yet to know that wl(h certainty. "What are you talking about?" Mrs. Standlsh hesitated with a hand on the doorknob. "You know well enough. I saw what I saw. People don't do things like that unless there's something secret about It, something they don't want known," "I think you must be out of ypur head," the woman responded with crushing hau. teur. "I haven't the slightest notion what you mean, and you needn't trouble- to en lighten me. don't In the least care. But you may sleep on thls-that your Insolence shall be properly rewarded as soon as 1 c,an see my aunt In the morning. Good night." With a defiant sniff that covered a spirit cringing In consternation, Sally turned her back and threw herself angrily Into a chair. But the sound that she had ex pec ted of the door closing did not come, apd after a minute she looked round to find Mrs. Standleh still-at pause upon the threshold. "ph." said Sally, with an Impertinent assumption if remedying- an oversight, "good night, I'm sure'," Instead at art audible reply, the woman shut the door and turned back to the middle of (he room. "I don't wish to be unjust," she said, huietly. "I um rjulck-tempered, Just as you are, but I always try to be fair In the end. Perhaps I was unpleasant and tpo exacting Just now; but. you-mutt admit, I .really know llttle or nothing about you. and have every right to watch you closely." She paused, a If expecting an answer, but before Sally could overcome her a. tonUhmeitt he resumed In the nine level, reasonable tone u was greatly distressed when I came here and found you had gone out at this hour of the night: certainly, you must allow, n, queer proceeding on the part of a young woman In your position. And when you come back, after rt long tnlk with n strange man In the shelter of a hedge, and refuse to give on account ot yourself, I confess you exasperated me. At the same time, accidents do happens nnd It's) true you have rights of privacy that even t must respect to whom you owe a Brent deal, you must admit. And now t think I've gone as far townrd Linking nmends ns even you could ask." Astonishment nnd Incredulity yielded to penitence. Sally sat up with n llltlo rcb ture of contrition nnd nppenl an outflung hand Instnntly withdrawn i this wns not a woman whose susceptibilities woto to be touched by such means; even now, be neath her ostensible generosity, one di vined a nnluro cold and llttle placable. Then, with a remorseful cry, "Oh, I'm sorry!" the girl yielded to the tension of overwrought nerves and broko down com plctely, crushed, confounded, shaken by spasms of silent sobbing. In the course of this she wns conscious of the touch of a hand on her shoulder: no more thnn that. And when she had spent herself In tears and grew more calm, It wns to find Mrs. Standlsh sented opposite her and waiting patlentlv, at nil events with n fair Imitation of that virtue. "Please," Sally begged between gulps, "plense forgive me. I'm so excited and unstrung " "I quite understand. There compose yourself." "If you still wish me to If you Insist of course I'll tell you ' "No." It cost the other woman an effort of renunciation, but she wns stead fast to her secret purpose. "Forget that It doesn't matter. I had no right to ask. and really do not enre to know. But If you're quite able to pny attention, I'd like to cutiftull with you nbout what got me out of bed and brought me here this morning." "I don't understand " "Of course you don't. But It has been on my nerves nil evening, until I felt as If I must talk to somebody and you ore the only one I can trust." Sally stared In a state of dumb be wilderment that eclipsed all she had ex perlcnced before. Truly the world wa- topsyturvy this madcap night! What under the moon now? "You know how worried I've been about Hint affair In town. Men are so Incon siderate; simply because he knew how things were going and 1 presumed tliev must have been going well Waller left mo without a word till this evening. Then he telegraphed he'd he here tomorrow afternoon and Hint everything was all right: but he Is bringing with htm one of the adjusters for the tiurslnr Insurance people a detective, I ptesbme, tho man Is, teally and I'll have to answer some questions before we enn collect the money to cover my loss," "A detective!" "Adjuster Is a much more pleasant name. And I know It's merely a matter of fortrmtlt". and I oughtn't to be silly aboi.t It, but I can't help It. I've been on edge ever since, fretting for fear some thing would come out about that ensu that Walter did bring me from the safe, you remember. If that were found as it might be, If they ask me to produce what Jewelry I have with me well, I simply can't think what to do." "Whv not hide the case?" "That's Just It. Uut where? I can't Imagine. Of course 1 can't very well smuggle It out of the house myself. Po I thought perhaps you At any rate, I've brought It to you." "To me!" "Don't be nlaimcd. Nobody will ever suspect you of any connection whntever with the nffalr. It'll be perfectly Kafe hcte, In your keeping, until you find a way to dispose of it. Tomorrow night, for Instance, ns soon as It's dark, yon might take it down to the shore, put a Mnnu in it, and throw it out Into the wnter. Or bury It In the sand. Anything. Nobody will pay any attention If you ex cuse yourself to go to your room or out to the terrace for lmlf an hour. But I woll, you must see. I've hidden tho caso under your pillow. You may find sonis breakfast, alone In the sm brlcht dining room. And If nt time, an she sat and munched, her look was pensive nnd re mote, this was due less to misgivings thnn to mystification. The quarrel and reconcllllatlrn with Mrs. Stnndlsh had cleared the atmosphere of their relations: henceforward thero could he no more misunderstanding; they hated each other heartily: neither en te,rtalned any Illusion ns to that, but their Interests, were too far Interdepen dent to license any play of private feel ing. Sally wanted to stay on at nosnoid I House, nnd Mrs. Standlsh was resigned; Mrs. Stnndlsh wanted her Insurance, money, nnd Sally would help her get It by keeping quiet. Sally might bo dealt with severely by the law If Mrs. Standlsh said the word, and Mrs. Standlsh, If Sally spoke, would suffer not only In her pockctbook, but In the graces of her aunt. But Sally was not without compunction In respect to the deception practiced on her still prospective employer. It wasn't possible to know Mrs. Ctnsnold and not llko her: If Hint personality enforced re spect, It was n lodcstone for affection, nnd Rally meant with all her lienrt to serve faithfully and well: If she was to have her wny, neither would known n single regret beenuse of their nssorlnllon until time nnd chance conspired to sunder It. Then, too, sleep had appreciably changed the complexion of her mind to ward tho Lyttleton episode. She wns not yet able to recall that chapter of In fatuation without a cringe of shame: but that would pass with time, nnd the ex perienco had not been without n vnlue already apparent. For even ns she hal said to him. she was cured and more thnn cured, she wns instructed; she wns not only better ncqunlnled with herself, but had learned to rend the Lyttleton temperament too well ever to requliv repetition of tl.nt lesson. It she lin-1 played the fatuous moth, she hnd tome through chcnplv. with wings not even singed, for what she had taken fur tlnno had proved to be no moie than chenpfjt Incandescence. She felt mi suro of nil this that she could even ''ontemplnle tlm affair with some InkllnpH of the amuse ment that It would yet afford her. And she wns fixed to mnke this tho key of her nttitude toward the man In nil such future Intercourse ns wns unavoidable. But Treco. Trego was a horse of another coli.r altogether. The' very namo or Trego wa. hateful In her hcailng. There was little she would not willingly have done, how ever unjust nnd unfair, to avoid furthc communications with this unlmitl of n Trego. And ct, ns she had learned, the term of his stny at (Insuolil House hnd still another week In nut. nnd he wns In some wny n fnoiltc mid Inllin.itr of Mrs. Oosnnld, npt ficquoutly In llgun ns her guest; and since lhl was m. ami Sally herself bade fair (hairing nccldents) to prove n fixture In the household, il seemed Inevitable that the) must ho often thrown togetlfr. So she must ni nil costs school herself to t.ent hint civilly at least without overt milinrvilty. She could Imagine no task more dlill cult or distasteful; short of forfeiting her place In this new sphere, she would lime paid almost any price for remission of Hint duty. The Irony or life seemed a bitter ill. if t. Granting It had been icqulslle to some Htrnngc design of fate. In Its Insciutnblr vagnr, (hat several poisons should miffer n night of broken lest at Uoinolil House, why must they have been those four nnd none other-Sully, Allele Stnndlsh, Lyttle ton Trego? Especially Tri-gu! Whv thai one? Palpable bonds nf mutual Interest linked the three llrst named: their com mon affliction might conccUnbly hav been ascrlbnble to subtle psycliologlc.il nfllulty. nut Trego was well outside Hi. triangle, even as perceptibly out of sym pathy with a majority of Mrs. Gosnold a guests. (CONTINUED TOMORROW.) Local Half-hourly Sales 10 to 10:30 A. M. 10 Tonopah Del. 45 IiM do m 70 IT a Rteel. so riuia i-;iec... Jnii V H ftteel T) I.eh Nav. loo ti 8 steel... loo do. 200 do 2t) do ion Penna . loo Hay Cons ... 10 r B Ptee! .1 dn loo nulla n T . W ilo Son I'lilla Wee.. . L'ci Phlla It T t r .Mi Ijike Rup Cor 110 flo on Phlla lltee... 100 V t Bterl ., o ,in inn Plnu n T-t 69 .t. ... AM rtrndln' ...74!M8 .S r. Ins Co N Am ill' 74 ft Lake Sup Cor 8 ftiji IOC Hay Cons 22Ji r.sU loo Lake Hup Cor 7i sst? 200 Erie 21., .. In IT R Ml!.... ASH M'i loo Cambria Steel uO il too 1-ake sup Cor il Si, n u 2Pi ii IS Penna do 1 P B Steel. '-' Penna . . 20. do.. .. iVi f H Steel .Ml do. . .. ,M iK 111 inn :.nl.e Sup Cor ii mpei. . . . 71. lm rin 21 U Penna .Viti, 10 Tnnopnh Ilel. i!4 :so Phlla It T t o II -L I .1. VaII.v 7s loo Cambria tfteel Will JO i Financial Briefs UO.NDS. .VXO Phlla Co 1st .- Ham I'll llwys t c la Hum Penna eons l's Him. .Vioo Penna cons -Pi 1In.ii. IWhi stnn.1 Uns fts Hum Stand lias tin " 2','!!' ..IiviN ..lo-Vn .. IK .. in 10:30 to 11 A. M. S Steel . . . :.s R Cambria Steel SO. .-.si. ton t 2on Hay Cons Siy, at Phlla Klee, . l t'enna i) inn u 3 wteci... ton Cambria Stirl .Mil. 2i P ! I.. .. 40 do .vol, loo studelmker . 2it Heaillnir "P, in North Cent ., .70 l' s Steel .s, 10 Penim .. . If t'ntnhiln. Steel .' I I, .is Wcitninr Coa iiK'i '.'.i tiuir puso.. ., M i di Ssi 1 Penna .-S1, 2im Phlla ItTti ,-,si4 1.1 Hen 1IIIB ri'b H HI H'l 1' M Steel 14.-. I- (1 I... too r S Merl '''Ml iln . .. 'on On Ion ,in. . HO do -. u i r i: .Ml l.ONDS. Steel scrip list U 8 Sieel.. In, PIIU. 11117. .112 Camlirld .112 I'nmlirln Steel scrip .imo Slnnl (Ins il? Hnmi. I.eh Nav tons 4is tors i Phlla i:ier r,s.. .. . 10O Ileth Steel ref .".a ... 11 to 11:30 A. M. loo r u sieel jvs.1. inn tlnldn In .mi Cnmtiiln Steel Mi ton liny Cons tiki V S Steel.. .v '.'ill f S Sieel.. . '.H 1 ,lL Ullll l'tf l-m "U -il' 'i Mil I'-'U Hit' ":' i r ii . 74U . ,-illJ . n . 07, . ni' . H'iN .101 , . i-lU The Philadelphia and neaaing nallwny Company has awarded a. contract for the construction of a new bridge north of duyencourt, on the Wilmington orancn, known ns bridge No. 12. The net earnings of the American Power and Light subsidiaries In March were WMI, Increase 8,T8Sf 12 months' net, $3,2H,60. Incrense $4M,00. There has been listed on the Philadel phia Stock Exchange 2,000,000 General Asphalt 6 per cent. 10-year gold deben tures, due April I. IMS, coupon, with prlvl lege of registration of principal. New York batiks lost $337,000 to the Sub treasury yesterday, and have lost (479,000 since last Friday. Tho April production of the Anaconda Loppor Mining Company was 21.S0O.O0O pounds, compared with 19,000.000 pounds In March, 16,100,000 pounds In February, nnd 2o,000.000 pounds In April, 1014. Transaction In stocks on the New Yoik curb In April totaled 3,615,443 shares, an InCICaSC Of 1.013.u38 nhnre. nw Mnrr.li j Transactions In bonds totaled (1,337,000, a I decrease of (MC600 compared with the ptevlous month. WHEAT PRICES HIGHER IN CHICAGO MARKET Moderate Business in Oats. Weather Reports From Ar gentine Unfavorable. tin 2-iJi ' loo di :,s , :.-, s Sieel. IION'IM. nm I.eh Nn .mis -P, H'J'n .mm I.eh Vnl Cnil ,V,. Hll'a '.I'm Interstate Hws 4s ."si, lint IniiTstnte llujs Is ..s'i -.run ivntu i-onr 4'js lino Iioj, .MW Interstate tttty Is -''i !) Cnmlirla steel scrip 1017 Hi 11:30 A. Jl. to 12 M. I Ml Phlla It T I r ti Kin i Tornpah Ilel. 4 in I.eh V Tr pW Eoia 7.. N V Out V ai'j inn Hnldnln M 2m llnlrlwlii " Ion Trie 2d pfd. . :l 2." l.nke Sup Cor 7H !o Phlh P.lee..., 2IJ, .Ml Penim ... . Mt in P S Kleel.. r.st, a) Tonopah Pel. 41! Us) V S Steel . fiS DON OS. 14 Phlla Co wrip Wis 1 .-J' Ileidlna .let Cent Is !Ui, loio stand t.'.ii Us n". 2'i'ti Penna urns i'l mm 10.Vh 12 M. to 12:30 l M. 2ft i I' f. Sieel ... as', inn llnlilwlu .. ." J do. .vt, S iii N'm 71 ti l.e.i Mm. . 71 Iim Tonnpnh Ilel. I1. tii r S Sii-rl .. f.S'i Ion I'nml.rln Meet Mil, .",1111 in Co RH I" it" .'.0 vii Cnmlirla Steel SO Pennii .'I .--HI In Luke Sup Cor 7 lil Phlla RTlf !i ItllVIIM. lOiin IntpiMUntc Itwv 4s lion lih Nn mm 1'jH .nun Phlla Kle,- is Jim Hie. & Peop Tr Is 12:30 lo 1 P. M. Hi Ppiiiih .. .."I .-i-lil .Mi C S Steel... 2U Penim Salt... IIS 2ll iln 21111 Rililnln . .. .'I In ,ii In I ill... . M in Tonopah Ilel 17 Phlla Klec... 24'i l.t l nlon Trae.. 20 Am rtwy pf.l.lou HOMis 1Mm Prnrin inna t'js 1IIMI . . .. Iismi) i.ph .Vav i mm Pjs IIJ t'ninlirl.1 Sieel serin 1IH7... 12 Cnmlirla Steel scrip mill... loon Phlla Klcr Is .V.', 7!l Wl .V.I .VI . 10,11, . tlll'l . :i7 . ns . 70 1 to 1 :30 P. M. LIST BUFFALO & SUSQUEHANNA Preferred and Common Shares Placed on Local Board. Announcement una made today that the lis -Ing committee of the Phll.idelnhli Slock ex change has authorlneil Um limine of the preferred and common Block of the Hurfalo nnd Susquehanna Hnllroad Corporation, There untter your puiow. iai may una sonis i rj ,,"' "T' ;"Z , . .r.?""""1' better place for lt-but then Vou tovm-xffiyriiff&ffffite p-r nnuum irom January l. inir, Tho stoek Is trnnsferahle at ortleea of Ed ward II. Smith Co.. in Philadelphia and New York, and (ounterslsneil and reentered by tho Equitable Trust Company, Nciv York, and the Pennslvanla Company for InHiirancen on I. lira and Orantlnc Annulllea. Philadelphia. Phila delphia and New York certificates aro a do- II' ri ), The secreiury of tho Stock Exchanse lll ! preoare inmnlete data on the railroad. hl(.u will be placed In circular form and mailed to I each member of the exchance Tho mi,i ! operates 2.12..'i mlleg In Western Pennilnnl'i and Niw York, connectlns with the ronnayl vanla. thu L.rle and the New York Central railroads at various points. no r s sircl.. . :'!' in c s steel.... ssu, 2nn Haliluln .... ,-.11, ton Ilaldwln .I4i inn Prntin .IIJ, I Am lt prd. ns'i Jin I' S Steel .vi I; I Prima ." .Hi ll ti Haliluln r.lU .Ml Weatmnr Coal i',2; Ion f S Steel.. . n:d i ) Phlla Klec... 2I ion Penna M lisi llal.lwln . ... .11 1( Haliluln .M4 I nnldwln pfd.. 102 nONDS. 1000 Ilaldwln 1st fta 10'J'. r.noo llaldu-In 1st .is nsn "eon I.eh Vnl Ken 4s vii.. Iron i.eh Vnl sen 4s Bin J .'.000 Penna cons 415s HOT) Iivpk 1WI0 Pcnnn cons 4tis 1IMS 0S'4 1 :30 to 2 P. M. 10(1 Ilnlduln .... M11 17 Cambria Iron. 44 20 cal Petrol pfd 4.1 10 Klec StoraRe. WP, 21 Ins Co N Am 211,200 Halduln .! 100 U S Steel... .in. 200 I.nke S C...711-H1 .ni' 1.'.. Titi r a.a r ?f .,-, 1'l.t. m 20 ilo . .. do 10 do. 7 Lch Nav. . . . snij 10 I'nlon Trac. , vii, ion ilaldwln .111, fllji a maid to hoodwink. 1 aecinre 11 nas nearly driven me mad, these last few days, trylnc to keep the thine out of Ellen's sight. She's such a nosy, prying creature." Mrs. Stnndlsh rose. "You will do this for me, won't you? I wns sure I could depend on you. And let us forset our llttle misunderstanding. I've forgotten It already." She had left the room before Sally could formulate reasonable protest reasonable. that Is, remembering her burden of obli gation to this woman. It was an hour later before she at length settled upon satisfactory conceal ment for the Incriminating Jewel case in the recess behind one of her bureau drawers, wher It fitted precisely In the wrannlnES sha did not troublo to remove. In the gray crepuscle of the dawn -U last she (lung herself upon the bed am" fell instantly asleep. CHAPTER XI THE THIRD DEGREE In the sequel to that night of mischief and misadventure Sarah Manvera ha1 sound reason to be thankful for the resili ent youth which still animated her body. But, of course, she wasn't; youth wltt ever misprize till It must mourn its bless loss. Yet by virtue of that Inestimable at tribute alone was she able to do with only four hours' sleep (when Adcle Standlsh, for example, needed eight, and then was seedy) and be the llrst of the household to appear for breakfast clear of eye and fresh ot color, with n coun tenance as serene as her temper and a temper as normal na her nppetite. Aa for this Inst, she made an excellent DIVIDENDS DECLARED Second National Hank, regular semiannual n per cent., payable May 4 to stock of record April 30 National flank of the Northern Liberties regular semiannual U per cent , pa) able on de mand. routhark National Hank, regular semi annual 4 per cent . pajablo on demand. I' Plenty J rust lonipan), rcKular quarterly a per rent. Checks will be mailed. Northwestern National Hank, regular semi annual II per cent , pa) able May 4 to stock of record May 4. Corn Kxchanse National Hank, semiannual 1 per rent. Checks will be mailed. Tenth National Hank, regular semiannual .1 per cent., payable May 4 to stoek ot record Farmers and Mechanics' National Hank, Hvi per cent., clear nt all taxes, pa)able on de mand. Dividend checks will to mailed to ntnCK holders who havo filed permanent dividend orders. Sludcbaker Corporation, quarterly IK per cent on common and regularly quarterly 14 per rent, on preferred, payable June 1 to slock of record May 20. iun in ..... 11. -i 7P4 .Ml V S Steel.... .1S HONDS. loon phlla nice .Is It OWi Penna cons 414a ltn!0 41 Phlla Co scrip 1011 ar, Phlla Cn scrip inis 41 Phlla Co scrip mm ,13 Thlla Co scrip HUO 2 to 2:30 P. M. ICO IT s Steel.. . Wi .V) Pa Steel as Am T & T...1--J14 00 cenna 200 Hnldnln .!, I do ion r H Steel... TJiV inn f s Steel.., 12 Huff Susq pfd 4mJ 10 Phlla R T t Si) Phlla Elec... 24 if HONIS ,'.noo Penna cons 4is 1000 inn rnna raer ..a .-.ono Pcnnn cons 4ija inuo 1000 Penna cons 4H HK10 2:30 to 3 P. M. 2" Cambria Steel SO 211 Gen Asphalt. 220 IT S Steel 5.' .11 fien Asp pfd .1 Phlla It T t c 11 100 U S Steel.. . ion U S Steel inn Halduln 1 Am lias ... .liuis .uiii Halduln. Shu I' S Steel .Wh 11k) V S Steel 1.1 U a I 4 inn do inn IT s Steel.... .V'. 100 Tonopah Mln. i 'ion itei 1 ,-iu .iim 'ror.opan net. New York April stock transfer lax te celpts amounted to (54S.640. A. ti. Edwards wns elected a director of the Pennsylvania Coal nnd Coke Com pany, succeeding Everett Warren, who declined re-election. The Chlno Copper Company's report for the March quarter shows n surplus of JI55,W8, against a deficit of (140,037. Tin- Cum Exchange N'ntlonnl RatiK raised Its Rcmlannunl dividend from 6 lo 7 pel cent. The Nova Scolln Steel ntiil Coal Com pany's annual teport shows n dellclt of JB20.I19, HBiiinst a surplus of (72,287 last year. Al the nnnunl meeting of stockholders of the Philadelphia and Western Railway the following directors were elected: To tervo for llttce years, Chailcs E. lngei' miII, Edward II. Smith, George It. Shel don; 10 serve for two yearn, Ocorgo 11. Pniseicr, Thomas R. Tunis, Henry Wood: to ervc for one year. Thomas Newhall, :. Trowbridge Holllster. Ueralil Holsman. Thomns Newhall was elected president of the company. I'm the Maich quarter the Manufac turers' Light nnd Heat Company shows 11 surplus nfter dividends of (3S7,fC2, n de crease of (2S.-.763. IJ. It. C. Cathcrwood wns elected a di rector nf the United Railways invest ment Company. The woild's visible supply of coffee deH creased B.in,1Ui bigs during April. Total visible supply May I was 8.087,162 bags. C. A. Hasetiv supplied Rapid Transit. Cnrilgnn & Co. were buyers. The New York Stock Echange has ad mitted to dealings Texas Company rights and Granby Consolidated Mining rights. The Pennsylvania Steel Company has icceived an order for looo tons of steel rails from the Havana Central Railroad Company of Cuba. Tho world's visible supply of coffee In April was S.0S7.I62 bags, against I2.ll0.3ol bags last year. The Federal Signal System again passed the regular quarterly dividend of lJi per cent, on the preferred stock, due May 1. A notice Issued by the New York Stock Exchango places the special clearance delivery price of New York Qentrnl 6s, when Issued, at 103 flat. dHICACJO, May 4. Wheat opened steady to a shade higher. It had a firm undertone. May sold In mostly small lots. There appears to bo enough July to meet demand. Com grew firmer Under Un favorable Argentine weather reports nnd a rumor (lint the grain was not In gopd condition. May whcnl closed U higher for the day and July showed ft gain of . Moderate business was done In oats, with Indications that It will follow other gtnlns. Liverpool firmness and. bullish foreign news helped lo strengthen the market. The order of Canndlnn council. Inspired by England, prohibiting the exportation of grain from Canada, Is expected lo greatly aid the American farmer. It will bar Canadian grnln from belnir n strong factor In the competition for the markets of the world and leave the field clear for American grain, as It Is reported Eng land has secured control of nil the future world's supply with tho exception of the t'nlted States. Leading futures ranged aa follous- Yr- . wncai open, inch. July .. . l.'t'.s. Oivt? sept 1,2., i.z.vj .win iiiu.v iiemerjj lose. -IMI l.2Pi Jllav uiy Sept Onta .May .lulv Sen. . Ijird lMa .lull Sep I lllha r.Mn .lulv iSent. . Pork iMai .lu'V 3rrt. I'M. 7U Wi . .. Mi . . .Vi'4 .. . .IIS .. . Ti . ..10.1.1 ..ion.-, ....lo.mt . 111:12 . ...10.H7 ... Hl.ttf .. 17.70 . .I.2'l . .111.! t.skd 77i oil.! .14' 10.10 10.47 iO.70 II1..12 10 W) 11.07 17 111 l.40 1.2 i.ow. close, tio l.fllji I.GIU tl.iKI 1.24H fl.25 '1.24 SI'S 4I 7il'i 710,5 M)! .111, .111, .o 181 ft. in.1.1 "10.30 tli.1 Hi.:iC t'0.4.1 10,;i5 lCli IH.il) fli .IJIJ in.ns 10.S2 lll.lll 10.77 10.03 11.1)7 17.70 17.1)0 ls.vo i.:ti 1R.00 tis.so ttlWI 1 11.01 11 1.11.1 17 70 1S.20 1S.02 WKSTINGHOUSE ELEGTIUC WILL BUY AJtMS PLANT Obtains Option Before Signing Con tract for .$27,500,000 Wnr Order. NEW YORK, Mny 4. The New York News Kuicau. a financial agency, an nounced today that the Wcstlnghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, be fore signing a contract for 1,000,000 rifles for foreign nccount, secured an option for the- purchnse of the J. Stevens Arms nnd Tool Company, of Massachusetts, The rlnanclnl agency's report continues: "The price paid will be on a basis which will result In the manufacture of rifles at n satisfactory profit to the Wcst lnghouse concern While the Westing house Company has closed dnly one con tract calling for 1,000,000 rifles at $27.50 each, negotiations are In progress for an additional order for a similar number nt the same price, and it Is expected will be closed." BAIt SILVER Nl?l YOItK, Mny I. -The quotation for com mercial bar silver today uas ,V)'4 cents. Fewer Failures in April Failures In April amounted to SOW, com pared ulth !00o In March, 2278 In February and CIS In January. In April. 1014, there wore VM defaults. Tho aggregate liabilities, owlnx to a feu suspensions of unusual size, were rext to the lamest of the current ear iin.l more man noniue tntiri. di April, itu-i- tl,31T.siu, time thoso of Anrll. cnrrparlng with J2n.3t:i. i 1 1 at that mah. APii. titer JUNE JULY AuaM BUSINESS "LOOKING UP" The heart beats of business are grow ing stronger daily; Hasten the revival of your trade by WESTERN UNION Telegraph and Cable Service. It stimulates sales, accelerates the decision of customers and hastens the flow of merchandise. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. 4V in It B Steel.... Wf. 100 do -4 2nO Tonopah Ilel. 4i ' Pnna ...SIS-HI 100 Baldwin ... . .H 1.11 Thlla Ulee.. 2ia BONDS. 1000 Reading Jcr Cent 4s P.11, lOOn Am Uas A: niec .Is S.11J .Mion Penna cons 4V'.s 10W In.1. 4o0 Welsbach Co ..s fin HUT. lin's "a HnawM-j.iijijMiini" ...' .. . llli lM&aiBgSry:r,r-s; i Pfd- -jl. laSifiv .-Aiwft-nuB'i Fit i J kllar4V lJUt ' J Z-4.f ''IrMaJtrJff 3-DAY TOURS TO WASHINGTON Mny 13, 20 and 27 $10.50 $12.00 $13.00 (AriordlriB In hotel selected) All 'leieseary expenses from Philadelphia. Proportionate fares from other points. Descriptive folder on request to F. B Tlarnltz. Dlv Pass. Agent, 14M rhestnut St.. Phlla.. Ta.. or nearest Tlrket Acent, Tour to Pariflc Const la Attractive Scenic Itoutes August 7. Pennsylvania R. R. Hardwood Floors That Last a Lifetime Heat Qunrtrrnl Oak iTlth Wnlnnt Ilnrilrr, 2-lc per ft. In many of Philadelphia's well-anDOln'ted homes, clubs and offices you'll find Plnkertom I floors laid years ago. All are still In excellent! condition despite a generation of footfalls. Finest hardwoods, moisture-proof paper, ex pert workmanship and lasting finish make Pinkerton floors by far the most economical. Talk over your floor with PINKERTON 2H YISAItS IN THE FLOOR I1USINKSS 3034 West York St. Phone Diamond 435 $5,000 in CASH PRIZES PAID TO 208 Prize Winning Chauffeurs who Average 7,722 Miles in The Second Annual Ajax Tire Mileage Contest First Fifteen Prize Winners i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. H. IS. ENTKANT AND CTIT TUBE Garth C. Jensen, Steveoi Pt,, Wis. . $51)0 Frank Gray, Chicago, III. ... 300 Alfred C. Smith, Sprimj6e1d, Man. . 200 Laurence Ross, Ticonderoga, N. Y. . 100 B. C. Ilode, St. Louis, Mo. ... 100 Albert Nathan, New York City . . 100 H, W. Bode, St, Louis, Mo. ... 100 Herman W. Buihey, Brockton, Man, . 100 Anthony D. Silvia. Haverhill, Man. . 50 L. LaPountaine, Brooklyn, N.Y. . 50 R. L. McNeil, Tlconderoi, N. Y. . 50 Merrill W. Garber, Fltchburg. Man. . 50 Chu. V. Lewis, New York City . . 50 Horry Coghlan, Jr., Brooklyn, N.Y. . 50 S. Lichtemtein, New York City . , 50 CAI AND OWKU Cadillac, John N. Weliby . . Peerless, Carl N. Gottfried . Cadillac, Oliver Smith, Livery . Maxwell, William Henry . . Packard, A. H. Bode, Livery Stodditd, P. L. Young . , Packard, A. H. Bode, Livery . Lenox, Frincii E. Shiw , . Simple, Chis. W. Elton , Stevcni'Duryea, Win, O. Hoxie Steveni-Duryea, James C. Leach Packard, Douglas Crocker . . Renault, Donald MeAleenin . Pord Coupe, Mrs. Anne Cofblin Simplex, Harris L. Rosenthal , wua 21,985 21,483 21,039 20,910 20,075 18,942 18,466 18,190 18,148 17,452 16,662 16,617 16,461 16,384 16,071 30 Capital Prize Winners Average 16,509 Miles Space does not permit lilting of each of the 208 winners. The mileage records have been can visaed and prizes awarded by the judgei. To the many employed chauf feurs who entered this second Ajax Tire Mileage Contest, and thui helped to make it successful, we extend our appreciation. Contest Renewed Third annual renewal of the Ajax Tire Mileage Contest for em ployed chauffeurs it announced. HUBS Guaranteed in writing 5000 Miles 178 Minor Prize Winners Average 6,241 Miles $5000.60 in priiea will be given in 208 awards. In event cities, a priie identical with that tied for will be awarded each tying contestant. The contest it limi ted to employed car driver who achieve the greatest mileage from Ajax tires beyond 5000 miles, previous to March 31t, 1916. Ajax dealers will supply entry blanks and all detailed informa tion, or same will be sent upon request to the company direct, ENTER NOW! It may be your good fortune to win art im portant prize, while conniving the interests of your employer. Ajax-Grieb RTWBer Company, inc 1796-1798 Broadway, New York Srantkn in IS Ltaiing Ciliit Fatttritit Triatia, ft,j. Philadelphia Branch ; 316 N, Broad Street
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers