; lamting am Sle&get May-4, 1MB Sr-s ire ,, .... i ...-... t- . iii.xLwiTjTiri ll-..-ll'- ffm PIC1 URES OF PHILADELPHIA WINNERS IN $5000 BEAUTY CONTEST AND SCENES FROM THE DA Y'S NEWS r ' : l PRIZE-WINNING I'lUTUKES OJ?" LUVUbY WUMLK. I " These portraits arc from the collection of prize-winning portraits on exhibition in the Ansco Company's booth at the Panama-Pacific Exposition at San Francisco. The photographs arc published by courtesy of the Ansco Company, Binghamton, N. Y. Abovo A l neso,Hor?Fav.?"2m PhiinHMin rwfc r,v.nfnrrnnTi hv -Rnhnr. W. Srnttl . nnrf Mrs. Walter A. Carl, of Boston. Mass. rnhotocraDh bv the Evans Studios, of Philadelphia). Mrs. ? guest of her mother, Mrs. Samuel Bispham Bowcn, of G407 Wayne avenue. To the right, below, is Miss Gertl-udo Hamilton, Philadelphia (photograph T)y J. G. Tomlinson, Trenton, N. J.). t These portraits are from the collection of prize-winning portraits on exhibition irom icis to ngnt are inisa cuiui x-iercu, ui x-iuiuuciumu, ii iuuiiguivb Carl was Miss Sue Kingsley Howcn, of tnis city, sne is at present ine Kt2flflHHHHMlHIIP'9Krr 1hjmIHHKjI" ff'M y jEv $c Jc T &mL HL3vVuVDZ49iKc DRfA& ?S abbeJ. jt tfc 3 . f 'jpLjf MKHJrljBfifcBfcSrP Sao. HnHMBuMHHHSSflflflHBwI. 3ci W ?;"'" ' . s : .. ' v . CRIPPLES LEARN THE JOY OF WORKING It is a real joy, as these workers can testify. They are all at the Philadelphia Homo for Incurables, 48th street and Woodland avenue. For a long timo paralysis made them incapable of work. Now they have learned to do basket weaving, and although they can move their arms but a few inches, are quite proficient in their work, and are. earning money, And they are happier, too. ". mwifw, .v iw m. ' wvzse .. . fc?!?T- Z-N 'f.: 1 u at Marcua Hook, 1 6 A COJIMUNITY WHERE. CLEAN-UP WEEK WOULD BE CONSIDERED AN INSULT minutes bv trolley from Chester. A few years ago it was a Btragglfce village. Industry and perseverance have made it a model town, of which the motto is "niMnii,.,, m, A , ' the workers Ja the utUdal silk factory of &e Americaa VUcosa Compaay. Most of the workers come from thatmAuaiSvSmS . l0UW3 'm one eection eiven over to v-1 M agy